How to perform magic tricks for children. Children's simple tricks - for young magicians

The most adored genre by children.

Laureates of the Moscow Magicians Club competition in the “Micromagic” category at your holiday!

Micro magic, macro magic and master class - mastery becomes available. Children will become full participants in the program and take part in interesting tricks.
Focus– “magic magazine”
Tricks with cards and coins
Tricks with a rabbit
Focus- "appearance of a flower"
Focus- "magic box"
Focus- "pencils"
Tricks with objects disappearing
Focus- "hat"
Tricks with ropes
Tricks with balls, scarves, crayons, rings and many other tricks.
The master will show tricks that are interesting not only for adults, but specially designed for children's perception. Will conduct a master class.

Tricks with animals for a children's party.

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Often ordered along with tricks for a children's party

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Animators for children

Many of us wanted to become magicians as children. But not everyone understood that this was all real.
In this article we will talk about how you can become a magician.

How to learn to perform tricks and become a real magician? How to become a great magician - illusionist? Don't know yet? Then read this article carefully and follow the most important rules of a magician.

1. Do not reveal the secret of the trick, even if your friend asks you very much close friend, or girlfriend). All magic and magical transformation ends where the revelation of the secrets of tricks begins. I would like to note that many professional magicians keep most of their tricks secret not only from the audience, but also from their colleagues in magic.
I myself, being a member Russian Association Illusionists, sometimes I can’t find out the secret of this or that trick from my colleagues. And remember that even if the secret of the trick is very easy to find on the Internet, not everyone will go looking for it. And if they do, it won’t be right away. And while the trick is not solved, you, in the person of your viewer, will be a magical star against the background of ordinary people.

2. Do not show the same trick more than 2 times in a row. Perfect option For most tricks, the maximum is once, although there are some tricks that require repeat performance for their magical effect. Remember that during the re-run the audience, already familiar with your trick, will pay attention to the details of the trick, trying to catch you in a fraud and publicly expose you, because everyone wants to be the smartest and most perceptive. And know that most spectators are not ready to perceive magic tricks as a miracle; they think that they are being deceived. Unfortunately, this is true.

3. You cannot learn to perform spectacular tricks without first rehearsing them. Learn to be patient, and don’t try to quickly surprise your friends, because instead of surprise, your trick will easily turn into a blunder, which can stick to you like a label. for a long time. Therefore, only the most persistent and patient students can become real magicians.

Well, now that we have talked about the three turtles on which the illusion genre stands, I will give you tips that will help improve your performance and help you establish contact with the audience:

- Don’t be silent while performing tricks. When you speak, the viewer is distracted by the manipulation of your hands. If the magician is silent, then the viewer is forced to look carefully at your hands and not be distracted.

But you shouldn’t comment on all your actions, the viewer already sees everything, your conversations will again lead to complete concentration of attention on your manipulations. It's better to just joke about what's happening or ask some questions. A thinking person is distracted from what is happening.

— The rules of a magician require exceptional cleanliness and well-groomedness of your hands, because they are your main tool, which is always at hand. The viewer constantly sees your hands, and if they do not have an aesthetic appearance, then the opinion about you will be formed, not in better side. The magician's kit should first of all include talcum powder for sweaty hands and moisturizer for too dry hands. Many people wonder how to learn to perform tricks if everything falls out of your hands? No way. You just need regular training on elasticity, stretching, strength of the hand and fingers, stretching them every day. Follow special exercise for example, crush a rubber ball with your free hand while watching your favorite movie, etc.

— Speaking of cards, to perform tricks they should be poker-sized, they are better visible from afar, not to mention the fact that they will perfectly train your fingers. Buy branded cards right away. The most popular cards in the world of magic tricks are Bicycle. Buy several decks of the same color at once, they will definitely come in handy when performing tricks.

— If the program of your performance consists of several tricks, then you need to plan the order of showing the tricks in such a way that the most spectacular ones are at the end of the program, and the time to prepare for the next trick is minimal. Don't hesitate during your speech.

Order a magician for children for a children's party.

If you need to shift something unnoticed, then the best thing to do is move to the other end of the hall or stage, covering the shifting itself with your body, and it should look natural, as if you wanted to take something there, but then changed your mind. Most magicians use this magic wand, it was invented for this purpose, so that under the action of shifting, or taking a magic wand, you could take or shift the prepared object. Try to turn your back to the viewer less, and ideally don’t turn at all, firstly it’s uncivilized, and secondly the viewer understands that at this moment you are hiding or preparing something. Naturally, the viewer will no longer be very surprised by your trick. Another tip for moving and hiding magic tricks in your pocket. Try not to let your hand go into your pocket, but rather the pocket to go into your hand, then the viewer won’t even notice that you put something in your pocket. To do this, simply pointing your hand to the side, take a step with a turn so that your hand remains in place and your jacket pocket covers your hand. Of course he wrote it in a tricky way, but as best he could).
Each manipulation and palming should be accompanied by a distracting maneuver, be it a movement with a free hand or an appropriate joke. Always feel your angle relative to the viewer and under no circumstances look at your hands while performing a trick. Remember that if you look at the pocket, the viewer will also look at the pocket.

— During your speech, there will always be a skeptic who does not believe in miracles and will constantly disturb you, shouting out various assumptions and guesses, and often ask you to show your second hand, raise your third leg, etc. There is no need to be afraid of such people. We just need to turn all our attention to them, explaining that we have a novice wizard and he is ready to help us. Bring the skeptic into the spotlight and show him personally a trick that he will not guess, or ask him to help you hold any object, and better with eyes closed, and then just forget about your annoying assistant)).

- The best clothes classic will do a formal suit or vest. Although trends modern fashion tried to reflect on appearance Magicians, showing us extravagant and sometimes garish costumes. I would like to note that the latter sometimes help the magician, distracting the viewer’s attention. If you are wearing boots or shoes, they should shine and sparkle like stars in a cloudless sky.

- If you are offered to take money during or after a performance, then it is better to take it along with a spectacular trick, for example a trick with changing a banknote, or the disappearance of a bill.

— To become a real magician, you need to take a mandatory course in Street Magic, in other words, walk through busy places in search of spectators and with standard phrase“Do you like magic tricks?” or “Can I surprise you?” start to surprise. Such performances in front of an unfamiliar audience will give you invaluable experience, will give you confidence and, of course, will reveal all the mistakes, after correcting which you can safely go pro.

