Tep sole. Shoes with which soles are better

How to choose shoes with no slippery soles? What to do if you do slip on snow and ice? The answers to these questions and useful tips read our article.

To prevent ice from forcing you to sit at home in a cast, you need to be responsible when choosing winter shoes. Choose pairs that have non-slip soles, and if you already have slippery shoes, use one of the methods to make them safe.

How to choose non-slip shoe soles

Whether a shoe slips or not depends on the material of the sole and the tread pattern applied to it.

Winter shoes should have soles made of soft material. At first glance, this is easy to check in a store by simply trying to bend it. But this method is far from 100% effective. The point is that when low temperatures the sole may stop bending.

Therefore if you want to truly approach choice of shoes, you will have to study, from what is it made of:

  • thermoplastic elastomer (TRP) - almost completely safe when worn in cold weather, it becomes slippery only if it is -45 degrees outside;
  • polyurethane (PU) - not suitable for wearing at low temperatures, it slips a lot, and at -20 degrees and below it can burst;
  • thermopolyurethane (TPU) - does not slip, but does not retain heat well, so it is usually combined with regular polyurethane, making a two-layer sole;
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - this material is absolutely not for winter, it makes a very slippery sole for shoes, and in the cold it will most likely burst;
  • ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) is a very slippery material;
  • thermoplastic rubber (TPR) - at sub-zero temperatures it will become very slippery, the insidiousness of such shoes is that if you go out during the day during the thaw, you will feel quite stable on the ice, but if it freezes in the evening, it may seem like you are wearing real skates ;
  • tunit is a composite material combining rubber and fibers genuine leather and has excellent characteristics when worn in all seasons except winter - be careful, it is a slippery sole;
  • leather - this is the sole of expensive dress shoes for winter, especially women's, it is very smooth, and it is impossible to walk in it even in the snow, let alone on ice: you will immediately fall, and moisture will most likely irreparably damage the boots, so Be careful when choosing such shoes.

When choosing winter shoes, you should also pay attention to the tread, as this is what keeps you on the ice. The protector should be:

  • sufficiently prominent - at least a third of a centimeter in depth;
  • soft (see materials listed above);
  • with a large number of elements;
  • with a multidirectional pattern, since shoes with only transverse or diagonal stripes will slide not back and forth, but sideways.

How to make non-slip soles at home: 7 ways

Unfortunately, not all shoes sold in our stores are designed for snowy and cold winters with ice. If the pair you bought has a slippery sole, there is no need to rack your brains about what to do - as they say, everything was invented before us.

Removable or adhesive pads

They can be bought in shoe and sports stores or ordered online. Removable pads can be adapted for shoes different types and size. But you still won’t be able to wear them with dress boots. For weekend shoes, it is better to buy an adhesive version. There are such overlays different shapes, including for women's shoes on heels. Study what material they are made of and what is best for gluing them. If you are afraid of making a mistake or doing it carelessly, contact a workshop.


A rough patch for fastening bandages that does not have an antibacterial strip on it can also act as a pad that enhances adhesion. But it’s better not to put a roll of plaster out of your purse, because on the sole it quickly wears off or falls off.

Glue and sand

The slippery soles of winter shoes will become more wearable if you randomly smear them with shoe glue and then sprinkle them with sand so that it sticks. True, the effect only lasts for a couple of days. And do not forget that before applying glue, the surface of the sole must be washed, dried and preferably degreased.


There are two options for making the sole non-slip using sandpaper. Firstly, you can make anti-icing pads out of it, that is, cut them to the shape of your shoes and carefully glue them. Secondly, you can gently rub the sole with it, making it less smooth. Just be careful not to damage the coating on the upper part of the shoe or rub the sole into holes.

Potato starch

What to do with slippery soles if there are no pads, no glue, no sandpaper at home, and there is ice outside the window? Try using potatoes. Before going out, you need to rub the sole well with a cut of raw potato. You will feel the effect, but it will not last long.


Felt strips glued to the sole also prevent slipping. But they will have to be updated quite quickly.

Foam rubber

It can be used according to the same principle as felt - cut into strips and glued to the sole. It also wears out quickly.

Basic rules to avoid slipping in winter

  1. When buying shoes, pay attention to the sole material, the presence and depth of the tread. The principle here is the same as when choosing winter tires for a car - they should be soft and with a deep tread. Metal spikes are also used on shoe linings.
  2. Remember that the sole, which is non-slip at temperatures around 0 degrees, may begin to slip when it gets colder.
  3. Shoes with smooth soles or with very weak tread are not intended for walking on snow and ice - they are for clean sidewalks, which almost never happen in our winters.
  4. Whatever the tread, shoes with heels are very dangerous, and the stiletto heel does not serve as a brake at all.
  5. If you are unsure whether it will be slippery new shoes, take with you a roll of woven plaster to secure medical dressings. If you feel unsteady, you can glue it to the sole.
10.04.2014 459102

“What is the difference between TPE and EVA? What does tunit promise me? PVC is glue? What are the soles of these boots even made of?” - The modern buyer wants to know everything. In order not to lose face in front of him and be able to explain whether such a sole is suitable for him, carefully study this article. In it, process engineer Igor Okorokov explains what materials shoe soles are made of and what is good about each of them.

- engineer-technologist of shoe production, graduate of Vitebsk State Technological University of Light Industry. Since 2002, he has been working as a specialist for various shoe companies in Russia.

