How to find out if pregnant at home. How to find out if pregnant or not at home? home urinalysis. Discharge during pregnancy

Many women do not rush to the gynecological office after unprotected sex, preferring to test home methods for determining pregnancy. Young girls do not always have money for a quality pharmacy test. Therefore, with a delay, an alternative check in everyday life remains the only way to find out “yes” or “no”.

How is the initial process during pregnancy?

Ancient methods for determining pregnancy at home are confirmed by modern medical diagnostics. It works, although science calls into question all sorts of dreams, onion sprouting, iodine and soda dissolved in urine.

Until such time as they learned to determine the acid-base reaction of urine and recognize the molecules of chorionic gonadotropin gestational sac, household diagnostics has been very popular. "100%" reliable reagents give false negative and false positive answers, and home methods for determining pregnancy work like 100 or 200 years ago.

There are 2 ways to find out what is happening inside the female womb:

  1. Checking the effectiveness of the purchased test system.
  2. Test methods for determining pregnancy at home.
HCG hormone, even the most ultra-sensitive determinants do not always work before the delay. Of course, it is important to carefully read the instructions before using the probe, but this does not exclude errors, since a certain concentration of this substance in the blood and urine is necessary. But through dreams, they learn about the upcoming replenishment long before conception, and not only after the accomplished fact. But how to determine pregnancy at home after fertilization?

First you need to understand why you can’t find out about the “tricks of zipper” immediately after intimate relationships. hcg, he chorionic gonadotropin human, is produced after fixing the fetal egg in the uterus, completing a long journey through the fallopian tubes in about 7-10 days.

If, during a rapid division, an egg with a full set of chromosomes (from a sperm that has flowed into it) does not reach its destination, this ectopic development fetus. How to check for an ectopic pregnancy at home? No way!

Important: If after a delay sharp pains in the lower abdomen (right or left) - urgently see a doctor, they don’t joke with such a problem! This can be unpleasant news when the strips are phantom, the symptoms are not expressed, the ultrasound “does not see” the embryo in the uterus.

Everyone wants to know about the birth of a new life as early as possible. Some women rely on intuition - there is a lot of evidence that expectant mothers know exactly about the conception of the PA field, even if they used contraceptives.

However, there is no way to observe what happens in the reproductive organs, only hypothetically or with the help of computer simulations. We advise you to watch a popular science video about how the egg and sperm merge, and what happens next. And about how to find out about pregnancy at home with a delay, it is worth understanding the details.

How to determine the accomplished "miracle" by basal temperature

Although physiological processes are studied in school, there is still much important issues in which girls demonstrate ignorance. For example, why is women's cyclicity calculated from the first day of menstruation, and not from the day it ends? The fact is that ovulation occurs just in the middle of the cycle - a mature egg leaves the follicle “on a date” with spermatozoa.

And how to check pregnancy at home using this information? Very simple - we build a graph basal body temperature, by which we learn about whether fertilization has occurred. If you are in the phase of sexual activity, you need to measure your basal temperature with a rectal thermometer every morning, without getting out of bed. On internal processes practically no effect external factors, so the results of measurements in the vagina or anus the most accurate.

Why do it? The fact is that during ovulation the temperature rises slightly, if there was no fertilization, then it returns to normal before menstruation. And when the egg cell merges with the sperm, the temperature will stay about the delay and even a little longer, in the range of 37 - 37.2 ° C.

Tip: Get a notebook and every day note what your basal temperature was in the morning. These marks will show when you ovulate (it's easier to protect yourself), and use it as a way to independently determine pregnancy.

Accustom yourself to keep such notes regularly, this will help to avoid unwanted fertilization, therefore, to do without abortions and other complications. There is evidence that in certain months it is possible to calculate the most probable gender of the child, so it is worth "trying" with your husband to conceive the "right" child during ovulation.