— Only a dead artist doesn’t worry before performances. Some people cope with anxiety by self-tuning, some with the help of drops of valerian, some drink strong drinks, although it is forbidden for a magician to drink, because not only you, but also your assistant or spectator can suffer. I am personally against any doping, because it is pure adrenaline and the unadulterated joy of successfully performing a trick. This is exactly why you perform tricks. If you drink before every performance, then at some point you will definitely find yourself unable to do anything without drinking. Alcohol is an addiction! It’s better to follow the path of self-hypnosis, imagine yourself as Copperfield, Napoleon, or anyone else, the main thing is that it helps you cope with fear and communicate with the public from the position of a winner. Convince yourself that you are a star, and work on the drive of your emotions, rejoice and be surprised along with your viewer. And even if something went wrong during a trick, or a treasured prop fell out, then don’t pretend that it’s a failure, learn to overcome defeats, and then they will turn into victories! AND last tip: come up with your catchphrase with which you will start communicating with the audience. Select an interested viewer from the crowd and start showing him the first trick.

Our store offers magic lessons for a fee and free of charge. Lessons are held in our store in Moscow near

m. Pervomaiskaya, at 15 Parkovaya 16a.

For all questions about learning magic tricks, call 8926-508-01-32 Maxim Kotov (Member of the Russian Association of Illusionists)

Good luck in the world of magic and illusion!

Simple and interesting magic tricks for children at home

Simple tricks for children at home

Perhaps one of the best ways entertain a sad child - show him a funny trick. Watching miraculous transformations or the disappearance of objects, any child will want to be in the place of the magician and repeat everything that the magician does. However, some tricks require special training and may simply be beyond the reach of a young wizard.

In this article we will tell you how to do magic tricks for children at home and give examples of the simplest magic tricks that can be performed at home without using special equipment.

Simple magic tricks for beginners at home

In order to show the most simple tricks at home, usually requires only manual dexterity and a couple of ordinary household items. In addition, the magician must know a certain little trick that the audience is not even aware of in order for the magic to be truly interesting.

Try performing the following tricks in the company of your child’s friends, and you will be guaranteed cheerful laughter and cheerful smiles:

New Year's tricks for children

Do you want to surprise your children? new year party or a matinee? Then our New Year's tricks will fit perfectly. These simple tricks for children can be shown under New Year. Try including them in your entertainment program. These simple tricks Father Frost, Snow Maiden or even the children themselves can show it.

New Year's trick - colored water

This trick is good for Santa Claus. He tells the guys that he is not just Frost, but also a wizard. And shows tricks in which clear water painted in different colors.

For the focus you will need:

  • 3 bottles (beautiful jars) with lids),
  • 3 gouache colors: blue, red, green,
  • 3 small pieces of sponge.

Preparing for Focus

We pour regular water into 3 identical bottles, but not to the very top!

birthday tricks

Glue 3 small pieces of sponge to the bottle caps. Apply a few drops of gouache to each sponge and carefully screw the cap onto the bottle. The sponge should not be visible from under the lid and should not touch the water!

Show focus

Santa Claus takes the bottle and says:

You are water, water as clear as frost,
Become opaque, make the water blue!

shakes a bottle with a sponge on which blue paint was previously dripped. As you guessed, shaking the water washes the paint off the sponge and turns it blue.

Santa Claus takes out the second bottle and says:

You are water, water, my beautiful friend,
If you don't become transparent, the water will become red!

shakes the bottle again (the one with red paint on the sponge).

And last, our wizard takes out the third bottle and says:

You are water, water, my friend, you are my cold one,
Become not transparent, become green water!

repeats the trick with water.

Children really like these tricks. This is not just a spectacular trick, but also a little magical, because it is performed by Santa Claus himself.

New Year's trick with freezing water

It is better to practice this trick well before showing it to the audience. But I think it will also be good for New Year's celebrations. General delight, great faith in magic and fairy tales is produced by this trick if Santa Claus himself shows it. By the way, not all adults know this trick, so it usually makes a great impression.

What you need for focus:

  • freezer with an adjustable temperature of -18 degrees,
  • a bottle of Coca-Cola or Sprite,
  • plain water.

Preparing for Focus

The most important - careful preparation to focus and several successful experiments. You need to set the freezer temperature to minus 18 degrees. Fill the bottle with water and put it in the freezer. Let's mark the time! Next, you need to monitor the cooling process of the water in the bottle. As soon as ice crystals begin to form on the surface of the water, you need to calculate how long the process lasted and subtract 10 minutes. Take out the bottle, open the cap and show the trick.

So, if the water starts to freeze after 30 minutes, then you need to remove the bottle after 20 minutes.

How to hit a bottle to make water freeze?
You need to either forcefully place the bottle on the table, and then the water will begin to freeze from the bottom. Or hit sharply and quite hard (but not so much that the glass cracks!) on the magic bottle metal stick or a knife.

Before performing a trick, you need to practice several times. It is better to carry out the trick in your apartment (or with a tested refrigerator), because the freezing time in different freezers can vary significantly.

Show focus

Santa Claus says he real Frost, and can freeze the guys, and if they don’t believe him, he will show it on the water (grandfather is given a bottle prepared in advance). You can pour a little water into the glass - showing the audience that the water in the bottle is liquid.
Then place the bottle on the table with a knock and the water begins to quickly turn into ice.

Coin guessing trick

This trick is also good for New Year's party. For example, Santa Claus says that he is not just an old man, but a wizard and can even see through opaque objects. He says that he can guess which coin you will hide under the cup.

What you need for focus:

  • coins of different denominations,
  • tea cup with handle.

Preparing for Focus

You need an assistant for this trick. IN kindergarten this could be a teacher or teacher at school. The magician needs to agree in advance with the assistant on exactly how he will place the cup.

The trick is that the assistant places the cup with the handle in a certain direction. For example, if the handle of a cup is at 12 o'clock, then there is 1 ruble, if at 3 o'clock - 5 rubles, at 6 o'clock - 50 kopecks, at 9 o'clock - you can put not a coin but a paper bill.

Show focus

Santa Claus tells the children that he will guess which coin they will hide under the cup. You can not just turn away, but even leave the room. The assistant puts a coin under the cup and grandfather easily guesses.

