How does the day of dating affect relationships. The day of acquaintance and its influence on your joint destiny

Much depends on the date of acquaintance. Acquaintance in one day promises long serious relationship, and in the other - a fleeting romance and light intrigue. Sometimes acquaintance begins with romance and love, and sometimes with friendship and pleasant communication. It happens that a couple immediately acquires common goals, and it happens that on the contrary, each guards his personal space and freedom.

It all depends on how the planets are located at the time of your acquaintance, especially strong influence renders the location of the Sun at the time of the first meeting of lovers. They write about it online.

Acquaintance from March 21 - April 20

Bright, perhaps speed dating. You need to be able to express your personal qualities and evaluate partnerships. You will achieve a lot if you work together in the same direction. Try to avoid harshness in contacts and do not "pull the blanket" on yourself - after all, you have chosen a friend worthy of you.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Romance with strong energy. Not a novel, but a battlefield. If you don't want to lose your partner, curb your ambitions. The main threat to your union is constant rivalry and a desire for change. At the same time, outwardly perfect couple, which does not and cannot have problems.

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: First, crazy passion, experiments, impromptu and adventures. Further, the need for independence will manifest itself, there will be attempts to subdue the partner. Then you will be overwhelmed by stubbornness, ambition and intransigence. However, if you met on April 4, 7, 9 or 11, then it may very well be that you will live together happily ever after.

SEX: Great craving for experiments and the absence of any taboos. You are insatiable, you dissolve into each other. Everyone tries to give more than they receive. Awesome!

FINANCE: You are lucky, despite the craving for squandering. By encouraging one another, you are wasting money on the most trivial things. But you seem to really like it.

KEY: Change and intrigue. Don't open up all at once. Your romance is a search, the pursuit of new sensations, mutual conquest. Do not forget that there are other people - communicate with friends, sometimes leaving your loved one alone.

MASCOT: The Golden Fleece.

Acquaintance from April 21 - May 21

Emotions and feelings will overwhelm you. Your task is to learn to understand the warmth of human complicity. Do not be lazy to compliment each other - they will be the key to love and fidelity between you. This position favors long-term contacts based on friendliness.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: A calm, even relationship in which you are one hundred percent sure. Both you and your loved one need harmony too much, so you know how to turn a blind eye to so many things. In your novel there are no loud quarrels and stupid suspicions of infidelity. A romance born under the sign of Taurus is a romance of feelings, but tender feelings, not fiery ones.

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: Silence and smoothness, but God's grace. One thing hinders the progress of your relationship - mutual indecision and fear of serious decisions. If you met on May 2, 4, 6, or 16, start looking at white dresses and wedding rings.

SEX: You know how to turn even trivial sex into an erotic masterpiece like the movie "Wild Orchid".

FINANCE: It is unlikely that you will ever be short of funds. Your partner showers you with gifts, flowers and delicious dinners. Financial difficulties unlikely to hit you.

KEY: Mutual tolerance is like that of spouses who have lived side by side for 50 years. Show that you belong to him completely, and he will answer you the same.


Acquaintance from May 22 - June 21

Did you meet on a trip or with friends? In any case, intellectual conversations, or maybe just secular gossip (even over the phone) will be the basis of your relationship. You need to learn how to keep in touch with people and easily make acquaintances. The art of communication is not an easy science. Do not be upset if your acquaintance turns out to be superficial and short-lived, and you quickly part - otherwise you would soon get tired of each other.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: The novel is light, airy and changeable. You are thought to be the perfect couple, right? You know what's wrong. You make your way to your partner, as if through a shell. By the way, he makes his way to you in the same way.

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: Intrigue, game. Then again intrigue. And again the game. Search for the best and return to the old. Last stage, if we are talking about the end of the novel, - betrayal. If your romance was born on June 3, 5, 12 or 18, it is possible that you and your partner will go hand in hand all your life.
SEX: Easy, sweet, pleasant. A penchant for experimentation. If you both like it, why not.

