5 month fetus. Fifth month of pregnancy, fetal development and mother's feelings

Interesting period

This month you are expected amazing discoveries. Your pregnancy becomes noticeable to others, and you clearly hear the baby's movements.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother?

The size of the uterus increases very quickly, and your pregnancy is already clearly visible to others. At the beginning of the month upper edge uterus (obstetricians call it the “bottom”) is located halfway between the pubic joint and the navel, by the end the bottom is already a couple of centimeters higher than the navel. The navel is smoothed out or protrudes, and it will remain so until childbirth.

As in previous months, your blood volume is constantly increasing, now mainly due to the liquid part of the blood - plasma. At the same time, the relative number of cells in the blood becomes smaller. In particular, the number of erythrocytes per unit volume of blood and their main component, hemoglobin, decreases. This condition is called physiological anemia of pregnancy. This is normal, but check with your doctor if you are getting enough iron; otherwise there is a threat of real, pathological anemia. In order to establish the nature of the changes, the doctor will offer to pass a series of tests.

Thanks to the hormone progesterone, which is produced in the ovaries, your joints and ligaments are relaxed, so pain in the lower back and other places is not ruled out.

Due to the development of bones and muscles in the fetus this month, your body especially needs additional calcium.

Usually the placenta is located closer to the bottom of the uterus along one of its walls. However, in some cases, the placenta forms closer to the lower part of the uterus. In this case, they talk about the low location of the placenta. On ultrasound examination, the placenta is considered low-lying, bottom edge which is located at a distance of not more than 6 cm from internal os cervix. Moreover, in the fifth month of pregnancy, the frequency of detection low location placenta is about 10 times higher than before childbirth, which is explained by the "migration" of the placenta. The tissues of the lower part of the uterus with an increase in the duration of pregnancy are pulled up, as a result of which the lower edge of the placenta also shifts and takes correct position. Ultrasound in dynamics allows a high degree accuracy to get an idea of ​​the migration of the placenta.

Future child

The total length of the baby is already 20.5 cm! Its weight is almost 200 g. Growth continues. During this month, the fetus will grow from 20 to 30 cm and gain weight from 200 to 500 g. Your doctor will be able to listen to his heartbeat.

The child is rapidly using your calcium to build and strengthen his skeleton. His nails have already grown, the phalanges of the fingers and toes have formed, the rudiments of permanent teeth have appeared, which are located deeper than the rudiments of milk teeth. Formed in the skin sweat glands, a fatty layer begins to accumulate under the skin, which will help the child maintain normal temperature body after birth. From the exfoliating hairs and skin cells, a cheese-like lubricant is formed - a white-cream-colored substance that protects the skin of the fetus until childbirth.

The baby still has a disproportionately large head, which is a sign of the dominant role of the brain in its development. The cells that carry out the connection between the brain and muscles have already taken their place. The child learns to control his movements, learns to understand where different parts of his body are located, how they relate to each other. The child learns the world: sucks his finger, touches own face, strokes his arms and legs, swallows amniotic fluid. Periods of activity alternate with periods of complete rest, while the fetus moves and changes its position inside the uterus several times a day. He can make hiccup-like movements, which is felt as a light periodic tapping inside.

The muscles of the face are formed, the child begins to “make faces”: winks, frowns, opens his mouth. He's got eyebrows! Taste buds begin to form on the tongue. digestive tract is already able to separate water and sugar from the amniotic fluid swallowed by the child and pass its few fibrous contents up to the rectum, gradually forming the original feces - meconium.

If before the yolk sac was the blood factory in the fetus (one of the structures that formed after conception), now the fetal bone marrow has taken over this function, and the yolk sac disappears. The content of red blood cells (erythrocytes) is already quite high in the blood, they contain a special fruit hemoglobin, it carries oxygen much more actively than the hemoglobin of an adult. This property of hemoglobin contributes to a better supply of oxygen to the fetus, "Adult" hemoglobin in the fetus begins to be synthesized from the 16th week of pregnancy, by the time of birth, only 30% of "adult" hemoglobin is in the baby's blood, and only by the fifth month after birth it will completely replace the fruit.

White blood cells (leukocytes), which are responsible for suppressing infections, begin to be produced. The immune system the fetus is also capable of synthesizing immunoglobulin - substances that provide proper protection against foreign agents.

Feelings of the expectant mother

This month is preparing you one of the most memorable experiences. Finally, you will feel the movements of the unborn child. With your first pregnancy, you will experience this joy at 18-20 weeks, when repeated pregnancies women feel fetal movement about 2-4 weeks earlier. This difference is mainly due to the fact that the woman is already familiar with this sensation. The feeling of fetal movement is difficult to describe: for some it resembles a state before a banal indigestion - rumbling in the stomach, someone says that a butterfly flutters in the stomach or a fish splashes.

