To keep your feet smooth and shiny. Smooth Leg Skin: Tips and Tricks to Achieve

The long-awaited summer is on the nose - it's time for short skirts, sandals, the sea, the sun and bikinis. Most often, we desperately put our figure in order, completely forgetting about the most important part of our body - About the Legs! After all, beautiful and well-groomed legs, pink and childish soft heels- this is, so to speak, the face of a self-respecting lady!

So, what pitfalls can we come across and overshadow our summer vacation?

The main problems in this period:

Cracks and dry heels due to dust - this is the time. Secondly, to be honest, in winter the heels are hidden from prying eyes, so we believe that you can take care of them not so scrupulously.

calluses due to new shoes, perhaps not yet broken enough or a little tight (see next point)

Heaviness and fullness in the legs due to constant heat and increased varicose veins in summer time. Vessels dilate, our legs swell.

Dry or exfoliating nails, consequences negative impact heat and salty sea water

- "corns" occur due to uncomfortable shoes or frequent wearing of rubber slates

Start taking care of your feet today!

Stage 1

Let's start with the legs. For this, decoctions of herbs are suitable, which can be found in any pharmacy.

Black elderberry flowers will save you from fatigue

Flaxseed will help strengthen the skin of the legs

Linden and chamomile will help with swelling of the legs

St. John's wort refreshes tired feet

Calendula will help with bad smell, scuffs and cracks as a disinfectant

And here is my favorite recipe: a foot bath, as they say, "in haste."

We pour warm water. Add coarse sea salt to it. We steam the legs for 10-15 minutes. Such a bath perfectly tones tired legs, relieves fatigue after a hard day's work.

Stage 2

Foot peeling.

Now spas offer a variety of various kinds peeling (chemical, hardware, mechanical). By paying a “good” amount to an experienced pedicurist, you can experience all the delights of this action. But peeling can be done at home.

A home scrub is such a useful contraption that consists of solid particles and a base (oil, natural yogurt). Solid particles perform the most important mission: exfoliate dead cells, renew and rejuvenate the skin.

Coffee peeling.

Ground coffee 1 table. spoon

Sea salt 1 teaspoon

Olive oil 2 tablespoon

We mix everything and get a wonderful foot scrub.

After using it, the legs become noticeably softer.

Did you know that sea sand is an amazing foot exfoliator? Being at sea, do not be lazy, type and bring some sand with you. Fine sand is best for this procedure. Mix the sand with oil (olive, sunflower) - you get a scrub in the form of gruel. Gently scrub your pre-steamed feet with this mixture for up to 3-4 minutes. After such a procedure, the skin of the legs becomes smoother and healthier. Not only you will notice the result!

Stage 3

The next step to the beauty of your legs will be foot masks. It is advisable to apply the mask for 20-30 minutes, while the legs should be wrapped in cellophane and a towel for more bright effect and deep penetration of nutrients.

As a mask, you can apply mayonnaise, mashed potatoes, sour cream and even cottage cheese. Moreover, the latter also have bleaching properties.

And here are a few effective recipes masks to soften the rough skin of the heels.

Mix chopped apricots with a little olive oil. We warm up a little. Put on the heels in a warm form.

Grind the zucchini and apply on the heels in the form of a compress. This tool not only softens the heels, but also helps to get rid of cracks.

Stage 4

How to get rid of "corns".

"Corns" are keratinized, but at the same time very painful areas of the skin. Most often they appear on the feet and heels. There are many reasons for the appearance, the main ones are: wearing high heels, incorrect or uncomfortable shoes, overweight. You can get rid of "corns" at home with the help of compresses and pumice, but you need to know that this is a long and hard work.

A compress can be made from grated onion, propolis, tomato, fresh aloe or celandine. The duration of action is 12 hours. After removing the compress, the “corns” are rubbed with pumice and smeared with cream.

Stage 5

How to get rid of odor excessive sweating legs.

Another annoying problem. Cause of bad smell increased sweating, which is exacerbated in the heat, with physical activity. Sweat itself is made up of water and salt, but bad breath is caused by bacteria that thrive in warm, humid environments. To reduce sweating of the feet, it is advisable to wear shoes made of natural materials, breathable and lightweight. Don't forget about foot hygiene. A fungus can often be the cause of bad breath. Therefore, at the first suspicions (sweating, Not nice smell, itching), you should consult a doctor.

