Gangster wedding. Groom dress code in gangster style. Venue of the celebration

Scenario of a banquet themed "gangster wedding" written by real masters of their craft based on a real wedding. For an independent one, in addition to the script, you need to think through all the details well: decorations, outfits, music, then a gangster-style wedding will become bright and unforgettable.

The introductory part of the wedding banquet in the gangster style.

The entourage of gangster films about Chicago should capture from the very beginning wedding banquet(thanks to the author of the idea from the site, so even the meeting of the young is accompanied by victorious shots and jazz musical miniatures. Do not forget that it is better to pour all alcohol into teapots and coffee pots, because during the dry law they were hiding from justice. Wine glasses and glasses are also canceled - tea cups should be used instead.

Meeting of the young at the "gangster" wedding.

To the sounds of a jazz band, guests are greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Colt (leaders of the holiday) dressed in the fashion of the 30s. They always have a toy weapon in their hands, from which they shoot. Invitees should be warned in advance so that they come up with passwords. For example, "love is immortal" - for one clan (Guests from the bride's side)"No Prohibition" - for another clan (guests from the groom's side). While everyone is waiting for the newlyweds, the hosts distribute rose petals, rice cereal and small change to the guests, which everyone will throw at the feet of the young spouses. Remind me that when you say “love forever!” everyone should repeat this phrase loudly, whistle and applaud. If possible, the invitees are also given toy pistols and machine guns to make as much noise as possible!

Loaf in Chicago.

As soon as the couple get out of the car, they are met by an armed crowd of guests, who are very actively shooting into the air and throwing petals, coins and rice under their feet. Under all this noise with a loaf in their hands, parents come up to the young. A loaf can be baked using the symbols of the Chicago mafia - Colts, a bottle of whiskey, a fedora.

Mr Colt: Dons and Signorinas, meet the young! Long live don NN and beautiful dona NN! Accept, friends, from the hands of your parents this loaf and a small charge of gunpowder (salt in a stylized salt shaker). May this gunpowder be the last you use against each other! After all, today you got married, which means that your love has acquired immortality! Love Forever! Lord! Break off a piece from a Chicago loaf and last time salt the bread, yes from the heart! So that there are no more quarrels, no tears, no insults between you! Love Forever, gentlemen! ( the guests pick up in chorus and shoot with pistols).

(Greeting speech from the parents to the newlyweds).

After a parental greeting, Mr. and Mrs. Colt pour champagne from teapots into mugs. Mugs must be broken, like traditional glasses.

Mrs Colt: Come on, dona NN! Show class and teach all the ladies present how to cover their tracks (as expected, here the bride sweeps up the pieces and puts them in a bag with the inscription "evidence").

Guests cheer her up with exclamations and whistles.

Mr Colt: Now our esteemed families want to see proof of your legal reunion! Where is the marriage certificate? (while the certificate is being presented and demonstrated to all those gathered, the presenters take out three satin ribbons two meters long - gold, silver and white). Young husband, what do you call your beloved dona now? (the groom answers, and the witnesses tie a white ribbon around the waist of the newlyweds).

Mrs Colt: Young wife, what will you call your don after 25 years of your marriage at a silver wedding? (While the bride is answering, a silver-colored ribbon is tied around their waists.)

Mr Colt: Spouses, what will you call each other on your golden wedding day? (while the young ones are answering, they are tied with a golden ribbon).

Mrs Colt: Let your family life there will be no end and let it close only on the two of you! Love Forever! (guests echo in unison)

Mr Colt: However, gentlemen, let me invite everyone to the table. The heads of our esteemed families ask you to taste these humble gifts of the Chicago mafia in honor of the marriage of their children!

Everyone sits down according to the signs on the tables, pours alcohol into cups and starts to treat themselves, at this time the hosts hold a table game that introduces guests to the rules of conduct at a gangster party.

Table wedding game.

"Rules of conduct at an underground gangster party":

Mr Colt:

Firstly, everyone is forbidden to forget where and for what reason they are!

Secondly, despite the unbearable bondage of dry law, guests are required to be cheerful and resourceful, so that in the event that all the booze is over, they can even find a few more bottles from under the ground!

Thirdly, it is allowed to beat the dishes, but only for good luck and only on the floor.

Fourth, getting up from the table, be sure to look under the table - do you need your help there?

Fifthly, if you have stopped hitting a piece of meat with a fork, you are allowed to take it with your hands.

Sixth, you must remind yourself of your presence as often as possible by shouting "bitterly", even if it's sweet for you.

