The main types of embroidery and how to use them. What types of embroidery exist, where are the features of the execution technique used

Embroidery preserves not only the traditions and culture of past times, but also conveys to contemporaries the tastes and artistic preferences of mothers, grandmothers or anonymous craftswomen.

It cannot be said that the passion for embroidery is the lot of young ladies and peasant women who spent long empty hours behind a piece of canvas. This type of needlework lives, changes and continues to delight needlewomen of all ages and occupations. Almost all types of embroidery are drawing with a needle. They provide as many opportunities for self-expression as painting. How does an artist choose necessary techniques and means, so the embroiderer is looking for the technique that best suits her character and taste.

Counting cross - the leader of the genre

Probably the simplest and most popular type decorative embroidery. You can master it literally in the evening. If you like the technique, in a day or two you will have a small drawing made with colored threads. One main rule - all crosses must be made in the same direction.
This type of embroidery appeared along with weaving. The homespun fabric was rough and monochromatic, and bright patterns were asked for it: birds, flowers, ornaments.

Crosses can be made with cotton, silk or woolen threads. Now there is an opportunity to purchase a floss metallic or glowing in the dark. You can embroider even the sun, even the stars. Ordinary cute flowers and funny animals, of course, too. Flowers are more effective from cotton or silk crosses, and it is better to sew animals with wool - this is how they turn out fluffy.

For always takes as a basis the scheme - a drawing broken into small cells. You can buy it, or you can make it yourself (using special computer programs) from any picture or photo you like. The work is done on a special uniform fabric () or on inserts from it. canvas happens different colors and sizes of base cells, the choice is huge. Usually a plot embroidered with a cross is sewn to the main canvas, if it is destined for the fate of not a picture, but a practical object.

Ribbon embroidery - new from the forgotten old

The embroidery technique is also very ancient, but now it is experiencing a new upsurge. She was so well forgotten that she became fashionable again. Popularity is due not so much to a surge of interest in bouquets of satin flowers, but to the grandiose possibilities in the choice of materials, manuals and schemes.

Now craftswomen can afford to choose a wide variety of ribbons for work. They can be of any width, dense satin or translucent organza.
The most popular subject for - flowers. They turn out just like alive, absolutely recognizable and very tender.

Many sets appeared on sale and it is easy to master it on your own. Beginners can start with . It is convenient that you can decorate any item of clothing with silk roses or snowdrops, the craftswoman is free to choose the base.

Surface - painting with threads

The most spectacular embroidery technique, with a long and rich history. It requires a lot of patience and training, but the result is simply extraordinary. A huge plus is the ability to decorate any textile item with an elegant pattern, the material practically does not limit the needlewoman.

For the smooth surface, the scheme is not needed either, but a contour drawing is needed. It is the parts of this pattern that the embroiderer fills in with colored threads. This must be done carefully and in compliance with the picturesque principles of mixing colors and their smooth transitions, colors-shadows. Several types of seams are used in the surface, the embroiderer must know everything and skillfully use them.

Professionally executed stitch embroidery is a real miracle. A voluminous, neat pattern, with tints of color, appears on the fabric and seems like an illustration from a beautiful book.

Assisi is from Italy

One of the oldest varieties of embroidery, combining crosses and a holbein stitch, got its name from the "namesake" - the Italian town where it appeared. The technique involves the use of threads of the same color in the work, while counting stitches (regular or elongated crosses) sew not the image, but the background.

For almost a thousand years, craftswomen have been working in this incredibly stylish and exquisite technique, but even now it is often found. It is easy to master, working with one color also speeds up the process, so beginners may well be advised to take on the development of assisi and expect quick success.

Richelieu, but not a cardinal

One of the varieties of smooth, almost always - one-color. The pattern is applied to the fabric and each element is sheathed with even, identical stitches, as in satin stitch embroidery. Richelieu involves cutting and piercing the fabric, followed by careful processing of the edges. The finished product is like lace, very openwork and looks unusually elegant.

