Abortion pills - positive and negative aspects of their use. Vitamins and checks that are prescribed in the early stages

Pregnancy is a difficult and responsible period in a woman's life. On the one hand, the expectation of the baby is filled bright emotions and joy, on the other hand, it is accompanied by concern for the health of the future son or daughter. Most strong feelings usually associated with the onset of pregnancy. In the first trimester there is an active restructuring female body, its adaptation to a new position, the embryo itself is rapidly growing and developing. At this time, he is more vulnerable than ever: stress or adverse effects can easily provoke.

That is why pregnant women are sometimes wary of routine medical examinations and procedures - they are afraid of harming the baby. However, for his own good, it is necessary to keep the situation under control and carefully consider what is prescribed for early dates pregnancy. During the examinations, parents receive a detailed picture of the health and development of their crumbs from the very beginning of his life, which will help to avoid many problems in the future. Besides, comprehensive examination important for tracking the condition of the woman herself. The purpose of our article is to tell what tests future mothers take and what vitamins are prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy.

Read in this article

Timely medical examination - for the safety of the health of mother and child



In the first trimester, women undergo the following blood tests:

  • general;
  • for blood type and Rh factor;
  • biochemical;
  • on the level of glucose;
  • to detect HIV infection;
  • to detect hepatitis B and C;
  • on the Wasserman reaction (diagnosis of syphilis);
  • for TORCH infections (toxoplasmosis, etc.);
  • coagulogram (determination of the level of blood clotting);
  • to detect anemia (anemia).

Those registered not only take tests in the early stages of pregnancy, but also visit an endocrinologist, therapist, ophthalmologist, dentist, neuropathologist and other specialists as part of the medical examination.

In addition to the above types of studies, doctors for a period of 10-14 weeks also prescribe prenatal biochemical screening, known as " double test". The expectant mother is invited to donate blood for beta-hCG hormones and PPAP-A, this procedure allows you to determine the risks of developing a baby congenital pathologies. In a number of diseases (Edward's syndrome, Patau's syndrome, etc.), the level of specific substances in the blood rises, and a specialist can judge the degree of risk of having a child with a defect. However, to make an accurate diagnosis, starting only from the data biochemical screening, impossible. Wanted additional measures– invasive diagnostics and ultrasound.

What vitamins are especially important in the first trimester?

Calcium is necessary for the growing fetus to develop skeletal system, nervous system, heart, muscles (1500 mg per day). This trace element is found in dairy products, cabbage, and many berries. To prevent its deficiency in the body, expectant mothers are prescribed drugs such as calcium gluconate tablets, calcium active, calcium D3 Nycomed. A woman's consumption of fresh, saturated with vitamins and nutrients products - the key to a successful period of bearing a baby and quick return to good shape after childbirth.

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The news of pregnancy is not always happy. Sometimes in life there are situations when a woman is forced to refuse to have a child. This is due psychological unpreparedness become a mother social position, state of health. Modern society does not condemn women who decide to terminate their pregnancy. Obstetricians recommend using medical abortion. What does this mean? What are the pros and cons of using this method? Are there any contraindications and what are they?

Indications for pills to terminate early pregnancy

The method of medical abortion is considered less dangerous than surgical termination of pregnancy. This is due high risk traumatism of the cervix during the operation. In most cases, a woman who chooses this method will not be able to become pregnant in the future and bear a healthy child.

With medical abortion, the pregnant woman is offered to drink special medications that cause rejection of the fetus in the uterus. This procedure does not require surgical intervention. She is painless.

In laws Russian Federation 3 conditions for termination of pregnancy are indicated:

  1. desire of a woman (gestational age less than 12 weeks);
  2. financial or social status;
  3. medical indications.

In the case of the latter option, the pregnant woman must sign a document on voluntary consent to an abortion. In 2018, it was forbidden in several regions for a week to terminate a pregnancy at the request of a woman. This was due low rate fertility and demonstration of the public position of the authorities against causing miscarriages. Social indicators for the use of drugs that interrupt gestation are:

  1. the birth and upbringing of 3 or more children;
  2. spouse's disability (1-2 groups);
  3. restriction or deprivation of parental rights;
  4. absence of a registered marriage;
  5. death of a spouse during pregnancy;
  6. granting refugee status to a pregnant woman;
  7. the presence of the future mother or her husband in places of deprivation of liberty;
  8. rape.

Sometimes gynecologists are forced to resort to early termination of pregnancy if the woman's health is in poor condition. Perhaps this is caused by congenital or chronic diseases suffered by a difficult birth.

