Causes of newborn spitting up after breastfeeding. In what cases is regurgitation dangerous? Therapeutic nutrition for regurgitation in infants

Belching is a normal phenomenon that occurs in almost every baby from birth to three months of age. This is how the baby’s stomach gets rid of the air trapped during feeding. Sometimes belching occurs along with the release of eaten milk. This is why a baby spits up after feeding. When this happens for the first time and then repeats, parents begin to panic, not understanding what to do. similar situation.

Many of them confuse this process with vomiting, but they have nothing in common. In some cases, regurgitation is associated with diseases of the nervous and digestive system.

Regurgitation is promoted by:

  • overfeeding;
  • incorrect attachment of the child to the breast and nipple;
  • incorrect position of the baby during feeding;
  • weakness of the esophageal sphincter;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • nerve diseases (hypoxia, intracranial pressure).

Drinking too much milk or formula causes excess fluid to come out along with belching. The stomach in children 1 and 2 months old is practically unable to stretch, which is why excess food is “thrown out” from the stomach back into the esophagus. Belching occurs immediately, with unchanged milk, within an hour - with curdled cottage cheese, liquid with white splashes. Then the baby hiccups.

Children on breastfeeding they overeat more often, because when they are completely full of milk, they do not stop suckling in order to calm down and fall asleep. It is difficult for mothers to determine whether the newborn has eaten enough, so they do not stop feeding until he withdraws from the breast on his own.

The following ways can help you avoid overeating while breastfeeding:

  • place the baby on each breast in turn;
  • breastfeed your baby for no more than 30 minutes;
  • If a baby falls asleep, you should stop feeding it.

In children artificial feeding It is much easier to identify overeating. It is enough to make sure that the amount of mixture corresponds to the age of the baby. detailed information contained in the instructions and description of the product. If the dosage is correctly selected, perhaps the formula is simply not suitable for the baby.

Proper feeding

Plays a huge role correct application baby to the breast, suitable nipple position. By grasping them incorrectly, while eating, the baby swallows a large amount of air, which ends up in his stomach. The baby then burps immediately after eating and hiccups.

During breastfeeding The following rules must be observed:

  • the child should grasp the entire areola of the nipple;
  • The baby's head should be located above the body.

When feeding with formula, you need to make sure that the nipple of the bottle is completely filled during meals and that there are no air bubbles in it.

Sphincter weakness

By 4 months, regurgitation should decrease and even stop altogether.

From 1 to 3 months of life, children complete their formation gastrointestinal tract. The esophagus takes on a regular curved shape, although initially it is completely straight and short. The sphincter connecting it to the stomach is also often poorly developed. Such factors contribute to the rapid release of milk along with air. Milk seems to “pouring out” from the baby’s mouth in small quantities, usually some time after eating.

There is no need to do anything special in such a situation. It is not difficult to avoid regurgitation if, immediately after feeding, you hold the baby in an upright position and allow the air accumulated in the stomach to escape. By 4 months, the problem usually stops bothering the baby, otherwise you should consult a doctor. Until this age, attacks can be repeated constantly, each time after feeding.

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction is serious illness. It is caused by the accumulation of primordial mucus in the stomach of a newborn, feces in the intestines. Often the cause of obstruction can be tumors in the large or small intestine.

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction differ from normal regurgitation. Usually, 2-3 hours after eating, an attack of vomiting with an admixture of mucus and bile occurs. Vomit has bad smell. WITH similar symptoms you must consult a doctor immediately.

Nervous system diseases

Diseases of the nervous system in children are most often congenital. IN such a case the child does not experience regurgitation, but a full-fledged gag reflex. Hypoxia and increased intracranial pressure are diagnosed during an ultrasound scan of a pregnant woman, but are often detected at 1 month of age during a visit to a neurologist. Usually, parents are immediately informed about the child’s illness, which may result in periodic bouts of vomiting.

The gag reflex in an infant is accompanied by a fountain of discharge of the food eaten 1-2 hours after eating, and the regurgitated food often coagulates and comes in the form of cottage cheese and liquid.

First aid

You need to know what to do if your baby suddenly starts spitting up like a fountain.

  1. Calm the baby and monitor his condition. A flaccid baby with elevated temperature bodies should call a doctor.
  2. Change the baby into clean clothes.
  3. Place the child on his side or tummy to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.
  4. Give the baby a small amount of boiled water.

Let's sum it up

Up to 3 months, regurgitation in babies is normal occurrence. In most cases it is quite abundant. As the child gets older, the attacks occur less frequently and later stop on their own.