Richelieu embroidery - pretty laborious process, but someone might have done a small ornament even at labor lessons at school. This is quite within the power of a needlewoman without experience, does not require any special fabric or thread. Any cotton or linen fabric and matching threads will do.
For cutwork, special schemes are used, drawings that need to be transferred to the fabric. It can also be drawn by hand, the main thing is to make the lines even and correctly distribute the "holes" sections.

Luxurious beadwork

The technology is very old. The first types in ancient times were made with freshwater pearls, glass beads were not yet learned to be made. This technique is similar to a cross, the work is also carried out according to the scheme, where each colored square corresponds to a bead of a certain shade. Gradually, bead by bead, a whole pattern is formed. Beads should be sewn to the base with very strong threads of the same tone as the fabric. Cross stitch patterns can be used for beadwork and vice versa.

The finished work is a truly magical picture, gently shimmering different colors.
Opportunity to choose the most different beads opens up inexhaustible possibilities for creating outlandish flowers and birds. Any of them will make a cosmetic bag or an evening bag an expensive masterpiece. And you can also embroider fabulous decorations. Bracelets, headbands, brooches, decorated by you, will decorate you unusually.

Brazilian embroidery

One of the exotic "representatives" - brazilian embroidery. A technique for creating three-dimensional elements of a pattern, performed with artificial silk threads. Features of the threads (their crowding) allow you to “weave” real lace-petals with a needle.

A lot of seams are used by the craftswomen of this school, and in the finished product, flowers, leaves and birds look simply fabulous and weightless. Ready-made ornaments look like an appliqué from knitted thin crochet elements. This technique is chosen by energetic people who like a carnival of bright colors.

Royal golden embroidery

Gold embroidery dates back to the eleventh century. How kind manual labor it developed in the monasteries. The thinnest threads of pure gold were not sewn into the fabric, but decorated it by attaching metal wires with other threads, matching or contrasting. The technique is very complex, the material is incredibly brittle and “capricious”, therefore, the qualifications of gold embroiderers have always had the highest requirements.

Now this type of decorative embroidery continues to exist, metallic threads have made it more accessible, but no less laborious. Embroidery with gold or silver threads is very good on dark velvet and wool.

Affordable soutache embroidery

This is a type of embroidery in which an appliqué is made from a decorative cord - soutache - on a base fabric. The cord has a convenient groove in the middle, which makes it easy to stitch it and sew it in the forehead position. Essentially similar to gold embroidery, but much easier to perform and finished work does not require any care when handling it.

Very popular decoration summer clothes, manufacture in .
The choice of soutache cord is very large, you can use contrasting colors or completely repeating the shade of the base - in both cases, the thing turns out to be unusually spectacular.

Khandarger - originally from the north

This type of decorative sewing comes from the Arab countries, but gradually got to northern countries, settled in Norway and gained great popularity there in the manufacture of national costume.

This style of embroidery combines cross-stitch and satin stitch in an amazing way. That's what it's called - counting surface. The work is done on a fabric of uniform weave and the stitches are necessarily considered, the pattern is geometrically correct. A little khandarger is similar to our hemstitch, it also uses a lot of openwork elements, but not along the edge, but in the center.

The openwork handarger looks great in combination with embroidered with a cross elements.
Works embroidered in this style will perfectly complement the rustic style, they go well with folk motives.

Diamond embroidery - pattern without a needle

Very close technique to cross-stitch, but in fact it is a mosaic. On an adhesive base, you need to lay out rows of colored rhinestones. It does not require any experience or training. The only thing is to start with small set to evaluate their strengths and the technique itself.

Schemes for are available in a wide variety, almost any drawing can be done in this fashion technology. Agree that a little glitter will brighten up any drawing, especially something magical or romantic. The finished mosaic is best varnished or placed under glass.