If there was no conception, all processes return to normal:

  • temperature normalizes;
  • degrades corpus luteum;
  • the egg dies and is excreted with menstrual blood;
  • the uterine endometrium exfoliates;
  • are menstruating;
  • the menstrual cycle begins its countdown.
The fertilized egg moves through the tube into the uterus with active cell duplication. About a week later, the embryo implants in the uterine mucosa, and fetal membrane(future placenta) actively produces the hCG hormone, to which the tests respond. Elevated basal temperature is not the only true indicator, there are other ways to determine pregnancy at home.

Guarantees of reliability of household testing

All pregnancy tests lie if you apply them ahead of time - immediately after intercourse or after 2-3 days. But "two-striped friends of girls" will not hide the truth about a month after conception. The difference in the concentration of hCG in urine and blood, which increases daily. As long as the control hormone is small, up to 10 mME / ml, pharmacy indicators are powerless.

However, it happens that laboratory blood tests and test systems "see" human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine under other circumstances. The fact is that normally the hormonal background of a woman has molecular compounds similar to the "counterparty" in a minimum concentration - from 0 to 5 mME / ml. If "traces" from previous pregnancy(after interruption, miscarriage, frozen or ectopic pregnancy), the test might say "pregnon" (you're pregnant) even though it's not.

The situation can be aggravated by the presence of tumor processes in the reproductive organs and infertility treatment hormonal drugs. Any indicator will not lie when the concentration of the desired hormone is high - from 25 mU / ml. To eliminate the error, it is important to go through an additional medical examination or try any home method definition of pregnancy.

How to check at home with a pharmacy pregnancy test?

  1. Choose the most sensitive sample labeled up to 10 mME / ml (there are inkjet and electronic, tablet and strip tests).
  2. When buying, check the expiration date (especially when there are no guarantees that storage conditions will be observed, for example, when buying on the market).
  3. Carefully read the instructions on how to take a pregnancy test at home.
  4. Pass the test according to all the rules (take morning urine, apply with the pointed side of the case, wait a pause, compare with the control strip or read the answer on the mini-scoreboard).

pregnancy symptoms

At negative result there may be not only a delay, but also all the symptoms of pregnancy that every girl should know about:
  1. Swelling of the chest, with tenderness of the nipples.
  2. Decreased immunity and a tendency to colds.
  3. Headaches, dizziness, weakness, fainting.
  4. Heightened sense of smell and dislike for certain smells.
  5. Mood swings (emotional imbalance).
  6. Heaviness in the lower abdomen due to an enlarged uterus, frequent urges urination and a tendency to constipation.
  7. Eating habits change, there is no appetite (or increases for no reason).
  8. Upgraded sexual desire more vaginal discharge.
  9. Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.
  10. Nausea and vomiting (often in the morning).
  11. Apathy, fast fatiguability, drowsiness.
  12. Locks the breath with increasing physical activity.
If you were planning a pregnancy, but she didn’t “strip”, do not despair. Specify everything on an ultrasound scan in a medical office, especially when some of the signs are noted. If these suspicions are on Friday evening, and you have to wait a few days before visiting the doctor, there is no money for a second test, then go to home methods for determining pregnancy.

