Mystical properties of pearls and compatibility with zodiac signs. Beige pearls are the magical properties of the stone. White pearl magical properties

The pearl stone is unique among its counterparts. After all, it is the only one that is a product of animal origin, but at the same time belongs to the category of stones. The method of its formation looks quite simple: a speck of dust or a grain of sand gets into the shell of a mollusk, which gradually begins to be covered with layers of mother-of-pearl. The growth period of natural pearls is about 12 years. This results in a gem that is unique in its properties and origin.

Pearls are often called nature's generous gift. Today it is classified as an organic mineral. At the same time, the quantity natural mineral quite low, which, of course, creates its high cost on jewelry market. According to the place of formation, pearls are divided into river and sea. Because he is in natural form occurs not so often, they began to reproduce it in other ways, as a result of which 3 groups are distinguished today:

  • A natural stone
  • Cultivated (human-grown)
  • Artificial

The special value of pearls are the properties of the play of light on its surface, as well as a certain characteristic brilliance.

Pearls: physical properties of the stone

The pearl stone, whose properties are highly valued in the world, got its name from the place where it grows - from the shell. In essence this mineral- these are plates of aragonite, which consists of calcium carbonate. Stone is mined in warm seas.

The composition of the pearl includes more than 80% potassium carbonate, about 12% comhiolin and 2% water. The hardness of the stone is 31.5-4, and the density is 2.175-9%. It should be borne in mind that black pearls are less dense - they are equal to 2.61-2.69. The stone is completely opaque.

by color given stone it is varied, but in general remains within the pastel range. So, for a long time the most expensive was the white color of pearls. Today it is one of the most popular. In addition, today there are stones with a variety of tints - blue, yellowish and even pink. There are also black stones in nature (today they are considered the rarest and most expensive).

There is a separate classification according to the place of origin of pearls. So, for example, a river stone is more uneven. Marine options in contrast, they have a more even ball shape. It should be borne in mind that since the product is organic, over time it can dry out, crack and even decompose. This should be taken into account when choosing optimal conditions stone storage. So, for example, dry air will negatively affect the condition of the stone, high humidity, an abundance of sweat, cosmetics, various fats and the use of household chemicals.

Mineral deposits

Naturally, many are interested in exactly where pearls grow. The fishing of such a stone has been going on for more than one century, and all places rich in it have long been known. So, for example, pearls are mined in India, in the Gulf of California, in the Bahamas. There are origins of pearls in Mexico, Tahiti, Sri Lanka, off the coast of the Persian Gulf. The mineral is also mined in Australia, America, Germany and China.

The magical and healing properties of the stone

Pearl stone, whose magical properties have been known for more than one century, is considered female stone. After all, it helps the ladies to most deeply and fully reveal their properties. If the question arises: who is the pearl stone suitable for, then we can safely say that it is better for men to refrain from using it, because. he makes them weak-willed, apathetic and lethargic.

Pearls are often called a symbol of purity and purity of soul, so they are often recommended as a gift for brides. Also, this gem helps to strengthen friendship, reduces the likelihood of betrayal and minimizes the commission of unseemly acts by relatives and friends.

If jewelry with pearls is worn by an evil and envious person, they can darken, dry out and crack.

As for the healing properties of the stone, it has a fairly pronounced effect. For example, powder from this gem has traditionally been used as a hemostatic agent. In addition, pearls are often endowed with disinfecting properties, because. according to research, it is able to stop the reproduction of bacteria and viruses.

Pearl water, which is used quite often, allows you to normalize digestion and significantly improves the quality of the skin. To receive such medicinal property enough at night to insist a couple of natural pearls in 0.5 liters of water.

Pearl stone: who suits, astrology

Naturally, astrology could not pass by such a strong stone. Therefore, the question of the compatibility of the pearl stone and the sign of the zodiac. Such a mineral will bring calmness and balance to cancers, and their pressure will also normalize.

For Taurus, such a stone is also useful in terms of combating depression, often pearls can make it easier for them to go through black streaks in life. Pearls will help relieve pride for Libra.

For Sagittarians, it is advised to choose black pearl options, which will balance psychological condition person. For Aquarius, pearls will be an excellent talisman to help get out of conflicts. The stone will help them create a good relationship with those around you. For Capricorns, the stone will become an opportunity to objectively assess the situation and find peace.

But Lions should avoid using such a stone, because. it will disturb their peace of mind and comfort with psychological point vision.

