"OBZh-kids" Formation of the foundations of safe life in preschool children. Formation of the basics of life safety in preschool children


Modern preschool education reflects the general internal goals inherent in educational systems - to promote the development of a person, his cultural self-determination and productive inclusion in life. The process of preschool education ensures the expansion and complication of individual resources for the development of the child's personality by means of culture. It is necessary that in preschool childhood each child acquires sufficient personal socio-cultural experience, which will serve as the foundation for his full development and readiness for schooling.

It is well known that childhood is a unique period in a person's life, it is at this time that health is formed, the formation of personality takes place. Childhood experience largely determines a person's adult life. At the beginning of the journey, next to the defenseless and trusting baby, there are the most important people in his life - these are parents and educators. Thanks to their love and care, emotional closeness and support, the child grows and develops, he gains confidence in the world and the people around him. We wish our children happiness. And all our attempts to protect them from troubles and hardships are dictated by this.

We want their life to be smart and festive, filled with rich content, sunny and lucky. But the main thing is to teach them to be happy. Today the reality is that in modern world no one is immune from social upheavals, or from natural disasters, or from environmental disasters, or from an increase in crime, or from economic instability. Unfortunately, our mentality "ignores" pricelessness human life, so the “super task” is for children to understand: the human body is complex, but in the highest degree a fragile creation of nature, and one must be able to protect and protect oneself, one's health, one's life.

Being present for a short time in kindergarten, you notice that many children are not independent, lack initiative, cannot make decisions on their own, do not know who to turn to for help, do not know how to accept correct solution in extreme situations, do not know the rules of behavior for safety. We agree with the opinion of many researchers (R.I. Zhukovsky, S.A. Kozlova, E.K. Suslova and others) that it is impossible to raise children "alienated" from life at this stage. It is no coincidence that right now, in a difficult transitional period in the life of our fatherland, the teams of many preschool educational institutions began to look for opportunities for fruitful work on the "basics of the safety of preschool children." This problem is being developed, causing interest among practitioners and researchers. The main goal of educating safe behavior in children is to give each child the basic concepts of life-threatening situations and the characteristics of behavior in them. Security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. This problem seems to be so relevant that it served as the basis for choosing this topic.


Formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age


The process of forming the foundations of life safety in older preschoolers


Methodology for the formation of the basis of life safety in preschoolers.


To define, substantiate and test the methods of forming the foundations of life safety in children of senior preschool age.


To study the methodological and psychological-pedagogical literature on this topic.

To identify the levels of formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age.

To test the methodology for the formation of the basics of safety in children of senior preschool age.

Reveal the effectiveness of experimental work.


Conscious learning of the basics of life safety will be carried out more effectively if the following methods are used:

To test the hypothesis and solve the tasks set, a set of methods was used that were adequate to the object and subject of the study:

theoretical methods (analysis, modeling, diagnostics, processing of results);

empirical methods (observation, experiment, conversation, comparison)

1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of life safety in children of senior preschool age

.1 Formation of the foundations of life safety in the history of domestic and foreign literature

preschooler life safety

In the history of preschool education since the middle of the 19th century, in classical pedagogy, along with general issues of education and upbringing of children, the issues of educating a healthy lifestyle, occupational health, instilling sanitary and hygienic skills and safe behavior skills began to occupy a significant place.

K.D. Ushinsky wrote that "education reduces the number of dangers that threaten our lives, reduces the number of causes of fear, and, making it possible to measure the danger and determine its consequences, reduces the tension of fear in view of these dangers."

In 1917, Bulletin No. 2 of the School Health Department under the Narkompros stated: “Protection of the life and health of children of all ages is a completely new phenomenon in our Russian life. Older children died without counting from various accidents, from infectious diseases ... the life and health of every child must now be sacredly guarded. It was during this period that a new subject was introduced - school hygiene, the main task of which was to acquaint students with the basics of "accidents" and the rules for first aid.

In the domestic preschool pedagogy of the Soviet period, the problem of protecting the life and health of children was recognized as very important and found practical expression in some program documents, methodological literature and the experience of preschool education. So, at the end of the 20-30s, in the works on labor education by O. Degtyarenko, N. Kovalkovskaya, E. Krasnopolsky and others, it was noted that preschool children need to be introduced to some safety issues in everyday life, including the rules for handling potentially dangerous items. In the project "Programs of the work of preschool institutions (by type of activity)" (1932), an attempt was made to determine the amount of these skills in each age group.

However, in 1936-1937, when the kindergarten programs were revised, these issues were excluded from the regulatory documents. Difficulties encountered by a number of practitioners (insufficiency of methodological support, lack of necessary manuals and, as a result, desired result in the development of children and their acquisition of knowledge) led to the conclusion that the material that forms ideas about household and other types of equipment is too complex and should be excluded from the methodology of working with preschoolers. And although in the future a number of scientists (L.I. Grekhova, T.V. Zemtsova, L.M. Klarina, N.N. Nikandrov and others), studying the issues of familiarizing preschoolers with technical phenomena, found that children have access to information about electricity, mechanical and physical phenomena, as well as the arrangement of household and transport vehicles, the problem of ensuring safety when working with them is properly reflected in the program documents of preschool education in 1964-1985. did not find.

However, the issues of prevention of road traffic injuries have been developed quite fully and in detail in preschool pedagogy since the 30s of the XX century. In 1937 V.M. Fedyaevskaya was the first to identify the causes of accidents with preschoolers on the street: children's ignorance of traffic rules; inattention to what is happening on the street; inability to control oneself; lack of awareness of danger. The author proved the possibility and necessity of teaching street safety to children, mainly with senior group; "... such work should be permanent, wedged into all types of activities in kindergarten." Research by V.M. Fedyaevskaya were continued by practical workers of preschool institutions and police officers. Since 1939, the journal Preschool Education has been publishing a large number of articles on the problem of children's safety on the street. Methods and techniques for teaching preschoolers the rules of behavior on the street, proposed by V.M. Fedyaevskaya, were later supplemented by E.Ya. Stepanenkova, M.F. Filenko and others.

According to A.M. Yakupova, such a development of the problem influenced the fact that in "preschool educational institutions Until now, more attention has been paid to learning the rules of the road with children, than to educating the rest of the components of the child’s safe behavior (at home, on the street, in nature).

In the 1960s-1980s, prevention of misfortunes with preschoolers both at home, in kindergarten, and on the street was mainly discussed medical workers. But, as the researchers note, the solution of this issue turned out to be beyond the power of specialists in the field of classical medicine, because they are not familiar with the specifics of the educational process in preschool.

An analysis of the literature shows that most teachers' researchers suggest using game methods and techniques for introducing children to safety rules, such as didactic games, dramatization games, game problem situations, game modeling, game shells of classes, game characters.

Under the culture of life safety of a child, scientists mean a combination of three components: the information component - knowledge about the safety of human life (“I know the rules of life safety”); behavioral component - the ability to act in problem situations (“I know how to use the rules of life safety”); emotional-volitional component - to respond correctly to problem situations, a conscious attitude to human life and health (“I want to follow the rules of life safety”)

An analysis of the literature allowed us to characterize a child with a culture of life safety: this is a child who has formed ideas about life safety, who is motivated to protect his life and health, as well as the people around him, society as a whole. This is a child who knows his abilities and believes in his own strength, who follows the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, who has experience in safe behavior in everyday life.

Thus, as the conditions of human life change, as modernization increases, the rules for the safety of human life activity change, they become more complicated, and more and more require increased study and teaching of them to children.

1.2 Features of the social development of preschool children

The formation of the foundations of life safety is an aspect of the social development of preschoolers, so we will consider the features of social development. The process of social development is a complex phenomenon, during which the child appropriates objectively given norms, rules of human society and asserts himself as a social subject. The heterogeneity of the social environment determines the specifics of the socio-cultural space, through which a person joins the cultural universal, national, regional and other values. The works of E.I. Radina, R.I. Zhukovskaya, S.A. Kozlova, M.I. Bogomolova, V.I. Loginova, N.V. Melnikova. In their studies, the questions of the formation of certain knowledge about social reality are mainly covered.

An analysis of domestic psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature makes it possible to single out different approaches to the problem of introducing a child to the social world. Thus, the subjects of study are the issues of the “social competence” of the child, the child’s awareness of himself as a representative of the human race (S.A. Kozlova, O.A. Knyazeva, S.E. Shukshina, etc.), children’s perception of the world of objects, the formation of child "pictures of the world, the role of the game in the process of formation of the children's environment. The social development of the individual is a means and a result of socialization. Socialization can be represented as a process of development and implementation of social content by a growing person; secondly, it is considered as the real content of a person's maturation, in which the formation of a significant in the individual subject of active creative social action takes place (L.V. Kolomiychenko) . In the first case, the child acts to a greater extent as an object of assimilation and acquisition of social experience, in the second - the subject of his own creative activity.

Solve problems and achieve given result possible with the implementation of a competency-based approach. The criterion by which one can judge the presence or absence of a given ability in a person is probably “competence”. At the moment, there are several definitions of "competence", and all of them are united by a view of a competent person as a person who is able to find, discover a procedure suitable for solving a specific problem.

On the basis of the concept of competence, the concept of "competence" is formed - as a characteristic of a person who has a set of certain competencies. Depending on the type of activity or sphere of activity of an individual, the set of competencies is different, moreover, their quality and quantity at different age stages of development of people of different social groups differ.

Social development involves orientation in the system of social roles that exist in a given society. A child is inextricably linked with society from birth. In ontogeny, these connections expand. In different periods of life, a person, due to the age characteristics of the psyche, interacts with society in different ways. Of all the variety of social relations, the infant needs most of all emotional contact with his mother and close people, a teenager sees society as a way of self-affirmation, an adult person not only self-actualizes through society, but he himself is able to offer something to him.

The first significant social group for children, the first institution of socialization is the family, then the staff of the preschool institution. This mini society is a kind of model of a real society. Here, the child's behavioral characteristics in relation to peers and adults, his ability to establish contacts, stand up for himself, interact with others, etc., are manifested. In addition to the spontaneous experience of communication, children in kindergarten receive certain knowledge about society, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in it.

Thus, in the course of social development, the child appropriates objectively given norms, rules of human society and asserts himself as a social subject. Teaching children the rules of safe behavior is a very important and necessary work. It is extremely important to start it on time, you must not miss the time. Each defect of the teacher, concerning the personal safety of the child, can subsequently turn into a disaster. Life is given to a person only once. In order to live with dignity and happiness, it must be preserved. The task of adults is to prepare the child for the future life, for meeting various situations.

1.3 Analysis of approaches to the formation of the basics of life safety in preschool children

The tasks of forming the foundations of life safety are related to the process of socialization and are aimed at developing social competence in preschool children. The formation of social competence is determined by one of the priority tasks in development and education programs. Each educational program for preschool educational institutions involves a section. Since the upbringing and education program is a normative document, it also provides for requirements for the level of upbringing and education of children. As a rule, this correspondence is revealed in older preschoolers when they face the problem of transition to new social conditions - to school. In other words, by this moment it is important for the child to form social competence expressed in a set of behavioral competencies that will allow him to integrate into new team. Despite the relative novelty of the competency-based approach in education, it has already found its reflection in preschool education programs.

The purpose of the S.A. Kozlova "I am a man"- to help the teacher to reveal the world around the child, to form his ideas about himself as a representative of the human race; about people, about their feelings, actions, rights and obligations; about various human activities; on the basis of knowledge to develop a creative, free personality, possessing a sense of dignity and respect for people.

primary goal program "Origins" (authors: the staff of the Center "Preschool Childhood" named after A.V. Zaporozhets)It consists in the versatile development of the child, the formation of his universal abilities and the level corresponding to the age-related capabilities and requirements of modern society, providing all children with an early start in development, maintaining and strengthening their health.

“An exemplary general educational program for the upbringing, education and development of children of early and preschool age”, ed. L.A. Paramonova (2004)

The program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" (authors: N. Avdeeva, O. Knyazeva, R. Sterkina)

Determining the main content and direction of the development of children, the compilers of the program reserve for each preschool institution the right to use various forms and methods of organizing education, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, sociocultural differences, the originality of home and living conditions, as well as the general socio-economic and criminogenic situation. ; At the same time, the main guideline should be taking into account the life experience of children, the characteristics of their behavior, and preferences.

The "Safety" area has been purposefully and systematically implemented by most kindergartens in Russia for 15-20 years, but mainly through the corresponding partial programs, that is, in addition to the basic and comprehensive ones. At present, in view of the introduction of the FGT on November 23, 2009, the educational area "Safety" becomes a mandatory study. The separation of "Safety" from the area of ​​"Socialization" into a separate educational area is in many ways a special social order of the family, society and the state, which determines the importance and relevance of its implementation. There is another factor that influenced the isolation of this area - a certain complexity of the work of teachers: age features preschool children are not fertile ground for solving the problems of the “Safety” area. A normally developing preschool child is quite trusting in the world around him. He generally has a sense of security, including in dealing with strangers, and in various dangerous situations (at home, in nature, on the street). In addition, the safety of a preschooler is largely determined and depends on the surrounding adults (parents, teachers), which reduces the level of awareness by children of their own actions that ensure safety in the world around them.

That is why the authors of the FGT propose to separate the educational area "Safety" into a separate section. This will allow in an accessible form to prepare the child for a safe life in the environment, to train children in ways of behaving in situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world. The purpose of the educational area "Safety" is to form the foundations of the safety of one's own life and the formation of the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world) through the solution of the following tasks:

Formation of ideas about situations dangerous for a person and the natural world and ways of behavior in them;

Introduction to the rules of safe behavior for a person and the environment;

Transferring knowledge to children about the rules of road safety as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

Formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to potentially dangerous situations for humans and the natural world.

The tasks that the educator must solve in the process of implementation are also presented. educational activities"Safety" in senior preschool age:

1. Formation in children of knowledge about the careful handling of dangerous objects, flammable objects, the consequences of fires, actions in the event of a fire, and dangers in everyday life.

Developing skills of careful behavior when dealing with strangers, in conflict situations with peers.

Mastering knowledge about safe behavior in the yard, on the street, on the road, in public transport, about the rules of the road.

Formation of knowledge about caring attitude to nature, about the rules of safe behavior in nature, about the functions of the human body, about personal hygiene, microbes and viruses, health and disease.

Development of foresight possible danger in a specifically changing situation and building adequate, safe behavior.

Giving children the opportunity to evaluate their achievements, feel the joy in the manifestation of their knowledge.

Various methods are used to implement tasks:

.Visual (showing, using aids, imitation)

.Visual-auditory (use of music)

.Practical (carrying out in game form, in competitive form)

.Verbal (commands, explanations, questions, figurative plot stories).

Thus, we reviewed programs that present the goals and objectives of the formation of the foundations of life safety in preschool children. And also considered the goals, objectives and methods of the field "Safety" for FGT in children of senior preschool age. We will focus on these tasks in the formative experiment.

2. Experimental work on the formation of the basics of life safety in preschool children

.1 Experimental work model

Experimental work consisted of ascertaining, forming and control experiments.

The purpose of the experimental work was to practically test the methods for the formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age.

The experimental study was carried out on the basis of the Kolokolchik MDOU, Koskul village, Svetlinsky district, with children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old).

The experiment involved 10 children who regularly attend the kindergarten group.

The following key components are distinguished in the structure of the life safety of a child:

1.Information component - knowledge about the safety of human life;

.Behavioral component - the ability to act in problem situations;

.Emotional-volitional component - to respond correctly to problem situations, a conscious attitude to human life and health

Our task was to see how these components are manifested in the safe life of children of senior preschool age.

In order to identify the level of knowledge on the basics of life safety, we used observation and conversation.

The analysis of the results of observation was carried out according to the following indicators: 1) compliance with the rules of behavior on a walk; 2) compliance with the rules of behavior in the group; 3) compliance with the rules of conduct in the gym.

The purpose of the formative stage is to conduct experimental work on the formation of the foundations of life safety for preschoolers.

We assumed that the effectiveness of the formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age can be achieved by observing the following methods:

Verbal: conversation, reading fiction, situational conversation to form ideas about the basics of life safety;

Practical: role-playing games, problem situations, for the formation of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in one's own life;

Methods that provide emotional stimulation and motivational activities to form the foundations of life safety.

At the stage of the formative experiment, the following tasks were set: to introduce the rules of safe behavior at home, to study the rules for handling electrical appliances, to cultivate the skills of careful handling of fire, to familiarize children with the rules fire safety.

The effectiveness of the developed pedagogical technology for the formation of the foundations of life safety in children of senior preschool age was tested at the control stage of the study.

At this stage of the experimental work, the goal was to identify new level knowledge of children on the basics of life safety, compare the results with the original data, and thus, check the effectiveness of the system of the work carried out.

The objectives of the control phase of the study were as follows:

To determine the level of formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age.

To compare the achieved level of formation of the basics of life safety with the level of formation of the basics of safe life, identified at the ascertaining stage of the study.

To solve the tasks set at the control stage of the experiment and to test our hypothesis, we used diagnostic methods implemented at the ascertaining stage of the study: conversation and observation.

2.2 Ascertaining experiment. Identification of the level of formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age

We must send children to school with a lot of knowledge, but also prepare children to face various complex and sometimes dangerous situations. life situations. In order to understand what exactly children know, think, feel, I used conversations, discussions - this made it possible to avoid transferring knowledge already known to them or such that they cannot yet use because of their incomprehensibility or remoteness from real life. It is possible to single out such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. To do this, it is very important to find an adequate way to explain these rules to children, and then monitor their implementation. I think that security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. In addition, children may find themselves in unpredictable situations on the street and at home, so it is necessary to stimulate the development of their independence and responsibility. It is necessary to pay more attention to the organization of various types of activities aimed at acquiring by children a certain skill of behavior and experience. After all, everything that children are taught, they must be able to apply in real life, in practice. To prevent children from developing "information neurosis" due to the expansion and deepening of knowledge about extreme situations in everyday life, I conducted an experiment to identify the level of their knowledge and interests, the degree of formation of practical skills, in which 10 people participated. The participants were asked the following questions:

What is your name? First Name Last Name.