  1. Contact your doctor if the milk, formula, or other food regurgitated by the baby changes color or acquires a pungent odor.
  2. Do not try to feed your baby immediately after a burp. Give it some time, your stomach needs to “rest.”
  3. Before feeding, it is recommended to lay the baby on his tummy for a few minutes. Such actions help remove gases from the intestines and normalize digestion.
  4. Permanent and profuse regurgitation as a result of each feeding, which is reflected in weight gain and general condition, is a reason to consult a gastroenterologist.
  5. There is a way to check how much the baby has burped: pour 2 tablespoons of water onto a cloth. If milk and water stains are the same, there is no need to worry.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


In the first months of their lives, babies often regurgitate food after each feeding. Typically, this process is divided into 3 different categories: belching, regurgitation and vomiting. Therefore, when a mother wonders why her baby spits up breast milk, it is necessary to clearly distinguish one phenomenon from another.

The difference between regurgitation and other processes

All these phenomena have one thing in common - the release of breast milk through oral cavity. But each process occurs differently.

Belching is the uncontrolled release of air bubbles from the stomach and esophagus of a newborn, along with which the milk eaten can splash out.

Regurgitation is a fountain of belching, which occurs either immediately after the end of feeding, or literally a few minutes after the baby has eaten; this phenomenon is completely involuntary. Milk is expelled from the baby's mouth in a strong stream. During the period of regurgitation, nothing bothers the baby; he is mobile and good mood. As you get older, the intensity this process decreases. According to recent research by specialists, 67% of children under five months regurgitate milk at least once a day. For children under three months old, the norm is to regurgitate after each feeding in the amount of one teaspoon or up to two times a day in a stream (fountain). If the frequency of this process does not exceed the specified norm, then parents should not be alarmed.

Before vomiting, the baby may be very restless, cry, refuse the breast, and his breathing and heart rate may increase. You also need to know that if the baby vomits, the breast milk will have a sour smell and an unnatural color, often greenish or brown. Also, the amount of food returned will exceed 3 tablespoons.

When we have examined all three processes in detail and can distinguish one from the other, there is no need to be afraid of regurgitation; this is all a completely natural phenomenon.

Features of regurgitation in infants

All regurgitations of a newborn are divided into two various types: functional and organic. The first type is harmless. The whole point is that in children of the first year of life, the esophagus is not yet long enough, its valves are not fully formed, the stomach is small in size and has a non-standard shape. And the undeveloped pancreas still does not produce many enzymes necessary for complete digestion. There are several reasons that are worth paying attention to Special attention when a baby spits up frequently:

  • aerophargia is a phenomenon when the baby swallows air along with milk during feeding, and then oxygen bubbles begin to come out, taking a small amount of milk with them. A newborn may swallow air when he is very hungry and begins to drink quickly and greedily. Then it is better for the mother to take breaks during breastfeeding;
  • incorrect attachment to the breast; due to the awkward position, the baby may take in excess air along with breast milk. The mother needs to hold the baby correctly while feeding, the angle of inclination should be about sixty degrees, and make sure that he covers not only one nipple with his mouth, but also the areola. To better control breast latch, a woman can try feeding her baby in the “under-the-arm” position;
  • overfeeding of infants is the cause most typical for children on artificial or mixed diet. In this case, the woman needs to reduce the dose of supplementary feeding with the formula, or take long breaks from eating. If the child only eats mother's milk, then you need to reduce the frequency of applying it to the chest;
  • Excessive movements after eating can also often provoke a gag reflex. If the baby immediately falls asleep after eating, then the milk will be easier to digest. To prevent your baby from vomiting, you should not shake him or play with him immediately after eating. You also need to make sure that the baby’s stomach is not pressed by a tight elastic band from rompers or panties.
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (stool disorder or gas formation), in this situation, food moves more slowly into the intestines, which is what causes regurgitation. It is necessary to improve peristalsis by giving the newborn a tummy massage or applying an ironed warm diaper, you can also use preparations containing semiticone, or dill water. Experts recommend placing the baby on the stomach before and after feeding;
  • smoking environment, oddly enough, but if someone allows themselves to smoke in the room where the baby is, this may be the reason that the child spits up a lot. Cigarette smoke directly affects the gag reflex, as it leads to a lack of oxygen and contraction of the walls of the esophagus.

