Patterns of interaction between children in a mixed-age group. Features of children of different ages communicating

Olesya Grigorieva
Report “Working conditions in mixed age group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"

Among diverse problems of modern preschool education There is a problem different age groups . All diverse preschool educational technologies targeted at a specific age and logic age development, and attempts to describe the specifics of their application in mixed age group, in essence, attempts to adapt without any significant changes what developed for a specific age. Return to the practice of co-parenting miscellaneous age determines the increased interest of psychological and pedagogical science in diverse problems of different age groups.

It is obvious that before the teacher mixed age group there is a difficult task - to select such forms work to be able to organize them for all children at the same time. Ideas for holding events in mixed age group given in the literature a lot of:

Younger children are later included in work and(or) they finish it earlier;

Older preschoolers are motivated differently work than younger ones;

At the same time, independent activities of one groups and joint with the teacher - another;

Younger children receive simpler tasks than older children.

Basic educational program for child development mixed age group from 3 to 7 years provides versatile development of children aged 3-5 years; 5-7 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics according to the main directions: physical; social and communicative; cognitive; speech and artistic-aesthetic.

This program designed in accordance with the following regulations documents:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation» ;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education”;

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the regime work preschool educational organizations";

Charter of the institution.

The program aims to create conditions for child development, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, development of initiative and creativity based on cooperation with adults and peers and relevant age types of activities; to create a spatial, developmental educational environment, which is a system conditions socialization and individualization of children. Thanks to this, the program becomes the key to preparing children for life in modern society, which requires the ability to learn throughout life and at the same time to relate to reality intelligently and creatively. All situations Everyday life in which the child ends up in kindergarten, have an educational meaning: on a walk and during regime moments the child builds an attitude towards himself and others, learns to be proactive and make decisions, use his thinking and imagination. (Federal State Educational Standard)

Organizations of educational educational process V different age groups Both practical teachers and methodologists touched upon it in their works. Organization of training and education in such groups has a certain complexity, since teachers are required to have specific knowledge work with different age groups and ability to relate software requirements with individual characteristics pupils. When organizing educational process V mixed age group, the teacher must determine the composition in advance groups, select 2-3 subgroups and in accordance with them to differentiate teaching and educational work. In addition, often preschoolers, out of necessity, remain in the same room. Thus, the teacher needs to create conditions for so that children can occupy themselves independently for 10-15 minutes, without distracting those who are studying. If possible, children should be taken to another room, where they will be under the supervision of an assistant teacher.

In this case, it is better to implement the principle of maximum consideration of the age-related capabilities of children. IN group a general regime is established that meets the capabilities and needs of children groups, favorable conditions as for independent activity, and for conducting classes.

Organization of the educational process in mixed age group has a positive influence: although the combination is in one a group of children of different ages complicates the teacher’s work, but at the same time it opens up wide opportunities for organizing children’s communication of different ages .

As observations show, younger children V mixed age group willingly listen to advice, comments, and assessments of older children made in a friendly manner, perceive well their fair management of joint activities, and react negatively to harsh and authoritarian attitudes. Constant communication between younger children and older children forms friendships and independence. The example of elders for younger ones is of particular importance. Older preschoolers serve as an example in everything; they develop responsibility, conscientiousness, and improve their skills in collective relationships. Big and small do not compete with each other, as it has become by law: you are the eldest, I am the youngest - this is objective reality Therefore, the elders are caring and generous, and the younger ones are respectful and obedient.

The teacher needs to make sure that the kids are not passive observers, but active participants in the process.

The personal example of the teacher has a great influence on children. Working in such a group painstaking and responsible, requiring great tact and skill, enormous knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers. The teacher must understand each child, know his interests and needs.

When planning and organizing classes, it is necessary to follow the list and composition of classes per week established in the program for children of each year of life. It is necessary to strive to realize other important requirements preschool pedagogy: about observing the timing of classes, their sequence, and the combination of classes. The teacher organizes educational activities in compliance with requirements Basic educational program for each age category.