Where to start: briefing before the start

All types hand embroidery easily recognizable and have their own individual face, but there are general rules for work in any technique:

  1. - necessarily, a special needle - very desirable.
  2. Anyone can embroider a small plot, so it’s better to start acquaintance with it.
  3. A ready-made set in the chosen technique is a direct path to success.
  4. High-quality embroidery can only be done in excellent lighting.
  5. Get to work if you have at least 15 minutes of free time.

Different embroidery techniques allow you to create real paintings, many of them can be safely called works of art. The type of needlework chosen to your liking will decorate your life in the literal and figurative sense: a lot of elegant things will appear around and every day will become brighter and more interesting.

Literally 10-15 years ago, only old women could see the hoop in their hands, and the valances embroidered by our great-great-grandmothers, pillows, towels were hidden far away in the closet.

Now the situation has changed - everyone is embroidering, both schoolgirls at home economics lessons, and young mothers guarding their little ones at the sandbox.

Show business stars and well-known sportswomen publicly declare their passion for embroidery.

Needlework shops offer ready-made kits, which include a drawing scheme, necessary materials- canvas, thread, needles. It is fashionable to embroider, it is fashionable to decorate not only your home, but also your clothes with embroidery.

Types of embroidery

Traditional, known since ancient times, cross-stitch is the most popular. And no wonder - this is the simplest type of embroidery, there are only two directions of the thread - the lower one from corner to corner of the cell, and the upper one - crossing it.

If you understand what in question, you are our person, that is, a needlewoman, you have your own “hamster mink”, in which there are stocks of threads-sets-schemes under the general name “I will embroider this”.

It's about cross stitch.

But there are other embroidery options:

  • Stitch is not for everyone, they take up embroidery with satin stitch experienced craftswomen, as a result, voluminous colorful works of amazing beauty are obtained.
  • Long stitch is a somewhat similar version of satin stitch embroidery, but simpler - the work is carried out in a vertical direction, the stitches are stacked next to each other, they only differ, in addition to the color of the threads, in their length: long-short, they create the effect of volume.
  • Beadwork - for it are usually purchased ready-made foundations with a pattern, the craftswoman puts stitches with beads on the pattern - this gives the effect of volume - the shine of the beads emphasizes, highlights individual elements panel.
  • Diamond embroidery- in fact, not quite embroidery either - small square elements of the future picture are placed on a sticky base with a pattern.

The work also requires accuracy and painstaking work - just put the square crooked - it stuck, and it is difficult to correct the mistake.

But such pictures look spectacular - mosaic elements are usually faceted and shine, shimmering.

There are other embroidery techniques, we have named only the most popular ones. Any technique requires perseverance, painstaking, accuracy, so many take up the work, but not everyone brings it to the end.

But those who once “hooked” on embroidery are unlikely to leave it, even if the fashion for needlework passes.

How to distinguish a real needlewoman

A true embroiderer, having mastered the basics, will not stop there. She is no longer satisfied with the proposed sets and schemes - over and over again she takes on more complex works - this is how embroidered copies of famous paintings, portraits made from photographs, author's schemes appear.

Look at the photo of embroidery - it is difficult to distinguish an embroidered picture from a painted one.

IN Lately became fashionable embroidery on clothes - jeans jackets embroidered with a cross or satin stitch - the cross pattern on the back of such a model looks spectacular. Embroidery complements jeans, children's clothing, women's blouses, Men's shirts- satin stitch embroidery on a shelf near the breast pocket looks voluminous.


Pillows embroidered by grandmothers are taken out of the closet and decorate sofas. They are complemented by modern embroidered "dumka".

Cross-stitched, rhinestone bags complement modern wardrobe stylish lady, and even evening dress can be completed with a hand-embroidered clutch.

Paintings, panels, samplers adorn the walls of apartments. A true embroiderer also treats decoration carefully: in framing workshops, such embroidered paintings are complemented by a passe-partout, a baguette, turning them into a work of art.

Passe-partout is made single, double, figured, often completed as if it were a continuation of the picture. A true needlewoman knows all the subtleties - how best to arrange embroidery.

