Methods, techniques, exercises aimed at correcting aggressive behavior. Correction of aggressive behavior of children

Aggressive child

Aggressive behavior of children before school age always expressed differently. And this behavior can be divided into several types:
External aggression- it is directed at the surrounding people, animals, toys. The child may scream, call names, threaten, tease others. He can also express his aggression with gestures - threaten with a fist or finger, grimace, mimic. In addition to verbal and gestural aggression, the child can also move to physical, i.e. he may bite, scratch, fight, pinch, or push.
internal aggression- this aggression is directed at the child himself. He can bite his nails, beat his head against the wall, bite his lips, pull out his eyelashes or eyebrows.
Signs of aggression in children:
- constantly losing control
- constantly tries to argue, swears with adults.
- constantly refuses to follow the rules.
- constantly annoying people on purpose.
- Constantly blaming others for their mistakes.
- Constantly angry and refusing to do anything.
- constantly envious, vengeful.
- sensitive, responsive to various activities surrounding, often irritating him.

It is possible to make any assumptions about the presence of aggression in a child when at least four of the eight listed signs are observed in his behavior for at least six months.
Exercises designed to teach children acceptable ways to discharge anger and aggressiveness:
1.Hit a pillow or punching bag.
2. Stomp your feet.
3. Write on paper all the words that you want to say, crumple and throw away the paper.
4. Rub plasticine into cardboard or paper.
5. Count to ten.
6.Most constructive - sport games, run.
7. Water removes aggression well.
8. Crumple and tear paper.

How to deal with aggressive child?
Streamline the system of requirements, watch your actions, showing the child a personal (positive) example.
Maintain discipline, follow the established rules.
Teach your child self-control by example.
Let your child know that you love him for who he is.
Direct his energy in a positive direction (for example, sports, where a child can learn to control emotions, control his behavior (martial arts, boxing, wushu), drawing, singing).
Include the child in joint activities, emphasize its importance in the work being done.
Teach your child to be sorry. He must understand that his behavior causes grief, causes suffering to loved ones.
Practice emotional rewards for acts of kindness. In this case, the child will quickly be able to outgrow the "natural age aggressiveness" and learn to be humane and kind.

Games for aggressive children
sparrow fights(removal of physical aggression).
Children choose a couple and turn into pugnacious "sparrows" (squat, clasping their knees with their hands). "Sparrows" bounce sideways to each other, push. Which of the children falls or takes their hands off their knees is out of the game (the “wings” and paws are being treated by Dr. Aibolit). "Fights" begin and end at the signal of an adult.

Minute of prank(psychological relief).
The leader, on a signal (hitting a tambourine, etc.), invites the children to play pranks: everyone does what he wants - jumps, runs, somersaults, etc. The leader’s repeated signal after 1-3 minutes announces the end of pranks.

Karate ( withdrawal of physical aggression).
Children form a circle, in the center of which lies a hoop - a “magic circle”. In the "magic circle" there is a "transformation" of the child into a karateka (foot movements). The children standing around the hoop, together with the leading choir, say: “Stronger, stronger, stronger ...”, helping the player to throw out aggressive energy with the most intense actions.

Boxer(removal of physical aggression).
This is a variant of the Karate game, and it is carried out in a similar way, but actions in the hoop can only be done with your hands. Fast, strong movements are encouraged.

Stubborn (capricious) child(overcoming stubbornness, negativism).
Children entering the circle (hoop) take turns showing capricious child. Everyone helps with the words: "Stronger, stronger, stronger ...". Then the children are divided into pairs "parent and child": the child is naughty, the parent persuades him to calm down. Each player must play the role of a capricious child and persuading parent.

1. The game “SPAROW FIGHTS” (removal of physical aggression)

Children choose a mate and “turn” into pugnacious “sparrows” (squat, clasping their knees with their hands). "Sparrows" bounce sideways to each other, push. Which of the children falls or takes their hands off their knees is out of the game (“wings and paws are being treated by Dr. Aibolit”). "Fights" begin and end at the signal of an adult.

2. Game “MINUTE OF PRANKING” (psychological relief)

The leader, on a signal (hitting a tambourine, etc.), invites the children to play pranks: everyone does what he wants - jumps, runs, somersaults, etc. The repeated signal of the host after 1-3 minutes announces the end of the pranks.

3. Game “EVIL-GOOD CATS” (removal of general aggression)

Children are invited to form a large circle, in the center of which lies a sports hoop on the floor. This is the “magic circle” in which “transformations” will take place.

The child enters the hoop and, at the signal of the host (clapping his hands, the sound of a bell, the sound of a whistle), turns into a feisty cat: hisses and scratches. At the same time, you cannot leave the “magic circle”.

The children standing around the hoop repeat after the leader in chorus: “Stronger, stronger, stronger ...”, - and the child depicting a cat makes more and more “evil” movements.

At the repeat signal of the host, the “transformation” ends, after which another child enters the hoop and the game is repeated.

When all the children have been in the “magic circle”, the hoop is removed, the children are divided into pairs and again turn into angry cats at the signal of an adult. (If someone did not have enough pair, then the leader himself can participate in the game.) A categorical rule: do not touch each other! If it is violated, the game stops immediately, the host shows an example of possible actions, and then continues the game.

On a repeated signal, the “cats” stop and can exchange pairs.

On final stage The host of the game invites the “evil cats” to become kind and affectionate. On a signal, the children turn into kind cats that caress each other.

4. The game "KARATE" (removal of physical aggression)

As in the previous game, the children form a circle, in the center of which lies a sports hoop on the floor. Only this time in the “magic circle” there is a “transformation” into a karateka (foot movements).

As before, the children standing around the hoop, together with the leading choir, say: “Stronger, stronger, stronger ...”, helping these players to throw out aggressive energy with the most intense actions.

5. Game "BOXER"(removal of physical aggression)

This is a variant of the Karate game, and it is carried out in a similar way, but actions in the hoop can only be done with your hands. Fast, strong movements are encouraged.

6. The game "Stubborn capricious child" (overcoming stubbornness and negativism)

Children entering the circle (into the hoop) take turns showing a capricious child. Everyone helps with the words: "Stronger, stronger, stronger ...". Then the children are divided into pairs “parent and child”: the child is naughty, the parent persuades and reassures him. Each player must play the role of a capricious child and persuading parent.

7. The game "Stubborn Pillow" (removal of general aggression, negativism, stubbornness)

Adults prepare a “magic, stubborn pillow” (a pillow with a dark pillowcase) and introduce the child to a fairy tale game: “A fairy sorceress (or another favorite fairy tale character) gave us a pillow. This pillow is not simple, but magical. Children's stubbornness lives inside her. It is they who make you capricious and stubborn. Let's get rid of the stubbornness."

The child beats the pillow with his fists with all his might, and the adult says: “Harder, stronger, stronger!” (the stereotype and emotional clamp is removed).

When the child's movements become slower, the game gradually stops (the time is determined individually - from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes).

An adult offers to listen to the “stubborn” in the pillow:

“Have all the stubborn ones come out and what are they doing?” The child puts his ear to the pillow and listens. Some children say that “stubborn people whisper”, others do not hear anything. “The stubborn ones got scared and are silent in the pillow,” the adult replies (this technique calms the child after excitement).

8. The game "CLOWNS CURRING"(withdrawal of verbal aggression)

“The clowns showed the children a performance, amused them, and then they began to teach the children to swear. Yes, yes, angrily swear at each other with “vegetables and fruits”. For example: “You,” says the clown, “cabbage!” And the child answers ... (pause for the child to come up with an answer). “And you,” the clown continues, “strawberries.” The other child responds (scolds the adult). Attention is drawn to adequate, angry intonation. Children can choose pairs, change partners, “swear” together, or take turns “scolding” all the children. An adult directs the game, announces the beginning and end of the game with a signal, stops if other words or physical aggression are used.

The game then continues, changing emotional mood children. “When the clowns taught the kids to swear, the parents didn’t like it.” Clowns, continuing the game, teach children not only to swear by vegetables and fruits, but also to affectionately call each other flowers. For example: “You are a bell ...” (a child affectionately calls an adult). The intonation must be appropriate. Children are again divided into pairs, etc. and affectionately call each other flowers.

9. Game "ZHUZHA" (removal of general collective aggression)

The host chooses “Zhuzha”, which sits on a chair (in the house), the rest of the children begin to tease “Zhuzha”, grimace in front of her.

“Zhuzha, Zhuzha come out, Zhuzha, Zhuzha, catch up!”

“Zhuzha” looks out of the window of his house (from a chair), shows his fists, stamps his feet in anger, and when the children go beyond the “magic line”, he runs out and catches the children. Whom "Zhuzha" caught, he is eliminated from the game (becomes captured by "Zhuzha").

