What is enzyme facial peeling? Enzyme peeling gel. Renewing with mango and pumpkin puree

Enzyme peeling is one of the small number of anti-aging procedures that do not injure the skin when exposed to it, because it has a mild surface effect. This procedure is often recommended by cosmetologists as a cleansing procedure for people with oily, problem skin th, and is also part of the treatment of peeling and comedones.

Enzyme peeling refers to superficial types peeling and is carried out using a weak solution of fruit acids to remove the topmost layer of dead and keratinized epidermal cells, impurities and sebum. The procedure itself is somewhat reminiscent of using fruit masks. After it, the skin becomes more elastic, acquires freshness, and the complexion improves.

Enzyme peeling contains enzymes and biologically active substances, which enhance metabolic processes in the skin structure. It was precisely these properties of enzymes that prompted the creation cosmetic preparations and a number cosmetic procedures, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Enzyme peeling stimulates the acceleration of regeneration processes in skin cells, against the background of which it significantly improves appearance, small wrinkles straighten out, while deep ones become less noticeable.

A similar rejuvenating procedure for owners of oily and mixed skin can be done twice a week, but for people with dry and sensitive skin, enzyme peeling is indicated only once every ten days. Overuse of the procedure can negatively affect the skin by removing the protective layer, resulting in the opposite effect: the skin will become excessively dry and dull.

Indications for enzyme peeling:

  • the presence of pigment spots on the skin;
  • the presence of traces and spots from acne (post-acne);
  • owners of oily, problem and combination skin;
  • soft care for skin, including dark skin.
Contraindications to the procedure:
  • increased sensitivity to the components of drugs used during peeling;
  • skin diseases at the acute stage;
  • excessive acne on the face;
  • contact and photodermatitis;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus.
Carrying out the procedure.
When choosing a peel, you should give preference to formulations containing, in addition to enzymes, acids or retinol. The essence of the procedure for surface cleansing of the skin is to apply a weak solution of fruit acids to it. Fruit acids isolated from plants such as: kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple, papaya, orange, grapes, etc. The enzyme peeling procedure is strongly recommended to be carried out in beauty salons, or beauty salons whose list of services includes this procedure.

Stages of enzyme peeling.
As in cases of other types of peeling, the procedure itself is necessarily preceded by pre-peeling preparation. IN in this case it consists of applying a special pre-peeling solution to the skin, which will prepare it for the next stage - the peeling itself. At this stage, a specially prepared composition is applied to the face (if necessary, including the eyelids, neck, and décolleté) and left for half an hour. During the procedure, the patient may feel a slight burning and tingling sensation on the skin. After the specified time, the peeling composition is washed off.

Immediately after the procedure, touching or touching your face is undesirable, in order to avoid unpleasant side effects.

After the procedure.
Literally after several enzymatic peeling procedures, the skin is transformed: its tone increases, its relief is evened out, as a result of which it looks healthier. However, I note that this procedure will not be able to save you from larger cosmetic defects skin, such as scars, cicatrices, the consequences of inflammation, since, as noted above, the procedure has a superficial effect. This procedure is effective when combined comprehensive program skin care.

Enzyme peeling at home.
Thanks to the products for enzyme peeling at home that have appeared on the cosmetic market, the procedure can be done at home. The procedure is the same as in salons: first, the skin is cleansed using special lotions and gels suitable for your skin type, then the peeling itself is applied to the face and left for ten minutes to half an hour. During the procedure, you may also experience discomfort tingling and burning, their intensity depends on individual characteristics your skin. After the specified time has passed, it is necessary to wash off the composition. It is not recommended to touch your face throughout the day. Despite the ease of use, it is better this procedure carried out under the supervision of a specialist in a beauty salon.

Complications of enzyme peeling:

  • allergic contact dermatitis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • exacerbation of acne.
Combination with other types of procedures.
The procedure itself is effective in case need easy cleansing the skin or improving its color. In addition, enzyme peeling is used to prepare the skin for a complex of anti-aging cosmetic procedures.

Benefits of the procedure.

