Restoring your figure after childbirth. Proper recovery after childbirth: where to start, what to consider

After becoming a mother, a woman never stops wanting to be beautiful. But not everyone immediately returns to their previous form. On the contrary, to become attractive again, you need to make an effort. Where to start recovering after childbirth so as not to harm your health and get results?

Read in this article

The first weeks after childbirth

At first time higher value, how appearance, gain health and well-being. And rehabilitation itself is more about restoring body functions that changed during pregnancy. It is also important to establish lactation, because this is not only a condition for the healthy development of the baby, but also helps in increasing body volume.

A woman must control:

  • . At first they will be abundant, but with a tendency to decrease and lighten the color. These lochia are signs of cleansing of the uterus. If they do not shrink or come with clots, you need to see a doctor sooner deadline inspection.
  • Emotional condition. Women after childbirth are often bothered by despondency and the desire to cry. This it will go faster, if you establish a routine, get enough sleep.
  • Condition of the internal genital organs. They are more likely to earn money as usual if the woman does not lie in bed. It is important to establish lactation; this also helps to normalize the balance of hormones, which means it will ensure the restoration of the cycle after childbirth. At first he will be changeable, with frequent feedings There may be no menstruation for several months.
  • , if available. At first they will ache. Stitches in the perineum may make it difficult to urinate, causing discomfort, or may cause discomfort during bowel movements. With them, it is especially important to avoid constipation, that is, watch your diet (eat prunes and drink plenty of water). You can take Paracetamol to relieve pain.

Helping the body recover

As your health improves, your appearance becomes more important in the problem of how to recover after childbirth. There are several aspects here that may be of concern. But the problem must be solved comprehensively, without forcing events.


Even if the woman did not gain weight during pregnancy excess weight, it may remain convex after childbirth. This is natural, because the muscles are stretched and weakened, and the same thing happened with the skin. But it’s not yet possible to seriously engage in sports to tighten them up.


The main problem with hair is intense hair loss. The balance of hormones is to blame for this, leading to weakening of the bulbs. Nursing mothers suffer less from this; their balance of substances returns to normal more smoothly. The following will help restore thickness to your hair:

  • a diet with sufficient protein and B vitamins;
  • short haircut, which will ease the load on the bulbs;
  • strengthening masks (raw yolk + 1 tsp. butter, hold for half an hour).

Full-fledged exercise in the first weeks after childbirth is, of course, unacceptable. The load is limited to walks with the baby and household chores. But after 6 - 8 weeks you can do exercises to recover after childbirth:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your palms pressed to your stomach. Exhale, drawing in your stomach and pressing lightly on it. Inhale slowly, releasing your abdominal muscles. Repeat 10 times.
  • Lie down as in the first exercise, but your hands should be behind your head. Raise your pelvis up, hold it for 2 - 3 seconds, and slowly lower it. Do 10 repetitions.
  • Get on all fours, leaning heavily on your palms and feet. Raise your pelvis up, straightening your legs and arms. Do this 10 times.
  • Lie on your side, leaning on your palm, arm straight. Separate your pelvis from the floor and rise slightly, pausing. Do 10 repetitions on both sides.

Vitamins for mom's health

Vitamins for recovery after childbirth are needed not only from foods. The body needs to replenish missing substances with drugs.

Now a young mother needs vitamins B, K, E, C, PP, A, and many microelements. They will help strengthen hair, nails, improve the condition of the skin, blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the reproductive system, digestion and metabolism.

Exist special complexes for moms:

  • "Vitrum Prenatal"
  • "Ferrum Lek"
  • "Alphabet".

You should ask your doctor which composition to choose.

When in the house Small child, it is very difficult to find time for yourself. But when correct mode it is possible and even necessary. After all, taking care of your appearance is an element of health and well-being.

With the birth of a baby, the life of young mothers changes completely and the plans that they made (caring for themselves, going to the gym, visiting beauty salons) must now completely coincide and be based on the needs and needs of the baby. So, many people wonder how to tidy up their sagging and flabby body after childbirth? Going to the gym is definitely out of the question, since a newborn requires maximum attention to himself (diet, changing diapers, restless sleep).

