How to make decoupage: with your own hands at home, step by step with what you can and with what, step-by-step photos and videos. Decoupage, or napkin technique

Master class “Entertaining decoupage or DIY magic”

Author: Neverova Oksana 16 years old.
Supervisor: Voronkina Lyudmila Artemyevna, teacher additional education MBOUDOD DTDM g.o. Tolyatti.

This master class is intended for teachers, parents, and children over six years old.
Target: make a product using decoupage technique;
- Introduce basic techniques for making decoupage;
- Learn the history of decoupage;
- Arouse interest in modern species arts and crafts
Purpose: interior decoration, gift.
Today things " self made» incredibly popular, fashionable to give unique gifts, it is unusual to decorate clothes and interior items. It’s hard not to succumb to a fresh trend, and now it’s already emerging in your soul. desire create beauty with your own hands. Most easy way to achieve amazing results when creating exclusive and spectacular “handmade” items without lengthy artistic preparation is to get acquainted with decoupage.

Decoupage– technique of decorating interior items, fabric, wood, glass using paper applique. The word decoupage is French and means "cut out". The essence of the decoupage technique is that a cut-out piece of paper is pasted onto the surface of an object. thin paper the image is then varnished, resulting in the illusion of painting. The more inconspicuously the application is made, the higher the level of skill of the decorator. A decorative pattern for decoupage can be cut out from a regular paper napkin, label, magazine, or you can use special napkins for decoupage.
Decoupage activity is creative and exciting That is, you will not only have a pleasant time creating new and unusual things, but you will also be able to give unique gifts to your loved ones or decorate your home.

Due to the fact that the most common material in decoupage is a three-layer napkin, in many countries decoupage is called « napkin technology» .
Do you still doubt that with the help paper napkins can be given as a gift new life objects of everyday life?
Then see how an ordinary hardware box from new furniture turns into a magnificent work of art!

For work we need

Hardware box (randomly caught my eye)
White ceiling paint (water-based)
Two three-layer napkins
PVA glue
Synthetic brush
Acrylic lacquer
Let's prime our box with white paint

Let's let it dry
We choose a motive, i.e. the design you want to see on this product. I have this napkin with flowers. Separate the top layer (the one with the pattern), the other two layers (white) are not needed.

Cut out the floral motif

Lubricate our box with PVA glue
Let it dry a little - about two minutes

Then we try to glue the napkin evenly, i.e. Apply PVA glue evenly and smoothly. We try to ensure that there is no air under the napkin (we expel it if bubbles form)

When the glue is applied to the entire surface of the napkin, just gently move the brush over it to remove excess folds (only VERY carefully, because the napkin is very thin and breaks easily).

So, now the napkin needs to dry, or rather the glue applied to it

Let's prepare paint to match the background tone (yellow gouache, white water-based emulsion)

Paint over the remaining field.

Let it dry thoroughly (or blow dry)
Cover with clear acrylic varnish.

We admire

The purpose of our box may be different

Flower pots

Book organizer

There's always something you can put in, if only there was a box

I wish you creative success.

If anyone is interested, please get acquainted with the history of decoupage
History of decoupage
The history of decoupage begins in the Middle Ages. This decoration technique was invented in the 12th century by Chinese peasants, who used thin paper to decorate various items. colorful paper. At the end of the 15th century in Germany, people started talking about decoupage as an art form. In the 17th-18th centuries, when the fashion for the “East” appeared in Europe and beautiful lacquer Chinese furniture was very popular, the decoupage decoration method aroused great interest among people. Moreover, the demand for lacquered furniture from China was so great that sellers began to produce fakes, mastering the technique of decoupage. Decoupage became known throughout Europe
In Venice, the passion for the decoupage technique was called “the art of the poor.” Venetian craftsmen decorated furniture by gluing cut-out images onto its surface and covering the images protective layer from varnish. Using the decoupage technique in Italy, stunningly beautiful interior items were created, which were no less in demand than expensive oriental furniture, but cost much less. Nowadays such furniture is rare and very expensive; many modern furniture designers imitate this style.
In France, decoupage was especially fashionable among high nobility during the reign of Louis XVI. Many famous works made using decoupage were destroyed during the Great french revolution. IN Victorian era Decoupage penetrated into the everyday life of the general population of England, where they began to print special pictures for cutting out with images of flowers and angels. They were easy to cut out and decorate with. various items interior Decoupage was brought from England to America, where it became widespread between the First and Second World Wars.
In our time ancient technology Decoupage has become fashionable and famous all over the world again. Using the decoupage technique, clothes, accessories, and interior items are decorated. In Russia, interest in decoupage appeared in beginning of XXI century, when this technique became widespread.

