Pregnancy and all about it. It's just amazing! Curious facts about pregnancy and childbirth

Maria Sokolova is the pregnancy expert for Coldy magazine. Mom of three children, an obstetrician by education, a writer by vocation.

Reading time: 15 minutes


Interactive women's magazine site offers the most detailed calendar pregnancy by week with information that is really useful for expectant mothers, as well as with photo and video materials for each week.

Choose your week and read the details: photos, videos, reviews, tips

The birth of a new life

What could be more amazing than the birth of a new life? Every woman who goes through the miracle of pregnancy certainly remembers all the delights of this path. Modern mothers want to know everything about pregnancy, control the process and be sure that the pregnancy is going according to the norms. It is for this purpose that we have created our weekly pregnancy calendar with photos and videos.

Starting from the first weeks of pregnancy, which you may not yet know about, you will move forward every week. You can inquire about your due date or look ahead. In each article you will find a lot of useful, comprehensive information.

I have it, and you? Let's learn and share experiences. Real stories expectant mothers.

In the first months, you will be interested to learn about the signs of pregnancy and compare them with those that are observed in you. Of course, every woman wants to know what she will feel every week and what changes are taking place in her body. In addition, each article is complemented by reviews. real women that are in this period. Thanks to our interactive pregnancy calendar, you can easily find the week of pregnancy you are interested in.

How is the baby doing? Photos, videos and useful information.

Feeling like a future mother, you will certainly be interested in your baby. It is very interesting to watch how your baby from a small cell turns into little man. Every week, changes occur in his body, one week they can be dramatic, and the next - only a continuation of this change. However, every week is important and interesting.

Visual materials will be a nice addition to printed information. This is a photo of the fetus, and ultrasound scans, and a photo of the belly of expectant mothers every week. And we have also prepared a video for you, which tells about each week of pregnancy in an accessible way.

Enjoy your "interesting" position and walk this path with us! Our online pregnancy calendar is at your service!

When it comes long-awaited pregnancy, a woman often scatters her attention to everything at once, so a clear plan of how and what to do during this period simply disappears. So that any woman can monitor the course of her pregnancy and focus on the signs normal development baby in one week or another, a weekly pregnancy calendar is created.

Why you need a pregnancy calendar

There are many reasons why it is so important to monitor the pregnancy process.

  • To discover in time deviations from the norm. Of course, every woman wants the fetus to develop well, but if something suddenly goes wrong, you should immediately inform the doctor about it, even if the next consultation is scheduled in two weeks.
  • Pregnancy is the happiest period in the life of every woman, and how mysterious it is! The pregnancy calendar helps the fairer sex to know better what is happening in her body at one time or another, to realize at what stage of formation in this moment is her baby.
  • It is this calendar that helps a woman keep calm when, for example, the baby begins to move and push, it only seems that you immediately understand what is happening, but in fact, first of all, there is a kind of panic - suddenly something is wrong. Tracking pregnancy by week is very exciting.
  • In addition to stating facts and explanations of what exactly happens in a woman's body the pregnancy calendar contains many tips and recommendations regarding nutrition, behavior and other nuances in the life of a pregnant woman.
  • Even those women who think they know absolutely everything about pregnancy can find a lot here. interesting facts and surprises that the baby is preparing while sitting in the tummy.

In this pregnancy calendar, for each week, there is important information O:

  • stages of child development;
  • actions to be taken in certain cases;
  • woman's well-being.

You will also find a lot of entertaining material on how to eat better and what is better to do in different weeks of pregnancy. Here are photos of the ultrasound of the fetus and a video about each week, it will be interesting for future mothers. Another important service is the due date calculator. It accurately calculates the date upcoming birth and gives the pregnant woman more confidence in herself and in the upcoming event.

When a woman is expecting a child, she has a huge responsibility. This responsibility cannot be shifted either to the shoulders of relatives or to the shoulders of a beloved husband, because it is the woman who experiences all the sensations that need to be guided. Therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex are looking for a pregnancy calendar, as a rule, in order to find out what you need to pay attention to and what to follow during this special period.

Dangers during pregnancy

Everyone knows that during pregnancy there are a number of possible risks that you should definitely pay attention to. Some weeks of pregnancy are especially dangerous. For the entire duration of pregnancy, there are two periods that are called critical.

  • Week 13 - at this time, metamorphoses with hormones occur, special exacerbations are observed in women who have to give birth to a son, because testosterone is produced in the developing body. It is recommended to visit a doctor this week and inform him of the slightest changes or pains.
  • Week 27 - this period is dangerous for that category of expectant mothers who have already been disturbed before this week hormonal disorders. In this case, you need to be under the supervision of a doctor for this time.

