What is negative energy. How to recognize a person with bad energy

We are often asked and asked questions about negative energy, as well as about the types, ways to detect negative energy in a house or in a person. Also, most are interested in ways to cleanse the house, apartment, space, themselves and their families from different kind negative energy and other low vibrations.

This topic, very large, and within the framework of the article we will try to tell you about the most common types of negative energy, and also share a simple, but very effective way detection and identification of negative energy. We will also try to answer questions such as:

What are the types of negative energy?

What effect do certain negative energies or people with negative energy?

We also consider it important to note that many negative or negative energies, first of all, are formed by our personal thoughts and fears (conscious and hidden), already this is quite enough to form a stable outflow of vital forces. In the same way, the negative energy in your energy can be brought in, that is, transferred to you through various energy channels. But first things first!

We will start, of course, with the classification of negative or negative energy (energetics):

  1. Negative thinking or negative behavior related to childhood traumas, emotions and experiences. Children's emotional traumas and wounds are quite difficult to process, and leave indelible marks on our psyche, in patterns of behavior, including in our thinking. (link to previous article Processing Emotions)
  2. Blocks and complexes of past lives. As a rule, these programs are hidden in our subconscious. These programs of past lives manifest themselves as we develop, including the spiritual one. These are some kind of lessons from the past, which we must definitely work through, regardless of whether we want it or not. In some practices, this is called a karmic program. Only after we eliminate and literally work through this karmic program (program past life, past incarnation), the existing block or complex will forever leave our lives. .
  3. Curses, corruption and other black magic. Similar negative energies can be hidden long time. Also, various kinds of negative energies and magical programs sometimes have a generic character, that is, they are transmitted by family, from father to son or from mother to daughter, and so on. As a rule, such negative programs aimed at your destruction, at taking away your luck and sometimes have very sad consequences for physical health. But, you must understand that it is much easier to remove or erase such programs than the problems of your childhood (see point 1).
  4. Introduced negative energies. These negative energies are easily detected. As a rule, they are quite light, but they deliver a lot of unpleasant moments and cause discomfort. For example, we are sure that you are familiar with the feeling that you are “not at ease”, you are not able to concentrate, you feel emotions that do not belong to you, something bothers you for no reason. We refer to such negative programs as introduced, because their source is something external. For example, unpleasant situation, memory, tragic news, etc. To work out these negative energies, it is enough to do a short (abbreviated) one, or conduct a short meditation, you can also read prayers or mantras.
  5. Psychological attack. More often than not, it can refer to someone else intentionally influencing you. Very often such people are from our environment, and their behavior is always monotonous. Their methods are always the same, namely, they either begin to clearly envy, or “merge” their negativity to you, talking about their problems. At such moments, a block may form in you, since you are not particularly disposed to help, let alone share the fate with such a person. Such situations in the common people are called, "evil eye".
  6. Lateral channels and energy outflows. These are a kind of “energy wires” that connect you, your aura and biofield with people, situations or objects. Through these wires, there is an outflow of vitality, energy, good luck, happiness, material well-being, health, etc.
  7. Negative energy of premises, offices, houses, apartments. As a rule, the energy of any place or room is felt by all people, and even by those who have a very low threshold of sensitivity. Particularly sensitive people are not able to stay in such rooms for a long time, they start to get sick or dizzy. Other people may feel negative energy as a slight tension, or even act somewhat annoying.

How to learn to identify Various types negative energy?

In order to learn to identify the presence of negative, negative energy, enough for you to learn to be in a harmonious and balanced state. For identification, you can use diagnostic tools such as a pendulum or a frame.

But we will tell you about a fairly simple and easy way, which will allow you to carry out diagnostics even in crowded places. To do this, we need a few minutes of time and your personal participation.

And so, before starting, connect to the Reiki energy, this will allow you to restore a harmonious internal state. If you find it difficult to concentrate, try to relax, take a few deep breaths and exhalations. The first thing you should feel this inner peace and silence, such a light sense of peace. Such sensations indicate a connection to Reiki and, therefore, one can continue working. If you have not reached this state, do everything from the beginning.

