Which amulet stone is suitable for the horoscope sign Libra. How to protect yourself from misfortunes: choosing stones - natural amulets

Talisman stones and amulets stones

Continuing the topic of precious stones and minerals, let's talk about talismans and amulets, which can be played by various natural crystals. Each era had its favorite stones. The Egyptians enjoyed wearing jewelry made of emeralds, turquoise, amethyst or rock crystal. The Romans valued diamonds and sapphires above all else. Well, what about us? What are we leaning towards? Completeness, you say. What kind of stones, are they available now?! But we will not always live in times of crisis; someday a white streak will come. And then you will want Beauty! Secrets! Miracle! Magic! And that's all - Stones! It's not easy expensive jewelry. First of all, it is beauty, magic, mystery, health.

The head of the ruler of any ancient state was always decorated with a headdress set with precious stones. Moreover, the stones were necessarily selected taking into account the person’s horoscope and temperament. If the crown was made correctly, it protected the ruler from all adversities. And no one else could wear it without harming themselves. For example, no one was able to wear the famous Monomakh hat after the death of its owner. And in the Vedic chronicles there is a case when a king, wanting to defeat the ruler of a hostile state, gave him a crown, which a few days later caused an incurable illness in his opponent.

How to select talisman stones

The choice and time of wearing a stone in ancient times was put in a certain connection with the planets and signs of the Zodiac. The most favorable stones for a person are those associated with the planet that astrologically dominates his destiny:

Stones of the Sun (patron of Leo): chrysolite, diamond, hyacinth, aventurine, ruby, heliotrope, chrysoprase, amber are associated with it.

Stones of the Moon (patron of Cancer): opal, adularia ( Moonstone), selenite, aquamarine, beryl, pearls, and coral are associated with it.

Stones of Mercury (patron of Gemini, Virgo): golden topaz, associated with it are emerald, carnelian, agate, carnelian, jasper.

Venus stones (patron of Taurus, Libra): light sapphire, agate, pearls, malachite, jade are associated with it.

Stones of Mars (patron of Aries, Scorpio): ruby, bloodstone, jasper, diamond, garnet, red coral, jasper are associated with it.

Stones of Jupiter (patron of Sagittarius, Pisces): turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, amethyst, charoite are associated with it.

Stones of Saturn (patron of Capricorn, Aquarius): onyx, amethyst, dark topaz, jade, agate, morion are associated with it.

Further, stones that are associated with the signs of the Zodiac dominant at the time of a person’s birth are considered favorable to wear. And vice versa, stones of the opposite sign will be in dissonance with the nature and energy of a person, and can disrupt his destiny, the course of his life. Therefore, such stones should not be worn!

List of opposite zodiac signs:

Aries – Libra
Taurus – Scorpio
Gemini – Sagittarius
Cancer – Capricorn
Leo – Aquarius
Virgo – Pisces

That is, Virgos, for example, should not wear stones suitable for Pisces: amethyst, amethyst quartz, charoite, aquamarine, malachite, amazonite. But the following stones are perfect for Virgos: citrine, Tiger's Eye, agate, rhinestone, sapphire, lapis lazuli, emerald. And of course, on the contrary, those stones that are suitable for Virgos are not recommended for representatives of the Pisces sign to wear. I will present a complete table of gems according to zodiac signs, compiled by the International Association of Jewelers, a little later.

For the first time, the astrological connection of precious stones with the signs of the Zodiac was established in the Middle Ages. These tables of lucky stones have changed several times. In 1934, new tables were compiled. On this moment There are whole series of tables: Eastern, Slavic, Germanic, Romanesque, American, Hebrew.

In the end, the International Association of Jewelers in the 70s of the last century undertook special searches, and then approved and adjusted all the available information and tables. Today in jewelry stores The following abbreviated scale, approved by the IBA, may be proposed, in which the Roman numeral indicates the month of birth and the stone favorable for wearing:

I – garnet, alexandrite;
II – amethyst;
III – aquamarine;
IV – diamond, zirconium;
V – emerald, jade;
VI – pearls, agate;
VII – ruby;
VIII – moonstone (adularia), chrysolite;
IX – sapphire;
X – opal, cat’s eye;
XI – topaz;
XII – turquoise, blue zircon.

You can choose as a talisman different stones certain energy influence depending on what traits and character traits you need to strengthen or weaken in yourself.

