Project for the adaptation of children of primary preschool age “Let's get to know each other. "Hello baby!" project on the adaptation of children of primary preschool age to the conditions of kindergarten




for the adaptation of children of the second group early age

"Let's Get Acquainted"

Prepared by:

Teacher Prishlyak T.V.

Project for the adaptation of children of primary preschool age "Let's get acquainted"

Teacher Prishlyak T.V.

1 junior group«

Project"Let's get acquainted"MDOU Kindergarten


View project: short term.

Developer: caregiver first junior group members project: children 1 junior group, age: 2-3 years; parents children visiting 1 junior group; educators; nurse.

Implementation time project: September October November.

To ease the period adaptation I have developed project« Let's Get Acquainted » .

With the child's admission to preschool institution in his life occur many changes:

strict daily routine;

absence of parents for 9 or more hours;

new requirements for behavior;

constant contact with peers;

a new room, fraught with a lot of unknown, and therefore dangerous;

different style of communication.

All these changes hit the child at the same time, creating a STRESS SITUATION for him, which, without special organization, can lead to neurotic reactions, such as whims, fears, refusal to eat, frequent illnesses etc.

The child must adapt to new conditions, ADAPT.

The common task of us, educators and parents, is to help the child, as painlessly as possible, enter the life of the kindergarten.

The significance of the above problems was predetermined by the following goals and objectives project.

Goal and tasks project

Create conditions that provide the child with physical and psychological comfort to facilitate the period adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

Goals and objectives that I solved in the course of the pedagogical project, required the use of appropriate methods:

Analysis of theoretical and factual material (sheet analysis adaptation ) ;

Questionnaire (parents);


Joint venture products children and parents.

The process of a child entering a new environment for him and adapting to its conditions will lead to positive results if the following pedagogical conditions:

habituation process will gradual for each child individually;

creation of trusting and close cooperation between parents, educators and children. Increasing the interest of parents in the pedagogical process and interest in the life of the group;

providing positive emotional support to the child during his stay in kindergarten;

development of uniform requirements, rules, system of work in adaptive period of a team working in a group (caregivers, caregiver assistant, nurse, parents).

Main directions project

Acquaintance and successful adaptation to the kindergarten team children and their parents.

Involving parents in joint creative activities with children and teachers.

Formation of communication skills of the child with peers and adults.

Expected implementation results project:

painless adaptation of the child to preschool, maintaining a sense of security and trust, reducing the term adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution;

positive development of relations in children's team;

increasing the competence of teachers and parents on issues adaptation, education and development children;

decrease in the incidence of children in the adaptation period;

involvement of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution and the establishment of partnerships with the families of pupils;

Active participation parents in design creative activity children and parents.

I use the following forms and methods to organize the process adaptation baby to new conditions:

body therapy elements (hug, pet);

singing lullabies before going to bed, listening to calm music while laying down and falling asleep with your favorite toy;

relaxation games (sand, water);

fairy tale therapy is the process of raising a child, developing the soul, raising the level of awareness of events. Acquisition of knowledge about the laws of life and ways social manifestation creative creative force;

game methods of interaction with the child. The main task of the games of this period is the formation emotional contact, trust the educator;

culture of communication, tact and mutual understanding.

Defined the principles of work on adaptation of children to preschool:

preliminary familiarization parents with the working conditions of a preschool educational institution;

gradual filling of the group;

flexible stay children in the initial period of adaptation taking into account individual characteristics children;

preservation in the first weeks of the negative habits existing in babies;

informing parents about adaptation each child based on adaptation cards;

systematic monitoring of the child in the group (nurse) (thermometry, skin, pharynx, chair);

health monitoring (well-being, appetite, sleep, physical health)(nurse);

leakage adaptation(nurse).

I think that the implementation project can be divided into several stages:

Stage 1. Preparatory (organizational):

2 stage. Basic (adaptation research ) :

getting to know the family;

familiarization parents with the preschool educational system;

information activity:

organized thematic meetings;

conversations with parents.

Practical activities :

joint holidays, entertainment;

work with children;

total project. Joint holiday with children and parents "Day Acquaintance » .

3rd stage. Final (performance).

. Adaptation at this stage includes 7 steps:

the arrival of the child with his parents only for a walk;

the arrival of the child with their parents in the group during free play activities;

the child is left without parents for 1-2 hours during a walk, or during free play activities;

the child has breakfast in the presence of parents and stays for 2-3 hours (without parents);

the child is left without parents from breakfast to lunch;

the child stays to sleep, but immediately after sleep, his parents take him;

the child stays all day. At this stage, the child is gradually accustomed to regime moments kindergarten. This step is the most important to facilitate we strive for adaptation so that parents and at home maintain the same regime as in kindergarten.

the child is directly involved educational activities in Group.

…The main form of work with children younger age and the leading activity is the game.


Organizational 1. Design "Shelves for favorite toys".

2. Lead adaptation cards.

3. Organization of a mini game zone.

4. Games with sand and water.

5. Games in a dry pool.

6. "Knowledge". Constructive activity - games with large details of the designer.

7. Listening to calm music, cheerful children's songs.

8. Sensory games.

9. Implementation individual approach to every child.

Diagnosis of new arrivals children.


Adaptive games with caregivers "Look into my window" and etc).

"Artistic Creativity"

Drawing with grits, sand, semolina.

"Physical Culture"

Outdoor games,

round dance games,

finger games.


Songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, tongue twisters.

Collection of information about the families of pupils DOW:

Personal files of pupils.

Organization of an exhibition with materials about adaptation period.

parent meeting « Child's adaptation to preschool »

Diagnostic examination.

Questioning. Consultations:

A) "Preparing the baby for kindergarten"

b) "How to get the child used to new conditions"

V) "The value of the regime in maintaining health children »

G) "Cultural and hygienic skills, their importance in the development of the child"

e) Does the child need daytime sleep»

e) Sleep as an important part of the daily routine preschooler »

Brief information sheets.

Basic Motor Games for children(motor)



Games for the formation of communication with adults and children:

"Let's let's get acquainted » , "Visiting Game". Morning greeting.

Conversations, viewing subject pictures.

"Morning of Joyful Meetings".

falling asleep (lullaby).

Awakening gymnastics.

Tempering procedures (walking along the path of health, footprints, walking on bags with different fillers, ribbed board)

Music games.

Transformation of the environment to role-playing games: "Let's take our daughter to kindergarten", "Hospital"

Application non-traditional equipment V "Health Corner".

Conducting group and individual meetings and conversations with parents (based on the diagnosis and observation of children)

Stage 3 Final Organization of work with children in all types of activities in the integration of educational regions: "Physical Culture",


"Socialization", "Artistic Creativity", "Communication", "Work", "Knowledge",

"Music", "Reading Fiction"

Show table theater.

Puppet show.


Conducting didactic and educational games to bring kids closer to each other and the teacher ( "Dolls are dancing", "Play of toys" etc.) Expansion of the center for developing and didactic games (games for color, shape, size).

Re-equipment of all areas of activity in the group age characteristics.

Outcome project activities : holiday with children and parents "Holiday Acquaintance » .

Activity analysis.

Questionnaire for parents (repeated, with the whole group)

Please mark the answer with which you agree or add your own version

1 What worries and excites you the most today (about a child)

a) the health of the child; (8%)

b) its timely development and education issues; (42%)

c) well-being and mood swings; (6%)

d) whims, disobedience, tantrums, poor appetite, restless sleep; (4%)

e) nothing, everything is fine; (40%)

f) other ___

2 What do you know about organizing a successful adaptation the child to the conditions of the child garden:

A) I don't know (5%)

B) I know (85%)

B) Other (10%)

3 What do you see as the reason for the longer entry of the child into kindergarten than expected?

A) the child was not ready for a number of indicators (self-reliance skills-mode-bad habits-eating) (37%)

B) the child has poor health, reduced immunity; (20%)

C) the child was not ready to communicate with strangers, he was afraid; (43%)

D) other (0%) ___


organized a system of recreational and developmental work, including a complex activities: medical, pedagogical and psychological.

Thus, it can be noted that the period adaptation in children of the group» passed successfully. In recent years, there has not been a single child with a severe degree adaptation. Degree adaptation mostly light to medium. This allows us to judge proper organization and holding adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten by the teaching staff. The results of the repeated survey showed that the competence of parents on the issues of adaptation, education and training children. Close contact and cooperation has been established with them. At children cheerful and emotional mood, show interest and desire to play, communicate with each other.

It was the kindergarten staff and parents who joined forces and provided the child with emotional comfort.

Multifaceted and painstaking work during the period adaptation of children to preschool gave the institution its stable positive results.

Goals and objectives project we have achieved and implemented.

Natalya Shilovskaya
pedagogical project. Adaptation of young children to preschool

View project short-term

Type project pedagogical.

Members project: educators, teacher psychologist, music leader, methodologist, manager, parents.

Timing project: 2 months (September October).


Problem adaptation of children to DOW - one of the main ones in the work teachers and parents. adaptive period is a serious test for children. Early and properly implemented education young children, is an important condition for their full development. Development takes place against such an unfavorable background as the increased vulnerability of the body, its low resistance to diseases. Each disease suffered has a negative impact on general development children. For optimal flow adaptation to kindergarten children junior preschool age interaction is needed teachers and kindergarten specialists, as well as parents who combine their efforts and provide the baby with protection, emotional comfort, an interesting and meaningful life in kindergarten and at home. Therefore, during the period adaptation to kindergarten It is important to create favorable conditions for a comfortable stay of the child in kindergarten.


adaptive The period is one of the crucial moments in the life of a child. The formation of the main basic neoplasms depends on how it passes. young children.

