Stone belly during late pregnancy. What to do with the tone of the uterus. How to switch attention from unpleasant sensations

When pregnancy occurs, almost every woman experiences some tension in the uterus. And this is quite justified, because the muscles of the body contract in the normal state, and when we are talking about the birth of a new life, it is assumed that the uterus comes into tone. If this symptom passes almost painlessly and there is no discharge, then there is nothing dangerous in this. Increased tone of the uterus can be observed throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Some mothers advise in this case to simply relax with the whole body, and the uterus will reflexively return to normal. If this does not help, you can perform the exercise: get on all fours, keeping even breathing, bend your back.

It is not recommended to sleep on your back for a long time and, turning from back to side, bend your knees. But all this applies to earlier stages of pregnancy, and on recent weeks to the increased tone of the abdomen should be treated with all the attention.

Uterine tone: the main reason for the feeling of a "stone" abdomen

Determine that the uterus is tense, only own feelings it is impossible, especially when it comes to a primiparous mother. To do this, it is important to contact a doctor who will either confirm the tone or reassure you that your imagination has played out. There are three ways to perform a tone check. For example, the gynecologist will palpate the abdomen. If you really have a toned uterus, then on examination it will be tense, quite dense. For an experienced doctor, such an examination is enough to determine how serious the problem is in a woman. In addition, the gynecologist can send the expectant mother for an ultrasound scan, here they will consider the situation in more detail and determine the cause of the increased uterine tone. Another way to diagnose a problem is tonusometry. It is performed using a special sensor that is applied to the mother's stomach.

There can be several reasons for the stonyness of the abdomen, while ordinary fatigue is quite common: it is no secret that in recent weeks it becomes difficult for mothers to climb stairs, use the services public transport, this affects not only physical condition but also on the emotional load. Stress and hard work provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus. The reason may also be individual features women, for example, if she has a small uterus or has endometriosis. Inflammation also plays a big role. female organs, which could be even before conception and during pregnancy.

Doctors tend to warn against increased uterine tone in women who have had miscarriages, as well as those who have genetically possible pathological processes during pregnancy. Care should be taken by mothers who have diseases of the endocrine system, often sick colds. If a woman works in a chemical industry, or has a job that involves a daily schedule, she is often forced to travel on business - all this provokes an increased tone of the uterus. The age of the mother is also important, it is noticed that after 35 years, especially if the woman is primiparous, she often has hypertonicity.

What to do if the stomach turns to stone in late pregnancy

Most often, the stomach turns to stone in the last term of pregnancy. And at normal flow process, increased uterine tone at 35 weeks indicates the preparation of the body for active phase pregnancy - childbirth. At this time, the child becomes especially active, he is already cramped in the uterus, which reacts to this with hypertonicity. But not only this organ suffers, but also others. For example, under the pressure of the uterus, the bladder does not fill completely, so the woman often goes to the toilet. If a woman does not have mucous discharge, there is nothing to worry about in her tone.

At 36 weeks, pregnancy makes itself felt more and more restless nights, pain in the legs and lower back, the body gradually adjusts to upcoming birth. If at this time hypertonicity is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, it is better to consult a doctor, but, as a rule, all birth symptoms ends just as abruptly as they started. This period also has its own positive points So, the stomach drops and breathing becomes easier.
From week 37, you need to be ready to go to the hospital at any time.

Prematurity from this time can occur at any moment, provided that the abdomen becomes stony and the discharge becomes viscous. This is especially true for those who are expecting twins or who are multiparous mothers. The closer the deadline labor activity, the more often and more intense the hypertonicity of the uterus. If the doctor does not give you a pathology during this period, the stone belly is just evidence that very soon you will be able to hold your child in your arms.

