Hipsters blue dress. Dude outfits. Costume for boys and girls: interesting ideas, description and recommendations

Creating spectacular, memorable images is very fashionable and popular today. It is quite common for women to turn to retro style clothing. This move creates fresh impressions and sets the appropriate mood. For device theme party, original wedding And just for a change of life scenery, clothes in the style of a dude are ideal. The bygone 50s left a bright, unforgettable mark on the art of fashion. Therefore, there are frequent surges of increased interest in them.

A specific term in the middle of the last century meant not only fashion direction. Hipsters are a certain way of life, non-standard thinking, atypical behavior.

For the Soviet Union, the appearance of young people in bright, extravagant costumes was an amazing phenomenon. The country has barely recovered from severe consequences World War II, and people's lives were still difficult and harsh. Against the backdrop of gray everyday life, colorfully dressed young people dancing jazz and twist to foreign music were a frank challenge to the entire society.

The main ideas of the style came from overseas. Foreign films, photographs of famous movie characters amazed the imagination with their beauty spectacular outfits. In distant America, people lived a rich have a fun life, inaccessible to Soviet people. From the echoes of a foreign country, the newly formed dudes drew inspiration and cultivated new image life.

Young people were accused of parasitism, lack of spirituality and imitation. For the first time the writer D. Belyaev called them dudes. The satirical magazine “Crocodile”, the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and other publications harshly ridiculed the ridiculous and absurd fashion.

Features of stylish fashion

The main attention in women's clothing was given to dresses with a tight-fitting bodice and a full skirt. Instead of underwear, tight fittings were often worn, allowing one to achieve graceful body contours and a miniature waist. An underskirt made of dense teak was worn under the dress. Multiple gathers on the waistband created more volume.

Remember bright image the beauty Lenochka Krylova from the legendary comedy “Carnival Night”. The lead actress, the incomparable Lyudmila Gurchenko, always wore three petticoats at once. Their stunning volume especially highlighted the actress’s wasp waist.

The colorful images of stylish dresses were complemented by bright colors and colorful fabric patterns. Prints in the form of stripes, polka dots, and poppy dots were very popular. Fiery sunflowers, bloody poppies, heavenly forget-me-nots, yolk lilies and asters – there was no end to the variety of textured designs.

The sleeves in the models were very diverse. They were made long, three-quarter length, in the form of wings or lanterns. It was considered very fashionable to wear thin gloves contrasting color or to match the dress. They performed not a protective, but a decorative function, so they were worn at any time of the year.

Elegant handbag and wide satin ribbon in the hair there are obligatory accessories that complete the integrity of the stylish image.

In the 60s, dude clothes changed somewhat, acquiring features of elegance and functionality. Skirts in the dude style have lost their pomp and become noticeably shorter and narrower. Models that hugged their hips openly demonstrated sexuality, which in a socialist country was considered a bourgeois prejudice and was severely condemned.

Today's look at dude style

Specific models are steadily popular at themed events and public events. A girl who needs clothes for a dude-style party should remember some of its features:

  • the fitted top of the dress and flared skirt should emphasize a graceful feminine figure;
  • to give the outfit great pomp, it is convenient to use an underskirt made of hard tulle;
  • classic stylish dresses reach to the knee, but today's fashionistas are allowed to manipulate the length at their discretion;
  • For overweight women would be more suitable instead of full skirts straight dress semi-adjacent silhouette with the obligatory rich colors and contrasting finishing details;

All kinds of little things that no one can do without stylish look, for dudes should be bright and catchy. Fashionable image are well decorated with colorful beads, multi-colored necklaces, large bracelets, oval or oval earrings round shape.

Don't forget about a scarf, a thin scarf, a wide belt and a wide-brimmed hat. All elements are carefully selected to match the dress or the main decor.

For a dude girl, stockings are a must. Patterns in the form of flowers, mesh, thin arrow- all these are echoes retro style. Bright shoes - dress shoes patent leather shoes on a stiletto heel with a pointed toe.

Stylish clothes for men

The main item of the costume is, of course, tight pants, called pipes. In addition to the style, you need to remember that the length of the products should not fall below the bones. Cropped solid trousers show off brightly colored socks and narrow patent leather shoes.

The second element men's suit is a stylish jacket in large checks or pinstripes. Wide shoulders and large patch pockets are considered especially chic.

