15 years of marriage together. A gift for my husband on a crystal (glass) anniversary (15 years of marriage)

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is traditionally called crystal. This beautiful anniversary mutual love deserves to be celebrated truly festively and solemnly. How to do it right, how to congratulate the heroes of the occasion, what to give, what meaning crystal carries for spouses - you will learn from our article.

About symbols of celebration

It is believed that the fifteenth anniversary relationships in a couple have reached the beauty and transparency that noble crystal has. At the same time, the name of the wedding "crystal" reminds us that mutual understanding between loving people- the thing is very fragile. It, like expensive item made of crystal, can be easily broken even by one rash act. However, the very fact that the couple celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of a happy life together, is proof that each of them has learned over the years to highly appreciate their soulmate and strives to find a compromise in the most difficult life situations. Crystal has long been associated with something fabulous and unusual.. It is not without reason that magical attributes from this material are often mentioned in Russian fairy tales. If you look through a layer of crystal at the surrounding objects, they acquire unusual shapes and facets. So warm mutual feelings allow to smooth sharp corners life, bring an element of fairy tale and romance into everyday bustle. In numerology, the number "fifteen" is considered lucky. It attracts wealth and good luck. For the "newlyweds" fifteenth anniversary family life- this is a great chance to refresh your relationship, forgive each other's mistakes and rush towards new happy opportunities together. IN next video you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about crystal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw5s10KpOHc

Rites and traditions

The main and obligatory tradition of any wedding, especially a crystal one, is the breaking of dishes “for good luck”.

It is worth preparing for this responsible ritual in advance - choose old, or glass objects that have already cracked. When breaking dishes, you should mentally let go of all your problems.. Such an ancient ritual symbolically indicates new stage in relations between spouses who have lived in a couple for quite some time for a long time helps to clear their house of negative energy And bad memories, attracts material well-being. The guests, in turn, should present the heroes of the occasion with new crystal souvenirs, which they will bring to home interior an element of luxury and elegance, as well as emphasize the individual qualities of the owners of the house.

How to arrange a holiday table

Traditional crystal wedding the table should be served with crystal and glassware- dishes, vases, salad bowls. For guests, it is necessary to put expensive wine glasses, which they will raise, saying wishes to the spouses. And the "newlyweds" should have crystal wedding glasses, preferably preserved from the day of their marriage. Of the drinks on the table, there should be traditional champagne, and white wines are also recommended. As an appetizer, among other dishes, guests should be offered cheeses and fruits. It is allowed to organize a light buffet for the fifteenth wedding anniversary.

Who to invite to the party

Anniversary weddings are celebrated in a big way. Among the invited friends should be those who were present at the time of the marriage, as well as all with whom married couple managed to install friendly relations during fifteen years of marriage. Getting ready to celebrate this solemn date, you need to decide on the list of guests:

  • Parents;
  • Children;
  • Witnesses at the wedding;
  • Family friends and relatives.

The main guests at the fifteenth wedding anniversary should be the parents of the spouses and children. The presence of older family members is evidence of respect for age and the continuity of generations, and the participation of children in the holiday is a symbol of the continuation of the family lineage.

Where and how to celebrate

If the heroes of the occasion decided to celebrate this event noisily and cheerfully, then it is best rent a separate room in a cafe for these purposes so that the owners themselves have the opportunity to relax during the holiday. As in the case of a regular wedding, you can invite toastmaster or write your own script festive evening. The decision to celebrate the anniversary wedding date V small company also correct in its own way, especially since astrologers recommend celebrating crystal wedding V narrow circle . The fact is that the planet Saturn is responsible for the fifteen-year date, which does not welcome outside interference in family affairs.

Congratulations in verse and prose

As at any wedding, at this celebration can't do without toast. It is better to prepare in advance a few original or cool congratulations, which would not bore those sitting at the table. For this purpose, small poems or witty wishes in prose are suitable. Here are examples of some of them.

Crystal clinking glasses

Cheerful loud laugh.

Happy wedding to you Crystal!

You are the best couple!

Take care of each other

Never quarrel

Keep your love

For many years!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

With an anniversary common date - a crystal wedding!

I wish you love long, clear, like crystal,

And may your union still be strong, like steel!

Fifteen crystal stars

Heaven gave you

And your union of two crystal souls

For all and pride, and beauty!