Alternative methods of self-diagnosis at home

  1. Watering flowers - interesting method, still used in Ancient China. Identical plants in the garden or in flower pot watered with plain water and urine of a woman in position. Flowers perceive the secretion of the chorion as a growth hormone and develop more actively than those that are watered with ordinary water.
  2. Checking urine with soda and iodine - how to make a pregnancy test at home? Soda, like a typical alkali, carefully poured into ordinary urine, quenches its acid reaction, releasing effervescent bubbles. In the urine of a pregnant woman, soda from a teaspoon “silently” sinks to the bottom.
  3. Iodine can also be tested - on paper moistened with urine future mother drop iodine with a pipette. If it turns purple or purple - yes, pregnancy, if it turns blue - no. In a glass of urine, a drop of iodine will blur; in an expectant child, it is in no hurry to blur.
  4. Wine can also be tested, if mixed with urine in half, it should remain clean. At ordinary women wine gives a reaction, urine will give a sediment and become cloudy.
  5. Dreams of fishing and mushroom picking - right ways determination of pregnancy at home. Even if she dreams that a woman finds a white rabbit (there will be a girl) or a kid (a boy) - to add.
  6. Pulsation in the lower abdomen also speaks of interesting position. And how to determine pregnancy by pulse at home? The embryo stimulates the body to develop a new capillary-venous network in the uterus and vagina. If you lie down before going to bed, relax and put your palms between the pubis and the navel, then the pregnant woman feels a pulsation. The people said that "a new heart is beating"!
However, you can not rely entirely on any of these methods for determining pregnancy at home. They must work together. Perhaps tests and folk remedies say: “Yes, you are pregnant !!”. Then do not postpone the visit to the doctor. There, take a blood test for hCG and pass ultrasound diagnostics. In the meantime, you can write down your test results and new sensations in a notebook. Children will grow up - there will be something to tell. Happy motherhood!

Probably every woman leading an active sexual life, there was a situation when she suspected possible pregnancy. At the same time, sometimes it is not possible to buy a test and make sure that the pregnancy has actually occurred, or vice versa to dispel your doubts. In this situation, the question arises before a woman: are there any competent ways to determine pregnancy without a test?

From the point of view of gynecology, all signs of pregnancy are divided into doubtful, probable and reliable. And even a positive test result is not a reliable sign of pregnancy.

But in order to determine pregnancy at home, you need to know about a few signs.

Methods based on the physiological processes of the body

Measurement of basal temperature

This method is well suited for home use, but has one significant inconvenience: you need to record your basal temperature daily. Measurements should be taken before you get out of bed, measurements are taken in the rectum. In order to be able to correctly interpret the results, it is necessary to have temperature records for each day of the cycle, starting from the first. During ovulation, basal temperature rises due to the action of hormones. If pregnancy occurs, it remains high; if not, it drops to its previous level.

This method has the most a high degree reliability. But an increase in the level of basal temperature in the absence of pregnancy is possible in some other situations:

  • when used alcoholic beverages before measurements;
  • if the woman is under the influence stressful situation;
  • in case of an increase in hormones after sexual intercourse;
  • in women with disorders of the hormonal system.

Definition of pregnancy by physiological signs

Probable pregnancy for early dates can be identified by a number of signs:

  • the absence of the onset of menstruation (especially if no cycle disturbances were observed before);
  • the appearance of nausea, especially in the morning, vomiting, some strange taste preferences. Intolerance to certain foods and odors;
  • hypersensitivity(up to soreness) of the breast, its increase, darkening of the nipples;
  • periodical pulling sensations lower abdomen;
  • change emotional background may appear tearfulness, irritability. Many women are strongly and often sleepy;
  • frequent urination(explained by very fast growing uterus), sometimes a little difficult;
  • increased amount natural vaginal discharge (in the form of clear, odorless mucus).

Determination of pregnancy using urine

Using an alkaline reaction

The next method is used to determine pregnancy without tests - to study the acidity of urine. Urine in pregnant women, as a rule, has an alkaline environment. Therefore, if you put a teaspoon of soda in a clean container with morning urine, it should simply settle to the bottom. The occurrence of a hissing reaction indicates acid urine and more likely no pregnancy.

But, in addition to pregnancy, urine can have a similar PH level and with a predominance of vegetables in the diet, various diseases kidney and urinary tract with prolonged diarrhea or vomiting.

Iodine test

Sometimes, in order to determine pregnancy without a test before a delay, an iodine test is used. Like the baking soda test, it is based on determining the acidity level of the urine.

To carry out the test, it is necessary to moisten a piece of paper in the morning urine. Then a drop of iodine should be applied there. The presence of pregnancy will be prompted by a change in the color of iodine to blue or purple.