The frequency of movements depends on many factors. If a woman moves a lot, then this lulls the child, and he is less active. When a woman is resting, the child's movements become more pronounced. In addition, at rest, a woman listens to herself more and notices movements more often. The frequency of movements increases with a deficiency in the blood of the mother, and as a result, the fetus, nutrients and oxygen. When the fetus moves, the flow of blood from the placenta becomes more intense, providing an increase in oxygen and nutrients in its blood. If the movements become very intense, then this may mean that with their movements the child “asks” the mother to eat or go outside.

Due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the stomach and reduced peristalsis, heartburn may begin to bother you in the fifth month, although it most often worsens in the later stages of pregnancy, This is caused by the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. For most women, heartburn is not very severe. It can be dealt with if you eat often and in small portions to avoid tilting and horizontal position of the body immediately after eating. Try to pick up such food (and its amount) so as not to experience heartburn. Someone helps ordinary water, someone milk, porridge, carrot juice, seeds. If you can’t cope with the diet, then acid-neutralizing agents can bring relief. Before using them, be sure to consult your doctor and read the instructions: many of these drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. Avoid drinking soda, as soda enters into chemical reaction with acidic contents of the stomach, which can lead to inflammation of the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach.

Itching is a fairly common pregnancy symptom. About 20% of pregnant women suffer from itching. Most often, itching is not dangerous for you and the baby: it is associated with stretching of the skin, especially with rapid weight gain. If itching occurs, as with any new symptom, you should consult a doctor. Treatment is most often not required, just try not to scratch the places that bother you - this will only increase the itching. You can help yourself by using soothing lotions containing menthol or just moisturizers. At severe itching also prescribe drugs commonly used to treat allergic reactions. Sometimes itching can be a symptom of complications from the liver, then the doctor will take appropriate measures, you may need 5 months of pregnancy hospitalization. Many pregnant women sometimes experience pain in their buttocks, lower back, or hips, which is due to irritation. sciatic nerve that runs behind the uterus. The best way relieve this pain - lie on your "healthy" side. This reduces the pressure of the uterus on the nerve. You can also do pelvic tilts and rotations before lying down.

Now, for the first time, many people have another sign - the discharge of a yellowish translucent liquid from the nipples - colostrum. This is normal, just do not try to squeeze the colostrum out of the breast, as stimulation of the nipples can lead to uterine contractions, if necessary, just wipe it with a tissue. If it leaks constantly, you will need special disposable or reusable breast pads.

Psychology of the fifth month

The second half of pregnancy begins. Your impatience is understandable: so much has already been experienced, and there are still long twenty weeks of doubts and hopes ahead. Your mood is mostly stable, but bouts of irritability and absent-mindedness may continue. You may be worried about the test results. Or the 20th week has already come, and you do not feel the movement of the fetus. Regular monitoring by a doctor is necessary, which will resolve all doubts.

Childbirth is already beginning to be realized as an imminent real event, in connection with this some anxiety may appear. If you are already thinking about this, then it's time to sign up for childbirth preparation courses. Have you heard anything about it yet? Be sure to ask your gynecologist about this. Do not ignore classes, referring to everyday difficulties. Statistical studies conducted in different countries, unequivocally testify: pregnant women who have completed a course of such training have much fewer complications during childbirth. In addition, it will help to cope with anxiety.

Possible deviations from the norm

The growing uterus presses on the ureters and bladder, disrupting the outflow of urine, and incomplete emptying of the renal pelvis creates conditions for the development of infectious inflammation. A disease called pyelonephritis of pregnant women may occur - inflammation of the urinary part of the kidneys. In the acute period of the disease, a pregnant woman is concerned about weakness, fever up to 38-40 ° C, chills, back pain on one or both sides, frequent and painful urination. Against the background of such specific symptoms, signs of a threatened abortion may appear (pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, bloody discharge from the genital tract). If there is any suspicion of pyelonephritis, you should immediately consult a doctor: this disease is dangerous for your health and the health of your baby. Detailed urinalysis, as well as ultrasound examination of the kidneys, help clarify the diagnosis. Treatment of this complication is carried out in a hospital. Used for treatment antibacterial drugs, antispasmodics and herbal diuretics. In addition, the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, preferably fruit drinks, and "positional therapy" - staying in a warm bed on the side to improve blood circulation in the kidney area. After suffering pyelonephritis, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis possible exacerbations through herbal remedies, diet and exercise.

