Eyelash care at home: useful tips and tricks. Eyelash growth activators: truth and myths. Folk remedies for eyelashes

Shining expressive eyes, framed lush eyelashes with a graceful curve, have always been a win-win weapon for women in the fight for man's heart. And therefore, those beauties who do not have such “wealth”, but want to have it, are forced to resort to various tricks: to use decorative cosmetics, constantly curl your eyelash hairs with special tweezers, wear false eyelashes. And those who do not want to spend time on makeup every day or endure the inconvenience of wearing artificial hairs that tend to come off at the most inopportune moment, resort to such a popular cosmetic procedure as extensions. Thanks to it, you can turn thin, sparse and inconspicuous eyelashes into a luxurious “fan” of any desired length and thickness in a fairly short period of time.

However, this technique also has certain disadvantages, and the most important of them is the need for careful eyelash care after its use. If your eyelash extensions are not properly cared for, they are unlikely to last long and the procedure will have to be repeated. In addition, after removing artificial hairs, you can often notice that natural hairs have become weak, thin and fragile. This means that they require emergency recovery. So, how to properly care for eyelashes after extensions and what procedures should be carried out to restore their beauty and health?

Why take care of eyelashes after extensions?

Eyelash extensions are a popular technique, the essence of which is to glue single or pre-assembled synthetic fibers to natural eyelashes using an adhesive composition. Extensions are considered an absolutely harmless manipulation with a fairly long-lasting effect, but if you do not properly care for your eyelashes after performing it, this can lead to such negative consequences, How:

  • premature loss of synthetic eyelashes due to dissolution of the adhesive base or mechanical impact;
  • damage to natural eyelash hairs, their fragility or loss with the bulb;
  • deformation of eyelash extensions, change in their bend and direction;
  • injuries to the skin of the eyelids and conjunctiva (mucous membrane of the eyes);
  • development of inflammatory processes in the eye area.

Regarding the last two points, such problems, as a rule, arise infrequently. This usually occurs due to poor eye hygiene or neglect to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the eyelids and eyelash hairs. And the other troubles described above are practically guaranteed in the absence of proper eyelash care after extensions.

How to care for eyelashes after extensions: basic rules

Once you become the owner of beautiful eyelash extensions, you need to constantly take care of them in order to maintain the effect for a long time. Try from the very first day to follow the useful advice given by makeup artists and professional cosmetologists those involved in this procedure:

  • The first and main rule, which you should be warned about at the beauty salon, is that eyelash extensions can only be wetted 3-4 hours after the procedure. Otherwise, the glue may lose its properties and soften, as a result of which the artificial fibers will fall off in the near future.
  • After extensions, you should not rub your eyes with your hands or a handkerchief or touch the synthetic eyelashes to test their strength. Any touch to them can lead to damage to the entire “structure” and cause artificial hairs to fall out, often along with natural ones.
  • If you like to sleep on your stomach, you will have to give up this position while wearing eyelash extensions. If your face comes into contact with the pillow while you sleep, both artificial and natural eyelash hairs may break and fall out.
  • You can use decorative mascara after extensions, but it should not be waterproof, otherwise, by removing it using special products, you can soften the adhesive base, through which synthetic hairs are fixed to natural ones. Other cosmetics (eye shadows, pencils, eyeliners) are also not contraindicated, but you need to wash them off very carefully, trying not to touch your eyelashes (for convenience, you can remove makeup cotton swab, soaked in cleansing milk).
  • If you have any problems with the skin around your eyes (wrinkles, dark circles, swelling), and you have to regularly use cosmetics to eliminate them, choose creams, serums and masks that do not contain fatty components, and try to avoid contact with eyelashes when applying them to the eye area. Do not use vegetable oils for leather care, as they can dissolve the glue.
  • You can only wash your face warm water with gentle products (gels or foams). After water procedures You can’t wipe your face with a towel (it needs to be blotted carefully). When conducting cosmetic procedures for facial skin care, do not take hot baths, as under the influence of steam artificial eyelashes may come off. For the same reason, it is not recommended to visit a bathhouse or sauna (at least during the first week after extensions).
  • It is recommended to comb eyelash extensions daily with a small brush - this will help them maintain the required form and look neat. In addition, such manipulations improve blood circulation in the skin of the eyelids and stimulate the work of hair follicles, preventing their deformation. Eyelash extension specialists advise using after the procedure special means- sealants. Thanks to them, you can increase the duration of wearing artificial hairs.
  • Eyelash extensions require regular correction, which should be done every 2-3 weeks. If you do not plan to continue wearing artificial eyelashes, after certain time you will need to remove it using a special product (remover) or warm vegetable oil(if you don't want to use "chemistry"). Of course, it is better to remove synthetic hairs in a salon, but if you have enough experience, you can do it yourself. Keep in mind that even if natural eyelashes look good after peeling off artificial ones, do not break or fall out more often than usual, they need to be provided complete care using special serums, compresses or masks (the latter can be easily prepared at home from natural products).
  • To prevent the condition from getting worse natural eyelashes After extensions, you need not only to treat them with the utmost care, but also to monitor your own health, eat right and take balanced vitamin complexes. It is also necessary to systematically care for the skin of the eyelids, since it contains hair follicles And blood vessels, thanks to which the hairs are provided with nutrients.