Named only two of the most dangerous week, in fact, other terms also carry a certain danger, you can read more about this in the pregnancy calendar. We also do not forget about how much danger the first weeks of pregnancy hide in themselves - the first trimester, when the fetus is just being formed.

  • During these periods proper nutrition Not only recommended, it's required! Only fortified food, there should not be any hot spices or an excess of salt in it.
  • Walking on fresh air and more! Of course, if it’s cold outside, you won’t pamper yourself with long adventures through the streets, but if possible, you need to be in the fresh air as often as possible.
  • We exclude all bad habits, in particular we are talking about alcohol and smoking, and this is not only for certain weeks, but for the entire period of pregnancy, and even better - for life.
  • Avoid dyes and chemical substances for obvious reasons.

For each week, our calendar reflects mandatory and detailed analyzes and medical events.

As a rule, a woman needs to have a separate medical card in order to paste all the certificates and test results there.

  • You will also find information in the pregnancy calendar about nutrition during any given period of pregnancy. Each stage has its own recommendations regarding the intake of vitamins, folic acid, calcium and vitamin E.
  • Pregnancy is not a reason to restrict movement. For the normal well-being of a woman and a child, physical exercise- are necessary. But how to play sports, and at the same time not harm the child and not jeopardize the pregnancy? About the basic rules that a pregnant woman must follow during classes sports, as well as preferred and unwanted species sports, you can find out from the pregnancy calendar.
  • Sex- the topic is piquant, especially during pregnancy. You should not deny yourself the pleasure, but still, there are certain restrictions for each trimester of pregnancy. You can learn more about them in the section of the corresponding week.

Pregnancy is beautiful time, with all the surprises and troubles. Give yourself the pleasure of studying this period in detail using the weekly pregnancy calendar.

Expectant mothers and fathers, even when planning a pregnancy, should know the basic information about this milestone life. Pregnancy and childbirth are difficult periods for both spouses. The better prepared you are morally and informationally, the happier the moment of the birth of your child will be. We read online magazines on our portal for free, by various subjects, including a magazine for expectant mothers.

Preparing for pregnancy

To conceive a child should be prepared in advance. Both spouses should healthy lifestyle life, give up alcohol and smoking, go in for sports.

Eggs have been in a woman's body since birth. Therefore, any disease, from childhood, in one way or another, affects the future generation. The spermatozoa of men mature in 72 days, but even during this time they manage to subject them to various negative actions.

If you want to have healthy kids so that your pregnancy and childbirth go smoothly, prepare seriously for conceiving a child:

  • pay attention to the general level of health of both spouses,
  • get tested for infectious diseases.

If you are healthy and there are no infections, then it is almost certain that pregnancy and childbirth will proceed as expected.

All about pregnancy

For a woman, for all nine months, a daily regimen should be observed that will be most comfortable for her.

  • Sleep required- at least nine hours.
  • To make the pregnancy go well, you need to try avoid stressful situations and unrest. Your loved ones should take care of this. Read our section.
  • Mandatory walks- preferably away from polluted streets, in parks, squares, gardens. During this period, the body requires an increased amount of oxygen.

Many pregnant women try to minimize physical exercise. It is not right. They are needed, but dosed, recommended by the doctor in whom the woman is observed. Swimming, special exercises, yoga, Pilates, of course, within the limits for pregnant women. Childbirth will be much better if it is developed.

Especially carefully you need to monitor your condition for women who have not yet gone to and work.

  • Constant, unchanging postures
  • work with heavy lifting, with toxic materials,
  • at high humidity or low and high temperatures- contraindicated for pregnant women.

Indeed, in the future, all these negative factors can affect how the birth will go and, as a result, the condition of the child.

It is possible, and even necessary, to do what you can homework– cooking and cleaning (without tilting and without using chemicals).

And, of course, any magazine for expectant mothers, or a blog, will remind you that during the period of bearing a baby, you should forget about everything. bad habits- alcohol and smoking, not to mention drugs. All this can lead to sad consequences - premature birth baby, placental abruption, etc.

Everything about pregnancy should be told to you by your attending physician.

If you need more information:

  • go to our;
  • open numerous sites dedicated to these issues;
  • read blogs where accomplished moms share their advice.

