Underscore analysis. Numeric additions at the end of the signature. Why Analyze Handwriting?

Few people know what handwriting says about a person. But in fact, signs in handwriting can be equated with syndromes in medicine. The size and slope of the letters, as well as the intervals and pressure of the pen, can reveal even more about a person's character than he himself knows.


Not so young as it seems at first glance, the science of graphology will tell you what handwriting says about it. It is engaged in a detailed study of the slope of letters, the distance between them, as well as their location on paper. Analysis reveals not only personal qualities, but also future prospects or inclinations.

In fact, the connection between handwriting and a person's character was noticed back in the Middle Ages. The basis of graphology is considered to be a book written by the Roman historian Suetonius in the distant 16th century. And after a couple of centuries, data on handwriting were systematized by Michon. The final proof of this connection was the experiments conducted by V. Preyer using hypnosis - he inspired the same person that he had different character traits, and the handwriting of the experimental subject changed dramatically.

General organization of handwriting

In the analysis, first of all, the evenness of the handwriting is checked. It depends on which side (positive / negative) one or another personality trait will be considered:

  1. Smooth and perfectly organized handwriting shows an active and focused person who is always confident in his own abilities and does not have a tendency to frequent failures.
  2. Large, but not quite organized handwriting indicates impulsiveness.
  3. Small and organized suggests that its owner uses his own strength wisely.
  4. Indecisive and timid people are shown by a small and very poorly organized handwriting - this is an insecure person who retreats at the first difficulties.


Large or small handwriting will tell about the relationship of a person with the people around him. What does it say about a person small size letters - many people want to know, because statistics show that the number of individuals with small handwriting slightly exceeds the number of people who are used to large letters.

To begin with, the boundaries should be marked - letters that reach 3 millimeters in height are considered medium. Accordingly, small ones - up to 3 mm, and large ones - from 3 mm.

  1. The owners of large handwriting are always sociable and active, they can support any conversation and cheer up the most boring company.
  2. Too small letters speak of modesty and unwillingness to attract attention. Although it should be noted that people who write in small handwriting love to think, it is difficult to wait for bold actions from them.
  3. And medium-sized letters go to people who can always find compromises. They realistically assess their strength and can adapt to any situation.

Lines and lines

Not less than importance have lines and lines that characterize a person's reaction to various external stimuli (surrounding events). Here the subconsciousness of a person plays a role, since the line for writing a word is chosen not at the physical level, but at the subconscious level:

  1. Keeps straight lines reliable person who will always fulfill the request of a friend and will not let you down in difficult situations.
  2. Pretentiously even lines indicate too many knowledge control questions.
  3. Uneven lines are observed in those who are deprived of strong internal stability.
  4. A directed line up indicates optimism, and a down line indicates a pessimistic owner.


Certain distances between lines and words give a description of the behavior and thinking of the individual.

Constantly confused people are more like to make the spacing small between the lines. The handwriting that speaks of a person who is attentive and makes informed decisions is large intervals between lines.

The volume of mental and physical space is shown by the intervals between words:

  1. The same gaps between words have a person who is able to adequately perceive the external picture and respect social inequality.
  2. Distances of different sizes speak of a fickle personality who communicates only with people he likes, and simply ignores the rest.
  3. Narrow gaps characterize those who let others close to them. Such a person does not require too much personal space, but prefers to be more close to other people.
  4. Large spaces between words reveal the wearer's fear of contact with others. It will be very difficult to make acquaintance with such a person, but when approaching him, he will seem like a rather interesting conversationalist.


Particular attention is paid to what handwriting says about a person, if the pressure of a pen or pencil can be completely different for the same person. You should know that pressure is a characteristic of the present emotional state:

  1. The strong pressure of the writing object on the paper guarantees emotional constancy and stability in all sensations.
  2. Weak pressure shows the owner as a person who is easily influenced by others. Usually such people choose for themselves the intellectual field of activity, they are receptive to other personalities, deep feelings are completely absent.

The slope of the letters

The characteristic of handwriting tells about the level of emotional reactions, as well as the degree of understanding of others.

It is quite difficult to find people with perfect calligraphic handwriting, so the most frequent request is "What does bad handwriting person?" In fact, before considering your own handwriting as bad, you should understand this characteristic and the very arrangement of the letters:

  1. The strict verticality of the letters hides a calm and calm person who is often indifferent to others at a time when others experience completely different feelings.
  2. If the letters are slightly tilted to the right, then this direct evidence soft reaction to the environment. Such a person cannot be called restrained, because before the manifestation of emotions, he first thinks everything over carefully.
  3. An increased tilt to the right shows emotional tension and impulsiveness.
  4. Cold people tilt letters when writing in left side. They protect themselves as much as possible from irritants and often act selfishly towards others.

