Mexican party. We create the atmosphere of a Mexican holiday. Attributes of the holiday in the Mexican city

Mexico is a singing and dancing country. They have carnivals and all kinds of festivals so often that residents simply don’t have time to miss them. But there are tourists, of whom, by the way, there are also almost a lot of all year round, come here with great pleasure. And already at home, after returning, they terribly miss the country of festivals, rainbow dresses and soulful, soulful music.

What is so attractive about Mexico? Let's try to figure it out by organizing a home Mexican Fiesta!


Invitations to the "Mexican Fiesta"

Why do you need invitations if you can discuss everything over the phone? Is it true that you often ask yourself a similar question? Will explain. Firstly, you need it yourself. When you look for an idea for an invitation card (its shape, decor, text), you will delve deeper into the essence of Mexican culture, which means you will be able to more clearly recreate it during your party! Secondly, your guests need it. Thanks to what you send them in advance invitation card with a hint of upcoming holiday, they will have time to sew (buy, rent) bright dresses, skirts, sombreros and sandals. And also - get ready for the upcoming, completely non-standard, “hot” party!

So, invitation cards. Let's make them correspond to the main symbols of the Mexican Fiesta! 1. Cactus-shaped invitation

The cactus is the main plant of the natural zone in which most of the country is located. And also - the succulent is the basis for the cactus vodka beloved by Mexicans, and not only them, pulque. And also - he is a symbol of the chastity of a proud Mexican girl - soft and kind at heart, but prickly and unapproachable on the outside. Agree, we have given some pretty good reasons to give your Mexican party invitations a cactus shape!

2. Sombrero-shaped invitation

Sombrero is a chic headdress thanks to which Mexicans are identified in all corners of the world! True, (paradox!), the Mexicans themselves put on their bright wide-brimmed hat, only by participating in festivals and competitions outside of their country.

I will now tell you how to make such an invitation. Cut out a sombrero shape from yellow or gold (metalized) cardstock and decorate the edges with red or green glitter and colorful circles of confetti pom-poms. Next, glue the sombrero onto the red cardboard - the base. Write the text of the invitation on a separate sheet, decorated bright stripes, in the style of a Mexican poncho.

Sombrero Invitations - Bright Hat, made using the origami technique, according to the principle of a three-dimensional paper flower. The greeting and name of the guest should be included on the top of the hat, and all other information about the holiday should be placed inside the sombrero.

3. Taco Invitation

Taco is a national spicy Mexican dish loved by many. You can also make it the “cover” of your holiday! Let your guests, having received such an invitation, be salivating until their birthday, anticipating a real Mexican feast!

Cut out taco pita circles (from light brown cardstock). Write on it: “Now is not the time for a siesta! We invite you to the birthday fiesta!” And inside, place the main text of the invitation, like the filling of a taco. Glue the cardboard “food” to the base sheet, and decorate the entire perimeter of the card with miniature chili peppers.

4. Invitation in the shape of a Margarita glass

The famous cocktail with tequila and lime juice is loved in Mexico! “Margarita” is almost as important as pulque, and therefore also deserves to be considered a symbol of the Mexican Fiesta.

Alternatively, you can do invitation postcard in the shape of a lime circle. It will also be original and beautiful!

The text of the invitation can be formulated in a certain imposing form characteristic of these ardent, self-confident people:

“Hai, Amigos! We invite you to take part in the Mexican Fiesta!

This party is going to be hot, so hold on to your sombreros!

We will drink margaritas and dance flamenco on this Blessed Day!

We are waiting for you _____ (date) _____ (time) _______ (address).

Call ______ for details. Senor _____ and Senorita ______.”

Decor and decorations for a party in the style of “Mexican Fiesta”

To begin with, let's decide on the color scheme. My suggestion is to make the main party colors green, white and red (the colors of the Mexican flag). Additionally, in the form of bright touches to the overall composition holiday decor, you can use yellow, purple and blue. Now more specifically on the decorative elements of the room in mexican style.

1. Corner for a photo shoot

Surprise your guests by installing Mexican figures in one corner of the festive room. national costumes at full height! You can make them yourself by purchasing large “Mexican” posters and attaching them to large pieces of plywood with glue.

Imagine, your guests come in and the first thing that catches your eye is the huge real Mexicans who also came to the party! Yes, with guitars, and with maracas! splash Have a good mood guaranteed!