Medical abortion is indicated for certain types of infections, the presence of cancerous growths, diseases of the blood and genitourinary system, dementia, severe heart defects, chromosomal abnormalities and so on.

Before the procedure, a woman must undergo an examination:

  1. blood test to determine the level of hCG;
  2. ultrasonography;
  3. smear on flora;
  4. examination and consultation of a gynecologist-obstetrician.

Way medical interruption pregnancy is not used after 7 weeks of gestation. After this period, doctors perform an abortion through surgery. When the operation should be performed, the gynecologist decides based on the results of the examination of the patient.

Contraindications for use

Abortive drugs should be used only in two cases: when a woman knows exact date gestation and after the examination. The point is that the pills causing miscarriage, are contraindicated in ectopic pregnancy and for a period of 8 weeks. You can not drink pills for those who have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes reproductive system, bronchial asthma. You should not take abortion medications with individual intolerance to the drug.

Advantages and disadvantages of using drugs to induce miscarriage

The main advantage of using abortion pills is the absence of surgical intervention, the painlessness of the procedure, and the minimal risk of secondary infertility. However, along with the advantages, this method has its drawbacks, which you should pay attention to before using abortion drugs:

  1. a large list of contraindications;
  2. gestational age up to 6 weeks;
  3. hormonal imbalance;
  4. possible complications (remains gestational sac).

Medications for medical abortion

The method of medical interruption of gestation is based on the use medicines different groups - synthetic derivatives of prostaglandins and progesterone antagonists. They increase the contractility of the uterus and affect the function of the corpus luteum. To determine the effect of the drug, you need to undergo an ultrasound examination. This procedure will determine the outcome of the abortion pills.

Each drug has its own characteristics. What are the drugs that provoke uterine contractions to interrupt gestation in the early stages? How much do they cost? Can you buy them without a doctor's prescription? The answers to these questions can be found in the table below.

NameApproximate costPeculiarities
Mifepristone3500–4000 rublesIt is used only together with misoprostol, it is used only up to 9 weeks of gestation.
Mifegin3000-3500 rublesDo not use the drug after 9 weeks of pregnancy.
Postinor350-450 rublesThe tool is used for emergency interruption of gestation within 3 days after unprotected intercourse. It is the most popular among women, as it is sold in any pharmacy and sold without a doctor's prescription. Cannot be used on later dates gestation.
Mifeprex450-900 rublesThe drug can provoke the appearance of discharge immediately after taking it. It is used after unprotected sex.

Synthetic derivatives of prostaglandins

Misoprostol or Mirolut are representatives of this group of drugs that provoke miscarriage in the early stages. Produced in tablets, the scheme of their administration and the dose should be prescribed by a doctor. How do these drugs affect the body? They cause uterine contractions, provide full rapid disclosure of the cervix. The result of the use of tablets is the expulsion of the fetal egg. Mirolut and misoprostol have the same effect on the body as oxytocin used in natural childbirth.

Progesterone antagonists (antiprogestins)

Antiprogestins include drugs in which mifepristone acts as the active ingredient. They reduce the level of progesterone in the blood and have a destructive effect on corpus luteum. This causes uterine contractions and bleeding, similar to menstrual flow. This is how medical abortion works. Names of means for terminating an unwanted pregnancy:

  1. mifeprex;
  2. Mytholian;
  3. mifepristone;
  4. Mifegin;
  5. Pencrofton.

How and when to take the pills?

Interruption pills early pregnancy should be taken only after consulting a gynecologist. After the examination, he will answer in detail all questions about how to properly cause a miscarriage so as not to harm yourself; how to take abortion drugs; which pills to choose for emergency interruption of gestation (from 5 weeks to 9). After the lecture, the patient must sign an informed consent form for abortion. After that, the woman will be given the first anti-pregnancy pill. It must be drunk under the supervision of a doctor. Two days later, you should drink a second dose at home.

The main task of the miscarriage agent is to help remove the fetal egg from the uterus, therefore, after 2-3 hours, bloody issues. The next day after the end of bleeding, you need to visit a gynecologist. With the help of an examination, he will determine the effectiveness of the procedure - whether the anti-pregnancy pills helped.

Adverse reactions and complications

According to the survey, the majority of women who used abortion drugs had no adverse reactions or complications. At correct application means against pregnancy, the risks in the form of complications are minimal. However, in some patients they appear. The most dangerous complication is the remains of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity. In this case, if you do not perform a curettage operation, then inflammation will appear, which adversely affects the possibility of conceiving a child. IN difficult situations this can lead to infertility.