  • Stimulating the processes of renewal and regeneration of epidermal cells.
  • Gentle and non-traumatic exfoliation of dead cells, so it can be done several times a week (depending on skin type).
Disadvantages of the procedure.
  • To achieve a noticeable effect, several procedures are required.
  • Frequent procedures can lead to deterioration of the skin condition.
  • There are side effects such as contact allergic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and exacerbation of acne.
  • Does not solve serious skin problems, does not eliminate deep wrinkles, scars.

Enzymatic or enzyme peeling is one of the most effective procedures exfoliation of keratinized cells of the face and other parts of the body. As a result of exfoliation of dying skin particles, the active formation of new young cells begins, metabolic processes, the synthesis of elastin and collagen proteins is stimulated, the skin structure becomes better, its firmness and elasticity increase.

The popularity of enzyme peeling is due to the fact that it is one of the most gentle methods of healing and rejuvenating the skin. It is applicable to all skin types.

To understand the principle of the procedure, you should delve deeper into the issue of its step-by-step implementation, understand what enzyme peeling is and what the essence of cosmetic manipulation is.

The process is based on enzymes. These are active substances that stimulate chemical reactions. As a result of their use, the substance that holds dying particles, secretions of the sebaceous glands, particles of sweat, and other protein contaminants on the skin is broken down.

Gentle cosmetic procedure has become an alternative to the use of aggressive acids and exfoliating scrubs. The use of enzymes is superior to the use of acid peels. Much fewer contraindications and side effects. Enzymes act gently, without disturbing the structure of the tissue, only carefully removing excess. Along with the exfoliated epidermis, shallow wrinkles and areas of pigmentation are exfoliated. Pores are freed from impurities.

Indications for enzyme peeling:

  • preparation for other more complex cosmetic procedures;
  • the appearance of impurities on the skin;
  • dull complexion;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • dark spots;
  • decreased turgor;
  • phytoaging;
  • comedones;
  • acne;
  • unevenness.

Before the first procedure, skin sensitivity is determined. If changes occur after applying the test composition, the procedure is not carried out.

The main reason for skin aging is loss of fluid and slowdown of renewal processes in epidermal cells. The surface layer thickens and particles of fat and dirt accumulate on it. This leads to the complexion becoming dull and unevenness appearing.

Enzyme facial peeling has a shallow effect, affecting only the stratum corneum. Enzymes disrupt chemical bonds, gently neutralizing them, exfoliating dead epithelium.

The manipulation is not dangerous, after it there is no redness or mechanical damage.

Cosmetologists use different kinds proteolytic enzymes. The enzymes used weaken the chemical structural desmosomal bonds, facilitating the peeling of the epidermal horny plates. Another positive effect of proteases is the destruction of the skin protein keratin.

When answering the question of why enzyme peeling is needed, it is important to note that the manipulation is so gentle that when treating rosacea, small blood vessels do not dilate. There is no peeling or irritation.

Enzymatic facial peels have a small number of contraindications that you should pay attention to. This:

  • drug intolerance;
  • presence of unhealed skin lesions(cuts, scratches, etc.);
  • herpes in an actively occurring form;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • diseases associated with decreased immunity, including diabetes;
  • acute skin diseases.

The disadvantages of manipulation include the inability to eliminate deep wrinkles and scars. In rare cases, complications may occur. Cosmetologists do not recommend frequently resorting to the procedure.

Enzymatic peels contain different types of enzymes:

  • vegetable;
  • bacterial origin;
  • animal origin.

All of these types are similar in structure and properties to skin proteases. The enzymes ficin, actinidin, bromelain and papain are more acceptable for the procedure. They are found in various proportions in the fruits, stems or leaves of lemon, blueberry, pomegranate, pumpkin, mango, fig, kiwi, coconut, pineapple, papaya and other fruits.