Quite a lot of people today are interested in this type of creativity such as decoupage. There are a lot of materials for such an interior element: printouts, napkins, special film, decoupage cards. We will look at the most common method - how to make decoupage from napkins. In principle, there is nothing complicated about decoupage with napkins; the main thing is to know some of the secrets of its implementation.

Types of napkins

Ideally, only the top layer of the napkin is used for decoupage. Usually the desired motif is pulled out by hand or cut out, depending on the desired result. In general, if you need a clear motif, then it is preferable to carefully cut it out, and if, after gluing the napkin, you need to additionally paint it, modify the overall background, or do some additional drawings, then it is better to tear the motif, since the torn edges fit better on the surface. So, which napkins are preferable to use for decoupage?

Options for gluing napkins

Before gluing a fragment of a napkin, it is recommended to paint the surface with white paint, then the design of the napkin will be clearly and brightly visible when the image is distorted on dark surfaces.

Note! Don't worry about the perforated edges of the napkin; once wet, they will definitely smooth out. If small bumps suddenly remain, they can be easily removed by pressing your nail.

In general, there are several options for gluing napkins. It cannot be said that any particular technique is more correct, it’s just that each decoupage artist finds the most suitable for herself. convenient option, which she does best.

  1. Glue the napkin with an iron

    This method is suitable for flat surfaces. To work, you need to heat the iron, and also prepare parchment paper, decoupage glue or glue stick, and a napkin. First you need to apply glue to the surface, dry it a little, then put a napkin and cover it parchment paper and iron everything carefully. After heating, the dried glue sticks the napkin, which, after ironing, must be coated with glue again.

  2. Glue it with a file

    Many decoupage artists are adherents of this particular method, as the simplest and most convenient. It is suitable for any surface. Place a napkin on the file, with the image facing down. Pour a little water and varnish (or glue) into the center in a ratio of 10:1. Then carefully wet the napkin so that it practically floats in the water. Carefully straighten the creases and folds, expel the air from under the napkin.

    After this, the excess liquid is drained, and the file with the napkin lying on it is carefully glued to the desired surface. The convenience of the method is that the wet fragment of the napkin can easily be rotated on the surface at the required angle. An accidental crease can be easily smoothed out with water.

  3. Fan brush method

    If you are extremely diligent and careful, then this method will suit you. The essence of the method is generally simple: place a napkin on the surface and pour a small puddle of water into its center. We take a fan brush and begin to carefully stretch this puddle over the entire napkin (motif). The resulting wrinkles are straightened by carefully lifting the edge of the napkin. According to experienced decoupage artists, the method is ideal for decorating convex or curved surfaces.

Decorating a wooden surface

Decoration various surfaces has its own nuances, so it’s worth taking a closer look at the option: how to make decoupage on wood. The decorated surface can be a cutting board, box, furniture, etc. Preliminary preparation of the surface involves light sanding using fine-grained sandpaper. A similar procedure is needed to level and eliminate possible nicks.

Then the surface is varnished and primed. Then it is again coated with acrylic varnish, and then sanded with sandpaper. Now we glue the napkin and cover the work with varnish. If there are any irregularities, they must be gently sanded and then varnished again.

Glue it on the bottle

Very often, craftswomen choose ordinary glass bottles. How to decoupage a bottle so that the result is a small handmade masterpiece? The bottle chosen for decoration should be thoroughly cleaned of labels and degreased with alcohol or acetone. Then the glass must be varnished with acrylic and primed, and then varnished again. Now the surface of the bottle must be gently sanded with sandpaper.

Our bottle is ready for napkin sticking. Glue the motif chosen in advance and cover the surface with varnish. We sand and re-varnish the surface. If necessary, the resulting decor can be modified by artistic addition or background application, after which the bottle must again be varnished with acrylic in several layers.

Note! Decoupage can be done not only on wooden or glass surfaces. The base can be metal, plastic, textiles and other surfaces, depending on the imagination of the decoupage artist.

Even expensive or fashionable things cannot replace handmade items. They may not be as professional, but they will contain a piece of your love. Nowadays there are many types of needlework and techniques. One of the popular ones is decoupage. This is a special method of decoration that creates a painting effect on the surface. Decoupage has a long history. With its help, back in the 12th century, the most skilled craftsmen created masterpieces.

Decoupage allows you to turn any, even the simplest objects or surfaces into original and unforgettable. Using the technique, you can decorate small boxes and bulky furniture, both wooden and glass, plastic, paper or fabric surfaces.