10. "Kicking"

The child lies on his back on the carpet. Legs are freely spread. Slowly, he begins to kick, touching the floor with his entire leg. The legs alternate and rise high. Gradually increases the strength and speed of kicking. For each kick, the child says “No”, increasing the intensity of the kick.

Exercise promotes emotional relaxation and relieves muscle tension.

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State budgetary educational institution secondary vocational education

"Zhirnovsky Pedagogical College"


discipline: "Pedagogy"

on the topic of: "Games for I corrections aggressive behavior children».


Zibarova A.E.


Lobacheva N.A.

Zhirnovsk 2016year

We note right away that aggressiveness as a property of the personality of a child or adult should be distinguished from "benign" aggression that arises in a situation of danger and disappears when nothing threatens a person. Such situational aggression has a completely normal defensive character, and it is hardly worth correcting it in the child's behavior. In this case, it makes sense to simply teach him adequate and socially accepted ways of expressing aggressive feelings. Speaking of true (“malignant”) aggressiveness, we have in mind stable personality traits that are expressed in increased readiness for aggression. External manifestations of aggressiveness may vary somewhat in different age periods.

So, in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, the criteria for aggressiveness are the following characteristics:

Often lose control of themselves;

Often argue and quarrel with others;

Refuse to comply with the requests of adults;

May intentionally cause others to feel angry and annoyed;

They tend to blame others for their mistakes and failures (they can take out their anger on inanimate things);

Often experience feelings of anger, anger and envy;

Not able to forget about the offense without repaying;

Obnoxious and irritable.

In middle school children and adolescents, aggressiveness can be manifested in the following way:

Often threaten other people (words, gestures, look);

Periodically act as initiators of fights (they can use injuring objects);

They do not feel compassion, they show cruelty to people and animals, they can intentionally hurt them (verbally or physically);

Unscrupulous in the means of achieving their goals (for example, they can use theft, damage to the offender's personal belongings, etc. as revenge);

They do not take into account the opinion of parents, their prohibitions and restrictions (up to running away from home);

Have difficulties in relations with teachers, openly conflict or skip classes.

If you think that your child is characterized by at least half of the described manifestations of aggressiveness, corresponding to his age, and they appear for at least six months, then your child really already has aggressiveness as a personality trait. If you have come to such a not very pleasant conclusion, then you should not despair or try to put all your strength into protecting those around you from your son or daughter. It is better for a thinking and pedagogically competent parent to spend time and effort analyzing the current situation and finding ways to help the child himself.

Let's take a look at first causes of child aggression. At given property there can be three main sources.

Firstly, the family in which the child grows up can itself demonstrate aggressive behavior (if not physical, then in words) and reinforce such manifestations in the child. Some parents tend to double standards, in words they definitely have a bad attitude towards manifestations of aggression in children, express a desire to raise a child kind and conflict-free, but at the same time they are unable to hide their admiration, watching how their child is able to solve problems with peers, fearlessly entering into fighting or using more subtle methods of coercion. Needless to say, when choosing a model of behavior, children are guided not at all by what their parents say, but by what they think, feel and how they behave.

Secondly, children can learn aggressive behavior in the process of communicating with their peers. At preschool age, the criterion of strength is very significant for most children; boys especially strive to possess this quality, since the children's community cannot be called democratic. Therefore, whoever is the strongest, everything is possible for him - a principle that can often be seen in action, watching the communication of children in kindergarten. If you think your child is aggressive, think about how "fighting" class or group he attends! How are conflicts resolved there? If the "struggle for survival" is characteristic of everything children's team, then you should take care to find another children's society for the child, where there would be a different atmosphere. It could be a hobby group Kid `s camp or the circle of children of your friends. The main thing is that your child gets a qualitatively different communication experience (without the need for aggression).

Thirdly, the training aggressiveness model can be not only real people, but also characters that are products of creativity. There is no doubt that the scenes of aggression and violence on TV screens, monitors and pages of books increase the aggressiveness of young viewers, making them ready at any time to use destructive, tough, but very effective ways to resolve conflicts. So it will not be superfluous to pay attention to what your child is watching, reading and playing.

Now that we have considered the external reinforcements of aggressiveness, we can move on to its internal causes.

Here the main thing is very simple thought: a person who is doing well does not behave aggressively. That is, aggressiveness is an external manifestation, first of all, of internal discomfort. As a rule, aggressive children are characterized by high anxiety, a sense of rejection of themselves, the injustice of the world around them, and inadequate self-esteem (most often low). The stormy protest and angry reactions of the little "aggressor" are his way of drawing the attention of others to his problems, the inability to cope with them alone.

So the first thing that is required of you, as an adult trying to help an aggressive child, is sincere sympathy, acceptance of him as a person, interest in his inner world, understanding of feelings and motives of behavior. Try to focus on the merits of the child and his success in overcoming difficulties (both external and internal), teach him the same. In a word, try to do everything possible to return the boy or girl self-respect and positive self-esteem. If your usual interaction is not enough for this purpose, you can use the special games described in the article "What to play with anxious children."

Secondly, it is necessary to conduct special patient and systematic work in four directions:

To work with anger - to teach the child generally accepted and non-dangerous ways for others to express their anger;

To teach self-control - to develop the child's self-control skills in situations that provoke outbursts of anger or anxiety;

To work with feelings - to learn to be aware of one's own emotions and the emotions of other people, to form the ability for empathy, sympathy, trust in others;

To instill constructive communication skills - to teach adequate behavioral reactions in a problem situation, ways out of the conflict.

The games and game techniques described below will help you implement these corrective directions.

Dealing with anger.

In our society, it is assumed that well-mannered person should not show his anger. However, if we hold back this emotion every time and do not give it an outlet in any form, then we turn into a "piggy bank of anger", and this is already akin to a time bomb. When your piggy bank is full, then the "excess" of anger will pour out either on a person who accidentally turned up under the arm, or in hysterics and tears, or will begin to "be deposited" in the person himself, leading to various problems with health.

I hope that you are convinced that anger needs to be released. Of course, this does not mean that every time you need to "go hand-to-hand". This can be done in less destructive ways, as described below. By the way, they will be useful not only for children, but also for adults. So you can learn them together with your child and apply them as needed in your life, thereby setting an example for your son or daughter.

"Unfriendly cartoon"

This game technique will help your child to more adequately get out of a situation when he is very angry and "pours out" his feelings on the one who offended him, shouting, calling names, pushing, etc. Try to take the child to another place so that he does not see the one who made him so angry. Now you can invite him to draw a caricature of this person. It is best to start by showing an example of what a caricature can be, how it differs from a regular portrait. When the child understands that it is not necessary to try to depict the original exactly, but, on the contrary, you can distort the bright features or simply draw a person the way he sees in this moment give him paper and pencils.

In the process of drawing, try not to pull the child and not to soften what he draws and what he says at the same time. Just be there and don't judge. You can also show the child that you understand his feelings (despite the fact that you do not agree that the abuser really deserves all the swear words that are said in his address when drawing). To do this, you can reflect his feelings with words like: “I see that you are very angry with Kolya” or “It is really very disappointing when you are not understood and suspected,” etc.

When the drawing is completed, invite the child to sign it as he wants. Then ask him how he feels now and what he wants to do with this "unfriendly caricature" (let the child do it in reality).

Note. When you conduct this game technique, do not be embarrassed by the "inhumanity" and "uncivilization" of what is happening. Remember that this is just a game, and the more negative emotions a child manages to throw out in it, the less destructive actions he will want to perform in communication with a real person. On the contrary, rejoice yourself and express pride in the success of the child if he was able to avoid a fight or a major quarrel in this way.

"Bag of Screams"

As you know, it is very difficult for children to cope with their negative feelings, because they tend to break out in the form of screams and squeals. Of course, this is not approved by adults. However, if emotions are very strong, then it is wrong to immediately demand from children a calm analysis and search for constructive solutions. First you need to give them the opportunity to calm down a little, to throw out the negative in an acceptable way.

So, if the child is indignant, agitated, angry, in a word, simply unable to talk to you calmly, invite him to use the "scream bag". Agree with the child that while he has this bag in his hands, he can scream and squeal into it as much as he needs. But when he lowers the magic bag, he will talk to those around him in a calm voice, discussing what happened.

Note. You can make the so-called "bag of shouts" from any fabric bag, it is advisable to sew strings to it in order to be able to "close" all the "shouts" for the duration of a normal conversation. The resulting bag should be stored in a certain place and not used for other purposes. If there is no bag at hand, then you can convert it into a "jar of screams" or even a "pot of screams", preferably with a lid. However, using them later for peaceful purposes, such as cooking, would be highly undesirable.