The shirt should also match the statement look. Choose shirts from fabrics rich colors– yellow, pink, orange, blue. A Hawaiian shirt with colorful patterns in bright colors is also perfect. It is important to choose the right tie for it in order to avoid “war paint” of the image. Under a dark jacket, you should choose a narrow herring-type model, tied with a miniature knot. IN summer version with a light jacket and a blue shirt, a “stylish orange tie” looks ideal, which Valery Syutkin never tires of reminding.

Clothes for weddings in dudes style

Most fully implement original idea A preview of the film “Hipsters,” which was released several years ago, will help. All the subtleties of stylistic orientation were clearly reflected in it.

The main thing in organizing a wedding is clothes and mood, which will bring back all the participants for a short time significant event during the time of half a century ago.

The bride will be a typical fashionista if she chooses a knee-length dress with a full skirt. As expected, its color will be dazzling white. A petticoat with thick frills that peeks out flirtatiously will add style to the outfit. It is better if it is made of turquoise, pink or red tulle.

A mandatory element should be a satin belt. The same ribbon is put into the hair, collecting it into a neat volumetric beam. Shoes are definitely on high heels, creating a leisurely smooth gait of the bride. Bright jewelry, luscious lips and black arrows on the eyes are the final touches of the wedding look.

Sometimes the bride wants to completely move away from the traditional principles of formation festive decorations. Then a red dress with white polka dots, lace gloves and a mesh veil will be a great find for important event. Original image imbued with romanticism and tenderness.

The groom's clothing must completely match the bride's style. If a woman's dress has red details, for example, ribbons, petticoats, shoes, then a man can wear a tie of the same color. The groom's long hair is easily styled into the once fashionable high bun. Now form stylish hairstyle much easier than fifty years ago.

The wedding composition will be incomplete if the bridesmaids and groomsmen do not match the images of the dudes. You can advise girls on bright knee-length dresses with fluffy skirts. Young people will accept spectacular look wearing colored shirts and skinny ties.

Despite the negative reaction of contemporaries and outright condemnation of society, the subculture of dudes has penetrated so deeply into the consciousness of young people that memories of it continue to excite the imagination fashion designers until today.

Fashion, as we know, is cyclical, so everything that was once in trend always comes back. For example, clothes in the style of dudes have been in fashion for quite a long time, but are again returning to the world's catwalks. Designers claim that all those who want to be bright and stylish need to acquire such clothes. Is it the same, dude's clothes?

Who are the dudes?

To understand this style, you need to delve into its history. Hipsters was the name given to the Russian youth subculture, which arose back in the forties of the last century. They imitated foreign lifestyles, mostly American, and tried to be like people who lived in Western countries in everything. Hipsters were different from ordinary people because their statements always showed cynicism, apoliticality, and hatred of Soviet morality. They always stood out from the crowd thanks to their bright clothes, which sometimes even seemed ridiculous. They had a certain slang, which included Western words, which dudes used very often in their speech.

Hipsters are Protestants against Soviet beliefs, way of life, etc. They did not hesitate to say this, although many condemned them.

The main reason for the emergence of such a subculture was the intensification of international contacts of the USSR. Thanks to this, Soviet citizens began to learn about Western traditions, dressing styles, lifestyles, and to many all this seemed attractive. Thus, the dress of the dude, as well as his behavior, showed a rebellion against dullness and strict rules.

Most often, dudes could be seen in bright wide pants, large jackets, hats, ties, etc.

Dude clothes: style, color, print

The dude's clothes are unlike any other, they are unique and therefore attract many.

The main thing that is inherent in such clothes is bright colors, literally screaming, they may even be completely incompatible with each other. The dudes also used neon colors. White and black colors have a place in this style, but in very moderate quantities.

Dude style is style for very active and cheerful people, such people literally emanate positivity. In the forties, they were absolutely unlike the inhabitants of the Soviet Union, who mostly wore clothes dark colors, did not strive to stand out from the crowd, but, on the contrary, actively tried to hide in it.

Prints The dudes used in clothing should also be contrasting; this is again the main rule that must be obeyed. You can use stripes, polka dots, floral patterns - in a word, everything is bright and interesting.

Concerning women's clothing, then mostly the dudes of the fair sex wore skirts and dresses that were quite fluffy, this is what distinguished them from the rest of the bulk of people. The more petticoats there were, the better.

Classic petticoats are usually white, but if you want to be a real dude, then you need to choose bright colors and not be afraid to experiment. The length of the dress should be approximately knee-length or slightly below it. Minis were held in the least esteem.

Hipster girls always looked very feminine and flirtatious; they were not afraid of bright makeup. Almost everyone had scarlet lipstick on their lips, there were arrows on their eyelids, and their eyelashes were thickly painted, so the image was somewhat reminiscent of a doll.

