How to dress for school. What not to wear to school: three prohibitions

IN school age always want to look cool. But not always, it turns out to realize their imagination. At the same time, the school uniform significantly hinders the potential of novice fashionistas. But how to dress fashionably for school for teenagers? Is it even possible to do this? Of course yes. After all, even in the era of form, there are various solutions that will allow you to look like schoolchildren from American films.

How fashionable to dress for school?

If you have a school uniform, then you should not violate it. It is better to resort to stylish additions. For example, a belt. Buy yourself a stylish belt. And your typical suit will look new.

Take care of your shirt or blouse as well. It may not be classic (white), but:

  1. Blue;
  2. Lemon;
  3. Beige;
  4. yellow;
  5. Pink and so on.

It won't make your outfit look vulgar. But you will look much more stylish.

You can also buy a jacket with additional decor. sold today school jackets with custom collars and different emblems. With them you will look quite interesting.

Mixing Styles

Sometimes, in order to dress fashionably for school, a teenager needs to mix styles. And if your school does not have a school uniform, then you can wear jeans with dress shoes. This will make you look more elegant.

The girl can wear Man's jacket. This will make her a little brutal and emphasize her beauty. In official fashion, there are often such combinations.

There is also the possibility to use shoes or sneakers of a non-standard color. So you emphasize your rebellious image.

For schoolgirls, there are even special shorts that look like a skirt from the side. You can buy them if you are tired of walking around in generic skirts.

Style in the details

Do not think that you can dress stylishly only by buying yourself a bunch of things. Sometimes style is in the little things.

  • Watch;
  • Accessories;
  • Tie;
  • shoe laces;
  • Cufflinks on sleeves, etc.

All of these can be style attributes. You just have to learn how to combine all this. And don't try to stand out in radical ways. Gothic style or the image of a local prostitute is not a trend. Such outfits remained at the beginning of the 2000s.

Just be yourself. Dress modestly and tastefully.

Dress yourself

To look stylish, you need to dress yourself. Do not trust the selection of clothes to your mothers or grandmothers.

And do not listen to parents when they say that the school is not a house of models. After all, in any situation, a person should look stylish. And if you study there, this does not mean that you have to go there in a garbage bag.

Every teenager already knows how to dress fashionably. The main thing is just not to constrain your desires. With the right approach, you will quickly develop your school style.

School for many children is undoubtedly stressful. A good study and work in stressful condition impossible. That's why get rid of negativity as much as possible. How to do it? You can start at least with your appearance.

Even such an unpleasant innovation for many children as an official school uniform should not spoil the mood. In any case, add a little bit of uniqueness, for example, wear a brooch, a pendant or a beautiful small bracelet, no one will forbid.

Even such an unpleasant innovation for many children as an official school uniform should not spoil the mood.

The presence of a compulsory uniform for school remained in Soviet years. Now school uniform is gone required attribute every student. However, there is still a certain dress code.

The question of how to dress fashionably and stylishly for school, perhaps, worries almost every student, regardless of age and gender. Of course, it might seem to many that school clothes are an unattractive and gloomy collection of fabrics, but this is categorically not the case if you dress with taste.

As a rule, the main colors for choosing school clothes are:


It is them that should be combined with each other to look fashionable and stylish. Everyone probably knows how to dress for school, it must be a strict and presentable bow.

In addition to monophonic things, students are allowed to diversify their school wardrobe light things and pastel colors, as well as add a strip or a cage.

In addition to plain clothes, students are allowed to diversify their school wardrobe with things in light and pastel colors, as well as add a strip or check.

By the way, the cell may not necessarily be black and white; red or green can be used.

Boys fashion

A guy just needs to choose the right shirt for strict classic trousers. But as regards additional accessories, some difficulties may arise here.

For example, Not every jumper will be able to harmoniously fit into the selected image. To create a correctly formulated image, you will need to devote some amount of time.

I would also like to point out that wool jackets are still in fashion. Therefore, if a young man is faced with the question of how to dress for school, then he should undoubtedly adhere to an extremely strict classical style, it just looks fashionable and stylish.

Boys, of course, are much easier to take care of their appearance than girls.

Winning option a combination of jeans with a classic shirt and a strict jacket will also look good. From shoes to this image is great fit like classic shoes, and moccasins of dark shades.

How to dress for school for girls and girls

It is much more difficult for girls to decide on the choice of their bow on an everyday school day. After all, without knowing the basic laws in clothes for school and not adhering to them, you can simply ruin your appearance. And then the image can be not only funny, but in some cases even vulgar.