Experts consider organic regurgitation to be frequent belching of milk in large portions, after which the baby often behaves tearfully and nervously. This phenomenon may be a consequence of certain types of diseases:

  • infectious diseases. In children of the first year of life, the the immune system, so they can easily catch some kind of infection. Symptoms of these diseases: viscous regurgitation, abnormal stool, fever. Dehydration small child happens very quickly, in order to prevent this from happening, the mother must immediately call an ambulance;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, this problem can only be solved by a competent doctor, perhaps surgical intervention will be prescribed;
  • neurological problems are the most common cause regurgitation in a baby. He may develop a gag reflex even if he has not moved much, and not always immediately after eating. At the same time, the baby stops gaining weight and becomes lethargic.

Causes of damage to the nervous system:

  1. Problems associated with pregnancy - stress expectant mother, bad ecology, severe toxicosis, insufficient intake of vitamins, etc.
  2. Problems associated with childbirth - too rapid labor, on the contrary, prolonged labor, entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord.
  3. Genetic causes - a shaky nervous system can be inherited by an infant from close relatives.

If the baby has neurological problems, then there may also be restless and short sleep, fear of sharp sounds, tremors of the hands or chin, muscle tone, and constant regurgitation after feeding.

Such a child is worth mandatory show it to a competent neurologist who will conduct an examination and prescribe necessary treatment With proper care, the baby will fully recover by the age of one year.

What is Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion on infant regurgitation?

According to the most popular pediatrician today, Komarovsky, a baby up to a year old can burp after feeding as much as he wants. If the child does not show signs of pathology or dehydration, then the mother should not worry at all about the fact that her baby has vomited. According to Evgeniy Olegovich, all children are completely different and develop differently. And if for one this is completely normal, for another it is too often.

According to the doctor, there is no ideal medicine that will completely eliminate regurgitation. You can only reduce its frequency in several ways:
  • give the baby medications containing simethicone, which reduce the amount of gas in the intestines;
  • after each feeding, hold the baby vertically (in a column);
  • massage the baby’s abdomen, stroking it in a clockwise direction;
  • lay it on your stomach before and after meals, while playing with it;
  • if you overeat, reduce the portion or frequency of feeding.

One of effective ways when frequent regurgitation- This is to take short breaks while eating, and after 3-5 sips of milk, remove the child from the breast.

When the baby was born full-term, gains weight normally, and develops physiologically, then the problem of regurgitation should not frighten young parents.

If mom and dad still have internal anxiety creeping in, then it is better to visit a competent pediatrician, who will most likely dispel many worries.

Good day, dear readers! How are you feeling? My friend and I recently looked through photographs of our children, and among them there was a moment captured - a friend’s daughter with milk on her lips. I immediately remembered the baby’s first six months. Constant regurgitation in newborns after feeding - the reasons may be different.

And how many worries come from not knowing! I remember how I was scared for the first time when milk came out of the baby’s mouth. Is this familiar to you? If you are already a mother and don’t understand why this happens, or are preparing for the birth of the most important person in your life, I advise you to read this article.

After birth, the baby will long haul life-long. But at the initial stage, the baby’s internal organs. The same applies to the sphincter, which is located between the esophagus and the child’s small ventricle.

Statistics show that regurgitation in newborns lasts up to six months, after which it disappears (as the baby’s body gets used to environment, organs become stronger, the child learns to eat correctly).

Often this effect after feeding should not bother the parent. However, it will not be superfluous to replenish your knowledge and find out why a child often burps.

2. It’s normal for your baby to spit up.

An attentive mother may notice that the baby burps systematically, usually after each feeding. This process is completely natural for a newborn.

Also, the parent should observe the behavior of her baby and the nature of his regurgitation:

  • It is quite natural if the baby spits up a small amount of milk (about 2 tablespoons). If the volume is much larger, you should be concerned.
  • If the newborn continues to gain weight (a daily weight gain of 20 grams is considered normal), there is no need to sound the alarm. Is the weight staying the same? Worth being wary.

The baby's regurgitation varies, distinguishes only 2 types:

  1. Functional.
  2. Organic.

3. Functional regurgitation and its causes

Functional regurgitation is absolutely normal and, rather, is of a physiological nature, which is inherent in every newborn. This type does not cause concern to the baby and is absolutely safe.

However, their reasons are different, the most common of them:

4. Organic regurgitation is not safe.

The nature of such regurgitation is manifested in their abundance. The child is suffering from frequent urges vomiting, becomes restless, begins to cry and be capricious. The mother may notice that the child is vomiting milk mixed with bile or even blood. Such signs indicate health problems and are not acceptable in newborns.