Let's look at some enzymatic properties of enzymes:

  • Arbutin has a whitening effect due to inhibition of melanin synthesis. Tyrosinase inhibitors are contained in Caucasian blueberries, leaves of wintergreen, lingonberry, and bearberry.
  • Actinidin is responsible for cleansing the skin of dead particles, which occurs due to the substance’s ability to eliminate peptide bonds in amino acids located inside the protein. Contained in kiwi.
  • Ficin removes dead cells while simultaneously stimulating collagen production. The ingredient is found in the leaves and juice of fig stems.
  • Bromelain, in addition to the ability to gently and gently exfoliate dead cells, is characterized by a powerful lipolytic, healing, decongestant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. Bromelain is obtained from pineapples.
  • Sorbaine is a symbiosis of enzymes contained in 2 fruits: papaya and lemon. In tandem, they have a stimulating effect on the process of cell renewal, which occurs due to the removal of their keratinized layers.
  • Papain contained in papaya fruits has a triple effect:
  1. Removal of dead cells.
  2. Antimicrobial action.
  3. Hydrolysis of proteins to amino acids.

If we continue to compare acid and enzyme peeling, the latter acts more aggressively and radically; it is designed to eliminate wrinkles. The bioenzyme effect during enzyme peeling, as seen in the photo, leaves absolutely no traces. The manipulation is intended for the care and elimination of minor skin abnormalities.

Proteases of animal origin include:

  • Lysozyme. Has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, strengthens immune system. Lysozyme destroys cell walls and intercellular cement. The enzyme is obtained from egg white.
  • Pancreatin has lipolytic, amylolytic, and proteolytic effects. Found in the pancreas of cows and pigs.
  • Chymotrypsin, obtained from the pancreas of cattle, catalyzes the breakdown of peptides and proteins.
  • Trypsin, like the previous substance, chymotrypsin, is extracted from the pancreas of cows. This is a representative of serine proteases that stimulate the breakdown of proteins and peptides.
  • Pepsin can break down proteins into peptides. The active substance is found in the mucous tissues of the stomachs of calves, sheep and pigs.

The best enzyme peeling is provided by bacterial enzymes: travaza and subtilisin. The first is often included in cosmetic preparations that have a whitening effect.

For maximum effectiveness, enzyme peeling complexes are supplemented with lactic enzymes and proteins.

Sessions can be held in the salon or in living conditions. Before starting, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.


As already noted, the manipulation is preceded by a test, which determines how sensitive the skin is to the composition. Only after making sure that there is no significant deviation from the norm and that enzyme peeling will not affect the condition of the skin can you begin the procedure.

In salons it is allowed to use more than effective drugs, characterized by deep impact.


The procedure consists of 3 stages:

  1. Preparation. At this stage, the skin is prepared for the cleansing procedure: makeup and impurities are removed. To do this, you first need to wash your face and then apply a special adaptogen solution to its surface. Its active substances prevent post-procedure redness and prepare skin covering to peeling. Thanks to the solution, restoration processes in skin tissues are faster and easier.
  2. Application of the drug with enzymes. The gel is evenly distributed over the skin and left for at least 10 minutes (no more than half an hour). The time of manipulation depends on the skin type and its condition. Tingling and sometimes burning during the session are normal. They can be barely noticeable or pronounced.
  3. Withdrawal. Depending on the type of enzyme chosen and how the enzyme peel is applied, its removal can be carried out in different ways: rolled together with the remains of the desquamated epithelium, simply washed off with running water, or pre-disinfected with a neutralizer and then washed off.
  4. On last stage you need to apply moisturizer to your face nutrient. Any anti-aging procedures, such as lifting, mechanical cleansing, etc., are also allowed.

Exfoliation of dead skin, or peeling, requires post-treatment care.

The result of the action of enzymes must be consolidated. No special facial skin care is required. It is important to treat it more carefully than usual: avoid direct contact sun rays, wash with boiled water. Cosmetologists recommend using moisturizers and sunscreens.

Post-procedure care also involves minimal use cosmetics. Do not touch your face with your hands or apply it to it. foundation creams. You can use light care products.

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, a course of enzyme peeling can be taken no more than once every six months. Standard option the procedure includes from 8 to 10 manipulations, the interval between which should be at least a week.

The photos provided before and after the enzyme peeling show what the skin looked like before and after the treatment. It is advisable to contact professional cosmetologists who will determine your skin type and sensitivity and select the optimal fermentative composition. Even with at home manipulations, it is advisable to obtain recommendations from specialists on the use of peeling.

In various salons, the cost of the procedure ranges from 500 to 3.5 thousand rubles. The price is set individually depending on:

  • salon status;
  • brand of product used;
  • location and area of ​​problem areas.