The basics of decoupage are simple - it is an applique that is made from decoupage cards, special or regular napkins With beautiful images, labels, postcards, fabrics with designs and more. To work you will need some materials and tools.

Materials for decoupage

  • Glue. You can use special glue designed for decoupage or PVA.
  • Primer. It will be necessary when performing decoupage on wood. The substance will not allow the paint to be absorbed into wooden surface. A construction acrylic primer is suitable for these purposes. To level the surfaces, you should get acrylic putty. This can be found in hardware stores. On other surfaces, such as a primer for decoupage, use white acrylic paint or PVA.
  • Brushes. Needed for applying glue, paint and varnish. It is better to choose flat and synthetic brushes, as natural ones fade. Their size may vary depending on what kind of work you will be doing, but No. 10, 8 and 2 are most often used.
  • Paints. Useful for decorating backgrounds, drawing details and creating effects. It is better to use acrylic ones. They have many colors and fall on different surfaces. The paints are water-soluble, so they can be washed off with water before they dry. To obtain translucent shades, thinners are added to them. As an alternative to acrylic paints, you can purchase simple white water-based paint and pigment colors for it.
  • Blanks for decoupage. Everything is limited by your imagination. You can use bottles, trays, wooden boxes, flower pots, vases, frames, mirrors and lampshades.
  • Varnish. Needed to protect objects from exposure external factors. The item is coated with varnish initial stage work and at the end. For decoupage it is better to use alkyd or acrylic varnishes. For the finishing coat it is convenient to use aerosol varnish, which is sold in automotive stores. But to create craquelure you will have to purchase a special varnish.
  • Scissors. In order not to spoil the picture, it is worth choosing sharpened scissors with gently moving blades.
  • Auxiliary Tools. To simplify the work, you should get a sponge, which is useful for painting large surfaces. They will also help create different effects. A roller will be convenient for gluing large or dense pictures. You may need toothpicks, cotton buds, Toothbrush, masking tape, sandpaper, and a hair dryer that will allow you to quickly dry paint or varnish.

Decoupage - execution technique

You should prepare the surface of the item you are going to decorate. If it is plastic or wooden, it should be treated with sandpaper. Then you need to apply a layer of primer: PVA or acrylic paint. If you are doing decoupage on glass or ceramics, the surfaces of the objects need to be degreased. You can use acetone for this.

While the surface dries, cut out the desired pattern from the napkin. This needs to be done as accurately as possible. Separate the bottom 2 plain layers of paper. You should only have the top color left.

  • Apply glue to the surface, attach the image and carefully smooth it out.
  • Place the image on the surface and apply glue on top. Do this carefully so as not to stretch or tear the picture.
  • Cover with glue wrong side image, and then apply it to the surface and smooth it out.

To avoid the formation of wrinkles on paper, PVA can be diluted with water. It is recommended to smooth the image or apply glue to it from the center to the edges.

When the image is dry, coat the product with varnish several times.

Video - how to do decoupage for beginners

Having a “Do it yourself” hobby for girls and women in our time has become not so much fashionable as it is necessary: ​​the activity provides an opportunity to relax, develops feminine energy, even helps you make money! One of the directions in huge world hand-made takes decoupage. You can attend a master class in this area in many places, but you can also save money by learning how to transform things yourself.

Decoupage. What is it, where does it come from, why is it?

The very word “decoupage” - French verb“to cut” (feel the Provençal accent when you say Now it’s a whole fashion direction decoration, design or decoration of objects beautiful pictures and applications. Covered with varnish after sticking beauties cut out of paper, things and surfaces are transformed so that they aesthetic value increases by an order of magnitude.

Despite the foreign roots of the name of this technique, the method of decoration itself was born in the east of Siberia, after which it migrated to China, where, having picked up fashion trend, began to decorate furniture and decorate gifts with their own hands, making cards. They also began to mass produce blanks for decoupage - paper, colored parts.

Europe encountered decoupage out of necessity: with great demand for oriental furniture, which was then fashionable, local cabinetmakers could not provide the entire volume of orders. Therefore, a whole line of production of fakes arose that looked no worse than the original. Imitation of masterful painting, supposedly carefully painted patterns - this became fashionable even among famous people of that time, including Picasso and Madame de Pompadour.

Common techniques

The most popular methods of decoration have developed into separate directions, and even acquired their own adherents. Each is good in its own way and each is suitable for certain type objects or surfaces: shabby chic and ethnic, Provence and simplicity, and the most fashionable - 3D decoupage. A master class on one of the techniques will be given below.