  • Have I been/have I been psychologically attacked?
  • Are there side channels from the aura or biofield?
  • Are there energy outflows from me to other people? (V this case mean energy vampirism)
  • Do I have magical effects?
  • Are there karmic programs or blocks of past lives?
  • Are there any childhood memories or traumas that prevent me from living happily and growing?
  • Is this space (room, apartment, room, office) energetically clean?

The first few times you will need to say these questions 2-3 times to get a clear and understandable answer to you. You can also write down the answers in a notepad or just memorize the answers. Getting answers should be easy, spontaneous, without too much thought, otherwise the answer will be less accurate and subjective.

This practice is a kind of meditation. This approach can be practiced by everyone without exception, and even if you have not been trained in Reiki practice, you can also use this method to detect negative energy and various negative programs.

After discovering various negative energies, it is enough to use Reiki symbols, as well as simple methods elimination of negative energy and various karmic programs.

Try this method, and be sure to share your results and impressions in the comments, whether you practice Reiki or not.

Human energy is life force that allows you to live, work, create and love. The higher the energy of a person, the more opportunities for realization in life.

Health and immunity are associated with energy. The higher the energy, the higher the immunity and resistance of the body to external, negative and infectious influences. If a person's energy is at a low level, then immunity is lowered. Energy also affects general state of a person - with a high level of energy, people are cheerful, active, full of energy, with a low level, apathy, drowsiness, laziness and chronic fatigue occur.

Ultimately, your energy directly affects your whole life, your health, your attitude, your personal relationships, even on your financial success!

High (strong) human energy

About people with high strong energy they say so - life beats out of them in the key. It is enough to stand next to a person with strong energy to feel that you yourself are energized. The strong energy of a person creates charisma. This is the quality of a leader. They believe such a person, they want to follow such a person. A person with strong energy attracts the necessary events, situations, necessary people, the right women and men. I want to communicate with such a person. high energy contributes to success, this is an invariable quality of successful politicians, businessmen, actors and show business stars.

The strong energy of a person is, among other things, health, both physical (resistance to diseases, quick recovery of the body) and mental (a state of well-being in which a person feels joy from life, is not subject to stress, can work actively and fruitfully.) There is also Feedback- in order to increase energy, you need to give your body and mind a rest, not work hard, not bring the body to exhaustion.

High and strong states of consciousness generate soft, calm and strong human energy. If you are in a strong state, if your energy is high, no negative influences of people or situations will piss you off, affect you or harm you.

Weak (negative) human energy

People with low energy are not very attractive to other people. It may be that a person is good and interesting, but communication with him not only does not cause joy, but tires and puts pressure on the psyche. This is an indicator of a person's low energy. The so-called "energy vampirism" - a person with negative energy in the process of communication is fed at your expense, and after communication you feel tired and empty. There is such an expression - a difficult person to communicate with. This is just about people with negative or low energy. Such people are constantly dissatisfied, they don’t like everything, everything around is bad.
Resentment, doubts, feelings, aggression - negative emotions or, in the terminology of yoga, "low states of consciousness", give rise to low energy. bad energy is not given to us by itself, just like that, we unconsciously attract it with our negative thoughts, negative states, resentment, envy. Negative energy affects negatively and physical health. People with low energy are more prone to various diseases. They lack energy, lack health. They feel tired, sleepy, do not want to do anything.

Mental health also suffers. Fatigue, apathy, stress or depression, quick irritability, resentment, suspiciousness, anger - all this is both a cause and a consequence of low or negative energy. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that people with negative energy are rarely lucky in life. Of course, they themselves set themselves up for the fact that everything is bad and subconsciously cut off their path to success.

Methods for increasing human energy

For achievement high level energetics need to be in high states of consciousness. This is said in one way or another in all world cultures and religions, from Christianity to Zen Buddhism. When you are calm, self-confident, enjoy life and accept everything that is given to you as a blessing, you increase your energy.