Seventh, the expressions “why drink so much?”, “Why are you screaming?”, “How much can you kiss?”, “Will there be enough booze?” are strictly punished.

Eighth, shouts like: “bitter!”, “More champagne!”, “Pour it up!”, “Waiter, more fish!”, “Give us ours, about Magadan!”

Ninth, you have to remember this day forever.

Tenth, you will have to wish the newlyweds as much happiness as you would like to receive for yourself! So, gentlemen, let's drink to the young!

Mrs Colt: We invite everyone to eat! Welcome! In the meantime, Mr. Colt and I will read a file on someone!


Don NN (fiancé):

The young don, dashing and daring, but kind and fair, with a higher education, always dreamed of meeting an independent and pretty dona. Why was he initially ready for wonderful madness and different kind romantic incidents. In anticipation of his fate, that is, a woman, he actively developed his automobile business. Currently, he is an accomplished personality and a wealthy man.

Dona NN (bride):

Independent and pretty doña, with good taste and a reasonable attitude to shopping, since childhood he has been distinguished by a serious disposition and impeccable behavior. I was not used to exchanging small things, so I looked closely at my future spouse for a very long time. Well educated and brought up, honors her parents. Promises to become a faithful and economic wife.

Gangster NN (witness):

An inveterate athlete and master of sports in rowing. He has been friends with the newlywed since the first grade and always becomes his main adviser and assistant. But his advice and help were not at all useful when the newlywed fell in love with his future wife. Weaknesses - fried potatoes and kefir for the night.

Lady NN (witness):

She has known the newlywed since the first year of the Faculty of Philology and is the exact opposite of her, because she loves to spin novels and never voluntarily leaves any store. When she found out about the upcoming marriage of her friend, she shed a tear - she hit the eye with a mascara brush, because at that time she was pointing a marafet.

Bride's Parents:

The head of the NN clan and his wife NN have been together for almost 25 years. Silver wedding will play next year. They raised three lovely daughters, of whom the second is already being married. Their relationship has always been reciprocal and trusting. Strongly tuned in to grandchildren. At least for twins.

Bandito NN (cousin of the bride):

Since childhood, he was considered the main defender of three cousins. It has developed physical and intellectual muscles. Single. But he dreams of a lyrical relationship. At my sister's wedding, I already got my eye on one very charming beauty. Ready for combat.

Groom's Parents:

The head of the NN clan and his wife NN dreamed of an intelligent and handsome son. When he, after twenty small years announced upcoming wedding, at first they were a little scared, but, having met their son's bride, they realized that now they would also have a daughter. What does it have to do with such a beautiful and smart that they themselves would not have such a thing, perhaps.

and so on. (a dossier in a similar style should be made on all close relatives and friends)

Formed by the merger of two clans, the new family, as you can see, is large and we hope it will be friendly, because the real Mafia cannot survive without mutual responsibility.

(short banquet break)

Mr Colt: It's time to give our newlywed one very interesting diploma. I beg your attention, because I'm going to announce the contents of this document!

(Diploma of the groom)

and certifies that Don NN is done with his gangster bachelor life.

In practical tests, it proved to be satisfactory:

What is poured into a glass, first smells, and only then drinks;

In the essay love messages give odds to Cyrano de Bergerac;

Responsible for every word;

Ready to take responsibility for every action;

Unpretentious in everyday life;

Morally stable;

Thus, he is ready for family life. And since at the age of 20 ... I couldn’t bear moral pressure love for NN, then is subject to expulsion from the Bachelor Gangster Society.

Based on the foregoing, he is awarded the title of the founding father of a new clan, a nailer and a gluer, and in the speed of a baby holder.

Signatures: the founder of the wedding syndicate Don Macho-Muchaches and his faithful assistant Dona Lubov Zemnaetto.

Mrs Colt: For the beautiful newlywed, we also saved something. She will not be left without a diploma! Attention! I announce!

(Diploma of the bride)

This diploma is issued by ________________________________,

and certifies that she left the ranks of independent gangster women, graduating full course gangster wives, discovered the following knowledge:

At a glance, it distinguishes fresh milk from two-day milk;

Mastered the secret of making special porridge for men;

To hold power in their hands, they do not need firearms or edged weapons;

Absolutely ready for the birth of the first son in exactly nine months;

Has an innate tenderness and developed sense compassion for tired men.

Thus, to married life ready. And, due to the fact that a certain NN stole the heart of a beautiful dona and persuaded her to legal reunion, we assign her the title of the first dona in her new family, the support and support of her husband, the source of the appearance of little heirs.