The average cost of the minimum course (4-5 sessions) is 7-8 thousand rubles.

Women use enzyme peeling to get rid of wrinkles and the consequences of youthful acne, age spots and other skin disorders. In most cases, they get an effect greater than expected. Manipulations are indicated at any age. They not only eliminate skin imperfections, but also serve as their prevention. Regular visit beauty salon prolongs youth. Enzymatic peeling will be more effective if combined with other procedures performed at certain intervals. A professional cosmetologist will help you create a skin rejuvenation program.

The scrub does not always provide high-quality cleansing. Therefore, it is not surprising that women are constantly looking for new products to free clogged pores from organic debris. In particular, today many have learned how to do enzyme peeling at home, which until recently was only available in salons. It's time for everyone to find out what it is and whether such a procedure is dangerous if carried out independently.

Essence of the procedure

In cosmetology, enzyme peeling is a gentle cleansing of the face using enzyme-based products. These are substances that are catalysts for many chemical reactions.

Penetrating into the skin, they trigger processes at the cellular level that help improve the condition of the skin, while simultaneously rejecting keratinized epithelium from the surface. The acids in such preparations successfully dissolve it so that it does not clog the pores. This method of exfoliation is actively used to care for any skin type, including sensitive, allergy-prone, etc.

Since the products for this peeling are freely available, you can buy them and perform such cleanings at home.


Branded enzyme peels have different composition- exclusively enzymatic or with additional acidic ingredients.

Enzymes (enzymes)

Stimulate cell renewal. A variety of enzymes are used: bacterial, animal and plant.

More often than others, the ingredients on the packaging include:

  • actidin (from kiwi) - has excellent cleansing properties;
  • arbutin (from blueberries, wintergreen, lingonberries, bearberry) - whitens;
  • bromelain (from pineapple, lemon, papaya) - has an anti-inflammatory effect, is used in therapy and;
  • lysozyme (from chicken protein) - has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • papain (from papaya) - fights microbes, relieves inflammation, exfoliates dead skin particles, controls work sebaceous glands, copes well with acne and;
  • pepsin (from the stomach lining of domestic animals) - responsible for the breakdown of molecules;
  • sorbaine (from lemon, papaya) is a good exfoliant, a stimulator of many metabolic processes in cells;
  • subtilisin (from the bacteria Bacillus subtilis) - has the same properties as papain, only much more effective;
  • Travase (from the bacteria Bacillus subtilis) - has a loosening, exfoliating, whitening effect;
  • trypsin (from the pancreas of cattle) - relieves inflammation;
  • ficin (from figs) - stimulates collagen production.

Knowing the effect of each enzyme on the skin, you can choose a drug with a specific enzyme to solve your problem.


Exfoliate dead cells and dissolve them:

  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • pineapple;
  • grape;
  • apple;
  • salicylic;
  • hyaluronic;
  • glycolic.

In addition to acids and enzymes, some manufacturers supplement the composition of their preparations with vitamins. Most often they contain retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (E) or ascorbic acid(WITH). They perform nutritional and protective functions.

Effect on the skin

Thanks to this enriched composition, enzyme peeling has a comprehensive effect on the skin, improving its condition:

  • eliminates post-acne;
  • evens out the terrain;
  • restores firmness and elasticity to aging skin;
  • improves complexion;
  • brightens;
  • narrows;
  • normalizes sebum secretion in oily seborrhea;
  • moisturizes.

Depending on the properties of the peeling, the indications for when and to whom it is recommended to use it are determined.

Indications and contraindications

All types of exfoliation have one thing general property- they cleanse the skin. And each of them has a specific task that they cope with better than others. So, enzyme peeling is indicated primarily for oily skin, since it perfectly pacifies the excessive production of subcutaneous sebum.

If you are tired of the constant shine on your face, be sure to try this cleansing. In addition, it can be useful in a number of other cases.


  • problematic rashes in the form of inflammation;
  • dark spots;
  • uneven skin texture;
  • unhealthy, dull complexion;
  • post-acne;
  • age-related changes, including loss of firmness and elasticity;
  • enlarged pores;
  • bold ;
  • dry, dehydrated skin;


  • contact dermatitis;
  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • chronic dermatosis;
  • too extensive inflammation;
  • photodermatitis;
  • individual intolerance to enzymes or acids included in the selected drug;
  • ulcers;
  • diabetes;
  • recent, unhealed wounds, abrasions, ulcers, scratches.

