Baba Yaga. Based on Russian folk tales

72 drawings took part in the competition. Each drawing was accompanied by a story about the family and the general family photo. These are interesting, bright, amazing stories.

The editors of Pravmir and the curators of the Library loving parents and Happy Children” decided to additionally award eight participants in the competition with a book of fairy tales “The Happy Prince” with an autograph and wishes from the author of the collection, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko. There will be additional material about this on Pravmir.


"The Bremen Town Musicians" by the Brothers Grimm, "It's good with friends!"

"I have big family- mom, dad, me and three younger sisters- Dasha, Ira and Glasha. With Dasha we often play and invent different stories, and Ira and Glasha are still small. I am a boarding student. Adults read to us a lot, we ourselves also read books. We also like to watch old fairy tale movies and cartoons on TV. I drew a drawing for my favorite fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm The Bremen Town Musicians". I also want to have true friends and travel the world with them.”

Artyom's class teacher Yubko Larisa Vladimirovna, Luga special (correctional) boarding school:

“Artyom is a child with special health needs. He studies in correctional school. More than anything, he loves to draw, and also sculpt and make something with his own hands. Adults help him develop his abilities.”

Baba Yaga. Based on Russian folk tales

“This wonderful cheerful little man is called Arina Nalitova. She's 7. She is in 1st grade. He loves to draw very much. The drawing is written based on Russian folk tales.

Arisha herself “was” Baba Yaga: she played this role in the graduation performance in kindergarten. Arisha lives with her mom and dad. We love spending time together: walking, playing and much more.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the competition!”

“The Magic Mirror” based on the fairy tale by I.V. Vachkov “The Tale of the Magic Mirror”

"Let's get acquainted! My name is Julia, I'm in the 8th grade, and with early childhood I like to draw. My family is small, but very friendly and creative. We love to take part in different competitions. Last year, we took part as a family and won the competition " Easter souvenir". Dad carved eggs out of wood, and mom and I painted them. We also love to travel as a family. This gives us great joy. We especially liked the trip to Gorny Altai.

And a few more words about why I chose this fairy tale. This is a fairy tale about a girl who received three mirrors as a gift: in one she saw herself as she imagined herself, in the other - as other people saw her. And the third was a reflection of who you really are. The fairy tale made me think about who and what I should be in life and how others see me.

"Grandmother Yaga", based on the poem by A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

Smolyaninov Grigory, 8 years old. Grandmother Yaga, after Pushkin's poem Ruslan and Lyudmila

"A little about our friendly family. Though small, but very strong and cheerful. We are seven father Ilya, mother Liza, eldest daughter Alina, younger son Grisha. There is also Petya the cockerel fish, Yoska the cat and Shaina the shepherd dog. Everyone loves each other very much and does not offend.

The daughter is in her second year of college, and the son is in the second grade. Mom loves to draw and create. And dad is our Master can do everything by hand! We love to walk all together, travel around our beautiful city (and not only), find new wonderfully magical places. For the holidays we try to do funny surprises, postcards and wall newspapers.

We also love to play games Board games. It is very funny. Grisha is a real designer and inventor. From the designer Lego can collect absolutely everything! She also loves paper crafting. I even made my own puppet show with a curtain, interchangeable decorations and puppets. He is a very kind and affectionate boy. Even Grandmother Yozhka turned out to be not at all evil, but kind and cozy!

Grisha is very attentive and polite Helps both parents and sister. He is engaged in the Art Studio, as well as in the swimming school and goes to wrestling. And our daughter is amazing! She went to dances for a very long time (from 4 years old to 16 years old). There were successes, they performed both in our city and abroad. She is very cute and good girl, loves his brother very much. She knows how to be purposeful and collected, to overcome her own weaknesses. And very responsible.

