Green cat's eye stone. Cat's eye: stone, magical properties

The cat's eye stone has a special attraction. Enchanting play of shades, depth, magnificent colors - all this instantly catches the eye. It was the cat's eye that has long been credited with various magical, healing properties.

Today we will learn more useful information about the stone: find out what are its main properties, what are the varieties of shades, what signs of the zodiac it is most suitable for.

The history of the origin of the stone, deposit

The cat's eye has been known since ancient times. This has long been proven by numerous archaeological studies: during the excavations, numerous decorations with a long history are found, which were made from a cat's eye.

cat eye was considered magical. Since everyone attributed to him all sorts of magical properties, rulers, clairvoyants, healers carried the stone with them as a talisman. stone was used to create various tools for magical rites.

It was positioned as an item for making jewelry for the "chosen ones", people with the highest social status. It was considered very valuable, costing a lot of money.

It is not so easy to extract the mineral, since it occurs in sedimentary rocks Oh. Large deposits are known in South Africa and the Czech Republic, in India. Mining of the mineral is also carried out on the territory of Russia. Almost all mineral deposits were discovered relatively recently, so such deposits are very promising.

What is this stone, what does it look like?

The stone was endowed with magical properties also because visually it really looked like flickering cat's eyes, and these animals have always been considered associated with magic and otherworldly forces.

First of all, only one mineral was called the cat's eye - this. It has a yellow-green color, while thousands of rutile needles pierce it, which create a magical glare effect.

Over time, other minerals began to be called the cat's eye, the appearance of which somewhat resembled chrysoberyl, for example:

Now many semi-precious stones are known, which are commonly called the cat's eye due to their unusual beauty.

Varieties, colors

To achieve the famous effect of the cat's eye, the mineral is specially polished, giving it the shape of a cabochon. In this case, the processing must be precisely oriented. It is important that a strip of light that runs parallel to the axis of the cabochon is necessarily visible.

An optical effect of transfusion of shades is created, since light is reflected from the tubular, needle-like voids of the mineral. When the mineral is subjected to leaching, the same result is also achieved.

Consider the main shades of the cat's eye:

Golden mineral with a brown tint

Such a stone is suitable for people who are endowed with power, are engaged in leadership work, military service. The mineral provides authority, gives its owner self-confidence. People around will obey a person with such a talisman, he will be able to quickly earn respect and subjugate others. To achieve maximum results, golden brown cat's eye is recommended to be worn openly, in a conspicuous place.

yellow mineral

Stones of yellow saturated shades are quite common. They are ideal for teachers and teachers, scientists and ministers of religions. The stone helps to give meaning to words. With it, you can quickly create the impression that the opinion of the owner of the mineral is the only true one, you need to listen to it and act in accordance with it. Most often, a yellow cat's eye is worn in a ring, as well as in the form of a pendant.

dark green stone

An excellent option for people who have working professions, must carry out decisions with high quality, engage in fairly hard work. The dark green mineral provides better concentration, allows you to protect yourself from stress, and restore the emotional background.

A good solution is to wear a mineral bracelet in plain sight. It is desirable that it be exactly natural, and not artificial.

golden green cat eye

This is a classic shade of the mineral, most of all reminiscent of the bewitching eyes of cats. Such a stone becomes a real magnet for financial flows. He is able to ensure success in business, luck, helps to achieve the right decisions and conclude profitable contracts, and make good profits.

Ideal for financiers and businessmen. The mineral helps to achieve your goals, maintains confidence. It is best to have a stone ring, a rosary made entirely from natural golden-greenish cat's eye.

Physical Properties

The cat's eye has individual physical properties.

Let's consider the main ones:

  1. The cat's eye is almost always made in the form of a cabochon to achieve the famous effect of iridescence with highlights.
  2. Shades of overflows can be different: from golden to grayish-green. The resemblance to a real cat's eye appears in the mineral, since it contains a lot of minor impurities.
  3. The stone is widely used in the manufacture of cufflinks, cameos, jewelry.
  4. A mineral is formed in nature, it is a semi-precious stone.

Also, you can get a cat's eye and in a synthetic way: artificial stone is made by combining barium titanium and borosilicate glass.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

It is important to know how well the mineral suits representatives of various zodiac signs.