Materials used to make soles

The sole is one of the most important parts of the shoe, which protects it from wear and largely determines its service life. It is the sole that is subjected to intense mechanical stress, abrasion on the ground and repeated deformations. Therefore, the materials used to make soles must be as resistant to environmental influences as possible. In this article I will tell you what materials a sole can be made from and what the advantages and disadvantages of each of them are.

Sole attachment methods

There are two main methods of attaching the sole: adhesive and injection. But contrary to popular belief, fastening technology does not in any way affect the consumer properties of shoes. The adhesive method is used for classic and dress weekend shoes, most often with leather or tunit soles. In the manufacture of comfortable shoes for everyday wear, the injection molding method is most often used.

For soles made of different materials characteristic different methods fastenings Polyurethane soles are most often made by direct casting, but in rare cases a pre-molded sole is glued to the upper. TPU soles are produced by high temperature injection molding. Heels are also made from thermopolyurethane. The TPE bottom is injection molded and then glued. PVC soles are most often attached using the injection molding method in the manufacture of footwear for active rest and everyday wear. EVA soles are attached to the upper of shoes only by injection, while tunit and leather soles are attached only by adhesive. For TPR, both options can be used.

Polyurethane (PU) soles

Advantages: Polyurethane has good performance properties: it weighs little because it has a porous structure, has good abrasion resistance, is flexible, has excellent shock absorption and good thermal insulation. The soles made of polyurethane are light and flexible, therefore they are used in shoes where these characteristics are of particular importance.

Flaws: The porous structure of polyurethane is also unique reverse side medals. For example, because of her polyurethane sole has poor grip on snow and ice, so winter shoes with PU soles slip a lot. Another disadvantage is the high density of the material and loss of elasticity at low (from -20 degrees) temperatures. The consequence of this is fractures in the places where the sole bends, the speed of which depends on the characteristics of the use of the shoe, in particular, on the person’s gait, the degree of his mobility and other factors.

Thermo polyurethane (TPU) soles

Advantages: Thermopolyurethane has a fairly high density, so it can be used to make soles with deep tread that provide excellent traction. Another advantage of TPU is its high wear resistance and resistance to deformation, including cuts and punctures.

Flaws: The high density of thermopolyurethane is at the same time its disadvantage, because because of this the weight of the thermopolyurethane sole is quite large, and the elasticity and thermal insulation leave much to be desired. To improve these characteristics, TPU is often combined with polyurethane, thereby reducing the weight of the sole, increasing its thermal insulation and elasticity. This method is called two-composition casting, and it is quite simple to recognize: the sole made using this technology consists of two layers, and the top layer is made of polyurethane (PU), and the bottom one, in contact with the ground, is made of thermopolyurethane.

Thermoplastic elastomer soles (TEP, TRP)

Advantages: This material can be considered all-season. It is durable, elastic, resistant to frost and wear. TEP provides good shock absorption and traction. Thanks to the technology of manufacturing the sole from TPR, its outer layer is monolithic, which provides it with strength, and the inner volume is porous, retaining heat. Thermoplastic elastomer can be recycled, which means that its use in soles saves resources and does not pollute environment.

Flaws: At high and very low temperatures (over 50 degrees and below -45 degrees), TPE loses its properties, so it is used only in everyday shoes and, by the way, is rarely used for safety shoes.

Soles made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC, PVC)

Advantages: PVC soles resist abrasion well, are resistant to aggressive environments and are easy to manufacture. They are often used in household and children's shoes, and previously they were especially widely used for safety shoes, since when mixed with rubber, PVC acquires properties such as oil and gasoline resistance.

Flaws: PVC is used only in the production of casual shoes for autumn or spring, because this material has a large mass and low frost resistance, and cannot withstand temperatures below -20 degrees. In addition, PVC soles do not attach well to leather shoe uppers, so quality leather shoes with PVC soles are difficult and expensive to produce.

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) soles

Advantages: EVA - very lightweight material with good shock-absorbing properties. Mainly used in children's, home, summer and beach shoes, and in sports shoes- in the form of inserts, because it is able to absorb and distribute shock loads.

Flaws: Over time, EVA soles lose their shock-absorbing properties. This occurs because the pore walls break down and the entire mass of EVA becomes flatter and less elastic. Also, EVA is not suitable as a material for winter shoes, since this material is very slippery and not resistant to frost.

Thermoplastic rubber (TPR) soles

Thermoplastic rubber- This is shoe rubber made from synthetic rubber, which is stronger than natural rubber, but no less elastic. However, modern technologies allow using various additives increase its flexibility.

Advantages: Thermoplastic rubber has a low density and, accordingly, less weight than other materials. There are no through pores in it, so moisture does not pass through it. However, there are surface pores in TPR, and they provide high thermal protection. In addition, TPR, like others porous rubbers, - an elastic material that provides good shock-absorbing properties. Thanks to this characteristic, shoes with TPR soles relieve unnecessary stress on the legs and spine.

Flaws: The low density of the material can be not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. In the case of TPR, it leads to the fact that the sole made of this material does not have particularly outstanding heat-protective properties. In addition, in wet and frosty weather, the thermoplastic rubber sole slips a lot.

Leather soles

Advantages: Leather soles are used in all types of shoes, including children's, home and dress shoes of all seasons. Shoes with leather soles look great and allow the foot to breathe, as it is a natural membrane.