Where do you live? Home address.

Home phone number?

What are your parents' names? Full Name.

Where do parents work?

Kindergarten address?

To whom and by what phones do they turn in case of fire, attack, injury, smell of gas?

Do you turn on electrical appliances and equipment without your parents?

When leaving home, do you unplug electrical appliances?

Do you know how to behave in difficult and unexpected situations?

11. What will you do if you are left alone at home?

Can you trust people you don't know? Why?

The analysis of the results of the conversation was carried out according to the criteria: 1) knowledge about oneself and parents, about the place of residence; 2) an adequate assessment of their capabilities in unexpected situations; 3) the ability to realize different character attitudes towards others.

Assessment Methods

Number of questions Levels 10-12 questions High level 7-9 questions Intermediate level 4-6 questions Low level

Level Number of children High level 2 children (have clear ideas about themselves, about their place of residence, about their parents, about how to behave at home) Average level 4 children (have insufficiently accurate ideas about themselves, about their place of residence, about their parents ) Low level 4 children (do not have clear, clear ideas about the place of residence, about their parents, about how to behave in difficult situations)

Qualitative Analysis


The results were as follows: children know their data, but not everyone knows the phone number, parents' place of work, they do not know how to behave in dangerous situations, which is the motivation for follow-up observations.

In order to identify the level of compliance with the rules of behavior of preschoolers, we observed children in vivo. The content of the observation included the following indicators:

.Compliance with the rules of conduct on a walk;

.Compliance with the rules of behavior in the group;

.Compliance with the rules of conduct in the gym.

Assessment Methods

Levels Compliance High Compliance to a greater extent Medium Compliance not always Low Compliance rarely

Assessment results. Quantitative Analysis

Level Number of children High level 5 children (they know how to behave on a walk, in a group, in the gym and follow the necessary rules of behavior) Average level 3 children (have insufficiently accurate ideas about the rules of behavior on walks, in a group, in the gym and always observe them) Low level 2 children (do not have clear, clear ideas about the rules of behavior on walks, in a group, in the gym and rarely observe them)

Qualitative Analysis


Thus, after a detailed analysis of the results of the conversation and observations, we came to the conclusion that the conversation is not always a regulator of the formation of knowledge, so it is necessary to use a variety of methods for the formation of knowledge and its application according to the rules of safe behavior.

2.3 Formative experiment. Experimental work on the formation of the foundations of life safety for preschoolers

At this stage of the experiment, we tested the hypothesis. In order to form ideas about the basics of life safety, verbal methods were used - conversation, reading fiction. In order to form the skills to apply the acquired knowledge in our own lives, we used practical methods- role-playing games, problem situations. We also used methods that provide emotional stimulation and motivational activities to form the foundations of life safety. These methods were implemented on the informational and behavioral key components, which caused an emotionally conscious response to problem situations, to human life and health.

I started working with a group of subjects, talking about danger and safety. She asked questions: what dangers surround you around? Name the places in the house, in the apartment where you are in danger? (in the bathroom, in the kitchen, on the balcony, on the Christmas tree, in the entrance, in the attic, in the elevator, in the basement). She explained that some dangers are hidden for the time being: a nail in a chair, a broken bottle, while others are immediately visible: on the stove - a boiling kettle, a hot pot, on ironing board- hot iron, spilled oil. In the bathroom - poisonous aerosols against insects. Even an ordinary hot water faucet or cold water can be dangerous for an inattentive person. Find dangerous places in the group room: in the reception room - the doors of the lockers (you can pinch your finger); in the group - sharp corners at the tables, big windows with glasses, hot food; in the washroom: faucet with water, wet floor, burning light; in the bedroom - beds with sharp corners. Then we drew a plan - a diagram group room and marked all dangerous places with red circles. They remembered the rules of conduct in the washroom, bedroom, dressing room, the route for going out for a walk (railings are our friends and enemies); Kindergarten site (examination for danger). I conducted a simulation of situations: in the group all the chairs, all the beds disappeared, the water disappeared - what will you do? They remembered with the children the heroes of fairy tales, cartoons: Pinocchio, Ivanushka, Robinson, Gulliver. Why are the heroes of fairy tales able to overcome the dangers? (they are brave, dexterous, lucky, courageous, resourceful, managed to find a way out of dangerous situations). I showed pictures of dangerous situations. Conducted the game "Find 10 signs of dangerous situations." Thus, we concluded that danger is the harmful factors that threaten the health of human life, and security is the state of protection of a person from the effects of adverse factors.

After such a conversation, I introduced the children to the public protection services: the fire department - 01, the police - 02, the ambulance - 03, the gas emergency service - 04. There is also the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, where rescue teams have been created that provide assistance to the victims. To do this, they have a special technique. I explained that children should be aware of visible danger signals and report them to adults: the clinking of a bottle in a room, a wisp of smoke, water in a hallway, an unpleasant odor. In some places there are recommendations - warnings that can be found at the entrance, on the bus, near the elevator, in the instructions for the TV: "Beware of high voltage", "Do not distract the driver", "Flammable", "Smoking is strictly prohibited."

I had a conversation - a reasoning on the topic "Danger - electricity." Many things that surround us in everyday life are powered by electricity. For example: we are considering a clock, but it does not work, let's try to put a battery in. It has two poles, plus and minus. We must not make a mistake, put "plus" to "plus", and "minus" to "minus". When we inserted the battery, an electric current went through the watch, and the watch started working. The hands are moving, the clock is ticking - it has earned electricity. Can electricity be found in nature? Yes, lightning is also a discharge of electricity. Have you ever felt a slight crackle on yourself, and sometimes even sparks? This is also electricity. Sometimes a crackle is heard synthetic clothing when you take it off. Sometimes the comb sticks to the hair and the hair stands on end. Things and hair, our body is electrified. Does our group have electricity? What items can you guess about the presence of electricity (sockets, switches, light bulbs, wires). All electrical appliances work with electricity.

Many years ago, people did not know that electricity could be used. Let's go back in time for a few minutes and see how people managed without electricity. Conducted the game "What is, what was." Children lay out cards that make up pairs: a washing machine - a trough, a vacuum cleaner - a broom, a mixer - a whisk, an iron - an ironing stick, a sewing machine - a needle, an electric lamp - a candle, a sundial - Digital Watch, stove - gas stove, electric stove, abacus - computer. Now let's think about what will happen in the future. Imagine that you need to use electricity to improve the item that you see on the card. Think about how it will work, what new actions to perform, how to help a person in life? The game "What is, what will be." (Children come up with an electric heated blanket, battery-powered walking boots, heated mittens). Electricity is a great discovery. Scientists learned how to get electric current 160 years ago. Now all enterprises of the city work with the help of electricity, on modern equipment. Machines, computers, robots help people.

She then had a discussion on the topic electrical devices". Name them? (TV, tape recorder, refrigerator, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner, mixer, coffee grinder, etc.) All of them must be fixed. And if you notice any malfunctions in the operation of these and other electrical appliances, be sure to tell an adult about it. The group should have household appliances: a vacuum cleaner, a tape recorder, a watch. If they cannot be kept permanently, then they should be brought in, periodically examined how they work, to identify what principle is inherent in the mechanism of action. You can bring a coffee grinder and consider how the coffee grinder works, and when you see the result - finely ground coffee, think about how the result is achieved. To check whether the children understood the principle of the coffee grinder, you can offer them the following problem to solve: you need powdered sugar to sprinkle the cake. Where to get powdered sugar can you make it yourself? From what and with what? If the children suggest using a coffee grinder, you can clarify how it will perform such a task. The arguments of the child will be evidence of his understanding of the principle of operation of this household appliance. In a subsequent conversation, I clarified what the children understood, remembered, encouraged them to ask questions, and suggested that they themselves try to use the technique. For example, I suggested vacuuming the carpet in the group. The purpose of this kind of work is to arouse interest in technology and not be afraid of it. During this observation, I reminded the children of the safety rules and warned the children about them.

Taught children how to handle electrical appliances. It is forbidden:

turn on electrical appliances, they may cause electric shock or fire.

Don't put your finger in the socket

Not a girl, not a boy!

touch wires and electrical appliances wet hands- can give a very strong electric shock;

if the TV or vacuum cleaner smells like burnt rubber, adults should immediately remove the plug from the outlet. Don't even try to do it yourself.

if some wire smokes, a spark suddenly jumped when we pressed the switch or inserted the plug into the electrical outlet, be sure to tell the adults.

when leaving home, do not forget to turn off all electrical appliances, and constantly remind adults of this.

do not pull the electric wire with your hands, you can only pick up the plug.

do not insert any objects into the socket.

in no case should you approach bare wires, do not touch them. It's life-threatening.

remember, electric current does not like careless and inattentive people. Read the poem to the children:

If a socket suddenly sparks,

Or hear a strange crack,

Tell adults about it

Please don't go yourself!

Electricity is DANGEROUS!

Inappropriate games here!

They made up creative stories on the topic “Where trouble can come from”, “Why did this happen”. Created game training situations "Grandma forgot to turn off the iron." Conducted a didactic game "Find electrical appliances and tell me why they are dangerous." Organized tours to the kitchen, where the chef showed them what electrical appliances they use; excursion to the laundry. As a result of the work done, the children learned the history of the discovery of electricity; looked into the past, present and future, consolidated knowledge about safe behavior with electrical appliances.

Lesson "Danger - gas." Guys, many of you have grandmothers who live in the countryside, they have gas stoves. Gas is specially made so odorous so that people can immediately feel if it comes out somewhere, because you can’t see it with your eyes. I show the children illustrations and explain the following rules:

Don't turn on the gas stove by yourself. Let adults watch the fire, they know better how to handle it so that there is no fire.

If you smell gas, immediately tell adults about it, open windows and doors, turn off the tap on the stove, call "04".

Turn off the gas in the apartment

Gas needs an eye and an eye.

Feeling the smell in the apartment,

Call "04".

From my explanations, the children learned that only adults can use the items in this group. Here, more than anywhere else, direct prohibitions are appropriate. Under no circumstances should a child independently light matches, turn on the stove, or touch the switched on electrical appliances.

I conducted the lesson “Dangerous objects at home” (see Appendix D), where I fixed the children's understanding of the objects that are dangerous to life and health, which they encounter in everyday life. We determined with the children which items in the house can be considered dangerous and made riddles for the children about household items (scissors, hammer, needle, saw, penknife, buttons, paper clips, nails, pins, ax). Explain why they can be dangerous? Do the guys know how to use them correctly? Is it possible to distract, push another if he cuts, sews, nails? What can happen? I ask the children where they keep such items at home: are they scattered around the apartment or occupy certain places. Where does mom or grandmother put needles, pins, scissors? Where does dad or grandpa keep tools? Where are the medicines, the thermometer? I propose the game "Clever and clever". It is necessary to find in the group what safety rules have been violated in the group at the moment (tablets are on the windowsill, an electric cord is in the socket, washing powder is on the shelf, paper clips are scattered on the floor, needles and pins are scattered on the table, there is an iron on the chair). Then I propose to carefully consider the illustration with a painted apartment, in which there are various household items. I propose to analyze the situation: the kids Andryusha and Natasha were left in this apartment (I present the dolls to the children.) Their parents went to work. Let's guys tell the kids what items can not be used on their own, so that trouble does not happen. We will put warning signs near each item: X - do not use,! - Use with caution. Children put up signs in the apartment.

Remember the safety rules with children:

all sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their places. The order in the apartment is not only for beauty, but also for safety.

never try any medication. Firstly, it is tasteless, and secondly, an incorrectly taken medicine can turn out to be poison.

do not touch household chemicals: washing powders, dishwashing detergents, soda, bleach, cockroach repellents. So that trouble does not happen, as in a poem.

I suggest that children name items that children cannot yet use (matches, lighters, iron, TV) - for this you need to grow up, and those items that should be used carefully, as adults have shown - needles, forks, nails, hammer.

To acquaint children with the rules of fire safety, first of all, it is necessary to determine the amount of knowledge and interests, communication, the degree of formation of practical skills and abilities that should be disclosed. I developed the skills of preschoolers on the basis of the child's desire to learn about the world around him, using his curiosity, visual-figurative thinking and immediacy of perception. I gave priority to individual and subgroup forms of work with children. Conversations with children on the issue of fire safety should be understandable, accompanied by a demonstration of colorfully designed pictures with images of any characters in children's works, interesting stories, reading works of writers, poets, showing filmstrips.

this work conducted through:

organized activities of children - classes, classes-projects, trainings, excursions;

joint activities of adults and children - dramatization of fairy tales, conversations between the teacher and the child, observation, work, reading fiction;

free independent activity - role-playing games, verbal didactic games.

Based on the peculiarities of children's perception and understanding of information, I have outlined for myself the following tasks and ways of disclosing this work to familiarize children with fire safety rules:

) Tell about the discovery of fire by an ancient man. To acquaint children with the various uses of fire in human life; to show the significance of this discovery of an ancient man in modern life; focus on the fact that it was the person who "tamed" the fire. Questions were asked to the children: How did ancient people make fire? (they rubbed a stick against a stick, struck one stone against another, striking sparks (this stone is called flint - it still lives in lighters), lightning struck a tree, and people guessed to take a burning piece of wood and take it to their cave. I show a lighter and demonstrate the appearance of a spark of fire.What was the purpose of the fire in the cave?How did people maintain and protect the fire?Why do you think the fire often went out?

Conducted a lesson "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy." What is fire? How did fire help you? Which one of you lit the fires? What happened to the fire then? What was left at the site of the fire? We learned proverbs with the children (see Appendix A). As soon as the fire made friends with man, he became his faithful assistant. We played the game: "Fire is good - fire is bad." In skillful hands, fire benefits people (fire-cook, fire-farmer, fire-doctor, fire-builder, fire-telegraph, fire-smith), and in inept hands it turns into an enemy (fires). Fire can be not only a friend, but also an enemy. And yet, the benefits of fire are greater than the harm. Fire helps a person every day, makes our life more interesting, warmer, more comfortable. During the lesson, she showed the children illustrations, pictures on this topic. Learned a poem with children:

Everyone knows: a man without fire

Doesn't live a single day.

With fire, as with the sun, it's light

Warm in the fire and winter.

Look guys around:

We are the fire best friend.

But when we're careless with fire,

He becomes our enemy.

) The next task is to continue to acquaint children with the rules of safe handling of fire. Lead children to understand the likely consequences of childish pranks. I gave a talk on the topic "Be careful with fire." During the conversation, the main causes of fires were found out:

For fun, for play

Do not take matches in your hands.

No, joke, my friend, with fire,

To not regret later.

Don't light your own fire

And don't let others.

Even a little spark

Not far from the fire.

Gas in the kitchen, is it a vacuum cleaner,

Is there a TV, iron,

Let it include only an adult,

Our trusted old friend.

I introduced the children to flammable objects and objects that do not burn (on the table are objects: a jar, a plastic cup, a metal mug, stone, paper, cloth and rubber). How can a glass jar, bottle, glass cause a fire? Sometimes fires start without fire. Someone threw a bottle where there was a picnic, and the bottle, like a lens, will focus the rays and flare up very quickly, everything is dry like in an oven. Therefore, do not throw bottles, jars, flasks, take them away in your basket, take them out of the forest. But there are flammable liquids and liquids that do not burn (on the table are bottles with inscriptions: alcohol, cologne, milk, water, tea, gasoline, kerosene, oil). It is necessary to choose what burns and what does not burn.

What to do if there is a fire in the house? With the help of pictures, posters, we clearly formulated the rules of behavior in case of fire:

if the fire is small, it can be extinguished with water or covered with a blanket;

do not extinguish burning electrical appliances with water;

you can’t hide in far corners, under beds, behind a closet - not only fire is dangerous, but also smoke;

you can’t stay in the room where the fire started, but you need to quickly leave and call adults for help.

In the event of a fire, adults should be called immediately.

you need to call 01 (I show the picture of the number), give your address and tell what happened.

you must immediately run out of the room and close the door behind you.

remember: smoke is much more dangerous than fire. If you feel that you are suffocating, moisten your clothes with water, lie down on the floor and crawl to the exit - there is less smoke below. Cover your nose with a damp handkerchief and breathe through it.

jumping out onto the landing, you need to close the door behind you, call all the neighbors and call them for help.

in the event of a fire at the entrance, never take the elevator. It might turn off and you'll suffocate.

while waiting for the arrival of firefighters, try to remain calm, you will definitely be rescued.

when the firemen arrive, follow all their instructions. They know how to save you.

Considered with the children pictures with plots on the topic of the occurrence of fires; read an excerpt from S. Marshak's book "The Story of an Unknown Hero". Conducted a competition for best drawing on the topic "Match-small", "Fire is our friend, but not always: it happens from him trouble."

) The next task was to consolidate the knowledge of fire items that are dangerous to life and health, which children cannot use on their own, to help them independently draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of such items. I conducted a discussion-reasoning on the topic "Fire hazardous objects in the house." The main goal: to help children remember well the main group of fire hazardous objects that cannot be used independently. I suggest that children name items that children cannot yet use (matches, lighters, iron, TV, gas stove, electrical appliances, household appliances). Questions: how does a fire happen? Is it possible to leave the TV, electric stove, iron on? Why are children not allowed to turn on the vacuum cleaner, TV? Why are children strictly forbidden to play with matches, lighters? She used children's literature (“Cat's House” by S. Marshak, “Confusion” by K. Chukovsky, “There Lived an Elephant Baby” by G. Tsyferov). We discussed with the children the dangerous situations that the characters of the read works got into, how they should have done the right thing in each of the cases under consideration. Riddles about household appliances, about electrical appliances (see Appendix A). I suggest that children draw flames on a candle, stove, TV, electric stove. I played the game “If there was a fire” (you must quickly say the last word of the poetic line).