Human energy is not a static value, it can change depending on external conditions. Something happened that did not meet the expectations of a person - and he already lost heart, wilted, and his energy also fell. Man's task on the way spiritual development- to be the master of your states, not to succumb to the provocations of the external environment, and regardless of what is happening, maintain and maintain high energy states, remain calm, conscious. We must deal with our energy, develop it. Personal energy must be strong, then it will not be affected by the negative energy of other people. Moreover, in certain situations we need not just strong, but the highest, strongest energy. Those. we must be able to consciously raise it.
How to strengthen the energy of a person? One of the most powerful tools for working with energy is provided by such a system as yoga. Both at the level of the physical body (hatha yoga) and at the level of work with consciousness (raja yoga). Chakra Activation Methods and Awakening internal energy allow you to quickly and effectively increase the energy of a person. This is the 2nd month of our Basic Course.
If you want to start increasing your energy on your own, we recommend that you start by tracking your condition and your thoughts. What states are you in - positive or negative? If negative, why? Is there really a reason for negativity, or is it just a state of being familiar to you? Your task is to avoid negative states and thoughts as much as possible.

Let's consciously create our personal energy at a high, strong and pleasant level!

negative energy the cause of all our diseases! Find out what to do to restore your health! This article will be useful to anyone who suffers from any disease!

As a rule, the root cause of all diseases is energy pollution,¹ although many people know almost nothing about their energy essence perceiving itself only as a physical body.

But that doesn't change the fact that negative energy causes physical disorders and leads to various diseases.

How does various negative energies feel?

Often in the "places of pollution" the negative comes to the surface, but most of it lies inside the human energy. By developing the sensitivity of the hands, this can be tested in practice.

Hands negativity is felt as tingling, cold and numbness in the palms.


It is felt by the hands as something sharp, causes numbness of the phalanges of the fingers. The properties of curse energy are distinguished by the fact that it steadily pollutes the chakras² and channels, causes severe spasms at its location.

Karmic Plasma

This energy is felt as an inert, enveloping palm. It clogs the chakras and channels, prevents the normal movement of energy.

Tight negative malice

Feels like piercing energy. Anger clogs the energy, causes spasms.


This negative energy is felt in the form of cold lumps that are tightly attached to outside body. Such energy steadily pollutes the energy and causes the constant birth of negativity, which leads to illness and even death.

Other energy issues

The energies of resentment, acute feelings and other emotional garbage are felt by the active palm as something sharp, aching. These various negative energies clog the energy system and often cause acute physiological disturbances.

An experienced practitioner can, over time, develop his own personal file of energies, defining them according to his own characteristics.

What is important to know?

Since diagnostics by hands mainly goes through the external field of a person, it is important, first of all, to determine the places where negative energy leaves the body. This energy can be felt in the form of a large bunch of “caps”, or practically not protrude beyond the limits of the physical body.

However, a slight manifestation negative energy does not mean that there is no negativity. The heavier and denser the negative energy, the less it comes out of the energy. That is why it is often impossible to remove negative energy by dissipating and weakening it.

This fact makes some diseases incurable. The negative accumulates in the energy of a person for years and decades, becoming an increasingly dense substance.

During purification, negative energies begin to gradually “protrude” from the body. When the negative becomes less dense, it can be removed much more easily. Often an unexpected recovery from a serious illness is written off as ‘’ magic pill’’, and not for energy cleansing.

Diseases of adults and children. What is the difference?

Diseases of children and adults have some differences, this is expressed energetically.

In adults, especially the elderly, illnesses are often the result of long-term negative thinking (being born inside the negative). In this case, the energy channels (meridians) and chakras are “clogged”, and this leads to the occurrence of diseases. How the situation is more difficult, the more chronic diseases a person has.

In the energy of children, negative energies can appear during pregnancy if the mother has been in an acute negative state for a long time.

Also, the cause of the accumulation of negative energy in children can be numerous vaccinations, chemical vitamins and other medicines that are given to the child.

Strong ultrasound during ultrasound breaks DNA chains, resulting in incurable genetic diseases.

