Occupy a 4 year old child on the train. What to do with your child on the train

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Preparing for long journey– is always an exciting process, and requires taking into account all the subtleties. Especially if you are traveling with your kids. Children, as you know, are not particularly calm, and you can keep them near you of your own free will only in one case - if the children around you are interested.

Therefore, it is important to stock up on the right games and toys in advance so that your child does not get bored on the train or plane.

The best games and toys for the road – how to entertain children on the go?

We start packing for the trip with children's backpack , which the child must assemble exclusively on his own. Even if the child is only 2-3 years old, he is able to put 2-3 of his favorite toys in his backpack, without which not a single trip can be completed.

Meanwhile, mom will collect toys and games that will not allow her beloved little one to get bored on the way.

Video: What to play with children on the road?

  • Magic bag "guessing". An excellent game option for a 2-3 year old child. We take a small fabric bag, fill it with small toys, and the little one will have to put his pen in there and guess the object by touch. The game develops fine motor skills, imagination and attentiveness. And it will be doubly useful if the toys in the bag are filled with small cereals (peas, rice).
    We choose toys that the baby can guess - vegetables and fruits, animals and others that are already familiar to him from home games. If the baby has already explored all the toys in the bag, you can put them back and ask him to find a specific one by touch - for example, a cucumber, a car, a ring or a bunny.
  • A game of attentiveness. Suitable for older children, 4-5 years old – ideal age. Develops memory, attentiveness, and ability to concentrate. To play, you can use any items that you have with you. We lay out in front of the child, for example, a pen, a red pencil, a toy, a napkin and an empty glass. The baby must remember not only the objects themselves, but also their specific location. When the child turns away, the items should be put aside and mixed with other things. The child’s task is to return the same objects to their original position.
  • At home in advance we prepare mini-toys for the finger puppet theater and several fairy tales that can be acted out in this theater (although improvisations are certainly welcome). Toys can be sewn (there are many options for such dolls on the Internet) or made from paper.
    Many people use old gloves on which they create muzzles, sew on hair from threads, bunny ears or button eyes. Let your child help you create heroes. A child of 4-5 years old will be happy to take part in the performance, and a mother will bring a lot of joy to a two-year-old child with such a performance.
  • Fishing. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made fishing rod with a magnet instead of a hook, on which a child can catch toy fish. This game will distract a 2-3 year old toddler for some time so that mom can take a breath between finger theater and another forced walk around the carriage. The game develops dexterity and attentiveness.
  • We are writing a fairy tale. This game can be played with a child who already enjoys imagining and loves to have fun and fool around. The whole family can play. The head of the family begins the tale, the mother continues, then the child, and then in turn. You can immediately illustrate the fairy tale in the album (of course, all together - the drawings should become collective creativity), or compose it before bed, accompanied by the sound of train wheels.
  • These toys can keep a 2-5 year old child occupied for an hour and a half, and if you participate in the game with him, then even more. long period. It is recommended to choose solid books that will actually be interesting to play, rather than a magnetic board.
    However, a board with the alphabet or numbers can also keep a child busy, since it is at this age that they learn to read and count. Also today there are three-dimensional magnetic puzzle games on sale, from which you can assemble entire castles, farms or car parks.
  • We weave baubles, beads and bracelets. Great activity for development fine motor skills and fantasies. The work is painstaking - not easy, but that makes it more interesting. We take a set with laces, elastic bands, large beads and mini-pendants on the road in advance. Fortunately, such sets can now be found in finished form. For a 4-5 year old girl this is a great activity. For a younger child, you can prepare a set of laces and small geometric objects with holes - let him string them on a string. And if you teach your child to braid hair while driving to point B, it will be absolutely wonderful (the development of fine motor skills contributes to the development of creativity, patience, perseverance and the brain in general).
  • Children love making toys out of paper. Of course, at 2 years old a child will not yet be able to fold even a simple boat out of paper, but for 4-5 years old this game will be interesting.
    It is better to buy a book on origami for beginners in advance in order to gradually move from simple figures to complex. You can even make such crafts from napkins, so the book will definitely be useful.
  • Board games. If the road ahead is long, then Board games They will not only make it easier for you, but will also reduce travel time, which always flies by while we play with our little ones. For children 4-5 years old, you can choose travel games, checkers and lotto, for kids 2-3 years old - children's lotto, games with cards, the alphabet, etc. You can also purchase books from which you can cut out dolls and their clothes (or cars ).
  • Well, where would we be without him! We take this set first, because it will be useful in any situation. Be sure to put a notebook and album, felt-tip pens and pencils in the folder, and additionally scissors and a glue stick. What to draw? The options are a carriage and another carriage! For example, you can draw a doodle with eyes closed, from which the mother will then draw a magical beast, and the child will color it.
    Or make a real fairy tale book with illustrations. You can also keep a camping diary, a kind of “flight journal” in which the child will enter his observations from the pictures flying outside the window. Naturally, we don’t forget about short travel notes and a route sheet, as well as a treasure map.