Hypersensitivity and bleeding of the gums, muscle cramps in the legs, pain in the pelvic bones - all these can be symptoms of calcium deficiency. In order to prevent the deficiency of this mineral, it is advisable to additionally take vitamin-mineral complexes. If there are already manifestations of calcium deficiency, the doctor will prescribe special preparations - CALCIUM D3 NIKOMED, ​​KALTSBMIN, CALCIUM-ACTIVE.

Accordingly, you need to build your diet: a lot of calcium in skim milk, cottage cheese, hard cheeses.

Placenta previa is a condition in which the placenta completely or partially blocks the internal opening of the cervical canal. The placenta tissue does not have great extensibility, it does not have time to adapt to the rapidly expanding wall of the lower uterine segment (with normal attachment, the placenta is attached to the area of ​​the wall sections that stretch much more slowly), as a result, at some point, its detachment occurs, usually in area of ​​the internal opening of the cervical canal, which is accompanied by bleeding.

Such bleeding begins suddenly, they are painless, repeated with the growth of pregnancy, and it is impossible to guess when and what the next bleeding will be in terms of strength and duration. Bleeding with placenta previa threatens the life of both the woman and the child due to blood loss. Even if the bleeding has stopped, the pregnant woman remains under the supervision of the hospital doctors until the due date.

Necessary medical measures

After 20 weeks of pregnancy, you will have to visit the doctor a little more often. Perhaps this month you will visit your gynecologist twice, this is due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman is under heavy stress. Do a urine test before each visit. During a visit to the doctor, blood pressure is measured, the shape is examined and the height of the uterine fundus is measured, edema is detected and varicose veins veins, listen to the movements and heartbeat of the fetus. On one of the visits, the doctor will offer you an examination on a gynecological chair and a control smear analysis for flora.

The fifth month is the time for the next scheduled ultrasound. Its main goal is to clarify the structure of the internal organs of the fetus in order to identify malformations. In addition to the actual study of the anatomy of the fetus, biometrics is carried out - the measurement of the fetus. Most often, the transverse size and circumference of the fetal head, the diameter and circumference of the tummy, as well as the length are measured. femur. According to these data, it can be judged whether there is a lag in the growth of the fetus or any part of its body. In addition to the condition of the child, they study the number amniotic fluid and their location, thickness, structure of the placenta. Assess the condition of the walls of the uterus, especially in the presence of a scar from previous operations, the length of the cervix. Finally, the fifth month is the optimal period for determining the sex of the fetus. Sometimes, however, the babies refuse to cooperate and do not turn to the ultrasonic sensor. right place. During this study, it is possible to conduct a Doppler study - the study of blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta, fetus, which also makes it possible to judge the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

Behavior rules

Your lower body, hips, and abdomen are getting bigger, and in five months, your weight gain will be about one-third or one-half of your total weight gain. The optimal weight gain by 20 weeks is 3-5 kg. Now you need to especially monitor nutrition, you will feel an increase in appetite: an increased metabolism will require an additional 500 calories from you. Some recommendations state that during pregnancy you should not take a bath, but you can only wash in the shower. However, there are no medical contraindications to either method. Just be careful when getting in and out of the bath and don't bathe in very hot water. For safety, purchase a rubber mat for the bottom of the tub.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, at the height of manifestations early toxicosis, sexual activity women are most often reduced. With the advent of the second trimester and an improvement in well-being, a woman's sexuality returns. intensifies sex drive, increased sensitivity erogenous zones, blood flow in the pelvic organs, secretion into the vagina. Do not deprive yourself of this joy, if there are no medical contraindications. Such contraindications include: the presence of a threat of termination of pregnancy, a miscarriage or premature birth with past pregnancy, any bloody discharge from the genital tract, anomalies in the location of the placenta (including presentation), the presence inflammatory process in the vagina (colpitis), sexually transmitted infections in the husband. Baby is well protected amniotic fluid And fetal bladder. The most comfortable position for sexual contact during pregnancy - on the side or with the position of the woman on top.

household affairs

It is very good if you have the opportunity to take a walk and relax lying down in the middle of the day. However, you still have to work. It's time to discuss the upcoming changes with the employer. The doctor can tell you exactly the date when he will give you sick leave on pregnancy and childbirth. Based on this date, you can schedule another vacation. If you have health problems, ask for a shorter working day or week, or take unpaid leave. Working hard will not benefit you or your baby and will only make pregnancy more difficult. After all, in the near future, a career will not occupy you in the first place. It makes sense to discuss with the employer and the time that you plan to sit with the baby after childbirth. Now you are full of energy, so you can start arranging the nursery. Start thinking about your baby's essentials, especially if you already know their gender. Do not rush to shop, go shopping, take a closer look. Consult with experienced friends. Just choose a time for excursions when there are a minimum of buyers in the store. Remember that such hikes should in no way replace a walk in the fresh air.

