Applying foundation. How to apply foundation on your face with a sponge? Ideal darkening techniques from Ian Thomas

Any girl strives to look perfect - for her lover, for her friends and colleagues, but first of all, for herself.

And when wrinkles and redness prevent her from being a “cover person,” she comes to the rescue Foundation. How to apply it correctly to avoid the effect of “crumbling plaster” and emphasize its advantages?

– simply a salvation for ladies of all ages and nationalities. It evens out skin tone, mattifies, smoothes, masks imperfections (fine wrinkles, bruises, scratches, pimples, redness, irritation).

Some types of “foundation” due to reflective particles give the face a radiant, fresh look, which is especially important after a stormy night without sleep.

How to choose a foundation?

Modern cosmetology has advanced so far that today's foundations not only decorate the appearance, but also take care of the skin. They nourish, moisturize, and protect against ultraviolet radiation.

For hot weather It is better to choose a foundation with a light fluid texture and a good SPF protective filter. Airy tinting mousses are also suitable. In winter, the skin requires special care - buy a cream with a dense texture.

For dry skin choose products with a moisturizing effect and hyaluronic acid, for oily ones – mattifying.

IN expensive creams particles may be present reflective powder, antibacterial agents and even lifting components.

The base foundation should be the same shade as your skin (give or take one tone).

If you're into it, then by adding a dose of bronzer and highlighter to your base, you can transform yourself in five minutes!

An alternative to the classic foundation is the multifunctional new products of oriental cosmetology - BB cream and CC cream.

They have a more weightless texture, are suitable for any skin type, visibly smooth, moisturize, correct, protect, mattify and, in general, replace 5-6 products from a cosmetic bag with one tube.

We can say that these are improved, modern versions foundations and correctors.

How to apply foundation correctly?

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, so cover up imperfections without fuss.

The thicker the foundation layer, the more age it adds to your face. An overdose of “plaster” leads to the fact that the appearance ceases to be natural.

1. Prepare your face. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing – important stages daytime makeup.

On a dirty face with excess sebum difficult to apply cream even layer. The same applies to dry, flaky skin, which will simply absorb the valuable product.

2. Be sure to apply the base– primer, fluid or your regular cream.

3. When the makeup base is absorbed, begin applying foundation. Use strokes or drops to decorate the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead.

4. Blend the cream along massage, contour lines (from the center to the edges) using your fingers, a wide brush or a special sponge-droplet.

It is important to distribute the product evenly over the entire face, carefully wiping folds and wrinkles so that pigment does not accumulate in them.

5. Remember - if you apply foundation with a damp sponge (beauty blender), you will be able to create an almost weightless, subtle flair.

And with the help of dry, you will cover up imperfections more densely.

6. The most natural makeup, oddly enough, this happens when applying the product with your fingers.

In addition, this is also the most economical option - almost no cream is consumed.

At the same time, make light movements, like the fluttering of a butterfly, and lightly patting and driving in.

7. For spot correction, use a special corrector pencil(for acne and redness) or concealer (for dark circles), and spread the main tone in a thin layer.

8. Before applying foundation, you can carry out color correction. To do this you will need a corrector palette. different colors: green will mask redness well, and yellow will remove cyanosis.

9. Setting the tone - the final stage. Spray your face thermal water or a special makeup fixative and lightly blot with a paper towel.

A little secret: foundation blends best when slightly warmed up. Therefore, first rub your hands and apply the product to your palm, and only then to your face.

Once you learn how to apply foundation correctly, you will become “a little bit of a magician.” After all, always have a fresh, shining, natural look– this is real cosmetic magic!

Be beautiful in every cell of your body. Foundation will help make your skin beautiful.

Modern products apply smoothly and hide even the most severe flaws and scars. Read how to apply foundation correctly.

Before purchasing a corrective product, you should think about the application method. Many girls prefer to precisely apply the cream with their fingers, smearing it with their hands.

But how can you improve your appearance and make foundation as invisible as possible on your face? There is a way!

The main thing is to choose the right brush or sponge. Much depends on the skin type; some women are only suitable for finger application or using a special brush.