For example, every schoolgirl should definitely know that the height of both dresses and skirts should not exceed the size of the palm above the knee.

Increasingly, you can meet modern schoolgirls in dresses that are fully consistent with the Soviet era. These are strict dresses made of baggy brown fabric.
As a rule, this dress is complemented by a white apron with ruffles.

Another a win-win option would be a sheath dress. This type dresses will give any type of figure femininity, but at the same time will not spoil the severity of the image.

win-win there will be a sheath dress. This type of dress will give any type of figure femininity, but it will not spoil the severity of the image.

Apart from formal dresses and skirts you can add to the wardrobe loose-fitting skirts or a pleated skirt. The pleat can be complemented by both large frilled pockets and a decoratively trimmed pallet.

Particular attention should be paid to trouser suits for girls of all classes. Classic style trousers with arrows can be combined with both a jacket and a jacket or a vest.

Those to whom the generally accepted form has not yet reached, of course, are very lucky. They have different variants how to dress fashionably and stylishly for school, the opportunity to dress in an original and varied way. In order not to get confused in the huge selection of options for school clothes, you need to classify them.

The first category is dresses. Most different styles, models, colors, but within a certain official style. This does not mean that all dresses will be strictly gray or black. They can be polka dots, flowers, or even hearts.

The material is also not particularly important (but, of course, it is better not to have chiffon or silk). The main thing is that the dress should not be too defiant, frank, attracting too much attention. In the new season, flying feminine models are recognized as the most fashionable. You can complement the image with an elegant cardigan.

Category two - skirts. A skirt is generally a universal thing. classic model can serve as an official element, and festive, and will come in handy when going out. Everything will depend on other things and accessories. There is an unspoken rule that has long been known: A pencil skirt should be in every woman's wardrobe.

A skirt is generally a universal thing. The classic model can serve as both an official element and a festive one, and will come in handy when going out.

And for the school, it is simply irreplaceable. Skirt can be worn with anything : with tops different colors, with jumpers, blouses, shirts, bomber jackets, turtlenecks, t-shirts (you can even with torn t-shirts that are currently relevant) and so on.

There are a lot of options and combinations of how to dress fashionably and stylishly for school, it remains only to choose the right one. The main thing not to forget about the length is just above the knee.

The next category is trousers. For some reason, classic trousers with arrows are undeservedly underestimated by schoolgirls. But You can combine them with a huge number of things, and all this will look very cool.

Formal trousers with heels are perfectly combined, but they look no less good with solid-colored sneakers. (then they should be slightly narrowed and shortened). Breeches are also a great alternative to regular long trousers.

Formal trousers with heels are perfectly combined, but they look no less good with solid-colored sneakers.

The color of this wardrobe item can also be strict muted or rich and bright. In the latter case, the trousers will become the center around which the whole image will need to be built.

Stylish clothes and accessories for schoolchildren

Modern schools do not include in their rules the mandatory wearing of a school uniform. But this does not mean at all that students will be allowed to appear in an educational institution in absolutely any form. Certain criteria and rules in choosing clothes must still be observed.

So, how can a girl dress fashionably and stylishly for school? One of the popular options is the combination of a sheath-shaped skirt with a light-colored blouse. Despite the severity of this image, it is at the same time very feminine and elegant. As a rule, it is suitable for high school girls.

For girls who are prone to fullness, it is best to opt for tulip-shaped skirts. Combine this skirt with jackets of various shapes. It is best if it is made of knitwear with the addition of pockets along the edges.

You can also see other options stylish plus size clothes for girls by following the link.

Modern children With special attention follow all the trends and fashion trends, so the presence of additional accessories in the image they consider mandatory. Thanks to their presence, you can make any image youthful and memorable. But with all this, you need to know the measure.

Modern children pay special attention to all the trends and fashion trends, so they consider the presence of additional accessories in the image to be mandatory.

For example, all kinds of headbands and hairpins can soften the severity of the image, the main thing is to choose them correctly. And scarves and shawls around the neck are in demand, both among boys and girls, and are stylish accessory. The main thing is to know in which image it is worth including this accessory, and in which it is better not to do this.


Remember that your most important value is just your youth, and you need to emphasize it, and not try to look older. Trying to copy the makeup of a 30 year old actress from a magazine will end up looking vulgar and stupid. Therefore, we emphasize naturalness and youth!