How employees are selected

In some European countries, personnel are selected according to clear rules, one of which is handwriting expertise- she will be the last step in the test. The final decision on accepting an employee for a position is made only after the boss knows exactly what the person’s handwriting is about (examples are below).

Only deserving people are hired for financial positions in the United States. They have to pass quite difficult tests, where handwriting plays important role. A graphologist can pass a verdict that a person is prone to deceit, and then he will be refused.

Passing an examination is not always easy. For example, people hallmark whose handwriting is clumsy, which speaks of a person prone to quarrels and inconstancy, would hardly have received a prestigious position in many countries.


Proactive and creative person usually considered for the position of director. But in order to take this place, you must have the right handwriting: the letters must be wide and with different size also requires the presence correct ratio between curves and corners. In addition, the required handwriting feature for the position of director is a straight or slightly raised line.

Top manager

The manager's personality is a sociable person, restrained and patient. Therefore, in order to obtain such a position, the administration must know what his handwriting can tell about a person and whether he is suitable for working as a manager in a decent company.

Letters when writing must be decorated with an almost imperceptible amount decorative elements, their perfect size- medium, and also each letter should be rounded.

Head of Public Relations

Cold-blooded and courageous is suitable for such a position, but the ability to communicate with people in writing should also be present. The handwriting of the head of public relations should be as clear as possible and have its own characteristics: a fast pace of writing, a wide handwriting, the letters are interconnected. Most often, the signature of such a person ends with a small stroke.


An employee of the financial sector must be able to quickly concentrate and have a stable psyche. This is what handwriting that reads well says about a person. Letters should be large, and the distance between words should be large enough.


A person who dreams of working as an engineer needs to have a lively mind and a quick reaction. The handwriting of such a person is distinguished by rounded letters, where there are some angularities. The distance between words and lines is large enough, and the letters themselves are not too narrow.

housekeeping worker

A quick-witted person with a sound mind can easily get into the position of an economic worker. But more elite companies still have to figure out what handwriting says about a person. A candidate for a position must write at a fast pace, while accurately printing each letter.

short test

You can optionally take a short test to find out what the person’s handwriting says (the transcript will be below):

  1. Write a sentence of 4-5 words at a fast pace and then at a slow pace.
  2. Draw any animal.
  3. Draw a geometric figure.
  4. Point the arrow in any direction.

A person whose handwriting does not differ from his usual one in the first exercise quickly reacts to a change of scenery. animal - the emotions of the author. The presence of corners in geometric figure speaks of failures, and roundness - of developed willpower. A straight arrow shows the presence of the right goals, and a sinuous one indicates that a person likes to talk more than do anything.

The relationship between handwriting and individual features Personality is studied by the special science of graphology. To determine the character of a person, many nuances are taken into account: the size and shape of the letters, inclination, pressure, margin size, and much more. What can you learn about a person from handwriting?

The ancient Greek philosophers, including Aristotle, Theophrastus, Demetrius of Phaler, tried to find a psychological explanation for the difference in handwriting. So, for example, the biographer of the Roman emperors, Suetonius Gaius Tranquill, wrote about the frugality of Augustus, referring to the fact that he very closely put letters to each other and added words under the lines. What will the characteristics of your handwriting reveal?

large handwriting says that the person is very sociable and easily finds mutual language with those around you. But, small or, as it is also called, "beaded" handwriting, on the contrary, indicates that a person is shy, secretive and unsociable, but more observant and collected than someone who is always open to communication.

People who give letters rounded shapes , very kind, trusting and open, they love to be the center of attention, but are quite impractical. Those whose handwriting looks angular, people are very selfish and proud, rarely consider other people's interests and always pursue self-interest.

Illegible handwriting says that the person is very active, enterprising, but prone to neuroses. Such people are very secretive, constantly trying to mislead the interlocutor and hide the true state of their affairs.

He speaks of great willpower, patience, endurance and perseverance. strong pressure on the handle and a pencil, and here if a person writes

subtly, barely touching the sheet with a pen, then, on the contrary, he is very weak-willed and suspicious.

If a man does not connect words, but puts them separately, at intervals, know that in front of you is an extremely egocentric and unbalanced person who finds it very difficult to find a common language with people. Letters written together, with neat correct connections, speak of a person's excellent logical thinking.