In the corner for a photo shoot, you can also install a couple of story posters with cut-out faces. What do you think of this cheerful gringo on a donkey?

2. Mexican blankets and pillows

Add to your festive hall A multi-colored poncho thrown over an armchair, table, sofa, wardrobe can add bright Mexican flavor. Using thick blue-red-yellow striped fabric, you can add accents to your home and create (if necessary) areas for entertaining, refreshments, games, etc.

And sofa cushions decorated with the same thick fabric, will delight and warm you long after the holiday is over.

An original decorative component for the Mexican holiday will be multi-colored streamers. You can make them by tying the ends of neckerchiefs together with knots. One end of the “handkerchief rope” needs to be secured under the ceiling, the other should be allowed to fall freely onto the sofa, chair and other pieces of furniture. A chair decorated with a straw sombrero will also look impressive.

One more thing unusual solution garlands and paper flowers - under the ceiling - too good combination for Mexico with your personal holiday.

A lamp (garland) in the shape of a bunch of chili peppers will fit very harmoniously into the overall picture of your holiday-warmed home!

6. Maracas

Place maracas in all available places! So that everyone, burning in the fire of flamenco, can take them and add ethnic music to the dance!

By the way, the famous Mexican musical instrument(well, at least a semblance of it) can be made at home using absolutely simple improvised means: plastic boxes from children's Kinders, disposable forks, pea cereal and colored tape!

7. Inflatable cacti a must use for a Mexican party! Cactus balls will make their colorful contribution to the overall atmosphere of the “hot” holiday!

How to spend a birthday in an original way to please both the birthday boy and the guests? If you are asking yourself this question now, then this article will 100% be interesting to you. Although, I think the article will be interesting to you in any case. So sit back and read - Mexican party script :).

A little background. My husband categorically refuses to celebrate his birthdays. Therefore, I had to use a trick and lure him with a cheerful cultural program, which would not involve pronunciation solemn speeches and other officialdom. 😉 The guests were invited from among “their own” - relatives and godfathers. Since the holiday was supposed to be celebrated at the beginning of September, they decided to hold it on fresh air— in the gazebo of one of the camp sites, which we had pre-booked for this occasion.

Two weeks before the birthday celebration, the birthday boy (Kostya, aka Don Costillo) presented the guests with “Mexican” gifts, and I began to get active.

The closer the date of the celebration approached, the more clearly Gismeteo made it clear to us that we should not expect good weather on this day... Damn, what to do - cold + rain and wind?! 🙁 Well, we decided not to despair and celebrate the holiday in our apartment (the reservation was not canceled after all, and looking ahead, I will say that we did not regret it).

Meeting with guests

Don Costillo (in a sombrero, with a mustache and a birthday badge) meets everyone at the entrance, accepts congratulations and informs them that in order to get to the ranch they need to cross the Mexican border. The birthday boy dresses everyone in a mini sombrero and gives simple instructions, without which it will be very difficult to cross the Mexican border:

1. Greet other Mexicans "Ola" or "Buenos Dias/Tordes/Noches" and call them "Amigo"
2. Smile widely, laugh and joke. In short, it's fun to have fun :)

Don Costillo also gives everyone fake passports with Mexican names that are similar to the real ones (for example, Sergei Alexandrov - Sergio Sanchez), and with photos of guests in Mexican attire. I prepared the passports in advance using Photoshop programs. They perfectly raised the spirits of everyone present at the beginning of the holiday :). The passports were left as souvenirs for the guests.

At the border, guests are greeted by a border guard (I am Olita Negros) and a customs officer (our daughter Dasha is Dashita Negros) - we have nameplates on the table.

Border guard: “Buenos Dias, senors and senoritas! We have prepared the documents."

P checks passports and begins to find fault, asking questions of individual guests:

“Komo te yamas?.. Fershtein? I ask, what is your name?
“Why did you shave your mustache, Pedro?”
“How old are you, senorita?” … “Yes?.. And you look 21 and a half”
“Purpose of visiting Mexico?”
“Who are you going to?”... “Oh, Don Costillo is a very respected lord.”

The customs officer asks, “Are you bringing weapons, drugs,... lard with you?”

If the guests say that they don’t have this, we skip it, otherwise we say: “Great, we’ll need this in Mexico” and also skip it.