With the admission of a child to a preschool institution, many things happen in his life. changes:

Strict regime of the day; - Absence of parents for 9 or more hours;

New requirements for behavior; - constant contact with peers;

A new room, fraught with a lot of unknown, and therefore dangerous;

Another style of communication.

All these changes fall on the child at the same time, creating for him stressful situation which without special organization can lead to neurotic reactions. These difficulties arise due to the fact that the baby moves from a familiar family environment to the environment of a preschool institution. The child must adapt to new conditions, i.e. adapt. Therefore, adults should create such conditions in a preschool institution that would be perceived by the child as safe. Our common task teachers and parents- to help the child, if possible, painlessly enter the life of the kindergarten.

Target project: - Creation optimal conditions for joint activities of all participants educational process aimed at successful adaptation child in kindergarten.


1. Draw the attention of parents to the period adaptation child to the conditions of the preschool educational institution, cause a desire to participate in joint work With teachers adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

2. To form knowledge about the specifics of the child's development early age and features of adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool.

3. Ensure that parents are included in the process of joint activity teachers aimed at helping the child adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

4. Create conditions that provide the child with physical and psychological comfort to facilitate the period adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

Hypothesis: if in interaction with families young children do preliminary work before admission children in kindergarten(through counseling, parent-teacher meetings, familiarization with the kindergarten regimen, the use of games and activities to bring children with each other and with adults during adaptation, That adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten will be held in short time, quite easily, without harming the health of the child.

Stages project:

Stage 1 Preparatory stage

Excursion of parents around the preschool educational institution, acquaintance of parents with the group and educators;

Conclusion of an agreement with parents;

Organizational parent meeting on the topic « Adaptation of children in preschool» ;

Questionnaire "Is your child ready to enter preschool";

Reminder for parents "Preparing a Child for Kindergarten";

Reminder for parents "In the first days of being in kindergarten";

Creation of methodological support;

Selection of methodical, fiction, illustrative materials, didactic games;

Development of abstracts adaptation classes, joint events with parents and consultations for parents;

Development of questionnaires for parents;

Creation of a natural stimulating environment in accordance with the GEF in the group;

Placement of information in the parent corner.

At this stage, it is expected to form a benevolent attitude of parents towards the group that the child will attend.







Teacher psychologist




Stage 2 Main:

Getting to know the family

Familiarization of parents with the system of work of the preschool educational institution;

- information activity:

Organized thematic meetings;

Conversations with parents.

Individual interviews and consultations with parents:

- Practical activities:

Joint holidays, entertainment;

Working with parents:

pedagogical .

pedagogical literature on adaptation of children to kindergarten conditions.



Work with teachers:

adaptation of children to preschool.

3. Informing teachers technologies

teachers with new arrivals.

age; education teachers

Competence improvement is expected at this stage teachers and parents for questions adaptation, education and development children.









Teacher psychologist.

Muses. supervisor

Teacher psychologist



Teacher psychologist



Teacher psychologist


Teacher psychologist

Stage 3 Final

Tasks of working with parents:

1. Formation of a positive attitude to enter kindergarten.

2. Reduced emotional stress and anxiety.

3. Education of parents on the preparation of the child for visiting preschool.

Tasks of working with teachers:

1. Update knowledge teachers about the age characteristics of children.

2. To develop professional competencies, professional and personal qualities that contribute to building emotionally trusting relationships with pupils and parents.

At this stage, it is expected:

Involving parents in the life of the preschool educational institution and establishing partnerships with parents.



Teacher psychologist


Teacher psychologist

Intended Product project.

Working with parents.

1. Group and individual counseling of parents - improving the psychological pedagogical competence of parents in matters of education, training and development young children in the period of adaptation.

2. Round tables, seminars - workshops, parent clubs, parent meetings - contribute to the mastery of parents constructive ways of interacting with children, awareness of possible problems in the system of children - parents.

3. Selection of a special psychological pedagogical literature on adaptation of children to kindergarten conditions.

4. Questioning of parents - study of the level adaptation and parent job satisfaction.

5. Issue of memos, information sheets about the features of this age, recommended educational games.

6. Presentation on the topic « Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution» .

Work with teachers.

2. Round tables, seminars - workshops - improving the psychological pedagogical competence of teachers in matters of creating favorable psychological conditions adaptation of children to preschool.

3. Informing teachers by means of using information and communication technologies: teaching aids, memos, information leaflets, presentations.

4. Observation of interaction teachers with new arrivals.

6. Trainings - contribute to the removal of emotional stress, the formation of a humanistic position in communication with younger children age; education teachers use unconventional ways child support.

Expected Result:

1. The formed benevolent attitude of parents towards the group that the child will attend.

2. Education of parents in order to form a unified approach to the observance of the daily routine, issues of education children.

3. Increasing competence teachers and parents for questions adaptation, education and development children.

4. Involving parents in the life of the preschool educational institution and establishing partnerships with the families of pupils.

5. Active participation of parents in design creative activity children and parents.

On terms project The following facts may affect adaptive the period may be delayed, taking into account the individuality of the child, and the characteristics family relations; date of admission to kindergarten; incidence, attendance, lack of interest, and activity of parents in pedagogical process; the impossibility of parents to actively participate in events organized by the preschool educational institution due to heavy workload.

Escort adaptation of children to the kindergarten is carried out in the process of interaction of all kindergarten specialists with the obligatory support of parents and includes the following areas activities: psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, consulting, methodical and organizational work. In my opinion, teacher- a professional must master a whole arsenal of techniques that allow you to slow down the negative emotions of the baby during the period adaptation, The teacher must be able to design interaction with the parents of their pupils, to give necessary recommendations parents and himself adheres certain rules. In their work, educators should use questionnaires (see the application, mobile folders, consultations for parents, conversations with parents, parent meetings. The factor influencing the nature of the child's behavior in the process of addiction is the personality of the child himself teacher who surely must love children, to be attentive, responsive to each child, to be able to attract his attention. Many problems associated with the admission of a child to DOW: parents can get acquainted in detail with the organization of the life of kids in kindergarten, diet, daily routine, with the educational program, with the education of cultural and hygienic skills and self-care skills in kids, with special features adaptation period, indicators adaptation, etc.. e. Therefore, parents during this period should implement the recommended teachers and doctors activities that contribute to the health of the baby and actively interact with the kindergarten, helping to make adaptation child as painless as possible.

From how childhood passed, who owned the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the outside world - it depends to a decisive extent on what kind of person today's baby will become.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Name of the project:"Let's go to kindergarten"

Description of the problem the project aims to solve

The project is aimed at solving the problem: how to facilitate the adaptation of children of the 1st junior group to a preschool institution?

Objective of the project: creation of favorable conditions for the social adaptation of the child and their parents in a kindergarten.

Project objectives

Project implementation timeline: September, October, November 2014.

Project Efficiency Criteria

1. Stressful conditions in young children will be overcome during the period of adaptation to kindergarten

2. Work will be organized to develop the skills of interaction between children with each other, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child.

3. Work will be organized to develop gaming skills, arbitrary behavior.

4. Work will be organized to form an active position of parents in relation to the process of adaptation of children; improving communication between parents.

5. The professional competence of teachers on the issues of children's adaptation to kindergarten will increase.


Modern man constantly forced to adapt to changes in the environment: to a new job, social change in society, new conditions of life and activity. And sometimes the psycho-emotional stress associated with adaptation to these changes, even in adults, causes anxiety states, feelings and stress.

What can we say about small children, who for the first time in their lives not only find themselves in completely new, unusual, and from this even more terrible and frightening conditions, but also actively begin to socialize in modern society.

Modern parents, of course, are more educated and active in relation to their own children: hence the sections, circles, early development groups, centers of creativity and enrichment. But not always even pedagogically literate parents know how to prepare their child for attending a preschool and be ready for it themselves.

Currently, studies convincingly show that the conscious involvement of parents in the life of a preschool educational institution and the establishment of partnerships with the families of pupils, increasing the competence of teachers and parents on the issues of adaptation, upbringing and development of children, reducing the incidence rate in children during the adaptation period, the active participation of parents in the project the creative activity of children and parents, the formation of positive associations among pupils associated with preschool educational institutions, avoiding the practice of distancing the family from the kindergarten can greatly facilitate the adaptation of children to a preschool institution.

So, necessary condition for effective management of the process of getting used to the child care facility and maintaining the health of the child during the adaptation period, a well-thought-out system of pedagogical influences is used, in which the main place is occupied by the organization of the child's activities that meets the needs that determine his behavior.

  • The impact of the internal environment on the issue of adaptation to kindergarten
  • Project goal setting
  • Expected results of the project implementation
  • Project Implementation Mechanism
  • Stages and content of project activities
    1. Preparatory stage
    2. Main stage
    3. The final stage
  • Plan of educational work with children and parents
  • Project monitoring
  • Prospects for the completion of the project

The impact of the internal environment on the issue of adaptation to kindergarten

In our kindergarten, children who often suffer from acute respiratory diseases, children with recurrent bronchitis, pneumonia during convalescence, bronchial asthma out of exacerbation. There is a lot of focus on the health of the child. Indeed, unfortunately, it is not a secret for anyone that at first the child begins to get sick, immunity decreases. And this is due not only to the fact that his environment is becoming more diverse, but also to the fact that at first the child experiences discomfort and stress from what is happening. Therefore, medical support is simply necessary for him.

In the kindergarten for the comprehensive rehabilitation of children are equipped various premises: a physiotherapy room, an inhalation room, a sports and music room, which is combined with an exercise therapy room, a "magic" sauna for the development and improvement of kindergarten students.

