Director's speech at the anniversary of a special correctional school. Greetings from the director of the school Gorokhova T.N.

Sounds like solemn music , the curtain opens, on the stage - the leading 4 people.

1 LEADER: Kozyrev S.

It's been a truly wonderful day.

Which we've been waiting for a long time

After all, our school has an anniversary,

And we gathered in this hall.

2 LEADER: Skovorodina A.

Smiles bloomed all around

And the frosty day became warmer,

The circle of friends has become wider,

Like a star canopy in the dark sky.

4 LEADER: Sergunina E.V..

At first glance -140-a and no,

But how many joys and troubles are experienced here And That!

Meetings, partings, victories over yourself,

And how many joyful and bitter tears shed And That!

3 LEADER: Lopatkin A.S.

And on this anniversary day

We gathered to remember again

Those who have gone down in history now

And who filled this day with labor.

There are many of them, old and young,

Whose work is akin to the work of a hero,

Who, not sparing his strength,

It grows the future, and there is no rest for it.

1 LEADER: Kozyrev S.

We are starting the holiday!

Fun celebration!

Your anniversary is wonderful

School celebrates!

WALTZ OF THREE GENERATIONS OF STUDENTS to the music "Waltz of Flowers",at the end of 1, a pair of babies gives flowers to the director, sitting in the 1st row.

4 LEADER: Sergunina E.V..

Pushkin, we, like a spell,

Read aloud, holding your breath:

“One more, last saying -

And my chronicle is over! .. "

And today we opened the chronicle,

And our school became young:

We will remember everything that we forgot before,

What went with spring water ...

3 LEADER: Lopatkin A.S.

Years flicker, and pages rustle,

And we have no right to forget

Familiar and young faces

That brought honor and glory.



1 LEADER: We have gathered today in this hall in order to wish happy birthday to our dear Velikoselskaya secondary school! anniversary date- 140 years! Isn't this an event?! So you want to find suitable, worthy words, but it's not so easy. After all, 140 years is a certain milestone, a high step that had to be climbed.

2 LEADER: Today we will walk together a path of 140 years, and the flame of candles that will flare up a little later will warm us! And your smiles and applause will brighten up this road! Happy holiday! Happy birthday, school!

Music out.

Poems :

1. Our palace is called a school

And people live here cheerful

The whole family is young

Nimble, fast, mischievous

2. One happy family

We live in a team

And every day we have a school

Kinder and sweeter.

3. School! The best friend

Our second home

Here we comprehend the course of sciences

We are a friendly family.

4. Oh school! Happiness and good luck

May you always be accompanied

And every new day let it be better

For all the years you have lived.


3 LEADING: Today we have distinguished guests at the celebration, and this is the recognition of our 140 years that have taken place. You have a word. I invite to the stage the Head of Administration Gavrilov Yamsky MR Nikolay Ivanovich Biruk.

4 HOST: I invite a representative to the stage Department

3 LEADING: The word for congratulations is given to the head of the Education Department Valentin Yurievich Khaidanov.

4 HOST: The Head of the Administration of the Velikoselskoye Rural Settlement will make a speech of greeting Georgy Georgievich Shemet.

3 LEADING: The word for congratulations is given to the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Lyudmila Vasilievna Baiborodova (Lev Nikolaevich Serebrennikov)

The exit of the guests is accompanied by solemn music.

1 LEADING: They say that with the first cry of a child, a divine fire lights up in his soul. And the strength of this fire then determines his whole life. I invite parents Alla Nikolaevna Kosteva and Lyudmila Albertovna Kalyabina to light the first candle - the candle of Childhood because the beginning of all beginnings is children.

Sounds likeholiday music. 2 parents come up to the candlestick, light the first candle, congratulate everyone on the anniversary of the school.

2 LEADER: Every childhood has its own address.

Having parted with him, we will become adults,

But wandering our childhood will remain

In the warm walls of his school.


1 LEADER: And now there will be congratulations from our colleagues, people with whom we are raising our young generation together. (Presentation of speeches by Toruntsova E.V., Zavodova M.V., Davydycheva V.I., Barysheva O.I.)

2 LEADER: The word for congratulations is given to our closest neighbors - the Iskra and Sosnovy Bor sanatoriums


4 LEADER: It's time to light the second candle - the candle of Youth. Graduates of different years respond, raise your hand!

Once upon a time you were students

Many years have passed since then

Here they remember you, they call you graduates,

You are also called parents.


Now - your children are at the desk,

They go to the same class in the morning.

And in the corridor you can meet

The teachers who taught you.

4 LEADING: We ask you to light the second candle - the candle of the youth of the representatives of the four anniversary graduations of our school. Elvira Vladimirovna Toruntsova (graduate of 1988), Oksana Viktorovna Sutugina (graduate of 1993), Maria Mikhailovna Krylova (graduate of 1998), Elena Aleksandrovna Kalashnikova (graduate of 2003).

Solemn music sounds. Graduates light a second candle.

3 LEADING: We ask the graduate of 19 to come up to the stage .... Year - Nina Konstantinovna Burmistrova (Tatyana Anatolyevna Guseva)

4 LEADER: Words of congratulations will be heard from graduates of different years who do not forget our school, kind word remember and help as needed. (Presentation of congratulations from Karpovsky, Krylova M.M., Sokolov AV, Sutugin IV, Dolgacheva SI.)

3 HOST: Meet - Star issue - 2007!

Waltz sounds. Graduates of previous years dance.

2 LEADER: I really want the third candle - candle of maturity- lit our teachers: N.N. Solodovnikova, V.V. . Artemichev (music sounds, they go out, light a candle, go into the hall)— after all, maturity implies experience, professional excellence and the eternal pursuit of excellence. All these qualities are brought together in our mentors. Music out.

PRESENTATION "OUR TEACHERS" is presented by children of grade 9

2 LEADING: Today we have a holiday here

Gifts, congratulations.

Teachers, we want to tell you

And wish you luck.

1 LEADER: Good and happiness to everyone without edge

So that the heart beats without interference,

Any work argued

Everything was a success.

2 LEADER: Another call, again lessons,

And the lobby is noisy and cramped.

As usual: plans, deadlines,

Abstracts, tests, vanity.

1 LEADER: Ah, school, you are both laughter and tears,

The pain of failure and the brilliance of victory,

But we, having passed thorns and roses,

We all teach, because learning is light!

2 LEADER: So says the new generation of teachers who work at our school now.

1 LEADER: They preserve the traditions of the school, full of new ideas, energy, which they charge their students with.

2 LEADER: They also came to congratulate the birthday girl .

1 LEADER: Meet them! Music. Take the stage young teachers.

1st teacher . Every family has its own traditions, our school family has many of them.

2nd teacher . One of them is a teacher's song.

To the motive of the song "We wish you happiness."

Song of teachers

1. There is an important anniversary in our house.

We are glad to see the faces of our friends.

I want to say a lot today!

And 140 - is that a term?

Let's summarize a little:

Our children are happy, what more could you want?

Chorus:We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world!

Like the sun in the morning, let it enter the house!

We wish you happiness, and it should be like this:

When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others!

2. We can show you a “master class”.

We can give an open lesson.

A teacher must be able to do a lot!

At school, where the hassle is overwhelming,

Where everything is spinning like a round dance,

Our teacher must do everything, always do everything!

4 LEADER: The school lives an amazingly diverse, interesting, creative life.

3 LEADER: How many good traditions we have.

4 LEADER: We prepare all school events, holidays, meetings together, together!

3 LEADER: There is not one who would be left without work.

4 LEADER: We worry, we worry, and then we like it ourselves: it turned out!

3 LEADER: Look at our talented children ...

SONG "WINGS" in Spanish. 4 high school students

2 LEADING: Knowledge and wisdom of the school abode

Easy to enter the school

Kind and wise old teacher

Glory to him and honor.