Despite the fact that enzyme peeling is considered one of the most gentle, the acids in its composition and active enzymes can provoke unwanted processes in cells if there are initially any health pathologies. Therefore, it is so important to observe contraindications.

Pregnancy and lactation are not categorical contraindications for this procedure. But you shouldn’t do it at home. The fact is that active ingredients can indirectly affect hormonal background women, which will lead to unpredictable consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other peeling, enzyme peeling has its pros and cons. They must be taken into account so that bitter disappointment does not occur later.


  • rejuvenating effect as a result of cellular renewal;
  • gentle effect;
  • year-round use (including summer);
  • suitable for any skin type;
  • gentle cleansing;
  • instant results;
  • easy to use at home;
  • slows down facial hair growth.


  • many contraindications;
  • possibility of side effects;
  • doesn't solve serious problems(for example, does not eliminate scars, deep wrinkles);
  • the opposite effect, when the skin becomes thinner, as its protective layer is damaged.

If you follow the contraindications, carry out the cleaning correctly and don’t count on too mind-blowing results, the shortcomings can be easily avoided.

Step-by-step instruction

Enzyme peeling at home is carried out using different drugs. These can be powders that require dilution with water, or already ready-made gels. Accordingly, each of them will have its own instructions for use, which you must strictly follow. The approximate stages of implementation are common to all.

  1. Cleanse your face with lotion/milk.
  2. Apply the pre-peeling solution (if included in the product) on the face, neck, and décolleté. It prevents inflammatory processes And allergic reactions. If you then treat an area with the drug that did not have this solution, side effects cannot be avoided.
  3. Apply the product. Allow time according to instructions.
  4. To enhance its effect, it is recommended to create a thermal vacuum from cling film (only you need to cut holes in it for the eyes and nose). It is effective, but dangerous for delicate and sensitive skin, which may cause burns.
  5. Wash it off with plenty of water. If the composition contains acids, sometimes neutralizers are attached to the preparations - then the face is first treated with them.
  6. Apply cream (healing serum) according to skin needs - or.

A sign that the procedure was carried out correctly should be post-peeling symptoms such as burning, slight tingling, “burning” of the face. All this will soon pass, don’t be afraid - this is how regenerative processes start in the cells.

During the day after this, you should not touch the skin with your hands, use cosmetics or go out in the sun.

Questions and answers

Which is better: enzyme peeling or glycolic peeling?

It has a more pronounced effect, as it penetrates deeper into the layers of the dermis. Its main effect is hydration and rejuvenation. If you have dry, aging skin with the first age-related changes, choose glycol. For oily and problematic skin, enzymes will be more beneficial.

How often can you do enzyme peeling?

For those with oily and problematic skin, it is recommended to do enzyme peeling 2-3 times a week, depending on the abundance of sebum secretion. For dry and sensitive skin - once every 7-10 days, so as not to dry it out even more and not cause further irritation. For combination - a couple of times a week. Course - 8-10 procedures.

Is it possible to do enzyme peeling and mesotherapy in a row?

Since enzyme peeling is superficial, it can be combined with it on the same day.

Side effects

If enzyme peeling was performed at home incorrectly, side effects cannot be avoided. Among typical mistakes- too much frequent use the drug, applying it to the face in large quantities (in a thick layer), overexposure (failure to comply with regulations), lack of . If these moments occurred, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid complications. The most common of them:

  • the appearance of even more rashes;
  • hyperemia;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • excessive dryness;
  • dull color.

After home procedures such side effects are not uncommon. However, these troubles can be avoided if you do everything correctly and be extremely careful with enzymes and acids. There is no need to treat such drugs as regular scrubs. Believe me: they are much more powerful and effective.

Review of drugs

We offer you an overview of popular branded products for home enzyme peeling. Only you can choose which one is better in terms of price-quality ratio.