Conducted a word game "So or not."

I will say a phrase, and if you think that I am speaking correctly, clap your hands. If you disagree with me, sit quietly.

When you leave home, turn off the lights.

If adults are not at home, you can take matches and play a little.

Dunno watched TV in the morning and decided not to turn it off when he left: “All the same, I’ll come in the evening and watch.”

Cat's house caught fire, she hid under the bed.

If there is a fire, I will call 25.

) The next task is to consolidate the knowledge of the telephone number of the expert fire service, the rules for using the telephone, to consolidate the knowledge of the home address, the ability to dial "01" on the telephone, the ability to talk with the fireman on duty, listen and understand the speech addressed to the caller. Be able to conduct a basic telephone conversation. Generate a desire to help. Develop speed of movement. For this task, I conducted a practical lesson "Service "01" is always on guard." Question to the children, why is the fire department telephone "01"? Firstly, the number is very simple, and everyone will remember it. Secondly, it is short, when there is a fire, every minute is precious. Thirdly, this number is easy to dial even in the dark on the phone's disk. I am reading an excerpt from S. Marshak's poem "01".

Mother went to the market

Daughter Lena said:

"The stove, Lenochka, don't touch it-

It burns, Lenochka, fire ... "

What do you think happened to the girl? Which rescue service can help in such a situation? What is the telephone number to call the fire department? I attach a card with “01” on the board, and in chorus the children pronounce this phone number in order to remember it. I propose a game-situation "You have a fire in your apartment and you need to call the fire brigade." I play with the children how everyone will dial "01" on the phone and call the fire brigade for help at their address. You can use a toy phone or a disconnected real phone to teach kids how to dial numbers. Have each child do this. Make sure that the child turns the disc to the end, and with a push-button device, clearly presses the buttons. Teach children to clearly and clearly tell what is burning and where. Offer a game situation (with the help of the game, offer the children the following algorithm of behavior).

If something is on fire in the house:

quickly leave or run out of a room or apartment, tell adults about it and ask them to call “01”, mom at work; call from a pay phone on the phone “01” and say that there is a fire in your house, while you must definitely give your home address.

If there is a lot of smoke in the apartment:

bending low, move to the door, covering your nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief, towel; clothes caught fire - fall and, rolling, shoot down the fire.

I spent a number of games: the children are divided into 2-3 teams (light, ember, spark).

On the tables in front of the teams are cards with numbers. Of these, you need to correctly compose the telephone number of the fire department.

Each team must remember as many proverbs and sayings about fire as possible.

Which team will solve more riddles (see Appendix A, B).

Team members should take it in turns to run to the phone, dial the fire department and report the fire, correctly and clearly naming their home address.

In their free time, read to children the stories “Fire”, “Fire Dogs” by L. Tolstoy, “Fire”, “Smoke”, “Fire in the Sea” by B. Zhitkov, V. Galchenko “First Alarm”, Yu.L. Smirnov “Fire” (a book for talented children and caring parents), A. Gostyushin “Step by step. Safe Behavior Part 1.2.

) The next task is to continue to acquaint children with the profession of firefighters, to arouse interest in this profession. I ask the children questions: guys, have you seen the firemen? Where did you see them? What does a fireman look like? What is a firefighter's uniform? (jacket, trousers, mittens, helmet, boots, belt).

Clothing is needed to protect against water, heat, and traumatic injuries when extinguishing a fire. A helmet is a steel headgear with a ridge at the top to protect the head and soften impacts from falling objects from above. Why does a firefighter need a wide belt? This belt is called "rescue". It is very strong - it can withstand a load of up to 350 kg. There is a steel loop on the belt - a carabiner. With it, a firefighter is attached to a rescue rope, can catch on the steps of a ladder. If the exit is cut off by the flame, the firefighter can use a rope and a carabiner to get out through the window along with the rescued person.

What tools do you know that are necessary in the work of a firefighter? (Axe, hook, crowbar, sand, shovel). Why does a firefighter need an ax, a hook, a crowbar, a shovel? They dismantle walls and ceilings, open locked windows and doors, hold them on steep roofs, etc. the ax is carried in a holster on the belt.

What color is the fire truck and why? What does a fire engine have? The fire escape is designed to lift firefighters to the floors of burning buildings, through windows, balconies, and also to work on roofs. What are fire hoses? Pipes through which firefighters pump water (they are long, it can supply water from afar). what is a stem and how is it used? This is a metal tube of a special device. She joins the sleeve. They are heavy, they are held by hands. How do firefighters transport water? Water is transported in a tank truck. During the conversation, I show the children pictures on this topic. What is the enemy of a firefighter, besides fire, and how to deal with it? It's smoke. The fire is small, and it is impossible to enter the room - there is nothing to breathe. Therefore, firefighters carry oxygen cylinders with them.

The children took a tour of the kindergarten. She introduced the children to the concept of "evacuation route", explained its meaning. During the tour, she showed the children the evacuation routes, introduced them to fire fighting equipment (a fire extinguisher, a shovel, a bucket, a crowbar, an ax). What should firefighters be like? (Strong, courageous, courageous, resourceful, decisive.) Conducted a practical lesson on practicing evacuation skills from children's institution. She gave a special signal and announced “Fire alarm”, and the children and I left the kindergarten in accordance with all the rules. She gave the children a task: using a plan-scheme, navigate in space.

She held the game "Who will quickly overcome the obstacle and save the toy from the fire." (Children are divided into two teams, line up one after the other.)

The game "What you need in case of fire." Participants line up one after another. At the leader’s command, they run to the table, on which objects or their images related to the fireman’s profession are laid out (helmet, gas mask, fire extinguisher, shovel, crowbar, sand, water in a bucket, ladder, blanket).

The game "Who will dress faster." Teams are built behind the start line, 2 suitcases are placed in front, with the same set of items (helmet, jacket, boots). At the signal of the leader, the player of each team runs up to the suitcase, opens it, gets dressed and runs to the start line. There he takes off his clothes and passes them on to the next one, who, having dressed, runs to the suitcase, takes them off and puts them in the suitcase.

Relay "Smoky corridor". The members of each team line up in front of their tunnel, take turns crawling through it, then run back.

organized role-playing game"We are firefighters", "Rescue Service". They staged the play "Cat's House". Considered posters, illustrations on the topic "Fire".

She held a final lesson, where she revealed the level of mastery of fire safety rules by children, the ability to choose the right way out of the situation. During the lesson, the following situations were played:

You are alone at home. The TV lit up. What to do?

The oil in the pan caught fire, what do you do?

Your clothes caught fire, what to do?

There was a fire in the kindergarten, what are your actions?

I gave the children a homework assignment with their parents: draw areas of particular danger in your apartment, come up with models of situations that could cause a fire in the house.

Extreme situations in everyday life.

In a number of foreign programs, there are special sections aimed at teaching preschool children how to behave in extreme situations in everyday life (for example, be able to use the phone in cases of fire, injury; be able to attract the attention of passers-by and call for help in case of fire, criminals entering the house; be able to put out a starting fire by throwing a heavy blanket over the source of ignition).

In domestic pedagogical practice, this experience has not yet become widespread. Its use must be approached selectively, taking into account Russian conditions. Thus, learning how to use the telephone to call firefighters, ambulances, police requires work to prevent false calls. At the same time, children should be able to use the telephone, know the numbers of close adults. Children may need this in practice in an extreme situation, when the child was simply afraid of something or someone. Educators should take into account that playing with a phone differs significantly from the real situation: in the present telephone conversation the child does not see a communication partner, and the timbre of the voice in the handset is distinguished by an unusual originality. Therefore, the ability to use a real phone can arise and gain a foothold in the process of special training, which can be entrusted to parents, explaining to them what problems a child may have. Therefore, I conducted a special lesson on the topic "Services "01", "02", "03" are always on guard. (See Appendix B).

In the course of this work, the children memorized the telephone numbers of the rescue service and how to use them.

Carrying out such work to familiarize children with the basics of safety, we have ensured that children have demonstrated a high level of knowledge and skills in solving the tasks. The children had a desire to expand their horizons on this topic, a desire to identify and delve into the connections and relationships existing in our world. There was a need to establish oneself in one's attitude to the surrounding reality, to follow the rules of behavior in certain situations. By doing this, we save the life and health of children, contribute to the formation of conscious behavior in dangerous situations. While teaching personal safety to children, I taught myself. By educating children, we can help adults as well.

2.4 Control experiment. Determination of the effectiveness of experimental work on the formation of the foundations of safety

At this stage of the experimental work, the goal was to reveal a new level of children's knowledge of the basics of life safety, to compare the results obtained with the initial data, and thus to check the effectiveness of the system of the work carried out.

At the final lessons and in an individual conversation, it was revealed that the children became much more aware of issues related to life safety and are able to apply their knowledge in a real situation meaningfully, while before the lessons they applied knowledge unconsciously and sometimes could not explain them.

Quantitative and qualitative analysis (before the experiment)

Level Number of children% High level 2 children (have clear ideas about themselves, about their place of residence, about their parents, about how to behave at home) 20% Average level 4 children (have insufficiently accurate ideas about themselves, about their place of residence , about their parents) 40% Low level 4 children (do not have clear, clear ideas about the place of residence, about their parents, about how to behave in difficult situations) 40%

Based on the results of the work done, the following levels of knowledge of children on the basics of life safety were obtained:

Quantitative and qualitative analysis (after the experiment)

Level Number of children% High level 5 children (have clear ideas about themselves, about their place of residence, about their parents, about how to behave at home) 50% Average level 3 children (have insufficiently accurate ideas about themselves, about their place of residence, about their parents) 30% Low level 2 children (do not have clear, clear ideas about the place of residence, about their parents, about how to behave in difficult situations) 20%

Carrying out systematic work, we came to the conclusion that the education of children is not limited to only one lesson, a significant part of the knowledge and skills the child learns without special training - in everyday communication with adults, peers, during games, observations, experiments. the main task teacher: to help the child acquire full knowledge outside of class. In everyday life, in the course of situations (natural and special), children's knowledge and skills are worked out, consolidated, expanded, feelings are enriched, cognitive interests and abilities are strengthened. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils, we thought over the options for tasks in such a way that their implementation required the efforts of thought, will, exertion of strength, because without overcoming difficulties there is no full-fledged development. When organizing the activities of children, they made sure that each child emotionally experienced the success of education. To do this, it is necessary to create specially created situations of success, for example, to positively reinforce the intentions of the child, advancing success (you will succeed, you will manage); focusing on positive features (you are so attentive, you are our artist); strengthening the motive of activity (after all, you want to learn how to tell, it is so interesting to learn new things). The teacher should not suppress children with his authority, not stop their communication, but act as a senior partner, a mentor who encourages interactions, opens “communication channels”, knows and knows a lot, and will always come to the rescue. Then, in joint activities with peers, children begin to use forms of adult behavior: they explain, encourage, control, evaluate, disagree, argue. It was noted that relations in the group have improved, they have a need to analyze their words and actions, and the culture of behavior has increased.


Summing up the results of the work done, we can say that the issue of forming the foundations of life safety is relevant. This is primarily due to the need of society for a socially adapted personality. Preschool age is a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge. Successful fulfillment of this important vital function is favored by characteristic abilities children of this age: increased susceptibility, impressionability, naive-playful attitude to much of what they encounter. And here the role of the teacher is important, who, choosing the right methods and techniques, introduces the child into the social world.

The first stage of work on the problem of forming the foundations of life safety in children of senior preschool age was the study of various literature on this topic. Next came the scientific definition and proof of the conditions for educating the basics of life safety for children of older preschool age, the practical testing of the assumptions put forward. Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the kindergarten "Kolokolchik" in the village of Koskul with children of the older group. During the experiment, various methods and techniques were used. The study made it possible to identify the features of the formation of the foundations of life safety for children of older preschool age, to determine pedagogical conditions providing their formation. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of evidence-based recommendations for the formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age, which were positively assessed in the course of practical work on this issue.

Based on the results of this work, we can conclude that children of older preschool age are sufficiently prepared to solve problems on this problem if systematic, methodically competent work is carried out by the teacher in close relationship with their parents.


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Tags: Teaching life safety for children of senior preschool age Diploma in Pedagogy

Tatter Anna Pavlovna
Job title: senior educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 30"
Locality: city ​​of Miass, Chelyabinsk region
Material name: Pedagogical Council
Subject:"Formation of personal safety skills in children through effective methods and techniques"
Publication date: 13.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education


Pedagogical Council on the topic:

“Developing personal safety skills in children through

effective methods and techniques"

Senior educator: Tatter A.P.

Target: Further development of the creative activity of preschool teachers,

support of new technologies in the organization of the educational process,

exchange of experience and best practices among group educators.

Board plan:

"Modern approaches in working with children to study the basics

safety and life in the preschool educational institution.

Analytical report on the results thematic control.

Kaleidoscope pedagogical projects.

The choice of teachers for participation in the municipal competition "Teacher of the Year

in preschool education.

Council decision.

Modern approaches in working with children to study the basics

safety and life in the preschool educational institution.

Russia in the 21st century lives in conditions of an ever-increasing number of

emergencies of various kinds. Are increasing

the scale of losses among the population. Annually as a result of production

and domestic injuries, terrorist attacks, fires and road

transport accidents, the country loses more than 50 thousand people, more

250 thousand are injured.

Modern life proves the need for a safe

life, requires training of employees of the kindergarten, their

parents and children safe behavior in difficult conditions

social, technogenic, natural and ecological troubles.

We are well aware that the most unprotected and vulnerable part

our population are children. Knowing the world around them, they often

face dangers and become victims of their ignorance,

carelessness and carelessness.

The kindergarten is doing a lot of work in this direction, looking for searches

new approaches to modeling the security system and

life of preschoolers.

Based on the characteristics of children's perception and understanding of information,

The following main forms of work on this problem can be distinguished:





organized classes;





discussions of literary works, cognitive conversations;

organization of thematic competitions of children's drawings and crafts;

use of thematic albums and posters, didactic games

and allowances;




"policeman", "doctor", etc.;

excursions to enterprises related to the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

view presentations on this topic;

dramatization games, entertainment;

educational minutes;

Technology involves a set of methods for familiarizing children with

security fundamentals, in particular:

observation. special




child's social experience. Whatever the child does, he always observes and

remembers everything (the behavior of adults in dangerous situations, relationships

with other people). The process of observation in a child is always active, even if

Outwardly, this activity is expressed weakly. It is from him that the child draws

"material" for a formative world outlook, for one's "picture of the world".

This picture of the world can include not only the positive, but also what













organization of observations of the behavior of norm carriers.

comparison method. Children can compare: fire is good or fire

this is bad. When using this method, it is necessary to determine from which

Comparisons begin - with a comparison by similarity or a comparison by contrast.







classification. In order to group, classify objects,












For example:

I propose

images in pictures, the task is given to select objects that will be

need a firefighter when extinguishing a fire and select items that are burning.





is used not as an end in itself, but in the context of a close and understandable for the child

tasks: select items for a thematic exhibition, pictures for an album



situations. Modeling


smoke in the group, smoke from a neighboring house, a water pipe broke, what will you

to do, give the scissors correctly, found a pill in the group, your actions.





acquired knowledge in practice and develops thinking, imagination and prepares

get out



development of imagination and creativity, it is important to put children in a situation



elementary problem situations are proposed, but each time complicating





to teach how to make a plan - a map of a group, a site of a preschool institution,

roads to a kindergarten and even a model of a microdistrict. Children learn to position

objects in space, correlate them, "read" the map in the process of tasks

type "Let's make a plan - a map of the group room and mark dangerous places

red circles."


repetitions. The most important







nurturing the senses. In the classroom, he can act as a leading method or

methodical approach. Children are required to be able to verbalize what they












tricks. Raise




material and contribute to the consolidation of feelings. One of the methods can

be an imaginary situation: an imaginary journey into the forest, some

non-standard situation in which the characters fell.



situations in the group and at home. The game situation liberates children, removes

the obligation to study and makes this process natural and interesting.

For example: “As if a man came to our city who never

was not here. What will we show him in the group room, how will we tell him about

the basics of security in the group, on the site? Increase emotional

activities are helped by dramatization games that can be included in classes

(after reading a work of art, in preparation for the concert).

Inventing fairy tales and stories different topics. Let's invent a fairy tale

"How I was a traffic light at a crossroads ...". Increasing the activity of children

help dramatization games that can be included in classes (after

reading the work of art "Cat's House", in preparation





variety of resources in one session. For example: reading fiction

works with subsequent examination of illustrations or paintings;

reading and subsequent visual activity. Depending on the purpose





artistic means and thinks over techniques that enhance the impact

these funds on the emotional sphere of the child.








First of all, it is social reality itself.. She doesn't




nourishing his mind and soul. Therefore, important tasks are the analysis and

selection from the social environment of such content, which carries

developing potential and can become a means of introducing the child to










institution. Such a “social portrait” includes: a description of social





polyclinic); list of streets.



peace. World










be interested in them until you point them out without creating conditions

for actions with objects. Only in this case the object is subjective - for

this child- will become a means of knowing the world. The group contains items

which may be dangerous to the life of children: electrical outlets,




takes possession


objects that are safe for him, highlight useful and interesting, masters

ways of acting with them, the ability to navigate in the world of objects. By

about these subjects are conversations, reasoning. What other dangers

hidden in the group for the time being?