1 LEADER : The right to light the fourth candle - love candle– we provide our veterans with: Kharcheva M.I. and Kashina Z.M. Music, veterans come out, light a candle take their places in the hall.

A lot has happened since the founding of the school! Something was forgotten, but much remained in our memory and became history. The people who created this history remained in memory. Generous and responsive were their hearts, containing both the joy and the pain of their disciples. Unfortunately, not everyone lived to see this anniversary. Their memory will forever remain in our hearts. May their names be blessed! QUIET MUSIC (THE LEADERS LIST NAMES)

Presentation dedicated to teachers who did not survive to this day .

Young high school students take out a basket with white carnations and place it on a flower stand.

2 MODERATOR: (after the presentation)

Let them burn over the whole planet,

From star to star.

At dusk and dawn

Your light footprints.

1 LEADER : Years will pass, centuries of thread

Drown in the blue abyss of stars

But the word is warm "teacher

Always moves me to tears.

Will always make you remember something

Native, close to you ...

2 LEADER : In the twentieth century and two hundred

The teacher is eternal on Earth!

PRESENTATION"Our Veterans" is presented by the 10th grade guys

Students lower grades hands teachers-veterans bouquets of flowers.

Pupils sing the song "There is no time for teachers to grow old."


4 LEADER: . The right to light the fifth candle - Faith's candle– we provide the director of the school M.S. Ezhikova ( comes out to the MUSICAL ACCOMPANITION - PIANO, lights a candle).

Without your faith in the future, filled with radiant light, without your faith in your work, the school would not have risen so high in its achievements. These walls remember the voices of previous directors, these floorboards will not confuse their steps with anyone. Now we can see their faces again!

PRESENTATION "Principal of the School" is presented by the LEADING guys from 11a

3 LEADER: We offer to listen to congratulations from the directors of neighboring schools (congratulations presentation from Rezvetsova E.G., Miledina I.Yu., Abramova M.A., Morozkova O.V., Bakhareva S.V.)

Presentation "Congratulations from the directors of neighboring schools."

3 LEADING: A journey of 140 years ... This is a serious date ... And all these years have been traveled along the path of goodness.


4 LEADING: We want to light the sixth candle - candle of hope. Life is so arranged that adults pin all their hopes on children. Our “lights of hope” come out to us, 2007 graduate Maria Kalyabina, who graduated from school with a gold medal, winner of the regional competitions “Young Guide”, “From Peter to the Present Day”, “Fatherland” and future graduate Maria Sopieva, winner regional competition"Activists of school museums" and winner of regional olympiads.


This is how it goes in the world:

According to the law of beauty

Children come into our lives

Like beautiful flowers.

Our children are our strength

Extraterrestrial worlds lights!

If only the future was

As bright as they are!

Song " Wonderland» soloists from grade 5

4 LEADING: The smallest pupils, who have more than one school anniversary ahead of them, came to congratulate us!

The first graders come out

1. Look how elegant

Became a school at this hour!

Why flower garlands

Gave her every class?

2. Day solemn, cheerful

For children, teachers.

Our school celebrates

Your wonderful anniversary!

3. I don't know better schools

I have many years!

Explains, teaches everything

And he answers everything!

4. Everyone is caring, like mothers,

And, like grandmothers, they are kind.

We suddenly get tired of work,

there will be a place to play!

5. Here we live very friendly:

Senior, junior - all important!

Help us if needed

Together, troubles are not terrible!

6. And in all talents

Here they are accustomed to develop.

We have so many graduates

7. And they sing?! How are they dancing?

Since childhood, we are not afraid of scenes!

Well, who will make everyone laugh,

They will take it to KVN!

8. This is our school!

Happy Birthday to You!


3 LEADING: Our graduates after graduation enter many educational establishments areas. And today we are congratulated by Baiborodova L.V. - Professor of the YaGPU, VERA Nikolaevna Lapteva - Director of the Yar. Technical School of Railway Transport, Zinovy ​​​​Vasilyevich Telka - Director of the Great. Agricultural College.

1 LEADER: And our home is a big planet earth!

And we are all neighbors, and we are all friends!

Let the school be only the first threshold,

Let the school give only the first lesson,

We are forever grateful to her.

Because the school has given us so much!

SONG "Globe" in Spanish. boys of primary grades

2 LEADING: We have to light the last seventh candle - friendship candle.

We grant the right to light a candle of friendship — Evelina Vasilievna Shvetsova — director of vocational school No. 17. You have the floor, Evelina Vasilievna.


4 LEADER: Our friendship was strengthened in the process of working on a project to create a school museum "Svetelka", which presents the life of great villagers of the 19th and early 20th centuries and creative work woodworking students and linen fabric. The costumes that you will see now were made by PU-17 craftswomen and are intended for female guides.

3 LEADING: Look at the fruits of our friendship.


3 LEADER: The school has many friends. Congratulations continue (RTP, Lapotnikov E.A., Yatmanov Yu.I., Fathers)

LEADING 4: Seven candles stand here in front of us,

Burning with a bright flame tirelessly,

Seven candles, do not yearn

There is something to remember, there is something to say.


1 . And now we need to sum up the results of the competition "I remember a wonderful moment", dedicated to the anniversary of the school.

2. It was nice that parents, school graduates of different years, students took part in it.

3. We bring to your attention a presentation the best works participants of the competition. Nomination "Poems about school".

4. Iosif Iosifovich Serdyukov, father of two school graduates Alexei Serdyukov (1984) and Boris Serdyukov (1986) WE GIVE A GIFT.

5. Ekaterina Nikolaevna Yaichkova - 1968 jubilee graduate. GIVING A GIFT.

6. Tatyana Anatolyevna Basova, student of the 60s. GIVING A GIFT.

7. Vadim Gubinets, 1996 graduate.

8. Ekaterina Chebotar, 9th grade student

9. Ksenia Ladugina, 6th grade student.

10. Ksenia Kosteva, 6th grade student.

11. Nomination "Songs dedicated to the school"

12. Our teachers G.N. Sutugina and L.B. Makhaeva

13. the school anthem was written

14. Oksana Lvovna, the mother of 2nd grade student Kharechkin Dmitry, participated in the same nomination.

15. Nomination "Memories" School years miraculous""

16. Maria Kalyabina Maria, 2007 graduate.

17. Sergeeva (Kustova) Anna Evgenievna, graduate of 1980 GIVE A GIFT

18. Kuvyrkina (Sapolova) Vera Vasilievna, graduate of 1964

19. Kustova (Barashkova) Faina Nikolaevna, 1954 graduate. GIVING A GIFT

20. 21. Thanks to all participants. The full texts of the works can be found on the 2nd floor in the class-museum on the history of the school.


1 LEADER: What do you want on your birthday?

2 LEADER: Of course, there are no two opinions:

understanding, inspiration,

Achievements and victories.

3 LEADER: To pass by

Bad luck streak.

4 LEADER: So that the leading lessons

1 LEADER: So that in the dining room - hot tea

And, of course, a pie

To eat ... Otherwise

AND lesson will go not for the future.

2 LEADER: So that the guys in the early morning

Gathered on the porch

And with the task done

And with a smile on your face.

3 LEADER: To be all friends

So that during changes

Didn't decide with fists

The essence of their problems.

4 LEADER: And also - health to children,

Fresh strength to teachers,

Our school - longevity,

Happiness and success to us!

1 LEADER: School! Hello dear!

2 LEADER: School! Hello young!

3 LEADER: And we wish you...

Together . Meet the new anniversary!

DANCE "Happy Birthday" to the song by Allegrova I.