FINANCE: Roller coaster - sometimes thick, sometimes empty. With sharp turns from wealth to real poverty.

KEY: Impermanence and inconsistency. Do not let the relationship drift, keep your finger on the pulse. In critical moments, try to spend as much time as possible with your loved one.

MASCOT: Snake.

Acquaintance from June 22 - July 22

Maybe one of you feels like a child or plays this role? If you are satisfied with the relationship of the "mother and child" type, this acquaintance will be quite stable. You need to learn to intuitively feel what your partner wants and take care of him as much as possible. Try not to be offended by insignificant little things and try to control emotional sphere- otherwise, your partner will be dependent on your mood, which will put pressure on his subconscious and will also sooner or later lead to separation.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: The novel is an illusion. But what! On the one hand, constant fears and worries circulate in your head and in the head of your partner. On the other hand, in this novel, you both make your dreams come true. Sometimes it even takes your breath away.

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: At first, a meaningless acquaintance, then a strong attraction. It seems to you that he reads your thoughts, and you inadvertently guess his desires? Nothing surprising. This is love under the sign of Cancer. If you've met on an even number, this romance could take you to the altar. But even if this does not happen, you will remember this love all your life.

SEX: Caress, languor, and everything you can find about the relationship between a man and a woman in classical literature. Dreamy sex imbued with deep eroticism.

FINANCE: Well, if in a fit of passion, none of you will buy villas in the Mediterranean.

KEY: Getting rid of fear. Eradicate all kinds of suspicions and negative thoughts in yourself and in your loved one. Do not be afraid to assure him that your relationship is close to perfection, and do not be afraid to exaggerate.

MASCOT: Heart.

Acquaintance from July 23 - August 21

Joint trips to the theater, concerts, exhibitions will be very helpful. It's nice to spend holidays together. Or maybe both of you are gambling? In this case; spend better money on gifts to each other. Try to give more than receive - and everything will return a hundredfold. You may feel that better partner you didn't have before!

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Loyal, frank, passionate relationship. You experience every insult together and together find a solution to the problem. A very beautiful novel. Just beware of increased demands on each other.

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: After the first meetings - the intensity of passions, then - the search for romance, which leads either to a break, or to what is called in books a great and bright feeling. If you met him on August 1, 5, 9 or 11, feel free to pay attention to the baby carriages of your girlfriends ... very soon, very possibly ...

SEX: Passion, passion and more passion. But the propensity to manipulate through sex is not excluded. And both on your side and on his side.

FINANCE: You can be sure that your boyfriend will always be immensely generous and generous towards you.

KEY: Restraint. Look at things more realistically. Don't let yourself doubt your partner's feelings. If he feels your doubts, it will be difficult to convince him of the strength of your feelings.

MASCOT: A lion.

Acquaintance from August 22 - September 23

Do not be afraid to meet each other halfway and avoid false modesty. Be attentive to your partner in small things. But what should be avoided is tediousness and nitpicking. Try to be obligatory in your promises, accuracy should be your motto, this will contribute to the development of your relationship for the long term.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: You both feel confident in this relationship. Do you feel like you've found your soul mate? Are you interested in the same things, do you like the same films, books, cuisine? Are you good with him? Make no mistake, he is with you too.

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: After everything was good, the “everything is very bad” period begins. Both of you are to blame for this: you both delved too much into yourself and your relationship. But any external impulse can change the situation for the better. By the way, if your romance began on August 24, 25, 27, 30 or September 3, 5, 6, 12, 15, 20, do not be afraid of anything - this is fate.

SEX: Fire under the ice is a mixture of chastity and a thirst for experimentation. Neither he nor you have ever had such sex adventures.

FINANCE: No extreme turns. Smooth and calculated. A bag of money that fell from the sky? The fact that he will fall on you, you knew yesterday.

KEY: Lack of criticism. Give him selfless affection and peace of mind. Or just break up.