However, in order to finally verify the authenticity of the Mexicans, adult guests are invited to drink a shot glass or a glass of cocktail. Non-drinking seniors and senoritas can also be offered a choice of a lime wedge or a pod of red pepper:). After the last test, the border guard and customs officer recognize “their own” and cordially invite them to Mexico: “Bienvenido a México!” (Bienvinido e Mexico City!).

The background music is turned on (music performed by mariachi - Mexican instrumental ensembles), and guests are invited to festive table to enjoy Mexican treats. My husband took the first word, thanked for the congratulations and said that today he invites everyone to rest, relax and spend the holiday without solemn speeches. Therefore, all subsequent toasts were general exclamations like:

"Viva, Don Costillo!!!"
"Feliz cumpleanos!" (Felis cumpleaños!), which means “Happy Birthday!”,
“For Don Costillo!”, “For Mexico and its noble inhabitants,” etc.

In between toasts, I invited guests to participate in competitions, some of which I borrowed from the Internet. The winners and most active participants received small prizes: a lime, a lemon, an ear of corn, a pack of Nachos, a pack of corn sticks, chili peppers and chocolate (a favorite delicacy of Mexicans).

Comic Mexican quiz

1. Popular Mexican headdress

  • Kokoshnik
  • Skullcap
  • Sombrero

2. Capital of Mexico

  • Mexico
  • Mexico City
  • Mash

3. Mexicans' favorite sauce

  • Krasnodar
  • Tobasco
  • Satsibeli

4. What bird is depicted on the Mexican flag?

  • Eagle
  • Turkey
  • Penguin

5. Mexican greeting

  • Ola

6. Outerwear Mexicans

  • Ranch
  • Sancho
  • Poncho

7. Mexican liquor

  • Tequila

And there are many ahead of you interesting scenarios. to receive announcements of new articles so as not to miss anything.

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To create a party in the style of "Mexico" you will need, mandatory outfits, decorations, music, fiery dishes and, of course, tequila!
And now, everything is in order...
Where does the party start?
With an invitation!

Mexican Party Invitations

Today, in times of advanced technology, people mostly make invitations through telephone communication. But, you see, it’s very nice to receive a paper invitation in the usual rhythm of life. Having received an invitation in advance, guests will have the opportunity to prepare and fully comply with the specified image.

Invitations should be fun, exciting and edgy, like the theme of the party.
To design invitations, you can use the services of designers in the printing house, who will offer you layouts, I will edit them together with you and your wishes, or you can make DIY invitations. But in any case, you will need to show enough imagination and humor to make them interesting, meaningful and fun.

Invitations can be made in the form cactus, sombrero, guitar, man in a poncho, invitations in the form taco; it can be just a rectangular or square card, but with original drawing and inscriptions; the main thing is more humor. On back side card or inside it you need to write where and when the party will take place, with a mandatory note about whether it is worth wear a suit or they will be issued on the spot.

For the party organizer, it would still be appropriate to prepare a few spare sombreros, both men's and women's, because not every home will have suitable hats, or may unexpected guests, who looked at the sounds of the guitar.

How to decorate a room

To create the atmosphere of a party, especially a themed one, you will need to slightly modify the room in which the celebration will take place. For a Mexican themed party you should consider color scheme this country– these are green, red and white, the colors of the flag. Can be draped pieces of fabric for chairs, tables, bar counter, eu whether she will. You can also hang up ribbons of these colors or attach them to the clothes of guests, but more on that later.

What is Mexico without cacti? They must be present at your party and the more, the better and not necessarily alive. Cacti can be ordered from balloons, or cut out of cardboard and poked with toothpicks. You can hang chili peppers, guitars, sombreros on the walls. The dance floor can be covered with gold sparkles or confetti, thus simulating sand, of which there is plenty in Mexico.

What to cook?

Before ordering food, you should pay attention to those dishes that associated with Mexico secondly, you need to take a closer look at the dishes national cuisine and, of course, worth paying Special attention that some of your guests may not like Mexican cuisine in pure form, so you can serve traditional cuisine, but with Mexican-style decor.

Corn tortillas must be present on the table; snacks - nachos, quesadillas, tacos, tostados, chimichangas; beans; You can cook Mexican chicken. Chili peppers, limes and lemons can simply be placed on the tables for decoration, and sliced ​​​​slices can be placed on skewers and decorated with them on one of the paper cacti, it will look very original and convenient. Don't forget about chips, there should also be plenty of them with various sauces. Seafood dishes and, of course, a sea of ​​salads are also suitable; you can’t live without them.