The anthem of the school sounds in Spanish. almost all participants of the holiday program.

4 LEADING: Oh, school! Happiness and good luck

May you always be accompanied.

And let every new day be the best

For all the years you have lived.

1 LEADER: Our holiday is over! Our school life goes on, and new pages of its history will be written every day.

2 LEADING: See you soon!

Solemn music. The curtain closes.

Good evening, our dear friends! Children, Parents and guests of our holiday!

On behalf of the team and on my own behalf, let me congratulate all of us on the wonderful anniversary of our children's music school. We hope that in five years, when we turn exactly 50, we will celebrate the anniversary in our modern concert hall, in the same beautiful as this hospitable hall of the Olkhon Cultural Center. The motto of the Music School is to awaken to the creativity of each student and to reveal the talent of the capable . There is no need to prove an indisputable truth: “To understand the language of any art, one must be prepared for it. And best of all since childhood. Municipal budgetary educational institution additional education children "Regional Children's Music School" is the only one of its kind, a small but large school in the village and in the region: here children receive a classical musical education. has long and firmly taken a place of honor among the best institutions of additional education of an artistic and aesthetic orientation in rural areas. Every year, since the first performing competition among young musicians in the Ust-Ordynsk Territorial Methodological Association, choirs, ensembles, pianists and vocal soloists of the RDMS become participants in inter-municipal, zonal competitions and festivals. And there was not a single competition where we would not win! And 2012 was one of the most significant. For the first time in the history of the school, at the Regional Olympiad in Musical Literature in Irkutsk, our student Maria Imyginova took an honorable second place. Her teacher, a graduate of the Children's Music School in 1997, Kendyukh Marina Vitalievna, is a worthy patriot of her school. As a student of a music school, she became a laureate of zonal competitions for young pianists four times. And recently, with great success, our students, under her leadership, went to the qualifying round of the Regional Olympiad in the village of Ust-Ordynsky, where Olga Damdintsyrenova took 1st place, and Yulia Malchikova - an honorable 3rd! Now they have to participate in the Regional Olympiad in Irkutsk in two weeks. Congratulations and we wish our hardworking smart girls and teacher no fluff, no feather! (Applause). In 2005, in connection with the reorganization of the structures of music schools in the village of Buguldeyki and with. Elantsy children's music school was renamed into MOU DOD RDMSH. Now the contingent of the RDMS is 127 people. Of these, 94 students study in Elantsy, 13 in Buguldeyk and 20 in Khuzhir. The Buguldey music school will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2015. The Khuzhir School of Music celebrated its 2nd anniversary in October this year. General experience district children's music school for 8 years.« Music is a huge bright world! Buguldeika, Elantsy, Khuzhir are now connected by a single thread! 45th anniversary of our children's music school in the village of Elantsy! A little history about the school. The organizer of the opening was Galina Shonoevna Matyaeva, head of the department of culture. Makar Nikolaevich Shaburakov was appointed the first director. He worked for 6 years and managed to release the first 5 accordionists: Bazhigeev, Emelyanovich, Imeeva, Ikhinova and Chernyshov. Two years later, 8 pianists and one bayanist graduated. Their names are Aleksandrova, Bidagaeva, Bazhigeeva, Badnaeva, Tykheeva, Popova, Marnueva, Nikolaeva and Bakhaev. For 45 years Elantsy207 graduates received a certificate of graduation from the Children's Music School. An average of 7 students per year. The contingent of students for all years is 2750 people. From 1968 to 1989 (for 21 years) 9 directors were replaced in the Children's Music School. Here are their names: Shaburakov M.N., Baranovskaya I.S., Semenov A.P., Ryabukhin V.V., Fokina V.F., Cheluhina L.G., Mangaskina F.P., Kiseleva O.V. ., Bulgatova A.G. Over the years, 42 teachers have worked. Since 1989, Alexandrova S.G. has assumed the duties of the director. with a contingent of students 34 people. The following year, in 1990, Popova Larisa Georgievna arrived. The contingent has increased by 11 people. A total of 45 people. For 9 years from 1989 to 1998, the contingent ranged from 45 to 57 students. Teachers of this period: Alexandrova S.G., Popova L.G., Emelyanovich L.N., Bakhanova A.I. Emelyanovich L.N. - the first graduate of the Children's Music School worked as an accordion teacher for 3 years, Sinyutin G.E. worked for one year. and 4 years - Popov V.D. In 1998, the button accordion class was closed due to the absence of a teacher and students. The following year, in 1999, our 1993 graduate Yu. V. Konishcheva came to work. She worked at the Children's Music School for 11 years. Currently at the school Elans employ 6 teachers. Our graduates Kendyukh M.V. joined the teaching staff 10 years ago. and Mikhailova N.I. Two excellent high-class teachers have been working in our school for the sixth year: Rykova M.V. and Oyuna Bazarovna Litvintseva. With her arrival, a class of Buryat folk instruments was opened at our school, which became the basis for the professional education of children. For the first time, the culture of the Olkhon region was enriched with a new sound and color of such instruments as iochin, chanza, yataga. With special pride I would like to note the teaching staff of our Children's Music School. Each of them is a professional in his field, all of them are responsible, hard-working, dedicated, creative, bright, each in his manifestation! We can say, piece goods! And therefore I want to congratulate my fighting, young and successful team on their anniversary and wish good health, personal and family, patience personal and pedagogical, happiness, personal and work success, personal and for the benefit of our school, region, homeland, well-being, personal and public , as well as beautiful, talented and capable students who understand the good parents, And guides helping and caring.

And now about the main culprits of our holiday. These are our children and graduates. It's them - driving force and objects of our attention. It is they who give us strength, energy, restlessness. It is they who do not allow us to grow old, get sick, and mope. Each of them is in our memory. And those who ignited admiration and love in our hearts with their studies and creativity, we will never forget those!

These are graduates who graduated from the Children's Music School with excellent marks. Here are their first and last names: Imyginova Maria (2013, 2011) For the first time in the history of the school, a student mastered the skills of playing two instruments. Maria graduated from the piano class and the drill class. nar. tools.

Very receptive, incredibly hardworking, versatile, purposeful, but at the same time modest, responsible and reliable.
Round honors students Damdintsyrenova Olga, Strunnikova Yana, Mikhailova Polina, Ryakova Ksenia. This is the 38th edition of the anniversary year. We have a gift - such a huge and priceless! All of them still go to rehearsals and are actively involved in our school affairs. And Alexander Vasiliev, a graduate of the piano class, continues to learn to play the piano. Thank you Graduates of 2013! (applause). I would like to mention the graduate of 2012 Tatyana Klimova! She is the decoration of our school. Together with Tanya Kuznetsova, a graduate of the next year, she participated in the Olkhon Lyre competition and twice this duet took honorary 2 places. Thanks, Tatyana! From the release of 2011, we remember Sinyutina Maria. She has wonderful vocal abilities. Beautiful tone of voice. She is the winner of the first prize of the vocal performance competition "Music connected us" in the village of Kachug. She took an active part in all competitions and concerts. Issue -35, 2010 - one of the most numerous -15 graduates. From this issue Badaev Anatoly and Kopylova Xenia. These guys are talented, beautiful both externally and internally, spiritualized, in love with music. The most efficient. Participated and defended the honor of both the school and the district for several years. And the most valuable thing for us is that they chose the profession of music. They are our hope and pride! From Issue 34Bakhanova Anna studies at the College of Music. She followed in the footsteps of her mother, Alena Ivanovna, a wonderful teacher-musician. Zherbakova Faina, Ryakova Nastya, Semyonova Katya and Kharnutova Elina are remembered for their diligence, discipline and responsibility. In 2008, Bair Damdintsyrenov, an unusually capable and virtuoso pianist, graduated.