For the best adaptation to married life, we recall the main commandments:

You have the honorable right to spend the money earned by your husband, only you and no one else;

Remember, a husband doesn't even need to know how much a thousand-euro cute sandals cost;

Never name the fur that your new coat is actually made of. Let them all be from a muton;

Do not tire of pampering yourself, for your blooming appearance is the best reward and joy for your spouse.

Signed: The head of the syndicate of women in law ma'am Husband.No

(a short break to congratulate the newlyweds by the guests)

Opening of the chocolate fountain.

Mr Colt: All the wishes of a sweet and cloudless life could well be embodied in one very interesting idea. So, meet! Chocolate fountain! (when a fountain is brought in, you must first distribute Bengal candles to the guests and put out the general light, it is also not forbidden to shoot a little). Please, ladies and gentlemen, take these fragrant fruits on skewers and, dipping them in the jets of a chocolate fountain, say one wish to our newlyweds!

(about other stylish and unusual surprises and entertainment at the wedding watch)

The fountain should be designed for two hours, and everyone can come up to it and help themselves. As a variant of a sweet surprise, a large cake in the form of a skyscraper is possible, against which a photo of young spouses is set. It can be an image of a tape measure or an ajar suitcase with dollars and pistols sticking out of its ajar doors.

While the guests are eating and drinking champagne, Mr. Colt tells them the legend of Montezuma's chocolate fountain.

The first dance of the young at the gangster wedding.

After this romantic legend, it's time for the dance of the newlyweds, and after - for everyone else. This is always a very exciting moment, many couples would like their first wedding dance to be special. You can prepare a surprise for your guests in the form of an absolutely unexpected dance, the humor of which certainly no one will forget. The beginning of the dance is a classic, a waltz, and after it, without a hitch, the melody of Charleston and boogie, so popular in the 20s and 30s in America, will suddenly sound. It is these incendiary dances that everyone who wants to warm up should go out.

Dance Competition "Gangsters Dancing with the Stars"

Mr Colt: Fellow gangsters, take off your guns and let's show how you can rock!! Mrs. Colt and I invited Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer to show real gangster dances, but they were detained by customs officers. According to our information, the American guests tried to carry five kilos of explosives and a suitcase of dope. Therefore, we will have fun on our own, especially since among you there are dancers cleaner than the stars mentioned above!

The couples compete to the music from the movie "Pulp Fiction"; if there is a screen, then in the background you can start up the famous shots where Travolta and Uma Thurman are dancing. The dancers repeat the movements, and then perform a solo dance. The winners are determined by the audience with their applause. The Audience Choice Award can be a CD with good jazz music.

Competition for a mafia wedding "Chicago Passion".

The host announces that this ritual game is designed specifically to ensure that the families of the spouses become related for real. Why do all the representatives of the "clans" stand in a circle, mixing with each other, line up according to the principle: lady - gentleman.

Task: as soon as the music begins to sound, the guests pass a kiss around the circle, but each of them strives to do it so quickly that the silenced music does not fall just on his kiss, because in this case the gentleman or lady leaves the circle. The three players who remain in the circle win. For them, CDs with jazz music recordings can become a pleasant present.

Congratulatory scene from wedding guests in gangster style

A themed wedding is increasingly chosen by newlyweds, and if the future husband and wife have an unbridled hooligan disposition, then a Chicago-style wedding will appeal to them and their friends. Young people will remember this event for a long time, and gangster style will suit adventurous, lively, young people. Many young people do not approve of a monotonous ceremony with a magnificent dress and a strict suit, where the soul cannot roam.

On this day, I want to do something that is pleasant and interesting, so that it will be remembered for a lifetime, so make your dreams come true, turn them into reality. The world of lawlessness, adventures, easy money and jazz will fill your evening. Imagine how much fun it will be for all the guests and you.

The basis of the style of the wedding in the strength of Chicago is a recreation of the era that reigned in the thirties of the last century. To create it, you will need minimal costs for paraphernalia. Women are happy to transform into ladies of the 30s, and men into elegant, reckless bandits. This requires not only costumes, all entertainment, invitations, transport and a banquet hall should correspond to the theme.

Solid cars, casinos, cigars, flashy suits and money - all these are the associations of those years that need to be realized during the design and conduct of the wedding.