Important condition effective implementation classes different types in a mixed age group is the teacher’s ability to plan work, determine didactic tasks, program content, teaching methods in compliance with the requirements of consistency, systematicity, gradual complications of the material.

In organizing children's education mixed age group there are two main forms: games and activities, the main goal of which is the comprehensive education and development of each child, the formation of educational skills.

Game of mixed age group allows you to achieve significant results, because it creates favorable conditions for the interaction of the teacher with children and children with each other. Didactic, Mind games As a form of training organization, they acquire special significance because they use self-learning and peer learning. In a didactic game, educational and gaming aspects interact. IN compliance with this, the teacher simultaneously teaches the children and participates in their play, and the children learn while playing.

In a didactic game in mixed age group knowledge and skills are consolidated, new educational material is absorbed.

For successful organization work in different age groups great importance has a common children's game. Unity mixed age group toys that children bring from home contribute to this, because new facets of communication appear. Communication during joint activities provides enormous opportunities for children to interact of different ages, for organizing mutual assistance, teaching juniors to seniors.

However, it should be said that although the game significantly increases the efficiency pedagogical process V conditions of different age groups, however, the main form of organizing education in preschool institutions remains the lesson.

IN different age groups use frontal group and individual forms of organizing the educational process that allow different way to form relationships between teachers and children and children among themselves.

The most effective, in our opinion, is the combination different forms work(collective Job, work with a subgroup And individual sessions). More general educational problems are best solved using frontal exercises, and specific (communication of new material, consolidation, expansion and clarification of knowledge)- in classes with one subgroup.

The organization of the pedagogical process should be focused not only on the general tasks of education (programs, guidelines, but mainly on the child, his needs, interests, level of development.

Therefore, when organizing working in a mixed age group the following should be taken into account moments:

1. The teacher, organizing the educational process in mixed age group, must clearly define the goal, objectives, content, have a good command of the methodology for conducting classes with children in mixed age group.

2. Program requirements are differentiated for each age subgroups due to different ways to perform a certain task.

3. In frontal classes, it is better to solve more general educational tasks, and more specific (different) - in classes with one subgroup of children.

4. Basic shape work in a mixed-age group, classes remain(complex, combined, general). When conducting complex classes V different age groups need to ensure that so that children's activities alone subgroups didn't distract the children subgroups. General activities it is advisable to carry out provided the same or similar topic for children of all ages subgroups, taking into account the capabilities of children and their level of independence.

5. The material prepared for the lesson should contain common elements for all children subgroups, which makes it possible to unite students to play games and perform certain tasks.

6. Completing tasks in mixed age group carried out by two ways: under the direct supervision of the teacher; with the help of didactic games and didactic materials (independent children's work) .

7. When organizing the educational process, it is necessary to take into account the individual, age and gender characteristics of children preschool age.

The organization of the development environment in group. Creating a developmental environment groups, educators take into account the characteristics of children, age, level of development, interests, inclinations, abilities, gender, and personal characteristics. IN group children enjoy playing corners: "Kitchen", "Polyclinic", "Shop", "Beauty saloon", "Library"; "Music Corner", for the development of creative abilities "Creativity Center".

The placement of furniture is of no small importance. Tables and beds are arranged according to age subgroups. The beds of younger children are located in a quiet part of the bedroom; older children, getting up first, do not disturb sleep younger preschoolers. The correct arrangement of furniture makes it possible to differentiate the duration regime processes, present the same requirements to children of the same age, and vice versa, diversify the activities of children of different ages.

When implementing the interaction of children, we applied the following rules:

1. Seniors provide help to juniors at their request.

2. B group It is strictly forbidden to take away toys from another child, beat or insult anyone in any situation. Breaking other people's buildings, spoiling the products of other children's labor and taking personal belongings and toys brought from home without the owner's permission. All adults strictly monitor compliance with this rule. working in a group.

3. Younger children can always be present and participate in any activity to the best of their ability - if condition that they do not interfere with older children.

By organizing the lives of children, they diverse active work, educators care about the protection and promotion of the health of each child, his full physical development, about creating a cheerful, cheerful mood.