Lena Sushkova, Tanya Galzutova, Uliana Gavrilova, Marina Irshutova, Lena Popova, Nastya Kopylova, Nastya Buraeva. This issue of 2007 is all stars! Vasilyeva Albina also chose the profession of a teacher-musician. She is studying at the ESGAO in Irkutsk.

Stepanenko Elena is a graduate of 2006. She graduated from the Music and Pedagogical College, now she is receiving a higher pedagogical musical education. Works as music director kindergarten"Romashka" takes an active part in the cultural life of the village. Faina Kozlova, Valentina Orbodoeva, Sergey Sergeev graduated from the Children's Music School in 2005, studied well, actively participated in concerts. Memories of them are the best.

Bryanskaya Elena, Lamanova Lida, Kopylov Ilya - 2004 graduates. Bright, talented, very musical! Olya Nokhoeva, Klava Motoeva and Natasha Nikitina graduated in 2003. They were remembered as modest workers, conscientious and responsible.

I remember well the 2002 edition. Here Osodoeva Galya, Marnueva Lena, Sharmaeva Olya, Strunnikova Vika graduated from the Children's Music School.

The most interesting and bright issue of 2000. Fomina Olya, Larionova Sveta, Mukhturgina Masha, Aleksakhin Erzhen, Popova Olya. These girls were part of the Funny Notes ensemble. Together with them, two guys graduated from high school. Zhamyanov Bulat is a pianist and the last of the bayanists of the Sasha Senotrus school.

Here is a list of the most best graduates 21st century. Ahead of our school are big plans, directions, new students, glorious graduates. The music school leaves bright childhood memories or regret that I didn’t finish my studies, didn’t work, didn’t want to go. But the most important thing, for the guys, is touching the sacred, interest in collective creativity, participation in her majesty - Music!

An important part of the system of educational work are school traditions, which include New Year's Eve. holiday concerts for parents and Christmas trees for students, May prom, as well as participation in concerts for memorable dates: Victory Day, Mother's Day and other cultural events of the village and the region. Now, with the presence of a piano in the Olkhon CDC, we will resume creative reporting concerts in front of the population. The Olkhon Lira competition is becoming an annual event, attracting students from six districts of the region. The level of the competition is considered high. The organization and holding of the competition raises the authority and prestige of our music school. Just like the Erdyn Games in the Asian continent or Baikal in world tourism. I would like close and special attention from our founder and the leadership of the district to the material and technical base of the school. We need to expand, we need fresh young cadres, new directions and trends in modern reality. Without a phased resolution of these problems, dynamic and socially significant development in the field of art in the Olkhon region is impossible. We try to capture all our holidays, competitions, evenings in a photo or video, we write articles and notes for the Baikal Dawns newspaper. Every step, our festive events and everyday work pass in front of our parents, who are our first allies and helpers, as well as the most constant and grateful listeners. Studying at a music school is one of labor activities and labor education of the younger generation. Children here are engaged in socially useful work. Our school has a mixed student population of gifted and ordinary children. The starting point is our saying: "You can and should teach all children without exception, regardless of their abilities, inclinations and individual differences."

The main postulate of music pedagogy in the world is to study music not in order to be a musician, but in order to be the best in all areas of activity! And this can be seen in practice: according to statistics, every third graduate who is a silver or gold medalist of a general education school is also our graduate. The multifaceted education of a personality by means of music is one of the main tasks of the Children's Music School. Music doesn't deliver ready-made knowledge, it teaches to think. Any educational institution is, first of all, the custodian of the traditions and culture of its people. And not only in a narrow sense, but in general, on the scale of their region and country. And in the hands of the teacher - children's fate, the continuity of being and the future of the nation. Therefore, the teachers of our school take care of the development of cognitive interest, musical abilities and creative activity of the child. This is the meaning of the school, its mission, which is carried out in two areas of activity: - the musical education of children and the promotion of musical art.

And in the end I want to end with these words:

How hard to teach and how to believe
That music is the basis of all beginnings
When the time comes in the country
That only love will rule the world
When the time comes in our country
That the school of music will be the pinnacle of all the foundations!

Thank you for your attention.

Good afternoon to all those present and absent, whose lives and destinies united and united, warmed and warms with their warmth - kind, reliable, honest, faithful, cozy and beloved high school №4!

Dear friends! Dear guests! Today is our solemn day. We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of our school, the same age as our city Neftekamsk. Our guests share the joy of this event with us:

school veterans.

Graduates of different years.

Teachers and directors who worked at our school in different years.

Dear guests of our school.

Dear friends!

On behalf of the teaching staff of the school, I welcome you to the golden anniversary of our school. Thank you for the honor and attention! Let today each of you feel the most desired and long-awaited on our holiday.

School is the main step in our life. It shapes character, teaches us to treat the world around us correctly. At school we find our first real friends and our first love.

School is the place where we experience the first joys of victories and try to hide the bitter tears of defeat. The school teaches us to overcome difficulties and not stop there.

Our whole life is connected with school. We remember that we start ourselves with the first school bell, with the first bouquet for our very first teacher, with the first school friends.

School... Everything is there for the first time.

The first lesson, the first five, the first warm look thrown at you by a classmate, the first composition, the first remark, the first love...

First, first, first...

The older you get, the closer and dearer to you everything that is connected with the school. Only when you grow up, become a literate, independent person, do you finally understand that everything that you have, it was she who gave you - your old, your half-forgotten school. It was she who taught you to write and read, to solve problems that became more and more difficult from year to year. It was she who opened thousands of roads for you and helped you choose one, along which you went confidently towards your goal.

The school is teachers: kind and affectionate, sensitive and attentive, demanding and wise, with great ability to work and professionalism

Our school opened in 1963. The builders handed over a symbolic key to the school to its first director Nurislam Khabibullovich Saitov.

First academic year I passed mainly in organizational work, because everything started from scratch.

A year later, the leadership of the school was updated: Evdokia Ivanovna Ivanova, an energetic, intelligent person, capable of both convincing and inspiring, was appointed director. Evdokia Ivanovna saw the main task in rallying teachers, students and parents into a monolithic, strong, efficient team. With her brilliant mind, organizational talent, intelligence and wonderful staff, she managed to do this. For 5 years the school has become the best in the city.

From 1968 to 1976, Alexander Fedorovich Krasilnikov headed the school. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, demanding, purposeful. With his arrival began new stage development - the transition to a desk system of education. The singing teacher Luzyanin Ivan Ivanovich at that time had the only office in the city with light music and a control panel for each desk. Luzyanin I. I. himself wrote poetry, composed melodies. He is the author of a song that is a kind of school anthem:

On Komsomolsky Avenue

Among the fluffy poplars

Our school is our pride

Our childhood, youth in it.

In 1976-1977 Bakhtiarov Ildar Muratovich was appointed director. All high school students were in love with him.

In 1977 the school was headed by Sharygina Tamara Ivanovna. She was a poet, a soul, a favorite of teachers and children. Intelligent, charming, smart, tactful, the best writer and linguist in the city, Tamara Ivanovna not only gave wonderful lessons, but also talentedly directed the entire learning activities students and methodical work teachers for 17 long years. For her work, she received the title of Honored Teacher of the RSFSR.

From 1978-1987 Alexander Fedorovich Krasilnikov was again appointed director. He was a talented leader who managed to organize the teaching staff for victories and success.

From 1987 to 2000 (13 years) the school was headed by Gishvarov Ralit Abubakirovich. From the first days of work, he directed all his strength and skills to solving the main tasks: strengthening the educational and methodological base.