How to select amulets stones

The choice of amulet is also determined by what you want it to protect against.. An amulet is a guardian stone. It must protect its owner from bad influences, negative energy, from misfortunes and illnesses, from the “evil eye” and “evil spells”, from lightning, from falling, from fire, etc. And the stone reliably fulfills its role, giving its owner confidence, programming the subconscious, giving psychological protection. For the right choice exists stone properties table. Stone amulets can be divided into two categories: protectors from troubles and protectors from diseases. For example, coral, carnelian and almandine protect against the “evil eye”, witchcraft and other unpleasant spells.
For intemperance and intoxication - amethyst, amazonite.
Jadeite and cat's eye will protect you from various troubles and misfortunes.
From scary dreams- emerald.
From jealousy - malachite, from debauchery, family quarrels and disputes - carnelian.
Agate will save you from storms and hurricanes.
From poverty - turquoise.
Amber is considered the most interesting among the stones that protect against diseases (translated from Lithuanian, its name “gintas” means “protection” from diseases). Since ancient times, it was believed that amber protects against all diseases. Remember, in order for your stones to work properly, you need to periodically cleanse them of accumulated energy.

The best talismans are stones that are given or inherited. For stones purchased from a store, you must certain period for “affinity” with the owner. Stolen stones, according to ancient belief, can never be talismans, since in this case they are more likely to exhibit negative properties.

Also, when choosing a talisman and amulet stone, you should pay attention to the gender of the owner. Since stones are also not indifferent to this, and according to European canons it is believed that “male” stones are happy on a woman’s hand, and “female” stones are happy on a man’s hand. Women's stones have a weaker shine and cooler tones, colors and shades. Also, the “gender” of a stone can be determined by its transparency: transparent stones have masculine energy, opaque stones have feminine energy. It is interesting to note that according to ancient Eastern philosophy, on the contrary, it was believed that men should wear male stones to strengthen them male characteristics, and women, accordingly, are feminine, to give them charm, beauty and charm. Since transparent stones belong to the elements of Fire and Air, and opaque stones - to the elements of Earth and Water. Therefore, when choosing a stone in this context, you should take into account what character traits you want to strengthen, masculine or feminine.

In the same way, based on your elemental affiliation, you can determine whether a stone that you already own, but do not know exactly its name, is suitable for you. Knowing the element of your zodiac constellation and determining the element of the stone you have based on the degree of transparency, you will understand whether it is suitable for you or not. For example, the element of my constellation Virgo is Earth, and the unidentified stone that I have is opaque, which means it also belongs to the element of Earth and I can easily wear it.

Traditional talisman stones for the corresponding zodiac signs

Aquarius – garnet, zircon;
Pisces - pearls;
Aries – diamond, diamond, cubic zirconia;
Taurus – turquoise, sapphire;
Gemini – agate, chrysoprase, beryl;
Cancer – moonstone, emerald, chrysoberyl;

Stone amulets and amulets are considered classic amulets that protect their owner from misfortune. Any thing that has been purified and filled with magical information can become an amulet. The very first amulets were minerals. The world of minerals surrounds us everywhere, being part of nature.

Ancient people noticed that the energy structure of a stone can easily come into contact with the energy structure of a person. She also actively interacts both for good and for harm. The crystal lattice of minerals absorbs any information well, stores and transmits it into the surrounding space.

This property of stones was used in protective magic of protection. Stone amulets and amulets are used by magicians themselves to protect against dark forces in rituals. Talismans, amulets and amulets made of stone serve as protection and ordinary people in their everyday life. The stone can be spoken to, and its natural protective power can be used. Only first you need to know what protective properties a certain stone has.

Aquamarine - protects against diseases.
Diamond - protects from enemies.
Beryl is a protector from the forces of evil.
Turquoise - protects from the wrath of superiors.
Heliodor - will protect against accidents.
Pomegranate - protects the house.
Pearl is a protector from misfortunes.
Emerald - from the demonic army.
Coral - will protect you from any trouble.
Lapis lazuli - will ward off misfortune.
Moonstone - protects against poverty.
Jade - will protect against diseases.
Opal - will remove sad thoughts.
Carnelian - protects against disease and poverty.
Sapphire - will protect you from love spells and slander.
Tiger's eye - will relieve jealousy.
Chrysolite - will protect against nightmares.
Amber is a stone of health.
Jasper - protects from oppression, troubles and the evil eye.

If you need to protect yourself from these troubles, then amulets stones will do their job well. The stone can be framed or without it. The point is that a person believes in protective properties mineral.

Faith activates hidden mechanisms amulets, releases natural forces minerals, because the whole world obeys human will!

Stones according to zodiac signs

Why are stones compared to zodiac signs? What can terrestrial minerals have in common with celestial planets? Probably, the fact that stones and planets consist of a common material substance. This is on the one hand. What does man have to do with it?