Those who don't love lush clothes, may well choose for themselves bright dress case that beautifully fits the figure.

Men mostly wore bright, seemingly oversized suits. The pants were very wide, the jacket seemed to have been taken off someone else's shoulder. The shirts were also colorful and, on top of that, the men also wore large ties that seemed awkward.

Besides wide trousers, it was possible to wear pipe trousers, which later, and even now, began to be especially popular among young people.

In the Soviet Union, basically all men were very reserved, they had serious professions, and tried to live up to the image of a business person. Against their background, the dudes looked completely different, completely unusual and, probably, even frightening, because all this was new.

The men did not cut their hair short; on the contrary, they tried to create a backcomb on their heads and secure it with a large amount of hairspray. The hairstyles were very neat, not a single strand of them stood out.

Dude shoes

The dudes’ shoes were also special and different from those worn by most Soviet citizens. Most often, adherents of this subculture wore bright low shoes, which were praised as “crusts on semolina porridge” because they had a large white sole made of rubber. And women chose the same bright pumps. The heel could well be low, because the dudes led a very active lifestyle, so it should have been comfortable to move around in heels.

By the way, sometimes girls wore black shoes, and this was the only dark part image. But since the dude’s clothes themselves are very bright and flashy, black shoes look very impressive with this look.

Accessories dudes

Naturally, it was impossible to do without accessories. The more there were, the better. Earrings, bracelets, beads and the like had to be voluminous and also bright. Is not Jewelry, and jewelry made of plastic. Wide belts, belts, and gloves in contrasting colors were also used, which made the look more complete. And shoes were mostly worn with white socks, which looked very funny and even somehow childish. Large sunglasses were also considered fashionable.

From the video below you can understand how bright and colorful dudes clothes can be. Besides, it looks very romantic.

How to create the image of a dude?

With the variety of outfits that are available in modern stores, it’s very easy to recreate the image of dudes. Remembering that dude clothes are quite bright, loose, often with prints or patterns, you need to choose just that.

If we talk about a girl, then she needs to do bright makeup and a backcombed hairstyle into which you can insert a hoop or weave a ribbon. This look is ideal for any theme party, or indeed for any festive event, even for prom. The dress, as mentioned above, should be fluffy, so you need to get petticoats, and also choose bright jewelry to match the dress. It won’t be difficult to find these, and they will be affordable, since they are made from fairly inexpensive material.

Some people think that wearing shoes on socks is bad manners, but if you want to bring yourself closer to the dudes, you shouldn’t listen to this opinion. Low socks with pumps will look very appropriate. Besides modern fashion welcomes this trend.

All a young man needs to do is find a bright suit and complement his look with a contrasting tie, boots, and hat - and he is the spitting image of a dude.

Such images are still relevant and there is no need to be afraid to be bright. Sometimes, the clothes of a dude can effectively stand out in the crowd and make the image memorable. To more fully imagine what the representatives of this subculture looked like, it is recommended to watch the corresponding films, perhaps taking the image of a hero as a basis.

If you are planning a holiday in the style of dudes, then the images created in the video below will help you choose clothes, hairstyle, and makeup.

Elegant and bright outfits of this style have returned to fashion from the middle of the last century and are quickly gaining popularity. How to independently create the image of a dude for a girl will be discussed in this article.

History of appearance

Hipsters are a Soviet youth subculture that appeared in the late 40s thanks to the rebellious mood of young people. At that time, any attempt to stand out from the crowd was highly risky. But despite this, young people protested against dull clothes and monotony of entertainment. They did not immediately master the new direction in fashion, but over time the style took shape and became sophisticated. Distinctive feature subcultures include extraordinary hairstyles, bright makeup, extravagant decor on wardrobe elements, large jewelry and a special love for gloves. Let's look at how to create your own image of a dude for a girl to look stunning.

What material to choose for clothes

This style is most often used artificial materials. To avoid the risk of looking tasteless, combine no more than three dominant shades that are in harmony with each other. Using more colors may cause the style to lose its flavor. The fabric can be plain, but it must be bright.

The image of a dude for a girl does not at all accept pastel and faded colors, because in those years young people expressed their individuality as best they could. For sewing clothes, fabric with large polka dots, horizontal or vertical stripes, floral and geometric patterns was used. Modern designers They focus on varied and bright colors, thereby adding some zest to the image. Therefore, the classic white and black colors in this style are rare and not popular. Satin, silk, velvet and cotton are perfectly combined.