"Leaf of Anger"

You have probably already seen printed versions of such a sheet, which depicts some kind of monster in a fit of anger or a generally good creature, such as a duck that tries to break a computer with a hammer in anger. The visual image of anger is accompanied by such instructions for use: "In the event of a fit of rage, crumple and throw into a corner!"

However, this is a way of behavior rather of adults, while for children it is usually not enough to simply throw crumpled paper into a corner once. Therefore, they should be offered different ways to express their negative emotions: you can crumple, tear, bite, trample, kick a piece of anger until the child feels that this feeling has decreased and now he can easily cope with it. After that, ask the boy or girl to finally deal with their anger by collecting all the pieces of the "angry leaf" and throwing them in the trash. As a rule, in the process of work, children stop being angry and this game begins to amuse them, so they usually finish it in a good mood.

Note. "Leaf of Anger" can be made by yourself. If the child himself does this, then even a double study of it will turn out. emotional state. So, invite your child to imagine what his anger looks like: what shape it is, size, what or who it looks like. Now let the child draw the resulting image on paper (with young children, you need to immediately move on to drawing, as it is still difficult for them to depict the image in words, which can cause additional irritation). Further, for dealing with anger (as described above), all methods are good!

Pillow for kicking

This playful way to cope with anger is especially necessary for those children who, when angry, tend to react primarily physically (immediately fight, push, take away, and do not scream and call names, do not try to avenge their inaction later on now). Get such a child at home (or you can make the second option for kindergarten or school) a kicking pillow. Let it be a small, dark-colored pillow that the child can kick, throw, and pound when he feels very angry. After he manages to let off steam in such a harmless way, you can move on to other means of solving the problem situation.

Note. Pillow analogs can be an inflatable rubber mallet that can be used to hit walls and floors, or a punching bag that will help get rid of accumulated anger not only for children, but also for adults.

"Chopping Wood"

This game is especially good to play after the child has been engaged in sedentary work for a long time. It will help get rid of physical and emotional stress, spend the accumulated negative feelings and get energized.

Ask your child if he knows how to cut wood. How should you hold an ax? What is the best position to stand in? Where is the log usually placed? In order for you both to have a complete picture of this physical work, ask the child to depict how the process itself takes place. Make sure there's enough around free space. Let your little lumberjack cut wood, sparing no effort. Recommend him to bring an imaginary ax above his head and sharply lower it onto an imaginary log. It is useful to make some sounds along with the exhalation, for example, say "Ha!".

Note. For those guys who need more believability in this activity, you can make a paper substitute for an ax, such as a tightly rolled roll of paper or newspaper.

If you are in nature, then you can help the child express his anger and come to a calm state, using the properties of water, clay and sand.

So, when a child sculpts a figurine of an offender out of clay, he experiences a feeling of control over the situation: he can create it, flatten it, trample it, and, if desired, restore it again. By the way, these techniques can be applied at home using plasticine.

Sand games are also attractive to children due to their "reversibility". You can bury a figurine symbolizing the offender or the anger of the child himself, jump on top, pour water, lay stones, and when the anger subsides, you can dig it up again, clean it and use it in other games.

In addition, working with loose sand and pliable clay in itself calms the child, he focuses more on his tactile sensations switches from one external stimulus to another.

It is also good to use water to relieve tension and aggressiveness of children. In addition to swimming, which is excellent in this case, you can use water games. For example, arrange ship races. Each participant must adjust his ship by blowing on it from a tube and not touching it with his hands. You can come up with something like water billiards, knocking down floating plastic or rubber balls with the help of other balls. Variants of "water warfare" are also good, for example, dousing with sprinklers, shooting down enemy floating ships with a jet of water, etc. In a word, any interesting activities with water are suitable for reducing aggressiveness, not without reason "tub cold water"Since ancient times, it has been considered an effective way to pacify raging adults. But when working with children, everything " water procedures"It's better to add an element of the game.

Self-control training

In order to help a child master the skills of self-control, you must first of all teach him to be aware and understand his feelings, assess the situation of communication and predict options for its development. This not an easy task because aggressive children are used to acting impulsively. Therefore, any delayed and deliberate behavior can be considered a certain achievement. To develop this ability to restrain momentary impulses, you can use the following game techniques.

"Signals of Anger"

You will play this game (in full) with your child only once, later using its abbreviated version. It is aimed at the child's awareness of his anger through bodily sensations.

Let the child remember some situation in which he was very angry, was ready to kill the offender. Ask him how his anger showed up before the fight? Perhaps this question will confuse the child, then help him by explaining that all feelings somehow affect our body. When a person is offended and angry, he can feel how his fists are clenched, blood rushes to his face, a lump rises to his throat, it becomes difficult to breathe, the muscles of his face, abdomen, etc. tense. These are signals of anger. He warns us of his growth. If we ignore these warning signs, then at some unexpected moment for us, it splashes out sharply in the form of actions, for which we can later be ashamed. If we notice his signals in time, then we will be able to manage this strong feeling (and not vice versa, as happens with a child when anger controls him).

Once this outreach has been done and the anger signals specific to your child have been identified, try to make this game relevant. As soon as you notice that the child begins to get angry, ask him what signals the feeling gives him. Accordingly, what is this feeling? What can it make you do? What will be the consequences? Before all this has begun and you have caught the signal in time, what can be done to avoid trouble? Discuss with your child specific ways to get out of a particular situation. For example, it was possible to get up and leave or remain silent, and not succumb to a clear provocation, so as not to bring joy to those who were waiting for this, etc.

Note. For this game to bear fruit, it must be carried out systematically, and it requires adults themselves to be attentive and sensitive, as well as resourceful in accepting possible ways solutions to various problems.

"Anger on Stage"

This game corrective technique is based on the visual representation of the image of one's negative feelings.

When your child is angry (or has just experienced anger), invite him to imagine what his anger would look like on a theater stage. In the image of what would the actor playing anger act - a monster, a person, an animal, or maybe a shapeless spot? What color would his suit be? How would it feel to the touch - hot or cold, rough or smooth? What would he smell like? What voice would you use? What intonations? How would he move around the stage?

If desired, the child can draw an image of his anger, or even better, enter the role of this actor and portray anger "in the first person", expressively moving for him and saying the lines that he wants to say at the moment, and with such loudness and intonations, as he sees fit.

Ask the child what would be the beginning of the performance of anger? How would it develop? How should it end? Let him show you the whole performance.

A positive moment in this game is the possibility for the child to combine the roles of the director and the actor playing anger, that is, having the opportunity to throw out anger, he at the same time has the opportunity to lead it and eventually "remove" it from the stage.

Note. For older children, the task can be complicated by asking them to think of how anger would behave on stage if it were the anger of a person from primitive society, from a knightly order, from the modern civilized world. Thus, you will prompt the child to the idea that the feeling of anger has always existed, but the norms for its expression are different. historical times and vary widely across societies.

I counted to ten and decided...

In fact, this is the rule that the child should adhere to when he feels ready to act aggressively. On no account should he make any decision right away, but instead try to calmly count to ten, calming his breathing and trying to relax. Only then can he decide how to act in this situation. Discuss with your son or daughter how his (her) thoughts and desires have changed since the "calming" count. Which solution will be more effective, and which one will cause even more difficulties? Help your child develop an "adult" way of thinking that they can later use on their own.

In addition to all the above games for teaching self-control, it is useful to teach the child to relax, as aggressive children have high level muscle tension. For this purpose, you can use breathing exercises, as well as relaxation games, described in the following articles: "What to play with anxious children?" And " Correctional games for hyperactive children.

Working with feelings

"Connoisseurs of the Senses"

Ask the child if he knows many feelings. If it seems to him that a lot, invite him to play such a game. It will be a contest of connoisseurs of feelings. Take the ball and start passing it in a circle (you can play together with your child or invite other family members to participate, which will not only be interesting, but also indicative of their knowledge and interest in the inner world).

The one who has the ball in his hands must name one emotion (positive or negative) and pass the ball to the next. You cannot repeat what has been said before. Anyone who cannot give an answer leaves the game. The rest is the biggest connoisseur of feelings in your family! You can set some prize for him, for example, the most delicious piece of cake at dinner (or some other family treat).

To benefit from the game more, and the loss of the child was not offensive, warn that this is the first round, and after some time the game can be repeated, and the prize will be even better. By doing this, you will create a mindset for the child to memorize the called words, which will help him win in the future.