All about pearls: origin, history of occurrence

The color of pearls can be varied, it all depends on where the mollusk lives.

The resulting material can be saturated white, in nature a black or pinkish tint is often found. If the stone is the size of a pea, we can assume that it is a little over 10 years old. If the "pea" is large, it may be about 40 years old.

Pearl stone is famous for its interesting history. Natural natural material is at the very bottom, from there sailors and hunters get it. Has been in existence for 100 years alternative method pearl mining, namely artificial cultivation. This is done by a well-known Japanese company. Today you can see a large number of pearl farms, mainly located in Japan. In terms of quality, artificially mined pearls are almost the same as real ones, but they are cheaper. It has to do with getting a natural stone not just, moreover, divers risk their lives. Today, the stone is mined in South America, India, on the islands of the Caribbean.

Where is the stone mined?

As mentioned above, pearls have a rich history. It was mined in Rus', as well as in European countries. Quite often, material was extracted from the rivers of Ireland. During the Middle Ages, reserves of pearl stone were discovered in the north of Russia. As for freshwater rocks, they are mined in the USA and Bavaria. On sale there are high-quality pearls mined in Tahiti and the Red Sea, there are also rocks from Iran.

One of the most valuable is the Oriental variety (yellow pearls). This mineral is mined in the Persian Gulf, there are a lot of people living nearby who are not averse to diving and getting this luxurious material. Finding a pearl is not so easy. To do this, you need to sort out about 40 shells, the work is very complex and painstaking.

Perceptions of pearls in different countries

In Russia, pearls are often called tears of joy. The name arose because the pearl was often compared to a drop that flows from a water lily leaf into a shell. In China, pearls are the dewdrop of the goddess of love, the Chinese call it "frozen moonlight." IN Ancient Greece people believed that pearls were the tears of a sea nymph; statues of goddesses were often decorated with material.

Sea stone is of incredible beauty, in the old days they were decorated with clothes, jewelry. The material was valued not only among the nobles, but also among ordinary people. The queens liked to wear bracelets and beads made of pearls, they were often decorated with shoes. Ancient rulers admired this natural material: in order to get a string of pearls, they were ready to give a large amount of gold.

Queen Semiramis loved to wear strings of pearls, and the legendary Cleopatra accidentally swallowed a pearl that was in a glass. In Rus', pearls had unprecedented popularity; they were in demand among noble rulers and merchants. Concerning modern fashion, the stone became popular thanks to Coco Chanel. Many ladies began to wear it in combination with a little black dress. This style is distinguished by sophistication, it has a certain royal chic. In the jewelry industry, jewelery is paired with diamonds.

Contradictory characteristics

From an astrological point of view, pearls do not bring happiness. This is due to the fact that unpleasant, dark lunar energy is concentrated in it (according to ancient beliefs, it brings only the illusion of happiness). On the right ring finger you can wear a sophisticated silver ring with this precious material. There is one version: if you hold the pearl in your mouth for some time, you can calm down and find peace of mind, at the same time you can get rid of pain in the heart: this method helps to cleanse the blood of harmful substances. Some people consider pearls a symbol of love and spiritual strength.

Versions regarding magical power are rather contradictory, some astrologers do not recommend wearing a stone in the form of a ring, it is better to wear pendants, bracelets, beads. If a person is really strong in spirit, he will not be able to fall under the negative influence of the stone. It is not recommended to buy pearls for travel lovers, actors, singers and people working with children. If you feel that you are overly proud, but dream of getting rid of pride, be sure to pay attention to this lovely stone.

Pearls: magical properties

As mentioned above, the stone has been known since ancient times, the Chinese used it as a medium of exchange. Pearl was a favorite and popular mineral in the East as well as in America. Previously, it was used in distant Japan. It was believed that the person wearing the jewel would be young for many years. In Europe, it is generally accepted that pearls are a symbol of longevity. The inhabitants of India do not agree that the jewel is a symbol of an unhappy life; in their beliefs, pearls are the lord of marriage bonds.

There is a lot of information about this in modern magic. amazing stone. If you look at it for a long time, a person will feel harmony, calmness, peace. To this day, the jewel is loved and appreciated in China, it is one of the main beauty elixirs. The stone is known in Mongolia, in this country it is considered a symbol of power. Jewel during its existence brought joy to many people. The stone is a model of pure, sincere love It is generally accepted that it brings positive and a huge charge of vivacity.