Dresses and skirts

Preference was given to two dress styles: “flower” and “hourglass”.

  1. "Flower". Dress with a full skirt. The wide belt not only visually reduced the waist, but also emphasized the graceful curves.
  2. "Hourglass". Dresses of this style hugged the hips and tapered to the knees.

The dude look for a girl is not suitable for every body type. Beautiful half with curvaceous you will have to give up these skirts and dresses.

Preferable for dresses and skirts average length, that is, to the knee, with a tight-fitting top and a very fluffy bottom. The patterns can be any: stripes, small or large flowers, specks, but the most popular is polka dots. An open or beautifully draped bodice on a dress helped girls emphasize not only their courage, but also their femininity and elegance.

The neckline can be varied: square, boat, triangle or with a small collar. Dresses often had sleeves in the shape of lanterns, but this was not mandatory; they could be classic short or long, three-quarter length, with wide straps. To emphasize sexuality, sleeveless models are suitable.

Skirts and dresses looked lush due to several (at least three pieces) crinoline petticoats. Petticoats of different colors were especially popular.

A midi skirt is considered a classic option. Initially, they were as fluffy as dresses, but over time they changed and became narrower and shorter.

It is a mistake to think that it is difficult to create the image of a dude for a girl with your own hands and that it is limited only by the choice of dress. You need to know how to choose the right shoes and accessories.


Blouses in this style have a simple cut. The main requirement is that they be without shoulder pads. Mostly there are three-quarter sleeves, but there can be no sleeves at all. There are also stylish blouses with turn-down collar round model or with sharp edges.


Stylish girls were more inclined to skirts and dresses, so pants female images are rare. The trousers had a varied cut and were slightly shortened. Flared or tapered models were especially popular. Today, breeches or capri pants can help create a neat dude look for a girl.


The most popular is the model without a collar and with trim along the hem. This option is called “Chanel style”. Jacket models for girls were slightly wider at the shoulders and had square pockets.


When creating the image of a dude, girls pay special attention to shoes. It must be in harmony with the handbag or belt, namely, be in the same color scheme. And also have a narrow and elongated nose. As for the heel, the height can be any (high, low, medium). Patent leather pumps will add a special piquancy to the look.


The complete look of a dude for a girl (photos presented in this article) cannot be without correctly selected accessories. Bright, large and massive jewelry adorned the tender necks girls of that time. The choice stopped at voluminous bracelets and plastic beads. The hairstyle was complemented with hairpins, headbands or ribbons. Clothes were coordinated with contrasting belts or sashes. A scarf or scarf tied around the neck looked original.

Preference was given to small handbags with a thin strap or patent leather ones with a short handle.

It is important to remember that accessories must be in harmony in color with at least one item of clothing.


If you want something extraordinary, bright and original, a stylish bow option will come in handy. Combinations of colors and various materials striking in its sharpness. The image of a dudes for a girl combines fabrics only bright colors.

Hairstyles for women

Hairstyles in this style are distinguished by their beauty and clear lines. The styling should be voluminous and well fixed. The addition of ribbons, headbands or rhinestones adds a special twist.

Popular hairstyles.

  1. "The Crown of Peace". Carefully comb the hair, twist it into a tight rope and place it in a bun - a crown. If desired, it can be done at the back or side, at the top or bottom.
  2. "Flying high". Curls are smoothed with a hair straightener. In the temporal part, two strands are separated and crossed in the opposite direction. The ends of the curls are secured with invisible pins on the back of the head. A high backcomb is done on the remaining hair. A bright ribbon is inserted between the twisted strands and the backcomb.
  3. "Babette." Ideal for owners long hair. Make a cross parting from one temple to the other, and divide the hair into two parts. The front part is combed and rolled into a roller, carefully fixed with invisible pins. The remaining strands are wound on curlers. Then the curled curls are carefully combed and rolled into a shell. Decorate with appropriate ribbon and fix with varnish.
  4. "Hollywood Waves" This styling is perfect suitable for owners long curls. Hair mousse is carefully applied to damp strands. Dry with a hairdryer. Make a diagonal parting and curl your hair using a curling iron. The waves should be smooth and identical. Use a large-toothed brush to comb the hair and fix the hairstyle with hairspray.
  5. Styling for short hair. Girls with short hair can also plunge into the world of dudes. For this you will need a hairpiece. Style your hair smoothly and secure it with bobby pins. There are ready-made chignons in the shape of a shell or babette. The attachment point is masked with tape.
  6. Festive styling. Best for parties voluminous hairstyle, for example "French shell". Leave loose curls in the frontal area, and gather the rest of the hair into a ponytail and secure it with an elastic band. The tail is twisted into a tight rope until it begins to form a bun - a shell. The remaining tip is carefully hidden under the shell and secured with hairpins. The remaining hair is backcombed and styled in the shape of a “wave crest”. The hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