  • Natura Bisse

Enzyme Pre-Therapy is a peeling enzyme powder from the Spanish company Natura Bisse. Diluted with ordinary water. Costs about $60. The composition includes lipase and arginine. Gives the skin a beautiful matte finish. Its main purpose is to improve cellular respiration by clearing clogged pores. Expensive, but worth it.

  • Dermika

Gommage is an enzymatic phytopilling from the Polish company Dermika. Price - from $40. Professional line, used by many salons. Contains extracts of papaya, pineapple, orange, papain and bromelain, avocado and sesame oil. Known as ideal remedy to smooth out fine wrinkles and lighten any age spots.

  • Pleyana

The Russian-Swiss concern Pleyana offers its clients the Enzy-Prof enzyme peeling mask for $42. The composition contains keratolin, burnet extract, mulberry, peony, aloe, sophora, trehalose, and jojoba oil. It has a special delicate effect on the skin.

  • Kosmoteros

Peeling Enzymatique - a corrective mask with an enzyme peeling effect from the famous French company Kosmoteros (Kosmoteros). Costs about $4 for 1 packet of powder. Diluted with water, tonic or gel. Contains papaya and pineapple extracts. The drug is promoted as an excellent anti-aging agent.

  • Belita

Laser Like System is an ultra-precise enzyme peeling from the Belarusian concern Belita. Cost - $5. Active substances are papain and hyaluronic acid. The main tasks are cleansing, moisturizing and rejuvenation.

  • Bark

The Russian company Kora presents. She offers superficial enzymatic peeling New Line. Price - about $20. Ingredients: papain, kaolin, caffeine, green tea, betaine. This drug is best used to cleanse oily skin.

  • Stopproblem

Enzymatic salicylic peeling Stopproblem Russian production. A budget option: Costs only $3. Contains enzymes and salicylic acid. Ideal for rosacea. With it you can do more deep cleaning, if you put cling film on your face with cutouts for the eyes and nose on top of the product. Among the shortcomings - too severe itching and burning during the procedure.

  • Mirra

Enzyme peeling Mirra from a Russian manufacturer. Contains only enzymes, no preservatives or parabens. Cost - from $6.

  • Janssen

Skin Refining Enzyme Peel from the German form Janssen (Jansen). Professional series. The composition contains subtilisin, which allows the drug to be used for sensitive skin. It is produced in the form of a powder, which must be diluted either with water or with a special activator. The resulting mixture can only be used once. You can find Jansen in gel form. The liquid consistency will cost $34.

  • Eveline

The drug is from the Polish manufacturer Eveline (Eveline). Contains hyaluronic acid, papaya enzyme. Quickly tidies tired skin. Sold in already finished form, ideal for when you need to look stunning at an event. A budget option that will cost only $1-1.5.

Home Recipes

On the Internet you can find a recipe for homemade enzyme peeling that you can do with your own hands.

  • Pumpkin enzyme peeling

Mix 50 grams of pumpkin puree, 10 ml of natural honey, 10 ml of soy milk. Apply to face for 15 minutes, cover with a heat compress, and rinse with water. The enzymes contained in pumpkin help get rid of acne, lighten pigmentation, remove dead epithelial cells, and moisturize. Honey is needed as effective antibacterial agent. Soy milk rejuvenates and makes the skin more elastic.

  • Pineapple enzyme peeling

Puree 200 g of pineapple, 100 g of papaya, add 15 ml of honey. These two exotic fruits contain enzymes and AHA acids. After such cleansing, the skin looks smooth and silky.

If for some reason you do not dare to undergo a salon enzyme peeling, be sure to do it at home. Do not be afraid of side effects, which are only possible if exfoliants are handled incorrectly. This type of facial cleansing is particularly gentle and non-traumatic, so you don’t even have to worry about sensitive skin. I would especially like to recommend this procedure to those for whom most other peels are contraindicated.

What is enzyme peeling and how to properly use products with enzymes? I tested mass market peelings, and also give examples of enzyme peelings from professional brands.

And don’t pay attention if it says “cosmetics for women.” Enzyme peeling is a unisex product, both men and women can use it, and as I said today, you don’t always need to believe what is written.