Fiction. Literary works are selected in groups

works of different genres: fairy tales, stories, poems, proverbs, riddles.

Special place

given to a fairy tale. The fairy tale contributes to the development of the heart

feelings, the nobility of the soul, the desire to bring joy to people. Pictures in

books can also be a means of introducing children to familiarize themselves with the basics

security, as they concretize it through visibility, imagery.

A game. Gives









actions of children in certain situations, their behavior, attitudes towards each other

friend. Since in the game, children mainly display what they especially

struck, it is not surprising that the theme of children's games can be bright, but

negative phenomenon or fact.

P ic



l e p k a,

application). Children consciously reflect the surrounding reality in

drawing, modeling, designing. Reflection that's built on the job





obtained through the word, picture and other forms of art. Boys drawing

firefighters pretend to be firefighters. From how the child perceived

social phenomena what attitude he has developed will depend

the nature of the image of these phenomena, the choice of color, the location of objects

on the sheet, their relationship.

relate kinds


the opportunity for the child to join the world of people in real terms. This

objective activity, work, observations.

subject activity. Subject activity satisfies in








objects with which the child gets acquainted with the rules of safe

dealing with them. These are piercing and cutting objects (needles, scissors, knife);

electrical appliances (tape recorder, player, iron, vacuum cleaner).

Work. The child begins to imitate adults, making attempts to sweep

floor, wash doll clothes, wipe the dust. As you purchase

labor skills, the child acquires a sense of confidence.

Leisure activities


various forms are used: holidays, quizzes, sports games

programs, leisure, entertainment.

Educational activity. In the process of learning in the classroom, the child has






which organizes the communication of knowledge, and controls their assimilation by children,

makes the necessary correction.

gets acquainted






knowledge of the world. Each tool is important in itself, and in conjunction with

by other means, organized into a single pedagogical process.

One of the main tasks that a teacher must solve when setting




preschoolers, this is the creation of certain conditions.

In solving this problem, it is more relevant to activity approach -

as a condition for familiarizing children with the basics of safety. Exactly






providing the child with the opportunity to actively explore the environment around him




joint, is a kind of school for the transfer of social experience. Not on

words, but in reality the child sees and understands what dangers surround him






takes possession

show your attitude and reflect it in actions and in deeds in different




an opportunity to praise children for a good deed, for observing




environment. IN





security basics: different albums on the subject, children's drawings,

desktop printed


theater, fiction, videos, collections of poems, riddles,

proverbs, attributes for the role-playing game "Young firefighters", etc.

systematic work to familiarize children with the basics

safety, it is possible to ensure that children demonstrate a high

the level of knowledge and skills in solving the tasks. Children will have

the desire to expand their horizons on this topic, the desire to identify and

to delve into the connections and relationships existing in our world. They will learn

highlight the main range of dangerous household items, will have







to avoid




will appear


to establish oneself in one's attitude to the surrounding reality, to follow

rules of conduct in certain situations.




formation of conscious behavior in dangerous situations.

Analytical reference on the results of thematic control.

In accordance with the order of the head of January 20, 2017 No. 74

preschool groups of preschool educational institutions:

I - th ml. gr-educator Balakhontseva A.A.

II - th ml. gr. - teacher Statova Zh.A.

secondary group "A" - educators Ogorodnikova O.S., Prokofieva E.A.

middle group "B" - educator Grigorieva A.I.

senior gr - educators Khaliullina A.A., Bukharina O.S.

preparatory group- educators Vasilyeva V.V., Derevskova A.A.





in food

educational process and updating the system of work on the formation

personal safety skills of children, through training in life safety in various forms

children's activities.

Objects of analysis:






fire department










according to


children (the presence of safety corners, didactic games, visibility)

educational planning - educational work for questions

OBZh (documentation analysis: planning - games, conversations, events,

thematic project according to the topic)




traffic injuries, traffic rules, life safety.

Also viewed NOD

event title


NOD - preparatory group

"Journey to the Land of Safety"


Derevskova A.A.

GCD - I junior group "Useful



Balakhontseva A.A.

NOD - preparatory group

"Road Rules"


Vasilyeva V.V.

NOD - preparatory group "LFK"

Physical education instructor

Bozhenko V.G.

friend or foe"


Khaliullina A.A.

NOD - senior group "Fire is our

friend or foe"


Bukharina O.V.


Ogorodnikova O.S.

GCD - middle group"Alone at home"


Grigorieva A.I.

GCD - I I group "Experts on the road


Statova Zh.A.

Kaleidoscope of pedagogical ideas

senior caregiver

Tatter A.P.

During the verification the following is set:

The teachers of preschool educational institutions give great attention health savings

children and their safety, are doing serious work on this issue and

create the necessary conditions, form children's conscious performance

rules of conduct that ensure the safety of their life and health in

modern conditions of the group, street, nature, life. Therefore, in the data

age groups created "Safety" corners filled with

a sufficient number of necessary attributes, visibility and

didactic material according to the age of the children, where the children get acquainted with

various services; learn to behave correctly in nature, in everyday life, on

body of water; get acquainted with household items, learn how to use them correctly.

Analyzing plans for educational work in groups

it can be noted that planning is carried out according to the curriculum of the preschool educational institution,

meets the program requirements, age characteristics of children.

At the time of the inspection, all documentation was at the workplace, in

filled state, except for two groups.

Group educators systematically work with parents in the form

children's safety. This can be seen on the issued information

stands for parents, which contain visual information for

parents on this topic, memos, folders, folders, planned

conversations, consultations for parents. The teachers made the most of

rules, but also skills of safe behavior on the street.

Group educators in the GCD process:

form and expand understanding of the causes and consequences

careless handling of fire;

acquaint children with the rules of the road and the rules

safe behavior on the street; explain the rules of communication with animals;

teach children how to behave in such dangerous situations as

contacts with strangers;

enrich children's understanding of health;

form in children elementary ideas about human


teach self-care, personal hygiene and

basic help;

Thus, on the basis of the control carried out, it is possible to make

the following conclusions:



children on OBZH. However, for carrying out effective work not enough





familiarizing children with ideas on life safety is not enough didactic

games, educational aids.

2. Planning of training sessions, joint activities of the teacher and



carried out








Due to









representations as a result of training and education.

4. In working with the families of pupils, work is carried out to promote

knowledge on life safety. In groups, information stands were designed on the topic,

and m e yut with me

at a glance these folders.

not enough

are used

consultations, trainings, leisure forms.

So, based on the results and conclusions drawn, the commission prepared

1. Continue work on equipping the subject-developing environment in





children's fiction, didactic games and educational

welfare benefits.

Deadline: August 2017

Answer: educators, art. resurrection

2. Diversify





activities, use

modeling situations, project method, experimentation and experiments,

inventing fairy tales on various topics)

3. Continue to introduce new technologies and innovative methods V

organization of the educational process, in GCD: on the prevention of the basics


vital activity



presentations, interactive games, watching videos "Lessons of Aunt

Owls", cartoons).

4. Plan activities to prevent road traffic

injuries regularly, according to the annual plan. ( target walks, conversations,

outdoor games, entertainment).

5. Regularly inform parents about the importance of preventive

traffic rules activities.

Deadline: May 2017

Rep. educators, st. resurrection

3.Kaleidoscope of pedagogical projects

The following pedagogical

completed projects:

I - th ml. gr-educator Balakhontseva A.A. "Visiting a fairy tale"

II - th ml. gr. - teacher Statova Zh.A. "Kids love to play"

average gr "A" - educator Ogorodnikova O.S. "Caution! Fire!"

middle group "B" - educator Grigorieva A.I. "I have toys"

senior gr - educators Khaliullina A.A. “We are acquainted with the tales of A.S.


Bukharina O.S.

preparatory group - educators Vasilyeva V.V. "Victory Day"

Derevskova A.A. "Space"





(summaries and presentations attached)

4. The choice of teachers to participate in the municipal competition

"Educator of the Year in Early Childhood Education".

In order to develop the creative activity of teaching staff

preschool education systems, support for new technologies in

organization of the educational process, the growth of professional skills

pedagogical workers of the system of preschool education, creation

conditions for self-realization and disclosure creativity, as well as on

based on the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk region No. 1202/214 dated 12.01.2017.

“On holding in 2017 the regional competition “Teacher of the Year in preschool

education”, guided by the order of the MCU MGO “Education”,

01/19/2017 No. _29_on the organization and conduct of the municipal stage

competition "Teacher of the Year in Preschool Education" in 2017, were

applications from two teachers Khaliullina A.A. and Derevskova A.A.

During the consideration of the submitted materials, the following were made:

conclusions (in a point system)

Statement from the pedagogical

employee to participate

in the competition

from Khaliullina A.A.

Application from a pedagogical worker for teaching

in competition from

Derevskova A.A.















period before the competition


Presentation from the head of educational


Information card of the participant of the competition

Essay "My pedagogical initiative"

Essay "My pedagogical initiative" (

Video recording of the pedagogical event

Work experience (as required)


Video recording of a fragment of work with the parent


Presentation of the development environment

Presentation of the development environment

The decision of the teachers' council

All the work of the teaching staff should be directed to strengthening and

preservation of children's health through the formation of a safe

behavior. Organize demonstration material for parents with

the purpose of assisting in the education of safe behavior of the child,

interested in a healthy lifestyle.

Deadline: permanent

Responsible: all teachers.

Take note of the system of measures based on the results of thematic control.

Enrich group safety corners with equipment to

safe behavior of pupils.

Deadlines: During February Responsible:


According to the results of thematic control on life safety and when considering

proposed pedagogical projects by the head Krynetskaya M.V.

it was proposed to go with these developments to the municipal

level in order to dissimilate the experiences of teachers.

Dates: March

In order to develop creativity and innovation,

dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, improvement

the prestige of the preschool educational institution, send two teachers Khaliullina A.A. and Derevskov

A.A. to participate in the municipal competition "Teacher of the Year in

preschool education".

Deadline: February

Responsible: Art. educator

Prepared by: Zinina I. S. Abramenkova I. V. City of Moscow 2017 State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow School No. 1375 SP No. 5

Means and methods of forming the foundations of life safety of children of primary preschool age


  • Formation in preschool children of basic ideas, knowledge, skills and abilities about the basics of life safety.
  • Stimulating the development of semantic formations in children, behavioral skills in matters of safety and life.
  1. Acquisition of knowledge on life safety.
  2. Development of personality traits necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, ensuring safe behavior in dangerous situations.
  3. Raising a sense of responsibility for personal safety, a value attitude to one's health and life.
  4. Mastering the skills to anticipate potential dangers and act correctly in case of their occurrence, use personal protective equipment.
  5. Contribute to the emotional and prosperous development of the child - preschooler.


a set of methods for acquainting children with the basics of safety, in particular:

observation method. A special place is occupied by observation. It enriches the child's social experience. Whatever the child does, he always observes and remembers everything. (the behavior of adults in dangerous situations (how the teacher works with a cutting object "scissors" ) relationships with other people). The process of observation in a child is always active, even if outwardly this activity is expressed weakly. It is from him that the child draws "material" for a formative worldview, for one's own "pictures of the world" . This picture of the world can include not only positive things, but also things that would be pedagogically inappropriate for a child to see. Observation stimulates the development of cognitive interests, gives birth and reinforces the rules for handling dangerous objects. The special organization of observations of the behavior of norm carriers is also important.

comparison method. Children can compare: fire is good or fire is bad. When using this method, it is necessary to determine with which comparison to start - with a comparison by similarity or a comparison by contrast. Comparison by contrast is easier for children than by likeness. The comparison method helps children complete grouping and classification tasks. In order to group, classify objects, phenomena, the ability to analyze, generalize, highlight essential features is required. All this contributes to the conscious assimilation of the material and arouses interest in it. For example: I offer children images in pictures, they are given the task to select the items that the firefighter will need when extinguishing the fire and select the items that are burning. The classification technique contributes to cognitive activity if it is used not as an end in itself, but in the context of a task that is close and understandable to the child: to select objects for a thematic exhibition, pictures for an album, etc.

Situation modeling method. Simulation of such situations: smoke in a group, smoke from a neighboring house, a water pipe burst, what will you do, give the scissors correctly, found a pill in a group, your actions. Simulation of situations gives the child practical skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and develops thinking, imagination and prepares the child for the ability to get out of extreme situations in life. For the development of imagination and creativity, it is important to put children in a situation of finding solutions to logical and practical problems. IN junior group elementary problem situations are offered, but each time complicating the task for children. It is advisable to teach children of older preschool age to draw up a plan - a map of a group, a site of a preschool institution, roads to kindergarten, and even a model of a microdistrict. Children learn to arrange objects in space, correlate them, "read" card in the process of tasks such as "Let's make a plan - a map of the group room and mark dangerous places with red circles" .

repetition method. The most important didactic principle, without which it is impossible to talk about the strength of the assimilation of knowledge and the education of feelings. In the classroom, he can act as a leading method or methodical technique. Children are required to be able to identify what they have learned. Repetition leads to the appearance of generalizations, contributes to the independent formulation of conclusions, increases cognitive activity.

Game tricks. They improve the quality of assimilation of cognitive material and contribute to the consolidation of feelings. One of the tricks can be an imaginary situation: an imaginary journey into the forest, some kind of non-standard situation that the characters find themselves in. "Dunno came to visit us, let's tell him about dangerous situations in the group and at home" . The game situation liberates children, removes the obligation to study and makes this process natural and interesting. For example: “It’s as if a person who has never been here has come to our city. What will we show him in the group room, how will we tell him about the basics of safety in the group, on the site? Dramatization games that can be included in classes help to increase emotional activity. (after reading a work of art, in preparation for a concert). Inventing fairy tales and stories on various topics. Let's invent a fairy tale "How I was a traffic light at a crossroads..." . Dramatization games that can be included in classes help to increase the activity of children. (after reading a work of art "Cat house" , when preparing entertainment). strong impact the senses are affected by a combination of various means in one lesson. For example: reading a work of art, followed by viewing illustrations or paintings; reading and subsequent visual activity. Depending on the purpose of the lesson, the age characteristics of the children, the teacher selects 3 artistic means and thinks over techniques that enhance the impact of these means on the emotional sphere of the child.

It should be said about the means of acquainting children with the basics of security: First of all, this is social reality itself. It is not only an object of study, but also a means that affects the child, nourishes his mind and soul. Therefore, important tasks are the analysis and selection from the social environment of such content that carries a developing potential and can become a means of introducing the child to the social world. During excursions, the attention of children is drawn to "social portrait" environment in which the preschool is located. In such "social portrait" includes: description of social objects of the immediate environment (school, shop, library, children's clinic); list of streets. Objects of the man-made world. The world is diverse, therefore, the objects surrounding the child should be diverse in properties, qualities, functions. Children may not notice objects, not be interested in them until you point to them, without creating conditions for actions with objects. Only in this case will the object subjectively - for a given child - become a means of knowing the world. There are items in the group that may be life-threatening for children: electrical sockets, needles, scissors, a knife, forks, medicines, a vacuum cleaner. As the knowledge of the objective world progresses, the child acquires the ability to distinguish objects that are dangerous and safe for him, to single out useful and interesting ones, learns how to act with them, and the ability to navigate the world of objects. There are discussions and discussions about these subjects. What other dangers are hidden in the group for the time being?

Fiction. The groups are selected literary works different genres: fairy tales, stories, poems, proverbs, riddles. A special place is given to the fairy tale. The fairy tale contributes to the development of heartfelt feelings, the nobility of the soul, the desire to bring joy to people. Pictures in books can also become a means of familiarizing children with the basics of security, as they concretize it through visibility and imagery.

A game. Gives the child “methods of modeling the surrounding life available to him, which make it possible to master the reality, it would seem, inaccessible to him” . The actions of children in certain situations, their behavior, attitudes towards each other depend on the content of the game. Since in the game, children mainly reflect what they were particularly struck by, it is not surprising that a bright but negative phenomenon or fact can become the theme of children's games.

Visual activity (drawing "Traffic lights, footpath their purpose" , modeling "Introduction to the stack and its safe use» , application). Children consciously reflect the surrounding reality in drawing, modeling, designing. Reflection, which is built on the work of the imagination, on the display of one's observations, as well as impressions received through the word, picture and other forms of art. Boys, drawing firefighters, portray themselves as firefighters. The nature of the image of these phenomena, the choice of color, the arrangement of objects on the sheet, their relationship will depend on how the child perceived social phenomena, what attitude he had. The second group includes activities that enable the child to join the world of people in real terms.

Objective activity, work, observations. Subject activity satisfies in certain period development of the child, his cognitive interests, helps to navigate in the world around him. The group should have objects with the help of which the child gets acquainted with the rules for the safe handling of them. These are piercing objects (needles, scissors, knife); electrical appliances (tape recorder, player, iron, vacuum cleaner).

Work. The child begins to imitate adults, making attempts to sweep the floor, wash doll clothes, wipe the dust. As the child acquires labor skills, the child acquires a sense of confidence.

Leisure activities are always a holiday for children, various forms are used: holidays, quizzes, sports and game programs, leisure activities, entertainment. Educational activity. In the process of learning in the classroom, the child has the opportunity to acquire knowledge under the guidance of an adult who organizes the communication of knowledge, and controls their assimilation by children, and makes the necessary correction.