I hope these New Year's tricks will make your holiday brighter and more interesting.


materials. holidays

N Extraordinary things often happen literally before our eyes - and at the same time the magician does not have to demonstrate any special sleight of hand or use any cunning devices. Stories about how to perform magic tricks can be photocopied and given to your students as instructions. Or even the whole class should somehow unusually and funny design a textbook for the School of Young Magicians, collecting all the recipes for magic tricks there (and continuing to add to it).

The balls change places

First, let's imagine what this trick looks like from the outside. The magician gives the audience the opportunity to see and hold two small balls in their hands: one of them, say, blue, the other red. Then he takes a red handkerchief and, wrapping a red ball in it, gives this handkerchief to the audience. The magician with a blue scarf and a blue ball does exactly the same thing.
A magic wand is taken from the table. Several movements with it (“passes”), several vague spells. Spectators are asked to unwrap their scarves. And - lo and behold! – there was a red ball in the blue scarf, and a blue ball in the red one. But the magician never touched the scarves or the balls. Well, did the balls themselves change places? No, of course not.
The secret of the trick is not that difficult, although it will take some time to learn how to perform it cleanly. The magician, of course, changed the balls. How it's done? You need to have not two, but three balls (another one, say, blue).
Before you start performing the trick, pinch this third ball discreetly under the little finger of your right hand. For better disguise, take your magic wand in the same hand. (Just a pencil? No, it’s better to make yourself a special bright stick.)
Place scarves on the table, and on them - a ball that the audience examined. To free your hand, place the stick under your armpit (left arm). Then, with your left hand, take the red ball and place it in your right hand so that the ball is held with your thumb and forefinger, and the rest are bent (the blue ball is hidden under the little finger).
Decisive moment! Again, take a red scarf with your left hand and cover your right hand with the balls with it. Then you take the scarf along with the ball and give it to the audience. But together with which ball?

Child's birthday. Birthday tricks

Of course, you pretend to take the red ball from your fingertips, but in reality you take the blue ball from under your little finger. In its place, you quietly send a red ball - the one that the audience saw. Now all that remains is to do the same with the blue scarf. You will wrap the red ball in it, which is under your little finger, and you will hide the blue ball, which the audience just saw on your fingertips, under your little finger, trying to get rid of it (put it in your pocket) as soon as the attention of the audience is diverted by the miracle that has occurred .

Let the match be broken

First, about what the trick looks like to the uninitiated. You take a handkerchief (clean, of course) out of your pocket and place it on the table. Ask one of the spectators to take a match from the matchbox and mark it “so that it cannot be replaced.” Wrap this match in a scarf. You address the audience with the words: “Please break this match.” The request is willingly fulfilled. You put a handkerchief with a broken match on the table, unwrap it - the match turns out to be intact! Is this the match? There’s no doubt about it – it’s the same one, that’s the mark.
Secret. The trick is very simple. This is what amazes the audience. The secret is just as simple. Of course, you made the viewer break some other match. How it's done? You place a match in the border of the scarf in advance. When you place the scarf on the table, do it so that the border is facing you. You place the match that the audience marked in the middle of the scarf.
You need to wrap it in a scarf in a clever way. First, cover the lying match with the side of the scarf that is closer to you (here the second match is hidden in the border), then with the opposite side of the scarf, then with the right and, finally, with the left side of the scarf. The marked match is behind one layer of the scarf. You clamp it with your hand, and let the audience break the second, previously hidden match. They naturally cannot feel that they are breaking the wrong match.
All that remains is to put the scarf on the table and unfold it, making a few “magic movements” and saying a few “magic words”. Of course, you can show the audience that the scarf is empty. But don’t give it to them - and the secret of the trick will remain unsolved, which will preserve the opportunity for you to repeat it someday.

How to read letters without opening the envelopes

This, of course, is more of a joke than a real trick, especially since, as we will see, everything is based on simple cunning and collusion. But the action shown looks quite impressive and can amuse the audience a lot.
"The Magician" declares that he would like to finally discover the abilities he has hidden for so long: he can read minds. But since this is difficult to prove, he invites those present to write down their thoughts on pieces of paper, seal these sheets of paper in envelopes, and hand the envelopes to him. If there is any doubt as to whether such a question was asked accurately, the evidence will be there. In any case, even if they doubt that he read thoughts, let them admit that he can read letters without opening the envelopes - that’s also something.
An assistant is needed to perform this trick. The assistant distributes sheets of paper and envelopes to those who wish. The questions are written down, the sheets of paper are put into envelopes, and the envelopes are sealed. The assistant collects them on a tray and brings them to the “mind reader.”
For the uninitiated, what follows looks like this. The magician takes an envelope from the tray, puts it on a stand - everyone can see the envelope - and says: “So... They ask me what the weather will be like tomorrow morning. Well, I haven’t heard the weather report, but I think it will be clear and sunny, unless, of course, it rains... I’ll check if I’m wrong,” with these words he opens the envelope and reads: “What will the weather be like tomorrow morning? » The magician is satisfied: “Well, everything is right. Was there such a question? - he addresses the audience. Someone’s voice is heard: “It was, it was. That's what I asked."
The guessing session continues. The magician takes envelope after envelope. The amazing thing is that he actually somehow knows what he is being asked about. Well, okay, let’s say he conspired with someone, but not with everyone! After all the envelopes are opened, the most careful check reveals nothing: indeed, the contents of all the envelopes are guessed correctly.
Secret. What is the trick? It is truly impossible to come to an agreement with everyone. But with one you can, and that’s enough. (In addition, of course, the assistant is also privy to the secret.) The point is that one issue is discussed in advance. The envelope with this question should go on the tray first, and the envelopes with the real questions will fall on it.
When the envelopes reach our magician, he announces the contents not of the one he took from above and opened, but of the envelope lying below with the agreed question (then receiving confirmation from the one with whom he conspired). And when he opens “to check” the envelope lying on top and now standing on the stand in front of everyone, he insidiously recognizes the question that he is actually being asked. And so - envelope after envelope.
There is no point in delaying the demonstration of this trick-joke. Even if you open only some of the envelopes (8-10 in total), it looks very convincing. Note that success will increase if the answers to questions are lively and witty. Resourcefulness is required here: there is very little time to think. So, although the trick is based on cunning, you still have to work and show your abilities.

