How long does it take to do enzyme peeling? The effect of enzyme peeling. Contraindications for enzyme peeling

In general, with acid peels Things didn’t work out for me - but, in principle, I didn’t try anything significant. I have a slightly angry review about peeling from OrganicShop in my drafts.

What is the difference acid peeling from enzyme? Well, from the names themselves it is clear - acidic acts with the help of acids, and enzymatic - with enzymes (protein enzymes). Enzyme is considered softer than acidic, which is what won me over. In addition, for rosacea it is indicated enzyme peeling, not acidic.

Smells peeling with clay is good - I was afraid that it would smell like papain, because the peeling does not contain fragrances. And papain itself (I have it in pure form) smells quite unpleasant.

How to use:

First, you can make a course of 7-14 masks. In the future, apply 1-2 times every 7-10 days.


linden hydrolate, kaolin, papain, bromelain, organic preservative

Papain and bromelain are the same enzymes that cause peeling. It would, however, be nice if the manufacturer also wrote the exact name of the preservative.

Application and effect.

The peeling uses kaolin as a base - purified White clay. Again, high-quality kaolin differs in application from ordinary clay, which is sold in sachets at the pharmacy * yes, I also have pure kaolin *. What is used here is that it is kaolin, and not clay, this is clearly felt from the ideal consistency product – smooth, sour cream. Although the water part still separates a little - it is literally a few milliliters that are on the surface of the clay.

Peeling applied just perfect: there are no lumps in it and it is used extremely sparingly * it will definitely last me three months *.

Apply to *preferably steamed* skin for 15-20 minutes. There is no tingling during the process and no redness after.

After rinsing and drying, the skin is significantly softer and smoother. This is very surprising - such a mild product gives such an ideal effect. The course of enzyme peeling significantly helped me reduce inflammation - the rate of skin renewal increases. My complexion has also improved.

Basically, everything that I expected from an enzyme peeling - (and everything that the manufacturer claimed) the peeling does. As for blackheads, I use another wonderful remedy for them, which I’ll write about someday, so I don’t face such a problem.

Overall, this is an excellent two-in-one product: both peeling and clay mask.)


❤ composition

❤ makes skin soft and smooth

❤ improves complexion

❤ accelerates regeneration

Cons not detected

While most cosmetic procedures can be classified as aggressive methods of influencing the skin, enzyme peeling does not harm the skin. Enzymes are enzymes that cleanse it of toxins. More precisely, these are vitamins that break down harmful substances directly on the surface of the skin.

The keratinized particles dissolve without exposure to acids and other irritants. Enzyme peeling has a rejuvenating effect; it eliminates many problems that are often associated with improper care. The surface layer is smoothed, its tone increases.

Enzyme skin peeling is a superficial cleansing of the skin using natural enzymes. The catalysts in this case are natural ingredients, which are similar in composition to epidermal cells. In a beauty salon, this procedure costs from 300 to 5 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can do such peeling at home, on your own, and we will also talk about this in this article.

Enzyme peeling: what is it?

This procedure is aimed at cleansing and removing dead skin particles from the upper layer of skin. This allows living cells to function better. During peeling, pores are cleared of dirt, blackheads disappear, and skin texture is evened out. Unlike other types of peeling, enzyme peeling is the safest, but at the same time not inferior to other procedures in effectiveness. Skin cell renewal is underway naturally, which is facilitated by enzymes.


Enzyme peeling can be of two types - salon and home. For the latter type, special preparations are produced, which today can be purchased in cosmetic stores and salons.

Enzyme facial peeling performed in a salon is often much more effective than home peeling, since in this case stronger and more active drugs are used that can only be used by a specialist. Deep enzyme peeling, according to the reviews of beautiful ladies, eliminates dead skin cells, relieves age spots, various neoplasms on the surface of the skin, dissolves exfoliated scales, thereby preventing re-clogging of pores.

Effect on skin

Natural protein catalysts can be divided into several categories. Their action is primarily aimed at accelerating metabolic processes. Enzyme peeling mask contains catalysts that affect the rate of breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Human skin has its own enzymes that are actively involved in the formation of cells and the separation of dead skin cells. Living cells stop holding them and the scales easily peel off. In youth, these processes in the body occur unnoticed by a person and quite quickly. But over time, the activity of these enzymes decreases. The skin, or rather its top layer, becomes rougher, and dirt accumulates in the pores. Cells stop receiving good nutrition, the skin fades, wrinkles, enlarged pores and other defects form on it.