The cooperation of the preschool institution and the family helps to facilitate the adaptation of the baby. The basis of such cooperation are such forms of interaction as kindergarten tours, conversations, consultations, open classes, joint activities. In our opinion, the most effective is to display information (folders) on the topic “How to help a child go to kindergarten without tears”, “Let's go to kindergarten (how to make it easier for a child to adapt to a preschool institution)”, “How to behave properly for parents with a child in the first days of attending kindergarten.

Parents have long been recognized as the main educators of their kids, but at the same time they have high hopes for kindergarten teachers. And make parents active helpers, direct participants pedagogical process very important to me.

To organize the process of adaptation of the child to new conditions, I use the following forms and ways:

1. elements of body therapy (hug, stroke);

2. singing lullabies before going to bed, listening to calm music while laying down and falling asleep with your favorite toy;

3. relaxation games (sand, water);

4. fairy tale therapy is the process of raising a child, developing the soul, raising the level of awareness of events. Acquisition of knowledge about the laws of life and ways of social manifestation of creative creative power;

5. game methods of interaction with the child. The main task of the games of this period is the formation of emotional contact, trust in the educator;

6. culture of communication, tact and mutual understanding.

Principles of work on the adaptation of children to preschool education:

1. preliminary familiarization of parents with the working conditions of the preschool educational institution;

2. gradual filling of the group;

3. flexible mode of stay for children in the initial period of adaptation, taking into account the individual characteristics of children;

4. informing parents about the peculiarities of adaptation of each child on the basis of adaptation cards;

5. systematic monitoring of the child in the group (nurse) (thermometry, skin, pharynx, stool);

6. health monitoring (well-being, appetite, sleep, physical health) (nurse);

7. course of adaptation (nurse).

Our institution has a short stay group, thanks to which children and parents can go through a soft adaptation and get used to the regime and requirements of the kindergarten.

Success in the adaptation of children depends on the mutual efforts of parents and educators.

Forms of work with parents:

1. Counseling - increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the upbringing, education and development of young children during the period of adaptation.

2. Selection of special psychological and pedagogical literature on the adaptation of children to kindergarten

3. Issue of memos, information sheets about the features of this age, recommended educational games.

4. Conversations.

Project goal setting

To implement the project, I determined its general target:

creation of favorable conditions for the social adaptation of the child and their parents in a kindergarten.

The goals of the project are specified by the decision of the following tasks:

1. Help in overcoming stressful conditions in young children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten;

2. Ensure the development of interaction skills of children with each other, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child;

3. Ensure the development of gaming skills, arbitrary behavior;

4. Contribute to the formation of an active position of parents in relation to the process of adaptation of children; improve communication between parents.

Expected results of the project implementation:

1. painless adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution, maintaining a sense of security and trust, reducing the period of adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution;

2. positive development of relations in the children's team;

3. increasing the competence of teachers and parents on the issues of adaptation, upbringing and development of children;

4. decrease in the level of morbidity in children during the adaptation period;

5. involvement of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution and the establishment of partnerships with the families of pupils;

6. active participation of parents in the project creative activities of children and parents.

7. the formation of positive associations among pupils associated with the preschool educational institution.

Project Implementation Mechanism

Having studied the collection of popular science articles for parents and teachers "Adaptation to Kindergarten", I developed a system of measures to prevent the maladaptation of children when they are admitted to a preschool educational institution. I think that the implementation of the project can be conditionally divided into several stages:

Project monitoring

During the monitoring of the project, an analysis of the adaptation sheets was carried out, from which it can be concluded that mild degree adaptation in 17 children, average degree severity in 2 children, severe degree of adaptation in 1 child.

Prospects for the completion of the project

accumulated by us interesting experience By creative project"Let's go to kindergarten" will be used in future work. Our future plans include the purchase of equipment for water games "Water World", "Catch the Duck", as well as a set of wooden toys-amusements.

From the experience of a preschool teacher: Project: "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of a kindergarten"

Project author: Varlashova Maria Leonidovna, educator MBOU NSh/DS No. 24 p. Chkalovskoe.
Project type: Information and creative; practice-oriented; group; short.
Location of the project: early age group MBOU NSh / DS No. 24 p. Chkalovskoe.
Project participants: teachers, children and parents of the group.
Project implementation timeline: June - September 2013.
Relevance: Adaptation to a preschool institution - difficult period both for children and adults: parents, teachers. Difficulties in adaptation and their causes were studied by domestic and foreign researchers (N. M. Aksarina, R. V. Tonkova-Yampolskaya, E. Schmidt-Kolmer, V. Manova-Tomova).
The admission of a child to a preschool educational institution is accompanied by a change in his environment, daily routine, nature of nutrition, leads to the need to establish social ties, adapt to new living conditions.
How the child gets used to the new depends on his physical and mental development, helps to prevent or reduce morbidity, as well as further well-being, existence in kindergarten and family.
Objective of the project: Systematization of work on creating favorable conditions for the social adaptation of children in a preschool institution.
Project objectives:
Explore innovative experience;
Establish a system of interaction between project participants;
Create an emotionally comfortable subject-developing environment;
To cause a positive attitude towards kindergarten in children and their parents;
To develop in children the ability to communicate with adults and peers;
Form a system of interaction with parents to improve their pedagogical competence;
Systematize the content of the work in the adaptation period.
Hypothesis: If you use a systematic approach to organizing adaptation, which is based on a set of measures aimed at creating optimal conditions for young children, this will make it much easier for children to endure this period.
Expected results:
Easily enter a new environment for them and adapt to its conditions with positive results;
Develop communication skills with adults and peers.
There will be an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten;
The desire of parents to cooperate.
Close cooperation will be established in solving problems of adaptation;
The level of competence of educators in organizing the adaptation period will increase.

Project program:
Stage I: Organizational and preparatory - June;
Stage II: Main - August - September;
Stage III: Final - September.

Stage I: Organizational and preparatory stage:
# Studying methodical literature;
# Increasing the level of pedagogical competence;
# Selection diagnostic material, questionnaires for parents;
# Compilation of diagnostic tools;
# Drawing up plans for working with children, parents;
# Creation of a system in planning;
# Registration and updating of the subject-developing environment;
# Creation of emotional comfort;
# Compilation and selection of information material for parents;
# Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents;
# Questioning of parents;
# Study of children's social skills;
# Revealing the features of family education;
# Forecast of the likely degree of adaptation of children.

Stage II: Main:
Work principles:
# Gradual filling of the group (receiving 2-3 babies per week);
# Flexible mode of stay of the child in kindergarten (partial stay of the child in the initial period of adaptation, additional days off);
# Accounting for the individual characteristics of the child.
# Daily monitoring of the state of health, emotions, appetite, sleep of the child in the first month (for this purpose, the so-called "adaptation sheet" is filled out for each child).
Work with children:

Activity Date Result
Acquaintance and observation June
Diagnosing children, predicting results June
Accounting for household habits, interests August-September
Individual approach to the child August-September
Games-occupations August-September
Formation of a children's team, emotionally positive contact with adults August-September
Exercise Games August-September
Drama games August-September
Use of folklore August-September
Surprise moments August-September
productive activity Aug. Sept
Elements of tempering events August-September
Preservation and promotion of children's health August-September
Optimal motor mode Aug. Sept
Working with parents August-September

Recommendations "Adaptation period in kindergarten"
Activity Date Result
Emotionally positive attitude to the adaptation period
Release of the booklet “Together it is easier for us to walk”. June
Conversation "Acquaintance of parents with the living conditions of children in kindergarten."
Parent meeting “Age characteristics of children 2 years of age. The main tasks of education.
Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents: August
Conversation " Hygiene requirements to the child's clothes.
Conversation "Nutrition is the key to health."
Release of the information sheet "Our health is in our hands"
Consultation "Whims and their prevention"
Recommendations "The influence of the game on the mental and personal development child."
Folder-slider "We inculcate cultural and hygienic skills from early childhood"
Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents: September
Consultation "Education of independence and self-service in children of early age".

Stage III: Final:
Activity Date Result
Observation September
Diagnosis of children
Analysis of the degree of adaptation of each child (according to adaptation sheets)
Parent survey
Studying the effectiveness of activities
Analysis of the results
Summing up the work
Comparison of existing results with predicted ones
Identification of weaknesses
Adjustment of work plans with children and parents
Elimination of defects

Results Submission Form
Project presentation
Methodological developments

Approximate long-term planning of classes for the prevention of maladaptation of children