Let it shine brightly above you

Night high sky!

And the happy stars will not subside

Crystal clear chime!

We wish you to live in full harmony many more times for fifteen years! Continue to share family joys and worries in two. Happiness to you, health and good luck! Bitterly! *** Dear “crystal” spouses! We sincerely congratulate you on the fifteenth anniversary of the family! Protect each other and the purity of your relationship, like an expensive crystal vase! May you live happily ever after!

What to gift

It is not always possible to purchase anniversary wedding something very original, but you can try to turn an ordinary gift into an unusual present.

Suppose a beautiful dish is purchased as a gift. In order to present it in an original way, you can use this present as an auxiliary thing, for example, for playing forfeits. For this purpose, wrappers should be poured onto the dish with comic tasks, and entertain the "young" and guests in such a simple way. And at the end of the game, present it as a prize to the best players - the heroes of the occasion. An ordinary ashtray can be presented with a miniature bouquet of flowers, thus reformatting it into a vase and accompanying it with some kind of joke, for example: “A souvenir should not serve a husband for smoking, but his wife for prosperity.” The option of a gift with figurines will look original. You can purchase two elegant figurines and give them the names of the spouses. When giving a gift, remember interesting and important events from the life of the newlyweds. It will be funny and touching. At any holiday always in price unusual gifts. As such unexpected gifts for the fifteenth wedding anniversary, you can try the following options:

  • A painting enclosed in an exquisite crystal frame;
  • Crystal samovar, symbolizing the unity of the family;
  • Any souvenir made of optical glass, decorated with an inscription or drawing;
  • Aquarium with decorative fish;
  • Crystal candlesticks are a kind of intimate gift, they are suitable for a romantic evening and symbolize the honeymoon.

Depending on the tastes of the "newlyweds" you can give more practical gifts , but again having at least an indirect relation to glass or crystal. For example, a certificate for the installation of new double-glazed windows, tickets for visiting an aquarium with exotic inhabitants or performances in a dolphinarium. Such gifts will look bold and original. If you wish to do exclusive gift you can pay in advance in the workshop for the production of a crystal souvenir on an individual order.

Gifts to each other

Gifts should come up for each other and the spouses themselves. After all, guests will come to their house only in the evening, while the holiday begins in the morning. Therefore, it does not hurt to take advantage of this great opportunity and make nice presents each other. For this, it is best tender words and material offerings, chosen according to the taste of their partner, which each of the spouses is already well aware of.

Wife can be presented following gifts from crystal:

  • Vase;
  • Jewelry box;
  • Exquisite decorations;
  • Souvenir - shoe or heart;
  • Illuminated crystal;
  • Artificial flower;
  • Table lamp;
  • Keychain, pendant.

The wife should also prepare original gift for a spouse. As a festive crystal present, the following options may be suitable:

  • Statuette;
  • Beer mug;
  • Transparent table figures - a cube, a pyramid or a ball on a stand;
  • Laser hologram in crystal.
  • Framed table clock;
  • Pen holder and business card holder;
  • Flash drive;
  • Souvenir version of the board game.

Crystal wedding follows after steel, nickel and agate. This means that it is not entirely correct to explain its name only by the purity and fragility of human relations. Perhaps a more correct interpretation of this celebration would be the harmony of form and content achieved over a fifteen-year period. After all technological process crystal glass, includes melting, blowing, heat treatment, engraving and, finally, careful polishing.

Also, relationships between spouses go through a lot of trials for fifteen years before they acquire a beautiful, perfect form, comparable to an exquisite crystal product.

A wedding is not just an event with a lot of guests and tears of happiness. A wedding is an event that frames a serious step of two people. A wedding is a sign, it is a sign that young people are ready to go through this life hand in hand. And year after year, husband and wife celebrate the date of their marriage as something special. After all, their family was born on this day, so the anniversary is a personal holiday for the spouses.

It is customary among the people not only to count the years lived together, but also to celebrate each anniversary in a special way. Few are able to point out golden wedding(50 years from the date of marriage), but here are 15 years under the power of each strong family. 15 years of marriage - what kind of wedding is it? 15th anniversary is a crystal wedding.

