Say hello in an original way. Original greeting: examples. original greeting to a girl

Correctly chosen greeting words are an opportunity to win the attention of the audience from the very first seconds of communication or, conversely, to miss your “star” chance. Future relationships are often built on the basis of first impressions, so it is important to correctly introduce yourself to the public, as well as draw the attention of everyone present to yourself in a proper and appropriate manner. Welcome words should be selected according to the setting, society and purpose of the event. At first glance, it seems that diversifying the usual “Hello!” quite difficult, but people knowledgeable in etiquette can argue with such a statement.

Good start

How to say hello correctly huge role the one who is to be honored plays. And perhaps this is the most main principle, according to which you need to select greeting words. The dictionaries give a clear definition of greeting, which states that the meaning of this word is an expression of approval in order to give a sign of goodwill towards those present on the part of the speaker.

It would seem, well, what’s so complicated about it, you just need to say hello. However, as with everything, there are rules and principles here, which are also subject to fashion, but rather to the style of communication between different social groups. A couple of centuries ago the following words and their combinations were in use:

  • "Greetings!"
  • “Bowest bow!”
  • “Peace to your home!”
  • “I wish you good health!”

Such phrases can still be heard from people’s lips, but this is rather an exception to the rule than the norm of everyday communication. In everyday life, a short “Hello!” is used between close people. and “Good afternoon!” Sometimes even the usual “Hello!” seems archaic and strongly smacks of officialdom.

The word is not a sparrow

A popular saying says that “the first word is more valuable than the second,” and one cannot argue with it. Welcome words are the first thing a person says when entering a room. According to the rules of etiquette, it is the person entering who should be the first to say hello, addressing everyone present. If this strangers, just a general address is enough, but if this is a well-known company, work colleagues, hobby mates, then it is quite acceptable to personally approach all or some of the meeting participants. This technique is called “moral stroking”; an individual greeting can endear the interlocutor to the person, because it shows his importance.

At the same time, you can say something like “Hey, bro!”, clapping your interlocutor on the shoulder, to a friend. older people, strangers, girls need to respectfully:

  • "Hello!"
  • "Hi, how are you?"
  • "Glad to see you!"

Intonation and facial expression of the speaker are very important. Saying hello under your breath is not a good conversation starter. But excessive emotionality and loudness are not always appropriate.

Nothing personal just business

And if in everyday life various mistakes in etiquette are forgivable, then at the business level a mistake can have a detrimental effect on one’s career and reputation. Many people, due to their line of work, often need to make speeches and address a large society. A welcoming speech to the participants of a meeting or conference is the beginning of the meeting, setting the tone for the future event.

People who have experience of such events can determine from the first words what is in the speaker’s thoughts, in what mood he came to the podium, and in what format the meeting will take place. When writing a greeting for a speech in front of a large number of people, it is impossible to say hello to everyone personally, but it is important to acknowledge the participants by summarizing them:

  • “Good afternoon/evening, dear friends!”
  • “Hello colleagues, partners and guests of the meeting!”
  • “Dear friends, we are glad to see you at this meeting!”

Each business meeting takes place according to a pre-drawn up plan-protocol, which includes both the time allotted for greetings and its format.

The fun begins

Festive events are a completely different “weight category”. It’s hard to imagine Father Frost’s welcoming words in which he would address guests as business partners or colleagues. Having entered into the image, you need to follow it in everything, starting with the first and ending last minute. It’s not difficult to find words for such a colorful character, but you need to take into account the specifics of the event, age group guests, examples:

  • "Hello, guys!"
  • "Here I am! Good afternoon!"
  • “Happy New Year, children/friends/my dears/grandchildren!”

In the same spirit, the welcoming words of the Snow Maiden are chosen, who is also in a fairy-tale image and must live up to her role. Very often the script is written in verse, forming a rhymed form of greeting. This technique can be used on different holidays and celebrations - birthdays, weddings, christenings.

“Give me your word, please...”

However, you have to prepare a speech not only for official events, and not always only their hosts have the main role in which they need to say a welcoming speech. Guests also need to be able to say hello, because they happen to say congratulations, toast, express their opinion regarding various issues. Getting down to business right away is a sign of poor upbringing, so first you need to show respect for the assembled society and say a few greetings, appropriate to the occasion.

Many guys have a problem: they don’t know what to write to a girl to make her feel good. This is not difficult when you have known a person for a long time, but if you have known each other for several days, it is difficult to guess which phrase will lift her spirits and create the right impression. We will try to help, share our experience and imagination, as well as tips from experienced people.

What to write to a girl in the first message?

The most difficult thing is to start; the first letter is undoubtedly difficult to formulate, because there is a person whom you do not know at all, and often have never seen. Therefore, you should maintain modesty and avoid vulgarity in your messages, but maintain intrigue and originality:

  • “Today is suitable for a pleasant acquaintance, can it take place?”;
  • “Hello, I’m also a fan of this group, can you tell me which site is best to download their songs on?”;
  • “I can’t solve this problem, can you help me?”;
  • “Hello, don’t you remember me?”;
  • “I need to give a gift to my sister, tell me what a 12-year-old girl might like?”;
  • “Hello, my name is Sergey, I’m a member of the same group, so I wanted to meet you”;
  • “Today I dreamed of a beautiful stranger, and in the morning I accidentally saw your photograph, are there such coincidences?”;
  • “Let's just become friends and girlfriends?”;

If you are really interested in her, study her page: what she is interested in, what groups she is in, what music she listens to. This will give you information with which you can start dating.