For many girls, everything related to pregnancy and childbirth causes a panic state. And when the time comes to think about offspring, fear prevents you from focusing on the main thing - the birth of a child, makes you devote all thoughts to possible negative sides both processes. There is another extreme - the belief that nature will do everything itself, so there is nothing to worry about at all. Both points of view are wrong. Pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes. But a woman must prepare for them mentally and physically, have enough knowledge about how this happens, do everything in her power for the safe bearing and birth of a healthy baby.

Read in this article

The need for this is caused not only by the material resources of the family. Here is the most important health both parents, their preparedness for the birth of a child, the creation of favorable conditions for this. The process should be started 2-3 months before the intended fertilization. It includes:

  • Quit smoking and alcohol;
  • Normalization of nutrition with the obligatory use of a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, fiber;
  • healthy physical activity with frequent exposure to fresh air. This part of the preparation is especially useful for a woman, because it is she who will bear the child and give birth, which require endurance and energy expenditure;
  • Avoidance of stress.

Actually, there is nothing complicated in these requirements, it would be good for everyone to lead such a lifestyle all the time.

Which doctors should be visited

Future parents should definitely be examined by doctors. A woman needs to visit doctors of the following specialties:

  • Gynecologist. It is good that this is a specialist who will then observe the entire pregnancy. He should know about past illnesses, childbirth, abortions. The gynecologist will need the results of tests for flora, cytology, viral infections(HIV, hepatitis, syphilis), PCR studies for venereal infections, cytomegalovirus, as well as information on the body's susceptibility to rubella,;
  • Dentist. Before pregnancy, you need to get rid of infections in the oral cavity, caries;
  • Cardiologist;
  • Otorhinolaryngologist;
  • Allergist;
  • Endocrinologist.

In addition to the above analyses, more research needs to be done:

  • ultrasound reproductive organs and mammary glands;
  • Blood and urine tests (general and biochemical);
  • Hormone levels;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

If a woman is not the first attempt to get pregnant, the specialist may consider it necessary to prescribe:

  • Colposcopy of the cervix;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Biopsy of the endometrium.

Reception oral contraceptives, as well as protection using the IUD should be interrupted 2-3 months before conception. If the family has genetic diseases or one of the future parents had radioactive exposure, it is worth visiting the appropriate specialist.

In order for conception to occur exactly when future parents want it, it is necessary to calculate the most favorable days for it. Ovulation occurs at about 11-16, if you count from the first day of menstruation.

The most important thing during pregnancy

There are many nuances in this period that you should know so that everything goes harmoniously and safely for the woman and the unborn baby. Proper Behavior helps to avoid many potential problems.


A woman will be able to understand that she is pregnant, based on her own well-being. But it will be a little later, but until the first signs appear, a pregnancy test will come to the rescue. Whatever it is, its functioning is based on the determination in the urine chorionic gonadotropin a person who appears immediately after the implantation of the embryo inside the uterus, that is, 7-10 days after conception. And if you do a test on the first day of the expected, but not arrived menstruation, it will be informative. These devices are of several types:

  • Test strips. Impregnated with a reagent that, when immersed in morning urine, gives a result with an accuracy of up to 95% in 5-10 seconds. If another control line appears next to the existing control line, the woman is pregnant;
  • Tablet. Able to indicate pregnancy with a delay of less than a week. A drop of morning urine is placed in a designated window. After a while, the result is visible in the adjacent rectangle;
  • Jet. Detect pregnancy with high accuracy at the earliest possible date. The receiving tip of the device is placed under the stream of urine, and the result will be visible in a few minutes in the window intended for this.

It happens that tests give out information that does not correspond to reality. The reason for this is a violation of instructions or taking drugs containing hCG.

How to determine the term

To track pregnancy, it is necessary for both the doctor and the expectant mother to know her term. This is the basis for the appointment of studies, monitoring the development of the fetus, the possibility of detecting pathology. Thanks to the knowledge of the term, it is easy to determine the date of the upcoming birth. There are several counting methods:

  • On the day of ovulation. It happens around the middle of the cycle. If it is 28 days, then conception occurred 14 days after the start date of the last menstruation. It is possible to identify the day of ovulation by regular measurements of basal temperature;
  • With the help of ultrasound. The size is clearly visible on the screen gestational sac, according to which the doctor will calculate the period. This method is most informative up to 24 weeks;
  • Examination of the uterus. The gynecologist will determine the period by its size, starting from the 5th week, when the organ begins to grow;
  • By the first movement of the fetus. As a rule, this happens at 18-20 weeks, sometimes at the 16th. It's a bit late, but some inattentive women find out about pregnancy just like that.