The main point that distinguishes excellent students from everyone else is self-organization. If you want to get fives, then you need to learn how to distribute your free time so that it is enough not only for entertainment, but also for classes. Organize your workplace so that you would be pleased to be behind him, put things in order in notebooks and textbooks.

Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. High achievers usually stick together, help and support each other. If you, too, decide to embark on the difficult path of excellent grades, then it won’t hurt you to make friends with a classmate who is always successful in everything. This will serve as a great motivation for you!

Helpful advice

1) Start small - with homework.
2) Don't be late for class.
4) Greet teachers outside of class.
5) Clean up your desk.
6) Get a diary and write down everything that needs to be done for tomorrow.

Unexpectedly for you, a very young person, the world of adult girls and women became interesting - self-care, various outfits, attractive makeup. It is quite natural and even to some extent beautiful, you feel an exciting growing up. The main thing in such matters is knowledge of measure and taste. So you've noticed that many of the girls in your class are already wearing a little makeup, and you've been wanting to try the power of makeup on your looks as well. Well, then listen to some advice.


Remember that your youth and slightly naive openness are extremely attractive and priceless qualities, so you should not use makeup to appear. Use the time of youth with pleasure. The real seductiveness and charm lie just in naturalness, so try not to give preference at all and bright colors. For daily makeup, try to use natural, but interesting natural tones- beige with light gold, pale pink with a little lilac, peach, bronze.

You should also remember that makeup should be practical. Therefore, put aside liquid eyeliners (although this great option for a party!) and clear contour pencils. Line your eyes, for example, with dark brown or dark gray shadows and blend well. This will give the look softness, languor, but it will look extremely natural.

Choose a voluminous but light mascara for - again, bright eyelashes will make the look attractive and playful, but thanks to the weightless composition of the mascara, your eyelashes will not seem like strangers. It is very important that the eyelashes are separated, so you should get a special comb with which you will separate them every time after applying mascara. This comb also removes excess mascara from the hairs, and the eyelashes do not look heavy.

Remember that your skin is young and sensitive, and you should try to keep these qualities as long as possible. Therefore, it is not worth a heavy foundation for foundation, it is more suitable for adults with the first signs of aging and fine wrinkles. It is better to regularly exfoliate the skin, tone it up and thoroughly moisturize with creams and gels with natural extracts - in this case, the makeup will lie flat and stay on. long time.

It is better if you lightly brush your face with a loose brush. mineral powder- this will give the face a matte finish without the effect of "plaster". If the skin has minor inflammations quite characteristic of teenagers, use an antiseptic drying masking pencil, gently blending the borders with a special sponge-sponge.

Going to school, do not use lipstick, it will look too heavy. Very touching and attractive look a little touched wet shine natural shades lips. Here you can experiment - pale raspberry, transparent pink; these colors are very good young girls and look very seductive.

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IN school many of us are having a hard time. Especially when you have to move from place to place, often changing educational institutions and classmates. Any child, however, can, if desired, adapt to this situation and learn to be cool in any situation. school.

You will need

  • Confidence
  • Curiosity
  • Friendliness
  • Sociability


School years remembered throughout life as the most beautiful and carefree. However, for students, they seem quite different. And at this time, popularity among students plays a significant role.


Chat with everyone without joining one of the groups. In order to achieve real popularity, you can not limit your social circle. Try to get into every school company, talk to everyone without neglecting someone for the sake of achieving popularity.

Be kind. Anger and aggression will not good helpers in achieving popularity in . Aim for friendship and pleasant communication, and people will be drawn to you.

Maintain a good mood. The smile on your face will great way attraction of kids from and across the school. Come to good mood and stay in it all day long.

Do something interesting and exciting. An unusual hobby attracts attention and attracts the interest of others, so choose an activity from wrestling, dancing, or something else. Achieve success and share it with your classmates.

Look attractive. School years are marked by the pursuit of beauties, so you will have to try hard to achieve popularity. Take care of yourself, take care of your skin, hair and nails. Clothing should be clean, attractive and stylish.

Good way to attract attention to yourself - often change your hairstyle. Try wearing braids various forms, make curly and straight hair, mix styles, etc. People will definitely notice this, they will appreciate your efforts and become interested in you. Proper makeup is also very important expressive eyes and lips are always attractive. However, you shouldn't overdo it either. Contact the professionals, they will help you choose the colors that suit you.

real beauty You can't just take care of yourself. Watch your attitude towards other people. Quite often, in an attempt to look prettier than their peers, girls quarrel with them, insulting their appearance. You won't achieve anything by doing this. Your task, on the contrary, is to make others feel attractive, this will certainly raise your status in their eyes.