How to proceed?

If she doesn’t answer, don’t insist, it means she doesn’t want to. The girl responded with a phrase that suggests further communication - go ahead. Here it all depends on the goals, if this is flirting for an easy relationship, then don’t delay with poems and emoticons, throw in a few defining phrases:

  1. "Are you sad? I can brighten up a lonely girl’s evening”;
  2. “Baby, I care about your hot photos, do you want to meet?”;
  3. “You’re cool and I’m not a mistake, I think we’ll have a great time together, don’t mind?”;
  4. “I’m ready to dedicate myself to you, are you ready?”;

By answering them, she will immediately make it clear what she is ready for. But, when you are looking for a serious acquaintance, the correspondence can last an indefinite amount of time, take your time, don’t push, get to know the person and at the same time don't forget to compliment:

  • “Great photo, how did you manage to take such a picture?”;
  • “Every time I rush here to spend the evening in pleasant company”;
  • “I didn’t find a message from you today and I’m upset”;
  • “I’m interested in communicating with you on the Internet, I’m sure it’s more interesting in real life.”

Slowly probe her, talk less about yourself, if she is interested, she will ask, this will be a good sign.

This video demonstrates several interesting, original examples of such messages, after which any girl will certainly melt:

What to write to a girl you like?

You’ve already gotten to know each other a little, maybe you’re dating, and you really want to please your beloved with a message during the day:

  • “They say that angels live in heaven and only occasionally descend to earth - I was lucky, I saw one yesterday”;
  • “The most beautiful eyes are now reading this message”;
  • “The most pleasant thing I can do is think about you”;
  • “Baby, when you are far away, the days and nights last twice as long, and the sun does not shine so brightly, I want to be close”;
  • "The most best girl was with me this evening";
  • “You see the weather has turned bad because you are sad today, give people joy - smile”;
  • “You cured me of color blindness, now I see the world in bright colors”;

You can use these phrases as is, you can change the meaning by adding a suitable emoticon and a touch of humor for a good mood.

How to apologize in verse to a girl?

It happens that a guy offends a girl, and then it’s difficult to find words of apology. Of course, it’s better to ask for forgiveness in person, but sometimes it’s not possible and the Internet comes to the rescue.

Use regular touching sentences:

  • “Forgive the fool, I was wrong, I’m very afraid of losing you”;
  • “I know that because of my mistake you are not sleeping now, I want to change everything, to forget what happened.”

Or send poetry :

I want you to shine with a smile,

Forgive my mistakes!

My baby frowned

Sorry for the grief!

I'm left alone and I miss you

Now I'm on my way alone

It's not too late to admit your guilt,

Forgive me, forgive me!

Darling, forgive me for the quarrel,

I admit that I'm guilty

I brought you a lot of grief,

You smile - I will be glad!

I'm afraid of losing you

From now on I will be calm and gentle,

Would you agree to take a walk with me?

I'm standing under the balcony with flowers.

Of course, everything depends on the degree of guilt, but it is unlikely that a woman will be able to resist poetry (not even always with rhyme) and sincere apologies.

What should you not write to a woman?

There are phrases that, after reading, a girl will not communicate with you. Usually this is either vulgar advances or self-aggrandizement. Below we give some examples:

  • « Hello, let's get to know each other!" - This phrase is normal, but it gives the right to choose; this question can simply be answered: “No”;
  • « You probably won't answer my message, but...“- a demonstration of uncertainty, and this does not make a man look good;
  • « Maybe I'm not your type" - this is never good for dating. How can she know what kind of person is writing a message if you are just trying to get acquainted;
  • « Baby let's have sex" - but everything is clear right away, but not for serious intentions. Some ladies will like this context if you are looking for her for these purposes. But when you need a woman to build serious relationship or even a family, it is better to exclude this proposal;
  • « At your place beautiful photos, but the content is just as beautiful?“- sounds challenging and if some accept the challenge, then the majority will be added to the blacklist.

Try to be just a person in correspondence with a new acquaintance, communicate as equals, do not belittle yourself and do not put yourself “above” and everything will work out.

How to write an original “Hello” to a girl?

We are used to starting a letter with the word “hello,” but you can replace it for originality:

  • “You are so beautiful that I forgot to say hello”;
  • “There is a thread, I want to start a friendship here”;
  • “What can you say about the phonetic analysis of a word?”;
  • “Do you know that today is Saturday, and not yesterday or even tomorrow?”;
  • “Tell me, how many electrodes does the transistor have?”;
  • “Do you play chess? Me not.";
  • "Shake";
  • “Hello” - in Bulgarian.

There are a lot of original phrases, greetings sound good foreign languages or “scary” sentences from physics or other complex sciences, they speak of you as an intellectual person. It’s difficult to guess right away what a particular girl will like; information from her page on a social network can help.

So, we have suggested what to write to a girl so that she is sure to be pleased, the rest is up to you. Act carefully, but persistently, if you are getting acquainted, modestly and ingratiatingly - when you apologize.