Master class on embroidery at home

If you really want, you can achieve perfection in any kind of art, and needlework is also an art.

Japanese craftswomen embroider delightful works with the finest silk threads on silk fabric - probably nothing can compare with them. This is not embroidery - each work is a masterpiece.


Achieve if you want perfection and you. In the meantime - a few recommendations on how to make embroidery with your own hands.

To get started, choose a simple scheme - it's better to buy a set with selected threads. The icons on the diagram correspond to the thread numbers indicated in the key to the diagram.

Choose a dense canvas - on a soft, loose cross, it will not turn out even if you are just learning the basics of embroidery. To set the canvas in the hoop or not is a matter of habit. It is difficult to embroider on your hands - buy a hoop, a stretched canvas will make it possible to lay the thread evenly.

Do not make floss threads long, they will get tangled, and the embroidery will turn out ugly. Never make knots - neither at the beginning of work, nor when fixing the thread. A canvas stretched into a baguette will not be able to hide irregularities.

How to start a thread - yes various ways, choose the one that is convenient for you. often on reverse side works leave a small end of the thread, and then in the process of embroidery it is passed under the threads of the crosses. And the wrong side will remain neat, and the thread will hold tight. They also fix the thread at the end of the work - under the threads.


Embroider by guiding the thread from top to bottom, applying gentle tension so that the thread does not shrink or sag.

Sew the first row in a semi-cross - going through all the cells with the necessary color. Then lay the second row on top - as a result, you get an even row of crosses. The next row is sewn in the same way. If necessary, after completing the thread of one color, take another color.

So, row after row, a masterpiece will be born from under your hands. Over time, you will master other types of seams, complicate the drawings. Create, decorate the world with your presence and creations created by your hands.

DIY embroidery photo

A lot of people, especially housewives, begin needlework, including embroidery techniques. This is a very difficult job, for the execution of which it is necessary to have quite a noticeable experience in this craft. Many beginners in sewing will have to learn a lot not only about fabrics, threads and needles, but also to learn many types of embroidery.

Of course, there are some basic types of embroidery, and then a lot of additional ones, for those who are interested:

  • - this is almost the most common type, which has a feature that facilitates the work: the execution goes according to the number of threads on the fabric. Thus, you can make the pattern on the fabric exactly like the original. Due to the fact that each cell in the diagram can be conditionally taken as a cross, the execution takes place on a fabric with a uniform weave of threads. They just need to be counted, and, performing uniform stitches, correlate all the “crosses” with the weaves on the fabric. Necessary equipment for execution: a needle, threads, a pattern with a direct pattern, a thimble (for safety) and, of course, the fabric itself. To begin with, it is advisable to glue the edges of the working surface with adhesive tape or seal it with a seam, because. edges may fray. In order to determine the center point of the canvas, it is necessary to fold the fabric 4 times and, unfolding, make marks along the bent lines. Then, having fixed the fabric at the workplace, start the process of embroidery according to the original pattern. The cross stitch technology itself consists of diagonal stitches, alternating from right to left and left to right. Due to the fact that everything is done according to marked crosses, this technique is considered the easiest. One of the most common options for beginners

  • - is also a kind of countable types of embroidery, performed with the help of large and voluminous elements. The main seams used are laid on, type-setting, rococo, tambour and French. For example, it is the type-setting seam that should be disassembled, and the pattern is a flower. Since the technique itself is quite complex, everything should be studied in detail. After that, it will become much easier. The seam itself involves winding the thread around the needle. Thus, loops are typed. For the beauty of the picture you need to type required amount eyelets Here are the main tools at hand:
  1. needle (long)
  2. the fabric itself (preferably plain)
  3. a thread
    And now herself step-by-step instruction: you need to start from the center. Stretching the needle, make a stitch in the place where the middle of the future flower will be. Then, having made several loops around the finger, we return them to the needle and tighten. In total, you need to make ten pieces per needle, gently pull through the fabric. It will turn out a very beautiful center of our flower. To create small petals, you need to follow the same steps, but with fourteen loops. But for large petals, you need nineteen loops. So this is how the flower will turn out