Enzyme peeling accelerates the breakdown of protein - keratin. Living cells are saturated with oxygen, metabolism returns to normal. Upon completion of the procedure, the skin acquires an even texture, healthy color face, fine wrinkles disappear.


The composition of cosmetics used in enzyme peeling includes one or more catalysts. Read about the most important of them below.


It is produced from papaya. This is an enzyme that softens the upper layer of the epidermis and promotes its separation. The substance has a powerful antibacterial effect, and therefore reliably protects open pores from infection.


Component obtained from pineapple. It is able to destroy protein peptide bonds and quickly separates the stratum corneum of the skin. Has a restorative and anti-inflammatory effect.


This enzyme is of animal origin. It is extracted from the stomach tissue of a young calf. The substance easily breaks down proteins dead cells to the level of peptide particles. Then they peel off and are removed from the surface of the skin.


Another enzyme with a similar effect. It is extracted from cow tissue. It easily removes peptides and breaks down proteins.


This component is made from chicken egg white extract. This component affects immune system, has antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects.


This enzyme, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes mild fermentation, stimulating the proliferation of certain bacteria. These microorganisms disrupt the bonds between proteins. It acts very actively, removing the top layer of dead skin.


Enzyme obtained from cow's milk. Helps nourish cells, moisturize the skin and soften its top layer.


A special enzyme of bacterial nature. Bacteria actively loosen the surface layers of the skin, causing slight peeling. With its help, the skin whitens.


Obtained from lemon and papaya fruits. Promotes softening of the skin and more active metabolism in cells.


An effective enzyme obtained from figs. Promotes more active collagen production and removal of dead cells.

Like the vast majority of cosmetic procedures, enzyme peeling also has its indications. You already know what it is, now let’s figure out when such skin cleansing is indicated. It will help solve the following skin problems:

  • remove comedones, age spots, freckles;
  • get rid of enlarged pores;
  • restore elasticity;
  • remove fine wrinkles, acne and its consequences;
  • improve the terrain;
  • stop aging.


Despite the fact that this is one of the most gentle cosmetic procedures, it has contraindications. Among them:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, abrasions, bruises, cuts);
  • warts;
  • herpes;
  • skin fungus;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inflamed acne;
  • acne during exacerbation;
  • diabetes.

Before the procedure, an allergic reaction test must be performed to identify sensitivity to one or more peeling components.

Frequency of procedures

How often can enzyme peeling be performed? Many visitors to beauty salons know that this is a procedure that helps to heal and rejuvenate the skin. The frequency of this depends on the condition of your skin. Up to thirty years of age, it is recommended according to the indications of a cosmetologist, for excess oily skin. After thirty years, enzyme peeling is recommended once every two weeks. After forty years, the procedure is carried out once a week.

In addition, the condition of the skin should be taken into account. For those with sensitive and extremely dry skin, this procedure is recommended no more than once every two weeks. Normal, combination skin requires the same schedule. But when oily skin Peeling is necessary every seven to ten days.

You should not get too carried away with this procedure: the surface layer of the skin may be dehydrated and natural enzymes will not be able to fully perform their functions.

Peeling at home

Products for performing enzyme peeling at home are safer; they do not require strict supervision by a cosmetologist, but at the same time they act more gently. To carry out the procedure at home you need:

  • cleanse facial skin of cosmetics and impurities;
  • make a steam bath;
  • Apply pre-peel solution and then cosmetic product for peeling;
  • leave the composition on the skin for twenty minutes;
  • in the absence of burning or other discomfort it can be left on the skin for half an hour;
  • wash off the product warm water.

At the end of the procedure, the skin should be soothed with a moisturizing nourishing cream. For some time after you wash off the enzyme peeling mask, you will experience slight tingling and burning. The skin will turn a little pink.

Where to buy peeling products?

Such products for self-use can be purchased at the pharmacy. They all differ in price, effectiveness, and composition. Such funds can cost from 180 to 5 thousand rubles. Today in salons you can buy and professional peeling, but in this case a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary. Let's look at some popular drugs

Salicylic peeling

In this composition active ingredients are enzyme enzymes, supplemented with salicylic acid. Its main purpose is to normalize the functioning sebaceous glands, narrowing of pores, activation of cell function.