How to live with pregnancy

Lifestyle should be aimed at ensuring the normal development of the unborn child and wellness women. This does not mean that all pleasures become inaccessible, but life is future mother becomes more organized.

  • It is necessary to monitor nutrition so that the fetus receives enough vitamins and minerals. You should forget about coffee, green tea, seafood, legumes for now, less carbohydrates, from which weight grows. But meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, fruits are not forbidden in the diet;
  • Take vitamins as directed by your doctor. Especially important folic acid. But vitamin A needs moderate doses, otherwise the child is threatened with pathology;
  • Rest and comfort are the main components of the daily routine. This also applies to clothes and underwear. Sleep should be at least 8 hours, mental, physical and emotional stress is reduced. Important 1.5-hour walks in the fresh air, exercises to strengthen the spine, abdominal muscles, perineum;
  • The use of transport should be limited due to possible shaking, which creates unwanted vibration;
  • Lifting weights and shock domestic labor, especially with the use of chemicals, are prohibited;
  • Alcohol and smoking are the enemies of pregnancy. Even infrequent use can provoke deformities in a child;
  • Medicinal preparations and plants are taken only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • You should still take care of yourself carefully, but without the use of toxic cosmetics, acrylic and ammonia materials, solarium, and hardware methods. Care and hygiene products are better to choose those that are specially designed for pregnant women;
  • The breast is prepared for future feeding by washing with warm and cool water, air baths 10 minutes 3 times a day;
  • With a normal pregnancy, vaginal sex is not prohibited. With an increase in the term, it is only necessary to protect the growing belly from pressure on it.

Poor health is not uncommon in different periods pregnancy. Typical problems in women:

  • Toxicosis. It manifests itself from the beginning of pregnancy with nausea, vomiting, aversion to food and certain smells. By the 12th week, toxicosis disappears, but even before this time, its symptoms can be alleviated by eating a piece of salty biscuit with sweetened weak tea in the morning, drinking 1.5 liters of fluid per day, reducing portions and increasing the number of meals to 6;
  • in the legs. The enlarged uterus compresses the blood vessels, so the blood supply to the muscles is disrupted. The body may be deficient in calcium and potassium. Products containing these microelements will help, mini-exercises with squeezing and unclenching the toes;
  • Vertigo. They may arise from different reasons: stuffiness, tightness, fatigue. You can deal with a problem by avoiding the conditions that create it;
  • Insomnia. It is caused by anxiety and changes in the body that provoke the need to go to the toilet often, the inability to choose because of the stomach. comfortable posture. Sleeping at the same hours, drinking warm milk shortly before it, daytime rest will help;
  • . You can fix the problem if you drink a glass of water after waking up, and add it to it before eating. lemon juice, walk a lot, introduce prunes, dried apricots into the diet.

Childbirth: readiness #1

In the entire chain of childbearing, this is what women fear the most. Childbirth is a serious test, but the vast majority of mothers have successfully overcome it. In addition, experts are always ready to help.

What to take to the hospital

Necessary things and documents should be prepared in advance. Before giving birth, you need to take with you only those that are needed directly for the woman and the newborn. Everything else is collected and left for later, these things will later be brought by a happy father.

  • Passport;
  • Exchange card;
  • The results of the latest analyzes to date;
  • Medical policy;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Agreement with the clinic (if concluded).

Things for childbirth and stay in the ward:

  • Spacious nightgown;
  • Socks, thin and thicker, but not woolen;
  • Hygiene items (soap, comb, brush and toothpaste, napkins, toilet paper);
  • A pair of small terry towels;
  • Robe;
  • Washable slippers with non-slip soles.

Items that will be needed after childbirth and at discharge:

  • Sanitary pads and disposable underwear for mom;
  • 2 with front closure;
  • Cream for nipple cracks;
  • Laxative candles;
  • Pampers for a newborn 1 set. Another is bought already in accordance with the size of the baby;
  • Baby soap, cream, soft towel;
  • Sterile cotton;
  • Thin and thick vests, bonnets, diapers, mittens;
  • A blanket or "envelope", a hat, overalls, socks for discharge. All things according to the weather;
  • Clothes and cosmetics for mom. The one in which the woman came to the hospital is likely to be great.

