Diet for 1 year old. Soup with fish. We introduce new products correctly

Often parents, as well as grandparents, try to pamper their baby with “something tasty.” Unfortunately, they don’t always act as treats healthy foods. Meanwhile, food preferences, which largely determine human health, are formed in childhood. How can you help your child avoid addiction to unhealthy foods and instill in him a taste for healthy foods?

Let's talk about proper nutrition child after one year. In addition to the fact that food intake replenishes the energy expenditure of a child aged 1-3 years, it covers his need for nutrients(proteins, fats and carbohydrates), vitamins and minerals, it also performs educational function, vaccinates the child good manners and develops his aesthetic taste. It is important to teach your child to eat properly from a very early age, because it is during this period that taste preferences are formed. If time is lost, it will be difficult to change anything in the baby’s preferences. In other words, if a child is not taught to eat fish or vegetables at this age, in the future he may not like these products, or if the baby gets used to the high content of salt and sugar in food from childhood, then this will form his further incorrect taste preferences.

Of course, it is best not to introduce your child to unhealthy foods in the first place. It is from us, parents, that the baby learns what over-salted or overly sweet dishes are. Breast milk has a slightly sweet taste, most infant formulas are bland or tasteless, and first foods also have the natural taste of the products themselves. What do many mothers and grandmothers do? They add salt or sugar to food “for taste,” believing that this way the baby will eat it more willingly. This should not be done: from the point of view of a healthy diet, food does not need additional added sugar or salt.

It is advisable to start revising your family diet towards a healthy diet even before the baby is born or immediately after his birth. If you haven't done this yet, it's time to start at least a year ago, because the baby learns to eat by looking at how and what you eat. Switching to a healthy diet is not that difficult. Yes, at first, food with a small amount of salt and spices will seem tasteless. But a couple of weeks will pass, or even less, and the receptors of the tongue will become more sensitive to the natural taste of products and it will turn out that it is very bright and unique.

What should be excluded or limited?

Sweets. Sugar and all products in which it is included: confectionery, ice cream, sweetened juices are not recommended at all for children under 3 years of age. This also applies to chocolate. Besides the fact that chocolate contains a lot of sugar, it also contains too much cocoa and various additives, which very often cause allergies in children.

As an alternative, you can offer your baby marshmallows, fruit marmalade and marshmallows: they do not contain sugar, and fructose (fruit sugar found in fruits and vegetables) gives them a sweet taste, which is beneficial for the body.

In principle, herbal tea with sugar or jam can sometimes be given to a child as a treat, but in combination with other foods, sweets are strictly contraindicated. When eaten with starches or proteins, sugar causes putrefactive fermentation and discomfort in the baby's stomach. Honey in moderate quantities does not cause such reactions, therefore, if there is no allergy, 1-2 teaspoons of honey can be added to tea, porridge or when preparing dessert.

Berry preparations with sugar are much less harmful than just sugar. The fact is that during storage, the enzymes of berries and fruits convert some of the sugar into fructose; moreover, such mixtures contain many vitamins. But still, preserves, jams and other “live” sugar-based products are products that need to be eaten little by little: no more than 3-5 teaspoons or 7-10 berries from the jam in the form of a delicacy and not every day.

Salt. Ideally, almost no salt is used in baby food. The salt limit for children 1-3 years old is up to 3 g per day - this is about half a teaspoon, and for the taste of an adult, children's products should be under-salted. Excess salt causes fluid retention in the body, which leads to increased stress on the child’s kidneys and blood vessels. Usually, when preparing a child’s food, they do not add salt to it; the salt contained in the food itself is sufficient.

Crispy potatoes, salty crackers, some cheeses (which have a salty taste) and other over-salted foods are excluded from the baby's menu.

Mushrooms. Foods such as mushrooms are not allowed in the diet of a child under three years of age: they are very difficult to digest in the intestines. In addition, mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb huge amounts of heavy metals, toxic and radioactive substances. This may cause stomach upset or poisoning in the child.

Seasonings. To improve the taste of food, you can use seasonings (from the age of one - parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, and from 1.5-2 years - garlic, onion, sorrel). It’s better if you prepare these seasonings yourself: dill, cilantro, basil and parsley can be dried or frozen, green onions You can grow it in the window almost all year round or buy fresh; fresh garlic should be added finely chopped to ready-made dishes.

Store-bought spices, and especially their mixtures, are not used in baby food. The fact is that such sets of spices often contain, in addition to herbs, salt and flavor enhancers, such as monosodium glutamate. This substance is involved in the transmission of impulses in the central nervous system, has a pronounced stimulating effect and is used in psychiatry as a medicine. Foods containing a lot of glutamate are both physically and mentally addictive. This flavor enhancer is the cause of disease digestive system, such as gastritis or stomach ulcers, and experiments have proven its negative effects on the brain and the retina. Children who often eat foods containing monosodium glutamate complain of headaches, rapid heartbeat, muscle weakness, and fever; Monosodium glutamate also changes the hormonal status in the body. And it is found not only in spices, but also in fast food products, sausages and smoked meats. A large amount of this food additive, as well as dyes and salt, is found in chips, crackers and various snacks. In addition, they contain a large number of so-called empty calories, which cause a false feeling of fullness and obesity, discourage appetite, and do not bring any benefit to the body. The method of their preparation - namely frying in boiling oil, which is used repeatedly - leads to the formation of a large amount of carcinogenic substances in the product. The same applies to other dishes that are prepared using a similar technology, for example, French fries, the consumption of which by a child is generally unacceptable.

Vinegar, pepper, tomato sauces, mustard, marinades and other hot or sour seasonings are designed to “improve” the taste of dishes. They cope with the task perfectly, but at the same time they strongly irritate the digestive and excretory organs, interfere with their normal functioning and contribute to the development of many diseases, therefore these seasonings are unacceptable in the diet of young children. It is also unacceptable for a child to consume mayonnaise: it is a high-calorie product, consisting of more than 65% fat. It contains high amounts of sodium and cholesterol.

Roast. Anything fried for a child under 3 years of age is prohibited, because this type of processing produces toxic and carcinogenic substances (from the Latin cancer - “cancer” and genus - “causing” - chemical substances, the impact of which on the body during certain conditions causes cancer and other tumors), especially when the fat from the frying pan is used several times. Many toxic compounds are also produced when vegetable oils are heated. Ruddy crusts, so appetizing and tasty, are extremely difficult to digest and contribute to the development of gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), colitis (inflammation of the colon), ulcers, liver and kidney diseases. In addition, fried foods contain an excess of fat.

How do you prepare baby food?

Food for the baby over a year old prepared in several ways:

1) boil; this applies to the preparation of vegetables, meat, eggs, fish, cereals and cereal side dishes. After cooking, depending on the age of the child, the food is chopped into more or less large pieces and kneaded with a fork;

2) steamed (vegetables, meat or fish cutlets, omelettes). For these purposes, modern steamers are very convenient, as they preserve most vitamins;

3) bake in the oven, in a sleeve, foil. All kinds of casseroles, fish, meat and vegetables are prepared in this way;

4) for children over 2 years old, light frying of foods in vegetable oil, and then stewing. In this way you can cook fish, meat goulash, cutlets and meatballs.

