My family is my treasure. A selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about family. Smart thoughts about home, marriage and family

Family is the most precious thing a person can have. We offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about family. Here you will find beautiful and romantic expressions about married life and children, as well funny statuses about family.

A wedding is a birth new family. Some strive to play a magnificent and luxurious wedding, others prefer a modest ceremony. Only when getting married, couples must understand that it doesn’t matter what their wedding was like, what matters is what theirs will be like. living together. For a family to be happy, you need not only to love, but also to be able to give in to each other. They say that a family becomes real when children appear in it. This statement is not accidental, because love must continue.

A successful marriage is a building that needs to be reconstructed every day. (A. Maurois)

For a marriage to be successful, spouses must make daily efforts to maintain it.

So that the family can develop -
We need to create marriages
Not the one you want to go to bed with,
And with the one with whom you want to get up!

A real family gives you strength to live and wake up every morning in a good mood.

Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family. (Faina Ranevskaya)

If everything is more important, then there is no need to rush. This means the time has not come yet.

Marriage is like scissors - the halves can move in opposite directions, but they will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to get between them. (Sydney Smith)

In a happy marriage, spouses will stand up for each other.

Work - labor force. Evenings are for family. (Gina Wilkins)

Evenings are meant to be spent with family.

My family is my castle.

The more trust, the more stable the fortress.

True love helps you endure all hardships.

Loyalty is the key to a long and happy life family life.

Family is a priceless gift. It needs to be protected, not destroyed. (Susan King)

Whoever destroys a family has no right to be called a Human.

A wife must trust her husband. But what about it? In family life, the main thing is trust. Otherwise, family life is simply unthinkable. (A. Vampilov)

And the husband, in turn, must tell the truth.

You can't replace children, you can't replace family
Money, career, friends, yourself.
Family is where you love and believe,
A picture of happiness, care, peace.
Spiritual intimacy, the secret of longevity,
The fight against all diseases, hope and light.
And let something go wrong and doubts,
Family is a talisman for good luck and victories!

Family is the greatest wealth a person can have.

A family is strong if the moment of happiness is repeated many times. (V. Havel)

A happy family consists of happy moments.

Family is one of nature's masterpieces.

There are as many masterpieces as there are families in the world.

Family is what is worth waking up for every day, breathing every second, and praying to God every moment to protect and protect them...

Family is what makes life worth living.

There should be either two artists in the family, or none. (I. Alferova)

If one is an artist and the other is a spectator, this is no longer a family, this is theater.

With meaning

Getting married means halving your rights and doubling your responsibilities. (A. Schopenhauer)

And also have a fresh breakfast in the morning and wear clean, ironed shirts...)

Spouses must be able to give in to each other, then their relationship can be called love.

In family life, the main thing is patience... Love cannot last long. (A.P. Chekhov)

Over the years, love develops into a habit.

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family unhappy in her own way. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Family happiness is similar - busy weekdays and happy evenings, but everyone has their own misfortune.

In family life, the most important screw is love. (A.P. Chekhov)

To prevent the family from falling apart, this screw must be constantly tightened.

If the family is not filled with children's screams, they are more than compensated for by adults...

In a family without children, it becomes boring and spouses begin to find fault with each other.

FAMILY is happiness, love and luck,
FAMILY means trips to the country in the summer.
FAMILY is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.
FAMILY is work, caring for each other,
FAMILY means a lot of homework.
FAMILY is important! FAMILY is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive away grievances and quarrels,
I want my friends to say about you:

I really want all families to be strong and to say about each of them “What a good family this is”!

The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state.

In it, mom is the President, dad is the Prime Minister...)

Good spouses have the same goals.

And one desire - to be together forever!

Family is not a place where everything is perfect, but where they forgive each other!

There are troubles in any family, but not everyone knows how to forgive them.

Good family- one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night they forget that they are spouses.

Friends by day, lovers by night - these are the ideal spouses.

Don’t complain to anyone about your man, because, most likely, tomorrow you will make peace, and in the eyes of your friends he will remain a “bad person” who does not deserve respect.

It's too late to complain when the choice has been made.

If you take Love and Fidelity,
add to them the feeling of Tenderness,
multiply everything by years,
it will turn out - FAMILY!

Love and loyalty are the main components of a family.

The only thing you should worry about is your family, and let him worry about the rest!

