Pregnant whims - a change in taste preferences during pregnancy. How to satisfy hunger during pregnancy

Every woman has certain needs during pregnancy. And the husbands of such wives know firsthand what it's like to run cold winter looking for fresh strawberries, juicy watermelon or peaches. Some ladies dream of smelling gasoline or paint. It turns out that craving for a certain product means only one thing - a lack of vitamins or trace elements.

Food habits of pregnant women

If a pregnant woman wants something special, then this does not surprise anyone. Some passionately desire to get instant strawberries on a cold winter day, others want to eat herrings with ketchup or milk, and for some reason they want raw meat. Much easier to find now certain products than 20 years ago. In January, you can easily find strawberries, and even herring is sold in any store, what can we say about a piece of meat.

But the unusual combination of products that a pregnant woman dreams of sometimes simply amazes people. Why do food oddities occur? Why do you want meat during pregnancy? And most importantly, what is the reason for such a strong thrust?

Causes of "pregnant" vagaries

With the onset of pregnancy, the female body is rebuilt. At the very beginning, the pregnant woman suffers from a gag reflex and nausea, and scientists associate these manifestations with the occurrence of food cravings.

Experts say that the female body enhances its work for the benefit of the fetus. That is why it gives signals to the brain that indicate certain needs. Doctors note the special effect of progesterone, which is the initiator of the inclusion of a "search engine". Your attending physician will be able to answer the question why you constantly want meat.

Sometimes food strangeness can harm the health of the unborn child and the mother herself.

Why meat?

As mentioned above, any preference for a pregnant woman is due to the action of a hormone called progesterone. Its amount increases significantly after fertilization, it works like an antivirus that reads information and sends signals about the need to the brain. Thus, progesterone helps the body to get the missing trace element or vitamin.

No need to worry about the emergence of a certain need and find out, for example, why you want meat. Doctors say that this product is simply necessary for pregnant women, because it saturates the body with protein and calcium, which the child needs so much. Every woman in interesting position should think both about herself and about the future baby.

Benefits of protein foods

Now it is advisable to explain what the benefits of meat are. It is worth considering each type of this product separately, highlighting its advantages.

Thanks to meat products, the work of taste buds, the stomach and pancreas is activated, and appetite also increases. Meat is a product that in large numbers contains B vitamins that prevent stress. These vitamins contribute to the normalization of the metabolic process, help break down fats in the liver, strengthen hair follicles give hair shine and radiance.

In order for the pregnancy to be asymptomatic and easy, it is necessary to use this particular group of vitamins. In addition, meat is endowed with a large amount of phosphorus, calcium, sodium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine and magnesium.

The influence of meat on the child and the expectant mother

If a pregnant woman wants meat, why not eat it? The most popular type is chicken meat. It contains the most protein, linoleic acid, and B vitamins. These microelements enhance immunity, normalize the functioning of the heart and stomach, and regulate blood cholesterol levels.

Duck meat and turkey are considered dietary products. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, skin. These products contain a special acid that destroys cancer cells. The undoubted advantage is that when cooking such meat, you can not use salt, because sodium in the composition gives sourness.

Why do you want pork meat? It's quite simple, because it contains a phenomenal amount of vitamin B, iron and protein, which the body requires. But it is worth noting that this product is absorbed longer than the rest.

But lamb is easily digested, which is rich in iodine, magnesium and iron. The body of a pregnant woman receives a double dose of these trace elements from one piece of lamb. In addition, lecithin lowers cholesterol levels, and lamb meat is rich in this substance. Why do pregnant women want lamb meat? The answer is simple: the body lacks iron.

How to cook?

Doctors and nutritionists agree that during pregnancy it is advisable to eat lean and fresh meat. You should not purchase and even more so cook a frozen product. Meat is best boiled, baked and stewed with vegetables.

It is worth noting that it is better to eat meat without broth, since the liquid absorbs harmful substances during cooking. It is undesirable to eat fried meat, it can cause heartburn.

If you always want meat, why not just cook it. You can cook soup, but only when getting rid of the primary broth. It is enough to drain it after boiling. You also need to remember that meat can be infected, so proper heat treatment is important, exposure high temperature and long boil. And this applies to any kind of presented product.

Why are you craving raw meat?

The addictions of pregnant women can be very unusual. Why do you want raw meat at this time? Here everything is clear as daylight - there is not enough iron in the body. going on Iron-deficiency anemia. Quite often there are cases of lack of hemoglobin in pregnant women - every third woman suffers from anemia in the second trimester. Hemoglobin is needed for normal development fruit, and if it is not enough, then there is a consumption of reserves, which are quickly depleted.