1. Avanesova V.N. "Education and training in mixed age group» . – M., 1979.

2. Doronova T. N. “Raising children in small preschool institutions”. and. - l. "D/v" - 1984 - №2.

3. Dubrova V. P., Milashevich E. P. « Teaching practice in kindergarten" (tutorial) . – M, "Academy", 1998

4. Akperova, L. Ch., Zdybel E. N. Moral education children in different age groups// Kindergarten from A to Z. - No. 1 - 2012.

Lyubov Toporkova
Consultation for parents on the topic: Peculiarities of organizing work in a mixed-age group

In accordance with the Model Regulations on Preschool educational institution, V groups kindergarten can include both children of the same age and children different ages. In the practice of raising preschool children for many years there have been mixed age groups.

As the main reasons causing this phenomenon, can be called following:

1) difficulties in packaging groups(due to a missing or excess number of children of the same age);

2) availability family ties between pupils of various ages(as a consequence, the desire parents define them in one group);

3) insufficiency of the material and technical base for the creation of complete same-age groups;

4) features of work preschool in summer;

IN different age groups general developmental orientation, the maximum occupancy is if there is group of children:

Two ages (from 2 months to 3 years)– 10 children;

Any three ages (from 3 to 7 years)– 15 children;

Any two ages (from 3 to 7 years)–20children

One of the advantages of different ages acquisition principle groups is the opportunity to expand children's social circle. Children of different ages, who are in the same team, more often take into account the interests of others when choosing options for joint activities. Conditions cohabitation allow you to more actively form new social positions and skills of social behavior.

Most expedient is picking groups of children close, related age.

In this case, it is better to implement the principle of maximum consideration of the age-related capabilities of children. IN group a common regime is established that meets the capabilities and needs of children of both groups, favorable conditions are created both for independent activity and for conducting classes.

Organization educational process in mixed age group has a positive influence: although the combination is in one group of different the age of the children makes it more difficult teacher's work, but at the same time opens up wide opportunities for him to organizing communication between children of different ages.

As our observations indicate, younger children in mixed age group willingly listen to advice, comments, and assessments of older children made in a friendly manner, perceive well their fair management of joint activities, and react negatively to harsh and authoritarian attitudes. Constant communication between younger children and older children forms friendships and independence. Special The example of the elders for the younger ones becomes important.

Psychologists, teachers, educators and, of course, parents differently refer to the phenomenon different age groups in preschool institutions.

Some believe that it is in groups children of different ages are provided Better conditions for general mental and moral development, because here, in their opinion “Older children learn to help younger ones”, “younger children, imitating their elders, develop faster”

Others, on the contrary, believe that in different age groups there are a number of problems associated with difficulties organizations educational process, the inability to take into account individual abilities of children of different ages, etc..

Educational work in different age groups has a number of specific difficulties, most clearly manifested in groups, staffed by children of sharply contrasting ages. First of all, these are difficulties organizational nature:

1) problems of creating the necessary air-thermal conditions;

2) different degrees of susceptibility of children of different ages to infectious diseases and different levels of development of self-care and hygiene skills, sleep and activity needs;

3) difficulties in equipping the premises with furniture, toys, and equipping the pedagogical process

Constant communication between younger children and older children creates favorable conditions for the formation friendly relations, caring, independence. Here the elders help the baby get dressed, tell him fairy tales, protect him from the offender, that is, take care of him.

Special The example of elders becomes important for children. Due to their tendency to imitate, the younger ones gradually adopt everything positive traits seniors

Long-term observations prove that in different age groups Younger children learn skills much faster, and older children grow up to be more empathetic, friendly and responsive. First time coming to kindergarten IR, the kids are already in organized team, more easily obey his rules, imitating in everything the older children who in this case serve as a support for the teacher.

IN organizing education for children of different age groups there are two main forms: games and activities, the main goal of which is the comprehensive education and development of each child, the formation of educational skills.

Game of mixed age group allows you to achieve significant results, since it creates favorable conditions for the interaction of the teacher with children and children with each other. Didactic, intellectual games as a form organizations acquire training special meaning, because they use self-learning and peer learning. In a didactic game, educational and gaming aspects interact. In accordance with this, the teacher simultaneously teaches children and participates in their play, and children learn while playing.