  • Line embroidery. Also included in the counting types of embroidery. The fabric must be necessarily with a uniform weave of threads. And the basis of this type are satin stitches, which are performed four in a block. The thread should preferably be twisted. Basically, according to this technique, sewing is done in straight lines, and subsequently various patterns are obtained. geometric figures and patterns. similar view is very painstaking, so quite a lot of free time is needed. Here is the principle of doing this work: make a few satin stitches, then one diagonal. After embroidery goes on the marked blocks to full completion paintings. It is also one of the lightest technologies.

  • according to the mosaic principle - quite interesting activity, which is not exactly embroidery. It does not require a thread or a needle. This is the process of pasting a certain picture with strasses. You only need: the diagram itself with applied adhesive material, small tweezers, packages with the rhinestones themselves and decoding the diagram (where and what number to glue). At first glance, it may seem very complicated and cumbersome, but this is only the first impression. In fact, this is a very simple task that requires only perseverance. Partly painstaking, because quite a lot of details. The adhesive base is usually covered with cellophane, so as not to spoil or contaminate it. It is advisable not to remove the entire film, but in parts, which you immediately fill with the necessary rhinestones. On the drawing blank, a certain symbol is applied to each cell, which is responsible for the numbers on the bags of rhinestones (the decoding is usually located in the corner of the picture). Thus, taking each strass with tweezers and glue on the base, over time you will get very beautiful drawing. The only problem this method– work with small parts that need to be hidden from small children

  • . Get very beautiful pictures but is very labor intensive. Here is a list of items needed to complete: the fabric itself, scissors, Golden thread(it is desirable to have many different thicknesses), the original drawing, a needle and a thimble (again, for safety). Work on the picture should begin with careful preparation and planning. Find the picture you want to see on the canvas. Choose a fabric that is convenient for you, fix it in the workplace and gradually translate the original image. This type embroidery has been known since antiquity, because it was in this way that icons and elements of clothing were created for wealthy classes

  • Embroidery ribbons. It is mainly used to create beautiful pictures of flowers and other vegetation. You only need to know two stitches, so this is a very simple look. by the most the best option is the use of silk ribbons. But there is more a budget optionsatin ribbons. They are inexpensive and are present in many stores in abundance of colors (and they look just as good as silk ones). If you don't like to stick strict rules when embroidering - this is the most suitable technique. After all, everything here depends only on your desire, you can combine any shapes and figures. Stitch sizes are also selected according to personal desire, they can be changed throughout the execution. You can safely sheathe any items of clothing and jewelry with similar ribbons. The whole interior in the apartment also looks attractive after intervention in it with similar elements.

  • Beadwork. Very interesting technology, with which very beautiful elements are created. Since the beads themselves are very expressive, with the help of it it will not be any problem to create a truly masterpiece work. They can, like ribbons, decorate your clothes or accessories, which will look stylish and attractive. Unlike diamond, here you already have to use a needle. But nothing difficult here no, everything happens on the principle of "needle forward". Thus, by choosing a combination of colors, all beautiful pictures are created. The only difficulty is that it is necessary to lay out all the stitches very carefully and evenly. Everyone advises to start with complex and large paintings in order to immediately understand whether you like it. Because in small works, the beads will not really reveal themselves. And yes, it will be easier to learn.

  • Richelieu. One of the most beautiful, but, unfortunately, losing its relevance. IN this moment, is used mainly in the production of machine tools. But, unfortunately, it does not look like hand sewing. Richelieu is a welt embroidery. It is quite complex, so you have to try really hard before something really worthwhile starts to come out. Brides are the main elements of cutwork. They fill the cutouts on the fabric, and it is from them that the pattern is obtained. The flooring is carried out with stitches in several layers (loops) in place of future brids. After that, a pattern is made (but not along the threads of the fabric, namely along the flooring), which results in beautiful and voluminous details. After that, the interbreed fabric is cut out and the effect of an even greater volume of the pattern is obtained.