What to do with uterine tone

How to relieve body tension? That's right, relaxation. A woman can achieve this state on her own, comfortably lying down and relaxing all the muscles of the body. If the tone appeared during prolonged sitting or lying, on the contrary, you should walk a little, it is important to control your breathing, the step should not be wide. Another way to relax is massage. Mom can stroke her belly with her fingertips on her own. Someone can help her perform this procedure on her back and head. The goal is to relax the whole body. There is another way: rub the lower back with the palm of your hand until a burning sensation appears.

Of course, you should save a woman from everything that gives her emotional or physical irritation. She must be in good mood, time to go for a walk, it should be protected from stress. the main task mothers at this stage - to reach the moment when labor activity occurs, therefore it is important to monitor the tone of the uterus, which at this time becomes some indicator of the woman's condition.
If the stomach is not only tense, but also given in pain, a woman has discharge, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

Based on the examination of the mother, the doctor decides whether to develop labor or resort to drug withdrawal hypertonicity. For this, special preparations are prescribed, thanks to which the baby is in the womb until the day of his birth. Most often, magnesium is prescribed, which is considered safe for the baby.

Starting from 36 weeks, the fetus is fully formed. Begins main stage preparation for childbirth. From this period, the pregnancy is considered fully full-term, and a child born during this period has a great chance of being born healthy. 36 obstetric week is the beginning of the ninth month. There are only four weeks ahead.

For a woman, this period is very important. There is a risk of catching an unwanted disease, constantly surrounded by thoughts about possible oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios. And it is at this time that the first harbingers of childbirth appear.

It is impossible to call the condition of a woman at 36-37 weeks stable. Every day there are new sensations that can frighten a pregnant woman. Dizziness, nausea, weakness are not uncommon during this period. The belly drops. Diarrhea is becoming more common. The most frightening sign is the periodic hardening of the abdomen. Worry and worry is not worth it. This is not the beginning of labor. So the body is preparing for a crucial moment.

Unpleasant symptoms that occur in pregnant women in the last week of pregnancy:

  • feeling of heaviness in the perineal region due to the increased weight of the child;
  • lower back pain;
  • periodic diarrhea;
  • daily increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • the appearance of training fights;
  • there are attacks of nausea after eating;
  • intimate life causes false contractions;
  • stomach stiffens.

Just at week 36, the fetus begins to move towards the exit. Women note that breathing becomes easier, health improves. By this time, the weight of the pregnant woman increases by at least 12 kilograms. The baby's head may not come down. During the second pregnancy, this happens more often. It is especially unpleasant when the child's movements fall on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart. future mother. Sometimes it helps to stroke the belly and ask the child to be quieter.

Despite the fact that there is still a whole month before the birth, some babies decide to be born right now. Birth of healthy and full-fledged children frequent occurrence on this period.

If the stomach turns to stone for a few seconds or minutes, and after that the state of health returns to normal, you should not worry. In this case, the symptom is caused by uterine hypertonicity, which occurs after overexertion or stress.

Before you start to panic, analyze your diet. It may be that the firmness of the abdomen is due to the accumulation of gases due to malnutrition. Flatulence and bloating are frequent companions at this time.

Abdominal tension occurs in all pregnant women. It doesn't cause much discomfort. But in case of frequent manifestation of this symptom, be sure to warn your gynecologist.

The tummy can also stiffen with wrong position mothers. Change your posture and you'll be fine. It should be recalled that doctors do not recommend sleeping on your back after 20 weeks due to the possible blockage of blood flow to the lower sections. You probably won't be able to sleep on your stomach.

Overflow Bladder causes abdominal swelling. After you go to the toilet, everything should pass.

On later dates a symptom may mean polyhydramnios. The gynecologist leading the pregnancy will be able to determine the exact causes of discomfort and prescribe the appropriate treatment or measures to prevent it.

One of possible causes hard belly:

  • genital tract infections;
  • pathology of the pelvic region;
  • malformations of the uterus or fetus;
  • an increase in adrenaline in the blood after stressful situations;
  • prolonged physical activity.