Only people close to you are worthy of your worries.

About a happy family and children

A marriage cannot be happy if the spouses, before entering into a union, do not know each other’s morals, habits and characters perfectly. (O. Balzac)

You need to get used to each other before marriage, not after it.

Pledge family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness. (E. Zola)

Family happiness lies in simple things.

Happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. (A. Maurois)

It seems that happiness always flies by very quickly.

Family starts with children. (A.I. Herzen)

Children are an “attribute” of a real family.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say...

Spouses are people who understand each other without words.

A good woman, when she gets married, promises happiness, a bad woman waits for it.

For a family to be happy, the wife must be wise.

The main secret of a successful marriage is to see accidents in misfortunes, and not to perceive accidents as misfortunes. (G. Nicholson)

In marriage, it is important not to focus on the little things.

The main idea and goal of family life is raising children. Main school Education is the relationship between husband and wife, father and mother. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

For children to grow up to be worthy people, they must be raised in a loving family.

IN happy family the wife thinks that the money is taken from the nightstand, the husband thinks that the food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children think that it was found in the cabbage.

You don't have to know the truth to be happy...

It is better if there is only one leader in the family. And it’s better if this “someone” is love.

Spouses should be ruled by love.


The best way to test a man’s fidelity is to ask his sleeping husband a question in the morning: “Will you go to yours or stay with me?”

Oh, it’s scary to hear the answer...)

That family is strong
Where the cross is on the letter "I"
Where the word “WE” rules, where there are common dreams,
Where there is prosperity and comfort,
Where children run around happily
Where it always flares up again
Such passionate love!

In a family there is only “We” and there is no “I”.

If you meet faithful husband- ask him for an autograph.

And each one went to ask for an autograph from her husband...))

A woman in a family is like a translator: she understands both baby babble and drunken delirium.

A married woman is generally unique creation, she raises her own children and takes care of her mother-in-law’s son...

Take care of yourself - don’t look at your husband’s phone... Take care of your husband too. Put yours away!

If you have nothing to hide, then you don’t have to hide your phone!

An ideal family - dad works, mom is beautiful!

No, well, if that’s the case, then I want to get married and want children...)

To my phrase “You’re my sunshine!” My son, dog, cat came up to me at once, and just in case, my husband looked out from the corridor...

Only the sun lives in the house.

A man who has forgotten his family cannot be called a real man.

Not only is he real, he can’t even be called a Man.

A family is a small country in which PAPA is the president, MOTHER is the minister of finance, the minister of health, the minister of culture and emergency situations in the family. And a CHILD is a people who constantly demands something, is indignant and goes on strike!

As always, all important functions lie with the mother...)

When my family is nearby, I don’t need the Internet!

And when the family is far away, the Internet is only needed to find out how they are doing.

The concepts are incompatible. We refute this statement with a series of beautiful phrases and wise thoughts about love and marriage.

Is it possible to continue to love a person with whom you have lived for many years?

Marital love, which passes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary.

Francois Mauriarch

A full container of emotional love is as important to a marriage as a full fuel tank is to a car. Navigating your marriage down the road of life on an empty love tank can be even more hopeless than trying to drive a car without gas.

Gary Champen

It is interesting to marry only for love; marrying a girl just because she’s pretty is like buying something for yourself at the market unnecessary thing just because she's good.

A.P. Chekhov

What is a reckless passion for one is just a wife for another.

Helen Rowland

For some, the family is a refuge from everyday hardships, for others it is a theater of war.

I. Shevelev

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

Theodore Hesberg

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, and responsiveness.

Emile Zola

If spouses love each other for many years, then falling in love certainly turns into a sweet habit and ardent passion replaced by tender friendship.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Love that is expressed in kind words, in quiet, even communication, which fills the whole house, makes life easier and brings light and joy into every heart, like the sun looking into every corner of a modest home to warm and illuminate it.

Dialogue is to love what blood is to the body. When the blood flow stops, the body dies. When dialogue stops, love dies and hatred and rejection of each other arise. But dialogue can also restore a dead connection. This is the real miracle of dialogue.

Riwell Howe

When love blooms between husband and wife, it shines in everything and takes over everything... Subtlety and purity mutual love not only do they not stand outside of physical closeness, but on the contrary, they feed on it and there is nothing kinder than that deep tenderness that blossoms only in marriage and the meaning of which lies in a living feeling of mutual completion of each other.