  • - not too painstaking look, because the work is done quite quickly, but they look very nice. It is very simple and perfect for beginners in needlework. The canvas is stretched along a certain contour, a diagram of the future pattern is drawn on it with a pencil (basically, these are straight lines vertically, horizontally and diagonally without too much complex elements). After that, the embroidery process itself begins. Threads are desirable to use floss, and any fabric will do. First, the so-called “grid” is embroidered, the intersections of the vertical and horizontal threads are fixed with small cross stitches, and after that the main pattern is performed (all this for convenience)

Embroidery came to us from very distant times, and only the most experienced craftswomen from wealthy classes owned some techniques, and ordinary people these secrets were not revealed, because it was the prerogative of the wealthy segments of the population.

This wonderful option to occupy your time with something, given that the number various kinds and technology is simply impossible to count, there are so many of them.

It is found on many elements of clothing that make up the design of the house. This is not surprising, because it was always natural for a person to decorate himself, his clothes and his home.

The history of embroidery begins in ancient world, although the question of in which country it first appeared is still controversial among archaeologists. According to some, embroidered patterns first appeared in ancient Asia, according to others - in ancient Greece.

In favor of the fact that richly embroidered clothes and various items everyday life appeared precisely in Asia, according to the records of ancient historians about the wars of Alexander the Great with the Persians. It was here that the young conqueror first saw tents embroidered with gold and ordered his masters to make him the same ones. In ancient times, embroidery testified to social status families. The richer and brighter the pattern, the more expensive the materials of clothing and thread for embroidery, the higher the position of a person in society. As patterns, mainly stylized plant and animal ornaments or religious symbols adopted by one or another people.

The history of embroidery has developed and continues to develop today. Over the hundreds of years of its existence, depending on the peoples, beliefs, fashion for depicting thread patterns on fabric or other materials, many seams have arisen and the pattern can be embroidered in one style, or, depending on the skills and artistic taste of the master, can be created using various textured threads and various techniques embroidery. This combination gives the embroidery originality and charm.

The most popular embroidery stitch. It can also be different: embroidering a pattern in one color most often goes as an addition to embroidery using the cutwork technique, it is usually done in white and is called white satin stitch. Artistic smoothness with color transitions is very beautiful and quite difficult to perform. Counting surface - the number of stitches is counted, and the length of the stitch, as a rule, equals the distance between the parallel sides of the pattern. The counting surface is usually used when embroidering stylized ornaments that have medium-sized elements in their motif.

The history of satin stitch embroidery dates back to sometime in the 3rd century. Satin stitch was considered to be embroidery for decorating the nobility and their homes, as well as for temple canvases with religious images. For this, gold and silver were used. The rest of the population gravitated more towards ornamental patterns and more simple techniques, such as cross-stitch, half-cross, stalk, etc. The history of embroidery knows a lot interesting facts in its development. For example, at Slavic peoples there was a belief in Rus': if you start embroidery at sunrise and finish before sunset, then a thing with such a pattern becomes a talisman or amulet for the person it was intended for.

In the last century, embroidery with ribbons or braid came into fashion. It is not very difficult to perform, but it requires certain skills and abilities, accuracy and patience from the craftswoman. But to think that this is a new round in the development of embroidery techniques is a mistake. The story begins in 14th century France. Hats and dresses of noble ladies were decorated with ribbons, then such patterns became so firmly in vogue that several hundred meters of silk or satin ribbons were spent on embroidering one dress.

The history of embroidery does not stand still. Talented needlewomen add rhinestones, beads, beads, pendants and other elements to the patterns, which help to add originality and elegance to the product, and fashionistas are forced to look back.