In order for the mother’s body to become beautiful after the birth of the baby, you need to start with the simplest thing - walking with the baby on fresh air(regardless of weather conditions). With long walks, the baby gains deep sleep, and the mother rapidly begins to lose weight, the muscles of the buttocks and legs are pumped up, and slimness appears.

Features and methods of restoring the female body

How to restore a girl’s body after childbirth? Extreme stress and heavy physical exercise are contraindicated in the first months, since the body is already exhausted and exhausted from bearing and giving birth to a child. Scientists have also proven that when active occupation sports, mommy’s taste and composition changes mother's milk, which may affect future breastfeeding. There are some principles by which body and skin care can be taken during the recovery process:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the number of calories consumed per day. A mother who is breastfeeding should consume no more than 2500 kcal. It is worth limiting the consumption of flour products, sweets, and eating more fruits and vegetables, and do not forget about water, compotes and juices. The process of losing weight should not be too intense. This can lead to disruption of metabolic processes serious problems with health.
  2. Breastfeeding allows you to burn more than 500 kcal per day, which leads to fast weight loss and restoration of female forms.
  3. You need to learn how to properly care for your skin. This is facilitated by daily cold and hot shower. With its help, blood circulation improves, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the skin becomes firmer, more elastic and the body returns to its former youth.
  4. The next stage of recovery can be called a course of massage using anti-cellulite creams (usually applied to the abdomen and thighs). After the first massage sessions, your whole body may hurt. Over time, this will pass, and then a moment of relaxation will come.
  5. For elasticity skin Experts recommend peeling at home - a special scrub that consists of following components: ground coffee, sea ​​salt, honey and olive oil.

Fitness system after childbirth for quick recovery and gaining a slender silhouette

Before you start more radical methods To restore your figure, namely, start physical exercise, you should seek help from a gynecologist. The doctor will tell you when it will be safe for the woman’s health. On average, at least 2-3 months should pass from the moment the baby is born. After this time, you can slowly begin to begin physical activity on all parts of the body; some recommend visiting the pool. In this case, swimming will help correct your posture and burn a lot of calories.

Resuming the previous form after labor will pass faster and more efficiently by regularly performing all possible and feasible exercises.

Causes of acne and rashes on a woman’s body after childbirth

In addition to changes in the girl’s figure, after childbirth some changes may occur on the skin: acne, a rash like urticaria, burning and itching. Many are confident that these unpleasant phenomena will certainly go away on their own. This is a wrong opinion! In such cases, you should pay more attention to the care and restoration of the skin, and a professional dermatologist can help with this. In order to cure skin diseases that itch from time to time and spread throughout the body, you need to find out the causes of their occurrence. These include:

  1. Impact female hormone– progesterone. There is an increased secretion of endocrine glands, which leads to the accumulation of subcutaneous sebum and provokes the appearance of acne and other rashes.
  2. Increased sweating. When sweat pores become clogged, subcutaneous infections accumulate, which leads to skin formations, sometimes with a yellow tint.
  3. Use large quantity sweets, carbonated drinks, products containing harmful preservatives. These products often cause allergic reactions of different nature, which can further harm the newborn.
  4. Low level of physical activity. Poor blood circulation leads to disruption of the skin.
  5. Violation of personal hygiene rules.

Treatment skin diseases complicated by the fact that most breastfeeding mothers are contraindicated medicines. All solutions to the problem must be safe and effective. First, you should review your diet and eliminate harmful products. Next, you can use harmless decoctions from various medicinal herbs, namely:

  • chamomile inflorescences;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • mint leaves;
  • series;
  • plantain leaves, etc.

With these decoctions you can achieve desired result behind short time. They are also used as a mask or compresses on any areas of damaged skin. For those mothers who do not breastfeed, drug treatment is prescribed.

Another common problem for most women is a rash on the body, which can resemble hives. The reasons for its appearance are almost identical to those that result in the formation of pimples. The rash mainly appears in the legs and lower abdomen. As a rule, this complication after childbirth is not worth treating with anything (unless, of course, it is complicated by other symptoms). Within a few weeks the skin will become same color and structure, and then the woman in labor can completely relax and not worry.

Gymnastic exercises that can help you tighten your body after childbirth

As for exercises to maintain a figure after childbirth, specialized sports complexes have developed professional programs and courses. However, not all mothers can afford to attend classes regularly. There is no reason to be upset! So, at home there are many other ways to get rid of excess weight and tighten the skin of the whole body. Before starting to play sports, mothers carry out other recovery methods using cosmetics:

  • wrapping method;
  • drying;
  • anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massage.