Astrologers have noticed the commonality of characters of people born in the same time periods, designated by certain planets.

A zodiac sign can tell a lot of information about a person regarding his health, habits, and characteristics. Stones assigned to zodiac signs help restore a person’s harmony with the cosmos.

Which zodiac stones are considered beneficial or harmful to humans? It is impossible to judge this unequivocally. You cannot prohibit a person from choosing amulets, because there is a prohibition or warning for this zodiac sign. It all depends on which aspects of character need to be strengthened or diminished. It all depends on the intention that a person forms.

There are stones that are not associated with any zodiac sign at all. They are used to correct character traits that are not defined in a given zodiac sign. These are auxiliary stones, and there are quite a lot of them.

Damage protection

Is there a guarantee that the stone can protect its owner from damage? The stone reliably protects a person from negative influence, may even crack or crumble from a powerful wave of negativity. But he is not able to remove the negative impact. To do this, it is necessary to carry out an impact on the mental level.

The stone increases the level of human security. But if the aura is already broken negative impact magical ritual, then the stone is unable to cope with changes in the human genetic code. But stones can easily cope with the evil eye.

Stones from the evil eye and damage:

Tiger's Eye;

Charmed stones

In addition to natural protective properties, stones have the ability to store information. If you add an information program to crystal lattice mineral, the stone will perform the recorded program.

Let's see what amulets and charms can be made from stones, without taking into account the correspondence with the zodiac signs.

Stones amulets for children

How can you make amulets to protect a child? The best amulet will be the chicken god stone. It can be found on the banks of a river or sea. Thread a ribbon through the hole and hang the amulet around the child’s neck.

Can be carved from soft stone, suitable for the child according to the zodiac sign or protective property, a human figurine. This figure will take a mental blow aimed at the child. After the figurine cracks or crumbles, it should be buried in the ground, and a new amulet should be made for the child.

You can sculpt a figurine of a child’s patron animal from clay, burn it over a fire, and give it the task of protecting the baby. While sculpting, introduce your child and clearly define the purpose of this figurine for protection. It is recommended to make several identical figures in order to choose as a protector the one that did not crack during firing. It is better to take clay from a place endowed with power, or from the area where the baby was born.

Stones are amulets against the evil eye

Anyone can become amulets against the evil eye natural minerals, with whom you will feel inner unity. Stones with increased hardness are especially suitable.

If you cannot feel an inner connection with the mineral, then purchase a bracelet or beads made of chalcedony or tiger's eye. Always carry the amulet with you: while in the house, it will not protect you from the evil eye.

Charms for sleep

Place large chalcedony under your mattress or pillow. This stone perfectly protects against black magic attacks, which usually occur at night.

Watch the stone carefully: if the stone cracks or splits, it means it has fulfilled its function and has taken the attack. With chalcedony you can sleep carefree.

If the amulet is lost

Amulets and amulets are inextricably linked with their owner and are imbued with information about him. If the amulet is lost or stolen, this can turn into trouble for you. Such a talisman can be used for witchcraft against you.

What to do if the amulet disappears? Pour into a bowl plain water and place it on the table.

Turn the bowl against the direction of the sun three times, cross the water and say:

“Take care of the protected one from any misfortune, anger or passion, death and misfortune.
Just as the water goes into the ground, so will my amulet from the eyes of strangers be buried, and will not be useful for evil or evil.

Go outside and pour water on the ground in a thin stream, saying:

“Go deeper.
No one will see and no one will offend the servant of God (your name).

Return home and have no fear.

Cleansing the amulet

The amulet works for you, taking on a portion of negativity every day. Therefore it needs cleansing. You can clear your assistant in different ways:

Rinse the amulet in running water. Wipe with a clean linen cloth and leave in the sun for several hours so that it is charged with the energy of the sun.

Place the amulet in a glass vessel filled with water and place it in the sun.

Pass the amulet several times over the lit church candle, imagining that the alien energy burns and turns into smoke.

Place the amulet in sea or Thursday salt for three days. Then the salt should be thrown away.

Fumigate the amulet with the smoke of sage herb or pine needles.

To fumigate an amulet with herbal smoke, you need to put charcoal for the censer in a fireproof bowl and dry herbs on top. As soon as the grass catches fire, it must be extinguished, but in such a way as to leave smoldering.

Instead of grass, you can light smoking sticks with a corresponding scent or incense. Clean your amulet every new moon, and it will serve you reliably for a long time.