Margarine. The diet of a child under 3 years old should not contain margarine, artificial fats, lard and foods prepared with them. Margarine is a mixture of animal and vegetable fats that have been subjected to hydrogenation - the saturation of fatty acid molecules with hydrogen atoms. Mutated fatty acid molecules, the proportion of which in margarine reaches 40%, increase cholesterol levels in the blood, disrupt the normal functioning of cell membranes, contribute to the development of vascular diseases, and negatively affect the formation of sexual function. Lard is a refractory fat; its digestion requires the release of a large amount of digestive enzymes from the pancreas and liver, which leads to their overstrain and breakdown. And this can manifest itself as diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain.

Sausages. Meat processing products, which include all sausages (both boiled and smoked), as well as smoked, dried or dried fish, ham, smoked brisket are also unacceptable in baby food. Smoked meats contain a lot of irritating substances and salt; they “hit” the digestive and excretory organs quite noticeably. In addition, these products contain a large number of dyes, flavors, food additives and the previously mentioned carcinogens.

Canned food. Canned meat and fish (if these are not specialized children's products, but ordinary "adult" canned food from the nearest store) are saturated with salt, pepper, vinegar and various preservatives. They should not be present in children's diets. The same applies to homemade preparations, which usually add a lot of spices, salt, vinegar or aspirin, which have an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the baby’s stomach and intestines.

Baking and confectionery. It is worth limiting (but not completely eliminating) foods such as buns, buns, pies, and regular cookies from the child’s diet. They contain a large amount of calories, sugar and, if consumed systematically, can lead to excess weight. You can give your baby a bun (about 50 g) or a pie for an afternoon snack, but not at every meal. And it is best to give special cookies - for children. Unlike an adult, it does not crumble, but melts in the mouth, so the child will not choke on crumbs. Children's cookies are produced without the use of dyes, preservatives, flavors and other artificial additives. You can also give your baby biscuits or biscuits.

Porridge with additives. Separately, I would like to dwell on baby cereals with additives: they usually contain a fairly large amount of sugar, and many of the additives (for example, some fruits or chocolate) are themselves allergenic products that are not welcome in baby food. The best thing is to add pieces of fresh fruit or a small amount of berries to regular porridge: it will turn out both tasty and healthy.


The optimal drink for a child is regular clean drinking water without gas. From the age of 2, you can give your child a small amount of table still water: the label should say that the water is low-mineralized or potable (in no case medicinal). Freshly squeezed juices are of undoubted benefit in the nutrition of a child under 3 years of age. However, it should be remembered that for children in the first three years of life, it is recommended to dilute freshly squeezed juice with water in a ratio of 1:1 to 1:3, because concentrated juice contains a large amount of organic acids that can irritate the child’s delicate digestive system.

Compotes of fresh or dried fruits, various fruit drinks, infusions and herbal teas are very useful. The latter also perform a therapeutic function - they help normalize sleep, stimulate appetite, help with colds or reduce nervous excitability.

What should a child not drink? All modern sweet sodas are made from water, concentrate and are saturated with carbon dioxide. Already from this composition it is clear that the benefits for small child there is none in them. Such drinks contain too much sugar, sometimes more than 5 teaspoons per glass. This amount of sugar cannot but affect the functioning of the pancreas and endocrine systems s. In addition, it can cause tooth decay if such water is consumed regularly. In addition, such drinks do not quench thirst - when consumed, thirst only intensifies, which leads to fluid retention and swelling.

Many manufacturers add sugar substitutes to drinks instead of sugar: such products contain fewer calories and are sold under the “light” logo. Alas, they are also quite dangerous for the child’s body. Xylitol and sorbitol, which are sweeteners, can provoke urolithiasis. Saccharin and cyclomate are carcinogens that contribute to the development of cancer. Aspartame can cause allergies and has a negative effect on the retina of the eye, which can lead to decreased vision.

The concentrates from which drinks are prepared are citric or phosphoric acids; they form the basis for the taste of carbonated water and serve as preservatives. These acids irritate the mucous membrane, cause microdamage in the mouth, esophagus and stomach, and have a bad effect on tooth enamel (especially lemon acid). But orthophosphoric acid is more dangerous, since when regularly ingested, it helps wash out calcium from the bones, which many children already lack. A lack of calcium leads to such a serious disease as osteoporosis - brittle bones with minimal stress.

The addition of caffeine, which is used as a tonic, does not add any benefit to carbonated drinks. Drinking this kind of soda makes you overexcited. nervous system, which is completely contraindicated for children.

And finally, carbon dioxide, which is contained in carbonated water, is not harmful in itself, but it causes belching, bloating, increased gas formation and is not allowed for children in the first years of life.

Basic rules for choosing products for a child

1. Choose products that are labeled “For young children” or products specifically for baby food.

2. Read the labels carefully, pay attention to the color and consistency of the products: if any of the components of the product causes you doubt, it is better to refuse the purchase.

3. Products for children should not contain food additives, preservatives, stabilizers and other “chemicals”.

4. Products should contain a minimum of salt or sugar, or better yet, none at all.

5. Pay attention to the shelf life: natural products can't have long term shelf life, especially for dairy products. If the shelf life of such products exceeds several days (usually 3-5), it is better to discard such products.

6. Be sure to try all products yourself before giving them to children: the product may be too sweet or flavored.

How to reduce the risk?

If your baby is treated to chocolates, soda, or anything else listed above, do not focus the child’s attention on this product. Just offer an alternative: marshmallows or marmalade instead of chocolate, fruit juice instead of soda. If your baby really wants bubbles in the drink, use a trick: dilute the juice mineral water- there will be bubbles and benefits. It is also necessary that there are no prohibited products in your home and that the child does not see them, then the desire to try something harmful will be minimized.

Feel free to instruct your relatives on how and what to feed your baby in your absence, write to them full list foods that should not be given to your baby. In order not to provoke your child again, try not to visit fast food cafes, especially where he can see other children appetizingly chewing French fries or some other forbidden dishes.

Many parents complain that their baby is reluctant to eat foods from a healthy menu. There are also small tricks here: let the child prepare himself, for example, salad or porridge. Let him accept it to the best of his ability. Active participation in cooking - it’s so interesting, then he will eat it with great appetite. You should never force your baby to eat. It is better to eat a little, but with appetite, than a full portion with tears.

Always serve the dish beautifully and with imagination: ordinary porridge can be turned into a sea if you make boats from children’s cookies and islands from a piece of apple in it. Every sunken ship is put in your mouth with a spoon. Use your imagination and let your child help you. When the whole family gathers at the table, let the child have his own position - he will help set the table, then eating over time will turn into a kind of ritual and will contribute to the formation of correct eating habits and sense of taste.