Thus, the child is introduced to the basics of security through a variety of means, through the integration of all educational areas. They are the source of knowledge of the world. Each tool is important in itself, and in conjunction with other tools, organized into a single pedagogical process. One of the main tasks that a teacher must solve, setting himself the goal of forming the foundations of safe behavior among preschoolers, is the creation of certain conditions. In solving this problem, the activity approach is more relevant - as a condition for familiarizing children with the basics of safety. It is the activity approach that is both a condition and a means that provides the child with the opportunity to actively explore the world around him and become part of this world himself. Activity, especially joint activity, is a kind of school for the transfer of social experience. Not in words, but in deeds, the child sees and understands what dangers surround him around, what rules and recommendations must be followed. Activity provides a condition for the formation of many personal qualities. The child learns empathy, experience, masters the ability to show his attitude and reflect it in actions and in practice in various dangerous situations. In turn, it is necessary to use every opportunity to praise children for a good deed, for observing prohibitions. Spatial - subject environment. A space is created in the group where children can get acquainted with different material on the basics of safety: different albums on this topic, children's drawings, board-printed games, paintings, sets of illustrations, different types of theater, fiction, videos, collections of poems, riddles, proverbs , attributes for a role-playing game "Young Firefighters" etc. By carrying out systematic work to familiarize children with the basics of safety, it is possible to ensure that children demonstrate a high level of knowledge and skills in solving the tasks. Children will have a desire to expand their horizons on this topic, a desire to identify and delve into the connections and relationships existing in our world. They will learn to identify the main range of dangerous household items, will have complete, accurate ideas about precautionary measures, understand and argue the significance of their observance; will know how to avoid danger and get out of the current situation. There will be a need to establish oneself in one's attitude to the surrounding reality, to follow the rules of behavior in certain situations. By doing this, we save the life and health of children, contribute to the formation of conscious behavior in dangerous situations.

Subject-developing environment

We have created a comfortable, favorable microclimate in the group, which contributes to the formation of the foundations of life safety. Created a space where children can get to know different material on this topic (in a conspicuous place children's drawings, board-printed games, paintings, sets of illustrations ( "Electrical Appliances" ) , different types of theater, fiction, collections of poems, riddles, proverbs).

The group has "places of solitude" , giving the child the opportunity to draw alone, look at a book, think. But there is room for collective games, occupations. Fairy tales were read to the children "Cat house" , "The wolf and the seven Young goats" , "Zayushkina's hut"

Working with parents:

The family plays an important role in this program. The family is the first institution in which the foundations of the future personality are laid, parents and teachers must present the child with uniform, reasonable and understandable requirements.

I also wanted to introduce you to the topics of parent meetings, conversations that I conducted in my group:

"Do not leave children unsupervised" .

"What to do in case of fire" .

"Handling electrical appliances" .

Conclusion: So

In the process of enriching knowledge about the rules of life safety, children gradually become aware of their meaning. Children begin to identify sources of danger in everyday life, ways to handle potentially dangerous household items, understand the need to take precautions.

Having learned to act in a certain way in play conditions that reproduce contact with potentially dangerous household items, preschoolers feel much more confident in real life.

Systematic activities on the part of adults aimed at developing the experience of safe behavior in everyday life is important condition preparation of the child for a safe existence in the environment and is of a propaedeutic, preventive nature.


K. Yu. Belaya “Formation of the basics of safety in preschoolers aged 2-7 years. – Mosaic-Synthesis, 2017 -64 p.”

At the moment, on the implementation of this topic, we consolidate knowledge with children during K.G. N. not only how to use soap correctly, but also how to behave safely and be in the washroom, not pushing, not splashing water so as not to slip

While eating, we teach children not only to hold a spoon and maintain proper posture, but also to chew food correctly and thoroughly, not to talk so as not to choke.

While waking up, doing exercises, do not jump on the beds, be careful in a cramped room.

Teach children to include concentration while using the massage track.

During physical education, be attentive and careful. Strictly observe the rules of the teacher.

But, also during labor actions at home and on the street, take precautions not to talk to strangers through the fence and not take anything from their hands, observe safety rules, do not pick up unfamiliar objects, do not take anything from the floor into your mouth ..

During games: follow the rules of the game, do not push, give way to each other and do not fight. Handle the solid constructor carefully so as not to cause injury to yourself and others.

Move carefully so as not to bump into furniture. Learn to carefully open and close doors.

View photos:

"My hands are clean, clean, I will not be a chimney sweep!"

During a meal. “We sit very still. We follow the posture " .


“We woke up, stretched and smiled at each other” .

“We walk along the road, we tickle our legs” .

Physical training.

“Physical education is a class! We are all healthy!”

“We clean, we clean, we clean - We often help adults!”

“We walk a lot - we have fun and play” .

In Group.

“There are different games - everyone helps to learn” .


Pedagogy and didactics

The main goal of educating safe behavior in children is to give each child the basic concepts of life-threatening situations and the characteristics of behavior in them.


Modern pre-school education reflects the general internal goals inherent in educational systems to promote the development of a person, his cultural self-determination and productive inclusion in life. The process of preschool education ensures the expansion and complication of individual resources for the development of the child's personality by means of culture. It is necessary that in preschool childhood each child acquires sufficient personal socio-cultural experience, which will serve as the foundation for his full development and readiness for schooling.

It is well known that childhood is a unique period in a person's life, it is at this time that health is formed, the formation of personality takes place. Childhood experience largely determines a person's adult life. At the beginning of the journey, next to the defenseless and trusting baby, there are the most important people in his life - these are parents and educators. Thanks to their love and care, emotional closeness and support, the child grows and develops, he gains confidence in the world and the people around him. We wish our children happiness. And all our attempts to protect them from troubles and hardships are dictated by this.

We want their life to be smart and festive, filled with rich content, sunny and lucky. But the main thing is to teach them to be happy. Today, the reality is that in the modern world, no one is immune from social upheavals, or from natural disasters, or from environmental disasters, or from the growth of crime, or from economic instability. Unfortunately, our mentality “ignores” the pricelessness of human life, so the “super task” is for children to understand: the human body is a complex, but extremely fragile creation of nature, and one must be able to protect and protect oneself, one’s health, one’s life .

Being present for a short time in kindergarten, you notice that many children are not independent, lack initiative, cannot make decisions on their own, do not know who to turn to for help, do not know how to make the right decision in extreme situations, do not know the rules of behavior for safety. We agree with the opinion of many researchers (R. I. Zhukovsky, S. A. Kozlova, E. K. Suslova and others) that it is impossible to raise children “alienated” from life at this stage. It is no coincidence that right now, in a difficult transitional period in the life of our fatherland, the teams of many preschool educational institutions began to look for opportunities for fruitful work on the "basics of the safety of preschool children." This problem is being developed, causing interest among practitioners and researchers. The main goal of educating safe behavior in children is to give each child the basic concepts of life-threatening situations and the characteristics of behavior in them. Security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. This problem seems to be so relevant that it served as the basis for choosing this topic.


Formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age


The process of forming the foundations of life safety in older preschoolers


Methodology for the formation of the basis of life safety in preschoolers.


To define, substantiate and test the methods of forming the foundations of life safety in children of senior preschool age.


1. To study the methodological and psychological-pedagogical literature on this topic.

2. To identify the levels of formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age.

3. To test the methodology for the formation of the basics of safety in children of senior preschool age.

4. Reveal the effectiveness of experimental work.


Conscious learning of the basics of life safety will be carried out more effectively if the following methods are used:

To test the hypothesis and solve the tasks set, a set of methods was used that were adequate to the object and subject of the study:

theoretical methods (analysis, modeling, diagnostics, processing of results);

empirical methods (observation, experiment, conversation, comparison)

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of life safety in children of senior preschool age.

  1. Formation of the foundations of life safety in the history of domestic and foreign literature.

IN the history of preschool education since the middle of the 19th century, in classical pedagogy, along with general issues of education and upbringing of children, the issues of educating a healthy lifestyle, occupational health, instilling sanitary and hygienic skills and safe behavior skills began to occupy a significant place.

K.D.Ushinsky wrote that “education reduces the number of dangers that threaten our lives, reduces the number of causes of fear, and, making it possible to measure the danger and determine its consequences, reduces the tension of fear in view of these dangers.”

In 1917, Bulletin No. 2 of the School Health Department under the People's Commissariat of Education stated: “Life protectionand health of children of all ages is a completely new phenomenon in our Russian life. Older children died without counting from various accidents, from infectious diseases ... lifeand the health of every child must henceforth be sacredly guarded.” It was during this period that a new subject was introduced - school hygiene, the main task of which was to acquaint students withbasics of "accidents"and first aid rules.

IN national preschool pedagogy of the Soviet period the problem of life protectionand children's health was recognized as very important and found practical expression in some policy documents, methodologicalliterature and experience of preschool education. So, at the end of the 20-30s, in the works on labor education by O. Degtyarenko, N. Kovalkovskaya, E. Krasnopolsky and others, it was noted that preschool children need to be introduced to some issues of technologysafety in everyday life, including rules for handling potentially dangerous objects. In the project "Programs of the work of preschool institutions (by type of activity)" (1932), an attempt was made to determine the volume of these skills in each age group.

However, in 1936-1937, when the kindergarten programs were revised, these issues were excluded from the regulatory documents. Difficulties encountered by a number of practitioners (lack of methodological support, lack of necessary aids and, as a result, the desired result in the development of children and the acquisition of knowledge by them) led to the conclusion that the material that forms ideas about household and other types of equipment is too complex and should be excluded from methods of working with preschoolers. And although in the future a number of scientists (L.I. Grekhova, T.V. Zemtsova, L.M. Klarina, N.N. Nikandrov and others), studying the issues of familiarizing preschoolers with technical phenomena, found that children have access to information about electricity, mechanical and physical phenomena, as well as the design of household and transport vehicles, the problem of ensuring safety when working with them is properly reflected in the program documents of preschool education in 1964-1985. did not find.

However, the issues of prevention of road traffic injuries have been developed quite fully and in detail in preschool pedagogy since the 30s of the XX century. In 1937, V.M. Fedyaevskaya for the first time identified the causes of accidents with preschoolers on the street: children's ignorance of traffic rules; inattention to what is happening on the street; inability to control oneself; lack of awareness of danger. The author proved the possibility and necessity of teaching street safety to children, mainly from the older group; “...such work should be permanent, wedged into all types of activities in kindergarten.” VM Fedyaevskaya's research was continued by practitioners of preschool institutions and police officers. Since 1939, the journal Preschool Education has published a large number of articles on the problem of children's safety on the street. Methodsand methods of teaching preschoolers the rules of behavior on the street, proposed by V.M. Fedyaevskaya, were later supplemented by E.Ya. Stepanenkova, M.F. Filenko and etc.

According to A.M. Yakupov, such a development of the problem influenced the fact that in “preschool educational institutions, more attention is still paid to studying the rules of the road with children” than to educating other components of the child’s safe behavior (at home, on the street, in nature ).

In the 1960s-1980s, about the prevention of misfortunes with preschoolers both at home, in kindergarten, andand it was mostly medical workers who spoke on the street. But, as the researchers note, the solution of this issue turned out to be beyond the power of specialists in the field of classical medicine, because they are not familiar with the specifics of the educational process in a preschool institution.

Analysis literature shows that most researchers of teachers suggest using game methodsand techniques for introducing children to safety rules, such as didactic games, dramatization games, game problem situations, game modeling, game shells of classes, game characters.

Under a culture of safety the life of a child, scientists mean a combination of three components: the information component - knowledge about security human life (“I know the rules of life safety”); behavioral component the ability to act in problem situations (“I can use the rules security life"); emotional-volitional component respond correctly to problem situations, conscious attitude to lifeand human health (“I want to follow the rules of life safety”)

Analysis literature allowed us to characterize a child who has a culture security life: this is a child who has formed ideas about safetylife activity, which is motivated to protect their livesand health, as well as the people around him, society as a whole. This is a child who knows his abilities.and believing in his own strength, following the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, having experience in safe behavior in everyday life.

Thus, as the conditions of human life change, as modernization increases, the rules for the safety of human life activity change, they become more complicated, and more and more require increased study and teaching of them to children.

  1. Features of the social development of preschool children.

The formation of the foundations of life safety is an aspect of the social development of preschoolers, so we will consider the features of social development. The process of social development is a complex phenomenon, during which the child appropriates objectively given norms, rules of human society and asserts himself as a social subject. The heterogeneity of the social environment determines the specifics of the socio-cultural space, through which a person joins the cultural universal, national, regional and other values. The works of E.I. Radina, R.I. Zhukovskaya, S.A. Kozlova, M.I. Bogomolova, V.I. Loginova, N.V. Melnikova. In their studies, the questions of the formation of certain knowledge about social reality are mainly covered.

An analysis of domestic psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature makes it possible to single out different approaches to the problem of introducing a child to the social world. Thus, the subjects of study are the issues of the “social competence” of the child, the child’s awareness of himself as a representative of the human race (S.A. Kozlova, O.A. Knyazeva, S.E. Shukshina, etc.), children’s perception of the world of objects, the formation of child "pictures of the world, the role of the game in the process of formation of the children's environment. The social development of the individual is a means and a result of socialization. Socialization can be represented as a process of development and implementation of social content by a growing person; secondly, it is considered as the real content of a person's maturation, in which the formation of a significant in the individual subject of active creative social action takes place (L.V. Kolomiychenko) . In the first case, the child is more of an object of assimilation and acquisition of social experience, in the second case, the subject of his own creative activity.

It is possible to solve the set tasks and achieve this result when implementing a competency-based approach. The criterion by which one can judge the presence or absence of a given ability in a person is probably “competence”. At the moment, there are several definitions of "competence", and all of them are united by a view of a competent person as a person who is able to find, discover a procedure suitable for solving a specific problem.

On the basis of the concept of competence, the concept of "competence" is formed - as a characteristic of a person who has a set of certain competencies. Depending on the type of activity or sphere of activity of an individual, the set of competencies is different, moreover, their quality and quantity at different age stages of development of people of different social groups differ.

Social development involves orientation in the system of social roles that exist in a given society. A child is inextricably linked with society from birth. In ontogeny, these connections expand. In different periods of life, a person, due to the age characteristics of the psyche, interacts with society in different ways. Of all the variety of social relations, an infant most of all needs emotional contact with his mother and loved ones, a teenager sees society as a way of self-affirmation, an adult person not only self-actualizes through society, but is also able to offer something to him.

The first significant social group for children, the first institution of socialization is the family, then the staff of the preschool institution. This mini society is a kind of model of a real society. Here, the child's behavioral characteristics in relation to peers and adults, his ability to establish contacts, stand up for himself, interact with others, etc., are manifested. In addition to the spontaneous experience of communication, children in kindergarten receive certain knowledge about society, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in it.

Thus, in the course of social development, the child appropriates objectively set norms, rules of human society and asserts himself as a social subject.Teaching children the rules of safe behavior is a very important and necessary work. It is extremely important to start it on time, you must not miss the time. Each defect of the teacher, concerning the personal safety of the child, can subsequently turn into a disaster. Life is given to a person only once. In order to live with dignity and happiness, it must be preserved. The task of adults is to prepare the child for the future life, for meeting various situations.

1.3 Analysis of approaches to the formation of the foundations of life safety in preschool children.

The tasks of forming the foundations of life safety are related to the process of socialization and are aimed at developing social competence in preschool children. The formation of social competence is determined by one of the priority tasks in development and education programs. Each educational program for preschool educational institutions involves a section. Since the upbringing and education program is a normative document, it also provides for requirements for the level of upbringing and education of children. As a rule, this correspondence is revealed in older preschoolers when they face the problem of transition to new social conditions - to school. In other words, by this time it is important for the child to form social competence, expressed in a set of behavioral competencies that will allow him to integrate into a new team. Despite the relative novelty of the competency-based approach in education, it has already found its reflection in preschool education programs.

The purpose of the S.A. Kozlova "I am a man"- to help the teacher to reveal the world around the child, to form his ideas about himself as a representative of the human race; about people, about their feelings, actions, rights and obligations; about various human activities; on the basis of knowledge to develop a creative, free personality, possessing a sense of dignity and respect for people.

primary goal program "Origins" (authors: the staff of the Center "Preschool Childhood" named after A.V. Zaporozhets)It consists in the versatile development of the child, the formation of his universal abilities and the level corresponding to the age-related capabilities and requirements of modern society, providing all children with an early start in development, maintaining and strengthening their health.

“An exemplary general educational program for the upbringing, education and development of children of early and preschool age”, ed. L.A. Paramonova (2004)

The program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" (authors: N. Avdeeva, O. Knyazeva, R. Sterkina)

Determining the main content and direction of the development of children, the compilers of the program reserve for each preschool institution the right to use various forms and methods of organizing education, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, sociocultural differences, the originality of home and living conditions, as well as the general socio-economic and criminogenic situation. ; At the same time, the main guideline should be taking into account the life experience of children, the characteristics of their behavior, and preferences.

The area "Safety" has been purposefully and systematically implemented by most kindergartens in Russia for 15-20 years, but mainly through the corresponding partial programs, that is, in addition to the basic and comprehensive ones. At present, in view of the introduction of the FGT on November 23, 2009, the educational area "Safety" becomes a mandatory study. The separation of "Security" from the area of ​​"Socialization" into a separate educational area is in many ways a special social order of the family, society and the state, which determines the importance and relevance of its implementation. There is another factor that influenced the isolation of this area - a certain complexity of the work of teachers: the age characteristics of preschool children are not fertile ground for solving the problems of the "Safety" area. A normally developing preschool child is quite trusting in the world around him. He is generally characterized by a sense of security, including in dealing with strangers, and in various dangerous situations (at home, in nature, on the street). In addition, the safety of a preschooler is largely determined and depends on the surrounding adults (parents, teachers), which reduces the level of awareness by children of their own actions that ensure safety in the world around them.