There is another option for conducting this test: iodine is dripped into a bowl with morning urine. A drop floating on top speaks of pregnancy. In the absence of pregnancy, it blurs and dissolves.

Boil urine method

For next test it is necessary to put morning urine in a metal container on fire. Pregnancy is indicated by the presence of a precipitate of flakes after boiling urine.

Summing up, it is worth noting that there are quite a few methods for determining the presence of pregnancy without a special test. But it must be remembered that all of them do not give a 100% guarantee, although positive result several signs with a high degree of probability can be trusted.

In the case when you suspect pregnancy, you should consult a doctor in order to exclude the option of an ectopic pregnancy and assess the development of the fetus.

The ancient peoples used original tricks. For example, famous physician Hippocrates that in pregnant women the iris darkens a little. To confirm his diagnosis, he made a solution of wine and which he gave to the woman. If she had pain in the navel area, then this was a sign of pregnancy.

Healers also used other folk remedies for determining pregnancy. Presumptive signs pregnancies have always been considered non-specific symptoms . These include: special sensitivity to smells, changes in taste, vomiting, abrupt shifts mood, increased fat content skin.

If you notice such symptoms, then you should carry out. Making this at home is easy. To do this, you can use folk tricks.

Most interesting ways diagnostics are listed in our article.

We determine pregnancy

By urine

To do this, take a small container and fill it with urine. Next, you need to add a drop there iodine.

If the drop spreads then there is no pregnancy. If it stays on the surface(in one place), then the woman is pregnant.

At home, you can determine an interesting position if soak a sheet of paper in urine. Iodine is dripped on it. In a pregnant woman, iodine becomes purple. If conception did not occur, then iodine will be blue.

Urine can be boiled in a pot. As soon as boiling begins, it is poured into glass container. In pregnant women, flakes appear in the urine, which precipitate.

The urine of a pregnant woman is saturated with hormones. If you water flowers with such urine, then they begin to grow rapidly and magnificently. To see the growth of flowers, you need to water the flower bed for at least three days. After this period, you can draw conclusions about your situation.

Put the urine in a glass and add some soda. If bubbles begin to form, then this is an indicator of a positive response. If it settles to the bottom, then there is no pregnancy.

With the help of a bow

A woman can catch it, buy it or cook it. Already proven in practice that such dreams are a sign of an impending pregnancy.

The appearance of secretions

If you have no reason there was a discharge from the vagina then this is a sign of pregnancy. Selections are similar to

A pregnancy test that reacts to an increase in the concentration of hCG in the body is one of the most accurate and available ways self diagnosis. But due to various circumstances, a woman may be interested in how to find out if she is pregnant or not without a test. This need is related to different factors- the inability to check hCG in the coming days, or simply the desire to verify the results of the tests. We will talk about how to find out about pregnancy and on what principles popular "folk" methods are built.

Am I pregnant or not: what happens in the early stages?

Preparation for conception begins from the first days of the cycle. While menstruation is going on and the uterus “sheds” the old endometrium, the dominant follicle matures in the ovaries. From it, on the days of ovulation, and it falls normally in the middle of the cycle, an egg is released - mature, healthy and ready for fertilization within 12-36 hours. If at this time she meets with a spermatozoon, an embryo is formed when the male and female germ cells merge. A day after the connection of the oocyte and sperm, it will begin to divide and at the same time move into the uterine cavity. After 3-5 days, implantation starts, when the chorionic villi slowly grow into the endometrium. This process gives rise to many biochemical and physiological changes in a woman's body. They are regulated by different hormones - estrogen, estradiol, progesterone, androgens. Each of them has its own function, and their action affects the well-being of the expectant mother. It is with this that methods are associated that suggest how to understand if you are pregnant without a test.

What happens in the body at the beginning of pregnancy?