In addition, the precious stone protects its owner, it quickly gets used to the owner, but does not tolerate being given again. If a person has any base, dirty thoughts, after a certain time the stone fades and loses its former attractiveness. magical properties pearls have been known since ancient times. It is generally accepted that if a pearl shines very strongly, it means that its owner has healthy energy. If you wear a ring with a natural pearl, you can warn yourself against thieves and intruders.

In addition to their magical properties, pearls have medicinal qualities. The stone is suitable for everyone, it will always help if you have problems with the digestive system, kidneys. It is believed that he is able to overcome hypertension, various nervous disorders, weakness. IN medicinal purposes water is used with this stone: it is recommended to put a few pearls in it and let it brew for exactly one night. Healing infusion can help with conjunctivitis, a problem with the gums. It will help if you have liver problems. Pearl water has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Pearls are of interest to many ladies: the stone attracts and fascinates. Jewelry made from this jewel will remain popular for a very long time.

Black pearls are considered one of the most expensive types of stones. Unique bright balls have long been popular with coastal residents. Natural black pearls are considered exquisite jewelry and an expensive present. In order to find it, you should dive into the depths of the sea, exploring sea ​​bottom, or go to the nearest jewelry store.

Black pearl: description and properties

Back in the 2nd c. BC e. people knew about what pearls are, as evidenced by ancient sources. Any variety of pearls is considered to be the product of abnormal growth in the inner layer of mollusks. The acquisition of black color depends on the mantle, near which the bead grows. Foreign bodies that are in the shell can contribute to the appearance of a pearl: grains of sand, algae, sea inhabitants. The mineral can be round, oval, pear-shaped. There are times when a pearl has other bizarre variations. Natural sea and river pearls are divided into the following forms:

  1. Spherical stone - the form of the sphere is the most valuable and rare.
  2. Elongated or flattened shape, similar to a hemisphere. Highly appreciated, after quality work by a jeweler, it can look like a perfectly round one.
  3. "Rice" - oval beads with narrow edges and a wide center.
  4. The shape of a long or short drop, mainly used for pendants, pendants, earrings.
  5. Baroque pearls with an irregular and asymmetrical shape. Sometimes it is similar to a cross, a wand, an unknown abstraction. Although baroque pearls are no different high cost, sometimes it unique shapes are valued above perfectly round beads.
  6. Semi-baroque form with a natural asymmetry, which can be similar to any of the pearls described above.
  7. The button bead is similar to a round, flat disc and is ideal for earrings.
  8. Blister - a pearl with a missing mother-of-pearl layer.
  9. Beads - the smallest bead, reaching 2 mm in diameter.

Determining the price of pearls requires analysis from a professional jeweler: often an unremarkable bead can cost hundreds of dollars.

Description of stone types:

  1. A freshwater mineral, or river pearl, found in flowing rivers. Pearls of this species can be pink and white flowers. River mineral is a versatile, popular type that has an affordable price. The freshwater stone is predominantly shaped like a baroque pearl.
  2. Sea pearls that are different correct form and gloss, produced in the right and ideal sea conditions.
  3. Imitation pearls, which are the absolute creation of man. An oyster is not involved in its manufacture. Most famous stone of this type is the Mallorca pearl, which has been produced in Spain for over 120 years. Such an invention is distinguished by an affordable price and a perfectly even shape. Distinguishing Mallorca pearls from real ones wild stone almost impossible.

In addition to the well-known types of minerals, there is a less familiar, so-called cultured pearl, which was produced by the Chinese by pushing small pieces of foreign bodies into the shell. A similar method of obtaining a stone did not take root, therefore it was replaced by Japanese method manufacturing. So, pearls, which are called non-nuclear or cultivated, appear by inserting a mother-of-pearl piece of another mollusk into the shell. Experts with vast experience are able to correctly evaluate non-nuclear minerals, since there are quite a few differences. For growing stone artificial conditions need about 7 years.

The above information about pearls does not cover the characteristics of the stone in full - it is important to be able to distinguish between varieties of stones.

Pearl varieties

The division of stones by grade does not apply to all types of pearls. So, a nuclear-free mineral can be of the following varieties:

  1. The round white Akoya mineral is a stone characterized by a perfectly pure brilliance, a round shape and a size of 10 mm.
  2. Pearls from the Southern Hemisphere, about 15 mm in size, with an imperfect shape and uneven surface. The stones are grown using the largest oyster, which gives white, silver, golden pearls.
  3. Pacific stone black or gray colors- Tahiti, whose beads reach 10 mm. It is the most rare and beautiful view cultivated mineral, therefore its rating is the highest of all.
  4. Cortes is an expensive Mexican variety, which is characterized by silver-brown, gold, brown colors. The stone is distinguished by color overflows.
  5. Biwa is a cultured freshwater pearl with a low price and a unique oblong shape. Variety presented a wide range colors than other stones.
  6. Mabe is a blister-shaped stone.