If you want to improve your life, select talisman stones based on your date of birth that can safely, quickly and effectively solve many problems.

In the article:

Rules for choosing amulets stones

There are several ways to decide on a talisman stone. The most common is selection. You can carry it out by the date or month of birth; this article will discuss this method. But first, some important tips.

The best talisman is one that is given as a gift. At the same time, the mineral needs time to get used to you and start working. Most long period grinding in a diamond that does not tolerate separation from its owner.

If you are going to buy an amulet, be sure to clean it and charge it after purchase. The talisman collected energy on the counter where people touched it. You can find out how to do it correctly from the relevant material on the website.

Each mineral has its own character. Wearing it indiscriminately can lead to unpleasant consequences: from a change in character not in better side until the quality of life deteriorates. Not everything goes together, so be careful.

Often a person does not like the stones that are suggested by selection by zodiac or date of birth. The best option– personal feelings. The main thing is that it evokes positive emotions.

Dangerous stones by date of birth

There are minerals that have a strong effect on owners. They can only be worn by those born in certain period. Exceptions are rare.

Opal is suitable for those born at the end of September. For others, decorations can lead to melancholy and apathy.

Pearl Recommended for Pisces, other signs should follow certain rules. For example, Aquarius should not wear it during periods of sadness, so as not to aggravate the situation, and Scorpios should prefer black pearls. It threatens Virgos with the development of weak character. Absolutely not suitable for Leos and Aries.

Amber better . For those born under another constellation, it cannot become a talisman.

Amazonite Suitable for Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio, not recommended. He has a peculiar character and it is very difficult to please him. By-effect- laziness, which is difficult to fight.

Grenade it doesn't matter when you were born. He loves emotional, bright, proactive people. Negative effects - a tendency to envy, dissatisfaction with life.

Sapphire does not tolerate harm to others, depriving them of joy, love, friendship. If you are not sure of the purity of your thoughts, choose another piece of jewelry, even if it is your amulet.

Wear hematite a person who cannot resist should not own desires. It provokes cruelty and rudeness.

Amulet by date of birth - day of the month

consider the date, day of the week and month of birth separately. The following list is for determining the talisman by date of birth.

  • 1, 10, 19, 28 - coral, opal, topaz, ruby.
  • 2, 11, 20, 29 - cat's eye, jade, opal, pearl, tiger's eye.
  • 3, 12, 21, 30 - amethyst, emerald, coral, topaz.
  • 4, 13, 22, 31 - aquamarine, diamond, garnet, opal, sapphire.
  • 5, 14, 23 - diamond, light sapphire, zircon.
  • 6, 15, 24 - aquamarine, beryl, emerald, green opal, peridot.
  • 7, 16, 25 - pearls, moonstone, opal, tiger's eye.
  • 8, 17, 26 - lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire.
  • 9, 18, 27 - garnet, coral, ruby, red opal.

Talisman stones by date of birth - day of the week

Day of the week plays no less important role in the selection of amulets:

  1. Monday- pearls, moonstone, opal, others white or having a light base.
  2. Tuesday- hematite, coral, lapis lazuli, ruby, sodalite, jasper, blue, red, dark minerals.
  3. Wednesday- aquamarine, turquoise, sapphire, blue topaz, and other heavenly shades.
  4. Thursday- amethyst, fluorite, charoite, other violet.
  5. Friday- emerald, malachite, jade, tourmaline, peridot, chrysoprase; green or having such inclusions.
  6. Saturday- smoky quartz, dark minerals.
  7. Sunday- topaz, carnelian, zircon, amber, and others of a warm golden color.

Amulet by month of birth

Options for choosing an amulet based on your month of birth for those who want to acquire a reliable and powerful amulet.

  1. January- pomegranate, hyacinth, cat's eye, turquoise.
  2. February- amethyst, pearls, hyacinth, hawk's eye, rock crystal.
  3. March- aquamarine, heliotrope, jasper, ruby, tourmaline.
  4. April- diamond, sapphire, agate, emerald.
  5. May- emerald, agate, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysoprase, tiger's eye.
  6. June- pearls, alexandrite, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony, aquamarine.
  7. July- ruby, turquoise, carnelian, onyx, sardonyx, aventurine, chrysolite.
  8. August- peridot, alexandrite, sardonyx, topaz, carnelian, moonstone, ruby, citrine.
  9. September- sapphire, sardonyx, peridot, agate, smoky quartz.
  10. October- tourmaline, opal, aquamarine, beryl, lapis lazuli, garnet.
  11. November- topaz, pearls, coral, peridot.
  12. December- zircon, turquoise, heliotrope, ruby, chrysoprase, amethyst, agate.