Crystal wedding: features

The 15th anniversary is called crystal, because such a “joint term” is correlated with the purity and transparency of noble glass. For a decade and a half, the spouses have learned to understand each other perfectly, they take care of their family and understand the value of their decision. But it is worth remembering that crystal is not only crystal clear, but also fragile. Love young years disappeared long ago, and marriage rests on mutual understanding and revenue. Therefore, a wrong deed can destroy what is acquired by overwork.

15 years of marriage can be called a turning point. But if the husband and wife were able to keep the warmth and comfort in the house for such a period, then they have nothing to fear. But if there are any misunderstandings, then you need to either try to resolve everything, or end the marriage. But everyone knows that no adversity can break strong marriage. A little work on yourself and you can safely step forward together.

In numerology, the number "15" is considered lucky, it brings good luck and material wealth to life. Therefore, you need to pay tribute to him, that is, celebrate the anniversary properly, listening to the traditions and advice of the elders.

Crystal wedding: what to give for 15 years of marriage

Jewelry with crystal and crystals.

For so significant date It is customary to give exceptionally serious gifts. You can choose a piece of household appliances or tickets to a concert of a famous artist. Spouses will certainly be happy to receive a new TV, coffee maker and other kitchen utensils, as well as a vacuum cleaner or iron. But I take into account the specifics of the date, you can choose as a gift and crystal products: glasses, wine glasses, salad bowls, desk lamp and vases.

When choosing gifts made of crystal, you can come up with original way present them. For example, a vase can be given already with lush bouquet flowers or a money bookmark. If the choice fell on a figurine, then it is better to choose their paired options. And if you decorate the figurines with engraving, then such a gift will be able to touch the spouses to the core and will remind them of who gave it long years.

Also in the price will be unusual gifts. For example, a crystal samovar. Now, you can find a great electric option made of glass, which will symbolize the unity of the family. And you can also present a certificate for the replacement of double-glazed windows, an aquarium with exotic fish or an exclusive gift made to order in the workshop.

What to give a woman for a crystal wedding

The crystal flower is a symbolic gift.

When choosing a gift for a wife, or even a girlfriend who celebrates 15 years of marriage, you should pay attention to sparkling and catchy things. For example, a husband can please his beloved with a ring with precious stone. Also suitable for a bracelet or wrist watch with glass elements. A friend can present an elegant bottle of perfume.

But, as you know, the main thing is not a gift, the main thing is attention. A woman usually expects romance and love from an anniversary. Therefore, the husband can turn on the fantasy and give his wife a real fairy tale. For example, you can repeat the day of acquaintance. Invite your spouse to where this love story originated. If it is far away or this place has changed, you can simply visit the significant corners of your hometown.

You can start surprising a woman in the morning. It is enough to bring her a cup of coffee in bed, decorate the bedroom and present a luxurious bouquet of flowers. By the way, when choosing a bouquet for a crystal wedding, you should give preference to orchids. These delicate flowers symbolize the trepidation of the feelings of the spouses, as well as the fact that their warmth has not cooled down over 15 years of marriage.

What to give a man for a crystal wedding

A gift for 15 years of marriage for a husband can be any piece of crystal. For example, if a man has his own office, you can present a crystal photo frame or a figurine on the table. If the spouse has bad habits, then you can reward him with a bottle of expensive alcohol or a crystal ashtray.

Among other things, if the husband has long wanted some thing, but it has nothing to do with glass, then you can put it in a vase and present it in this form. But a voluminous gift can be decorated with a crystal tag with a signature.

Crystal wedding: how to celebrate

Crystal tableware holiday table.

To celebrate the crystal jubilee, you need to invite all relatives and relatives. The celebration should be loud and on a grand scale. Choose a venue according to the season and financial possibilities. For example, in the cool season, you can call guests home or organize a banquet in a restaurant. If you decide to order a restaurant, then you should worry about it in advance. You can decorate the hall and support the theme of crystal. You can also invite the host to return to the happy wedding day again.

On the holiday, you need to adhere to several traditions:

  • On the festive table, there must be a serving of crystal dishes. Even if it is not possible to use a full-fledged crystal service, it is enough to put a couple of salad bowls and a vase of flowers.
  • At the beginning of the feast, the spouses need to exchange crystal glasses.
  • At the end of the feast, you need to break a glass for happiness. Of course, it is desirable that it be a glass of crystal. If the celebration takes place in a restaurant, you need to discuss this nuance with the administration in advance.