That is why the authors of the FGT propose to separate the educational area "Security" into a separate section. This will allow in an accessible form to prepare the child for a safe life in the environment, to train children in ways of behaving in situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world. The goal of the educational area "Safety" isthe formation of the foundations for the safety of one's own life and the formation of the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (the safety of the surrounding world) through the solution of the following tasks:

1. Formation of ideas about situations dangerous for a person and the natural world and ways of behavior in them;

2. Introduction to the rules of safe behavior for a person and the environment;

3. Transferring knowledge to children about the rules of road safety as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

4. Formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to situations potentially dangerous for humans and the natural world.

Tasks are also, which the educator must decide in the process of implementationeducational activities "Security" in senior preschool age:

1. Formation in children of knowledge about the careful handling of dangerous objects, flammable objects, the consequences of fires, actions in the event of a fire, and dangers in everyday life.

2. Developing the skills of careful behavior when dealing with strangers, in conflict situations with peers.

3. Mastering knowledge about safe behavior in the yard, on the street, on the road, in public transport, on the rules of the road.

4. Formation of knowledge about caring for nature, about the rules of safe behavior in nature, about the functions of the human body, about personal hygiene, microbes and viruses, health and disease.

5. Development of the ability to foresee a possible danger in a specifically changing situation and build an adequate, safe behavior.

6. Giving children the opportunity to evaluate their achievements, feel the joy in the manifestation of their knowledge.

Various methods are used to implement tasks:

  1. Visual (showing, using aids, imitation)
  2. Visual-auditory (use of music)
  3. Practical (carrying out in a game form, in a competitive form)
  4. Verbal (commands, explanations, questions, figurative plot stories) .

Thus, we reviewed programs that present the goals and objectives of the formation of the foundations of life safety in preschool children. And also considered the goals, objectives and methods of the field "Safety" for FGT in children of senior preschool age. We will focus on these tasks in the formative experiment.

Chapter 2. Experimental work on the formation of the foundations of life safety in preschool children

2.1 Model of experimental work.

Experimental work consisted of ascertaining, forming and control experiments.

The purpose of the experimental work was to practically test the methods for the formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age.

The experimental study was carried out on the basis of the Kolokolchik MDOU, Koskul village, Svetlinsky district, with children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old).

The experiment involved 10 children who regularly attend the kindergarten group.

The purpose of the ascertaining stage of the experiment was to identify the level of formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age.

The following key components are distinguished in the structure of the life safety of a child:

  1. Information component knowledge about the safety of human life;
  2. Behavioral component ability to act in problem situations;
  3. Emotional-volitional component respond correctly to problem situations, conscious attitude to human life and health

Our task was to see how these components are manifested in the safe life of children of senior preschool age.

In order to identify the level of knowledge on the basics of life safety, we used observation and conversation.

The analysis of the results of observation was carried out according to the following indicators: 1) compliance with the rules of behavior on a walk; 2) compliance with the rules of behavior in the group; 3) compliance with the rules of conduct in the gym.

The purpose of the formative stage is to conduct experimental work on the formation of the foundations of life safety for preschoolers.

We assumed that the effectiveness of the formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age can be achieved by observing the following methods:

1. Verbal: conversation, reading fiction, situational conversation to form ideas about the basics of life safety;

2. Practical: role-playing games, problem situations, for the formation of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in one's own life;

3. Methods that provide emotional stimulation and motivational activities to form the foundations of life safety.

At the stage of the formative experiment, the following tasks were set: to introduce the rules of safe behavior at home, to study the rules for handling electrical appliances, to cultivate the skills of careful handling of fire, to familiarize children with the rules of fire safety.

The effectiveness of the developed pedagogical technology for the formation of the foundations of life safety in children of senior preschool age was tested at the control stage of the study.

At this stage of the experimental work, the goal was to reveal a new level of knowledge of children in the basics of life safety, to compare the results obtained with the initial data, and thus to check the effectiveness of the system of the work carried out.

The objectives of the control phase of the study were as follows:

1. Determine the level of formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age.

2. Compare the achieved level of formation of the basics of life safety with the level of formation of the basics of safe life, identified at the ascertaining stage of the study.

To solve the tasks set at the control stage of the experiment and to test our hypothesis, diagnostic methods were used that were implemented at the ascertaining stage of the study: conversation and observation.

2.2 Ascertaining experiment. Identification of the level of formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age

We must send children to school with a lot of knowledge, but also prepare children to face various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. In order to understand what exactly children know, think, feel, I used conversations, discussions - this made it possible to avoid transferring knowledge that they already know or that they cannot yet use because of their incomprehensibility or remoteness from real life .. You can highlight such rules of conduct that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. To do this, it is very important to find an adequate way to explain these rules to children, and then monitor their implementation. I think that security is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. In addition, children may find themselves in unpredictable situations on the street and at home, so it is necessary to stimulate the development of their independence and responsibility. It is necessary to pay more attention to the organization of various types of activities aimed at acquiring by children a certain skill of behavior and experience. After all, everything that children are taught, they must be able to apply in real life, in practice. To prevent children from developing "information neurosis" due to the expansion and deepening of knowledge about extreme situations in everyday life, I conducted an experiment to identify the level of their knowledge and interests, the degree of formation of practical skills, in which 10 people participated. The participants were asked the following questions:

1.What is your name? First Name Last Name.

2.Where do you live? Home address.

3. Home phone number?

4. What are the names of your parents? Full Name.

5. Where do parents work?

6. Address of the kindergarten?

7. Who and by what phones do they contact in case of fire, attack, injury, smell of gas?

8. Do you turn on electrical appliances and equipment without your parents?

9. When leaving home, do you unplug electrical appliances?

10. Do you know how to behave in difficult and unexpected situations?

11. What will you do if you are left alone at home?

12. Can you trust strangers? Why?

The analysis of the results of the conversation was carried out according to the criteria: 1) knowledge about oneself and parents, about the place of residence; 2) an adequate assessment of their capabilities in unexpected situations; 3) the ability to realize the different nature of the attitude of others towards oneself.

Assessment Methods

Number of questions


10-12 questions

High level

7-9 questions

Average level

4-6 questions

Low level


Number of children

High level

Average level

Low level

Qualitative Analysis



20 %


40 %


40 %

The results were as follows: children know their data, but not everyone knows the phone number, parents' place of work, they do not know how to behave in dangerous situations, which is the motivation for follow-up observations.

In order to identify the level of compliance with the rules of behavior of preschoolers, we observed children in natural conditions. The content of the observation included the following indicators:

  1. Compliance with the rules of conduct on a walk;
  2. Compliance with the rules of behavior in the group;
  3. Compliance with the rules of conduct in the gym.

Assessment Methods

Assessment results. Quantitative Analysis


Number of children

High level

5 children (know how to behave on a walk, in a group, in the gym and follow the necessary rules of conduct)

Average level

3 children (have insufficiently accurate ideas about the rules of behavior on walks, in a group, in the gym and do not always follow them)

Low level

2 children (do not have clear, clear ideas about the rules of behavior on walks, in a group, in the gym and rarely follow them)

Qualitative Analysis



50 %


30 %


20 %

Thus, after a detailed analysis of the results of the conversation and observations, we came to the conclusion that the conversation is not always a regulator of the formation of knowledge, so it is necessary to use a variety of methods for the formation of knowledge and its application according to the rules of safe behavior.

2.3 Formative experiment. Experimental work on the formation of the foundations of life safety for preschoolers

At this stage of the experiment, we tested the hypothesis. In order to form ideas about the basics of life safety, verbal methods were used conversation, reading fiction. In order to form the skills to apply the acquired knowledge in our own lives, we used practical methods role-playing games, problem situations. We also used methods that provide emotional stimulation and motivational activities to form the foundations of life safety. These methods were implemented on the informational and behavioral key components, which caused an emotionally conscious response to problem situations, to human life and health.

I started working with a group of subjects, talking about danger and safety. She asked questions: what dangers surround you around? Name the places in the house, in the apartment where you are in danger? (in the bathroom, in the kitchen, on the balcony, on the Christmas tree, in the entrance, in the attic, in the elevator, in the basement). She explained that some dangers are hidden for the time being: a nail in a chair, a broken bottle, while others are immediately visible: on the stove - a boiling kettle, a hot pan, on an ironing board - a hot iron, spilled oil. In the bathroom poisonous aerosols against insects. Even an ordinary faucet with hot water or cold water can be dangerous for an inattentive person. Find dangerous places in the group room: in the reception area the doors by the lockers (you can pinch your finger); in the group sharp corners at the tables, large windows with glass, hot food; in the washroom: faucet with water, wet floor, burning light; in the bedroom beds with sharp corners. Then we drew a plan diagram of the group room and marked all the dangerous places with red circles. They remembered the rules of conduct in the washroom, bedroom, dressing room, the route for going out for a walk (railings our friends and enemies); Kindergarten site (examination for danger). I did a simulation of situations: in the group all the chairs disappeared, all the beds, the water disappeared what are you going to do? They remembered with the children the heroes of fairy tales, cartoons: Pinocchio, Ivanushka, Robinson, Gulliver. Why are the heroes of fairy tales able to overcome the dangers? (they are brave, dexterous, lucky, courageous, resourceful, managed to find a way out of dangerous situations). I showed pictures of dangerous situations. Conducted the game "Find 10 signs of dangerous situations." Thus, we concluded: that danger is harmful factors that threaten the health of human life, and security is the state of protection of a person from the effects of adverse factors.

After such a conversation, I introduced the children to public protection services: fire brigade 01, police 02, ambulance 03, gas emergency service 04. There is also the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, where rescue teams have been created that assistance to the victims. To do this, they have a special technique. I explained that children should be aware of visible danger signals and report them to adults: the clinking of a bottle in a room, a wisp of smoke, water in a hallway, an unpleasant odor. In some places there are recommendations warnings that can be found in the entrance, on the bus, near the elevator, in the instructions for the TV: "Caution high voltage", "Do not distract the driver", "Flammable", "Strictly no smoking."

Conducted a conversation reasoning on the topic "Danger electricity". Many things that surround us in everyday life are powered by electricity. For example: we are considering a clock, but it does not work, let's try to put a battery in. It has two poles, plus and minus. We must not make a mistake, put "plus" to "plus", and "minus" to "minus". When we inserted the battery, an electric current went through the watch, and the watch started working. The hands are moving, the clock is ticking it's got electricity. Can electricity be found in nature? Yes, lightning is also a discharge of electricity. Have you ever felt a slight crackle on yourself, and sometimes even sparks? This is also electricity. Sometimes you can hear the crackling of synthetic clothing when you take it off. Sometimes the comb sticks to the hair and the hair stands on end. Things and hair, our body is electrified. Does our group have electricity? What items can you guess about the presence of electricity (sockets, switches, light bulbs, wires). All electrical appliances work with electricity.

Many years ago, people did not know that electricity could be used. Let's go back in time for a few minutes and see how people managed without electricity. Conducted the game "What is, what was." Children lay out cards that make up pairs: washing machine trough, vacuum cleaner broom, mixer whisk, iron ironing stick, sewing machine needle, electric lamp candle, sundial electronic clock, stove gas stove, electric stove, abacus computer. Now let's think about what will happen in the future. Imagine that you need to use electricity to improve the item that you see on the card. Think about how it will work, what new actions to perform, how to help a person in life? The game "What is, what will be." (Children come up with an electric heated blanket, boots battery-powered walkers, heated mittens). Electricity is a great discovery. Scientists learned how to get electric current 160 years ago. Now all enterprises of the city work with the help of electricity, on modern equipment. Machines, computers, robots help people.

Then she had a conversation on the topic "electrical appliances". Name them? (TV, tape recorder, refrigerator, microwave oven, vacuum cleaner, mixer, coffee grinder, etc.) All of them must be fixed. And if you notice any malfunctions in the operation of these and other electrical appliances, be sure to tell an adult about it. The group should have household appliances: a vacuum cleaner, a tape recorder, a watch. If they cannot be kept permanently, then they should be brought in, periodically examined how they work, to identify what principle is inherent in the mechanism of action. You can bring a coffee grinder and consider how the coffee grinder works, and after seeing the result finely ground coffee, think about how the result is achieved. To check whether the children understood the principle of the coffee grinder, you can offer them the following problem to solve: you need powdered sugar to sprinkle the cake. Where can I get powdered sugar, can I make it myself? From what and with what? If the children suggest using a coffee grinder, you can clarify how it will perform such a task. The arguments of the child will be evidence of his understanding of the principle of operation of this household appliance. In a subsequent conversation, I clarified what the children understood, remembered, encouraged them to ask questions, and suggested that they themselves try to use the technique. For example, I suggested vacuuming the carpet in the group. The purpose of this kind of work is to arouse interest in technology and not fear of it. During this observation, I reminded the children of the safety rules and warned the children about them.

Taught children how to handle electrical appliances. It is forbidden:

Turn on electrical appliances, they may cause electric shock or cause a fire.

Don't put your finger in the socket

Not a girl, not a boy!

Touching wires and electrical appliances with wet hands can give you a very strong electric shock;

If the TV or vacuum cleaner smells like burnt rubber, adults should immediately remove the plug from the outlet. Don't even try to do it yourself.

If a wire smokes, a spark suddenly jumped when we pressed the switch or inserted the plug into the electrical outlet, be sure to tell the adults.

When leaving home, do not forget to turn off all electrical appliances, and constantly remind adults of this.

You can not pull the electric wire with your hands, you can only pick up the plug.

Do not insert any objects into the socket.

In no case should you approach bare wires, do not touch them. It's life-threatening.

Remember, electric current does not like careless and inattentive people. Read the poem to the children:

If a socket suddenly sparks,

Or hear a strange crack,

Tell adults about it

Please don't go yourself!

Electricity is DANGEROUS!

Inappropriate games here!

They made up creative stories on the topic “Where trouble can come from”, “Why did this happen”. Created game training situations "Grandma forgot to turn off the iron." Conducted a didactic game "Find electrical appliances and tell me why they are dangerous." Organized tours to the kitchen, where the chef showed them what electrical appliances they use; excursion to the laundry. As a result of the work done, the children learned the history of the discovery of electricity; looked into the past, present and future, consolidated knowledge about safe behavior with electrical appliances.

Lesson "Danger gas". Guys, many of you have grandmothers who live in the countryside, they have gas stoves. Gas is specially made so odorous so that people can immediately feel if it comes out somewhere, because you can’t see it with your eyes. I show the children illustrations and explain the following rules:

Do not turn on the gas stove by yourself. Let adults watch the fire, they know better how to handle it so that there is no fire.

If you smell gas, immediately tell adults about it, open windows and doors, turn off the tap on the stove, call "04".

Turn off the gas in the apartment

Gas needs an eye and an eye.

Feeling the smell in the apartment,

Call "04".

From my explanations, the children learned that only adults can use the items in this group. Here, more than anywhere else, direct prohibitions are appropriate. Under no circumstances should a child independently light matches, turn on the stove, or touch the switched on electrical appliances.

I conducted the lesson “Dangerous objects at home” (see Appendix D), where I fixed the children's understanding of the objects that are dangerous to life and health, which they encounter in everyday life. We determined with the children which items in the house can be considered dangerous and made riddles for the children about household items (scissors, hammer, needle, saw, penknife, buttons, paper clips, nails, pins, ax). Explain why they can be dangerous? Do the guys know how to use them correctly? Is it possible to distract, push another if he cuts, sews, nails? What can happen? I ask the children where they keep such items at home: are they scattered around the apartment or occupy certain places. Where does mom or grandmother put needles, pins, scissors? Where does dad or grandpa keep tools? Where are the medicines, the thermometer? I propose the game "Clever and clever". It is necessary to find in the group which safety rules have been violated in the group at the moment (there are pills on the windowsill, there is a power cord plug in the socket, there is washing powder on the shelf, paper clips are scattered on the floor, needles and pins are scattered on the table, there is an iron on the chair). Then I propose to carefully consider the illustration with a painted apartment, in which there are various household items. I propose to analyze the situation: the kids Andryusha and Natasha were left in this apartment (I present the dolls to the children.) Their parents went to work. Let's guys tell the kids what items can not be used on their own, so that trouble does not happen. We will put warning signs near each object: X cannot be used, ! Use with caution. Children put up signs in the apartment.

Remember the safety rules with children:

All sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their places. The order in the apartment is not only for beauty, but also for safety.

Never try any medication. Firstly, it is tasteless, and secondly, an incorrectly taken medicine can turn out to be poison.

Do not touch household chemicals: washing powders, dishwashing detergents, soda, bleach, cockroach repellents. So that trouble does not happen, as in a poem.

I suggest that children name items that children cannot yet use (matches, lighters, iron, TV) for this you still need to grow up, and those items that should be used carefully, as adults have shown - needles, forks, nails, hammer.

To acquaint children with the rules of fire safety, first of all, it is necessary to determine the amount of knowledge and interests, communication, the degree of formation of practical skills and abilities that should be disclosed. I developed the skills of preschoolers on the basis of the child's desire to learn about the world around him, using his curiosity, visual-figurative thinking and immediacy of perception. I gave priority to individual and subgroup forms of work with children. Conversations with children on the issue of fire safety should be understandable, accompanied by a demonstration of colorfully designed pictures with images of any characters in children's works, interesting stories, reading works of writers, poets, showing filmstrips.

This work is being done through:

Organized activities of children classes, classes-projects, trainings, excursions;

Joint activities of adults and children dramatization of fairy tales, conversations between the teacher and the child, observation, work, reading fiction;

Free independent activity role-playing games, verbal didactic games.