There are several common causes of organic regurgitation, let's take a closer look at each of them.

4.1. Damage to the nervous system

Have you noticed that your child vomits a lot even when he has not eaten? Is he crying and can't calm down? Is your child losing weight and becoming less active? The child has problems with the nervous system.

The reasons may be different:

4.2. Infection

Because of infectious disease the child may change in behavior. But the most basic signs of the emerging disease are:

  • profuse regurgitation (thick);
  • incessant vomiting (even during sleep the baby feels sick);
  • elevated temperature;
  • diarrhea.

All of these symptoms indicate possible dehydration. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

4.3. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Even the smartest mother will not be able to diagnose her baby on her own (if she is not a doctor by profession). Only a doctor can diagnose pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract. If you are concerned about the frequency of belching, their abundance and the child’s anxiety, consult your doctor.

Pediatrician Komarovsky said a lot about regurgitation syndrome. He clearly explains which signs are acceptable and which symptoms indicate pathology:

5. How to help your baby

As soon as a parent is faced with the problem of regurgitation of the baby, many questions appear in the head: what to do, how to help the baby, how to prevent vomiting, where to turn, what medications to give, etc.

The doctor will also prescribe plenty of fluids for your child to drink to restore fluid balance.

6. Preventive measures

If a newborn regurgitates not because of a disease leading to such consequences, but because physiological reasons– it is quite possible to prevent them:

  1. Set a feeding schedule for your baby and stick to it;
  2. try not to overfeed your newborn;
  3. you should not put your baby to your breast as soon as he starts crying - this can lead to the development of a reflex (eat - burp, put to the breast - burp);
  4. Do not cuddle your newborn immediately after feeding.

When near the baby, try not to be nervous and behave with restraint; children often take over their parents’ internal state (since the child’s connection with mom and dad is quite strong).

And remember, mommies, the health of your baby is primarily in your hands. The parent is the first to notice any deviations in the well-being of their child. Don’t be afraid to call your doctor or just ask your treating pediatrician for advice – it’s always easier to prevent a disease than to cure it.

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After birth, the baby has to learn a lot, gradually getting used to the world around him. This period is accompanied by the adjustment of all systems of the tiny organism. Problems especially often arise with one of the most important and complex processes - feeding a newborn.

Can be scary for new parents frequent regurgitation in newborns after feeding, the causes of which can be very diverse. How to distinguish harmless regurgitation from a dangerous vomiting state that can greatly harm the baby? Details in this article.

In contact with

Baby burps frequently: what kind of condition is this

Regurgitation is called no refund large quantity food immediately after administration or an hour after it.

The amount of food thrown back is, as a rule, insignificant and does not cause any concern to the small organism. During this process, the child does not even strain his abdominal muscles.

Why is this happening? The fact is that newborns, until they reach six months, can only take light liquid food, for example, mother's breast milk or a special formula if the child is bottle-fed.

Despite the fact that this food is very tender and does not cause harm, along with it the baby swallows a small amount of air. This happens both when the newborn receives milk from the mother’s breast, and when special devices for the mixture are used - bottles with a nipple.

Attention! Manufacturers baby food invented a special nipple with a valve that prevents large amounts of air from entering the baby's stomach, which partially helps prevent the large expulsion of food.

Thus, regurgitation shows that small the body works clearly and harmoniously, releasing excess air from the gastrointestinal tract and preventing the accumulation of gases, the release of which is very painful for the baby.

Until what age do babies burp?

According to statistical data collected by pediatricians around the world, about 70% of newborns are affected by this reflex, but this condition cannot be called pathological, since it gradually passes. Children's body becomes more stable, organs improve their functioning and by the age of one year such an effect after feeding observed extremely rarely.

Important! Most often, children whose gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed burp, for example, premature babies those born earlier due date, as well as in those babies who have developmental delays. In this situation, the body “ripens” for about two to three months after the fact of birth.

How to distinguish vomiting from spitting up in babies

You should not give in to excessive nervousness if it does not bother the baby itself, and also does not repeat more than 1-2 times after feeding, immediately or after half an hour or an hour. If he spits up like a fountain after feeding, and in the liquid received back you can see not only undigested food, but also mucus with milk, then you already have real vomiting in front of you.

Why do babies spit up?

Signs of gagging in a newborn:

  • anxiety and crying appear;
  • spasms tormenting the baby are obvious;
  • the baby is pale and sweats profusely;
  • the baby spits up mucus and has goes big salivation;
  • the urge to vomit is always repeated from 3 to 10 times In one hour.