Another dangerous complication is strong pain in the lower abdomen. This indicates the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. A doctor should be called immediately, as medical care not provided on time can lead to the death of the patient. After a woman takes pills to stop gestation, you need to pay attention to the amount blood secretions. If the frequency of changing pads increases and exceeds 1 per hour, call ambulance. The discharge is considered normal for a duration of 7-10 days, while their volume should gradually decrease.

The time of increased responsibility, the time of reassessment of values, the time of changing addictions and the usual way of life - this is the period of pregnancy. For any woman, pregnancy is new stage in life, because almost everything changes from conception, from hormonal levels to eating habits. You learn to live differently, to be responsible for two lives at once, get used to the future role of parents.

Women during this period of time will have to face many trials related to both psychological side question, as well as physiological. Customize your habitual image living under a new family member is also not an easy task. After all, if before pregnancy you could afford to be treated with the usual medicines, eat your usual food, and be physically active, then after the onset of pregnancy you have to get used to the new rules.

If the diet and physical activity can be adjusted, then what about drugs? After all, we hear every day in advertising that pills can be taken by everyone except pregnant mothers.

What are the dangers of pills in early pregnancy

Due to weakened immunity and body transformations, it can be extremely difficult for a pregnant woman to protect herself from infections and the awakening of old chronic diseases. The pregnancy itself does not always go smoothly - sometimes women need urgent medical treatment to maintain it and prevent the threat of miscarriage. As a rule, such issues can be resolved only after a visit to your doctor. This is the only person who can weigh the possible negative effects on your unborn baby from the treatment used, and determine what needs to be applied and what can wait.

The danger of taking drugs in the early stages lies in the principle of their action. The active ingredients of most forms of medicines (in particular tablets) enter the bloodstream and can enter the fetus through the blood through the placenta.

During this period (in the first trimester of pregnancy), the child is just undergoing the formation of all internal organs, nervous system, musculoskeletal systems. At the stage of its formation, the baby's body is especially vulnerable, so pathologies may appear, birth defects.

It remains the doctor's duty to tell expectant mother about possible risks and side effects, weigh the pros and cons, and determine what will be more dangerous for the child and his mother - the course of treatment or the further course of the disease.

However, the statistics are more optimistic: only three percent of children whose mothers took drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy have pathologies caused by this very intake. But, of course, no one wants to take risks, and if there is an opportunity drug treatment avoid - avoid.

In no case do not resort to self-medication, even if caring relatives and friends are sure that the drug is 100% harmless, it is better to discuss its use with your doctor. If you are prescribed any medication already at the reception, do not be too lazy to carefully study the instructions before taking it.

Pay attention to the pharmacological properties of the drug, indications for use, possible side effects and contraindications. If something bothers you, do not hesitate to tell the doctor who prescribes the drug. After all, your health depends on it, not his.

Remember that if you used any drugs before pregnancy and tolerated them well, everything can change during pregnancy. Don't experiment.

Go through your first-aid kit, throw away all medicines that have long expired, re-read the instructions for those medicines that are left and determine for yourself what can really help you. Just forget about the rest. At least until your baby is born.

One of the main reasons for many gynecological diseases and infertility is an artificial termination of pregnancy. Particularly high risk of complications and injuries of the genital organs are characterized by abortion, which is accompanied by instrumental dilation of the cervix, vacuum aspiration and, especially, curettage.

Termination of pregnancy with pills in the early stages of gestation avoids mechanical trauma to the cervix and body of the uterus, significantly reduces the risk of bleeding and acute and chronic inflammatory processes, which often complicate abortions performed surgical methods. In addition, medical abortion completely eliminates the risks associated with anesthesia and significantly reduces the degree of psychological trauma.

Medications for medical abortion

The method of drug therapy is based on the use of drugs belonging to different groups, which affect the function of the luteal (yellow) body and increase the contractility of the uterine myometrium. These include:

  1. Synthetic derivatives of prostaglandins.
  2. Progesterone antagonists (antiprogestins).

Derivatives of prostaglandins

This group includes the only drug registered in Russia, Misoprostol, available in tablets at a dose of 200 mcg, it can also be under the trade name Mirolut. It is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E 1 . Misoprostol initiates contractions of smooth muscle fibers, which not only facilitates the opening of the cervical canal and stimulates contractions of the myometrium, but also increases the strength and frequency of contractions of the uterus, which leads to the expulsion of the contents of its cavity.