Salicylic acid has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. It quite quickly softens the upper layer of the epidermis and removes dead cells. These drugs are contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • after solarium;
  • for dermatological diseases;
  • with sunburn.


Enzyme peeling "Stopproblem" is a cosmetic product containing, in addition to catalysts, salicylic acid. It can be used at any age. Enzyme is especially effective peeling Stopproblem in the treatment of acne and its consequences.

Can be used to reduce or completely eliminate signs of rosacea. Peeling with this product can be done in two ways:

Traditionally - thin layer Apply to cleansed skin for fifteen minutes. If your skin is too sensitive, seven minutes will be enough. After the allotted time has passed, wash off with warm water and apply nutritious cream.

For deeper cleansing, apply and distribute the composition evenly onto the skin. The face is covered with cling film, in which cutouts are previously made for the eyes, mouth and nose. Leave for twenty minutes. The cost of this product is 200 rubles.

Peeling masks

Today women prefer to use these products at home. Which of them are the most popular, we will consider below.


A German drug that contains active enzymes papain, kaolin, bromelain. This product improves blood microcirculation, corrects minor defects, evens out skin texture, smoothes out fine wrinkles.

The powder in the package is mixed with an activator containing sea ​​salt. Apply to the skin and leave for twenty minutes. Wash off with water (warm) large quantities. The drug costs about two thousand rubles.


The company produces three types of peeling masks, each of which has some features. One of them is designed for a light effect - it eliminates age spots, fine wrinkles, and not too severe acne.

The second mask - for deeper cleansing - is able to fight deep wrinkles, sagging skin, and decreased tone.

The third mask is intended for the treatment of obvious disorders of blood microcirculation and is recommended for rosacea, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and post-acne.

The cost of such a drug is from two thousand rubles. For comparison, in a salon peeling using products from this company costs an average of seven thousand rubles.


The active substance is the enzyme papain. There are no toxic substances or preservatives in the composition. It acts quite gently, although during the procedure you may feel a slight burning sensation and redness.

Cost from 350 rubles.

Enzyme peeling gel

These products are suitable for any skin type. They are designed to gently and easily cleanse the skin. Does not affect deep layers of skin. After applying the composition to the cleaned skin with lungs massage it with movements and wash it off with water after twenty minutes.

The gel contains abrasive particles that accelerate the process of exfoliation of dead cells. They remove dirt and oil from enlarged pores. Among this category of drugs, the following are popular:

  • “Planet Organic” (based on papaya, AHA acids).
  • Avon with salicylic acid.
  • "Belita".
  • Premium Professional Tropic.

How nice it is to look at yourself in the mirror and see yourself fresh, young and beautiful skin. But this doesn't always happen. Sometimes a woman looks at her shortcomings with a sigh. She doesn’t know what else to do to make the reflection in the mirror finally please her. And there is one wonderful product that can restore youth and purity to the skin - this is an enzyme peeling. What it is? How to rejuvenate your skin? This will be discussed in our article.

What are enzymes

Enzymes are organic substances that support life, special proteins that act as catalysts or accelerators of chemical reactions. These enzymes are human body come from outside. They come with plant foods, fruits and vegetables. Some reactions in the body must occur quickly, and therefore substances such as enzymes are needed that are involved in breaking down large protein molecules or fat into smaller ones during the digestion process. On the skin, enzymes do not work as quickly as in digestion. But they show impressive results - they revitalize, restore youth and radiance, improve texture and appearance skin.

Facial skin is a woman’s calling card

Human skin consists of two layers. Its outer part is called the epidermis. And the bottom, deep layer is the dermis. But that is not all. Each one has many layers within them.

The epidermis is daily exposed to the negative effects of many factors: sun, pollution environment, flaw fresh air, sweating, dryness and makeup. Luckily, both layers are constantly working to create new layers of skin cells that continually rise to the surface. They replace old, already dead particles. And they remain on the surface of the skin, spoiling its appearance. Many experts believe that heredity in the matter of the condition of the integument is a myth. Cosmetologists give different information. Heredity accounts for only 20 percent of natural aging, and 80 percent is negative impact sun rays. It is due to contact with ultraviolet radiation that wrinkles, pigmentation, spots, roughness and freckles appear.