AND Drinks should be tequila. It can be drunk in its pure form, or added to cocktails. Tequila in its pure form is served in several ways, this should be taken into account in advance. There are a lot of cocktails that contain tequila; you should also stock up on recipes and the necessary ingredients in advance.


If you are the organizer of a Mexican-themed party, then you have thought about clothes in advance. Warn guests about the theme of the party. So, if you indicated in the invitation that guests prepare themselves and come to the party dressed up, then it’s better to spend more time on other aspects. But don’t forget that some guests may come unexpectedly and will be without costumes, so it’s still worth stocking up on a few sombrero and poncho, let them be just in case. If you indicated in the invitation that the transformation will take place at the party itself, then it will take time.

You should clearly calculate the number of male and female guests and think through their costumes; decide whether they will all wear the same or choose different ponchos and jeans; be sure to complement the look with a hat - for men they can be larger in diameter than for women. Men in this look will feel like real machos, which will bring some passion to the rhythm of the party; men can try on a false mustache as an integral part of the image of a Mexican man; for women, when choosing an outfit, you can give more free rein to your imagination: these can be various costumes of burning passionate seductresses in bright dresses, add folk flavor using long colorful skirts, by the way, such skirts look like gypsies.

The image can also be supplemented bright beads and shawls. Or, you can try on the image of a kind of Mexican sand conqueror, in short skirt, cowboy boots, with a holster and a hat. Guests can also dress up as Indians with feathers, bows and arrows. You can also change the names of everyone present to Mexican and attach badges, it will be fun to call each other by another name all evening.


What's a party without fiery music and dancing until you drop! In order for the party to be remembered, it needs to be filled musical accompaniment. It’s worth deciding initially what kind of music you want to hear. It can be live music, or just a soundtrack, or you can invite a professional DJ who will entertain with all kinds of mix tracks.

In both options, it is worth allocating a place where the equipment and instruments will be located, where the performers will be located; in the case of live music, much more space will be needed. At the beginning of the party, more traditional music is suitable, and in the process, when the degree of fun begins to rise, you can slightly change the repertoire to a more danceable one. All sorts of Latin-American songs with a fiery rhythm will come in handy.

Mexican style party scenario

In order for the party not to turn into a costume party, but to be organized, you should think through the scenario of the event. It is imperative to include in the holiday program a sufficient number of competitions in which all invited people will be involved.

As prizes, you can give out cocktails at the bar, or offer the winners to prepare their own signature drink. You can also give small figurines of Mexican people, clay sombreros, guitars, you will find such little things in souvenir shops; you can order them in advance if you don’t have the right quantity.

So that the organizer himself does not have to entertain the people throughout the party and does not collapse from fatigue at the end, it is better to use the services of a professional host. In his arsenal, there will probably be suitable scenarios, or he will tailor them to the desired topic holiday and will complement the necessary so that all the guests and you will be satisfied with the holiday.

Party games:

In addition to competitions and dancing, games must be present at the party. A traditional Mexican game is piñata. This will both decorate the hall and provide great entertainment for guests.

The description and conditions of the game can be found on the Internet. All sorts of small things can be hidden inside. funny gifts, which exactly no one knows. This game will bring a lot of fun to all participants and others present.

Another game could be a competition eating fleeces. Also, professionals can offer a lot of games, modified and adjusted to the style of the holiday. You can play Mexican style charades, or rephrase folk proverbs using Mexican names.

And finally - if you follow the above tips for holding a Mexican-style party, then you will definitely succeed and the holiday will be bright, cheerful with a dash of pepper and, of course, will remain in the memory of all those present as one of highlights in their lives

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A properly organized theme party is always fun

Theme parties are new format unforgettable and bright holidays. The result of a stylized bachelorette party, children's party, New Year's celebration, company corporate event or family celebration will be indelible impressions, pleasant memories and colorful photographs. Themes for events can be the most unexpected: a Mexican party, an oriental fairy tale, a traditional evening in Russian style and much more. Thanks to sophistication and originality, parties in ethno style are especially popular.

Mexican parties

Mexico is an original, temperamental country and has several recognizable symbols: fiery dances, songs with a guitar, cacti, ponchos and sombreros. Theme evening in the style of hot Mexico will never be boring and will definitely leave an unforgettable impression.