Of course, there are many more options for games and toys that can be useful on the road. But the main thing is to prepare for the road in advance. Your child (and even more so the neighbors on the carriage or plane) will be grateful to you.

Video: What to play with your child on the road?

What can be used for playing with a child on the road - toys and games from improvised means

If you didn’t have time or couldn’t take anything with you except a young artist’s set (as a rule, all parents take it with them) and the baby’s favorite toys, don’t despair.

The road can be made interesting without board games, a computer or other gadgets.

All you need is imagination and desire.

With a little ingenuity, even your fingers, with the help of felt-tip pens, will become heroes of the theater, and entire gardens with beautiful flowers will grow from napkins.

And, of course, don’t forget to grab 2-3 new toys for your baby, which will keep your little one occupied a little longer than the old toys, so that you (and your neighbors on the train) have time to relax a little.

What games and toys do you keep your child occupied on the road? Share your stories in the comments below!

Hello Dear friends. A couple of days after the wedding, we got together at Honeymoon closer to the mountains and the sea. Without thinking twice, we went to rest in the city of Gelendzhik. Since we were in no hurry, we chose the train as our means of transportation. Those who have ever traveled on long-distance trains know that in order not to die of boredom you need to do something. It’s okay if you don’t travel for half a day, and even if you got there at night, and in the morning you’re already in the city you need. We had to travel for two and a half days, and therefore the problem of what to do on the train during this time hung over us!

1. Conversation with a loved one

First of all, this applies to those who travel not alone, but with friends. I went with my beloved wife. We had a lot to talk about: where we would go and where we would visit.

2. Conversation with fellow travelers

An excellent opportunity to make acquaintances. Perhaps in the future you will become friends or you will develop a new hobby. What if you learn something new, about the place where you are going or about the places where the interlocutor is from? Or they will share interesting life experiences with you. Don't miss this opportunity!

3. Meeting a member of the opposite sex

Great for singles. A train carriage is not a place to meet people. Who knows, maybe you will find your soulmate here with whom you will spend your life!

4. Electronic communication

If you don’t like your neighbors, are tired of communicating with them, or are you so shy that it’s difficult to get to know and talk with fellow travelers, then feel free to communicate with friends and family via SMS, ICQ social media. The main thing is that the gadget remains connected.

What to do on the train, how not to sleep, but sleep is important and useful activity. For those who often whine about not getting enough sleep, a great opportunity Finally get some more sleep. If suddenly you are bothered by ambient noise, put earplugs in your ears and go to sleep!

There has not yet been a person who eats only air! 😀 We are all living people and we need food! Having sat down at the table, take out food supplies and eat.

7. Listen to music

Before your trip, download music to your phone and music players and sit and listen until you reach your destination. In addition to music, download audiobooks and listen, educate yourself! Well, whoever likes it here.

8. Playing cards

Playing the fool can rightfully be considered a popular game of cards. Play with friends or neighbors you just met. If there are no cards, no problem, look around. I'm sure there's at least one company playing for the whole carriage. Feel free to ask to play together, I think they won’t refuse you.

9. Play electronic games

If you have a phone, laptop or PSP with you, then why not play. The main thing is that the battery lasts a long time. Although modern carriages have no problems charging their electronic gadgets.

10. Watching a movie or favorite TV series

If you already took electronic gadgets with you. Then why not watch your favorite series on the road. If at home on the sofa watching TV time flies unnoticed, then why not use this idea here too.

11. Reading a book, magazine

You will have a great time if you take a book with you or buy an interesting magazine along the way. It's time to read. Reading has never harmed anyone, but on the contrary, it has been beneficial. Personally, I took Freud's book with me. For me, as a techie, such books are difficult to perceive. During the trip he will only get through 75 pages. Why didn't I take something from technical literature or at least from adventures?

12. Drawing

A great activity even if you are not an artist! The main thing is not to forget to take paper and pencils with you. If you happen to be eating with a child, don’t forget to take some coloring books with you. Good way keep your child busy for a couple of hours and remember his youth! 😀

13. Study, self-education

14. Personal diary

In case you keep a diary, then this is an opportunity to write something new or read something old and remember what happened to you last week.