This is the equator of pregnancy, you will find out the sex of the baby (if you want, of course), and others will notice your rounded tummy. You already clearly feel the movements of the baby, communication with him is already taking on the character of a dialogue. you discover wonderful new world- motherhood, it will capture you completely and all problems will fade into the background. And more and more often you will be visited by thoughts of an imminent birth.

Changes in the mother's body in the fifth month of pregnancy

The uterus is growing rapidly, and your pregnancy is already hard to miss. If at the beginning of the month the bottom of the uterus is in the middle between the pubis and the navel. Then by the end of the month it can be felt already a couple of centimeters above the navel. And the navel itself can stretch and smooth out.

The volume of circulating blood is constantly increasing, it helps you and your baby get everything you need for growth and development. Due to the discrepancy between the amount of the liquid part of the blood and its formed elements, especially erythrocytes, physiological anemia of pregnant women may occur. This is normal - but still, the doctor will most likely prescribe iron supplements to replenish your iron reserves. To clarify the level of hemoglobin, the doctor will prescribe a blood test from a finger.

Due to the action of hormones, the joints and ligaments have become weaker. Therefore, pain in the lower back or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints is possible, this is not dangerous. The baby's skeleton is growing and you need calcium, otherwise the baby will take it from your skeleton.

The placenta is now located on one of the walls and is already fully functioning - however, the doctor will clarify its location, sometimes there are abnormal attachments. However, the placenta has the ability to “rise”, so even if it is still low, it’s not scary.

Feelings of the expectant mother in the fifth month of pregnancy

This month you will fly on wings - your baby "speaks" to you with body language. he kicks your feet. Handles in response to your words, pushes you in the tummy. These feelings are difficult to describe in words - but they are unforgettable, involve dad in communicating with the baby. Let him whisper to him tender words in the "microphone" - the navel area is the thinnest and sounds are better conducted.

The activity of the crumbs and its movement depend on many factors - on the number of your movements, nutrition, stay on fresh air. At rest, you listen to yourself more and movements are heard more often. If the baby is very violent, this may indicate a lack of oxygen in him - go get some air.

The growing uterus props up internal organs, and they are displaced, including the stomach. Due to a change in position, heartburn may appear, unpleasant feeling in the esophagus. It can increase with the growth of the uterus, and disappears after childbirth. Usually heartburn is not severe, and a change in diet helps to cope with it - seeds, milk, yogurt often help, but if you find it hard to endure, the doctor will prescribe relief.

May appear this month unpleasant symptom- itching of the skin, especially on the abdomen and thighs, where it is most stretched. This sensation is unpleasant, but not dangerous for you and the child, however, you should not scratch the skin - it is better to spread it with a soothing lotion or cream.

Due to the growth of the uterus, there is also the appearance of a “symptom of the inferior vena cava”, dizziness and lightheadedness, if you lie on your back. This is due to compression of a vein that runs along the spine, and a violation of blood flow to the head, therefore, try to rest more often on your left side or with your legs raised - half-sitting.

Changes occur in the breast, and the first colostrum may appear - yellowish droplets, this is preparation for feeding. If there is a lot of colostrum, use breast pads. But if it is not there, this does not mean that you will not be able to feed - everyone has their own time period for the appearance of colostrum.

Your emotions also change, you realize that half the way has been passed and that's it. closer birth. They may scare you and good way overcome fear - go to childbirth preparation courses, now is the time. You will be taught everything - breathing and relaxation, prepare the body and mind.

Now you have become calmer, slower, time flows measuredly - this is a feature of work nervous system, dominants of pregnancy. It protects you from negativity and gives you peace of mind. If anxiety does not leave you, it prevents you from living a normal life - this is an occasion to talk with a psychologist, do art therapy, or just be distracted by a hobby.

Your baby (fetal development in the fifth month of pregnancy)

Your baby has already grown up to 20 cm, and he weighs almost 250 g. He grows very quickly, never again in his life does a person grow so fast. In a month, his growth will become 10 cm more. reaching 30 cm. and the weight will double, it will become about 500g. The doctor with the help of a special apparatus will let you listen to his heartbeat.

Now his skeleton is actively growing and he needs a lot of calcium, his nails are growing. The phalanges of the fingers are formed, the rudiments of already permanent teeth have appeared. The skin differentiates - sweat glands appear in it, subcutaneous fat accumulates, which will retain heat. Skin cells and hairs are constantly dying off, they form a special cheese-like lubricant that covers the baby's body at birth - it is cream-colored.