To get rid of the smell of sweat, it is advised to wash your feet more often and change your socks. In my opinion, such advice is given by people who know this problem only by hearsay. For a long time, these procedures will not help. For a short time, baths with chamomile, a decoction of oak bark or strong tea leaves help to get rid of the smell of sweat. You can wipe your feet with a solution table vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:3.

To make our legs look 100%, you should take care of your nails. Remember to do a pedicure 2-3 times a month. These are simple procedures that can be done at home: trim nails, monitor cuticles and appearance nail plate. If the nails began to exfoliate, try treating them with iodine at night. Can be thickly lubricated nails medicinal oils(for example oil grape seed). But if you bought nails yellowish color, then you can try wiping them daily with lemon or making baths with the addition of lemon juice. It can also indicate a lack of vitamins in the body.

The most important thing is that care should be daily, and then your legs will look amazing not only in evening shoes, but also barefoot on the sea coast.

When you buy a nice miniskirt or a little black dress, the whole image may be corrupted hairy legs. Do you want to shave your legs and make them as smooth and silky as possible? Start with step 1 for super smooth, beautiful, amazing legs.


Part 1

Preparing to shave

    Turn on the water. Make sure the water is warm to help open up your skin pores. Try not to use hot water otherwise your skin will become drier, which will increase the chance of getting a razor cut. Take a bath or shower - this will allow the hair on your legs to become softer.

    • Let your feet soak under water for 5 minutes. During this time, go about your usual activities: apply shampoo to your hair, and then conditioner, and at the very end take care of your legs. You should start shaving your hair while your legs are still damp.
  1. Exfoliate your feet. Use a washcloth or peeling cream to remove dead skin flakes. This very important, as exfoliation reduces the chance of ingrown hairs. This will help keep your skin clean and open up your leg hairs for a close shave.

    • You can use an exfoliating shower gel or make your own sugar scrub. Simply apply it to the desired area of ​​skin that needs to be shaved and then rinse off.
  2. Apply shaving cream. Squeeze not a large number of cream and apply it on the leg. Make sure that the entire surface of the skin, up to the ankle, is covered with cream. Do not apply the cream too thickly, as this may clog the razor.

    Part 2

    shaving legs

    Use new blades to shave your legs. Most razors can be used no more than five times. It also matters how you take care of them. Your best bet, of course, is to shave with a brand new razor.

    Rinse your feet under cool water. The cool water will close the pores (this also applies to the hair on your head!) Dry your feet thoroughly, while trying not to rub them too hard.

    • Now look at the legs. If you spot an area you missed while shaving, you can go back and shave it. There is nothing worse than finding an unshaven area after you go outside!
  3. Apply a thick layer of lotion. If you have dry skin, use a thick moisturizer such as body butter. Apply a generous amount of moisturizer to the skin, paying special attention to the ankles and knees. Never skip this step - you just need to moisturize your legs after shaving!

    Part 3

    Alternative Methods
    1. Try depilatory creams. Technology is getting better and better, and thankfully, hair removal creams are also getting better. Previously, they had a very unpleasant smell and did not work very well. But now there are wonderfully scented creams that can completely clear your legs of hair. And it's a lot cheaper than doing waxing in the cabin!

      • If you have very sensitive skin, then you should not use depilatory creams. They contain chemicals that corrode the hair, which is not good for sensitive skin.
    2. Buy an electric epilator. They're a little pricey and hurt, but that's it. good alternative. Epilators pluck hairs from the root, just like big, super efficient tweezers. And, since the hairs are pulled out from the root, you can enjoy smooth legs for a very long time.

      If you are serious, you can also try laser hair removal. If none of these options work for you, and you want to get rid of your hair, then why not try laser hair removal? Sometimes it's painful and requires more than one visit, but imagine not having to think about shaving again later. Simply bliss!