Anemia is the result oxygen starvation, hormonal imbalance, which is typical for residents of large metropolitan areas with a long stay of a pregnant woman in a closed, unventilated room. Often doctors have to deal with situations when a woman in position dreams of chalk, coal, whitewash or raw dough - these are obvious causes of the same anemia. With a lack of iron, the body perverts taste preferences. That's why you crave meat so much. Even if it's raw.

Even experts still cannot understand why pregnant women want raw meat, how an indomitable desire arises to taste a piece of raw pork or minced meat. They only claim that in this way the body is trying to make up for the lack of iron, which is rich in raw meat. This is a subconscious reaction of the brain.

And of course, you can not use this product in its raw form, especially when it comes to a pregnant woman. And the increased content of iron is not the reason for such an action.

What if you don't want meat?

Ladies in an "interesting position" need to eat the right and wholesome food for wellness and health of the baby. But what about vegetarians? Why don't you want meat during pregnancy? These women can't even stand the sight of him, let alone the taste.

Meat can easily be replaced with products such as eggs, fish, cottage cheese and milk. It is enough to eat legumes, nuts, buckwheat and pomegranate juice daily to make up for the lack of iron and protein. For the fetus, a stressful situation is when his mother, being an avid vegetarian, begins to consume meat immensely, which she had not even touched before. And here you should not listen to the recommendations of your beloved relatives, who claim that meat is simply a necessary and indispensable product during pregnancy, that the health of the baby depends on it.

If you are a vegetarian and wonder why other pregnant women crave meat, tell your doctor this detail. A competent specialist will not threaten and intimidate you, he will only help you choose the diet that is right for you. And if you doubt the competence of a doctor, then feel free to replace it with another.

Features of the "pregnant" appetite: what do they really mean and should they be indulged?

The way pregnant women consume pickles in jars, and sometimes want to eat something exotic in the middle of the night, has long become a byword. And what do doctors think about these desires? Are such whims harmless and how to respond to them?

Unfortunately, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of why pregnant women change their taste preferences. Doctors believe that many factors are to blame for this: hormonal, medical, psychological, and even ethno-cultural!

There is an opinion that during pregnancy a woman does not correctly understand what exactly is in this moment her body wants. It requires some kind of minerals or vitamins, and the expectant mother associates them with different products, and sometimes objects.

So, the desire to absorb cheese on an “industrial scale” signals a lack of sodium in the body. I want ice cream with a lack of calcium. sea ​​kale requires an organism that needs iodine.

Where is my chalk?

However, this rule does not always work: the brain can make mistakes. It has been noted, for example, that the desire to gnaw ice indicates a lack of iron, but frozen water does not contain this substance. It is obvious that the brain somehow intricately processes the requests of the body and does not always understand which product contains what a pregnant woman needs. In this, doctors see the reason that many expectant mothers have a desire to have chalk, coals, pencils.

There are also ethno-cultural features of the change of predilections. Among Russian women, for example, pregnancy is consistently associated with pickled cucumber- accordingly, they often want something salty. But in Europe they note an increased craving for sweet and fatty. It is interesting that both our and European women are often drawn to spicy food, but in cultures where spicy food is the norm, this is not the case. This reinforces doctors in the opinion that it is not necessary to indulge all the strange whims of pregnant women.

The most common situation is the need to eat chalk. It is believed that this is a sign of calcium deficiency. In fact, it is usually a sign of iron deficiency. It is also indicated by other unusual in quality (ice, coal, pencil leads, clay, raw minced meat and cereals) and quantity of food addictions, as well as the need to inhale the smell of gasoline, paint, wet whitewash and other chemicals.

Iron deficiency is diagnosed by biochemical analysis blood called ferritin. It is important to remember here that Firstly, iron deficiency should be detected and treated early in pregnancy, and it is unsafe to take iron supplements in the last three months.

Secondly, hemoglobin levels do not always correctly reflect the amount of iron in the body. Another situation is the need for sweets. The fact is that the body strives to maintain a constant level of sugar in the blood. Sweet causes its sharp rise and rapid decline. Therefore, if you want something sweet, it is better to eat a portion of protein food (a piece of meat, an egg). And after that - sweet, but from slowly digestible carbohydrates (muesli bar, fruit). This will give the body a slow and constant source of energy.

The desire to eat salty may indicate a lack of protein foods. Check how much protein you are eating. In your diet it should be at least 100 g per day. In addition, information about the dangers of table salt for pregnant women is outdated. Add it to taste, use natural, such as sea salt.

wish time

To those who are being persecuted strange desires we can recommend the following.