Let's start decoupage. Choosing a surface, selecting materials

You can decorate and decorate almost anything that has a smooth surface and a suitable area for your picture. Of course, as you gain experience, you can try your hand at more complex forms of things. For starters, notebook covers, postcards, furniture, clothes and shoes, vases, flower pots, candles, boxes, part of the walls, and the back panel of the gadget are suitable.

The most common and, perhaps, the simplest material for decoration was and remains napkins. Thanks to the popularity of decoupage, bright, multi-colored napkins with interesting patterns and designs began to be specially produced. But you can also use other paper products: photographs, newspapers, pictures from magazines, calendars, color printouts. The optimal paper for decoupage will be, and wrapping packaging. For the black and white decoupage style, minimalistic but bright black prints are suitable.

From additional materials You will need those that you probably already have at home: scissors, sponge, toothpicks, ruler, cotton swabs. You will need to purchase glue and acrylic paints separately. sandpaper and hairdryer.

It's hard to learn, but it's beautiful in the end. Let's start and win

If your hands ask for something to do, and your mind says that it should be useful, then it’s just right for beginners. For the first works, it is better to choose something that is not too valuable and memorable. Maybe we should try it on a regular plate first?

After the materials have been prepared, the pictures have been selected, and the surface of the future masterpiece has been degreased, we proceed directly to the decorating process using the decoupage technique. The master class has begun.

The most important thing is priming

If there is no special primer yet, you can use the simplest acrylic paint white. Then you will have to wait until the surface dries, and then apply another 1-3 layers, depending on the surface. This may take several hours as this first layer is very important. For the impatient, there is advice - use a hairdryer. The primer is not just a starting layer, it is the foundation and base, and it should be as smooth as possible.

Cooking pictures

If it is a napkin (usually they have two or three layers), then you need to remove the very thinnest layer - carefully so that the picture remains intact. If this is a printout or a picture from a magazine, then you need to carefully cut out the image with small scissors. It happens that for stylization and additional effect, pictures are deliberately cut out not very carefully or individual pieces are torn out along the edge - for this, a wet brush, which is drawn along the contour of the picture, is suitable.

So, the primer has dried and the surface is ideal for gluing. Now the drawing can be pasted. Professional craftswomen who do this use a special varnish or clear gel acrylic on water based. At the initial stage, you can use a composition that is more accessible in every sense - diluted with water. The consistency of such a mixture should be like liquid yogurt, and before use it must also be shaken to avoid heterogeneity, which will interfere with the even application of the already fragile picture.

Gluing a picture is the most difficult thing in decoupage, because it must be done carefully so as not to tear or wrinkle the image. To fix a picture on the plane of an object, you can use a glue stick, having previously coated the surface, and only then attach the picture. Another way is to place the image on a surface prepared with a primer, and only then, applying glue exactly to the middle, carefully distribute it over the rest of the picture.

If you use diluted PVA, you will need a certain speed, because it dries quite quickly. You can do this: dip the brush first in water and then in glue. Be careful to avoid bubbles. If air cannot be avoided, use a rubber roller or your fingers to remove the bubbles from under the picture. Apply several layers of glue/varnish, using a hairdryer for speed. It is better to remove excess glue that flows down the edges with a damp sponge or cloth.

So, the picture is covered and the layers of varnish have dried. Now we need to bring the creation to mind. To make the item look harmonious, you can add color to the background using acrylic paints. Try to apply the most thin layer to avoid future cracking. If you want to show the world a supposedly ancient thing, then use special compositions. For example, our plate using the decoupage technique, the photo of which is presented below, is additionally covered with a layer of craquelure varnish.

The more layers of varnish that protect the surface, the better - professionals can cover their product with several dozen layers, but for beginners 2 to 6 will do.

Additional tools and materials

Masters who have reached heights in decoupage use a variety of additional funds to give special effects to your products. This could be the previously mentioned craquelure varnish, various enamels, bitumen, faceted varnish, resin - for “aging”. For additional volume, structural bulk adhesives, gels, and silicones are used. Wax paste, silver and gold, patina - funds additional decor can't be counted!


If you fell in love with decoupage, the master class was useful to you, and you would like to continue creating unusual, original items, then read a few more tips:

Varnish can also be found in a hardware store - parquet, acrylic, furniture.

Choose your brushes carefully - they should not leave any loose hairs or streaks on the surface.

For items that will be used in water, you will need a waterproof varnish.