Let's outline the main points:

  1. The cat's eye is the stone of Taurus. Exactly Taurus it fits perfectly: it provides them with confidence and strength, purposefulness, allows them to create authority in society and achieve what they want, improve their financial well-being, and protect them from negative influences.
  2. Good for cat's eye Virgo and Gemini, Cancer and Scorpio. They can also use it as a talisman. The impact will be great.
  3. Mineral helps Libra, Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.
  4. With some degree of doubt, it is allowed to use the cat's eye as a talisman for Aquarius, Pisces. You can wear a stone, but not every day. It is necessary to give him a "rest": since there is no perfect combination energy, the stone must for some time self-cleanse from the negative, without contact with the owner.
  5. Capricorn cat's eye is generally not suitable. Energetics will come into conflict, so it's best not to use it. If you like the look, you can buy jewelry with a synthetic cat's eye.

Who suits the name?

There is also a system for selecting semi-precious stones by name. The cat's eye is ideal for women with the following names: Anastasia, Alexandra, Catherine, Elizabeth, Maria, Rose, Karina. A famous mineral will be especially good for a man if his name is: Alexander, Cyril, Konstantin, Eugene, Nikolai, Peter, Ivan, Ilya.

magical properties

For more than a dozen centuries, people have been paying attention to the magical properties of the cat's eye:

  1. He is able to awaken unusual abilities in a person, sharpen intuition, reveal the talent of clairvoyance.
  2. The mineral removes damage, protects from any negative energy.
  3. The cat's eye is able to attract fortune and ensure success in financial matters.
  4. You can use talismans with a stone to achieve your goal.
  5. The mineral instills confidence in its owner, helps to ideally interact with other people.

Medicinal properties

Many argue that the mineral really has healing properties.

Let's focus on the key ones:

  1. The cat's eye has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and respiratory systems, it can facilitate breathing, relieve depression and stress.
  2. It has been noted many times positive influence on the organs of the digestive system.
  3. The beneficial effect of a natural mineral on the bones, spine.
  4. Natural stone helps relieve pain in the joints, strengthen them.

Also, the cat's eye is able to restore normal sleep.

Talismans and amulets

Since ancient times, it has been believed that amulets and talismans from the cat's eye protect from damage and the evil eye, protect from negative energy. Such amulets are perfect for artists and teachers, representatives of any creative professions. A cat's eye gives a woman a special attraction, a unique charm. It is better to wear a stone in plain sight.


Various decorations are made from the cat's eye.

We list the most successful options:

  1. It is very good if a person wears a ring with a cat's eye. He will repel all negative energy, to protect the owner from the evil eye and damage.
  2. A pendant with a mineral is ideal for a woman. It instills self-confidence, gives a special charm and attractiveness. At the same time, the stone creates a certain distance, a barrier between its owner and other people: for example, a man will cross the psychological line only if the woman herself wants it.
  3. Iridescent mineral bracelets and necklaces also look great. It is desirable to wear them in plain sight, so that the effect is maximum.

Other uses of the stone

Not only jewelry is made from a cat's eye. beautiful stone becomes an excellent material for making souvenirs, caskets, rosaries, candlesticks. Larger products are most often made from synthetic cat's eye, but appearance it is almost identical to the real one.


The price of a cat's eye largely depends on the shade of the mineral, the depth of color and the size of the cabochon. You can buy inexpensive earrings or a ring with a mineral, literally for a thousand rubles. But there are also jewelry that is much more expensive.


It is important to take good care of your cat eye products. This is necessary so that the mineral retains its original properties and does not darken. Cleaning must be done very carefully by hand. best use soft tissue or wet cotton swab. Cleaning agents must not be used.

What stones are combined with?

A mineral with a color overflow effect, beautiful reflections goes well with other semi-precious stones: jade, moonstone, amber. Also, you can create ensembles with precious stones: emerald,.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Although the natural mineral is not as expensive, synthetic cat's eye is used quite often. But it is not so difficult to distinguish it from the real one.

An important property of a natural cat's eye is its increased strength. It can be compared with precious and sapphires in this sense. The stone is almost impossible to damage, but it will easily scratch the glass.

Also, a real cat's eye glows a little in the dark. When it is rubbed with a cloth, it begins to glow even more.

artificial cat eye

Synthetic stones are made in China. Most often they have bright green, yellow shades. Optical fiber with special dyes is used for manufacturing. Large artificial stones a little hazy.