  • Check with your obstetrician if there is a deficiency of iron, zinc, vitamins.
  • Establish a balanced diet in consultation with your obstetrician. Most likely, he will include vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat, fish in your menu.
  • Don't forget to eat regularly. A full breakfast, lunch, dinner will help you to refuse food in inappropriate quantities.
  • Taste cravings can be fooled by offering the body a healthier substitute for junk food to avoid excess weight and gastrointestinal problems.

In addition, doctors and psychologists note that the desire to eat is often a substitute for emotional desires. future mommy I need peace and confidence. According to doctors, it can also help relieve the craving for unhealthy foods.

Pregnant menu

If you would like…Try...
ice cream (may indicate a lack of iron and calcium)frozen low fat yogurt
sodamineral water with fruit juice, homemade lemonade
cakewhole grain bread with natural jam
cakecereal bread, strawberries with yogurt
chips, fried potatoespopcorn without salt and sugar, fried in the microwave; Armenian lavash with cheese, olive oil
canned fruits with sugarfresh fruits, dried fruits
chocolate (may indicate a lack of iron and B vitamins!)natural expensive low-fat chocolate, eat 4-5 squares a day with nuts and raisins
cookiesbread with fruit
herringslightly salted sea oily fish
pickles from vegetablespiece of meat, fish, fresh cucumber with sea salt
fatty dairy productslow-fat dairy products with low sugar content; add dried fruits

The influence of hormonal changes in the female body on taste and olfactory preferences during pregnancy - recommendations from an obstetrician-gynecologist.

If a woman complains that she used to love coffee, but now the smell makes her sick, she used to go out every half an hour to smoke, and now she runs past the smoking room, her first answer will be the question: "Honey, are you by any chance pregnant?" And how do doctors explain such a sharp change in the perception of smells and taste?

exotic culinary habits expectant mothers and a sharp change in their tastes have been noticed for a long time. Who has not heard jokes about a husband who, almost in his pajamas, runs at night to look for peaches or pickles for his pregnant wife ... A passionate fan of pickles during this period can turn into an inveterate sweet tooth, and a lover of chocolates, ice cream and jam suddenly wants to eat everything salty and spicy. According to a survey conducted by the food company Cow & Gate, it turned out that more than 60% of pregnant women experience an irresistible attraction to mixing completely incompatible products. Among them are lemon with salt and pepper, ice cream and chips seasoned with mustard, and many other combinations.

"If we talk about smells, then the whole first trimester I could not stand kitchen smells at all, especially sharp ones, such as the smell of fried onions. And in general, my sense of smell became so acute! .."

"And during pregnancy, I was addicted to sniffing ... soap! Ordinary baby soap, I really want to eat it! And still (to my daughter), when I open a new bar of soap, I will definitely lick it a couple of times ..."

"The beginning of my pregnancy was at the end of spring - the beginning of summer, when everyone opens the windows. The sense of smell has become so acute that I could easily tell what dish is cooked in each apartment - from the first floor to the twelfth."

"I used to like perfumes with heavy floral scents. And in the first months of pregnancy, I hated them and fell in love with light, fresh smells ... "

Let's try to figure out why and where all these addictions come from. There is no unified and coherent theory in this regard. Here are some of the most popular points of view.

Under the sign of progesterone - the dominant of pregnancy

The theory that “blames” progesterone for all the whims of pregnant women is the main one (all other theories generally say the same thing, but in other words).

At the beginning of pregnancy, the so-called dominant pregnancy, which contributes to the readiness to carry and give birth to a child, and also provides mental attitude women.

The dominant of pregnancy is a focus of excitation in the brain that occurs in a pregnant woman after the egg is attached to the mucous membrane, due to the constant flow of signals from the uterus to the brain. At the hormonal level, the dominant is supported by increased production of progesterone.

The hormone progesterone is synthesized by the ovaries, placenta and adrenal cortex. From the moment the fetal egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, increased production of progesterone begins, which contributes to the preservation of pregnancy (suppresses the activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus; acting on the central nervous system, supports the formed dominant of pregnancy; stimulates the preparation of the mammary glands and growth of the uterus; suppresses the reaction of rejection of the fetal egg). The content of progesterone in the mother's blood grows unevenly, increasing by 2 times, and then gradually increases.

A decrease in the level of progesterone indicates the presence of a pathology of pregnancy and requires replacement therapy; an increase in hormone levels indicates the presence of kidney failure(violation of its excretion). The production of progesterone completely stops only with far-reaching changes in the placenta, for example, with.