As a rule, nothing special needs to be done when the abdomen hardens. Wait for the symptom to subside. Relax, turn on pleasant music, drink green tea.

How to switch attention from unpleasant sensations

There is so little time left. Very soon, the baby will snore in the arms of his mother. While there is time, you need to check whether everything is ready for a meeting with the baby. Furnishing the room, buying the right things and clothes will help you take your mind off the harbingers of childbirth.

You can ask loved ones to do a relaxing massage of the back and lower back. A light head massage will also help to relax. Rubbing movements with the palms on the lower back help well. Just don't overdo it.

If you have been sitting in one position for a long time, which has caused a hardening of the abdomen, walk with slow, wide steps.

Get into the habit of daily evening walks before bedtime. Fresh air has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy.

sex on last month- the subject of controversy and disagreement of doctors around the world. Really, sex life may induce the onset of labor. But in case of pregnancy without complications, positive emotions even useful for the expectant mother. Orgasms during this period are more vivid, sensations are enhanced due to the flow of blood to the genitals of a woman.

Gynecologists advise to refrain from sex only under such conditions:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • improper attachment of the placenta;
  • confirmed immaturity of the cervix;
  • partners have infections.

In any case, sex should not be extreme. Anal caresses are prohibited. Experiments may cause premature birth.

When to go to the hospital

If the discomfort intensifies, the pain increases, and does not subside, it is worth calling an ambulance. Wait for the doctor only in a horizontal position.

Danger signs:

  • bloody issues;
  • sharp pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • abundant flow of amniotic fluid in the absence of contractions.

Even more than usual white discharge should also be a cause for concern.

Such symptoms indicate a threat to the life of the mother and child, and are absolute indications for hospitalization. The pregnant woman is taken to the nearest department of the maternity hospital, because the period of 36 weeks is considered the period when a baby can appear at any moment.

Most often, after examination and short treatment, the expectant mother is allowed to go home. But there is little good in hypertonicity, so you need to go to the hospital. There are cases when the expectant mother is offered to lie in the pathology department. Doctors will be watching her around the clock. Only under supervision qualified specialist you can save the fetus and continue the positive course of pregnancy. In the hospital, the pregnant woman will be prescribed sedatives and antispasmodics, possibly hormonal preparations. They will relieve tension in the abdomen and regulate hormonal levels.

In parallel with drugs for the mother, drugs are prescribed that accelerate the development of the child's lungs.

Even before the first signs of manifestation of uterine hypertonicity, it is necessary to think about prevention.

  1. Avoid with your spouse bad habits. Smoking and alcohol adversely affect the body of a pregnant woman and can also cause hypertension.
  2. Pass full examination a doctor to rule out the presence inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.
  3. Learn relaxation techniques. Yoga classes will help to avoid possible stress. Auto-training and Pilates have also helped many pregnant women.

Let your pregnancy will pass successfully and such a problem as hardening of the abdomen does not bother you! Have fun with interesting position, because you have to wait quite a bit, and the baby will be born.

The process of "petrification" of the abdomen indicates the onset muscle hypertonicity uterus. Such a diagnosis is inevitable for all pregnant women; this is a completely natural sign for a certain stage of childbearing. For those who give birth for the first time, it may seem that similar symptoms abnormal, but do not worry, everything is fine. This state does not pose any threat.

Why does the stomach stiffen during pregnancy?

It’s worth noting right away: girls may have such seals in the lower part abdominal cavity at absolutely any time (during sleep, in reality). However, it most often occurs in the last weeks of pregnancy. It also happens when a woman is pregnant with twins.

What do seals mean and why do they occur? This happens due to the fact that the uterus consists of muscles that can change their state - be elastic, soft, relaxed. Basically, the stomach stiffens with spasms: then the muscles of the uterus tense up.