The cost of peeling and how to store cosmetics

Enzyme peeling from Lirene costs only 16 hryvnia, which today is about 1 euro for a mini-dose of 10 ml. One procedure requires only 3-5 ml of peeling, so this package is enough for 2-3 times. The main thing is to remember to close the bag tightly so that the contents do not come into contact with air. Or you can simply transfer the contents of the sachet into a clean, empty cream jar and close the lid, as I did.

If you exfoliate during the day or evening, then first cleanse your facial skin of impurities and cosmetics using a gel or foam cleanser. And if in the morning, just wash your face with water.

The instructions for this peeling indicate that the product should be applied with massage movements to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, left for a few minutes, and then rinsed thoroughly with water. However, let me remind you that this is an enzyme peeling, and enzymes love heat and moisture, in which case they are more active. So I want to give you a little professional advice:

When you apply peeling to your face, be sure to wet your hands. warm water and massage your face with warm, damp fingers for a couple of minutes. And then soak a towel in warm water, wring it out, cover your face, turn on some pleasant music and lie there for a few more minutes so that active ingredients Enzyme peeling worked better. After this, rinse off the peeling with water. room temperature.

Immediately after enzyme peeling, it is very good to make a mask according to your skin type - moisturizing, anti-inflammatory or nourishing. Or apply serum. Because immediately after peeling, the active components of cosmetics will penetrate the skin much better. But if you are not planning a mask, you can simply wipe your face with tonic or mineral water and apply your moisturizer.

At what age can you use enzyme peeling?

If you have oily or problematic skin, peeling can be used starting from adolescence for the prevention of comedones and acne. And if you have dry or normal skin– peeling can be used from the age of 25 and throughout life.

How often can you use enzyme peeling?

For oily and problem skin, this peeling can be used 2-3 times a week. For normal, combined and mature skin– it is enough to use peeling once a week. And for dry and sensitive ones, no more often than once every 7-10 days.

Contraindications for peeling

Remember that peelings cannot be used when you have fresh wounds or herpes on your face.

Professional enzyme peels for home use

You can easily purchase enzyme peeling from professional brands. Nowadays there are many brands professional cosmetics produce lines for home care and such products can often be purchased independently via the Internet. Including enzyme peeling.

As an example, I can name you several professional brands whose products I have tried myself.

  1. Renew. In addition to enzymes, this peeling also contains sucrose crystals. When you apply this peeling with massaging movements, it also gently polishes your skin. By the way, when I tested this peeling, I made a video in which.
  2. Enzyme peeling from a Polish brand Dr Irena Eris. It is adapted for dry and sensitive skin.
  3. Peeling double acting from Algologie contains both enzymes and acids and is adapted for aging skin.
  4. U Cellcosmet There is a double action cream that also contains enzymes and is suitable for all skin types and all ages.
  5. From the Polish professional brand Dermika There are 2 enzyme peels - one for combination and oily skin, the second for normal and dry skin.
  6. Enzyme peeling from an Israeli brand GiGi Suitable for any skin type.


IN Lately Biorejuvenation and skin healing procedures have become especially popular. One of these techniques is safe to use even at home. Its action is based on catalysts of natural origin - enzymes that work in a similar way to human cells.

The extraordinary properties of enzymes (or enzymes), discovered by scientists, make it possible to break down the protein keratin directly in the skin. Due to this, old tissues peel off, and new ones literally grow, as the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers is launched in the skin.

This is especially necessary in older age, since over the years metabolic processes slow down, pores become clogged, which is why natural elasticity is lost. However, return toned oval faces and a pleasant, uniform color are possible even if you do not use aggressive “chemistry”.


However, enzyme cleaning It is not without reason that they are divided into 2 types: home and salon. This differentiation is justified, since the procedure performed by an experienced cosmetologist is much more effective and is based on the use professional means. In clinical settings, enzymes can cope not only with pigmentation disorders, but even with cancerous tumors.

At the same time, if radical intervention is not required, at home you can save up to 50 € per 1 session if you purchase ready-made enzyme cosmeceuticals or make them yourself according to a prescription. One procedure in this case costs only 1 €. However, you should not use this technique if you have the following contraindications:

  • Exacerbation of skin diseases.
  • Acne with a purulent core or wounds.
  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Fresh (up to 14 days) tan.
  • Individual intolerance to components (a preliminary allergy test on the inner bend of the elbow is required).