It is the active elevated level progesterone can be attributed to the most fundamental changes during pregnancy, and it is he who triggers a cascade of biochemical changes in the body. He also launches the so-called "search engine" to find in the mother's body the necessary resources of the endocrine and autonomic nervous system 1 to ensure the development of a normal pregnancy. In other words, this hormone determines what is normal and what is deficient, and builds a "program" in order to eliminate all deficiencies. As a result, the mother's body is given a command to satisfy the deficit, causing the desired need. For example, with a lack of calcium, there is a desire to eat chalk, with a deficiency of ascorbic acid and green vegetables, with a lack of B vitamins, a desire to drink beer. At the same time, the search engine makes sure that the woman does not eat anything that will be harmful to her or the child. It is for this that in gastrointestinal tract changes occur that facilitate the process of rejection of unsuitable food at the moment and prolong the process of processing suitable food.

1 Vegetative nervous system- part of the nervous system responsible for the functioning of internal organs

Possible failures

However, things are not always so simple. In cases where there are hidden metabolic disorders in a woman’s body, the “search engine” command can be paradoxical, i.e. one that, instead of eliminating the deficit, contributes to its strengthening. The result is a vicious circle. For example, there is not enough iron in the body, and a woman, against the background of severe anemia (a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin), has a specific metallic taste in her mouth, but at the same time she develops an aversion to meat, although it is the consumption of meat that could at least partially help solve the problem of disturbed iron exchange. In such cases, the only way out is vitamin and mineral complexes. Although sometimes they can have aversive olfactory reactions. Why such a phenomenon occurs is still a mystery that science has yet to unravel.

Before that, we talked about addictions that generally do not threaten the life of the mother, but in the early stages of pregnancy, some women have a desire to eat inedible foods: chalk, clay, sand, lime, earth. Some people are very attracted to the vapors of gasoline, acetone and other volatile substances. Such occurrences are fortunately rare. Should such cravings be satisfied? Of course, such desires should not be satisfied. And they are called again by the "team" of the same "search engine". If such desires are persistent, it is important to visit a doctor, because. they are caused by neurochemical changes in the body. Probably the couples harmful substances somehow affect the functioning of the brain: the body reacts in this way to an altered balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition. But in no case should a future mother be satisfied with such a desire, because harmful vapors can have a disfiguring effect on the developing fetus. Doctor in similar cases corrects the situation by prescribing drugs that improve metabolic processes in the brain (glycine, glutamic acid, vitamins).

So, it is the hormonal restructuring of the body that greatly affects taste preferences (desire for one and aversion from the other). According to world-renowned M.D. Michel Glisman, "These eccentric hormones that rush through the body in the first three months of pregnancy cause quirks of taste."

Nausea and vomiting - a defensive reaction

Samuel M. Flaxman and Paul Sherman stated that nausea, vomiting, and altered taste cravings during pregnancy serve a beneficial function: they natural mechanism protecting mother and fetus from disease state caused by food, as well as protecting the fetus from harmful substances that can adversely affect the formation of its organs and tissues. Their findings help explain why many pregnant women initially develop an aversion to meats, certain vegetables, and caffeinated beverages, and prefer foods with a mild flavor. According to Sherman, food aversion also forms a defense against toxins produced by microorganisms and other teratogenic (defective) fetal development) substances.

At the same time, in the first three months of pregnancy, the cells of the embryo differentiate and begin to form structures. These developing structures and organ systems—arms, legs, eyes, and central nervous system—during a critical stage in the formation of new life, can be adversely affected by teratogenic substances contained in certain plants; their components can provide negative action and on the course of pregnancy: for example, parsley can cause uterine contractions, provoke. It is no coincidence that the body of a pregnant woman often refuses spices.

The vagaries of intuition of a pregnant woman

It is known that the tastes and desires of a pregnant woman change. Nature provided the expectant mother with the so-called "pregnant food intuition." Modern dietetics, medicine and biology do not have complete information about absolutely proper nutrition pregnant woman. Only the basic principle is known: food should be varied, as useful as possible and contain minimal amount processed and artificial products. In the first trimester pregnancy is coming active restructuring of the body and its adaptation to a new state. Now the child expresses his needs through his mother, demanding microelements, vitamins and minerals that are useful for him. nutrients. Both the mother and her family will have to reckon with this, providing passionately desired products. However, here, as nowhere else, it is appropriate reasonable approach. Listening to your desires is important, but satisfy them in reasonable quantities.