And my dad and I love each other and help our children, and we love to spend time with them together. We already picked up our old dog on the street, but the owners did not respond. So our old lady stayed with us. She is very caring and humble. And he loves children very much. The cat was also random. She is funny and mischievous. And Petya the fish is quite shy. Sending photos of our family. And we send a huge hello to all the participants of the competition. We have no doubt that all the drawings will be wonderful!”

Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden"

"I Anya Poltorakov. I live in big family, I have two sisters: Julia and Nastya. I am in school in the second grade. My sisters and I love to play and draw, skate, and in the evenings we like to read books and watch cartoons. And also Yulia and I are engaged in dancing. Merry Christmas!"

Alesha Popovich

“My name is Misha Eliseev. I am 9 years old. I live in Volgograd.

There are four of us in the family: mom, dad, me and a little sister. We are friendly! I am in 3rd grade. I study well, at 4 and 5. I like to read books. Now we are going through Russian epics at school. I like them, and I decided to draw my favorite hero for the competition Alyosha Popovich.

Prepared by Tamara Amelina

Good news for the winners of previous contests! If your child won a competition based on fairy tales from Algeria or Siberia, but did not receive a ticket to Artek due to age reasons(Students of grades 5-11 take part in the shift) - we will give him a ticket for the 2017 shift!

ATTENTION! To receive a ticket, we ask parents and teachers winners of competitions on fairy tales from Algeria, Siberia and Serbia (if they did not participate in the previous shift and on 09/01/2017 they will be students of grades 5-11) - send to our email address [email protected] with theme ARTEK-2017 a letter indicating the initial personal data:

  1. Name of the child
  2. Competition (tales of Algeria, Siberia, Serbia)
  3. Date of birth, age ( full years) and class on 09/01/2017
  4. Name of parents (legal representatives)
  5. CURRENT CONTACTS of parents (address Email, mob. phones)
  6. Full name of the teacher
  7. CURRENT CONTACTS of the teacher (e-mail address, mobile phone)

About IV International Illustration Competition
"Tales of the peoples of Russia and the world through the eyes of children"

(tales of China)

1. General Provisions.

  1. These Regulations on holding the fourth competition of the cycle of international illustration competitions "Tales of the peoples of Russia and the world through the eyes of children" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) determine the procedure for organizing and holding the Competition, the criteria for selecting works, the composition of participants, partners, the procedure for awarding winners and prize-winners.
  2. The theme of the Contest is illustrating the TALES OF CHINA.
  3. The competition is held within the framework of the program for educating the younger generation, implemented by the Association of Russian Diplomats, the Center patriotic education Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and MTOO "Union of Teachers-Artists" on the basis of the relevant state strategy.

The organizers of the competition are:

  • All-Russian Public Organization "Association of Russian Diplomats";
  • Center for Patriotic Education of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia;
  • International Union of Art Educators.

Contest support:

  • MGIMO MFA of Russia;
  • FGBOU VO "Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia";
  • Russian Academy of Arts;
  • ICC "Artek".

Partners of the fourth Competition:

  • Network of children's clothing stores "Beba Kids";
  • Development Institute civil initiatives.

2. Organizing Committee of the Competition.

2.1. Personal composition:

  • Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation M.L. Bogdanov.
  • Deputy Chairmen of the Organizing Committee: Member of the Writers' Union of Russia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Chairman of the Association of Russian Diplomats V.E. Egoshkin, Deputy Head of the Center for Patriotic Education of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Vice-Rector for Social and educational work MGIMO MFA of Russia I.A. Loginov, director of the Institute for the Development of Civil Initiatives N.N. Popova, Executive Director of the International Union of Art Educators M.K. Astafieva, Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and social work Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia N.P. Sidorov.

2.2. Functions of the Organizing Committee:

  • determines and controls the general procedure for the competition;
  • approves the composition of the jury;
  • summarizes and analyzes the results of the competition, awards the winners;
  • holds exhibitions the best works;
  • the organizers of the competition reserve the right to introduce representatives of organizations supporting the Competition to the Organizing Committee.

