Why lpg massage does not help. Hardware LPG massage: reviews, photos, pros and cons

elastic tightened skin body is achieved through a variety of exercises, procedures and cosmetics. Hardware LPG massage is a long-established method of giving healthy skin appearance, getting rid of visual imperfections through the action of a special mechanism. Let us consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure, its effectiveness and safety for health.

What is LPG massage

The principle of the apparatus for LPG massage was invented more than forty years ago - engineer Louis Paul Gite (the first letters make up the abbreviation LPG) came up with a mechanism, the principle of which is based on rotating rollers, as well as massaging vacuum at the same time. During such a massage, the skin is absorbed, respectively, massaging and stimulating the cells of the skin and subcutaneous layers.

This technique is widely used all over the world: in sports, in aesthetic medicine and other types of therapy.

For several decades, the invention was actively distributed and popularized, after which it became recognized throughout the world. Thanks to the many different attachments for the device, it is possible to act on any type of skin and eliminate many body imperfections. To date, the modernized and improved apparatus is actively used for massage with the aim of effectively influencing the skin and subcutaneous layer. LPG-massage is designed to visually change and give an aesthetic shape to the skin:

  • Elimination of "fresh" and outdated cellulite;
  • Body contour correction;
  • Giving firmness and elasticity to sluggish skin;
  • Burning of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • Improved blood flow;
  • Help in removing excess fluid, toxins from the body;
  • Getting rid of edema;
  • Skin tightening and wrinkle removal;
  • Giving a healthy shade and shine to the skin;
  • Active tissue renewal, cell regeneration;
  • Providing "breathing" of the skin;
  • Getting rid of excess weight;
  • Mitigation of unpleasant sensations in sports injuries, removal of muscle pain;
  • Treatment of cosmetic, burn and surgical scars and scars.

Pros of the procedure

There are several similar procedures that can effectively burn subcutaneous fat and give the skin elasticity and firmness. In comparison with LPG-massage, such procedures have characteristic advantages, but they are not without significant disadvantages.

Table: Comparison of LPG, cavitation, vacuum and manual anti-cellulite massage

LPG massage cavitation Anti-cellulite manual Ordinary vacuum
Feel Absence of any discomfortDifficulty relaxing, constant tensionPossible discomfort and pain during the sessionPain during the procedure
Complexity Requires a special massage suit and apparatusRequires special laser equipmentRequires additional efforts and qualifications of a massage therapistRequires special equipment (usually cans)
In the fight against fat It is an analogue of liposuction, but without surgical interventionEffective breakdown of the subcutaneous fat layerIt is not as effective due to the lower intensity of the effect on subcutaneous fatTones and firms the skin
Efficiency 15-25 procedures are required to achieve the desired effect.The first result is noticeable after the first procedureThe first result is noticeable after 5-6 proceduresFor greater effectiveness, 10-20 sessions are recommended.
Possible consequences Virtually no traces left after the procedurebruises, vascular network, dehydration, hyperpigmentation and morePossible bruising and painBruising and bruising on sensitive skin


The unique massage technique allows not only to correct the lines of the figure, to recover from cellulite, but also to get rid of some injuries and diseases, therefore it is indicated for both women and men with the following problems:

  • Overweight and obesity;
  • Loose, loose skin;
  • Consequences caesarean section;
  • Stretch marks, scars, burns and scars on the body;
  • Puffiness;
  • Cellulite and other irregularities on the surface of the skin;
  • Painful sensations and muscle spasms;
  • Signs of skin aging;
  • Gravitational ptosis;
  • Osteochondrosis in women and men;


You should refuse or temporarily postpone the LPG massage procedure if you have the following symptoms:

  • The period of menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation;
  • Neoplasms and tumors;
  • Alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Inflammation and skin diseases;
  • Varicose veins of 2-4 degrees;
  • Poor blood clotting, vascular fragility;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Diseases respiratory tract, cold;
  • First 10 days after liposuction.

What do doctors think about this method of influencing the body

Specialists and doctors have a positive attitude towards LPG massage, as they note its effectiveness, safety and painlessness. During the preliminary consultation, the doctor recommends which areas should be emphasized and which areas should be given more attention.