In the late stages of pregnancy, at about 25-26, 34-35 weeks, the woman's body begins to slowly prepare for childbirth: the so-called imitation of the appearance of a child occurs. During these weeks, the muscles tighten, thereby stretching and acquiring elasticity, preparing for the upcoming generic processes. Do not worry if a slight pain is felt below: it is precisely such unpleasant tingling that minimizes the main pain - during the birth of the baby.

Breston-Hickst is the scientific name for such a process as prenatal contractions. A woman in position may feel a slight pain tingling below, as if something is pulling. The frequency of such spasms is up to 3-5 times per hour lasting 2-3 minutes.

With regular symptoms of this nature on early stages pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps this is due to the high tone of the uterus, which adversely affects the development of the baby. The child begins to feel oxygen starvation which affects his blood pressure. As a consequence, embryos may be at risk of complications in physical development. It is better not to take risks and consult a professional gynecologist for a maximum of 2, 3 days.

What to do if the stomach hardens in late pregnancy?

If such symptoms occur (in the second, third trimester, etc.), the following tips should be followed:

  1. You can not stay in a dream in one position. Of course, it is difficult to control yourself, but you need to try to roll over from one side to the other more often.
  2. Do not engage in serious physical activity.
  3. With an increase in the tone of the uterus, when the greatest compaction is felt, it is necessary to take a relaxed position.

In pregnant women who complain of a hardening belly (no matter morning time, afternoon or evening) the following symptoms may also appear:

  • constant feeling that "pulls" in the pubic part;
  • diarrhea;
  • light discharge from the vagina with blood;
  • the fetus does not move and does not knock with legs;
  • constant feeling of premature contractions.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor immediately! Requires treatment.

Help from a specialist with a stone stomach

In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary. special tool(tonusometer), the doctor listens to the fetus and decides how serious the seals are. The gynecologist may prescribe an additional ultrasound procedure, after which it will become clear what position the fetus is in and how strong the spasms of the muscles of the intravaginal space are.

Women who are expecting the birth of a child feel different changes in their body: from mild nausea to early dates to constant discomfort before childbirth. Women in labor often complain that the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy.

This feeling causes concern in young women who have never experienced it, but the reasons for this condition for each trimester are different and you should not worry prematurely. Let's figure out why the stomach turns to stone.

What is uterine hypertonicity?

If a woman feels that a stone belly, the cause may be a sharp contraction of the muscles of the uterus. However, hypertonicity and "petrification" can also indicate a threat of miscarriage, so do not leave the symptoms of pain unattended.

The main thing is not to panic and keep track of the frequency of pain, as this will help determine next steps. If for the first time the lower abdomen stiffens, then lie on your side and breathe deeply. As soon as the stomach absolutely lets go, you need to get up and slowly do 5-10 tilts.

The uterus is a hollow muscular organ consisting of three layers: the outer mucosa is the perimetrium, the middle muscular layer is the myometrium and the inner mucosa is the endometrium.

Provoking factors

  • lack of progesterone (this is a hormone that affects the state of the body and muscle tone uterus during pregnancy);
  • dilatation of the cervix (before the ninth month, a sign indicates premature birth or the threat of losing a child);
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • polyhydramnios ( pathological conditionamniotic fluid exceed the norm);
  • severe stress and strain.

Why does the stomach stiffen during pregnancy?

The cause of such sensations in the abdomen during pregnancy is hypertonicity, but petrification carries with it other signs:

  1. The uterus is strained due to viral infections.
  2. Poisoning.
  3. General malaise of the expectant mother, etc.

Women who are expecting replenishment in the family sometimes do not know what to do if the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy. Today, more than one state of the body of a pregnant woman is known when the stomach becomes stony. Let's take a look at the most common ones below.

The reason is to give birth soon

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a stone belly is a classic phenomenon for women in labor. If it is accompanied painful sensations, then soon expect the waters to break and contractions to begin. Although there is one "trick" of the body that should not be missed.