River pearls, in turn, are divided into:

  1. Kasumi is a freshwater mineral produced by the hybrid oyster. The peculiarity of the variety is iridescence, iridescence of color, a variety of shades: from white to black with a green tint.
  2. Keishi - a variety that has irregular shape and resulting from the cultivation of sea stone. It is popular because of the interesting pistachio or lavender color, as well as a unique shape.

The duration of the "life" of the stone as a jewel is small - up to 200 years. After the expiration of the term, all types of pearls fade, crack, lose their natural clean luster, and decrease in price.

How to evaluate a pearl stone?

Find out how much it costs real pearl any color, type and variety, according to several criteria:

  1. Bead sizes in millimeters: larger size - higher cost.
  2. Shape: the most valuable pearl is considered to have a smooth round shape. Finding it is extremely difficult, because it rarely happens. After round stones, regular oval and pear-shaped stones are considered perfect.
  3. Glitter strength and pearlescent layer: dullness is rated lower, and luminosity increases the cost.
  4. The number of defects and irregularities: the more imperfections on the mineral, the less valuable it is considered. However, it is important to know that what is truly smooth and even is artificial pearl. The natural origin of a stone is sometimes determined by experts, taking into account the quality and quantity of its defects.

Finding out what color pearls are is easy. It is enough to analyze the mollusk: its health, food intake, water temperature. The most valuable is the black mineral found in the depths of the sea. What are pearls, depending on the place of extraction?

  1. You can find the most expensive of the minerals in Tahiti. Mostly this area is saturated with brownish, chocolate, black specimens.
  2. Going to India, you will find a soft pink variety.
  3. real pearl yellow color found in the peninsula of Sri Lanka.
  4. The pure white mineral comes directly from Australia and Japan.
  5. The golden pearl lives on the shores of Panama.

The mineral is not only a mysterious and expensive stone, but also has a number of useful functions. The magical properties of pearls, as well as its healing power, are known to the peoples of the whole world.

Often it is the functionality of the stone that determines whether it is a real pearl or a fake.

About the magical properties of the black pearl

For hundreds of years, there has been an opinion that thanks to the mineral, one can prolong life and preserve youth and beauty. The magic of pearls extends to other areas of life. So, in the Middle Ages, the bride put on a mineral to protect herself and her family from betrayal and deceit. Now it is believed that black real pearls are capable of:

  • to give confidence to a person when communicating with new people;
  • take advantage of any situation;
  • have a calming effect;
  • get rid of delusion;
  • teach to think soberly;
  • improve communication with family and colleagues.

It is worth remembering that any deceit and deceit on the part of a person will affect pearls: the magical properties of the stone will cease to appear immediately. This function of the stone has led to its use even in the decoration of icons in churches. The mineral gets along exclusively with sincere and good-natured people. With any manifestations of vanity, pride, envy, this stone will stop its help, directing power to improve the character of a person.

Despite such pure thoughts, pearls are a natural “tricky”, therefore, before using it, it is important to analyze your compatibility. Only with full confidence that black pearl is the stone that you need, you can start using it as a talisman. To be sure whether it is possible for you or your loved one to wear pearls, knowledge of belonging to the zodiac sign will allow.

About the healing power of black pearls

The value of pearls in medicine has not been proven, but the experience of several generations shows that the stone has powerful abilities. Mostly the entire mineral is worn to improve the body: kidneys, stomach, liver. In order to cleanse the circulatory system according to the method of Tibetan doctors, it is enough to place a pearl in your mouth for 15 minutes daily. What other improvements does the stone contribute to:

  1. Increases immunity.
  2. Soothes cardiac arrhythmias.
  3. Relaxes after a busy day.
  4. Prevents aging.

It is widely believed that the color of pearls can indicate future diseases and even reveal a growing tumor. It is believed that in case of darkening, tarnishing, loss of pearl color, you should immediately consult a doctor for a complete examination.

Mineral compatibility with zodiac signs

The mineral does not correspond to all signs of the zodiac.