Leland Foster Wood

An ideal husband is a man who believes that he has an ideal wife.

Bernard Show

The essence of a pure marriage is perfect love; marriage is holy - when it is in truth, in love; and without love, with deception, there is debauchery.

V. Rozanov

B. Disraeli

If you make a promise to be with a person both in joy and in sorrow, then additional features survive the circumstances. I have a feeling that in life we ​​take exams, and the result goes to the top. And if you don’t pass such an exam, you will return to the same situation again.

Yulia Menshova

The deeper and closer the kinship of souls, the more often it refuses signs. The purest symbol of harmony that has overcome language is an old peasant couple who sits in the evening outside their house and talks silently. One knows what the other is thinking and feeling. Words only destroy this unity.

Oswald Spengler

Two people who have chosen each other over all other people in order to bring each other love and support must show a sense of humor, friendliness, prudence, the ability to forgive, patience and cordiality, must remember how fragile and fragile the life of a human being is, and respect each other until the end of our days.

Joseph Addison

The beauty of a rose is in the flower, the dignity of a word is in its brevity.

For a long time it was believed that there were sayings, proverbs and sayings collected in the biblical Book of Proverbs. With written decoding Ancient Egypt Egyptian proverbs and sayings that were several thousand years older than the Hebrew ones were also discovered. And that's not it. Already in one of the most ancient states of the East - Sumer, people were perfectly able to use witty expressions, which, in essence, differed little from modern ones. In this civilization, for the first time in the history of existence ancient world, Eastern wisdom- proverbs, sayings, sayings, was put into written form.

Eastern wisdom about life

And again Ancient Sumer. Thousands of years ago, the Sumerians were tormented by the same thought about the frailty of existence as modern Europeans:

– Life goes by quickly. Why save, let's spend it all.

– Still, you still have a long time to live. Let's save up.

Centuries passed, civilizations changed, the minarets of the Arab East rose to the sky, marvelous temples of India and pagodas of China and Korea were built. And throughout the populous East, people composed fables, parables, aphorisms, proverbs and sayings. Different different nations, and at the same time having many common features. Below are examples of proverbs, sayings, and sayings characteristic of different nations.

China. A completely unusual civilization for a European. On the one hand, the cruelty of the Chinese rulers has become the talk of the town. On the other hand, the conscience of the nation was Confucius and Lao Tzu, whose apt statements have lived for more than a millennium.

  1. When friendship is based only on profit, they sow hostility and anger. (Confucius)
  2. Be as strict as possible with yourself, as gentle as possible with others. This way, human hostility will not arise. (Confucius)
  3. There will certainly be many difficulties along the way if you hope for an easy road. (Lao Tzu)
  4. The human heart is like a snake - always full of poison. (Lao Tzu)

What's interesting is that Chinese, just like in Russian, there are set expressions called proverbs. And they are talking about concepts familiar to us:

  1. About friendship: “The sea, sun and friendship have no price.”
  2. About the experience: “The old horse will find his way home.”
  3. About betrayal and ingratitude: “I raised a tiger from a tiger cub - I received suffering and destruction.”
  4. About immoderate greed: “The rich man, having received Long, wanted to get Sichuan.”

Japan. A country of amazing mixture of Buddhism and ancient beliefs. A country of samurai honor, talented calligraphers and poets who described the whole world and all human experiences in three or five lines of haiku and tanka. The Japanese language is a language of metaphors, allegories, figurative comparisons, many of which have become proverbs and sayings. And the themes and images of the proverbs of the Japanese, so distant from us, are familiar and understandable:

  1. On irresistible injustice: “Right is powerless where power rules.”
  2. About perseverance and patience: “An ant hole will destroy a stone dam.”
  3. On the ability to rejoice in the happiness of others: “If others are happy, be happy too.”
  4. About tolerance: “there is no arguing about the customs established in the house.”