So, whatever is hidden behind such strange addictions pregnant women, we need to listen to them and sometimes really think about what kind of deficit our "whims" are trying to eliminate. Scholars acknowledge that some cases taste preferences impossible to explain. And in any case - do not force yourself to eat what is considered "good" for you if you do not feel like it.

What to do if you really want something harmful and not at all drawn to something useful?

  1. When taste and smell addictions scare, drive you crazy or do not allow you to live a normal life everyday life, see a doctor.
  2. If you really want something, then Bon appetit! But remember about reasonable doses and the reasonableness of needs. For example, if you want to eat sand, then, of course, you should not do this.
  3. Be picky about trying new things. Then it is unlikely that you will get poisoned by something or "earn" an allergy. To begin with, try to find out the composition of such an attractively smelling product.
  4. It is important to always remember that quirks or whims are your own business, they should not become a reason for resentment, tears, or even depression. Your loved ones are not to blame for not guessing what you wanted for lunch today: try to talk about your addictions, discuss them - and there will be more understanding.
  5. Pregnant women are sometimes hard to please, so try to treat yourself with humor: that will help the best!

Elena Pechnikova
Obstetrician-Genecologist, Moscow


And we are 13-14 weeks. Tired of everything. Appetite is gone and I feel bitterness in my mouth. Even the pills stopped helping ((we hope it will be better by the second trimester

13.10.2018 14:04:02, Nadira

For the first few months I had nausea, but without vomiting, I was drawn to meat, I took a half-kilogram piece, cooked (that's exactly what I wanted boiled!) And it was enough to eat 1-2 times. And from the 6th month, I became indifferent to meat, in general, but now I’m drawn to sweets, the confectionery departments are just torture, I just relaxed - in 4 weeks I gained 3.5 kg on marshmallows in chocolate and on bread with jam, I barely stopped, now I’m trying instead of confectionery, there are bananas and persimmons, I can also eat tons, though I’m afraid of a lot of persimmons, it’s not very good for the intestines. And also sauerkraut and green tomatoes... a dream (but my kidneys are dearer to me!)

04.12.2008 21:11:28, Tasha

I'm pregnant for the first time ... I began to read on websites about the needs during pregnancy - who eats silk !!! who eats chalk! a day or a jar of pickles or a tomato while drinking all the pickle! I'm in shock! And my husband even more!

07.11.2008 20:47:39, Ekaterina

I’m on my 9th week =) and now I have almost no appetite ((but you can’t starve either ... I think for a very long time about what I can eat, but there aren’t many options.
while I struggle with it. And I often feel sick ... this is my first pregnancy :) but very welcome! ;)

10/11/2008 11:49:03 PM, Valya 09.10.2008 05:27:07, Olga

And from the very beginning of pregnancy I wanted all sorts of things, but most of all sweet. Now it’s been five months already, but I’m still strongly drawn to sweets, I just can’t, it can be anything, even honey with tea, or just tea with sugar. I dream that I eat sweets. Once in three months, I so wanted pickles that, I remember, I ran to the store, and then I ate a whole one and a half liter jar in 10 minutes.

09.10.2008 05:26:43, Olga

I'm 6 weeks old, I have taxicosis, but not strong. it happens that you really want melon, watermelon or sauerkraut :-) with mashed potatoes (already salivating), and it happens that even the thought of food turns back! I spoke with the doctor, he advised me to eat fractionally, carry chocolate (glucose) and something sour in my purse. To be honest, it doesn't help much. but the urgent fulfillment of my culinary desires saves not only me, but also my family from attacks of weakness, nausea, whims, etc. :-))))

09/07/2008 17:40:55, Maria

And in the first trimester I didn’t want anything, although there was no strong nausea, I ate only dryers with tea.
In the second trimester (it was hot) I wanted dried fish. And caviar from this roach was the most delicious candy!
In the 3rd trimester, I really wanted tangerines and persimmons. Moreover, only the crust was eaten from the tangerines, the zest was given to the husband))) Every evening for the past 3 months, she ate a kilogram of both, the husband went home from work and bought.

and I feel sick, but do not vomit. I don’t have any special addictions yet, I have 5 weeks. I don’t have much appetite either. in the first pregnancy, too, I didn’t want anything special, but here pungent odors annoying

02/02/2007 04:45:13 PM, Nadezhda

From 7 to 16 weeks there was a terrible toxicosis, only cucumbers or canned tomatoes were saved; now for 20 weeks I really want fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. Meat is indifferent to fish, too, although they say you need to eat.