Chicago wedding decor

It all starts with invitations, although this is a small thing, but it is usually paid for great attention. The first news about the upcoming event should fulfill its role, show the theme of the wedding. In an invitation made on the basis of an old faded newspaper, write a note about the event, time, date. An invitation can be made like a ticket to a cabaret or casino. It will be over modern approach, but depict mafia attributes on them - cards, pistols, add an image of the well-known Don Corleone.

You can’t do without imposing cars at a wedding, you will have to look for a vintage car for rent. If you cannot find such a rarity, then a stylized limousine is quite suitable. You can decorate it with fresh flowers and ribbons. Witnesses can take machine guns in their hands for a thrill, and offer guests a ride on a bus, first draw bullet marks on it and decorate it with paraphernalia of the 30s.

A gangster-style wedding must be held in a certain place, it can be a restaurant that needs to be stylized as a casino. Tables for guests can be arranged as gaming tables, several slot machines can be placed near the walls. Well, if the celebration will take place in the basement. It will bring those present closer to the reality of that time.

The color scheme should be in red, black and white. If you make an attribute of that time a retro car from balloons, this will once again emphasize the style of the wedding.

It is better to tighten the walls with a fabric of red shades with a golden drapery. This will help create a cabaret-like setting.

Chicago Wedding Contests

Any wedding should be fun, so you need to think in advance what entertainment and competitions to offer guests. If you take pictures of the newlyweds in advance, and to them comic captions, then you can play a comic auction "who will pay more for a souvenir."

If the hall is decorated as an underground casino, and it will be relevant and interesting to play a performance with the kidnapping of a bride by gangsters. Will be real gangster style wedding . The pursuit of the groom's friends led by him and the release of the bride will become the center of entertainment at the party.

You can play a scene from two mafia family clans who want to unite and marry their daughter.

Attire of the bride and groom for a wedding in Gangsters

This is such a link of the holiday that it is impossible to bypass it. The outfit must fully comply with the spirit of that time, both for the bride and groom, and for the guests.

The groom must wear real suit gangster. This is a dark jacket with a small light stripe, a hat on his head and a cigarette. To fully enter the image, you must have a gun (as close as possible to the real one).

bride for her wedding dress can improvise, but choose the usual Wedding Dress(classical) in this case is impossible. It should match the style of the 30s - these are fitted and tapered dresses with a length just below the knees or dresses in the style of a flapper. Low-waist dress in flowy fabric. Fishnet stockings and a low heel on shoes, gloves, a boa and a string of pearls will complement the look.

The legendary hairstyle cold wave» is made from soft curls. They give tenderness and femininity to the face. You can add it with a ribbon with feathers.

Particular attention should be paid to makeup. The bride must be pale. In those days, it was considered a sign of aristocracy. Thin as a thread eyebrows should be painted on with a pencil. The eyes are painted on from below, mascara and matte shadows are applied so that the eyes are expressive, intriguing. Complete the lip makeup. Bright red lipstick, and a fly over the lip or near the edge of the eye.

When you think about Chicago, the first thing that comes to mind is expensive car chases, gunfights, seasoned mafiosi and daring gangsters. So. A Chicago-style wedding is gangster and romantic at the same time.

You also remember that this is the birthplace of Alcapone. Hollywood made heroes out of ordinary gangsters, showed how elegantly they knew how to risk their lives and look luxurious even when they were being chased, which could end in death.

Venue in the style of the 30s

In the summer, country cottages, villas, clean picturesque glades in the forest or near a pond are ideal places where a Chicago-style wedding can take place.

In winter, for this undertaking, you can choose a country restaurant, a hotel banquet hall or a basement, which is well suited for "dark" deeds. The main thing is that there is a lot of space. Real mafiosi did not skimp on the holidays and always walked in a big way. A Chicago wedding in the 30s is an occasion to show others what real chic is and who is in charge in this city.

The room should be decorated in the style of Chicago in the 20-30s: dark colors, the presence of rich red and massive curtains.

Hall decoration and menu planning

At a time when gangsterism flourished, America's restaurants were decorated in black, white and red. color scheme. The combination of these colors resembles a deck playing cards, for which the mafiosi so loved to while away the time.

Tables can be covered with black, dark blue or red tablecloths. Possible and white version, but only if the chairs are dark or there are a lot of dark napkins on the table.

An interesting option for decorating a wedding room under a casino, which belongs to the mafia. Cover windows with heavy curtains dark colors. Burgundy will look good.

Interesting! The ransom can be held. It should fit well into the general atmosphere.

Walls can be decorated with posters with decks of cards, players, money. It's great if you manage to get dummies of machine guns and Colts. Posters are "wanted" one of the obligatory items in the design if a wedding is held in the style of Chicago. Photos with the image of the newlyweds will give the interior originality. Music at a Chicago-style wedding is only jazz.