Acquainted with the best brands and forms can be found in the table:

Application tools and company Description
Beauty Blender sponge A small drop-shaped sponge that will help you apply highlighter even to hard-to-reach places. They are often called eggs.

They absorb well and apply the tone evenly to the face, and with a sharp corner you can even apply the fluid to the corner of the eye

Japonesque Beveled Brush Thanks to the interesting shape of the pile, you can carry out less movement for shading.

This shape helps hide small wrinkles, blackheads and other appearance imperfections without a “mask effect”

Brush with sponge PR Professional Two in one. This tool is practically no different from a regular egg, but makes using the sponge much more convenient, because now it is attached to the handle
Duo Fibra brush from M.A.C Duofiber has interesting shape. This brush from the Max Factor company helps to evenly blend the fluid.

You can recognize a branded item not only by the label, but also by the specific color of the tails.

Apply cream to the base and blend with a brush in a circular motion. Professional makeup artists prefer expensive accessories

Shiseido Perfect Foundation Brush A universal spatula suitable for blending any foundation.

The cut of the brush is straight and even, it is perfect for both thick cream and fluid.

Makeup artists claim that even the cheapest cream can be applied with such a tool.

Kabuki brush from Givenchy A universal tool that appearance resembles an ordinary ball or brush.

Application is greatly simplified, can be used for powder, fluid and cream

Mary Kay Pointed Brush An original model that, thanks to its sharp tip, helps to thoroughly blend even small drops of cream. It is flexible and does not require any extra movements.

Advice! Makeup artists urge you not to save money on a brush. An expensive sponge can beautifully apply even a cheap foundation.

Is it possible to apply foundation under the eyes?

The skin of the eyelids is very sensitive and thin. It requires separate daily care.

The most common problem is bags and blue circles under the eyes. You can apply foundation on your eyelids, but it will not hide obvious imperfections.

Important use the right basis and concealer. To begin with, you should moisturize your skin with your usual cosmetic product.

After completely dry Apply a special corrector or concealer for the eyes.

Follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • The product should not be cold. The cream is applied room temperature. You can hold the drop in your hands or rub it in your fingers.
  • Accurately, without overdoing it with corrector, from inner corner Apply the product to the outer eyes.
  • Do not pull your skin, look straight ahead, you can look up.
  • Blend the concealer using a sponge, sponge or your hands.
  • Apply a setting layer of foundation and powder.

Nowadays, make-up artists are keen on structuring the face, which can visually reduce the nose, enlarge the eyes or make the cheekbones appear thinner.

This method is suitable for the camera, not for everyday makeup. Remember that naturalness never goes out of style.

The right foundation: what comes first before foundation

To realize your intended makeup and get rid of the mask effect, it is important to buy a basic product.

The foundation is an invisible cream or fluid that protects the skin from premature aging and the influence of the chemical components of the foundation.

The base comes with therapeutic effect, antiseptic additives and is selected for dry, oily or combination skin.

Makeup takes place in three stages, which are important for a woman to follow:

  • Apply daytime moisturizer to your face.
  • Without waiting for complete drying, when the skin is a little damp, treat your face with the base foundation. A few drops will be needed for the neck and décolleté area.
  • Blend the product thoroughly.
  • By massage lines Apply foundation and smear it with a brush.

And keep creating perfect image. Apply blush, eye shadow, eyes and lips. But don’t overdo it with the amount of foundation, foundation and concealer – everything in moderation.

Rules for how to apply makeup evenly

The most difficult thing is to blend the fluid as if it is not on your face. Create naturalness artificially- the work of real professionals.

Collected here best tips makeup artists who help apply the cream evenly:

  • Apply the cream pointwise and along massage lines. Do not squeeze the foundation directly onto your face. Using your fingertips, easily distribute the fluid along the contour.
  • Let the moisturizer dry slightly. There are often advisers on the Internet who recommend applying foundation immediately after. In this case, there is a danger of receiving greasy shine.
  • Choose the amount of cosmetics wisely. Too much is bad, too little is also bad.
  • In total, there are three layers on the face - cream, foundation and foundation. IN as a last resort During the day, you can powder your makeup, but do not apply a fourth layer.
  • The area around the eyes can be skipped. To eliminate highlights and imperfections, use a tinted concealer.
  • Keep an eye on the expiration date of your cosmetics. A spoiled product can cause skin problems.