3. Main goals and objectives of the Competition.

3.1. The competition is aimed at:

ñ educating the younger generation of understanding and respect cultural traditions other peoples, readiness to maintain relations of friendship and cooperation with representatives of different countries;

  • the formation of a deeper understanding of the culture of their own people;
  • instilling a sense of kindness, justice, humanism, and other positive universal human qualities;
  • development of creative individuality and social activity;
  • encouragement of research skills, interest in obtaining new knowledge, broadening one's horizons;
  • obtaining useful skills in the field of book graphics, illustration, creating a book cover.

4. The concept of the competition.

Every fairy tale is a world full of travel, adventure and magic riddles. The child is a participant in amazing events, so exciting that the fairy tale becomes the best teacher and an inexhaustible source of new knowledge - about other countries, peoples, their national customs, traditions, costumes, legends. Studying the fairy tales of the peoples of the world from childhood brings up interest in folk art, respect for people of other nationalities, develops a desire to learn and improve oneself. Fairy tales are the most popular subject of children's drawings; children without any tasks love to draw their favorite characters and their adventures. And, for sure, every child dreams of his own book, in which his favorite fairy tale will be illustrated by himself. Our mission is to make this dream come true. The competition is conceived for the consistent study of fairy tales by children different peoples world and creating illustrations for future CHILDREN'S TALE BOOKS, illustrators of which will be young artists - winners of this Competition. Special attention when evaluating children's work, it will be given to the reproduction of details of national life, costume, traditions. The competition will be interesting and cognitive work for little explorers and future travelers.

5. Participants of the Competition.

5.1. Children and teenagers of Russia and foreign countries aged 5 to 18 years.

6. Procedure for organizing and holding the Competition.

  1. Start of the Competition - April 15, 2017
  2. Applications for the Competition are in electronic format.
  3. Reception latest work- October 15, 2017 Artwork submitted will not be returned or reviewed.
  4. The theme of the illustrations: fairy tales of China. Texts of fairy tales in Russian will be placed on the portal

7. Stages of the Competition:

  • Electronic (15.04.2017-15.10.2017): creation by the participants of the competition creative works and sending electronic copies to the electronic gallery of the competition. Accepted for participation in the competition is the work posted in the online gallery on the site. within 10 working days after sending the work by e-mail.
  • Evaluation (15.10.2017-01.11.2017): review and determination of the winners by the members of the international Jury.
  • Preparatory (01.11.-30.11.2017): postal forwarding of the works of the winners and laureates of the Competition to Moscow (upon notification of the organizers), preparation of the final exhibition, preparation of certificates of participants and winners of the competition; preparation for the publication of the book "Tales of China through the eyes of children."
  • Final (01.12-15.12.2017): opening of the final exhibition, presentation of certificates and prizes to the winners, presentation of the book.

8. Requirements for the design of creative works

  1. The works submitted for the Competition must be illustrations of Chinese fairy tales submitted by the organizers of the competition.
  2. The works of the third Competition illustrate the fairy tales of China. They should present National clothes, the nature of the country whose fairy tales are illustrated at this stage of the Competition.
  3. Participants of the Competition submit drawings made in artistic graphics (black and white, color).
  4. When evaluating the drawings, the following are taken into account: creativity, originality of the idea, reflection of the theme.

9. Technical requirements for works accepted for the Competition

  1. Drawings are sent in electronic form to the Competition Gallery on the website
  2. Works are accepted in scanned form, in JPEG format. The recommended size is no more than 2Mb, the file name must consist of letters and numbers, without special characters and punctuation marks.
  3. Drawings of the winners (upon prior notification!) are sent electronically by e-mail in scanned form, in JPEG format, with a resolution of at least 600 dpi, both in black and white and in color.

10. Criteria for evaluation of works

10.1. Creativity to the disclosure of the topic, independence and depth of intent;

10.2. Artistic performance, the ability to use expressive means of illustration to achieve the idea (line, spot, stroke, composition, etc.);

10.3. Attention to the details of national life, costume, traditions of illustration of fairy tales in the chosen country.