Note. With this game it is good to start the cycle of your family activities aimed at enrichment. emotional sphere child, the development of interest and the ability to understand their inner world and the emotions of other people. Since, in order to talk about a new sphere for him, new words will be needed, which he may have heard, but has not used so far. In this game, he will have the experience of using them.

"Guess what I felt?"

If you have already played (and more than once) the previous game, then surely your child already knows the names of at least the main emotions. But this does not mean that he correctly understands their essence. This game will help you check this (and, if necessary, correct it). It has two main roles: the driver and the player (there may be several players).

The driver must think of some kind of feeling, remember the story when he had this feeling, or come up with a story about someone else experiencing a similar state. At the same time, he must tell his story in such a way that he does not accidentally name the feeling itself. You need to end the story with a sentence: "Then I felt ..." - and pause. Then the player tries to guess what the person who got into such a situation could feel.

It is better to make short stories, for example: “I once came from the store, laid out the products and realized that there was no oil among them. I probably forgot it on the counter when I put everything in the bag. I looked at the clock - the store was already closing. And so I wanted to fry potatoes! Then I felt ... "(The most accurate answer in this example is "annoyance", but other emotions can take place - sadness or anger at yourself).

Note. It is better for an adult to start driving, showing the children by example what stories can be (not too long and not very complicated). If the child guessed the feeling of the character, about which in question, then you can invite him to become a driver and come up with his own story. Listen carefully to these stories - perhaps in a normal conversation a child would not talk about his hidden experiences!

"Land of Feelings"

Now that the child knows both the names of emotions and what sensations are behind them, you can move on to visual images of feelings and the use of creativity in working with them.

Recall with your child again what feelings you know. Write down the names of the emotions you remember on separate sheets of paper. Now invite the child to imagine what these "inhabitants of the inner world" look like? Have him draw a portrait of each on a piece of paper with the appropriate name. The process of creating such images is very interesting and revealing. Pay attention to how the child imagines certain feelings, how he explains his choice. The following addition to the painted portrait may be especially informative. Invite the young artist to draw what the house of each feeling looks like and what things are stored in it. Perhaps in the new images you will see something similar to the life of the child himself.

Note. The resulting portraits are best done somehow. You can create a "gallery of feelings" by hanging them on the wall, you can make an art album by joining sheets together and making a cover. Most importantly, do not throw them away and do not let them lie around anywhere. After all, these are the "inhabitants of the inner world" of your son or daughter, and only for this reason they deserve respect and worthy treatment, and children are very sensitive to such manifestations. parental attention! The work of creating such an album or gallery is best done in several steps (especially with young children), making such studies systematic and starting new portraits on sheets with an inscription made on the first day of this long game. aggressiveness children's anger self-control

"Feelings on Stage"

This game is similar to the game "Anger on stage", only there can be as many roles as there are feelings. So there is where to roam the director's imagination!

It is better to make this game, like the previous one, systematically repeated. Offer to play it when you see that the child is really experiencing some kind of emotion. For example, when he is happy, invite him to tell and portray what his joy would look like on stage.

Note. Fantasize with your child by asking additional questions, such as "What would a dance of joy be like?" If a boy or girl wants to perform it, they will probably need your help in choosing musical accompaniment this creative process! Therefore, in the collection of your audio cassettes or discs, there should be melodies with a wide variety of emotional content (from despair and anxiety to joy and pride).

Photo stories

This game is the next step in emotional development a child, a bridge from his interest and attention to his own inner world to understanding other people's emotions and empathy.

In order to start playing, you will need any photographs of people that reflect their mood. They are easy to pick up by flipping through some magazines or looking at reproductions of paintings. Show your child one of these photos and ask them to identify how the person in the photo is feeling. Then ask why he thinks so - let the child try to express in words what external signs he paid attention to emotions. You can also invite him to dream up, coming up with what events in the life of the photographed man or woman preceded this moment.

Note. In this game, it would be good to use photos from your family album, because after the fictional story of the child, you could tell him exactly what happened before the shooting, and thereby introduce him to the elements family history giving the opportunity to feel "involved" in family events and feelings of relatives. However, it will be interesting and useful to use your personal photos for this game only if they really reflect different mood, not the standard camera smiles.

Constructive Communication Skills

The complexity of this part of the "home" correctional program for working with an aggressive child is that in order to develop communication skills, other people are needed who will participate in the same activity as the child. It’s good if there are other children in the family besides the child we are talking about, but if this is not the case, then it will be quite difficult to implement communicative games (after all, an adult relative cannot replace a “foreign peer”, and the largest number problems arise with them).

Therefore, this article has selected games that can be organized, even if the family consists of two people. But if you have a large family, then it is better to invite several household members to participate at once, so that the child sees the diversity of opinions and characters and can learn more flexibility. In addition, the more people involved in the game, the more interesting it is and you can organize more options after hearing suggestions about it from different players.

"Dictionary of kind words"

Aggressive children often suffer from poor vocabulary, as a result of which, even when communicating with people they like, they often use the usual rude expressions. Language not only reflects our inner world, but can also influence it: together with the appearance good words our attention is focused on those pleasant qualities and the phenomena that they denote.

Get a special vocabulary with your child. In it, alphabetically, you will write down various adjectives, participles and nouns that can describe the character or appearance of a person, that is, answer the question of what a person can be. At the same time, an important restriction must be observed - all words must be kind, polite, suitable for describing pleasant (or neutral) qualities in people. So, on the letter "B" you can write down both words that describe appearance: "blonde", "brunette", "white-skinned", "blond", etc., and words related to the description of character: "disinterested", “thrifty”, “noble”, “defenseless”, “failsafe”, etc. or describing a person’s activity in some area: “impeccable”, “impeccable”, “brilliant”, etc. If words like "stupid" or "talker", then discuss with him that such words also exist in Russian and we use them, but whether they are pleasant, he would like to hear them addressed to him! If not, then they have no place in the dictionary of kind words.

Note. As you probably understand, it is not enough to compile such a dictionary with the child and, putting it on the shelf, wait for him to speak using such a rich vocabulary. In order for all these words to really begin to be used by children in ordinary speech, it is necessary to carry out systematic work. To this end, firstly, it is good to "refresh" words in memory. To do this, you can either use the variant of the game "Word - step" (when the player can take a step forward by naming the quality of a person with a certain letter), or from time to time ask the child questions containing definitions of some property, but not naming it (for example: "How can you call a person who cannot stand up for himself and does not feel safe?" Answer: "Defenseless."). Secondly, you need to take care of the practice of using new words in the everyday speech of your son or daughter. To do this, try to discuss with him the heroes of films and books more often, analyze their actions, motives, deciding what character traits they indicate. Of course, here you will have to use not only positive characteristics, but try to show the child that even in the most negative character (as well as real person) you can find some good features that deserve respect.

"Blind and Guide"

This game will give the child the experience of trusting others, and this is what aggressive children usually lack. Two people are needed to start the game. One of them will be blind - he is blindfolded. The second is his guide, trying to carefully and carefully guide a blind person across a busy road.

You will create this "movement" in advance by placing chairs and some other things in the room in such a way that they prevent you from freely moving from one side of the room to the other. If there are others who wish to take part in the game, then they can create "barricades" from their bodies, spreading their arms and legs and freezing anywhere in the room.

The guide's task is to carefully transfer the blind man to the other "side of the highway" (where this place is, agree in advance), protecting him from collisions with various obstacles. After the task is completed, discuss with the child whether it was easy for him in the role of a blind man, whether he trusted the guide, his care and skill, what feelings he experienced. Next time, let him try himself as a conductor - this will teach him care and attention to another person.

It can be difficult for children to explain with a "blind" person, since phrases like: "Now put your foot here" do not tell him anything. Usually the child realizes this after some time and his communication with the "blind" next time will already be more effective, so it is useful to play such games more than once.

Note. In this game, the "guide" can contact the "blind" different ways: talk about what needs to be done, or simply lead him along, raising the "blind" leg to the desired height in order to step over the barrier. You can alternate these options by introducing a ban on one of them, thus training the possession of either verbal (speech) or non-verbal means of communication. If your "blind" tries to go all the way on his own, ignoring the help of the guide, then on the next round try to worsen his orientation in space by placing obstacles in a different way and spinning the child in place after he was blindfolded.

"Pilot and Controller"

Ask the child how he imagines the actions of the pilot in the plane: with what help does he orient himself in space? How do you avoid collisions with other aircraft? What does it rely on if visibility is poor? Thus, you will inevitably come to a discussion of the work of the dispatcher. It is not difficult to give sad examples from life, when the wrong actions of the pilot, the inattention of the dispatcher, or simply their inconsistency in work led to a disaster. Therefore, it can be very important to trust another person and follow his recommendations if that person has more information than you currently have.