Consider the compatibility of the stone with individual representatives of the zodiac circle. Pisces, Aquarius, Scorpios, Gemini and Cancers are those who can wear jewelry and talismans with black pearls without fear. If when choosing suitable amulet rely on the horoscope, then you can stand aside from rash and sudden aggressive actions. Unfortunately, the stone will not be of any use to all other signs of the zodiac: it can only be used as an ordinary accessory.

The benefits of the mineral according to the sign of the zodiac:

  1. By choosing the black pearl, Cancerians provide themselves with a flood of success from all sides. The stone reveals the talents of the representatives of the sign, warns against negative influences, contributes to the development of insight. Cancers are suitable for any kind of pearls, the colors of which can be yellow, black, blue, pink.
  2. Representatives of the last zodiac sign Pisces most of all bring real freshwater pearls luck, the properties of the stone manifest themselves only when interacting with self-confident, sincere people. Pisces girls should remember that the black mineral is suitable only for ladies of the age who have a huge life, love experience behind them.
  3. People born under the sign of Gemini are the only ones who suit pearls exclusively light shades and natural origin. Light-natured individuals do not interact well with strong energy black stone. The benefit of black pearls for Gemini is the ability to detect treason and betrayal by worsening the color.
  4. Pearls for the Aquarius zodiac sign will protect sociable representatives from envy, gossip, and deceit from others. The stone can be worn as an amulet - in this case, it contributes to making the right, well-considered decisions.
  5. Scorpio is a sign of the zodiac, which is suitable only for the black mineral. This condition was influenced by the patronage of Pluto and Mars. The stone is able to assist in the search for sincere love, encourage the representatives of the sign and find joy in the present.

It is impossible to know everything about pearls due to constantly discovering new facts. But the most effective and powerful energy amulet it may turn out to be pearls, the value and help of which have been proven in practice. A convincing argument in favor of a stone as a decoration is that a flawless mineral can be worn with any look without adding unnecessary details. Black pearls are rated by their owners as the most ideal and extravagant gems.

The existing arsenal of jewelry with the mineral includes necklaces, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings, chokers and various other variations. There are many admirers of the beauty and functionality of black minerals not only ordinary people, but also real geniuses: the stone was the amulet of Alexander Pushkin.

The bewitching beauty of pearls is proof that magic exists. Pearls have their own temperament, radiate a special energy and actively attract. Learning to understand and feel energy potential pearl, you will be able to control its power, and use it for the benefit of your health and well-being.

Pearls are a precious stone, an organic mineral that is extracted from shellfish shells. It's the only one jewelry material which is obtained from shellfish. Since ancient times, it has been taken from the bottom of the sea depths by divers from the shores of Ceylon and South India, Saudi Arabia and the countries of the Persian Gulf. Pearls can be stored for almost 200 years!

For everyone and for the chosen ones

The uniqueness of pearls lies in the fact that absolutely all women in the world deserve it! Jewelry with pearls was worn by the crowned persons of the royal dynasties of Europe, Russian empresses, Russian peasant women, as well as lovely pearl divers from countless poor villages on the coast of the Indian Ocean.

Pearls are a symbol of aristocracy and impeccable taste. Along with diamonds, luxurious stone jewelry is presented annually at Christie's Geneva auction and at Sotheby's auction.

Without a pearl necklace, it is impossible to imagine the image of such cult people, unsurpassed style icons as Grace Kelly, Jacqueline Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Maria Callas, Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn.

A pearl necklace is a symbol of prosperity and at the same time a symbol of modesty and dignity. There are no women who would not like pearls! But in order to choose and wear pearls correctly, you need to be the owner of impeccable taste and know many important nuances.

The most ancient pearl in the world

In world history, there is information about large pearls found in different ends Sveta. But none of them has survived to this day, since pearls are not stored for more than 150-200 years.

One of the most ancient pearls was called the "Wandering Pearl" (in Spanish it sounds like Peregrina).

A pear-shaped pearl weighing 55.95 carats was caught by a black slave in the Pearl Islands in the 15th century. In the 16th century, it was recognized as the largest pearl in the world.

Starting with the Spanish Queen Mary Tudor, Peregrina was present at all the ceremonial dress of the Spanish female monarchs. The "wandering pearl" can be seen on the canvases of the genius Velasquez. The Spanish kings considered this pearl a crown jewel and passed it on to each other by inheritance. So Peregrine fell into the possession of Louis Napoleon, younger brother Napoleon Bonaparte.