11. Terms of publication and provision of information

  1. Submitted materials are published on the site in the Gallery created especially for the competition.
  2. When using the materials of the Competition and about the Competition posted on the websites of the Organizers, a link to the source of information is required.
  3. The works of the winners of the Contest can be further used by the Organizers in methodological and informational publications, in the design of book editions of fairy tales of the peoples of the world, other publications, transferred to participate in other exhibitions and competitions, posted on websites with the author indicated. The Organizers also have the right to use the works for advertising purposes.

12. Summing up and awarding the winners

12.1. The winners of the Competition are awarded diplomas, medals "Young Diplomat Artist", books "Tales of China", as well as vouchers for the international session "School of a Young Diplomat" in the International child Center"Artek". The winners of the Competition are awarded diplomas and books "Tales of China".

12.2. The time and place of the awards ceremony and the final exhibition will be announced later.

Information Sponsors

"International Life" Native Ladoga”, “Literary Review”, “Antiquarian”, International Network Educational Magazine “Art Teacher”.

Folk and author's tales are extremely loved by children and teenagers. Indeed, magical worlds and events in them leave no one indifferent. Draw characters or events from your favorite fairy tale. Works both made manually, and on a computer are accepted. This competition is for children and teenagers.

For the competition children's drawing"Visiting a fairy tale" works in any genres and techniques are accepted.

Draw the characters of your favorite fairy tales, events in them, fabulous landscapes!

Be sure to indicate in the description which fairy tale you are representing in this drawing contest!

Attention! Only one work is allowed to enter the drawing competition! Therefore, carefully choose the picture that you send to the competition.

Drawing Contest Audience: Children (under 10 years old), Teenagers (11-17 years old).

Diplomas and certificates: Winners and prize-winners will receive such diplomas and certificates (electronic or paper, depending on the participation option).

Participation options: Free and paid

Features of free participation

  1. Winners will be selected (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) + audience award in several age categories.
  2. The winners will receive incentive prizes.
  3. The winners will receive electronic diplomas in their personal portfolio on the website
  4. Commenting on the work by experts is not guaranteed.

Features of paid participation (200 rubles, you can pay by any convenient way when posting)

  1. More prizes and individual nominations, fewer participants.
  2. More prizes and more prize money.
  3. Winners and prize-winners will receive real paper diplomas by mail and electronic diplomas in a personal portfolio on the site
  4. All participants will receive an electronic certificate of participation with the possibility of subsequent printing.
  5. Guaranteed comments on the work of experts and advice from them.
  6. Your money goes to the development of the project and the creation of new cartoons.

Jury President:

Teacher and methodologist in fine arts, candidate of philosophical sciences. Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia.

Attention! Information for parents who wish to submit their children's work to our competitions. You can register a child on your email and submit their drawings yourself, but you will need to further indicate the real name and date of birth of the child so that you can participate in the competition and begin to form an art portfolio for the school. Instead of a photo of a child, if you do not want to publish it, you can upload any picture. Your contact details will not be shown to other users or guests. Your data is encrypted and cannot be received or shared with third parties.

Dear friends!

This is the end of our drawing competition. The jury team evaluated all the proposed works according to 3 criteria:

3. Independence.

According to the results of the evaluation of the expert commission, three winners were determined in each age category.

We are ready to announce their names!

In the category "Children from 2 to 5 years":
1st place: Otryaskina Lena
2nd place: Akberova Karina
3rd place: Zhuravlev Oleg

Congratulations to the winners!

To receive diplomas and prizes, winners must fill out the form "Order a certificate" (green button just below), in which you must select the order of the diploma, fill in all the data and indicate your home address to receive the prize.

We express our gratitude to all those who worked on the evaluation of competitive works!

Sample documents for participation in the competition.