How to take off a shirt without taking off your jacket

The performer invites one of the spectators and seats him on a chair. Smiling slyly, he approaches the messenger of the audience and looks at him carefully. Then he takes his hand and, pulling the sleeve of his jacket to his elbow, unbuttons the cuff buttons on his shirt. The performer does the same with the other sleeve of the shirt of the viewer who meekly obeys him. “So, the sleeves of the shirt are loose,” says the performer. “Now we will take off the tie and unbutton the top three buttons.”
Everyone is watching this strange procedure in bewilderment. And the magician, approaching the viewer from behind, takes hold of the collar of his shirt and begins to pull it out from under his jacket.

To the surprise of the audience, the shirt easily slides off its owner and ends up in the hands of the performer. Now the viewer was left in a jacket, but without a shirt.
The secret lies in the figurehead. The magician agrees in advance with one of his comrades and prepares him for the performance. The role of the assistant in in this case not difficult. Before demonstrating a trick, you should not just put on a shirt. The assistant will only have to throw it on and button the top three buttons (for this number you will need a shirt that buttons all the way through).
The tie is put on and tied as expected. The arms are not inserted into the sleeves, but only a cuff is fastened around each arm. After this, a jacket is put on over the shirt. The “secret” assistant calmly waits when his help is needed.

Magic circle

Stock up on a piece of chalk. Announce that you need a volunteer to cast a spell on him using just a piece of chalk. A volunteer has been found. You invite him to stand in the middle of the room and say that you will now draw a circle around him from which he will not be able to get out - neither step over it nor jump over it, despite the fact that his legs will not be tied, but only his hands will be tied behind his back.
Most likely they won't believe you. But you lightly draw a circle with a piece of chalk - no, not on the floor, but on the jacket, or shirt, or jacket of the volunteer. Let him try to get out of this circle! You could take off your jacket, but your hands are tied...
What no one has seen

Address your friends with something like this: “Do you want to see something that none of you have ever seen before, something that I myself have never seen, and something that neither you nor I will ever see again?” Your friends will probably doubt your ability to show this.
Then you can calmly take the nut out of your pocket. Crack it, give everyone the opportunity to look at the kernel of the nut (no one has really ever seen this kernel!) and then just as calmly eat this kernel.

Thread and needle

Of course, threading a needle is not that difficult. But who will be able to do this without looking, holding their hands behind their back? Probably no one. But you can do this, which you will demonstrate to the audience: in one hand - a thread, in the other - a needle, hands behind your back, a little effort - and in front of everyone there is already a needle with a thread threaded into it.
The secret is simple: you prepared a needle and thread in advance and hid it by sticking it into the back of your jacket. Showing the trick, you simply pulled it out. All you have to do is hide the empty needle and get rid of the thread you were holding in your hand.

Where did the coin come from and where did it go?

This trick is good to show in small company. By the way, the tricks of magicians make a particularly strong impression when they happen right under our noses. Take two coins. Press them between your fingers. Now you begin to quickly rub the coins one against the other. But what is it? Where did the third coin come from?
Based on this visual illusion, you can come up with different comic scenes. For example, this one. You start by showing the audience: three coins moving between your fingers - in general, this does not surprise them (but we know that there are actually two of them). So give someone all these “three” coins, let him hold them tightly in his fist.
And then with a light magic touch you turn three coins into two. Where did the “third” coin go? You need to look in someone’s pocket, pretend that you have found it, but not show it separately (after all, it’s not there!), but set the coins in motion again... Here it is, here!

The appearance of a magic wand

A real magician, naturally, must have a magic wand. The easiest way to make it is from wood. The diameter of the stick should be 10–15 mm, and the length should be 20–30 cm. It should be covered with black glossy paper, and the ends at a distance of 5 cm with white paper.
Some tricks require a hollow wand. Using a round stick as a template, you can glue a thick tube out of drawing paper or thin cardboard. Of course, it must be painted exactly like the first stick.
The performer greets the audience and says: “My main assistant is a magic wand, and it is always with me. But carrying it in my pocket is very cumbersome, so I hide it in a matchbox.” Next he shows an ordinary matchbox.
The audience laughs; no one can believe that a long magic wand can fit in a matchbox. The magician opens the box and takes out a long wooden stick.

Secret. Cut off one of the narrow walls of the matchbox box, slide the box into the case and hide the box in your pocket. Place the stick in the left sleeve of your jacket so that it rests on your forearm. Secure it with a rubber first aid ring in the wrist area. During the demonstration you take out Matchbox and transfer it to left hand. Spectators should not see that one of the walls is missing. Transferring the box to your left hand, you put it on the end of the stick. You open the box and take out a wand from it. The box closes and hides in your pocket.

The appearance of the scarf

The performer shows a sheet of cardboard, rolls it into a tube and looks through it at the audience. He passes a magic wand through the tube to once again show that there is nothing there. And he immediately pulls out a handkerchief from the tube.
Secret. This focus can be a natural continuation of the previous one. It uses the hollow magic wand described above and a hook bent from wire, which is sewn to one of the corners of the handkerchief. Before demonstrating the trick, push the scarf inside the magic wand with a pencil so that the hook sticks out. After you show both sides of the piece of cardboard to the audience, roll it into a tube with an internal diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the wand.
Look at the audience through the tube. Pass a magic wand through it. In this case, hook the hook onto the edge of the tube. And when you pull it out from the other side, the scarf will remain hanging inside the tube. Say the spell and pull the scarf out of the tube.

Phoenix match

The performer informs the audience that it costs him nothing to relight a match that has already burned out once. Naturally, this statement will cause incredulous looks from those gathered at the table. Then the magician, in front of everyone, takes one of the matches from the ashtray, strikes it on the box - and it... lights up.
Secret. The match used in the trick must be prepared in advance. Use a sharp knife to grind off some of the wood near the head. Now paint the worn-off part with black ink or leather paint. This match will look burnt. All that remains is to throw it in the ashtray in advance, and the rest is up to your acting abilities.

They will create a fun and intriguing holiday atmosphere.

Phoenix match

If you remember, in Russian mythology there is a legend about the magical bird Phoenix, which could burn and be reborn from the ashes. We will try to do the same with a match. True, we will not burn it, but simply break it.

To demonstrate this trick, prepare a handkerchief with folded edges and an ordinary match. Lay everything out in advance. Carefully insert the match into one of the folded edges of the scarf so that no one can see it (see picture). During the show, take another match and show it to everyone. Of course, according to the rules of magicians, the audience must touch both the handkerchief and the match, but we shouldn’t do this, so that will be enough; that you simply unfold and show off the scarf.