If these methods do not help very effectively, then only special exercises, developed by specialists and professionals.

You should begin physical exercise with extreme caution! First you need to properly prepare your already exhausted body, starting with walking and hardening.

Playing sports will help many women get rid of the unpleasant condition when the whole body aches, cheer up and keep the body in good shape. The program includes the following exercises:

  1. Cat pose. Standing on all fours, you need to bend your back as much as possible (5 sets of 10 times).
  2. Squats. Start in a standing position, legs together, hands on your belt, and do not lift your heels off the floor.
  3. Performing side bends. Position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  4. Lying on the floor, you should raise your legs up (the distance from the heels to the floor should gradually increase).
  5. Sitting on a chair, the girl slowly raises her legs, bent at the knees. Create the effect of pedaling a bicycle.
  6. Twisting. This is done to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles.

Every woman should know how to quickly restore hair after childbirth.

For achievement desired result There are some rules to remember.

Restoring your figure after childbirth begins to worry many women even during pregnancy. Even the delight of a young mother associated with the long-awaited birth of a baby fades a little against the background of the fact that it will take a lot of effort to restore its previous shape.

Less firm breasts, changed posture, body fat, weakened muscles after childbirth are a consequence of natural changes in a woman’s body. However, it is possible to regain your previous appearance. This will require both your desire and active actions aimed at a positive result.

Where to start recovery after childbirth? Strong physical activity is excluded, because the body is already exhausted, and a newborn requires a lot of attention and strength. In addition, scientists have proven that the taste of milk active species Mom’s sports are changing and the baby doesn’t really like it.

Restoring your figure after childbirth without harming lactation should begin with lifestyle correction:

1. For the first month, try to set aside at least 1 hour every day for a brisk walk. Arrange high-speed stroller rides with other mothers in the park while the babies sniffle peacefully in them.

2. At least roughly count calories - a nursing mother needs about 2500 kcal per day:

  • try not to overuse flour products, sweets and smoked meats;
  • eat often, but in small portions;
  • drink a lot of compotes, juices, water.

Losing weight should not be rapid so as not to disrupt your metabolism. It's optimal to say goodbye to overweight 1 kg every month.

3. Take proper care of your skin:

  • take a contrast shower - it improves blood circulation, strengthens connective tissues and blood vessels, makes the breasts firm and elastic;
  • body restoration after childbirth should include a massage using anti-cellulite cream (it should be rubbed into problem areas - thighs, legs, abdomen);
  • exfoliate twice a week ( good scrub homemade— ground coffee + sea salt + olive oil + honey).

How to get back into shape?

If you vigorously push the stroller forward every day while walking and do not overeat, then it is easy to notice that the weight is gradually decreasing. However, posture, skin and muscle condition still leave much to be desired.

Your gynecologist will tell you when to start restoring your figure. Usually it's the turn of the reasonable physical activity occurs after 2 months. after the baby is born.

Restoring the abdomen after childbirth is more difficult at home than in the gym. The point is not even in the degree of difficulty of the exercises - at home it is not easy to escape from routine chores. It’s very good if dad or grandma can take care of the child at least twice a week for a couple of hours.

The best way to resume physical activity is by visiting the pool. Swimming not only corrects your posture, but also allows you to burn a lot of calories. And don't look for excuses to reschedule your workout. Restoring shape after childbirth occurs faster and more successfully only with regular exercise.

Posture correction

During pregnancy, the spine receives a very large load, which cannot but affect posture. To straighten your back, start every morning with this exercise: stand with your back to the wall, pressing the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels firmly against it. Remember this position and try to hold it all day.

It is also useful to lie on the floor, stomach down, raise your body on your arms, focusing on your palms and toes. Keep your torso straight as long as possible. Do several approaches.

A set of exercises for a beautiful figure

Always start your workout by warming up your muscles. Running in place or lightly jumping for a few minutes is suitable for this. Then you can move on to the main workout.

You need to select exercises for recovery after childbirth based on which areas of the body you would like to correct:

  1. Press

You can transform a sagging belly by pumping up your abs.