The mechanism of action of misoprostol is explained by the fact that, like oxytocin, it binds to a specific receptor apparatus of the muscle cells of the uterus, as a result of which calcium ions are released from the endoplasm of the latter, which increase the contractile activity of smooth muscle fibers. In addition, it enhances the transmission of impulses in the presynaptic membrane of adrenergic nerve endings, which leads to an increase in their release of norepinephrine.

Progesterone antagonists

The synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E 1 misoprostol is used in combination with the antiprogestin mifepristone. The name of the abortion pills for this group is Mifepristone, Pencrofton, Mifolian, Mifegin, Mifeprex. All these means, equally effective as active component contain 200 mg of mifepristone.

The latter is a synthetic steroid drug intended for oral administration. Tablets for termination of early pregnancy, containing mifepristone, are characterized by a high degree of its affinity for progesterone receptors. By binding to them, it leads to a specific blocking of the effects of progesterone on the corresponding receptors located in the endometrium and myometrium. Mifepristone also causes a significant decrease in blood levels, which may be due to the destructive effect on the corpus luteum and its ability to reduce blood levels. chorionic gonadotropin person.

All this, in turn, causes:

  • inhibition of the development of cells of the nutrient layer (trophoblast) of the embryo and necrosis of the fetal egg;
  • hypoplasia and necrosis of the transformed functional layer of the uterine mucosa (decidual membrane of the embryo) with its subsequent rejection;
  • the occurrence of uterine contractions and the development of bleeding, similar to menstrual bleeding or slightly exceeding it in terms of blood volume, which (clinically) is the essence.

In addition, mifepristone increases the sensitivity of the muscular layer of the uterus to the effects of endogenous (own) and exogenous (additionally administered in the form of misoprostol) prostaglandins. Thus, drugs for early termination of pregnancy, when used simultaneously, act as synergists.

The main regimen for the use of mifepristone and misoprostol

It consists in a single dose of three tablets (600 mg) of mifepristone in the presence of a gynecologist, after which, after 36-48 hours, the prostaglandin misoprostol is prescribed at a dose of 2-4 tablets (400-800 mcg). After taking the latter, a woman is observed by a doctor for 2 to 4 hours. Repeated examination by a gynecologist with ultrasound carried out at the end of the second or 3 weeks (14 days) after taking mifepristone.

Side effects and complications

When conducting a medical abortion in 2-10% of cases, the following side effects and complications of the combined use of these drugs are possible:

  • chills and fever (sometimes to high values), which usually lasts no more than 2 hours;
  • general malaise and weakness;
  • dizziness, headache, fainting state;
  • feeling of discomfort and minor pain, mainly in the lower abdomen, associated with spastic uterine contractions(sometimes, in 5-15%, pain can be quite intense, requiring the use of analgesic and/or antispasmodic drugs);
  • bloating, nausea (50%), vomiting (30%), diarrhea (less than 25%);
  • allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes (rarely);
  • incomplete abortion, due to the insufficient effectiveness of the effects of drugs - the longer the gestational age, the higher the risk of incomplete abortion;
  • bleeding after taking abortion pills.

Bleeding is the most serious and dangerous complication. As a rule, this bleeding is longer and more pronounced than menstrual bleeding. At the same time, it does not lead to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. However, in about 0.2-2.6% it can be quite intense. In these cases, it may be necessary to carry out hemostatic therapy, surgical stop of bleeding by holding or curettage, transfusion of blood substitutes, blood plasma, erythrocyte mass.

Terms of use of tablets

In the instructions for Misoprostol and Mifepristone, registered in the Russian Federation, their use for medical termination of pregnancy on an outpatient basis indicates a time limit for use of 42 days without menstruation. In the same time, World Organization health care, this period is limited to 63 days. In addition, safety and high degree the effectiveness of these funds.

In this regard, the period of 63 days of absence of menstruation is accepted as a normative one. Preparations for terminating pregnancy in the later stages can only be used in a stationary gynecological department with the ability to provide medical care in the required amount. It should be remembered that the longer this period, the lower the degree of effectiveness of the drugs.

Contraindications for use

Absolute contraindications are:

  1. Individual intolerance to one of the drugs or their auxiliary components.
  2. Presence assumption.
  3. Long-term use of glucocorticoid drugs due to certain comorbidities, or/and chronic insufficiency adrenal glands.
  4. Chronic renal or hepatic insufficiency.
  5. Violation of pigment metabolism, accompanied by increased level in the blood of porphyrins (hereditary porphyria).
  6. Severe concomitant pathology of an extragenital nature, as well as the presence of glaucoma, arterial hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, severe bronchial asthma.
  7. Hormone-dependent tumor formations, as well as impaired functioning of the endocrine glands, including diabetes mellitus.
  8. Exhaustion.