Choosing amulets according to the season of birth

For those who are not satisfied with the distribution of talismans by month, we offer options by season.

  • Winter- diamond, turquoise, labradorite, moonstone, sapphire, quartz, crystal. Everything is light, white, blue, blue - like winter nature.
  • Spring- amethyst, green diamond, emerald, peridot, topaz, chrysoberyl, spinel; others having bright shades first green.
  • Summer- garnet, opal, topaz, ruby, chrysoberyl, zircon, spinel. Talismans differ from spring ones in their depth of color and warmer shades.
  • Autumn- hyacinth, garnet, sapphire, topaz, yellowish oriental peridot. Those born in autumn are advised to use red, blue and yellow stones.

A snowflake pendant will suit winter people, and a red pendant will suit autumn zodiac signs Maple Leaf. If you were born in the spring,

Ring with amethyst

TALISMAN supports and strengthens positive properties character, attracting certain influences from the outside - in resonance with the corresponding natural rhythms (Earth and Space).

The AMULET is designed to protect the owner from unwanted influences, to smooth out the disharmony between external and internal rhythms, protecting from misfortunes, illnesses, from the “evil eye”, disharmony.

The talisman increases a person’s protective properties and can simultaneously act as an amulet. An amulet is not capable of being a talisman: it only protects, not enhances.

When choosing what jewelry to buy, you can also focus on what you want the stone to be for you. I like some stones more than others, I want to wear some all the time, sometimes... different time the year drags on various decorations- you can focus on your feelings, which can be supplemented with knowledge about traditional talismans and amulets.

TRADITIONAL STONES-AMULETS according to the Zodiac

Agate bracelet with elastic band

Aries - bright pinkish-lilac amethyst,
Taurus - agate
Gemini - beryl
Cancer - bright green emerald
Leo - blood red ruby
Virgo - green or yellow-red jasper
Libra is a diamond
Scorpion - yellow topaz
Sagittarius - bluish green turquoise
Capricorn - yellow-green dim opal
Aquarius - blue sapphire
Pisces - yellow-green peridot


Aries - diamond

Taurus - agate
Gemini - carnelian
Cancer - emerald
Leo - ruby, pyrope
Virgo - jade, onyx
Libra - amethyst
Scorpio - alexandrite, bloodstone, turquoise
Sagittarius - sapphire
Capricorn - chrysoberyl, zircon, obsidian
Aquarius - jade, chrysoprase
Pisces - opal, aquamarine

Stones talismans

Earrings with onyx

The astral qualities of a stone and its strength are determined not by hardness or size, but transparency, color and purity of color.

Ring with aventurine

Stones with strong shine and play of light - demantoids - are especially highly valued, and the presence of an asterisk or harmonious inclusion enhances the positive properties jewelry stone. Defects, bubbles, cracks, chips and areas of opacity are believed to enhance the negative properties of the stone (but you need to look - they can give the stone special properties). The cosmic true color of a stone is determined through a prism: if a diamond appears transparent to the naked eye, then under a prism it reveals a dark blue glow - indigo. Moonstone also has the same property.

A simple rule - do not buy jewelry with stones that you do not like. If you like the stone, you can safely buy jewelry with it - on this or that day, perhaps you will feel that today is the time of this particular stone.

Agate is a layered chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz. Very diverse in appearance. As a talisman, it gives courage, calmness, and promotes longevity.

My ametrine beads

Aventurine is a quartz stone, usually green in color (but there are other colors), with golden scales (although yellow-brown and other colors are also found), giving a subtle, balanced effect.

Aquamarine - as a talisman, develops courage and supports the unity of spouses. Warns the owner with its darkening and decreased transparency about intrigues directed against him

Diamond has been considered a powerful talisman since ancient times, giving the owner strength, courage, and invincibility in battle. Bestows virtue, courage, drives out sinful thoughts, leads to a high social position.

Ametrine - amazing stone, combining the qualities of amethyst and citrine.

Ring with pressed turquoise

Andalusite is a stone named after Andalusia, the region of Spain where it was first discovered. Light orange-brown color and yellowish green or gold.

Alexandrite is a type of chrysoberyl. It is emerald green in daylight and violet-red in artificial lighting. Positively affects nervous system.

Almandine - as a talisman, it is credited with the ability to excite vitality body and moderate anger

Amazonite is a member of the feldspar family and is typically colored a vibrant coppery green. Sometimes there are bluish-green stones. Calms the nervous system, treats vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Lapis lazuli bracelet with elastic band

Amethyst - How an amulet protects against drunkenness and drug addiction, preserves memory, drives away bad thoughts, and under the pillow - sends happy dreams.