Based on the peculiarities of children's perception and understanding of information, I have outlined for myself the following tasks and ways of disclosing this work to familiarize children with fire safety rules:

1) Tell about the discovery of fire by an ancient man. To acquaint children with the various uses of fire in human life; to show the significance of this discovery of an ancient man in modern life; focus on the fact that it was the person who "tamed" the fire. Questions were asked to the children: How did ancient people make fire? (rubbing a stick against a stick, hitting one stone against another, carving sparks (this stone is called flint it still lives in lighters), lightning struck a tree, and people guessed to take a burning piece of wood and take it to their cave. I show a lighter and demonstrate the appearance of a spark of fire.What was the purpose of the fire in the cave?How did people maintain and protect the fire?Why do you think the fire often went out?

Conducted the lesson “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”. What kind of fire is he? How did fire help you? Which one of you lit the fires? What happened to the fire then? What was left at the site of the fire? We learned proverbs with the children (see Appendix A). As soon as the fire made friends with man, he became his faithful assistant. We played the game: "Fire is good fire is bad." In skillful hands, fire benefits people (fire-cook, fire-farmer, fire-doctor, fire-builder, fire-telegraph, fire-blacksmith), and in inept hands it turns into an enemy (fires). Fire can be not only a friend, but also an enemy. And yet, the benefits of fire are greater than the harm. Fire helps a person every day, makes our life more interesting, warmer, more comfortable. During the lesson, she showed the children illustrations, pictures on this topic. Learned a poem with children:

Everyone knows: a man without fire

Doesn't live a single day.

With fire, as with the sun, it's light

Warm in the fire and winter.

Look guys around:

Fire is our best friend.

But when we're careless with fire,

He becomes our enemy.

2) The next task is to continue to acquaint children with the rules for the safe handling of fire. Lead children to understand the likely consequences of childish pranks. I gave a talk on the topic "Be careful with fire." During the conversation, the main causes of fires were found out:

For fun, for play

Do not take matches in your hands.

No, joke, my friend, with fire,

To not regret later.

Don't light your own fire

And don't let others.

Even a little spark

Not far from the fire.

Gas in the kitchen, is it a vacuum cleaner,

Is there a TV, iron,

Let it include only an adult,

Our trusted old friend.

I introduced the children to flammable objects and objects that do not burn (on the table are objects: a jar, a plastic cup, a metal mug, stone, paper, cloth and rubber). How can a glass jar, bottle, glass cause a fire? Sometimes fires start without fire. Someone threw a bottle where there was a picnic, and the bottle, like a lens, will focus the rays and flare up very quickly, everything is dry like in an oven. Therefore, do not throw bottles, jars, flasks, take them away in your basket, take them out of the forest. But there are flammable liquids and liquids that do not burn (on the table are bottles with inscriptions: alcohol, cologne, milk, water, tea, gasoline, kerosene, oil). It is necessary to choose what burns and what does not burn.

What to do if there is a fire in the house? With the help of pictures, posters, we clearly formulated the rules of behavior in case of fire:

If the fire is small it can be extinguished with water or covered with a blanket;

Do not extinguish burning electrical appliances with water;

You can’t hide in far corners, under beds, behind a closet not only fire is dangerous, but also smoke;

You can’t stay in the room where the fire started, but you need to quickly leave and call for help from adults.

In the event of a fire, adults should be called immediately.

You need to call the number 01 (showing the picture of the number), give your address and tell what happened.

You must immediately run out of the room and close the door behind you.

Remember: smoke is much more dangerous than fire. If you feel like you are suffocating, moisten your clothes with water, lie down on the floor and crawl to the exit there is less smoke at the bottom. Cover your nose with a damp handkerchief and breathe through it.

Having jumped out onto the landing, you need to close the door behind you, call all the neighbors and call them for help.

In the event of a fire at the entrance, never take the elevator. It might turn off and you'll suffocate.

While waiting for the arrival of firefighters, try to remain calm, you will definitely be rescued.

When the firemen arrive, follow all their instructions. They know how to save you.

Considered with the children pictures with plots on the topic of the occurrence of fires; read an excerpt from S. Marshak's book "The Story of an Unknown Hero". They held a competition for the best drawing on the theme “Little match”, “Fire is our friend, but not always: it can cause trouble”.

3) The next task was to consolidate the knowledge of fire items that are dangerous to life and health, which children cannot use on their own, to help them independently draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of such items. I conducted a discussion-reasoning on the topic "Fire hazardous objects in the house." The main goal: to help children remember well the main group of fire hazardous objects that cannot be used independently. I suggest that children name items that children cannot yet use (matches, lighters, iron, TV, gas stove, electrical appliances, household appliances). Questions: how does a fire happen? Is it possible to leave the TV, electric stove, iron on? Why are children not allowed to turn on the vacuum cleaner, TV? Why are children strictly forbidden to play with matches, lighters? She used children's literature (“Cat's House” by S. Marshak, “Confusion” by K. Chukovsky, “There Lived an Elephant Baby” by G. Tsyferov). We discussed with the children the dangerous situations that the characters of the read works got into, how they should have done the right thing in each of the cases under consideration. She made riddles about household appliances, about electrical appliances (see Appendix A). I suggest that children draw flames on a candle, stove, TV, electric stove. I played the game “If there was a fire” (you must quickly say the last word of the poetic line).

Conducted a word game "So or not."

I will say a phrase, and if you think that I am speaking correctly, clap your hands. If you disagree with me, sit quietly.

When you leave home, turn off the lights.

If adults are not at home, you can take matches and play a little.

Dunno watched TV in the morning and decided not to turn it off when he left: “All the same, I’ll come in the evening and watch.”

Cat's house caught fire, she hid under the bed.

If there is a fire, I will call 25.

4) The next task is to consolidate the knowledge of the telephone number of the expert fire service, the rules for using the telephone, to consolidate the knowledge of the home address, the ability to dial "01" on the telephone, the ability to talk with the fireman on duty, listen and understand the speech addressed to the caller. Be able to conduct a basic telephone conversation. Generate a desire to help. Develop speed of movement. For this task, I conducted a practical lesson "Service "01" is always on guard." Question to the children, why is the fire department telephone "01"? Firstly, the number is very simple, and everyone will remember it. Secondly, it is short, when there is a fire, every minute is precious. Thirdly, this number is easy to dial even in the dark on the phone's disk. I am reading an excerpt from S. Marshak's poem "01".

Mother went to the market

Daughter Lena said:

"The stove, Lenochka, don't touch it-

It burns, Lenochka, fire ... "

What do you think happened to the girl? Which rescue service can help in such a situation? What is the telephone number to call the fire department? I attach a card with “01” on the board, and in chorus the children pronounce this phone number in order to remember it. I propose a game-situation "You have a fire in your apartment and you need to call the fire brigade." I play with the children how everyone will dial "01" on the phone and call the fire brigade for help at their address. You can use a toy phone or a disconnected real phone to teach kids how to dial numbers. Have each child do this. Make sure that the child turns the disc to the end, and when using a push-button device press the buttons clearly. Teach children to clearly and clearly tell what is burning and where. Offer a game situation (with the help of the game, offer the children the following algorithm of behavior).

If something is on fire in the house:

quickly leave or run out of a room or apartment, tell adults about it and ask them to call “01”, mom at work; call from a pay phone on the phone “01” and say that there is a fire in your house, while you must definitely give your home address.

If there is a lot of smoke in the apartment:

bending low, move to the door, covering your nose and mouth with a wet handkerchief, towel; clothes caught fire fall and, rolling, shoot down the fire.

I spent a number of games: the children are divided into 2-3 teams (light, ember, spark).

1. On the tables in front of the teams are cards with numbers. Of these, you need to correctly compose the telephone number of the fire department.

2. each team must remember as many proverbs and sayings about fire as possible.

3. Which team will solve more riddles (see Appendix A, B).

4. Team members should take it in turns to run to the telephone, dial the fire brigade and report the fire, correctly and clearly stating their home address.

In their free time, read to children the stories “Fire”, “Fire Dogs” by L. Tolstoy, “Fire”, “Smoke”, “Fire in the Sea” by B. Zhitkov, V. Galchenko “First Alarm”, Yu.L. Smirnov “Fire” (a book for talented children and caring parents), A. Gostyushin “Step by step. Safe behavior, parts 1,2.

5) The next task is to continue to acquaint children with the profession of firefighters, to arouse interest in this profession. I ask the children questions: guys, have you seen the firemen? Where did you see them? What does a fireman look like? What is a firefighter's uniform? (jacket, trousers, mittens, helmet, boots, belt).

Clothing is needed to protect against water, heat, and traumatic injuries when extinguishing a fire. A helmet is a steel headgear with a ridge at the top to protect the head and soften impacts from falling objects from above. Why does a firefighter need a wide belt? This belt is called "rescue". It is very strong withstands a load of up to 350 kg. On the belt there is a steel loop carabiner. With it, a firefighter is attached to a rescue rope, can catch on the steps of a ladder. If the exit is cut off by the flame, the firefighter can use a rope and a carabiner to get out through the window along with the rescued person.

What tools do you know that are necessary in the work of a firefighter? (Axe, hook, crowbar, sand, shovel). Why does a firefighter need an ax, a hook, a crowbar, a shovel? They dismantle walls and ceilings, open locked windows and doors, hold them on steep roofs, etc. the ax is carried in a holster on the belt.

What color is the fire truck and why? What does a fire engine have? The fire escape is designed to lift firefighters to the floors of burning buildings, through windows, balconies, and also to work on roofs. What are fire hoses? Pipes through which firefighters pump water (they are long, you can supply water from afar through it). what is a stem and how is it used? This is a metal tube of a special device. She joins the sleeve. They are heavy, they are held by hands. How do firefighters transport water? Water is transported in a tank truck. During the conversation, I show the children pictures on this topic. What is the enemy of a firefighter, besides fire, and how to deal with it? It's smoke. The fire is small, and it is impossible to enter the room - there is nothing to breathe. Therefore, firefighters carry oxygen cylinders with them.

The children took a tour of the kindergarten. She introduced the children to the concept of "evacuation route", explained its meaning. During the tour, she showed the children the evacuation routes, introduced them to fire fighting equipment (a fire extinguisher, a shovel, a bucket, a crowbar, an ax). What should firefighters be like? (Strong, courageous, courageous, resourceful, resolute.) Conducted a practical lesson on practicing evacuation skills from a children's institution. She gave a special signal and announced “Fire alarm”, and the children and I left the kindergarten in accordance with all the rules. She gave the children a task: using a plan-scheme, navigate in space.

She held the game "Who will quickly overcome the obstacle and save the toy from the fire." (Children are divided into two teams, line up one after the other.)

The game "What you need in case of fire." Participants line up one after another. At the leader’s command, they run to the table, on which objects or their images related to the fireman’s profession are laid out (helmet, gas mask, fire extinguisher, shovel, crowbar, sand, water in a bucket, ladder, blanket).

The game "Who will dress faster." Teams are built behind the start line, 2 suitcases are placed in front, with the same set of items (helmet, jacket, boots). At the signal of the leader, the player of each team runs up to the suitcase, opens it, gets dressed and runs to the start line. There he takes off his clothes and passes them on to the next one, who, having dressed, runs to the suitcase, takes them off and puts them in the suitcase.

Relay "Smoky corridor". The members of each team line up in front of their tunnel, take turns crawling through it, then run back.

We organized a role-playing game “We are firefighters”, “Rescue Service”. They staged the play "Cat's House". Considered posters, illustrations on the topic "Fire".

She held a final lesson, where she revealed the level of mastery of fire safety rules by children, the ability to choose the right way out of the situation. During the lesson, the following situations were played:

You are alone at home. The TV lit up. What to do?

The oil in the pan caught fire, what do you do?

Your clothes caught fire, what to do?

There was a fire in the kindergarten, what are your actions?

I gave the children a homework assignment with their parents: draw areas of particular danger in your apartment, come up with models of situations that could cause a fire in the house.

Extreme situations in everyday life.

In a number of foreign programs, there are special sections aimed at teaching preschool children how to behave in extreme situations in everyday life (for example, be able to use the phone in cases of fire, injury; be able to attract the attention of passers-by and call for help in case of fire, criminals entering the house; be able to put out a starting fire by throwing a heavy blanket over the source of ignition).

In domestic pedagogical practice, this experience has not yet become widespread. Its use must be approached selectively, taking into account Russian conditions. Thus, learning how to use the telephone to call firefighters, ambulances, police requires work to prevent false calls. At the same time, children should be able to use the telephone, know the numbers of close adults. Children may need this in practice in an extreme situation, when the child was simply afraid of something or someone. Teachers should take into account that playing with the phone differs significantly from the real situation: in a real telephone conversation, the child does not see a communication partner, and the timbre of the voice in the handset is unusual. Therefore, the ability to use a real phone can arise and gain a foothold in the process of special training, which can be entrusted to parents, explaining to them what problems a child may have. Therefore, I conducted a special lesson on the topic "Services "01", "02", "03" are always on guard. (See Appendix B).

In the course of this work, the children memorized the telephone numbers of the rescue service and how to use them.

Carrying out such work to familiarize children with the basics of safety, we have ensured that children have demonstrated a high level of knowledge and skills in solving the tasks. The children had a desire to expand their horizons on this topic, a desire to identify and delve into the connections and relationships existing in our world. There was a need to establish oneself in one's attitude to the surrounding reality, to follow the rules of behavior in certain situations. By doing this, we save the life and health of children, contribute to the formation of conscious behavior in dangerous situations. While teaching personal safety to children, I taught myself. By educating children, we can help adults as well.

2.4 Control experiment. Determination of the effectiveness of experimental work on the formation of the foundations of security.

At this stage of the experimental work, the goal was to reveal a new level of children's knowledge of the basics of life safety, to compare the results obtained with the initial data, and thus to check the effectiveness of the system of the work carried out.

At the final lessons and in an individual conversation, it was revealed that the children became much more aware of issues related to life safety and are able to apply their knowledge in a real situation meaningfully, while before the lessons they applied knowledge unconsciously and sometimes could not explain them.

Quantitative and qualitative analysis (before the experiment)


Number of children

High level

2 children (have clear ideas about themselves, about their place of residence, about their parents, about how to behave at home)

20 %

Average level

4 children (have insufficiently accurate ideas about themselves, about their place of residence, about their parents)

40 %

Low level

4 children (do not have clear, clear ideas about the place of residence, about their parents, about how to behave in difficult situations)

40 %

Based on the results of the work done, the following levels of knowledge of children on the basics of life safety were obtained:

Quantitative and qualitative analysis (after the experiment)


Number of children

High level

5 children (have clear ideas about themselves, about their place of residence, about their parents, about how to behave at home)

50 %

Average level

3 children (have insufficiently accurate ideas about themselves, about their place of residence, about their parents)

30 %

Low level

2 children (do not have clear, clear ideas about the place of residence, about their parents, about how to behave in difficult situations)

20 %

Carrying out systematic work, we came to the conclusion that the education of children is not limited to only one lesson, a significant part of the knowledge and skills the child learns without special training - in everyday communication with adults, peers, during games, observations, experiments. The main task of the teacher is to help the child acquire full knowledge outside of class. In everyday life, in the course of situations (natural and special), children's knowledge and skills are worked out, consolidated, expanded, feelings are enriched, cognitive interests and abilities are strengthened. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils, we thought over the options for tasks in such a way that their implementation required the efforts of thought, will, exertion of strength, because without overcoming difficulties there is no full-fledged development. When organizing the activities of children, they made sure that each child emotionally experienced the success of education. To do this, it is necessary to create specially created situations of success, for example, to positively reinforce the intentions of the child, advancing success (you will succeed, you will manage); focusing on positive features (you are so attentive, you are our artist); strengthening the motive of activity (after all, you want to learn how to tell, it is so interesting to learn new things). The teacher should not suppress children with his authority, not stop their communication, but act as a senior partner, a mentor who encourages interactions, opens “communication channels”, knows and knows a lot, and will always come to the rescue. Then, in joint activities with peers, children begin to use forms of adult behavior: they explain, encourage, control, evaluate, disagree, argue. It was noted that relations in the group have improved, they have a need to analyze their words and actions, and the culture of behavior has increased.


Summing up the results of the work done, we can say that the issue of forming the foundations of life safety is relevant. This is primarily due to the need of society for a socially adapted personality. Preschool age period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge. The successful fulfillment of this important vital function is favored by the characteristic abilities of children of this age: increased susceptibility, impressionability, a naive-playful attitude to much of what they encounter. And here the role of the teacher is important, who, choosing the right methods and techniques, introduces the child into the social world.

The first stage of work on the problem of forming the foundations of life safety in children of senior preschool age was the study of various literature on this topic. Next came the scientific definition and proof of the conditions for educating the basics of life safety for children of older preschool age, the practical testing of the assumptions put forward. Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the kindergarten "Kolokolchik" in the village of Koskul with children of the older group. During the experiment, various methods and techniques were used. The study made it possible to identify the features of the formation of the foundations of life safety for children of older preschool age, to determine the pedagogical conditions that ensure their formation. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of evidence-based recommendations for the formation of the basics of life safety in children of senior preschool age, which were positively assessed in the course of practical work on this issue.

Based on the results of this work, we can conclude that children of older preschool age are sufficiently prepared to solve problems on this problem if systematic, methodically competent work is carried out by the teacher in close relationship with their parents.


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Annex A


1) Fire is born from sparks.

2) Don't mess with fire, you might get burned.

3) Do not touch the matches, there is fire in them.

4) Don't get in the habit of carrying matches in your pocket.

5) The stove burns, don't touch it, because there is fire in it.

6) A small match burns a big forest..


Dangerous items.

1) Two ends, two rings, and carnations in the middle. (Scissors)

2) I do not want to be silent,

Let me knock.