The results of LPG sessions usually exceed all expectations, because patients not only get rid of cellulite and excess weight, but also get 20–30% more toned skin

The next factor that is highlighted by experts is the ability not to carry out massage in a complex with similar procedures in order to achieve a better result. One LPG-massage is enough (from similar procedures) to influence the changes in the relief and general condition skin and subcutaneous layers.

But still, experts pay attention to the contraindications of the procedure, since if you abuse and violate the rules of the session, you can not only not correct body flaws, but also harm your health.


Before attending an LPG massage session, you should consult a doctor and undergo a diagnosis. The specialist determines the condition of the skin and an individual course of procedures. The examination includes:

  • Weighing the patient;
  • Measurement of body volumes;
  • Finding problem areas and focusing on them;
  • Definition of areas that are not subject to treatment by the device due to contraindications;
  • Photographing the patient for clarity in a standing position.

In conclusion, the doctor allows or does not allow the session. With a positive response from a specialist, you can start the procedure as soon as possible.

  1. Preparation. At least 3 hours before the massage, you need to prepare: refuse to eat and drink about half a liter of water. Before starting the procedure, the patient puts on a special suit for greater effectiveness of the session.
  2. Identification of problem areas. Based on the conclusion of the doctor, as well as his own observations, the specialist notes the areas of the body necessary for treatment and selects the appropriate nozzle and device mode.
  3. Massage. Marked problem areas amenable to processing by a special apparatus. The patient feels only small waves through the body, painless at normal intensity. If discomfort occurs, the doctor adjusts the regimen. The specialist uses four basic movements: "twisting" (against cellulite), "rocking" (against body fat), "sliding" (to model the contour of the body), "polishing" (for elasticity and firmness of the skin). During the procedure, the patient is allowed and even encouraged to tighten the muscles of the body and move to achieve a better result. One session lasts about 35-40 minutes.
  4. After the session. At the end of the procedure, the patient can return to their daily activities, as rehabilitation period and there are no strict restrictions, but it is better to refuse food and drink plenty of water in the next 3 hours. To achieve a greater effect in the future, you should treat the skin with anti-cellulite creams, balance your diet and play sports.

Video: How is it done in the clinic and how long does it take

Frequency, duration and cost of the course

You can repeat the LPG massage procedure no more than twice a week. To obtain a noticeable result, as a rule, it is necessary from 15 to 25 repetitions of the procedure, and during the course the number of sessions decreases, being limited to once a month.

The cost of one session varies between 1500-2000 rubles. You should not seek services from clinics that offer a lower cost, as there is a risk of low quality and lack of safety of the procedure.

LPG massage is innovative technology, which the beauty industry began to offer us not so long ago. The procedure allows you to get rid of cellulite and other cosmetic problems. vacuum apparatus, which smoothes the skin and eliminates body fat, was invented by the French engineer Louis Paul Guitet, by whose initials the technique is named.

First you need to understand, LPG massage - what is it? The essence of the method lies in the mechanical effect on the epidermis and muscle tissue that are adjacent to it. The apparatus itself, which was patented by Louis Paul Gite, was originally a maniple, which included several massage rollers, which, by means of vacuum, form a fold from the skin and act on it mechanically.

The maniple is a chamber inside which there are small rollers moving in different directions. The mechanical action is complemented by the effect of vacuum, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

The modern apparatus used for LPG massage is a computerized system that independently selects the intensity of action on problem areas, depending on the desired goals, the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat. Massage can be aggressive able to break down fat deposits, or soft, with a relaxing effect. Often, cosmetologists advise him as a continuation of the fight against cellulite after.

What parts of the body can be massaged

LPG massage, what it is, we have already figured out, can be carried out on any part of the body, in this regard, the technique is almost universal. Massage can be used for cellulite treatment and weight loss, as well as to combat wrinkles on the face. It also helps to eliminate fat folds from the abdomen or shoulders. In addition, it relieves swelling, which can be explained by a strong lymphatic drainage effect, helps eliminate scars and stretch marks. Sometimes the influence of the apparatus is used to correct posture and improve coordination of movement.

In addition to cosmetology LPG-massage, the effectiveness of which is very wide in it, can be applied in various types medicine especially in sports. Often the technique is used to treat sciatica, varicose veins veins, it helps to recover from serious injuries or burns. Sometimes athletes resort to such a massage before competitions. It helps them strengthen their muscles and prepare them for heavy loads.