Acquaintance from September 24 - October 23

Perhaps you were united by a love of art, and the relationship is shrouded in a romantic halo and full of delicacy and courtesy. This is amazing! But try not to show your ego too assertively, avoid narcissism, otherwise your partner will decide that you don’t think about him at all. However, if a quarrel arises, you will just as easily part as you agreed.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Any stuntman can envy such zigzags, such turns and thrills. On the one hand, you hate secrets, lies and deceit, on the other hand, you are insanely hurt by voluntary confessions, even if these are sins of a hundred years ago. Unfortunately, your relationship is characterized by a lot of window dressing and actions with an eye to "no matter what they think."

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: Your romance develops quietly and carefully. And you shouldn't ask for more. Ultimately, both you and your partner will do everything to save the relationship, even if they are on the verge of collapse. It is thanks to compromises that romances under the sign of Libra in most cases end in a successful marriage. Especially if the beginning of the novel fell on October 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 or 18.

SEX: It's not just passion. This is a selfless passion. If you feel that he is cooling down, warm up his sexual interest with something unusual.

FINANCE: Nothing extraordinary. Everything is fine, right, right.

KEY: Intuition. Make all important decisions with your heart. This is the case when you should be guided by feelings.


Acquaintance from October 24 - November 22

How much passion in your views! sexual relations play an important role for you. Try to intrigue your partner, but without showing deceit and treachery - otherwise he can take revenge! It is possible that you can be united by an interest in secret innermost knowledge - for example, in the occult and magic.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Crazy love, love on the verge of a foul. At the same time, how much determination you two have! Whatever you do, it will always be "from and to". If happiness, then to the last drop, if resentment, then to the grave. Do you want to know what astrologers say about romance under the sign of Scorpio? Animal power, mystery, devilry, passion, drama, energy, rebellion, power, fire...

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: At first, neither you nor your partner will understand what is happening. Then comes the “Do I need all this?” phase. Next is the turn of the phase of such a strong mutual attraction that no gravitational force will win. And then either pan or disappeared. But if your romance began on November 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 or 21, it is doomed to a happy ending, which ends all fairy tales.

SEX: Most likely, there has never been such sex in your life. How much sensuality and what craving for excesses! Sophistication will bring you unforgettable bliss. You will bathe in bliss. Not sex, but witchcraft. If your romance ends in a wedding, you can’t do without one child - both of you will love the fruits of your passion too much.

FINANCE: Your romance takes place under the sign of wealth, inheritance, benefits, good luck, good. Even if there is another economic crisis, financial question will not stand in front of you.

KEY: Life without jealousy. You both hate this feeling. And at the same time jealous of each other like crazy. Calm down. If you want to know, he's not going anywhere from you, because you're like under hypnosis. You are two halves of one whole.


Acquaintance from November 23 - December 22

Your relationship will be somewhat lightweight, but optimistic. Not bad if one of you takes on the role of a teacher. Your new partner may turn out to be a good companion for the duration of the trip, especially if it is due at this time, as well as your patron (however, most likely not for long).

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: You are connected by thousands of little things - your friends, hobbies, hobbies, not to mention your passion for collecting and traveling. For the sake of relationships, you are capable of anything. Perhaps you yourself did not know that you can sacrifice your freedom for the sake of your loved one.

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: It is necessary to immediately clarify both yours and his attitude to betrayal, innocent flirting and coquetry. No shouting and scandals, please! Your novel was born under a sign that does not tolerate breaking dishes. If suddenly there is a cooling in the relationship, show your partner the most unusual sides of your character. By the way, a novel born on November 24, 27, 30 or December 3, 4, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 may end with Mendelssohn's march.

SEX: Ardent. At the same time, you may be drawn to extraordinary things like tantric sex. You will not be bored with each other.

FINANCE: Your romance lies in a strong cocoon of comfort with a touch of luxury. Good dinners, household purchases… Not enough romance? But this is not about feelings, but only about finances.

KEY: Compromises. If your lover spent all the money on some trinket for his collection without your consent, you should not spend the remaining funds at all. One of you does not know what he is doing: today it is he, tomorrow it is you!