Hipster girl makeup

A beautiful dudes image for a girl depends on proper makeup. It should highlight facial features. The main rule is brightness in everything. A deeper look was created using thin black arrows along the lash line. For these purposes, you can use a black pencil or liquid eyeliner. Shadows were applied bright colors, namely carrot, yellow or blue tint. The lips were always made more expressive with the help of bright red lipstick. And the skin on the face with foundation made it a little paler. Despite the bright makeup, the girls did not look vulgar or vulgar.

  1. The dress must emphasize the figure, so the top should be fitted.
  2. When choosing an outfit, pay special attention to the pattern and color; everything should be harmoniously combined. The colors should be bright and saturated.
  3. The classic length of a dress or skirt is knee-length.
  4. Shoes must be comfortable, especially if the look is being chosen for a themed party.
  5. Dress decorations in the form of ruffles and flounces look original. Wide will do belt or bow under the bodice.
  6. One look perfectly combines: several bright bracelets, round earrings, colorful beads, a contrasting scarf and a bright belt.
  7. You can complement your dude's wardrobe with thin gloves that match the dress.
  8. Blondes should opt for red or blue color ranges. But yellow, sand, purple, and green shades are perfect for brunettes.
  9. Due to the thin material of the dress underwear may show through, so it is recommended to select these wardrobe elements in the same tone.
  10. A win-win option when creating an image is considered to be a plain bottom and a bright top, or vice versa.
  11. Skirts that are a little shorter than petticoats will look chic and original.

To create an image, you should not be afraid to experiment with bright colors and accessories, but everything should be in moderation. Hipsters are elegant people with a sense of style and taste, not Christmas trees.

Currently, more and more designers are using retro style in their collections, one of the leading trends of which is the dude style. This direction originated in the 50-60s of the last century after the end of the war. At that time, the world desperately needed new, bright and positive colors, which were supposed to contribute to revival after the difficult, gray and gloomy wartime. And these colors came from a distant continent, America, from a society that was amazing and incomprehensible to the consciousness of a Soviet citizen, which at that time was intensively changing the views of young people on life.

Under great secrecy and at great risk, foreign magazines promoting the American way of life began to penetrate into the Soviet Union. The older generation reacted negatively to such changes, but young people accepted them with a bang. After all, before this, Soviet citizens dressed standardly, almost identically, in the usual gray and black tones. That is why a subculture called dudes arose among young people, which challenged the boring society by introducing brightness, originality, courage and unbridled fun into their clothes, which helped young people to differ from the gray crowd of monotonous people. The main desire of the dudes was the desire not to blend in with the crowd, to stand out, to be unusual, and this is exactly what they achieved with the help of bright and flashy clothes.


Skirts in the style of dudes, like dresses, can be tight and fluffy. Tight-fitting models are a pencil skirt and a skirt that is tapered at the bottom, but not very long, fluffy ones are a circle skirt, a circle skirt, a-line, flared and even pleated. Hipster girls used many petticoats to give them the desired pomp, as well as wide belt to highlight the waist. Petticoats for skirts and dresses may differ in color from the main outfit, which gives it additional charm.


Blouses in the dude style have a simple, but not classic, cut; they can have long or short sleeves, but most often these are three-quarter sleeves or complete absence. The collar is a turn-down collar with rounded or sharp edges; shoulder pads are not welcome.

Pants and shorts

Fashionable girls wear trousers very rarely, but if this happens, they can be pipe trousers, breeches, capri pants or Bermuda shorts up to the knee or slightly below.


One of the most famous styles is a Chanel-style jacket - without a collar, with trim along the hem and two small pockets.


Shoes for an outfit in this style should be sophisticated - pumps with pointed toes and low heels, sandals with thin straps, ballet flats. By the way, stylish girls loved to wear white or colored short socks under shoes, and this topic is also popular today. Sneakers and sports slippers go better with trousers and shorts.


Accessories in the dude style are used in large quantities. First of all, this is a small handbag, like an envelope or clutch, maybe with a thin strap. In addition, stylish girls very often use small, neat retro-style hats, as well as long gloves. This style assumes large jewelry, mostly plastic, beads can be long or short, with large bright beads, like earrings and bracelets. The design of costume jewelry is the simplest: all items are usually monochromatic and have the same size.