Video: funny attempts to get acquainted

IN in this video Daniil Rogozin will show 20 funny “tackles” on a girl, written on VK:

Can't just say hi in a world where there's a million creative ways say hello via SMS.

Most of us spend up to 90% of our free time on our phones. However, many people don’t even know how to be the first to start an entertaining conversation. Agree that you can’t always just say “hello”, right? Of course, we can say hello in a banal way, but it looks so unoriginal. Nobody wants to seem like a failure. Everyone wants to appear original and fun. But how do you do this, especially if you're not exactly the nicest or the funniest among all your friends?

You can always start a conversation with a Disney classic, like “Bonjour!” Good afternoon How's your family?” and you can use 12 creative ways to say hello via SMS.

Use emoticons

The smiling emoji is the easiest way to say hello because it's literally adorable. You can't send a face like that and not make people smile, it's just impossible. Plus, a little monkey just staring or smiling cutely is a great addition to any creative text message.

Send a photo

You don't need to constantly text messages. Better yet, send an SMS photo of yourself smiling or waving your hand in a friendly manner. This is a fun and creative way to say hello via SMS and the recipient will be left with a cute photo of you.

Video is also a good option.

Since you can easily send photos, it's easy to send videos too. You can send a video of yourself dancing funny, or perhaps singing your favorite song. Be nice and just have fun.

Use cute words

“Hey, beautiful” or “Hey, you look good, what are your plans for the evening?” - great option. This is a classic that never gets old.

Say "hello" in another language

Get into the habit of sending all your friends text messages on different languages. For example, instead of the usual hello, write hola or bonjour. It's amazing and original at the same time. These are perhaps the most obvious options, but you can write in another language.

Start with a joke

Don't even say "hi", just start with a joke instead. Many are fans good humor, especially in the morning, so it can be interesting to use a text message to cheer up the other person's mood. When sending any SMS it is important to remain cheerful and creative person, because if you are serious, all the intrigue will disappear, and with it the good mood.


Receiving these kinds of messages is quite funny, depending of course on who is sending them. However, the reaction to such SMS can be twofold. But if you think you can pull it off in a particular situation, then by all means do it.

"Hey you, hi"

Classic! This is one of the most creative ways to say hi via text message. This is perhaps the easiest way to say hello, and the interlocutor will certainly smile when he sees these words. Although the meaning of these words can be twofold. If some stranger sent you such a text, you would probably be upset. However, if your friend sent you such an SMS, you would probably be in high spirits.

Ask the person you're talking to how their day is going

You don't have to write "hello" first. You could simply skip all the formalities, jump straight into a productive conversation and ask the person how their day is going. It must be very nice to look at your phone in the middle of the day to see such a cute text message. It's great to know that someone else was thinking about your well-being during their own busy day.

Pet photo

Just send your friend a photo of your favorite pet and say: “Murka (or Vaska) says hello to you.” No one will ever mind receiving an adorable photo of their pet. best friend. It's a win-win game for both parties. You start a nice conversation, and your interlocutor looks at nice photo a pet that lifts your spirits.

General interest

Do you have a common idol or favorite rock band? Perhaps you could start the conversation by discussing your favorite song. Or maybe you have a common joke that you know and love. Start the conversation with this. This way, you will interest your interlocutor, and he will be more inclined to respond to your message.

Super tips

“You + Me = At ​​the cafe in 15 minutes.” Want to invite a friend on a date? Just take action. If you feel confident enough, don't stop. Just keep in mind that this may not work in your favor. However, it can be seen as super confidence, and many people find it attractive and cute.

Don't limit yourself to the banal word "hello." You are much more creative. We hope these fun ways to say hello via SMS helped you celebrate your brainstorm to start a conversation! Take action and don't be shy!

08.02.2013 , Tatiana Cherepanova

It has long been no secret that a few seconds are enough to form a first impression of a person. That’s why they say that “you meet people by their clothes.” But, you see, there are situations in which people may not see each other. Or there are certain conventions and requirements for appearance.

Meanwhile, visual attractiveness plays a major role in the communication process, as a rule, among peoples with a low communicative culture. Alas, according to research by scientists and sociologists, we Russians belong to this group.

Is this why in the first place in importance is what we are wearing, how we comb our hair and what accessories we choose. In the language of professionals, this is called “habitus” (from the Latin “habitus” - appearance, appearance). Whereas in economically developed countries, manners, education, professional and personal achievements matter.

When they talk about manners, they mean both etiquette and the ability to communicate. Where does any communication begin? Of course, with a greeting.

45 comments “ How to say hello correctly. Modern greeting etiquette

    Example: I enter a room. A person eats food (breakfast, lunch,
    has dinner, etc.). I say hello and at the same time offer him my hand. He states that people do not shake hands at the table. He greets with words, invites you to the table and continues to eat. Who is right in this situation and who is wrong?