How to deal with diseases?

It takes time and a lot of high energies to clear all the accumulated internal negativity. Sometimes the habit of negative thinking gets in the way of your own healing. This is what often prevents a person from starting a big energy cleaning inside himself.

Even in case heavy pollution energy, a person can purify himself if he generates high energies in his soul.

In this case, there is a gradual getting rid of the negative. Such cleansing is especially successful when the parietal chakra is cleared and the person additionally receives an external source of high energies.

How are the soul and life energy related?

In the chest of each person there is a soul, a web of energy channels stretches from it, which energize the whole body. The human soul gives life itself, because only it fills the physical body with vital energy.

When a person is not clogged with negativity, the whole body receives vital energy in sufficient quantities. If dense negative energy appears in the energetics, then it clogs the channels and structure of the subtle body. As a result Vital energy cannot freely penetrate into all parts of the body. In places of "congestion" the accumulation of negative energy leads to physical disorders.

Traditional Medicine and Energy Healing

In case of illness traditional medicine begins to act on the body drugs. However, doctors, as a rule, do not eliminate the underlying cause.

A completely different approach is used in energy healing, where the root cause of the disease is eliminated.

Energy Healing!

Those who have developed the sensitivity of their hands and learned to feel the energies can eliminate negative energies in themselves or in other people.

1. To do this, hold your palms in the place where the negative is most pronounced.

2. Feeling the negative energy, you need to grab it with your palms and gradually remove it from the body.

3. Then you need to hold your hand above the crown of the head for several minutes, the field of hands will begin to grasp the blocking negative charge. It must also be extracted by doing circular motions until the outgoing stream of negativity comes out of the crown.

Its appearance means that a high cleansing energy has penetrated into the energy of the patient. It weakens the negative and forces it out of the body. During such work, one should constantly make sure that the parietal chakra does not become clogged with negativity again.

The parietal chakra (Sahasrara) is the receiver of connection with the Higher Forces. Purified, this chakra allows many people to cope with diseases on their own and restore health.

With a closed energy channel, healing is impossible, prayer will not have any power. This happens in cases of severe illness. Therefore, in order to achieve recovery, you must first open the parietal energy channel, and then turn to Higher Powers through prayer. Very great importance also has sincerity - verbal prayer is just a waste of time.

In esotericism, negative energy is understood as a kind of negative impact that violates the integrity of a person's biofield and creates blocks in his life. It is formed as a result of a purposeful or unconscious energy-information attack. People with a strong aura can cope with the consequences of such a blow on their own, since their subtle bodies have the ability to self-repair. Owners of a weak biofield have a much more difficult time, any evil intention can turn into serious consequences for them. The victim is always in trouble. If it seems to you that the black streak in your life began for a reason, correlate your condition with characteristic features the influence of the negative message.

6 Signs of Negative Energy Presence

  1. Depressed or unstable emotional state.

Our body is the first to notice negative impact and starts sending us alarms:

  • there is an inexplicable fear and excitement,
  • mood swings are accompanied by emotional outbursts,
  • it becomes very difficult to concentrate on something,
  • increased irritability,
  • increasing levels of aggression.

Sometimes oppression changes abruptly vigorous activity, after which apathy suddenly attacks again (this may indicate that the body is trying to resist).

Such a state is typical primarily for victims of corruption and love spells, since these forms of magical attack are actively involved emotional sphere. Internal contradictions become the cause of despondency, and also greatly undermine nervous system.

If you feel unreasonable discomfort or recognize your behavior in the above signs, there is cause for concern. Further psychological condition worsens to progressive depression.

  1. Change of character.

Long-term severe exposure results in behavioral changes in the worst side, bad character traits appear, for example, rudeness, touchiness, vindictiveness. The person himself sometimes does not even notice his transformation, but those around him immediately see this difference.

