The magical properties of pearls. Pearls – big and small. Pearl evaluation criteria

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Pearls and esoterics

Pearls are the only mineral in the world that does not require additional processing and is of animal origin. When a grain of sand gets into the shell of a mollusk, the latter begins to secrete a special organic substance and envelop the foreign body in nacreous layers. For such a stone to grow, it takes years of work inside the shell. There are three types of pearls:

  1. Freshwater pearls - have an uneven surface, cheaper in cost;
  2. Sea pearls - have a perfectly smooth, often round coating, are considered more expensive mineral in comparison with its river counterpart;
  3. Artificial pearls - have only external resemblance to natural stone, but does not contain magical or healing properties.

In this article we will talk only about organic natural pearls, which have a number of unique features and characteristics.

The healing properties of pearls

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that pearls can prevent their owner from serious illness. If, with constant wearing, the stones begin to fade and lose their color, you should focus on the functioning of your body and consult a doctor. In addition, the mineral has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, liver and stomach. The stone helps to normalize the nervous system, it has a calming and relaxing effect on the entire body as a whole, stabilizes arterial pressure.

It has also been used for cleansing the body for a long time. water solution, infused with pearls. To do this, minerals are placed in water for 12 hours, after which the prepared liquid can be used for medicinal purposes.

Magic of stone

Pearls have the magical property of longevity - and it’s not surprising. By wearing jewelry made from these gems every day, a person can monitor the condition of his body, and daily viewing of sparkling minerals will provide peace and tranquility.

In Asia, pearls are credited with the property of increasing material and mental well-being and prosperity; wearing this mineral guarantees profit in all endeavors. Thus, in China it is customary to give pearls to newlyweds for the speedy birth of a child. In India on wedding rituals These stones are also used to increase the family and wealth of the young. In Greece it is believed that pearls add strength marriage union. Be that as it may, pearl products provide prosperity in any intended direction.

There is an opinion that these stones should not be worn by men. And it is right. Pearls add meekness and softness to their owner, and these are necessary qualities for a woman when building family relations. Minerals will ensure family peace, give the joy of motherhood, and guarantee happiness, comfort and financial well-being in the family.

How to wear pearl jewelry correctly

It is believed that pearl jewelry should be worn in pairs. For example, a pearl necklace goes well with earrings with similar stones. White minerals look perfect with almost any clothing - it can be Evening Dress or a formal work suit. Goes great with precious metal– gold or silver, the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of jewelry.

The most popular representative of these gems is white pearls. However, along with it, there is a large palette of other tones. Color depends on many factors:

  • A type of oyster or shellfish;
  • Temperature, quality and composition of the water in which the sink exists;
  • The color saturation is affected by the age of the stone - the longer the pearl is in the shell, the richer the color and larger the size.

Let's take a closer look at the features and properties of different types of pearls.

General information (composition and physical properties)
Magic properties pearls
Who suits pearls according to their zodiac sign?

Black pearl magical properties

- a rather rare type of mineral that has the most high cost among its analogues. Black pearls were first discovered by the conquistador Cortes, who set off on an expedition to the shores of America in the 16th century. Minerals of black color or its shades can only be formed by Pinctada margaritifera oysters, which live off the warm shores of the Hawaiian Islands.

This type of mollusk produces a special pigment. Under favorable conditions, in the depths off the southern coast of America, it is possible to find a fairly large shell with such a stone. Unfortunately, such luck happens extremely rarely, so special farms were created to provide the necessary conditions for this type of oyster. After 10-12 years, you can “harvest” and get pearls desired color. However, the size and shape of each mineral differs significantly, as a result of which it can take years to assemble one necklace, so the cost of such jewelry reaches 100 thousand dollars.

Due to the special shine of the mineral, black and gray pearls are assigned various magical properties:

  • He is able to scare away evil spirits;
  • Maintains the youth and beauty of the owner of the jewelry;
  • Wearing black pearls develops eloquence and helps develop the necessary communications with the people the owner of the gems needs.