From 2000 until his appointment as Deputy Head of the Education Department of the city of Neftekamsk in 2006, Almaz Sagazetdinovich Salyakhov was the director.

The authority of the school grew thanks to efficient, creative, energetic, methodically competent deputy directors for academic work, they were distinguished by professionalism, devotion to the profession, creativity, innovation - this

Piterskikh Galina Fedorovna,

Sharygina Tamara Ivanovna,

Nikitin Gennady Nikitich,

Denisenko Raisa Denisovna

Karimova Hanuza Arslanovna

Sharitdinova Fanuza Sagitovna

Stebo Irina Emanuilovna

Anisimova Valentina Yakovlevna

Kolotova Nina Mikhailovna

Yamgurova Valentina Prokofievna

Semenov Vasily Ivanovich

Ogneva Olga Grigorievna

Khusainova Luiza Vasbievna

Nigmatullina Guzel Adipovna.

Bobkova Nadezhda Alekseevna

Khairullina Nadia Minyarovna

Zapolskikh Evdokia Stepanovna

Shaikhetdinova Zubayda Naibovna

Sadykova Fauziya Salikhovna

Nasretdinova Zainap Nailevna

Asadullina (Khasanova) Venera Angamovna

Vladimirtseva (Khisamieva) Olga Yurievna

Aksyaeva Svetlana Petrovna

It is impossible not to name those who were the first and worked at the school for many more years, honestly giving their knowledge and strength to children every day. These are Kondratyeva Faina Arkhipovna, Anasimova Valentina Yakovlevna., Gastenova Maria Konstantinovna., Katricheva Valentina Pavlovna., Vostretsova Alevtina Vasilievna, Yaroslavova Maria Vasilievna, Malkova Galina Karpovna., Martynenko Nina Pavlovna, Gishvarova Tamara Rudolfovna, Salamatina Alfiya Abrarovna - teachers primary school, they painstakingly and persistently taught their pupils the basics of literacy and counting, brought up accuracy, diligence in them, developed their abilities.

Teplykh Maria Vasilievna, Kuznetsova Valentina Alekseevna, Karimova Hanuza Arslanovna, Yasavieva Zaytuna Zievna - teachers of the Russian language who taught communication, comprehend moral truths and universal values.

A friendly community of professionals, bright and caring, who put a piece of their heart into teaching children, are mathematics teachers: - Strakhova Nina Grigorievna, Filippova Rufina Filippovna, Khafizov Ravil Khafizovich, Gilfanova Kariya Batyrkhanovna, Denisenko Raisa Denisovna, Dunaeva Nina Timofeevna, Kamalova Lyudmila Alexandrovna.

Knowledge and intellect, striving for creative search, patience, wisdom and perseverance are the features of our physics teachers: Anatoly Pavlovich Khokhryakov, Mikhail Zainiev Zainiev, Gennady Nikitich Nikitin.

Sagidullina Flyura Khammatovna, Shaikhetdinova Zubayda Naibovna - experts in their subject, sensitive and demanding teachers of chemistry;

Sozykina Lyudmila Alexandrovna, Danilova Valentina Egorovna, Ivanova Claudia Ivanovna are talented and seeking, achieving high results, bringing fame and success to their native school-teachers biology and geography.

Ivanenko Evdokia Iosifovna, Khafizova Zinaida Shakiryanovna, Kuznetsova Olga Ivanovna, Khoptyar Lyudmila Fedorovna, Derevyankina Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Mardanova Daria Mirzayanovna are erudite, professionals, wise and fair teachers of a foreign language.

Martynenko Nina Petrovna, Frolova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Isakova Anna Mikhailovna, Salyakhova Munziya Mityanovna, Bannikova Valentina Aleksandrovna – creative personalities who instilled love and respect for the Motherland, forming a sense of patriotism in schoolchildren, history teachers

And, of course, the first pioneer leader of the school Bukharaeva Roza Fatykhovna, awarded the badge of the Central Committee of the Komsomol "Best leader". And the permanent librarian of the school - Ivygina Valentina Mikhailovna, a storehouse of knowledge and guide in the world of books.

The special pride of the school are its graduates. It is difficult to count all the students who were given a start in life by secondary school No. 4. These are teachers, medical workers, lawyers, musicians, engineers, military, builders, mechanics, people of different professions. For 50 years, more than 3,400 graduates received certificates of secondary (complete) general education, of which: 19 gold medalists and 39 silver medalists. The rate of admission of our graduates to higher educational institutions is high. Many of them have found their way into life and have become qualified specialists.

School graduates who became famous in the city and in other regions of Russia:

1. Lim Igor Nikolaevich - the first mayor of the city of Neftekamsk

2. Aminev Ramil Kamilevich - test pilot of supersonic aircraft;

3. Aslyakhov Rim Minnikhadisovich - lieutenant colonel, veteran of the war in Afghanistan,

4. Khairullin Shamil Fayzievich - director of the organization MUE Neftekamsk interdistrict enterprise of electric networks,

5. Valery Perminov, world champion in classical wrestling, master of sports of the USSR

6. Slyaguzova Svetlana Anvarovna - Honored Teacher of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Excellence in Education of the Republic of Belarus, Associate Professor of the Ufa state academy arts.

7. Natalya Vasilievna Didenko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education of the Russian Federation,

8. Chaynikova Larisa Fagimovna, Head of the MCU Department of Education of the Administration of the City District of Neftekamsk

9.Sluzhaev Vladimir - candidate of technical sciences, lecturer at Ufa State Technical University.

10. Faskhutdinova Irina Gareevna - candidate of technical sciences, lecturer at the Kazan State Power Engineering Institute.

11. Rinat Khalitovich Shayapov - Director of Neftekamsk Real Estate LLC,

12. Aslyakhova Alfiya Karibullovna, chairman of the city trade union organization of educators of the urban district of the city of Neftekamsk,

13. Chaynikova Elena Anatolyevna - director of MOBU secondary school No. 4

14. Syutkina Marina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department foreign languages BGU,

15. Akmanov Kamil Nazimovich, architect, glass artist, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation

And many, many others.

Many people work in the city medical workers, among them there are graduates of our school: - these are

GBOU Republic of Mari El

"Kazan boarding school"

Pirogova Nadezhda Leonidovna

Report for the presentation for the anniversary of the school "Listing through the anniversary pages"

slide 1

Today we greet everyone who celebrates our anniversary,
All those who left a particle of their hearts here,
Everyone who is within these walls without measure and rules
He did not spare himself, dissolving in work,
I did not think about fame, awards, honor.
Whose work in the sea of ​​knowledge poured drop by drop.
Thanks, friends, to everyone who gathered at school!

Good afternoon to all those present, whose lives and destinies were united and united, warmed and warmed by their warmth - our kind, reliable, honest, faithful, comfortable and beloved school.

slide 2

Dear friends! Dear guests! Today is our solemn day. We are celebrating the 55th anniversary of our school.

Our guests share the joy of this event with us:

school veterans.

Graduates of different years.

The teachers who worked at our school in different years are colleagues.

Dear guests of our school.

slide 3

Dear friends!

On behalf of the teaching staff of the school, I welcome you to the 55th anniversary of our school. Thank you for the honor and attention! Let today each of you feel the most desired and long-awaited on our holiday.

slide 4

School is the place where we experience the first joys of victories and try to hide the bitter tears of defeat. The school teaches us to overcome difficulties and not stop there.

For the first time, a boarding school opened its doors to pupils who arrived in the amount of 28 people from Pomarsky orphanage in 1959. based on the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Mari ASSR.

+ 1970- By order of the Minister of Education of the Mari ASSR No. 50 dated 06/29/1970, the Kazan boarding school, in connection with the reorganization, was renamed into an auxiliary boarding school and became known as the Kazan auxiliary boarding school.