Useful video

An even complexion is the main key to the success of any makeup. Even perfectly drawn arrows, neatly outlined scarlet lips or a stunning smokey eye makeup with filigree shading will lose greatly against the background of an uneven complexion.

What is foundation used for?

It is important to remember that foundation most often is not able to camouflage absolutely all skin imperfections. It will not necessarily cover dark circles under the eyes and will not “erase” all pimples.

The main task of foundation is to even out the complexion and create a monochromatic “canvas” for subsequent makeup. Light tonal the cream will probably cover only 30 percent of unevenness and imperfections, dense - from 70 to 90. Therefore, after applying the foundation, if necessary, correct the problem areas with a concealer or corrector. If there are no special problems with the skin, then it is possible that one foundation will be enough.

There are a number of indicators by which you can determine that the foundation has been applied correctly.

  • Facial skin looks monochromatic.
  • The complexion and neck color are the same, that is, there is no mask effect. To achieve this, test the foundation on the skin in the area bottom edge lower jaw - this way you will see the color matching the tone of the neck and the tone of the face. If there is a clear difference, choose a foundation that is more suitable for the tone of your neck. IN summer time, if you wear revealing clothes, also check the tone on your collarbones.
  • The foundation does not emphasize skin texture, flaking, dryness, pores and does not add an oily sheen. To do this, it is important to choose a shade that suits your skin and prepare your skin well - we will talk about this in detail below.

Preparing the face for applying foundation


Before applying foundation, be sure to cleanse your skin with toner. This will provide a more even coverage and reduce the risk of blemishes, since there will be no contaminants between the skin and foundation that can cause inflammation.

  • Avoid using toner that contains alcohol before makeup. The skin may react to this component with redness or irritation, and the foundation will apply worse. Check the toner label to make sure ALCOHOL is not listed in the ingredient list.

Do not use micellar water before makeup: micelles absorb not only dirt and oil, but also makeup particles, which can also lead to uneven coverage.


To provide the skin additional care and prepare it for applying foundation, before applying makeup, spread a light moisturizer, serum or oil over the skin.

  • It is important to remember that oily skin needs hydration no less than dry skin. If such skin is properly moisturized, sebum production will be reduced and general state skin will improve. Wait a little before applying foundation. It is important that the moisturizer is absorbed.

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Using Primers

This step is not necessary, but can help prepare the skin for makeup if there are any nuances.

  • Mattifying primer. Prevents the appearance of unwanted shine. This product does not need to be applied to the entire face, just go through those areas that are prone to an oily glow.
  • Blur primer. Helps fill pores, hide wrinkles and make the skin texture smoother, facilitating the subsequent blending of foundation.
  • Radiant primer. “Illuminates” the face from the inside and makes it visually rested and well-groomed. It is applied to the entire face or only to areas that are usually highlighted with highlighter: on the upper parts of the cheekbones, the bridge of the nose, the tick above upper lip, dimple under the bottom, center of the forehead. Avoid areas that are already prone to shine.
  • Moisturizing primer. Can replace moisturizer. Hides flaking and fills the skin with moisture so that the tone lasts better throughout the day, does not crease or fade.
  • Color primer. Redness is neutralized by a green primer. Tired, earthy-toned skin will be illuminated by a primer with a lilac undertone;

What is the best way to apply foundation?

Each application method is good in its own way. Try different ones to find the one that suits you personally, and we will tell you about their features.


Applying foundation allows you to achieve a thin and even coverage with perfect shading. By layering your foundation in this way, you can get a denser coverage for an evening look.

Even a beginner can handle applying foundation with a sponge; the risk of making a mistake is minimal. The result is a perfectly smooth coating.

The disadvantage of this method of application is the greater consumption of foundation compared to other options.

Wet the sponge and squeeze out excess water. Due to the small amount of absorbed moisture, the sponge will not take up too much foundation, and its surface will be as soft as possible. It's comfortable on the face and perfect for easy blending.