In a didactic game in mixed age group knowledge and skills are consolidated, new educational material is absorbed.

For successful organizing work in different age groups The overall play of children is of great importance. Unity toys for different age groups, which children bring from home, because new facets of communication appear. Communication during joint activities provides enormous opportunities for mutual influence among children. of different ages, For mutual aid organizations, teaching the younger by the older.

However, it should be said that although the game significantly increases the effectiveness of the pedagogical process in conditions mixed age group, however the main form organizations teaching in preschool institutions remains busy.

IN different age groups use frontal group and custom forms organization of the educational process, that allow different way to form relationships between teachers and children and children among themselves.

The most effective, in our opinion, is the combination different forms of work(collective Job, work with a subgroup and individual lessons). More general educational tasks are best solved in frontal classes, and specific ones (communication of new material, consolidation, expansion and clarification of knowledge)- in classes with one subgroup.

Method of organization group activities V mixed age group:

1. class starts simultaneously in all three (four) subgroups, and the ending is sequential (after 15 minutes - for the younger ones, after 20 - for the middle ones, etc.);

2. sequential start of the lesson (the lesson starts with one subgroup, then after 5-7 minutes the second one is connected, then the third one).

Publications on the topic:

In accordance with the requirements of the “Federal State Standard of Preschool Education”, SANPin, the Procedure for organizing educational.

"Features of working with gifted children." Consultation for teachers All children are born to be successful. The only thing they need is to develop their talents. Faith moves mountains... faith in children can.

No one knows or feels their child as well as parents. Their love and intuition, as well as family traditions help to educate.

Consultation for parents “Psychological characteristics of motherhood” Both domestic and foreign psychologists have studied the relationship between mother and child. For example, research by D. Winnicott and R. Spitz is being done.

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Consultation for parents “Features of interaction” Interaction with the older generation. The older generation - grandparents - are people who have a lot of life experience, but have already lost.

Integration educational areas when organizing direct educational activities. Preschool age is bright and unique.

Consultation for educators “Features of organizing a developing subject-spatial environment” Features of the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment - The quality of work cannot be achieved without creating conditions for implementation.

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In preschool practice. In education, there have always been different age groups (RVG). On the one hand, such groups have clear advantages compared to those of the same age: older children learn to be more attentive to the younger ones and help them; the younger ones, imitating the older ones, develop faster. On the other hand: elders offend children, children interfere with elders’ activities, it can be difficult to organize children, etc.

Were allocated following types relationships between children:

Detached attitude x-s low interest in other children and a pronounced orientation towards adults. Both the elders and the younger ones. In children this was expressed in a preference for the individual. forms of activity and high normativity in statements and behavior. The main thing for them was relationships with adults with complete indifference to other children. Following the adult’s instructions not to offend the kids and give in to them, the elders helped the younger ones, but did it formally and indifferently, without emotions. inclusion. The younger ones also sought to earn the teacher’s encouragement by following his instructions and imitating the older children.

Egocentric attitude with pronounced pragmatism. The main motive for behavior was the desire to realize one’s interests and gain one’s own benefit. Dr. the child was perceived as an obstacle. In older children, this was manifested in demonstrating their advantages and in a mentoring tone of statements: “I’m older and know better than you how to do things. Do as I say." The younger ones ignored the older ones and defended their interests. They interfered with the actions of others, interfered with each other, and broke the rules. Everyone tried to act in their own favor.

Depreciation ratio expressed in the desire of the elders to assert themselves at the expense of the younger ones. It manifested itself in negative assessments of the actions and behavior of other children. Such an attitude could extend to the personality of another child, and then it became an insult, humiliation. Unlike the cases of egocenter. relationship, the eldest child asserted his I not simply due to his advantages in the game, but through humiliation and devaluation of the personality of the younger one. Jr. at the same time, they either protested or tolerated and obeyed the will of their elders.