To prevent the printed photocopy from bleeding, dilute the PVA and apply it to the picture in two layers.

It is better to keep pictures from magazines in water or spray water on them from above to remove the top thin layer.

To prevent the picture from getting lost, do not use a dark background.

When decorating objects (vases, plates, glasses) made of dark glass, it is recommended to glue White background, tinted with whitewash.

Don't be afraid to experiment, because... personal experience helps you find new ideas and solutions that help you acquire your own style.

So, as our MK showed, decoupage is not such a complicated process, and through trials, experiments, with the help of inspiration and imagination, you can create a real masterpiece, which will decorate your home, will become a wonderful gift friends or, perhaps, the desired acquisition of some connoisseur of beauty.

Decoupage translated from French means “cutting,” so the technique itself resembles appliqué. Elements can be cut out of fabric, napkins, leather or wood, and then glued to wooden or glass surfaces. Using decoupage technique creative ideas for your home will turn into reality and you will be able to decorate the environment in an original way. Even novice needlewomen make unique crafts with their own hands, so you can master decoupage too.

How to make decoupage with napkins

Before getting started with the technique itself, we suggest you figure out what methods there are for gluing napkins and other materials. The elements can be glued entirely or individual pieces can be cut out of them, it all depends on your design idea.

Photo decoupage bottles

Craftswomen mainly use two gluing methods:

  • Spread the prepared surface with glue and apply a napkin.
  • Apply a napkin and then spread glue so that it saturates the paper through.
  • You can use PVA glue, then you will need to wait for it completely dry before varnishing. If you're working on flat surfaces, try using a glue stick. To do this, spread it on a wooden board, then apply a napkin and iron it. This method will help to achieve an even workpiece.

    If you want to decoupage a bottle, then prepare the following materials:

    • bottle
    • Acrylic varnish and paints
    • Napkins
    • Brushes and scissors
    • Alcohol for surface degreasing
    • Primer
    • Ribbons, beads and other decorative items

    First, you will need to remove the labels from the bottle using sandpaper and soapy water. It is important not only to remove the paper, but also the glue so that the surface is perfectly flat. After this work, the bottle is degreased.

    If you want the design to be clearly visible, then prime the bottle completely. You can make the background any color you want using acrylic paint. While the paint is drying, prepare napkins. For decoupage, three-layer napkins are used, from which the top colored layer is separated. You can cut out individual pieces or glue the entire napkin onto the bottle, it all depends on your creative idea for the home.

    Now choose convenient way gluing napkins. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it right the first time, because the paper quickly tears when wet. To reduce the appearance of bubbles and wrinkles, try applying glue from the middle to the edges.

    After the napkin is glued, you can start decorating the bottle. Take a sponge and paints and paint over any imperfections, giving your craft a unique texture. With the help of beads and ribbons you can decorate the bottle in any style. Don’t forget to varnish the surface after drying, because then you will protect the craft from damage and fading.

    Decoupage photo boxes

    Have you already mastered the decoupage technique with step-by-step photos for beginners? Then try making a craft using photos rather than napkins. To do this, print several pictures in a photo studio, and then try to layer the photos.

    You need to place the photo in water and change the water to clean water within 24 hours. When the paper gets wet, you can peel off the top thin layer. In this case, you cannot rush, so as not to tear the photo. It’s better to leave the picture to soak for some time.

    Once you've peeled off the photo, try scrubbing off the paper layer with a dish brush. This is done to ensure that the picture is thin, otherwise it will be difficult to glue it. Crop the photo taking into account the surface on which you are going to stick it.

    Now start preparing the box, board or bottle. It is advisable to degrease and prime the surface. After this, apply PVA to the surface and attach a photo.

    Using a sponge, try to remove all the bubbles and smooth out the picture. Iron the surface with a cloth so that the photo is saturated with glue and all edges are well glued to the base. You can iron it with a roller, the main thing is not to tear the picture.

    After the surface has dried, start decorating the box. To do this, use acrylic paint and a sponge to paint over the edges. dark color. Once the paint has dried, rub the edges with a candle and then apply a light color of paint.

    Take sandpaper and remove the second layer of paint applied to the candle. As a result, you should end up with scuff marks. The aging effect can be enhanced by making cracks with dark-colored varnish. All that remains is to apply a transparent varnish on top and the box is ready. You can use this same technique to decorate any wooden or glass surface.

    Photo of the finished box using decoupage technique

    Decoupage is creative ideas for your home and good way spend your leisure time interestingly and usefully. With your own hands you can create original bottles or boards decorated with napkins and bring something new to the interior.