Beryl - as a talisman (usually worn in a gold frame) is magically associated with thinking and reason. Helps in scientific research and in philosophical studies. Brings the owner together with people who are significant to him.

Turquoise - lucky stone. The main property of turquoise is to reconcile everything hostile, pacify quarrels, establish peace in everything and avert the anger of the powerful. It gives wealth and prosperity.

Jet is a black opaque stone with matte shine, stone of the night and night secrets. Mages used it when contacting the souls of the dead.

Ring with rauchtopaz

Heliotrope - according to medieval ideas, “drops of the blood of Christ” shed at the foot of the cross are visible in heliotrope. Therefore, magical powers were attributed to him. Heliotrope was associated primarily with verbal magic - the magic of words.

Hyacinth (zircon) - according to Spartan legend - a beautiful young man who was accidentally killed by Apollo during a sports competition. From his blood grew beautiful purple-red flowers that received the same name. Later, among the Greeks, this word generally began to mean a similar color, hence the name of the mineral.

Eye stones, quartz - falcon's, cat's and tiger's eyes. These are strong amulets stones that protect their owner from accidents, assassinations, and illnesses. In the face of danger, the ring or bracelet begins to put pressure on the finger/hand. cat's eye- Protects the owner from the “evil eye” and alcohol abuse. Relieves fatigue and irritability.

Beads made of natural tourmaline. Beads length 60 cm.

Rock crystal - as a talisman, rock crystal strengthens constancy, and worn as a necklace, it increases the supply of milk to a nursing mother.

Hair of Venus - in the East this stone was considered the most precious and was called the “philosopher’s stone of the East.”

Pomegranate - according to ancient information, pomegranate powder with water returns color to the face, calms the stomach and cheers the soul.

Jadeite - among the pre-Columbian civilizations of Mexico and Central America, jadeite was a cult stone, valued more than any other material. It was made from art products and amulets from the Mayans, Olmecs, Aztecs and Toltecs.

Emerald - gives courage to warriors, mercy to winners. Helps to foresee the future, eliminates the insidious spells of love.

Cacholong - in one of the eastern legends, cacholong was called petrified clots of milk.

Coral is a fossilized polyp that came to us from the sea. In ancient times in the East, coral beads were worn as a talisman against the evil eye. Clergymen had coral rosaries, which supposedly protected them from demons, temptations and evil spirits.

Bloodstone (hematite) - in ancient times it was considered the stone of warlocks; it was worn in the form of a ring during sacrifices and practicing magic. Strong amulet.

My set of jasper - beads and bracelet, from here.

Labradorite - protects the house from uninvited guests, develops stamina, endurance, good to put in the living room, hallway. Increases the tendency towards mysticism and visions.

Lapis lazuli - in Assyria, Babylon and Egypt was considered one of the most expensive stones, served as a measure of value. IN Ancient Egypt Sacred scarab beetles were carved from lapis lazuli, rolling the Sun and symbolizing immortality.

Moonstone - as a talisman, enhances the lunar qualities of the owner (emotionality, protective instincts, love of home, desire to change places).

Malachite is a stone hung around a child’s neck to protect against diseases and dangers. In addition, it is believed that it alleviates attacks of asthma and rheumatism, banishes melancholy, and normalizes the activity of the heart.

Morion - Gloomy, mysterious and gloomy stone. Specific properties can be used for magical purposes.

Jade - The color of jade ranges from black-green to almost white. White translucent jade is called jadeite. Until now in China it is called a clot of love and they believe that the stone of spirits gives sweet dreams, victory over dark forces both outside and inside a person, preserves beauty, and protects from disease.

Obsidian - volcanic glass dark gray, gray, less often - yellow, brown or red. It releases energies that harmonize the mind and emotions, absorbs bad intentions, and therefore can be used as an amulet. "Tears of the Apache" is also a certain type of obsidian.

Onyx - in ancient times, onyx was called the talisman of warriors and leaders. A favorite stone of the Greeks, Romans and Scythians, who made amulets from onyx. The best onyx, according to the Arabs - black with a white stripe in the middle.

Opal is a stone for people who are melancholic, but have high and pure thoughts. In addition, it is a stone of visionaries and dreamers living in a world of illusions and unrealistic hopes.

Pyrope - the name of this fiery red variety of garnet comes from the Greek pyropos - like fire. It can be assumed that the stone will become a good amulet for people whose activities are related to fire.