Attitude of Ownership manifested itself in the desire for joint activities, in the coordination of interests, and in the search for commonality. The older children strove to involve the kids in a common cause, not in words, but actually helped them, gave in the best, helped them in the game, and all this was done on the preschoolers’ own initiative, without the instructions and promptings of the teacher. The younger ones were interested in the common cause and readily responded to the proposals of the older ones.

Competitive attitude was expressed in the fact that the other child acted as an object for comparison. With initially equal opportunities, there was a desire to emphasize one’s superiority: who would draw faster and better, who would win, etc. The main thing in this was the competitor. Start.

X-r interpersonal relationships in different age groups, d/s is characterized by wide variability, while in each of them one of them dominates certain type relationships between children. Same-age groups are more evenly represented Various types interpersonal relationships, in the same situations there are no manifestations of indifference to others: the children did not push each other, did not take away crayons, as the elders often did in relation to the younger ones. Peer relationships never reached the point of devaluing and humiliating another child, which was often observed in groups of different ages. An arrogant, mentoring position was also present only in the mixed-age group. However, competitive relationships were expressed in same-age groups.

Basics factor influencing interpersonal relationships children in different age groups is x-r interaction teacher with children. The influence of the teacher and his style of communication with children become a model of behavior for older children in relation to younger ones. The composition of a group of different ages creates favorable conditions for the implementation, reproduction and appropriation of the type of attitude towards younger people that an adult demonstrates.

Mixed age group in kindergarten

For a long time, in the preschool education system, it was customary to divide children into groups by age. Today, groups of different ages are increasingly appearing, and it should be noted that being surrounded by comrades with different experiences life and level of knowledge, preschoolers receive more opportunities for self-development (both younger and older). Younger children learn from their elders, and older children learn to take care of the younger ones.

Taking care of the younger ones, a timid child feels more mature and becomes more confident. Aggressive child learns to restrain his impulses, because pushing a peer and pushing a younger person are two different things. And the younger ones follow the elders and become more independent.

Features of different age groups

The main feature of a mixed-age group is that it includes children of different ages. In this case, classes are conducted in subgroups: in one subgroup there are older children, in the second - younger ones. The only difference is the load and volume of tasks, as well as their complexity. It is also necessary to carry out joint games and activities to teach children of different ages how to interact effectively with each other.

For example, it is organized teamwork(panel), when the older children are the organizers and main performers, and the younger ones are their assistants (preparing the material, serving the instruments). Or another option: the younger children determine the pattern for the appliqué, and the older children act according to the samples, taking into account their comments and wishes. Such joint participation promotes mutual understanding and unites all the children.

Where does work in a mixed-age group begin?

The teacher must conduct preparatory stage, the essence of which is to create a positive emotional mood at the beginning school year on the upcoming interaction of children of different ages. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the positive qualities of their older friends (“Plays well with the younger ones,” “Protects the younger ones”) and the positive qualities of the younger children (“He is friends with the elders, learns from the elders, helps them”).

A mixed age group allows you to build various options communication: with adults, with peers and with younger (senior) people. Such various options communication provides more opportunities for the child’s personal development.

There are many positive things about raising children of different ages together. But all this does not happen by itself, but is the result of the daily and painstaking work of the teacher, proper organization life and independent activities of children, combining the efforts of preschool educational institutions and families.

Working in such groups requires the teacher to have good knowledge of the program for different age groups, the ability to correlate program requirements with the age and individual characteristics of children, the ability to correctly distribute attention, understand and see each child and the entire group.

Activities of a teacher in the social and personal development of children in a mixed-age group.

How to provide successful communication children in a mixed age group? Six- to seven-year-old girls more actively express a desire to communicate with children while getting ready for bed, while walking, in role playing games. Boys are more restrained, and if they come into contact with younger children, it is mainly during outdoor games.

In communication, the following types of interaction (respectively, subgroups) of children can be distinguished.