Always radiate confidence, remember who you are, and don't let others change you. The best way to become the most beautiful in school - do not change yourself and your principles.

A person goes to school primarily to gain knowledge. Most often, children at school age do not yet realize why they really need school knowledge and skills; accordingly, it is very difficult for them to organize themselves and tune in to a working mood.

What do parents think about it?

Self-discipline depends on many factors, including appearance. If dressed in fashionable ripped jeans and sneakers with fluorescent laces, what kind of study can we talk about here? Another thing is if he has an ironed white and a jacket. In this form, a person is more disposed to mental labor than to physical activity. Of course, especially mischievous students cannot be pacified even by uniforms, but there is hope that they will at least try to restrain themselves for some time.

When a student comes to school in jeans, his classmates also want to look fashionable and stylish, so there is a youth competition “who looks cooler”, which discourages any hope that the child will think, and not about clothes. At school age, the authority and recognition of peers is very important, so all the efforts of schoolchildren, as a rule, are aimed at obtaining them.

On the way of a teenager to produce an effect, such an obstacle may arise as financial position families. Not all parents can afford to buy a child the same trendy jeans from Calvin Klein like, for example, Vasya's or a Dolce Gabbana dress like Karina's. And to understand that your child is suffering because he cannot match his classmates is painful and unpleasant. Therefore, parents are exhausted, doing everything possible to dress the child in the latest fashion. For them, it is very stressful and difficult. There is unhealthy competition not only between classmates, but also between their families.

This is not only fraught with conflicts, but also the development of a substitution of values. The outer shell is important, and not the desire for knowledge, intelligence, positive creative mood of the child. School uniform in this situation it turns out to be a real salvation. It not only eliminates the struggle for primacy in the matter of appearance, but also teaches each student to feel like a member of a single team.

What do teachers say about it?

If the student is dressed in a free style, his individuality is clearly manifested, and a motley crowd of young fashionistas is obtained. Putting on the uniform, the students become as if one whole, which unites and makes friends not only one, but the whole school.

IN puberty girls actively try to attract boys with their appearance. And very often you can see jeans on them that are excessively, from the point of view of modesty, understated. Accordingly, due to the physiology adolescence, neither girls nor boys can definitely think about studying.

The aesthetic appearance of the form gives the student nobility, intelligence and seriousness. At school, the student is prepared for the fact that he must be able to observe etiquette and comply with the internal rules of the organization in which he works or studies. The dress code of many serious decent work organizations does not allow jeans as employee attire, as they are not at all related to formal business attire.

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Advice 8: How to make up for school: subtleties natural makeup

At present, it is rare to find high school students who would not watch their appearance. Almost every one of them makes the school barely noticeable light makeup. However, some girls, in an attempt to look older, put so much makeup on their faces that they cause bewilderment on the part of both those around them and the school authorities. If you want to look attractive at school, then you first need to hide cosmetics skin imperfections (if any), as well as emphasize the beauty of the eyes and lips.

You will need:




Eyebrow pencil;

Dark gray or brown pencil for eyes;

If you have uneven color faces, then without help foundation not enough. Take a small amount of cream and apply it on the T-zone and a little on the cheeks, then gently with your fingers or special brush distribute the product over the skin, reducing cosmetic product to the hairline, ears and neck to no. If under the eyes are visible dark circles with a greenish or bluish undertone, then mask them with a pinkish or yellowish concealer, respectively. The most important thing here is not to overdo it: it is necessary to apply the product exclusively under inner corner eyes and shade well.

If you've watched Gossip Girl, you've definitely noticed fashion images Blair Waldorf, who always managed to skillfully beat the theme of school uniforms. In her performance, strict school clothes turned into real stylish outlets worthy of a designer show.

How to dress fashionably and make a school uniform not boring, we will tell in this article.

We bet even the most boring school uniform can turn into stylish set clothes? All it takes is a little creativity bright details and the ability to apply fashion trends in practice.

How to do this, we will teach you on the example of 10 fashionable images.

But first, let's remember the brightest appearances of Blair Waldorf, Queen Bee, for whom the school uniform served as the potential for expressing her independence and outrageousness.

In order to find your style in a school uniform, you must come up with your own original "chip" that will distinguish you from the crowd of your peers. For Blair Waldorf, it was headbands. She wore them like a crown, giving orders left and right to her minions.