He sold the Spanish relic to his Scottish heirs, who in turn sold it to Peregrine at Sotheby's. Then the Wandering Pearl was purchased by Richard Burton, who gave it to his famous wife, actress Elizabeth Taylor.

Three years ago, a unique pearl from the treasury of European royal families was sold to a private collection at Christie's for $12 million.

Pearls - big and small

White, black, cream, yellowish, silver, golden, blue, green, gray, pink are the main colors of pearls.

The brighter the shine, the more valuable the pearl.

The shape of pearls is spherical, pear-shaped, oval, button. The spherical shape is considered ideal. Shapeless pearls are called "Baroque".

The best pearls are selected for sale - without defects. The surface of the pearls should be perfect - without depressions, without tubercles and spots.

The larger the size, the more expensive the pearl. The size of natural pearls depends on the type of shellfish in which it was grown.

The largest sea pearl

The largest pearl of those that today known to the world, was found in 1934 in the Philippines.

Its weight is 6,370 kilograms (1280 carats).
Diameter - 238 mm.

The giant pearl grew in a huge shell of the Tridacna gigas mollusk weighing 300 kg, the age of which was determined by experts to be 450 years old. It is in the Philippines that this giant bivalve mollusk lives.

The head of the Philippine island of Palawan was the first to receive the pearl. He then gave the name to the famous gem. "Pearl of Allah" - this is how the Muslim called the miracle of the world, raised from the bottom of the sea. Five years later, he gave this treasure completely random person who saved his son's life.

Today, the cost of this pearl, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is estimated at $ 40 million. The owners carefully hide its location, planning to donate it to some museum of world importance so that millions of people from all over the world can admire this beauty.

Russian pearls

Today, not everyone knows that in the 19th century Russia was a truly pearl country! The abundance of pearls in our country shocked visiting Europeans! Every Russian woman wore pearls. Pearls were everywhere - on the dress, on the headdresses, on the boots, on the handkerchiefs. In those days, pearls were mined from the bottom of the rivers and lakes of the Russian North. Ordinary peasant women, noble women and members of the imperial family adorned themselves with pearls.

Pearl brooch of Empress Maria Feodorovna

The Russian Empress Maria Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Alexander III, like all women of the imperial family, highly valued pearls.
More than other jewelry, the Empress loved a pearl brooch, and wore it around her neck as a pendant on a black velvet ribbon.

This elegant brooch is made in the form of a diamond ribbon tied with a bow. In the center - big pearl with a pendant with two pearls.

The pearl brooch remained in the personal collection of Empress Maria Feodorovna until her death in 1928. After the death of the queen, the brooch was inherited by her eldest daughter, Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna. Xenia later sold the pearl brooch to Lady Deterding, a well-known British collector expensive jewelry. Lady Deterding made the brooch part of the necklace, and Cartier jewelers added a diamond thread to the brooch.

Why have pearls been so popular for centuries? Pearls have fascinated women all over the world, regardless of status and wealth.

The answer is simple - pearls are incredible feminine stone, the magic of which creates real miracles! Jewelry with it fantastically transforms a woman, making her image more refined and poignant, emphasizing all her virtues. Earrings, brooches, rings, necklaces - at least one of the pearl jewelry must be present in the wardrobe of a well-groomed and beautiful woman.

Pearl- this is the only mineral in the world that does not need processing. He is beautiful on his own. That is why the stone is the favorite of many ladies, craftsmen, as well as connoisseurs of jewelry.

They say that this mineral should be in the box of every self-respecting woman. pearl jewelry always look advantageous and at ease. The main thing is to know one important detail: how to wear pearls correctly.

Who wears pearls?

This delicate mineral is unique in that it matches almost all outfits. A modest pearl thread quite often serves as an addition to evening dress or business suit.

Jewelry made from this mineral is popular with ladies of any age. However, we often hear a sore point: is it possible to wear pearls unmarried girls ?

The fact is that in the old days there was a belief according to which young ladies could not wear a pearl thread without a pair. Now we can say that these are just relics of the past. On the contrary, one of the magical properties of the mineral is a successful marriage. It is believed that it is pearls that bring a girl new love if she is open to her. Therefore, it is not only possible for single young ladies to wear this stone, but also necessary.

Who is pearl suitable for?

Jewelry made from a beautiful mineral can be worn at any age and in any social status.