Those interested can order participation certificates and Thanksgiving letters by pressing the corresponding button

Why do we need fairy tales?
What is a person looking for in them?
Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
In a fairy tale, joy wins
The story teaches us to love.
In a fairy tale, animals come to life
They start talking.

Who among us does not like fairy tales? From childhood, mothers, grandmothers, educators read them to us. Listening to them before bed or rereading them at school over and over again, we take an amazing journey into Magic world. The land of fairy tales is the most wonderful of all in the world. Here you can see the talking Gray Wolf, catch goldfish and ask wishes, fly a dragon or see the hut of Baba Yaga herself. We invite you to take part in international competition children's drawings "Visiting the Fairy Tale" , where the guys, having shown their imagination, can draw their favorite hero or heroes or an illustration for their favorite fairy tale.

Young artists! Drawings with your favorite fairy tale characters or illustrations for fairy tales are accepted for the competition! Draw us a plot from a fairy tale that you remember the most. Do you have a favorite fairy tale character? Share with us your journey into the magical world of fairy tales. We look forward to your drawings!

Children from 2 to 15 years old in their age categories can participate in the competition. Competitive drawing should be on the theme "Fairy Tale". Be sure to give the picture a title. Tell about your drawing: what is depicted on it, what is happening. The child must draw and compose the drawing and its description. If he still does not know how to write, an adult can do this, but verbatim from the words of the child.

The drawing must be done on paper.

You can draw with felt-tip pens, pencils, pastel crayons, paints, plasticine. And you can all together! Let your child show maximum imagination.


Drawing with plasticine with your fingers differs from products molded by hand and then attached to paper. If the children sculpted some details, then they applied, glued, etc. - This is a craft that is suitable for a craft contest.

Acceptance of works: from April 25 to May 26, 2014 (20:59 Moscow time) inclusive;
Evaluation of works: from May 29 to June 5, 2014;
Announcement of the winners: June 8, 2014.
Distribution of diplomas to winners and certificates to experts: from June 9 to June 29, 2014.

There will be three winners in each age category.

1. Level of performance and artistic expressiveness;
2. Completeness and originality of the description;
3. Independence.

Requirements for applications for participation in the competition

1. The competitive work must contain:

a) name;
b) Photograph or scan of the work itself;
c) Surname, name of the author;
d) The age of the author;
e) Description of the photo.

(The presence of a description is not a prerequisite, but please note that when evaluating works, there is a criterion "Completeness and originality of the description", i.e. a work without a description will be able to participate in the competition, but it will not have a chance to win.)

2. Images of drawings are accepted in .jpg, .gif, .png formats.

3. "Weight" of the image should not exceed 200 kb.

4. Photos (scans) must be of high quality, clear.

5. It is forbidden to process photos (scans) in Photoshop, photo collages are not accepted.

6. The size of the photo (scan) should NOT be less than 500 pixels in width and less than 400 pixels in height.

1. The competition is held without an organizing fee, i.e. participation in the competition free. The contest is held among registered users.

2. The competition is international, residents of Russia and the CIS can participate in it.

3.Only one entry will be accepted per participant. The work must be photographed or scanned and sent to us a photo.

4. Children's drawings with the theme "Fairy Tale" are accepted for the competition.

5. Competitive work must be completely done by the child! (Coloured coloring pages, translations from books or magazines are not accepted for the competition). The child should show imagination and draw on their own, and not copy (or color) other people's drawings.

6. Entries must not contain photographs of people.

7. Winners must provide their postal address and phone number within a week after the announcement of the winners. Otherwise, delivery of the prize will not be guaranteed.

8. The site administration reserves the right to use photos to design the site http: // site

9. Collective work not accepted.

11. The organizers of the competition reserve the right to reject applications for the competition without giving reasons at any stage of the competition up to the announcement of the winners.

12. The organizer reserves the right to postpone the dates of the competition.

13. Our competition is only for those users who read and follow the rules of our competition!!!

Read and follow instructions carefully

Attention! Photos of drawings that do not follow the rules will not participate in the contest!