As we age, the skin also loses collagen. This substance consists of protein fibers and gives it firmness and elasticity. Losing collagen, the skin becomes weak and thin. Enzyme peeling helps eliminate all these age-related changes and negative impacts.

Enzyme peeling: what is it?

Considered cosmetic product makes the process of replacing skin cells much faster. He speeds up chemical reactions, necessary to create new, young, healthy cells and rid the skin of old and dead particles. Sometimes the term peeling is confused with scrub. This product also helps clear dead skin cells. Enzyme peeling exfoliates much faster than a scrub. It deletes old and dead cells, promotes skin regeneration, reduces stretch marks, marks left from pimples, wrinkles, without damaging the skin. Enzymes penetrate the skin and help clean pores, improve its tone and texture.

Another advantage of natural enzyme peels is that they are safe for all skin types. They do not cause injury as much as harsh chemical products. Plus they are inexpensive. Also, the product does not cause deep redness, as a result of which you have to hide from everyone at home for several days.

The most popular ingredients for enzyme peels are papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, pumpkin and blueberry. And to get a nice bonus to this procedure, while waiting for the enzymes to act, you can enjoy these antioxidant fruits and nourish yourself from the inside.


One of the most gentle and gentle products for cosmetic procedures is enzyme peeling. What it is was appreciated by people even with very sensitive skin or acne. This method of exfoliation has virtually no contraindications and unwanted effects such as dryness or allergic reaction. It is safe for all types and has many benefits.

1. Exfoliates dead cells.

2. Stimulates the growth of new particles.

3. Improves skin tone as well as its texture.

4. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

5. Removes facial wrinkles.

6. Smoothes out age wrinkles.

7. Softens dry skin.

8. Reduces redness.

9. Removes toxins from the surface of the skin.

10. Cleanses pores, tightens them and prevents acne.

11. Removes age spots.

12. Does not injure the skin.

The product in question can be used by people with dark skin(other types of peeling with dark skin not recommended).

Contraindications for peeling with enzymes

Enzyme peeling also has some contraindications. It cannot be used in the following cases.

1. People with diabetes.

2. For diseases of the cardiovascular system.

3. For herpes in the acute stage.

4. For acne with inflamed pustules.

5. For wounds and scratches.

6. If he eats burns.

7. After sunbathing.

8. If you are allergic to any ingredient.

Peeling based on salicylic acid

Let's consider one of the types of products in this group - salicylic enzyme peeling. The name already tells us a lot. It is made from the contents of certain flowers and plants. This component has a regenerating and restorative effect on the skin, helps in the fight against inflammation and acne. Salicylic peeling is inexpensive and easy method to improve skin. Penetrating deeply, he softens it. In addition, the dissolved dead layer of skin is easily removed. Thanks to this procedure, new cells are formed. The structure of the skin is transformed. Salicylic acid has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, peeling based on it will get rid of blackheads, give the skin smoothness and even color.

Salicylic enzyme peeling cannot be used in the following cases.

1. During pregnancy.

2. During breastfeeding.

3. In case of exacerbation of herpes.

4. For wounds and scratches on the skin.

5. If you have recently received a tan.

6. Those people who often visit the solarium.

Salicylic peeling at home

In its pure form, the peeling procedure with salicylic acid is not very pleasant. But, fortunately, the cosmetic market offers enough products based on this substance.

One of these products that has proven itself to be excellent is Stopproblem enzyme peeling. Effective and high-quality products are based on salicylic acid. It is worth noting that it does not contain Stopproblem enzyme peeling and is easy to use at home. Just fifteen minutes and your skin will glow with purity and health. It does not contain solid particles. Apply it like regular mask. If this peeling is used regularly, the production sebum normalizes.

1. Treat acne even medium degree difficulties.

2. Elimination of scars and red spots left after acne.

3. Lightening of pigment defects.

4. Alignment of facial expressions and age wrinkles.

5. Drying and narrowing pores.

6. Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.

7. Rejuvenation of even very thick skin that is not susceptible to other acids.

It is also worth noting some features of salicylic peeling

1. At the beginning of the procedure, the product may cause a burning sensation.

2. Cosmetic preparations Stopproblem series are suitable for around the eyes.

3. Can be used regardless of age. It is suitable for both young and mature skin.

5. Suitable for whole body rejuvenation.

6. With this peeling you can remove rough skin on the knees, elbows and feet.

Sometimes when using the product, unpleasant reactions may appear, such as itching, swelling, peeling, redness, and tightness of the skin.