    • Hello, Vladimir.
      Your situation is quite common in life. Is there a clearly stated rule on how to greet a person eating? I will probably disappoint you - very often etiquette is perceived as a sort of set of rules that must be strictly followed. But life often does not fit into the Procrustean bed of dogmas. Yes, indeed, it is not customary to shake hands across the table. It is quite enough to exchange a verbal greeting and a nod of the head. But. You turned to the person sitting and extended your hand (although you could in this case not to do this)? Your expectation of reciprocal politeness is justified - it’s just that the person could have stood up and, already standing, returned the greeting. Second "but". You need to take into account the format of the situation—it’s a business lunch or an informal meeting with a friend, an office or a restaurant. And also - age, gender, status of a person. So for each case we can assume a different scenario for the start of the meeting. To make the task of choosing easier, I will say that business etiquette today still shows more flexibility than secular etiquette. The main thing is not to strain anyone. And the second principle is not to blame anyone for ignorance of the rules that guide you yourself (and not to make comments out loud). Good luck!

    Good afternoon Please tell me. If, for one reason or another, your greeting was not heard, what should you do in such a situation? Eg adult woman, continuing to talk with the interlocutor, enters the room and did not hear the greeting. Should I repeat it after she finishes expressing the thought or is it enough to say hello to her interlocutor and go about her business?
    Thank you in advance for your quick response!

    • Hello.
      It’s simple, if you happen to find yourself next to people talking, it’s enough to greet them (or one of them) and go about your business. Even when your greeting went unnoticed. If you need to contact
      you can say hello to one of the people communicating, apologize for interrupting their conversation, turn to to the right person and ask him to give you his attention. At the same time, it is important to briefly formulate the purpose of your appeal (literally in 3 words). But you can do this when your business is urgent. In other situations, it would be right to ask when your counterpart will be able to listen to you. Enjoy your communication!

    Hello. I want to ask this question. Here he works open part time in an office building. The company has 10 offices. Accordingly, he comes to work after lunch, when everyone has already said hello to each other. The offices are open and when he walks everyone sees him. Including men. Should he go into every office to say hello or should he only say hello to those employees whom the guy will see in the corridor or will communicate during the day. And how to pass by the offices in this case.

    • Hello, Igor. Walking down the corridor, you don’t need to look into every office to say hello. You could even say that looking into the office in open doors not accepted. How to walk along the corridor then? Calmly heading towards his office. You are going to work, not for a walk!
      It’s worth stopping by and saying hello in person only if you have a business question. In the rest, no one needs to be distracted from work. You only need to greet people you meet.

    Hello. The director of another company often comes to our office (accounting department), he may say hello himself, he may not say hello, due to his busyness, he wonders who should say hello first? He, because he came to us, or we, because... is he a director (BUT of another company)? Thank you.

    • Hello, Ekaterina. A polite person should greet you first. But seriously, if we strictly follow greeting etiquette, then the superior, of course, is greeted by the inferior, but only if they meet in the corridor, and verbally, without a handshake. When entering the office, the person entering is the first to say hello. Even if he is the boss. When several people are sitting in an office, it is not at all necessary to greet everyone loudly so as not to distract from work. But if the employee raised his head and paid attention to the newcomer, then, of course, they can greet each other with a nod and a slight smile.

    Good evening! Today I came across a situation... new job: I came in the morning and wished my colleague good morning..... In response I heard that it’s still worth saying “hello” to colleagues, because... “Good morning” is only wished to those with whom you woke up)))) What is the correct way to greet work colleagues in the morning, during the day and in the evening? Thank you.

    • Hello, Alexandra. Sorry for the delay in response.
      Your question, Alexandra, both surprised and amused me. I immediately remembered an episode from The Hobbits. If you have read the book or seen the film, you will probably understand that I am talking about the meeting of Gandalf and Bilbo and their discussion about the greeting “good morning”. But seriously, Lately In general, a lot of propagandists of pseudoscience have appeared. In this situation - pseudo-etiquette. Yes, yes, yours new colleague is engaged in the promotion of pseudo-etiquette. If you listened to the audio lesson in the “Correct Russian” section about “, then you probably paid attention to the time when forms with the word “kind” appeared in our speech culture. It is difficult to imagine that at that time the innovators of Russian etiquette even allowed the idea of ​​such an implication of the phrase “ Good morning" Following the logic of your colleague, Alexander, we can continue: “ Good night"Do we tell the person we're going to spend the night with? Agree, this approach is, to put it mildly, naive. In fact, “Hello” is distinguished from “Good morning (day, evening, night)” only by the level of formality of the situation and the distance that exists between people or that they want to establish between themselves. “Hello” is applicable in official, neutral, formal communication conditions, when there are rules of subordination, or simply when the relationship is not so warm and friendly. But “Good afternoon” is just appropriate to use if you want to soften the situation, set a casual, friendly tone for communication, and immediately make it clear that you want to move on to a closer relationship with your interlocutor (not intimate!).
      I can only assume that your colleague's comment had some kind of meta-message to you. Perhaps that you should keep your distance for now. It is possible that this person has a certain attitude towards the very fact of your hiring and the dismissal of your predecessor. Just express it directly he like well-mannered person, can not. True, the form he chose is also questionable. Think, observe. How do they communicate in the office? What kind of subordination exists between colleagues? Who sets the tone for communication? And at first, don’t rush to get closer. However, I hope that in the two weeks that you are working in your new place, not a trace of that misunderstanding remains. Good luck communicating with colleagues!

      • Often in the evening, when leaving work, I meet colleagues whom I have not seen during the day, and it turns out that I say hello to them, and they say goodbye to me. A funny and sometimes awkward situation arises. Please explain what is the correct way to say hello or goodbye in this case? Thank you in advance!