    • For smooth and radiant skin, apply baby oil for body.
    • Take your time and don't rush, otherwise things can get really bad.
    • Never use a dull razor. A dull razor causes cuts on the skin.
    • If you have dry skin on your feet, then it should be moisturized, otherwise, when the hair starts to grow, the skin will look rough and ugly.
    • Baby lotion will also help after shaving. It will make your legs smooth and help soften your hair as it begins to grow.
    • Be careful when you shave your knees and ankles. These areas of skin are patchy and difficult to shave. You may need cream for these areas.
    • Shave with conditioner. Believe it or not, it really helps to make your legs smooth!
    • If you don't have shaving foam, then use a conditioner. It is also very efficient.
    • When you shave, shave in the opposite direction of the hair growth and then in the direction of the hair growth.
    • If you cut yourself while shaving, then apply some antiseptic cream or lotion to help the cut heal faster.
    • Try Coco Butter Cream. It has a wonderful scent and is also great for moisturizing your skin.
    • If you're having trouble shaving, then try something like Nair Cream. This way you can avoid cuts.
    • If you are a beginner, you can try shaving, but be aware that it has its drawbacks, and in the end, you might be better off trying waxing. Take heart and make an appointment today and you won't regret it. You will have smooth legs within four months. And you don't have to fiddle around with a razor in the shower anymore.
    • Make sure your exfoliating lotion contains hard granules. Moisturizing granules will have no effect.
    • Try not to shave your legs for 2 weeks; then when shaving they will be smoother.


    • A sharp and fresh razor is best. Do not use a dull or rusty razor. A dull razor will create more friction, which will increase the chance of cuts.
    • Do not shave your legs dry. This is very bad for the skin, and if you do not use soap or shaving cream, the skin will get a lot of scratches. There is also a high chance that pimples form on the skin.
    • Be careful when using hair removal creams. Nair creams and similar creams are designed to repair the damage caused primarily by depilatory creams.
    • It is also believed that if you shave for a long time and then switch to a hair removal cream, it can lead to irritation and redness of the skin. After a while, the irritation should go away, but the transition to the wax will be easier.

Rough skin on the heels is familiar to almost everyone, but how you want your heels to be smooth, soft, like a baby's. We take care of the skin of the face, hair and nails, we do body peeling and beautiful make-up. Sometimes we forget to pay attention to our heels and the skin quickly roughens, becomes stiff, and cracks may appear. Today sitewebsite How to get soft heels in just a few days.

So, in order to make your heels soft, you need to cook:

  • A special file for heels (as in the photo below). It is better not to use a pumice stone, but to buy a special foot file, it looks like a nail file, but only in an enlarged form. The nail file should be fine-grained. With a large coating, a nail file will not work. Typically, these nail files are sold double-sided - one side is rougher, and the other side is with a finer abrasive. Removes best rough skin fine abrasive. Because it does not tear the skin, but polishes it well and gently grinds off the keratinized particles. Without harming the tender and healthy skin. Such saws are different shapes and on a different basis - wood or plastic.
  • Any suitable cream for legs.
  • Some water.

How to get soft heels in just 10 minutes

Strange as it may seem, we will remove rough skin without steaming the legs. The thing is that when the legs are steamed, the skin swells. Of course, the heels become smoother, but not quite. Also injured normal skin, which in turn leads to its rapid engorgement.

  1. Clean and dry heels should be lubricated with cream. Wait a while for the cream to be completely absorbed into the skin. The skin must be completely dry before the procedure.
  2. Now let's pick up a special heel file and a little let's get her wet warm water and shake off excess water. The nail file should be slightly damp to the touch.
  3. Now you just need rub problem areas on the feet- heels, sole of the foot, protruding parts. All places that need a thorough peeling. With a wet file, rub the skin with quick movements. After a while (about half a minute), you will notice how the rough skin on the heels is flaking and falling behind the heels. You can do this procedure in the bathroom, spreading a towel so that everything unnecessary falls on it. As the nail file dries, you need to moisten it again with water and continue to grind the heels. Do until the heels are completely polished.
  4. After that it is already possible wash the legs again and grease them well with a fat and moisturizer and wear soft socks.

Already after one such procedure, which will take quite a bit of time - about 10 minutes, you can feel a noticeable transformation of the heels - they finally become soft, smooth and pink. Just like a baby!

For more rough heels and a thick layer of rough skin on them will need several such procedures within a couple of days. Just repeat this procedure again the next day - apply the cream on dry skin and let it completely absorb. After that, with a wet nail file for the heels, it is good to sand the skin, wash and smear with cream again.