Home remedies for eyelash care after extensions

As mentioned above, eyelash extensions must be removed after a certain amount of time, and even if the natural hairs on the eyelids look healthy after that, they still need special care, which involves the use of restorative agents. The best option for use at home are self-prepared masks and compresses, which can be done daily (if available). serious problems with eyelashes) or 2-3 times a week (for preventive purposes). So, the recipes:

Recipe No. 1


  • olive oil - 10 drops;
  • castor oil - 10 drops;
  • peach oil - 10 drops;
  • almond oil - 10 drops.

How to prepare and use:

  • Pour all the oils into a small container (for example, into a clean mascara tube) and mix.
  • Lubricate the eyelashes with the composition, wait about 20 minutes, then remove the remaining product with a cotton pad.

The listed oils in combination with each other work in several directions at once: they restore the structure of eyelashes, strengthen them to the very tips and stimulate the growth of new hairs.

Recipe No. 2


  • aloe juice - 15 drops;
  • parsley juice - 20 drops;
  • little burdock - 15 drops.

How to prepare and use:

  • Mix the above ingredients and carefully apply the resulting mixture to the eyelashes.
  • Leave the mask on for a quarter of an hour (you can keep it on a little longer if tolerated well), and then wipe the eye area with a dry cloth.

Thanks to this mask, you can not only improve the condition of eyelashes and normalize the process of their loss, but also increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin of the eyelids.

Recipe No. 3


  • chamomile flowers - 10 g;
  • blue cornflower flowers - 10 g;
  • fragrant thyme - 10 g;
  • calendula flowers - 10 g;
  • boiling water - 300 ml.

How to prepare and use:

  • Pour all the plant material into one container and fill it with boiling water.
  • Let the mixture sit for at least 40 minutes.
  • Strain the prepared solution, soak gauze swabs in it and apply them to the eyelids for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the compresses and rinse your face with cool water.

Using a compress of herbal decoction, you can strengthen the roots of the eyelashes, restore the structure of the hairs and prevent their massive loss.

Caring for eyelashes after eyelash extensions is not that difficult, but it largely determines whether your own eyelashes will be beautiful and strong and whether they can withstand subsequent procedures of this kind if the need arises.

Natural fluffy eyelashes are the adornment of any fashionista, because they make our look bright, delicate, and feminine.

However, not every girl can boast of the thickness of her eyelashes. Sometimes, when there is a shortage nutrients eyelashes fall out, become thinner, and lose their shine. The condition of eyelashes is also affected chronic diseases And inflammatory processes in organism.

Proper home care for eyelashes will restore them to their former beauty, making them thicker, longer and brighter.

Healthy eyelashes renew themselves within a few months. If you lose a couple of eyelashes when removing your makeup, don't worry, this is a normal process. But for the purpose of prevention, it is recommended that absolutely all women of any age take care of their eyelashes, and at least occasionally pamper them with nourishing masks.

1. Mascara has a huge impact on the condition of eyelashes. Choose the most high-quality cosmetics, with the lowest content of harmful chemical elements. Expensive branded mascara necessarily contains a caring agent. vitamin complex, which protects eyelashes from drying out and prevents their loss. Try to use mascara as little as possible, only for special occasions.

  • Which mascara is better to choose?

    2. Before going to bed, all eye makeup should be washed off. Sleeping with eye makeup is unacceptable! To remove makeup, it is recommended to use special products around the eyes. Warmed vegetable oil may be suitable for this purpose. The worst makeup remover is soapy water. If you suffer from the habit of washing your eyes with soap, stop it immediately. You will dry out the skin around your eyes, cause wrinkles to appear, and eyelashes will begin to fall out.