But not only this one fashion accessory allowed her to become a style icon. Blair often contributed her signature approach to school uniforms. So, for example, she often wore a school skirt with tight tights of bright or base color. And Blair Waldorf always preferred not black, but a dark blue shade of school clothes.

Among her fashion accessories one could notice bright large bags, pumps, ribbons decorating school blouses with a bow. From outerwear she preferred cape coats, which made it possible to show beautiful long gloves. As well as elegant coats in a feminine silhouette. bright colors and, of course, trench coats.

And thus, she did not violate strict rules, but she herself created a new school fashion.

And now let's figure it out together using the example of a photo of 10 fashionable images, how to diversify the school uniform and bring modern trends into it.

Fashion look 1. School uniform + leggings

Leggings are back on the list of fashion trends and have become a real trend in 2017. And what is the best way to wear leggings, if not with a school uniform?

It doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside, what kind of shoes you have chosen for your fashionable look - pumps or rough boots - leggings will always be a great addition to any youth outfit.

This fashionable accessory, especially made in black, not only does not contradict school rules, but even emphasizes the severity of school clothes in its own way.

But if you decide to go further in your fashion experiments, we advise you to buy knitted leggings V gray color Now they are at the peak of their popularity.

Today, shoes, boots, and even sandals are worn with leggings. This option could be seen at the designer fashion shows for the autumn-winter 2016-2017 season.

Fashion look 2. School uniform + trendy knitwear

With the onset of real cold weather, you can rightly neglect the school jacket and replace it with a warmer piece of clothing. Remember fashionable knitwear!

To create a stylish look, a knitted vest, cardigan or sweater will be most welcome. coarse knit base color, wine or marshmallow shade ( real trend winter 2017).

Mint, pink, gray, burgundy, taupe colors are the most fashionable this season. Smooth texture, "bumps", "braids", oversized model - choose from fashion trends the one that you like best.

Fashion look 3. School uniform + ribbons

If a strict school suit is a mandatory dress code that cannot be deviated from in any detail, small details can serve as a way to create fashionable looks.

Ribbons tied in a bow on a uniform blouse will be a more flirty touch than a school tie. A playfully tied hairband will be a great alternative to a headband.

A small ribbon will become that piquant detail that will “make” the whole fashionable look, without provoking you to break strict rules.

Fashion look 4. School uniform + original shoes

Even if your school has very strict rules, this does not mean that you cannot wear original shoes.

Pumps are not always the only way complete the school uniform. You can put on, firstly, what you are comfortable in, and secondly, what is fashionable.

The original shoes, which serve as the finishing touch to the set with a school suit, can be oxfords,.

And the most daring fashionists who claim to dictate the rules school fashion, can go on desperate experiments.

So, this year it is very fashionable to wear shoes with high socks, to combine strict suits with sports and frankly men's shoes.

Fashion look 5. School uniform + color accents

Often, a school uniform means a classic set of clothes “white top - black bottom”. The school uniform for girls is a white or light-colored blouse and a black (blue, checkered, but dark) knee-length skirt.

This can, on the one hand, depersonalize, but on the other hand, serve as an excellent clean canvas for color experiments.

The most contrasting color trios are white-black-red, white-black-yellow.

The color accent does not have to act as a major part of the wardrobe (however, we do not exclude such an option) - it can be the same ribbon, belt, bag, tights, shoes.

Fashion look 6. School uniform + ruffles

Did you know that ruffles are not just back in fashion - they have become the most noticeable fashion trend of the autumn-winter 2016-2017 season.

So, you can, without violating any strict rules, add a touch of flirtatiousness and femininity to the school uniform.

A white school blouse does not have to look like men's shirt. On the contrary, it can be decorated with ruffles in the neckline and on the cuffs, which will be visible even from under a uniform jacket.

Fashion look 7. School uniform + shorts

If your school doesn't have a strict rule that says only boys must wear pants, and girls' school uniforms are all skirts, shorts are a great option for a fashionable look.

Of course we are talking about an elongated model of shorts, made in a dark plain or checkered version.

Very in a stylish way, a variation on the theme of a school uniform, will be a set made up of shorts, a shirt or blouse and a strict or club jacket. In this case, preference should be given to tight tights in order to maintain the boundaries of decency and visually lengthen the legs.

Fashion look 8. School uniform + sundress

A sundress is a very fashionable item in itself. women's wardrobe. But it is also a universal answer to the question - the real trend of the autumn-winter 2016-2017 season.

A fashionable sundress will serve as an excellent alternative to a school suit - a great opportunity replace two things with one.