15. Planning

Spend a huge amount of free time planning your trip, vacation, or the current year. While we were driving, we were thinking about where and when it would be best to go, what to see, where to go.

16. Look out the window

Since childhood, Lenka and I have been glued to the window when we travel to new places. For some reason, it seems to me that it will be interesting for you to sit and just look out the window. Watch how nature changes in different areas. Look at the towns passing by, appreciate the architecture and observe the life of local people.

17. Folding origami figures

If you suddenly took with you a certain number of sheets of paper, put down figures of cranes, frogs, fish and whatever your heart desires. Great activity on the train.

18. Solving puzzles

Having a puzzle with you, make your brain work. For example, those who cannot solve the Rubik's Cube spend hours on it. There are a great many combinations to collect. When I first got this cube, I spent a day trying to assemble it completely. It's a pity I didn't think to take it with me on the train.

19. Memories

Lying on your bed, remember what happened to you over the past month. After thinking about this, draw the appropriate conclusions. If you do this constantly, you can in the future

20. Body workouts

You won't believe it, but even in the carriage it is possible to do body training. The main thing is to turn on your imagination. At the very least, you can pump up your abs and do push-ups calmly.

21. Handicrafts

Cross-stitching, knitting, bracelet making, all this can be done on the train, and why not. All this can be done on the train. In 2.5 days you can knit at least socks! 😀

22. Chew seeds

Believe it or not, you can also kill a couple of hours by turning gray and gnawing on seeds. The seeds are such an infection that it’s hard to stop until they run out. So take a bag and more with you!

23. Solving crossword puzzles

Still wondering what to do on the train, when you’re tired of everything, get off at the nearest parking lot and buy yourself a crossword puzzle and sit and tell your fortune. You can also connect your neighbors if you find it difficult to answer some questions.

24. Sex, kisses, hugs

If you are eating in a compartment together with your beloved half, then why not do it. Sex is like communication; time flies by! 😀

25. Work

If you are traveling somewhere for work, then do some of it, if possible, on the train. And if suddenly you are a freelancer, then spend this huge amount of time on doing your current work.

26. Write poems, stories, blog posts

If I were traveling alone, and even home from vacation, I would definitely start writing posts for my favorite photo blog.

27. Take a walk at the bus stop

Be sure to get off the train at long stops and take a walk! Sitting and lying all day long is very difficult even for me, who is lazy. A sip fresh air and the walk has never bothered anyone. When leaving the carriage, be sure to ask the conductor how long the stay at the station lasts, and then, depending on the time, decide how far you can walk.

I think it’s time to stop here, otherwise I’ve already written 27 points. If you ever decide to take a train somewhere, be sure to read this post again to refresh your memory of what to do on the train. Do not take the time that you have to spend on the road with bitterness, but perceive it as a gift, and use it wisely! If you suddenly have new ideas, be sure to leave them in the comments!

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Travel is just great! Traveling by train is not too expensive and comfortable, traveling by plane is fast. But with any choice of transport, the task becomes a little more complicated if a small passenger is traveling with you in the transport. A trip, for example, to Crimea or Sochi to the sea, or a trip to relatives that takes long time, may seem tiresome to a child. Children are much more inquisitive and active than adults, and it is better for parents to think in advance about how to keep their child occupied on the train so that the child does not get bored and does not cause inconvenience to other passengers.

Of course, when answering the question of what to do with a child on an airplane, in a car or on a train, you need to take into account the age of the little traveler. How older child, the easier it will be to negotiate with him, but even the youngest passengers can be offered a lot of entertainment that will certainly interest and delight them.

How to entertain a 1-2 year old child on the train?

As a rule, at this age, kids already run quite actively, but are not yet patient enough to carry out more than an hour in one place with a book or cartoon. Therefore, before starting the trip, it is better for parents to stock up on different useful things, which can entertain and please the little passenger. To begin with, it's worth buying new toy, or even two, preferably multifunctional, musical or educational, and do not show them to the child before the start of the trip. New item will arouse much more interest in the child than the familiar toys that are already familiar to the eye, and the problem of how to keep the child occupied on the train will be solved by itself for some time. The same principle works for books - bright, with beautiful pictures, which have not yet had time to bore the baby, they will definitely occupy him for some time, providing parents with at least a small respite in entertaining the little person. You can choose a toy book with lacing or some rustling or voluminous elements. Children from one to two years old really like these books.