Daily regime one year old child not much, but still different from the routine that must be followed at the age of 10-11 months. The main changes during this period are associated with the organization of day and night sleep, changes in the diet, and walking patterns. If you plan to enroll your child early in preschool educational institution, the regime must be drawn up in such a way that it is as close as possible to the routine approved in kindergarten. If the child gets used to doing everything according to a schedule, adaptation to the nursery will be much easier and faster, so training should begin as soon as the baby turns 1 year old. Most children go to nurseries at 1.5-2 years old, so parents have enough time to change the existing routine if for some reason it does not correspond to the required routine.

How to accustom yourself to a certain regime or change an existing one

The most common mistake that many parents make when trying to adjust their one-year-old child's daily routine is trying to introduce new rules quickly. The child may not immediately adapt to the new schedule, especially if the parents did not previously adhere to a specific routine or often made mistakes in the routine. Sometimes the period of getting used to new conditions can last for several months, so the mother needs to be patient and not rush the baby if she wants the transition to a new routine to be painless.

Important! Do not try to accustom your child to a new daily routine quickly, be patient.

The main changes that occur in the daily schedule of one-year-old children are associated with the organization of daytime sleep. Pediatricians believe that most healthy children at 1 year of age do not need two naps during the day, so if signs of readiness to switch to one nap during the day appear, it is necessary to adjust the regime so that the baby sleeps once a day. It is very important to assess the baby’s readiness for such a transfer, since sleep is an important condition healthy growth, proper development And emotional state baby.

The child is ready to be transferred to a one-time nap lasting 3-4 hours if:

  • at the usual bedtime (usually 10-11 am) he does not show signs of fatigue, does not rub his eyes, and is in a good mood;
  • when trying to put him to bed in the morning, he actively resists and cries;
  • does not fall asleep in the crib, plays with rattles, looks at the drawings on bed linen and soft sides.

Important! If, after switching to a one-time nap during the day, a child becomes capricious, whiny, or has lost his appetite, you should consult a doctor: perhaps the baby is not yet ready for such changes.

If the child is objectively ready to switch to a one-time rest during the day, it is necessary to shift bedtime by 30 minutes every week: in the first week go to bed at 10.30, in the second - at 11 o’clock, etc. By adhering to this method, you can transfer the child to a regime that is comfortable for him within 1-2 months, almost painlessly.

How many times a child sleeps a day depends on how exactly to create a daily routine so that time is allocated for walks, educational games, activities, feedings and rest. Below are two options for a child's routine depending on the organization of daytime rest.

The child sleeps 2 times a day

If the child needs feeding before bedtime, this is also organized approximately 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

The child sleeps once a day

Rising in children who sleep once a day usually occurs later than in babies who continue to sleep twice a day. daytime. This must be taken into account when creating a regimen.

What to feed a one year old baby

At one year old, a child can already eat from the common table, provided that the family adheres to the principles of healthy and dietary nutrition and does not consume foods that can negatively affect the child’s health: sausages, spices, marinades, smoked meats. An important change during this period should be the refusal of baby food products sold in stores (ready-made purees, dry cereals, etc.). A child at this age does not need food prepared in this way, and the too soft, homogeneous consistency of such products negatively affects chewing function and can contribute to the formation of malocclusion, speech delay and disturbances in the functioning of the maxillofacial muscular system.


  1. Milk porridge, to which you can add pieces of fresh or dried fruit, honey, berries.
  2. Soups can be given in in the usual form without grinding until pureed, but it is important that the meat in the soup is chopped, otherwise the child may choke. One option is to prepare soups with vegetable broth and then add meat puree or meatballs.
  3. Meat one year old child can be given in the form of steam cutlets, mousses, soufflés, soft casseroles. It is allowed to add fried, finely chopped minced meat to boiled vegetables.
  4. Fruits It is worth giving in pieces, gradually replacing the baby’s usual purees with them.

Important! A one-year-old baby should be fed 5 times a day, gradually giving up morning feedings with formula or breast milk. The interval between meals should be no more than 4 hours.

How to wean your baby off breastfeeding

Many children themselves refuse to breastfeed by the age of one, but there are also those who are ready to feed on breast milk until they are 2-3 years old. After a year, the composition of mother's milk no longer satisfies the needs of the child's body, so the child must be weaned from breastfeeding. To do this, you can use the following tips.

  • If your baby is breastfeeding before bed, you can try offering him a drink from a cup or sippy cup instead of milk. This can be formula for children over 1 year old, compote, kefir or liquid milk porridge. In the first weeks, the drink should be sweet, since mother's milk has a sweetish taste, and the child may refuse unleavened drinks.
  • Children who use the breast instead of a pacifier can be distracted by a fairy tale, rocking, or a song. Even if the baby cries and demands the breast, it is important to wait at least 10-15 minutes. If the crying does not stop after this, you should feed the baby, but no more than 2-3 minutes, and try again the next day.
  • The easiest way to wean yourself off from morning breastfeeding is. When the child wakes up, you must immediately offer him tea or give him a piece of biscuit (cracker), and then entice him to play. It is important not to overdo it with feeding, otherwise the child may refuse breakfast.

If your baby is not yet ready to wean, there is no need to rush. It's best to put it off for a few weeks and then try again.

Important! Only children who can drink from a cup or sippy cup and can confidently hold it in their hands without assistance can be weaned.

Sample menu for a one-year-old child

EatingWhat to feed
BreakfastRolled oats milk porridge with banana, chamomile drink, cracker.
LunchBaked pear with honey
DinnerCabbage soup with meatballs, carrot puree with chicken cutlet, fruit juice.
Afternoon snackDrink made from milk and cereals, children's cookies.
DinnerBoiled fish with mashed potatoes, boiled chicken yolk.
Late dinnerBefore bedtime, you can give your child kefir or a little natural yogurt without flavors and dyes.

Sleep and its duration day and night

The duration of night sleep in children of the second year of life should be about 10 hours without waking up. Daytime rest, regardless of how many times the child sleeps during the day, should last at least 3.5-4 hours.

If a one-year-old child has difficulty falling asleep or sleeping at night, this may be due to several reasons, including:

  • too much sleep during the day;
  • lack of physical activity during the day;
  • imbalance of the daily diet, leading to hunger or, conversely, heaviness in the stomach in the evening;
  • short and irregular walks;
  • inconsistency of temperature and humidity in the children's room with sanitary standards (children should sleep in well-ventilated areas at a temperature not exceeding 18°);
  • poor quality linen and sleepwear.

Important! A child may not sleep well due to health problems, for example, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, adenoids, etc. If the child receiving good care continues to have trouble sleeping at night, you should consult your local doctor.