If words in the line "jump" waves - this speaks of natural cunning and slyness, that a person is capable of weaving gossip and intrigue behind your back. If the line tends upwards, this indicates that you have an optimist and an incorrigible romantic in front of you, but a downwardly inclined line, on the contrary, gives out a pessimist in a person who is inclined to dramatize everything.

If a man writes without leaving margins on a sheet - this suggests that he is completely concentrated on himself and there is no place for other people in his life. If the fields are very wide, the same on both sides, this means that you have a very generous and good-natured person, albeit a little boastful. If the margins on the same sheet are different on the left and right, this indicates the excessive carelessness of the person.

If a man writes with a very strong inclination, then this characterizes him as an innovator, a lover of experiments, a rather open person and does not hide his feelings. But a relatively even handwriting without an inclination indicates that you have a very harmonious personality, restrained and calm. If the letters in the words scatter, then to the left, then to the right - this means that the character of a person is very capricious and impulsive.

A signature can also tell a lot about a person's character, for example, simple, devoid of pretentiousness, speaks of the decisive and confident character of its owner. A very large signature means that a person is very dependent on the opinions of others and is inclined to listen to everyone.

If the signature is circled- this speaks of shyness and secrecy. And if she is completely devoid of strokes, this means that you have a very brave, energetic and enterprising person in front of you.


Articles on graphology, publications in the press, TV shows, comments on handwriting famous people, graphic tests, graphology in business, graphology training, webinars, forum, professional consultations, scientific graphology books, scientific graphology magazine.

Graphology, graphological personality analysis- a unique technology for assessing a person's potential. Graphology is more than a test. It is based on the knowledge of psychophysiology, psychology, psychiatry, typology, uses the techniques of psychomotor, expressive, associative, symbolic approaches.

Handwriting analysis allows you to identify both conscious content (attitudes, values, orientations) and successfully explore subconscious, automatic stereotypes of human behavior that form the main scenarios of relationships, motivation, and worldview.

Based on materials from the site of the School of Graph Analysis by Inessa Goldberg - answers to common questions about graphology from webinar participants, master classes and forum visitors.

Tell me how to intuitively determine the character of a person by handwriting, the question, of course, is very general, but still ...

It is impossible to intuitively determine the character of a person by handwriting, if the determining one, of course, is not a medium, but the medium does not need to study graph analysis, he will know everything anyway :).
But seriously, although intuition is very useful and even necessary when synthesizing individual handwriting data into a whole picture of a person, nevertheless, it is valuable only in conjunction with the knowledge and understanding of patterns, and not in itself.

In the latter case, what a person considers intuitively correct when analyzing handwriting may turn out to be erroneous. It may intuitively seem to many that strong pressure = a physically strong person, and ascending lines = an optimist, popular books are based on such things :). Whereas the first may turn out to be just love of life, and the second - even mania. The whole point is not to rely excessively only on intuition, but to start with an analysis - how pronounced is the sign, in combination with what other graphic circumstances it appears. For a reliable conclusion, a “symptomatic complex” is needed, we never judge by one sign, it can be an indicator of many, different, both “positive” and “negative” characteristics.

Thus, to analyze handwriting from the point of view of one intuition, ordinary logic or one " common sense» is unacceptable, first of all - it is necessary to use sound knowledge and the so-called graphological (essentially, psychological) logic. Otherwise, there is a risk of falling into "signology", for which the Russian-speaking layman often essentially takes graphology.

I write differently different periods own life. Question: Is this an indication that my inner world is changing?

In living nature, and in human nature (and hence the nature of his handwriting - as its reflection) there is always variability, cyclicity, some variability. The leaves on the tree are of the same type, but each is unique, the intervals for the beats of a healthy heart are always different. This is healthy normal condition, a person is not a robot - only with the mechanistic process is absolute immutability and identity possible. Full control over a live process is a very worrying sign.

The point is not whether it changes or not, but how much. Depending on the proportion of the phenomenon, we will be able to tell what are its causes and whether there is cause for concern. Yes, if the handwriting changes inharmoniously, very noticeably, in an extreme way, this may indicate, for example, some kind of difficulty associated with one’s social role, sometimes - about the issue of self-determination, in some cases - about the still insufficient maturity of the individual, sometimes - about the evaluative attitude and the periodic struggle with it, in some cases about anxiety and emotionality, and other reasons. Which case is yours - it is impossible to say without seeing these spellings, but the variability of handwriting always has good reasons - some kind of balance is broken.