A lot has happened since the founding of the school! Something was forgotten, but much remained in our memory and became history. The people who created this history remained in memory - teachers, students, junior staff.

Over the 55 years of the school's existence, a number of transformations have taken place.

+ Since 2011- By order No. 800/1 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El of 06/30/2011, the school is called the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Mari El "Kazan Special (Correctional) General Education School - a boarding school for students, pupils with handicapped health type VIII.

slide 5

Our whole life is connected with school. We remember that we start ourselves with the first school bell, with the first bouquet for our very first teacher, with the first school friends.

School... Everything is there for the first time.

The first lesson, the first five, the first warm look thrown at you by a classmate, the first composition, the first remark, the first love...

First, first, first...

slide 6

The school is teachers: kind and affectionate, sensitive and attentive, demanding and wise, with great ability to work and professionalism. It is impossible not to name those who were the first and worked at the school long years every day, honestly giving their knowledge and strength to children.

They painstakingly and persistently taught their pupils the basics of literacy and arithmetic, brought them up with accuracy, diligence, developed their abilities, created home comfort, protected their sleep.

Slide 7

As the years passed, the leadership of the school was updated

These people are energetic, intelligent, capable of both convincing and inspiring. They saw their main task in rallying teachers, students and parents into a monolithic, strong, efficient team. With a brilliant mind, organizational talent, intelligence and wonderful personnel, they managed to do this.

Slide 8

Generations after generations change, as they sweep autumn leaves footprints on the path leading to the school….

Slide 9

And our life does not stand still, through obstacles we move towards the goal, we move forward. We are optimistic about our future. We know that our plans will come true, hopes will not fade away, dreams will come true. And when we gather with you in a few years to celebrate our next anniversary, analyzing the last years, we will tell ourselves that everything we thought about, dreamed about, wanted - all this eventually came true.

Slide 10

The school is especially proud of its first graduates. (on the slide are graduates of the first editions). The older you get, the closer and dearer to you everything that is connected with the school. Only when you grow up, become a literate, independent person, do you finally understand that everything that you have, it was she who gave you - your old, your half-forgotten school. It was she who taught you to write and read, to solve problems that became more and more difficult from year to year. It was she who opened thousands of roads for you and helped you choose one, along which you went confidently towards your goal.

slide 12

We are proud of all our graduates, wherever they work, whatever they do, their knowledge, experience of strength will serve to strengthen and prosper our republic and country.

slide 13

Each issue leaves its mark in the memory of teachers and school staff. But all of them are united by the fact that they have found a home here. For some, it is the second, but for someone it has become the first. The admission of graduates to educational institutions of the republic is high today. These are carpenters, shoemakers, knitters, seamstresses, and the profession of a builder is most in demand today (on the slide, graduates recent years).

Slide 14

Our school is a forge of teaching staff. Coming to work as young specialists, having gone through the school of life in working with children with disabilities, many teachers continue their activities in other educational institutions district, republic - teachers in schools, educators and heads of kindergartens.

slide 15

Years passed, generations of students and teachers, requirements and tasks changed, but one thing remained unchanged: the upbringing of a worthy person and citizen. The conditions and approaches were different, but the desire to work was the same. Everything happened in 55 years: miscalculations and ups, victories and defeats, cruel criticism and tears of joy ... But all this fades into the background when graduates assure high upholding the honor of the school. Isn't this the best reward, appreciation and victory collective labor and the minds of teachers? For the sake of this I want to live, work and work! This multiplies the strength.

slide 16, 17, 18

The world does not stand still; old technologies are being replaced by new ones. And the school is changing too. You can not stop there, you need to improve and develop.

modern school- this is the house that all of us, sitting in this hall, built: teachers, school staff, students, parents, graduates and even guests.

This house has been built like a brick, from our deeds, our qualities, talents and efforts. Everyone contributed something.

Slide 19

55 years is a long time for a school, and on this solemn day we remember the best moments school life. Many traditions have developed over the years. Old traditions are preserved and maintained, new ones are being created. One of the old traditions is the creation of a friendly creative team of teachers and students.

Slide 20

The authority of the school is growing thanks to hard-working, creative, energetic, methodically competent deputy directors for academic and educational work, skillful organization of economic and financial activities, they are distinguished by professionalism, devotion to the profession, creativity, innovation.

slide 21

Today, 108 students study at the school, of which 9 are disabled children, 8 are brought up in foster families, and 8 in guardian families.

slide 22

Educational - educational process is carried out by a teaching staff consisting of 29 teachers, 28 technical workers.

Of the teachers, 8 people have the highest category, 14 - the first, 1 - the second,

1 - compliance with the position held.

13 teachers have a special defectological education.

Average age- 41 years, teaching experience from 1 to 5 - 3 people, from 5 to 10 years - 5 people, from 10 to 20 - 6, from 20 to 30 - 8 people, from 30 to 40 - 2, from 40 and above - 2 teachers .

Today, there is an acute problem - a shortage of personnel, but we are coping with this task - this does not affect the educational process and the school operates as usual.

slide 23

One teacher has the title of "People's Teacher of the Republic of Mari El".

2 teachers "Honored Teacher of the Republic of Mari El",

3 honors public education RF,

3 teachers were awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation",

6 - Diplomas of the Government of the RME,

1 - Diploma of the State Assembly of the RME,

6 teachers were awarded the Gratitude of the President of the RME,

30 - honorary diploma Ministry of Education and Science,

5 - school workers were awarded Certificates of Honor and thanks from the Republican Committee of the Trade Union.

These indicators indicate that the teaching staff of the school present stage its development is very able-bodied, has a huge creative potential.

slide 24

Today it is impossible not to mention those who for many years now have been walking next to children and are fluent in their skills.

Slide 25

Our school is celebrating its anniversary in good working order. Our educational institution enjoys high prestige in the republic. This is due to the fact that we are trying to provide the level of educational and vocational training for our children that meets the high demands of society, a full-fledged, comprehensive, high-quality education.

slide 26

The follow-up of graduates in recent years indicates that systematic, purposeful work is being carried out with students on the professional self-determination of students. Great help The school in this direction has a social partnership with the Employment Center of the village of Sernur, the PU of the city of Yoshkar-Ola, the village of Krasny Yar and the village of Krasnogorsky of the Zvenigovsky district, the village of Vyatskoye of the Soviet district, the village of Kuzhener.

Slide 27

The school has been a reference school for innovative technologies for many years. Since 2012, the boarding school has the status of an experimental site on the topic "Socialization of students of a correctional boarding school of the VIII type in the process of pre-profile training."

As part of the implementation of the experimental site on the basis of the school, republican seminars were held:

2010- Socialization of children with disabilities through a practice-oriented

activities of the VIII type boarding school.

2012-Formation of a system of pre-profile training in a rural correctional boarding school of the VIII type.

2014 - "Innovative approaches to the interaction of specialists working with children with disabilities", where teachers implemented the application innovative technologies in working with children with disabilities, and students demonstrated professional skills, labor skills and skills in working with a personal computer, interactive whiteboard.

Slide 28

Raising the image of the school, teachers and students participate in many regional, republican, all-Russian - sports, intellectual and creative competitions, taking prizes.

It has become traditional for teachers to participate in school, district, republican professional competitions "Teacher of the Year", "The Coolest Classroom", "The Best Defectologist" - they received the Grant of the President of the Republic of Mari El, "Pedagogical Debut", "Light a Candle in the Soul of a Child" - come out as winners , laureates, which confirms a worthy methodological and professional training.