Let's dwell on the most interesting facts:

  1. It has long been believed that you can turn an enemy into a good comrade if you give him an ornament with a cat's eye.
  2. The mineral keeps the hearth, peace and tranquility in the house.
  3. A ring with a stone must be worn on forefinger to restore work of cardio-vascular system.
  4. Green stones have a positive effect on the functioning of the organs of vision.
  5. Talismans with a cat's eye will help a pregnant woman.

Enjoy the beauty of the cat's eye and its unusual properties!

All-seeing protector

"Cat's eye" - this is the name of the iridescent effect, which is very similar to the iridescent glow of the pupil in cats. With some processing different stones you can see the cat's eye effect.

If we talk about stones, then traditionally the cat's eye is called yellow chrysoberyl and green quartz. Mysterious glassy luster and narrow vertical stripe along the entire length of the stone, indeed, it is very reminiscent of the iridescent cat's eye glowing in the night. Such stones are also called "eye" stones - in their depth, after a special cut, a vertical "pupil" shines.

Chrysoberyl cat's eye has a beautiful golden honey color and is valuable jewelry stone. Cat's eye quartz is an olive-green variety of quartz. The cost is more affordable than chrysoberyl, but rarely found in nature. According to astrologers, “eye” quartz are the “eyes” of space, with the help of which the Universe collects information about what is happening on Earth and broadcasts it to the owner of the stone if he wants to use it.

The cat's eye is one of the most beloved stones of magicians and mystics. In ancient times, amulets and amulets were made from it. Archaeologists still find amulets made of a cat's eye on the ruins of ancient cities, to which dried cat's paws are tied. According to scientists, these are talismans that belonged to ancient clairvoyants and seers thousands of years ago. Such amulets possessed mystical and inexplicable power. "Eye" stones are, first of all, protective stones with some kind of bewitching beauty. They "look" at others, like the eyes of predators, warning that its owner is under vigilant supervision. And indeed, due to the fact that the thin strip of light on the stone is under different angle lighting moves, it seems that the stone sees everything and protects its owner. No wonder in ancient times the cat's eye symbolized long life“Because a cat has nine lives.”

Cabochons, cufflinks, beads, rings, earrings are made from a cat's eye, cameos and intaglios are cut out. Jewelry with a cat's eye is recommended for timid and insecure people, whom it helps to be bolder and more courageous. This is a very "lucky" stone, bringing good luck to its owner.

The cat's eye is a peacemaker stone that reconciles those in conflict, bringing peace and tranquility to the family. If you want to make peace with a person, give him jewelry with this stone, and gradually relations will improve.

The cat's eye helps its owner to keep calm and prudence in the most critical situations. IN Eastern countries a rosary was made from it and today it is being made, the sorting of which, as it is believed, extinguishes nervous excitement and saves from mental illness. The cat's eye gives good health, and also protects from the evil eye and protects from the assassination of enemies.

The cat's eye stone has golden-green, gray-green overflows, very reminiscent of the iris of the cat's eye. These are opaque iridescent minerals. Microscopic parallel inclusions of fibrous and acicular minerals are reflected in the rays of light and form a very beautiful optical effect.

The effect of the cat's eye is especially fully revealed when the mineral is cut in the form of a cabochon. If processed at the right angle, you can see a thin strip of light parallel to the long axis of the cabochon. It is this effect that is often called the "cat's eye", which, with special processing, can be observed on other stones - beryl cat's eye, opal, topaz, tourmaline, ruby, sapphire, etc. are popular.

Place of Birth
Chrysoberyl cat's eye is mined in the Russian Urals, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Quartz cat's eye - India, Brazil, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Czech Republic. Eye quartz is also mined in Russia.

Medicinal properties
Information about the miraculous effect of the mineral is known both in Eastern and European medicine. The cat's eye has a positive effect on the throat chakra. In the old days, cat eye jewelry was worn on children suffering from asthma (to eliminate attacks), pneumonia, tonsillitis and other respiratory diseases. It is noted that this mineral helps the work of the digestive organs, it can act as a laxative.

All "eye" stones have similar healing properties - they help to cope with inflammatory processes in the body, treat blood diseases, stimulate the bone and lymphatic system, enhance immunity, regulate the functioning of the thymus and spleen.

Strong cat's eye in the fight against colds. Beads and necklaces help to cope with chronic tonsillitis and even asthma. Effectively relieves neurosis, eliminates depression, relieves fatigue from the eyes - for this you need to briefly apply the mineral to closed eyes.