White pearl magical properties

White color is the most popular category among pearls; it is rightfully considered the most beautiful decoration in the East. Found in both river and marine species mineral of this color. Given the difficulty of finding the required shell in the depths of the sea, pearls are often gems created and grown under human control. The first pearl plantation white, used akoya oysters. Subsequently, all white minerals began to be called by this name. Such pearls are actively grown in the People's Republic of China, Vietnam and the Japanese Islands. Predominantly clear white, also acceptable small deviations shades, for example, silver tint.

The mineral has strong healing properties:

  • Normalizes the functioning of organs abdominal cavity– in particular, it promotes the healing of stomach ulcers; when treating cholelithiasis, it is recommended to wear white pearls;
  • Provides stabilization of blood pressure - hypertensive patients feel significant relief when wearing minerals;
  • Owners of jewelry made from white minerals are usually long-lived.

In ancient Egypt, white and yellow pearls were especially famous. Cleopatra preferred earrings that contained large white pearls as jewelry. It was believed that, among other things, they ensure the beauty and youth of the queen of Egypt. In ancient times, it was believed that to prevent the evil eye, one should drink buffalo milk with white pearls crushed in it.

Red pearl magical properties

Red pearls are found off the coast of Mexico and the Caribbean islands. Just like all other colors of minerals, you can most often find cultured stone– it is formed by artificially introducing a grain of sand or other foreign body into a mollusk shell. Subsequently, the oyster grows its own pearl for many years. Such farms are located in oyster habitats that have special pigment in excreted organic matter. Red pearls are a symbol of love and fidelity. It is optimal to wear such stones married women, gems will bring peace and fidelity from the other half to their family. It also ensures the preservation of the beauty and youth of the girl, has a large number of medicinal properties - normalizes the nervous system, has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

This mineral is less durable than other precious and semiprecious stones. The average life expectancy is 100-150 years. Red or Crimson It is quite rare to find on store shelves, so lovers of this particular shade will have to work hard to find natural pearls of a rich crimson hue.

Pink pearls magical properties

Pink pearl is a favorite gem oriental beauties. In Japan it is given the property of maintaining eternal youth. The presence of air, earth and water elements in the stone has a calming effect on the body of the owner of jewelry made from the pink mineral. Often such jewelry serves as an amulet that prevents the development various types diseases. These minerals are especially recommended for women with cardiovascular problems; they also improve the functioning of gastrointestinal tract.

In India, great importance is attached to the choice of this color, since for them it is a symbol of longevity and prosperity. can be of both river and sea origin. However, due to the difficulty of mining and finding the required shape and size, jewelry manufacturers choose the cultivated variety. At the same time, the cost of an artificially grown mineral is much cheaper than its analogue, accidentally found in the ocean, and the quality is practically the same. Pink pearls should be protected from sharp changes temperature and aggressive cleaning agents, as it may prematurely lose its shine, shine or even crumble.

Yellow pearl magical properties

Yellow pearls are found off the coast of Sri Lanka, in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. It, like all other species, is mainly grown on special marine plantations. In this case, grains of the future mineral are introduced into the shells of oysters, which have a special yellow pigment. The longer the mineral was in the shell, the richer its color will be. Yellow pearls are still in Ancient Egypt famous for their magical properties:

  • They provided longevity and youth to their owner;
  • Minerals have a calming property;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure - while having a positive effect on the body both in case of hypertension and hypotension;
  • Improve blood circulation - used in the treatment of coronary disease, atherosclerosis;
  • Normalize the functioning of the abdominal organs - have an enhanced effect medicines for diseases of the duodenum, they reduce the signs of gastritis; in the treatment of urolithiasis, it is recommended to wear yellow pearls.

Golden pearls magical properties

In the Panama region, in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, there live mollusks that create. Jewelry made from this mineral gives a truly luxurious royal look to its owner. Natural golden pearls have a high cost, so this type of product is not available to everyone. However, for those who strive to obtain a high status in society and establish the necessary communications, jewelry from yellow pearls will be very useful. These stones look perfect when paired with gold jewelry. In addition, they have healing and calming properties.

Green pearl magical properties

Green and pale green pearls are found off the coast of Indonesia and Japan. It is quite difficult to find such colors in the sea, so they are considered rare representatives of the pearl family. They can rarely be found on artificial farms, so jewelry made from green-colored minerals is very rare.