Arab East. Bukhara, Baghdad, the sultry deserts of Yemen and the green gardens of Agra - all this is the Arab East. A world of deceit, flattery, nobility and courage. The world of great politicians, scientists, poets and folk wits. The East is the world of Omar Khayyam, Nizami Ganjavi, Hamid Mohmand. And these are also folk thieves' stories - "maqam" - full meeting fables, parables, proverbs and sayings. Here, by the way, is one of them - a short excerpt from the novella:

“Once upon a time there was an old donkey. And one day he fell into a well. The owner thought and thought, but still couldn’t figure out how to help the trouble. And he decided to bury both the donkey and the well. I called my neighbors for help, and they began to fill up the well. The donkey screamed and cried, and then began to stand with its feet on each thrown lump of earth. The donkey rose higher and higher until it jumped out of the well.”

And there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of proverbs and sayings. About courage, courage, deceit, friendship, work - about everything in the world. Here are some of them:

  1. Hyenas celebrate when a lion dies. (Afghan proverb)
  2. He who said and did not do it is a donkey, he who did and said it is a man, he who did not say it and did it is a lion.
  3. You can consult with at least a thousand people, but don’t reveal your secret. (Persian proverb)
  4. Two people can know about the secret, provided that one of them is in the grave. (Persian proverb)
  5. Future lazy bull– sale to butchers. (Arabic proverb)
  6. Anything done hastily will bring disaster. (Kurdish proverb)

Eastern wisdom about family and marriage

The uniqueness of the East lies in its “dual” attitude towards women. On the one hand, her position is subordinate to a man, on the other: “I’m ready to give both Samarkand and Bukhara for one of your moles.”

The attitude towards marriage is equally ambivalent. A long time ago, in Sumer they said: “One happiness is in marriage, and if you think about it, the second is in divorce.” They are supported by the Iranians in the saying: “Marriage is happiness for a month, marriage is sadness for all the remaining years.” But the Kazakh proverb says: “Happiness is the first son, half of happiness is a good wife.” In Laos there is an expression: “In a good family, the husband and wife are like chopsticks - always a pair, always together.” In general, a good wife is very important, otherwise there may be the same troubles as in the Jewish proverb: “What could be worse than rain? Bad wife. At least the rain will drive into the house, and the bad wife will drive him out of it.” The only thing worse than rain, according to Pashtun tribes, is tight shoes, and a bad wife, respectively: “A bad wife is like uncomfortable shoes, and presses, and presses.” And always, happiness is children: “A yurt without children is like a hearth without fire,” the Kazakhs said.

In the East they also said: “The first month after the wedding is like pink flower, the second is like bitter wormwood.” But love's eyes are blind, and when it is: "Wounds from smallpox are as beautiful as dimples on the cheeks."

It often happens like this: a girl fell in love with a poor guy. Years have lived together, and prosperity, and even wealth, has come to the house. Old wife seems ugly and boring. A Japanese proverb says: “Love the wife who loved you as a poor man.”

Eastern wisdom about love says:

  • Three things are not subject to reason: the wind blowing from the mountains, the sun running across the sky, love settled in the heart of a person.
  • The khan has advisers, the emir has advisers, love does not need advisers.
  • Love brings. Anger is a disgrace.
  • In the name of love, it is not a sin to wear rags.

In conclusion, we can cite the statement of an unknown Chinese author: “This is sadness, this is sadness. Both my wife and my mistress love me at the same time. Do I feel like God? Oh no. I feel like I’m both a resident of heaven and a resident of hell.”

There is a lot in Eastern philosophy that is incomprehensible to us; the West and the East are too different in their worldview. And yet, Eastern wisdom: quotes, aphorisms, sayings are quite applicable to today's European realities.

* No man can understand what it is real love, until he has been married for a quarter of a century. Mark Twain.

* Marriage without love is lifelong hard labor. George Sand.

* Marriage without love is fraught with love without marriage. Benjamin Franklin.

* In this world, the only real happiness is a happy marriage. Maria Theresa.

* A successful marriage is a structure that needs to be reconstructed every time. Andre Maurois.

* Often the difference between a successful and unsuccessful marriage lies in three or four unspoken remarks every day. Harlan Miller.

* Marriage based on mutual inclination and reason is one of the greatest blessings human life. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

* Marriage should be an endless mutual education. Henri Amiel.

* A true marriage is only one that illuminates love. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

* The feeling of love can be truly good only when inner harmony loving, and then it constitutes the beginning and guarantee of that social prosperity that is promised to us in the future development of mankind by the establishment of brotherhood and personal equality between people. N. A. Dobrolyubov

* That’s what love is for, to pass all the tests. Those who pass these tests will be happy forever! And those who submit to fate and fate will not know what it is - true love! Nyanin Alexey.