But most of all LPG massage is popular in rejuvenation face, neck and décolleté. In just a few sessions, you can get rid of swelling, bags under the eyes, the first signs of aging. The skin becomes radiant, the contours are tightened, the pores are narrowed. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of those who decided on the procedure and photographs of the results.

Benefits of LPG massage

Choosing what better LPG or manual massage, you should study the advantages of both options and decide on the goal that you need. But the main advantage that distinguishes the LPG method from a number of others is the deepest effect on the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The following advantages of LPG massage are also highlighted:

  • Efficiency. In the course of research, it was found that after a course of massage, the skin is tightened by about 30%, which is considered a fairly high indicator. This allows you to use the massage to combat cellulite and tighten problem areas, as well as to eliminate wrinkles, swelling on the face and double chin.
  • Comfort. Acting on the internal tissues deeply and at the same time gently, the massage soothes and relaxes. well and modern technologies, which are constantly being improved, allow minimizing discomfort for the patient during the procedure.
  • Physiological. Thanks to natural stimulation tissue massage can provide not only cosmetic, but also healing effect. In view of this, it is actively used to treat sciatica, varicose veins and burns.

LPG massage technology

Before getting to the masseur's table, the patient needs to pass preparatory stages. The first is diagnostics and inspection. In their course, the patient is photographed in full height, enter the parameters of the figure into the map, indicate indications and contraindications, outline problem areas and determine points that will be key.

After examining the patient put on a special suit and begin the procedure, the technology of which is as follows (if massage is used to combat cellulite and body fat):

  • By changing the position of the body, muscle contraction is achieved in the required area.
  • The specialist determines the localization of body fat.
  • Problem areas are graphically indicated on the surface of the suit.
  • Skin folds are selected and the procedure begins. With the help of a maniple, the necessary movements are carried out in the selected area. The sliding action models the contour of the body. Twisting eliminates cellulite, rocking crushes fat, and a grinding-type hardware massage helps to increase skin elasticity, making it supple.

Indications and contraindications

Massage treatments can be shown in such cases.:

  • Cellulite, body fat, excess weight;
  • The need to correct the contour of the figure;
  • Edema, trauma, pain in the muscles and joints;
  • Burns, stitches left as a result of surgical intervention;
  • Sagging skin, wrinkles on the face.

However, it should be noted that for such a technique as LPG massage, there are also contraindications. Among them are the following:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • The presence of vascular and fatty tumors in the structure of the skin;
  • Infectious diseases of the skin;
  • Abscesses, inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • Tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  • Hemophilia;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs.

It is not necessary to carry out such a massage during menstruation, with elevated temperature body, or in the presence of open wounds.

Preferably before the session undergo an examination of the body to ensure there are no contraindications. If ignored, LPG massage can lead to a number of negative consequences. Also note that after the procedures such side effects like itching, swelling, redness of the skin. They should disappear quickly.

How often should you massage

In each case, the frequency and number of procedures is determined individually. Specialists usually have special protocols, according to which personal rate is calculated.

If we are talking O facial massage, then the sequence will be something like this:

  • The first stage involves approximately 10 procedures, which should be performed at least twice a week.
  • At the second stage of procedures, usually 6-7. At first they are done twice a week, then the breaks increase.
  • At the third stage, massage should be carried out no more than once every two weeks.
  • At the maintenance stage, 1-2 sessions per month will be enough.

In case of LPG body massage, the diagram will look something like this:

  • In the first month, 6-8 procedures are usually shown at least twice a week.
  • In the interim, 4-6 treatments are needed in the first week, and then no more than 2 treatments in 2-3 weeks.
  • In the maintenance phase, one treatment per month is needed, as directed by the physician.

After completing the course of massage, you will get the following results:

  • Increased skin tone;
  • Elimination of cellulite;
  • Ridding the skin of toxins;
  • Body contour modeling;
  • Breakdown of fatty layers.

If you want to get the maximum efficiency from the procedures, you should follow the recommendations of specialists and undergo full course. It is also important to find a good clinic or salon where you will be licensed for all the equipment used.