A Mexican party, by definition, cannot be boring and lackluster

What is needed to organize a bright celebration in Mexican style? There are several simple rules, following which you can easily create that same Mexican mood and aura of the pampas:

  • Entourage. First impression of theme party is created precisely with the help of design and decoration. Homespun tablecloths, wicker rugs, satin ribbons, all kinds hand made crafts stylized as Mexico. The color scheme of the party decoration should be bright; you can safely combine red, blue, orange, yellow, and green. Unusual contrasts will only enhance the effect and create a Mexican mood. As decoration you can use baskets with exotic fruits, sombreros and, of course, cacti.
  • Music. Mexico is a country of creative and musical people. Therefore, a Mexican-style party should be accompanied by the fiery sounds of maracas, drums and a romantic guitar.

Live Mexican music

  • Dress code for the evening. National outfits, poncho and sombrero will help you plunge into the atmosphere of the Mexican prairies.
    Bright Mexican outfit
    As a simplified option, you can stop at just one sombrero
  • Scenario. There's never a dull moment at a Mexican party! To entertain guests, you can come up with interesting and dynamic competitions, a karaoke competition of Mexican songs, dancing and a stellar Mexican fireworks display.
    For a children's party it could be a traditional Mexican piñata.

A Mexican-style evening is ideal for celebrating a corporate event, birthday with friends, or even meeting New Year. It is no coincidence that in Mexico, residents call each other amigos, which means “friends.” It is the friendly and cheerful atmosphere that distinctive feature theme evening.

Mexican party

In the style of the East

The East attracts with an aura of magic. Magic themed oriental fairy tale You can hold a corporate party, birthday, family celebration or an evening meeting of friends. As the main idea of ​​the party, you can use the culture and history of any eastern country. A bachelorette party can become unusually bright oriental style. It could also be original party V Japanese style, Chinese, Turkish or Indian. Each of the ideas will allow you to plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of a mystical and mysterious culture.

You can get ideas from popular Indian or Turkish films, Japanese fairy tales, cartoons or just dream up a lot on the theme of the East. The main rule for creating a party in oriental style is realism, harmony, and complete immersion in the theme. You can use the following techniques:

  • Traditional design, whether family evening, bachelorette party or corporate party in Indian style - these are lotuses, ficus, star anise.
  • For a harmonious atmosphere, you can use aromatic oils, candles or musk sticks.
  • Tantra, yoga, Ayurveda or Kama Sutra are bold, but, without a doubt, extraordinary scenarios for holding a youth party or birthday.
  • To recreate the magical aura you need Indian clothing in folk style and music for fiery dances.

Story Indian party

Indian boat party

If there is a corporate party or birthday, you can invite guests to become an integral part of the party: the clothes of each guest should complement the atmosphere of the oriental holiday. If it's an Indian-style party, then it's a sari; if it's a Japanese-style party, then it's a bright kimono.

Japanese style party

Hot Africa

The safari theme is perfect for spending children's day birth. But the special flavor of safari and original culture will not leave participants in adult events indifferent.

African party- these are bright colorful images
And sometimes the images look completely crazy

It could be professional holiday, birthday in African style safari or just meeting old friends. To make your safari holiday a success, there are a few tips:

  • An integral part of a safari evening is music. The rhythms of the Dark Continent are especially fiery.

African music


The cultural program in the African safari style should be dynamic, all guests are involved in a colorful and original action.

  • Treat. Not only a children's birthday, but also an African-style corporate event would not be complete without exotic fruits, mouth-watering meat dishes and African snacks.
  • Dress code. Since guests are familiar with the exotic theme of the party in advance, they will be able to prepare African-themed costumes.

The suit must have an animal print or African pattern.
Although, you can always be creative

Inspiration for unforgettable evening films, stories, fairy tales can become safari style. Universal idea to spend a bright, funny and exotic children's party, birthday, corporate party, - cartoon “Madagascar”. According to the same scenario, but with special flavor wild prairies can host a Mexican-style party.

Hippie parties

The culture of any nation is always a valuable source for original ideas holding thematic events. For a youth celebration, a hippie-style party could be the basis. Freedom, friendliness and individuality are the constant principles of hippie culture.

Hippie party - the choice of free people

An integral attribute, without which a hippie-style party simply cannot take place, is clothing and interior design. Ideal place nature will host such an event. The picturesque river bank or Forest Glade on a sunny day they will help create that special aura of peace, love and joy inherent in all real hippies.