Main symptom

The main and most obvious sign of pregnancy is the delay in menstruation. If 2 weeks before she had sexual intercourse, then even in the absence of any indirect symptoms we can say that there is a possibility of conception. Many other factors also cause a delay - stress, increased physical exercise, a sharp loss or, conversely, an increase in body weight, illness, anemia. Deviations within 7 days of the usual cycle length are considered normal. If after 7 days from the expected date of the onset of menstruation, menstruation does not begin and it is not possible to conduct a test, you need to consult a gynecologist to check for pregnancy and exclude diseases of the reproductive system.

How to know that I'm pregnant by basal temperature

For those who want to know how to determine that a girl is pregnant without a test, a simple and scientific method - measuring basal temperature (BT) can be useful. It is measured rectally, using a thermometer with a flexible rubber tip, always in the morning - immediately after waking up, at the same time. The principle of this method is associated with proven patterns of changes in BBT in different phases menstrual cycle. So, from the beginning of menstruation, the temperature slowly decreases, reaching a minimum on the eve of ovulation, when the dominant follicle matures in the ovary. In the luteal phase, during which a mature and ready for fertilization egg is released, BT rises sharply to 37-37.2 degrees Celsius. If the oocyte and sperm have not joined, then 36-48 hours after ovulation, BBT will begin to gradually return to normal level. If conception has taken place, the basal temperature will remain above 37.1-37.2 degrees - this is how the body creates optimal conditions for the preservation of the embryo, its advancement into the uterine cavity and implantation.

High basal temperature in the second half of the cycle is one of the symptoms of pregnancy

This method will give the most accurate results if a woman has kept a basal temperature chart for at least 2-3 months, knows the approximate days of ovulation and indications for each phase of the menstrual cycle. But even if such studies have not been conducted, high BT in the second half of the cycle, and even more so - on the days of delayed menstruation, should be a reason for taking a test, donating blood for hCG and visiting a gynecologist.

Pregnant or not: subjective feelings

How can you know if you are pregnant or not? First of all, you need to pay attention to changes in well-being. They are associated with strong changes in the hormonal background and the adaptation of the body to new conditions of functioning. Simply put, part of the protective functions of the body perceives the embryo implanted in the uterus as foreign body, a kind of threat that needs to be eliminated as soon as possible. In the same time reproductive system works in the diametrically opposite direction - trying to stop defensive reactions so that the embryo is fixed in the endometrium and begins to receive nutrients for normal development. Such a “conflict of interest” in one way or another affects the condition of the expectant mother, and some of its changes can make a woman ask the question - “Am I pregnant or not?”

Nausea in the morning - typical early sign pregnancy

The most obvious early and common symptoms are:

  • nausea - toxicosis can manifest itself in the form of an urge to vomit already in the first days of the delay, and in some women even before it, in the absence of direct reasons like food poisoning nausea may be a sign of conception;
  • malaise in the morning - this symptom, as a rule, accompanies nausea and manifests itself in weakness, the inability to quickly get up and get ready, unusual slowness, and can cause it chronic fatigue or lack of iron in the body;
  • drowsiness - due to restructuring, the body begins to intensively save resources and energy, which is why a pregnant woman in the early stages may face an irresistible desire to sleep and rest in a prone position, even if her daily routine and lifestyle did not change;
  • spontaneous dizziness is another companion early toxicosis, it can be caused by the formation of a new uteroplacental circulation and the associated increase in the volume of fluid in the body;
  • decreased performance - this symptom manifests itself in absent-mindedness, difficulty concentrating in the process of mental work, forgetfulness, which have not been encountered before;
  • a feeling of chills - due to the adaptation of the body to pregnancy, a woman may notice that she has begun to freeze all the time, regardless of the season, room temperature and clothes;
  • enlargement and soreness of the breast - even on the eve of menstruation, the breast becomes rough, but after fertilization, its sensitivity and volume change faster and in a larger range.