First, put the foundation on your hand and spread it over your face in dots. This will help you not to overdo it with the amount of cream on your face and distribute it evenly.

Use a sponge to spread the foundation over your face using patting movements. Move from the center of the face to its periphery, avoid getting it on the eyebrows and hairline - removing the foundation from the hair will be problematic.

With your fingers

The warmth of your hands warms up the foundation, making it more flexible and pliable for blending. This method is good for its cost-effectiveness. But it will take practice - applying foundation beautifully with your fingers is a little more difficult than with a brush, so follow our instructions:

Apply the required amount of foundation onto your hand.

Spread the cream over your face in dots - literally a couple of drops on each area (cheeks, nose, center of the forehead, chin).

Do not smear the foundation - this will only emphasize the texture of the skin. Instead, use patting movements of your fingers to go over the entire face from the center to the edges.

Work through every centimeter of skin so that there are no untouched areas or unshaded borders. Together with makeup, you will get a wonderful facial massage that will improve blood circulation and invigorate the skin.


Applying foundation with a brush allows you to act as carefully as possible. In addition, this is the most convenient method in everyday life compared to the previous two - your hands remain clean and you don’t have to wash the cream out of the sponge for a long time (the brush is much easier to clean).

To apply foundation with a brush, follow these rules:

  • Apply foundation onto your hand until it warms up a little and becomes more pliable. Then use a brush.
  • Do not apply a large amount of cream at once, add it gradually.
  • Use round brushes to make circular movements. Flat - linear.
  • Do not put pressure on the brush, do not squeeze it too hard, hold it calmly in your hand - this way the application of foundation will be precise and accurate.

How to properly apply foundation to faces of different shapes?

With the help of foundation you can not only even out your complexion, but also make light-shadow correction. This is a well-known technique that is often used by celebrity makeup artists. You will need two shades of tone - slightly lighter colors your skin and a little darker. The difference may be 1-2 tones.

Apply light foundation to the entire central part of the face.

Place the darker shade in drops around the periphery of the face and under the cheekbones.

Blend with a brush, erasing the boundaries with the already applied light tone.

Such an easy way to contour suitable for girls with any face shape. You can see the application pattern depending on the specific face shape in our gallery:

Applying foundation to different skin types

Oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by unwanted shine throughout the face, enlarged pores and frequent inflammation (acne, comedones).

  • Before applying foundation, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin (remembering to complete this stage with a toner; it restores the pH balance of the skin). Then, if necessary, apply a caring serum or cream. To hide enlarged pores, use a leveling foundation - the main thing is that it does not contain oils.
  • For oily skin, the ideal foundation is mattifying. It will control unwanted shine throughout the day. Do not try to cover up skin imperfections by layering foundation, use special correctors different shades and apply them locally to problem areas. This way you will create the most natural coverage.
  • Set the tone with translucent or mattifying powder, avoid products with reflective particles.

Dry skin

The main problem when applying foundation to dry skin is flaking.

A flawless skin tone is the key to perfect makeup. The face should be even, smooth, without defects. But nature gave such skin to literally a few women. Yes and modern conditions life do not contribute to maintaining a healthy glow and glow. Stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition and poor ecology - all this is first reflected on our face. Therefore, today no woman can do without foundation. It is this that allows you to even out the color, correct defects, and form the correct oval of the face. But in order to achieve a truly ideal result, you need to know how to properly apply foundation to your face.

Many girls use foundation on unprepared skin. Under the foundation you need to put a special base to correct skin imperfections. Depending on what problems there are on the skin, one or another color of the corrective base is selected: green, pink, white, lilac, beige. They are used to mask such common flaws as:

  • Redness, inflammation, pimples, network of blood vessels, etc. Anything that has a prominent reddish color must be treated with a green base;
  • Areas of excess pigmentation are masked lilac color. It must be applied with precise driving movements so that the product penetrates as deeply as possible into the corrected area;
  • It will help to highlight certain areas White color. It is usually applied to the bridge of the nose, forehead, and cheekbones. It is strictly not recommended to use a white base on the under-eye area, even if you need to cover dark circles. This application will lead to the fact that every smallest fold on the skin will stand out noticeably, aging the face;
  • A pink base helps even out the tone. It is suitable for cheekbones, cheeks and chin areas. Thanks to this, the face acquires even tone.