Flaws: When worn in wet weather leather sole can become deformed, and caring for it involves the constant use of special sprays and impregnations. Leather has low wear resistance, so it is recommended to install preventive maintenance on leather soles, and it is mandatory for winter shoes, otherwise without it the sole will slide on ice and snow and deform even faster.

Tunit soles

Tunit- This is rubber with the inclusion of leather fibers, so the second name for this material is “leather fiber”.

Advantages: In appearance, hardness and ductility, tunit soles are similar to leather ones, but they behave better in use: they hardly wear out or get wet. These soles are easy to apply texture to, which gives them a little more grip than leather.

Flaws: But even despite this, shoes with tunit soles are very slippery due to the high rigidity of the material. Therefore, tunit is used in the manufacture of only summer and spring-autumn shoes using the adhesive fastening method.

Wood soles

Advantages: Wood is an environmentally friendly and very hygienic material, and wooden soles have original appearance. However, in Lately Instead of wood, plywood is more often used to make shoes. It can be made from birch, oak, beech or linden wood and as a material it is easier to machine, is easy to shape and is inexpensive. Soles using cork material are also popular. When dealing with them, you need to understand that balsa wood, due to its natural softness, cannot serve as the main material for making soles, so cork is used only for decorative covering.

Flaws: Wooden soles are hard, wear out quickly and have poor water resistance. A lot of material is consumed in the manufacture of such soles. Cork coverings are susceptible to chips and defects due to the softness of the material.

“What is the difference between TPE and EVA? What does tunit promise me? PVC is glue? What are the soles of these boots even made of?” - The modern buyer wants to know everything. So as not to lose face in front of him and...

Shoes Report Editorial Board

In this article we will look at all existing sole materials, their pros and cons for manufacturers and retail customers. Very often, a plus for some is a minus for others, and dealing with this is not at all easy. The article, first of all, should be of interest to retail sellers, as it explains what customer needs the product satisfies, and what properties of the sole will leave the consumer dissatisfied or even force them to come back with a complaint.

The task of a competent seller

Every customer visiting a store has certain requirements and wishes, but very often he himself cannot clearly and clearly formulate them and certainly cannot name the sole material that is suitable for him. The task of a competent seller is to identify needs and offer a product that best meets the visitor’s expectations. If some properties of the product are clear to the buyer immediately or during fitting: style, comfort, color, size, then the material of the sole and its characteristics will not be clear to him even after several days of wear.

Outsole materials

Soles made of polyurethane (PU, PU).

Often called micropore, not very well versed sellers “semolina”. The material is porous, and the pores are visible to the naked eye, rough. The tread on the sole usually does not have clearly defined edges and lines, as if slightly “blurred” or melted.

Pros: Polyurethane has a very low density, so it weighs little and has excellent thermal insulation; the sole is very light and moderately flexible. It absorbs shock loads well and is quite wear-resistant. All these properties make polyurethane soles an excellent choice for a consumer who cares about comfort, who wants to do without buying warm winter shoes, spends no more than an hour outside and does not change shoes when coming to the office. One of the advantages is also its low cost, which is why it is very popular among manufacturers and sellers of cheap shoes.

Cons: The low density of the material also provides the main disadvantages. Because of this, it is impossible to make a thin polyurethane sole - it simply will not withstand the loads and will break; this sole needs thickness, which immediately reduces flexibility. Also, a thick sole may look good only on a demi-season or winter product. But for winter shoes polyurethane is bad choice– at low temperatures it becomes significantly less elastic, at temperatures of -20 degrees and below it cracks, breaks or even begins to crumble. The loss of elasticity is also reflected in the grip on ice and snow, and the shoes begin to slip. Plasticizer cannot be added to polyurethane, so it is impossible to get rid of these disadvantages.

Shoes with such soles are not suitable for long-term wear. winter time. If the temperature drops below -30 degrees, there is a risk of being left outside without any soles at all. The well-known UGGs have a polyurethane sole and look like them, but they are not suitable for wearing in real cold weather. If the buyer says that he walks a lot in winter, that he prefers to walk to work and he needs something very warm, then, despite the excellent thermal insulation characteristics, such a product is not worth recommending.

Shoe example:

Thermo polyurethane (TPU) soles.

Also called thermoplastic polyurethane. Some sellers and even large wholesale companies and manufacturers mistakenly call tunit and leather fiber. The material is very dense, weighty, smooth to the touch (where there is no pattern applied). In combination with such a sole, a wood-look heel is often used, made of thick special cardboard with impregnation against getting wet and swelling. The sole itself is usually thin, and the tread has very clear edges and patterns. Manufacturers often apply paint to resemble natural leather on the midsole.

Pros: Thermopolyurethane is a wear-resistant material and is very difficult to deform, cut or puncture. The high density makes it possible to produce soles with complex patterns that look very beautiful. The material is non-slip and provides good grip. Due to the peculiarities of production technology, it is often used to make shoes large sizes. Fits perfectly on the model and classic shoes, more often beautiful shoes with clearly defined shapes, complex seams, and expensive leather, the uppers have a sole made of this particular material. One of the main advantages of such shoes is aesthetics, they look beautiful and expensive. These properties make products with TPU bottoms an excellent choice for the consumer who needs beautiful shoes, perhaps for the office or for an evening dress code.