So far, the baby's body is disproportionate - the head is much larger than all parts of the body, the brain is developing very actively. The child learns to control his movements, and the role of the brain in this is dominant. The baby can already suck his finger, touch the body and walls of the uterus, changes position inside the uterus several times a day. Sometimes he can make movements like coughing or hiccuping, and mom feels it through the abdominal wall.

The baby's face is already changing expression, and this can already be seen on the ultrasound, he already has a taste and he pours into the amniotic fluid that his mother ate. His bone marrow is already producing blood cells, there are already enough red blood cells in it to meet his oxygen needs, which he receives through the placenta.

Contrary to popular belief, the fetus and mother do not have common blood, each has its own, and may even differ in group and rhesus. In addition, the baby is already creating its own protective cells, leukocytes, to fight possible infections.

Dangers of the fifth month of pregnancy

The uterus grows and presses on the internal organs, the ureters are clamped, which, when certain conditions may cause pyelonephritis. Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to regularly empty the bladder and take a urine test - this will prevent a formidable disease.

Bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, pain in the pelvis and muscle cramps may disturb the expectant mother - these are the consequences of a lack of calcium, which goes to the growth of the baby, calcium supplements must be taken additionally. In addition, you need to eat enough calcium-containing foods - these are milk and dairy products, as well as nuts, cabbage and much more.

Another danger may be a violation of the position of the placenta - its complete or incomplete presentation. This may be with abnormalities of pregnancy or the structure of the uterus. This is dangerous because placental abruption can occur, which is life threatening. If there is bloody discharge from the genital tract or bleeding, urgently call an ambulance and a hospital.

Medical supervision in the fifth month of pregnancy

Now you will have to visit the doctor more often - this month you will come to the doctor twice, more frequent supervision is due to the increasing workload on you. You will have a urine test before each visit. At the appointment, they will weigh you, measure the pressure and size of the tummy, the height of the fundus of the uterus, examine you on the chair and make a smear.

This month you will again see the baby with your own eyes - at the second planned ultrasound, on which, by the way, you can find out the sex of the baby. In addition, the baby will be measured and determined by weight, length and development. The condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid and the condition of the cervix will be assessed.
In addition, during the study, you will also be given Dopplerography - this is a way to study blood flow in the vessels inside the uterus, placenta, umbilical cord and baby's body.

Your appetite increases. But you need to show moderation in everything - weight gain should be about 5 kg from the start of pregnancy, excess weight won't do any good. V ordinary life there are almost no restrictions - you can swim in the shower or take a bath, go to the pool, go to fitness for pregnant women, travel.

Now your sexuality has blossomed. If there are no medical contraindications, intimate life continues at the same pace. The baby is well protected by the fetal bladder and uterus, and you will not do him the slightest harm.

Rest often during the day, walk at least 1-2 hours a day, sleep during the day if possible. If you're still working, it's time to discuss your upcoming maternity leave with your superiors. In addition, you are entitled to significant indulgences at work, light labor and extra breaks.

You can start thinking about dowry for the baby, especially since most likely you already know his gender, plan purchases and gradually acquire little things. But don't turn shopping into a hours-long marathon. Shopping for a baby is a very pleasant thing, share it with a future dad.

The 5th month of pregnancy is the time when a woman feels the first movements of the baby. Joy arises during 18-20 weeks. With repeated pregnancies, movements occur two to four weeks earlier. This arises due to the fact that the mother is already familiar with the sensations. The movements of the child are difficult to describe. For all of them, at the beginning of the 5th month of pregnancy, they are purely individual.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve Sports Abdominal pain
Very important point changes
how many phase

The frequency of movements depends on the amount of oxygen entering the body of the fetus and useful substances. If the movements are very active, then the child asks for food or fresh air.

Feelings of the expectant mother

In addition, due to the strong pressure of the uterus on the stomach, women are often worried about heartburn. This is due to the ingestion of the contents into the stomach. Most women have mild heartburn. You can get rid of it if you eat often and in small portions. Helps water, juice, seeds and other products.

By the fifth month, problems may arise due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Itching is a very common symptom in pregnant women. Associated with stretching of the skin due to the fact that the abdomen is enlarged at the 5th month of pregnancy, and also due to weight gain. If itching or any other symptom occurs, tell your doctor. To eliminate the symptoms, menthol, creams, body lotions are used. In rare cases, itching indicates liver problems. We offer a photo of the abdomen at 5 months.

Pregnancy causes pain in the lower back, buttocks, back, hips. Leads to inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

The appearance of colostrum - secretions yellow color from the nipples. This is a normal process. It is forbidden to squeeze out the consistency, as this leads to a contraction of the uterus. If necessary, it is enough to wipe the colostrum with napkins. If the discharge is regular, you will need breast pads.