Enzyme peeling: reviews

At the beginning of the procedure, there may be a burning, tingling or tingling sensation. But don’t be afraid of this - everything will pass in a few minutes. But the product will easily soften and remove all sebaceous plugs in the pores. It is recommended to remove this peeling with a damp cellulose sponge. Be sure to then apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

For many women, the StopProblem enzyme peeling has become an indispensable product. It also has very numerous reviews and mostly positive. Especially among those with fatty and problem skin with enlarged pores, you can find laudatory odes to the product in question. Photos taken before applying the peeling and after just a week of use confirm all of its positive properties specified by the manufacturer.

Enzyme peeling has some negative reviews. But there are very few of them. They are written mainly by women with very dry, sensitive or allergy-prone skin. From this we can conclude that girls who consider themselves to be in this group should use salicylic peeling very carefully.

Line "Stopproblem"

Peeling of the brand in question is one of the best means For home use. The StopProblem series also offers additional facial skin care products that also contain salicylic acid.

In a beauty salon, a cleaning session lasts about 45 minutes. It consists of three stages. First with special means cleanse the skin. The second stage is the application of the composition itself. Finally, the acid is neutralized with a special substance and the skin is treated with a rich cream.

For those with dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin suitable for skin enzyme peeling gel. These products are also large assortment presented on the cosmetics market.

How to look younger in 10 minutes without leaving home?

It turns out that you can do enzyme peeling at home. Products containing enzymes will help with this - papaya, pineapple, pumpkin and honey.

Honey in enzyme masks protects the skin, restores moisture, and has antibacterial properties. It also increases cell production and causes rapid tissue repair. Enzyme masks do not contain chemical substances. They are completely natural and their regular use will help your skin stay young, clean and healthy.

Smart fruit enzymes not only remove dead and old skin cells, they are also an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which are powerful antioxidants, and the trace element zinc (reduces redness and calms inflammation).

After the mask, the skin is very sensitive to sun rays. Therefore, you must use sunscreen for protection.

Enzyme honey mask recipe

It’s not difficult to prepare it yourself. This enzyme peeling mask will deeply cleanse the skin and restore its youth and radiance. It can be used even with weak capillaries. Enzyme mask It is recommended to do it once a week.

We will need the following ingredients.

1. Three tablespoons of papaya puree.

2. Three tablespoons of pineapple pulp.

3. One teaspoon of honey.

Papaya and pineapple will provide cleansing and exfoliation. Honey will prevent skin irritation.

Making a mask is very simple. You can mix all the ingredients in a blender. But in order to save food, it is better to just mash them well with a fork. Ready mask should be applied to clean and dry skin of the face and neck for ten minutes. Afterwards you need to wash it off. Next, dry the skin and apply a rich nourishing cream to it.

You also need to know that unlike other masks, enzyme peeling works best in a moist environment. This prevents it from drying out on your face. Therefore, you can sprinkle your skin with a little water while using the mask.

Pumpkin enzyme mask

Using this mask, your face will receive a complete reboot with the help of natural and healthy fruit enzymes. Its use will relieve facial and shallow age wrinkles, acne and age spots. For the mask you will need the following components.

1. 300 grams of raw pumpkin puree.

2. One papaya, seeded.

3. Egg (for binding components).

Mix all ingredients until smooth. The mask is obtained in sufficient quantity, but it must be used immediately. Therefore, you can invite your friends and have a beauty session together.

The mask is applied to the skin of the face and neck with your fingers or a special brush, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips. After ten minutes, it should be wiped with a sponge soaked in cold water. Try to avoid contact with eyes. It is not recommended to use the mask more than once a month.

There may be a tingling or tingling sensation during use - this is normal. People with very sensitive skin may experience some redness on their face after using the mask. This shouldn't be scary either. IN in this case the redness is due to increased blood circulation and should not last more than twenty minutes.

Honey mask

After applying the mask with pumpkin and papaya, it is good to make a honey mask. The component must be natural. It is simply applied to the skin, left for 10-20 minutes and washed off with a damp sponge or water. Honey mask you can do it as often as you want.

It is almost impossible for your skin to remain young and beautiful without good care. An undeniable helper in this. What is it? We hope that the article helped you answer this question. This is a miraculous and easily accessible remedy that many women have already learned about. Enzymes can now be safely called fighters for beauty.