No. Topic of the lesson Materials
LADYBUG toy ladybug, large and small cars, nesting dolls, dolls, cubes, etc.; black finger paint or gouache mixed with toothpaste; sheet with the image of a ladybug (for each child).
large umbrella; a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of rain noise, a cassette with a recording of slow, calm music; two maple leaves (for each child); yellow, red, green gouache; picture sheet autumn landscape and a brush (for each child).
BALL big ball; a cloth bag, a small plastic ball and a plastic cube (commensurate in size).
painting or photograph Autumn forest»; toy hedgehog; toys (bibabo dolls): fox, wolf, bear; red, yellow and green Maple leaves(for each child); red, yellow and green baskets
Merry parsley
toy (bibabo doll) "Parsley"; a toy train with a long ribbon tied to it;
blue clothespin (for each boy); clothespin yellow color(for each girl); a hoop with yellow and blue ribbons tied to it; soft toy or doll (for each child).
NEW YEAR toy Santa Claus; Christmas tree; plastic bottles with cold, warm and hot water; finger paints or gouache mixed with toothpaste; a sheet with the image of a Christmas tree (for each child); a cloth bag with identical gifts for children (“Chupa Chups”, “Kinder Surprises”, small toys, etc.).
BALLS big red ball and small blue ball; medium-sized balls (for each pair of children); a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of calm music and a rhythmic smooth melody;
a sheet of paper and crayons or a large red circle and a small blue circle (for each child).
8. BUNNY soft toys: hare and fox; a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of cheerful dance music; cloth bag with a set of plastic vegetables.
9. SOAP BUBBLES set for blowing soap bubbles; tape recorder, cassette with a smooth melody recording; balls;
hop balls.
10. MUSICIANS screen; toys: hare, bear (elephant, cat and doll); toy musical instruments: drum, harp, trumpet, harmonica, piano.
11. MOTHER'S DAY doll and teddy bear (for each child); headwear (shawls, scarves, scarves) and jewelry (hairpins, ribbons, bracelets, beads, etc.); screen; bell.
12. BEAR teddy bear; tape recorder, cassette with a recording of birds singing; yellow gouache, a sheet with the image of a jar 0 (for each child, a brush (foam rubber swab).
13. Naughty mice toy mouse; pink and black cosmetic pencils; large toy clock;
tape recorder, cassette with a recording of dance music.
14. KOLOBOK bibabo dolls (characters of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Kolobok"); cloth bag; fruit and vegetable; plasticine ball (for each child); didactic set "Bowls"; wooden toys: fungus, ball, cube (commensurate in size); sports equipment: tracks with different textures, balance beams, gymnastics. bench, hoop.
15. KITTENS tape recorder, cassette "Voices of animals and birds"; yellow, red, blue, green butterflies the size of a child's palm (according to the number of children); toys or subject pictures of yellow, red, blue and green colors.

Informational resources:
Belkina L. V. "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution" Voronezh, 2004
Vetrova V. V. "What to play with a child under 3 years old" M., 2008
Davydova O.I., Mayer A.A. "Adaptation groups in the preschool educational institution Methodological guide" M, 2005
Lykova I. A. « Visual activity in kindergarten. Early age "M., 2009
E. V. Polozova "Productive activity with young children" Voronezh, 2007
"The development of young children in a variable preschool education" / Under. ed. T. N. Doronova, T. I. Erofeeva M., 2010
Teplyuk S. N. "Classes on a walk with the kids" M., 2001
Khalezova N. B. "Modeling in kindergarten" M., 2008
Khomyakova E. E. "Complex developmental activities with young children" M., 2009
Yanushko E. A. "Application with young children" M., 2007

Relevance project: The adaptation period is very important for children entering kindergarten again. Different degrees of social readiness are due to the unequal level of development of the child's personality, the characteristics of the social environment, the conditions of family education and other factors. As a result of these differences, children initially have different starting opportunities when they enter kindergarten, which does not allow them to equally adapt to kindergarten conditions. Therefore, it is the adaptation period that allows eliminating this problem. In this regard, the implementation of the project related to the creation of conditions for the successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of the preschool educational institution is very relevant.



Project goal: Creation conditions for the successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool.

"Project: "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool""

Project: "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution"

Developers: Evteeva M.V. and Belozertseva E.A.

The main participants of the project: children of the 2nd junior group "Squirrels";



DOU experts.

Implementation timeline: October - December 2017 (long term)

Project relevance : The adaptation period is very important for children entering kindergarten again. Different degrees of social readiness are due to the unequal level of development of the child's personality, the characteristics of the social environment, the conditions of family education and other factors. As a result of these differences, children initially have different starting opportunities when they enter kindergarten, which does not allow them to equally adapt to kindergarten conditions. Therefore, it is the adaptation period that allows to eliminate this problem. In this regard, the implementation of the project related to the creation of conditions for the successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of the preschool educational institution is very relevant.

The relevance of the problem of adaptation is due to:

Raising the age threshold for the child to start attending a preschool institution (3 years)

Organization of the educational process in preschool
institutions, changes in the child's social conditions;

The peculiarity of interpersonal relationships between adults and children, with the level of attachment of the child to the mother;

Individual characteristics of the child: age, psychological, psychophysiological, neurophysiological, psychogenetic.

Objective of the project: Creation of conditions for the successful adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.


1. Create conditions that provide the child with physical and psychological comfort to facilitate the period of adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

2. To form cultural and hygienic skills in children.

3. Lay the foundation for a friendly attitude of children to each other.

4. Creation of a system of interaction with parents.

5. Organization of the educational process in accordance with the age characteristics of young children.

6. To teach to introduce children into a problematic game situation(the leading role of the teacher, to activate the desire to look for ways to resolve the problem situation (together with the teacher).

Expected results:

It is assumed that during this period a system of activities for the interaction of specialists of the preschool educational institution will be created and implemented, aimed at increasing the social adaptation of children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution, reducing the period for children to go through the acute and subacute phases of adaptation, facilitating getting used to new conditions, reducing the incidence of children. Enrichment parenting experience methods of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family.

Principles of work on the adaptation of children to preschool education:

1. preliminary familiarization of parents with the working conditions of the preschool educational institution;

2. gradual filling of the group;

3. flexible mode of stay for children in the initial period of adaptation, taking into account the individual characteristics of children;

4. informing parents about the peculiarities of adaptation of each child based on observations;

5. health monitoring (well-being, appetite, sleep, physical health);

6. course of adaptation.

A favorable environment has been created in our group, thanks to which children and parents can undergo a soft adaptation and get used to the regime and requirements of the kindergarten.

Success in the adaptation of children depends on the mutual efforts of parents and educators.

Forms of work with parents:

1. Counseling - increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the upbringing, education and development of young children during the period of adaptation.

2. Selection of special psychological and pedagogical literature on the adaptation of children to kindergarten

3. Issue of memos, information sheets about the features of this age, recommended educational games.

4. Conversations.

The main directions of the project:

1. Help in overcoming stressful conditions in young children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten;

2. Ensure the development of interaction skills of children with each other, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child;

3. Ensure the development of gaming skills, arbitrary behavior;

4. Contribute to the formation of an active position of parents in relation to the process of adaptation of children; improve communication between parents.

Pre-project stage:

1. Creation of a data bank about future pupils

2. Excursion of parents around the preschool educational institution, acquaintance of parents with the group and educators;

3. Organizational parent meeting;

4. Studying the literature on the topic

6. Creation of a developing environment

Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage

main stage

(project implementation)

The final stage

(outcome of the project)

Creation of methodological support;

Creation of a natural stimulating environment in accordance with the GEF in the group;

Placement of information in the parent corner;

Questioning of parents on the topic: "Information about the child";

Memo for parents "Preparing the child for attending kindergarten."

Getting to know the family

Familiarization of parents with the system of work of the preschool educational institution;

Information activity:

Conversations with parents.

- Parent meeting: "We don't cry anymore"

Joint holidays, entertainment;

Work with children.

Providing parents with a folder-slider with practical recommendations; information sheets with brief material "Adaptation. What is it?"

Memo for parents "In the first days of being in kindergarten";

Booklet for parents: "Adaptation of young children to the conditions of the preschool educational institution"


Level detection

Children's adaptations;

for parents to comply with uniform requirements for children in kindergarten

And at home;

- questioning

parents based on the results of adaptation (implementation of the project);

-photo newspaper "That's how big we are";

Consultation “In the realm of stubbornness and whims.

Crisis of three years.»;

New Year's holiday "To visit Santa Claus."

Game activity:

Desktop-printed (“Whose house”, “Who hid”, “Collect a picture”, “From what fairy tale.”)

Role-playing ("Hospital", "Let's take my daughter to kindergarten",.)

Adaptation games(“Look into my window”, “We walked, walked, walked and found something.”)

Music games("Guess what's ringing")

Outdoor games (“Sun and rain”, “Clumsy bear”, “I will catch up with you”, etc.)

round dance games ("Bubble", "Loaf", "Carousel".)

finger games("This finger", "We chop cabbage", "Castle", "We shared an orange")

word games (“Who has a mother-pets”, “What do we do in the morning, afternoon and evening in kindergarten.”)

constructive activity: Various constructors

Tasks (“Let's build a tower”, “Let's hide the mouse in the house”, “Let's put the sick doll to bed”, “Let's put the chick on the tower.”)

Creative activity:

Drawing (“Let's draw a ball for Tanya”, “Decorate the dress with fingers”, “Bridge for a bull”.)

Sculpting ("Ball for Tanya", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryabinka".)

Application ("Plate with berries", "Klubs".)


Reading a cycle of poems by A. Barto "My toys"

Russians folk tales : "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Wolf and seven kids".

The works of K. Chukovsky “Fly-sokotuha”, S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Puppy”, E. Blaginina “Kitten”.

Autumn fun (Without parents)

New Year's entertainment
(For children and parents)

Conclusion :

By analyzing the work done, you can do conclusions :

The theme of the project was chosen taking into account the age characteristics of young children and the amount of information that they can perceive, which had a positive impact on different kinds activities (playing, cognitive, artistic and speech, musical and playing); there was a positive reaction and emotional response children, children showed interest and desire to play, the speech activity of children increased, which had a positive effect on independent gaming activity children.

During the implementation of this project, the adaptation of children to kindergarten went without complications; the emotional stress of the children decreased, the game helped the children calm down, develop communication skills. Children began to communicate with each other.