If the holiday falls on warm time year, you can order an open restaurant terrace, or organize a large-scale picnic. But it happens that there is no desire to collect a noisy company. Then you can give yourself a vacation for two. Go on a trip around the country, to the sea, or visit the resort where the honeymoon took place.

15 years is a big date. The couple managed to grow up together, build a life, raise children. All the achievements of each of them have long been joint achievements, joint victories. Spouses know the tastes of each other, they know how to please and support. Therefore, this date must be celebrated.

In general, no matter how many years the spouses celebrate, the main thing is mutual understanding and love. And let them say that the crystal jubilee promises change, symbolizes the fragility of marriage and the impermanence of things, one should not pay attention to superstition. Only sincerity, trust and support can bring joy during the celebration anniversary. If the spouses have not become a burden to each other for many years, then the celebration will bring real pleasure. And it doesn’t matter what friends or relatives give, no matter who shares this joy with them, in any case, an anniversary is a holiday for two, the rest are just decoration.

15 years together is a long time. People who have lived so long together deserve to receive original, memorable gifts on this day.

The best presents for a significant date will be crystal and glass items that will mean transparency and purity of the relationship between husband and wife. As a rule, these are dishes and serving items: glasses, wine glasses, vases, various sets.

  • By the way, during the festive feast on ancient custom spouses must break a plate or glass. There is another sign according to which spouses get rid of unnecessary dishes. It is believed that it has the property of absorbing bad energy therefore, new dishes will be very useful to them.
  • A lamp with a crystal lampshade not only looks luxurious and stylish, but also symbolizes the family hearth, decorates and illuminates the family nest.
  • For 15 years of marriage, it is customary to give various glass and crystal figurines, figurines depicting people or animals, and various souvenirs made from these materials. The most popular souvenir for a crystal wedding are the figures of swans, personifying eternal love and loyalty. By the way, the original figurines can be seen not only in stores, but also in exhibition centers, where you will surely be able to pick up something unusual and memorable.

  • And if you make an engraving on a gift with kind warm words, then its value in the eyes of the newlyweds will increase significantly.
  • The aquarium symbolizes calmness, peace and is able to defuse the nervous situation.
  • Original glass souvenirs with a holographic image will decorate the office and desktop of the spouses.
  • As a gift for glass anniversary it is quite appropriate to present elite alcoholic drinks in a pretentious beautiful bottle, and an expensive pair perfume for spouses who have been married for 15 years, which means that in many ways their tastes converge.

In addition to presentations made in glass or crystal, it would be useful to Appliances, which will be useful to anniversaries and will significantly save them time when doing housework.

It could be:

  • microwave;
  • food processor;
  • TV;
  • multicooker;
  • coffee maker;
  • toaster.

Do not forget to beautifully and aesthetically decorate the gift so that it is pleasant to take it in your hands.

What to give your beloved husband

It is nice to receive gifts, and gifts from a loved one are doubly so. What to give a husband for a crystal wedding? The wife should take care of this in advance and make sure that her gift is the most expensive and memorable for her husband.

You can of course buy universal gift, so to speak, for show, but it is much better to present to a loved one practical thing that will delight him for years to come.

  • So, how to please your beloved man? If your spouse smokes, you can give him a glass ashtray, a beer lover will be fine with a crystal beer mug. However, it is likely that relatives or acquaintances will also want to donate these particular items, so you should approach the issue creatively. And if you want to give these things as a gift, then contact the workshop to engrave a memorable inscription from you.

  • Who, if not the wife, knows the passions of her man. Giving perfume is not very
    good idea, because, not knowing what flavors a person likes, you can miss the choice. And who better than the wife knows the taste of her husband. Therefore, you can safely go to the perfume store and buy your favorite toilet water spouse.
  • Think about what will suit your spouse and what he will definitely use. Surely getting a new one as a present mobile phone, SLR camera, accessories for a car or a laptop will make a man ecstatic.
  • An economic man who loves to craft will like a new drill, a set of tools.
  • Almost any man will be delighted with expensive vintage wine or cognac, and if they are presented complete with an original and stylish stand for strong drinks, then this will generally delight him.

  • Can be donated original set checkers, in which instead of checkers ... small glasses.
  • An unforgettable gift will be romantic dinner. The wedding anniversary, the 15th anniversary of marriage will be remembered by the husband because his wife looked unusually seductive, attractive and arranged for her husband unforgettable evening by candlelight.