Show everyone the match and place it in the center of the unfolded scarf. Fold it carefully and let someone break the match that can be felt through the fabric, for example your mother. After this, move to the center of the room, say magic words(any ones you remember or come up with) and unfold the scarf. Viewers will see an absolutely intact match!

You probably already guessed that in the process of folding the scarf you need to substitute the match that is in the seam. Thus, it will be broken, but the main match will be intact. It is difficult to perform this trick for the second time in the evening, since this will require another “secret” match. It is advisable to practice a little before performing a trick in order to quickly find the right match by touch. You can even make two matches out of one if you manage to hide a spare one in your sleeve or between your fingers. And if you say that the audience, having broken the match into two parts, made two new matches out of it at once, then the trick will take on a new meaning.

Drawing. Technology for preparing props for the “Phoenix Match” trick

Paper butterflies

This trick is only suitable for display in the evening when lighting is minimal. Lighted candles work great. It is advisable to have a small table at which the magician himself will sit. In addition, he will also need a fan, which can be easily made from paper with his own hands, as well as several small butterflies, folded from enough thin paper. They should be as light as possible. But perhaps the most important attribute of focus is long female hair, or rather several hairs, according to the number of butterflies.

❧ Don’t think that to perform the “Paper Butterflies” trick you only need to prepare the details well. It is advisable to practice to train butterflies. Then they will be able not only to rise into the air and fall onto the table, but also to fly onto objects located on the table.

Using a small piece of wax or PVA glue, attach one end of each hair to top edge fan, and the second - to the center of the butterfly (see figure). The hair is practically invisible, and in the twilight it is completely impossible to notice it. But at the same time it is quite durable and is suitable for paper butterflies a “string” that prevents them from flying far from the fan.

While performing the trick, you only need to wave the fan slightly. From these movements, the butterflies will take off and will either rise from the table or fall on it again. This all happens thanks to the air flow created when flapping the fan.

Drawing. Technology for preparing props for the “Paper Butterflies” trick

Plasticine coin

This trick is usually shown to adult children, but why not try it vice versa. In essence, this is an ordinary sleight of hand, but it will naturally require sufficient effort and preparation. During the show, turn your palms towards you so that the audience can see your fingers. Hold the edges of the coin in your hands so that its center is visible. At the same time, hold the coin from behind with your thumbs. By the way, the trick will be the more successful the larger size coins.

But the most important thing in focus happens not during the show, but before it begins. You must explain to the audience that during the trick the coin will become soft and flexible, like plasticine. This will make them think. On the one hand, you are clearly deceiving them, but on the other, where do you get such confidence? Be sure to let them touch the coin so that they understand that there is no trick here. Most likely, the audience will doubt that the trick is impossible, which means they will believe in your words. This is what you need. Since everyone is already tuned in to see the plasticine coin, we can begin.

During the show, you should make movements as if you wanted to break a coin. To do this, take it by the edges with both hands and move your hands first forward and then a little back. While you are moving your arms back, spread them slightly different sides fingertips. As you move your hands forward, try to lightly touch the fingertips of your left hand to the tips of your right hand, located on the opposite side of the coin. The secret of this trick is quite difficult to unravel, but anyone who is familiar with psychology knows that all this is nothing more than an optical illusion.

Durable balloon

The secret of this trick lies in the balloon itself, which should be prepared in advance. While performing the trick, you will need to use a thin knitting needle pierce the ball right through, i.e. make two punctures on its surface at once. However, after this the ball will remain intact. But the audience does not see that in the places where you stick the knitting needle, there are pieces of transparent adhesive tape. It is this that prevents the ball from bursting, since the glue immediately “covers up” the resulting cracks. True, after you pull out the knitting needle, the ball will most likely burst. Don't forget to put it away so that no one can reveal the secret of the trick. By the way, it is advisable to demonstrate this trick at dusk so that the tape is invisible.

moving egg

To show the trick you will need the most ordinary boiled egg. The magician shows it to the audience and places it on the table. He then waves his magic wand and the egg moves across the table. What's the secret? The fact is that the magician had previously placed under the tablecloth a small ring made of thin copper wire(see picture). He tied a thread to it, the second end of which the magician attached to his clothes. Here, however, lies the main difficulty. You need to tie it discreetly so that no one guesses the trick. Therefore, first hide the ring with the thread in your hand, and then, under the guise that you are straightening the tablecloth, discreetly place a wire ring under it. This can be easily done while the audience is touching your main prop - the egg (and you definitely need to give it to them). When performing the trick, place the egg exactly in the wire ring. As soon as you slightly move your hand away from the table, the ring will move, carrying the egg with it. Don't forget to hide the ring away after the show is over. Otherwise, this show of the trick will be the last, because after revealing the secret, there is no point in showing it.

Drawing. Technology for preparing props for the “Moving Egg” trick.

Magic rope

The magician takes a thin rope approximately 50 cm long. He cuts a 10 cm long piece from it and, folding it in half, hides it in the fist of his left hand. After which it’s time to go out in public.
When going out into public view, you must hold a long rope right hand from the middle so that its ends hang down. A long rope is placed in the left hand and pressed thumb. At the same time, the audience must be in the dark about the fact that there is a piece of rope in the magician’s fist. Therefore they should only see outside the left hand of the speaker. By the way, the short piece of rope needs to be held with the thumb of your left hand.
Now a loop is pulled out from the hidden piece of rope with your right hand. Naive viewers will think that this is still the same long rope. The loop is cut with scissors and its cut ends are shown to the audience. Then index finger With the right hand, these scraps are pushed into the left fist. Pronounced magic spell, something like “Abra-mop-kadabra”, and then, holding the rope with both hands, the magician spreads them as wide as possible - as far as the length of his arms and the length of the rope will allow. In general, it will seem to the audience that the rope is intact.


To convince gullible guests of your telepathic abilities, you need to start guessing their thoughts.
One of the most simple ways consists of placing twelve matches in a row on the table. The first nine need to be numbered by writing numbers on them, or simply put a piece of paper with a number next to each match.
After this, the audience is invited to make one of the posted matches, and the presenter chooses any number, for example seventeen.
And while the audience is thinking, he must calculate which match accounts for this number. That is, continue counting after the ninth match, and when the matches end, start from the first. Thus, the number seventeen will fall on the fifth match.
Now the presenter can ask the audience to count the matches in the same way, starting from the one that corresponds to the number they have in mind up to seventeen, and at the same time he can turn away. Then the presenter loudly declares that the number seventeen falls on the fifth match.