Contribute to the successful adaptation of the child to kindergarten.
Enrich and improve the physical experience of children; encourage active independent actions, imitation; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions with adults and peers; extension social contacts children, the formation of trust in others; development of the ability to constructively interact, the development of the cognitive and emotional spheres of the child.
Jumping under the rhymes
We stand face to face with the child, take his hands in ours and begin to sentence the rhyme - not quickly.
Two crackers, two claps.
Hillock, tree, ravine.
Frightened hamster.
Come out soon, hamster!
The child should feel the rhythm of the counting rhyme and begin to easily jump to the beat on the toes. Holding the child's hands, help him feel the rhythm by slightly raising his hands and lowering them. After a while, let the child jump to the beat without support. And then attract other children: stand in a circle and jump under one common counting rhyme all together.
top top
First, play a rhyme with your child. Then organize a few children to play. Children stand in a circle. We begin to stomp and clap together under the counting rhyme:
Top-top, who's coming?
Top top, here we go.
Clap-clap, who's carrying?
Clap-clap, we carry.
Bell, call
Hanging a bell from a distance outstretched hand child. The adult says that the bell is magical, its ringing pleases others. Invites the child to reach for the bell and ring it. After mastering the game, we involve other children. We select an active child and, calling him by name, we also offer to call. After the child called, we praise him: what a great fellow you are! How high could you reach! And now ... (we choose someone else) will also call. Ask the kids how the bell rings (ding-ding)
Dance with Me
We hang a clockwork rattle (“carousel”) from above. Starting, we offer the child to dance (twist with the hand, squat, spin - what the child can do) - we show how to do it. We dance with him to the music. When the game is mastered, we involve other children.
Ball lane
An adult draws a path on the sand with a stick. Offers to roll a ball over it. Shows how to do it. After the child has rolled the ball, he praises (how cleverly, what a fine fellow you are, right along the path ...) and catches him, sending him back and offering to catch (and now I will send the ball to you along the path). After learning the game with his child, he invites several children to roll and catch one or more balls.
Roll the ball into the goal
An adult makes a “gate” from any available means (cubes of building material spaced at a certain distance, toy boxes ...) and asks the children to roll the ball in turn into the gap between them. First with your hands, bending over or squatting, and then with your foot. The distance between the child and the gate can be varied in the direction of complexity, i.e. placing children farther from the gate; You can give your child the opportunity to choose the distance. You can roll the ball into impromptu gates (of different heights and widths) not only with your hand or foot, but also with some object (stick, wooden mallet). The size of the ball and hammer (club) can be varied. It is better to pick up a ball that rolls easily and quickly on the ground (floor).
After your child has mastered the game, include other interested children in the game. It is possible to use multiple balls.
mini basketball
Invite the child to throw the ball into some container on the ground (floor) - a basket, a box, a basin, an empty inflatable pool, etc.
An adult can hold a container in his hands and use it to catch a ball thrown by a child. This game is easy to diversify by changing the size of the container and the size of the balls, as well as the height at which this container is placed, and the distance from which the child tries to throw the ball. After the child has mastered the game, include other interested children in the game.
Driving on the tracks
Draw a “road” on the ground with a stick and ask the child to drive along the road with a car, a baby carriage ... After the child has mastered the game, involve other interested children (who else wants to go along the path?), Let them go one after another.
Hammer and pegs
Show the child the hammer and the possible actions with them. For example, placing a peg in the sand and holding it with one hand, with the other hand, he takes a hammer and lightly hits the peg several times from above. When the peg enters the sand halfway and holds itself, the adult removes his hand and hammers the peg into the sand completely. Help your child learn this activity. Suggest other items that can be easily hammered into the sand.
You can accompany actions with a hammer with a rhyme:
"Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock,
The hammer is my best friend
To interest children in this action, it can be extended a little. For example, a peg is not completely driven into the sand. With its help, a depression is made in the sand, in which you can “plant a tree” (any natural material, which children find on a walk).
After mastering the game by a child, attract the attention of other children, include them in the game.
Teach your child to make “secrets”: dig a hole in the corner of the sandbox, put candy wrappers, pieces of multi-colored foil, a blade of grass or any other small toy, cover with something (board, cloth ...) and cover with sand. Then dig out and joyfully “surprise”: “Here is our secret!” Invite the child to make a secret himself, in case of difficulty, provide the necessary assistance. Make secrets with several children.
Game "Ku-ku"
In the sandbox, bury the toy so that more than half of the hidden is visible. Ask: Who (what) is hiding there? Guess! Let's dig together and see! Show how to dig a little bit so that you can recognize the toy. After mastering the game by a child, involve other children in the game by digging in several figures, for all children, or, having buried one figure, dig out several children with different sides.
The game "Polyvayka - learner"
Pour some water into the baby shower. Smooth out some of the sand in the sandbox. Tell us what kind of sand: The sand is dry, warm. He crumbles. Let's give the sand to drink. The child waters the leveled area from the watering can. Say: What was the sand like? Wet, damp, damp, cool, sticky… Let the child “water” several areas with dry sand, having previously leveled it. After the child has mastered the game, involve other children. You can ask the children to level the sand, while telling what kind of sand, then pour it yourself and tell us what the sand has become, what can be made of it. Play with wet sand together: make "pies", molds, slides ...
Game "Let's build a fence"
Prepare counting sticks different colors. An adult asks a child: Choose blue sticks and build a blue fence (we stick sticks in wet sand). Be sure to show me how to do it. Then - red sticks and build a red fence. If the child cannot do it by color, offer to make just an even fence of different colors. Include more children in the game by offering to build 1 big fence
Game "Garden"
Offer your child toy vegetables. A child, with the help of an adult, digs them not deep into the sand. Ask: What did you plant? The talking child replies that he planted. If the child does not speak yet, ask the question like this: Did you plant a carrot? The child signals in an accessible way about the correctness of your guess or simply assimilates information. After the child has mastered the game, invite several children to play. Let's plant a garden! What grows there? Calling other children by name, offer to “plant” vegetables, be sure to show how to do it: Nadia, plant cabbage, Sveta, plant beets ... After “planting”, tell each child that he is doing well. Ask: what did Nadia plant? (if the child cannot answer, speak for him, draw the attention of the children to the vegetable and to the child: look, Nadya planted cabbage for us, and Sveta planted beets .... Tell us why you need to grow vegetables (to cook delicious soup, with vitamins).
The game "Who is hiding there?"
Show the child 1-2 bright toys. Then, together with the child, drip one. Ask: What is hidden there? The child (the speaker) guesses and digs it out. If the child does not speak yet, after burying the toy, ask: where is the bunny? After he unearths the toy, say: here he is a bunny! After the child has mastered the game, involve other children.
Game "Ant"
Make a small hill of sand and show how ants crawl there or just our fingers. Start making minks with your fingers from different sides, meeting your fingers with a child, express your joy about the meeting. After the child has mastered the game, include other children in the game. Children with their hands, spatulas (you can use a sieve, buckets, molds) make a slide of sand, an adult helps. Then he offers to play ants who need to crawl inside the slide (if a child or one of the children expresses anxiety towards ants, you can offer to crawl through your fingers). Children from different sides push their fingers into the sand and meet fingers inside.
The game "Kulichiki"
Show your child how to make cookies using the cookie cutters. Make buns in different shapes. After building together, guess what happened or what it looks like. Talk with the child, offer your own answers (and it also looks like ...) After the child has mastered the game, teach other guys to play Easter cakes.
The game "Drawing in the sand"
With your palms, together with the child, level the “clearing” in the sand. Pour water, tamp the "clearing" together. Take not a big stick, draw a simple figure (circle, sun ...). Let the child guess what it is like. If the child does not speak or cannot guess, tell him what is drawn. Align the drawing with the child and ask the child to draw for himself (optional). Be sure to praise. Ask what the child has drawn or guess for yourself. Involve other children in the game. Pour them a large "clearing" give them sticks and ask them to draw, be sure to show them how to do it. Ask who drew what, praise everyone for the drawing, for example, like this: what Nice picture Masha ... Well done Masha!
Come to me
The adult takes a few steps away from the child and calls him to him, affectionately saying: “Come to me, my good one!” When a child comes up, an adult hugs him: “Oh, what a good Kolya came to me!” The game is repeated at the request of the child. Call all the children to you one by one.
Parsley came
An adult brings a toy Petrushka (or any other), examines it with a child. Parsley rattles with a rattle (instead of a rattle there can be boxes with sand, cereals, jingling toys, etc.), then gives the child a rattle. Together with Petrushka, they shake their rattles and rejoice. Involve several children in the game, arrange a rattle orchestra together.
Catching soap bubbles
An adult on a walk blows soap bubbles. Tries to catch all the bubbles on the fly before they hit the ground. He steps on a soap bubble and asks the children in surprise where he disappeared to? Then teaches each child to catch bubbles. At first, you can lose only with your child or with a small number of children, and then with all.
An adult offers to play “train”: “I am a locomotive, and you are a trailer, follow me!”. They go one after another, the adult says "choo-choo ... tu-tu." After the child has mastered the game, increase the number of "cars". Children follow each other. “Let’s go,” the adult says, and everyone starts moving, saying: “Choo-choo-choo.” The teacher leads the train in one direction, then in the other, then slows down, stops and says: "Stop." After a while, the train sets off again.