Gifts for beloved wife

Many men are concerned about the question of what they give to their wife for 15 years of marriage. You can dream up or take the path of least resistance and give what your beloved wife prefers.

The winning option, of course, are items that meet the theme of the anniversary: ​​fragile, elegant beautiful things made of crystal and glass.

ABOUT nice gift for a crystal wedding to his beloved wife, a caring spouse should take care in advance:

  1. Jewelry (rings and other jewelry with precious or semi-precious stones).
  2. A favorite perfume, because only a husband can know what kind of fragrance his wife likes.
  3. A fur product, because almost every woman dreams of a beautiful fashionable fur coat.

While the beloved is sleeping, you can decorate the room colorful balls on which are written touching congratulations with a crystal wedding - words of love and tenderness, cook coffee for your wife, serve her breakfast in bed.

Most importantly, a man must tell his wife that she is the woman of his life and he wants to live with her for the rest of his life. The wife will be very touched by such a manifestation of tenderness.

Bouquets of flowers and more

It is impossible to do without flowers on such a significant anniversary!

  • For the crystal anniversary, elegant, exquisite orchids are the best fit - a symbol of tenderness and affection. luxury flowers embody peace and harmony in the family, this is a wonderful gift for your beloved woman.
  • Red, coral or pink roses represents passion and tender love spouses and are appropriate for any anniversary, not only for crystal.
  • Pretty popular destination unusual bouquets in the form of toys, animals and other figurines. Your wife will love this gift!

  • Look great flower arrangements in baskets, specially made to order by a florist. This great gift has the advantage of not having to think about the right vase for the flowers. The basket contains a vessel with a solution, thanks to which the flowers can remain fresh and fragrant for a long time.

A crystal wedding is a magnificent date that needs to be celebrated beautifully so that, after many years, think about this day with warmth and romantic memories.

Congratulations on your crystal wedding! Let your relationship be as pure, transparent, sonorous, amazing as crystal. We wish peace, prosperity, good luck to your family. May your home be full of happiness, smiles and warmth.

Gently pours the chime of glasses,
Each glance is filled with tenderness.
Gently "yes" to her beloved said
You are fifteen years ago.

He carried your tenderness these years,
Carefully and reverently keeping
Flying free today
Tenderness rings like a wedding from crystal.

And let the chime be cheerful
Excite your senses again!
And at a new stage of life
Love will thunder!

Congratulations on the 15th anniversary of your family, on a crystal wedding. May your feelings always remain crystal clear and bright, may your life be filled with happiness and goodness, may there always be joy and prosperity in your home, may your love forever remain strong and great.

Your wedding with crystal -
You've been together for fifteen years.
There were joys and sorrows
But there was also a lot of happiness!

We want to live long
Treasure your marriage
And love each other more
To make it easier for you!

To understand each other
Never offended!
congratulations with a rhyme
And, of course, congratulations!

Beautiful crystal ... Sparkling in the light,
He is in different shades goes over.
Feeling fifteen years long
In the radiance of that finds a parallel.

Fifteen years of sparkling love
What did the groom give to his bride.
They spend their days in harmony
The two who want to be together forever.

Fifteen more fifteen times
Live together as a friendly family.
Let sorrows not touch you
Let life be only a bright streak.

Let the bright light always shine
Filling my soul with great love,
So that in tens of years
It gave me a feeling of paradise.

Crystal is priceless, fragile and beautiful.
Love is more valuable, more fragile and more beautiful.
You lived, keeping the consent,
Fifteen years in love and quiet happiness.

I wish you in the fast run of days -
I'm not afraid of this beautiful phrase -
Shine with love with the sun on a par,
After all, the crystal shines like diamonds!

Love puts on crystal chains,
You have a crystal wedding today,
Friends, congratulations - you have enough of everything,
But I'll read mine now!

May the sun of joy be above you
And the wind of hope carries away sorrow
And the path of your life is strewn with flowers,
And your marriage will be - hardened steel!

Let there be enough time for hugs,
And you will not forget the word love,
And passion, as before, boils in the hearts,
Your hopes and dreams come true!

crystal wedding date -
Family anniversary!
Fifteen years married
And love - stronger!

Eyes are burning in love
The house shines with light!
For you newlyweds
We drink champagne.

You are happiness and love
Warmed up the whole world!
We wish you health.
Let there be a feast today!