Women often complain about the appearance of discharge in the form of whites. Purulent, greenish discharge thick consistency indicate the development of a sexual infection. In this case, urgent treatment is necessary to avoid infection of the fetus.

Carrying a child is a complex process. moms experience frequent shifts mood, distraction, irritability.

What is allowedWhat is prohibited
Moderate physical exercise, quiet work.Work that requires heavy lifting, sudden movements, as well as contact with household chemicals.
Any repair work, climbing a ladder or a stool is prohibited.
Green and herbal teas, juices, water. Nutrition should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals. Foods containing calcium are highly recommended.Too much caffeine contributes to stress of cardio-vascular system which leads to miscarriage premature birth feeling anxious.
Some drugs: multivitamins, No-shpa, laxatives, drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids, some sedatives are allowed.Before taking the medicine, you need to look at the instructions - is it possible to take it during pregnancy. Otherwise, a doctor's permission is required. Vasoconstrictor drops, ambroxol, ambrobene, aspirin, antibiotics are prohibited.
Medicinal herbs: mint, yarrow, chamomile.Medicinal herbs. Available high risk miscarriage.
It is allowed to carry out ultrasound and other tests prescribed by a doctorX-ray and fluorography. There is a high risk of damage to the central nervous system.
Recommended special exercises for pregnant women, training individual muscle groups. Useful hiking, yoga, Pilates.Active sports. These include: weightlifting, equestrian sports, strength exercises.
Resistance to stressful situations. The load at work and at home should not affect the condition of the mother and child. It is recommended to reduce activity, more rest.Foodstuffs: raw or undercooked eggs, meat (including sausage, minced meat), unpasteurized milk. Infection with salmonellosis, listeriosis leads to complications, serious illnesses newborn.

Baby development at 5 months

Sports are not prohibited, the main thing is not to overwork

At the 5th month of pregnancy, the following developmental changes are observed.

  1. The total length is 20 cm. The growth of the fetus continues actively. Within a month, the size increases to 30 cm. Weight - 200 g. At the end of the 5th month, the weight is 500 g.
  2. The heartbeat is heard on the ultrasound.
  3. The fetus at the 5th month grows rapidly and strengthens the skeleton. The nails are already visible, the phalanges of the fingers are formed, the imprints of the teeth appear.
  4. On the skin of the fetus there are sweat glands, a fatty layer accumulates, which is necessary for thermoregulation.
  5. The head is disproportionately large. This is a sign of a dominant role in development.
  6. Cells that provide communication between the brain and muscles develop.
  7. The child learns to control movements. Determines the location of body parts.
  8. The fetus touches the face, strokes the arms and legs.
  9. Activity and rest alternate.
  10. Hiccup-like movements are formed.
  11. Facial expressions develop: wink, frown.
  12. The original feces are formed - meconium.
  13. Leukocytes and erythrocytes are produced.

Continued sexual activity

In a normal pregnancy, having sex is not contraindicated. Sex does not threaten either the child or the mother. Danger arises when there is a risk genetic anomaly fetus, hormonal disorders transmission of sexually transmitted infections and other complications of pregnancy.

Regular sex in the 5th month of pregnancy is desirable. It helps to strengthen pelvic muscles, positive emotions. During orgasm, the uterus contracts, which is perceived by the child as a pleasant massage.

Prolonged abdominal pain

Abdominal pain is mostly related to digestive problems. They occur in almost every woman. The reason for this is the pressure of the uterus on the intestines. A woman has gas, constipation, colic. Such symptoms cause severe discomfort from 5 to 9 months.

Pain in the abdomen occurs due to overstretching of the ligaments of the uterus

Pain in the abdomen for a period of 5 months of pregnancy causes an overstrain of the ligaments that hold the uterus. If a pregnant woman spends a long time in one position, then she experiences drawing pains, which disappear with a change in position and moderate activity. Sensations are aggravated by sneezing or laughing. The pain comes on suddenly and goes away quickly.

Pain in the abdomen causes muscle strain, especially the bearing of twins. To eliminate pain, you need to lie down and rest a bit.

Discomfort occurs if the baby pressed his head against the pelvic floor. This may be a signal of the onset of labor.

Features of the ultrasound

Ultrasound at the 5th month of pregnancy determines the condition of the fetus, development, tests that cannot be determined in another way:

  • exact dates;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • pathology in development;
  • gender of the fetus.