02/02/2007 09:36:08, Prynston

vrodebi vsyo normalno edinstvennaya problema xochu obsheniya mne podobnim i ne tolko tak ka ya ne na rodine ne znayu kak nayti obshenie da i net v dannoe vremya doma net prixoditsya spuskatsya v net klub.a chto kassaetsya edi to vsegda xochu togo ch to umenya net xotya starayus derzhat v xolodilnike raznoobraznie veshi

12/22/2006 06:47:47 PM, Patimatzagra

I have an aversion to fried fish. I eat salty with pleasure. I used to love sweets, but now I don't. The custard smells like powdered milk.

07/04/2006 10:43:05 AM, Natalia

We are 16 weeks old. For the first 2 months, she felt sick and ate almost nothing, she lost weight. They put me in the hospital, where I drank Essentiale, vitamins, it became easier. I really wanted meat, fish and cucumbers.

06/30/2006 11:27:24 AM, Tatiana

I am in the eighth week, I eat everything, the taste has not changed much - I just really want green vinegar barrel tomatoes and sushi

06/28/2006 02:52:38 PM, Natalia

I’m now 12 weeks pregnant. Toxicosis was terrible. I didn’t eat or drink anything. I was admitted to the hospital. Now I eat a little.

06/25/2006 10:18:26 AM, Diana

Comment on the article "Bring something - I don't know what ... change in taste during pregnancy"

Gender and taste preferences. In my first pregnancy, I really wanted MEAT (I didn’t eat meat before pregnancy) and drank liters of milk, a boy was born. Now I just get sick of meat, but I eat kilograms of apples, vegetables ... and I can’t-want shrimp with beer.


When I was pregnant with my first girl, I didn’t eat meat at all (I had such a period, it lasted for three years). Ate fish, dairy products, eggs. It did not affect the baby and guards in any way.

I also couldn’t eat meat in the first trimester, although in general I’m a meat eater. I ate mostly fat-free cottage cheese (I liked it more) and vegetables. The doctor did not force me to eat, like - during pregnancy, everything is upside down :). There is also fish, seafood, sour milk, what a huge choice now! And since the second trimester, it’s normal - I eat both meat and poultry. Is your blood test normal?

about the toilet and taste preferences. Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Going to the toilet while pregnant is normal. Especially with fruit. IN sunflower oil a lot of vitamin E, it is very useful for pregnant women.


I also go often, but maybe once an hour. It only interferes when I go for a walk with my daughter. in an hour it's time to write, but I want to take a walk, I live on the 4th you are not. By the way, I also eat peaches, but somehow I didn’t connect it.

15.07.2010 15:42:35, april partisan

Yes, you're all right!
Only today there was a discussion with the doctor about the toilet) I don’t run so often, but she decided to dedicate me in advance. This is definitely from pressure on the bladder, and even on fruits you are excellent)
In general, today she told me to do the following so that in the future there would be no problems and just reduce the pressure a little: knee-elbow position, in short (in this wording the doctor said) you get up on the floor or sofa, you can read in this pose or something else, just as if you are standing near the table, you bend your leg and onto a chair, and lean on the table with your elbows. The uterus is coming higher and temporarily relieves pressure on the urinary

about taste preferences. Nutrition, vitamins, medicines. Pregnancy and childbirth. It was funny in my first pregnancy - I was terribly drawn to raw carrots. It got to the point that she specially went to the market, bought two bunches from grandmas and one, unable to stand it, from ...


It was funny in my first pregnancy - I was terribly drawn to raw carrots. It got to the point that she specially went to the market, bought two bunches from attendants and one, unable to stand it, ate one of them right away, not washed :))), the second she brought home and washed, just as immediately ate.
In this pregnancy, I really lean on citrus fruits, but still without fanaticism, I don’t sand right in the store))).

I want to eat everything I see, I feel sick, or even .. And for 2 weeks I’ve been cooking such disgusting things, and mine are eating and asking for more

Conference "Pregnancy and childbirth" "Pregnancy and childbirth". Section: -- gatherings (If the topic has been raised recently, close the topic :) Here in past pregnancy I ate only one disgusting thing - pizza, purchased dumplings, buters). Taste preferences.


All the time I want sweets :)))) I would like a chocolate bar :))) I break off, otherwise I will start feeding - there will be no time for chocolate :)))

Up to 12 weeks I ate pickles in tons (classic), now I devour kilograms of sprat, although in 15 years of marriage I have never even bought it. Together with me, the whole family got hooked on sprat, for 3 weeks now the children have been demanding only it with potatoes. And I lafa - boiled potatoes - dinner is ready!