We know that crystal is beautiful,
And that he is so fragile.
But let troubles rush off into the distance,
We prophesy happiness to you!

Happy Crystal Wedding! Let love
Blooming like before
Excites the soul, heart, blood
And gives pleasure!

Fifteen years - what a date!
So your faces shine with love,
How happy we are for you guys
May your happiness last forever!

Hand in hand you go through life
Not noticing petty insults.
Live happily and selflessly
And fate will bestow upon you in full.

The crystal is transparent, like a tear.
It will be stronger than glass.
Let life be successful
You have now and always.
You guard your comfort
Never quarrel.
Let the birds of happiness sing to you.
Trouble leaves the house.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
You are so good today.

15 years of marriage: what kind of wedding, what do they give, what traditions should be followed? If you had to face these questions, then read on.

15 years from the date of marriage is a crystal wedding. As a rule, on the eve of the holiday, husbands and wives try to come up with something interesting for each other, picking up symbolic and original presents.

Fifteen years of marriage is not like that short term. If the lovers were able to live in peace and love for so long, then special attention should be paid to honoring this event.

Because that a crystal wedding has been known for a very long time, this event has “overgrown” with a mass of customs and rituals, which should be discussed in more detail:

It is clear that many traditions are directly related to the name of this event. Crystal is very beautiful and transparent material beautifully shimmering in the light. But he is fragile if he is strong impact from the outside.

The relationship between husband and wife corresponds to the properties of crystal: they are also transparent and sparkling, but they can crack and break under pressure. Therefore, after 15 years from the date of conclusion marriage union remember the importance of relationships. Only in this case, the feelings in the family will get stronger, and no external influences will affect them.

Gift for wife and husband

An anniversary present from a loved one should be as touching as possible and take into account the peculiarities of this event. So what are the most popular crystal wedding gifts?

The very name "crystal" prompts spouses to ideas great gifts. Crystal jewelry, wine glasses, caskets, vases - all this will symbolize long, strong and very warm feelings in a couple.

If the spouse has a desire to truly surprise and please his wife, then you can pick up something original. Often becomes a present high quality underwear or organization romantic evening. This gift will definitely show a woman that she is very needed and loved.

For 15 years cohabitation the spouses have already managed to perfectly study the preferences and habits of each other, therefore, with the choice of a gift there should not be any special problems. Women who are thinking about what to give their husband for their 15th wedding anniversary can use the following options:

  • crystal chess, made to order, will surely please the admirer of this "sport";
  • an original crystal ashtray with a unique engraving is also a good solution;
  • a glass picture is a very original and creative present;
  • the beloved spouse can also be given rum and whiskey glasses, shot glasses and similar items.

There can really be a lot of options here, but a woman still needs to turn on her imagination. The image on the surface of the glass, made on the basis of a photograph of a couple, is the very thing that will serve as a reminder of this event for a long time.

Presents from friends

As a rule, it is customary to celebrate the fifteenth wedding anniversary by throwing parties to which all friends are invited. In this situation, guests may also have a question related to the choice of a gift. As a basis, you can take the same idea with glass or crystal things, but also about creativity should not be forgotten.

What gifts can suit happy spouses? Let's make a list:

Fifteen years together is an extremely serious period, and therefore the present must be appropriate.

Along with this, it should also be touching and sincere, showing your attitude towards the couple. You can try to remember your own talents, if any. For example, if you have good drawing skills, then you can make beautiful picture on glass.

Standard items in the form of dishes and figurines made of crystal can also be presented in an unusual way by engraving warm wishes on their surface.

Gifts for a crystal wedding from children

At this time, most couples celebrate their anniversary, already being parents. As a rule, children have not yet reached the age of majority and they have neither the opportunity nor the means for something expensive, but they also have the opportunity bring joy to parents by making a gift with your own hands.

Congratulations on this day are often considered something secondary. People just buy postcards in a hurry, sometimes without even signing them, and this approach is completely wrong. Perfect option congratulations - one that is made just for this couple. Try to write some nice or even a little funny rhyme.

A crystal wedding allows two people to understand how much they have been through and what an amazing and difficult path they have been able to overcome in maintaining a relationship. . And the most interesting thing is that in the future even more amazing and joyful awaits them, which means that the feelings of the heroes of the occasion will become even stronger!

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