In a weakened organism, protective functions are reduced, respectively, resistance to diseases also leaves much to be desired. Speech constructions uttered with anger can infiltrate the subtle bodies of the person to whom they were addressed. Depending on the strength of the negative sent, they can escalate chronic diseases or new ones of varying severity appear. Typically, with the traditional diagnostic study it is not possible to identify the cause of the disease, doctors simply shrug their shoulders or give general recommendations.

The rapid deterioration of health always indicates damage or strong evil eye. The blow can be local (damage to vision, infertility, insanity, obesity, etc.) or general, after which all body systems fail (for example, a person with an evil eye envied your good health).

  1. Nightmares.

In continuation of the previous paragraphs, the signals sent by the subconscious should be noted. We receive them in a dream. The energy-information attack is evidenced by:

  • constant nightmares with a similar plot, forcing to wake up in the "Devil's time" (period 00:00 to 03:00),
  • symbols hinting at the presence of negativity (black angel, demonic entities, black raven, ritual actions, dirty or cloudy water, rot or mold, dangerous sharp objects, black spider or cobwebs).

In advanced cases, the victim often falls into a state of sleep paralysis, when the most scary dreams as if becoming a reality. This disorder is accompanied by frightening hallucinations and an inability to move. Most often, its cause is a strong magical blow, for example, damage to death or a curse on cemetery land.

  1. The emergence of dependencies.

A person obsessed with the desire to take alcohol or a psychotropic substance does not always make this choice consciously. He could be corrupted or cursed. Negativity gradually destroys it in all respects. The destructive energy-information program is always looking for the most weak spots, so the appearance of dependencies is natural.

  1. A series of troubles.

Negative energy can materialize evil in the form of chronic bad luck and accidents. At the physical level, frequent breakdowns of equipment can occur, a large number of emergency situations, disruption of cases, force majeure. A black streak provoked by a magical attack often leads to a deterioration in financial situation or loss of work.

A characteristic sign of the presence of negativity is the inability to explain the ongoing troubles, they literally appear out of the blue. In some cases, a person becomes a real magnet for disasters, which repels the people around him.

To understand what kind of impact had an impact, specific signs will help:

  • The evil eye, as a rule, affects one area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, which to a greater extent causes envy and hatred of others (for example, career, finances or realization creativity).
  • The curse is much more aggressive. After him, evil fate begins to pursue a person. Misfortunes, disappointments, blows of fate can occur.
  • Corruption blocks all prospects and development opportunities. Her victim faces insurmountable obstacles and unsuccessful attempts change the situation.

Rada Black
Expert in the field of spiritual practices
Specially for the site

Incredible Facts

As each of us probably knows, human sensory abilities have a wide range. Some people see very well, others not so much. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf. The same applies to energy sensitivity.

All things are made of vibrational energy. Some people are well aware of the energy that surrounds them, and they can easily tell when there is a lot or a little of it. They easily feel "good" and "bad" vibrations.

Not all energy sensitive people always have all of the following characteristics, but if you notice even a few of them, you are most likely quite sensitive to vibrational energy.

Strong human energy

1. You have a deep empathy for other people.

Often a person with strong energy can be seen where someone is offended or in upset feelings. Energy sensitive people are often the first "recipients" of information about someone else's problem. At the same time, the victim always wants to hold the hand of such a person, hug him and cry to him.

Energy-sensitive people feel the emotions of other people very keenly (and sometimes physical pain), so they easily understand and empathize with those who suffer.

2. Emotional rollercoaster

Having a keen sense of vibrational energy often means that when a person senses "high" energies around them, they are on an emotional high and vice versa. Have a few options ready for you in the event of an emotional downturn.

3. Addiction

Being sensitive to energy, such a person feels much more than other people. To save themselves from feeling low vibrational energy, often such people can use alcohol or some other relaxing means to reduce the strength of feelings from negative energy.

These people may be prone to other types of addictions, such as food, gambling or shopping.

Man and his energy

People with strong energy often understand the motives of people's behavior very well, in some cases they catch and feel right on the go when someone wants to say something, good or bad, it doesn't matter.

This is a very useful feature, since no one can use such a person for their own purposes.