Training bouts

If the stone lower abdomen does not accompany the discharge of a bloody or watery type, and petrification does not occur for the first time, these are training fights. They happen often among "debuting" women in labor. Even if at such a moment you go to the hospital in a panic, the gynecologist will recommend drinking an anesthetic or performing special exercises.

Increased tone of the uterus

The uterus consists of layers of muscle fibers, among which the development of the embryo takes place. Problems in this can also arise due to increased tone (the same hypertonicity) of the uterus. For some women, this is due to nervous tension on inspections. As doctors say, short-term and single manifestations of increased tone in a pregnant woman should not be frightening.

The consequences of uterine hypertonicity can be very deplorable

If the stomach becomes stony in late pregnancy, then the woman is forbidden to strain and engage in strength exercises.


In women, the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy with the development of tumors in the pelvic organs. Oncology in such cases is diagnosed in the early stages and does not pose a danger to a woman, but interferes with the birth of a child. Do not rush to make such diagnoses yourself, especially if your stomach just “hardened”.

In addition, there are symptoms that indicate the presence malignant formations in the uterus and ovaries: bleeding outside of menstruation and severe pain in the abdomen and genital area.

Endocrine pathologies

Most young couples are unaware that endocrine system unites anatomically all the constituent parts of the body, including the gonads. The main causes of endocrine diseases are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands.

If you are pregnant and feel petrified in the abdomen, do not jump to conclusions. It is worth worrying if you have previously had problems with thyroid gland, and periodically visit pain in the uterus. Then this question requires answers from a professional.

In some cases, the cause of uterine tone can be the so-called Rhesus conflict.

Infections in the genitourinary system

The urinary system and its condition affect reproductive functions women and men. Diseases of these areas prevent pregnancy, but the detection of pathologies of the genitourinary system during pregnancy is not uncommon. When asking a doctor why the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy, one of the answers may be a disease of the excretory system.

The most common of them: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. On the one hand, you should not be afraid of these pathologies, since they are a kind of "companion" of every woman (especially those living in a cold climate). And in another case, the symptoms can threaten the health of the baby and the state of temporary tone. Then an already hard stomach can be very painful and require medical supervision.

Colds and viruses.

Along with genitourinary infections are common viruses. Walking on fresh air are good if you don’t catch a cold after them, so late evening is not best time for promenades of a pregnant woman at any time of the year. If your stomach hardens during pregnancy, and the day before you were cold or felt weak and unwell, then you need to start intensive treatment (always check whether it is safe antiviral agent for pregnant).
It's okay if you catch a cold during pregnancy - you need to monitor the baby, and most importantly, do not worry.

Inflammatory processes in the pelvis

Inflammation of the pelvic organs "cooperate" with genitourinary infections, but the former are much more numerous. The main symptoms of inflammation are redness, itching after urination (especially at night) and pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which include the stomach, like a stone.

The cause of the tone may be excessive stretching of the uterus

Such processes cause complications for the mother, but do not prevent the birth of a child. Diseases of the pelvic organs quickly become apparent, so the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. There are also other signs that can cause similar symptoms.

Physical activity (even walking)

You need to understand that there is a line between useful physical activity for pregnant women and sports that will not allow you to hold the fetus. It is important not to overdo it with any active actions. Obstetrician-gynecologists note that often during pregnancy, the stomach hardens due to physical overwork.

Modern mothers lead an active lifestyle, however, at any time of an interesting position, they are useful in ordinary life habits can work against them. When walking, the belly of a pregnant woman can become very hard, and it becomes difficult for a woman to move or even stand.

When the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy, it is worth immediately minimizing the amount of excessive exercise (you can also walk less) and remove from the diet harmful products. The latter applies to mothers who have problems in the stomach area, which can no longer be corrected.