Chrysoberyl cat's eye was rubbed and taken orally to treat arthritis and rheumatism. Regular wearing of jewelry with chrysoberyl stimulates work blood vessels and circulatory system, treats cardiovascular diseases. recommended to wear for quick healing of bone fractures.

magical properties
IN magical rites This mineral has been used for a long time and very actively. Ancient Indian magicians used the chrysoberyl cat's eye to understand the language of animals. With the help of this mystical stone, they learned the future and made predictions. The Indians believed that the cat's eye brings good luck to its owner in financial matters and helps to win in gambling. The stone very quickly “remembers” the energy of its owner and removes negative energy from him.

According to magicians, with the help of a cat's eye, you can evoke reciprocal love, strengthen friendship and save marital fidelity. "Eye" quartzes have a deep cleansing effect on a person, eliminate negative energy, provide protection from astral attacks. The stone helps its owner to pay attention to signs that are not noticeable at first glance.

Jewelry with a cat's eye can be worn by all signs of the zodiac. Especially the mineral favors Scorpions and Cancers. It is the representatives of these signs who are not recommended to wear a cat's eye at the same time as other minerals, since in this case the energy of the stone can act to the detriment of its owner. The rest of the signs of the zodiac can be worn in any combination.

The stone helps to attract sympathy for its owner from others.
It is recommended to be worn by teenagers, as it helps to painlessly survive the psychologically difficult adolescence period. The stone helps to quickly tune in to a responsible adult life.

Talismans from the cat's eye have the most beneficial effect on people of creative professions - artists, writers, artists, musicians. The stone reveals the energy of charm and eloquence, therefore it also helps lecturers and diplomats in their work.

Cat's eye is one of the types of chrysoberyl, but this pretty name has been assigned to an already processed stone. The mineral is processed in such a way that a bright light strip remains in its center. With this band, the stone is indeed very similar to a cat's eye, hence its name. There are other stones that may have an outward resemblance to a cat's pupil. These are apatite, tourmaline, aquamarine and some others. However, it is chrysoberyl that has greater hardness and a pronounced resemblance to a cat's eye.

Colors and types of chrysoberyl

Chrysoberyl often has gray-yellow-green hues, but dark brown minerals are also found. All stones, regardless of color, have a golden sheen.

In the 19th century, Queen Victoria of Great Britain was presented with a cat's eye weighing over three hundred carats. Currently, the stone is in the treasury among other treasures of the British Empire.

Types of chrysoberyl have differences not only in color, but also in transparency, and in visual similarity with a cat's eye. The more pronounced the effect of similarity and the higher the transparency of the stone, the more it is valued.


The cat's eye has long been known as a good protective amulet. This stone was especially appreciated by the mystics and astrologers of India. But before today different schools have different opinions on how to wear an amulet. They argue about the phases of the moon, the days of the week, and even the fingers that are suitable for wearing this mystical gem.

The gem gained popularity among jewelers later, at the end of the 19th century. This happened after Prince Arthur presented a gift to Louise of Prussia, a ring with this wonderful stone.

At the beginning of the last century, the cat's eye was one of the most expensive gems.

The stone made a real sensation among the noble people, and instantly became fashionable. Expeditions were immediately organized to search for new deposits, and the development of old ones was increased. At the beginning of the last century, a cat's eye, cut in the form of a cabochon, had a cost of up to $ 8,000.

It is interesting to note that the Russian writer Ivan Bunin had an attachment to the cat's eye, and for a long time wore a ring with this stone.

How to distinguish a fake?

Imitation cat's eye

First of all, the cost of a genuine cat's eye is very high - it is commensurate with the cost of a diamond of a similar size. However, it high price stone causes an unhealthy interest in the manufacture of fakes.

However, the way to distinguish real stone from the artificial is, and it is not very complicated. Chrysoberyl has an increased hardness, on the Mohs scale its index is 8.5. This means that chrysoberyl easily leaves marks on glass, and chrysoberyl itself can only be scratched by a diamond, ruby ​​or sapphire. There is also an easier way. A genuine cat's eye glows in the absence of light, unlike the vast majority of fakes, and if it is additionally wiped with a cloth in the dark, the brilliance will only increase, while a fake gem will either not glow at all or will not change its glow.