MASCOT: Horseshoe.

Acquaintance from December 23 - January 20

This acquaintance is designed to teach you seriousness in relationships. Well, if you have to work together in the future or develop some kind of project, the two of you will come up with many constructive solutions. Perhaps you will look at each other for a long time before you decide to sort things out. Well, " old friend better than the new two. If you become one, over time, attachment to each other will increase, but it will be difficult to part.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: A fateful romance that will greatly affect both your life and the life of your chosen one. From the outside, your relationship seems ascetic, dry, devoid of romantic flair. But you know perfectly well that this is not so: love-friendship, love-tenderness, love-gratitude - isn't this what you have been striving for all your life?

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: At first, a very ascetic, far from excess relationship, but then it is no longer a novel, but sheer extravagance. Whatever happens with your boyfriend, you can be sure that the relationship will continue. Even if you decide to break up, you will be good friends. A novel born on January 3, 5, 7, 8, 14 or 16 can be called successful - if you decide to legitimize the relationship, the marriage will be happy.

SEX: Moderation, which is guided by instincts. Over time, sex gets better and better, like fine wine.

FINANCE: Contempt for mortal metal and daily bread. Both of you love simplicity, moderation, modesty so much that there can be no talk of any excesses. And the phrase "economy mode" is familiar to both of you, not only by ear.

KEY: Patience. You yourself know this.

MASCOT: Black cat.

Acquaintance from January 21 - February 19

Such a strange and unusual acquaintance! You can get into a whirlwind of very unexpected events. Do not be surprised by the change of situations - you must learn to live ahead of time. Try not to idealize your partner - your open relationship can be very original, and if not lead to civil marriage, then the friendship will end for sure.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: At first glance, you have an ideal partnership relationship, without battles for the division of territory and a struggle for power. This is an idyll, these are dreams that have come true and fears that have receded. But for how long?

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: The novel develops quietly and cautiously. Without unnecessary manifestations of emotions, although real storms can boil inside each of you. You idealize the chosen one, he idealizes you. And when disappointment sets in, it seems that the whole world has collapsed. Unfortunately, most romances under the sign of Aquarius end in a breakup. But if you met on February 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12 or 16, your romance will be bright, and your marriage will most likely be happy.

SEX: With an eye on public opinion, on habits, on education. A lot of sensuality, but even more unrealized sensuality. Precisely because many things are taboo. What to advise? Slowly loosen up.

FINANCE: Not your horse. There will be problems with them in your romance.

KEY: Ideals. In the name of high beliefs, you should not break relationships. Don't sacrifice love for abstract things. If you have a feeling of jealousy, immediately extinguish it - jealousy is contraindicated in your relationship.


Acquaintance from February 20 - March 20

Are your relationships shrouded in mystery and unclear to you? Intuition will not let you down if you look into the eyes of your new acquaintance. Try not to deceive him and do not be deceived yourself - the illusions will dissipate very soon. You may have to sacrifice something for each other. And if earthly love does not work out, love each other heavenly, and you will be rewarded!

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: You willingly give advice to your friends on how to build relationships, but it is very difficult for you to understand your feelings and your romance. You yourself do not know what you want from him - neither you nor your partner. You constantly have doubts, hesitations and questions. Not easy, but how interesting!

NOVEL DEVELOPMENT: It is possible that at some stage of the relationship you will go through the stage of pain and suffering - at the same time, arrange them for yourself. Why do you need it? Yes, something to remember. If your relationship runs out of steam, you will part just as quietly as you met. You won't know exactly where your romance begins and ends. But if the relationship arose on February 21 or March 6, 7, 11, then they will bring you good luck and may end in a wedding.

SEX: Every day is different.

FINANCE: You are not afraid to risk money. There are too many temptations around you. The desire to have a pie in the sky is too great. With a thoughtless approach to the material side of life, you cannot avoid unpleasant surprises.