        • Svetlana, hello!
          In business etiquette, there is generally no strict requirement to greet everyone you meet. And, as a result, it is not at all necessary to say goodbye to everyone. The logic of business etiquette is to make everyone comfortable.
          Of course, ideally, you can say goodbye only to someone with whom you have already come into contact or communicated during the day. That is, it would be correct to first say hello, then say goodbye.
          But what bothers you personally in the described situation? Mismatch of roles during ritual performance? Why do you absolutely need this? The most appropriate option, in my opinion, is to turn an ambiguous situation into an easy communication game. Think and select a few phrases for such meetings and partings and use them in your speech practice. Or try to act by analogy: respond to a greeting with a greeting, and respond to a farewell with a farewell. The main thing is not to take on the responsibility of retraining anyone. Especially if you weren't asked for it.

      • your conclusions, in principle, are logical, but, however, this logic appears with everyday experience, but not for everyone. I really liked your advice - competent, interesting. It would probably be very interesting and informative to talk with you. -)

        • Good afternoon, Victor.
          Thanks for the compliment.
          Who said that etiquette is a set of incomprehensible rules invented by someone? Etiquette, in a sense, is the result of the communication practices of more than one generation of people. And every etiquette norm has a logical explanation. It’s just that at a certain point in our history, someone said that being polite is not cool, behaving in a civilized manner sucks, and speaking competently is generally complete crap (sorry for the slang). But reality convinces us that it is difficult to live without the rules. And, probably, it would be good to find some book that collects all the behavior algorithms in different situations. Opened it, read it, applied it. But the secret is that there is no such book. Just as there are no rules for literally all occasions. There are basic ones, knowledge of which and, most importantly, understanding of their essence, will allow you to be adequate even in the most difficult situations.

    Hello, please tell me, what would be more correct from the point of view of etiquette to greet girls, an acquaintance (friend) on the street with a gesture? hug or shake hands, or use some other greeting sign?

    • Good afternoon, Igor! Your question conveys a desire to be not just polite, but also respectful of other people. But you can’t answer it briefly - the situations you write about require the use of different greeting formats.
      For starters, traditionally women and men are greeted differently in social situations. A handshake, which is mandatory when meeting men, even strangers, is possible to greet a woman if she herself offers you her hand. Under no circumstances should you initiate a handshake with her! At the same time, it is important to understand: why exactly is the lady holding out her hand - for a kiss or for you to shake it.
      To hug or not? Hugs are a symbol, a sign of a certain degree of relationship between people. Have you noticed that hugs are very common in subcultures? Precisely in order to show their belonging to certain circles. At the same time, hugs when meeting can speak of a special spiritual closeness, unity, almost kinship - for example, this is how you can understand hugs when meeting fellow soldiers. But I still wouldn’t recommend hugging women, even good friends—she can interpret any touch as an attempt to violate her personal space. In some cultures, such treatment is generally prohibited as degrading women's dignity.
      The optimal greeting option is a slight but noticeable nod of the head and a glance that radiates pleasure from the meeting and goodwill. Older men, who are not alien to gallant manners and who wear a headdress, can raise it at the same time. But this must be done elegantly so as not to look comical.
      I hope now you can express all your respect for people when you meet them. Enjoy your communication!


    I have a question about who says hello first in everyday life...

    We were forced to move in with our mother-in-law; we are a young family with two babies. When she enters any room where I am present, she does not say hello, expecting my greeting. And somewhere in my subcortex it is written that the person entering the room is ALWAYS the first to say hello, regardless of age.

    It turns out that I have the feeling that she does not greet me, and my mother-in-law has the feeling that I do not greet her, since she is older...

    • Good day, Natalia!
      Thanks for the question.
      There is no single rule about who greets first in everyday life - again, it all depends on the situation: where people met, what their age is, whether they are of the same sex or not, what kind of relationship they are in...
      However, etiquette is not just a collection of logically meaningful rules developed practical life. This is also psychology. And, let me note, in the situation you described there is more psychology. Psychology of relationships. And even the graphic design shows that everything in your house is not so simple...
      Think about what is important to you: maintaining etiquette or creating an atmosphere of warmth and spiritual comfort? Believe me, a rule is worthless, the observance of which leads to tension in relationships.
      Peace of mind to you, Natalya, and your family...

    Please tell me when business communication by phone and e-mail, if you call a colleague/client several times a day or are in correspondence, do you need to greet the interlocutor every time? How to do this correctly?
    Thank you!

    • Hello, dear Ekaterina. Thanks for the question.
      Greeting etiquette when communicating by phone or via emails, chat messages, instant messengers is not much different from the rules of “live” communication. But this does not mean that forms of politeness can be neglected when you call or write to your counterpart 10 times a day. On the contrary, in such situations special delicacy is required.
      To avoid inconvenience, conduct electronic correspondence with one recipient in the exchange of information mode in one feed or thread, do not write new letters each time, but respond to what you receive.
      When you call the same person, you should definitely apologize, ask if the other person is comfortable talking to you now, and very briefly state the purpose of the call.
      It is not forbidden to greet a person if enough time has passed between the acts of your communication with them. For example, you contacted him at the beginning of the working day, and then in the afternoon after lunch or towards the end of the shift. In this case, abandon the formal greeting and replace it with a formula linked to the period of the day - “Good afternoon” (after 12.00 hours), “Good evening” (after 18.00 hours).
      And also think about whether additional calls and letters are always justified. Perhaps they are the result of inattention or ambiguities resulting from inept communication? Perhaps, before each call or letter, you need to better think through the purpose and nuances of the conversation, ask clarifying questions and ask again whether you correctly understood what they were telling you?
      Ekaterina, I hope I answered your questions?
      I wish you pleasant and productive communication through any communication channels!