Options for cakes for the celebration:

  • In the form of a roulette wheel
  • suitcase of american dollars
  • Retro car model
  • Edible casino building
  • Bride and groom with guns

Give the image high cost and chic long pearl beads and fur, which is worn directly on bare shoulders. Do not forget to complement the image with elegant ones, on a head decorated with a feather or a brooch.

A typical hairstyle for women in the 30s in Chicago is loose hair styled in big waves. You can decorate with hairpins, small flowers, a large red rose or a veil.

Interesting! Makeup is the brightest part of the image of the bride. Red lips, expressive black arrows on the eyes, clearly defined cheekbones and blush of a rich dark color.

The image of the groom requires no less care when creating. All details of clothing should be perfectly ironed, and shoes should be polished to a shine. If the budget of your celebration allows, then it is best to order a tailoring of a wedding suit, then it will fit perfectly, like a real mafia of the 30s. Suspenders and a hat will be an interesting accessory.

The classic colors of such outfits are black and white, but you can experiment with it. Will emphasize the figure of the groom a black suit with a narrow vertical stripe. An addition to the image of an American bandit can be a hat, expensive retro watches, cufflinks, or even a holster with a weapon on your belt.

If the length of the groom's hair allows, then they need to be combed back and well laid with gel. You can make a neat parting and create several large waves.


Best of all, it will create the desired atmosphere when having a wedding in the style of Chicago in the 30s - live music. It can be jazz, blues and even rock hits of those times. At such a wedding, you must definitely dance, and not an ordinary waltz, but passionate dances like a tango or a twist. In addition, you can arrange a poker tournament, invite guests to play billiards, invite an illusionist or beautiful girls from the corps de ballet.

Don't forget to warn the host to look appropriate for your wedding theme.

We did not live at that time, did not see real gangster chases, did not talk to formidable mafiosi, but we fall in love at that time at first sight, looking at a Hollywood movie about that great bygone era.

The classic wedding is, of course, happy event, but it is difficult for them to surprise anyone. After all, all the guests approximately know what can happen and according to what scenario. Cheerful reckless young couple better organize themed holiday, which will not leave anyone indifferent from those present. For young people who have a perky character and want to play a little mischief, a wedding in the style of a gangster Chicago of the 30s would be an ideal option.

Unbridled courage, desperate actions, the ability to easily risk oneself, imperiousness and pride- all this creates a special touch of romanticism. And if we take into account the simultaneous severity and looseness of the retro style, which is indispensable here, then such a wedding will undoubtedly be a very bright and memorable event.


Any wedding involves the presence of guests, and they must, first of all, be invited. This must be done in a way that fully reflects the chosen topic. Here are some examples of "truly gangster" invitation cards, which are presented with certain requirementsaged yellowish paper and no bright colors . Fonts are selected depending on the design option. It is better to use one like a typewriter, a classic "newspaper" font and even writing "by hand" is possible.

Option one - anonymous

Sentences are assembled like a puzzle from words cut out of old newspapers or black and white magazines. The names of the invitees, as well as the newlyweds, can even be made up of letters of different sizes and styles. In order not to manually make a huge number of such postcards, you can prepare the base, multiply it, and only then supplement it with the names of the guests.

Option two - film

This option corresponds to the spirit of the gangster conspiracy. The invitation itself is printed on a thin long sheet of paper, the format corresponding to the size of the film. The names of the guests are entered block letters but by hand. For decoration, you need a film cassette into which it is easy to insert a folded sheet.

Option three - an old photograph

This invitation looks like a small book, on the cover of which there is a photo of the newlyweds. It must be processed in such a way that it looks like a very old, faded photograph.


Literally everything - from the place where the celebration will take place, to the smallest and most insignificant details should remind you of the chosen era.

Venue - Ceremony

The location of the celebration should also be special.. First of all, the ceremony itself. It can be mobile and take place in a neat small garden, where there is a place to arrange benches or chairs for guests and make a small “wedding” podium, to which a path leads between two landing “zones”. Around you can arrange small buffet tables with light snacks so that guests do not have time to get hungry. After all, part of the photo session will take place here.

Banqueting hall

For the main part of the celebration, it is better to choose certain type a restaurant or the like. It can be located below the first floor and symbolize the so-called gangster casino. The volume of the room needs to be large so that all guests can fit there without crowding. Large communal tables are not accepted here.. The ideal option is many small individual ones, behind which from 4 to 8 people will fit. If the room has windows, then it is better to close them with heavy curtains to create the appropriate mood.