Cons: The specific gravity and high density of thermopolyurethane are also a disadvantage - the sole is heavy, the elasticity is very low, and the thermal insulation is poor. Shoes with such soles will not be warm even with a fur insole and increased thickness. The density also affects the shock-absorbing properties - the shoes do not spring, the load on the joints and spine increases, and at the end of the day you feel tired in the feet. Not suitable for consumers who spend a lot of time on their feet. Contraindicated for long walks. This sole is usually attached manually using the adhesive method, and the percentage of defects associated with peeling off and tearing along the edge of the footprint is higher.

Shoe example:

In order to get rid of the disadvantages of polyurethane (PU) and thermopolyurethane (TPU), some manufacturers combine these materials when making soles. The bottom layer in contact with the ground is made of TPU, and the top layer, to which the upper of the shoe is attached, is made of PU. The sole has clearly noticeable signs multi-layering: different textures of materials that can be distinguished visually and to the touch.

Pros: All the advantages of these two materials are present: excellent thermal insulation due to porous polyurethane, good adhesion to any type of surface and resistance to abrasion and damage due to dense thermopolyurethane. The low overall weight of the sole and good shock-absorbing properties relieve the load on the motor system. Excellent for the production of winter, all-season shoes with thick soles. Separately, it is worth mentioning lightweight sneakers with anti-slip inserts. If the consumer likes the shoe visually, he will not be disappointed with the performance characteristics.

Cons: The sole actually consists of two parts, each of which requires its own technology and equipment, which makes the production process twice as expensive. The high cost makes this sole not very attractive for the manufacturer, especially if it is in the lower price segment. Often, manufacturers of cheap shoes paint the bottom layer of a regular polyurethane sole in order to deceive the sophisticated buyer and pass it off as a more expensive product. Sneaker manufacturers typically use cheap upper materials to reduce overall production costs. There are no downsides for the consumer.

Shoe example:

Thermoplastic elastomer soles (TEP, TRP)

The material has a porous structure inside and a denser and almost pore-free structure on the surface. The surface is rough to the touch, in places pores and pits are visible, which look like burst bubbles. The pattern on the sole usually has uneven, seemingly sloppy edges, and the tread is deep.

Pros: The internal porous structure of the material provides excellent thermal insulation and shock absorption. The shoes are springy, easy to wear and comfortable. Great for long walks, often used in outdoor shoes. Brands such as Columbia and Caterpillar use them on almost all of their products. The material itself can be reused, which allows manufacturers to easily remake a batch of soles if necessary. It has an extremely low cost when producing large quantities, allowing the production of inexpensive products, which is why this sole is the most popular among cheap and large factories in China. Wear resistance and abrasion resistance are well above average, so despite being cheap, these products last a long time.

Cons: The material looks sloppy and unattractive, the edges are uneven, such a sole can only be used on porous and thick leather or artificial leather. This makes it impossible to use it on beautiful dress shoes. Due to technological limitations in the choice of upper materials, the color range of products is small, and visually the finished product is not very aesthetic.

Shoe example:

Soles made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC, PVC)

The material is smooth to the touch, usually translucent, heavy, and looks good. The tread is simple, with geometric simple figures, the edges are not very smooth.

Pros: PVC soles are very wear-resistant, strong, do not deform and do not slip. They are very easy to manufacture, and it is easy to add various impurities and plasticizers to the composition, so you can achieve virtually any elasticity. The oil-resistant material makes the sole ideal for safety shoes. Often used in children's shoes.

Cons: PVC is a very heavy material and the shoes are made accordingly. Despite the good shock-absorbing properties, it is difficult to walk in these shoes for a long time and your legs get tired. Over time, the plasticizers evaporate, and the sole loses its elasticity and begins to crack. Considering that a product usually spends some time before sale in warehouses or on store shelves, it may happen that the consumer receives a product that has already lost some positive qualities. PVC is not frost-resistant and can burst at a temperature of -20 degrees. The material does not adhere very well to the top of shoes made of genuine leather, so it is more often used on shoes made of leatherette.

Shoe example:

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) soles

The material has a soft, porous (foam) structure, very light, slightly rough to the touch. The tread can be completely different, the lines and edges are smooth and neat.

Pros: EVA has a very low specific gravity, the sole is almost weightless. Excellent shock-absorbing properties, ability to absorb and distribute loads, good elasticity. Used in almost all types of shoes, except dress shoes. It works especially well in sports and beach shoes - the Crocs brand makes all its products from this material. The sole gradually takes on the shape of the foot, which provides additional comfort. Thermal protection properties are also beyond praise. It will appeal to the consumer who most values ​​comfortable wearing, walks a lot, and loves loose shoes.

Cons: As with polyurethane, the porous structure also provides negative properties. Despite excellent thermal insulation, winter shoes It cannot be made from EVA - it is not frost-resistant, it is very slippery, the internal structure of the pores is destroyed in the cold, so it begins to crumble. The sole is very short-lived - it literally wears down over the course of a season. Its ability to take on the shape of the foot provides another disadvantage - the shoe becomes too loose, and if the consumer has foot or gait defects, then after a while the changed sole will emphasize them. If the buyer is expecting long-term wear, he will be very disappointed.

Shoe example:

Thermoplastic rubber (TPR) soles

The material is rubber, made from synthetic rubber, stronger than natural rubber, modern technologies can make it of almost any plasticity. It can be rough to the touch or completely smooth - it all depends on the mold in which it was cast. The tread can also be of any depth, the lines and edges are very smooth and neat.