In general, the presence of completely different handwriting (in the graphological sense, and not in the opinion of the layman, when the handwriting differs only in slope or size, or a couple of letters) is not good. The presence of a large number of different handwritings is, moreover, an indicator of the problem. Which? Must watch.

What staff is relevant to select using graphical analysis?

Since graph analysis allows us to see a complete psychological portrait of a person in all aspects, we have the opportunity to determine the desired qualities for any position. In each case, this is its own “set”. The analysis is carried out on last step selection, when all other data are suitable and appropriate (education, experience, etc.), mainly when recruiting for key positions - managers, middle and senior managers, or positions with increased requirements (security, proximity to money, personal staff and etc.) .

Handwriting printed letters.. what is he talking about?

Like almost any sign in handwriting, it is about several things at the same time, of which (sometimes from dozens of characteristics) you need to choose only those that correspond to reality. Without seeing the handwriting, in general - it can be an increased volitional aspect, criticality, control, a super-ego censor. In some cases - to the maximum, when these things begin to be unproductive, they paralyze the inner freedom of the individual ("everything is according to the charter"). In some - like perfectionism, and perhaps a "mask" - it is impossible to speak without seeing the handwriting.

ps Natalya, speaking about printed handwriting, it is very important with what speed of handwriting these printed letters are combined. High handwriting speed tends to "improve" psychological interpretation, while low handwriting speed worsens it.

Handwriting speed - is it necessary to see how he writes? I mean, how does the hand go?

Handwriting speed is a graphic, subjective factor, and is not measured “by a stopwatch”, so we don’t need to see how the hand writes. There are special plates for determining the speed of handwriting by signs, an experienced specialist can determine the speed and already by eye: whether it is static, moderately fast (or slow), extreme - impulsive or sluggish.

I write with both my right and left hand. The handwriting is different. Which one to believe?

If you are right handed, right handed. If ambidexter (both hands are absolutely fluent in writing, like Leonardo), then both. In general, the deep features (stroke, speed, pressure, etc.) will not change, the difference in handwriting may seem simply due to a change in purely obvious visual parameters - slope, stretch, etc. features that may slightly change additional features.

What does doctoral handwriting mean? It is almost completely unreadable.

You can't, of course, judge on one basis. Readability (or unreadability) has a different degree of severity, is accompanied by various graphic combinations and is caused by various reasons. Readability bears main function letters - communication, clarity, transfer of information. Impaired readability can talk about problems in social skills, understanding the other, empathy, psychology.

But, depending on the handwriting, if the cause of unreadability is increased optimization and simplification of letters, this may also be due to high IQ. If the unreadability is caused by the amorphous handwriting, its indistinctness, threadlikeness - the reason is in intuitiveness, creative, sometimes "bohemian" warehouse. Nevertheless, in terms of society, a person can either be just an individualist intellectual, independent of the opinion of society, or ignore its norms and conventions. Only a specific unreadable handwriting can give an explanation for its unreadability.

What does it mean when the signature is in a foreign language?

It may be by different reasons- a person "internationalist" by the nature of his activity, or maybe just a desire to give himself more representativeness, respectability. From the point of view of psychodiagnostics, we usually analyze not this, but the graphic manifestations themselves, provided that such a signature is fully automatic.

R different - what does it mean?

It means nothing, because you can not judge a person by one sign. Perhaps, from time to time, a “compensation” or “claim” for the upper zone (Super-Ego) in handwriting pops up, and one has to watch how this manifests itself. And perhaps - the changes are due to a change in speed, everything needs to be looked at together with the whole picture of the handwriting.

What if the handwriting sample was made in an uncomfortable situation (on the knee, a narrow tablet, a small notebook, etc.) are there signs that indicate uncomfortable writing factors? To what extent is the adequacy and reliability of graph analysis lost?

In general, any sample can be analyzed, but it is important to know that in such cases there is a risk of a random factor - analyze with triple caution, but even then it cannot be completely excluded. There can always be some kind of influence, circumstances that we simply cannot even imagine (relatively speaking, someone wrote in zero gravity and we may not know whether such a weak pressure is his “native”, since this happens too). Therefore, in order for the conclusion to be completely accurate, in our work we simply exclude all risk factors, thus creating “laboratory conditions” for analysis.

Simply put, to make sure that spasmodic distortions are not the result of shaking in the car, or vice versa, an increased degree of relaxation (decreased willpower) is not the result of a couple of glasses of wine - for a full analysis, we ask that the sample be performed under standard conditions (for example, when it comes to my office, I can follow all the instructions), we also ask you to provide, in addition to this one, a few more samples - notes, notes, etc.