However, it is worth paying attention to some nuances:

  • Young ladies should not wear too many pearls. One thin thread will do.
  • But the ladies of the Balzac age are advised to wear necklaces made of several pearl strands or large pearls.
  • Girls with swarthy or tanned skin should choose golden hues mineral.
  • Pale-faced young ladies are very well suited for pink stone jewelry.
  • All women can afford the snow-white and cream colors of the product.

Pearls and zodiac signs

In astrology, they believe that the stone has a very great strength and not everyone can handle it. The mineral can be worn by purposeful and stubborn people who fanatically go to achieve their goal. The stone is most suitable for representatives of the water element: Cancers, Scorpions and Pisces. Gemini and Aquarius are also recommended a delicious mineral.

Which ones can be found here.

Pearls and zodiac signs:

  • Cancers it helps to relax and find harmony.
  • Scorpions the mineral carries a charge of vivacity and positive energy. Pearls suit them the best.
  • the mineral protects against rash and impulsive actions. It helps develop intuition and find your love.
  • Aquarius the stone protects from gossip and ill-wishers. Which one to choose as a mascot, you can find out here.
  • Gemini the mineral saves from emotional storms, as well as depression and apathy.
  • The mineral is great T dace. It harmonizes wonderfully with their calm nature. Therefore, for those who are wondering: is it possible for calves to wear pearls? The answer, of course, is yes.
  • Libra women the mineral serves as an assistant in the search for your happiness.
  • Black pearl helps Sagittarius conceived, contributes to the speedy achievement of life goals. But, alas, they cannot wear a white mineral. Which ones you will find here.
  • Capricorn shows sea pearls. It will help calm the stubborn zodiac sign. Which ones are suitable as a mascot, you can find out here.
  • the mineral will protect from enemies and ill-wishers. However, if a person born under this sign has a weak character, then pearls are contraindicated for him. He can only make the situation worse.
  • and Lions stone is not recommended. It is believed that these two signs are under too much protection of the sun, which is contrary to the power of the water mineral. , can be found here.

History of pearls

Posts about beautiful stone met in the days of the Roman Empire. Then jewelry with pearls was considered an unaffordable luxury. Only very wealthy people could afford them.

It is said that Queen Cleopatra put a pearl in a cup of wine before drinking it. Many considered this a secret recipe for her unfading beauty.

The Spanish conquerors, having conquered South America, saw temples decorated with products of unprecedented beauty. In fact, many sculptures and cathedral ceilings were framed with pearls.

Who discovered this beautiful mineral to the world remains a mystery to this day. George Frederick Kunz, an American specialist in this field, suggests that The first pearls were produced by Indian tribes of fishermen. They stumbled upon the magnificent pearls while opening their shells in search of food.

Types and colors

The magnificent mineral is so diverse in appearance and color scheme that even a professional can get confused here. Natural stone found in various and bizarre forms. Such as rice, drop, sphere, semi-sphere, baroque, semi-baroque, button, beads. ABOUT , can be found here.

Most known varieties pearls are divided into the following categories:

  • - mined in water conditions. It can be natural and cultivated. The size of such a mineral is from 4 to 7 mm, with a thick layer of mother-of-pearl. The colors of the mineral are silvery and yellowish.
  • Baroque- This is a very small type of pearl of a peculiar shape. It is found in marine and freshwater, natural and cultivated. It is often used to create beads and bracelets. Baroque colors range from silvery to reddish. More information about can be found here.
  • Tahiti This is a high quality cultured pearl. The size of its pearls is from 10 to 12 mm. The uniqueness of such a product in color. Shades of Tahiti occur from silver gray to black.
  • Akoya- round, cultivated sea mineral from 5 to 9 mm. The palette of its shades includes white, cream, silver, pink and even greenish black.
  • Ocean- This is a variety of Akoya sea pearls, but with rather large pearls: from 9 to 14 mm. The colors of such a mineral repeat the Akoya palette.
  • Pearls of the South Seas is the largest mineral round shape. He is called the "King of Pearls". The diameter of pearls is from 10 to 22 mm. The colors of such a product are varied, the pearlescent coating is thick, and the luster is unique.
  • Mabe - most large view natural pearls in the form of a sphere. It is impossible to cultivate such a product, which is why it has a high price. The colors of this mineral vary from silver to black. The diameter of pearls is from 8 to 20 mm.
  • Kasumi - it is grown on the lake of the same name in Japan. The uniqueness of such a product in unusual modulations from golden to purple. The shape of pearls is very unusual.
  • Mallorca - This is an artificial Spanish pearl. He's pretty High Quality, various colors and shapes. The size of pearls reaches 20 mm. Detailed article about here.