5. People with strong energy are most often introverts.

Not all sensitive people are introverts, but a lot of them are. The process of feeling the emotions and feelings of other people is very morally exhausting, so often energy-sensitive people after such "sessions" need rest and recovery.

They often feel exhausted after prolonged social interactions.

6. A person can see the signs

People with strong energy are much more likely to understand the signs that the Universe sends them. They are more likely to find meaning in events and circumstances that most other people would consider coincidental.

Human energy

As we can see strong energy- It's a double-edged sword. Concentrating on vibrational energy allows for a deeper understanding of the universe, but on the other hand, it can also lead to some overstimulation and cause a lot of problems if left unattended.

If you think that you have a strong energy and are energetically sensitive, there are a number of things you can do to use your gift properly and not be so depleted.

First of all, the first thing that can help you strengthen your vibrational "receivers" or feel vibration better environment is meditation or yoga for mental and physical uplift. It is also recommended to regularly declutter your home and work space.

Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with, stay away from toxic individuals, events, and circumstances, especially when you feel overwhelmed. It is very important to work on self-acceptance and learn to love yourself and your gift.

If you came into this world as a person sensitive to the perception of energy, then some responsibilities automatically fall on you. However, the constant influx of energy from the environment can overwhelm and hurt you.

But if you learn to control your gift, amazing things will start to happen. Reading energy from people and being able to empathize with others will be a huge advantage.

Energy sensitive people have the power to push the world for positive change, and they also have the ability to become the world's greatest leaders, healers and teachers.

Now let's look at what types of energy people exist today.

Energy of the human body

1) People are energy mirrors

If energy is directed at such a person, whether positive or negative, it will always return to the one who directs it. That is, the man-mirror reflects energy.

These properties of the energy inherent in certain people, can and should be used, and with a high degree efficiency, in order to protect yourself from negative energy, and first of all, from its purposeful flows.

People - mirrors perfectly feel the people around them, so if they have to reflect negative energy, being near its carrier, they immediately understand who is in front of them and try not to enter into any contact with this person.

True, it is worth adding that the bearer of negative energy on a subconscious level is also trying not to meet with such "mirrors", because getting his own negativity back will not affect him. in the best way up to the development various diseases or at least discomfort.

Conversely, for the carrier positive energy contact with people-mirrors is always pleasant, because the reflected positive returns to its owner, charging him with another portion of positive emotions.

As for the mirror man himself, after he quickly realized that he was in front of a carrier of positive energy, in the future he would only be glad to communicate with such a person and would maintain warm relations with him.

2) People are energy leeches

There are a lot of people with such energy, and each of us almost daily encounters and communicates with them. These can be work colleagues, relatives or good friends.

In fact, energy leeches are the same as energy vampires. That is, these are people who have problems replenishing their energy reserves, and the easiest way for them to do this is to cling to another person, taking away his energy, and with it his life force.

Such people are persistent and aggressive, they radiate negativity, and they have their own method of draining energy from others, which is quite simple. They create conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, and sometimes they can even humiliate a person when other methods do not help.

After what happened, their well-being improves significantly, vigor comes to them, and they feel a surge of strength, because they drank enough energy from a person to feed themselves. A donor person who has been exposed to an energy leech, on the contrary, feels emptiness, depression, and sometimes he may even experience physical ailments.

In order for a leech to feel good around it, there must always be donors, and they themselves strive to keep such people in their field of vision, to energy field which can be sucked on.

The influence of energy on a person

3) People are energy walls

A person - an energy wall - is a person with a very strong energy. You can often hear about such people that they are impenetrable. All troubles, if any, appear on their life path, fly away from them literally like from a concrete wall.

However, there is in interaction with such people and negative side. Negative energy directed at them naturally rebounds and does not always return to the one who directed it. If in this moment there are other people near the "wall", then the negative can go to them.

4) People are energy sticks

These people from the very moment of meeting them begin to pour out a huge amount of negative energy on the interlocutor. Moreover, without waiting for the question, they immediately spread all the negativity that they have accumulated.