KEY: Equilibrium. Let your chosen one understand how much you love him and how much you need him. And he will answer you the same. It is on this balance that harmonious relationship born under the sign of Pisces.

MASCOT: Monogram.

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Numerology can tell a lot, including the features of your relationship by the date you met. If you remember that exciting day and a specific date, you can calculate the number that will help you keep love.

To calculate the desired figure, you need to add up all the numbers of the date you met. For example, you started dating on 01/22/2001. 2+2+0+1+2+0+0+1= 8. You will find the required number below in the description. If your number turned out to be two-digit, then bring it to a single-digit sum by adding all the resulting numbers. In the description you can find recommendations that may be useful for your union. Numerologists also recommend calculating love compatibility by date of birthso that harmony and mutual understanding reign in your relationship.


An ambitious unit indicates that your acquaintance happened on a wave of common goals or interests. You are united not only by love, but also by common passions. It can be development in business, training, striving for new goals. In a couple, partners rarely compete. Usually lovers combine their strengths and knowledge to achieve common happiness and well-being. Such couples are strong and often cause a feeling of envy among others. If the lovers succumb to attacks from the outside, then their union may be on the verge of collapse. Numerologists recommend to exclude any Negative influence from the outside, as well as pass gossip and slander on deaf ears.


Sentimentality, romantic mood, softness and true love- this is how you can characterize your couple. Two in your relationship is responsible for patience. In your couple, failures can only be due to the fuss and doubts that one of the partners will indulge in. If you learn to listen to each other and stop rushing things, then your relationship will outgrow simple hobby into strong feelings. Numerologists advise your couple to avoid sudden changes and enjoy every day spent together. Romance and sincere feelings will help you overcome difficulties.


Relationships, the number of which is three, are able to survive all adversity and overcome any difficulties on the way to happiness. Relationships between partners are often built on compromise, which helps to strengthen the bond. You should only be more attentive to the immediate environment. Avoid friendship with flatterers and envious people, who can negatively affect the microclimate in your couple. So that your relationship does not fade away for a long time, you should set common goals for yourself and go towards them hand in hand. In your union, any positive activity will lead to success.


This figure indicates a fun relationship in which partners like to talk about any topic. The stability of this figure ensures strong alliances that over the years do not lose their novelty or their rosy mood. Both halves in the union, marked by the four, are the soul of the company, open and financially independent. However, such couples often cause envy and a desire to break a strong and happy relationship. You should beware not so much of friends as of close relatives. In your relationship, the phrase “he / she is not a match for you!” will often sound. It is important for you to hold on to each other and pay less attention to such attacks. Over time, they will fade away.


Five is lucky number. If your relationship is marked by her presence, then your overall happiness will grow stronger over the years. However, there is a fly in the ointment in every barrel of honey, so couples in such relationships are often quick-tempered. The intensity of passions can even divorce partners for a while, but in most cases this is not for long. All lovers need is not to go too far, so as not to burn out emotionally. Numerologists recommend filling the need for a surge of energy with the help of active classes sports.


In a couple whose relationship is responsible for the number six, jealousy prevails. Often, such unions are quite difficult for partners, they often have conflicts based on distrust, and emotions can overwhelm at any moment. Numerologists recommend that lovers learn to find common solutions and adapt to each other. Patience and willingness to change better side help you keep love, but if you can’t find a compromise, then it’s hardly worth continuing to wag each other’s nerves.


The relationships that the seven "supervises" do not differ in strong emotionality. As a rule, the law “like attracts like” works in a pair. This means that both partners do not bathe in burning passion, but, on the contrary, seem stiff and indifferent. In reality, partners do not care about the opinions of others, and they are quite comfortable being together. Their world can be so incomprehensible that it becomes almost impossible to figure out where love is. Lovers can destroy their union only by intolerance and rejection of criticism. If we exclude this, then the relationship will be strong.