In China, pearls have been used for thousands of years to treat a number of diseases. A particularly valuable component for this was the green mineral. Due to its rarity and usefulness, it was also used as a monetary equivalent. Alternative Chinese medicine infused green pearls into various herbs and then used these tinctures to treat the following diseases:

  • Nervous system – atherosclerosis and other vascular problems, relieve symptoms of chronic diseases;
  • Improves immunity, including reducing signs of seasonal allergies;
  • For rejuvenating purposes.

It was believed that those who owned jewelry made from green stones lived longer. Like other types of these minerals, they have a calming effect, give confidence to the owner, and drive away evil spirits.

It is worth noting that the Black Sea mussel is also capable of growing pearls, and some of them have a greenish tint. However, their shape, size and quality are significantly inferior to their Indonesian counterparts, so the cost is disproportionately lower.

Blue pearl magical properties

Another representative rare species mineral protrudes. IN last years saturated color it is given artificially. In theory original stone this color can be found off the coast of Tahiti. Blue pearls are of great importance to people who strive for longevity and healthy image life. Like all other similar minerals, they have the following properties:

  • Calming property;
  • They have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promote the healing of gastritis and colitis, and have a beneficial effect in the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • Adjusts blood pressure;
  • Young owners of blue pearls have a high chance of conceiving a child, as a result of which jewelry made from such stones is often given to young people as wedding gifts.

Blue pearl magical properties of the stone

Blue pearls are grown exclusively in warm waters Pacific Ocean. But it is so rare that it is almost impossible to find information about it. In fact, this mineral has light gray color and glistens in the light blue shades. Often, to obtain blue pearls, manufacturers lighten its counterpart of blue color. To do this, they place the mineral in a solution of hydrogen peroxide under ultraviolet radiation. In any case, jewelry made from these pearls have a large number of magical and healing properties, such as longevity, increased immunity, the ability to conceive, and financial wealth.

Brown pearl magical properties of the stone

has similar properties to golden species and is also grown in the region of Panama, Mexico and on the African coast. Jewelry of this color looks great on women with dark skin. The stone has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and digestive organs, normalizes blood pressure, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Also, the owners of the mineral are distinguished by longevity and great prosperity. It should be noted that pearls Brown are not particularly shiny and, as a result, do not have much value in comparison with their golden counterparts.

Beige pearl magical properties of the stone

Beige pearl belongs to the minerals of the South Seas. It is grown in large breeds shellfish This stone has the thickest layer of mother-of-pearl, which makes it expensive. The pearl has a matte silk shine with hints of champagne shades. Instance beige colour- most often an artificially grown mineral due to the fact that it can be found a large number of It is almost impossible to have identical pearls at the bottom of the sea. This may take years. The stone has healing and magical properties:

  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - prevents stroke, reduces symptoms of hereditary diseases of the nervous system, helps stabilize the condition of epilepsy;
  • preserves the beauty and youth of the owner;
  • brings financial well-being.

Pearls got their name, which means “sea shell”. The stone does not have a transparent surface and is not illuminated. Its peculiarity is the mysterious mother-of-pearl and dazzling shimmers that play with all their reflections, both in the rays of the sun and in the moonlight.

It takes more than one year for a grain of sand that falls into a mollusk shell to form a pearl. And for larger stones it takes ten years. The formation process is interesting because once it enters the body sea ​​creature, triggered defensive reaction and thereby wraps the grain in mother of pearl. This is exactly how it is formed unusual beauty gem.

People who wore pearl jewelry belonged to the category of noble and rich people who had their own large houses furnished according to the latest trends. Many society ladies attended events wearing such beads and earrings, arousing the admiration of men.

Pearl colors and varieties

There are more than 100 various shades of this stone. It is extremely rare to find pure white pearls; they often have a silvery sheen. Just like white, it is almost impossible to find a bluish-green gem. The most expensive pearl is black. Such demand and cost is due to the fact that white colors are more common than colorful and stylish dark ones.

This noble material, which is considered to be a symbol of purity and perfection, was once used to decorate the altars of clergy, royal regalia, and manuscript bindings. Roman emperors decorated their clothes with pearls of various sizes. Today, pearl stone, the properties of which are described in detail in this article, is used in the manufacture of jewelry.