And knocks all day long

He has an iron head. (hammer)

3) Steel horse, linen tail,

Make friends with me. (needle)

4) There are teeth, but you don’t need a mouth. (Saw)

5) Look at me-

I'm full of holes

But I'm smart

I rub you a carrot. (grater)

Annex B


Electrical appliances and household appliances.

1) I'll walk a little hot,

And the sheet will be smooth.

I can fix bugs

And point arrows on the trousers. (Iron)

2) On the table in a cap

Yes in a glass bottle

A friend settled

Cheerful light. (table lamp)

3) He is alone in the whole world

I am very glad to meet the dust. (Vacuum cleaner)

4) Look at my barrel,

The top is spinning in me

He doesn't hit anyone.

But it will bring everything down. (Mixer)

5) I am pot-bellied and puffing,

I'm big and shiny

If I only want

I’ll boil the boiling water. (Samovar)


1) Hisses and gets angry,

Afraid of water.

With tongue, not barking.

Without teeth, but bites. (Fire)

2) A white pillar stands on the roof

And it grows higher and higher.

Here he has grown to heaven

And disappeared. (smoke)

3) Daughters sleep peacefully

In a plywood house.

Sleepy, quiet

Fire in the heads. (matches)

4) One, two, three, four

who has a fire ...? (in the apartment)

5) Smoke suddenly rose like a pillar.

Who did not turn off ... (iron).


1) An ember fell on the floor,

The wooden floor lit up

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And fill it with water.

2) If little sisters

Lighting matches at home

What should you do?

Pick up the matches right away.

3) heated up if suddenly

electric iron,

What should you do, kids?

Remove the plug from the socket!

Annex B

NOD №1. "Services 01,02,03 are always on guard"

Purpose: to introduce rescue services 01,02,03; to teach children to tell according to the proposed pictures, according to impressions from personal experience; bring up moral qualities, cause a desire to help people in need, evoke a sense of compassion and responsibility.

Lesson progress

Guys, how many of you have a phone at home? Do you know how to use a telephone? Where are you calling? (grandmother, grandfather, sister, friends).

There are phone numbers that all people know, and it is very important that all children know these numbers. Now we will try to guess what these phone numbers are. Listen to what happened to the girl. (I am reading an excerpt from S. Marshak's poem "01".)

Mother went to the market

Daughter Lena said:

"The stove, Lenochka, don't touch it-

It burns, Lenochka, fire .. "

What do you think could happen to the girl? (children's answers) What rescue service can help in such a situation? What is the telephone number to call the fire department? That's right, by phone "01". (I stick a card with “01” on the board, and in chorus the children say this phone number to remember it.)

Now look at other pictures. (The girl is standing on the street and crying)

What happened to the girl? How to help a girl? What service is needed? What is the phone number to call the police? That's right, by the number "02" (I attach a card with "02" to the board.)

Guys, can you remember a case from your life when you were very sick? (children's stories) Have you ever been sick so that even your mother could not cope with your illness? It often happens that a person feels so bad that it is necessary to call an ambulance. What phone number do you need to call an ambulance? (I attach a card with “03” to the board).

These services operate around the clock, that is, day and night. Because trouble can happen to people at any moment.

What qualities do you think a person who works in the rescue services should have? Let's gather in my palms many, many words denoting these qualities. (Masculinity, endurance, kindness, mercy, tenderness, love, pity, intelligence, professionalism, etc.) - Guys, remember, we made a model of a big city where various incidents can happen. There is a problem in our city. There were important reports that: 1- A 5-year-old boy lit a fire at home. 2- a 3-year-old girl was lost. 3- A 6-year-old boy broke his arm.

Guys, can we help them? We need to break into three teams: "01", "02", "03". Before getting ready for the trip, you need to put on special clothes, collect the necessary tools in suitcases. And do not forget to take with you the most important thing those qualities that you collected in my palms. On a signal, children look for a place in the maze where help is needed for the victim (Relay game “Whose team will pack the suitcase faster to leave.”)

Well done guys, you have properly packed your tools for the trip. You will need it. But do not forget to take with you the most important thing those qualities that you collected in my palms. (children are looking through the maze for a place where help is needed for the victim. A role-playing game is developing.

Annex D

NOD №2. "Dangerous Items at Home"

Purpose: to consolidate in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe objects dangerous to life and health that they encounter in everyday life, about their need for a person, about the rules for using them.

Lesson progress

Guys, you are already adults. Which of you parents left at home alone? (children's answers)

If you have already been left alone at home, then you need to know the safety rules. What are the dangers at home? Danger awaits us at every turn. Now we will try to determine which objects in the house can be considered dangerous. Solve riddles about household items and think about how dangerous they can be. (see Appendices 2, 3)

Children guess riddles, tell what danger each household item poses.

Well done guys, you have noticed all the dangers in the items very well. Now carefully consider this picture. (The teacher offers the children an illustration with a painted apartment in which there are various household items.) Kids Andryusha and Natasha were left in this apartment. (the teacher introduces dolls to the children)

Their parents have gone to work. Let's guys tell the kids what items can not be used on their own, so that trouble does not happen. We will put warning signs near each item: X - do not use,! - use carefully. (Children place signs around the apartment)

Guys, let's repeat the safety rules:

1. All sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their places. Order in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety.

2. Do not turn on electrical appliances, they may cause electric shock or fire.

3. Never try any medication. Firstly, it is not tasty, and secondly, an incorrectly taken medicine can turn out to be poison.

4. Do not touch household chemicals: washing powders, dishwashing detergents, soda, insect repellents.

You can get poisoned not only with drugs, chemicals, but you can get poisoned by an invisible poison - gas. The gas can be very dangerous. Therefore, if you smell gas, observe the following rules:

Urgently tell adults about this, you must immediately open windows and doors, call "04", in no case turn on the light and do not light a match.

If you live in a high-rise building, another danger awaits you this is a balcony. It is very dangerous to go out alone on the balcony.

A man is not a bird, it is more convenient to go down the stairs,

Without a parachute, only cats jump from a height.

Remember, children, these rules and feel free to stay at home alone, no trouble will happen to you.

Now, I think, our kids Andryusha and Natasha will be safe. And you guys, if you learn something new, be sure to tell them.

Conversation - "Open window, balcony as a source of danger"

I draw your attention to the fact that in the room, open windows and balconies are of particular danger. Children should not be left alone in a room with an open window, balcony, go out to the balcony without an adult, or go to an open window. I am having a conversation with children on the topic “Balcony, open window”. -If you live in a high-rise building, another danger awaits you. This is a balcony. It is very dangerous to go out alone on the balcony. But if you go out, never play outdoor games there, don't jump, don't bend over the balcony railing. If there is something interesting below, it is better to go down the stairs. We examine with the children the image of an open window. Why is an open window dangerous? Do parents at home allow children to open the windows themselves and look out of them, go out to the balcony alone and play there? Together with the children we draw a plan of our apartment and mark dangerous places on it. We make a room layout with the children (windows, doors, balcony, floor lamp, chairs, telephone, etc.). We make figures of acting characters mothers, children. The room layout can be used in many ways: as a table theater in which children can act out a story on a proposed topic, for example: “Mom left for a while and the children were left at home ...”, and each child can offer his own story or play it with peers in pairs , the three of us. I offered to come up with a story with my parents at home. For the development of creative imagination and fantasy, the artistic abilities of children, they can be asked to come up with and add characters and objects to the room in accordance with the increasingly complex plot (for example: a thief and a policeman, a doctor, a fireman).

Man not a bird,

It is more convenient to go down the stairs.

Without a parachute from above

Only cats jump.

Remember, children, these rules and feel free to stay at home alone, no trouble will happen to you.

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Advice for parents

The safety formula is:


    Threat to life;

Dangers at home.

Danger on the street.

Dangers in nature.

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Advice for parents

"Formation of the basics of life safety in preschool children."

The problem of protection from dangers arose simultaneously with the appearance of man on earth. Many safety rules were formulated when people tried to protect themselves from wild animals and natural phenomena.

Over time, the conditions of human life have changed, and the rules of life safety have also changed. Now they are associated with heavy traffic on city streets, a developed network of communications, a large crowd of people, and the technicalization of a home.

The works of many scientists have created scientific prerequisites for the development of means and methods of protection against dangers. Life safety is a serious problem of our time and includes, according to scientists, the solution of three problems:

1. Hazard identification, i.e. recognition of hazards and their sources.

2. Development of preventive or precautionary measures.

3. Elimination of possible consequences.

Thus, the safety formula reads: anticipate danger; avoid if possible: act if necessary. For children, it is rhymed in verse:

The safety formula is:
We must see, anticipate, take into account.
If possible, avoid everything
Wherever you need it, call for help.

Danger- the central concept of life safety, it is hidden. The danger signs are:

· Threat to life;

· Possibility of damage to health;

· Violation of the conditions for the normal functioning of human organs and systems.

After studying the literature, we can identify a number of dangers associated with a person’s place of residence: dangers at home, dangers on the road and the street, dangers in nature and dangers in communicating with strangers. Let's consider them.

Dangers at home.Statistics show that most accidents happen at home. Our house, filled to capacity with various household appliances and chemistry, is often a time bomb. The injuries that a child receives as a result of accidents in the apartment include: bruises, abrasions, scratches, sprains. Dislocations, burns. Damage foreign bodies(swallowing, inhaling, introducing into the nose, eyes, ears, etc.).

Danger on the street. One of the most serious problems of any city and region is road traffic injuries. To date, it has not been possible to reduce its level. As the analysis of accidents with children, conducted by the State Traffic Inspectorate, shows, injuries occur due to the negligence of children, due to non-compliance or ignorance of traffic rules. The most common mistakes that children make are: unexpectedly entering the roadway in an unspecified place, exiting from a standing vehicle, disobeying traffic lights, violating the rules of cycling, etc. the carelessness of children on the roads depends on adults, on the low level of their behavioral culture. And the price of this is a child's life.

Dangers in nature. Natural hazards include natural phenomena that pose an immediate threat to human life and health, such as hurricanes, floods, mudflows; extreme situations; plants, animals, mushrooms and other phenomena and objects. Some natural hazards disrupt or impede the normal functioning of human systems and organs. Such hazards include fog, ice, heat, barometric pressure. Radiation, cold, etc.

Speaking about natural hazards, the role of anthropogenic influence on their manifestations should be noted. Numerous factors of imbalance in the natural environment are associated with human activities. As a result of deforestation, the activity of salts increases, the flood discharge increases. Compliance with natural balance is the most important preventive factor in reducing hazardous phenomena. There is a relationship between natural hazards. One phenomenon can serve as a cause, a trigger mechanism for subsequent ones. According to available data, the number of dangerous phenomena on earth is almost not growing, but human casualties and property damage are increasing. The annual probability of death of an inhabitant of our planet from natural hazards is approximately one person for every hundred thousand inhabitants.

According to zoologists and hunters, there are no rules of conduct. Which would guarantee a person absolute safety, but there are precautions that should be followed.

Dangers of contact with strangers. The number of violent crimes against children, often ending tragically, is not decreasing. Statistics on sexual crimes against children are incomplete and inaccurate. Most of these crimes (61%) are committed mentally. healthy people and not maniacs and psychopaths. Over 60% of rapists are under the age of 21 and just over 10% are over 30. The vast majority of those who break the law are not outsiders, but people well known to children. Of these, approximately 40% are fathers, brothers and other relatives, and 45% are friends, neighbors, teachers, educators.

Toddlers are vulnerable to criminals, and children who feel unloved are most at risk. They are easy targets. Criminals target the seemingly defenseless. Sad, lonely and dissatisfied with themselves children. Experts in the field of victimology (the science of victim behavior) note that many rapists spare no time and effort to win the trust and affection of the child. After all, in fact, they are, first of all, psychologists who know what children need and offer them what they want to receive.

Many kidnappers and rapists appear friendly and harmless. They are professionals in pleasing children and lulling their vigilance, showing sophisticated ingenuity. With the help of various pretexts, they try to lure the baby into a deserted place. Here are some of them: “Help, please, the cat ran into the basement...”, “Let's go, I'll show you kittens in the attic”, “If you want, I'll give you a ride”, etc. A small child, without thinking about the consequences, accepts the offer or agrees to help.

The behavior of people in dangerous situations is different. And only the ability of people to a safe existence in the environment depends to a greater extent on training and experience.

Preschool age is the most important period when a human personality is formed, and a solid foundation for life experience and a healthy lifestyle is laid. Baby in his own way physiological characteristics cannot independently determine the full extent of the danger. Therefore, an adult is entrusted by nature with the mission of protecting his child. Children need to be reasonably helped to avoid injury, because it is impossible to lead them by the hand all the time, to keep them near you. It is necessary to cultivate the habit of using household items correctly, to teach how to handle animals, to ride a bicycle, to explain how to behave in the yard, on the street and at home. It is necessary to instill in children the skills of behavior with situations fraught with injury, to form in them an idea of ​​the most typical, frequently occurring situations. It is considered necessary to create pedagogical conditions for familiarizing children with various types dangers.

P. Leach and P. Statman in their research note that the advantage of preschoolers in teaching personal security is that they love the rules and fully adhere to them. If the rules are forgotten by someone, deviated, then the baby instantly reacts to this. The desire of a child of this age for logic will help adults teach him the rules of safety.

Let's turn to the history of preschool education. Since the middle of the 19th century, in classical pedagogy, along with general issues of education and upbringing of children, the issues of educating a healthy lifestyle, occupational health, instilling sanitary and hygienic skills and safe behavior skills began to occupy a significant place.

KD Ushinsky wrote that “education reduces the number of dangers that threaten our lives, reduces the number of causes of fear, and, making it possible to measure the danger and determine its consequences, reduces the tension of fear in view of these dangers.”

In 1917, Bulletin No. 2 of the School Health Department under the People's Commissariat of Education stated: “Protection of the life and health of children of all ages is a completely new phenomenon in our Russian life. Older children died without counting from various accidents, from infectious diseases ... the life and health of every child must henceforth be sacredly guarded.” It was during this period that a new subject was introduced - school hygiene, the main task of which was to acquaint students with the basics of "accidents" and the rules for first aid.

In the domestic preschool pedagogy of the Soviet period, the problem of protecting the life and health of children was recognized as very important and found practical expression in some program documents, methodological literature and the experience of preschool education. So, at the end of the 20-30s, in the works on labor education by O. Degtyarenko, N. Kovalkovskaya, E. Krasnopolsky and others, it was noted that preschool children need to be introduced to some safety issues in everyday life, including the rules for handling potentially dangerous items. In the project "Programs of the work of preschool institutions (by type of activity)" (1932), an attempt was made to determine the volume of these skills in each age group. For example, according to the authors, children of middle preschool age have access to:

· Mastery of a hammer, knife, saw, tongs, carving with scissors, primary possession of a needle;

· The notion that steam is formed during boiling, that the use of technology in everyday life facilitates the work of a person;

· The ability to use breaking dishes, a meat grinder for turning vegetables and soaked bread and other technical appliances in everyday life, plumbing;

· Washing and ironing small items, washing and cutting vegetables for vinaigrette;

· Knowledge. That fire warms, illuminates and burns, and that it must be handled with care (from the younger group);

· Acquaintance with various means of transportation of people and goods; with phone;

· Understanding that clay, sand, stones do not burn in fire and that fire goes out from water, snow, sand;

· Observation of changes in products during cooking, drying, frying; cooking on a small stove different dishes.

However, in 1936-1937, when the kindergarten programs were revised, these issues were excluded from the regulatory documents. Difficulties encountered by a number of practitioners (lack of methodological support, lack of necessary aids and, as a result, the desired result in the development of children and the acquisition of knowledge by them) led to the conclusion that the material that forms ideas about household and other types of equipment is too complex and should be excluded from methods of working with preschoolers. And although in the future a number of scientists (L.I. Grekhova, T.V. Zemtsova, L.M. Klarina, N.N. Nikandrov and others), studying the issues of familiarizing preschoolers with technical phenomena, found that children have access to information about magnetism, electricity, mechanical and physical phenomena, as well as the structure of household and transport vehicles, the problem of ensuring safety when working with them is properly reflected in the program documents of preschool education in 1964-1985. did not find.

However, the issues of prevention of road traffic injuries have been developed quite fully and in detail in preschool pedagogy since the 30s of the XX century. In 1937, V.M. Fedyaevskaya for the first time identified the causes of accidents with preschoolers on the street: children's ignorance of traffic rules; inattention to what is happening on the street; inability to control oneself; lack of awareness of danger. The author proved the possibility and necessity of teaching street safety to children, mainly from the older group; “...such work should be permanent, wedged into all types of activities in kindergarten.” VM Fedyaevskaya's research was continued by practitioners of preschool institutions and police officers. Since 1939, the journal Preschool Education has published a large number of articles on the problem of children's safety on the street. Methods and techniques for teaching preschoolers the rules of behavior on the street, proposed by V.M. Fedyanskaya, were later supplemented by E.Ya. Stepanenkova, M.F. Filenko and others.

According to A.M. Yakupov, such a development of the problem influenced the fact that in “preschool educational institutions, more attention is still paid to studying the rules of the road with children” than to educating other components of the child’s safe behavior (at home, on the street, in nature ).

In the 1960s and 1980s, the prevention of accidents with preschoolers both at home, in kindergarten, and on the street was mainly spoken by medical workers. But, as the researchers note, the solution of this issue turned out to be beyond the power of specialists in the field of classical medicine, because they are not familiar with the specifics of the educational process in a preschool institution (L.G. Kachan).

At present, various comprehensive and partial programs for the development, upbringing and education of children are being implemented in kindergartens. They are designed to help educators solve the big and complex problems posed to them. preschool education, in particular, the problem of the formation of the foundations of life safety in preschool children