Eight is responsible for relationships, which are often unpredictable. Conflict in a couple can break out on empty place and disappear just as quickly. Often a couple loses a large number of energy, keeping in touch with each other. For them, the expression "from love to hate is one step" is the ultimate truth. Numerologists recommend that lovers learn to give each other freedom and a sense of personal space in order to maintain a wonderful feeling of love. Otherwise, the union will break up, because the outflow of energy will occur almost daily and will quickly deprive one of the partners of patience.


The relationship in this pair is not just strange. They look fantastic because of the interweaving of passion, tenderness and wisdom. Partners often idealize their companion, as if not seeing his real character. Often such couples are happy for a while, but later “enlightenment” comes, and ideals collide with harsh reality. Often such novels are short and stormy. Common ideas will help maintain relationships for a long time. If the partners do not have time to analyze the nature of their soul mate, then over time there will be a “grinding in”, and the union will become strong.

Relationships in pairs do not always depend on numbers. However, often the common features and characteristics of such unions help lovers survive all crises for construction. long term relationship. Take note of the suggested recommendations, but do not forget that the approach of partners is always individual. We wish you strong and mutual love, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Getting acquainted with a future partner, we can hardly predict in advance how compatible we are with him and how relations will develop further. Numerology can come to the rescue in this situation. It turns out that you should definitely pay attention to the date of your acquaintance. Very, very much depends on it, experts in this field say.

To find out the number "responsible" for the future of your couple, add up all the digits of the date you met and bring to a single digit. For example, October 19, 2014: 1+9+1+0+2+0+1+4=18=1+8=9. So…

Unit indicates that people who met on this day are united common interests often lying in the professional sphere. Both can be set for career, spiritual growth, and so on. You have good prospects for cooperation, but rivalry may arise. Also, both are significantly influenced by the environment, which can harm relationships. You should often travel together somewhere together, being distracted from the usual environment.

deuce does not contribute to the rapid development of relations. Those who met on this day can look at each other for a long time before deciding to bind their destinies. Therefore, if one of the two shows haste, then the relationship can collapse in one moment. But if you do not rush and do not force things, then even a "frivolous" affair can develop into something more. Yes, and another deuce contributes to romance. This is what may attract your partner.

In this section:
Partner news

Troika initiates a strong and lasting relationship, which is not afraid of any obstacles. Such partners are always ready to compromise with each other. True, such couples can attract envious people who will try to destroy your relationship. Another danger is that sooner or later the partners may get bored with each other, as everything goes too smoothly for them. Therefore, it is useful for such couples to set more and more goals for themselves and initiate more joint cases.

Four promotes sociability. People who get acquainted on such days are usually the "soul of the company." Also, they usually do not have problems with money. However, the openness of such people attracts many people who want to use their resources, and this can really interfere with relationships ... Therefore, if you have found your soul mate, remember that now relations with her are more important than the problems of others.

Five- perhaps the happiest number of acquaintance: she promises strong relationship that can last a lifetime. True, these relationships can be very emotional, full of quarrels and reconciliations. Therefore, it is desirable to learn to compromise.

Six- promotes passions. If you like relationships filled with thrills associated, for example, with betrayal and furious jealousy, then this is an option for you. But remember that there will never be stability.

Seven brings together people who are used to "walking on their own", live in their own world and hardly find a language with others. If you are ready to strive for mutual understanding, then the forecast is pretty good. But if you are intolerant of each other and begin to accept your partner’s criticism badly, then very soon everyone can go their own way again.

Eight makes relationships unpredictable. Each of you does not know what he wants, quarrels and conflicts can flare up over trifles ... In such a relationship, one partner may seek to control the other, put pressure on him, which can lead to a break. To save a relationship, it is necessary from time to time to allow a partner to live his life, at least in a relative way.

Nine, unfortunately, contributes rather short romantic connections than long-term relationships. At the very beginning, you may see an ideal in a partner, which he, of course, is not. For a while, the relationship will seem cloudless, but over time, the real qualities will "float" out and disappointment will inevitably come, which will most likely lead to a break.