Slide 29

Improving their skills, engaging in self-education, teachers speak at republican, interregional scientific and practical conferences, methodological seminars. The school "Methodical piggy bank" is replenished, which includes materials the best lessons, events, class hours. Best methodological developments teachers were included in the collections "Creative Mosaic-1", "Step into the Future", as well as speeches, reports of teachers were published in other collections. Today there is:



slide 30

We are also successfully mastering the Internet, each teacher works on pedagogical sites, has their own sites, creates digital resources, taking into account the characteristics of children with disabilities. In the piggy bank of the school there are about 200 certificates, diplomas.

Slide 31

Dear colleagues! I would like to express my special gratitude to you today.

You are wise and smart, strict and kind, patient and sensitive, beautiful and cheerful, interesting and caring people. For you, the key to the success of any business is a community of interests. And together we, as time has shown, are a large creative, well-coordinated team!

The features of our team are purposefulness, the ability to set tasks and be able to solve them. Our motto is "Neither a step back, nor a step in place, but rather forward and only together."

slide 32

Over the 55 years of its existence, the school has experienced many joys, hardships and transformations. At the heart of the activity of the teaching staff of the school is respect for the personality of the child and the development of his potential, the preservation of the child's health.
The school creates all conditions for teaching children with disabilities:

Well-established sports and health work at school: every child at school could do physical education and sports, regardless of their psychophysical abilities. Social partnership with Sernur CRH, DRB, "Complex Center for social services of the population in the Sernur district "sanatoriums allows for annual medical examinations, clinical examination and rehabilitation of children.

Slide 33

Wellness programs have been developed and presented at All-Russian and republican competitions:

All-Russian competition of educational institutions for the best organization work on the formation healthy lifestyle life - Diploma II degree

The program "My Choice" - Counteracting the use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco, the program "Steps to Health" - motivation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle (general educational work) "- two diplomas of the second degree.

All-Russian competition social projects"Rainbow of Health" of the Foundation for Support of Children in Difficulty life situation, winners of the competition

All-Russian Competition of Prevention Programs child suicide,

All-Russian competition "Olympiad starts at school" in the nomination "The best rural general education school", Diploma of the winner.

slide 34

Every year the school wins prizes in regional and republican competitions. (on slide)

International open competitions of the Special Olympics of Russia in athletics, 1st place, 3rd place was taken by a 9th grade student Anastasia Belousova in 2012.

Inter-regional Championship of the School of Bashkir "IES - BASKET", finalists of the competition.

All-Russian Bocce Olympiad, 2nd place - 8th grade student Ivatulin Dinar in 2013.

Republican qualifying competitions in gift - 3rd place, in badminton Artem Petukhov, 4th grade student in 2013.

Republican athletics cross, dedicated to the Day of memory of Shaimardinov Z.A. 1st degree diploma - (2) 2nd degree diploma - (2) 3rd degree diploma - (1)

slide 35

Design and research activity is one of the means of initial pre-profile training of students. (on slide)

The results of the projects can be seen in

Improvement of the building and territory of the hostel, school - with early spring and until late autumn our school is surrounded and fragrant flower arrangements, appear in winter - winter flower beds, plot winter sculptures,

Improvement of sports and playgrounds

Manufacturing folk costumes, creating an e-book, a film about the school.

slide 36

Project "Oasis" for the training and experimental site.

The results of the projects are defended by teachers on the INTERNET, at the republican rally "Yunnat", the regional competition "Vavilov Readings", the republican fair of goods and products in the nominations

"Top 10 Goods", "City of Masters" were awarded with diplomas and diplomas.

Republican review - competition of educational and experimental sites, Diploma 1st place.

All-Russian correspondence review - competition of student production teams and educational and experimental sites of educational institutions, Diploma of the participant.

Slide 37

Information and communication technology (ICT), digital educational resources (DER) have been introduced into the educational process. There is a circle "Young computer scientist", where children master the initial skills of working with a personal computer.

Slide 38
The material and technical base of the school is improving.

For 4 years now we have been living in a beautiful, cozy, bright building. Classrooms, classrooms, living rooms are equipped with modern furniture. There are workshops for labor training lessons - sewing, construction, carpentry, offices - SBO, psychologist, speech therapist, conference room with interactive equipment. Children receive a full five meals a day in a comfortable, cozy dining room with high-tech equipment. The gym is being renovated. A children's room is installed on the territory of the school and the hostel. playground and sports town.

Slide 39

The school has been trying to keep up with the times for many years. In the context of modernizing the education system of its main task we consider giving each student educational process opportunities for the implementation of intellectual and creativity, the formation of the need for continuous self-education, the development of a culture of health, the ability to social adaptation, the formation of an active citizenship. The result is that the school is a member of the federal register "All-Russian book of mail", the national register "Leading educational institutions of Russia", the all-Russian register "Book of Honor - 2014".

Slide 40

The school is a participant in the regional competition of additional educational programs V Nizhny Novgorod:

    spiritually - moral education"Springs",

    on civic-patriotic education “I am part of my country”, all programs are awarded with diplomas.

Participated in All-Russian competition Small Grant Programs

for the implementation of socially significant projects "Blagovoz", finalists of the competition.

slide 41

The painstaking and hard work of our teachers helps to become people with capital letter and to realize their talents and opportunities to hundreds of our graduates. In 2013, they took part in the interregional creative competition in Nizhny Novgorod "In the circle of friends-2013", in the nomination "Vocal performance", became diploma winners; in the district exhibition-competition applied art children from orphanages in the Volga Federal District.

Every year, children participate in the district competition: "Christmas Star", propaganda teams "We choose a healthy lifestyle", exhibitions of arts and crafts and fine arts.

Over the past five years, 70 students have become winners and prize-winners various competitions, competitions, exhibitions of regional, republican, interregional levels. We replenished the school's piggy bank with 123 diplomas, diplomas, certificates.

Slide 42

School student competitions have become traditional: “Student of the Year”, “Profi - 14”, Olympiad of Primary Schools “Znayka”, “The Healthiest Class”, “The Most best room"," The best leader.

slide 43

The pedagogical competition "Teacher of the Year", "The Coolest Classroom", the competition of methodological associations "" is held annually, teachers adequately represent their skills.

Slide 44

Most good relations near the school with organizations from the village of Kazanskoye, the village of Sernur, the republic. Thanks to the help of the government of the Republic of Mari El, the Ministry of Education and Science, the public, many positive changes are taking place in the school in order to strengthen the image of the school as educational institution innovative type, because society's demands for a high level of education must be justified.
And I want to believe that the school has not only a glorious past, but also a wonderful future!

Slide 45

Not resting on our laurels, striving only forward and higher, our team sets itself the following tasks:

50th anniversary was new school, on our 55th anniversary, we are celebrating the reconstruction of the gym, and we would like to celebrate the next anniversary with a long-awaited event - the construction of a new comfortable cozy hostel.

Slide 46

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on this occasion. wonderful holiday! We sincerely wish that your aspirations and achievements, triumphs and successes are intertwined with good health, spiritual harmony, universal respect and recognition, success in everything that each of you cherishes in this life.

Anniversaries pass like dreams
Like commas in life scripture,
And forward again, to the breath of spring,
To the heights of creative aspirations and knowledge.
- Well, even if the path is not easy and somewhere stony,
But summing up the past weekdays,
We seem to be starting new leaf,
Like a new day, which will be tomorrow.

Happy birthday school!

Happy anniversary!

Happy holiday, dear friends!

/ Against the background of music. /

1 presenter

So it reaches for warmth, goodness and light -

The soul of a child is a quivering sprout!

Amid the bad weather of life, the path to prosperity

And difficult, and disturbing, and distant ...

2 Lead

But the young heart does not know evil and boredom

And the world is drowning in wide-open eyes ...

And children's trusting hands

Squeezes the school carefully in his hands.