The “interesting position” is often pointed out and subjective feelings. Many of them are associated with the appearance of the so-called dominant pregnancy - a special focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex, which regulates various physiological and psychosomatic changes. How can you find out pregnancy without a test on them? The sense of smell changes most often and quickly - familiar smells become unpleasant, and some aromas can provoke nausea and loss of appetite for long time. Sources of odors that cause negative reactions include meat and dishes from it, household chemicals, hygiene products, men's clothes, fats, some legumes and spices.

After conception, the perception of familiar smells may change.

At the same time or following the sense of smell, food addictions can also change - a woman begins to want to eat certain foods, even those that are rarely found in her diet. Thus, the body tries to find the source of the necessary nutrients. Such unusual "requests" should be listened to both during pregnancy and in ordinary life. For example, the desire to eat sweets indicates a lack of magnesium and chromium, and cravings for inedible things (ice, chalk, etc.) indicate an iron deficiency.

The third sign by which you can understand whether you are pregnant or not is drastic changes appetite. So, some women, due to early toxicosis, literally stop eating and lose up to 5-6 kg in the first trimester, while others, on the contrary, feel the need to eat for two.

How to understand by the stomach is pregnant or not?

Those who happened to be registered in antenatal clinic, know that during examinations from the first days, the doctor, using gentle palpation, determines the increase in the uterus, assesses the location and height of its bottom. How to understand by the belly that you are pregnant? It is unlikely that it will be possible to do this on your own - the specialist has a special skill and experience that allows you to notice changes in the pelvic organs from the first weeks upon the onset of conception. Another thing - unusual sensations in the lower abdomen - there are bursting, pressure, some heaviness, extending to the sacrum and lower back, but there is no pain. Such symptoms are associated with the action of progesterone, which softens the ligaments and relaxes the muscle muscles, so that as the uterus grows, the organs can gradually move.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy by the stomach?

Another way to find out if a girl is pregnant or not is to feel for a pulse on her stomach - about 8 cm above the navel. If a pulse is felt, pregnancy is likely to occur. The results of such a “research” are explained by the fact that with the onset of implantation, the blood flow to the small pelvis increases and a “beat” appears above the navel. In any case, none of the folk methods can replace an analysis for hCG and an examination by a gynecologist.

How to determine that a girl is pregnant, folk methods?

Is it possible with folk methods check if you are pregnant or not? Such "tests" can be auxiliary, but by no means the main way to diagnose conception. Nevertheless, they are safe, do not require expensive materials, and therefore can be carried out at home without any restrictions.

drop of iodine

Urine should be collected in a transparent small container. Next, you need to drop iodine into it - just one drop. If it blurs immediately, gradually dissolving and losing intensity, then the conception did not take place. In a pregnant woman already in the early stages, according to this method, urine is denser and has a special composition, so a drop of iodine will remain on the surface for some time.

Home test strip

This method is largely identical to the previous one. To perform it, you need to take a strip of clean white paper, moisten it with urine and apply 1-2 drops of iodine. The strip, upon contact with it, will turn colored, if it changes color to purple-pink - the test result is positive, pregnancy has occurred. blue tint speaks of the absence of conception.


This folk method, with which you can find out whether you are pregnant or not, relies on the fact that the urine of a woman in an interesting position changes composition. To conduct an analysis, you need to collect the biomaterial in a clean transparent container and put 1 spoon into it baking soda- precisely put, neatly, without stirring. If soda just sinks to the bottom of the container - there is no pregnancy, if it gives any reaction, we can say that conception has occurred.

Am I pregnant or not?


Subjective sensations, changes in well-being can be caused not only by pregnancy, but also by many other factors - fatigue and stress, the results of a strict diet or, conversely, excess body weight, diseases and hidden pathologies. That is why it is impossible to take into account only them, trying to find out whether a girl is pregnant or not. Only check hCG levels by using pharmacy test or a blood test, supplemented by a visit to a gynecologist, will allow you to give an accurate and unambiguous answer about whether conception has occurred, whether the embryo was implanted in the uterus, and not in the fallopian tube, whether it develops normally.