* There is something in the world that one must always strive for and that is sometimes given into one’s hands, and this something is human tenderness. A. Camus.

* Love comes to us... in order to give strength to dreams, inspire the heart, open our eyes to everything beautiful. Nyanin Alexey.

* Love is communication not only physical, but also spiritual. D. Selinger.

* Love for another person and marriage are wonderful, but temporary, but romance with yourself is eternal. He is forever. Love the family within you: the child, the parent and the years that separate them. Louise Hay.

* Love is the best religion in the world, if someone loves someone, he will give everything to him without prayer. O. Balzac.

* Life is given to a person once, and it’s scary to die without true love!.. Nyanin Alexey.

* Love at first sight can be trusted in much the same way as a diagnosis at the first touch of the hand. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) - English playwright. Find out what else is useful and interesting on this site, you can follow the link:
* Marriages are made in heaven, but they do not care that they are successful. Maria Ebner-Eschenbach (1830-1916) - Austrian writer.

* First love is so fragrant because it forgets the difference between the sexes, because it is a passionate friendship. Herzen A.I.

* We all became human only to the extent that we loved people and had the opportunity to love... Loving selflessly and selflessly, with a force equal to the square of the distance, is the work of our hearts while we are children. Pasternak B.

* Nowhere is humanity more evident than in the experience of love. Gulyga Arseny.

* In a relationship of true love, the partners will never separate because they are constantly separated. They even look for breakups in order to acknowledge them, call them by name, accept them and get over them. In true love, partners come together to follow the same path towards truth, exposing the falsehood that lies in the human being, and discovering their own uniqueness. They live a spiritual life, they have found their divine essence. Valerio Albisetti.

* Only marriage can give a person the fullness of knowledge of another person - it is a miracle to feel, touch, see another person as uniquely and uniquely as the knowledge of God. For this reason, we can say that before marriage a person seems to glide above life, observing it from the outside, and only in marriage does he plunge into life itself, entering it through another person. This enjoyment of true knowledge and true life gives rise to that feeling of completeness and satisfaction that makes us richer and wiser. Alexander Elchaninov.

* Anyone entering into marriage should be the judge of his own intentions and consult only with himself. Francois Rabelais.

* Does love exhaust everything for me? Everything, but only differently. Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems, deeds, and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies off, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot but manifest itself in everything... But if there is no “activity”, I am dead. ...Love cannot be established by any “shoulds”, by any “impossibles” - only by free competition with the whole world. Mayakovsky V.V.

* A person can be great thanks to his feelings - not only his mind. Dreiser Theodor.

* I am convinced that love sustains the earth. Only there is life where there is love. Life without love is death. Love - reverse side medals, and her front side is the truth. Gandhi Mahatma.

* The world stands on love. He stood, and stands, and will stand on love. On the love of a person for a person, on the love of one sex for another... On that pure and great feeling, which permeates all works of art. E. Klimov.

* Love is terribly insightful... Those who love see through each other with all the vices and do not favor each other with adoration... Nature is merciless and demands frank relationships. Love is a measure of the giftedness of people's lives, but, despite everything, it is to a very small extent sexuality. Andrey Platonov.

* Love is a free, sacrificial, high feeling. It is incompatible with internal lack of freedom... There has never been a favored regime for love in the world... Earthly love is selfless and demanding, defenseless and insidious, fragile and strong, jealous, generous and does not forgive everything... And yet in every earthly love must have something heavenly... K. Kedrov.

* Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time. Love is similar to reproaches of conscience in that reflections and memories only strengthen it. J. Labruyère.

* Most happy wife not the one who got the most best husband, but the one who made the best of what she managed to get. Helen Rowland.

* Marriage and its bonds turn out to be either the greatest good or the greatest evil for a person; there is no middle. Marriage is the most precious treasure of people, when the harmony of souls and hearts, feelings, tastes and characters is tied by its bonds created by nature, bound by love and ennobled by honor. God! What a pleasure it is to love openly and bear the name of your loved one. Voltaire.

* True love there is, first of all, a high emotional and mental attitude, which gives rise to a feeling of joy, amazing uplift, and an uncontrollable desire to do good deeds. All the world to a person in love it seems beautiful and significant. Everyday, prosaic tasks become important and even pleasant and are performed with some special ease. No wonder love is considered the elixir of life. It awakens hidden psychic and physical strength. Benediktov I.I.