    3. Place the eyelash curler in the far corner; daily use will make eyelashes brittle and dull.

    Folk remedies for eyelashes:

    The structure of eyelashes is identical to our hair: their building material is protein. Therefore, the most effective means Cosmetic vegetable oil can be considered to strengthen and grow eyelashes. Oils are enriched with protein, vitamins and minerals.

    Peach and almond oil perfectly moisturizes eyelashes, stimulates their growth and prevents loss.

    Castor oil with rum. It's effective home remedy to stimulate eyelash growth. Mix castor oil and rum in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture to your eyelashes 2-3 times a week to enhance their growth.

    Cosmetic oil with vitamin A. From any cosmetic oil you can prepare effective mask for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes. Olive, fir, castor, sea buckthorn, almond or wheat germ oil are suitable for this purpose. Add a few drops of vitamin A to a teaspoon of oil and apply to eyelashes 3-4 times a week.

    Petrolatum has moisturizing and softening properties. It is recommended to use it for dry, brittle eyelashes that are prone to falling out. Lubricate your eyelashes with Vaseline once a week.

    Eyelash masks are convenient to do in the evening. However, before going to bed, it is advisable to remove excess oil with a cotton swab. During sleep, there is a risk of oil getting into the eyes, which can cause swelling, especially for allergy sufferers.

    Folk remedies for eyelashes can transform your look within a few weeks. Take care of your eyelashes regularly, then they will delight you with their shine and thickness.

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    Gelatin instead of Botox: nutrition + face lifting

  • Beautiful, thick and long eyelashes are the dream of every woman. But to make it a reality, you need to know how to care for your eyelashes correctly.

    Many girls experience increased eyelash fragility. If the eyelashes are very rare and fall out, you need to take immediate action. These issues can be resolved with daily and proper care.

    • Related article:

    Eyelash loss: what to do?

    The “life” of a human eyelash lasts approximately 90 days, after which it falls out, while complete renewal of the eyelashes occurs in 7 weeks. Therefore, you should not worry too much if you notice a fallen eyelash. However, if they literally begin to get enough sleep and become less and less frequent, you need to seriously think about curative care after them. First you need to try to determine the reason that caused eyelash loss:
    • Various diseases.
    • A sharp decrease in the body's natural defense function (immunity).
    • Inflammation or allergy of the eyes.
    • Incorrect or excessive eyelash care.
    • Using low-quality cosmetics.
    If the eyelashes began to fall out not because of complete absence care, then there is a need to consult a doctor. In some cases, this may be the first sign of certain problems in the body that require immediate treatment.

    First you need to take care of proper nutrition eyelashes The eyelashes themselves are made of keratin, a high-molecular protein. This substance also found in pepper and. That is why it will be useful to add all these foods to your daily diet. Thanks to this approach, it will be possible to significantly strengthen the eyelashes, as well as prevent the onset of their loss.

    Needed with special attention choose mascara, while giving preference to exclusively high-quality cosmetic products from famous brands. You should completely stop purchasing mascara from street vendors, as using such cosmetics can cause serious harm to your health.

    If, after applying mascara to your eyelashes, an unpleasant feeling of itching or burning appears, you need to wash it off as quickly as possible and forever abandon low-quality cosmetics. It is advisable to choose mascara that contains keratin and a lot of vitamins. That is why, before purchasing, you need to not only read the composition of the product, but also consult with the seller.

    Before going to bed, it is imperative to remove makeup and give your eyelashes a chance to rest. You need to remove eye makeup in the direction of the cheekbones from the bridge of the nose. The remover is applied to the lower and upper eyelashes, left for half a minute, then removed with a clean cotton pad. It is strictly forbidden to rub your eyelashes with force, otherwise, after the procedure, several eyelashes will fall out, which will provoke the formation of premature wrinkles.

    The greatest importance for accelerating the growth and thickness of eyelashes is the correct and balanced diet. Doctors recommend completely abstaining or trying to minimize the consumption of flour and various sweets. Entering human body, carbohydrates interfere with the absorption of substances and vitamins that help strengthen eyelashes. You need to consume the maximum amount of fresh fruits and vitamins, freshly prepared natural juices, as they contain not only valuable vitamins, but also microelements necessary for eyelashes.