To date, the largest found chrysoberyl weighs over eight kilograms! It is stored in Rio de Janeiro.

It should also be noted that fake stones Under normal lighting, they look brighter and more spectacular than natural ones.

magical properties

The cat's eye has a powerful protective magical potential.

The legends of many nations speak of the strong magical potential of the cat's eye. In some legends, it is said that a stone can even avert death from a person.

There is historical evidence that many of the Russian nobles who left for the west in 1917 had a talisman with them - an ornament with this amazing stone. And it was thanks to such a talisman that they were able to survive the difficult first years of life away from their homeland.

The cat's eye protects the owner from any negative impact brings him good luck, self-confidence, and optimism. A person who has a cat's eye does not know what jealousy is.

The magical energy of the mineral is such that its owner, imperceptibly, acquires a permanent positive outlook on life, the harmony of his personality and tolerance towards others. The golden sheen of the stone involuntarily evokes associations with luxury and wealth. The cat's eye promotes the development of self-control in humans, assists in focusing, concentration and striving for the development and improvement of personality.

If a cat's eye is presented as a gift, then the one who accepted the gift involuntarily imbued with sympathy for the donor.

Medicinal properties

It is believed that the cat's eye can heal serious illnesses. In particular, diseases of the cardiovascular system. It strengthens blood vessels, making them stronger, and thus helps to recover from a seemingly incurable disease.

Cat's eye will help in the treatment of eye diseases

In addition, this stone helps with vision problems, with a pinched nerve, with severe headaches. noted beneficial effect stone for most internal organs person.

How is the cat's eye used?

The cat's eye is a hard stone and is almost not afraid mechanical damage. Nevertheless, care in relation to an object dear to you never hurts. The mineral must be protected from sharp and strong drops temperatures and exposure to acids. It is better to clean from dirt with ordinary warm soapy water. After washing, it is better not to wait until the stone dries itself, but to wipe it with a soft cloth - in this case, the cat's eye enhances its natural shine.

It is better to store the cat's eye separately, otherwise the stone can scratch other jewelry with its hardness.

The best type of amulet with a cat's eye is a ring

If you want to wear this gem as a talisman, then choose a ring with a cat's eye and make sure that the stone is in contact with the skin on the finger. A worthy setting for this mineral will be gold or platinum, but steel can also be used as a setting, this will not affect the magical properties of the stone.

The color of the cat's eye also matters. Yellow minerals are suitable for teachers, scientists and religious ministers. Managers and administrative workers need to opt for gems brown shades with a bright golden sheen. When working with money, for example, bank employees need to choose green stone also with a pronounced golden tint. Employees and workers are best suited for a dark green cat's eye.

One day a primitive hunter was climbing a mountain scree in the country we now call India.

Suddenly, he acutely felt that he was turning from a hunter into a victim. From a pile of stones, a yellow eye of a tiger with an unkindly narrowed narrow green pupil stared at the man.

Light trick or magic?

In scientific literature, the first descriptive characteristic amazing stone The cat's eye appeared only at the end of the French Enlightenment (end of the 18th century). In the work of René Gayuy, a professor at the Mineralogical Institute in Paris, a green chrysoberyl with the effect of a cat's pupil was described.

Later it turned out that such a phenomenon of light refraction is produced by microscopic inclusions in other gems. The properties of the "cat's eye" stone are sometimes shown by some other stones.

But since the time of Gajuy, it has been considered that the natural stone of the Cat's Eye is precisely the green chrysoberyl with yellow tint. Calling the Cat's eye any other minerals with such an optical effect, the stones themselves should be mentioned for clarity.

But sorcerers and witches have always known about Cat's Eye stones. These stones served as magical portals leading to other worlds, the existence of which science began to guess only in recent decades. The new generation of astrophysicists is already openly discussing the multidimensionality of the Universe, without fear of hopelessly spoiling the scientific reputation.

The cat's eye has been deified since ancient times. In magical images, the image of the All-Seeing Eye has been widespread since the time of the pharaohs. An eerie hieroglyph in the form of an eye on three thin legs meant the Eye of the falcon-god Horus.

All-Seeing Eye of the Lord

Two thousand years ago, the first Christian mystics rethought the meaning of the Egyptian Eye of Horus and introduced it into Christian symbolism under the name of the All-Seeing Eye of God. His image can be seen above the altars of ancient Byzantine churches, in modern Orthodox and Catholic churches. Usually the Eye is depicted in a triangle - a symbol of the Trinity (Father, Son, Spirit).