At first, the role of the pilot will be played by a child. Blindfold him, this means that the plane has fallen into a zone of poor visibility. Now the young pilot will have to completely entrust his well-being to the dispatcher, that is, you (or another family member who plays this role). As in the previous game, place various obstacles in the room. Place the pilot in the center. The controller must be at a sufficient distance from him and control the actions of the aircraft "from the ground", that is, exclusively with words. So he can give step by step instructions like: "Turn a little to the right, take three small steps forward. Okay, move forward a little more. Stop." etc. The pilot, following the instructions of the dispatcher, must fly unimpeded across the room to the specified destination.

Note. This game is similar to the game "The Blind Man and the Guide", but it is somewhat more difficult to perform, because in addition to the child's trust in the second player, it involves the ability to wait, to be in the unknown for some time. That is, your child in the process of playing will have to overcome his impulsiveness and learn to trust a person "at a distance", without feeling a "friendly shoulder" nearby and guided only by verbal instructions. So if you expect your son or daughter to have difficulty developing these qualities, then you should not move on to this game without mastering the previous one well.

"Portrait of an aggressive man"

Ability to adequate self-assessment and self-criticism, unfortunately, is not good developed quality in most children, especially in children prone to aggression. This game exercise will help them to see themselves from the outside and realize their individual actions in a situation of conflict and the style of behavior in general.

Ask the child to mentally imagine an aggressive person: how he looks, how he behaves, how he talks, how he walks. Now you can try to reflect these ideas on paper - let the child draw a portrait of an aggressive person. When the drawing is finished, talk about what is shown there. Why did the child draw an aggressive person in this way, what qualities did he want to emphasize in this portrait? Ask also what your son or daughter likes about the drawn person, for which he can be respected. And what, on the contrary, do you not like, what would you like to change? Why is this man aggressive? Ask how, in the child's opinion, others treat aggressive people? How does he feel about them?

Now we need to move on to talking about the personality of the child himself. First of all, tell him that aggression is a normal human manifestation in certain situations when other methods of solving the problem are ineffective (it is better to immediately give examples of such situations or ask the child to do this). You can also discuss the fact that aggression has some manifestations that are not only not condemned by society, but are even encouraged. Such manifestations include, for example, perseverance in achieving a goal and the ability to protect oneself and other people.

Once a child has learned that aggression is not always a bad thing, you can expect him to recognize this quality in himself. Ask your son or daughter when he (she) behaves aggressively towards others? Are there any circumstances in which he almost always behaves this way? Are there people who constantly cause aggressive desires in a child? Pay close attention to these answers, they will sound "chronic problems" that need to be analyzed and over which you will have to work systematically. Try to discuss in detail the typical situations of anger and aggressive behavior in a child. How did your child feel at that moment? What did you think? What did he want to do? How did he really do it? What followed? Could it have been done differently to avoid negative consequences?

Note. If you are in this conversation not a judge, but a sympathetic friend, then you will be able to expand the boundaries of the child's thinking and enrich his behavioral repertoire through the knowledge gleaned from his life experience. In order to make children want to behave differently, it is better to rely on such arguments as “did you achieve your goal?”, “did others understand what you felt and what you wanted?”, “was your behavior effective? "," have your relationships with others improved?, than to justifications like "it's ugly!" or "Good kids don't behave like that!"

"Understand without words"

Every adult knows for himself how annoying it is for others to misunderstand our thoughts and desires. Also, every adult guesses that there is in this sad circumstance the fault of the person himself - which means that he could not clearly explain this, was not persistent or resourceful enough to achieve this goal. But children are often unaware of this. Due to children's egocentrism (when they consider themselves the center of the universe and measure the whole world by themselves), it is difficult for them to imagine that those around them really did not understand or misunderstood them. Children rarely make an effort to be understood, but often get offended and angry, evaluating misunderstanding as "malice".

Therefore, this game will be useful to everyone, since in it the child will need to be as intelligible as possible and constantly look for explanations of what the rest of the players have planned. In addition, he will also stay "in someone else's shoes", trying to understand the driver when they switch places.

So, in this game, the driver thinks of a word (answering the question "who?" or "what?"). After that, he should try to portray what this word means without uttering a sound. You can move, reproducing the situation in which you use this thing, or freeze, trying to sculpt the intended word. The only thing that is forbidden in this game is pointing at the object itself, even if it is nearby, and pronouncing words and sounds. The rest of the players try to guess the displayed word. When they have a version of what it would mean, they immediately pronounce their answer. If he is wrong, then the driver shakes his head negatively. If the answer is correct, then the driver can speak again and happily demonstrates this by naming the hidden word aloud and inviting the one who called it to become the driver. If the player's answer is close in meaning, but not entirely accurate, then the leader shows this with the help of a sign that is agreed upon in advance, for example, by waving both hands in front of him.

Note. When your child gets comfortable with these rules, you can complicate the game by guessing not one word, but a phrase containing the name of the object and its characteristics (for example, " fat cat"). Accordingly, guessing the answer will consist of two parts. First, the leader raises one finger, which means the task is to guess the noun. When it is already pronounced, the leader shows two fingers, which shows the participants that they are moving on to guessing the adjective.

"Ask for an overnight stay"

This is an option role play. It will be more lively and interesting if you involve several family members in it.

Help your child imagine that everything is happening in the last century, when there were no cars and telephones, and hotels were far from everywhere. Sometimes people faced such a problem that they had nowhere to spend the night on the road. Then they had to ask for an overnight stay in private houses. The owner of the house could give the wanderer shelter or drive him out of his yard, if he had reasons for that.

Give your child some wanderer paraphernalia—a stick, a cape, or a shoulder bag—to make it easier for him to get into character. Then you will pronounce something like this: “You are a traveler. You are very tired after a whole day of travel, and it’s still far from your destination. It’s getting dark. drink hot tea and sleep sweetly.But times are dangerous.The inhabitants have become very cautious, they are afraid to let strangers in.Well, you have no choice.Either you sleep outside in the rain, or you ask for a bed - maybe someone you will be able to beg, convince, persuade, or in some other way make it so that he will let you spend the night. During this speech, the young traveler tries to imitate what you are saying: he walks slowly, leaning on a stick, shudders from the rain and cold, puts his hand to his eyes to view the village, and so on. When the introductory part of the game is over and the child has entered his role, you can proceed to active actions.

Have the rest of the family pretend to be villagers living in separate houses. They are afraid of rogues and criminals, or simply do not want to disturb their peace, in a word, initially they are not at all eager to shelter a wanderer. Then the child will take turns knocking on the door to each of them and trying to say something that will force the owner to let him into the house. The traveler can taste the most different variants: from attempts to arouse pity to flattery or blackmail. But the person who plays the role of the master of the house should only give in to his requests when he really has such a desire. If the words and actions of the wanderer caused discontent in him, then he can close the door. Then the traveler goes to the next houses.

After the traveler has gone around all the houses (successfully or unsuccessfully), you can continue the game. The next morning, the villagers all gathered together and began to discuss the event that happened yesterday - the arrival of a stranger in the village. They talked about how he tried to persuade them to take him in for the night and how they felt and thought as they watched his words and actions. That is, all family members sit side by side and discuss their reaction to the words of the traveler. They honestly tell when they were almost ready to meet him, and when they wanted to teach the "stranger" a lesson. After that, together with the child, a conclusion is made which strategy of action turned out to be the most effective. Note. Hearing about the feelings that his behavior caused in the souls of other people, the child receives "direct feedback", the opportunity to "see" what is usually inaccessible to observation. He also learns to understand the motives of other people's behavior and the laws interpersonal communication. With older children, it will be interesting to discuss the individual characteristics of the villagers that influenced what kind of request worked for them. For example, the grandmother "surrendered" when she was moved to pity, and the older brother only when the child turned to his desire to patronize, to be great, kind and strong for someone.

"Critic without offending"

This game is a very important part of the program for working with an aggressive child, as it trains the ability to direct your displeasure not on paper, sand or water, but directly on the one who caused the child to negative emotions. Of course, the form of manifestation of such discontent should be polite and not offend a person. The child should strive not to "hurt in retaliation", but to achieve a change in the behavior of another person so that he again becomes comfortable communicating with him. In other words, you need to teach children constructive criticism, and this is a whole art. Therefore, do not expect everything at once, but begin gradual work in this direction.