sun bunnies
An adult lets out sunbeams with a mirror and says at the same time:
sun bunnies
They play on the wall.
Beckon them with your finger
Let them run to you!
Children catch sunbeams. You can let bunnies on the ground, and the children will try to step on it.
Blow on the ball
A balloon is suspended (or held on a string) at the level of the child's face. An adult shows how to blow on a balloon so that it takes off, and invites the child to repeat the action. Then you can offer to blow several children at once. Show that together with other children you can deflate the balloon faster. Thank the children for their help.
Fun with the "eye"
An adult gives a child a piece of cardboard with a hole cut out in the middle. We explain: these are our glasses, they help to look. We approach a blade of grass, a leaf, a pebble, a toy with "glasses" ... and show how to look through the "glasses". We offer the child to look through the "glasses" at his fingers, nails - this usually fascinates the baby. Walking around the site, you can examine a flower or tree bark, consider a piece of land: are there any insects, etc. After a few days, include other interested kids in the game by making them “glasses”. Can be seen through a sand sieve.
doll play
Give the child his favorite doll (or soft toy), ask him to show where the doll has a head, ears, legs, stomach, etc. The doll can be: dressed, combed, washed, put to bed, fed ... It is advisable to accompany the actions with nursery rhymes, rhymes. After the child has mastered the game, offer dolls to other children and play together.
Water, water, wash the doll's face!
So that the mouth laughs, so that our peephole looks!
Let's collect toys
Invite your child to help you pick up the scattered toys they played with. Sit next to the baby, give the toy in your hands and put it in the box with him. Then give another toy and ask them to put it in the box themselves. As you stack the toys, sing something like, “We collect toys, we collect toys! Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, we remove them in their place. Involve all children in the game.
The child pretends to be a ball, jumps on the spot, and the adult, putting his hand on his head, says: “Funny friend, my ball. Everywhere, everywhere he is with me! One two three four five. It's good for me to play with him! After your child has mastered the game, try playing with other children or with everyone together. Standing in a circle, you imitate the movement (knocking the ball), pronounce the rhyme, and the children jump to the rhythm of the rhyme.
dog play
An adult holds a toy dog ​​in his hands and says:
Bow-wow! Who's there?
This dog is visiting us.
I put the dog on the floor.
Give, doggy, Petya a paw!
After the child has become familiar with the game, invite all the children to play with the dog. All children who are interested in participating are welcome to participate. Read the verse and then go with the dog to the child whose name is given, offer to take it by the paw and say hello. You can feed the dog. They bring together a bowl of imaginary food (pour sand into the bowl), the dog “eats soup”, “barks”, says to the child “thank you!” If children are afraid of dogs, you can use another toy.
Who's in the fist?
The adult opens his hands and wiggles his fingers. Then he tightly clenched his fists in such a way that thumbs were inside. Shows the child several times how to do it, and asks him to repeat. Might have to help him clean up thumb into a fist. We read the rhyme and together with the child we perform the movements:
Who got into my fist?
Could it be a cricket? (Close your fingers into a fist.)
Come on, come on, get out!
Is it a finger? Ah ah ah! (Put thumb forward.)
After the child has mastered the game, spend it with a large number of children.
Playing with hands
Performing the movements, the adult asks the child to repeat them. He lowers his fingers down and wiggles them - these are “streams of rain”. He folds the fingers of each hand into a ring and puts it to his eyes, depicting binoculars. He draws circles on his cheeks with his finger - a “brush”. He bangs his fist on his fist, claps his hands. Learn all the activities with your child, then include other children in the game.
Pass the bell.
Children stand in a semicircle (if indoors, you can sit on chairs). In the center stands an adult with a bell in his hands. He rings the bell and says: “Whoever I call will ring the bell. Tanya, go get the bell." The girl takes the place of an adult, rings a bell and invites another child, calling him by name (or showing with his hand). If the child cannot choose, an adult helps.
Repeat after me
Play the game first with your child, then play together. The players stand in a circle, at such a distance from each other that they do not touch their neighbors when moving. At first, the adult alone, and after a few sessions, together with the children, pronounces the text slowly, with an arrangement, giving them the opportunity to do what the poem says and shows how to do it:
We stomp our feet
We clap our hands
We nod our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands
We give hands.
(Children hold hands, forming a circle.)


1. Belkina L.V. Adaptation of young children in a preschool educational institution. Practical guide. - Voronezh: Teacher, 2004.

2. Volosova E. The development of a young child (key indicators). – M.: Linka-Press, 1999.

3. Guba G.I. Comprehensive developmental classes for young children from 1.5 to 3 years. Teaching aid. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004.

4. Pavlova S.V., Savintseva E.A. Comprehensive developmental activities for young children. kids club"Umka". – Teaching aid. – M.:

5. Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2010. - 80s.

6. Ronzhina A.S. Classes of a psychologist with children aged 2-4 years in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution. - M .: LLC "National Book Center", 2012. - 72p.

7. Yanushko E.A. Development fine motor skills hands in young children. - M .: Mosaic-synthesis, 2011. - 56s

Reminder to parents.

"Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten"

Dear parents! Soon you and your child will have to start new life. In order for the baby to enter it more confidently, be joyful and sociable, we want to offer several recommendations.

1. Make sure that kindergarten is necessary for your family right now. It is easier and faster to get used to new conditions by children whose parents have no alternative to kindergarten.

2. Tell your child what kindergarten is and why you want him, like other children, to attend it too. The content of the conversation depends on the age of the child.

3. Passing by the kindergarten, with a joyful intonation, remind the child how lucky he is: he will be able to go here. Tell relatives and friends in the presence of the baby about your luck, that you are proud of your son (daughter), because he (she) was accepted into kindergarten.

4. Introduce your child to the regime in kindergarten. The more detailed your story is and the more often you repeat it, the calmer baby accept the new rules.

Bring the home regime as close as possible to the daily routine in kindergarten.

5. Form your child's self-care and personal hygiene skills. Talk to him about possible difficulties, explain to whom he can turn for help and how he should do it. For example: "If you are thirsty, go to the teacher and say:" I'm thirsty. And Ekaterina Nikolaevna will pour you water. If you want to go to the toilet, say so."

6. Prepare a “joy box” with your child. Perhaps you own the origami technique - then feel free to send it to the "joyful box" paper crane or a doggy.

It's more fun to go to kindergarten with toys, and it's easier to start relationships with peers.

7. Teach your baby to get to know other children, address them by name, ask, and not take away toys, offer their own.

8. Get to know other parents and their children. In the presence of your child, call these children by name. Talk at home about new acquaintances - Safi, Katya, Oleg. Encourage your child to seek help and support from other people in your presence.

9. The better your relationship with caregivers, other parents and their children, the easier it will be for your child to get used to the new environment.

10. In the presence of a child, avoid critical remarks about kindergarten staff.

11. Remember that it may take more than one month for a child to get used to kindergarten. Calculate your strengths, capabilities and plans.

12. If after a month your child is still not used to kindergarten and you continue to feel the need to contact with specialists - teachers and a psychologist are waiting for you!

13. Be patient.

Good luck to you and your baby in getting used to kindergarten!

Advice for parents

"Let's raise a healthy child."Today, following the fashion of the time, parents are paying more and more attention to mental development their children, not showing due care for the development of the physical. The task of the kindergarten is to introduce children to active pursuits physical culture. In young children, there is a huge interest in movements. Each new movement for a child is a riddle that he certainly wants to solve, i.e. do. Our task is to support and consolidate this natural interest in movements. The formation of children's interests is significantly influenced by the attitude of parents to physical culture, to the enthusiasm of kids for outdoor games and exercises. In physical education classes, children are happy to imitate animals from fairy tales: a bunny, a cockerel, a bear cub, they love to perform movements to the story invented by the teacher: “How the children went by train to the forest”, “What they saw in the forest”. All motor tasks in the classroom are associated with a specific task: "Let's drag the stick, get the rattle." Working with parents is not limited to the time of admission of children to kindergarten and the period of adaptation. Close contact with the families of our pupils is carried out gradually: conversations with the doctor, parent meetings, consultations are held in a planned manner and as needed. We constantly involve parents in participation in various activities held in kindergarten, we strive to convince them of the need for family physical education. On physical culture leisure and holidays, moms and dads act not only as passive spectators - they themselves take part in the plots played out. The more good health and with good physical data we equip our children in childhood, the easier it will be for them to adapt to new social conditions. The main thing for us is to raise and educate a healthy, smart, cheerful child.

Dear parents!

We are glad that your child goes to our preschool institution, to our group!

In order to get to know you and your child, as well as to organize the successful work of teachers, we ask you to answer the following questions:

1. Name of the child _________________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth_________________________________________________________

Home address, phone number________________________________________________________________

2.F. Acting mother ________________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth:____________________________________________________________


Place of work, position_______________________________________________________________

Contact number:____________________________________________________________________

3. Full name of the pope ____________________________________________________________________________

Year of birth:__________________________________________________________________________


Specialty, place of work: _____________________________________________________________

Contact number:______________________________________________________

4. Composition of the family: complete, incomplete (single mothers, divorced), large (underline) ________

5. Number of children in the family, brothers, sisters, their age _______________________________________

6. Financial situation: bad, average, good (underline)

7. Presence of chronic diseases in a child _____________________________________________

8. Allergic reactions to ______________________________________________________________

9.Peculiarities of health that we need to know about __________________________________________

10. Does the child have favorite activities? Which?_____________________________________________

11. What clubs does the child attend? Transfer____________________________________________

12. Your child is left-handed (right-handed), owns both hands equally (underline)

13 . list relatives with contact numbers who can bring and pick up the child) _________________________________________________________________________


13. Necessary to add: ________________________________________________________________________



Thank you for your sincere replies!

Reminder for parents.

Preparing children for admission to the preschool educational institution and predicting adaptation to it.

Adaptation is an active process that leads either to positive (adaptation, that is, the totality of all beneficial changes in the body and mind) results, or negative (stress). A child in the period of adaptation is a living stress model.
There are two main criteria for successful adaptation: internal comfort (emotional satisfaction) and external adequacy of behavior (the ability to easily and accurately fulfill the requirements of the environment).
The most important component of adaptation is the coordination of self-assessments and claims of the child with his capabilities and the reality of the social environment.
There are a number of criteria by which one can judge how a child adapts to life in an organized children's team. In children during the adaptation period, appetite, sleep, and emotional state may be disturbed. Some toddlers experience a loss of already established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked for a potty - he does not do this in kindergarten, he ate at home on his own, but refuses in kindergarten. Decrease in appetite, sleep, emotional state leads to a decrease in immunity, to a deterioration in physical development, weight loss, and sometimes to a disease.