How to teach a child to fall asleep on his own at 1 year old

  1. It is necessary to teach your child to fall asleep on his own from 8-10 months, as it will be much more difficult to do this later.
  2. About an hour before bedtime, you need to create a calm environment in the room: turn off the TV, computer, dim the bright lights.
  3. It is important to limit outdoor and active games during this period: the ideal option would be if the child is already lying in bed 20-30 minutes before bedtime. At this time, mother can talk to him, read a fairy tale, sing a lullaby.
  4. Of great importance for a child who is accustomed to falling asleep with his mother is tactile contact: Mom can stroke the baby’s back, head, and arms.
  5. You should not hold your baby in your arms for a long time before going to bed - 3-5 minutes before bed are enough to satisfy his need for tactile closeness before bed.
  6. To make the process of parting with your mother less painful, you can put your baby’s favorite toy in the crib.
  7. Before going to bed, all actions (brushing your teeth, putting on pajamas) must be carried out in a strict order - this will help develop sleep-related habits.

Reading time: 7 minutes

A one-year-old baby's schedule is different from the daily routine of a newborn baby. This fact is due to the intensive formation of the child. The daily schedule of the optimal daily routine for a 1-year-old child, as before, combines good nutrition, hygiene procedures, street walks, exercise. However, the intervals between feedings, the volume of portions, and the diet change. Some hygienic actions when water procedures Oh, you can already trust a one-year-old toddler, and with daily walks the baby is more and more awake.

How to organize a one-year-old child's daily routine

In order to properly organize children’s daily routine, it is better to teach them to live according to a schedule from the first months. If from the birth of the baby he gets into the habit of following the regime, then upon reaching the age of one he will not have to radically change. The approximate schedule that parents of a twelve-month-old baby should adhere to consists of two sleeps a day, four meals a day with one afternoon snack, several walks in the clean air, and also morning exercises, educational active games and evening swimming.

What to do if your baby is an owl

Upon reaching one year, it becomes clear what type of cyclical rhythm of life a particular child belongs to. Therefore, it is necessary to plan a child’s routine at 1 year of age, taking into account individual biorhythms. A baby with night owl biological rhythms can be identified by difficulty falling asleep and late morning awakening around 9 o'clock. There is no need to try to rebuild the life cycle of your child; biorhythms are determined by heredity.

It is possible to adjust the time of falling asleep and waking up for an hour or two for a little “owl”. In order for the baby to fall asleep well in the evening, he must spend the day actively and preferably as much as possible fresh air. Towards the evening, the toddler can only be occupied with quiet games. A bath, especially with lavender, mint, lemon balm, perfectly calms, relaxes and prepares for sleep, and if you give your baby a massage after bathing, then healthy sleep is guaranteed.

Daily routine of a little "lark"

The standard daily routine of a 1 year old child with early bird biorhythms does not require correction. This biological type of “early bird” often serves as an alarm clock for household members. If you try to teach a child who is predisposed to waking up early to go to bed a little later, he will still wake up at his usual time. In this case, the toddler’s behavior will be nervous all day, they become lethargic and capricious. Adults have only one solution here - to organize their child’s morning leisure time, providing him with access to his favorite toys or activities after waking up.

Diet for a 1 year old child

Closer to one year of age, the night break between feedings lasts from dinner to the first breakfast. The baby is trying to eat on his own. There is no need to interfere with this process, because thanks to such amateur activities, the child develops useful skills, and there is no need to feed the child against his will. The process of eating takes place in a fun, educational and playful way. If a one-year-old baby poor appetite, fruits before the main meal, walks in the fresh air and outdoor games will help improve it.

The famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky recommends “cooperating” with your baby when compiling his menu. The number of feedings should include four main meals and one light snack after lunch, so that you have time to get hungry for dinner. The volume of main portions eaten by a child for breakfast, lunch, dinner varies from 300 to 450 g and approximately 200 g for an afternoon snack. The interval between feedings is no more than 3-4 hours.


During intensive growth It is very important for a one-year-old baby to adhere to the correct daily routine. Children at this age not only rapidly develop all their organs, but also develop new abilities every month. Following a daily schedule will allow all biological, psychological and physiological processes to occur correctly.

Morning exercises

Full mode good day a 1-year-old child is impossible without charging. Due to excessive activity throughout the day, many mothers believe that morning exercises are not yet necessary. This is not so, because exercise promotes the rapid and complete activation of all vital functions of the child’s body. Exercises should be aimed at all muscle groups and parts of the spine, including jumping, squatting and bending.

Learning to wash

You need to start teaching your baby to wash himself from the moment he can stand firmly on his feet. You need to start with simple actions: wet your hands under running water, scoop it into your palms, rinse your face and rinse your eyes. Then you need to teach the little one to brush his teeth, first with just a brush soaked in water. The child must master the actions with a toothbrush, and only then the use of toothpaste is allowed.


Walk with one-year-old children twice a day good weather, on frosty days you can reduce the number and duration of being in the fresh air. The duration of walks during the day is about 4-5 hours with pauses for sleep and feeding the child. A one-year-old child is already more active outdoors and prefers to walk and run than sit in a stroller.

Developmental activities

On age stage At one year of age, the development of a child is aimed both at knowledge of surrounding objects and at the formation of correct speech skills, intellectual and creativity, fine sensory and motor skills. Developmental activities must take place in the form of a game. They should not tire the baby; the optimal duration is from 7 to 15 minutes per approach, depending on the baby’s mood.

Hygiene procedures before bed

A child should be taught to use water procedures at a very early age. One year old toddler may already be in the bath independently under adult supervision. It is especially useful to conduct hygiene sessions before bed. It is advisable to start bathing after the baby goes to the potty. The child’s well-being after soaking in warm water, is improving. It calms and relaxes, which promotes deep sleep.

Baby's sleep per year

One-year-old baby's sleep schedule begins to change age-related changes. The duration of sleep during the day gradually decreases, and the time intervals increase. More and more toddlers are making do with sleeping at night, and getting them to sleep during the day is becoming increasingly difficult. In order for a toddler to fall asleep during the daytime, one of the parents often has to lull him to sleep while lying next to him while the baby falls asleep. To maintain a daily routine, if the child sleeps for a long time, you need to wake the baby.

How much sleep should a baby sleep per day?

The total daily sleep duration of a one-year-old baby is 14.5-16.5 hours. Of this amount of time, about 4-5 hours are spent on daytime rest in the first and second phases of the day. However, every child’s body has individual characteristics, therefore, periods of wakefulness, as well as cycles of day and night sleep, may differ slightly even in children with similar biorhythms.

Daytime sleep for a 1 year old child

The correct daily routine of a 1-year-old child should be organized taking into account the amount and duration of bedtime waste during the day. The norm is to rest twice a day, but it often happens that a child sleeps only once. It is unlikely that it will be possible to retrain a one-year-old baby, so it is better to adjust the entire schedule to the individual needs of your baby for rest. To do this, you can increase the walking time by additionally adjusting the feeding hours.