The taste preferences of expectant mothers have long been a topic for jokes. However, when a pregnant woman wants something to tears, it is difficult to refuse her. Often mommy is drawn to sour. Why do women like sour during pregnancy so much and what does this addiction mean?

Want sour during pregnancy? This is the body's need!

The body of a woman expecting a baby itself tells what exactly he needs. Most often, you want sour during pregnancy in the first trimester, when most women suffer from toxicosis.

With toxicosis, nausea - common occurrence. It occurs due to the fact that the production of gastric juice slows down, digestive enzymes are produced less actively. And sour food provokes the release of gastric secretion and starts the work of digestive enzymes. At the same time, nausea weakens, vomiting stops.

Calcium and iron: proper absorption

The first trimester of pregnancy is the time when the skeleton of the crumbs is formed and its teeth are laid. In the mother's stomach, the presence of acid is necessary so that calcium and its compounds are normally absorbed by the body. Yes, and vitamin C, which is found in acidic foods - good partner for calcium, which helps the trace element to be absorbed. However, some types of acids (oxalic, inositol-phosphoric), on the contrary, do not allow calcium to be absorbed.

Iron - important trace element in the body of any person, and how future mothers suffer from its lack! Without iron, the level of hemoglobin drops, which means that the blood of two organisms at once (maternal and fetus) lacks oxygen. This threatens the baby with anemia, and the mother feels constant weakness, dizziness and may faint. Vitamin C helps with iron absorption.

Vitamin C - the body's little guardian of defense

Acidic food is a source of vitamin C. And it is very important for maintaining the mother's immunity and the formation of cells of connective tissues, skin and of cardio-vascular system baby.

Where is a lot of vitamin C?

In products such as:

Rose hip;


Lemons and other citrus fruits;

Apples, etc.

In addition, vitamin C has been shown to protect pregnant women from nervous stress and depression, relieves constipation, improves digestion and reduces the tone of the uterus.

Most people can boast of periods of apathy and drowsiness. The abundance of incoming information, weather changes, erratic sleep schedule - many factors can lead to a "zombie" state completely healthy person. At the same time, the sensations are indescribable: the eyelids are getting heavy, the heart is barely beating, the reality is “blurred”, and the jaws are reduced from constant yawning. All day long I want to lie down somewhere, but the “harmful” employer is not ready to provide sleeping area to their employees. If you are a woman, daytime sleepiness may indicate that you have managed to get pregnant. Often, frequent fatigue is the only sign of the first days of conception.

If the suspicions of successful fertilization are confirmed, it's time to prepare for the fact that the desire to fall asleep will become a faithful companion for a long time. After all, during pregnancy you constantly want to sleep. For a woman "in position" an extra opportunity for rest is a "gift from heaven."

It's no secret that in the process of viewing dreams, a person replenishes the resources spent during the day. Turning off, the head gets rid of unnecessary information, the nervous system is regulated. During pregnancy, psychophysical costs exceed all past records. Indeed, inside the expectant mother, the formation of a separate organism is constantly taking place. These are colossal loads, to cope with which a good sleep helps.

Increased sleepiness during childbearing

Why do you want to sleep a lot during pregnancy? Experts identify three main factors that affect a woman's well-being.

  • Intensive restructuring of the body. At the same time, the central nervous system works in an enhanced mode. Accordingly, more time is required for the regulation of processes.
  • Increased production of progesterone relaxes and causes a decrease in blood pressure.
  • Increased emotional and psychological stress.

The combination of these causes and causes increased drowsiness. IN this case all efforts are aimed at the benefit of the unborn child, so you should not worry about the fatigue that has appeared.

Constantly sleepy: a sign of conception

Nausea, weakness, fatigue are known signs of pregnancy. The appearance of these symptoms before the delay of menstruation is significant for any woman. Sometimes the sudden onset of drowsiness is the only "marker" of the conception of the embryo.

It is important to know! The hormone progesterone is to blame, which protects the fetus from rejection, strengthens the uterine walls, and helps the fertilized egg finally “settle”. The costs of these processes are expressed in the "sluggish" state of the expectant mother.

Typical manifestations of drowsiness in expectant mothers

Typical complaints of pregnant women are abrupt change mood, loss of strength, unreasonable anxiety. Every woman experiences the effects of hormonal fluctuations to varying degrees.
Some are continuously full of strength and energy, others literally "fall down" already in the first days of conception. Well-being always changes chaotically: today we “turn mountains”, and tomorrow we mobilize the last crumbs of strength for brushing our teeth. Such unpredictability should be treated philosophically: all cases cannot be redone. To save creative energy, there is a simple exercise:

  • first, make a to-do list;
  • second, divide it into three parts:
    • necessary responsibilities;
    • things that can be entrusted to a husband;
    • what can be missed;
  • the third stage is sorting the list.