There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

With easy adaptation, the negative emotional state does not last long. At this time, the baby does not sleep well, loses appetite, and is reluctant to play with children. But within the first month after entering kindergarten, as you get used to the new conditions, everything returns to normal. The child usually does not get sick during the adaptation period.

With adaptation of moderate severity, the emotional state of the child normalizes more slowly, and during the first month after admission, he gets sick, as a rule, with acute respiratory infections. The disease lasts 7-10 days and ends without any complications.

The most undesirable is a difficult adaptation, when the emotional state of the child returns to normal very slowly (sometimes this process lasts several months). During this period, the child either suffers from repeated illnesses, often with complications, or exhibits persistent behavioral disorders. Severe adaptation negatively affects both the health and development of children.

What determines the nature and duration of the adaptation period?

Studies of teachers and doctors show that the nature of adaptation depends on the following factors:

child's age. It is more difficult for children aged 10-11 months to 2 years to adapt to new conditions. After 2 years, children can adapt to new living conditions much easier. This is explained by the fact that by this age they become more inquisitive, they understand the speech of an adult well, they have a richer experience of behavior in different conditions.

The health and developmental status of the child. healthy, good developed child easier to endure the difficulties of social adaptation.

Formation of objective activity. Such a child can be interested in a new toy, activities.

individual features. Children of the same age behave differently in the first days of being in kindergarten. Some children cry, refuse to eat, sleep, they react to every suggestion of an adult with a violent protest. But a few days pass, and the child's behavior changes: appetite, sleep are restored, the child follows the game of his comrades with interest. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day. Without objection, they fulfill the requirements of the educator, and in the following days they part with their parents with tears, eat poorly, sleep, and do not take part in games. This behavior can continue for several weeks.

living conditions in the family. This is the creation of a daily routine in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the formation of children's skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities(the ability to play with toys, communicate with adults and children, take care of oneself, etc.). If a child comes from a family where the conditions for his proper development were not created, then, naturally, it will be very difficult for him to get used to the conditions of a preschool institution.

The level of fitness of adaptive mechanisms, experience of communication with peers and adults. The training of mechanisms does not happen by itself. It is necessary to create conditions that require new forms of behavior from the child. Toddlers who, before entering kindergarten, repeatedly found themselves in different conditions (visited relatives, acquaintances, went to the country, etc.), get used to a preschool institution more easily. It is important that in the family the child develops trusting relationship with adults, the skill relates positively to the requirements of adults.

The main criteria for the adaptation of the child to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.
The main adaptation criteria are:
behavioral responses;
level of neuropsychic development;
morbidity and course of the disease;
the main anthropometric indicators of physical development (height, weight).

Practice shows that the main reasons for difficult adaptation to the conditions of preschool educational institutions are:
- the absence in the family of a regime coinciding with the regime of a preschool institution,
- the child has peculiar habits,
- inability to occupy oneself with a toy,
-lack of elementary cultural and hygienic skills,
-lack of communication skills with strangers.

The adaptation period is considered completed if:
The child eats with gusto;
Falls asleep quickly, wakes up on time;
Emotionally communicates with others.

What should children be taught at home?

  • And of course, before transferring a child to a kindergarten, it is necessary to instill in him a lot of self-service skills. And first of all, this concerns independent eating, the ability to draw the attention of adults (caregivers, nannies) to the problems that have arisen in him and potty training.
  • Now about diseases. Each team, whether it be a family or a kindergarten group, has a relatively stable immunity to certain groups of infections. But each new person, getting inside this team, first runs the risk of getting sick with all the diseases that are “not terrible” for the group, and only then feel calm in the new environment.
  • It is possible that the bacilli brought by the newcomer will turn out to be unsafe for the group. Speaking about the illnesses of children in kindergartens and nurseries, it should be noted that many of them are caused by psychological discomfort, sometimes reaching a stressful state - my mother (dad, grandmother, grandfather ...) left me, gave me to strangers !!
  • Therefore, frequent diseases of children in kindergartens and nurseries are quite common and, unfortunately, inevitable. Children who never went to kindergarten begin to “actively” get sick at school.

What should never be done:

  • Can't be punishedor angry at the baby for crying at parting or at home at the mention of the need to go to the garden! Remember, he has the right to such a reaction. A stern reminder that “he promised not to cry” is also absolutely not
    effectively. Children of this age do not yet know how to "keep their word." Better still
    Remind me that you will definitely come.
  • You can not scare kindergarten(“Here you will behave badly, again inkindergarten go!"). A place that is feared will never be loved or safe.
  • You can’t speak badly about the teachers and the garden in front of the child. This may lead the child to think that the garden is not a good place and that bad people surround it. Then the anxiety will not go away at all.
  • You can't fool a child, saying that you will come very soon if the baby, for example, has to stay in the kindergarten for half a day or even a full day. Let him know better that his mother will not come soon, than he will wait for her all day and may lose confidence in the closest person.

A reminder for parents whose children are going to kindergarten.

First of all, you yourself must be psychologically prepared for parting. Calm down and do not be nervous - any of your internal state is immediately transmitted to the child. It is in your power to make sure that the baby overcomes the adaptation period without much nervous costs.

Veto home discussions about future kindergarten issues in front of your child. Does it seem to you that the baby, who is dragging the car along the corridor with a roar, does not hear anything? Be sure: not only listens, but also absorbs like a sponge! And while on a subconscious level he learns: to prepare something unpleasant. Therefore, all talk about upcoming changes should be conducted in the absence of a child. * Do not scare the child. Phrases like “Don’t play around, otherwise I’ll send you to kindergarten!” can instill fear in his soul, which will then be difficult to overcome. It is better to take the baby to kindergarten for an exciting excursion in advance. Introduce him to the teacher, ask permission to look into the group, show the playground. Such fleeting impressions are necessary for the child - this place will no longer seem alien, in his thoughts he will gradually begin to get used to it.

*Don't idealize kindergarten, otherwise it just won't live up to your kid's expectations. The best thing to do in this situation is to be honest. Tell your son or daughter what they will do in the group, what requirements exist there (obey the teacher, follow the daily routine, do not offend other kids).

*Find out your daily routine and start sticking to it at home. Do not forget to remind at the same time: "And now the children in the garden go to bed (go for a walk, sit down to dine)."

*Do not promise your child a reward for attending kindergarten. Let him know: there is an ordinary life ahead, there will be friends in it, Interesting games, walks, and you need to be included in this life right away, and not sit until the evening at the window, waiting for the arrival of your parents.

* Try to set the baby up for friendly communication with unknown children, but be sure to warn in a mild form that they are different: there are capricious, pugnacious, naughty, but you don’t need to be afraid of them or imitate them.

*When the X-hour comes, do not make this an outstanding event. Think over everything to the smallest detail in order to do without haste and nervousness. Prepare spare clothes in a separate bag in advance so that the baby can change in case of emergency. All things should be as simple and convenient as possible (without intricate fasteners and tight buttons). Bring your favorite toy with you - with it the child will feel calmer.

*First, leave the "rookie" in the garden for 1 hour. And only on the advice of the teacher increase the time.

* And what to do when the baby constantly cries and literally grabs your skirt? Psychologists recommend not to drag out the separation and not to “tease” the child with your presence. As a rule, within a few minutes after your departure, the baby calmly joins the game - the child's psyche is flexible and easily adapts to the new. *Develop your own farewell ritual. For example, have your baby wave to you from a window or blow a kiss. Come up with a secret password and repeat it when leaving the child and returning for him in the evening. And tell me that you always think about him, even in separation!

* Now you spend less time with your baby than before, but something else is important - the tenderness and warmth of your relationship, love for each other, which the child should always feel.

"I'm already a kindergartener!"

I want to warn you that adapting to kindergarten can be very painful for me. There are many reasons: abrupt change conditions, breaking habitual forms of life, the absence of loved ones, the presence of unfamiliar adults, big number children, a new daily routine, etc. All this can cause me violent reactions. It will be no less difficult for my teachers and nannies. But I know that they are good and will always come to my aid.

It is very important that there is consistency between you, my parents, and the kindergarten staff. Try to bring my daily regimen closer to that of kindergarten, exercise me in independence. And I also want to take my favorite toys with me to kindergarten. This will provide me psychological comfort. I really want to go to kindergarten! After all, I will not sit there idle. I will be taught to sculpt, draw, design, sing, dance. I will take care of plants, play, look at pictures. I know that they are waiting for me at the Rainbow kindergarten and they will be very happy to meet me!

Child of early age.

The toy and its significance in the gameplay.

At preschool age, the game is the leading activity of children. The child spends a lot of time in the game. It causes significant changes in his psyche. The most famous teacher in our country, A. S. Makarenko, described the role of children's games in this way: work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place primarily in the game ... "

Children love it when adults (parents, relatives) play with them. This refers primarily to mobile noisy games and fun fuss. Swinging on bent legs, lifting, throwing up, climbing on the backs, imaginary struggle on the couch (with giveaways) bring the child a lot of joy, cheerful excitement and physical fitness. It is necessary to take care of toys so that the child can organize the game. For children, first of all, they need dolls depicting adults of different professions, or characters from famous fairy tales. To play with a doll, you need furniture and utensils that are suitable in size. Stuffed Toys depicting animals. Cars and various transport. Clockwork mechanical toys develop an interest in technology. Children of all ages need toys that encourage movement. It is important to develop a habit in the child to take care of the toy, carefully fold them, removing them after the game. It is advisable to teach him to share toys when playing with peers, to give toys that he made himself to other children. Let the child feel the joy of giving pleasure to another. When assisting children in organizing the game, one should not suppress their initiative, impose one's own ideas. It is necessary to reasonably combine control with the provision of freedom and independence.