Ultrasound is very important this period, as with the help of it you can track the condition of the baby

Doctors recommend an ultrasound scan no later than 22 weeks. By the 20th week, the child has formed all the organs and systems that are important for life, which were previously impossible to check. In addition, the doctor identifies defects that are not treatable and a decision can be made on the need to terminate the pregnancy. If desired, a woman can get a photo of the fetus at the 5th month of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at 20-22 weeks allows you to determine the pathology of the fetus, which later lead to his death. Cases of abortion:

  • profound disability;
  • diseases that are expensive to treat;
  • absence of limbs;
  • the impossibility of existence without the support of life with special equipment or drugs.

If pathologies are determined during later periods, doctors are cautious about terminating the pregnancy. There is a risk of developing complications that threaten a woman. Therefore, it is important to undergo an ultrasound at the 5th month of pregnancy.

In case of suspicion of pathologies, the doctor prescribes a second ultrasound in one to two weeks. Then the doctor can determine the condition, confirm or refute the diagnosis. Carrying out analysis on later dates reduces the chances of affecting the development of the fetus. Find out how it should go

Not really

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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Website visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Remember that only a complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

By the end of the fifth month, the activity of the baby, whose height is now over 20 cm, is strong enough that you can feel it. Soft blonde hair cover his body. Hair begins to grow on the head and eyebrows, white cilia appear. A protective lubricant called vernix, a substance that looks like thick sour cream, coats the baby.

This is normal for pregnancy

  • Problems with teeth.
  • Dizziness.

Usually, dizziness during pregnancy in the fifth month occurs as a result of an imbalance between a suddenly expanded volume blood vessels and blood volume. Sometimes this is due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the vessels. Dizziness can occur when standing up or when straightening from a bent position, because due to a decrease in pressure, there is a sharp outflow of blood from the vessels of the brain. You can even lose consciousness.

Therefore, get up slowly, do not make sudden movements. Sometimes, due to the long intervals between meals, the level of glucose in the blood decreases - this can also be the cause of dizziness. Try to eat often, keep dried fruits, bread with you - something that can be a quick and healthy snack. Avoid stuffy and, especially, smoky rooms. If you feel that you are about to lose consciousness, try increasing the flow of blood through the vessels by lying with your legs elevated or sitting with your head bent forward between your knees. Be sure to consult your doctor so as not to miss any disease in the fifth month of pregnancy.

Back pain at 5 months pregnant

Your body is preparing for the birth of a child: hip joints begin to relax, so that it is easier for the baby to feel in the fifth month of pregnancy to pass through the birth canal. The growing tummy in the fifth month of pregnancy changes the center of balance, as a result, you have to spend more effort to keep the spine straight. In this case, the muscles of the lumbar region are strongly strained. That is why back pain occurs. To reduce them, make sure that the weight gain is uniform, without sudden jumps. Avoid wearing high heels.

Try not to lift or carry heavy things. Sit properly, preferably on chairs with backs and elbow rests, not on stools or benches. Do not cross your legs, but rather use a footrest. Change your body position more often, do not sit or stand for too long. It will be great if you sign up for classes in the pool or do yoga. Sleep in comfortable position, preferably on a hard mattress and with the help of pillows, try to find exactly the position in which the muscles will be as relaxed as possible. Control your posture, do not sharply tilt your body forward, and, getting up from a supine position, first turn on your side and only then get up on your feet.

This is what the fetus looks like at the fifth month of life

The appearance of a dark vertical line on the abdomen

Just like darkening of the nipples and areolas of the breast, this phenomenon occurs as a result of hormonal changes and absolutely safe for you and your baby. As a rule, after childbirth, this dark line will gradually disappear.

Cramps, leg numbness

Leg cramps are more likely to occur at night or during sleep. It is believed that the cause of their occurrence is circulatory disorders in the legs and calcium deficiency in the body. That is why, to prevent seizures, you need to eat more cheese, drink milk, kefir and yogurt, eat foods that contain a lot of calcium. What to do if a seizure has already occurred?

Help simple exercises. Try to pull your toes towards you, then stretch your foot forward, rotate your foot in a circle, and then massage the calf muscle strongly from the bottom up.
With the growth of the fetus and the growth of the uterus in size, due to compression of the inferior vena cava, a violation of the blood supply to the legs can occur if a pregnant woman sleeps on her back. A useful and safe sleeping position is to sleep on your right or left side.

Swelling of the feet and legs, sometimes hands

The uterus gradually grows, increasing in size, putting pressure on the kidneys and ureters, as a result of which they work in an enhanced mode. As a result, fluid is excreted from the body more slowly, which leads to the appearance of edema of the legs, sometimes hands. Minor edema of the lower extremities without concomitant phenomena (increased blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine) are considered the norm. To reduce them, while lying down, keep your legs higher than your torso or lie on your left side.

wear comfortable shoes Do not wear overly tight tights or stockings. There are no restrictions on fluid intake: always drink when you feel thirsty, water is necessary for excretion from the body harmful substances. But, try to drink slowly and in small sips. Also try to eat less salty foods in the fifth month of pregnancy, do not oversalt meals: excess salt can retain fluid in the body and increase blood pressure, especially if you have a tendency to hypertension. In case of edema, which is accompanied by a change in blood pressure, consult a doctor immediately!