If, nevertheless, the young traveler has already become tired of toys, then you can come up with something entertaining from almost any materials that are at hand. Any small boxes, buttons strung on a string, cream jars that can be inserted into one another can help mom or dad out difficult situation and distract children's attention.

At this age, children are very fond of various finger games like "Magpie-Crow" and the like. It’s worth picking up 4-5 of these games to keep your child occupied on the road. Here is one of the many rhymes-games for fingers (we begin to touch the baby’s fingers, starting with the little finger):

This finger went into the forest

This finger found a mushroom

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything -

That's why I got fat!

Don’t forget also about all kinds of rhymes and rhymes that will also help you entertain your baby.

What to do on a trip for a child aged 2 to 4 years?

Older children need more space to move than babies under two. But to do this while traveling, and in such a way as not to disturb fellow travelers if possible, is a rather difficult matter. If you are traveling in a compartment, you can go out for a walk in the corridor with your child. If there are other children in the carriage, then it’s easy great option. They can communicate, exchange toys and will quite successfully entertain each other. If not, then no problem.

When thinking about what to do with your child on the road, don’t ignore modern technologies. You can download your favorite cartoons and children's songs to your phone or tablet, and in order not to disturb other passengers, your child can watch and listen to them on the road using headphones. Just be sure to adjust the volume so that the sound doesn't overload your sensitive little ears. And don’t leave your baby alone with the cartoon for a long time. Little children are fascinated by the color pictures on the screen, but then they can easily burst into tears from fatigue for no obvious reason - the amount of information may be too much for the baby.

An excellent solution to the question of how to keep your child occupied on the road is to pack balloons. They can easily be used to play football in the corridor of a compartment carriage, and when active games get bored, you can draw on the balls beautiful patterns or funny faces. In this case, do not forget to take a box of markers with you. If the faces are different, and there are several balls, then you can set up an impromptu puppet theater with your child and role-play some fairy tale that is well known to him, or even compose your own together magical story. The scope for imagination is truly limitless!

In addition to markers, do not forget to purchase colored pencils, an album at the stationery store in advance, and if your child likes to sculpt, then a small box of multi-colored plasticine will not be out of place. Unlike balloons, which are great for the train, where there is plenty of free space to keep a child entertained, crayons, markers and a sketchbook are a great way to keep a child occupied on a plane or in a car, where there is much less space.

A small set of cubes, 6-9 elements, is also perfect for a train. The child will be interested in collecting bright colored pictures, and if he gets bored with this activity, you can always build a tower from the cubes. For trips in the car or on the plane, all kinds of coloring books and books with stickers and stickers are suitable.

What to do with a child 5 years old and older on the road?

After 5 years of age, it is much easier to explain and tell children about the rules of conduct on the train and about the time you will spend on the journey. It’s easier to find ways to keep your child occupied in a car or train. There are a lot of options, you just need to creatively approach the solution to the problem and show a little ingenuity.

To prevent your child from getting bored, you should stock up on several board games. A domino, a small puzzle, a puzzle game or a small construction set will do. You should not choose something very complex or full of small elements that can easily get lost. And if you take a small ball with you on the train, you can play “edible-inedible” with your child. This simple game develops reaction speed and dexterity and is extremely entertaining for young players.

If you brought an album with you, you can try to master origami with your child - simple paper figures will help entertain young traveler both during the process of their creation and after, having served as excellent interesting toys. Why not send a flotilla of paper steamers sailing across the compartment table or fold album sheet crane flapping its wings.

When traveling in a car, you can look out the window together and invite your child to count, for example, cars of a certain color or objects that begin with a certain letter. For example, “D” is a road, a house, a tree, “M” is a car, a store, and so on. You can watch the clouds together, imagining what each of them looks like. You will be surprised at how interesting and original associative thinking young children have. But you should keep in mind that after some time the child will get tired of the objects flashing outside the window, so you shouldn’t be too zealous and, when the baby starts to get tired, switch his attention to something else.

With a schoolchild, you can already play “rock-paper-scissors”, tic-tac-toe or “battleship”. No less successful will be books with riddles, magazines with pictures that you need to independently connect along the marked points or drawn labyrinth puzzles.

Vocabulary games for the road

You can also play vocabulary games with your child on the go. Such a pastime is simple, but effective option how to keep a child occupied in the car and on the plane, where outdoor games are impossible, and the abundance of toys will not be the most convenient option. This entertainment will also be very useful, as it develops vocabulary and erudition. There are many such games, for example, you can play cities: for the last letter of the city named by the player, the next participant must remember another one. If the child does not yet know many names of cities, you can come up with any words according to the same principle, limiting them or not limiting them to a specific topic.