Relative contraindications:

  1. Absence of menstruation (with confirmed pregnancy) for more than 63 days. The need for misoprostol and mifepristone for more long term pregnancy requires hospitalization in the gynecological department.
  2. The presence of a significant size, which is a risk factor for bleeding. The use of drugs is possible with the size of the dominant myomatous node up to 4 cm and the absence of deformation of the uterine cavity by myomatous nodes.
  3. The initial content of hemoglobin in the blood is less than 100 g / l, which increases the risk of even more pronounced anemia due to possible blood loss.
  4. Blood clotting disorders, including taking anticoagulants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which dramatically increases the risk of blood loss.
  5. Acute inflammatory processes of the female genital area (despite the fact that medical abortion does not increase the risk of developing an ascending infection, however, the simultaneous use of antibacterial agents is desirable).
  6. Smoking women over 35 years of age, as they are at risk for cardiovascular diseases. Prior to the appointment of the above drugs, it is necessary to conduct an examination by a therapist.
  7. Period breastfeeding. It must be canceled for 7 days from the day you took mifepristone and 5 days from the day you took misoprostol.
  8. The development of pregnancy against the background of the use of an intrauterine contraceptive. The IUD must be removed before taking mifepristone and misoprostol.
  9. Long-term use of oral hormonal contraceptives, which increase the risk of bleeding disorders. Although this contraindication is relative, nevertheless, a preliminary study of the coagulogram is necessary.

The implementation of an abortion in the early stages using these drugs is characterized by longer bleeding and, often, longer pain syndrome compared to surgical abortion. However, complications resulting from medical abortion occur much less frequently. In addition, it is psychologically tolerated much easier.

It is practically impossible to buy pills for medical termination of pregnancy in pharmacies, especially without a prescription. They should be used only under the supervision of a gynecologist, and are dispensed mainly by specialized private medical institutions or gynecological inpatient departments that have official permission to conduct abortions and have the ability to carry out not only infusion and transfusion therapy, but also provide emergency gynecological and surgical care, or, in last resort, emergency delivery of a woman to the appropriate medical institutions.

The ability to provoke an early miscarriage with the help of medications is not only the preservation of a woman’s health, but also a guarantee that she will be able to give birth in the future. It is recommended to take the tablets that will be presented below in consultation with a specialist. This is necessary to maintain a full life.

The tool is included in the category of progesterone opponents that block uterine receptors. This is what provokes the rejection of the embryo. This happens in accordance with the following algorithm: a change in size and softening of the uterus is noted, its neck begins to open and the fetal egg comes out. The described process lasts at least 6 and no more than 8 hours.

In order to enhance the characteristic muscle contractions, specific aids(prostaglandins). As part of the simultaneous use of non-steroidal anesthetic drugs, the effect of "Mifegin" becomes less significant.

Despite the fact that there are analogues, the presented tool is one of the most reliable. The degree of its effectiveness approaches 100%, but the side effects are more than insignificant. The probability of formation of even minimal allergic reactions minimized. The use of the presented drug has been officially authorized by the Russian Ministry of Health since 1999. It will be most rational to use "Mifegin" for a period of no more than 6 weeks. After this period, the degree of effectiveness decreases significantly.

A prerequisite for the use of the presented medication should be considered the exclusion of the possibility of future development of the fetus outside the uterus. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out an ultrasound scan to examine all the organs related to the small pelvis. Adverse reactions, which occur in about 15% of cases, are entirely dependent on characteristic features female representatives and from the period of pregnancy.

In such situations:

  • pregnancy is still developing;
  • the fetus may die, and remaining in the uterus;
  • bleeding becomes active, as a result, there is a need for medical intervention.


Belongs to a category of substances called antiprogestogens. The presented synthetic agent makes it possible to block impulses to progestin-type receptors. Termination of pregnancy through the use of "Mifepristone" involves the use of another remedy. It consists in a set called Misoprostol. The tool allows you to activate such contractions that end in a miscarriage.

Termination of pregnancy with the help of the described tablets is allowed for a maximum period of up to 9 weeks. Use medicinal product permissible, only at the direction of a specialist, also for the initiation of labor. In addition, if it is necessary to interrupt the natural course of pregnancy due to the death of the fetus inside the womb and for medical expansion of the uterine area. Also, "Mifepristone" is shown as part of an operational miscarriage for a period of up to 12 weeks and to enhance the effects of prostaglandins. This occurs from the 13th to the 22nd week.