Pros: Thermoplastic rubber has fairly average density and specific gravity properties, and this is an advantage. The soles made from it are non-slip, have good shock-absorbing properties and relieve the load on the legs and spine, being quite lightweight. standard version manufacturing, and in the new generation of material the weight is reduced significantly. It resists abrasion quite well as standard, and when using new technologies, the manufacturer gives a 5-year warranty on this part shoes From an aesthetic point of view, the sole looks very good; it can be of any color, any shape and with any pattern. Used in almost all types of shoes. This material is almost always used in sneakers. The consumer, having chosen a product with this material, will most likely be satisfied with the performance characteristics.

Cons: The high cost of manufacturing the sole, the need to use very expensive equipment and special molds for each size makes this material not very popular with the manufacturer, or the manufacturer reduces the cost of the product by using very cheap upper materials, as is the case with sneakers. Not every buyer will understand why high-quality genuine leather sneakers should cost more than dress shoes, but that’s exactly how it should be. The material does not have very good thermal insulation characteristics, so winter shoes with such soles can be made, but only by adding thickness.

Shoe example:

Soles made of leather (leather), tunit (tunit) and wood (wood)

These materials are combined in the article, since they are used less and less in modern production and have significantly more disadvantages than advantages. Leather and wooden soles are very easy to identify visually, while tunit soles look like rubber, but interspersed with another material, which is actually leather shavings, hence the second name - leather fiber. All these materials are inflexible, heavy, do not have shock-absorbing properties, do not retain heat well, are very slippery, and have terrible wear resistance. The only advantage of these materials is their status. The unsubstantiated myth that natural materials Soles are better than artificial ones; it allows you to find a buyer for products that are very expensive. You can also highlight a small plus of a natural leather sole - it is that it “breathes”, because leather is a natural membrane.

However, this is not quite true. The fact is that the organoleptic characteristics of shoes very much depend on the lining material and the material of the upper of the product. Leather is indeed a natural membrane, but only if it retains a top layer with pores that allow air to pass through and moisture not to pass through. Manufacturers of expensive shoes with leather soles use appropriately expensive upper material and also grain leather as a lining material. And such products really breathe, however, if you put a sole made of any artificial material, the consumer will not see the difference. That is why installing rubber prophylaxis on a leather sole does not in any way affect the consumer properties.

Shoe example:

Methods for attaching the sole

There are three main methods for attaching soles: adhesive, stitching and injection. The fastening technology does not in any way affect the consumer properties of shoes, but it does have a strong influence on the quality and percentage of defects. The stitching method is used in classic and casual shoes, it is outdated, due to the fact that holes are made in the sole and upper material for it, shoes with this fastening method allow water to pass through. Also, the thread holding the upper to the sole can fray, which leads to the separation of parts of the product. At the moment, the method is used infrequently.

In the manufacture of comfortable shoes for everyday wear, the injection molding method is often used. The sole material is poured under pressure and high temperature onto a completely sewn upper blank with a sewn insole, which then hardens. No thread or glue. The advantage of this method is a very low percentage of sole peeling off - in fact, there is no such defect due to the fact that the molecules of the sole penetrate into the upper material and if there were no violations in the technology, then it is impossible to tear it off.

However, there are also significant disadvantages: due to technological features In this method, the upper material must have a certain porous structure, which is usually possessed by cheap leather and split leather, respectively, beautiful shoes made of expensive leathers cannot be made using this method. Also, the cost of equipment for casting soles is very high; when starting the machine for warming up, initial adjustment and test samples, a lot of material is consumed, which greatly increases the cost if the batch of shoes is small. All this leads to the fact that this method is used mainly for the production of cheap casual shoes from inexpensive materials, but in large quantities. Dress shoes are made in this way by a few companies, for example ECCO, which also uses inexpensive materials for the upper and lining, but produces “indestructible” products as a result.

The adhesive method is used for sports, casual, classic and weekend wear; the sole material can be almost anything, from leather to wood. This method is the main one at most manufacturing enterprises. The advantages of this method are a huge variety of materials for soles and uppers, the ability to quickly change the model range, an acceptable percentage of defects in peeling and a small percentage of defects in tearing the upper material. With this method, defects mainly depend not on the use of the product, but on the quality of the glue and careful adherence to certain nuances of production technology.

History of modern shoe soles

Until the middle of the last century, until 1932, virtually the entire sole of all civilizations was made of genuine leather. Naturally, there were difficulties with the roads in those days and usually the sole was changed once a season, using one upper. Russia was no different from the rest of the world, and the profession of a shoemaker, changing the soles of boots, was one of the most in demand. Both women and men wore boots back then, because tall top part This type of shoe protected the feet well from dirt and water. This part was called a freebie and the phrase “I’ll give the boots for free” meant that only the top was left of the shoe, and the sole, which was the most complex and expensive part of the shoe, was already full of holes.

There was a small percentage of soles made of natural rubber, but these products cost crazy money, and only very wealthy people could afford rubber shoes. The reason is that natural rubber grows only at the equator and only in certain countries: Brazil and Thailand, and all attempts to grow rubber trees just north or south of certain small regions have ended in failure. And the demand for rubber was enormous: the military industry and the emerging automotive industry needed this material. The nobility and the rich wanted rubberized raincoats and rubber shoes in their wardrobe. Demand exceeded supply many times over, and prices for raw materials were sky-high.