First subgroup. Children, willingly interacting with younger ones, occupy the position of a “senior” - a kind, skillful assistant, organizer general actions, a sensitive comrade. By joining the kids in the game, they develop and enrich the plot, taking into account the desires and capabilities of their partners, and the decision on this or that change is always agreed upon. Help during sensitive moments is provided by them in a soft, friendly manner and not by method simple execution actions for the younger one, but through demonstration and training. In communication, their speech is full of gentle, diminutive words and comparisons (“You’re my good one, let’s build a house here for the doll, right? You see how smart you are, how beautifully everything works out for you”).

The teacher can rely on such children. He increases their authority among their peers (but does not praise them), and involves them in carrying out more complex assignments.

Second subgroup. Active-negative interaction. Just like the previous subgroup, older children willingly enter into communication with younger ones. But they maintain contacts only because they provide them with a command role. They cleverly use the so-called weak spots partners. Misunderstanding the position of the elder (as a position “above the junior”, and not “ahead” of him), they prefer actions from a position of strength. Sometimes, noticing that the child is ready to disobey, they either give up the game or make minor concessions and take advantage of his inexperience. Help is provided somewhat demonstratively, they glance at the adult, as if urging him to highly appreciate his action. They can clearly express dissatisfaction and irritation at their partner’s inept actions. The help itself is realized by the complete execution of the action, the suppression of independence. The speech is also peculiar, replete with instructions, reproaches, remarks, even threats. There are frequent attempts to shift the blame onto the younger one (“Nothing will happen to him: he’s small”), as well as a desire to stand out in front of peers and adults against the background of a less skilled child.

So, this subgroup of children, having a sufficient level of knowledge about the capabilities of the younger ones, shows a desire to interact with them, but the motivational basis is essentially selfish (“The younger ones will not catch up with me,” “I will obey: what I say, they will do,” “Don’t They can take my toys away."

The teacher’s task is to promptly identify such manifestations in older children and to emotionally influence the child: personal example, during classes, conversations, reading works of fiction.

Third subgroup. Indifferent, uninterested interaction. Features: not experiencing an internal need for contacts, children, at the request of the teacher, communicate with the younger ones for a short time, but soon rush to go about their business. They either give monosyllabic answers to their questions or don’t respond at all. And it’s quite understandable that the kids are gradually becoming silent.

Figuratively speaking: the opportunity to acquire the position of “senior” in communication with juniors and build their behavior in accordance with it is irrelevant for them. An indifferent attitude towards children is motivated by the following: “I’m not interested in them,” “I don’t know what to do with them,” “They can’t do anything themselves, they ruin everything, they just dig in the sand.”

Often this behavior is also typical for children who, in general, know how to keep children occupied. At home they are used to helping their parents, taking care of younger brothers and sisters. But everything is regarded solely as an obligation, as a duty, as an order that they have to fulfill.

The teacher’s task when working with this subgroup of children is not to rely on them at all for some time, not to involve them in joint activities with the younger ones, leaving behind them the role of spectators observing the successful interaction of their peers with the younger ones. Peer participation in, say, preparation and execution puppet show for younger children, the jubilation and joy of the little spectators will not leave them indifferent. In addition, the authority of peers will gradually lead you to the idea that you can learn a lot of interesting and unusual things from communicating with kids. But, of course, if the child himself takes the initiative, the teacher trusts him.

IN Lately Researchers are observing an increase in the number of different age groups. Such groups appear due to various reasons: due to the difficulties of recruiting kindergarten groups to solve certain correctional pedagogical or methodological problems, such as groups with special conditions organizations, etc. This “demand” for different age groups determines the increased interest of psychological and pedagogical science in the diverse problems of different age groups. Many researchers evaluate different age groups and teams as optimal model child development environment.

Stressing that modern family, as a rule, are not able to provide the child with meaningful completeness of communication, they see the peasant patriarchal multi-generational family as a prototype of the ideal educational environment (G.G. Kravtsov)

In his research V.N. Butenko identifies two types of relationships in statements by parents and teachers about a group of different ages: positive and negative. A positive attitude can be attributed to the statements: “seniors learn to be more attentive to juniors and help them,” “juniors, imitating their elders, develop faster.” Negative: “the elders offend the kids”, “the kids interfere with the elders’ activities.” These completely different opinions of parents reflect the interpersonal relationships that develop in a mixed-age group between older and younger children.