Daily routine of a one-year-old child by the hour

In families where there are already children, parents are familiar with a certain routine throughout the day. It will be useful for young parents expecting their first child to study an approximate schedule of daily activity of babies with distinctive cyclical features of the body’s vital functions. The table of the daily routine for one-year-old babies with the biorhythm of “larks” reflects the daily routine of a child at 1 year old with an early rise:

Schedule elements Time
Climb 6–7 hours
Water procedures 6:00–6:15 or 7:00–7:15
Morning exercises 6:15–6:30 or 7:15–7:30
1st meal (breakfast) 7:35―8:00
Active games, walks in the fresh air 8:05―10:00
2nd meal (second breakfast) 10:05―10:30
Rest 10:35―11:30
Dinner 11:35―12:00
Walk 12:05―15:30
Midday snack 15:35―16:00
Evening party 16:05―19:00
Dinner 19:05―19:30
Night rest From 19:35 to approximately 6:30

Daily schedule table for a one-year-old child with an “owl” biorhythm. The correct daily routine for a 1-year-old child with a late rise:

Schedule items Time
Climb 8–9 hours
Washing 8:00–8:15 or 9:00–9:15
Morning workout 8:15–8:30 or 9:15–9:30
First feeding 9:35―10:00
Outdoor games, walks outside 10:05―12:00
Second feeding 12:05―12:30
Day rest 12:35―13:30
Dinner 13:35―14:00
Walk 14:05―17:00
Midday meal 17:05―17:30
An evening walk 17:35―20:00
Dinner 20:05―20:30
Night sleep From 20:35 to approximately 8:30


After the child turns one year old, we can gradually switch to four feedings a day. This means: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Between breakfast and lunch, you can give your child one of the fruit juices or an apple.

Thus, your child switches to the so-called adult diet.

The main meal is at usual times: at 8.00, at 12.00, at 18.00. Between these methods - additional dose. Variations are possible (taking into account the daily routine that you have chosen).
From one to one and a half years, the child’s daily food volume should be 1000-1200 ml. And from one and a half to three years - up to 1400 ml. Of course, the indicated volumes should not be maintained too strictly, since much depends on the type of food and its nutritional value.

Diet for a child from one year to 3 years

You can offer your child the following diet:

8.00 (breakfast) - 150 g of milk, bun; instead of a bun, you can give black bread with butter or white bread with jam (with honey); vitamin preparation (D);
10.00 (second breakfast) - fruit or vegetable puree or half a glass of juice (apple, tomato, orange); if the appetite does not suffer, you can give the child bread and butter;
12.00 (lunch) - first course: soup (liquid) - vegetable or meat or broth - 60-100 ml; second course: if there was meat soup or broth, give the second course without meat - porridge, pudding, potatoes, noodles with cottage cheese, etc.; if the soup was vegetarian, the second course could be meat or fish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals; total serving volume - 150-200 g; compote, tea or jelly - from 100 to 150 ml;
15.00 (afternoon snack) - milk or kefir - 150-200 ml;
18.00 (dinner) - salad, porridge, pudding, cottage cheese; curdled milk, cheese, bread and butter, maybe small slices of ham,
milk, etc. (total from 250 to 350 g); compote tea or jelly (60-80 g).

You can try another diet (note that meal times are slightly different):
8.00 (breakfast) - vegetable puree or one of the milk porridges, meat or fish dish - only 250-260 g; milk or weak coffee drink - 120-150 ml;
12.00 (lunch) - vegetable salad - 40-50 g; vegetable soup or meat broth - 60-100 ml; meat or fish dish with side dish (vegetable puree, porridge) - total volume 150-200 g; fruit juice - 120-150 g;
16.00 (afternoon snack) - milk or kefir - 150-200 ml; bun, or shortbread, or cookies - 20-40 g; fresh fruits - 120-150 g;
20.00 (dinner) - porridge or some vegetable dish - 150-200 g; milk or kefir - 120-150 ml; fruit -50-70 g.

The meat from which you prepare dishes for your baby must certainly be fresh. Also, dishes - do not leave them to be stored until next day. Even if they are in the refrigerator, the nutritional value of the food decreases over time.
It is not recommended to give your baby products such as sausages, sausages, and wieners, since they are prepared from meat that can hardly be called high-grade.

Avoid giving your child smoked foods. They almost certainly contain pepper and other additives. This is harmful for the child. In addition, a baby’s taste sensitivity is much richer than an adult’s. Products with a lot of spices can spoil (dull) your child’s taste.

If you include fish in your diet, be very careful about small bones.

After one and a half years, you can give your child vegetables, not pureed, but chopped. First, you should cut it smaller; over time and large. The child must learn to chew. It is useful to put stress on the teeth. Such food (not pureed) is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract: lumps of unchewed food irritate the intestines and stimulate its rapid emptying.
The child's diet should contain sufficient fiber-rich foods. How is fiber useful?.. It is not digested and serves as a basis for the formation feces. When there is a lot of fiber in the intestines, it is easier for it to have bowel movements. Fiber is found in large quantities in legumes, vegetables and fruits, and bread.

It is better not to give peas, beans, beans in unmash form to small children. After three years - give carefully.

Milk and dairy products are one of the most important sources of building material for a child, so there should be sufficient quantities of them in the diet. A child, unlike an adult, needs building material not only to restore worn-out cells in tissues, but also to grow new ones. In addition to protein, milk and dairy products contain many mineral salts, as well as important vitamins such as A and B.

Only fresh milk should be given to your child. It must be boiled before use. Milk volume necessary for the baby per day, - 700-750 ml.

By the end of the second year, some portions of milk (for example, for breakfast or dinner) can be replaced with dairy products: curdled milk, sour milk, cottage cheese, cheese. Cottage cheese contains a lot of proteins and fats, so cottage cheese is especially valuable. Not all cheeses are suitable - spicy cheeses are excluded. Children love curd cheeses very much.
A very valuable product - butter. The oil contains important vitamins such as A and D.

When a child turns two years old, he can eat any fruit. While the child is small, fruits are rubbed through a grater; over time, he receives fruits cut into small slices. And only by the age of three can you give him whole fruit.
It is preferable to use raw fruits - they contain significantly more vitamins. In addition to vitamins, fruits contain very healthy fruit sugar and mineral salts. Don't get carried away with citrus fruits; Although they are healthy and contain a lot of vitamin C, they can cause an allergic reaction. In general, some authors believe that when it comes to vegetables and fruits, you should focus on those that grow in your area. They are the most harmonious for you and will not cause such allergic reactions as many exotic fruits.

Some fruits and berries should be given with caution - little by little. For example, pears in large quantities can cause stomach upset; plums are somewhat weak; Apples cause increased gas formation...
If it’s not the season and there is a shortage of fruits, they can be successfully replaced with raw vegetables. Carrots are very healthy and children love them.

In addition to vitamins, mineral salts, fiber, vegetables and fruits contain sugar. The child’s body needs it as a source of energy. But this is not the sugar that is in your sugar bowl; in general, it is not recommended to artificially sweeten food for a child under 3 years old, or even more. This will ensure good digestion and healthy teeth. Sweets with sugar and chocolate are also not recommended; replace them with dried fruits and honey.

To salt or not to salt food for a child?