Magic balls

This trick is not difficult, but it requires rehearsal, just like all the others. In order to demonstrate this miracle to amazed spectators, you will need an assistant. And besides that, there are not too big balls.
The assistant faces the audience, holding a plate of balls in his hands. The magician stands next to him and strokes his head.
At this time, a ball appears from the assistant’s mouth. The magician takes this ball and places it on a plate. Then he stands on the other side of his assistant and strokes his head again. Another ball appears...
This is repeated until a certain number of balls appear. At the same time, the assistant must diligently pretend that each appearance of the ball is given to him with great difficulty.
Well, the secret of this trick is as follows. The assistant puts one ball in his mouth, and the magician hides the rest of the balls in his pockets. When they appear before the audience, the assistant already has a ball in his mouth, and the magician quietly pulls out another one from his pocket and holds it in his right hand. Then he strokes the assistant’s head with his left hand, and when a ball appears from his mouth, he immediately raises his right hand, as if to take it. The ball that appeared from the assistant's mouth is pushed back by the magician's hand, and the audience is shown the ball that was held in the hand. Then it is placed on the plate, and the magician, standing on the other side, holds the second ball in his left hand. In this case, he will stroke the assistant’s head with his right hand, and raise his left hand to his mouth to accept the ball. According to this principle, all other balls appear.

Magic ring

To reproduce this trick, you will need a very ordinary glass goblet and a handkerchief. In addition, you will need two identical rings. Moreover, the viewer should have one ring, and the magician should have the other. Best to use wedding rings, since then the audience will not guess about the substitution. And the substitution consists in replacing the spectator's ring with the magician's ring. But first things first.
A magician's ring is tied to the middle of the scarf on a silk thread approximately 10 cm long. Then they take his ring from the viewer.
Holding the handkerchief by the corners, the magician carefully shakes it, while turning towards himself the side of the handkerchief in which the attached ring is located. Then he wraps the occupied ring (actually the one that is suspended on a rope) in a scarf and invites one of the spectators to take the ring through the scarf, while holding it as tightly as possible. The place where the focus is performed should be slightly darkened.
The owner of the ring holds it tightly and at the same time is in full confidence that this is his thing. The folds of the scarf hang down. The magician places the glass on the table and asks the owner of the ring to hold his hand over the glass, around which he places the folds of the scarf. Then the magician releases the ring, and it falls into the glass, clinking picturesquely.
The magician takes the hat in the same hand that holds the real ring. The tips of his fingers are inside the hat, and the ring is clamped between them. This way he can safely show that the hat is empty. After that, he puts the hat under the table, and the released ring ends up in it. Now everything is quite simple. The magician takes the extreme corner of the scarf, says: “Krible-krable-booms”, throws away the scarf and takes out a hat with a ring, which is safely returned to the owner.

The smell of a coin

You need to identify the coin that you held in your hands for a few seconds before.
For this trick, one of the spectators is selected as an assistant. You will need several metal coins of any denomination and a saucer. The magician invites his assistant to choose one of the coins and explains to him that after he himself goes into the next room, he must take this coin and rub it in his palms for 30 seconds to “awaken” the smell.
After this coin, along with the others, has been placed back on the saucer, the magician quickly enters the room. Taking the saucer in his hands, he carefully sniffs all the coins and, of course, finds the right one.
The secret of this trick is very simple. While the coin is rubbed between your palms, it heats up. So there are cold coins and one warm coin in the saucer. When the magician sniffs the coins, he quietly touches them with the tip of his nose and finds it.
To repeat the trick, you will have to wait for the coin to cool down again. And it’s better not to show this trick very hot weather- you can make a mistake.

Card miracle

Any card is taken and placed on top of the deck. Then the deck is turned over in your hands with the picture facing up. The selected card will be at the bottom of the deck. You need to hold the cards so that thumb was above the deck, and the remaining fingers were below. Under the deck, your fingers should protrude about 3 cm, and your thumb should hold the cards at a distance of 1.5 cm from their edge.
Now the presenter asks one of the spectators to click the cards with their index finger downward, which will cause all the cards to fly out of the hand, except for the bottom one, which the presenter will hold with his finger. You can even wet your bottom fingers to help the card stick to them better. In general, it will remain and face down. Then, with a significant look, he will be able to name her.

Great mathematician

Numbers from 1 to 9 are written on a piece of paper. Then one of the guests is invited to guess three numbers, but so that they come in order. After he does this, let him add them up and name the resulting amount. For example, if he chose 4, 5, 6, then the sum in this case will be equal to 15. When the sum is named, the presenter will immediately name the intended numbers.
To perform this trick, you need some math skills. Of course, you won’t have to calculate sines and cosines in your head, but mental calculation skills will come in handy. When the amount is named, you need to quickly divide it by 3 (that is, by the number of hidden numbers). In this case it will be five.
Now you should name, in addition to the resulting number, two more standing before and after it. That is, 4 and 6. The whole effect of this trick is in the speed with which the answer is given.

Magic handkerchief

To perform this trick, you will need a thin gauze scarf. Once the main props have been found, you can begin the trick itself. The candle is covered with a handkerchief and a burning match is placed on top. When the candle lights up, the leader moves the scarf in different directions. The candle continues to burn, but the handkerchief does not light up. The host puts out the candle and shows the astonished guests a completely intact scarf.
The whole secret of this trick lies in the special design of the candle. An ordinary round gas lighter is inserted into a tube made of thick white paper. When the lighter is turned on, the gas passes freely through the thin scarf. In order to prevent the scarf itself from catching fire, it is enough to constantly move it in one direction or the other.


This trick comes from Shrek magazine. We have already tried it - the children are delighted.

1. Make a funnel out of paper - cut out a semicircle and fasten it with tape.

2. Place the bottle on a deep plate so as not to stain the table. Pour 1/2 cup of vinegar into it.

3. Tint the vinegar with food coloring.

4. Quickly pour 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda through a funnel... and watch

everything sizzles and foams - a real magic elixir!!!




Everyone knows that it is easier to swim in sea water. And there are seas where you can’t drown - for example, the Dead Sea. why is this happening? Because salt water is very dense. You can explain this to a child using the following experiment: you need 2 half-liter jars, 1 liter jar and 1 egg.

Pour plain water into the first jar, put an egg - the egg will sink.

Pour 2 tablespoons of salt into the second jar and stir well. Now we put an egg in this jar - it will not sink - it will float on the surface.

now there are 3 jars - put the egg in there - and alternately pour water into it, first from one jar, then from the other... The egg will not sink, but it will not float on the surface - it will be in a suspended state.