Feelings and emotions for the 5th month of pregnancy

  • Fatigue.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Fetal movements.

Visiting a doctor in the fifth month of pregnancy

At 18-20 weeks, the opportunity to see the baby again appears - it's time for the next ultrasound. The specialist will report on the state of development of the baby, his health and activity. If the baby shows, you can find out the gender of the child.

Must be submitted in the fifth month general analysis blood and urinalysis. During the examination, the doctor will measure blood pressure, determine the weight, the height of the uterine fundus, assess the fetal heart rate and send for a second HIV test at 22-23 weeks.

It's time to try to make contact with your little man. The method of communication between parents and an unborn baby is called "haptonomy". It's great if in the evenings dad will put his hands on mom's tummy and say a few kind words to your little one. Or maybe you will compose a fairy tale or a song together? When contacting the baby, observe the constancy of the time of day (for example, every evening, or every morning) and the timbre of the voice at the beginning and end of the story (you can say the same phrase). Very soon, the baby will learn the voices of people close to him and will respond with jerks to the voice and touch. He will look forward to the next communication - "communication session".

The 5th month of pregnancy is the middle of the 2nd trimester, the most calm and comfortable period for carrying your baby. It is still relevant to take care of your health, since the well-being and development of the unborn child directly depends on it. Let's discuss what points you should pay attention to in this period.

You are already in the middle of your pregnancy. Now you look blooming and smelling, a healthy blush has appeared on your face, your stomach has acquired pleasant roundness.

The state of health at this time is usually good. You are less worried about the consequences of hormonal fluctuations, you feel a huge burst of energy. The belly is still small in size, it does not interfere with housework, you can still easily walk in the fresh air. Pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, heaviness in the legs and slight swelling can overshadow your condition. But these are all normal physiological signs characteristic of this period.

Does the stomach hurt at 5 months pregnant

Do I need to worry if the lower abdomen is pulled at the 5th month of pregnancy? If the pains are localized in the sides of the lower abdomen and appear mainly due to sudden movements, then this is caused by a stretching of the round ligament of the uterus. Now the uterus is actively growing, stretching the ligament that holds it. In addition, discomfort can cause relaxation and softening of the ligaments of the pubic joint.

If abdominal pain is prolonged, spastic in nature and is accompanied by spotting, that is dangerous state. Such symptoms are characteristic of a pathology such as placental abruption.

In this situation, you need to call an ambulance. timely health care can save your baby's life.

Discharge at 5 months pregnant

The discharge in the fifth month should be moderate, white or cream in color. Any deviations may indicate any pathology. If they have turned brown, pink, or a different color, become too watery, or have bad smell- contact your gynecologist. An indication for calling an ambulance is bleeding at the 5th month of pregnancy. This is a dangerous condition that threatens to terminate the pregnancy.

Thrush at 5 months pregnant

If you found curdled discharge, you are worried about itching and burning in the vulva, then this is most likely thrush (candidiasis). The causative agent of this unpleasant disease- a fungus of the genus Candida. It is normally present in skin and mucous membranes. In case of a decrease in immunity or a violation of the microflora of the vagina, it begins to actively develop. Your gynecologist will prescribe the necessary this case medicines.

Prevention and treatment of thrush can be supplemented by washing with water with the addition of baking soda(1 tablespoon per glass of water). Fungi die in an alkaline environment.

Toxicosis at 5 months of pregnancy

Is nausea at 5 months pregnant normal? If nausea is accompanied by poor health, high blood pressure and severe swelling, that is alarm signal. Perhaps these are manifestations late toxicosis - dangerous complication pregnancy. It is also called preeclampsia or preeclampsia. This condition develops against the background of impaired renal function, which must be treated.

Cold at 5 months pregnant

What to do if you get the flu or SARS at the 5th month of pregnancy? First of all, there is no need to panic. In the second trimester, the virus is not so dangerous for prenatal development baby how it was on early dates. During viral diseases, your body experiences enormous stress due to intoxication and fever. If the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, drink an antipyretic. What should I do if I have the flu or SARS?

  • maintain bed rest;
  • drink plenty of fluids - fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas;
  • replenish the diet with foods rich in vitamins;
  • do not take drugs that have not been prescribed to you by a doctor;
  • if the state of health worsens, convulsions appear - call an ambulance.

After recovery, go to your doctor so that he evaluates the condition of your baby.