For babies, vomiting is very heavy and dangerous condition . Frequent vomiting provokes the onset of dehydration in a small body, and if bile is also added to vomiting, then a serious disruption occurs in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. IN in this case you need to show the newborn to the pediatrician as soon as possible, because if this condition is not stopped, the baby will begin to lag behind, lose weight, or even may not survive.

Excessive regurgitation in children: is it a pathology or not? It is also extremely easy to distinguish pathology: if a baby vomits more than 2 times a day and goes constant urge in order to reject food, then most likely the baby fell into a pathological vomiting state. This can even be caused by a strong nervous overstrain- hysteria, which happens to children very often. For both pathological and physiological vomiting, it is imperative to show the child to a doctor.

What are the causes of excessive regurgitation?

Causes of regurgitation in a newborn

In addition to the usual air that the baby swallows along with eating, pediatricians will highlight other causes of regurgitation in newborns after feeding:

  1. The baby overate. Often Small child, completely full, continues to suck milk from a bottle or does not tear himself away from his mother’s breast, because he does not have enough simple communication. In pediatrics, this is called “satisfaction of the sucking reflex”: when the baby simply calms down for some time after eating, smacking his lips and not letting go of the living warmth that his mother or a warm bottle with formula gives him. Rhythmic movements of the mouth performed by a newborn not only calm his body, but also relax the abdominal muscles, which is very important for a comfortable digestion process. Therefore, regurgitation in this case is simply necessary in order to protect the delicate digestive system from overload.
  2. Gases. A child also burps when he is generally disturbed by the gastrointestinal tract, for example, there is severe flatulence or gas formation. This is generally extreme painful condition at little man, because it provokes abdominal pain or colic, which children experience very hard.
  3. Constipation. When a child cannot empty his bowels, there is a sharp increase in blood pressure. abdominal cavity, hence the frequent regurgitation.
  4. Disorderly feeding. When the baby’s mother does not set a feeding schedule and feeds the baby “on demand.” On the one hand, the regime forces the baby into a framework, and even if he wanted to eat earlier, he will wait until the next feeding, which does not have a very positive effect on him. nervous system. The baby is worried, capricious and asks for food, “smacking his lips,” or tosses and turns in his sleep or even falls asleep. On the other hand, this disciplines the child, helps him eat food correctly and come to feeding with a feeling of normal hunger, and not with whims and malnutrition. Gastric juice is also released better; the body gets used to a certain interval and secretes juice in the stomach by the hour, specifically for digestion, and not for constant overeating. Food “on demand” provides for closer communication with the baby, because the mother always responds to his “call for help” with delicious milk or a warm bottle. Therefore, the baby is calmer and always feels safe, but it is this type that often contributes to that condition, for example, when the newborn burps through the nose or mouth.

Why does a baby spit up after formula feeding?

In order to eliminate this state The baby needs to be closely monitored throughout the day. Usually a newborn spits up like a fountain after feeding. in two situations.

If milk was delivered in a vertical position, for example, the newborn was given a bottle and sat slightly, leaning against a pillow, or held in his arms.

In the second case, the baby incorrectly grasps the pacifier or mother's breast, which causes air to be swallowed. In both the first and second options, the air bubble should come out, and since breast milk or formula is a very light food, some of it will also be released back by the baby’s body.

To prevent such consequences, you should always feed the baby in a horizontal position, Moreover, it will be comfortable when the mother and child are both lying on the bed, or the mother is sitting in a chair and the baby is in her arms.

Important! There is a misconception that the baby needs to be raised immediately vertical position after eating, so that “excess air comes out and the long-awaited regurgitation occurs.” Take your time! Has the baby eaten? Starting to fall asleep and nothing comes back? So there is no need to bother him.

It is quite possible that a simple burp will occur in newborns after feeding, and the child will calmly sleep for the allotted time. If regurgitation does occur, lightly pat the baby on the back and help him take a vertical position, or turn his head to the side so that he does not suffocate, throwing away unnecessary food.

When feeding, it is important to ensure that the baby’s nose is always free, then the baby will not need to breathe through his mouth and take in excess air into the esophagus.

Also, if a baby regurgitates profusely and this condition causes him anxiety, despite the fact that this is not vomiting or pathology, then in this case doctors advise using special anti-reflux mixture, suppresses gagging after feeding.

This mixture forms a small glandular clot in the baby’s stomach, which helps food to be completely digested, but at the same time allows excess air to pass through. This tool can also only be used after a doctor's prescription.