Questions of beauty and well-groomed appearance will always excite the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

With the advent of new technologies, more and more attention is paid to hardware cosmetology, which allows to achieve results effectively and for a long time. Women manage to receive not only beautiful figure but also an attractive face.

One of the offered procedures is LPG-massage. What is it, what is the essence of the procedure, how to do it right and how many sessions do you need to go through? Everything is detailed below.

What it is

The LPG massage is based on a mechanical effect on the epidermis and adjacent muscle tissue.

It is also called vacuum-roller. This is due to the specifics of the maniple used during the session.

This nozzle consists of several rollers, which pinch the skin from 4 to 16 times per second, depending on the nature of the session.

The main apparatus, like the method, was named after the creator, Louis Paul Guitet.

A computerized system allows you to customize the massage program based on the individual parameters of patients.

There are three main types of session:

  • Therapeutic- created for general strengthening organism, for the treatment of muscle spasms, burns, pain in the lumbar spine.
  • Aesthetic- fights cellulite and stretch marks, aimed at breaking down the fat layer.
  • Sports- leads muscles to tone, is more often used for training athletes and recovering from injuries.

Advantages and disadvantages


According to the results of clinical studies, after a course of LPG massage for the body, the skin tightens by an average of 30%.

This is enough high rate. This is noted by specialists and patients for whom it is important to tighten problem areas, get rid of cellulite.

After facials, wrinkles are smoothed out, color improves, the second chin is eliminated.


Deep and at the same time soft effect on internal tissues has a calming, relaxing effect. Continuous improvement of technologies is aimed at minimizing pain for the patient.


Natural tissue stimulation allows you to achieve not only aesthetic, but also health effect. The method can be used in the treatment of burns, varicose veins, sciatica.

The main disadvantage is contraindications, in which the condition can worsen sharply. Therefore, all patients undergo a thorough diagnosis beforehand.

Indications, zones of influence

The main reason for working on the face and body with the help of LPG massage is the problem areas and the desire to get rid of them.

These areas include:

  • "Ears" on the hips, the abdomen and places that are not amenable to diet or exercise;
  • Cellulite of any stage;
  • age, mimic wrinkles on the face;
  • swelling;
  • Fat layers in the décolleté area, on the face;
  • Double chin;
  • They flew.

See photos before and after LPG facial massage:


They practically do not differ from contraindications to conventional massage.

General contraindications:

  • skin diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • heart disease;
  • Epilepsy.


  • Mechanical damage to the skin;
  • Benign skin tumors, protruding moles;
  • hernias;
  • Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis;
  • recent liposuction.

For facial surgery:

  • open wounds;
  • Herpes;
  • Couperose;
  • Acne.

Is it possible to use after childbirth and caesarean section, while breastfeeding

Many overweight recruited due to changes hormonal background during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Quite natural is the problem of combating the stretching of the skin, the fat accumulated under it.

The question arises about the possibility of using hardware procedures during lactation, especially if the birth took place by caesarean section.

Doctors say that LPG massage useful even after surgery. The main condition is the complete healing of tissues after resection.

On average, it takes about a year, around the same time you can start thinking about applying the course. Sessions reduce body fat, improve lymph flow.

There is less likelihood of the formation of new fat cells under the skin, and the skin itself becomes more elastic.

Preparation and holding

It is necessary to undergo a mandatory diagnosis by a doctor who will determine the parameters of the figure, skin condition and problem areas.

A person puts on a personal suit for LPG massage, where problem areas are graphically highlighted.

This clothing ensures the hygiene of the process, because no contact of the device's handpiece with the skin, allows the patient to be without underwear to improve the skin grip of the rollers.

Problem areas are also identified on the face in advance. The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes.

During the session, the doctor can use several types of work with the device:

  • "twisting" helps fight cellulite;
  • "sliding" helps to correct the contours;
  • "polishing" makes the skin supple, tones it;
  • "rocking" breaks fat lumps.

For faster observation of the effect, it is advisable to do this already on the day of the session, since LPG massage has a lymphatic drainage effect, removes all toxins into the lymphatic system of the body.

Physical activity and plenty of fluids will help flush out toxins, and connecting proper nutrition reduce the likelihood of recurrence of unpleasant deposits.

For the face, other settings of the device and nozzles are used. Massage is performed on dry, cleansed skin.