The child eats salted food with greater appetite than unleavened food. This is explained not only by the taste of food; with a salt content of about 10%, the most effective breakdown of food by saliva occurs, digestion and appetite improve. Vegetables and meat have just the right salt content, and if you steam them, there is no need to add salt. If you boil meat or vegetables in water, you need to add salt - a child’s pinch of salt per 100 ml.

A 1 year old child's diet should be varied and balanced. In addition to ground food, soft lump food is included in the diet, bringing baby food closer to adult food. The basis of the diet is natural products, and the balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins for normal development baby.

By the first year of life, babies already have 6-8 front teeth, and the back chewing teeth appear a little later. Based on this, it is a mistake to continue to feed the child pureed and ground food or to suddenly switch to solids.

The reason is that chewing functions at this age are not fully developed. According to experts, the formation of the ability to speak depends on their timely and correct development.

Vegetables are not ground, but cut into small pieces that are convenient for chewing, and boiled or steamed. Fruits, such as apples or pears, are peeled and seeded and cut into small slices.

The daily nutrition of a 1-year-old child per 1 kg of weight should contain:

  • 3 gr. protein, of which 70% is of animal origin and 30% is of plant origin. The substance guarantees timely growth of the child and muscle development.
  • 5 gr. fat When entering the body, they promote energy production and also transport vitamins and minerals for proper brain function.
  • 12-15 gr. carbohydrates. They are responsible for metabolic processes proteins and fats. You should be wary of sweets that negatively affect tooth enamel and metabolism.
  • Vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits. When choosing, it is recommended to avoid buying red apples, which can cause allergies. It is preferable to prepare products grown in the region of residence.
  • Minerals found in plant and animal products. In addition to participating in metabolism, they are responsible for the formation of tissues at the cellular level.
  • At least 90 ml of water, which makes up up to 85% of the body. Except clean water The consumption of compotes, herbal tea and cocoa is allowed.

The diet should be varied in order to avoid the formation of taste preferences for the same foods.


Children under one year old who are on breastfeeding, often feed on demand, unlike artificial animals. Complementary foods are introduced gradually for them. The child's meals during the day are divided into 5-6 meals. At 1 year old, mothers usually bring the routine closer to that of kindergarten to avoid additional stress for the baby.

The first meal - breakfast should be taken at 8-9 am. By this time, it is necessary to brush the child’s teeth, wash him and wash his hands thoroughly.

For infants, it is allowed to eat mother's milk with complementary foods; for artificial infants - porridge with milk or mixture.

After breakfast, it is necessary for the baby to use up the calories received. Active educational games and walks are recommended. To fully comply with kindergarten, it is advisable to visit the playground to develop the child’s communication skills. After this, by noon there should be lunch consisting of first courses. After it, according to the schedule, the child begins a daytime nap.

When waking up, the child does not feel hungry. Experts recommend a snack - an afternoon snack from 15.30 to 16.30 in the afternoon. It could be fruit, cottage cheese. After it, the child should not get hungry until dinner.

The evening meal is at 18.30 -19.30 pm, an hour before water treatments. It is possible to introduce a second dinner if one evening meal is not enough for the child and he cannot sleep on an empty stomach.

Nutritional standards for a 1 year old baby

The nutrition of a 1 year old child consists of 1-1.2 liters per day. The value is given in liters, since the volume of solid food before reaching 1.5 years should be minimal.

  • breakfast - 25% of the total volume or 0.25-0.3 l;
  • lunch -35% or 0.35-0.42 l;
  • afternoon snack - 15% or 0.15-0.18 l;
  • dinner (main and second) - 25% or 0.25-0.3 l, with the second accounting for 5-10%.

Diet products

Daily norm

Dairy and fermented milk products, including breast milk and mixture0.5-0.6 l
Cottage cheese2 tbsp. l.
Sour cream1 tsp.
Cheese5 g
Porridge0.2 l
Meat puree3 heaped tbsp
Steamed vegetables0.25-0.3 kg
Quail/chicken eggs1-2 pcs/ ½-1 pcs
Puree fish fillet1½-2 tbsp. l.
Bakery0.04 kg
Fresh fruits, fruit purees and juices0.2 kg
Olive or sunflower oil1 tsp.
Butter5 g
Granulated sugar and substitutes1-1.5 tbsp. l.
Salt½ tsp.

Diet preparation

A 1 year old child's diet should be healthy and balanced. Excess fats and carbohydrates for sedentary children are fraught with weight gain. excess weight, which negatively affects most organs. The ratio of animal and vegetable protein, according to experts, should be 3:1.

For the proper development of children, it is necessary to know the norms and organize a diet.

When compiling a diet, take into account the need for:

  • Minimum 0.1 kg meat. Complementary feeding begins with hypoallergenic rabbit and turkey meat. Gradually other types of meat and poultry are introduced: beef, pork, chicken. Pieces of meat can be marketable and finely ground; steamed meatballs and meatballs are allowed.
  • Chicken or quail eggs no more than 3 times a week. In addition to the yolk, the child can already be given protein.
  • Up to 0.05 kg fish fillet. Experts do not recommend eating fish dishes more than once every 4 days, while meat products are excluded on these days. Low-fat varieties of cod with minimal bone content are introduced into the diet.
  • Vegetable fats. Vegetable oil or butter is added to food just before serving so that it retains its beneficial properties.
  • Vegetables, pureed or cut into small pieces. Begin the introduction with broccoli, cauliflower, turnips. Potatoes are introduced with caution, since they are difficult to process, and pumpkin, which can cause allergies. Vegetable side dishes are added to meat dishes.
  • Fruit. The introduction should begin with species grown in the area of ​​residence. Each product is administered in a small amount, after which it is necessary to observe the reaction for at least 3 days. Fruits must be peeled from thick skins that a child cannot chew.
  • Croup. Usually a variety of cereals are offered to children for breakfast in the morning. Frequently eating such a dish (more than once a day) reduces the child’s body’s ability to absorb calcium.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products. They should be at least half of the daily norm.
  • No more than 40 g Sahara. Children over 1 year of age are not recommended to consume sweets and other sweets; only marmalade, homemade jam or honey are allowed. The introduction of such products is not recommended for children with allergies.
  • Pasta no more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Unlimited quantity water, better than bottled. It can be replaced with age-appropriate juices and herbal teas.
  • Bakery products. Until the age of 1.5 years, no more than 0.1 kg of wheat flour products is recommended.


Breakfast for a child's body is a source of energy until lunch. At this time, porridge, dishes made from cottage cheese, eggs, and vegetables are recommended. Cereals must be ground before cooking or soaked in the evening so that the dish turns out boiled. Add butter to the porridge and no more than 1 tsp. granulated sugar.

Breakfast can consist of an omelet with vegetables or just a boiled egg. A small portion of cottage cheese is added to it. These foods are rich in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Boiled water, herbal tea, and unsweetened dried fruit compote are used as drinks.