But! After childbirth, a pathology such as separation of the rectus muscles on the abdomen is possible. Try to lie on your back and lift yourself up, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. When your abs are tense, run your hand over them. If there is a noticeable depression above the navel, then it is too early to begin restoring the abs after childbirth. Instead, you can bend forward, right, left.

As a result of carrying a baby, a forward deflection has formed in the lumbar region. If the situation is not corrected in a timely manner, sooner or later your back will begin to hurt.

Lie on your back and bend your knees. Slowly, as you exhale, lift your stomach up. Hold for how many seconds. Press your feet, lower back and pelvis to the floor.

  1. Hands

Exercises with dumbbells will help pump up your arms (can be replaced with bottles filled with water). Start with a load of 1 kg. Standing straight, spread your arms out different sides, lift up, bend and unbend forward and backward. Try to do everything slowly and with a small amplitude.

  1. Legs

The best exercises for beautiful legs are, of course, squats. You can also swing your legs while holding onto a support.

How to recover quickly after childbirth?

Unfortunately, a universal method has not yet been invented that will instantly return all young mothers to the figure they had before pregnancy. For 9 whole months the body underwent various changes!

Rapid recovery after childbirth implies, albeit not instantaneous, but accelerated process recovery. In your power:

  1. Breastfeed your baby. Breast-feeding benefits both the newborn and the mother. The body spends about 300-600 kcal daily to produce milk. It has been proven that breastfeeding mothers lose weight easier and faster than non-breastfeeding mothers.
  2. Play sports. There is no need to talk about the lack of time for exercise, jogging, or a fitness club. Every day with a baby is filled with a different kind of physical activity. You constantly carry the baby in your arms, play with him, bathe him, go for a walk. The recovery period after childbirth can be diversified by mastering a sling as an alternative to a stroller.
  3. Stick to it healthy eating . A nursing mother should not starve or go on a diet. But you can eat fruits, vegetables, soups. The right attitude will help you switch from sweets and processed foods to healthy foods.

Of course, recovery after pregnancy, in addition to working on the body, also includes restoring health. Reception of the universal vitamin complex with minerals and herbal medicine in case of illness can significantly improve your condition.

It seems that enough time has passed since the birth, and the baby is already on complementary feeding, and there is no need to eat intensely to produce a large amount of milk, and life has returned to its usual rut. But one small BUT remains, which gnaws and torments: how to restore your figure after childbirth? Where is the flat stomach, thin waist, slender silhouette? Where can I get the strength, time, desire to take care of myself and return to my former forms? If you let your body take its course, then it will be more difficult to recover quickly. You need to start right now, while the process is not yet launched and motivation is strong. In addition, the choice of means for restoration of figure after childbirth simply huge: cosmetologist services, Gym, classes in a fitness club, in the pool or at home. Choose what suits you and go ahead. It seemed easier - to study at home? And you don’t have to go anywhere, and it’s easy to adjust to your child’s routine, and you can change the workout at your discretion! But it’s not so easy to organize yourself. There are always more important and urgent things to do, and then a friend dropped by for tea with a cake, the child refused to sleep for the required 2 hours, and the beginning struggle for a beautiful figure after childbirth everything is postponed and postponed. Although nothing complicated is expected in the process itself. The main thing is not to be lazy and exercise regularly. The approach to doing the exercises is simple: you just need to repeat the exercises and not think about anything or think about what you want. No self-hypnosis or persuading yourself like “my figure is recovering, my stomach is flat, very flat, etc.” There is no need for any diet, unless, of course, you consider the rule of not overeating as a diet. Somehow you can allocate 15-20 minutes a day to complete a dozen or two effective exercises For beautiful figure after childbirth.
I took the liberty dear mothers, make a selection of the most effective, from my point of view, exercises against cellulite, sagging belly, full hips, which will give you excellent results in just 2 weeks. And you will understand that figure after childbirth There is! Just remember the most important thing! Have you already forgotten? The main thing is not to be lazy and exercise regularly! Well, at least 3 times a week.

Exercises to restore your figure after childbirth

Set of exercises I got a prefabricated one: here and yoga, fitness, and bodyflex. However, it doesn’t matter what we do, it is important that there be a result. Try it, then tell me. You don't have to do all the exercises at once. You can alternate or try them all and choose your favorite ones.