The Eye of God is mentioned in the Bible: “Behold the Eye of the Lord is over those who fear”, “Behold My Eye is over you”.

Eye of Shiva

In Hinduism, the destroyer god Shiva has an all-seeing third eye. His symbol is a red drop on his forehead, with which women of the highest caste of Brahmin rulers adorn themselves.

Often, the Third Eye of Shiva symbolizes a red, or rare chrysoberyl-cat's eye, fixed in a forehead pendant.

Hindus distinguish in magic stones Also Eye of the Tiger.

Shamans of Indian tribes living in the Grand Canyon region (Colorado, USA) also know how to open the third eye. However, it is not visible to outsiders. This is the mystical Eye of the Heart, looking into the soul.

All-seeing eye of the Templars

By the way, the one-dollar bill also depicts the Eye at the top of the pyramid. This symbol of the monastic Knights Templar was borrowed by occult teachings back in the Middle Ages. All the founding fathers of the American state belonged to the powerful secret Masonic lodge. The image on the bill is an imprint of the US government seal.

There is another country, in the state symbols of which there is a mystical Eye. It is placed in the center of the coat of arms of Honduras.

Eye of Sauron

Most emotionally introduced into modern world culture the image of the All-Seeing Eye is the author of the saga "The Lord of the Rings". Based on this epic by J. Tolkien, several cult blockbusters have been shot in Hollywood.

Recently it turned out that the fantastic Eye of Sauron can really be seen in the outer space.

The Hubble Orbital Telescope has discovered a giant clump of hot gas in the constellation Draco, forming the Cat's Eye. The light from it reaches the Earth in 3300 years.

Another image from this telescope shows the explosion of a more distant star. This image is called the Eye of the Universe.

magical properties

For magicians who have reached perfection, the white and black cat's eye manifests magical properties as a portal of communication with the essences of Light and Darkness. The gray cat's eye is able to lead the soul of the sorcerer into the labyrinths of Timelessness, from where there is no way out.

In jewelry, eye stones exhibit other properties.

The magical cat's eye will perfectly consider where you can make money. Chinese magic advises bankers and entrepreneurs green stones (according to the color that prevails in the design of the yuan and the main world currency - the US dollar). Luck is attracted by blue and yellow stones(the predominant color of Eurocurrency banknotes). The carriers of such talismans acquire a special intuitive flair for profitable deals.

White stones help to extinguish aggression in relationships, force compromises. This property is best for teenagers.

All cat's eye carrier stones have similar magical properties, but their transcendental energy depends on the color.


The property of a stone to show a cat's eye in different minerals defines their versatility. Any sign of the Zodiac can wear such an amulet.

By profession, from those who are suitable for the cat's eye, astrologers single out surgeons, oculists. According to the horoscope, he can suit Scorpio snipers and pilots.

Diagnostic Stone

Lithotherapists also noticed such a value of the mineral as diagnostics. He sees the onset of the disease, which is still imperceptible by the owner, and subconsciously encourages him to turn to the right doctor.

The mineral has a beneficial effect on vision, it can greatly increase the ability to see in the twilight.

The blue cat's eye is unconsciously chosen as an amulet by people with an indigo aura. It protects them from mental illness inherent in indigo people.

Synthesized cat's eye

Even jewelers were able to make artificial gems from specially cast colored glass. ancient egypt and the Roman Empire.

Modern technologies for growing crystals make it possible to obtain artificial quartz with the effect of a cat's eye.

Homemade Gem

You can make an imitation yourself. For the experiment, you will need colored bottle glass and an acetylene gas burner. You need to put bristle hairs into the fragments, and then melt the glass with a burner. The hairs will burn out, in their place the thinnest tubes are formed. They will refract the sun's rays. So in a home-made "gem" the desired play of light will appear.

Cheap imitations

In jewelry imitations, special cut glass (borosilicate) is used in a certain way.

Shellac is often used to simulate the effect of a cat's eye. It is a high quality natural resin. It is used for finishing violins, grand pianos, expensive furniture. Applied to the surface of a glass trinket, shellac, after skillful heat treatment, gives it pink shade with the effect of "cat" refraction of light.