The same applies to folk methods - in some cases, their result may coincide with the real one, but, again, the composition and density of urine may change due to problems with kidney metabolism, hormonal background and other preconditions. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, it is important to seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

The onset of pregnancy is often diagnosed on the basis of a woman's changed well-being. At first, some suspicions appear, which are strengthened by the appearance of characteristic features that accompany pregnancy. In certain cases, find out about its occurrence using special tests, hormone analysis or a doctor's examination is not possible, so women are interested in how to determine pregnancy without a test at home in the early stages? The ability to confirm the onset of pregnancy by the first symptoms of folk methods does not guarantee absolute reliability and exact result, but they will help to draw final conclusions and make a decision about a visit to the doctor.

Folk methods: how to determine pregnancy without a test at home in the early stages

Clinical analyzes and rapid tests are standard procedures by definition of pregnancy, but folk ways, based on long-term observations of women, enjoy well-deserved popularity and trust. They are based on chemical reaction elements in the composition of urine with active substances added to it. It turns out a kind of home express - a test with improvised means.

On a note! Folk methods for checking pregnancy do not guarantee a 100% result, are not scientifically substantiated or confirmed by modern medicine.

Folk methods are still in demand due to their accessibility and the ability to get quick result, without leaving home. For health, they are absolutely harmless and do not play a decisive role in determining pregnancy. The use of folk methods has more psychological effect than the final result.

How to check pregnancy in the early stages at home. Method for measuring the fertile phase

In the process of pregnancy planning, the method of determining basal temperature is recommended by gynecologists as one of the most reliable and indicative. Based on temperature charts in different days cycle can be concluded about the state of health female body and his fertility. Before you determine pregnancy in the early stages without a test at home in this way, you need to prepare for the temperature measurement procedure in advance. If a number of rules are not followed, the results will be unreliable.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

Determining the basal temperature will not give an instant answer to the question of the presence of pregnancy. To form a full-fledged graph that reflects the state of the female body, it is necessary to measure for several days.

  1. Basal temperature is measured by inserting a conventional pharmacy thermometer into the rectum or into the vagina. The procedure must be carried out daily in the morning after sleep, preferably at the same time. It is impossible to get out of bed before the measurement, the temperature changes instantly and does not give an accurate result;
  2. During the procedure, it is recommended not to change the position of the body, remaining in the same position as during sleep;
  3. The time for measuring basal temperature is from 5 to 8 minutes in a stationary state. After the measurement, the temperature readings must be immediately written down in a notebook, fixing the date and time of the measurement;
  4. During the entire period of time to determine the basal temperature, it is recommended to stop taking alcohol and cigarettes;
  5. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the temperature is kept at around 36.5 - 36.7 ° C, by the time of ovulation, it begins to rise to approximately 37 ° C. If conception did not occur, then after the cessation of ovulation, the basal temperature again decreases to an average mark of 36.5 - 36.7 ° C. If pregnancy has occurred, then the temperature will no longer decrease.

Important! Basal temperature indicators are accurate and reliable if all the conditions for the measurement procedure are met and there are no inflammatory processes in the pelvic area.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages according to the state of the body

Conception is accompanied by hormonal and physiological changes, which a woman learns about through changes in her state of health and body shape. Some of these symptoms do not go unnoticed and give rise to suspicions about the onset of pregnancy.