1. It doesn’t hurt to get started little warm-up– Jump, dance or run in place for just 5 minutes. M The muscles need to be warmed up a little. You can run around the house with a rag or mop or to the nearest store to buy bread. This will do too. Or go crazy with the kids.

2. Now do the standing exercises. Stand with your back to the wall, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Now slide your back along the wall and squat so that your knees form a right angle. Stay in this position for as long as you can. At this time, you can watch how children build a house from blocks and give them valuable architectural advice.

3. I.p. – stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down with your buttocks back, but not lower than your knees. Place your hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides. Tighten and tighten your abdominal muscles. Now in this position, walk forward, pushing your heels off the floor. Do not take too wide steps if your knees are weak.

4. I recommended this exercise Jennifer Lopez. Maybe you too want a figure like hers. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and squat, pushing your buttocks back - as if sitting on a chair. Then straighten up and rise onto your tiptoes at the same time.

5. I.p. – standing, legs together. Take a wide step to the side with your right foot, squat on both legs, evenly distributing your body weight. Keep your back straight and extend your arms straight forward. Perform 10-15 times, then repeat on the other leg.

6. Stand up straight. Straighten one leg at the knee and move it back. Bend the other leg at the knee. Lean forward and place both hands on your knee. Keep your back straight. Freeze for 20 seconds. Repeat several times. Do the same on the other leg.

But I spied these few exercises from Cindy Crawford in her postpartum recovery program:

7. Now lie on the floor, on your back, bend your knees, place your feet at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other. The arms are extended along the body. Raise your bent left leg up. Now, tensing your abdominal and buttock muscles, lift your pelvis off the floor. The hands, the foot of the right leg, the head and shoulders rest on the floor. Freeze for 10 seconds and lower yourself. Repeat 10-15 times on each leg..

8. Lying on your back, place the foot of one leg on the knee of the other, rest your heel on the edge of the sofa or chair. Raise and lower your pelvis 10-15 times. Change your leg.

9. Lying on your back, place your left leg on your right knee. Pull your right thigh to your chest with both hands and hold for 20 seconds. Your back should be pressed to the floor. Repeat with the other leg.

Now let's move on to abdominal exercises.

10. Best exercise for pumping the upper press– twisting. I recommend doing them this way: we naturally lie on our backs, and place our legs bent at the knees at right angles on the sofa. And from this position we twist, like a tube of toothpaste, slowly and thoroughly. First we tear off the head, then the neck, top part backs. We reach the peak point and freeze for a couple of seconds, now we go down. Your hands can be placed behind your head or crossed over your chest. And don’t mess around, otherwise you’ll ruin the whole effect!

11. We don’t change the pose, but now we pump up the lower abs. Only this time we will lift the pelvis off the floor and try to pull it closer to the chest. The lower back is pressed to the floor. If it doesn’t press well, place a towel cushion under your back.

12. A great exercise for the abs is lifting your legs from a sitting position, placing your hands on the floor behind you. Legs slightly bent at the knees.

13. Now we work the entire abdominal press. We lie down in the classic pose on our back with bent knees. Stretch your hands towards the ceiling, head lies on the floor. Let's do deep breath, exhale, hold your breath, pull in your stomach with all your might and lift your head and shoulders off the floor. We stretch forward and upward, looking with interest at that cobweb on the ceiling.

Hold on as long as you can, lower yourself smoothly and inhale. It will feel better in a couple of days.

14. " Tandem" - great exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles. We lie on our backs, lock our hands behind our heads, and raise our straight legs up 45 degrees above the floor surface. Now we bend our legs one by one, pulling the elbow of the opposite hand towards the knee.

15. " Spring" will help slim your waist in a matter of days. Lying on your side, bend your knees and, leaning on your elbow, lift your pelvis off the floor. A nuance: bend your free arm at the elbow and place it behind your head.

16. And now my favorite " cat" Such a simple exercise, familiar to everyone since childhood, helps us so much both during pregnancy and after childbirth. We get on all fours, looking forward. As you inhale, bend your back and look up. Exhale, round your back, lower your chin, hold your breath and draw in your stomach. Let's keep it. Then inhale, relax and repeat from the beginning.

17. Perfectly tightens the abdominal muscles and relieves the spine everyone knows " birch tree"(in yoga "sarvangasana"). Stretch your feet upward, stretching your back and aligning your spine in one line.