How are pearls formed?

The basis of the future decoration is a small grain of sand that penetrates inside the mollusk shell.

To save itself from the inconvenience, the mollusk begins to produce nacre and cover the irritant with it.

The thin film forms concentric layers that gradually form the pearl.

The resulting mineral is most often creamy, white or pink color, although there are green, yellow and even black specimens.

Magical properties of the stone

It is believed that contemplation of pearl reflections brings peace of mind and peace to a person. However, this is not all that pearls are capable of - the magical properties of the stone are very extensive. Residents of Asia believe that wearing pearl jewelry helps increase wealth. The Chinese give each bride and groom a pearl for good luck.

If a mother-of-pearl bracelet, ring or chain is worn by a person who is in conflict with his conscience, then the jewelry may fade. This mineral is very sensitive to the mood of its owner.

The ancient Egyptians highly valued pearls; the magical properties of the stone were described in many ancient manuscripts. For example, the recipe for the “drink of youth”, which Queen Cleopatra took, has been preserved. The maids prepared a drink for her, consisting of pearls dissolved in vinegar with the addition of pomegranate juice.

It must be borne in mind that pearl talismans will be useless for indecisive people and for those who have lost their thirst for life. Jewelry made from this mineral is not suitable for travelers, actors, coaches and those who work with small children.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

Are you interested not only in the properties of pearl stone, but also who is this mineral suitable for? Its soft and subdued shine is associated with the glow of the moon. Therefore, pearl amulets and talismans are best suited for Pisces. Cancers will benefit greatly from wearing them. For Aquarius, the properties of the pearl stone do not have a noticeable effect.

Mother-of-pearl jewelry is not suitable for Earth signs (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn). Fire signs (Leo, Aries and Sagittarius) need to choose black pearls. Such minerals help get rid of bad habits, give its owner peace of mind, mental strength and self-confidence.

Pearl is one of the most important precious stones known to people already for several thousand years. It is special because it is the only beautiful mineral in the world that is created by a living organism (mollusk). This sea treasure, the result of the slow growth of layers of mother-of-pearl, symbolizes innocence and purity. He can endow the one who wears him with wisdom and a clear understanding of what is happening. The magical properties of pearls can be used to strengthen personal integrity and to be closer to the truth.

Symbolism, mythology, meaning in ancient cultures.

The ancient Greeks believed that pearls were created when oysters rose from the ocean floor and opened their shells to drink drops of heavenly dew. IN ancient China It was believed that the patrons of pearls were dragons, which means they are a symbol of wisdom. The dragon kept pearls in his teeth, and therefore only by destroying his brain could a person take possession of the precious stone. Some Eastern cultures associated it with the Moon. European painters often used it as a symbol of female beauty.

The magical properties of pearls.

Moon and Water support this " gem”, enhancing sincerity, honesty and truth. Magic properties impart a calming state to the wearer and establish the ebb and flow of life. Said to bring purity, encourage faith and love, and ensure personal integrity. Thanks to water and the lunar element, mother of pearl is quite good at balancing the emotions, especially of the water signs of the zodiac.

If you feel negative for some reason while wearing pearls, pretend that it "absorbs" this negative energy. At correct use, pearl can reduce stress, headache and fatigue.
You can use mother of pearl with other precious stones - diamonds, or emeralds - to disperse negative energy.

Associated stones: Ruby.

Associated with metal: Silver.

Powers: Love, money, protection, luck.

The magical properties of pearls, like amber, and other substances obtained from living beings, are highly valued and used in magic. Some believe that when an oyster dies while removing a pearl, then it is severe karmic debt those who sell it, who wear it and use it. The choice is will know intuitively whether to use it or not.
Mother of pearl is closely associated with the moon, so much so that some wear or use it at night - the time of the moon.

The healing properties of pearls.

They said that if you use a mother-of-pearl water ball regularly for a long time, the production of hormones in the body will be stabilized. Chronic headaches and migraines can be alleviated or completely cured by wearing a mother-of-pearl necklace directly on the skin. Pearls can relieve allergies. Believed to help treat stomach pain, colds, bronchitis and lung infections. Medicinal properties pearls help digestion, strengthen the stomach, immunity and fight emotional stress.