We offer photos before and after hardware vacuum-roller LPG body massage:

After the session, slight swelling and redness may appear in the treated area, but they disappear in 1-2 days.

Rehabilitation is not required, almost immediately after the session, you can continue to work, it is advisable to play sports.

Each case requires its own approach, and for this, specialists have protocols for calculating the personal rate and the right amount procedures.


  • First stage: about 10 procedures at least twice a week.
  • Second phase: 6 - 7 procedures at first twice a week, after the breaks increase.
  • Third stage: procedures are carried out no more than once in two weeks.
  • Maintenance stage: sessions 1 - 2 times a month.

Video about how the vacuum LPG facial massage takes place:


  • First month: 6 to 8 treatments at least twice a week.
  • Interim period: 4 to 6 treatments during the first week, then no more than 2 treatments in 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Maintenance stage: one procedure per month as directed by the doctor.

The result begins to appear already at 6-7 procedures, after all sessions it remains on average for a year.

What can be observed after the massage:

  • the skin is cleansed of toxins;
  • its tone increases;
  • body contours are modeled;
  • cellulite disappears;
  • break down fatty layers.

One of the temporary side effects of a facelift is an increase in flabbiness in the middle of the first phase. This is due to the removal of excess fluid from the skin. and goes through one or two procedures.

Although the pain sensations hardware treatment constantly reduce, each patient has his own pain threshold, which may cause discomfort.

When consulting a client and signing him up for a general, LPG massage or any other specialized massage, we usually face the same questions:
How many massages do you need to get the result?
And how often do you need to massage?
Will I lose weight faster if I massage more often?
The answers to these questions will depend on the individual characteristics of the human body and on the type of massage chosen. Let's try to understand and answer these questions now.

It may seem that the more often massage is done, the better. However, such an approach in most cases cannot be considered justified. The fact is that moderate tension, which is also called muscle tone, must be present in healthy muscles. This property of skeletal muscles guarantees their adequate and timely contraction in response to an external stimulus.

However, poor posture psychological problems, physical injury and associated pain are factors that increase muscle tension. If muscle tension is maintained long enough, physiological changes in body tissues, including impaired blood circulation and inadequate oxygen supply to tissues.

To reduce the value of undesirable factors helps regular general massage. With the correct and regularly repeated effect on the muscles, you will relieve tension, restore blood circulation, and eliminate pain symptoms.

Only after consulting with a specialist, you can choose for yourself the optimal program for influencing muscles, designed for a period of 2-3 weeks to several months. Massotherapy, especially those aimed at reducing pain, can be performed daily and even 2 times a day.

The choice of frequency of anti-cellulite massage or LPG massage is directly related to the severity of cellulite. An experienced massage therapist takes into account the characteristics of the patient's body, since each client has an individual reaction to the load, the amount of subcutaneous fat, skin condition, lifestyle. In normal cases, 6-8 sessions will be enough for you to get desired result. Usually such a course is assigned by the client with minor changes. skin, for those who regularly visit the fitness room, who monitor nutrition and water consumption. The optimal course of anti-cellulite massage includes 10-15 sessions, between which there is a break of one to three days.

If there are no breaks of 1-2 days between massage sessions of any kind, the body simply will not be able to restore muscle tone. It should also be borne in mind that the first 2-3 massage sessions are aimed at combating interstitial fluid. This is a lymphatic drainage massage. More detailed information you can get from our previously written articles. The process of fat breakdown and the beginning of tissue rejuvenation during LPG massage begin after about 5-6 procedures. In more complex cases with advanced cellulite, a specialist may advise extending the complex, but, as a rule, the number of sessions in one course does not exceed 20. The popular LPG massage courses using vacuum are not recommended to be performed more than once every six months.

The frequency of massage also largely depends on the purpose of exposure. Preventive LPG massage treatments can be performed at a reduced frequency to make it easier for the body to adjust to tissue changes. It is prescribed in the case when the client has completed a course of massages and wants to maintain the result. In most cases, frequency up to 2 times a week will be comfortable.

Such popularity is due to the fact that the impact of LPG:

Applications for LPG

In medicine, LPG massage is used to treat initial stage varicose disease, myositis, radiculitis, recovery period after injuries and burns. In sports - to strengthen muscles and ligaments, their speedy recovery after injuries, in the preparation of athletes for competitions.