To reduce the cost, rubber was mixed with ground leather, and this is how the material leatherette appeared. An entire country, Brazil, at that time built its entire economy around a small area where the rubber tree grew. It got to the point where people were paying a fortune for a fruit-bearing rubber tree, hoping to recoup the investment many times over, and this situation was very reminiscent of the tulip fever in Holland. In Thailand, where after numerous attempts to grow rubber it was possible to do so on the island of Phuket, there is still a law that nothing else can be grown or built on land allocated for rubber trees until the trees become old.

Many scientific laboratories have worked to create artificial substitute, and in 1901 the Russian chemist I. Kondakov managed to do this. However, the first industrial batch of artificial rubber was produced in Germany. Based on Kondakov’s work, 3,000 tons of material were produced, which was entirely used for the needs of the military industry. However, synthetic rubber was significantly inferior to natural rubber, and production was classified and mothballed. And already in 1932, the Soviet scientist S.V. Lebedev developed an inexpensive and effective method production of synthetic rubber.

Next was Germany, which was able to repeat the success in 1936. The significance of these events is difficult to overestimate: in a few years, both countries re-equipped the entire army and industry with innovative products, the Brazilian economy collapsed and rolled back for decades, and consumers around the world received waterproof soles that are significantly superior to leather ones in all performance characteristics.

Many people know that when choosing shoes, the material used to make them plays a decisive role in the decision. However, often only the upper is taken into account, and the sole is not paid attention to. This is not entirely true, because it is this part of the shoe that is most affected. The foot and weight of a person presses on it from above, and the earth strives from below to demonstrate its superiority. Therefore, the material used to make this part must be reliable and comfortable to use. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of the materials used in the manufacture of shoe soles.

Polyurethane soles

Advantages: Polyurethane has good performance properties: it weighs little because it has a porous structure, has good abrasion resistance, is flexible, has excellent shock absorption and good thermal insulation. The soles made of polyurethane are light and flexible, therefore they are used in shoes where these characteristics are of particular importance.

Flaws: The porous structure of polyurethane is also a kind of flip side of the coin. For example, because of it, polyurethane soles have poor grip on snow and ice, so winter shoes with PU soles slip a lot. Another disadvantage is the high density of the material and loss of elasticity at low (from -20 degrees) temperatures. The consequence of this is fractures in the places where the sole bends, the speed of which depends on the characteristics of the use of the shoe, in particular, on the person’s gait, the degree of his mobility and other factors.

Thermo polyurethane (TPU) soles

Advantages: Thermopolyurethane has a fairly high density, so it can be used to make soles with deep tread that provide excellent traction. Another advantage of TPU is its high wear resistance and resistance to deformation, including cuts and punctures.

Flaws: The high density of thermopolyurethane is at the same time its disadvantage, because because of this the weight of the thermopolyurethane sole is quite large, and the elasticity and thermal insulation leave much to be desired. To improve these characteristics, TPU is often combined with polyurethane, thereby reducing the weight of the sole, increasing its thermal insulation and elasticity. This method is called two-composition casting, and it is quite simple to recognize: the sole made using this technology consists of two layers, and the top layer is made of polyurethane (PU), and the bottom one, in contact with the ground, is made of thermopolyurethane.

Thermoplastic elastomer soles (TEP, TRP)

Advantages: This material can be considered all-season. It is durable, elastic, resistant to frost and wear. TEP provides good shock absorption and traction. Thanks to the technology of manufacturing the sole from TPR, its outer layer is monolithic, which provides it with strength, and the inner volume is porous, retaining heat. Thermoplastic elastomer can be recycled, which means that its use in soles saves resources and does not pollute the environment.

Flaws: At high and very low temperatures (over 50 degrees and below -45 degrees), TPE loses its properties, so it is used only in everyday shoes.

Soles made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC, PVC)

Advantages: PVC soles resist abrasion well, are resistant to aggressive environments and are easy to manufacture. They are often used in home and children's shoes.

Flaws: PVC is used only in the production of casual shoes for autumn or spring, because this material has a large mass and low frost resistance, and cannot withstand temperatures below -20 degrees. In addition, PVC soles do not attach well to leather shoe uppers, so quality leather shoes with PVC soles are difficult and expensive to produce.

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) soles

Advantages: EVA is a very light material with good shock-absorbing properties. It is used mainly in children's, indoor, summer and beach shoes, and in sports shoes - in the form of inserts, because it is able to absorb and distribute shock loads.

Flaws: Over time, EVA soles lose their shock-absorbing properties. This occurs because the pore walls break down and the entire mass of EVA becomes flatter and less elastic. Also, EVA is not suitable as a material for winter shoes, since this material is very slippery and not resistant to frost.

Thermoplastic rubber (TPR) soles

Thermoplastic rubber is shoe rubber made from synthetic rubber, which is stronger than natural rubber, but no less elastic. However, modern technologies make it possible to increase its flexibility with the help of various additives. Due to its properties, such a sole relieves stress on the spine during long-term use.

Advantages: Thermoplastic rubber has a low density and, accordingly, less weight than other materials. There are no through pores in it, so moisture does not pass through it. However, there are surface pores in TPR, and they provide high thermal protection. In addition, TPR, like other porous rubbers, is an elastic material that provides good shock-absorbing properties. Thanks to this characteristic, shoes with TPR soles relieve unnecessary stress on the legs and spine.

Flaws: The low density of the material can be not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. In the case of TPR, it leads to the fact that the sole made of this material does not have particularly outstanding heat-protective properties. In addition, in wet and frosty weather, the thermoplastic rubber sole slips a lot.