Photos of the heels: 1 - the heel that has not yet undergone the procedure, 2 - the heel after such a procedure.

With the help of such simple simple actions Can easily and quickly soften the heels and the entire skin of the foot. Try it and you will surely achieve the desired result!

To prevent rough skin, use a moisturizing and softening foot cream every day and just polish your heels in this way once a week. Also, it is important to wear comfortable shoes and more often walk barefoot on something soft.

Shaving is a simple, effective and, most importantly, painless (unlike epilation) way to get rid of leg hair.

With all the undeniable advantages, it also has disadvantages. For example, the absence long-term effect, the possibility of cutting, skin irritation, ingrown hairs. However, all this is easily eliminated if you shave your legs correctly!

Below you will find 10 simple tips to help you avoid unpleasant consequences and achieve perfect smoothness legs!

1. Bath first, shave later!

Heat and steam while you lie in the bath (or stand under a hot shower) do several things at once: soften the hair not only on the head, but also on the body, and also open the pores on the skin. Now it will be much easier and more pleasant for you to shave, and the result will exceed all your expectations.

2. The right razor exists!

According to research, you can get smooth legs when using a razor that has following characteristics:

- Rounded head shape. This contributes to a better fit of the machine to the skin, and helps to shave the most short hairs.

- The floating head helps to follow the curves of your body, allowing you to shave even in the most hard-to-reach places.

- Soft comfortable handle- a guarantee that the razor does not slip out of the hands and does not cut the skin.

In other words, leave cheap primitive disposable machines to men. Invest in a good, comfortable razor - see it as an investment in own beauty.

3. Simple movements.

How do you usually shave your legs? Without lifting the razor, guide it from ankle to knee ( as in the photo above) or even hips? Are you satisfied with the result? We think not. Surely you have to pass the same place with a razor several times, irritating the skin and risking cuts. To prevent this from happening, try to move along the leg in small slow steps (2-3 centimeters each) and do not put too much pressure on the machine.

4. Foam is not a toy!

There is an opinion that shaving foam is a commercial move and, in principle, it is not needed. However, it is she who will allow you to enjoy shaving your legs. Foam moisturizes the skin and provides glide. You can buy special shaving foam. Maybe shaving gel is even better. But your hair conditioner balm would be a perfectly acceptable option. They usually have a very suitable consistency and provide a good glide of the razor over the body.

The main thing is NOT to use SOAP! It will provide foam and even glide, but combined with shaving, it will dry out the skin so that no moisturizer will help you later. And you will wonder where these redness, irritation and itching come from.

5. Body scrub is your best friend!

The skin is constantly renewed. There is always a layer of dead cells on the surface of the body. They affect the quality of the shave - they can get stuck between the blades razor. As a result, smoothness will have to be forgotten. Recommended before every shave exfoliate the skin thoroughly. It is best to use a not very hard scrub with medium-sized particles.

6. Gentle, even more gentle.

Leather after shaving very sensitive and requires special care. Try not to annoy her. NEVER rub a smooth shaved surface with loofah washcloths or even a towel. Wash with your hands or very soft sponge, and to dry the skin - blot it with a soft towel. Otherwise, you are in for such troubles as irritation, redness of the skin and a rash.

7. Consider your features!

Advertising is advertising, but you need to choose shaving and skin care products based on personal needs. For example, if you have dry, sensitive, and irritated skin, avoid buying alcohol-based and scented products.

8. Don't forget your hips!

Many women do not shave their hair on the top of their legs. It is believed that the hair there is light, thin and almost invisible. But take a closer look and you may find that this is not the case for you! The test is very simple - if you can see these hairs well in any light, then believe me - a man will definitely notice them too, which is not very pleasant. But it will be even more unpleasant for him to feel them when he touches his thigh.

Look at this horror Special attention on the area above the knees

Don't let these hairs ruin your perfect image- get rid of them!

9. Hydration is key!

Your feet need hydration too. Give them some bliss - after shaving, use special moisturizers and lotions. This will reduce the chances of ingrown hairs and rashes.

10. Ultraviolet protection of the skin of the legs.

After shaving, your skin will be stripped of its protective hairline and become more susceptible to damage. sunshine. Therefore, in addition to the face and shoulders, do not forget to put some SPF cream on your legs. Find a product that is non-greasy and sticky so that you feel comfortable applying it.