The color scheme should be quite strict - black, white, brown. You can diversify them in red. At the same time, in the textiles with which the hall is decorated, there can be a lot of drawings. This is a classic strip, cage, imitation of the texture of brick or masonry.

You can complement the design of the hall with inclusions of casino elements - card tables, roulette, weapons (of course, its imitation), mirrors in heavy bronze frames. Any items that "came" to us from that period of time can serve as additional decorations. As well as black and white photographs, draperies, posters in the form of announcements of the capture of dangerous criminals - the bride and groom, and so on.


Table decoration should also be in the style of the era. Tablecloths - black or green, imitating the covering of playing tables. Contrasting white cloth napkins with the names of guests will be both an element of decor and a kind of pointer. It is good to cover the chairs with covers that imitate tailcoats or elements of clothing. Dishes - porcelain, crystal and silver. Large dishes with lids will also come in handy.

Tall transparent vases that do not interfere with guests' communication can be filled with red roses and placed in the center of each table. Lighted candles arranged in a circle will complement them well.

It is very difficult to reproduce the classic menu of Chicago restaurants now. However, there are a few rules that it must comply with.

  • Firstly, the variety and richness of the snacks served.
  • Secondly, quite frequent changes of dishes. This item is all the more necessary because the tables at such a wedding are small.
  • And finally, thirdly, it is better to replace classic wedding drinks with whiskey, scotch and brandy.


Already at the entrance to the hall, the host meets the guests, warns about the rules (no fights, drinking, etc.). Here, everyone is given a "pass" - a special playing card with a table number. Waiters escort those who came to personal places. Entering the room, everyone should contribute to the "common cause", that is, put on a special table banknote or some personal item. This stage can be combined with the presentation of gifts. After congratulations for the young (a representative of each invited family needs to speak briefly), the main part begins - a banquet. Here are toasts in honor of new family, congratulations from relatives.

In the midst of the event in the hall, all the lights suddenly go out and the bride is kidnapped. Then “armed” people in masks come and demand from the groom to show how much he deserves such a beautiful bride - the game “How well I know her.” The groom answers questions, then his answers are compared with the answers of the young wife. After the bride returns to the holiday, the entertainment part begins with dancing, music and competitions. The holiday ends with eating a huge wedding cake, decorated with sugar guns, cards, roses, money and similar paraphernalia.


Very important role plays for the overall design of clothing, both the newlyweds themselves and the wedding guests.

bride's outfit

Here you have to choose classic white color, however, in most cases complemented by black decor.

It is hardly possible to find a real wedding dress of that time, but you should remember that the outfit should look unusual and very expensive.

Here are a few options from which you can choose a dress to your taste.

Silk short

The tight silhouette and open shoulders are the basis. Most of it is white silk. On the bodice and hem there are asymmetrical inserts of black mesh lace. The same mesh can be used for gloves. The straps are very thin. Instead of a veil - a small pillbox hat, decorated with a small veil.

Long embroidered

This dress must have a train and long sleeves. Almost completely it fits the figure, and begins to expand only from the middle of the thigh or even lower. The entire upper part up to the neckline, including the sleeves, consists of fine lace. The hem with a train is also trimmed with it. Instead of a veil or veil, you can decorate your hair with feathers or a thin wicker hat.


Length - to the middle of the leg. Top part dress fits like a corset. There is definitely a deep neckline. The hem is decorated with lace. It is also used as the main decor of the dress. The main highlight of this outfit is to use different textures- silk, convex lace, cambric, gas inserts and so on. To this side white color you can pick up red shoes, gloves, a bouquet and a belt. Also, a white hat can be decorated with red elements, for example, feathers.

groom's outfit

For the image of the groom fit classic thin suit white stripe
. You can beat him by wearing a hat of the same color and pattern, a black shirt, a white tie and boots. If there is a contrast (red color) in the image of the bride, then it must also be taken into account. For example, a red ribbon on a hat, a scarf, even socks of this color. Complete the image patent leather shoes, ideally - boots, a watch on a chain, a pistol (dummy) and a cigar.

What should guests wear?

Photos from the wedding in the style of gangsters Chicago 20s - 30s: clothes for guests

For men, it is enough to complement the suit with a hat - that's the classic gangster. And the ladies are a little more difficult. You can use dresses with deep neckline, silhouette - fitted, thin, flowing fabrics. Black fabric in white polka dotsthe best option, especially if you add it with red elements. But, in fact, almost any dress can be turned into a themed one by decorating it with feathers, boas, fringed scarves and other similar elements.