How to distinguish a fake? The main difference is the hardness of the stone. If it is easily scratched, it is a fake. In addition, such "stones" are sold inexpensively.

But there are also hard cheap minerals, artificial polymers with additives that almost indistinguishably imitate the effect of a cat's pupil.

So buy Cat's eye should be accompanied by an expert.

Since ancient times, many peoples of the world have used natural stones resembling a cat's eye as protective amulets and amulets. The greatest popularity and prevalence of such stones was observed among many Hindu religious movements. Even now, many adherents of such Eastern cults continue to use these stones as personal talismans. Depending on the school of Hinduism, opinions about useful properties cat's eyes can seriously diverge.

Only in the second half of the 19th century, the cat's eye began to be actively used by jewelers to create jewelry. The popularity of the cat's eye began to grow after it became known that Prince Arthur presented his bride with a ring with this stone. From that moment on, this mineral gained worldwide fame among jewelry lovers. As a result, searches for cat's eye deposits began around the world to increase its production.

Production and deposit

Often, minerals that look like cat's eyes are formed in sedimentary rock layers. For this reason, such minerals are quite rare, because they are problematic to detect.

To date, the largest volumes of cat's eye stone production are shown by deposits in the territory of such countries as:

  • Russian Federation;
  • India;
  • Czech Republic;

Most promising deposits have been discovered over the past twenty years. This gives hope that the production of the cat's eye will increase, which will help to learn about it. miraculous properties more people.

Colors and varieties of the mineral

Under the name cat's eye, it is often customary to mean such a mineral as chrysoberyl. Also, this name is sometimes referred to such stones as: tourmaline, moonstone, scapolite and quartz. At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that only chrysoberyl has maximum hardness and a pronounced optical effect.

This mineral often has a gray, brown or saturated color. green color with a golden hue. In the treasury of Britain is kept similar stone over 300 carats. The gem previously belonged to Queen Victoria. In addition to the color palette, the mineral has a pronounced cat's eye effect and good transparency.

There are also several other minerals that have a similar optical effect:

  1. Bright green natural stone alexandrite with an emerald tint. Under certain lighting and changing the viewing angle, the color of the stone in some places may change, which creates the effect of a predatory eye;
  2. One of the most rare stones is cymophane. This mineral stands out for its velvety surface. It is characterized by a yellow or greenish-gold coloring. Subject to the rules for processing this stone, a thin line appears in its center.
  3. The effect of the cat's eye is best seen in good lighting conditions;
  4. In the dark, the stone may emit a slight glow, which will help distinguish a natural gem from a glass fake.

physical characteristics

To the main physical characteristics minerals include:

  • The color of the stone resembles the eyes of a cat. This is achieved through light green or emerald gold overflows. Such motley coloring is due to a certain concentration of chemical elements in the mineral;
  • In order for the stone to acquire the desired effect of a predatory eye, it must be given a special shape by cutting;
  • The mineral occurs in deep layers of natural sediments by combining fibrous borosilicate glass with barium titanium;
  • Due to its interesting coloration and high rates strength, the mineral is used to create jewelry such as: rings, beads, bracelets, and earrings.

The healing properties of the mineral

The cat's eye stone is characterized by certain healing properties. In ancient times, healing drinks were made from the mineral, by grinding it to a state of powder, which helped fight sore throats, swelling of the throat, and various colds.

Ointments with a cat's eye, perfectly helped with joint pain and rheumatism. The effectiveness of this type of treatment has not been scientifically proven, although those who have tried it on themselves confirm that it really helps. In addition, wearing jewelry with a cat's eye helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Its energy helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as well as to establish the outflow of bile and improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver. To get such positive effects, it is enough to keep the stone always with you.

Also, some mystical practitioners claim that this stone helps to sharpen the eyesight of its owner and improve his ability to see in complete darkness.

Magical abilities cat's eye

Since ancient times representatives different peoples attributed to the cat's eye incredible magical properties. This mineral protects its owner from all sorts of troubles. It is also claimed to prevent sudden death man, by strengthening his intuition. In addition, its positive energy helps to minimize the negative impact on a person's aura, which eliminates the possibility of his evil eye and inflicting damage on him.

One of the main abilities of the stone is protection from curses. The amulet brings family happiness and helps to find your true love. With its help, you can balance all aspects of life, which will lead to harmony within the soul.