* The poorer spiritual world person, so simpler attitude to love, approaching animal consumption, to animal primitiveness. Nyanin Alexey.

* I lived own experience and to the bottom all phases of family life and saw all the fragility of blood ties; they are strong when they are supported by a spiritual connection, and without them they can hold on until the first push. A.I. Herzen.

* So-called “little things in everyday life” arise every day and can even destroy love happiness, especially when both or one of the lovers does not want to give in. If those who love have only one desire - to achieve their own, to subjugate the other, then there will be no happiness. True love does not tolerate slavery and flourishes only in an atmosphere of freedom. Of course, differences in characters can be the cause of minor quarrels, occasional omissions and grief, but they are always surmountable if there is mutual affection. Benediktov I.I.

* ...There is an even more powerful force - love. But not just love, but unrequited love, betrayal or unsuccessful love, especially early love, which leaves a scar in the heart for life. In the origins of a genius's creativity, look for betrayal or unrequited love. The more dangerous the wound inflicted, the more brilliant the artist’s creations. Kataev V.

On this score, it happens. And it occurs much more often than many people think. True, a strong family is continuous work, and a successful marriage is one that endures long years proximity.

As one says wise quote, a husband and wife should be like a hand and eyes: when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hands wipe away the tears. And there is more beautiful phrase, according to which all marriages are of convenience, because everyone expects to find their happiness in it.

We have selected for you beautiful and positive quotes about family, which are designed to help you understand what family happiness consists of. These phrases and sayings make it clear that a family is not a place where everything is always good, but where everyone always forgives each other.

Quotes about a strong family with meaning

Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman, where the independence of both parties is equal, the dependence is mutual, and the obligations are mutual.
Louis Anspacher

It's no secret that a happy marriage is based on a balance of interests and high stress resistance.
Stephen King

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness...
Emile Zola

In family life, the most important screw is love.
Anton Chekhov

A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night they forget that they are spouses.
Jean Rostand

It is better if there is only one leader in the family. And it’s better if this “someone” is love.
Olga Muravyova

Golden Rule marriage life- patience and forbearance.
Samuel Smiles

No man or woman knows what true love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century.
Mark Twain

Getting married means halving your rights and doubling your responsibilities.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Modesty and kindness are more needed in family life than wit and proud beauty.
Daphne Du Maurier

Family is mutual bearing of hardships and a school of sacrifice.
Nikolay Berdyaev

Good wife- life saving.
Kay Cavus

A successful marriage is about much more than the ability to find the right person; it is also the ability to be such a person yourself.
Leland Wood

By the bride a man chooses, one can judge what he is like and whether he knows his worth.
Johann Goethe

The wife creates the climate, and the husband makes the weather.
Aminadav Shpolyansky

Family is one of nature's masterpieces.
George Satayana

The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.
Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Happy is he who is happy at home.
Lev Tolstoy

Wife and children teach humanity; bachelors are gloomy and stern.
Francis Bacon

Marriage without love is lifelong hard labor.
George Sand

Marriage based on mutual inclination and reason is one of the greatest blessings of human life.
Ivan Turgenev

Marriage should be an endless mutual education.
Henri-Frédéric Amiel

Family will always be the basis of society.
Honore de Balzac

Marriage is the continuation of love through other means.
Gennady Malkin

A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short.
Andre Maurois

In marriage, the main thing is not victory, but participation.
Gennady Malkin

Family is the most important thing in the world. If you don't have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family is the strongest bond of your life.
Johnny Depp

Marriage is like scissors - the halves can move in opposite directions, but they will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to get between them.
Sydney Smith

To create a family, it is enough to love. And to preserve, you need to learn to endure and forgive.
Mother Teresa

When everything is good, it’s easy to be together: it’s like a dream, just know - breathe, and that’s all. We need to be together when it’s bad - that’s why people come together.
Valentin Rasputin

We hope that quotes about family helped you understand what the secret of a happy relationship is. Let's try to explain in simple words, without the statements of great people. Family is the wisdom, ability and desire of two people who are married to understand each other, listen and hear, forgive insults and love. Perhaps it is these simple and at the same time complex things that constitute the recipe for a happy family life. Best wishes to you and your family.