    When going to the beach, you need to take with you Sunglasses, because negative impact Ultraviolet radiation also affects eyelashes.

    Home eyelash care

    In order for your eyelashes to be not only strong, but also healthy, they need proper care, which you can easily do yourself at home, the main thing is to stick to a few simple tips. Do not forget that care should be both regular and daily, because only if this condition is met will it be possible to achieve the goal.


    It depends on proper cleansing how appearance eyelashes and theirs general state. Many girls make one serious mistake - when washing their face and removing makeup, they use alcohol products or alkaline soaps, with which they can remove makeup the first time.

    The fact is that alkali and alcohol products dry out the eyelashes greatly, making them very brittle. Eyelash care is based on the same rules as hair care.

    For cleansing, it is necessary to select only gentle, soft remedies- for example, milk or tonic that does not contain alcohol. An oil composition is also suitable for this purpose. Ideal option will natural oils- for example, simple olive oil, as it can quickly remove makeup no worse than expensive products.

    There are a lot of different recipes that will help you care for your eyelashes at home. Not only are they very effective, but they also have no high cost, since most components can be purchased at any pharmacy. To restore eyelashes, it is recommended to use the following methods:
    • Mix castor oil and fish fat. Ready mix applied to the eyelashes for one month, after which a short break is taken. Literally after a few procedures it will be noticeable desired result.
    • Take burdock and castor oil in equal proportions, then add the same amount of vitamin E oil solution. A little is added to the mixture fresh juice aloe. Next, the product is carefully poured into an empty and washed tube from under the mascara and for a month, before going to bed, the mixture is applied to the eyelashes with a brush and evenly distributed along the entire length. Once the desired result is obtained, it is recommended to use this mixture periodically as a prophylactic.
    • It also brings benefits regular use balm made from petroleum jelly (10 g), castor oil (7 g) and tannin (0.25 g). Everything you need can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. All components are mixed well, and the resulting mass is applied to the eyelashes with a brush every day for a month. After several procedures, the eyelashes become stronger, thicker, and silkier.
    • You can also use nutritious massage mixture, prepared from castor oil (1 teaspoon) and chopped fresh parsley. The resulting mass is applied to the eyelashes and eyelids, then a light massage is performed. At the end of the procedure, you need to wash with warm water. This mask gives an amazing result - not only the eyelashes, but also the skin of the eyelids takes on a well-groomed and blooming appearance, since parsley contains a large number of keratin. However, apply this technique It is possible only if there is no allergy to the herbal ingredients used.
    To restore and treat injured, weakened eyelashes, you can use not only homemade masks and balms, but also modern cosmetics. However, before starting to use them, it is useful to consult a cosmetologist, since some products can provoke the formation of a rather strong allergic reaction.

    Video with tips about eyelash care.

    How to properly care for eyelashes at home so that they always remain thick, long, do not fade, break or fall out? Useful tips will help you make them very beautiful and expressive. Use recipes for folk remedies for eyelash care.

    Eyelashes - decoration women's eyes, which makes the look expressive, mysterious and attractive. Unfortunately, it often happens that they quickly fade, lose their color, break and stop growing.

    To avoid all this and keep them beautiful for a long time, you need to provide high-quality and complete care for your eyelashes at home: you just need to follow just a few rules. This concerns correct application decorative cosmetics, which often cause significant harm. This also includes the ability to use folk remedies that prolong the beauty and youth of eyelashes.

    For home eyelash care to be high-quality and effective, it must, first of all, be regular. If you try to do something only from time to time, when some important meeting is coming up, and then safely abandon your eyelashes until the next time, there will be no results.

    The effectiveness of express methods for their resuscitation is too short-lived to be appreciated. It is much more effective to take small steps, but constantly move towards your cherished dream- have long, bright, thick eyelashes. So, where to start caring for them at home?

    All women want to have beautiful, long and thick eyelashes: according to the above recommendations, it will help you achieve this in the most short time and on a long period time.

    Be sure to stick to these simple, but very effective rules, - and the dream will become reality. Moreover, these activities do not require any large-scale financial expenditures. The only thing many people lack is time and patience. For purposeful natures, this is not an obstacle. Folk remedies play a big role in home eyelash care.

    Folk remedies for eyelash care: recipes

    Includes home eyelash care and folk remedies, the recipes of which will be useful for all women to know. They are prepared from improvised means: cosmetic oils, food, herbal infusions. So you won’t really need to splurge on them either. However, they will still need to be given enough attention and time.