Rauchtopaz - smoky crystal (smoky quartz) - very beautiful crystalline quartz brown color of varying depths, from a barely noticeable haze to a brown and dark brown veil.

Rose quartz - tends to age in the light and acquire grey colour. However, it is loved because it is a symbol of complete health.

Ruby is a scarlet transparent stone, valued higher than diamond in the East. Its main property is to give rise to an attraction to the great. On the hand of a noble person, it leads to victories, gives happiness in love and warns of danger by changing its color.

Sapphire - promotes spiritual development. Brings concentration and purity of soul during meditation hours. Strengthens fidelity, chastity, cools excessive passion.

Sardonyx - helps get rid of fears about the future, protects a person on trips and travels.

Carnelian is a stone the color of blood, the color of life, and therefore the ancient peoples of the East attributed to it the ability to protect the living from death and disease, and to bring love and happiness. Mongolian healers made balls with a diameter of 30 - 50 mm from yellow CARNELIUM, which they used in meditation sessions. Carnelian suits everyone.

Topaz - attracts friendship, favor, and goodwill to the owner. Brings wealth and recognition.

Tourmaline - tourmalines of all types preserve youth and strength in a person. The most valuable are red tourmalines. They decorate icon frames, church vessels, and royal regalia.

Zircon - deprives a person of unnecessary doubts, torment, and bestows indestructible self-esteem and self-confidence.

Citrine - this stone (sometimes also called “citron”) got its name due to its bright lemon blossom. Citrine has always been considered the patron of those who are honest and straightforward and who do not resort to lying and dodging, trying to present themselves in a favorable light in the eyes of others.

Chalcedony - protects against strife and litigation, and protects from misfortunes when traveling. If a horseman with a spear was engraved on this stone, it was believed to help defeat one's enemies.

Chrysoberyl - gives peace and peace of mind, strengthens family relationships.

Chrysolite (olivine, peridot) - the stone harmonizes the atmosphere in the house, makes its owner more sentimental, neutralizes quarrels and conflicts, and promotes family happiness.

Chrysoprase is a talisman against dangers, relieving the severity of life's unforeseen situations.

Charoite is a stone of new times. Teaches unconditional love, breadth of understanding and acceptance, gives a feeling of unity with all that exists. Charoite promotes our spiritual development and conscious life, awakens intuition.

Spinel (lal) is one of Fortune’s favorite stones, known since ancient times. It was believed that this mineral bestows happiness in love, wealth and favor with others.

Amber is one of the very first precious stones known to mankind. The symbol of the Sun - amber - adorned the crown of the famous Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. It is believed that if you finger an amber stone, it strengthens your mental and physical strength. It is a stone of health, happiness and love. A powerful talisman and amulet.

Jasper - unusual stone, one of the most interesting on Earth: jasper comes in almost all colors: green, red, blue, almost black. It is called the mysterious painting of nature.

Since ancient times, people believed in miraculous properties stones and their magical power, therefore they were used not only as decorations, but also as talismans with powerful energetic force. And now many believe in the miraculous power of stones, in their ability to influence a person, his aura and transfer their strength and power to him. But any influence can be positive and, conversely, negative. That’s why it’s so important to choose exactly “your” stone, which will become a talisman and will help in life. How to choose your talisman from the variety of stones? Some advise choosing a stone to be guided by intuition, others - by its color and special properties, or by your zodiac sign and month of birth.

Taking into account many factors, members of the UK Jewelers Association have compiled recommendations that can guide you in such a difficult choice. All these stones have unique magical and healing properties.


Aquamarine can be a talisman for those born in October. This stone protects the owner from dangers and unforeseen situations and develops courage. Aquamarine revitalizes the mind, cures laziness, improves intellectual abilities, promotes the development of memory and oratory. Aquamarine is useful for spouses to wear, as it strengthens love, maintains mutual understanding, and cools the heat of quarrels and passions. According to legend, its color changes depending on the mood of the owner.


This stone is for those born in April. He has a special, extraordinary power! Diamond makes a person invincible, gives courage and courage. It is believed that a person wearing diamond jewelry is able to withstand life's difficulties and can easily cope with any problems. The stone slows down aging, increases life expectancy and strengthens the immune system. Diamond is one of the amulets of motherhood. It has a positive effect on reproductive system in women and sexual potency in men, and also rejuvenates the body. The stone keeps your mind clear, enhances abstract thinking, provides spiritual development. However, it is worth remembering that the powerful energy of a diamond can cause harm to the owner if the spiritual qualities and thoughts of a person do not correspond to the purity of the diamond.