Advice for parents of a hyperactive child.

Active child:

Most of the day he "does not sit still", prefers outdoor games to passive ones (puzzles, constructors), but if he is interested, he can read a book with his mother and assemble the same puzzle.

Talks fast and talks a lot, asks an infinite number of questions.

For him, sleep and digestive disorders (intestinal disorders) are rather an exception.

He is not active everywhere. For example, restless and restless at home, but calm - in the garden, visiting unfamiliar people.

He is non-aggressive. That is, by chance or in the heat of a conflict, he can kick his "colleague in the sandbox", but he himself rarely provokes a scandal.

Hyperactive child:

He is in constant motion and simply cannot control himself, that is, even if he is tired, he continues to move, and when he is completely exhausted, he cries and hysteria. - He speaks quickly and a lot, swallows words, interrupts, does not listen to the end. He asks a million questions, but rarely listens to the answers to them.

It is impossible to put him to sleep, and if he sleeps, then in fits and starts, restlessly. He often has intestinal disorders. For hyperactive children, all kinds of allergies are not uncommon.

The child is uncontrollable, while he absolutely does not respond to prohibitions and restrictions. And in any conditions (home, shop, kindergarten, playground) behaves equally actively.

Often provokes conflicts. He does not control his aggression - he fights, bites, pushes, and uses improvised means: sticks, stones ...

The main causes of hyperactivity

Often hyperactivity is a consequence of not too smooth birth and disorders in infancy. The risk group includes children born as a result of caesarean section, severe pathological childbirth, artificial babies born with low birth weight, premature babies. Given that the ecology and pace modern life now they leave much to be desired, it is not surprising why hyperactive children are not uncommon, but rather the norm of our life today. And it is worth mentioning: not all children at risk are necessarily hyperactive! And subsequently, if all the "misunderstandings" (restlessness, hysteria, colic, sleep disturbances) did not disappear before the baby's first birthday, then it is not too late to bring them back to normal after. What needs to be done so that the baby gets rid of the "surplus" of activity?

1. Create him certain conditions life. This includes a calm psychological situation in the family, a clear daily routine (with obligatory walks on fresh air, where there is an opportunity to frolic for glory). Parents will also have to work hard. If you yourself are very emotional and unbalanced, you are constantly late everywhere, in a hurry, then it's time to start working on yourself. We no longer rush headlong into the garden, constantly urging the child, we try to be less nervous and less likely to change plans "on the go." Say to yourself: "A clear daily routine" and try to become more organized yourself.

2. Take advantage of these tips: - It's not the kid's fault that he's such a lively guy, so it's useless to scold him, punish him, arrange humiliating silent boycotts. By doing this, you will achieve only one thing - a decrease in his self-esteem, a feeling of guilt that he is "wrong" and cannot please mom and dad. - Teaching a child to manage himself is your first priority. "Aggressive" games will help him control his emotions. Everyone has negative emotions, including your child, only a taboo, tell him: "If you want to beat, beat, but not on living beings (people, plants, animals)". You can hit the ground with a stick, throw stones where there are no people, kick something with your feet. He just needs to splash energy out, teach him how to do it. In education, it is necessary to avoid two extremes - the manifestation of excessive softness and the presentation of increased demands on him. Permissiveness should not be allowed: children should be clearly explained the rules of behavior in various situations. However, the number of prohibitions and restrictions should be kept to a reasonable minimum.

The child needs to be praised in each case when he managed to complete the work he started. On the example of relatively simple cases, you need to teach how to properly distribute forces.

It is necessary to protect children from overwork associated with an excessive amount of impressions (TV, computer), avoid places with increased crowds.

In some cases, excessive activity and excitability may be the result of too high requirements for the child by parents, which he simply cannot meet due to his natural abilities, as well as excessive fatigue. In this case, parents should be less demanding, try to reduce the load.

- "Movement is life", lack of physical activity can cause hyperexcitability. You can not restrain the child's natural need to play noisy games, frolic, run, jump.

Sometimes behavioral disorders can be a child's reaction to a psychological trauma, for example, to a crisis situation in the family, divorce of parents, bad attitude towards him, placing him in an inappropriate school class, conflict with a teacher or parents.

When thinking about your child's diet, prioritize proper nutrition, in which there will be no lack of vitamins and minerals. More than other children, a hyperactive baby needs to adhere to the golden mean in nutrition: less fried, spicy, salty, smoked, more boiled, stewed and fresh vegetables and fruits. Another rule: if the child does not want to eat - do not force him!

Prepare your fidget "maneuvering field": active species sport for him is just a panacea.

Teach your child to passive games. We read, but also draw, sculpt. Even if it is difficult for your child to sit still, he is often distracted, follow him ("You are interested in this, let's see ..."), but after satisfying the interest, try to return with the baby to the previous lesson and bring it to the end.

Teach your baby to relax. Perhaps your "recipe" for finding inner harmony with him is yoga. For some, other relaxation methods are more suitable. A good psychologist will tell you what it can be: art therapy, fairy tale therapy, or maybe meditation.

And don't forget to tell your child how much you love him.

How to wean a baby off a pacifier.

The baby comes into this world without knowing anything about it. He experiences severe stress during childbirth, and his life changes dramatically after birth, the baby finds himself in a completely unfamiliar, alien and therefore terrible environment. To facilitate the transition to a new life for the child and give him confidence that this world is not so scary and everything in it goes on as usual, we create constantly repeating rituals for them, for example, a lullaby or a bath before going to bed, a kiss when waking up, etc. .d.

However, some of these habits should be disposed of in time, because over time they become harmful, which can cause some harm to the baby. Of course, we are talking about nipples and pacifiers. Let's try together to figure out how to wean a child from a pacifier. As we already know, at first, nipples and pacifiers perform a very important function - they provide the baby with psychological comfort. Moreover, a pacifier for a baby is practically a friend and ally - she is always there, she will calm, comfort and even help to fall asleep. But with the growth and development of the baby, the pacifier gradually turns from a friend into an enemy - an enemy of teeth, proper bite and even speech. The fact is that even the most orthopedic nipple or pacifier is still hard, and getting into the baby’s mouth, it’s not the nipple that changes its shape, adjusting to the shape of the mouth, but vice versa. Thus, if the baby does not part with the nipple for too long, his teeth will grow almost around the nipple, and this is already fraught with serious consequences, such as:

* malocclusion - a gap is formed between the upper and lower teeth, as a result of which the shape of the jaw is also distorted

*crooked teeth

*slurred speech

* due to the curvature of the teeth, the food is not chewed thoroughly enough and is sent to the stomach in large pieces, creating an additional load on digestive tract. Already scared? Then it’s definitely time to think about how to wean a child to suck on a pacifier. When is it time to wean a baby off a pacifier? Doctors recommend saying goodbye to the nipple until 10 months of age. But many mothers face a seemingly insoluble question: how to wean a child from sucking a nipple if the baby actively protests against separation from his faithful companion. In fact, there are a lot of ways, and no one knows which one is right for your child, so read on, choose a method to your liking and try it! How to wean a child to suck on a pacifier.


* We switch the baby's attention to some toy, preferably a rubber one, so that he can take it in his mouth and chew. Before going to bed, stroke the baby on the back, head, sing a song.

* Cut off the tip of the nipple. At first, quite a bit so that the baby does not suspect anything, and so gradually, until the nipple begins to fall out of the baby's mouth. Sucking the pacifier will be uncomfortable, he will throw it away.

* For an older child, options with a “legend” are suitable. For example, you can tell a child that a hungry mouse ate the pacifier and conveyed a big hello to the baby and gratitude for dinner or something like that. In general, we turn on fantasy, compose a legend and, with honest eyes, perform the ritual of farewell to the nipple.

* A method similar to the previous one, but its cardinal difference is that the baby himself voluntarily gives his pacifier to the kitten in the yard (the kitten is nowhere without a pacifier, his mother catches mice all day, and he is lonely and sad, let's help the little one cat). If later the baby asks for a pacifier, you will remind him that he himself gave it to the poor kitten. The main thing in this case is that the baby acts voluntarily, and after his act feels proud of himself (praise the baby for generosity, thank on behalf of the happy owner of the pacifier, etc.) In any case, no matter what method you choose, you must remember one thing: you need to tune in to win. Just a little your maternal heart will give a slack, the baby will immediately feel it and worthless to all your efforts! Children are manipulators, they perfectly feel emotions and know how to use them! A little about mustard. Of course, everyone knows the recipe for how to smear a nipple (or finger) with mustard. Its harmfulness is that it is generally undesirable for children under 3 years old to eat mustard, as well as other spices with a pronounced taste. This method is not only harmful, but also cruel. Afterword. When choosing a method for the ritual of farewell to the nipple, do not overdo it. Perhaps the baby will be afraid of the wolf who came to your house and took the pacifier. "Don't break" the baby. If nothing works out for you, well, nothing, if the baby cries bitterly and does not want to give up the pacifier, leave your attempts and return to this topic a little later. The fact is that if you forcibly take away a pacifier from a child, at a time when he is absolutely not ready for this, he will find a replacement for her and will suck his finger, toy, clothes and everything that falls into his hands. Then you will already have another problem: how to wean a child from a bad habit.

Good luck, believe in yourself and you will succeed!