Therefore, if you do not want a quick breakup, do not be too intrusive, do not get your partner by calls, SMS and other ways. Also, do not talk ahead of time about the future life together. But joint entertainment will help you strengthen the relationship that began on the "nine".

Of course, the date of the beginning of the relationship cannot decide everything. But if there are any problems or doubts, then it does not interfere with remembering it. Love you and good luck!

Astrology of love and relationships. The date of birth will tell you how to meet your half and create strong family Solyanik Katerina

Dating date is important

Dating date is important

Life goes on - the planets move. Fly in their orbits and Venus with Mars. While Venus first moves away from Mars, overtaking it, and then, having reached its maximum distance, begins to catch up with it, Mars itself overcomes a certain section of the zodiac circle. The cycle of their mutual arrangement is also affected by the fact that periodically one of these planets becomes retrograde. As a result, the full cycle of interaction between Venus and Mars, i.e., from the moment when they connect (the distance between them for an observer from the Earth is 0 °), until the next connection, lasts 23 calendar months. But these almost two-year periods of time are periodically replaced by shorter intervals of incomplete cycles, the duration of which averages 7–9 months.

It has been noticed that on those days when a new mutual cycle of Venus - Mars is born, whether it is complete or partial, i.e. when these planets are at a distance close to 0 ° (about a week), all people on Earth, regardless of their dates of birth and gender begin to overwhelm romantic feelings. And it is on such seven days that a record number happens romantic dating. Of course, not all of them grow into really serious relationships. It's just that a love whirlwind is sweeping over the Earth these days, which turns the heads of many people.

But the acquaintances that give rise to new relationships occur from day to day, and, naturally, they fall on the most diverse sectors of the complete mutual cycle of Venus and Mars. And yes, they are built differently. And what is essentially the acquaintance of two people? This is a kind of birth of what can unite them in the future. Therefore, the date of acquaintance can be considered as the date of birth of the relationship.

It often happens that the date of acquaintance is hidden in the past. For example, people could for a long time work in the same organization or live on the same street, go to the same school or go to the same kindergarten, but they had any relationship after a fairly long period after they saw each other for the first time. In this case, the date of the first significant contact should be taken as the reference date of acquaintance. And it will depend on the location of the planets in the sky on this date exactly how the relationship of a particular couple will develop, what stages of the relationship they will have to go through.

Thus, I am leading you to the idea that each phase of the complete cycle of mutual influences of Venus and Mars symbolically represents different stages of the relationship between two people. Therefore, before telling you how to determine the prospects for the development of specific relationships based on the date of the first significant contact (date of acquaintance, first date, etc.), I suggest that you get acquainted with the characteristics of each phase of the Venusian-Martian cycle, and therefore consider what are the stages in ideal any human relationship goes. This is a kind of model, on the basis of which, knowing its nuances, you can discover the features of individual special cases.

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Publication date: 08.07.2015

There are many acquaintances in our life. Some of them go unnoticed, some seem fatal. And how much easier it would be to live if we looked into the dating horoscope in advance and figured out whether our new relationship has a future. And how many wasted efforts and emotions could be directed to right direction, if you know who it was worth and who it was not worth wasting the strength of your soul.

But there is a way to determine the significance of the next acquaintance for our life. One has only to call on the help of the zodiac constellations and find out what the dating horoscope predicts for your couple.

The day you meet is like the birthday of a relationship. Therefore, he is influenced by the corresponding zodiac sign. However, the proximity to the boundary numbers of the sign also matters. The day of acquaintance, which took place at the junction of the influences of the zodiacs, will be influenced by the sign that ends, and after it begins. Consider this circumstance!

Determine by the date of acquaintance, where the Sun was at that moment, and read the dating horoscope:

Aries dating horoscope

Acquaintance during this period is unlikely to be passing. Moreover, such a meeting may, for example, be accompanied instant love. Or, at the very beginning of a new relationship, something extraordinary will happen that will tie your attention to a new acquaintance for a long time.