How often you can do it depends on your age:

  • After 18 years of age, peeling is indicated to combat increased sebum secretion; the frequency of procedures is determined by the doctor.
  • After 30 years, anti-bio- and photoaging procedures can be performed every 2 weeks.
  • After 40 years, you can increase the impact and conduct sessions every weekend.

The number of sessions is also adjusted by the degree of oiliness of the skin:

  • (and/or sensitive) sufficient procedures 2 times a month.
  • Owners of normal or combination skin there is also no need to make sessions more frequent.
  • procedures shown every week.

The full course is limited to an average of 7 sessions, after which there is a break of several months.

After enzyme peels, you must use creams with SPF 30+, and also avoid sweating and sunbathing.


Enzyme preparations can be purchased in pharmacies or specialty stores at prices ranging from 1€ to 65€. The compositions of such products vary greatly, so it is better to study their features and purpose in advance.

Popular Russian peeling with enzymes and suitable for all ages.

It is good at eliminating acne, normalizing the water-lipid balance (which makes it suitable for both), and reduces hypersensitivity.

Unique in that it makes it less visible spider veins(while for many other peelings rosacea is listed as a contraindication).

Available for sale at average price 3€.

There are 2 options for this home exfoliation:

  1. Surface. Cleanse, apply a small amount of product for 7-15 minutes (depending on skin sensitivity). Rinse with water at room temperature, moisturize with cream.
  2. Superficial-medium. It is carried out only after several “light” treatments. After cleansing, we also apply a small amount of the drug, but then the face must be covered cling film with openings for sensory organs. Wash off after 20 minutes.


The German preparation contains enzymes from pineapple, papaya and healing clay kaolin. Increases blood circulation, smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Retail costs an average of 25€.

To carry out the procedure, you need to mix the dry mixture with a special activator and apply according to the instructions on cleansed facial skin for 20 minutes, then rinse generously with water at a comfortable temperature.


If in salons a session of such American peeling costs 80 €, then home remedy costs almost 4 times cheaper: about 25 €.

Available for sale different variants enzyme masks Danne: for fine or deeper wrinkles; from age spots, acne and comedones; for skin with rosacea or couperosis.


And this economical enzymatic peeling based on papain without preservatives and toxins costs about 5 €. Many people like it because during the process of exposure to the skin a tingling sensation is felt and subsequently the face turns slightly red: some people like it visible signs It’s easier to understand that the drug is working.

Apply to pre-cleansed skin for 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Polish enzyme preparation based on fruit extracts is recommended for skin of any type. Designed to exfoliate, tone and tighten pores. A single-use sachet costs only 1€.

It is recommended to apply with light massage movements to a steamed face, after wetting your fingers under running warm water. When applying, avoid sensitive eye and lip areas. After a few minutes, rinse off.


Korean enzyme cream-gel consistency is a duet of apple and hyaluronic acid. Can be used even on thin and hypersensitive epidermis, it moisturizes and nourishes well. Costs about 15€.

According to the instructions, apply to cleansed, dry facial skin, then after a few minutes lightly massage until pellets of horny cells form. Minus: ineffective against blackheads (only slightly lightens).


For those who are unable to visit the salon or purchase ready funds, you can pay attention to recipes at home. Some of them are simple, some are suitable only for sophisticated producers of enzyme cosmeceuticals at home: we have selected options for everyone.

Lightening with honey and soy milk

Take 2 large spoons of fresh pumpkin puree (without the top), as well as 1 tablespoon each (also without the top) of soy milk and liquid honey. Mix the ingredients, apply, cover your face terry towel(previously soaked in hot water and wrung out) for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Pumpkin helps against acne, evens out complexion, exfoliates the stratum corneum, and nourishes cells with moisture. Honey disinfects, milk tightens the oval of the face.

Renewing with mango and pumpkin puree

Squeeze the juice from one medium lime and grind 3 tablets into powder. pharmaceutical drug“Papaya enzyme”, mix, add 1 large spoonful of pumpkin and mango pulp, crushed in a blender. Squeeze fresh aloe juice (1 tsp) into the mixture and add the same amount of glycerin.