    Hello. Tomorrow I’m going to my superior management to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and get to know each other in one go. Although I have known some of them for a long time. How can I greet them correctly, and of course, congratulate them?

    • Marina, good afternoon.
      Alas, your question ended up in the Spam folder, and I discovered it completely by accident. I suspect the answer is late. But, nevertheless, I will write a short comment.
      Personal congratulations from senior management. Delicate situation. In our domestic practice, when all relations in business spheres are built strictly vertically, such a visit can be interpreted in two ways. If your company does not have absolute authoritarian subordination, then a special trip from a lower-level manager to a higher-level one is quite appropriate. But it’s still worth making an appointment in advance so as not to turn out to be an unexpected guest. In the classic structure of an organization, where all initiatives (and orders) come from top to bottom, it is still better not to demonstrate your interest in getting to know your new bosses. It is better to wait until it either arrives on its own to introduce itself, or wait for an invitation.
      How to say hello? Basic rules: The superior gives a hand to the inferior. Except if the subordinate is a woman. In this case, she has the right to decide whether to shake hands or not.
      A few words about congratulations. It is good form to attach a card to a bouquet or other gift, but the style should be quite formal - no funny pictures or texts. The congratulation itself should also be very precise, without vulgarity or any ambiguity. (Read more about greeting cards you can here -).
      I hope these tips will help you, Marina, build a productive relationship with the new management. Good luck!

    Hello! Is the greeting “Hello, anyone you haven’t seen” appropriate? Maybe “Hello” is enough. And it doesn’t matter if at this moment there are people with whom you have already greeted before.
    Thank you!

    • Hello Svetlana.
      Yes, in such situations, the rules of politeness recommend limiting yourself to only words of greeting, without any additions indicating to whom it is addressed.
      In the wording “Hello, who haven’t you seen?” there is a degree of familiarity and even some negligence. Try to avoid this.

    Hello. Please tell me what to do correctly. I often meet a stranger in the park. We just pass there on our way to work. Is it necessary to say hello in such a situation? There's no point in getting to know each other.

    • Olga, hello.
      Modern international etiquette does not oblige you to greet everyone you meet, whom you know and whom you do not know. This is a form of tolerance - you don’t know whether a person is even inclined to communicate fluently or not. And one of the basic principles of etiquette is not to disturb others.
      But if you feel any discomfort in the situation described (and similar ones), then allow yourself the luxury of stepping back from of this rule modern etiquette in favor of politeness.
      No one obliges you to vigorously express your joy at a meeting, no one forces you to start long conversations with unfamiliar people every time. A nod of the head and a discreet smile is quite enough. Feel free to show your affection for people with whom you are connected even for a few minutes on the road to work together.

    Good afternoon.

    I wonder how to behave correctly in such a situation. I shake hands with the owner of the holding. On my way to work (the sidewalk is wide) the boss is walking towards me. And communicates with very important person. I walked past without saying hello, so as not to distract them from the conversation. It’s likely that they didn’t even notice me (just as I might not have noticed them, but I noticed)…
    Was it necessary to say hello in this situation? And if so, how? Thank you.

    • Sergey, hello!
      You answered your own question.
      In this particular situation, you did absolutely the right thing. The owner of the holding at the moment when you passed was busy talking with an important person, as you wrote. If they didn’t pay attention to you (or pretended not to notice), it means that people are very busy at the moment.
      Business etiquette, and in this story it is still better to rely on it, advises not to distract people from serious matters even with such a polite manifestation as a greeting.
      But if the owner of the holding looked in your direction, if eye contact occurred, then, of course, it would not have happened without a greeting. But perhaps without a handshake. With such a plot twist, a slight bow of the head is quite appropriate.
      Good luck!

    • Hello, dear Kukulya.
      Saying goodbye to a client is a situation that determines whether he will come to your clinic for the second time or whether his current visit will be his last. In such a context, it is better to leave the right to put an end to communication with the patient. Otherwise, a premature farewell may be interpreted by him as inattention, to say the least.
      I agree that there are a lot of people who are able to delay communication after an appointment with a doctor and thereby simply distract the employees of your department.
      If such situations occur quite often, the clinic management should include in the so-called code corporate culture a section in which the scenario/s (algorithm/s or, as they often say now, script/s) of communication with the client would be presented. Naturally, taking into account everyone possible options development. As a rule, the code of corporate culture is compiled by communications and image specialists after a thorough analysis of real situations and modeling of ideal ones that correspond to the image that the organization seeks to create. Based on the compiled scripts, trainings are conducted for employees working with clients. Their task is not only to familiarize them with the rules, but to bring dialogues to automaticity.
      Perhaps this approach may seem useless, but if this had been done in due time, you, Kukulya, and your colleagues would not even have a question about who should say “Goodbye” first - the client or the administrator. Least.
      Try challenging your management to think about how to resolve issues as efficiently as possible. difficult situations communication with clients. You will see, this will bring noticeable results.
      Good luck!