And besides, it is quite variable: a sundress can be worn over a sweatshirt, school blouse, shirts, sweaters.

Fashion look 9. School uniform + creative

If your charter educational institution not so strict, you can independently create variations on the theme "school uniform". That is, within the framework of the rules, you can give free rein to your imagination and try on fashionable images that will not contradict the accepted dress code.

This means that clothing should be strict, but at the same time youthful. Fashionable, but within the bounds of decency.

For example: T-shirt, T-shirt, top with open belly are not allowed. Shirts, blouses, club jackets, turtlenecks, jumpers, plain sweatshirts, sundresses, vests - please! Skinny jeans, miniskirts, maxi skirts, jumpsuits are excluded. Banana trousers, elongated shorts, A-line skirts no longer than the knee, suits are welcome!

Concerning sports style, then he should remain exclusively in physical education classes. The rest of the time, only shoes and bags a la sporty style can be combined with a school uniform.

Fashion look 10. School uniform + fashion accessories

The simplest and at the same time in a stylish way to add fashionable details to the school image is the use of unusual accessories.

You choose: it can be original bag, bright boots, unusually knitted scarf, badges, belt. Stylish hats have great potential.

Let it be - fedora, trilby or wide-brimmed, beret or beanie hat.

In any case, the use of accessories, even the most daring, will in no way violate school rules. And you will kill two birds with one stone: within the walls of an educational institution you will be in a school uniform, and after the end of classes - a street fashionista who follows everyone fashion trends and knows how to use them in their stylish outputs.

As you can see, even within the strict rules, you can find a way to express yourself. And let the school uniform become for you not a heavy duty, but a way to embody your creative ideas creating fashion images.

How to dress for school? This question is not easy to answer. If the school uniform is not provided, and the customs at the school are democratic, then you can come up with a lot of beautiful and stylish ensembles, while not breaking out of the framework of average school norms.

Of course, it would be boring to wear the same thing to school every day, so today we will learn how to compose creative, fun and fashionable outfits on every day.

How to dress nicely for school?

To begin with, we still select clothes for school, so the rapper pants and leather pants that you went to Halloween last year are better to postpone until better times. But we will need the most different dresses, trousers, skirts, beautiful blouses and turtlenecks.

Before you break the rules, you should know them, so we will start with this question - how to dress properly for school? Since this institution is official, the clothes should be of a strict style, which can be attributed to business. We need pants straight cut, slightly flared and straight skirts, blouses, shirts, turtlenecks, a variety of jackets and cardigans.

But all this in general, but what about those who want to look interesting and stylish? The answer is simple: to be able to combine clothes so that the ensemble can become unusual at the same time and at the same time not go beyond school requirements.

For example, how do vanilla girls dress to school? This is a mixture of three styles: casual, romantic and glamorous. To get the right ensemble for school, we need business trousers with a fitted cut, a stylish White shirt and a pink beige jacket. Otherwise, you can choose a trapezoidal beige skirt and a blouse and complement this outfit with shoes.

In addition, you can make a lot of interesting kits. Create them by combining different clothes among themselves, and pay attention to the most successful combinations.

How cool to dress for school?

In addition to the classics, there are others interesting options. Let's not always wear the same thing: business suits and black skirts with blouses for every day get bored. Besides, what if you like informal styles?

How do emo girls dress in school? To create a suitable ensemble, use an elongated top, for example, you can wear a blouse outside, decorating it with a woven belt, and straight classic pants. For authenticity, combine black with pastel pink, purple in an outfit. A variety of high-waisted sundresses in combination with pastel shirts, elongated black jackets and a flared skirt will look very interesting, a variety of dresses in the appropriate style.

How do goths dress to school? We recommend that Goths and Gothesses pay attention to the peculiarities of the style of clothing and the corresponding structural decorations. Even if the morals in your school are strict, you can still choose an outfit to your liking using some tricks. For example, a black tulip skirt, closed shoes or boots, as well as a blouse with a stand-up collar and a salt and pepper jacket with puffed sleeves on the cuffs and ruffles on the chest will become suitable choice. Such clothes look quite gothic and at the same time suitable for an educational institution.

When choosing certain things, focus on straight angular top lines and a tight-fitting bottom (for example, it can be a pencil skirt) or a voluminous bottom (balloon skirt, a-line). The decor can be as follows: flounces, ruffles, puffy or flared sleeves, high-waisted dresses are welcome, rectangular cutouts of sundresses.