Leather soles

Advantages: Leather soles are used in all types of shoes, including children's, home and dress shoes of all seasons. Shoes with leather soles look great and allow the foot to breathe, as it is a natural membrane.

Flaws: When worn in wet weather, the leather sole may become deformed, and caring for it requires the constant use of special sprays and impregnations. Leather has low wear resistance, so it is recommended to install preventive maintenance on leather soles, and it is mandatory for winter shoes, otherwise without it the sole will slide on ice and snow and deform even faster.

Tunit soles

Tunit is rubber with the inclusion of leather fibers, so the second name for this material is “leather fiber”.

Advantages: In appearance, hardness and ductility, tunit soles are similar to leather ones, but they behave better in use: they hardly wear out or get wet. These soles are easy to apply texture to, which gives them a little more grip than leather.

Flaws: But even despite this, shoes with tunit soles are very slippery due to the high rigidity of the material. Therefore, tunit is used in the manufacture of only summer and spring-autumn shoes using the adhesive fastening method.

Wood soles

Advantages: Wood is an environmentally friendly and very hygienic material, and wooden soles have an original appearance. However, recently, instead of wood, plywood is more often used to make shoes. It can be made from birch, oak, beech or linden wood and as a material it is easier to machine, is easy to shape and is inexpensive. Soles using cork material are also popular. When dealing with them, you need to understand that balsa wood, due to its natural softness, cannot serve as the main material for making soles, so cork is used only for decorative covering.

Flaws: Wooden soles are hard, wear out quickly and have poor water resistance. A lot of material is consumed in the manufacture of such soles. Cork coverings are susceptible to chips and defects due to the softness of the material.

Rubber soles

Previously it was the most common because it performed well. However, mass production forced manufacturers to use other materials that were more economically advantageous.

Advantages: This material is slip-resistant, durable, and frost-resistant. Attaches well to the leather upper.

Flaws: multi-component composition of the rubber sole and the complexity of connecting the components, big number production operations in the manufacture of material. At the same time, rubber soles are heavy and very easily soiled. Therefore, the cost of the material is quite high. It was this factor that forced manufacturers to use alternative materials.

This is what the most common shoe sole materials look like. Unfortunately, there is no ideal one, however, certain types, if used properly, can manifest themselves exclusively on the positive side.

The main condition for an easy walk throughout the day is the right shoes. When going to the store, we always pay attention to the design of the boots, pay close attention to the choice of leather or suede, measure the height of the heel, but do not always look at the sole and the material from which it is made. And the quality of shoes depends largely on this.

For example, shoes with TEP soles have a number of undeniable advantages, such as durability, lightness, flexibility and ease of use. The inexpensive material is indispensable for both children's and adult shoes. He shows his best qualities both in winter and in summer, it allows you to feel comfortable on any uneven road.

What is TEP?

Modern manufacturers regularly update the range of materials used to make shoe soles. One of the latest solutions is thermoplastic elastomer, or TPE.

So, TEP sole- what it is? This material is created on the basis of thermoplastic rubber, combining best properties thermoplastics and elastic rubber. Plastic and wear-resistant thermoplastic elastomer is The best decision for the manufacture of both winter and winter soles. It copes well with high loads, allowing boots to last for many years, tolerates high and low temperatures well, and is resistant to chemicals.

Winter summer

Thermoplastic elastomer is easy to adjust. Adding polymers to the formula of the material in various proportions allows you to create a TEP sole with varying degrees of elasticity for any season or load. Thus, technologists practically achieve perfection - they produce the most frost-resistant shoes for severe frosts or wear-resistant summer models, do not restrict movement and are practically weightless. The TEP sole, reviews of which are overwhelmingly positive, is an undoubted advantage of the shoe.

Combination sole

Shoe soles labeled TPU are made from thermoplastic elastomer and polyurethane. The combination of durable and frost-resistant TPE and light and soft PU makes the material especially valuable. The TEP/PU sole combines all the advantages of both materials, and it is also available in any color: from standard black to hot pink, blue and light green. This is especially important when producing bright and beautiful children's shoes. Rich colors do not fade in the sun, do not fade and last for many years.

The main advantages of polymer soles

The class of soles, which include certain polymers, has a number of undeniable advantages. This:

  • Increased elasticity at the most high temperatures Oh. The material does not shrink when exposed to sun rays, does not fade or deform.
  • Excellent heat resistance at low and very low temperatures. In shoes with TEP soles you will be comfortable even in severe frosts, which winter often spoils us with.
  • Resistance to acids, alkalis, various microorganisms. This is especially important in megacities, where in winter the roads turn into a crazy cocktail of salts and chemical elements that can ruin the most expensive and high-quality shoes.
  • Good electrical insulating properties. They are important for those who work with electrical equipment.
  • Increased strength and resistance to tearing. Even under conditions of aggressive use, the material will not crack or burst. In shoes with TEP soles you can walk on any surface: they are not afraid of gravel, sand, or paving stones.

Main advantages

TEP sole - what is it? Surely every buyer of shoes created using a material that combines the most modern technologies and the ideas of each of us about comfortable, convenient and durable shoes asked themselves this question. Thermoplastic elastomer has a number of characteristics that speak in favor of choosing boots, moccasins or boots made from such material. The TEP sole, reviews of which are mostly positive, pleases almost everyone. Buyers note:

  • Exceptional lightness, which allows the leg not to get tired.
  • The flexibility you need to move comfortably.
  • High wear resistance, which makes the shoes truly durable.
  • Resistance to high and low temperatures
  • Safety and environmental friendliness.