If you add plain water- the egg will sink, the salted one will float...

The miraculous appearance of a tie

The next simple trick is a trick joke. The magician comes out to the audience and asks what important detail missing from his suit. Oops, he forgot to wear a tie! It's okay, because a wizard can do anything. The child waves his magic wand - and the bow tie appears in its right place! Where did he come from? And the whole point, of course, is in special training.

You need to take a thin round elastic band and attach one end to the tie. Then we hold the tie with an elastic band under the arm so that the audience cannot see it. We will thread the free end of the elastic into the loop on the collar of the shirt, lower it under the shirt to the waist and secure it there firmly. Now you need to take the magic wand in your hand. When your baby waves it, the elastic will pull the tie toward the collar.

Balloon and knitting needle

The young magician holds in his hands an inflated balloon. Then he takes long knitting needle, pierces the ball right through, but magic ball remains intact. To demonstrate to the audience that the ball is an ordinary one, the child lightly pierces it with a needle. The ball bursts.

How is this possible? Help your son or daughter prepare a knitting needle for this trick. It should be long, thin, well pointed and carefully polished, without nicks. Now we stick a piece of tape on both sides of the ball - and the props are ready. Just first you need to practice piercing the ball exactly in the places “reinforced” with tape quickly and accurately. If you accidentally hit the thin, stretched rubber of the ball with a knitting needle, it will immediately burst. And it’s okay that the kid ruins more than a dozen balloons. But then he will be able to surprise guests at a birthday party or friends in kindergarten with a mysterious trick.

Confetti candies

One two Three,

Become a confetti candy!

Just imagine: a young magician covers with a scarf paper cup with confetti, takes off his handkerchief, and instead of confetti there is candy in the glass. The most real, sweet and delicious. Help yourself, friends! And no matter how fantastic it may sound, with the necessary props it’s not difficult to perform such a trick. So, we will need a large opaque bowl or a wide vase filled to the middle with confetti (we buy several bags and pour it into the bowl), two completely identical paper or plastic cups(one with a lid), candy in candy wrappers, a scarf. Before we start training, let’s do a little magic with a glass.

Fill the one with the lid with candies, close the lid, thickly grease it with glue and cover it with confetti. It is better to stick the confetti in several layers so that they reliably disguise the lid. If there is no ready-made protrusion on the side of the lid, tape a piece of strong fishing line to it with tape so that it is not conspicuous, but at the same time it is easy to feel and grab with your fingers. Cups with your baby can be decorated with stickers. Just make sure that they look absolutely identical (to do this, use two sheets of identical stickers).

After all this, we bury the glass in the bowl of confetti so that it is not visible. The preparations are complete. Let's move on to the actual focus. The magician shows the audience a bowl of confetti and tells them that he can turn confetti into candy. Don't believe me? Now!

He takes an empty glass, shows it to the audience, scoops confetti from the vase with it and pours it back from a fairly large height, demonstrating to the audience that all these are ordinary things, there is no secret in them. You need to scoop up the confetti carefully so as not to “light up” the hidden glass. Then the young magician scoops up the confetti again, but at the same time quietly leaves an empty glass under a layer of colored circles, and pulls out a glass with a “secret”. This is the first moment that needs to be worked out properly. The audience should not suspect anything.

The “secret” glass is raised above the bowl and shown to the audience, the remains of confetti fall from it, and no one suspects the substitution. The magician shakes off the excess confetti (leaving only the glued one), covers the glass with a handkerchief and “conjures” over it, saying something like: One, two, three, Become a confetti candy!

And he himself feels the prepared loop of fishing line through the scarf and pulls the scarf off the cup along with the lid. This is the second point that requires training. You need to learn how to quickly grab the loop and remove the scarf so that the cover underneath is not visible. After this, the young magician puts the scarf aside and shows the surprised spectators a glass full of sweets. So, what do magic candies taste like?

Magic vase

And you've probably seen this trick more than once. The magician takes a vessel with a narrow neck and lowers the end of a rope into it, first showing the audience that the rope “goes in and out” freely. He then turns the vessel upside down, and the rope continues to hang, held in the vessel by some mysterious force. The magician grabs the rope with his hands, turns the vase over to its normal position, lets go, and it swings on the rope like a pendulum. What kind of strange force tied the rope and the vase so tightly?

Finally, the magician casts a spell, the “force” releases the rope, and it freely, effortlessly comes out of the neck of the vessel. What? Is there some secret in the vase? Please look for yourself and see for yourself, turn it in your hands: just a vase and just a rope, nothing special!

And the secret of this trick is very simple. And the baby can handle it quite well. Only here he cannot do without the help of mom or dad, because our vessel must first be prepared. We, of course, deceived our viewers that there was no secret. It is there, as in any trick. So, it is convenient to use a glass ketchup bottle with a narrow neck or any other suitable container as a magic vessel. The rope needs to be thick and rigid, about half a meter or less long (the child should be able to handle it comfortably).

The diameter of the neck should be approximately twice the diameter of the rope. Glass bottle make it opaque by painting it with paint (for example, acrylic) and decorating it with magical patterns. Now comes the most important part. You will need a small rubber ball with a diameter slightly larger than half the inside diameter of the neck. The ball can also be cut from a bottle cap. It drops into the bottle and remains there throughout the entire trick. You may need to experiment with different sizes ball so that the focus is perfect.

So what happens during a magic trick? The young magician shows the audience a bottle and a rope, then shows that the rope fits freely into the neck of the bottle and comes out just as easily. After that, he lowers the rope into the bottle to the very bottom and slowly (this is important) turns the bottle upside down. The bottle should be held in one hand and the rope in the other. The ball rolls into the neck between the rope and the wall of the bottle. Now you need to slightly pull the rope to properly secure the structure, and then slowly release it.

Akhalay-makhalay! The rope doesn't fall. The magician then grabs the rope with his hand, slowly turns the bottle over and lets go. And now she is already swinging on a rope. The ball still prevents the rope from slipping out. To eliminate " magical power", just push the rope deep into the bottle.

The ball will fall to the bottom, and the rope will easily come out. To enhance the effect, you can invite the audience to examine the rope and bottle for “magic” and try to repeat the trick themselves. Have one of the spectators pull the rope out of the neck. Then the magician turns the bottle over, as if showing the audience its bottom, while in the meantime he hides the ball that has rolled out of the neck in his hand. That's it, now the bottle can be given to the audience for scrupulous examination. It is clear that no one can repeat the trick.