Enzyme peeling ( enzymatic peeling) - This superficial peeling, carried out using enzymes, which is suitable for all skin types, including especially sensitive skin with rosacea.

The essence of peeling is gentle cleansing facial skin from protein contaminants, secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands, removal of dead cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

After the enzyme peeling procedure, the skin is smoothed, evened out, and the face acquires an even, healthy color.

Indications and contraindications

Enzyme peeling is suitable for solving the following skin problems:

  • Enlarged pores, blackheads.
  • Superficial small ones.
  • Signs of photoaging.
  • Oily or combined type, prone to acne and post-acne formation.
  • Loose, porous skin.
  • Sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation.
  • Freckles and...

Contraindications to enzyme peeling are:

  • Exacerbation of acne, purulent acne on the skin.
  • Warts, molluscum contagiosum, exacerbation of herpes.
  • Wounds, abrasions, scratches, ulcers and other violations of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​peeling.
  • Fungal and bacterial diseases skin.
  • Allergy to the components of the enzyme peeling drug.
  • Diabetes mellitus and other diseases that lead to a decrease in the body's immunity.

Enzymes for enzyme peeling

For peeling, enzymes of plant, animal or bacterial origin are used. The most popular enzymes are:

  • Papain: an enzyme isolated from the peel, fruit and leaves of papaya. Papain has an antimicrobial effect, removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, relieves inflammation, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, and prevents the appearance of acne and comedones.
  • Trypsin: enzyme from the pancreas of cattle. The safest of all types of enzymes, which reduces and relieves inflammation.
  • Bromelain: found in the fruits of pineapple, wild lemon, papaya. The enzyme relieves inflammation on the skin and is used to treat acne and pimples.
  • Sorbaine: found in lemon and papaya fruits, removes dead skin cells, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin.
  • Lysozyme: an enzyme made from protein chicken eggs. Lysozyme has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, and stimulates the immune system.
  • Subtilisin: the enzyme, which is produced by the bacteria Bacillus subtilis and related bacteria during the fermentation process, has a more pronounced effect than papain, as it destroys more protein bonds.
  • Grass: Produced by the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, it has a pronounced loosening and exfoliating effect, as well as a whitening effect.
  • Pepsin: An enzyme obtained from the stomach lining of pigs, calves and sheep breaks down proteins into peptides.

Preparations for enzyme peeling at home

For home use The following drugs are suitable:

  • Enzymatic salicylic peeling Stopproblem.
  • Enzyme peeling Mirra.
  • Enzyme peeling Express Purifying Foaming Peeling.

Enzyme salicylic peeling Stopproblem

The composition of the drug includes enzymes and salicylic acid, which narrows enlarged pores and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. The drug can be used at any age for the treatment of acne, skin renewal, elimination hypersensitivity and skin dehydration.

Enzyme salicylic peeling Stopproblem is suitable for the treatment of rosacea: by reducing skin sensitivity to external factors, increasing the level of hydration of the skin, the intensity of redness and the severity of the vascular network decreases.

Enzyme salicylic peeling Stopproblem can be used in 2 ways:

  • According to the instructions: The drug is applied thinly to cleansed skin. even layer for 7-15 minutes and then washed off with water. During the peeling procedure, the skin may experience intense burning and itching, which is normal reaction skin. After the procedure, you need to apply a caring cream to your facial skin.
  • Deep Impact: Before carrying out such peeling, it is necessary to carry out peeling 2-3 times according to the instructions to check the skin reaction. To carry out the procedure you will need cling film with holes for nose, mouth and eyes. The drug is applied in a thin layer and covered with a film for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water and a moisturizer is applied.

Cost of the drug: from 200 rubles.

Enzyme peeling Mirra

The drug contains only enzymes (papain), no toxic preservatives or parabens.

The drug is applied for 15-20 minutes to cleansed skin, and then washed off with water and a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied. Burning or itching of the skin during peeling is a normal reaction and does not require emergency rinsing.

Enzyme peeling cost: from 350 rubles.

EnzymaticpeelingExpress Purifying Foaming Peeling

The drug is suitable for oily or combination skin. The product contains: papain, jojoba oil, kaolin, zinc oxide, green tea distillate.