The general mental condition baby and mother while eating. Modern mothers are so mobile that they can feed the baby in any situation, even in line for sausage, but such behavior can negatively affect the child’s condition. How often does he spit up when he is excited, scared or nervous? What if he is distracted from the feeding process, so the newborn eats incorrectly? All these factors are also important.

Video: Frequent regurgitation in newborns and children up to a year after feeding

Thus, regurgitation in newborns has various reasons, by which one can determine whether there are disturbances in the functioning of their digestive system. The most important thing is to distinguish between simple regurgitation and dangerous vomiting, which is a symptom of some hidden disease.

How often should a baby burp? Everything is extremely individual, but if the regurgitation is too profuse, repeated more than 2 times and contains mucus, then you should immediately contact your pediatrician, After all, the baby’s health directly depends on the attentiveness and care of his parents.

The regurgitation that occurs in a baby after feeding is usually a normal process. However, in some cases, there is also a sign pathological condition in newborns.

When some discomfort appears against the background of belching after breast milk. In children, all these processes are regulated immediately after birth.

The newborn “knows” how much to eat, when and what. Mother's milk is intended exclusively for her baby and is produced according to his needs.


Frequent regurgitation is the result of swallowing a large amount of air during feeding, which does not fit in the stomach of an infant (aerophagia).

Excess air escapes in the form of belching.

This happens as a result of two main factors:

  • during feeding, the nipple is not applied correctly and unnecessary gaps are formed between the newborn’s mouth and the breast;
  • when the baby is formula-fed (artificial, bottle-fed), a similar situation develops with a large hole in the nipple of the bottle.

Spitting up too often is rare.

The situation when a newborn spits up after milk, but there are no signs of dehydration (see below), should not particularly alarm the mother.

  • It happens that the baby spits up breast milk 5 times a day.
  • The volume of one serving is no more than two or three tablespoons.

Sometimes a child eats more than he can digest, and the excess naturally are returning back.


Even too frequent regurgitation can be a completely normal condition.

Within permissible norm the frequency at which they do not develop is considered pathological signs, indicating dehydration.

So notes the famous pediatrician Komarovsky.

Regurgitation goes away on its own by the seventh month.

Signs of normal passage of food and gases from the stomach in infants:

  • despite regurgitation, children do not lose weight, but, on the contrary, there is a stable increase;
  • fontanelle infant does not sink;
  • regurgitation occurs once, within an hour after feeding, the color and consistency are close to mother’s milk, without yellow impurities;
  • the baby behaves as usual, that is, he does not have lethargy or irritability;
  • After burping, the newborn does not cry.

If a child exhibits opposite signs, parents should immediately seek help from pediatricians.

Since there is a possibility of developing a pathological condition, and not providing timely assistance will lead to severe dehydration with all the ensuing consequences.

What to do

  • The baby should be in an upright position after feeding.

In this position, the baby spits up milk and formula much less often. Sometimes you have to carry the baby in your arms for up to 20 minutes.

  • Before feeding, put the baby to lie on his tummy for some time.

For now, mom can stroke his back and talk in a soothing voice. A light tummy massage also has a beneficial effect.

  • If children are bottle-fed, seek advice from your pediatrician on choosing the optimal formula.
  • A properly selected pacifier plays an essential role.

Take a closer look at anti-colic models. Milk should not flow freely, and it is better to choose an anatomical nipple shape.

  • After feeding, the child should not play active games, it is recommended to remain calm for a while.

By the way, the child does not even spit up, but may vomit. Then specialized help is required.

It is important to remember: you should only put a baby who is spitting up to sleep on his side to avoid choking.

When to worry

You should be alarmed when a child spits up milk like a fountain, that is, strongly, under pressure. Then there is a plentiful output of food - more than 2-3 tablespoons.

Most likely, the baby is vomiting, which is quite a symptom of some pathological condition.

The causes of vomiting after feeding are as follows:

  • Viral infections in children, which often present with signs of dehydration.

The child is lethargic, the temperature is low (high), problems with urination.

  • Perinatal encephalopathy due to difficult pregnancy and childbirth.

Often accompanied by fountain vomiting and poor sleep.

  • In premature babies due to an underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system.
  • Food poisoning that develops from eating unhealthy, expired food.
  • Intolerance food products a certain class.

Often the reaction occurs cow's milk, which is recommended to be replaced with goat.

  • A child with intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Allergic reaction.

Newborns react by vomiting to any foods taken by the mother and present in her milk.