Various fabrics are used for sewing clothes in the dude style, mostly artificial, because natural materials cannot boast of such a riot of colors. The color range is limitless - these are spectral colors such as yellow, green, blue, red, pink, purple, which embody active cheerfulness, energy and fun. Most often, clothes use two or three colors or shades that combine well with each other. Black and white colors are present, but quite rarely. The dude style does not accept pastel and calm shades. Drawing of these bold outfits– these are large polka dots, stripes, checks, and also crow's feet. When creating an outfit, special attention should be paid color combination, because everything here should be in harmony - clothes, shoes, and accessories. At the same time, it is very important not to overdo it, so as not to become like a clown.

The desire to stand out from the crowd, without merging with the gray mass, to bring charm, enthusiasm and bright notes - these were the main motives of the dudes of the last century. Originating in the 60s. During the Soviet era, the dude style affected not just fashion industry: it was a way of life, behavior, manner of speaking.

Inspiration was drawn from overseas, from distant and inaccessible America. Often dudes copied movie characters. Note character traits style:

  • Print and color palette . A riot of colors - all shades of the rainbow - is the main touch in clothing. Polka dot prints, bright flowers, stripes are also welcome.
  • Women's clothing. She envisioned outfits made of crepe de Chine, satin, bouffant skirts and dresses with a fitted bodice. The waist is definitely emphasized with a bright belt.
  • Women's shoes. Popular shoes with a pointed toe and a small heel (4-5 cm) were comfortable and at the same time allowed the ladies to look impressive.
  • Men's clothing. Jackets with patch pockets, broad shoulders, pipe trousers, colorful shirts, jumpers and pullovers with deer and snowflakes and, of course, colorful herring ties - this is the set of clothes for a stylish guy.
  • Men's footwear. Shoes were all the rage white, but it was also possible to wear multi-colored models. The rubber sole was prized.
  • Decorations . Earrings, short and long beads, as well as bracelets in bright colors were very popular.
  • Makeup. This point concerned the female half. Eyeliner and brightly painted lips are an invariable accompaniment to the look of a dude.
  • Hairstyle. Lush, high hairstyles called “babette”, “crown of the world” completed the image of girls and women. For men, the trendy hairstyle was a bob hairstyle with a backcomb.

At the very beginning, clothing of this look required several attributes and accessories: flared trousers, an awkward jacket, a colorful tie plus wide-brimmed hat. After some time, the style acquired features already familiar to many. Clothes in the style of dudes for men and women embodies the main principles of stylish style - “no” dullness and routine!

The main subject men's wardrobe dudes, as noted, are narrow pipe trousers. The length is definitely to the bones. She performs additional function: “opens up the world” with colorful socks and tight shoes. The second most important attribute is the jacket. Large checkered, striped – these are 2 popular prints. The shirt, echoing the trousers and jacket, suggests rich shades: pink, orange, blue. Variegated options are also allowed. A narrow tie, which is tied in a miniature knot, completes the men's set.

Women's fashion of this style– these are fluffy skirts with several petticoats (as bright as the skirts themselves) or crinolines. The length reaches the knee or slightly below. The waist is emphasized with a contrasting satin belt. Large, eye-catching jewelry is quite simple design: bracelets, rings, earrings, beads. The hairstyle is decorated with headbands made of the same satin as at the waist, as well as headbands, hairpins and bows. A small cap is also used.

Photos of clothes in the style of the 60s

“Everything new is a well-forgotten old.” This saying is very suitable for modern fashion trends. Memorable images of young people are popular, and the dude style is the embodiment of brightness, originality, and the desire to stand out from the crowd. Designers are recreating forgotten images of the 60s. twentieth century, following interest and demand. Take a look at photo of clothes in the style of dudes, and you will definitely want to try on this eccentric and carefree image.

Where to buy clothes in the dude style?

Of course, for those who, looking into their grandmother's closet, found a current outfit, we are simply envious. This is a rarity: do not refuse such an outfit! It will not be difficult to sew clothes in the style of dudes for needlewomen. In this case, the advantage will be that it is sewn according to your own sketches and will fit you perfectly. But what about the rest of the population? Where to buy clothes in the dude style? A huge selection is provided by both regular and online stores. Of course, among the many models you will find an outfit that matches your inner state. In addition, you can rent such outfits in specialized stores.