Use our tips, and shaving your legs will become not only easier and faster, but also much more pleasant! Finally, let's give some more advice. The key to shaving is regularity. Try to shave your legs every day and you will always be beautiful!

Cracked or rough heels yellow tint not only are they unsightly to look at, but they also cause pain. The trodden skin of the feet is absolute taboo, which is easy to “smooth out” on your own, while maintaining beautiful pedicure and softness of the skin.

What can cause cracked heels?

Cracked heels can be the result of dehydration, unhealthy diets, and wearing ill-fitting shoes that distribute weight unevenly and stomp most often on the heels and sides of the feet. Cracked heels are last stage stomping with complete dehydration of the skin. It's best to take precautions before your heels start cracking, as cracks are not a quick process to heal. Therefore, care should be regular and especially attentive if the skin of your feet becomes coarse rather quickly.

The legs after a pedicure look just magical, but what to do in between a full-fledged pedicure so that the skin of the feet is soft, you will learn from the recommendations below.

Permanent treatments to keep feet soft

You must remember:

  1. Foot socks must be made of natural fabrics better than cotton;
  2. It is necessary to soak the skin in a howl avoiding the effect of an accordion;
  3. If there are cracks or wounds on the feet, do not use acidic components;
  4. All these recipes are guaranteed to make the skin soft, but for this you need to do the procedures regularly.

1. Homemade foot soothing bath with baking soda:

You will need a product common in our kitchens - soda! Add 4 tablespoons baking soda into warm water and soak your feet in this solution for about half an hour (the skin should steam out, but not shrink). After steaming, apply essential oil patchouli or sandalwood.

For maximum benefit, you can add bath salt (sea salt). Salt helps to soften the skin and relax the muscles.

Repeat this procedure regularly! Particularly relaxing is sea salt with lavender extract, such steaming before bedtime will allow you to completely let go of thoughts and fully relax. Rub the legs with your hands so that the blood disperses and relieves fatigue. You will immediately feel light, especially after a day spent in heels.

2. Banana puree mask for legs and heels (softening):

Banana is a tropical fruit that boasts a number of health benefits. It will also help cure rough skin on the feet.

Grind a ripe banana with a blender (or a fork), add a tablespoon of honey to the puree and evenly apply the resulting banana gruel to the feet. Let it dry for 10-5 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Apply 20 minutes after the mask nutritious cream. Perform this procedure once a week, preferably before going to bed and get desired result- Soft heels.

3. Daily cleansing procedures (heel polishing):

It is very important to follow regularly simple methods hygiene, such as cleansing the feet with a polishing float. This will prevent buildup on the feet dead skin and also protects the skin from drying out and peeling. This procedure will take no more than 6 minutes for both feet, but it is thanks to her that the skin will become smooth.

All you need is to rub your feet while taking a grater (before treating your heels, apply on a grater liquid soap or shower gel, that's a must). The hardness of the grater-polishing should be no higher than 100/180 grit. Once you're done, let your feet dry and moisturize them well with cream.

4. Foot massage with olive oil for softening:

Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer, especially for dry skin. Feet must be clean to use olive oil. Easiest to dip cotton ball in olive oil and treat the coarsened areas with it. Gently massage your feet in a circular motion to restore blood circulation. Once you're done, put on a wrap and a pair of warm socks over the top and let your skin soak up the oil. Rinse your feet after an hour. Do a foot massage with olive oil in one day.

For maximum benefit, leave the oil on overnight (but use it without a film for no more than an hour, you should not soften your feet too much either) and wash off the next morning.

5. We use vinegar to steam old skin on the feet:

IMPORTANT! This method is only suitable if you have very dry skin WITHOUT CRACKS.

Dilute 5 tablespoons in warm water, use only Apple vinegar its texture is softer. Soak your feet in such a bath for no more than 10 minutes, and then be sure to apply the cream liberally and let it soak (without socks). This procedure is not for every day, soften the skin of the heels with such a bath 2-3 times a week.

6. Peppermint for dry feet:

Apply a small amount of peppermint oil to clean feet every day before bed or some time before leaving the house in the morning. The antiseptic properties of the oil will not only make the skin smooth, they will give a pleasant smell and will not allow bacteria to get on the skin throughout the day. The oil also reduces pain and discomfort.