The winners will be determined by the jury members of the children's developing portal "WhyChka"

By deciding to participate in the competition, you have committed to follow its progress. You can leave your questions about the competition just below in the comments. Important announcements made by the organizers of the competition are made below in the comments and are highlighted in color. Please read previous answers and announcements before asking your question. Most likely, the answer to your question is in the rules or the organizers' answers in the comments. Feedback The site administration is not intended to answer your questions during the competition and does not answer these questions. The site administration and the organizers of the competition are not the same thing.

Any discussion of the work of the organizing committee, the work of the jury team, the results of evaluation of works, negative statements in the direction of the organizing committee, the jury team, employees and management of the portal is prohibited.

We will be grateful if you place information about the competition on your pages to attract children to participate. By clicking on the buttons below social networks"I like", "Tell your friends", "Class", you will also support our contest. Join our group

Russian folk tales are the embodiment of the soul of our people. They come into the life of a child from childhood. Mom reads “Ryaba the Hen” and “Turnip” to an unintelligent kid, and he is ready to listen to these unpretentious stories 100 times a day. Over time, the list of favorite fairy tales expands. IN kindergarten the teacher reads "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Three Bears" and other fairy tales before a quiet hour. And the children fall asleep, and in a dream, good heroes come to many and tell their stories further.

Every child and adult living in Russia must have a few favorite fairy tales, books with their collection. We suggest recalling the most interesting, favorite, most exciting and draw illustrations for them, since the All-Russian drawing competition “Drawing Russian Folk Tales” starts on December 1. Preschoolers and schoolchildren, teachers and educators, students and librarians - everyone will become artists and present their masterpieces to the jury.

Regulations on the All-Russian drawing competition "We draw Russian folk tales"

The All-Russian distance drawing competition on the topic “Drawing Russian Folk Tales” is held by the portal Drawings on the specified topic are accepted from children and teachers.

The purpose of the competition:

  • To promote the popularization of Russian folk tales and oral folk art in general among children and adults.

Competition objectives:

  • Encourage contestants to engage in visual arts.
  • Create a large gallery of children's creative works dedicated to fairy tales created by the Russian people.
  • Raise an interest in reading in schoolchildren and preschoolers.
  • To develop in children and adults fantasy, creativity, the desire to create unusual stories based on famous fairy tales.
  • To give a chance to everyone who wants to reveal the theme of the competition in a drawing and show their creativity, going beyond the boundaries of their educational institution.

The procedure for holding the All-Russian drawing competition "Drawing Russian folk tales" on the portal

Age categories of participants in the All-Russian remote drawing competition "Drawing Russian folk tales"

To participate in the All-Russian creative competition drawings "Drawing Russian Folk Tales" are invited to adults and children living in Russia, as well as foreign students and students studying in any Russian educational institutions. Participants of the distance competition can be schoolchildren, preschoolers, students studying in any educational institutions home-schooled, attending preschool institutions or institutions additional education, librarians, methodologists, psychologists, teachers, parents, teachers of additional education and other groups of people who want to show themselves when creating thematic creative works.

The competition "Drawing Russian Folk Tales" provides works in the following age categories:

The works of participants will be evaluated separately by age categories.

Nominations for the contest "Drawing Russian folk tales"

You can send works that are copyrighted to the competition. The work must necessarily reveal the stated topic and meet the requirements for design. Participants may submit:

  • drawing

Subjects of competitive works

Entries must be dedicated to Russian folk tales. The topic is not limited by any framework: draw fairytale heroes or plots of favorite works.

Competitive works by age categories

General requirements for the content and design of competitive works

In the nomination "Drawing" works made in any technique are provided (watercolor, pastel, oil, crayons, gouache, pencil drawing, mixed media, computer graphics). The format of the provided drawing is A3 - A4. The participant provides a scanned or photographed drawing good quality in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .tif, .gif format, up to 5 Mb.