Magic spoon

The magician leaves the room. At this time, his assistant “photographs” one of the spectators, asking him to look... into a spoon. Upon returning, the magician takes a spoon and pretends to carefully study the “photo,” after which he names the person who was photographed.

What's the secret?

Yes, just the toe of the assistant’s right foot is turned towards the desired person.

Focus - I knew you would guess this number

The magician offers to guess any number from one to five. Then he asks the spectator what number he guessed. He admits that he had the number “3” in mind. “Go to the piano and open its lid,” says the magician. The viewer opens the lid of the piano and finds a note there. It says: “I knew you would wish for 3.” The effect is amazing!

Want to know what the trick is? You write cards in advance with the phrases: “I knew that you would wish for 1”, “I knew that you would wish for 2”... and so on until the number 5. Then you hide them in different places and remember where and with what number the card is located. After this, you ask the spectators who have entered to guess a number from 1 to 5. When the spectator names the guessed number, ask him to go to the object where the card with this number is hidden and read what is written on it.

We bring to your attention 10 amazing magic experiments, or science shows, that you can do with your own hands at home.
Whether it's your child's birthday party, the weekend or the holidays, have a good time and become the center of attention of many eyes! 🙂

An experienced organizer of scientific shows helped us in preparing this post - Professor Nicolas. He explained the principles that are inherent in this or that focus.

1 - Lava lamp

1. Surely many of you have seen a lamp with a liquid inside that imitates hot lava. Looks magical.

2. B sunflower oil water is poured and added food coloring(red or blue).

3. After this, add effervescent aspirin to the vessel and observe an amazing effect.

4. During the reaction, the colored water rises and falls through the oil without mixing with it. And if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight, the “real magic” will begin.

: “Water and oil have different densities, and they also have the property of not mixing, no matter how much we shake the bottle. When we add effervescent tablets inside the bottle, they dissolve in water and begin to release carbon dioxide and set the liquid in motion.”

Do you want to put on a real science show? More experiments can be found in the book.

2 - Soda experience

5. Surely there are several cans of soda at home or in a nearby store for the holiday. Before you drink them, ask the kids a question: “What happens if you immerse soda cans in water?”
Will they drown? Will they float? Depends on the soda.
Invite the children to guess in advance what will happen to a particular jar and conduct an experiment.

6. Take the jars and carefully lower them into the water.

7. It turns out that despite the same volume, they have different weight. This is why some banks sink and others don't.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “All our cans have the same volume, but the mass of each can is different, which means that the density is different. What is density? This is the mass divided by the volume. Since the volume of all cans is the same, the density will be higher for the one whose mass is greater.
Whether a jar will float or sink in a container depends on the ratio of its density to the density of water. If the density of the jar is less, then it will be on the surface, otherwise the jar will sink to the bottom.
But what makes a can of regular cola denser (heavier) than a can of diet drink?
It's all about the sugar! Unlike regular cola, which uses granulated sugar, a special sweetener is added to the diet, which weighs much less. So how much sugar is in a regular can of soda? The difference in mass between regular soda and its diet counterpart will give us the answer!”

3 - Paper cover

Ask those present: “What happens if you turn a glass of water over?” Of course it will pour out! What if you press the paper against the glass and turn it over? Will the paper fall and water will still spill on the floor? Let's check.

10. Carefully cut out the paper.

11. Place on top of the glass.

12. And carefully turn the glass over. The paper stuck to the glass as if magnetized, and the water did not spill out. Miracles!

Professor Nicolas's comment: “Although this is not so obvious, in fact we are in a real ocean, only in this ocean there is not water, but air, which presses on all objects, including you and me, we are just so used to it to this pressure that we don’t notice it at all. When we cover a glass of water with a piece of paper and turn it over, water presses on the sheet on one side, and air on the other side (from the very bottom)! The air pressure turned out to be greater than the water pressure in the glass, so the leaf does not fall.”

4 - Soap Volcano

How to make a small volcano erupt at home?

14. You will need baking soda, vinegar, some cleaning chemicals for dishes and cardboard.

16. Dilute vinegar in water, add washing liquid and tint everything with iodine.

17. We wrap everything in dark cardboard - this will be the “body” of the volcano. A pinch of soda falls into the glass and the volcano begins to erupt.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “As a result of the interaction of vinegar with soda, a real chemical reaction with the release of carbon dioxide. A liquid soap and the dye, interacting with carbon dioxide, form colored soap foam - and that’s the eruption.”

5 - Spark plug pump

Can a candle change the laws of gravity and lift water up?

19. Place the candle on the saucer and light it.

20. Pour colored water onto a saucer.

21. Cover the candle with a glass. After some time, the water will be drawn inside the glass, contrary to the laws of gravity.

Professor Nicolas's comment: “What does the pump do? Changes the pressure: increases (then water or air begins to “escape”) or, conversely, decreases (then gas or liquid begins to “arrive”). When we covered the burning candle with a glass, the candle went out, the air inside the glass cooled, and therefore the pressure decreased, so the water from the bowl began to be sucked in.”

Games and experiments with water and fire are in the book "Professor Nicolas' Experiments".

6 - Water in a sieve

We continue to study magical properties water and surrounding objects. Ask someone present to pull the bandage and pour water through it. As we can see, it passes through the holes in the bandage without any difficulty.
Bet with those around you that you can make sure that water does not pass through the bandage without any additional techniques.

22. Cut a piece of bandage.

23. Wrap a bandage around a glass or champagne flute.

24. Turn the glass over - the water doesn’t spill out!

Professor Nicolas's comment: “Thanks to this property of water, surface tension, water molecules want to be together all the time and are not so easy to separate (they are such wonderful girlfriends!). And if the size of the holes is small (as in our case), then the film does not tear even under the weight of water!”

7 - Diving bell

And to secure the honorary title of Water Mage and Lord of the Elements for you, promise that you can deliver paper to the bottom of any ocean (or bathtub or even basin) without getting it wet.

25. Have those present write their names on a piece of paper.

26. Fold the piece of paper and put it in the glass so that it rests against its walls and does not slide down. We immerse the leaf in an inverted glass to the bottom of the tank.

27. The paper remains dry - water cannot reach it! After you pull out the leaf, let the audience make sure that it is really dry.