It is important to note that this stone has always been directly associated with prosperity and enrichment, for this very reason this amulet is recommended to be worn by those who are seriously concerned about their own career and earnings.

The meaning of the cat's eye in the signs of the zodiac

Through the use of Everyday life of this mineral, each person can influence his own horoscope. It is important to consider that the cat's eye interacts differently with representatives of different zodiac signs:

  1. This precious mineral is an ideal amulet for people born under the sign of the scorpion;
  2. Cancers also feel from him positive energy and an overall positive impact;
  3. For virgins, the cat's eye will help with the establishment of intra-family relations and with the arrangement of life, he is also responsible for eliminating any quarrels and disagreements;
  4. Gemini should know that this sign is for them the most powerful talisman and shore that will help them in any life situation. At the same time, the twins need to remember that this stone cannot be mixed with any other precious stones;
  5. Capricorns will also benefit from wearing a cat's eye. He will help them in their studies and mastering a new profession;
  6. Aries stone brings good luck, which generally improves not only the financial situation of a person, but also his moral condition;
  7. Sagittarians can mix the cat's eye with any other stones and minerals, this will not affect its positive abilities, which are to strengthen the immune system;
  8. As for Aquarians, it is highly recommended not to carry this stone with them. According to experts, this mineral will take away strength from its owner, bringing nothing in return. The stone categorically does not suit Aquarius, because it only sucks energy from him;
  9. Some experts argue that the stone is also not suitable for calves;
  10. Pisces should not expect any fantastic effect from the stone, although it will certainly help them to some extent in improving their health;
  11. Libra, with the help of a cat's eye, will gain self-confidence and be able to get rid of their prejudices and complexes;
  12. Lions cat's eye will not only help to become stronger physically, but also contribute to their intellectual development.

Charms and talismans

Esotericists advise using the cat's eye as a personal talisman for people working in the field of diplomacy, as well as artists, writers and teachers. In general, this mineral is from personal amulet for every person whose life is connected with creativity. With the help of a stone, a person acquires inspiration, becomes more open and relaxed, which positively affects his creative career and ability to communicate with other people. Previously, people wore a cat's eye with them as a talisman, which should help protect themselves from negative impact evil forces and evil eye. Even now, many people believe that the mineral helps fight damage and negative energy influences.

Girls who want to build a family and find their true love should wear jewelry with this stone or just keep it with them. It makes its owner more attractive and charming to others.

As for men, a rosary with a cat's eye will help them in the implementation of plans and intellectual development.

Differences between fake and natural stone

For a real natural cat's eye, you will have to pay a rather large amount, because this mineral is quite rare. In this regard, many unscrupulous sellers can deceive an inexperienced person and sell him a fake stone.

In fact, it is quite easy to distinguish natural stone from fake glass. The natural mineral has very high hardness parameters. Based on this, it can only be scratched by another harder gemstone, while a glass fake is much easier to damage.

This stone easily scratches glass surfaces. Also, to determine the naturalness of the stone, you can place it in a dark room. In total darkness, the natural cat's eye will glow.

If you wipe a natural pebble with a piece of cloth, then its luster will be noticeably enhanced. A fake does not have such properties.

Jewelry and products

Any jewelry with this mineral looks expensive and luxurious. Pendants are the most popular jewelry. If you enclose a stone in silver, then its strength will increase even more, which will make it a truly powerful personal amulet. Silver cut is most often found with a cat's eye. It is generally accepted that it is in this metal that the stone is able to manifest all its magical and healing properties.

Also sometimes you can find beads with a cat's eye. Such decorations can have a wide variety of colors. This allows you to choose a decoration for any outfit.

It is important to remember that the stone has one specific feature. Experts strongly advise against wearing it together with other natural minerals. To reveal the full beauty of the stone, it does not need to be combined with other stones. It is for this reason that this stone is often called a loner.

It is also worth considering that the stone must constantly be in contact with the skin of its owner. This will reveal all the magical properties of the mineral, which will help you get the maximum positive effect from owning it.

Storage and care

Despite the fact that the cat's eye is extremely difficult to somehow damage, it still requires some care. The stone must be completely protected from sudden temperature changes, as well as from the effects of aggressive acids.

To clean the mineral, it is enough to use a slightly warm solution. laundry soap. After that, the gem is rubbed soft cloth which gives it an extra shine. So that the stone is not damaged, it must be stored separately from other precious gems.