Competitive drawings must be done carefully, their content must not contradict the legislation of our country. Works that do not correspond to the subject will not be accepted.

Evaluation of competitive works

Evaluation of competitive works is carried out by the site administration. Winners, laureates and participants are determined in each nomination and category separately. When evaluating work, the following is taken into account:

  • compliance with the stated topic;
  • originality of the idea;
  • color disclosure of the theme;
  • the accuracy of the work;
  • originality;
  • manifestation of creative individuality.

Dates of the All-Russian competition "Draw Russian folk tales"

The competition is held from 12/01/2016 to 01/31/2017.

Summing up the results of the competition 01.02. 2017 to 10.02.2017.

Awarding of the participants of the competition with 02/11/2017 to 02/20/2017.

Summing up the results of the contest "Drawing Russian folk tales"

In each age category, winners, laureates and participants of the competition are determined separately. For the winners all-Russian competition“Drawing Russian folk tales” is awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. The winners are those who sent good work, but they were not among the winners. All others are considered participants of the distance competition.

Registration fee for participation in the contest "Draw Russian folk tales"

The registration fee for participation in the competition is 200 rubles for each submitted work. In this case, your work will be published on the site and the participant will receive an electronic diploma confirming participation in the "Drawing Russian Folk Tales" contest. If you need a paper diploma, which the organizing committee sends to your home address by Russian Post, the registration fee of 300 rubles (registered letter) is paid.

In any department Sberbank or another bank on receipt (download receipt) payment through a bank is available only for residents of the Russian Federation

Yandex.Money to the wallet 41001171308826

webmoney to the wallet R661813691812

plastic (credit) card- online payment form is placed below

If you have paid the registration fee, you accept the terms of the offer agreement.

If you decide to participate in the drawing competition "Drawing Russian Folk Tales", you need to:

  1. Make a drawing that matches the theme.
  2. Correctly fill out the contestant.
  3. Pay the registration fee of 200 rubles or 300 rubles.

Send in one letter to [email protected]:

  1. finished work (scanned or photographed drawing);
  2. completed (only in .doc format Word document);
  3. a scanned copy of the payment document or a screenshot if the payment was made through the online form.

Important organizational points

The site administrator publishes all submitted works on the portal with the indication of authorship.

The site administrator informs the participants about the receipt of the competitive work. If you haven't received an email within three days of submitting your work, please contact us to check if the work has been received.

The works received for the contest by the administrators are not edited, reviewed and are not returned back to the participants.

Substitution of works will not be made during the competition, check all documents before sending.

The site administrator does not enter into personal correspondence with the contestants. Only in case of emergency, we contact the authors of the competition work (the archive does not open, there are not enough documents).

Correctly indicate the return address and timely pick up letters with diplomas at your post office. After the expiration of the storage period, they are returned to our editorial office. The letter will be sent again at your expense!!!

The organizers of the competition reserve the right to slightly change the conditions and procedure for the competition.

Awarding of winners and participants of the competition

All participants of the competition will receive electronic diplomas confirming participation in the drawing competition "Drawing Russian Folk Tales" and placement of work in the media. Diplomas are in .pdf format. You can download the diplomas of the contest participants on the day the work is published on the site, and the diplomas of the winners only after summing up the results. Diplomas are on the portal on the pages of the nominations, where the lists of the participants of the competition are published (on the green arrow).

Participants and laureates of the competition, who paid the registration fee of 300 rubles, will be sent paper diplomas by Russian Post to the addresses indicated in the application. If the address was not specified in the application, the diploma will not be sent by mail! All diplomas are sent by registered mail. After sending the diploma, you will be informed of the postal number of the item so that you can track your letter on the Russian Post website.


All contributions received from the participants of the competition will be spent on the organization of the competition and the further development of the portal

Contact details of the organizing committee

E-mail address: [email protected]