Those born in February are advised to wear amethyst. It is also called the “soul” or “blessed” stone. Constantly wearing amethyst helps the soul to free itself from grief, gives peace, balance and harmony. It symbolizes sincerity and peacefulness. Some consider it a stone of separation, but this is not so, amethyst simply reveals deception and betrayal. It helps you forget the old one unhappy love and open your heart to a new one. This stone protects its owner from drunkenness, temptation and seduction. If you have hidden vices, wearing an amethyst will not give them the opportunity to develop.


This stone is for those born in December. Turquoise translated from Persian means “stone of happiness.” Wearing it brings good luck and ensures longevity. She reconciles those at war. establishes peace in the family. In addition, turquoise is called a talisman for lovers. It symbolizes eternal youth and hope and brings happiness in love.


If you were born in January, then pomegranate is your talisman. This stone excites sensuality and ignites passion. So, if you need peace, it is better not to wear a pomegranate, it will excite you too much. It is recommended to wear it for people suffering from overwork or depression - it will return their interest in life, give them vigor and optimism. Pomegranate wards off danger (especially when traveling), accidents from the owner, and protects against betrayal, the evil eye and witchcraft.


For those born in June, pearls can become a talisman. It is generally considered exclusively feminine stone. Pearls symbolize innocence, purity of soul, fidelity and pure love, strengthens marriage bonds and protects against melancholy and melancholy. The stone helps confident and fanatically dedicated people - it gives them the ability to think objectively and suggests ways to use their abilities. Pearls can act as a “barometer” of a person’s health and character. The dishonest one evil man the pearls darken or completely crumble. Darkening of the stone indicates health problems.


For those born in May, the talisman is emerald, one of the most beautiful and powerful gems. This dark green stone of extraordinary beauty is also called a talisman of happiness. Emerald protects from all sorrows, bestows fun and joy, attracts sympathy and passionate devoted love to the owner. In addition, emerald is a real healer. It corrects vision, strengthens the heart and improves all body systems.


Opal, a stone for those born in March. It has absorbed the life-giving power of water, so it is most suitable for people born under the sign of Pisces. Opal borrowed not only energy from water, but also exceptional colors. There are opals with black, white and bluish tints. Moreover, the color of the stone can change: if it is bright, it will happen good event, and if it is dim, something unpleasant may happen. Opal promotes mutual understanding, strengthening friendly and family ties.


Those born in July will choose a ruby ​​as their talisman - a symbol of power, strength and flame. His element is love. The scarlet gem brings passion into the hearts of lovers and awakens dizzying feelings. Ruby is a stone of leaders. It gives them strength, fearlessness and promises new victories and creative impulses. And for calm, modest people, ruby ​​will instill self-confidence and help get rid of complexes. In addition, the stone provides protection from the effects of evil spells and returns lost strength to a person.


This stone will be a talisman for those born in September. Sapphire is the “talisman of the wise” and a symbol of virtue, emitting powerful cosmic energy. It strengthens prudence and pushes a person towards moral and spiritual purification. Sapphire develops memory, arouses a thirst for knowledge and evokes creative inspiration. This stone protects its owner from slander and fear, protects him in travel and business trips. But sapphire helps only strong personalities or altruists; the stone does not benefit egoists.


Topaz, the talisman for those born in November, is known as a “heavyweight” stone due to the fact that it rewards a person with the ability to influence others. Its owners can subjugate others to their will and inspire their thoughts. Some call topaz a stone of inner enlightenment. It sharpens the reaction to the environment, develops intuition, exposes secrets, and most importantly, brings wealth to the owner.


Chrysolite, a talisman for those born in August, is considered a talisman against fire and fire, against danger and nightmares. The stone normalizes the nervous system, eliminates envy, and protects against unreasonable actions and bad words. Helps defuse tensions and eliminate conflicts, promotes friendship and family happiness.

An amazing miracle of nature - gems- mysterious, sparkling, bewitching with beauty and amazing purity. You don’t get tired of looking at them, they are pleasant to hold in your hands - they seem to warm you up, have their own warmth and therefore seem to live their own unknown life.

Precious talisman stones do not need to be “charged” in a special way - miraculous power is given to them by nature. But do not rush to put the stone on immediately after purchasing it; let the jewelry sit in the box for at least a week, because, unlike other amulets and amulets, the stones do not begin to work immediately, but after some time, while the stone gets used to the new owner, and the owner of the stone - to him. The most effective, reliable and strong talismans are those that were donated or passed on from generation to generation. But they take more time to get used to.