How is childbirth

Healthy women produce children natural way i.e. through the birth canal. The process, assisted by a midwife or doctor, is divided into 3 phases:

  • The first is counted from the beginning of regular contractions until the cervix is ​​fully dilated by 4 cm. This is the longest part - 8-10 hours. Sometimes the process is stimulated with medications;
  • The second lasts 3-4 hours. Contractions intensify and become more frequent, open amniotic sac and the waters break. The cervix opens up to 6-8 cm, and the fetus moves to the level of the pelvic floor;
  • The third is characterized by the opening of the uterine os by 10-12 cm and lasts from 20 minutes to 2 hours. It passes into the main part of childbirth, although it feels like the activity of the process is weakening. But this is not so, it is after the full opening of the cervix that the fetal head passes through the pelvic ring, and after 8-10 attempts by the mother, the baby comes out. Sometimes, to facilitate this part of the path, the woman's perineum is dissected.

During the first two phases, the woman is allowed to sit, walk, to stimulate tribal activity. In some clinics, the process takes place with anesthesia. The condition of the woman in labor is monitored by measuring pressure, temperature, and doing vaginal examinations.

After the birth of the child and the cessation of pulsation in the umbilical cord, it is cut. The afterbirth comes out of the uterus after 2-3 contractions, the woman is given drugs to prevent bleeding.


It should be prescribed according to indications, but sometimes it is done at the request of a woman. Planned operation is done like this:

  • On the operating table, a woman is given an epidural or general anesthesia. They put a dropper and an apparatus for measuring pressure, as well as a catheter for diverting urine;
  • The woman's stomach is wiped with an antiseptic, the doctor dissects the abdominal wall and the anterior uterus, removes the child, and cuts the umbilical cord. It takes 10-15 minutes;
  • The surgeon separates the placenta, examines the uterine cavity, sews up the organ. Then the seams are applied to the abdominal wall, bandage and ice on top;
  • The woman is placed in intensive care for a day, where saline and antibiotics are administered.

After transfer to the ward, the stitches are processed every day, the painkiller is stopped after 3-4 days.

  • The woman's body recovers faster;
  • No need to waste time looking for the right one baby food, money to buy it, fiddling with the preparation and sterilization of bottles.
  • Usually the baby is applied to the breast on the third day after birth, and before that the woman has to express herself. It hurts, but it is necessary that then you can feed for at least 6 months, and preferably up to a year. In this regard, new mothers are concerned about two problems:

    • lack of milk;
    • Cracked nipples.

    The first is being decided frequent application the child to the breast, taking lactation-stimulating drugs: infusion of anise seeds, grated carrots with sour cream. A woman will have to drink plenty of fluids and eat right to prevent gas formation in the baby.

    Cracked nipples need to be treated special creams and air baths. It is also necessary to learn how to properly breastfeed the baby so that he captures the nipple along with the areola.

    body after childbirth

    In this part, the stomach delivers the most suffering to women. He is no longer as flat as before, during pregnancy, the muscles stretched and sagged slightly. But you don't have to put up with it. Some steps can be taken:

    • Change nutrition. If you include oatmeal, rice, vegetables, fruits in your diet, drink plenty of water, it will spur metabolic processes. Fat from the abdomen will slowly but steadily begin to go away. Don't forget that a large number of fiber is harmful to the baby if he is breastfed. And starvation is unacceptable, because the milk will disappear. Therefore, in your zeal for harmony, you need to know the measure;
    • Restore muscle tone. Gentle exercises for the abdomen will help: abdominal breathing, its tension on a walk, doing household chores. You need to increase the load gradually, you can intensively engage in six months after childbirth, if they passed without complications.

    postpartum discharge

    The uterus after childbirth is not restored in a day. This process is stretched for a certain period, during which the woman has lochia. At first they contain a lot of blood, then they gradually brighten and by the end of the 6-8th week after birth they become transparent or white.

    Menstruation can come in 1.5-2 months if the woman is not breastfeeding. Lactation lengthens the period without menstruation to six months. But on average and with breastfeeding, they begin on the 4th month after childbirth, because by this time the child is already being introduced to complementary foods and less is being applied to the breast.

    Sex after childbirth

    You will have to refrain from it for another 4-6 weeks if the birth was normal. The sexual sphere of a woman should be fully restored, then sex will be a joy, and will not cause pain and infection.
    After caesarean section or perineal ruptures, recovery will take 2 months.

    At the first sexual intercourse, a woman may feel pain and discomfort. This is due to the dryness of the vagina, which can be corrected with a lubricant, but rather a long prelude to the act. Wall tone is almost always reduced. But this problem is also solvable by training the vagina with Kegel exercises.

    Pregnancy is a physiological process during which a new human body resulting from fertilization.