A graphologist is not a fortune-teller and not an owner mystical powers The higher the quality of the material, the better the analysis. Considering that, in accordance with their ethical code, a graphologist has no right to analyze handwriting in secret, there is no problem to obtain a sample that complies with the instructions for submitting it - both from the author of the handwriting and from the recruitment agency employee instructed by us, if he takes the handwriting.

How can you see the tables?

The tables used by graphologists are very specific and lose value in the hands of a person who is not familiar with handwriting analysis because:

1. They mean that a person is already well versed in recognizing the nuances, severity and types of a particular sign. For example, speaking about the sign of "productive organization" - how do you know if a person does not take as such not at all spontaneous, good (sometimes just a little carelessly due to dynamics) organization of text on a sheet, for simply neat, pedantic, artificial, with a lack of handwriting speed?

2. They are just a set of characteristics, both positive and negative, sometimes reflecting psychopathology, and in order to know what to choose from this entire long list, you need to know the principles of handwriting analysis and the principles of using tables.
In the books of Inessa Goldberg, especially in the first "Graphology step by step", the second "Handwriting and personality types" and the eighth "Psychology of handwriting".

Is it possible to type by handwriting in typology?

Yes of course. Moreover, to determine such general, and not individual things, as a psychotype, temperament, etc. - i.e. to which “group” the person as a whole belongs - according to the handwriting, it is just the easiest, since the “upper layer” is being studied - of course, provided that the person has mastered the skill and knows how to do it. My business partner And good friend, the well-known psychologist in Russia Ivan Karnaukh (with whom, as I understand it, you work) deals specifically with typology and, having convinced himself over several years of our cooperation how effective graphology is in determining mental functions and psychotype, today he is studying at my School of Graphoanalysis. How much he can determine the type by handwriting already on his own - you need to ask him himself :)

What is more correlated with handwriting: with the development of intelligence or emotional development?

Handwriting generally correlates with personality traits and mental processes person. Handwriting shows the level of intelligence is not slightly worse than the level emotional development. Assume that handwriting reflects only emotional sphere without intellectual - fundamentally wrong. As the personality combines emotional, cognitive and behavioral, so in handwriting all these three layers of personality are reflected.

I ask you to clarify - "handwriting affects the character or vice versa"?

Handwriting is a reflection of human psychology. A person changes - handwriting changes. Handwriting follows personality. There is also an inverse relationship - by correcting handwriting, one can contribute to the correction of certain personality traits. However, some conditions must be taken into account:

1. It is impossible to radically change a person (his structure is already set by personal properties and correction is possible only within the permissible limits).

2. Graph therapy classes should be conducted with a graphologist, a psychologist (in this case I mean one person. A graphologist must have a psychological education or at least undergo additional appropriate training).

3. Classes should be constant (it is necessary to consolidate the motor skill and transfer it to the area of ​​automatism).

4. You can not change the entire handwriting at once. Only one or two signs are corrected.

Does the slope of handwriting to the left indicate stubbornness or donkey obstinacy of a person?

Leaning to the left is more about stubbornness and obstinacy. Perseverance is a productive quality. It contributes to the advancement of a person towards the goal, gives the direction of his activity, forming a sense of purpose. A stubborn, purposeful, motivated person will write with a slight slope to the right or straight (naturally, one cannot speak of persistence by one slope - combinations with other signs are necessary: ​​speed, productive control, pressure, etc.).

Obstinacy, stubbornness - the action is unproductive in the sense that the motive for its manifestation is the action of psychological defenses, resistance (already to the detriment of dynamism, activity and purposefulness). In this case, the left (psychomotor most uncomfortable tilt) + other signs may be a manifestation of "donkey stubbornness".

What is the effect of calligraphy on the psyche?

The influence of calligraphy (if you specifically and persistently do it) on the psyche is twofold. It all depends on what kind of person you are. From the point of view of professional graphology and graph therapy, calligraphy practice can NOT, for example:

To be a cure for many different psychological complexes,
- to promote the development of spontaneity and inner freedom,
- to develop the activity of nature, internal motivation, to promote the emergence or manifestation of leadership or penetrating qualities,
- Learn to trust your intuition
- position to an objective perception of life,
- help reduce dependence on the opinions of others,
- to give the ability to separate the main from the secondary, to determine priorities,
- teach to think strategically and outside the box, etc. - rather the opposite.