Rapid release of oxytocin into the blood

The hormone oxytocin is a peptide that is responsible for "tenderness" and affection. It is artificially used to induce labor to cause uterine contractions. A sharp release of oxytocin indicates the approach of childbirth, especially often this happens at 9 months.

Hormonal imbalance is one of the frequent answers to the question of why the stomach becomes stony in pregnant women. In each period, different changes occur with a woman: if on early stages they are not too noticeable, then already at the 10th week of pregnancy you will feel how your body and even your train of thought has changed.

You have to be very careful with yourself.

How to understand if the stomach is hardening?

This question is asked by mothers who have read articles about pregnancy before it even appeared. The medical answer is simple: you will understand. Let's try to give precise definition: if you feel that your stomach is involuntarily tense during pregnancy, or if something is petrified inside - this phenomenon is the same.

When a woman should worry (dangerous symptoms)

  • dizziness and fainting (the situation requires attention and examination by a specialist);
  • uterine bleeding (do not neglect the help of a doctor, this is an emergency);
  • severe stomach pain;
  • no fetal movement.

Frequent bloating during pregnancy

Sensations of bloating normal phenomenon for pregnant women. Future mothers often experience a painful sensation in the stomach precisely because of the gases. However, if, in addition to bloating, heartburn, nausea, and diarrhea appear, this is an occasion to analyze your diet and, if necessary, drink a medicine that normalizes digestion.
If the sensation has recurred, then consult your doctor.

Can it harden in the first week of pregnancy?

Why the stomach hardens during pregnancy has been discussed above. Another frequently asked question relates to the timing of which may (or may not) appear pain. In the first week of pregnancy, the stomach becomes stony in the same way as in the last or the other.

In the third trimester

What if you are already 34 weeks?

This question is similar to the previous one. Belly at 34 weeks large sizes, which enhances the discomfort of the body, the fetus grows. At the 34th week of pregnancy, training contractions may already occur, which were mentioned at the beginning of the article.

They are dangerous to the fetus if the cause of cramping conditions is premature birth. Treat the process as if you were preparing for a normal birth (34 weeks of pregnancy is a serious time).

Tenses the lower and upper abdomen in the last stages - is it dangerous?

When the gestational age is 36-40 weeks, you already feel that the most difficult part has been passed, but at the same time another sensation has appeared - the lower abdomen is like a stone. The same symptoms can appear from above and from the side.
Before contractions and childbirth, a hard stomach - normal reaction organism. If there is still time before the birth, and your stomach suddenly stiffens, and you have read all the possible diagnoses, then follow the main advice - calm down.
It is possible to exclude the presence of oncology and the development of pathologies, because on last dates doctors know everything about your body. And if a similar feeling visited you at the end of the third trimester, quickly pack your things to the hospital.

What is a woman to do

Painful sensations, when the stomach is stone during pregnancy, pass by themselves after 10-20 minutes. You can also remove them with painkillers, but make sure that the drug is suitable for pregnant women. If pain from the uterus is felt in other organs, for example, in the stomach or liver, then seek the help of doctors (the main thing is not to hang your nose and not be afraid).

Be sure to visit your doctor regularly

The uterine muscles continually contract from the excitement and mood swings of the pregnant woman, so there should be no unnecessary fears.

Help doctor

If you are applying for medical care(whether it's 15 weeks, 30 weeks, or even the time of delivery), it's important to be clear about what you're thinking and describe your feelings in a way that your doctors can understand.
If you are carrying your baby safely and the contractions started more early period, then the gynecologist prescribes special drugs, and can also leave you under observation in the hospital. In all less serious cases you will be given a list useful exercises and lifestyle advice.

How to remove the tone of the uterus?

We offer some simple ways fast withdrawal tone. The main thing is relaxation. Complete relaxation, measured breathing, comfortable posture - this is all that is needed when increased tone uterus.

Not really

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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Website visitors should not use them as medical advice! The editors of the site do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! Remember that only a complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!