The drug must be applied to the face and neck area, avoiding the area around the eyes. To improve complexion, enzyme peeling must be left on the skin for 3 minutes, and for deeper cleansing of the skin - 10 minutes. Then you need to massage your face with circulating movements from the center to the periphery and rinse off the preparation with water.

Cost of Enzyme Peeling Express Purifying Foaming Peeling: from 7520 rubles.

Professional means for the procedure

Professional preparations are used for peeling in salons or, with special training, at home. The following drugs are popular:

  • Enzyme peeling Janssen.
  • Enzyme peeling Prozyme from Danne.
  • Enzyme peeling exfoliator Renew Enzyme Exfoliator.

The gel contains papain, lipase, amylase, protease, vitamin C, urea and lemon acid, which provide mitigation, deep cleansing and skin exfoliation.

The drug is suitable not only for the face, but also for the décolleté, neck, and hands.

There are 3 main ways to use the drug:

  • Enzymatic peeling: The drug is applied to cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off with water and a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the face.
  • Enzymatic peeling with vaporization: The gel is applied to previously cleansed and steamed skin for 10 minutes, which enhances the exfoliating, whitening and softening effect of the product. This method is also suitable for preparing facial skin for other cosmetic procedures.
  • Enzyme peeling with massage: The gel-like structure of the drug helps to carry out peeling and massage at the same time, which allows you to prepare the skin for subsequent cosmetic procedures. The duration is combined procedure– up to 40 minutes.

The cost of GiGi Enzyme Peeling starts from 2800 rubles.

Enzyme peeling Janssen

The drug has a gel-like consistency and contains a unique enzyme of bacterial origin - subtilisin. Enzyme peeling with Janssen is suitable for sensitive skin.

The gel is used in a special way: applied to the skin of the face and not washed off with water, but washed with hands or a napkin until a slight shine appears on the skin.

IN beauty salons Janssen enzyme peeling is used for pre-treatment procedures before or other peels of a deeper effect. At home, the drug is recommended to be used in courses of 14 days for lifting and maximum skin renewal, improvement and evenness of its color.

Gel cost: from 3500 rubles.

Enzyme peeling Prozyme from Danne

The drug is a powder mixture, suitable for sensitive skin. The composition includes kaolin, papain, bromelain, amylase, lipase, oat and soy flour, dextrin, corn starch.

Method of peeling application: 5 milligrams of the drug must be mixed with 5 milliliters of the Aqua D?Herb activator until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, and then applied with a brush to the skin of the face, avoiding the eye area and mucous membranes (nostrils). After 5-15 minutes, the enzyme peeling must be washed off with water.

Cost of the drug: from 3800 rubles.

Enzyme peeling exfoliator Renew Enzyme Exfoliator

Peeling is used to eliminate various skin defects: rashes, fine wrinkles, pigmentation; the drug is used to renew the skin and cleanse pores.

The procedure can be carried out 1-2 times a week, for which it is necessary to apply the drug to clean skin face and massage for 3-5 minutes and then rinse.

Cost of the drug: from 2700 rubles.

Learn more about the enzyme peeling procedure in the video

Salons can use preparations that, in addition to enzymes, also contain acids, which ensures deeper penetration of substances under the skin and requires the use of a neutralizer.

Enzyme facial peeling in the salon takes place in several stages:

  • Preparatory: The face is cleaned of makeup and impurities, degreased using special lotions or gels. Then an adaptogen solution is applied to the skin, which prepares the skin for peeling, prevents irritation and redness, and accelerates the process of tissue and cell restoration.
  • Main stage: Applying a preparation with enzymes (enzyme gel or cream) to the skin of the face for 10-30 minutes. During the procedure, the patient may feel burning, itching, tingling, which is a normal, standard skin reaction.
  • Removing the enzyme peel: carried out using water (when the drug contains only enzymes), a neutralizer (when it also contains acids), enzyme gel or the cream can also be rolled off the face with your hands, which will help effectively remove the remaining dead skin particles.
  • The final stage: A moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the facial skin to soothe the skin and relieve inflammation.

Enzyme peeling goes well with mechanical cleaning, laser peeling, lifting procedures and others cosmetic procedures, which are carried out immediately after removing the peeling solution.


The cost of enzyme peeling in a salon depends on the type of drug used and post-peeling care products; the average cost of the procedure is from 500 to 3000 rubles.