Calligraphy exercises can be used by those whose handwriting is far from calligraphic to:

Increased depth of attention
- improving concentration (reacting less to external and internal stimuli),
- development of volitional effort in case of its lack,
- discipline,
- increasing the importance generally accepted norms, rules, conservatism and law-abiding (while ignoring all this),
- thoroughness and diligence,
- self-control (correction for impulsive people),
- those who are scattered, uncollected, sloppy,
- who lacks inner criticality,
- developing patience, consistency, predictability,
- correction of distractibility and excitability,
- development of self-organization,
- corrections of tendencies to irascibility, hysteria,
- correction of antisociality and so on.

There is such a science as graphology, which determines the character of a person by his handwriting. But it should be noted that this science is not universal, that is, one cannot judge a person only by his handwriting. Firstly, character is a rather complicated thing, and secondly, there are also exceptions to the rules. But still, graphology gives a certain idea of ​​the character of a person.

Big ones, small ones…

Handwriting size can tell how sociable a person is. Great handwriting is inherent in extroverts, such people have many friends. "Small" are usually reserved individuals who find it rather difficult to find a common language with other people.

Rounded letters speak of the kindness and responsiveness of a person, but angular ones are inherent in selfish natures. If a person presses hard on a pen (or pencil) when writing, this indicates great strength will and perseverance, if the letters are pale, this indicates weakness of will and self-doubt.
Calligraphic handwriting, as a rule, is observed in people who are dependent, but very disciplined and accurate. Calm and balanced natures have correct handwriting, it is quite easy to read anything written by such people, unlike the handwriting of energetic and, even to some extent, nervous people, whose handwriting is (mostly) illegible.

If in words all the letters are interconnected, this indicates good logical thinking, but if the letters stand apart from each other, it’s good developed intuition.

Right-left, left-right.

The slope of the letters can also reveal something. If the letters "leave" to the right, this indicates the predominance of feelings over reason. Such people often fall in love at first sight, but they are very jealous; they love to be admired. In people with "leftist inclinations", on the contrary, reason takes precedence over feelings: such people fall in love only after long reflections. Vertical handwriting (without tilting to the left or right) speaks of the harmony of feelings and reason.

Ah, the field, the field...

By the size of the margins that a person leaves when writing, one can judge his attitude to material values: if the margins are narrow, the person is thrifty, wide ones are generous. People whose field expands downwards tend to waste, and those whose field narrows, on the contrary, are very stingy and greedy for money.
It turns out that the evenness (or unevenness) of the lines can also tell a lot. Jumping and uneven lines speak of cunning (it is worth considering: does this person have a conscience). Smooth lines are usually inherent in reasonable people who soberly assess their capabilities. Optimists are given out by lines rising up, but among pessimists they inexorably “slide” down.

The signature is a "mirror" of the soul.

It is the signature that gives out hidden character traits. Courageous and self-confident people often have the simplest signature. A large number of loops in the signature speaks of the cunning of its owner. Impulsive people tend to cross out their signature, while enterprising people tend to underline it. Timid people circle their signature.

Depending on the mood or situation, a person's handwriting can change. Well, if a person writes every time in a new handwriting, then he is undoubtedly a creative person.

And finally, a little test:

Take a sheet of paper (not lined), a pencil and a ruler, write a few lines of any text. Now check it out!

1. Letter sizes.
No more than 2 - 3 millimeters. 3 points
4 - 5 millimeters. 7 points
6 - 7 millimeters. 17 points
More than 7 millimeters. 20 points

2. Tilt letters.
Strong left. 2 points
Very light to the left. 5 points
No slope. 10 points
Very light to the right. 6 points
Strong right. 14 points

3. Outlines of letters.
Rounded. 9 points
Difficult to define. 10 points
Angular. 19 points

4. The location of the line relative to the top edge of the paper.
Parallel top edge. 12 points
The line moves up. 16 points
The line moves down. 1 point

5. The force of pressure on the pencil.
Light. 8 points
Average. 15 points
Strong. 21 points

6. The character of writing letters.
Continuous spelling of letters. 11 points
Separate lettering. 18 points

7. Overall assessment of writing letters.
All words are easy to read, handwriting is neat. 13 points
The handwriting is neat, but some words are hard to read. 9 points
The handwriting is illegible. 4 points

Calculate your points. For greater accuracy, test several times a day. After that, sum up all the scores and divide by the number of tests.