How and where are pearls mined?

As you know, an organic mineral has been mined directly from the water for many centuries. Sri Lanka, China, USA, Russia, Ireland and even Iran are all countries where pearl deposits are located. For many years, a natural mineral was mined from the water depths by fishermen and hunters.

However, for more than 100 years there has been another way of extracting stone - artificial cultivation. The founder of this process is a well-known Japanese company. Nowadays, there are a large number of special pearl farms in Japan.

Artificially grown stone in appearance is practically indistinguishable from the real one. Its cost is cheaper than natural product. And this is justified, because people, getting it out of the water depths, risk their lives.

Medicinal properties

A wonderful mineral to everything else and is a wonderful healer. It is claimed that pearls can cure various diseases and even stop new ones.

This mineral treats diseases such as:

  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Problems with the kidneys and liver.
  • Hypertension, nervous disorders and weakness of the body.
  • Problems with gums.
  • Conjunctivitis.

They say that water with infused pearls also has its own power. To do this, put a few pearls in a glass of water and leave overnight. Experts say that such water has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects on the human body.

magical properties

Pearls are surrounded by a lot of mystical secrets.

And each country has its own legend:

  • In China, the mineral is honored and considered a symbol of fertility.
  • IN European countries it is said that pearls bring longevity to its owner.
  • In India, it is a symbol of prosperity, improvement, and also marriage.
  • In Japan, pearls are considered a symbol of youth.
  • The Mongols claim that the mineral gives power to its owner.

And they say that only a person with a pure soul and thoughts can wear pearls. Therefore, earlier human self-interest was defined in this way. If the pearl thread fades on a person, it means that his soul is not open. This man hides his dirty and vile intentions. And vice versa, if a pearl shines on someone, then its owner is healthy, and his energy is clean.

Cultured pearls

One of the varieties of pearls is considered cultured. It is very similar to the natural mineral, however, there is a slight difference. Cultured pearls create in natural conditions but with human intervention. The process is possible both in fresh and sea water.

In order to obtain pearls in this way, it is necessary to introduce an implant into the body of an oyster. This method is unique in that the result can be planned in advance. Scientists have developed a whole scheme, as a result of which, we get desired shape, size and even color of the pearl.

The time frame for creating such a masterpiece varies 4 to 24 months. Depending on what result we want to get. Pearls growing up to 24 months are covered with a thick layer of mother-of-pearl. To check whether the product has reached the desired thickness and size, specialists use x-rays.

Products with pearls

Pearl jewelry has always been considered an indicator good taste. This magnificent mineral combines tenderness and luxury. The perfect combination that conquered more than one heart is pearls and gold.

This is just an amazing option for a ring. Such jewelry is often given by young people to their brides. Therefore, to the burning question, on which finger to wear pearls? You can easily answer in the nameless.

Pearl beads are beautiful on their own. They serve as a great addition to the outfits of fashionistas. However, for lovers of chic, there are many options for combining pearls with precious metals.

Black pearls are beautiful and at the same time frightening. Many are afraid of the color of this mineral. Therefore, one of the rather popular questions is: is it possible to wear black pearls? In many countries, it is believed that it is he who protects his owner from the evil eye, misfortunes and troubles. Therefore, it is a must to wear it. True, some are sure that he protects only women. But this does not stop male fashionistas.

stone care

Pearls are a rather finicky stone. Therefore, it requires care heightened attention. But don't be afraid.

  • After each wearing, pearl products should be wiped from the remnants of sweat, dust and cosmetics. To do this, use pure soft tissue slightly moistened with filtered water.
  • You should not often wear pearls in the open rays of the sun. From this, the product can quickly crack.
  • The thread on which a pearl necklace is strung must be changed every year.
  • Cleaning mineral products at home should be done very carefully. This can be done with shampoo, jewelry paste or olive oil.

Where can you buy pearls and how much does it cost?

You can buy pearl products in specialized jewelry stores or via the Internet.

The cost of the mineral is significantly different, it depends on the type of pearl:

  • The price for 1 natural pearl fluctuates $1,000 to $10,000 .
  • The cost of 1 cultured pearl varies from 100 to 600 dollars .
  • Black cultured mineral will cost from 1000 dollars per piece .
  • Riverside cultured pearls worth from 20 to 100 dollars for 1 pearl .