In addition to cities, you can play rhymes, come up with various short funny poems and history. Another simple one, but exciting game called “Name Five...” The rules are very simple: a player chooses a certain category of items, and the other player names 5 of them. Then they change. The game is designed for attentiveness, memory and erudition.

A good activity for development vocabulary and in order to keep the child occupied in the car, there will be a game “Everything is the other way around.” You name a word (preferably an adjective, although this is not a prerequisite) - the child selects a word with the opposite meaning. Good - evil, neat - sloppy, and so on.

Game "Yes or no?" The essence of the game is this: you make a certain statement, and the baby must quickly agree with you or refute what was said. Example: “It’s not dark yet, is it?” “A dog has a tail, and a bird has fins, right or wrong?” As a rule, such inconsistencies, which kids manage to notice and correct, amuse children a lot. Of course, it can sometimes be difficult for a preschooler to immediately navigate the abundance of information. Don't rush him, make allowances for his age - let the little player feel like a winner.

When thinking about what to do with your child in the car, invite him to organize a small competition in the pronunciation of tongue twisters. Good for articulation, not difficult and a lot of fun. There are many ideas for vocabulary games. If you suddenly can’t remember anything, don’t get lost and come up with a game yourself.

Between the ages of one and two years, children are very attached to certain objects. This could be a blanket that covers the baby at night, or a favorite Teddy bear or a bunny. Do not forget to take such a thing with you - this way the baby will feel more confident and protected in unfamiliar territory, will settle down more easily, and will fall asleep faster.

For an older child, if, for example, you are traveling in a car or plane, you can explain when the stop is scheduled. The anticipation of the opportunity to jump, run, and simply change the atmosphere will brighten up the child’s waiting time.

You can also take with you on the road a small supply of crackers, bagels or crackers, an apple or carrot cut into slices. small child this can distract you from a tiring journey, and older children are unlikely to refuse a treat.

If your child has tired you out with questions about how soon you will arrive at your destination, then you should not endlessly tell him the time. Children are not very well oriented in time, so it is easier to show distance by converting it into spatial characteristics, on some object, such as a pencil or ruler. Having determined the starting point of your journey at one end and the place of arrival at the opposite end, show your child which part of the journey you are on. this moment you are. You can arm yourself with colored pencils and draw a map, including in it the places that you passed and that the little traveler managed to remember - this will be interesting and will help keep the child occupied for some time.

Thus, if you stock up on useful things, toys and books in advance, a trip with a child can easily be turned from a tiring pastime into exciting adventure both for the smallest passenger and for mom and dad.

Oh, these kids with their endless energy! We adults are always surprised: “How can you jump, run, ride a bike all day and not get tired?” But the real one headache comes when you need to go somewhere with the kids, and at the same time you don’t know what to do with the children on the train.

Packing things

Before going to long trip with children, you need to think through everything before the smallest details. First of all, think about what the child will do. I present to you a few recommendations on the road.

Pencils, markers, colored pens

These accessories will keep your baby busy for a while, and if you buy more new coloring book with his favorite cartoon characters, then you are guaranteed peace for several hours.


Books can be divided into two categories: educational and fairy tales. Take the fairy tale books that your baby loves to listen to at home. After reading the fairy tale, you can discuss and ask your child which hero is good and which is evil. Educational books nowadays are full of variety in stores. If your baby doesn’t yet know the names of flowers, animals, birds, then this direction. When the baby is five or six years old, take a book that game form teaches children letters and teaches reading. Of course, with such books the baby himself will not be interested, and here you will have to work with the child. But think correctly: at home, in worries and troubles, there is often no time to work with the child, but here there is plenty of time, and the baby is not bored.


Take a small ball, it will definitely come in handy. There are always other kids on the train who are also bored, get to know them and invite them to play ball. This way, you will also save other parents from the problem of how to keep their children occupied on the train.


Kids are always interested in different figures, and if you also join such an exciting activity, it will be doubly interesting.


If your child loves to design various items, take a constructor for it. It's better if it's new.

Air balloons

When you think about what to do with children on the train, think about balloons. All children love to play with them. Buy balls of different shapes and colors. You can simply play with them, throwing them to each other, or you can draw different faces on the balls with felt-tip pens.


They will amuse not only your child, but also all the children in the carriage.