People with a similar handwriting are usually out of touch with life, often unable to cope with difficult situations withdraw into themselves, into their own interests. Failure is painful. Often they fall under the influence of others. Such people have an increased tendency to take alcohol, to drug addiction. Fans belong to this group. computer games and football fans.

People from this group, as a rule, do not have a pronounced willpower, they are timid, often confused in critical situations. On many issues they are passive. They have not yet had time to realize themselves as a person. They go into their dreams, which rarely come true. Vagrants, first-year drug addicts, and 32 percent of sexual minorities also fell into this group.

Such people are modest, have a gentle character, respect the opinions of others. Due to their natural gullibility, they are easily deceived by a sophisticated person. Such people are easily suggestible. Low self-esteem leads to the fact that they often adapt to other people, forgetting about their own self. In critical situations, they try to fight, but often give in to rudeness. This group also includes flower growers, pigeon houses, street vendors of small goods.

People with a similar handwriting are sincere, open, straightforward. They always defend their own point of view, but they are also tolerant of someone else's. They consider betrayal to be the worst trait of a person and they never forgive him. But with friends they are betrayed, they will go through fire and water for them. Capable of acting for a higher purpose. Such handwriting was found among law enforcement officers, employees of insurance companies and, oddly enough, among film actors.

The most common category. People of this group are decent, not capable of deceit, have a balanced character, endurance. In critical situations, they are brave, determined to win. They always have a lot of plans in their heads, not many of which, however, are destined to come true. Smart, everything is treated with humor. These are people who grew up in strong families with a healthy family atmosphere.

The people of this group are independent in their judgments and actions. They have their own opinion on everything. They have a tenacious mind and a good memory. In some situations, they can behave absurdly. They love everything beautiful, often devote themselves to creativity. This handwriting is common among journalists, musicians, executives, managers.

Such people are powerful, require submission own desires and whims. Any criticism addressed to them is perceived as an infringement on property rights and is not forgiven. Discipline is also a problem here, they often let people know that they are already doing you a favor just by talking to you. This group also included bouncers from night bars and porters from outlying hotels.

Handwriting can be sprawling, beautiful, slanted, small, illegible - it's hard to find people who would write the same way. Carefully studying the handwriting specific person, you can learn about his character, personal qualities, describe even his appearance. Only at about 20 years old handwriting takes on its final form. Then you can analyze the text written by hand. What do you need to pay attention to and how to analyze the handwriting of a person as accurately as possible?

General information about handwriting

Graphology is the science that analyzes handwriting and makes relationships different characteristics with personal qualities. The work is carried out taking into account the slope of the letters, the width, height, location of words, conciseness and other factors that indicate personal character person. The combination of all qualities leads to the definition of an accurate portrait, the individual characteristics of a person.

The science of graphology is able to give an accurate and complete analysis of the qualities of a person. In some cases, it is even possible to find out sexual preferences, a predisposition to drug addiction or suicide, a tendency to personal growth or degradation, etc. That is why many psychologists use handwriting analysis in their practice. In addition, many firms are beginning to use the services of graphologists when hiring specialists. It's kind of new version lie detector, only it still shows the inclinations of a person that may manifest themselves in the future. Do not be afraid if they give Blank sheet ok paper and forge your handwriting, because you can do yourself a disservice by spoiling the characteristic.

What is needed for handwriting analysis?

Graphological analysis is most often carried out in the presence of a specialist, but if you know some of the subtleties of science, you can do everything yourself. This will require pencil and regular A4 blank sheet. For analysis, a person needs write at least 4 sentences, and without excitement and speed. The larger the inscription, the easier it is to parse some criteria of handwriting and determine the personal character. A pencil is needed to determine pressure, since it is difficult to determine this indicator with a pen.

Sometimes, for the accuracy of the analysis, the verifier asks to provide a previously written text, while not every option is suitable. For example, postcards or statements are not suitable due to the fact that the person puts effort into writing the text in them. In some documents, handwriting does not correspond to personal qualities due to haste or awkward position. For analysis, only text that was written in a calm state and comfortable position. That is why graphological research is carried out with texts that are written by the same person, but at different times.

What characteristics of handwriting to pay attention to?

Graphologists believe that in order to analyze handwriting, it is necessary to have a few examples handwritten text. This is necessary in order to determine the exact handwriting. A person puts less effort into writing with each piece of paper. beautiful letters, which means that his handwriting becomes natural. It is the last sheets of text that become the object for analysis and determination of personal qualities, but what characteristics should you pay attention to?