The variety of precious stones is pleasing to the eye. Mysterious, shimmering, shimmering with facets and colors, they make the heart beat faster, causing a desire to possess them, admire them, strive for beauty and harmony.
Pearls occupy a special place among precious stones. Some consider it a symbol of well-being and prosperity, an elixir of youth. Others are a stone of tears.
Pearl is one of ancient stones for decoration, since the pearl does not need additional cutting. They decorated themselves with pearls greatest women peace.

The birth of a pearl occurs slowly. It will take at least twelve years until a real beautiful pearl grows from a small grain of sand caught in the shell of a mollusk. Overlapping each other, layers of mother-of-pearl create a unique shine, shimmer, beauty and shape.

Since ancient times, pearl fishing has been a difficult and dangerous business. Pearl divers descended into the depths of the sea for shells, risking their lives. The diver is not always lucky. A pearl is found in only one of forty shells. This dangerous profession has survived to this day, adding to the attractiveness of jewelry made from natural pearls and causing its high price.

The largest pearl deposits are located on the coast of the Red Sea, in the Persian Gulf, in Ceylon, Tahiti, off the coast of India, and in Iran. Freshwater pearls are now rare. It is mined only in Bavaria and the USA. Previously, the northern rivers of Russia were full of pearls. They were a favorite decoration of the nobility and the imperial family.

Pearl jewelry of Cleopatra, Semiramis, Russian empresses have not survived to this day. After all, the lifespan of a pearl is no more than 300 years. With age, jewelry fades and deteriorates. To preserve jewelry with pearls, you should wear it as often as possible; contact with open skin restores the properties of pearls.

Pearls are special mysterious stone. There are many legends and beliefs about his strength. Jewelry with pearls is especially revered in the East. It is believed that they bring youth, beauty and health to the owner. There is a belief that confirms that pearls are a symbol of love and fidelity. In the Middle Ages, there was a custom to give the bride a string of pearls on her wedding day, which was supposed to strengthen the love of the chosen one and guarantee her fidelity. According to the ancient doctors, pearl beads or a pearl bracelet increases vitality and have a general strengthening effect on the body, improve blood composition, and dull pain in the heart.
This gemstone has been scientifically proven to have beneficial effects on the digestive and nervous system, treats diseases of the liver, kidneys, hypertension. Pearls react strongly to the health status of their owner. With severe illnesses, it becomes dull, loses its shine and may even crumble. Pearls are especially sensitive to the appearance of tumors, so wearing earrings with pearls or a ring with pearls can serve as a kind of diagnostic device.

Pearls have dark side, which is associated with the influence of the Moon. For people for whom it is not suitable, the stone brings disappointment, loss of illusions and hopes. It disorganizes weak-willed people even more. But if a person is strong in spirit and self-confident, jewelry with pearls helps him achieve harmony, establish contact with other people, and overcome difficulties. Astrologers recommend wearing rings and necklaces with pearls for Aquarius, Pisces and Gemini. It brings them happiness, luck and love.

There is a sign that pearl jewelry You can't buy it for yourself. It will be better if your loved ones give them to you, in which case pearls will only bring benefits.

Until the 14th century, pearls were the most expensive decoration. Today, the price of natural pearls is still high. A pearl necklace can cost up to $30,000. Price cultured pearls much lower. Besides. the price depends on the color, shape, shine and evenness of the pearls. A spherical pearl shape is considered ideal. The stone can also be button, pear or round shape, or even completely formless. Drop-shaped pearls look especially attractive in earrings and pendants. Pearls come in a huge variety of shades from white to green. Amazing and mysterious jewelry is created from black pearls mined in Tahiti. Pink mother-of-pearl pearls are most prized by jewelers. Their smooth matte shine goes perfectly with skin tone, giving the image elegance and nobility. You should choose silver or gold as a setting for pearls. Rings with pearls are the height of grace and elegance. Despite the apparent simplicity and modesty, pearl jewelry attracts the eye and evokes admiration.

Necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings with pearls are worn by those with excellent and refined taste. These jewels will decorate evening dress, giving it elegance and mystery and, at the same time, will become reliable companions in Everyday life, giving its quiet, soft light and delighting its owners.