Here are a few congratulations that may sound at such a themed wedding.

  • Today is a big day for our city! Two huge and influential families united (surnames of the young). We want to wish the happy bride and groom to increase the wealth of their families by bringing a new generation into this world. They were able to find each other, in spite of any obstacles, so let them live, rejoicing in every day, and delight their loved ones with their achievements!
  • You have created a new family today. May she be strong and indestructible, like a huge rock, cheerful and strong, like the wind. Let adversity and strife bypass your house, in which two have united wonderful people- worthy children of their clans, in which two traditions came together. Be happy!

Wedding, decorated in the style of Chicago gangsters - for extraordinary, fun and adventurous people. In conclusion - a small thematic video from the wedding in the style of Chicago gangsters:

Do you want a little madness, drive, intrigue, passion at the wedding? Then feel free to decorate it in the style of "Chicago"! In this article we will tell you how to do it from A to Z, taking into account a variety of nuances. She will help you find perfect place for the celebration, suitable colors, decor, menu, invitation. You will learn how to create interesting images bride, groom, guests and what you need for thematic photography.

Chicago or, in other words, gangster style came to us from the 20s and 30s. At that time, American society resembled a gangster group: lawlessness, robbery and violence flourished. In the fearless 30s distinctive feature style were considered solid retro cars, casinos and money, cabaret, weapons, costumes, gambling and jazz.

This style involves creating an atmosphere of passion, excitement and risk. Parties of that time were held under the mottos: "Drink, dance and be merry" or "Style, passion, money and jazz." Another article on the site talking about can help in organizing such a celebration. From it you will learn what decor should be used to decorate the event and how to do it correctly.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

For the wedding celebration, a location is selected on fresh air or indoors. IN summer time you can organize a ceremony in a picturesque place outside the city or on the shore of a reservoir. Cottages, country complexes and villas are suitable.

in winter you should opt for a chic restaurant, banquet hall in a hotel or entertainment complex. The main thing is that the institution should be decorated luxuriously! Chicago-style options are suitable: dark interiors, mahogany trim and heavy curtains.

Registration area

wedding color scheme

Red, black and white are a good color scheme for Chicago style as they are reminiscent of the colors of a deck of playing cards. These tones are used in the interior and decorative elements. You can decorate the tables with a black or red tablecloth, additionally decorate with drapery golden color. In the days when gangsterism flourished, American restaurants were decorated in this color scheme.

Wedding decoration according to all the rules

The appropriate attributes of the celebration will help create the right atmosphere. You can decorate the interior with the following elements:

  • Walls decorated with aged newspaper clippings, black-and-white photographs, weighty paintings, movie posters of the time, search ads for criminals with photographs of the bride and groom.
  • Along the perimeter of the festive zone figures of retro cars, a saxophone, and weapons are arranged.
  • In the center In the solemn zone, gaming tables are placed on which a roulette wheel is placed, decks of cards, packs of dollar bills, and casino chips are additionally laid out.
  • tables decorated with peacock feathers, hats, mouthpieces.

For lovers of creativity, the design of a wedding zone in a prison theme or an underground casino is suitable.

Selecting and decorating a tuple

As a wedding procession, it is preferable to choose expensive retro cars. The ideal option considered a convertible. If you can’t find such a car model, opt for a limousine or executive class car. Give preference to white and black colors.

Transport for guests is chosen by a bus, which is stylized as "Chicago". To do this, images of bullet holes are applied to it from all sides.

Decor for the reception area and banquet

If an outdoor ceremony is planned, the registration area can be arranged in the form of a window overlooking Chicago. On the sides you can place floral arrangements of red and white flowers. You should also create an impromptu scene, like in a cabaret, where young people will take an oath of eternal love.

When seating guests, it is worth adhering to the traditions of that time and not seating guests at the same table. It is better to place at several separate tables for six to ten people. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that they stand chic tableware, lay openwork napkins and fruit decorations.


The banquet gangster menu includes seafood dishes, flour products, risotto, spicy sauces and seasonings. A traditional American menu is also suitable:

  • beef steaks;
  • steaks;
  • cheese and meat casseroles;
  • pies;
  • cheeseburgers and hamburgers.

It is customary to serve whiskey as alcohol at a Chicago wedding in large quantities. Alternative options can be rum, tequila or wine. Since the 1920s and 1930s fell on the period of Prohibition, it is better to serve alcohol in jugs or decanters. It should be carried by a flower girl, just like in those days.