You can also organize a holiday or corporate event in an ordinary apartment, or, as true hippies call it, a flat. It is enough to add a little ethnicity, folk instruments and hippie symbols to the design.

Correct design apartments are one of the key elements

Concerning entertainment program, here we need lightness, which will help unite all participants of the event. A birthday or corporate event for a young and ambitious company in hippie style does not have a strict dress code. Clothing is freedom of choice, self-expression and comfort.

The main advantage of a hippie-style party is the opportunity to organize interesting and bright holiday with minimal financial costs.

Cocktail party in hippie style

The menu is devoid of deliberate sophistication, because hippies love nature and everything connected with it. Therefore, vegetables, berries, herbs, and fruits are ideal as a holiday treat. For meat lovers, you can prepare a simple and flavorful kebab.

Hippie party

Evening in Russian style

For those who are not a fan of the exotic, you can organize a holiday in Russian folk style, using original and congenial folk culture. A party in ethnic Russian style is a real holiday souls, have a merry walk with traditional dishes, competitions, jokes and jokes, so it certainly won’t be boring at such a holiday. The walls can be stylized as a village hut

  • Decor. Details help create the right atmosphere. Clay figurines and pots, painted wooden spoons, embroidered linen tablecloths, and decorations made of “gold” or “silver” will create the necessary interior accents.
    Add painted dishes, bagels, jam, pancakes and other native Russian delicacies to the table
  • Entertainment. Daring dances, folk songs, games and competitions - traditional entertainment evenings in Russian folk style.
  • Party in Russian style

    As for costumes, you can wear a costume in folk style; it will be the finishing touch to an unforgettable holiday.

    Anniversary in Russian folk style

    Any themed ethnic parties are always an extraordinary holiday full of events and fun. There is only one rule - harmony and complete immersion in the topic. You simply cannot do without preparation, be it a Mexican party, a Ukrainian-style anniversary, a children's birthday party on a safari, or a Russian-style corporate event. Customs, culture, history - all this is an inexhaustible source of original ideas for the holiday.

    New Year in Ukrainian style

    This is one of bright ideas. After all, Mexicans are “hot” people. Throwing a party like this is a great opportunity to enjoy the traditions of Mexico and dance their popular Latin dance.

    In the store "" you can choose the most eye-catching attribute from the costumes - the sombrero.

    Decorative fragments of a Mexican party are used:

    • textiles that stand out with colorful flowers;
    • multi-colored satin ribbons;
    • flowers with large, rich buds;
    • cacti;
    • baskets of fruit, especially lime;
    • sombreros hung on the walls and ceiling;
    • wickerwork: fruit baskets, lamps, furniture, dishes.

    Remember that there should be enough decor, but it is important not to overload the place and save it for dancing and active competitions.

    The store "" offers different variants room design for people.

    You can decorate the room with Mexican paraphernalia, where there are many patterns and rich colors. An important attribute is a sombrero, which is suitable for decorating walls and, of course, cacti. They may attend balloons, napkins, dishes.

    Hall design elements:

    • Banner set "Fiesta".
    • Bouquet of balloons "Pineapple", "Cactus".
    • Decoration "Sun".
    • Lantern red, green, white.
    • Balloon "Pirate Party", "Cactus", "Pineapple", "Mexico", "Llama".

    The hot character of Mexicans is the sombrero. To distinguish the stronger sex from other guests, the hat should have wide brims.

    Outfits and paraphernalia complement the atmosphere of the heat of the country and every guest will be able to feel bright emotions and enjoy your vacation... After all, the Holiday Academy store presents the brightest accessories and decor for the holiday.

    There will be a Mexican style party great idea for your holiday. It will be able to transport your guests to the vast expanses of distant Mexico, where a lot of interesting things await you. You can easily plunge into an atmosphere of pleasure and take part in a fun fiesta, dancing to Latin tunes full of passion. To do this, you need to select a suitable room and decorate it properly. Everything must be done in accordance with the Mexican atmosphere. Sombreros, chili peppers, lots of wild plants and, of course, cacti. Guests will be able to see all these decorations on the tables, floor, ceiling and walls. Sparkles and golden confetti can take the place of hot Mexican sand. The table must be full of fruits, limes, lemons and tequila. Party guests must dress according to the dress code. These are maracas, beads, bright clothes, poncho, Mexican glasses and sombrero, as well as other components of the Mexican image.