This is one of the easiest home remedies to treat cracked and rough heels.

7. Exfoliating Homemade Foot Scrub:

Treat your dry heels with this simple homemade scrub. It will remove dead skin layer. Make this scrub by mixing oatmeal with lemon juice, honey and sea ​​salt.

  • honey one and a half tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 4th part of a lemon;
  • oatmeal - half a glass;
  • sea ​​salt 1.5 tablespoons.

Keep the scrub on for 30 minutes and then rinse your feet with warm water. Moisturize your feet with mint oil after the scrub.

8. Another of the homemade masks, honey with salt to moisturize and exfoliate the skin on the feet:

Honey has many healing properties and is an excellent product for the skin. Add salt to honey so that the mask gives an exfoliating effect, the ratio of components is 1 to 1. Just spread the mask over the feet and massage your feet, rinse off as usual. After the procedure, you do not need any cream or oil, just put on socks. Do this procedure every day for 10-15 minutes and say "bye" to dry heels.

9. The Best Natural Moisturizer Is Milk:

The value of milk for the skin was felt by Cleopatra herself and many women of Egypt. Prepare a warm water bath by adding a cup of hot milk and 2 tablespoons of sea salt to it to open up your pores. Keep your feet in it for a while. Do this not every day, but only once a week!

10. Soak your feet in warm water with iodine and salt:

Once or twice a week, soak your feet for 10 minutes in warm water with two tablespoons of sea salt and a tablespoon of iodine. Polish the skin with a grater and anoint with cream. Do this softening method once a week.

11. Care for calluses on the feet at home:

If you have problems with calluses or corns, use a small finger grater.

You will need:

  • finger grater;
  • remover (professional remedy for softening corns and skin);
  • oil to add to water (or honey);
  • moisturizer (oily texture).

On dry skin, apply the remover to the roughest areas of the skin, hold for 5 minutes and dip your feet in warm water with oil. Steam for 7-10 minutes and rub them lightly with a grater, rinse removed skin, wipe your feet from moisture and apply cream (no need to wear socks). Repeat the procedure when corns appear, as a rule it is 1 in two weeks.

12. Toe hygiene - remove all unnecessary with an orange stick:

Take an orange stick, steam your fingers in warm bath with aroma oil and sea salt to clean all the dirt from the toenails. Be very careful not to prick yourself. You can also use steel tools, but the orange stick is completely harmless. Use one wand only once.

13. Remove Burrs and Cuticles:

Clean up burrs and cuticles quickly and easily with the cuticle remover. After you have steamed your legs and cleaned your nails, gently remove, push back and cut the cuticle with wire cutters. You don't have to push back the cuticle to the base of the nail if it's very small.

14. Trim your nails regularly:

Trim your toenails at least once every two weeks. Long nails on the feet - this is not very hygienic and even unsafe, because they can rest against the shoes and deform their growth, this often leads to this. that the nails begin to grow into the skin. Cut your nails carefully, especially at the free edge (in the corners). Do not cut your nails too short, it is better to remove the main length with a tool, and then shape it with a nail file.

15. Polish the surface of the nails with a buff:

Polishing your toenails is just as important as polishing your toenails. This must be done in the same way as in the hands.

16. Sweaty Feet Problem:

If your feet are sweaty and smell bad, then you need to wear shoes that "breathe" to work. Apply talcum powder to the inside of the shoes (if you wear shoes on bare foot) or sprinkle with talc lower part feet (if you wear socks). This will absorb the sweat and get rid of the bad smell. You can also rub two drops of pure sandalwood, lavender or peppermint oils before putting on shoes.

17. Base Coat Nails:

If you're not in the habit of painting your toenails but love a neat pedicure, then try covering them. clear varnish. This will give a healthy natural look your toenails.

18. For soft and healthy feet, take care of your shoes:

Be sure to use antibacterial sprays on shoes, especially closed shoes. It will remove the bad smell and the bacteria from which it appears (if you have such a problem). It can also be used for preventive purposes. Read the manufacturer's instructions before use.

These simple methods will help restore and maintain the softness of the skin of the feet, as well as maintain neatness and beauty until the next full-fledged pedicure.