  1. Dizziness and "fog" in the head. Early pregnancy may be accompanied by dizziness or blurred consciousness. The feeling of a veil or "sand in the eyes" is a sign of an increase in hormones and a change in their background. Such a condition can not only indicate the onset of pregnancy, but also be the result of overwork or prolonged stress;
  2. An increase in body temperature to 37 - 37.5 ° C. An increase and a stable position of body temperature at around 37 - 37.5 ° C for a long period of time are sure signs start of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the embryo, which is in the fallopian tubes at the stage of development before implantation into the walls of the uterus, is perceived by the body as a foreign body, and the immune system is included in the work, the body temperature rises. It is considered normal in the first trimester of pregnancy body temperature 37 - 37.5 ° C. This symptom may suggest the conception of a child if infectious and inflammatory diseases are excluded .;
  3. Nasal congestion. For some pregnant women, nasal congestion in the first half of pregnancy becomes a serious problem that interferes with proper rest and sleep. This is due to the fact that after conception, blood flow increases, the blood supply to all organs increases, the mucous membranes in the nose swell and interfere with breathing. If the prerequisites for colds excluded, then prolonged nasal congestion indicates initial terms pregnancy;
  4. Increase in breast size. It is one of the well known and reliable signs definition of pregnancy. Swelling of the breast, discoloration of the nipples and their increase are preparations for the upcoming lactation. In some women, a noticeable breast enlargement is observed before the onset of menstruation, so you should not rely entirely on the accuracy of this symptom;
  5. Pain and heaviness in the navel, in the lower abdomen. Feelings of tingling, pain, pulling down in the abdomen or in the navel, are a sign of pregnancy and are characteristic of the period when the embryo exits the fallopian tubes and implants into the walls of the uterus. This period is accompanied painful sensations in the stomach and a deterioration in general well-being, and in some cases insignificant spotting, due to which a woman can discard suspicions about the onset of pregnancy;
  6. Nausea and gag reflex. Characteristic signs of pregnancy, characteristic of the onset of toxicosis of the body. Not all women are prone to this condition during pregnancy, but if this symptom is present, then most likely conception has occurred. Unless, of course, nausea and gag reflex were the result of food poisoning;
  7. Appearance excess weight . Early pregnancy is sometimes accompanied by slight weight gain due to fluid retention in the soft tissues and the appearance of edema, it is also associated with an improvement in appetite and eating more food. If this sign evokes thoughts about the onset of pregnancy, then you should check your suspicions;
  8. Exacerbation of smell, vision, taste buds. Maternal instinct helps to improve the sense of smell, vision and change in taste preferences. Sensitivity to smells increases, taste perception changes, vision becomes sharper - all these signs are the heritage of mankind from ancient times to protect future offspring. No wonder these signs are one of the main ones in detecting pregnancy in the early stages;
  9. Mood swings. Pregnant women tend to be sensitive and sentimental. Any little thing can cause tears or bouts of irritation. This is due to an excess of hormones in the body during the entire period of pregnancy. If there are no prerequisites for mood swings associated with PMS or depression, then you can think about the onset of conception;
  10. Weakness in the body and craving for sleep. In the early stages of pregnancy, when the body spends a large number of energy to prepare for bearing a child, the woman's strength quickly runs out, and she feels very tired. The desire to sleep can accompany you throughout the day, fatigue from doing the usual things comes much faster. These signs are characteristic of many pregnant women in the initial stages, but may also indicate seasonal fatigue or overexertion of the body;
  11. Appearance age spots and papillomas. Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, the appearance of age spots or papillomas is sometimes accompanied. But these rashes are more pronounced in the later periods of pregnancy, therefore, by the appearance of neoplasms on the skin, one should not judge the beginning of pregnancy;
  12. Increased urination. The growth of the uterus puts pressure on the surrounding organs, including bladder. As a result, the urge to go to the toilet in pregnant women occurs much more often than in other people. But at the initial stage of pregnancy, when the uterus is not yet enlarged in size, there should not be such urges. If they are present, then this may indicate inflammatory or infectious diseases genitourinary system, and the woman needs to see a doctor.

In most cases, a woman is prompted to think about the onset of pregnancy not only characteristics in well-being, but also the ability to anticipate their new position. Deviations from normal state in a state of health are a signal of the body about the changes taking place in it, and in order to know exactly how to determine pregnancy without a test in the early stages at home, you should check the suspicions that have arisen using available methods.

The first signs of pregnancy: video

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