1 presenter

How many years have passed - long good years,

Again Holy holiday comes to us.

These school days unquenchable light

Takes me to the cloudy expanse of memory.

/Slide presentation on the screen - "School yesterday and today"./

/At the last bars of the music, the headmaster comes out to the central microphone./


/ An "Old School" view is projected on the screen. Bench in front of the audience /

School…. My school…. These words resonate with a bright feeling in the soul of everyone ....

The school in our memory is bright classrooms, a blackboard covered with chalk, a diary lost somewhere, the first love, strict teachers, parental notations .... And how cool the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books flew into the briefcase like birds! There's a crowd in the dressing room! The doors of the school victoriously thundered salute! The school yard resounded with joyful cries! Hooray! Lessons are over!

... And on school yard drop poplar leaves... The autumn winds are blowing... The school years go by mischievously….


Song "My School" (Lyrics of the song by V. Matvienko, N. Derun) - Spanish wok gr

(Backing track and words in the application)

/The oldest teacher appears in a beam of light with a bag of books and notebooks, who sits down on a bench./

/An internal monologue sounds./

Children are growing...

It seems that yesterday they ran with bows, with slingshots. And today they are already bringing their babies to us.

And we still come to the same classes, set homework, scold for discipline .... Only there are fewer and fewer of those with whom our school began.

I remember how fun, funny the team met the holidays, how they helped each other, shared joys and sorrows together ....

Where are they now, my dear good friends, Where are they?…

1 presenter

Alley of memory is magical -

Here thoughts and dreams are clear.

Alley of memory sincere -

Here you will find everything that you remember.

2 Lead We invite to the stage teachers who have given our school best years own life.

(Names names, veterans rise to the stage.)

PERFORMANCE former director schools

/Children give flowers to veterans. Veterans leave the stage. The song sounds as a gift./

SONG "Teachers you remain in our heart forever"

Sl. Plyatskovsky, muses Chichkov (see attachment)

1 presenter

The oldest teacher - They sweep up snow flakes on the path leading to the school ....

2 Lead

Time sweeps away the wounds left in the memory of those who

Will never come here again...

/Screen. Sounds like Mozart's Requiem. Photographs of departed teachers are displayed in the background./

/ Metronome. A moment of silence./

/ A young man reads a poem. /

They care about us and remember.

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

Waiting for our return and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And no matter how many years have passed,

Teacher Happiness Happens

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:

Under New Year We do not send them congratulations.

And in the bustle or simply out of laziness

We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.

They are waiting for us. They are watching us

And rejoice every time for those

Who again passed the exam somewhere

For courage, for honesty, for success.

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

May life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers.

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget the teachers!

/ The noise of the school corridor, the bell. On the stage, the decoration of the teacher's room. From the lessons, discussing their problems, teachers come in - graduates of the school who work today in it. /

1st Guys, apply for a subscription, time is running out.

2nd Tanya, will I run after the sixth one?

1st Yes, even after the fifteenth. We are always glad to see you!

3rd Girls, has anyone seen the magazine of the 8th "A"?

4th I have it, now I will fill it in and give it back, otherwise Alexander Pavlovich is offended.

5th Dear colleagues, take an example, the magazine is the face of the teacher!

6th Alexander Pavlovich, do you mean color?!

5th And the color too.

/The bell rings./

7th Guys, go ahead - let's bring a little benefit to our beloved Motherland!

6th Happy! And I have a window.

/ Everyone disperses, remains alone, sits down on a bench and talks about the school, teachers and modern life, and then remembers how she came, after the institute to work in the walls home school»


/The bell rings, the same ones enter the teacher's room./

8th Announcement. Today at 14 - 10 meeting of teachers working in 5 "a".

7th Didn't you find a better time?

8th Well, what am I?! The head teacher said.

3rd Guys, remind your children that the circle is at three o'clock.

6th Jul, do you take the little ones?

3rd Well, send, we'll see.

1st Colleagues, you still explain to me - when will I feel a bonus to my salary?

/ A heated discussion begins, background music sounds, the conversation becomes inaudible (but visible).

One of the former class teachers current teachers. Goes to the microphone./

Cl hands.

How quickly time flies. Yesterday's girls and boys - naughty students, today they themselves have become teachers. For 45 years of school life, ______ students have chosen the profession of teacher, and ______ of them work at school No. 2.

At home school!

/Alumni working in their own school take the stage. One of them keeps the word, the song is performed. Give flowers./

The song "Oh School"


Dear graduates, and now our dear teachers! First graders give you their congratulations! (you can hand out poems at the choice of the teacher)

SONG - Potpourri on a school theme.


And there are a lot of teacher dynasties in our school, these are mothers and their daughters we ask them to come up to the stage.

(Reasoning on the topic of choosing a profession. Every daughter and mother tells)

Mothers and daughters sing the song "Daughter" (Alla Pugacheva)

Leading: Graduates on stage! This is the 45th edition of our school!

(A boy and a girl exit)

He Dear our teachers! On behalf of the 45th graduation of our school, we would like to thank you for your hard but rewarding work.

She thank you for the love, for warmth and knowledge given by you.

Thank you for your patience, for the ability to understand and forgive everything.

She Thank you for being you.

He We are sure the best teachers villages are the teachers of our school!

She And let only flowers be those that can meet on your life path!

He And if there are thorns, then let them be only from roses!

/Flowers fly into the hall, kids give bouquets to teachers sitting in the hall./

She Our dear, beloved ones, for you “bloom”, the “flowers of life” grown by you are your children. Meet!

SONG "School" (Azarov)


Now let's imagine for a moment what the school could say to its current graduates.

“- My dear girls and boys! I call you that, still, even though you are no longer children. I am very glad to see you as the most mature, most serious and smartest of my graduates. Remember that you need to strive to be excellent students not only in school, but also in life. Today is the day of parting. It is sad and exciting. Today it's time to say thank you for everything, I am grateful that you have kept the honor and dignity of your school for all these 11 years. I really want you to never forget your native school. I am always glad to see you friendly and cheerful. I will be glad for your every victory! Happy life paths to you!”

Leading: 45 years old .... this pedagogical experience, successes of students, joy for those who again somewhere passed the test for courage, for loyalty, for success. The history of school number 2 is inseparable from the history of the village.

Words of congratulations are heard from the Administration of the Novoorsky district, a word from the head ...

Song "My teacher" from the repertoire of the show group "Smile")

Leading: and now congratulations from the district education department.

We invite you to this stage... Leading: Dear friends, dear guests! Many probably know that school students attend sections, study circles at the music school. I give you the floor, dear representatives of these organizations.


Accepting congratulations, today we want to say thanks a lot to all those graduates, parents and just friends of the school, thanks to whose sponsorship we were able to meet with you, remember and celebrate, albeit not a big one on the scale of the universe, but the anniversary ... the anniversary of our native school No. 2!

Thank you ________________________________

This number is for you- former graduates.

Dedication to the teacher

Words and music by A. Pautov

1st led.

45 - in principle, only the beginning,

45 is not a term for school,

But after all, how much has already made up

In the life of successful, happy roads.

2nd led.

How mother's prayers keep us

Sending the orders of the father,

So the school for many has become

A guiding star to the end.

song "Give us God" (words and muses Pugacheva Alla)

1st led.

Anniversaries pass like dreams

Like commas in life scripture.

And forward again, to the breath of spring,

To the heights of creative aspirations and knowledge.

2nd led.

Well, even if the path is not easy and somewhere rocky,

But summing up the past weekdays,

It's like we're starting a new leaf

Like a new day, which will be tomorrow.

Yu. A. Stepanova, MAOU secondary school No. 2, Novoorsk settlement, Orenburg region