Important little things

Ideas for decoration invitation cards can be very diverse, for example, in the form of an old newspaper or leaflets with a note about the merger of two clans. You can arrange postcards as a police orientation indicating the location of the wedding and the time, or as a book with lace.

Wedding invitations

A pillow for rings is not relevant for a wedding of this theme; you can replace it with a cigar box.

In memory of the celebration at the end of the evening, guests should be given souvenirs. They can be dice, cards, cigars, souvenir dollars.

Do you like the atmosphere of the 30s? Then why not get some fresh ideas from an article about design ?! It will help to beautifully decorate the hall, motorcade, photo zone and more.

Are you planning? Here you will find detailed script with a text for the presenter, a musical selection, an example of marriage vows and much more.

How to choose the wardrobe and accessories of the bride

Images can be bold, a little defiant, bright, eye-catching.

Chicago style involves the rejection of the usual puffy dresses and skirts with crinoline. The bride should give preference to an elegant long, along with a low waist in a light or dark shade. It will be just right. To make you look perfect, we have prepared an article with tips for choosing it. She will tell you which models are suitable for whom, how much they cost and what accessories will be needed to create a complete image.

Shoes match the dress classical model stilettos or low ballerinas.

As accessories white gloves, a hat with a veil or a headband decorated with feathers and a brooch are selected.

Complement the image long pearl beads and a white fur cape will help.

Women's hairstyle, relevant for the Chicago style, is loose hair styled in large waves. You can decorate them with a hairpin, flowers or a veil.

Makeup bright is applied: arrows are drawn before the eyes, cheekbones are highlighted with dark blush, lips are painted with red lipstick.

Make the image complete and harmonious will help original composition from feathers of swans and silk flowers or. Read here about how to compose it, decorate it and what kind of bride it will suit.

Bouquet of roses

The image of the groom

The groom in the image of Chicago personifies impeccable style and luxury. The outfit is perfectly ironed, the shoes are polished to a shine. The right decision would be to order tailoring classic suit, only in this case it will sit flawlessly. A shirt with suspenders will serve as an addition.

With clothes colors you can play: a black suit with a thin strip or white with a scarlet rose in a buttonhole will be relevant.

The model of shoes is suitable with a pointed toe and laces.

Accessories Chicago style can be a hat, an expensive watch, cufflinks, a holster with a revolver on the belt.

Hair should be combed back and gently laid with gel. In the middle, you can make a parting or create with styling agent waves.

Chicago style dress code for guests

Bridesmaids, groomsmen and other guests must be notified in advance about the theme of the wedding.

Women should wear evening dresses, knee-length black, or trouser suits in combination with a shirt, suspenders and a tie. Style your hair in waves and apply bright makeup. You can complement the image with pearl accessories and a mouthpiece.

Men will look great in three-piece suits, white shirts and shiny shoes. Also suitable are tuxedos, a tie or bow ties, suspenders. The addition will be a hat, a watch on a chain, a cane, a cigar.

birthday cake

A cake in the spirit of Chicago in the 20s and 30s should be luxurious and original, like the whole theme of the celebration. A chocolate biscuit or cheesecake filled with plenty of buttercream is ideal. Baking should be done in many layers, and top with white icing or chocolate.

Design a wedding cake necessary in the form of thematic attributes of the event, it is best to make a sweet suitcase with dollars or a game roulette. You can bake a treat in the form of a retro car or a casino building, depict a bride and groom with machine guns. In extreme cases, a multi-tiered cake with an abundance of white cream and flowers is suitable.

Cake with white cream

Thematic photo zone

The original gangster wedding must be captured in black and white photographs. You can organize an outdoor photo session in nature or take pictures on the bridges, because Chicago is a city of bridges.

If the photographer will work indoors, then you should take care of preparing the photo zone. Its background can be a brick wall or a poster with the image of ancient buildings. There must be objects of that time:

  • gramophone;
  • massive phones;
  • machine guns and pistols;
  • hats;
  • cigars and mouthpieces.

You can make a photo zone in the fresh air and put a convertible or its model as the main design element.

Photos should be supplemented with inscriptions about the special signs of the guests and the promised reward to those who help find them.

Do you want really cool gangster wedding? Watch this video, it might inspire you to interesting ideas! The images of the groom and his friends are especially impressive here!

The unforgettable atmosphere of the celebration will be remembered by the newlyweds and guests for a long time, you just have to take into account all our tips!