    Don't rush to try all the recipes at once. Try to select one thing, apply it for a week or two, and evaluate the result. And only after that decide whether it’s right for you this recipe Or is it worth continuing the selection and trying something else.

    Eyelash care oils

    In order for eyelashes to grow well, to be long, dark, and voluminous, you must use various cosmetic oils in your home care. Burdock, sea buckthorn and olive are excellent for this purpose. What exactly should you do with them?

    • Determine what kind of oil you will treat your beloved eyelashes. Castor oil makes them thicker, burdock oil accelerates growth, sea buckthorn oil prevents fragility and loss, olive oil preserves color and makes them softer and fluffier.
    • If the choice is made at olive oil, you need to take it unrefined.
    • Be sure to check if you are allergic to the oil you choose. To do this, lubricate the skin on your wrist with oil for a few minutes and then rinse. After this you should not have any problems discomfort: no itching, no redness, no discomfort or burning. If you do not carry out such a test, the morning after the procedure you risk waking up with swollen and reddened eyelids.
    • You will need a clean, dry mascara wand. It needs to be dipped in the chosen oil and applied carefully, not very generously, to the eyelashes in the same way as you do with mascara.
    • When applied, the oil should be room temperature.
    • It is very important during this procedure to ensure that the oil does not get into your eyes., otherwise it may cause severe irritation and redness of the mucous membrane. To prevent this from happening, lubricate your eyelashes with the product, starting only from their middle.
    • If you wear contact lenses, you must remove them before the procedure, and then do not use them for at least 2-3 hours after removing the oil from the eyelashes.
    • There is no need to keep cosmetic oils on your eyelashes for too long. Start with 10 minutes. If the first procedures take place without side effects, and the results satisfy you, gradually the time the oil is left on the eyelashes can be extended to 25–30 minutes.
    • So that the oil does not remain on the eyelashes, It is recommended to remove it with a dry cotton pad.
    • You can make masks from oils every day for 4-5 weeks. It's better to do this at night. After a month, it is advisable to take a break so that the eyelashes have a rest from such intensive restoration and care and do not have time to get used to the active substances of the products used.

    Eyelash care gives especially excellent results castor oil, which accelerates their growth, makes them more voluminous and thick.

    If you do everything correctly and use cosmetic oils for this purpose wisely, after 2–3 weeks of intensive use the first results will be noticeable.

    Herbal compresses

    For home care for eyelashes they also use decoctions from various medicinal herbs. They are prepared, and then lotions are made from them for the eyes, which have a beneficial effect on the roots of the eyelashes, thereby promoting their active and enhanced growth. How to make such compresses correctly?

    • Decide what herb you will use to make the compress. Usually, chamomile, cornflower, and calendula are used for these purposes.
    • Herbal compresses for the eyes are good because they have a complex effect on the skin of the eyelids (have a tightening effect), and on the mucous membrane of the eyes (remove redness), and most importantly, on the condition of the eyelashes, strengthening them and making them thicker and longer.
    • Make sure you are not allergic to these herbs.
    • You can buy herbs at the pharmacy, or you can stock up on them yourself.
    • One tablespoon of medicinal dry raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for 2–3 hours and filtered thoroughly.
    • In this infusion at room temperature two cotton pads, squeeze out and apply to the eyelids.
    • During the procedure, you need to relax and lie quietly.
    • Leave the compress on the eyes for 10–15 minutes.
    • After this, just blot your eyelids with a dry cotton pad.
    • There is no need to wash your face after this.
    • Such compresses can be done both in the morning and in the evening every day.
    • The course of this unique treatment for eyelashes is about 2-3 weeks, after which you need to take a break for a month.

    Herbal compresses for eyelashes rarely cause side effects and allergies.

    Therefore, if for some reason someone cannot use cosmetic oils as part of home eyelash care, this option is a way out of the situation.

    Be sure to use these recipes to make your eyelashes long, thick and voluminous.

    Eyelash care massage

    Every day before bed, after a compress of medicinal herbs or a mask of cosmetic oils, do a light eyelid massage. This is necessary not only for caring for the skin around the eyes, but also for strengthening and growing eyelashes.

    Using patting movements, move your fingertips along the upper and lower eyelids. Rub them gently, pressing lightly. Usually 5 minutes of such a massage is enough for the eyelash follicles to receive the right amount oxygen necessary for their active and full growth.