    Pregnancy in women lasts on average 280 days(40 weeks, which corresponds to 9 calendar months or 10 lunar months). Pregnancy is also usually divided into 3 trimesters of 3 calendar months each.

    Signs of early pregnancy

    IN early dates the diagnosis of pregnancy is established on the basis of doubtful and probable signs.

    Doubtful signs of pregnancy- various kinds subjective feelings, as well as objectively determined changes in the body, outside the internal genital organs: taste whims, changes in olfactory sensations, easy fatigue, drowsiness, pigmentation of the skin on the face, along the white line of the abdomen, nipples and areola.

    Possible signs of pregnancyobjective signs from the genital organs, mammary glands and in the setting of biological reactions to pregnancy. These include: the cessation of menstruation in women of childbearing age, an increase in the mammary glands and the appearance of colostrum when squeezed out of the nipples, cyanosis of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, a change in the shape and consistency of the uterus, an increase in its size.

    You can first verify the presence of pregnancy at home using a rapid test for the content of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of a woman (the test is carried out from the first day of delaying the next menstruation).

    Confirm the fact of pregnancy allows.

    Changes in the body of a pregnant woman

    Numerous and complex changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. These physiological changes create conditions for prenatal development fetus, prepare the woman's body for childbirth and breastfeeding newborn. Menstruation stops, mammary glands increase in volume, nipples darken.

    Many pregnant women in the first trimester experience nausea, sometimes vomiting - these symptoms are commonly called. Often there is weakness, drowsiness, heartburn, salivation, taste changes, frequent urination. These disturbances of well-being are characteristic of a healthy and normal pregnancy.

    Particularly large changes occur in the female genital organs. The uterus increases with each, the blood supply to the internal and external genital organs increases. The tissues swell, acquire elasticity, which contributes to their better stretching during childbirth. In the mammary glands, the number and volume of glandular lobules increase, their blood supply increases, they become tense, from the nipples. There is a sharp increase in the amount of gonadotropic hormones, as well as estrogens and progesterone, produced first by the corpus luteum (a temporary gland formed at the site of the follicle from which the mature egg came out) and then. Hormones secreted by the corpus luteum (progesterone and, to a lesser extent, estrogens) contribute to the creation of conditions for proper development pregnancy. corpus luteum reversed after fourth month in connection with the formation of the hormonal function of the placenta.

    For the management of pregnancy, it is necessary (3-4 weeks after the delay of menstruation), where the doctor conducts an examination and examination of the external and internal genital organs, and, if necessary, additional examinations are prescribed.

    Sex organs during pregnancy

    Uterus. During pregnancy, the size, shape, position, consistency and reactivity (excitability) of the uterus changes. The uterus gradually enlarges throughout pregnancy. The increase in the uterus occurs mainly due to hypertrophy of the muscle fibers of the uterus; at the same time, there is a reproduction of muscle fibers, the growth of newly formed muscle elements of the mesh-fibrous and argyrophilic "frame" of the uterus.

    The uterus is not only a fetal place that protects the fetus from adverse external influences, but also a metabolic organ that provides the fetus with enzymes, complex compounds necessary for the plastic processes of a rapidly developing fetus.

    Vagina during pregnancy, it lengthens, expands, the folds of the mucous membrane protrude sharper. The external genitalia loosen during pregnancy.

    Lifestyle of a pregnant woman, regimen, nutrition and hygiene

    The developing fetus receives from the mother all the necessary nutrients. The well-being of the fetus depends entirely on the health of the mother, the conditions of her work, rest, the state of the nervous and endocrine systems.

    Pregnant women are exempt from night duty, heavy physical work, work associated with body vibration or adverse effects on the body of chemical agents. substances. During pregnancy, sudden movements, heavy lifting and significant fatigue should be avoided. A pregnant woman needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Walking before bed is recommended.

    A pregnant woman must be carefully protected from infectious diseases that pose a particular danger to the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

    During pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin. Cleanliness of the skin contributes to the removal of metabolic products harmful to the body with sweat.

    A pregnant woman should wash the external genitalia twice a day warm water with soap. Douching during pregnancy should be administered with great caution.

    During pregnancy, you should carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity and make the necessary.

    The mammary glands should be washed daily with warm water and soap and wiped with a towel. These methods prevent cracked nipples and mastitis. If, then they should be massaged.

    maternity clothes should be comfortable and free: you should not wear tightening belts, tight bras, etc. In the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a bandage that should support the stomach, but not squeeze it.

    A pregnant woman should wear shoes with low heels.