Prepare in advance a set of phrases that your child (or his classmates) tend to use to evaluate the manifestations of another person. In this piggy bank you will have sentences like: "You are a fool", "Watch where you go, cow!", "You will die of boredom with you!" and other phrases that cut the ear of a well-mannered adult. You can write down these rudeness and name-calling on separate sheets of paper. Now introduce the laws of correct criticism. These include:

Criticize not the person as a whole, but his specific actions;

Talk about your feelings about what you don't like;

Offer ways to solve the problem, if possible, then your help;

Show respect for the person, your belief that he can change;

Avoid words and intonations that can offend a person;

Do not order, but offer the person a choice.

If the theory is mastered by the child, start practicing. Take any leaf from offensive phrase. Let the child suggest how to change it in such a way that it speaks about their feelings and thoughts, but does not offend the person. So, the phrase "You will die of boredom with you!" can turn into a sentence like: "You know, I'm already tired of putting together a mosaic. Let's go for a walk or build a castle from a constructor" or "Personally, I'm not very interested in hearing about the same thing all day long. I'm sure you know a lot more interesting things So maybe we can talk about something else or get busy? What exactly your child's response will be depends on his age and on what situation he imagined.

Note. Adults will have to help the child at the first stage, since speech development and the thinking of children is still insufficient to give thoughts and feelings a different verbal form. Therefore, prepare in advance. At the same time, when offering your son or daughter some kind of polite option, consider whether such a wording corresponds to the child’s age and speech characteristics. modern children. Otherwise, a situation may arise when your child becomes a laughingstock, using too bookish or too adult sentences. The replacement for rude phrases that you offer him should harmoniously merge into his speech so that others do not have the feeling that your child is playing some kind of role (for example, pupils of the Institute of Noble Maidens).

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Currently, very often there are children who show aggression both towards children and adults. Games aimed at relieving aggression help to throw out anger, relieve excess muscle and emotional tension, direct energy in the right, “creative” direction, set it in a calm and positive way.




Games aimed at relieving aggression help children to throw out their anger, relieve excess muscle and emotional tension, direct energy in the right, “creative” direction, and set them up in a calm and positive way.


(for children from 5 years old)
Invite the children to quarrel, but not with bad words, but ... with vegetables: “You are a cucumber”, “And you are a radish”, “You are a carrot”, “And that one is a pumpkin”, etc.
Note: Before scolding a child with a bad word, remember this exercise.


Children are divided into two teams and become a little apart from each other. The distance between teams should be approximately 4 meters.

Each child takes a piece of paper and crumple it in such a way as to make a ball. At the command of the teacher, the children begin to throw the balls to the side of the opponent. The goal is to get the balls into the opponent's territory as quickly as possible. The team with the fewest balls on their side wins.


Target: Help children switch to vigorous activity, feel your accumulated aggressive energy and "spend" it during the game.

Conduct: Say the following: How many of you have ever chopped wood or seen how adults do it? Show how to hold an axe. What position should the arms and legs be in? Stand up so that there is some free space around. Let's chop wood. Place a piece of log on a stump, raise the ax above your head and bring it down with force. You can even scream: "Ha!" To conduct this game, you can break into pairs and, falling into a certain rhythm, hit one chock in turn.


Target: Teach children to throw out the accumulated anger in an acceptable form.

Conduct: Guys! Now we will play the role of little good ghosts. We wanted to have a little mischief and scare each other a little. According to my clap, you will make the following movement with your hands: (the teacher raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and pronounce the sound “U” in a terrible voice. If I clap softly, you will say “U” softly, if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are kind ghosts and only want to joke a little. Then the teacher claps his hands: Well done! We joked enough. Let's be kids again!

Game "ZHU-ZHA"

Target: teach aggressive children to be less touchy, give them unique opportunity to look at themselves through the eyes of others, to be in the place of the one whom they themselves offend, without thinking about it.

“The host chooses zhu-zhu, who sits on a chair, the rest of the children begin to tease zhu-zhu, and grimace in front of her.”

Zhu-zhu, zhu-zha come out, zhu-zha catch up. Zhu-zha looks from the window of her house (from a chair), shows her fists, stamps her feet in anger, and when the children go beyond the magic line, zhu-zha catches the children. Whom the zhu-zha caught, he is captured by the zhu-zha.


Adults prepare a magical, stubborn pillow with a dark pillowcase and introduce the child to a fairy tale game: a fairy sorceress (or another favorite fairy tale character) gave us a pillow. This pillow is not simple, but magical, children's stubborn people live inside it. It is they who make you capricious and stubborn. Let's get rid of the stubbornness.

The child beats the pillow with his fists, and the adult says: stronger, stronger (stereopit and emotional clamp are removed) when the child’s movement becomes slower, the game gradually stops (2-3 minutes). The child puts his ear to the pillow, some hear, other children do not hear. The adult says that the stubborn people are frightened and are silent (this technique calms the child after excitement).


Target: remove non-verbal aggression, provide the child with the opportunity to "legally" throw out anger, relieve excessive emotional and muscle tension, direct the children's energy in the right direction.

Early, early two sheep met on the bridge. Players are divided into pairs. With their legs wide apart, their bodies bent forward, their foreheads and palms rest against each other, the task is to resist each other, not to move. Who moved lost. You can make sounds beee ... note: make sure that the rams do not bruise their foreheads.


Target: removal of general aggression.

Children are invited to form a large circle, in the center of which, on the floor, lies a sports hoop. This is a "magic circle" in which "transformations" will take place. The child enters the hoop and, at the signal of the host (clapping his hands, the sound of a bell, nodding his head), turns into an angry cat: hisses and scratches. At the same time, it is impossible to leave the “magic circle”. The children standing around the hoop repeat in chorus: “Stronger, stronger, stronger ...”, and the child, depicting a cat, makes more and more active “evil” movements. At the second signal of the leader, the action ends, the children are divided into pairs and again, at the signal of the adult, they turn into angry cats. If someone did not have enough pair, then the host himself can participate in the game. Rule of thumb: don't touch each other! If it is broken. The game immediately stops, the host shows an example of possible actions, and then continues the game. On a repeated signal, the “cats” stop and can exchange pairs. At the final stage of the game, the host invites the "evil cats" to become kind and affectionate. On a signal, the children “turn” into kind cats that caress each other.


Target: Development of communication skills, relieving muscle tension in the back.

Conduct: Children are divided into pairs. One lays down on the floor. The other draws a sun, a number, a rain, a letter with a finger on his back. The first one must guess what is drawn. After finishing drawing, with a gentle gesture of the hand, “erase” everything drawn.


Target: development of imagination, expressiveness of movements, stress relief.

Game description: Educator or child imitates blowing soap bubbles, and the rest of the children depict the flight of these bubbles. Children move freely. After the command "Bust!" children lie on the floor.


Target : relieve tension in the facial muscles.

Children sit on chairs. Leading: “A gentle breeze flew into our room. Let's close our eyes. The breeze touched your face. Stroke him: forehead, cheeks, nose, neck. Gently stroke your hair, arms, legs, tummy. What a pleasant breeze! Let's open our eyes. Goodbye, breeze, fly to us again.

The game "KARATE" (removal of physical aggression).

Children form a circle, in the center of which lies a hoop - a “magic circle”. In the "magic circle" there is a "transformation" of the child into a karateka (foot movements). The children standing around the hoop, together with the leading choir, say: “Stronger, stronger, stronger ...”, helping the player to throw out aggressive energy with the most intense actions.

The game "BOXER" (removal of physical aggression).

This is a variant of the Karate game, and it is carried out in a similar way, but actions in the hoop can only be done with your hands. Fast, strong movements are encouraged.

Stubborn (capricious) child (overcoming stubbornness, negativism).
Children entering the circle (hoop) take turns showing a capricious child. Everyone helps with the words: "Stronger, stronger, stronger ...". Then the children are divided into pairs "parent and child": the child is naughty, the parent persuades him to calm down. Each player must play the role of a capricious child and persuading parent.

Exercise "KICKING"

(exercise promotes emotional discharge and relieves muscle tension)

- the child lies on his back on the carpet. Legs are freely spread. Slowly, he begins to kick, touching the floor with his entire leg. The legs alternate and rise high. Gradually increases the speed and strength of kicking. For each blow, the child says "No!", increasing the intensity of the blow.

Game "CAM"

(the game contributes to the awareness of effective forms of behavior, displacement of aggregation and muscle relaxation)

- give the child a hand small toy or a piece of candy and ask him to make a tight fist. Let him hold the fist clenched, and when he opens it, the hand will relax and there will be beautiful toy or candy.

Doll "BOBO"

Doll "Bobo" - the doll is designed to vent aggression. It is easy to make it yourself, for example, from a pillow: sew arms and legs made of fabric to the old pillow, make a “face” - the doll is ready. You can make it more dense by stuffing a tight cover with sand or cotton. A child can calmly beat and kick such a doll, taking out the negative feelings accumulated during the day on it. By painlessly expressing his aggression, the child becomes more calm in everyday life.