Before starting to consider the main criteria for the inscription, you should pay attention to the piece of paper itself. According to him appearance define the underlying data.

The first criterion in handwriting, by which personal character is determined, is letter size. It can change with age. Letters usually get bigger with age or change due to physical condition. That is, handwriting can be affected by illness or fatigue.

Letters increase with age due to fatigue or deterioration of vision, so this indicator should not be paid attention. Handwriting is recommended to be checked in people aged from 25 to 45 years, because during this period many qualities of writing are stable and do not depend on physical condition. Besides, should not pay attention to the average size letters. This is the most popular size when writing, so it does not carry any specific information.

Letters written big print without emotional and physical tension, they talk about leadership qualities a person, his emotional stability, openness and ease of establishing relationships with people. small font indicates that a person is able to sit in one place for a long time while doing work. In addition, they have a noticeable sense of purpose and restraint, but people who write small letters, do not take root in society and are closed personalities.

Fields when writing text

When analyzing handwriting, attention should be paid to fields.

  1. If, when writing a text, a person withstands narrow fields, which means that he is thrifty, but the denser the text, pressed against the borders, the more this quality dominates his life. As a result, words that practically run into the borders of the sheet speak of greed and stinginess. Such a person can manifest envy and vindictiveness.
  2. Wide brim they say that the author is generous and likes to live without saving money. The economy of a person depends on the width of the margins. A lot of empty space indicates that he likes to grab, live on wide leg in luxury. Such qualities are not always appreciated in human society.

Pressure when writing text

Pressing in time to write determines not only the individual characteristics of a person, but also his personality. emotional condition while writing the text. Emotions can be very different, but the brighter they are, the stronger man presses on a pen or pencil.

  1. If emotional background stable, strong pressure pen means the energy and hard work of a person. Such people find it difficult to establish relationships in society, lead a correct lifestyle, and do not withdraw into themselves. In addition, the strong pressure of the pen means a strong-willed, firm character and self-confidence.
  2. light pressure handles often determines a calm character, softness, loneliness and unwillingness to make contact with a large number of people. Such natures easily build personal relationships, but society scares them. In some cases, light pressure determines the tendency to romance.

In handwriting, the direction of the lines is of particular importance, because by the quality of writing the text, it is easy to determine the main personal characteristics. Letter slant is able not only to recognize the qualities of a person, but also to indicate his inclinations in the future.

Elements of the letter, the shape and slope of the letters

For a more accurate picture of personality, the binding elements and the shape of the letters should be determined. For example, if all letters have a transition, then the personality is different logical thinking, straightforwardness and even capable of obstinacy. Separate spelling of letters indicates that the author refers to people with advanced thinking and fantasy. This type of writing is characteristic of a small number of people. Graphology states that balance is determined by continuous spelling of 2-3 letters, after which the separation slips and again the continuous spelling of letters.

Analyzing the shapes of the letters, it is easy to understand what a person is in terms of compliance and helping others. If the symbols angular or sharp, then its author belongs to the egoists. These are people who live on their own and you can't ask for help from them. Characters with smooth features define a malleable person who will always come to the rescue, but they cannot refuse, which is not always a good quality.

A large number of personal qualities are easy to recognize when analyzing the slope of the letters. Criticism is defined by slight tilt to the left. Such natures put themselves above others and do not take into account other people's opinions. The stronger the slope of the characters to the left, the more the author shows stubbornness and a tendency to defend his point of view. His side will always be the only true one.

Strong tilt to the right denotes a strong-willed character, strength in decision-making, a little zealous qualities and the ability to fall in love. A slight tilt of the text to the right is not used for analysis, because this is how they teach to write at school, which means it is more a rule than a manifestation of personal qualities. The direct spelling of letters indicates stubbornness, but without selfishness. This shows a balanced view and assessment of their capabilities.

Determination of character by handwriting

You can also determine not only the character by the handwriting of a person, but also the type of his temperament. To do this, several categories of handwriting should be used in combination.

  1. choleric determined by the slope of the text to the right. Characters are jagged, wrapped, or even confusing. The pressure of the pen is strong, and the distance between the words is different.
  2. Phlegmatic determined by the thickness of the letters. If the letters are bold, but their thickness is constantly changing, then the author has a phlegmatic temperament.
  3. Sanguine write beautiful handwriting. Distinctive qualities are running and sweeping letters. The lines are wavy.
  4. Melancholy withstand uneven fields, characters dance, both in an inclination and in an arrangement on a line. Symbols are distinguished by elongation, strokes and dashes.

Definition of personal qualities