Different age groups were once studied by L.V. Bayborodova, A.G. Arushanova, V.V. Gerbova, A.N. Davidchuk, T.N. Doronova, T.A. Makeoi, V.G. Shchur, S.G. Jacobson et al.

Communication and interaction of children in a group can be characterized by the following psychological mechanisms:

The mechanisms that activate individual behavior change. The child's role participation, as the eldest or the youngest, in group activities is constantly changing in space and time. If a preschooler interacts with classmates as a junior, then most often the imitation mechanism is triggered, and the child seems to be oriented toward the “zone of proximal development.” If a child interacts in a group as an elder, then the mechanism of “social maturation” comes into play.

Using the example of his older classmates, the child sees what he will learn in the near future, what his older partner has mastered. The older child can show the younger a model of action. He explains and makes sure that the younger child, for example, plays by the rules and does the task correctly. In this case, the older child takes on the role of an adult. By showing and explaining to junior partners how to perform a task, senior partners become more aware of them themselves.

But there are also disadvantages:

The younger ones, as a rule, are interested in the activities of the older ones and want to play with them. Elders, especially boys, on the contrary, often perceive interaction with younger people indifferently and even negatively, since they do not need him;

many of the children of senior preschool age are poorly oriented towards the needs and capabilities of younger ones, and therefore are reluctant to make contact with them;

a significant number of older preschoolers, in contact with younger ones, strive to realize their advantage, not taking into account the capabilities of the younger partner, who does not yet have such a level of development.

The educational process in a kindergarten group is a system of interactions and mutual influences of the main structural components (subject-spatial, educational and social), forming a zone for realizing developmental opportunities for its subjects. This zone includes a pedagogically organized component and a spontaneous one.

All structural components of the educational process for different age groups have an expanded content, which is achieved by the coexistence of fragments adequate for each age.

Features of the educational process in a mixed-age group:

A powerful zone of development opportunities for its subjects is being formed;

The specificity is determined by the presence of additional areas of the child’s social interactions - with children older and younger than themselves.

The educational space for different age groups provides the opportunity to:

Freedom to choose activities;

Building dialogue relationships with children of different ages;

Freedom to choose your own “niche” in communication.

There are many positive things about raising children of different ages together.

1) Constant communication between younger children and older children creates favorable conditions for the formation of friendly relations, caring, and independence. Here the elders help the baby get dressed, tell him fairy tales, protect him from the offender, that is, take care of him.

2) The example of elders for children is of particular importance. Due to their tendency to imitate, younger people gradually adopt all the positive qualities of their elders.

3) Long-term observations (research by E.O. Smirnova, V.M. Kholmogorova) prove that in groups of different ages, younger children learn skills much faster, and older children grow up more sensitive, friendly and responsive.

4) Coming to kindergarten for the first time, children find themselves in an already organized team and more easily obey its rules, imitating in everything the older children, who in this case serve as the teacher’s support.

5) In constant inter-age interactions, the older child has a need for self-determination in relation to the younger one as an “other” who is not similar in the object component of the relationship. If relationships with a peer constantly balance between two poles as “to oneself” and as “to another”, then youngest child- “different” - different in their emotional, behavioral reactions, abilities to cooperate, skills, etc. From a certain moment, the child begins to recognize himself as “different”, “older”, after which he has the need to fill the gap in ideas about how to relate to the differences of the “younger” and his age advantages. The “younger - older” relationship arises due to age differences, in this way they are similar to the “adult - child” relationship. For the older child, the position of the adult, his attitude as an “adult” is updated. In his desire to be “elder,” the child strives to imitate the behavior of an adult.

Thus, different age children's community has greater potential for the age-related, personal development of preschoolers, in contrast to those of the same age. Different age groups are additional opportunity For moral development, obtaining a more diverse experience of gaming, social interaction, natural speech, intellectual development. The age difference is only one of the conditions, a potential opportunity that can be realized, but can also have negative back consequences. Therefore, further work on research into the relationships of children in different age groups, and the influence of this type of group on preschoolers, is of great importance.