Winter shoes with TEP soles

When choosing winter shoes, one of the the most important conditions becomes security. You need to feel confident even under the most unfavorable conditions weather conditions. That is why it is important to know whether the TEP sole slides or not. Doesn't slip! Equipped with a textured tread, it allows you to avoid injury even in icy conditions.

Another plus that speaks in favor of choosing winter shoes with TEP soles is frost resistance. The elastic material feels great in the most severe frosts, without cracking even at a temperature of -45 degrees. The TEP sole helps keep your feet warm and dry in winter. You will be as comfortable as possible even when walking in the snow for many hours or going to work on slushy autumn streets. Shoes with thermoplastic elastomer soles guarantee your safety and confidence in any weather.

Summer and demi-season models

When choosing winter shoes, buyers are interested in: “Does the TEP sole slip or not?” But when choosing models for other seasons, the first place comes to the question of the wear resistance of shoes or boots in conditions of constant contact with asphalt. TEP sole - what is it and how does it behave in the summer? It is very flexible, so it does not restrict the movements of the foot at all. Light and beautiful shoes will last for more than one season without losing their original attractiveness, brightness and other properties.

The lightness of shoes with thermoplastic elastomer soles is due to the fact that only the outer layers of the material are monolithic. The inner layers are porous, which means they are practically weightless. TEP (thermoplastic elastomer sole) cushions well when walking, allowing you to feel comfortable even under intense loads or uneven surfaces.

Children's shoes

Most often, children's boots or boots have rubber or TPR soles. By choosing the latter option, you choose lightness, flexibility, frost resistance and wear resistance. Small child is able to run many kilometers in a day, which means his legs should not get tired or sweat under any load. Himself active baby will be comfortable and cozy in quality shoes with a sole made of thermoplastic elastomer, of course, provided that the size is correctly selected and the top of the shoes or boots is of good quality. Bright models will appeal to any fashionista or fashionista.

TEP sole material - what is it? How safe is it for a child of a given age? Doesn't it cause allergic reactions? Such questions are asked by young mothers on many forums. After all, how comfortable the child will be directly determines how correctly the foot will form in the future. Reading reviews about children's shoes made from TPE, one can come to the conclusion that they are absolutely safe and comfortable for any age, do not restrict movement, do not deform and do not cause any inconvenience during use. Kids feel great in shoes with TEP soles and when walking around winter park, and when playing on the children's summer playground. The feet do not slip, the shoes do not hinder movement, and do not weigh down the foot.

TEP sole - an affordable solution!

Thermoplastic elastomer is inexpensive, so shoes with a TEP sole are affordable for any family’s budget. The price of cozy and warm felt boots for a child, for example, is about 1000 rubles. The advantage of such shoes is not only savings when purchasing, but also the possibility of long-term use, since felt boots are worn for a really long time, without deforming at low temperatures and constant loads. At the same time, the quality of the material is much higher than its cost. Today, many global shoe manufacturers choose thermoplastic elastomer. This allows us to significantly reduce the price of products, which means attracting new grateful customers. This is especially true for children's shoes, which have to be purchased more often than adults, and the price really matters.

Other types of sole materials

Among the most popular materials used today for the production of soles of children's and adult shoes are the following: rubber, leather, rubber, polyvinyl chloride. Each has a number of advantages and disadvantages. For example, a leather sole allows the foot to breathe, but at the same time cannot boast of wear-resistant properties. In addition, leather is a fairly expensive option, more often used for luxury shoes. For everyday wear, as a rule, they use shoes with more practical soles, which are no less beautiful and safe.

Natural wood or plywood is also used in the production of soles. This material is as environmentally friendly as possible. However, it wears out quite quickly and is easily exposed to moisture and chemicals.

Rubber is a cheap material, but quite capricious, reacting negatively to the effects of low and high temperatures. In addition, such shoes slip a lot, which is unacceptable in our conditions. harsh winter and traditionally slippery roads.

Another thing is the TEP sole material. What is this? This is a combination of all the qualities necessary for durable and comfortable shoes. Comfortable, lightweight and high-quality sole will make any model truly loved and worn regularly.

Environmental friendliness

Above we talked about the characteristics of the TEP sole. quality, lightness, wear resistance, etc. However, the advantages do not end there. Today, when every schoolchild knows about environmental problems, caring for nature comes first. Thermoplastic elastomer is one of the few modern materials, which can be recycled, which means it does not pollute the environment. This property The material will certainly attract the attention of everyone who cares about the health of their own and future generations. By choosing shoes with thermoplastic elastomer soles, you are choosing high quality and environmental friendliness at the most affordable price.

Disadvantages of TEP soles

Despite a lot of undeniable advantages, there are also some disadvantages. This is the inability of the material to withstand temperatures above +50 and below -45 degrees. Of course, for everyday wear such characteristics are not very important. Agree, the weather rarely surprises with such phenomenal temperatures. However, for example, for a worker in the metallurgical industry who is in hot shops every day, such a sole will not be suitable.

Considering that extreme temperatures are rare, this drawback can be considered insignificant and does not play a big role in the choice. Shoes with thermoplastic elastomer soles are great option for everyone who wants to purchase a high quality product at an affordable price!