  • Hello. I work in the accounting department, there are 5 women in the office. The director came in with 3 guests (men), we didn’t expect it, everyone was doing their job. The director said something incomprehensible, they stood in the threshold and quickly left. Nobody really understood anything. Now he is very angry that no one even stood up to greet him. Please tell me how we should have greeted correctly?

    • Olga, hello.
      The situation you described, as I see it, has less to do with business etiquette. And the director’s reaction suggests that he is not only unfamiliar with its rules, but is guided solely by personal motives in building internal company communications.
      However, we will not violate the rules of business ethics and discuss your manager. I think it is much more important to understand how to relieve tension in relationships in your team.
      If you rely on business etiquette, then it would be more correct not to continue to remain silent and pretend that everything is normal. Of course, you shouldn't hint to your boss that he doesn't know etiquette. It would be wiser to discuss the current situation with him, without blaming either him or the employees of your department, to figure out what happened then, but without mutual reproaches and in no case without self-flagellation (by and large, the accounting employees behaved correctly). Perhaps already during the conversation you will be able to understand real reasons behavior of the director and in the future in similar situations you will be able to correctly use the acquired knowledge, showing psychological and communicative flexibility.
      All the best to you and your colleagues!


    My friends say HELLO when we meet. We are 70 years old and older. I don't like this greeting. Wishes for health or good day It's nicer at our age.

    • Maria, good afternoon.
      The version of greeting your friend is Western. As far as I understand from correspondence with foreign partners, this is the norm. If you don’t like this method, simply and tactfully explain to your friend that you would prefer the traditional “hello.” But you shouldn't be offended by her.


    We said hello to the employee on Skype. I say “Hello” when entering the office, not for the first time, but she doesn’t say hello. Maybe this greeting among young people replaces the greeting when meeting.

    • Hello, Valentina.
      Your employee did not violate the greeting norms business etiquette. One greeting, the first one, is quite enough. Even if it was over the phone (or Skype). But repeated “hello” may signal that a person has some kind of internal communication difficulties. Why do you feel the need to say hello every time you meet this employee? Observe your feelings...
      And the concept of “youth” does not exist in the business hierarchy. There is a status of “superior” and “subordinate”. Employees of the company go to work along the same path in the morning, you see a man from behind, you overtake him:
      -Is it necessary to say hello to everyone you pass, even if you don’t know everyone?
      -Who should say hello first?
      -if you are overtaken by a senior in position?

      • Good morning, Maria.
        I'll try to give you a hint:
        - you don’t have to say hello to all your colleagues, especially those you don’t know;
        - usually greeted when meeting, not when overtaking. Unless in our reality, in such a situation, silence will be considered impolite, poor upbringing, arrogance;
        - in business practice, the subordinate greets first, the superior shakes hands (by the way, this is in the article);
        - if a senior person overtakes... Do you say hello? What is the reaction? I think that out of politeness the superior employee is answering you. But at the same time, he may think that you distracted him from his thoughts, that you are delaying him, that you are being excessively importunate, and so on. And again: they don’t greet your back.

    • Good afternoon Please tell me where to get video materials for conducting classes with employees medical organizations to teach how to properly greet patients and employees of the institution.

      • Hello. Kate.
        I don’t even know where to redirect you...
        It is unlikely that you will find a ready-made video tutorial on communication between medical staff and patients. And in general, lessons on speech business etiquette. I can only advise you to find an agency or freelancers in your city who would film real communication, as it is in healthcare institutions. And then agree with the etiquette teacher about analyzing the recorded episodes in class. And it’s better not just to sort them out orally, but to play out the correct communication scenarios with the training participants. It will be more effective.

      Hello! I work in kindergarten! In our work there is an obligatory point - teaching children to say hello!!!... But I noted... that their parents also need to be taught to say greetings! I would like to conduct a consultation on this topic! How can I create a harmless, helpful dialogue? Sincerely!

      • Hello Tatiana.
        Parents of children are not your “target audience” in the literal sense. Therefore, you have no ethical right to teach them. That is, act in relation to them as a teacher. And you shouldn’t make comments to them either - this is not accepted according to etiquette.
        But not everything is so sad! You, as a teacher, have a fairly large arsenal of communicative and educational techniques. And you will probably be able to name them yourself if you put yourself in the shoes of your parents and ask how you would show yourself the importance of the rule of saying hello.
        Try it! I'm sure many ideas will come up. Only this should not be a one-time job, but systematic. Otherwise, knowledge will not develop into skill, and skill will not develop into skill.
        In general, you could discuss your problem with the whole team kindergarten and come up with, for example, a large targeted program to create a space of politeness and attention. Games, drawing competitions, homework with the involvement of parents, holidays... Soon you will probably have matinees on February 23, March 8, then graduations. Include in scripts game moments, indirectly focusing on the culture of greeting... Make it a habit, when meeting parents, to greet them as a group and personally. Even to the point of using a handshake, even with mothers.
        The main thing in work is not to act as a mentor and not to point out the impoliteness of others. Be very subtle. And with a smile!
        You, Tatyana, will succeed! Good luck!