    If the condition of the eyelashes is catastrophic (they break badly, become dull, etc.), you will need intensive eyelash care, which may include the use of several folk remedies at once. You can simultaneously do massage, masks, and various lotions.

    The main thing is not to overdo it all, distribute the amount of funds used evenly and competently. And before that, check them all for the presence of allergens, because the skin around the eyes is very delicate and reacts very quickly to any aggressive components. However, not only folk remedies for eyelash care can be used to preserve their beauty and youth. Right choice decorative cosmetics also means a lot.

    Decorative cosmetics for eyelashes

    There is probably no woman who does not use decorative cosmetics to care for her eyelashes. With the help of the most ordinary mascara, they can be made twice as long and thicker. But few beauties think about the cost of achieving this.

    Are you sure of the safety of those store supplies which ones do you use? And don't they cause harm? The right choice of eye cosmetics is a guarantee of youth and beauty of your eyelashes for a long time. Use our advice - and you will not have any problems in this matter.

    • Buy expensive, high-quality eye cosmetics.
    • Choose only waterproof mascara that will not fall off your eyelashes throughout the day.
    • You can find a special one “for sensitive eyes”: it has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane and on the eyelashes themselves.
    • Do not use expired product.
    • Before you purchase a product, check out what is included in the mascara. Choose the one in which they will be present keratin(natural construction material eyelashes), lanolin(moisturizes and makes eyelashes less brittle), melanin(protects eyelashes from aggressive influence various external factors), castor oil (nourishes from the very roots), vitamins F(fatty acid), A(retinol), E(tocopherol), AT 5(pantothenic acid) - they actively nourish eyelashes, give them silkiness, and stimulate their growth. Preservatives There is no need to be afraid of the ingredients in mascara: they protect against germs.

    Eyelashes - amazing decoration women's eyes, which you need to know how to care for. If you think about them in time, regularly devote just a little attention and time to them, in the future you will not have to face many unpleasant moments.

    The eyes are known to be the mirror of the soul. If they are decorated with thick, long, chic eyelashes that have a rich black color, then the look becomes more attractive. At the same time, the face acquires greater expressiveness and spirituality. Eyelashes require daily care. Unfortunately, they are becoming thinner, shorter and sparse due to poor nutrition, use of low-quality cosmetics and poor environmental conditions. These factors must be resisted in order to stop the process of hair loss and strengthen the eyelashes.

    Reasons contributing to the deterioration of eyelashes

    For any woman, hair loss lining the eyelids is a real problem. The reasons contributing to its occurrence are:

    Use of low quality cosmetics;

    Lack of microelements and vitamins in the body;

    Various health problems;


    What should I do?

    It is possible that eyelash loss is accompanied by poor health. In this case, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist. Poor appearance of hair and eyelashes is a reflection of the condition of all human organs and systems. But in the case when health full order, you just need to properly care for your eyelashes, which are the decoration of your eyes. In this case, the procedures carried out should be as regular as possible.

    Eyelash care at home

    The hairs that decorate the eyes and also protect them from dirt, dust and small insects should be constantly taken care of. Every evening you need to remove makeup from your eyelashes. If you don’t do this, you may find lost hairs on your pillow in the morning. Proper care caring for eyelashes at home requires removing mascara from them with special cosmetics, making careful movements. It should not be stretched delicate skin around the eyes and rub your face. Do not remove makeup with soap. It dries out the skin and eyelash hairs. After removing makeup, apply to the face and area around the eyes. special cream. Caring for eyelashes at home involves the use of high-quality cosmetics, including decorative ones. The choice of shadows, mascara and creams should be dictated by the safety of their use, as well as practicality.

    How to strengthen eyelashes at home

    Very useful for the hairs framing the eyelids is to apply a special mixture to them. It is made from oil solutions of vitamins E and A, which are mixed with regular vegetable oil. The prepared product must be applied to the eyelashes. However, you should avoid getting it into your eyes. Eyelash care at home, which will help strengthen them, can be done using massage oil. To obtain it, prepare a mixture of chopped parsley, aloe juice and vegetable oil. Massage movements this remedy Apply to eyelashes and eyelids. The procedure should be carried out carefully, avoiding contact of the mixture with the mucous membrane of the eyes.

    Long eyelashes at home

    Natural oils have been used for hair growth, shine and strengthening since ancient times. Most often, castor, flaxseed, burdock, almond and coconut oil are used for this, as well as oil obtained from wheat germ.