A tablet or player with recordings of his favorite cartoons will come in handy at a time when you cannot devote time to your baby.


Mostly when we're talking about When thinking about how to keep a child occupied on the train, puzzles can be a way out. They are compact and light in weight, which is valuable when packing bags for travel.

Wheelchairs for children

Is your baby between one and five years old? Be sure to take a toy with you - a gurney. It's better if it's musical. Don’t worry about your neighbors, let your child play rather than rage and cry, thereby irritating fellow travelers even more.


When packing your bags, it is better to put the toys in a separate bag or bag, since you will need them before you board the train. If the bag is not heavy, let your baby carry it.

Children are cunning creatures

Children very quickly understand the boundaries of what is permitted. When you are among strangers, it is difficult to explain anything to a child or punish him for a bad deed. They become uncontrollable. Therefore, think about how and what to keep your children occupied on the train so that the trip does not turn into a long and painful nightmare.

Summer is a time for relaxation and vacations, and therefore for travel. Adults can easily cope with travel, but the same cannot be said about children. A long stay on a train can tire any child, so you need to prepare for the trip in advance and very carefully.

What can you take with you?

Of course, it all depends on age. If the child is small, you should definitely take toys, and for an older child, books are also suitable.

Here is a list of things that can entertain a child of any age:

book– kids can do it, older children can read it themselves. Alternatively, you can simply look at the pictures. Of course, it is very desirable that the book be new, since the old one will not attract attention for long;

– there are interesting children’s magazines with tasks – crosswords, puzzles, labyrinths. You can buy several of them and then the child will be busy for some time;

- of course, you can take it, but if you buy a new toy and show it only on the train, the child’s delight will know no bounds. This means there is something to do for a long time, especially if the toy is multifunctional;

album, pencils, markers– all children love to draw, so you need to take these things with you. In addition, you can do a little activity with your baby: write letters, words or numbers on a piece of paper. This will also keep the child busy for a while, and besides, he will learn something new and useful;

– you can do origami and teach your child how to fold an airplane or a boat;

Board games– now exists big choice games, the main thing is to choose something that will be interesting to the baby;

player– listening to a fairy tale or music is also a great way to entertain a child on the train;

scissors and glue– you can take these items with you and start making crafts. Figurines, snowflakes, souvenirs - all this can be made during the time spent on the road;

bubble – a wonderful thing, but do not forget about your fellow travelers. Make sure that the baby does not splash other passengers;

tablet– you shouldn’t abuse it, but if the road is long, the child will be busy or playing for some time. And yet, if the journey is not very long, it is better to do without this thing;

- Very good activity for any age, because you can build anything;

surprise bag- this is a wonderful idea. Place several (the more the better) small cheap toys in a small bag. The child will be captivated by studying the contents of the bag for a long time.

The list can be supplemented with other items that your child may find interesting.

What to play?

If you are already tired of all the toys and books, and the journey is still long, you can play games. What games are suitable? There are quite a lot of them:

or city a is the simplest and most famous. You can’t play this game with the little ones, but it will be interesting for preschoolers and schoolchildren;

words with one letter– you need to come up with a lot of words that start with the same letter. You have to name the words one by one; whoever names the most wins;

make up words.
Suitable for children who can read and write. From big word you need to make a lot of small ones;

fairy tale– the adult begins to tell a fairy tale, and the child must continue. So take turns and continue the story;

it's the other way around- the adult names some adjective, and the child must name a word with the opposite meaning - an antonym;

word shifters
– in any word you need to swap letters; it is better to write the resulting word on a piece of paper. The point is to guess the hidden word. The game is very fun because the words are funny;

sea ​​battle
, tic-tac-toe and other paper games that you know will surely appeal to children too;

– you can draw and cut out figures right on the train, and then organize a theatrical performance. It could be famous fairy tale or a story you just made up. Children will find it interesting;

funny drawing
– you can draw something on a small part of a sheet of paper and bend it so that the drawing is not completely visible, but only some part. Then give it to the child so that he can finish drawing this part at his own discretion and also hide the entire drawing, leaving only a little bit. So you need to draw one by one, and then see what happens. Children really like this game.

In fact, the games can be different. You can come up with them yourself, the main thing is that the children have fun. You can look out the window, run around the train a little, however, do not forget that other passengers are traveling with you. Take steps to ensure that your children do not inconvenience them.

If you put in a little effort, the ride will be fun and fast. After all, for interesting activities time flies by. And next time the child himself will invite you to play interesting games.