But LPG has received the greatest popularity in the field of cosmetology, since it is able to provide results in solving such complex problems as:

  • Cellulite- elimination of visible manifestations of cellulite with the help of LPG is possible at any of its stages.
  • Local fat deposits- "fat traps" that do not respond to diets and physical exercise are susceptible to this method.
  • Flabbiness of the skin- LPG massage "tightens" the skin, increases its elasticity: on average, the surface area of ​​the skin in areas exposed to LPG (during a course of 10 sessions) is reduced by 20%.

In addition, LPG provides:

  • Elimination of puffiness (has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect).
  • Significant reduction in the severity of striae (stretch marks) and scars.
  • Improving posture and coordination of movements (due to neurosensory effects).

In cosmetology, the LPG method is used not only in body shaping programs, but also for facial care. The special maniples of the device are able to provide a very delicate effect on the tissues of the face, neck, and décolleté (see LPG of the face).

How LPG works

To date, the LPG Cellu M6 Integral apparatus is a computerized complex that allows you to select exposure parameters in strict accordance with the tasks set, individual characteristics skin and subcutaneous fat. From aggressive, "breaking" dense fat deposits, to gentle, relaxing, used in SPA programs.

The manipula of the apparatus, with the help of which the massage is carried out, is a small chamber into which, with the help of a vacuum, skin fold. Rollers moving in various directions inside this chamber, provide kneading of subcutaneous fat in various directions. The dynamic, pulsating action of the vacuum enhances the effect.

Before the LPG session, you will need to put on your body an individual “endermological” suit made of elastic fabric. It ensures the hygiene of the procedure, the painlessness of sliding the maniple over the skin, and prevents its excessive stretching.

LPG and manual massage, what's the difference?

Both LPG and manual massage (performed by hand) are based on a mechanical effect on soft tissues patient. The effectiveness of LPG can be compared with the effectiveness of a manual massage performed by a highly qualified massage therapist who is in good health. physical form and who owns all the techniques of massage. At the same time, LPG sessions are shorter in time.

LPG massage does not require application massage oils and creams. But before it is carried out, it is necessary to wear a special suit.

These types of massage should not be opposed. All people are different. It is important for someone to feel the hands of a massage therapist on their body, the individuality of their movements, which no apparatus can repeat, and it is nice that there is an opportunity to completely relax during a long session. For some, the touch of the massage therapist’s hands does not give pleasure, it is felt as an intervention in “personal space”, in this case, the elastic suit through which LPG sessions are conducted allows you to maintain the desired distance, and the relatively short duration of the procedure saves time.

What is more suitable for you? If you don't try, you won't know!

How many sessions do you need to get results?

Various "protocols" have been developed in the LPG Systems laboratory - standardized modes of exposure, optimized for solving specific problems. The most famous of them are "endermology", "lipomassage » , "ergodrive". In each such "protocol" it is indicated in what mode, in what direction, how many minutes it is necessary to act on one or another area of ​​the body. LPG Systems trained professionals working on LPG machines are required to adhere to these guidelines.

The average duration of the procedure according to the most popular LPG protocol "endermology" is 35 minutes.

The number of sessions will depend on your goals, your problems and their severity. As a rule, the course consists of 8 or more procedures performed 1-2 times a week. To maintain the achieved result, 1 session per month is usually recommended. But even without “supporting” procedures, the result lasts for about six months.

Side effects and contraindications.

Any effect on the body that provides high efficiency, has contraindications and can lead to the development of side effects. In principle, the side effects of LPG massage and contraindications to its implementation practically do not differ from contraindications to the appointment of manual massage:

Carrying out LPG massage does not require any restrictions in Everyday life. Its combination with exercise and rational nutrition allows not only to give harmony to the lines of the figure, but also to lose weight.

Let's try?

It is not easy to find "your" doctor, "your" clinic, whom you can trust with your health and beauty. Only the “trial and error” method is possible (of course, if you do not have recommendations from friends or relatives who have already made this “trial and error”).

But LPG is enough safe method, you can experiment with it. Do you think that LPG massage performed different specialists will give the same result? Go to different cosmetology clinics and beauty salons, meet doctors, do the same procedure.
Then come to us - you will feel the difference!