"Call names"

"Two Sheep"


"Walking with a Compass"



"Chopping Wood"



"paper balls"

"Eyes to eyes"

"Little Ghost"


"Call names"

Purpose: to remove verbal aggression, to help children throw out anger in an acceptable form.

Tell the children the following: "Guys, passing the ball in a circle, let's call each other different harmless words (a condition is agreed in advance on what names you can use. These can be the names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or furniture). Each appeal should begin with the words:" And you, ..., carrot!" Remember that this is a game, so we will not be offended by each other. In the final round, you should definitely say something pleasant to your neighbor, for example: "And you, .... sun!" The game is useful not only for aggressive, but also for touchy children.It should be carried out at a fast pace, warning the children that this is only a game and you should not be offended by each other.

"Two Sheep"

Purpose: to remove non-verbal aggression, to provide the child with the opportunity to "legally" throw out anger, relieve excessive emotional and muscle tension, direct the children's energy in the right direction.

The teacher divides the children into pairs and reads the text: "Early, early, two sheep met on the bridge." The participants of the game, legs wide apart, their torsos bowed forward, rest their palms and foreheads against each other. The task is to confront each other without moving, as long as possible. You can make the sounds "Be-e-e." It is necessary to observe "safety precautions", to carefully monitor so that the "rams" do not hurt their foreheads.


Purpose: removal of negative moods and restoration of strength.

"I will tell you a secret special word. This is a magic spell against bad mood, against resentment and disappointment .. For it to really work, you need to do the following. Now you will start walking around the room without talking to anyone. As soon as you feel like talking, stop in front of one of the participants, look into his eyes and say three times, angrily, angrily say Magic word: "Tuh-tibi-spirit." Then keep walking around the room. From time to time stop in front of someone and again angrily pronounce this magic word

In order for the magic word to work, it is necessary to speak it not into the void, but looking into the eyes of the person standing in front of you. This game contains a comical paradox. Although children should pronounce the word "Tuh-tibi-duh" angrily, after a while they cannot help laughing.

"Ask for a toy" - verbal variant

Purpose: to teach children effective ways communication.

The group is divided into pairs, one of the participants in the pair (participant 1) picks up an object, for example, a toy, notebook, pencil, etc. The other participant (participant 2) must ask for this item. Instruction to participant 1: "You are holding a toy (notebook, pencil) that you really need, but your friend also needs it. He will ask you for it. Try to keep the toy with you and give it away only if you really want to do it." Instruction to participant 2: "Choosing the right words, try to ask for a toy so that they give it to you." Then participants 1 and 2 switch roles.

"Ask for a toy" - non-verbal option

Purpose: to teach children effective ways of communication.

"Walking with a Compass"

Purpose: to develop in children a sense of trust in others.

The group is divided into pairs, where there is a follower ("tourist") and a leader ("compass"). Each follower (he stands in front, and the leader behind, putting his hands on his partner's shoulders) is blindfolded. Task: go through the entire playing field back and forth. At the same time, the "tourist cannot communicate with the" compass "on a verbal level (cannot talk to him). The leader helps the follower to keep the direction by moving his hands, avoiding obstacles - other tourists with compasses. After the game is over, the children can describe what they felt when were blindfolded and relied on their partner.


Purpose: to give the child the opportunity to experience a variety of muscle sensations, to teach to hold attention to these sensations, to distinguish and compare them.

An adult asks children to imagine themselves as funny bunnies in a circus playing imaginary drums. The facilitator describes the nature of physical actions - strength, pace, sharpness - and directs the children's attention to the awareness and comparison of emerging muscle and emotional sensations.

For example, the presenter says: “How hard the bunnies knock on the drums! Do you feel how tense their paws are? Feel what paws are hard, they don’t bend! Like sticks! But the face is not there! The face is smiling, free, relaxed. And the tummy is relaxed. Breathing... And the fists are tensely knocking!.. And what else is relaxed? Let's try to knock again, but more slowly to catch all the sensations


Purpose: to teach children to control their movements.

Say the following: "Pair up. Stand at a distance outstretched hand from each other. Raise your arms to shoulder height and place your palms on your partner's palms. At the leader's signal, start pushing your partner, trying to move him from his place. If he moves you, return to the starting position. Step one foot back and you will feel more stable. The one who gets tired can say: "Stop." From time to time, you can introduce new variants of the game: push, cross your arms; push the partner only with the left hand; push back to back.

Purpose: to teach aggressive children to be less touchy, to give them a unique opportunity to look at themselves through the eyes of others, to be in the place of the one whom they themselves offend without thinking about it.

"Zhuzha" sits on a chair with a towel in his hands. Everyone else runs around her, making faces, teasing, touching her. Zhuzha suffers, but when she gets tired of all this, she jumps up and starts chasing the offenders, trying to catch the one who offended her the most, he will be Zhuzha. An adult must ensure that "teasers" are not too offensive.

"Chopping Wood"

Purpose: To help children switch to active activities after a long sedentary work, feel your accumulated aggressive energy and "spend" it during the game.

Say the following: “Which of you has ever chopped wood or seen how adults do it? Show how to hold an ax. What position should your arms and legs be in? Stand so that there is some free space around. We will cut wood. Put a piece of log on a stump, raise the ax above your head and lower it with force. You can even shout: "Ha!" "To play this game, you can break into pairs and, falling into a certain rhythm, hit one chock in turn.


Purpose: to develop cooperation skills in pairs and triples, to teach children to trust each other. Say the following: "Pair up and lie on the floor opposite each other. Lie on your stomach so that your head is next to your partner's head. Place the ball exactly between your heads. Now you need to pick it up and stand up yourself. You can touch the ball only with your heads. Gradually rising, get on your knees, and then on your feet. Walk around the room. " For children 4-5 years old, the rules are simplified: for example, in the starting position, you can not lie down, but squat or kneel.


Purpose: to teach children to act in concert in a small group, to show that the mutually friendly attitude of teammates gives confidence and calmness.

"How many of you have ever flown an airplane? Can you explain what keeps an airplane in the air? Do you know what types of airplanes are? Do any of you want to become a Little Airbus? The rest of the guys will help the Airbus "fly" ". One of the children (optional) lays down on the carpet with his stomach and spreads his arms to the sides, like the wings of an airplane. Three people stand on each side of him. Have them crouch down and put their hands under his legs, belly and chest. On the count of three, they simultaneously get up and lift the Airbus off the field ... So, now you can quietly vilify the Airbus around the room. When he feels completely confident, let him close his eyes, relax, make a "flight" in a circle and again slowly "land" on the carpet.

When the Airbus is "flying", the presenter can comment on his flight, turning Special attention for accuracy and careful attitude to him. You can ask Airbus to choose who will carry it. When you see that the children are doing well, you can "launch" two Airbuses at the same time.

"Paper Balls"

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to regain vigor and activity after they have been doing something for a long time while sitting, to reduce anxiety and tension, to enter a new rhythm of life.

Before starting the game, each child must crumple up a large sheet of paper (newspaper) so that a tight ball is obtained. “Please divide into two teams, and let each of them line up so that the distance between the teams is approximately 4 meters. At the command of the host, you start throwing balls at the opponent’s side. The team will be like this: “Ready! Attention! Let's start!" The players of each team strive to throw the balls on their side to the opponent's side as quickly as possible. When you hear the command "Stop!", You will need to stop throwing balls. The team with the fewest balls on the floor wins. Please run across the dividing line." Paper balls can be used more than once.

Purpose: To help children with communication difficulties gain confidence and feel part of a team.

The players stand in a line, holding on to each other's shoulders. The first participant is the "head", the last one is the "tail". The "head" should reach out to the "tail" and touch it. The "body" of the dragon is inseparable. Once the "head" has grabbed the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant has played two roles.

"Eyes to eyes"

Purpose: to develop a sense of empathy in children, to set them up in a calm way.

"Guys, join hands with your desk mate. Look into each other's eyes only and, feeling your hands, try to silently pass different states: "I'm sad", "I'm having fun, let's play", "I'm angry", "I don't want to talk to anyone", etc. After the game, discuss with the children which states were passed down, which ones were easy to guess and which ones were difficult.

"Little Ghost"

Purpose: to teach children to throw out accumulated anger in an acceptable form. "Guys! Now we will play the role of little good ghosts. We wanted to play a little trick and scare each other a little. With my clap, you will make the following movement with your hands: (the teacher raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and say in a terrible voice sound "U". If I clap softly, you will say "U" softly, if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are good ghosts and we only want to joke a little." Then the teacher claps his hands: "Well done! We joked and that's enough. Let's become children again!"