Throughout pregnancy, a woman with special attention takes care of her health, because now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her own health. born baby. A great concern for many ladies is the condition when the stomach turns to stone. it's a reason for them to panic, as many think they've been carrying a baby.

New sensations

At this time, the baby is tired of the darkness and loneliness, he is already completely ready to meet his parents and the whole world. Mom may feel that the intensity of the baby’s movements has decreased, but other incomprehensible sensations appear instead. helping the child to find correct position for future births, it becomes difficult to walk. Most women are pretty easy, and when the stomach turns to stone at 40 weeks, they start to panic. These sensations appear due to girdle pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. One of the reasons may be the first harbingers of childbirth. Even if the preparation for childbirth goes on as usual, incomprehensible sensations can cause anxiety due to ignorance of the causes of this phenomenon.

Uterine hypertonicity

The increased tone of the uterus causes such a terrible phenomenon for many as the feeling that the stomach is turning to stone. 40 weeks of pregnancy is a period at which such phenomena are quite normal. An increase in tone occurs when the muscles contract for a few seconds. Repeats can occur up to several times within an hour. There should be no discomfort or discharge. It is better at this time to lie on your side in a relaxed state. You can stroke your belly or ask your loved one to do it. When you relax, the tone will decrease by itself.

Factors that predetermine this phenomenon, This:

  • stressful situations;
  • great physical activity;
  • fatigue;
  • processes in a woman's body;
  • hormonal surges;
  • bloating.

You should definitely tell your gynecologist about the tone of the uterus in order to avoid unnecessary consequences. If there are no contraindications to sports, there are excellent exercises to relieve tension in the uterus.

Other sensations

The last term until which not everyone carries the baby is 41 weeks of pregnancy. The stomach stiffens, the lower back pulls, the prolapse of the uterus is normal sensations at this time. They only confirm the approach of hour X. To somehow survive this time, go in for sports or just relax. Read, watch a movie, in general, spend your time as you like, because very soon it will be very difficult to devote at least a minute to yourself.

What to do?

You can perform exercises with the appearance of fatigue, swelling of the legs, when the stomach becomes stony. 40 weeks pregnant is not the time to lie down, panic and prepare for the worst. Many doctors recommend leading an active lifestyle until the very birth. There are several exercises that will not only reduce the tone of the uterus, but also help prepare the body for future childbirth:

  1. These movements can be done at any stage of pregnancy to relieve all kinds of cramps. The first thing to do is get on all fours, raise your head a little and arch your back for just a few seconds. No need to strain too much, keep your breathing even. Lower your head and, rounding your back, freeze for about 5 seconds. Repeat all the manipulations several times until you feel relief.
  2. Pose "Butterfly", stretching exercise. Sit on the floor, spread your legs and bend them at the knees. Place them so that the feet are closed and the knees look in different sides. Place your hands on your knees and gently try to press them to the floor. No need to rush, let your legs get used to the tension a little and try to stretch the muscles a little more.

If by medical indications sport is contraindicated for you, try to tone down by taking a not too hot bath with sea salt.

41 weeks: the stomach turns to stone, what should I do?

In the last month of pregnancy, it is very important to listen to new sensations so as not to miss the signs that indicate that it is time to call ambulance, include: bloody discharge, cork exit, regular contractions, discharge of water, if the stomach becomes stony. 40 weeks of pregnancy and 41 - the period when the child is born fully formed and ready for independent life.

  1. Since nobody canceled daily walks, before leaving the house, be sure to check that the battery is charged in the phone and the most necessary documents are in the bag.
  2. To hasten the birth, with the permission of the doctor, you can have sex, do light exercises, take a walk up the stairs. Some women say that laxatives helped them.

There is no need to panic if you have not yet given birth, and the personal calendar says that the 41st week of pregnancy has gone. The stomach turns to stone, the contractions intensified, the waters broke - do not worry, because these are signs that you will soon see your long-awaited child.