As a result of the work done, people felt great relief. Getting rid of unnecessary actions, a pregnant woman learns to evenly distribute her own forces, avoiding overload.

Causes of the condition at different times

Drowsiness on different terms has distinct reasons. If on initial stage I really want to sleep because of the hormonal “surge”, then in the second trimester, increased fatigue is a consequence of the growth and development of the fetus. When the process of bearing a child proceeds normally, on average and final stages drowsiness disappears.

Attention! In cases of maintaining an apathetic state in later periods, it is worth alerting. Often the causes of these manifestations can be various complications.

Start of pregnancy

On early stages fertilization hypertrophied need for rest does not pose a danger. It's just that all the forces of the body of the expectant mother are working to create a new life. Large resource costs require appropriate compensation. The sleep phase restores lost strength, directs them in the right direction.

As the fetus develops in the abdomen, the toxicosis characteristic of early dates. After the first trimester, the symptoms of drowsiness gradually "fade away."

Second trimester

Week 14 is the start of the second trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the placenta completes its own formation, disappears unpleasant symptoms in the form of nausea, intolerance to smells, permanent fatigue. But it happens that hopes for the elimination of drowsiness do not justify themselves. The reason for the manifestation of daytime weakness in the fourth month of gestation is the intensive development of the embryo. As a result of the formation of biorhythms of the embryo, the mother's body is forced to "adjust" to the sleep pattern of the unborn child. However, gynecologists do not recommend long morning sleep. If you sleep a lot during this stage of pregnancy, blood circulation is disturbed, a depressed state appears.

The period before childbirth

On later dates Pregnancy "chronic sleep deprivation" may occur due to an increase in the size of the baby. pressure on internal organs, intrauterine anxiety at night often become the cause of violations of the pregnant woman's nightly rest. If constant fatigue does not decrease and its aggravation is observed, you should consult a doctor. Sleepiness of the third trimester can be associated with various pathologies.

Reason for serious concern

In the last stages of pregnancy, it is important to identify in time possible diseases that affect fatigue. Some of them are eliminated quite easily, with the help of vitamin therapy, while others are serious character and do not tolerate delay.

So, pathological causes drowsiness in expectant mothers:

It is important to know! In any case, the presence of suspicious anomalies is a reason to undergo a medical examination. Timely treatment can eliminate the possibility of fatal consequences.

Ways to deal with sleep at work and at home

If availability serious illnesses not confirmed, then the desire to sleep a lot is a consequence of natural processes. Future mom able to self-correct unpleasant symptoms. Particularly active women continue to work literally until the trip to the hospital. In this case, the question arises of getting rid of daytime sleepiness in working conditions.

Here is a list of measures, the observance of which will allow you to stay cheerful throughout the day:

  • take frequent breaks (more than 10 minutes);
  • ventilate the work area: a lack of oxygen can increase drowsiness;
  • green tea is a useful tonic;
  • change the position of the body more often, go out into fresh air if possible;

Here is a sample list of actions to support vitality outside the home. In your own apartment, it is easier to deal with drowsiness:

  • we monitor the quality of sleep: at least 10 hours a day, “light out” at 22.00;
  • getting up and going to bed at exactly the same time every day;
  • regular morning exercise, moderate physical activity In the evening;
  • a varied diet, frequent meals in small portions, the last meal - no later than 20.00;
  • a contrast shower is an old proven remedy, the water temperature should be comfortable, “without extremes”.

Frequent walks, breathing exercises will help not only get rid of drowsiness, but also produce a general healing effect on the body.

Drawing conclusions

Wanting more is fine. Thus, the body accumulates forces, preparing for upcoming birth. After the birth of a girl or a boy, a young mother will remember with trepidation about a good rest. Taking care of the baby will fill all possible space, displacing unscheduled sleep for a long time. Women joke: “During pregnancy it is difficult to fall asleep “on your side”, with the birth of a child you will learn to sleep even standing up.”

In the prenatal period, you should not deny yourself additional rest. An alarming "bell" is considered to be increased drowsiness in the later stages. doctor's examination and complex treatment help to detect and prevent a serious illness.

To alleviate the symptoms of regular weakness is within the power of any woman. Following the principles of healthy lifestyle - good habit which will be useful in the future.