A 1 year old child's diet consists of 4-5 meals. Active children often snack after breakfast. For lunch or second breakfast, yoghurts and fruits are usually used. in kind or pureed. Meals using children's cookies are also allowed. A light snack will help you avoid hunger pangs before lunch and will not ruin your appetite before lunch.


The daily meal consists of the first course - soup and the second - vegetables and meat products. To prepare soups, boneless meat pulp is used. This will avoid constipation and increased gas formation. In addition, use a second low-fat broth.

Vegetables and meat are finely chopped so that the child does not choke and can chew them. Ideal option is to prepare puree soup. It is not recommended to use salt during cooking or add it in small quantities.

As a second course, vegetable puree and meat puddings, cutlets, and meatballs are served. At this meal, children prefer offal, among which liver is highlighted. It is also prepared as a puree or pudding.

Afternoon snack

Afternoon snack is the time to eat after a nap. If the child is breastfed, then there are no questions about the afternoon snack. After weaning, children are offered a glass of milk or juice with cookies, cottage cheese casseroles with fruit. A light snack will relieve hunger before dinner and give you energy for an evening walk.


A 1-year-old child's evening meal should be taken well before bathing and bedtime. Among the dishes, they often offer the same thing that was the second course of lunch - vegetable puree, cereals, stew with meat products.

Second dinner

The second dinner is typical for children who continue to have breastfeeding or artificial feeding. During weaning, formula or breast milk is replaced with kefir, yogurt or water. main feature- ease, so that the body rests during sleep, and does not work on processing food.

Dairy and fermented milk products

A 1-year-old child's diet must contain dairy and fermented milk products. The exception is children with an allergy to cow protein. Goat milk and products made from it are also not always suitable for them.

Porridge is cooked with milk or given in its pure form. Private milk must be boiled, as a result of which it loses important vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, pediatricians recommend the use of pasteurized milk specifically for baby food.

If the child is still breastfed, then pasteurized milk is used only for porridge. At the age of 1 year, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding. It can be used before bedtime, and in case of sleep disturbances, avoid night feedings.

They are replaced with fermented milk products:

  • baby yogurt, preferably without sugar and fruit fillers. You can add a small amount of fresh pureed fruit before eating;
  • baby kefir with bifidobacteria.

Milk contains the necessary dose of calcium and other useful substances. Calcium is important for proper development of teeth, bones and maintenance of bone mass. Also, its properties are useful for the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. At the same time, the baked version of the product is absolutely useless, despite the taste that many children love.

At 1 year of life, the total share of dairy and fermented milk products is 500-600 ml. Moreover, the latter make up about 30% of the daily diet.

Cereal dishes

Cereals in a child’s diet are included in porridge; less often they are served as a boiled side dish. When choosing, pediatricians recommend paying attention to gluten-free products - gluten. Its ability to swell in water negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is especially dangerous for children prone to allergies.

Cereals, due to their high content of proteins, fiber and microelements, are often served for breakfast. The starch content in them helps maintain the required level of sugar in the child’s blood.

Classification of cereals according to beneficial properties:

  1. Buckwheat.
  2. Oatmeal.
  3. Rice.
  4. Corn.

Brand - shredded wheat containing gluten. This is a difficult product for children's intestines, endowed with minimum quantity useful substances. In addition, phytin included in the composition impairs the absorption of vitamin D.

Pearl barley, similar to semolina, contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals. It takes a long time to cook, but remains tough and difficult to chew and digest.

Vegetables and fruits

After the first year, you can add new fruits and berries to your favorite apples, pears and purees. The introduction of each type should begin with a small piece and monitor the reaction from the skin and intestines. The fruits are peeled and cut into thin slices.

It is allowed to introduce exotic citrus fruits and kiwi for children who are not prone to allergies. However, there is no need to abuse them. Plant acids can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. During the day it is allowed to consume 100-200 grams. fruits or berries in pure form or added to cereals and dairy products.

The first vegetables are introduced into a child’s diet at the age of 6 months. By year, potatoes, turnips, tomatoes and legumes are added to those already tried. They are steamed or boiled. It is still recommended to grind them into puree or cut them into very small pieces.

The main share of vegetables comes from preparing soups, but you can diversify your child’s menu by preparing stews. The daily norm is 200-250 g. vegetables

Fish and meat

The diet of a 1 year old child should contain at least 0.1 kg of meat daily. It is steamed in the form of cutlets, meatballs or pureed. 1-2 times a week, a third of meat products are replaced with fish fillet. Use low-fat varieties with a small amount of bones.


The diet of a child under 1 year of age must include eggs. Complementary feeding starts with yolks. At 1 year you can give proteins. The daily norm is no more than 1 chicken or 2 quail eggs. At the same time, the last quail eggs are considered less allergenic. Eggs are included in the diet no more than 3 times a week.


At 1 year of age, the baby’s diet should include butter, olive or vegetable oil.

It is added no more than 1 tsp:

  • butter for porridge;
  • olive or vegetable into vegetables.

Sweets and flour

Small children under 3 years of age are not recommended to eat sweets: sweets, chocolate, baked goods. They contain fast carbohydrates that negatively affect health, as well as tooth enamel.

To please your baby, you can give him natural marmalade without dyes, dried fruits, but not more than 50-100 grams. in a day. If you want to sweeten porridge or kefir, you need to consider that daily dose sugar should not exceed 40 grams.

From bakery products, a child of 1 year can occasionally be given pasta, no more than 1-2 times a week. White bread is preferable, in contrast to varieties from rye flour it does not cause fermentation processes. Daily norm: up to 0.1 kg.


The water balance in the body of a one-year-old child is no less important than sleep patterns and diet. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the daily norm is calculated based on 0.1 liters per 1 kg of child weight. An imbalance leads to lethargy, excessive tearfulness of the baby and decreased appetite.

At 1 year of age, children are allowed to be given:

  • clean bottled water;
  • multi-component juices;
  • berry fruit drinks and compotes;
  • herbal and berry teas for baby food.

New drinks should be given little by little, no more than 2 tsp, and the reaction should be observed for 3 days. In case of allergic reactions, it is worth switching to hypoallergenic clarified monocomponent juices.

Foods you should avoid for up to three years

Among them:

  • nuts, which are difficult to digest. They are easy to choke on and some types are strong allergens;
  • mushrooms, which are difficult for a child’s fragile intestines to digest;
  • chocolate, due to the large amount of fats, artificial ingredients and palm oil;
  • sausage and frankfurters, due to the large number of spices and preservatives;
  • curd cheeses in glaze due to the low content of cottage cheese and high amount of fat;
  • ice cream due to the high percentage of preservatives;
  • Exotic fruits such as mango, papaya, feijoa due to the ability to lead to digestive system disorders and poisoning;
  • canned vegetables due to the large amount of salt and spices;
  • canned fruits due to the high sugar content in the syrup;
  • seafood, which are difficult to digest even for adults;
  • snacks, chips and other non-natural products, filled with many preservatives and dyes;
  • carbonated drinks, which have a harmful effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus.