Applying foundation is not at all as easy as most girls imagine it to be. There are seven important rules which you must adhere to in order to get a good result, as well as to reveal all the capabilities of the product you have chosen. We invite you to familiarize yourself with these rules:

  • The skin must be clean if you are going to apply makeup to it. Use a cleanser that suits your skin type. It should be mild remedy– gel, foam, cosmetic soap. You should not use a scrub immediately before applying makeup, as this will lead to the appearance of additional areas of redness.
  • After you have cleansed your skin, ensure it is fully hydrated. Use a cream that suits your skin type. This will make it easier to put special means, will relieve flaking, dryness, etc. And also after the cream, your skin will feel more comfortable.
  • Before applying foundation, correct skin defects with a special base. We described the features of its use above.
  • Start with the forehead and chin area, applying the product pointwise. Then the islands of foundation should be shaded with light movements without friction.
  • If the difference between the tone of the face and neck becomes very noticeable, then the product is applied to the neck too.
  • Do not forget that excess foundation never brings good results. Therefore, try to use as little foundation as possible. Otherwise, the face will turn into a mask.
  • After creating the tone, you should take a break from working to allow the product to dry.

The characteristics of the skin determine not only the rules for caring for it, but also the nuances of application. decorative cosmetics. You need to apply the foundation differently on oily and dry skin. This is the secret to getting flawless makeup.

Skin prone to dryness should long time prepare for the makeup process. You will need a rich day cream to sufficiently moisturize your skin. Excess product is removed with a napkin so that the makeup does not spread because of it in the future. Do not rub your skin under any circumstances!

Oily skin must be cleansed and treated with mattifying agents. This is especially important if your skin is problematic. In this case, you need a light foundation that will not add additional shine to the skin.

On normal skin You can use almost any means. The preparation procedure will also be standard: cleansing, moisturizing, applying a base and only after that - foundation.

Most often, at home, women apply this product with their fingers. This method is often used by professionals. Working with your fingers allows you to feel the pressure, evaluate the intensity, thickness of the layer, etc. This technique can provide a smoother and more even result; in this case, the tone is more natural. Due to the temperature of the fingers, the cream becomes more pliable, more liquid, and it becomes more convenient and easier to work with.

Schemes and methods of application depend on the type of skin and what defects it has. Peeling skin should be treated with light cotton taps. Before applying the product to oily skin, it is smeared on the palms and touched to the face. Then blend out the amount of cream that remains on the face.

Another common technique is using a sponge. It is relevant for skin prone to pimples, inflammation, etc., as it allows you to create a sufficient layer that will hide all minor imperfections. A sponge dipped in water works much better at masking imperfections. Using the sponge, you need to make light movements from the center to the periphery. It is enough to use 4-5 drops of foundation. This volume is enough to treat the entire face and disguise defects.

Using a brush is The best way How to properly apply foundation on your face. The only disadvantage that can be noted with this technique is the uneconomical use of the product due to the fact that a large amount of it is absorbed by the brush. If you are going to work with a brush, first squeeze the cream onto left hand so that it warms up slightly and becomes more pliable. Then dip the product into the prepared portion of the cream and apply it to your face. This way you can achieve a more even tone. You should start with four main points of application, from which the product is then distributed throughout the face.

The most accessible and effective method application is method of four touches. First, the so-called midpoints are applied to the middle points - chin, cheeks, forehead. After this, the product is distributed from these points. Blend it carefully around your nose so that there is not too much product left on it.

  • Very often, women use much more product than necessary. Avoiding it is quite simple: blot your face with an absorbent napkin while working to remove excess product. Special attention pay attention to the folds at the wings of the nose.
  • If you use a sponge or brush, some of the product will be absorbed by them. Don't forget about it! Choose only high-quality tools and accessories to create an even tone;
  • To disguise skin imperfections, use products intended for this purpose, and not a large amount of foundation. A thick layer of foundation looks unnatural and ugly;
  • Illiterate choice of foundation color, due to which makeup becomes noticeable. When the face differs in color from the neck or chest, this is not very good. Therefore, you need to choose the tone very carefully, and also make sure that the border between the face and neck does not stand out too much.

We hope that our tips will help you create a flawlessly even skin tone and perfect makeup!

Foundation – special cosmetic product, allowing you to hide some skin irregularities. A good foundation should be invisible. This product is the basis of any makeup; it is applied first. Every woman should know how to apply foundation correctly. Our article is devoted to this topic.

Types of foundations

To understand the features of applying foundation, you need to get acquainted with the types of this cosmetic product. Today, cosmetology uses two types of foundations: cream-powder and liquid makeup foundation.

  • Liquid foundation cosmetologists recommend applying to dry skin with signs severe peeling. This product contains special components that nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • Cream-powder (mousse) is a foundation created specifically for oily or oily skin. combined type. The formula of this product is characterized by a soft texture, protects pores well from small particles of powder or blush, and does not clog them.

Choosing a foundation based on your face shape

The face shape has great importance when applying makeup. Properly selected cosmetics help smooth out some imperfections. Exist certain requirements to applying foundation cream to faces of different shapes. We will talk about them in this section.

  • Round face. The foundation is applied according to the same principle as regular powder. The temples are painted over right next to the hairline. It's very important point is right choice shade of cream. The shade of the product should be darker, but not create a sharp contrast with the skin color;
  • Face triangular shape. This type is the most complex, so makeup must be applied taking into account three zones (forehead, temples and chin). First, the cream is evenly distributed over the entire face. light shade, then zonal staining is carried out more dark color;
  • When creating makeup on the face square shape the main thing is to divert attention from the angular features. To do this, the skin on the chin is colored more dark shade, shades;
  • An oval face is characterized by ideal features that can be emphasized by applying it to the temples and cheekbones. dark tone. The product is applied starting from the cheeks and gradually moving to the temples. You can visually reduce a face that is too long by shading your forehead with a dark color.

Features of applying foundation

Before applying foundation, you must carefully prepare your skin for this procedure. The cream will apply better to moisturized skin. There are several rules that will allow you to apply foundation correctly:

  1. Before applying the product, the skin is cleansed with gel or tonic;
  2. After cleansing, a moisturizing procedure is carried out. To do this, apply to the skin thin layer day cream and give it time to absorb;
  3. Apply foundation 15 minutes after moisturizing. Cosmetologists recommend using a special sponge for this procedure. If you apply the composition with a regular brush, it will lie unevenly and this will be noticeable;
  4. The foundation is applied in small dots, evenly distributed over the entire surface of the face;
  5. After application, the dots are shaded evenly over the skin of the face;
  6. Sometimes it is necessary to apply a small amount of the composition to the area around the area so that the skin tone is even;
  7. After applying the product, you need to wait 10 minutes, then proceed to the next stage of creating makeup.

How to mask redness with foundation?

Small ones in the place where they are located cause a lot of trouble. They often appear at the most inopportune moment, and even several layers of foundation do not help hide the flaw.

To do well, you need to apply the cream to your face in several stages. First, an even layer of light base is applied, the second layer is applied to areas of the skin that require camouflage.

A concealer will help mask redness and pimples on the skin well. green tint. If you have - problematic skin, then you can replace the foundation with compact powder. It masks minor defects much better and goes on in a thick layer, while simultaneously eliminating oily shine.