The described substance will most correctly be used in specialized medical institutions and only after a professional examination. The presence of a specialist - a gynecologist or an obstetrician - is also considered mandatory. After using the required dosage, the patient should be observed for at least several hours. Checking the degree of ultrasonic activity is most often carried out after one and a half to two days.


The tool can be used for a 6-week period. Despite the fact that it is highly effective, the medicine in the vast majority of cases does not provoke even the slightest complications. "Pencrofton" is good in that it creates protection of the integrity of not only the cervix, but also its cavity. The presented form, which helps to cause a miscarriage, does not bring psychological trauma to the female representative, and the use of the remedy will not be fraught with infertility after an abortion.

Thus, the presented technique should be perceived as the most desirable tool to help get rid of pregnancy for those women who have never given birth. It should be noted that this remedy, which provokes a miscarriage, it seems impossible to purchase at a pharmacy.

Penkrotfon is delivered only to special medical institutions, and it is used only in the presence of a gynecologist or obstetrician. It happens like this:

  • a woman after taking three tablets for at least an hour, and even better two, remains under specialized supervision;
  • at this stage, the process of rejection of the fetus begins, and therefore it requires special attention;
  • in the absence of any side effects, a follow-up appointment must be made. The most optimal period of time will be 3-5 days.

Certainly on early stages the development of pregnancy, the presented method, provoking a miscarriage, can be considered a good tool. However, it should always be borne in mind that 100% safe types of abortion do not exist and all of them, at a minimum, require the supervision of a gynecologist.


Represented medication has been used for many years to implement emergency contraception. It is suitable in situations where contraceptives were not used as part of sexual intercourse. The package of the drug includes several tablets, the list of components of which includes levonorgestrel and coatcosin.

According to experts, the remedy cannot give a 100% guarantee that the pregnancy will be terminated.

Realistically assessing this probability, we can only say that it is 85%. The first of the pills is most correct to use immediately after sexual intercourse has taken place. However, no later than 74 hours, which is very important to increase the likelihood of miscarriage. The next tablet should be taken by the woman after another 12 hours.


The presented tool is suitable for terminating a pregnancy for up to 42 days. The main advantages of "Mifeprex" can be considered a high degree of efficiency and almost perfect tolerability. After using the remedy, a woman is likely to have slight spotting for the next 2-3 days. If they continue for longer, you should contact a gynecologist.


This medication is made in France. It is perhaps the most reliable known drugs, which are necessary in order to terminate a pregnancy for up to 6 weeks. The degree of its effectiveness reaches 100% with proper use.


Another drug designed exclusively for emergency contraception, which is pointless to use after 72 hours from the end of sexual intercourse. The algorithm for its use is similar to Postinor, but in some cases it may be necessary to take not two, but more tablets. Considering them high activity, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. Because possible undesirable consequences for example problems with thyroid gland And hormonal background generally.

General contraindications and other nuances

Some contraindications should be noted general, in which the use of any of the drugs that cause miscarriage will not only be undesirable. This will be detrimental to a woman's health:

  • or diagnosis of pregnancy ectopic type, or suspicion of it;
  • diseases associated with the kidneys, namely insufficiency of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • prolonged use of corticosteroid-type drugs;
  • the presence of such diseases that are associated with a violation of the process of blood clotting;
  • inflammatory diseases, even the most insignificant, arising in the field of female gynecology;
  • the presence of uterine fibroids in a woman.

Provoking a miscarriage through the use of pills has more than significant advantages. These include the absence of the likelihood of injuring both the endometrium and the cervical region. This is what is very often observed after the implementation of an abortion due to surgical exposure. In addition, psychologists point to a significantly higher psychological tolerance, the admissibility of using in an outpatient setting.

No less advantages are the high degree of effectiveness of the technique (on average it is 95%). And, finally, the most important - the presented impact should be considered the best option for women who have never given birth. After all, again returning to the operation, in the vast majority of cases, it excludes the likelihood of a subsequent pregnancy.

Thus, it should be remembered that in no case should you use these drugs on your own. It would be even more wrong to use several doses in a row or several hours apart in order to increase the effect. It is also necessary to conduct an ultrasound in advance to confirm pregnancy and exclude its ectopic type of development. Because in the latter case, the use of pills to cause a miscarriage is strictly prohibited.

Video - pharmacological abortion