Relationships that began under the sign of Aries will require wisdom and some tolerance from you. Frank egoism, irascibility and conflict will certainly destroy this connection, which, under favorable circumstances, can become interesting and promising.

Taurus dating horoscope

Relationships that began under the sign of Taurus promise to be bright and exciting at first. At the same time, it will be key sexual compatibility. And besides this, well-being in the material matter will add brilliance.

However, you shouldn't get carried away with it. Everything should develop and consolidate such relationships should be humanity, warmth and sincerity aimed at a partner.

Gemini: dating horoscope

Relationships subject to the sign of Gemini will be interesting, associated with active communication, possibly trips, noisy companies. However, it is doubtful that you (or your partner) have enough “gunpowder” for their long-term continuation.

Well! So treat this acquaintance as if it were a holiday, during which you need to get maximum pleasure and impressions, but which inevitably tends to end.

Cancer: dating horoscope

An acquaintance that began under the influence of Cancer will not be accidental. But his prospects will depend on your spiritual compatibility with your partner. You must treat each other as carefully as possible, trying not to show the slightest tactlessness or selfishness.

Know: emotional negligence towards a partner will definitely lead to a break.

Leo: dating horoscope

Acquaintance under the sign of Leo promises to be stable, and such a couple will be able to spend time together with benefit and pleasure. mutual respect and common sense- Here distinctive features relationships "born" at the time of Leo. Agree, not everyone manages to build relationships on such a fertile basis.

The only thing that can destroy the idyll is excessive jealousy or isolation from each other.

Virgo: dating horoscope

People who met during the period of Virgo influence are likely to enter into long-term relationships, extraordinary, mutually interesting and eventful.

Unnecessary attention to insignificant trifles can become a stumbling block. If you have a desire to find fault, criticize - try to refrain. By elevating this rule to the rank of habit, you will avoid the disappointment of a break, the trifling reason for which you will not even be able to properly formulate later.

Libra dating horoscope

Under the influence of the horoscope of Libra, only relationships based on mutual feeling beautiful. The creative aspect will be inherent in them all the time. Such a connection promises to be easy, harmonious, full of romantic signs of attention.

There is only one danger. It consists in the fact that you will not be immune from cheating on your partner. However, no guarantees can be given to him. But if you decide to leave, you will be able to do it no less gracefully than you loved each other.

Scorpio dating horoscope

Two people who met under the sign of Scorpio will surely be obsessed with passion. It might be mutual sexual attraction or a craving for the occult. In any case, such an alliance will have powerful ties, the strength of which can bind them for life.

It is only important not to spoil everything with a banal betrayal or primitive dishonesty in relation to your partner.

Sagittarius: dating horoscope

If you met a person under the sign of Sagittarius, it is better not to make plans. Because the duration of such relationships is doubtful, although you cannot call them hopeless either. Just be prepared for the fact that a breakup can happen at any moment, and try to treat it with a light heart.

Acquaintance under the sign of Sagittarius is ideal, say, during a trip or a spa vacation.

Capricorn: dating horoscope

Dating during the period of influence of the Capricorn sign implies stability and a long-term perspective. They may not be particularly passionate, but strong shoulder you will always feel close to you.

At some point, it may seem to you that you have known your partner for ages. Therefore, try not to destroy this connection, especially since the break in such a situation cannot be easy.

Aquarius dating horoscope

Relationships that began under the sign of Aquarius may seem strange from the outside. Because you will feel so comfortable with each other that you will not be shy about doing eccentricities, being extravagant, etc.

True, you most likely will not build a stable family on such “soil”. But friendship or so-called free love you will definitely succeed.

Pisces: dating horoscope

According to the horoscope, relationships under the sign of Pisces will be built on an intuitive feeling for each other. You will be able to recognize the desires and spiritual impulses of your partner by the eyes. Try to treat him lightly, without tragedy and do not include logic.

Only deceit in such an alliance is unacceptable. It will be perceived as an insult to the most intimate, and it is unlikely that you will ever be forgiven.