Today, cross-stitch is one of the most popular hobbies among women. Cross-stitch is one of the most original and sought-after art forms, which attracts so many needlewomen. Since ancient times, cross-stitch has been used to decorate homes, shoes, and clothes. Over time, the art of cross-stitching has improved more and more. Now cross-stitching implies the art of decorating various fabrics and finished products with beautiful ornaments and beautiful plot patterns. Embroidery can be done not only by hand, but also machine embroidery. The surviving embroidery helps to feel the entire transmitted atmosphere of the past and fully appreciate its value for every nation.

Beautiful cross stitch: the history of creation

Among many craftswomen, cross-stitch is in great demand, however, not everyone knows what the history of the creation of embroidery is. At all times, cross-stitch is in great demand, as it allows you to express your individuality in an interesting way. Embroidery motifs have changed over time and improved more and more.

Before decorating various products embroidery, it is necessary to study the history of the creation of the ornament, because patterns often have their own special sacred meaning

Initially, embroidery was used for products that served as amulets, the motive for which was:

  • natural patterns;
  • Motives taken from everyday life;
  • Original ornaments.

As embroidery developed, more original and modern motifs appeared, each with its own designation. The surviving motifs of the works allow us to appreciate all the beauty and unusual vintage embroidery for which expensive materials were used, as well as to have a complete picture of the life of their ancestors.

Important! Before embarking on embroidery, you must first carefully study the history of its occurrence, as well as the peculiarity of each of the ornaments.

How did the history of cross-stitching in Russia begin?

Initially, embroidery in Rus' was an occupation exclusively for the elite, which included only representatives of the nobility and monks.

If earlier embroidery was the privilege of the nobility, now various tools, threads and ornaments for embroidery are available to all needlewomen

The material for the work was expensive fabrics, namely silk or velvet, as well as:

  • Silver and gold threads;
  • Pearl;
  • Gems.

Starting from the 18th century, cross-stitch ceased to be the privilege of noble people and became available to ordinary peasant girls. From that moment on, the history of Russian embroidery goes completely to new level, and completely new original patterns appear.

Russian embroidery was very strongly influenced by Byzantium, so weaving various styles seen in the work of craftswomen. Now cross-stitch is moving to a whole new level and is in great demand.

Historical information about cross-stitch: features and motives

The historical reference of ancient cross-stitching did not retain accurate information about the emergence of this type of art and the craftswoman who first began cross-stitching. It is only known that women have been engaged in embroidery since antiquity.

Embroidery is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of different peoples.

Embroidery, like absolutely any other art, is characterized by the fact that it:

  • Displays the culture of a certain country;
  • National traditions;
  • Features of the region.

The historical background of cross-stitch briefly talks about national characteristics every people. Cross-stitch embroidery was distinguished by colors and patterns, which were widely used by craftswomen in their work. In those days, they were decorated with embroidery bed sheets, curtains, clothes, towels and many other things. Very often, embroidery was also used to decorate the bride's wedding dress.

The most real works of art were embroidered by craftswomen in the East, using the most original and bizarre patterns for this, which still fascinate with their extraordinary beauty.

Hand-stitched cross-stitch is now very highly valued and equates to value. precious stones and gold.

Cross stitch stories: how it all began

For many, cross-stitch is not only very interesting and an exciting activity but also the opportunity to decorate your home beautiful products. A lot of time has passed since the appearance of this art, however, it does not lose its relevance even now.

Cross-stitch has long served not only as a home decoration, but also as a powerful family talisman.

Pictures for embroidery in different times differed greatly, because at different times they were popular:

  • Biblical motifs and patterns;
  • Floral ornaments;
  • Original images of various animals and birds.

Each pattern has its own symbolic meaning and embroidered in a strictly defined color. There are many options for cross stitch, however, the most popular and in demand is a simple one-sided full cross. With such embroidery, both the front and wrong side turns out to be very accurate. By following the simple rules of embroidery, you can make ready product very nice and neat.

What is the history of cross stitch (video)

Everyone's favorite cross-stitch has its own enough interesting story origin of this art form. In addition, each pattern and ornament used for embroidery has its own history of origin and designation.