Tired of boring greetings? Do you want to surprise your loved one or make someone fall in love with you? Then this article is for you, because here is a collection of the best and original greetings.

10 most original greetings in the world

Many countries have their own original greeting phrases.

In Japan, people are not used to saying any phrases indicating a specific greeting, since the inhabitants of the country are very busy people. To greet a person here, simply nod your head after him. If we're talking about to express deep respect, the Japanese kneel and bow to him. Depending on the bow, the level of respect of a person is determined. Of course, you shouldn’t bow to the ground, this is already a mockery.

In Thailand, it is customary to raise both hands up, as this means “peace” and “respect.” A more honorable greeting is to raise, cross your arms above you, and bow. For this reason, you should not be surprised if you hear the phrase “Hands up!” It's just like that original greeting.

In one tribe in Kenya, people spit when greeting each other. Spitting is a venerable tradition here. Before greeting, fellow tribesmen spit on their hands.

In some Greenlandic families, it is customary to rub noses when meeting a loved one.

In India, people squat when meeting. Therefore, you should not be surprised if Indians are squatting in the middle of the street - they are just saying hello.

Many people in Tibet stick out their tongues when meeting people, as this is considered a sign of peacefulness. The fact is that a king with a black tongue used to live here. He was very angry and punished unfaithful residents and subjects with death. After his death, people were afraid that his soul would pass to another person, so when they met, people began to stick out their tongues at each other.

In some cities on the Polynesian islands, instead of shouting various phrases It is customary to greet cheek to cheek, taking a deep breath.

A very original greeting in the Philippine Islands: when talking to an elder, you need to press his hand to your cheek.

In New Zealand, all nations have a custom of rubbing noses together. Therefore, it is not surprising if you see men rubbing their noses on the streets of the city.

In Africa, perhaps, one of the most beautiful greetings. In order to complete it, you need to take right hand and bring it first to the forehead, then to the lips and later to the heart. Literally this means: I think, I speak and I respect.

How they say hello in Russia

In Russia you can see different ways say hello. In addition, our language is rich in greetings. They usually greet each other verbally and non-verbally.

Verbal methods are quite simple. This can be: “Good afternoon”, “Good morning” and “Good evening” - when addressing respected people, “Hello” and “Hello” - to relatives and friends.

Hit a girl the first time

How to stand out and come up with an original greeting to a girl? Something unusual instead of the usual “hello”? Everything is quite simple.

You just need to replace the word “hello” or “hello” with any greeting in another language. For example, if a girl likes English or French, you can answer “bonjour” or “hello”. And then these can be words spoken in Italian, German, Chinese, etc. Say this phrase, and the girl’s number is guaranteed (or her smile).

Be smart and surprise her: “Today is a great day, and so is your sunny smile. Hello". Or this: “You are beautiful, like the sun in the morning. Good afternoon". Or: “You are simply charming today, mademoiselle. Good day!". Another option: “You are a ray of sunshine that breaks through gray clouds. I am glad to welcome you." Well, there are other options of this kind.

Give the girl a smile and show respect with a curtsey. You don't have to say anything. The girl will already be pleased that you are trying to be a gentleman for her. Kiss her hand and the beauty's heart will thaw.

If the girl acts as a friend, then you can simply hug her and kiss her on the cheek. A light greeting in this way will immediately endear you to the person.

An original greeting to a guy can strengthen the relationship. If we are talking about a loved one, then the girl can write him a poem. If you don’t have the talent for writing poetry, you can look for ready-made poems on the topic “Good morning/afternoon/evening.”

If you need to greet a guy in person, you can simply kiss or hug. Best option than “Good day!” cannot be found. You can say hello to a guy at English language, while wishing you a good school/work day. A little politeness wouldn't hurt.

A man needs support

Greetings to a man? Original phrases They will cheer up any person for the whole day, encourage and encourage a gentleman to do great things. To a friend or even to a loved one You can give a compliment, and only then say hello. For example: “You look cheerful today. Stay like this all day. Good morning”, “You look good. A smile especially suits you. Glad to see you". Also, sometimes a nod of the head and a simple smile are enough. Believe me, it is better to smile at a person, and that will be enough for him.

List of phrases for meeting a girl

The original greeting is the right way find a life partner and be known as a person with a subtle sense of humor:

  • It seems like amnesia is setting in. Perhaps he has already approached you?
  • Is there a thread? I want to make friends here and now.
  • You are so beautiful that I forgot my line.
  • Let me walk you home, at least with my eyes.
  • You can light up this street with a smile, it’s painfully dark here.
  • You are so beautiful that you feel sorry for everyone around you. They are nothing compared to you.
  • I think I forgot my phone number. Could you give me yours?
  • I am starting to rewrite the people living in Russia. Let me start with you?
  • If I smile at you, it doesn't mean that I want to meet you. You are wrong because I want to ask you out on a date.
  • You're on my to-do list for the evening.
  • I may not be the best here, but I'm the only one who talks to you.
  • Do you remember me? You and I met in your dreams. True, then I was wearing a helmet and on a white horse.
  • What will you do tonight after we go to the cinema?

So, be unconventional in all situations. Original greeting - best start day and end of the evening.