"Call names"

Purpose: to remove verbal aggression, to help children throw out anger in an acceptable form.

Tell the children the following: "Guys, passing the ball in a circle, let's call each other different harmless words (a condition is agreed in advance on what names you can use. These can be the names of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms or furniture). Each appeal should begin with the words:" And you, ..., carrot!" Remember that this is a game, so we will not be offended by each other. In the final round, you should definitely say something pleasant to your neighbor, for example: "And you, .... sun!" The game is useful not only for aggressive, but also for touchy children.It should be carried out at a fast pace, warning the children that this is only a game and you should not be offended by each other.

"Two Sheep"

Purpose: to remove non-verbal aggression, to provide the child with the opportunity to "legally" throw out anger, relieve excessive emotional and muscle tension, direct the children's energy in the right direction.

The teacher divides the children into pairs and reads the text: "Early, early, two sheep met on the bridge." The participants of the game, legs wide apart, their torsos bowed forward, rest their palms and foreheads against each other. The task is to confront each other without moving, as long as possible. You can make the sounds "Be-e-e." It is necessary to observe "safety precautions", to carefully monitor so that the "rams" do not hurt their foreheads.


Purpose: removal of negative moods and restoration of strength.

"I will tell you a special word in secret. This is a magic spell against a bad mood, against resentment and disappointment .. For it to really work, you need to do the following. Now you will start walking around the room without talking to anyone. As soon as you want talk, stop in front of one of the participants, look into his eyes and say the magic word: "Tuh-tibi-duh" three times, angrily, angrily. Then continue to walk around the room. Stop in front of someone from time to time and say angrily, angrily again is the magic word

In order for the magic word to work, it is necessary to speak it not into the void, but looking into the eyes of the person standing in front of you. This game contains a comical paradox. Although children should pronounce the word "Tuh-tibi-duh" angrily, after a while they cannot help laughing.

"Ask for a toy" - verbal variant

Purpose: to teach children effective ways of communication.

The group is divided into pairs, one of the participants in the pair (participant 1) picks up an object, for example, a toy, notebook, pencil, etc. The other participant (participant 2) must ask for this item. Instruction to participant 1: "You are holding a toy (notebook, pencil) that you really need, but your friend also needs it. He will ask you for it. Try to keep the toy with you and give it away only if you really want to do it." Instruction to participant 2: "Choosing the right words, try to ask for a toy so that they give it to you." Then participants 1 and 2 switch roles.

"Ask for a toy" - non-verbal option

Purpose: to teach children effective ways of communication.

"Walking with a Compass"

Purpose: to develop in children a sense of trust in others.

The group is divided into pairs, where there is a follower ("tourist") and a leader ("compass"). Each follower (he stands in front, and the leader behind, putting his hands on his partner's shoulders) is blindfolded. Task: go through the entire playing field back and forth. At the same time, the "tourist cannot communicate with the" compass "on a verbal level (cannot talk to him). The leader helps the follower to keep the direction by moving his hands, avoiding obstacles - other tourists with compasses. After the game is over, the children can describe what they felt when were blindfolded and relied on their partner.


Purpose: to give the child the opportunity to experience a variety of muscle sensations, to teach to hold attention to these sensations, to distinguish and compare them.

An adult asks children to imagine themselves as funny bunnies in a circus playing imaginary drums. The facilitator describes the nature of physical actions - strength, pace, sharpness - and directs the children's attention to the awareness and comparison of emerging muscle and emotional sensations.

For example, the presenter says: “How hard the bunnies knock on the drums! Do you feel how tense their paws are? Feel what paws are hard, they don’t bend! Like sticks! But the face is not there! The face is smiling, free, relaxed. And the tummy is relaxed. Breathing... And the fists are tensely knocking!.. And what else is relaxed? Let's try to knock again, but more slowly to catch all the sensations


Purpose: to teach children to control their movements.

Say the following: "Pair up. Stand at arm's length from each other. Raise your arms to shoulder height and rest your palms on your partner's palm. At the signal of the facilitator, start pushing your partner, trying to move him. If he moves you , return to the starting position.Step one foot back and you will feel more stable.If you get tired, you can say: "Stop" From time to time, you can introduce new variations of the game: pushing with crossed arms; pushing a partner with only your left hand; pushing back to back.

Purpose: to teach aggressive children to be less touchy, to give them a unique opportunity to look at themselves through the eyes of others, to be in the place of the one whom they themselves offend without thinking about it.

"Zhuzha" sits on a chair with a towel in his hands. Everyone else runs around her, making faces, teasing, touching her. Zhuzha suffers, but when she gets tired of all this, she jumps up and starts chasing the offenders, trying to catch the one who offended her the most, he will be Zhuzha. An adult must ensure that "teasers" are not too offensive.

"Chopping Wood"

Purpose: to help children switch to active activities after a long sedentary work, to feel their accumulated aggressive energy and "spend" it during the game.

Say the following: “Which of you has ever chopped wood or seen how adults do it? Show how to hold an ax. What position should your arms and legs be in? Stand so that there is some free space around. We will cut wood. Put a piece of log on a stump, raise the ax above your head and lower it with force. You can even shout: "Ha!" "To play this game, you can break into pairs and, falling into a certain rhythm, hit one chock in turn.


Purpose: to develop cooperation skills in pairs and triples, to teach children to trust each other. Say the following: "Pair up and lie on the floor opposite each other. Lie on your stomach so that your head is next to your partner's head. Place the ball exactly between your heads. Now you need to pick it up and stand up yourself. You can touch the ball only with your heads. Gradually rising, get on your knees, and then on your feet. Walk around the room. " For children 4-5 years old, the rules are simplified: for example, in the starting position, you can not lie down, but squat or kneel.


Purpose: to teach children to act in concert in a small group, to show that the mutually friendly attitude of teammates gives confidence and calmness.

"How many of you have ever flown an airplane? Can you explain what keeps an airplane in the air? Do you know what types of airplanes are? Do any of you want to become a Little Airbus? The rest of the guys will help the Airbus "fly" ". One of the children (optional) lays down on the carpet with his stomach and spreads his arms to the sides, like the wings of an airplane. Three people stand on each side of him. Have them crouch down and put their hands under his legs, belly and chest. On the count of three, they simultaneously get up and lift the Airbus off the field ... So, now you can quietly vilify the Airbus around the room. When he feels completely confident, let him close his eyes, relax, make a "flight" in a circle and again slowly "land" on the carpet.

When the Airbus "flies", the presenter can comment on his flight, paying special attention to the accuracy and respect for him. You can ask Airbus to choose who will carry it. When you see that the children are doing well, you can "launch" two Airbuses at the same time.

"Paper Balls"

Purpose: to give children the opportunity to regain vigor and activity after they have been doing something for a long time while sitting, to reduce anxiety and tension, to enter a new rhythm of life.

Before starting the game, each child must crumple up a large sheet of paper (newspaper) so that a tight ball is obtained. “Please divide into two teams, and let each of them line up so that the distance between the teams is approximately 4 meters. At the command of the host, you start throwing balls at the opponent’s side. The team will be like this: “Ready! Attention! Let's start!" The players of each team strive to throw the balls on their side to the opponent's side as quickly as possible. When you hear the command "Stop!", You will need to stop throwing balls. The team with the fewest balls on the floor wins. Please run across the dividing line." Paper balls can be used more than once.

Purpose: To help children with communication difficulties gain confidence and feel part of a team.

The players stand in a line, holding on to each other's shoulders. The first participant is the "head", the last one is the "tail". The "head" should reach out to the "tail" and touch it. The "body" of the dragon is inseparable. Once the "head" has grabbed the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant has played two roles.

"Eyes to eyes"

Purpose: to develop a sense of empathy in children, to set them up in a calm way.

"Guys, join hands with your desk mate. Look into each other's eyes only and, feeling your hands, try to silently convey different states: "I'm sad", "I'm having fun, let's play", "I'm angry", "I don't want talk to no one, etc. After the game, discuss with the children which states were transmitted, which of them were easy to guess and which were difficult.

"Little Ghost"

Purpose: to teach children to throw out accumulated anger in an acceptable form. "Guys! Now we will play the role of little good ghosts. We wanted to play a little trick and scare each other a little. With my clap, you will make the following movement with your hands: (the teacher raises his arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out) and say in a terrible voice sound "U". If I clap softly, you will say "U" softly, if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are good ghosts and we only want to joke a little." Then the teacher claps his hands: "Well done! We joked and that's enough. Let's become children again!"