Secrets of applying foundation

Not every woman succeeds in applying foundation correctly. The fact is that this procedure has its secrets. We will talk about some of them below.
  • The shade of the cream should be selected so that it is slightly lighter tone your skin. Performing this technique allows you to smooth out skin imperfections and make its appearance more attractive;
  • If you use a sponge to apply foundation, try to keep the tool clean. It is recommended to rinse the sponge with warm soapy water at least once a week. The brush for applying foundation should also be kept clean;
  • If you are wondering how to apply foundation correctly , We recommend paying more attention to the initial hairline. At the beginning of the hairline, you need to shade the product especially carefully to make the presence of this cosmetic product on the skin invisible;
  • The foundation is applied from top to bottom, this will allow the composition to be distributed as evenly as possible over the skin of the face;
  • It is better to store foundation in a dark and cool place. This composition does not tolerate direct sun rays and quickly deteriorate in heat;
  • It must be remembered that foundation, like any other cosmetic product, clogs pores and does not allow the skin to breathe. Therefore, it should be washed off the face at night to prevent the appearance of allergic and acne rashes;
  • If you plan to visit places with high humidity or high temperature, it is advisable to choose a cream with good stability;
  • If the foundation is applied in several layers, then the likelihood of smudges and streaks increases significantly. To prevent this, you need to blend the composition well with a sponge or apply the cream with your fingers;
  • If facial features are not expressed, makeup artists recommend applying foundation to the lips;
  • If there is a need to disguise bags, signs of lack of sleep or tears, you can apply a peach tone under the eyes, and a reflective corrector on top of it;
  • It is not recommended to cover the entire face with cream with reflective particles. It’s better to highlight certain areas of the face that you want to give more expressiveness;
  • If skin imperfections are still noticeable through the base foundation, it is recommended to rub foundation into problem areas using a sponge. They do the same if they want to hide facial wrinkles or redness from acne.

Technique for applying foundation

As noted above, foundation is applied using a sponge or cosmetic brush. The face is pre-degreased and moisturized. The further procedure is carried out using a liquid foundation.

Lightly dip a brush into it and then fan the area around the forehead, nose and chin with the tool. When applying the composition, you must take into account the shape of your face. After the foundation, apply blush and blend well.

It is advisable that the brush (sponge) be of small diameter, this will help avoid smudges. Are you interested in how to properly use foundation? Makeup artists give several recommendations regarding the technique of applying foundation to the face:

  1. It's easiest to tint when skin is damp. Therefore, before applying the toner, you need to smear your face day cream, and wait until it is absorbed. Then blot the skin with a napkin and begin applying the tone;
  2. Any makeup is best applied in daylight. This will help you see shortcomings in time and correct them;
  3. For application basic basis different cosmetic tools are used. If it is a liquid and creamy texture, then it is better to use a brush or sponge. Cream mousses are applied to the skin only with fingertips;
  4. The method of applying foundation is selected in accordance with the desired result. If you plan to go out during the day, then apply the product using a dry cosmetic sponge, adjustments are made with your fingertips;
  5. To hide small acne with a corrective pencil and apply foundation on top;
  6. To ensure that the base lays evenly on the face, it is better to apply it with a slightly moistened sponge. To create dense makeup, a dry cosmetic sponge is suitable;
  7. IN summer period(especially when visiting the beach) you need to use a foundation with a protective complex against ultraviolet radiation;
  8. If the applied makeup looks sloppy, you can apply a mixture of foundation and moisturizer to the skin of the face;
  9. To avoid makeup drips, the skin is first wiped with special wipes to remove oily shine. You can buy a leave-in foundation at a cosmetic store (it stays on your face for more than 12 hours without running). This product, however, has the property of firmly sticking to the skin, so it must be applied extremely carefully, since it will be difficult to correct flaws;

remember, that neat makeup does not accept thick layers. Your skin should look natural, there should be no visible foundation on it. The tone is applied pointwise and distributed evenly over the entire surface of the skin.

In many beauty salons The created makeup is fixed by sprinkling the face with clean mineral water from a spray bottle. We recommend using this method when creating home makeup (to fix it).

It is better to squeeze balls of foundation onto the central parts of the face (the center of the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin). After this, the cream is shaded with light movements from the central part to the periphery. That is, on the forehead you need to rub the composition in a circular motion, gradually moving towards the temple.

From the center of the chin you need to move to the corners of the lips, from the cheeks to the cheekbones. When rubbing the foundation, you should not stretch the skin too much, as this will lead to an increase in wrinkles. Do not rub the composition into the skin too much; the cream may lie unevenly and roll off.


Now you know how to apply foundation correctly. When creating makeup, you need to observe moderation and try to maintain your natural skin tone. Any cosmetics should emphasize the beauty of the face and help hide various imperfections.