18. Now, without leaving " birch trees“we lower our legs behind our heads and place our feet on the floor. This " plow"(Halasana). Breathe deeply and fully. An indispensable asana for your back and spine. Do it every day! (better in combination with exercises 17 to 19)

19. After the “plow” we move on to abdominal muscle stretching. This is what will give us a flat stomach under low-waisted jeans. Yoga again! Snake Pose – bhujangasana. Lie on your stomach, palms near your shoulders, pubic bone pressed tightly to the floor. Slowly straighten your elbows and stretch the back of your head back, arching your back. The buttocks are very tense.

Here is your maximum program for figure formation after childbirth V. You can add or lighten it at your discretion. You can perform the exercises as early as 6 weeks after natural childbirth and no earlier than 2 months after caesarean section. Wishing you flat tummies and a stunning silhouette!

Many young mothers begin to worry about their figure after giving birth. The motives for losing excess weight can be different: you want to feel more active and energetic, or you just want to fit into your old jeans. Let's talk about when you can start playing sports, and why it is important not only for the figure of a young mother.

How much can you gain during pregnancy?

On average, weight increases by 13.8 kg during pregnancy. For each woman, the rate of weight gain is individual. For example, plump people gain less than thin ones, and tall ones gain more than short ones.

In women whose breast volume increases significantly, their body weight usually increases significantly. On average, a woman of normal weight can expect her gain during pregnancy to be 11-16 kg.

Why is physical activity especially important after childbirth?

After childbirth, a woman needs to strengthen her muscular frame, since the main abdominal muscles have stretched and could separate along the middle line (diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles). This is considered normal during pregnancy, but you need to restore the strength and elasticity of the muscles, because they play important role in supporting the back and pelvis. The older and heavier the child, the more strong and developed muscles are needed.

When to start playing sports?

It doesn't matter if you had natural childbirth or caesarean section - go to the doctor for a check-up 6 weeks after giving birth. Find out if you can play sports with a specialist. Otherwise, you can only harm yourself if you start training too early.

What kind of training is possible?

The most important workouts you can resume immediately after giving birth are muscle strengthening exercises pelvic floor. They can also be performed, since these muscles experience special stress during pregnancy and childbirth.

To contract the pelvic floor muscles, imagine that you are trying to stop the process of urination - you should feel the contraction and lifting of the muscles. No other parts of the body should move. The exercise can be performed anywhere - no one will guess.

There are two types of exercises:

1. Slow: keeping calm, deep breathing, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and hold as long as you can for up to 10 seconds, then release completely. The “gold standard” is 10 repetitions of 10 seconds each.

2. Quick: Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles tightly and then quickly release. Repeat 10 times. Relaxation is just as important as contraction, so make sure you do it all the way.

Ideally, a complex of slow and quick exercises must be performed three to six times a day. Do not squeeze your buttocks, move your legs, or lean back.

It is also necessary to train the pelvic floor muscles for those women who are about to give birth by cesarean section. Research shows that for most, these muscles weaken due to carrying a child, not due to natural childbirth.

If you want to quickly get rid of your belly fat, then be careful with yourself: at first, standard abdominal exercises can only do harm. So try to gently pull in your stomach and pelvic floor muscles every time you are about to lift something heavy, bend or stoop.

An excellent cardiovascular load on the body is walking. And you can study together with your baby. Just don’t immediately start with two-hour walks at a fast pace, no jogging. You should join the training process gradually. Pilates for new mothers and yoga are quite suitable.

Illustration from the book “I will be a mother”.

Please note that the intensity physical exercise affects the quantity breast milk, which you produce.

How effective are corsets or bandages?

Corsets and bands support weakened abdominal muscles and reduce further pressure, especially when you lift heavy objects, sneeze, or sit up straight. But for thin waist and a flat tummy, you need to strengthen your abdominal muscles. To have an effect, wearing a corset must be combined with acceptable physical exercise.

Proper nutrition

Do not forget that proper nutrition important not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth. And the fact that a mother should eat for two is a misconception. Don't neglect breakfast, eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Avoid sweets, processed foods, fast food, and fried foods in your diet. Add more vegetables and fruits, drink water, try not to snack on the go. Consult your doctor which foods should be excluded completely and which foods are rich in useful substances and vitamins, add to the menu.