With caution, children are given foods that can cause allergies or increased gas formation:

  • melon;
  • grape;
  • citrus;
  • strawberry;
  • red varieties of fish.

Sample menu for a 1 year old baby per day

Eating Dish Quantity
BreakfastOatmeal with milk


Quail egg

Apple juice

250 ml

½ cup

LunchApple/Pear100 gr
DinnerCreamy zucchini soup

Vegetable puree: cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots

Chicken liver soufflé

Herb tea

200 gr

½ cup

Afternoon snackCottage cheese with fresh fruit70-100 gr
Dinnerboiled rice

Boiled cod fillet

Dried fruits compote

200 gr

½ cup

Second dinnerKefir for baby food1 glass

Depending on the child’s needs, you can exclude lunch and the second dinner, while distributing food for other meal times.

Sample menu for the week

Day of the week Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner Before bedtime
MondayRice porridge with milk and pumpkin

Quail egg-

new - 1 piece;


puree - 0.1 kg

Broccoli soup with rice - 0.15 l;

Zucchini and potato puree - 0.1 kg;

Beef meatballs - 0.05 kg;

Milk - 0.05 l;

Cookies - 0.02 kg

Beef meatballs - 0.05 kg;

Puree from zucchini, potatoes and carrots - 0.2 kg

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Kefir for baby food with bifido-

riyami - 0.2 l

TuesdayOatmeal with milk - 0.2 l;

Butter - 5 g;

Cheese - 10 gr;

Herbal tea - 50 ml.

Pear puree - 0.1 kgZucchini puree soup - 0.15 l;

Vegetable puree - 0.1 kg;

Apple juice - 0.1 l

Cottage cheese pancakes with raisins - 0.1 kgVegetable puree - 0.2 kg;

Chicken soufflé - 0.05 kg;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Yogurt - 0.2 l
WednesdayOmelet with vegetables - 250 gr;

Juice with pulp - 50 ml.

Cottage cheese - 0.07 kgMilk soup with vermi-shell - 0.2 l;

Mashed potatoes, carrots and green peas - 0.15 kg;

Turkey meatballs - 0.05 kg;

Water - 50 ml


curd kanka with dried apricots - 0.1 kg

Mashed potatoes, carrots and green peas - 0.2 kg;

Turkey meatballs - 0.05 kg;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Kefir with fresh berries - 0.2 l
ThursdayBuckwheat porridge - 100 g;

Pasteurized milk - 0.1 l;

Cottage cheese - 0.05 kg;

Juice with pulp - 50 ml.

Fruit puree from apple and peach - 0.1 kgFish soup with cod and vegetables - 0.25 ml;

Zucchini and pumpkin puree - 0.1 kg;

Compote of dried fruits - 0.1 l

Cottage cheese - 0.05 kg;

Milk - 0.05 l

Zucchini and pumpkin puree - 0.2 kg;

Hake fillet pudding - 0.03 kg;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Drinking yogurt - 0.2 l
FridayChicken egg - 1 piece;

Cottage cheese - 100 gr;

Dried fruit compote - 0.1 l.

Pear puree with cream - 0.1 kgVegetable puree soup - 0.2 l;

Boiled rice - 0.05 kg;

Pork pudding - 0.05 kg;

Juice with pulp - 0.1 l

Juice with pulp - 0.07 l;

White bread - 1 piece

Pork pudding - 0.05 kg;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Kefir - 0.2 l

ruznaya with milk - 200 g;

Cottage cheese - 50 gr;

Herbal tea - 0.05 l.

Sandwich Brod from white bread with oil - 1 piece;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l

Vegetable puree soup with turkey - 0.2 l;

Stewed vegetables - 0.1 kg;

Cottage cheese - 0.05 kg;

Juice with pulp - 0.05 l

Mashed potatoes with green peas - 0.2 kg;

Meatballs from rabbit-chatina - 0.1 kg;

Compote of dried fruits - 0.05 l

Kefir - 0.2 l
ResurrectionOmelette with zucchini - 200 g;

Cheese - 10 gr;

Herbal tea - 0.1 l.

Cottage cheese with fresh fruit - 0.07 kgChicken soup with vermicelli and potatoes - 0.2 l;

Vegetable stew with rice - 0.1 kg;

Fruit juice - 0.1 l


kanka yours -

corn with black plums, dried apricots and raisins - 0.1 kg

Vegetable stew with rice - 0.2 kg;

Steamed turkey cutlets - 0.1 kg;

Compote of dried fruits - 0.1 l

Drinking yogurt - 0.2 l

Should I give up breastfeeding?

According to WHO, breastfeeding is mandatory for at least 6 months, ideally up to 1 year. Often, babies themselves refuse to breastfeed during active teething. Breastfeeding for up to 1.5 years allows a woman to avoid malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands.

Until this time, mother's milk contains useful protective substances, vitamins and amino acids. After this, it is useless in the child’s diet. At 1 year of age, pediatricians recommend reducing the number of attachments. Typically, a one-year-old baby is given breastfeeding before naptime and at night.

Therefore, the diet of a 1-year-old child who is breastfed is adjusted by removing some dairy dishes.

Pedagogical complementary feeding

Pedagogical complementary feeding is a way to accustom a child to adult food. It precedes the introduction of complementary foods and is suitable for breastfed children. From the age of 4-6 months, a baby may show interest in food on the plate of the mother and other family members.

During pedagogical complementary feeding, the baby is given tiny portions. It is not recommended for a child to eat from a common plate if the parents have signs of acute respiratory viral infection and teeth affected by caries. Pedagogical complementary feeding implies that family members have only healthy food that is safe for the child.

Baby at the table

When a child transitions to adult food, it is necessary that at least 1 meal be taken at the table with the family. The baby usually has his own high chair, but it is allowed to hold him in his arms.

If while eating the baby wants to take a spoon, then you can give it to him and continue feeding with another spoon. This is how the baby gets acquainted with the basics of eating food.

When a child refuses a dish, there is no need to force him. Let him play, maybe he's not hungry or doesn't like the taste. Playing with food should not be allowed, but the child copies his parents’ behavior patterns and begins to show his abilities closer to the age of 2.

Nutritional features of a child with allergies or atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis - allergic reaction on food or other substances that come into direct contact with the skin. It usually appears in children whose parents are also susceptible to the disease. In addition to manifestations in the form of a rash in skin folds, behind the ears and above the eyebrows, which become wet and then become crusty, it is necessary to identify the cause. To do this, you need to take allergy tests.

Children at any age follow a diet that excludes any allergenic foods:

  • dairy;
  • fresh red vegetables and fruits;
  • spices;
  • sauces;
  • sweet;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • smoked products.

The diet of a 1 year old child differs from adult food, but should consist of a variety of dishes. Wrongly chosen dishes, feeding semi-finished products and fast food leads to digestive problems. For proper development, you must follow the advice of your pediatrician.

Video about baby nutrition at 1 year old

A varied diet for a child – Dr. Komarovsky’s School: