Fundamentals of legal education of preschool children

Fundamentals of legal education of preschoolers

legal education preschooler norm


The most important achievement of the Russian education system over the past decades is its reorientation to the principles of humanization, to educating the younger generation in the spirit of universal values ​​and ideals of the world. In the light of this, two most important tasks are defined: social - a significant change in the situation of the child in Russia and pedagogical - the formation of an elementary legal culture of young members of society.

Analyzing the current state of the problem - legal education, it should be noted that in the conditions of humanization and democratization of our society main reason its relevance is the increased interest in individuality, personality. Today it has become obvious that society needs a socially mature, free personality with legal knowledge.

The deterioration of the situation of children, the decline in health and well-being, the growth of social maladaptation of children, manifested in violation of moral standards and illegal actions, early alcoholism and drug addiction, criminalization of the consciousness and behavior of a significant part of the growing generation require the activation of state policy in the interests of children. The new ethics is to recognize childhood as a full-fledged stage, a natural period in the life of every child.

Ensuring such an approach is possible only if the state creates and provides appropriate conditions. The task can be solved by changing approaches to educational activities, rejecting authoritarianism in education, which, in turn, involves building the whole process through multilateral activities based on interaction, cooperation, respect, trust in the child, through the creation of conditions in this process for its self-realization as a social subject. Such changes are directly related to increased attention to the realization of the rights of the child.

A significant contribution to the development of the theory, methodology and practice of legal education, the formation of the legal culture of various social groups society was made by philosophers, lawyers, teachers, psychologists, teachers-practitioners.

In different periods of the development of Russian education, the problems of legal education were considered in the works of N.P. Verbitsky, I.F. Ryabko, E.V. Tatarintseva, V.V. Tishenko. The basis for building an educational process aimed at the formation of moral and legal consciousness and behavior are the ideas of N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko. The works of L.S. Vygotsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, in which the pedagogical process is considered on the basis of the humanistic principle of cooperation between adults and children.

However, the analysis of scientific pedagogical literature and practice led to the conclusion that despite the presence of a fairly extensive literature on the problems of legal education, not all of its theoretical aspects have been developed to the same extent. Among the most urgent is the problem of legal education of children preschool age.

The need from an early age to form in a child a sense of faith in himself, in his rights and obligations, is associated with the positive influence of these personality traits on his self-attitude, self-acceptance, self-awareness. Attention to oneself, a gradual awareness of one's rights and obligations contributes to the fact that the child learns to be more free, learns to respect himself and other people, understand their feelings, experiences, actions, thoughts (S.A. Kozlova).

Thus, one of the areas of legal education is the formation of children's ideas about themselves, their rights and obligations, which involves:

acquaintance with the basic human rights, their duties (in an accessible form, with the involvement of visual material);

creation of conditions for the formation of knowledge about the moral and legal norms of behavior;

development of ideas about the usefulness, expediency of using human rights in the process of relationships.

The relevance of the study is confirmed by the following characteristics:

§ it together reflects the issues of mental, moral, aesthetic, legal education;

§ is interdisciplinary in nature: it integrates knowledge of general and preschool pedagogy, child psychology, and legal sciences;

§ meets the promising directions of improving the education of a person, allowing you to solve the most important modern conditions the tasks of forming the foundations of planetary consciousness and moral behavior, respectful attitude to human rights, which develops the highest manifestations of his spirituality (humane attitudes towards other people).

Object of study: the process of legal education of preschool children.

Subject of study: forms and methods of work on the legal education of older preschoolers.

The purpose of the study: to theoretically study and experimentally prove the role different forms and methods of work in the legal education of preschoolers.

Hypothesis: the process of legal education of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution will be effective if the following conditions are met if:

In accordance with the problem, object, subject, purpose and hypothesis, the following research objectives were formulated:

.to carry out a theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research topic;

.develop criteria and levels of legal education of older preschoolers;

.to determine the main forms and methods of work on the formation of ideas about human rights in older preschoolers.

Theoretical, empirical and mathematical methods were used to solve the tasks:

study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem;

study and analysis of popular science and fiction for children;

pedagogical experiment (stating, forming, control);

observation, pedagogical situations (natural and specially modeled), method " unfinished sentences»;

conversation, survey, questioning;

method of qualitative and quantitative processing of the obtained data.

The empirical basis of the study was MDOU - "Jalil kindergarten No. 1" Beryozka "of a general developmental type" by Sarmanovsky municipal district RT.

The structure of the work: the course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, an application.

1. Theoretical foundations of the study of the legal education of children of senior preschool age

.1 Pedagogical research on the problem of legal education of preschool children

Now in our society the role of legal education of citizens is significantly increasing, the responsibility of a person for his own destiny is growing. Legal norms allow you to streamline social relations, people's behavior. They determine what is “possible” and what is “not possible”, how to act in a given situation. From the first steps that the child takes on his own, choosing ways to behave, knowledge of the law should help him.

The potential of the child in the field of his intellectual and moral development is higher than is commonly believed. Meanwhile, the opportunities missed at preschool age are not subsequently replenished or are replenished with difficulty. At preschool age, it is possible to significantly activate the cognitive interests of the child, contribute to the education of self-confidence, will, a benevolent attitude towards people, a sense of being a man of the earth and a citizen of his own country.

Legal culture is not limited to knowledge, assessments, attitudes, it is wider than the sphere of consciousness, as it includes the direct actions of a person, his behavior in various, often unforeseen situations. It presupposes the ability and willingness of a person to solve his life problems, to live among people, to communicate with them, focusing on the rule of law and not going beyond the law.

This problem is widely represented in legal documents(Declaration of the Rights of the Child, Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislative acts on the rights of the child). The scientific and pedagogical substantiation of the problem of legal education in different periods of the development of Russian education was considered in the works of N.P. Verbitsky, I.F. Ryabko, E.V. Tatarintseva, V.V. Tishenko. The basis for the construction of moral and legal consciousness and behavior are the ideas of N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko. The works of L.S. Vygotsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, in which the pedagogical process is considered on the basis of the humanistic principle of cooperation between adults and children.

On the recommendation of UNESCO, human rights education, i.e. legal education, is proposed to begin at the preschool level. Today, in domestic preschool pedagogy, this problem is only being developed, causing interest among researchers and practitioners (Doronova T.N., Kozlova S.A., Golubeva L.G., Knyazeva O.L., Solovieva E.V., Smagina L. I., Solovey S.A., Shcheglova S.N.).

In 2002, the Moscow Committee of Education published a manual by a group of researchers led by Doronova T.N.: "Protection of the rights and dignity of a small child." It outlines aspects of the work of the preschool with the family to ensure the protection of the rights of the small child and the implementation of the provisions of the convention.

The study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature shows that already from the early preschool age, children begin to be guided by their behavior towards the adoption of moral norms, and at the senior preschool age, children are able to follow them. From which it follows that it is possible and expedient to form moral consciousness already from preschool age.

Researcher Fedotova S.V. believes that it is necessary to determine the pedagogical conditions for the legal education of preschoolers:

· clear planning of the educational process;

· the systematic nature of the planned activities;

· good theoretical training of the teacher.

She suggests using the following methods:

placing a child in the position of another child;

immersion of the child in a specific cognitive problem;

use of a game character.

Another researcher in this area, Pimenova, believes that one of the tasks of legal education is to familiarize children with their rights and obligations. By the age of seven, children can evaluate the actions of other people, show tolerance for representatives of other nationalities.

Gan N.Yu. developed the technology of pedagogical monitoring of the process of legal education of preschool children. This technology represents a certain system of information support for the quality of upbringing and education. Monitoring is designed to eliminate the pedagogical incompetence of preschool teachers in matters of diagnostic and prognostic study of the process of legal education of preschoolers.

This technology includes a number of successive stages:


2.initial diagnostic

.planning and prognostic

.intermediate diagnostic and corrective activity

.final diagnostic

and ensures the gradual development of the child.

N.Yu. Gan considers the following components of the legal education of preschool children:

informational and cognitive - children's knowledge of their rights and obligations;

emotional-evaluative - assessment of one's own activities, the ability to evaluate the actions of other people from the point of view of the rule of law;

behavioral-activity - possession of skills, skills for the implementation of legal behavior and the ability to exercise one's rights in activities, comply with prohibitions and use duties.

Researchers consider the legal education of preschoolers in the context of solving the problems of moral education. They believe that legal norms grow out of moral norms. If a person has not formed moral norms of behavior and relationships, then the formation of legal norms will be of a formal nature, that is, it will be at the level of memorization, and not at the level of understanding. Moral and legal norms have much in common: they regulate the relationship of people on the basis of respect for each other, contribute to the formation of such qualities as restraint, sympathy, empathy, self-esteem, etc.

So, science has proven that the moral experience of the first years of life, the atmosphere of a good environment largely determine the child's mental attitude for the future. In ancient Rus', children were called "grains". This was deep meaning. In order for the grain to grow and give good shoots, it must be carefully looked after. This old Russian image is consonant with the activities of the preschool educational institution, all of today's childhood policy.

1.2 Implementation of the convention on the protection of the rights of the child in preschool

The processes of socio-political and socio-economic transformations taking place in the Russian Federation have put forward a number of important, qualitatively new tasks to create a sovereign, economically developed, civilized, full sense the words of a democratic state that in fact ensures the constitutional freedoms, rights and obligations of its citizens with a full guarantee of their legal and social protection.

Protection of rights is a special problem of the state and society as a whole. The rights and dignity of the child are protected by international and Russian legislation.

The UN Children's Fund - UNICEF, which carries out international protection of the rights of the child, has developed the following documents:

· Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1923)

· UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

· World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990).

The process of personality formation is conditioned by the social and legal protection of childhood and social education. Social and legal protection is understood as state control over the observance of the rights of small citizens, as well as the explanation of these rights to children and parents.

Law is a set of mandatory rules of conduct (norms) established or sanctioned by the state. Human rights are laws that no one has the right to violate: without rights there is no justice, and without justice there is no normal life.

The need from an early age to form in a child a sense of faith in himself, in his rights and obligations, is associated with the positive influence of these personality traits on his self-attitude, self-acceptance, self-awareness. Attention to oneself, a gradual awareness of one's rights and obligations, contributes to the fact that the child learns to be more free, respect himself and other people, understand their feelings, experiences, actions and thoughts.

In the weak, touching hands of the baby - our future, tomorrow, tomorrow's fate of mankind. Therefore, already now, in difficult socio-economic conditions, one cannot remain indifferent to the troubles of children and it is necessary to help them. Most likely, in the near future the state will not be able to provide assistance to the children of Russia by creating a number of special services. Therefore, the main hope of the family and children is the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions, which can already now stand up for the protection of the rights and dignity of a small child.

Ensuring the protection of children's rights is not only global problem the world community. The Convention on the Rights of the Child applies to all participants in the educational space of a preschool educational institution - children, teachers, parents. The provisions of the Convention organically entered into the legal and organizational support of the system of preschool education. On federal level they are represented in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Family Code RF, the Law on Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation, in the Law “On Education”. As a result, the system of normative support of children's rights in the field of education includes four levels - international, federal, regional and local, which corresponds to the level of each kindergarten.

An analysis of the legal framework for children's rights allows us to conclude that at present the number and range of children's rights taken into account at all levels remains approximately the same.

It is extremely important for the future of Russia that children grow up in an atmosphere of respect and not suffer from negative influences.

To carry out work in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to distribute duties and fix them in the functional duties of each employee. The organizing principle will be the planning of the work of a preschool educational institution for the protection of the rights of the child at all its levels.

It is also necessary to carry out purposeful work with all participants in the pedagogical process on a diagnostic basis (teachers, children, parents).

Cooperation between a preschool educational institution and a family should be based on mutual understanding and mutual respect. Educators of a preschool educational institution should provide pedagogical support to the family, form their parental position and assist in the implementation of parental functions. To teach parents to understand their child and accept him as he is, to communicate with him. In various forms of work with the family, it is necessary to give knowledge of legal documents. Take preventive measures to prevent child abuse.

The teaching staff of a preschool educational institution must have legal, psychological, pedagogical and methodological competence to organize various forms of work with parents and children to protect children's rights. Work productivity will depend on the active learning methods adopted (problem solving, discussions, brainstorming, activity analysis, etc.).

The educator who sets as his task the prevention of violations of the rights of the child in the family, first of all, should act for the parent as a certain model of respectful and benevolent behavior with the child. A parent who, day after day, sees a teacher who implements a strategy of humanism in communicating with children, is likely to once again think about the need to use certain aggressive methods of educational influence on children. own child.

The formation of a person begins from early childhood, and children learn the values ​​of the society in which they live. It is in childhood that the foundations are laid not only for knowledge, but also for norms of behavior, beliefs, habits, and needs of the individual. A significant role in this is called upon to play the legal education of all participants in the pedagogical process. The legal norms clearly formulate the rules (permission, requirement, prohibition), the conditions for their application, indicate the lawful way of action. As a result, a person who has mastered the legal norms acts more clearly, confidently, and effectively. A child, accustomed in preschool years to seek and find mutually acceptable solutions in agreement with others, in his adult life will not resort to infringement of the rights and freedoms of other people. Therefore, the DOE builds its work in such a way that the ideas and principles of the Convention are assimilated not only in their legal content, but also become the moral basis for communication with other people, the regulator of life.

The recommendations of the UN and the Council of Europe emphasize that human rights are best studied in a democratic atmosphere, where freedom of expression is guaranteed for both children and educators, where honesty, respect, compassion and justice prevail. Therefore, in the immediate environment of the child, it is necessary to organize just such an atmosphere.

1.3 Forms and methods of work on the legal education of preschoolers

Training is carried out in various ways. Translated from Greek"method" means a way to something, a way to achieve a goal. The teaching method is a system of consistent interrelated ways of work of the teacher and the children being taught, which are aimed at achieving didactic tasks.

This definition of the method emphasizes the two-way nature of the learning process. Teaching methods are not limited to the activities of the educator, but suggest that he, with the help of special ways stimulates and directs the cognitive activity and related practical activity of the children themselves.

Each method consists of certain methods of teaching the teacher and students. The method of learning, unlike the method, is aimed at solving a narrower learning problem. The combination of techniques forms a teaching method. The more diverse the methods, the more meaningful and more efficient method in which they are included.

The same techniques can be included in different teaching methods. For example, techniques for memorizing, using riddles, showing actions, questions are part of the methods of observation, conversation, exercises, experimentation, etc.

The choice of teaching method depends, first of all, on the purpose and content of the lesson, and

also on the personality of the teacher, on his abilities, responsibility. The educator is creative, with a "zest" brings a lot of his own into the methods and techniques of teaching.

In modern pedagogy, there is no single generally accepted classification of teaching methods. In preschool pedagogy, a classification is adopted, which is based on the main forms of thinking that determine the nature of the ways in which children act in the learning process. These forms include visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. In this regard, the main methods of teaching preschoolers are practical, visual, verbal and game methods.

Starting work with children on legal education, it is necessary to highlight a number of problems:

which articles of the Convention, which rights can and should be implemented in a preschool institution;

how to convey to children the content of these articles, the meaning of each right more clearly and more accessible;

through what forms of work with children it is more expedient to carry out this activity.

The model of legal education of preschool children can be traced in more detail in the following diagrams (Fig. 1,2,3).

Rice. 1. Model of the pedagogical process of legal education of preschoolers

Rice. 2 Organized form of education

Rice. 3. Independent activity of children

Work on the legal education of preschoolers must be carried out in three directions:

submission of information material;

practical participation of children in specially organized situations;

monitoring the independent transfer of acquired knowledge and skills into practice.

The kindergarten teacher is the main participant in the pedagogical process, including legal education. Leading in the process is the joint activity of an adult and a child.

For the formation in children of elementary ideas about the rights and obligations, respect and tolerance for other people, it is important not only to give knowledge, but also to create conditions for their practical application. You should choose the leading activities for preschoolers: gaming and artistically productive. It is recommended to conduct role-playing, theatrical and didactic games; exercises for the development of the emotional sphere, empathy, communication skills. The child needs to practice reproducing learned actions, to see from the side how this or that act looks, what feelings and emotions it evokes. For this, problem-search activities of children are organized (work in a group to resolve situations, development of joint projects with the educator); conditions for productive activity are created (production of emblems, posters, their presentation).

Fairy tales, poems, proverbs, sayings can be used as illustrative examples illustrating a particular right, concept. However, the acquaintance of children with human rights on the material of fairy tales should be carried out very carefully - after all, in fairy tales there is a completely different assessment of the actions of heroes. The use of a legal rating system can lead to a distortion of children's perception of fairy tales, the condemnation of good heroes and the justification of villains.

The most effective pedagogical techniques: placing the child in the position of another (the ability to "look at the world" through the eyes of this person); "immersion" of the child in a specific cognitive problem, from which he must independently find a way out; while the adult is in the shadows, and the dialogue goes through the use of some game (fabulous) character; "stories from life".

Thus, in revealing the personality of a child, the role of all types of activity is great, and the use of various forms and methods of education in a complex will allow a deeper understanding of the humane essence of human rights, his duties, norms and rules of behavior.

2. Practical study of the features of the legal education of children of senior preschool age

.1 Studying the state of the problem of legal education in preschool educational institutions

Experimental research work was carried out on the basis of the municipal preschool educational institution - "Jalil kindergarten No. 1" Beryozka "of a general developmental type" of the Sarmanovsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The subject of the study were the forms and methods of work on the legal education of older preschoolers.

The object of the research is the process of legal education of preschool children.

The experiment involved children of the senior group No. 5 (9 girls and 11 boys, a total of 20 people). As a control group, group No. 4 was chosen in the amount of 20 people (10 girls and 10 boys).

The study was aimed at solving issues related to the hypothesis that the process of legal education of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution will be effective if the following conditions are met if:

§ work on legal education is carried out systematically;

§ adequate forms and methods of work on legal education have been selected;

§ joint work of the kindergarten and the family is carried out.

The research work included three stages:

1. Ascertaining



At the stage of the ascertaining and control stages, a diagnostic examination of parents and children was supposed, and at the control stage, also a comparison of primary and final results.

With regard to parents, the main goal of this direction was the following:

identification of features of intra-family relations;

study of parental attitudes;

determination of methods of educational influence.

For children, this task was formulated as follows:

determination of the level of legal education of children.

Starting work with the family to study the Convention on the Rights of the Child, we conducted a diagnostic in order to identify the awareness of parents about this legal document. 44 parents from two groups involved in the experiment were interviewed. Revealed: 70% of parents do not know about the existence of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 15% - heard, but did not delve into its content, 10% - know about the existence of the document and its content, but superficially, and only 5% of parents are well acquainted with this document by virtue of his profession.

Based on the initial study and the fact that parents are the guarantor of compliance with the Convention, we have outlined the following task: to explain the Convention on the Rights of the Child as a legal document of social, moral and pedagogical significance. At this stage of the work, the following forms of monitoring were used:

· questionnaire to identify the level of pedagogical culture of parents (Appendix 1);

· the Bass-Darkey questionnaire on methods of influencing a child (Appendix 2);

· questionnaire-test "Are you good parents?" (Appendix 3).

In parallel with the survey among parents, we carried out work with children: to study the emotional well-being of the child in the family through conversations with the child (Appendix 4.5);

Parents together with their children designed the album “Who am I?”, where they answered the questions: “Who am I in the family? Who and what is my name? What do I like to do at home? My favorite toys? etc.

As a result, the following picture was revealed:

· the dominant style of upbringing in the family is authoritarian-democratic - 58%,

· democratic - 6%.

At the stage of ascertaining, the level of ideas of older preschoolers about the rights and obligations of a person was revealed; about the rules and norms of behavior in kindergarten, in the family and society; it was established that children of senior preschool age were interested in their rights and obligations. Used: the method of "unfinished sentences" and a survey of children (Appendix 6.7).

We have determined the levels of legal education of older preschoolers:

§ high level- the child has a fairly complete understanding of the rights and obligations, treats them positively, reflects the acquired knowledge and skills in activities;

§ average level - the child has insufficiently complete ideas about the rights and obligations, treats them positively, reflects the acquired knowledge and skills in activities depending on the situation;

§ low level - the child has "fragmentary" ideas about the rights and obligations, does not reflect them in the activity.

In the course of the study, we found that the majority of the children surveyed show interest in conversations about the rights and duties of a person, however, it was difficult to reveal the content of rights, and even more so to define the concept of law. The existing legal and moral knowledge of older preschoolers is insufficient to create a "truthful" complete picture their rights and obligations, as they are based on "scraps" of true information and obtained through their own observations and sensations; remarks, instructions from adults. Preschoolers have ideas about the norms and rules of behavior (in kindergarten, in the family, in society), about the norms of relationships between people, about moral behavior, but they do not have the skill of tolerant attitude towards each other.

Data from the study of children are presented as follows (Table 1).

Table 1. The level of legal education of older preschoolers (in%)

Level of knowledgeExperimental groupControl groupHigh56Medium5957Low3637

Visually, these data can be presented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 4)

The level of legal education of older preschoolers (in%)

The information obtained during the processing of diagnostic data made it possible to determine the level of knowledge of children, the real requests and needs of parents, the problems of education and violations of the rights of the child. And also to choose the most effective forms of work with all subjects of educational process.

2.2 Organization of an experiment on the legal education of older preschoolers

In order to achieve the set goals, unite and clearly organize the work, a thematic plan of events was developed.

The creation of a legal space in the preschool educational institution involves the solution of the following tasks:

with kids:

creating conditions for the formation of a positive self-perception in the child,

to promote the development of a positive attitude of the child to others,

creating opportunities for introducing children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people,

development of the child's communicative competence,

development of social skills,

formation of legal consciousness of children;

with adults:

formation of a humane attitude towards the child,

formation of legal culture,

ensuring the protection of children's rights.

The central place in the experimental work was given to the formation of legal consciousness in children by familiarizing them with their immediate environment. Education was built on the principle from the "I" to the outside world.

For the legal education of preschoolers, the Law Knower Club was organized and a thematic plan was developed, according to which the work was carried out (Appendix 8).

The main ways to achieve the objectives were game lessons(Appendix 9); traditional holidays, sports festival "Together Friendly family»; conversations, excursions, reading fiction, cognitive and educational games, as well as joint and independent activities, competitions, entertainment organized by children. All planned work communicated knowledge to children, evoked an evaluative attitude to social phenomena, facts, events, and contributed to the development of social emotions and feelings.

The process of cognition of legal culture has found expression in various forms of children's own activities: play, art and play, dramatization, productive, labor activity. During the implementation of these forms, preschoolers mastered legal norms through search-experimental, problematic and productive activities. Children were involved in solving simple creative tasks: guess, find, reveal a secret, compose, model, modify, compose.

In the work on the development of children's ideas about the foundations of legal consciousness, the goal was set to consistently introduce the child into the social world. For example, children were asked to observe how close people relate to each other, whether they forgive insults, how their friends treat offenders, what pleases and what upsets friends and relatives. The use of observation taught children to distinguish themselves from the world around them, interacting with other people through their senses: to determine the color of the eyes, hair of their friend, to feel his warmth, to recreate visual images. This technique contributed to the development of empathy and emotional responsiveness in children, and hence the realization of the right to friendship, attention, and care.

We believe that the method of dramatization is very successful in experimental work, which trains children in the ability to "feel into" another, to enter into his position. Each child has a "theatrical instinct" - the desire to play the role of another through the game, thereby expanding the boundaries of his being. This helps to react more sharply to the behavior of surrounding people and animals. Reflections of children on behalf of natural objects carry a great semantic load.

All the planned work contributed to the fact that the child from a passive, inactive observer turned into an active participant. Despite the complexity of the topic, a variety of methods and techniques were used in teaching children:

plots of well-known fairy tales (illustrations, videos, filmstrips); - solving problematic problems, finding solutions on my own behalf or on behalf of the hero: if I were an ugly duckling..., if I caught a goldfish..., if I suddenly turned into...; - didactic games: "Call by name", "Chain of names", "I have the right", "I should not", "Who violated the rights?", "Kolobok", "Whose rights were violated?", "Name the rights of the heroes" , “Choose the right”, “Who is more?”, “Name it - don’t make a mistake!”, “I’ll start, and you continue”, “Help Pinocchio”, “Find a mistake and correct it”, “Choose the right answer”, “Pick up proverbs to the pictures”, “What rights did the characters have?” (Appendix 10).

The form of classes is mobile and changed depending on the tasks. Classes included moral tasks, since any educational situation should carry the moment of education. The main principle in the work is to give the children the opportunity to learn about the world around them on their own experience in specific deeds and actions.

Most of the time was devoted to role-playing and other creative games, practical activities, various creative competitions, competitions, as well as conversations, stories, disputes, taking into account emotional perception.

In joint and individual activities with children, oral folklore, jokes, humor, and songs were used. This helps in resolving conflicts, relieves children's aggression, instills friendliness in children, the ability to forgive, see their mistakes, and follow generally accepted norms of behavior.

Also, together with the children, individual books “The Rights of the Child” and a folding book “Your Rights” were made, where children, using symbols and signs, depicted the rights of children, the protection of children and their duties. It is gratifying that in Everyday life children exercise their rights by referring to the "Rights of the Child".

The work with parents was based on two interrelated directions.

The first direction is education of parents. As part of the work in this area, information was transferred on the protection of the rights of the child and social development. The following forms of work with parents were used: parent meeting "Protection of the rights and dignity of the child in kindergarten" (Appendix 11); individual and group consultations: "The rights of the child - their observance in the family", "Do we understand each other?" (Appendix 12), "Types of parental love", "Family through the eyes of a child" (using children's work); lecture "Family education - the cause of violations of children's behavior"; information stand "Rights of the Child", photo exhibition "My Life in Kindergarten"; memos for parents: “When punishing, think: why?”, “Five recipes for getting rid of anger”, “Four commandments of a wise parent”.

The second direction is productive communication. As part of the work in this direction, they used such a form as joint creativity: drawing on the topics: “Drawing with moms”, “Drawing with dads”; crafts for an exhibition on the theme: “We create with the whole family”; design on the topic: "My home"; an essay on the topic: “My child and his individual characteristics”; presentation of family projects "Me and my name"; compiling a family tree; design of the album "Who am I?"; sports festival "Together friendly family". Such events acted as an integrated condition for the personal development of a person - both an adult and a child; positively changed the values ​​of the family; brought together adults and children.

2.3 Results of the study on the problem of legal education of children of senior preschool age

Target control experiment- find out how much the level of moral and legal ideas, judgments, concepts has increased, the attitudes of children to each other, to people around them, their emotional well-being, parent-child relationships have changed; determining the effectiveness of efforts spent on interaction with families.

The data obtained during the ascertaining and control experiment to identify the level of legal education are presented as follows (Table 2).

Table 2. Comparative table of the level of legal education of children of senior preschool age (in%)

№Level of knowledgeBefore the experimentAfter the experimentmain groupcon. main group groupcon. group1.High564382.Medium595757593.Low3637-33

These data are visually presented in the diagram (Fig. 5)

Rice. 5. Dynamics of the level of legal education of older preschoolers

An analysis of the comparison of data made it possible to record changes in the legal consciousness of children in the main group, which indicates the effectiveness of the measures taken, in contrast to the control group, where the level of legal education of children has not changed significantly.

The study of styles of parent-child relationships before and after the experiment showed the following (Table 3).

Table 3. Comparative table of styles of parent-child relationships (in %)

No. Parenting style Before the experiment After the experiment Main group Control group Main group Control group 1. Authoritarian 262410202.

So, we found that before the experiment, the styles of parent-child relationships in both groups were almost equally expressed: the authoritarian-democratic style of upbringing prevailed. Comparing the results of work on interaction with parents, there is a positive dynamics in the effectiveness of this work. After the experiment, the rating of the control group did not change significantly, and in the main group, democratic-authoritarian and democratic styles became among the leaders of the rating, which indicates a change in the relationship of parents to their child. The relationship between them is gradually moving from an authoritarian style to a democratic one, i.e. to the personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child, to which we tried to lead parents.


Summing up the results of our work, it can be noted that the work to protect the rights and dignity of the child in the preschool educational institution is significant and necessary. The work carried out on the legal education of children and parents has yielded positive results. Parents began to show great interest in this topic: they turn to teachers with questions, study visual and informational material more carefully, and more actively offer assistance in preparing and conducting joint events.

Observation showed that children learned the basic list of their rights, began to be more attentive to each other, to take care of those who are nearby, to provide assistance and support. A sense of legal awareness, the significance of one’s “I” begins to manifest itself at the verbal level through statements and remarks to each other (“I have the right ...”, “you do not have the right to do this ...”), in the ability to analyze, note violations of rights on the example of literary works .

Gradual awareness of their rights and obligations contributes to the affirmation of the preschooler's life positions: he learns to be free, respect himself and other people, understand their feelings, actions and thoughts.

The study allows us to draw the following conclusions:

The hypothesis is confirmed that the process of legal education of preschool children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution will be effective if the following conditions are met, if:

§ work on legal education is carried out systematically;

§ adequate forms and methods of work on legal education have been selected;

§ joint work of the kindergarten and the family is carried out.

This was manifested in an increase in the level of knowledge, the need for a moral and legal way of life (to live according to the laws of society, its norms and rules), in a respectful attitude towards oneself and another, in the formation of moral reflection.

An analysis of the legal and modern psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to outline a plan of measures for moral and legal education, which we consider as an organized, purposeful, systematic impact on the personality of a preschool child to form legal awareness, develop skills and habits of active lawful behavior, and their implementation of moral norms and rules. behavior.

A study using methods that reveal ideas about human rights and moral norms of behavior in children of older preschool age showed that older preschoolers in general have ideas about such concepts as "right" and "duty". However, very often they correlate this concept with physical strength (“whoever is stronger is right”) and limitation of actions. Children of older preschool age have some ideas about the rules of behavior: in kindergarten, at home and in society, they know that they need to be attentive, polite, take care of the elderly and small children, and respect others. However, the moral ideas that children have are often not implemented in life practice.

The study identifies conditions conducive to the successful implementation of program objectives:

clear planning of the educational process; the systematic nature of the planned activities; visual and didactic equipment; good theoretical training of the educator; personality-oriented communication of the educator with children, the creation of partnerships; the use of collective, individual and subgroup forms of work with children; close cooperation between the entire teaching staff and parents.


Today's children are the future of the country. What will be the future of children and the state depends on many reasons. Undoubtedly, one thing: the well-being of the citizens of Russia is possible only in a civilized state of law.

The formation of valuable moral and legal practices for the best interests of children is one of critical tasks. This means that in each age period the child must be provided with the fullest possible amount of material and other benefits that he needs for life and full development.

The formation of responsibility and knowledge of one's rights and obligations is closely related to the development of individual autonomy and ensuring freedom of decision-making, the ability to make one's choice. Meanwhile, Russian children in the family, preschool educational institution, school, society as a whole are not accustomed to make their own choices, they do not have a need for this. They are very inert, and it is precisely the awareness of choice and responsibility for it that gives rise to independence.

Cardinal social change recent years in society, the following priority principle of family education is brought to the fore: the child should be considered by parents not only as an object of educational influence, but also as a subject endowed with rights and obligations corresponding to his age development. This principle of oriented education allows parents to form a personality with social responsibility, independent life position and high resistance to possible negative impacts from an unfavorable environment.

A child deprived of care and attention does not have a second opportunity for normal growth and development, therefore, the problem of child protection at all levels should be given priority attention.

Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life, when health is formed, the development of the child's personality is carried out. At this age, the child is completely dependent on the surrounding adults - parents and teachers. From what are the conditions for the development of the baby in the surrounding society depends on his further civic position.

Preparing a child to master the legal culture and exercise their rights is the task of all social institutions of education: kindergarten, school, public associations.

In preschool childhood, the child acquires the foundations of a personal culture commensurate with universal human spiritual values. Therefore, of particular importance is the formation in children of the foundations of legal consciousness and such personality traits as love for relatives and friends, goodwill towards others, and the ability to empathize.

Parents due to socio-economic status modern society surrounded by many problems. This leads to a deterioration in their physical and mental condition, which also affects the upbringing of children. Therefore, along with families where family traditions are still preserved, there is a positive experience in raising children, the number of those where there is a decrease in the "educational resources" of parents is increasing. In particular, there is a decrease in the quality and quantity of verbal communication, a change in parental attitudes. Parents become more authoritarian, use corporal punishment more often, and their discipline requirements are tougher. The situation is exacerbated by a combination of environmental factors with genetically inherited formations. All this negatively affects the development of the relationship of the child with others, leads to serious consequences in the future. Such children often take the path of delinquency, crime, or withdraw into themselves.

Only by changing the parental attitude towards the child, i.e. having made it adequate, dynamic and predictive, having formed the skills of feedback in communicating with the child and expanding the role repertoire of parental behavior, we can state with confidence the fact that the basic rights of the child are observed, which ensure his full personal development.

To promote the creation of a socially prosperous environment for each pupil is the main task of the preschool teacher.

We can say with confidence that the work to inform parents, teachers and children about legal documents to protect the dignity of the child is timely and necessary, because the education of children's legal self-awareness should begin from preschool age.

List of used literature

1.Antonov V.A. We study human rights. - M .: "Vita - press", 2007.

2.Belaya K. 200 answers to the questions of the head of the kindergarten. - M.: AST, 2006.

.Beilinson V.G. "The ABC of Human Rights". - M., 2004.

.Vaulina T.G. Parents and children about the rights of the child // Child in kindergarten. - 2007. No. 3.

5.Davydova O.I., Vyalkova S.M. Conversations about the responsibility and rights of the child. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008.

6.Danilina T.A. The problem of protecting the rights of the child in the family // Management of the preschool educational institution. - 2005. No. 6.

.Doronova T. The work of an educator to prevent violations of the rights of the child in the family / / Preschool education. - 2001. No. 8; 12.

.Doronova T. Law and education // Preschool education. - 2001. No. 10.

.Preschool and family - a single space child development: Methodological guide for employees of preschool educational institutions / T.N. Doronova, E.V. Solovieva, A.E. Zhichkina, S.I. Musienko - M .: LINKA-PRESS, 2001.

.Zenina T.N. Parent meetings in kindergarten. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2007.

.The Art of Parenting: Guidelines for employees of preschool educational institutions /Ed.-comp. T.I. Sofronov, G.V. Vaseeva, L.I. Koshkina; - ed. cand. ped. Sciences, Assoc. T.I. Sofronova - Yoshkar-Ola: GOU DPO (PC) C "Mari Institute of Education", 2004.

.Kopytova N.N. legal education in DOW. - M.: TC Sphere, 2007.

.Levy V. Non-standard child. - M., 2006.

14.Nagornaya E. Protection of the rights of the child / / Child in kindergarten. -2005. No. 4.5.6, 2006. No. 1.

.Prokhorova O.G. Child protection in the international and Russian law// Management of the preschool educational institution. -2005. No. 6.

16.Proyava L.V. The system of work on the implementation of the rights of the child in an educational institution // Management of the preschool educational institution. -2005. No. 3.

.Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in preschool educational institutions. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005.

.Svirskaya L. Working with the family: optional instructions: A manual for employees of preschool educational institutions. - M.: LINKA-PRESS, 2007,

.Soboleva M.N., Savina N.V. Legal education in the family and preschool educational institution / / Management of the preschool educational institution. -2005. No. 3.

.Usachev A.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Children and Adults.- M: "Angstrem", 2003.

.Usachev A.N., Berezin A.K. Fundamentals of life safety. - M.: "AST-press", 2006.

.Chirkova S.V. Parent meetings in kindergarten. - M.: "Wako". 2009.

.Shabelnik E.S. The rights of the child. - M .: "Vita - press", 2007.

.Shabelnik E.S., Kashirtseva E.G. Your rights! - M.: "Vita-press", 2007.

.Shorygina T.A. Conversations about the rights of the child. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008.

Annex 1

Questionnaire to identify the level of pedagogical culture of parents

On the basis of what knowledge do you raise your child:

listen to radio and television programs;

attend lectures for parents;

use life experience;

read pedagogical literature.

What methods of education do you consider the most effective:






What types of promotions do you use most often:

verbal praise;

What types of punishment do you consider the most effective in education:

physical punishment;

verbal threat;

deprivation of entertainment;

your expression of resentment.

Appendix 2

Test (according to the methods of influencing the child)

Surname I.O.

points - always

points - quite often

points - sometimes

points - in exceptional cases

score - never

orders, commands




· adviсe, turnkey solutions

· notations, lectures



· behavior analysis

· joking


· derision, ridicule

· resentment against a child


· physical punishment


Annex 3

Questionnaire "Are you good parents?"

Read carefully and choose the answer that matches your behavior.

Your behavior and your judgments: yes no don't know

1.You often react to some actions of the child with an “explosion”, and then regret it.

2.Sometimes you take help or advice from others when you don't know how to respond to your child's behavior.

.Your intuition and experience are the best advisers in raising a child.

.Sometimes you happen to trust a child with a secret that you would not tell anyone.

.You are offended by the negative opinions of other people about your child.

.You happen to ask for forgiveness from a child for your behavior.

.You think that a child should not have secrets from his parents.

.You notice differences between your character and the character of the child, which sometimes surprise (please) you.

.You worry too much about your child's troubles or failures.

.You can refrain from buying interesting toy for a child (even if you have money), because you know that the house is full of them.

.Do you think that up to a certain age it is quite appropriate to sometimes use physical punishment (belt).

.Your child is exactly what you dreamed of.

.Your child gives you more trouble than joy.

.Sometimes you feel like your child is teaching you new thoughts and behaviors.

.Are you in conflict with your own child?

.Busyness and fatigue may be reason enough to refuse your child's request for attention.

.Do you think that the child needs legal protection?

Appendix 4

Questionnaire for a child

"Family through the eyes of a child"

The survey is conducted individually with each child in the group against the background of emotional balance, in a calm, friendly atmosphere.

Who do you live with? Do you like spending time at home? Do you want to quickly go home from kindergarten in the evening?

Yes Not always No

Do your parents often talk to you about your affairs?

Yes Not always No

They often speak affectionately than sternly?

Yes And so, and so No

Are you calm at home? Not scary?

Yes Not always No

Do your parents often play with you? Are they walking? Do you read books?

Yes Not always No

Which family member plays with you more often?

If you break something, will your mom help you fix it or scold you? And dad?

Yes Not always No

If you want a new toy, a chocolate bar or a kinder surprise, will your parents immediately buy them for you?

Yes Not always No

If someone offended you or you were just upset, would you immediately tell your mother about everything? What about dad? Will you tell anyone?

Yes Not always No

What do you like to do most on Saturday and Sunday?

Do you often go out with your parents or play on weekends?

Often Sometimes Rarely

If it's time for you to sleep and you want to play some more, do your parents let you?

Often Sometimes Rarely

When you go to bed in the evening, mom or dad kisses you and wishes Good night?

Often Sometimes Rarely

If you want to, but find it difficult to say anything, what will your parents do?

Listen patiently and help complete the thought

Will be sent to another parent - They will not want to listen at all

Analysis of the results of the survey: if the answers of the child are dominated by the options "c.", then it is possible to assume that an authoritarian type of upbringing is implemented in the family, characterized by the restriction of freedom, increased demands on the child, forceful influences, and the absence of a situation of choice.

Appendix 5

Scheme for monitoring the child during the day

Purpose: to identify social and emotional problems.

1.With what mood does he usually come to kindergarten?

2.How do you break up with your parents?

.Does it show joy from meeting with children, educators?

.What is characteristic of him in the first minutes of being in a group:



desire to be alone



Does it immediately become active?

How to communicate with adults:

he makes contact

responds to an invitation to communicate,

reluctant to communicate

refuses to communicate?

How to communicate with peers:

communicates with everyone

selective in communication

initiator of communication and games,

responds to communication

Difficulty communicating with children

prefers loneliness


rough, harsh,

consider the wishes of others?

Appendix 6


to determine the level of children's ideas about rights and obligations:

"Do you know the rights of the child?"

What is a right?

.What rights do you know?

.When is Children's Day celebrated?

.Talk about the rights of children in kindergarten.

.What are responsibilities?

.What are your family responsibilities?

.Do you have duties in kindergarten?

.Who do we call a child?

.From what dangers should the child be protected?

.Who takes care of the upbringing of a child left without parents?

Annex 7

The method of "unfinished sentences" for determining the level of legal education of children

ü I am entitled to...

ü I shouldn't...

The family is...

ü Taking care of me...

ü In kindergarten, I have to...

ü My duties at home are...

ü Charging helps me to be healthy, ...

ü "Cleanliness is the key..."

ü Good Habits- This …

ü Bad habits- This …

ü The document on the rights of the child is called...

Appendix 8

Thematic plan works of the Pravoznayka club / senior group /

Target. Build a legal culture. Familiarize yourself with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and its main provisions.

MonthThemeGoalsType of activitySeptember "On the rights of playing" To give children a general idea of ​​​​their rights, develop a legal worldview and moral ideas Lesson "On the rights of playing." Making the panel “Our Rights” October “You and your name” Introduce children to the right to a name, promote social and moral development Design of the album “Who am I?”. Conversation “Journey to the Land of Names” November “My Family” To introduce children to the right to have a family, to cultivate respect for family members. Lesson “Friendly family”. Drawing up a genealogical tree. Exhibition of drawings "My family". December "My dad and mom love me" To introduce children to the right to love and care, to educate children in kindness, attention to people. Leisure activity "The right to love." Photo exhibitions: "Our wonderful moms”,“ Our wonderful dads ”.January“ The house in which I live ”Introduction of children to the right to housing, the history of housing. Designing“ My House ”with parents. The game "Come visit". February "Let's be healthy" To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, to promote conscious familiarization with it. Sports festival "Together a friendly family." Lesson on application and valueology "Compilation of the vitamin alphabet". March "Who needs to study" Acquaintance of children with the right to training and education, about educated people over uneducated ones. Excursion to the school. Exhibition of drawings: “What I want to become.” April “I must not” Learn to distinguish between the concepts of “can”, “should”, “want”; improve children's knowledge of social norms. Didactic games: "I have the right", "I should not." . Holiday, dedicated to the day Child Protection: Happy Childhood. Appendix 9

Lesson "About the rights - playing"

Purpose: To give children the knowledge that there is a law that protects the child. This law is called the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child". Every child, regardless of place of residence, skin color, language, gender, age, wealth or poverty, social origin, has rights. Nobody can break them. The rights of one person cannot and should not infringe on the rights of other people (children or adults).

Bring up respectful attitude to human rights, the desire to fulfill them.

Strengthen children's ability to convey their emotional state in words. To develop speech activity, the ability to select synonymous words: sad - sad, offended, unhappy, lonely. To educate in children responsiveness, empathy.

Material: A. Barto's poem "Loneliness"; illustration or picture of a lonely offended child; toy - a little man; "Declaration of the Rights of the Child" ed. A. Usacheva; globe; pictures depicting people of different sex, age, nationality; notebook; pencils.

Lesson progress:

Reading A. Barto's poem "Loneliness":

No, I'm leaving for good! And then I'll get bored with my dad: I pester with questions, Then I don't finish eating porridge, Then don't argue with adults! I will live alone in the forest, I will stock strawberries. It's good to live in a hut And you don't want to go home. As a dad, I like Solitude. I’ll find an abandoned pond, Hidden in the thicket, I’ll start conversations With frogs. I will listen to the bird's whistle In the morning, in the coppice. Only I'm a footballer, And there's no one to play with. It's good to live in a hut, Only bad at heart!

Questions about the content of the poem:

Why do you think the boy suddenly began to like loneliness? What could have happened that he decided to live alone in the forest? Do you have such a desire and mood? Why does it appear to you? What is the reason for this?

Exercise "How do you feel?"

Educator: Guys, today I want to introduce you to one unusual Little Man. He lives in one big city. During the day, Little Man goes to work, and in the evening he plants tulips in his garden or sits on a bench at the gate and rejoices that everything around is so big. The only thing that upset the Little Man was that the Big People did not notice him. They could push him in the street and not apologize. Or walk through its well-groomed garden, trampling flowers underfoot.

What are you doing? - the Little Man shouted to them - Please be careful!

But the Big People did not pay any attention to him and went on about their business.

One day, the Little Man found a book in the library called "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights". It said that all people should know their rights and treat each other with respect. The Little Man liked this book very much.

Show children the book "Universal Declaration of Human Rights".

All people have rights. They are written about in this book. Do you think children have rights? What do you think they are?

This is an unusual book. It will tell you about human rights and your rights - the rights of the child. They are written in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which was created and adopted by the United Nations. This organization exists all over the world and protects the rights of all children, regardless of where they live, what color of skin, what language, gender and nationality, and regardless of whether their parents are poor or rich.

Please open notebooks and colored pencils (felt-tip pens), connecting the dots, write "CHILD'S RIGHTS".

/ You can offer a sample to children who find it difficult /.

And now let's open the book "Rights of the Child" (author E. Shabelnik).

Show illustrations and read right.

Every child has the right to everything that is stated in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, regardless of the wealth or poverty of his parents, skin color, place of residence, language, sex, age.

Please draw colorful people. What needs to be done to make them all friends?

Children's answers:

draw them to hold hands; - draw them on one globe; - draw one sun (rainbow) over them; - draw them on one rainbow; - draw them on the petal of one flower; - draw them in one big house, etc.

Children choose the option they like, draw.

Place people of different nationalities, different sexes and ages on the globe. /Performed by children who managed to finish the work faster/.

Outcome of the session: Which children can use the rights? What is the name of the book in which they are written?

Annex 10

Didactic and communicative games in the formation of children's legal culture

Call by name

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children that every person has the right to a name.

Game progress: Children sit in a circle. At the signal of the teacher, they clap their hands three times, turn to a neighbor and call him first by a diminutive (affectionate), and then by his full name. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Name chain

Purpose: same.

Game progress: The teacher calls any name, for example, Maria. Children must remember the derivatives of this name: Masha, Mashenka, Marusya, etc.

I have a right…

Purpose: to provide legal knowledge.

Material: a set of plot pictures for the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; pictures depicting situations not covered by the Convention (a child rides a bicycle, plays, waters flowers, etc.).

Game progress: children take turns choosing pictures that correspond to the articles of the Convention and lay them out near the “I have the right ...” template. Then the child explains his choice, the rest discuss the correctness of the decision.

"I do not have…"

Purpose: to distinguish between the concepts of “can”, “must”, “want”; improve children's knowledge of social norms.

Material: a series of plot pictures related to acceptable and unacceptable relationships in the systems adult - child, child - child, child - the world around.

Game progress: children lay out pictures near the “I shouldn’t ...” template that depict situations that are unacceptable in the relationship between people, between man and nature, man and the objective world. Then they explain their choice.

Who violated the law?

Purpose: to teach children to analyze the actions of fairy-tale characters, to be able to name the rights violated in a fairy tale. To educate in children a sense of love, responsibility for their actions, a desire to respect rights.

Material: illustrations for fairy tales, 5 items for each playing child, a basket for items. Game progress: there is a basket for objects near the leader, each child has 5 objects (these can be balls, cubes). The host shows an illustration for any fairy tale where the rights of the characters are violated. For example: "Zayushkina's hut", "Wolf and seven kids", "Pinocchio", "Teremok", "Cinderella", etc. “Who and what right has been violated here?” - asks the presenter. The child who answered correctly first throws his object into the basket. Then the next illustration is shown, and so on. The one with no items left wins.

Purpose: to develop communication skills, imagination, work on the expressiveness of speech.

Material: ball.

Game progress: children sit in a circle and roll the ball "Kolobok" to each other. The one to whom the ball hits must ask him a question or say a few words. For example: “Kolobok, where are you going?”, “Kolobok, let's be friends with you!” etc. After the spoken phrase, the child passes Kolobok to another child.

Appendix 11

Child-Parent Relationships in Modern Families

"Protection of rights and dignity in kindergarten" /

According to statistics, practically the majority of Russian families today, for one reason or another, can be classified as disadvantaged.

The protracted economic crisis has led to the fact that the majority of Russian families fell into the category of unsecured or poor. According to the latest data, there is an increase infant mortality, the incidence of mothers is high, in 30 regions of Russia, for the first time after the Great Patriotic War, mortality rates exceeded birth rates. The number of children born out of wedlock is growing. The number of divorces due to alcoholism, drug addiction, illegal actions is increasing.

All this can not but affect the relationship between parents and children.

The modern family is included in various mechanisms of social interaction, and therefore the socio-economic cataclysms taking place in our country cannot but contribute to the aggravation of parent-child relationship.

The need to look for work, overload at work, and the reduction in this connection of free time for parents lead to a deterioration in their physical and mental condition, increased irritability, fatigue, and stress. Parents often throw out their stressful conditions, negative emotions on those “who come across under the arm”, most often on children, who usually cannot understand why adults are angry.

According to studies, parental cruelty occurs in approximately 45% of families. And if you take into account all the cuffs, threats, intimidation, spanking, etc., then almost every child, at least once, faced a manifestation of cruelty, pressure from their parents.

For right upbringing It is useful for parents to know what forms of punishment exist.

The most incorrect, unfavorable forms include physical impact.

% of parents rightly believe that hitting a child means violating his rights. At the same time, 74% of them allow a slap on a soft spot and 11% use a belt as a form of punishment.

Usually this form of influence is used when the parents themselves have little control over their own behavior. There is no more illogical picture than a mother spanking her child with the words: “Fighting is not good!” It is unlikely that the baby will understand that aggression is not the best way to establish connections with the world if his parents use this method in an attempt to achieve obedience.

TO physical punishment should not be resorted to because usually after them the child behaves differently only in the presence of the one who punished him. Therefore, such influence is completely useless if parents want to instill in the child the desire to do the right thing under the influence of their own control, and not because someone forced them.

Verbal aggression (swearing, insults), like physical punishment, is ineffective and only leads to the fact that the child will use this model of behavior with peers.

A very common form is the so-called separation punishment, depriving the child of a part of parental love (ignoring him, refusing to communicate with him). The essence of punishment is to change the child's habitual style of relations with parents: he is deprived of warmth and attention, although they continue to take care of him. This is an extremely potent form and must be used with extreme caution and for a very short time.

Quite common in the family is the punishment of natural consequences, which consists in depriving the child of something pleasant for the offense (sweets, new toys, walks, etc.). Such a method can only be successful if the child considers the restriction to be just, if the decision is made with his consent or is the result of a prior agreement. It is more expedient to use not a cancellation, but a delay of a joyful event. Applying the punishment of "natural consequences", you can not deprive the child of what is necessary for his full development: food, fresh air, communication with peers.

It is probably impossible to imagine the process of education without punishment at all.

The famous Russian psychologist Vladimir Levy wrote The Seven Rules of Punishment.

.Punishment should not harm health: neither physical nor mental.

.If there is any doubt whether to punish or not to punish, then it is better not to punish. Even if they realized that they were too soft, gullible and indecisive. No "prophylaxis", no "just in case"!

.At one time - one. Even if there are an infinite number of misdemeanors, the punishment can be severe, but only one, for all at once, and not one by one for each. Punishment is not at the expense of love. Whatever happens, do not deprive the child of well-deserved praise.

.It is better not to punish than to punish belatedly. Other overly consistent educators scold and punish children for misconduct discovered a month or even a year later (spoiled something, stole, messed up), forgetting that even harsh adult laws take into account the statute of limitations of the offense. The risk of instilling in a child the idea of ​​possible impunity is not as terrible as the risk of mental retardation.

.Punished - forgiven. The incident is over. The page is turned. Not a word about old sins. Don't hesitate to start over!

.No humiliation. Whatever it is, whatever the fault, punishment should not be perceived by the child as a triumph of our strength over his weakness, as a humiliation. If the child believes that we are unfair, the punishment works only in the opposite direction!

.The child should not be afraid of punishment. He should not be afraid of punishment, not of our wrath, but of our chagrin. Remember!

With a shortage of love, life itself becomes a punishment, and then the punishment is sought as the last chance for love.

It is important that children grow up in an atmosphere of respect and do not suffer negative consequences. In the weak hands of the kids - our future with you, our tomorrow.

Appendix 12

Do we understand each other?

The common phrase “Happiness is when you are understood” says that understanding is not such a common phenomenon. The slogan "Childhood is the best, happy time” is more of a complacency for adults than a reality for children. The burden of responsibility creates in adults the illusion of carelessness and irresponsibility during childhood. But how sometimes life is more difficult for a child than for an adult! He still does not know that in life “everything passes”, and therefore his response is sharper and more direct, his suggestibility and gullibility to the words and actions of those around him are higher. It is more difficult for a child to react and satisfy his desires, he still does not know how adults can find a replacement or compensation for them; the child is evaluated all the time: at home, in the garden, at school. At the same time, children are often punished for what adults themselves do with impunity. (“Mom, I rarely disobey you, and you often disobey me!”).

Children's tears are often tears of resentment and misunderstanding. Often they have an addressee ("I'm not crying for you, but for my mother!").

What is understanding?

· Understanding necessarily includes knowledge of age characteristics: what can be expected from a child of 1 year, 3 years, 5 years and how this behavior is explained.

· It includes knowledge of the individual characteristics of the child and the courage of an adult to preserve and support this uniqueness in the child.

· Knowledge of life, wisdom (this is what the older generation often possesses, and sometimes parents are offended: “I wish you raised me like that in your time, as your grandson is now!”).

Parents give the child a model of relationships with the world and with each other. Is the relationship calm, benevolent, active or evaluating, distrusting, punishing? In the author's TV program of Andrey Maksimov "Night Flight" dated 01/21/2002. M.M. Zhvanetsky said that “a parent should not invest conscience in a child, but show him that he, a parent, has a conscience.” Otherwise, where else would a child see it? Conscience tells us where we are wrong: offended, violated the law of human society - wished not our own, borrowed what did not belong to us, did not help, deceived, etc. No one is immune from such actions and mistakes, but the child must see that it hurts and that the parent admits this pain, suffering. An adult who understands the soul of a child suffers even if he has caused suffering to a child.

So, understanding is necessarily self-understanding and self-education.

We often bring up children not according to science (and who knows?), but according to faith, the faith that was formed from beliefs in childhood: we must be brought up the way we were brought up. And often in such programs there is a desire to take revenge, to win back (after all, now I am a king and a god!). Behind such an attitude, it is difficult to see the individuality of the child. One must strive to avoid petty pedagogical self-interest, the purpose of which is: “I want to be well thought of!” The child always feels this, because his interests remain in the background. It is impossible to raise children without sacrificing anything.

But there are children who are so loved and powerful in the family that they rule over their parents, easily controlling them. This is also a variant of misunderstanding of the child. Misunderstandings that lead to uncontrollability and to the fact that the child is poorly oriented in roles: who is who, who is in charge and responsible for what, where restrictions come. He does not understand himself, because his relatives did not want to understand him.

Here is Simon Soloveichik's statement on this matter: "Parents, who are a source of tension, displeasure, inconvenience, and danger for a child, are like a radio station that no one catches, although it spends enormous energy."

Education is work without a guaranteed result. The forces of the parent should be distributed reasonably: for their own happiness and the happiness of the child. A child will learn to be happy if he observes this skill in his parents; he will be responsive if parents are responsive to their parents and other people; he will be brave, conscientious, decent ...

But at the same time, he will also be himself, for understanding means tolerance for the unlike. It should be understood that the child, although it is a continuation of the parents, is still not their exact copy. Sometimes he takes some qualities from both parents, sometimes not the best. But this is just yours - why be angry with a child? Now he needs help!

The child is not a appendage and not an appendage to the life of the parents. He is his own destiny. Parents temporarily accompany him in this life, with love and patience revealing in the child all the best, talented, capable. But for this, the child is not obliged to live the life of his parents and realize their failed dreams!

Parental love must be combined with exactingness arising from understanding oneself, the goals of education, understanding the character and soul of the child, understanding life. It is important not only to understand a child, but also to be able to express his understanding, so that the child feels understanding with a word, pause, intonation, deed, response speed, laughter, crying. The main thing is indifference and hard work.


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1.1 The concept of "Legal education", its content and features

1.2 Legal education in a preschool educational institution

1.3 Features of the formation of ideas about human rights in preschool children in the process of legal education

Chapter 2. The work of a social teacher in MBDOU No. 30 on the legal education of preschoolers

2.2 The program of activities for the formation of ideas about human rights among preschoolers in MUDO No. 30





For a long time, society as a whole has been and remains an urgent task to eradicate crime, to educate a person who observes order and the rules of behavior in society. A person is brought up by the family, educational institutions, society. The ability of the family to function effectively is considered crucial in the prevention of delinquency. Childish disobedience, dishonesty, and other forms of antisocial behavior are important indicators of subsequent delinquency.

But it is not only in the family that the foundations of human behavior are laid. An important role in this process is played by the education system, as one of the most important institutions of socialization. In a civilized democratic society, human rights and interests should be put first. A necessary condition for this is the awareness of people, their knowledge of their rights and obligations. Thanks to rights, a person gets the opportunity not only to do something, to act, but also to demand the observance of his rights.

Issues of legal education in Lately is receiving more and more attention. This is due to the earlier maturation and formation of the child's personality. The formation of a person begins from early childhood, and children learn the values ​​of the society in which they live. It is in childhood that the foundations are laid not only for knowledge, but also for norms of behavior, beliefs, and needs of the individual. A child, accustomed in preschool years to seek and find mutually acceptable solutions in agreement with others, in his adult life will not resort to infringement of the rights and freedoms of other people.

Purpose of the work: education of moral norms of behavior, social skills and legal knowledge among preschoolers. Study and analysis of the process of education of legal culture in preschool children.

Object of study: legal education.

Subject of study: methods and forms of legal education of older preschoolers. The subject of the study was directly the methods and techniques of familiarizing preschoolers with the basics of legal culture.

The hypothesis of the study is the provision that the formation of ideas about human rights in preschool children will be more effective if the following conditions are met:

- creation of conditions in the preschool educational institution for the formation of ideas about human rights among preschoolers through the conduct of specially organized classes;

- interaction with parents on the legal education of preschoolers;

- purposeful work with teachers of preschool educational institutions about legal education;

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined:

- analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic;

- to reveal the concept of "legal education", forms, content of legal education;

- to analyze the features of the implementation of legal education in a preschool educational institution;

Research methods: literature analysis, material systematization, questioning, modeling.

Chapter 1. Legal education of preschoolers

1.1 The concept of "legal education", its content and features

Under legal education it is customary to understand the purposeful systematic activity of the state, its bodies and their employees, public associations and labor collectives in the formation and improvement of legal consciousness and legal culture.

Legal education is a purposeful activity for the education of the legal culture of the individual. It manifests itself in a certain legal position of the individual, which determines the views, attitudes and actions of a person.

Legal education and legal education are interconnected. Educational education implies a continuous interconnection between the processes of purposeful formation of the consciousness of the personality of a law-abiding citizen, including worldview, moral ideals, legal attitudes and value orientations. It is extremely important to form the appropriate motivation - a positive attitude towards cognizable content and the need for constant expansion and deepening of legal knowledge. .

The main object of influence in legal education is legal consciousness, steadily positively oriented, developed, of the proper level. This refers to the legal consciousness of an individual, a collective (professional group), society as a whole. It should be emphasized that the ideological impact on public legal consciousness means a corresponding impact on group and individual consciousness and, conversely, the legal education of individuals and their groups, ultimately determines the formation and development of public legal consciousness, since different kinds sense of justice are among themselves in a dialectical relationship and interdependence.

Legal education has a relative independence of goals, specific methods of achieving them and organized forms. It is a multi-purpose activity that implies the presence of strategic, long-term goals and tactical, immediate, general and private goals. The goals can be specified taking into account the specifics of the subject and object of educational influence, the forms and means of this activity used, as well as the bodies that carry out legal education.

Some of the main goals are achievable only if the following basic principles are observed in legal educational work: scientific, planned, systematic, consistent and differentiated, providing an integrated approach, as well as creating favorable conditions for the implementation of a developed healthy legal consciousness in practice.

Legal education and training consists in the transfer, accumulation and assimilation of knowledge of the principles and norms of law, as well as in the formation of an appropriate attitude to the law and the practice of its implementation, the ability to use one's rights, observe prohibitions and fulfill obligations. The acquired knowledge should turn into a personal conviction, into a strong attitude to strictly follow legal regulations, and then into an internal need and habit to comply with the law, to exercise legal and professional legal activity.

The means of legal education include: legal propaganda, legal education, legal practice, self-education. The application of all these means is based on the implementation of legal awareness, which involves the transfer, perception, transformation and use of information about the law and the practice of its implementation. A special place here is occupied by the problem of the "legal minimum", a certain mandatory level of knowledge of the law (the level of legal awareness) that every citizen of any society must have, regardless of his social status. A prerequisite for the effective management of this process is a clear understanding of the system of sources of legal information and their actual use by citizens, as well as labor collectives, groups and sections of the population. The decisive role in the system of sources of legal information belongs to the mass media, as well as general legal education (meaning the study of the foundations of law and the state in kindergartens, schools and in all educational institutions and not just legal ones).

Finally, attention should be paid to such a means as self-education, which seems to be the most effective for the formation of the legal consciousness of all subjects of law. Self-education consists in the formation of a deep respect for the law, the need to strictly follow legal prescriptions through self-study, independent analysis of legal reality and personal practice.

1.2 Legal education in conditions DOW

Raising a legal culture is an obligatory component of the policy of a state that has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, in relation to preschool children, this task is sometimes understood in an unforgivably primitive way: children will look at the pictures, read rhymes - and everything will be in order with the rights. A child's legal culture does not arise from pictures and dramatizations based on the Convention. The first necessary component that ensures it is the legal culture of adults and their appropriate behavior.

Children should be taught self-confidence, self-respect and respect for others. Completeness of self-awareness and tolerance - this is the basis of the legal education of preschool children.

Education and law, acting as social institutions, whose role in society is exceptionally high, are organically interconnected. An important place is occupied by education in the legal space and law in the educational space. It is advisable to single out three such main facets: the right to education, educational law, and legal education.

Each child should know his rights and obligations in order to easily operate them in the situation he needs. But for this, he practically does not have access to information, materials that touch on and reveal this topic in detail.

The work on legal education, first of all, aims to determine the significance of the legal foundations of preschool education. In addition, the task of this work on the way to achieving its goal is also to search for possible options for solving urgent problems in this area through a comprehensive improvement of the rules of law. On the way to achieving the goals of this work, one more task is clearly seen, which consists in identifying the patterns of the main problems in the formation of the regulatory and legal competence of teaching staff and the legal education of preschoolers. It must be said that in the legal literature there have already appeared some research work concerning the legal foundations of preschool education.

The integration of all lines of educational influence on the emerging child's personality turned out to be both relevant and quite difficult for the team, which can be solved by organizing active dialogue, communication (coordination) and meaningful interaction, creative activity (integration) of all participants in the educational and educational activities of the preschool educational institution.

Among the functions that the preschool educational institution performs in the system of public education, a large place should be occupied by the education of the foundations of legal consciousness from preschool age, the formation in children of elementary ideas about their rights and freedoms, development, respect and tolerance for other people and their rights.

When organizing work on legal education, it is recommended to rely on the following types of activities: gaming and artistic and productive. Organize work in 3 directions: with educators, with parents, with children.

When selecting material on legal education, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, in particular, their special susceptibility, desire and ability to play, which contributes to effective knowledge of the world around them. Take into account that the child is guided in relation to reality by emotions and unconscious aspirations. The depth and stability of impressions is ensured by the brightness and purity of the emotional reactions received by the child.

Legal norms allow you to streamline social relations, people's behavior. They determine what is "possible" and what is "not", how to act in a given situation. From the first steps that the child takes on his own, choosing ways to behave, knowledge of the law should help him.

The potential of the child in the field of his intellectual and moral development is higher than is commonly believed. Meanwhile, the opportunities missed at preschool age are not subsequently replenished or are replenished with difficulty. At preschool age, it is possible to significantly activate the cognitive interests of the child, contribute to the education of self-confidence, will, a benevolent attitude towards people, feeling like a Man of the Earth and a citizen of one's own country.

Creating a legal space in the preschool educational institution sets the following tasks:

- with adults: the formation of a humane attitude towards the child; formation of legal culture; ensuring the protection of rights.

With children: creating conditions for the formation of a child's positive sense of self; to promote the development of a positive attitude of the child to other people; creating opportunities for introducing children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people; development of the child's communicative competence; development of social skills; formation of legal consciousness of children.

Thus, legal education is a purposeful and systematic influence on the mind and behavior of a child in order to form his legal education, that is, a complex personality trait, which is characterized by the presence and degree of formation of deep and stable legal knowledge and beliefs in the correct legal behavior among preschoolers. , the implementation of which in practice meets the requirements of society.

The process of legal education can be carried out through the formation of three components: information-cognitive, emotional-evaluative and behavioral-activity.

The criteria for legal education in a preschool child are: children's knowledge of their rights and obligations, assessment of their own behavior and the behavior of other people from the point of view of the law, operating legal knowledge in their own behavior and the implementation of legal behavior in various types activity, completeness of knowledge and the need to acquire new knowledge, the ability to adequately assess one's own and other people's actions from the point of view of the rule of law, the formation of the qualities of self-control, self-assessment of performance results, the ability to comply with prohibitions and fulfill duties. The levels (high, medium, low) of the formation of legal education make it possible to trace the dynamics of the development of the process of legal education of preschool children.

“Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and upbringing implemented in preschool educational institutions” orient teachers of preschool educational institutions to the legal education of preschoolers, offering to acquaint children with international legal documents regulating relations between people.

The basis of the legal culture of preschool children is a system of three interrelated components: moral and legal ideas, moral and legal judgments and value orientations of the individual, adequate to the ideas and judgments of children of models of moral and legal behavior in a society of peers and adults.

The education of the basics of the legal culture of children in preschool educational institutions is carried out in accordance with a number of pedagogical principles:

humanitarian and propaedeutic,

activity and integration approaches,

The involvement of the subject

regionally determined content,


In the content of the education of the legal culture of preschool children, the following lines are distinguished:

1. “My rights and obligations”

2. “My country”

3. “Citizen of the world”

The means of educating the legal culture of preschool children are diverse: any joint activity, game, social and cultural atmosphere of the city or village in which the child lives, art, the media.

In the process of legal education of children in a preschool educational institution, various organizational forms and working methods. For example, a cycle of educational events: board, floor and wall games-travels around the globe, on a geographical map of the world, a map-carpet; ethical conversations with children; viewing illustrations from books reflecting moral and legal topics. Round dance games, “fraternization games” and “praise games” are widely used in work with preschoolers. It is advisable to periodically arrange exhibitions of your favorite things in the group. By participating in the selection of exhibits for the exhibition, children reinforce the idea that each child can have personal items (toys, books, etc.), and learn to take care of their own and other people's things. At the exhibition, children tell where they got this toy from, how they play with it, why it is so dear to them.

Social educators, developing the content and methods of forming the basis of the legal culture of a preschooler, suggested that this process would be effective if the following conditions were met:

- ensuring the open nature of the activity of the preschool educational institution (dialogue between teachers and parents, their interaction, full awareness of various issues of development, upbringing and education of children in the preschool educational institution and the family; wide contacts of the preschool educational institution with other educational institutions and social institutions of the city);

- ensuring the rights of participants in the educational process to freely choose the type of activity, its time and duration; securing the rights and obligations of each member of the team, including both children and adults;

- organization of a subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution that meets the principles of a democratic society (free access for each member of the children's team to games and toys, ownership of personal property in the group, exhibiting products of their own activities, etc.).

moral preschooler right social

1.3 Features of the formation of ideas about human rights in children preschool age in the process of legal education I

The study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature showed that already from the early preschool age, children begin to focus on the accepted moral norms in their behavior, and at the older preschool age they are already able to follow them and, which is especially important for the subsequent formation of legal consciousness, to explain the meaning of moral norms and the significance of its implementation. At the senior preschool age, psychological prerequisites arise (J. Piaget, S.G. Yakobson, etc.) for the formation of various ethical ideas: about friendship (A.V. Bulatova, T.A. Markova), about mercy (I.A. Knyazheva, T.V. Chernik), about a sense of duty and justice (R.N. Ibragimova, A.M. Vinogradova).

Children 6-7 years old are fully aware and feel injustice both towards themselves and towards others (favorite cartoon characters, friends, parents). Relying on such a manifestation of a sense of justice, one can count on the child's understanding not only of the rights and duties of any person, but also of his own.

The intellectual capabilities of preschool children make it possible to form ideas and concepts that reflect the essential connections and dependencies of various areas of reality. All of the above indicates the possibility of primary legal education of preschool children.

When developing a strategy for legal education, social educators proceed from the following:

* To form in children ideas about moral standards and behavior corresponding to them; it is important that the level of formation of the moral norm is sufficiently high. This will enable children to gain the experience of relationships, providing them with a comfortable stay in a peer group;

* Based on the learned moral norms, to form specific and generalized ideas about the rights and duties of people. At the same time, it is necessary to teach children to analyze their relationships with each other and other people from a position of respect for rights;

* Despite the fact that punishment is present in both moral and legal norms, its presence in the mechanism of legal education of young children is not mandatory. Moreover, the educative, developing meaning of moral and legal education is significantly reduced if we proceed from the indispensable presence of punishment for violation of the norm.

Legal education in the proper narrow sense of the word is a process of organizing the activities of the child and the direct influence of the teacher and comrades on him. In pedagogy, a system of upbringing methods has developed that are used in educational work, including in the legal education of preschoolers.

In accordance with this, the following main groups of methods of legal education can be distinguished:

- methods of formation of legal consciousness: persuasion, proof; conversations, lectures, stories, disputes on legal topics; discussion of printed materials, works of literature and art that have a legal theme;

- methods of forming motives, skills, habits of lawful behavior and law enforcement experience: uniform requirements; accustoming; example; organization of law enforcement activities of students; use of creative play; competition;

- methods of encouragement and punishment to stimulate lawful behavior.

The named methods of formation of legal consciousness, lawful behavior and stimulation in practice act in close unity.

The peculiarity of the methodology of legal education is also expressed in the specific (legal) content of educational influences and the corresponding refraction of general pedagogical methods. Using certain methods of legal education, it is necessary to focus on what qualities the teacher wants to form with the help of these methods. A clear understanding of these qualities determines the purposefulness of the teacher's use of individual methods and their entire combination. As a result of properly organized legal education (in combination with other areas of educational work), such qualities are formed in children as, for example, intolerance to violations of law and order, a sense of responsibility, justice, and duty. These qualities can be formed only if all the listed methods of legal education are used in working with children.

Parents and close relatives lay the moral foundation in the child, on which the elements of legal consciousness are formed. Some parents bring up ethical, cultural and moral feelings in the child, paying little attention to the education of patriotism and law. “Parents and educators should generally pay the most serious attention to the development in children of a strong and lively legal psychology: they should take care of instilling in children not only morality, but also law; moreover, it is important to develop, so to speak, both sides of the law, instilling the rights of others and their holiness, a strong respect for them. The proper development of consciousness and respect for the rights of others provides a firm basis for a proper, giving due attitude towards neighbors (including for proper respect for the personality of others); the development of consciousness of one's own rights informs the pupil of proper personal dignity and related character traits (openness, directness ...). Education “without rights” results in the absence of a solid ethical ground and a guarantee against worldly temptations, and as for a special attitude to the human person, someone else’s and one’s own, the natural product of such education is the “slave soul” and at the same time disrespect for someone else’s personality, despotism and arbitrariness".

Legal education must be started at preschool age, since already from the first steps of a young citizen, the moral and legal qualities of a person, emotions and behavior should be formed.

The issue of protecting a small person from all forms of violence remains important and significant, it cannot be regarded as a fashionable area of ​​pedagogical activity and must not be forgotten in the flow of many cases.

Chapter 2. The work of a social teacher in MBDOU No. 30 on the legal education of preschoolers.

2.1 Goals and objectives of the work of a social pedagogue

In order to study the problem of forming ideas about human rights in preschool children, I conducted a survey for educators and parents to determine the need to study the rights of the child and problems in the formation of the legal education of children at preschool age.

An analysis of the questionnaire conducted among parents showed that out of the total number of respondents, 25% are familiar with human rights and documents in which these rights are spelled out; agree with all the rights listed there - 20%; 45% say that children need to know their rights, 40% consider it optional, 15% abstained. In 65% of cases, parents agree to provide assistance in the process of studying the rights of the child with appropriate assistance from educators and methodologists.

A questionnaire conducted among educators of MBDOU No. 30 showed that in 90% of cases educators note the legal illiteracy of children, their ignorance of the rights and laws that protect these rights; the need to study human rights was noted by 85% of the respondents. Among the main problems of teaching were the following:

- lack of methodological base for studying - 65%;

- lack of educational and didactic aids for this course - 50%;

- lack of time to consider this problem - 40%;

- insufficient level of training of educators - 30%;

- protest from parents - 10%.

Thus, the study reflects the need and importance of studying human rights in MBDOU No. 30, but, along with this, there is an insufficient methodological base.

After conducting a survey in the senior group of MBDOU No. 30, we determined that children do not know human rights and do not have information about children's rights.

In order to form the ideas of the senior preschooler about human rights, a program of legal education was developed at MBDOU No. 30, the purpose of which is to form ideas about human rights among preschoolers.

2.2 The program of activities for the formation of ideas about human rights among preschoolers in MBDOU No. 30

Areas of work on legal education in kindergarten Table No. 1

Legal education in kindergarten with children

Questionnaire for the child "Family through the eyes of a child"

Legal education in kindergarten with teachers

Questionnaire on legal education

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Declaration of the Rights of the Child

Consultation for educators

family visit reminder

Introduction to the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Legal education in kindergarten with parents

In a corner for parents. Declaration on the Rights of the Child

Advice for parents "Do we understand our children"

Memo to parents on creating a favorable family atmosphere

Memo for parents on legal education

Sociological questionnaire of the family

To introduce the child into the problem will help "an old fairy tale in a new way." It was necessary to choose a fairy tale well known to children, quite relevant, in which the plot reflects certain social phenomena. We opted for A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio". This is how the continuation of the story about Pinocchio was born, who came to the aid of children and dolls from the Land of Fools, where no one had any idea about human rights, and even more so about the rights of children. Reading this fairy tale was the first step in introducing children to the problem of human rights in general and the rights of the child in particular.

The purpose of the lesson was for each child to put himself in an imaginary situation in the place of the offended and "lose" the possible options for seeking help and self-defense.

Finally, the completion of the cycle of activities is planned as an interactive role play with children.

In parallel, work was carried out with parents. First of all, a survey was conducted, which made it possible to identify their attitude to the violation of the rights of the child, their legal and psychological-pedagogical literacy and competence. This was followed by a series of conversations and meetings with parents.

Thus, social - pedagogical technology, consists of the following blocks:

- introduction of the child to the problems of the rights of the child, their list is carried out through a didactic fairy tale;

- consolidation and clarification of the received ideas through work with visual illustrative material, posters or a book;

- a cycle of classes that form the personal attitude of each child and offer him to "lose" possible situations of violation of rights and adequate ways of behaving in them;

The final role play.

Event summary:

Program content: continue to develop interest in the performing arts, using dramatization games for familiar fairy tales. In an interesting and entertaining way, to introduce children to the basics of human rights, reflected in the "World Declaration of Human Rights", to develop the ability to analyze the actions, actions of people and create situations for the development of skills to apply the knowledge gained in real life. Activate the cognitive process, replenish vocabulary in children. Cultivate kindness and contact in relationships with peers.

Lesson progress:

Guys, I will tell you about one amazing fairy-tale country called Pravdiliya. People, animals, insects lived in this country and they lived happily. Because each of them had many rights: the right to happiness, the right to life, the right to freedom, the right to rest. Also in this country unusual garden with flowering plants. Residents treated one of them in a special, reverent way. They took care of it, because it was the "flower of Happiness." The "flower of happiness" had unusual petals, on reverse side which the rules (rights) were written down. These rules were strictly observed by the inhabitants of this country. And everything would be fine if...

One day, a black, black cloud hung over the country, an evil cold wind came up, and all the inhabitants of Pravdiliya hid in all directions to wait out the misfortune. And when the wind subsided and the cloud swam away, they were surprised that there was not a single petal left on the “flower of Happiness”. And terrible times have come in the country. The life of the country has turned into a complete nightmare and confusion. Until now, the inhabitants of this country are looking for the cherished petals and hope that someone will help them find them.

Guys, what do you think, is it necessary to help people, animals in trouble? Why? Can we help the inhabitants of Pravdiliya? I think we can. We will help you find the petals of the “flower of Happiness”, and at the same time we will learn the rules of this country. But in order to help, we must know many fairy tales. Before the trip, let's join hands and give each other a kind smile, because good deeds should begin with a good mood.

Children: (in a round dance)

So, forward to Pravdiliya.

"The Flower of Happiness is there" lives.

We must learn a lot

And find a petal there.

We will be helped in this

Heroes of different fairy tales.

Along the winding path

Someone's legs were walking around the world.

Looking into the distance with wide eyes

The guys went to get acquainted with the rights.

Both adults and children should know

About the rights that protect us in the world.

Vosp-l: - And here is the first tale, sit down, guys.
(Staging of an excerpt from the fairy tale "Cat, Fox and Rooster")

- Do you remember the fairy tale? What is it called? Who asks for help in this tale? What can you say about the fox? What is she? Why did she do this? What did she violate? Lisa broke the law. But what is it? How to find out?

A voice sounds: - Find my red petal, and you will find out the answer to the question.

Vosp-l: - This is the voice of the "flower of Happiness." Let's guys quickly find the red petal, because one of the rules is written on it. (Children find a flower).

Vosp-l reads out its content: "Every person has the right to personal integrity, life and freedom." Here, it turns out what right, the fox violated - a cheat. The rooster's right to life and freedom. Let's return the red petal to the "flower of Happiness" so that the inhabitants of Pravdiliya can again observe the right to personal integrity, life and freedom.

Vosp-l: - Remember, in what other fairy tales the right to life and freedom of heroes was violated? (“Geese-Swans”, “Masha and the Bear”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Little Red Riding Hood”). And each of you has the right to personal integrity, life and liberty. But are they being followed? Remember fights among boys. Is it good or bad? And when you fight, what do you become? Isn't it better to direct your anger and negative emotions into the game "Cockfights". And for this, two fighters must turn into "roosters" (squat, clasping their knees with their hands). "Roosters" bounce sideways to each other, push. Which of the guys falls or removes his hands from his knees, he is out of the game. (Kids are playing)

- And I suggest saying more kind words to each other in order to become even kinder towards each other. Game "Tell a friend a compliment." Children are invited to take turns complimenting each other. Compliments can relate to personal qualities, mood, appearance.

Vosp-l: Well done. And another fairy tale hurries to us. Have a seat.
(A bast hut appears, from which the singing of a fox is heard.)

- Oh, hut. Let's take a look. Who lives in it? (Knocking on the house).

Fox: As I jump out, as I jump out - Shreds will go along the back streets.

Vosp-l: - So who is it? That's right - this is a fox from the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut". And where is the bunny? (A crying bunny appears.)

Bunny: - How can I be, where will I live? Ah-ah-ah

Vosp-l: - We know about your grief. But do you know, bunny, we are now in the country of Pravdiliya. And we just need to find the blue petal and a miracle will happen. Guys, let's go get him.

Fox: - What are you guys looking for? It would be better if the hare was helped to find housing. (Children find a petal, a fox comes out of the hut).

Fox: - Zainka-friend, go to your hut, because I didn’t think to expel you, I was just joking.

Vosp-l: -That's a miracle! Oh, yes, a magical flower! Hey, petal! I wonder what the right is written here? "Everyone has the right to the inviolability of the home, protection from interference in private life." It turns out that the fox violated the bunny's right to the inviolability of the home. Guys, remember in what other fairy tales the right to the inviolability of the home was violated? ("Teremok", "Wintering of animals", "Three little pigs"). Each animal should have its own home, just like a person. Let's play on Lulia's rings. Remember who lives where and try to correctly connect the cards of the left column with the cards of the right column.

Vosp-l: - Well done, we give the blue petal to the "flower of Happiness", and we ourselves go to meet a new fairy tale. (Baba Yaga appears)

B. Yaga: - Who are they? What have they come? Why are you walking through my forest without permission?

Vosp-l: - Oh, Baba Yaga, how angry you are, what a rough voice you have and words are not friendly. You even scared the birds with your scream.

B. Yaga: - Stop talking! Why did they come?

Vosp-l: - B. Yaga, did you fly to the country of Pravdiliya today?

B. Yaga: - Well, she flew! What about you?

Vosp-l: Did you see the “flower of happiness” there?

B. Yaga: - Well, I saw it! And then what?

Vosp-l: - And multi-colored petals plucked from him?

B. Yaga: - Well, I plucked it! (scared, clutching his head). Oh, the old head, the garden one, blabbed, after all! (With a guess) - What are you, come for them?

Vosp-l: - Yes, for them! These are not simple petals; the rights of the inhabitants of Pravdiliya are written on their reverse side. It is very difficult for them to live without them. B. Yaga, please return the petals.

B. Yaga: - Look, dreaming! You also have no rights to them! Yes, and only the children and grandchildren of Tsar Saltan and the Nightingale the Robber can count on all the rights that are written on the petals. And also children who believe in B. Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal, and the same color as B. Yaga and the same nationality. Like this!

Vosp-l: - What do you guys think, is it fair what B. Yaga tells us? Of course not! After all, you all have equal rights. It doesn't matter who your parents are, what color your skin is, who you believe in. So, B. Yaga, you are wrong, give us back the petals.

B. Yaga: - Oh, oh! Smart what! Come on, you, first, come to me.

Vosp-l: - Do you agree that all children are the same? Prove it to B. Yaga. (Children answer). - Well, B. Yaga, did the children convince you? Now do you agree that every child from the day of birth has the right to their own name?

B. Yaga: - We'll have to agree. I now acknowledge that you have this right.

Play: - Then let's introduce ourselves to B. Yaga, and the echo will help us. (The game "Echo", the children stand in a circle, call their names, the rest repeat them in chorus.) - B. Yaga, now please return the petals to us.

B. Yaga: - I'll return it if any of you have a mother in the library?

Vosp-l: - Why is that?

B. Yaga: - Because only children of librarians have the right to read these petals, only children of builders can live in houses, and only children of doctors can be treated.

Vosp-l: - Children, what do you think, is it fair what B. Yaga said? Of course not! Every child has the right to a home, food, treatment and education.

B. Yaga: - Argue with me again! I won't give you the petals! (Angry goes into the hut, stamps her feet).

Vosp-l: - For some reason, I felt sorry for B. Yaga, maybe she does such bad deeds because no one loves her, no one cares about her? After all, everyone has the right to love and care. All of you have this right. Nobody even wished her a happy birthday. Let's do it, pick a flower and give it to her. (Children pick flowers, knock on the door, B. Yaga comes out, the children congratulate her. B. Yaga thanks and returns the petals to them. The children also thank and say goodbye to B. Yaga).

Play: - Guys, we have collected all the petals, let's return them to the "flower of Happiness".

Voice of the flower: - Thank you kind and brave children! For your work, I want to reward you with one more right, the right to rest. Do you know how to relax and how? (Children answer). Then I give you this cheerful music, dance and have fun. (Dance "Lolipop")

Vosp-l: - And now it's time to return to kindergarten.

We helped the "flower of happiness"

And the petals found it.

Now it's time for us to kindergarten.

See you soon, good friends.

Creation game situations contributing to the development of the cognitive sphere, the use of different social roles;

Phased implementation of joint actions, the formation of the ability to work together according to the model and instructions of the educator;

Carrying out individual work and performing differentiated tasks according to the level of complexity in extracurricular activities.

Work on the formation of legal literacy in a child should include:

1. Developing in children an idea of ​​their rights as an important component of personality formation for acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities. Based on this idea, the child develops active behavior in the classroom and during after hours(careful performance of tasks, attention to the words of adults);

2. Development of perseverance, responsibility, independence, diligence. Their formation is manifested in the child's desire to acquire knowledge, skills, to make sufficient efforts for this;

3. Raising the experience of working in a team and a positive attitude towards peers; mastering ways of actively influencing peers as participants in common activities (the ability to provide assistance, fairly evaluate the results of peers' work, tactfully note shortcomings); these qualities are components of a legal personality and allow respecting the rights of other children;

4. Formation in children of the skills of organized behavior, educational and labor activities in a family environment. The presence of these skills has a significant impact on the overall process of the moral formation of the child's personality, makes the child more independent in the choice of activities, games, activities of interest, which also allows you to exercise your rights.

The upbringing and education of children in the rights of the child is of an educational nature and takes into account two areas for children to acquire knowledge and skills: the child's extensive communication with adults and peers, and an organized process of purposeful education.

It is also important to educate in the process of any activity in the child curiosity, voluntary attention, the need for an independent search for answers to emerging questions. After all, a preschooler who has an insufficiently formed interest in knowledge will behave passively in life, it will be difficult for him to direct his efforts and will to perform tasks, acquire knowledge, and achieve positive results.

I note that this work is insufficient in terms of the amount of time allotted to familiarize children with their rights, determine the forms and methods of work, and include all subjects of the educational process in the study of the rights of the child. Nevertheless, theoretical studies and practical observation prove the effectiveness of the work done and the need for it, because. a child's knowledge of his rights allows us to form a legally literate personality from childhood.

The program was implemented by me for 2 weeks. To evaluate its effectiveness, input, intermediate and final control were carried out. Sections were carried out in all three areas: work with children, educators and parents.

Monitoring data on the formation of ideas about human rights in preschool children Table No. 2

Thus, the study allows us to determine the positive dynamics in the responses of children. The number of children who are familiar with documents on children's rights has increased, they understand the importance of legal knowledge and can give from 3 to 5 examples of children's rights.

Monitoring of data on the formation of ideas about human rights in preschool children (survey of parents) Table No. 3

Positive responses (%)

Input control

intermediate control

Final control

Do you agree with the Rights of the Child defined in the documents

Do they agree to assist preschool educational institutions in the formation of a legal culture in children?

An analysis of the data obtained during the diagnosis of parents showed that most parents have improved their level of familiarity with legal documents, agree to assist the educational institution in the process of legal education of preschoolers. However, there is a smaller growth of parents who believe that children should know their rights. This provision is admissible, because along with insufficient growth in the number of parents, however, there is a positive trend, which is undoubtedly a positive moment.

Monitoring data on the formation of ideas about human rights in preschool children (survey of educators) Table No. 4

Positive responses (%)

Input control

intermediate control

Final Control

Are you familiar with the documents in which Human Rights are spelled out? Children's rights?

Do you agree that a child under 18 has rights?

Do you agree with the Rights of the Child defined in the documents?

Do you think children should know their rights?

4 points - 40

4 points - 70

5 points - 30

4 points - 70

The evaluation of questionnaires conducted among educators also showed a positive trend in all areas, the level of acceptance and knowledge of documents reflecting human and children's rights by educators has noticeably increased, attention is focused on increasing the role of preschool educational institutions in the process of forming the legal culture of a preschool child in preschool educational institutions.

Thus, the study showed that with the purposeful work of the teaching staff of an educational institution, working with parents, conducting specially designed classes to familiarize themselves with documents on the rights of children and in general on legal education, the process of forming legal ideas among preschoolers is effective, and a positive trend is observed. not only among preschoolers, but also among teachers and parents.


The rights of the child are an obligatory and integral component of an effective modern society. Their observance speaks of a competent and optimal attitude towards the future generation. Unfortunately, as noted by many researchers and their own pedagogical observations, children themselves do not have a sufficiently complete understanding of their rights. The education system should play a special role in the formation of legal literacy, because it is at this moment, along with the study of the basics of disciplines, that the most effective teaching of legal knowledge to children is possible.

After analyzing the literature on the topic of the work, I determined that the optimal age for the formation of legal literacy is preschool age, because. it was at this time that the foundation of the personality, including its legal side, was laid. Along with this, there is an insufficient development of the methodological and didactic base for studying the rights of the child: there are no special materials, not enough time is allocated for studying the rights of the child.

The study of the problems of teaching the rights of the child made it possible to identify the existing problems and the need for teaching legal culture in preschool educational institutions. Determination of the level of knowledge of preschoolers of their rights showed that not all children have a general idea of ​​their rights.

Based on the research topic, I compiled a program for the legal education of preschoolers and proposed a summary of the legal education event.

The conducted research does not allow solving all the problems of the legal education of preschoolers, but allows us to outline further ways of effectively studying the rights of the child and using the materials developed and presented in the work.

List of used literature

1. Antonyan Yu.M. cruelty in our lives. - M.: - 1995. Ashikov V. I., Ashikova S. G. Semitsvetik: Program and guidance on cultural and environmental education and development of preschool children. M., 1997.

2. Berezina V. Education by a miracle // Pedagogy + TRIZ / Ed. Gina A.A. - M.: Vita-Press, 2001. Issue No. 6. S. 54-63.

3. V. G. Berezina, I. L. Vikent’ev, and S. Yu. Meeting with a miracle: Childhood of a creative person: meeting with a miracle. Mentors. Worthy goal. St. Petersburg: Bukovsky publishing house. 1995, p. 60.

4. Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

5. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten / V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina and others / ed. T.I. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova, L.M. Gurovich. - SPb.: From "Aktsindent", 1995.

6. Evladova E.B., Loginova L.G. Organization of additional education for children. - M.: VLADOS, 2003.

7. Zvereva 0-P- Family pedagogy and home education - M; 2000.

8. Zemska M. Family and personality. - M.; Progress - 1984 - 80s.

9. Ivanova N.P. Raising children in the family in the context of social changes / / Primary school, - 2004. - No. 3. - With. 6-13

10. Concept preschool education// Preschool education in Russia in documents and materials. M., 2001. S. 230, 234, 239, 241-242.

11. Kotelevskaya V.V., Anisimova T.B. Preschool Pedagogy. The development of speech and intelligence in games, trainings, tests. - Rostov-on-Don.: Phoenix, 2002.

12. Kulikova T.A. Family pedagogy and home education. - M.; Academy, 2000 - 252p.

13. Methods of legal education of students. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 223 p.

14. Mordovets A.S., Magometov A.A., Silantiev L.V., Chinchikov A.A. Human rights and activities of internal affairs bodies. Saratov, 1994.

15. Repina E.A. Communication of children and kindergarten and family. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990. -152s.

16. Filipchuk G. Do you know your child? A book for parents (translated from Polish). - M.: "Progress", 1989, - 400s

17. Foppel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: Practical guide/ Per. from German, in 4 volumes. T.2.-M.: Genesis, 1998.- 160s.


Questionnaire for parents

5. Do you agree to assist preschool educational institutions in the formation of a legal culture in children?

Questionnaire for educators

1. Are you familiar with the documents in which Human Rights are spelled out? Children's rights? If yes, please provide examples.

2. Do you agree that a child under 18 has rights?

3. Do you agree with the Rights of the Child defined in the documents?

4. Do you think that children should know their rights?

5. What forms and methods of work in preschool educational institutions allow legal education of preschoolers?

6. What, in your opinion, are the shortcomings in the work of the preschool educational institution that do not allow the legal education of preschool children to be fully implemented?

Questionnaire for children

1. Do you know that there are documents on children's rights?

2. What rights of children do you know?

3. Why does a child need to know their rights?

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Children is our future. And our common tomorrow directly depends on what standards of moral behavior we put into them today. Awareness of the child about their rights favorably contributes to the formation of a full-fledged, cultural, self-sufficient personality.

Civil legal education of preschoolers

Civil law norms are detailed in the following documents:

  • Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959).
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).
  • World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990).

It is very important to present information about these laws in an accessible form for preschool children.

It is advisable to introduce legal education for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years). The form of study must be

in the form of a casual conversation, game, or through the interaction of a teacher with a child.

It is necessary to help the child to realize his niche in society, to understand his capabilities and their acceptable limits. Teach moral behavior, ethics of communication. To explain who a citizen is, what a state is, to acquaint with the history and traditions of his native country and other states and nationalities.

Moral and legal education of preschoolers

Moral and legal education consists in conveying to children their rights, explaining which actions are good and beneficial to society, and which, on the contrary, are harmful to the people around them. It is important to explain to the child that he is part of society and many of his actions affect the development of the whole country.

Tell your child about his rights:

  1. The right to love and care in the family.
  2. The right to education.
  3. Right to medical care.
  4. The right to leisure.
  5. The right to receive information.
  6. The right to individuality.
  7. The right to express one's thoughts and interests.
  8. The right to be protected from all forms of violence.
  9. The right to good nutrition.
  10. Right to comfortable conditions residence.

Explain the meaning of each right.

Legal education of younger preschoolers

At a younger age, the main emphasis should be directed to moral education. Laying in the mind of the child the foundations of a behavioral line, an explanation of what can be done and what cannot be done and why. What actions of the baby harm him and those around him.

Legal education of preschoolers - games

Classes on the legal education of preschoolers should be held daily, throughout the entire year of study. Teaching rights to children is not acceptable. The child does not need to know the exact wording of his rights, but he must clearly understand their meaning and be able to apply them in practice.

Legal education of preschoolers through the game is the most acceptable way to convey information to a small citizen.

Here are some examples of games:

Game 1

After a series of stories about the symbols of the countries, ask the children to draw their own flag and coat of arms. Show a picture of the coat of arms and ask what is missing from it. The coat of arms must be displayed incorrectly.

Game 2

Ask the children to come up with a short story about their dream school. It may lack rules and laws. After the story of some kids, ask the rest to tell what this behavior can lead to and what is the dignity of generally accepted communication rules.

Game 3

Invite the children to close their eyes and imagine that they are little insects. Simulate the life of an insect and its defenselessness. Have the little ones talk about how they felt when they imagined they were insects. And how you need to behave with others, so that they are sure that no one will offend them.

Legal education of preschool children will help them to become full-fledged members of society and ensure positive dynamics in the formation of their personality.

Tatyana Bryukhova
Consultation for educators "Forms and methods of legal education of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 21 "Golden Key"

Performed: Bryukhova T. S.

Kamensky district, Kamen-on-Obi

Consultation for teachers

" Forms and methods of legal education of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution"

A sense of trust in a child appears very early, at an age about which a person still does not remember anything. But precisely in the early preschool age, the child develops confidence in himself, people, the world, character is formed strengthens self-esteem and confidence.

Declaration child rights, adopted in 1959, is the first international document to protect children's rights. Parents, public organizations, local authorities are called for recognition and observance child rights.

The Declaration proclaims children's right to a name, citizenship, love, understanding, material security, social protection, right develop physically, mentally, morally and spiritually in conditions of freedom and respect. Particular attention is paid to the protection child: he must receive help in a timely manner and be protected from all forms neglect, cruelty, exploitation.

Teachers are unanimous in the opinion that close people play a special role in the formation of the personality, physical and mental well-being of the child. If alienation occurs between a child and an adult, children feel unloved and suffer greatly from this.

One of the most important conditions development of society is education of legal citizens, a democratic state capable of socialization, respecting individual rights and freedoms with high morality, showing national tolerance, respect for the languages, traditions and cultures of other peoples. Only now, when democracy is gaining strength, when rights a person cease to be a fiction, can really be set as a priority - citizenship formation: giving each child not only conditions for creative self-realization, but also conditions for free self-determination: as a citizen of a new social system, in which a person becomes not only the subject of practical action, the development of means to achieve goals, but also the subject of social goal setting. A self-respecting person has much more potential activity than one without dignity. AND preschool institution has a special role to play in education future citizen of their country.

Legal education of preschoolers have received much attention, since preschool childhood is the most favorable period for the development of a child's personality.

For formation children have elementary ideas about their own rights and freedoms developing respect and tolerance for other people and their rights, it is important not only to give knowledge, but also to create conditions their practical application. That is, this work cannot be reduced to a simple memorization of the articles of the document and individual human rights.

In our kindergarten, when building the pedagogical process, we determined areas of work of the educator:

Analysis of the relationship of children with peers, in the family, with adults; identification of problems.

Legal education and education of preschoolers.

Level up legal culture of parents.

The purpose of the pedagogical process in legal education of preschoolers is the formation of the foundations of the legal consciousness of preschoolers.


Create conditions to develop a positive sense of self in children.

Develop social skills, communicative competence of the child.

Bring up respect and tolerance, regardless of origin, race and nationality, language, gender, age, personal and behavioral identity; including appearance and physical defects.

Contribute formation self-esteem; awareness of one's rights and freedoms; feelings of responsibility for another person, for the work begun, for the given word.

Bring up respect for dignity and personal other person's rights.

Explain social norms and behavior rules.

Introduce children to an age-appropriate form with basic protection documents human rights.

Interaction system - This:

Organized learning;

Joint activities of an adult and a child;

Children's independent activities.

Organized form learning includes myself:

Acquaintance with human rights.

Conversations on ethical topics.

Role-playing games, dramatizations, didactic games.

Physical culture and health-improving activity.

Visual, labor activity.

Games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere, communication skills.

Problem-search activity (resolution of various situations).

Independent activity of children includes:

Literature work.

Creation of problem situations, tasks for independent observations.

Different types of games.

productive activities.

motor activity.

In our kindergarten, work on legal education consists of three blocks:

1. Working with children.

2. Working with caregivers.

3. Working with parents.

Work with children.

Legal education of preschoolers is to form the foundations of legal consciousness.

Children need build self-confidence, self-respect and respect for others. Completeness of self-awareness and tolerance are the basis legal education of preschoolers.

Forms and methods of legal education of children.

Forms of work with children:

1. Specially organized lesson "About rights playing"form classes - mobile and change depending on the tasks.

2. Classes include moral tasks, since any learning situation should carry a moment education. The main principle in the work is to give children the opportunity to learn about the world around them on their own experience in specific deeds and actions.

3. Classes are held once a month. Preliminary work and work to consolidate the material is carried out in everyday independent or joint activities, which allows you to avoid unnecessary overorganization of children.

4. Role-playing, theatrical and didactic games.

5. Games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere, empathy, communication skills.

Methods of working with children:

1. Using the plots of well-known fairy tales (illustrations, videos, audio cassettes, filmstrips, a conversation about what has been read and watched.

2. Solving problematic problems, finding solutions on your own behalf or on behalf of hero: if i were ugly duckling: if I caught the golden small fish: if I suddenly turned V:

3. Didactic games: "I have right:", "Whose rights violated?", "Name heroes' rights", "Choose right".

4. Observation. For example, we invite children to observe how close people treat each other, whether they forgive insults, how their friends treat offenders, what pleases and what upsets friends and relatives. This technique contributes to the development of empathy and emotional responsiveness in children, and hence the realization the right to friendship, attention, care.

6. Method dramatization exercises children in the ability to "feel" in another, to enter into his position. Each child has a "theatrical instinct" - the desire through the game to play the role of another, thereby expanding the boundaries of his being. This helps to react more sharply to the behavior of surrounding people and animals.

7. Problem-search methods: guessing riddles, solving puzzles, solving crossword puzzles.

8. Productive activity: creation of albums, symbols, production of posters, emblems.

caregiver kindergarten is the main participant in the pedagogical process, including legal education. Leading in the process is the joint activity of an adult and a child.

For formation children have elementary ideas about rights and freedoms, respect and tolerance for other people, it is important not only to give knowledge, but also to create conditions for their practical application. The child needs to practice reproducing learned actions, to see from the side how this or that act looks like, what feelings and emotions it evokes. As examples illustrating one or the other right, concept, we use fairy tales, poems, proverbs, sayings. However, introducing children to rights a person on the material of fairy tales must be carried out very carefully - after all, in fairy tales there is a completely different assessment of the actions of heroes. Usage legal grading system can lead to a distortion of children's perception of fairy tales, condemnation of positive characters and justification of villains.

Working with parents.

The work of instilling the foundations legal consciousness was carried out jointly with parents pupils. Conducted parent meetings advice for parents"Rights child - keeping them in the family"

Modern psychological and pedagogical research shows that parents experience serious difficulties in learning and parenting. They are worried about disobedience, conflict, imbalance, aggressiveness, they despair of poor development, lack of curiosity, passivity, poor success in kindergarten classes, but parents do not know how to behave in difficult situations.

It has been found that parents education their children are subjected to corporal punishment, threats, intimidation and excessive strictness. At the same time, most parents do not attach importance to the experiences of children, do not seek to establish their cause, considering them pointless and unmotivated.

This situation is very dangerous both for the health of the child and for the development of his personality. Child abuse affects their later life, changes psyche: they are different perceive surrounding reality, otherwise they think, behave.

Legal and the pedagogical culture of most parents is at a low level. Even in an ordinary, normal Russian family, in which the social situation of life is not critical, violation rights of young children humiliation of their dignity is quite common.

Observance depends on the qualifications of the teacher and his culture. children's rights in preschool, protection from domestic abuse. Therefore, our task is to legal education of parents, identification of groups of families at risk in which a violation is possible or actually occurs child rights, promote the protection rights and dignity of children.

As a result purposeful legal education should be formed children have such an assimilation right and civic behavior which:

Activates the social position of children, enriches their scale of values, morality;

- shapes high moral personal quality: activity, initiative, independence; the ability to freely exercise choice, make decisions;

Lets baby Right behave in nature and society (the child learns to resolve conflict situations in normative ways, taking into account the positions, desires, needs of other people, and also acquires the skills of arbitrary control of his behavior and management;

Provides a responsible attitude towards oneself and others, towards nature;

Awakens and improves interest in oneself, one's inner world, system of needs, interests, which is one of the psychological foundations of self-improvement

More and more attention has been paid to the issues of legal education in recent years. This is due to the earlier maturation and formation of the child's personality, greater coverage of these issues in the media, the emergence a large number literature on legal issues. Unfortunately, in the programs of preschool education, little time is devoted to this issue. Thus, the insufficient development of this problem in the theory of pedagogy, the demand for a competent legal personality determined my topic of work:

"Legal education of preschool children".



Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution kindergarten of compensatory type No. 32 "Aibolit"


from experience on the topic:

Legal education of preschoolers

" Want. Can. Must".

Prepared by:

Shimkova Nina Anatolyevna,

tutor of the first

qualification category

MBDOU d / s No. 32 "Aibolit"



Report plan

  1. Introduction.

1.1. The relevance of the problem of legal education in preschoolers.

1.2. Goals, objectives, principles of organization of activities.

  1. The practical significance of legal education in preschoolers.
  1. Organization of educational and educational activities with preschoolers on the formation of the foundations of legal culture.
  1. Conclusions.

3.1. Job outlook.

  1. Bibliography.

A child comes into the world helpless and defenseless. His life is entirely in the hands of adults.

Our future and the future of Russia depends on what kind of upbringing, education and development children will receive, how they will be prepared for life in a rapidly changing world. With the onset of the 21st century, this problem is especially acute all over the world and is united by a number of reasons: the socio-economic situation modern world affects primarily children. Children are the most precious thing in any society, regardless of the political system and religious beliefs, adults are faced with the most important problem: how to protect the rights of the child, thereby preserving the gene pool of the nation?

From early childhood, kids need to be taught a sense of self-confidence and social tolerance. Self respect and respect for others. All this is the basis of the legal education of preschoolers. At an accessible level, children acquire the skills of how to express themselves, communicate with each other and take care of others. It is extremely important that children grow up in an atmosphere of respect and not suffer from negative situations.

* For a long time for society as a whole, the task of eradicating crime, educating a person who observes order and the rules of behavior in society has been and remains relevant. A person is brought up by the family, educational institutions, society. The ability of the family to function effectively is considered crucial in the prevention of delinquency. Childish disobedience, dishonesty, and other forms of antisocial behavior are important indicators of subsequent delinquency. But it is not only in the family that the foundations of human behavior are laid. An important role in this process is played by the education system, as one of the most important institutions of socialization. However, this does little to change the legal culture, which, unfortunately, Russia cannot boast of. Our country has embarked on the path of establishing a rule of law state, and in a civilized democratic society, human rights and interests should be put in the first place. A necessary condition for this is the awareness of people, their knowledge of their rights and obligations. Thanks to rights, a person gets the opportunity not only to do something, to act, but also to demand the observance of his rights.

Children are the future of every nation, every state. The future of society depends on how the state takes care of its younger generation.

A new social system is being formed in Russia, striving for the development of a civil democratic society and the rule of law; a new democratic system of humanistic education, adequate to this aspiration of society. Russian system education for the first time acquires, but is far from having gained legal basis democratic society in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. All subjects of education must master the new legal framework and change all educational activities on this basis.*

More and more attention has been paid to the issues of legal education in recent years. This is due to the earlier maturation and formation of the child's personality, greater coverage of these issues in the media, the emergence of a large amount of literature on legal issues. Unfortunately, in the programs of preschool education, little time is devoted to this issue. Thus, the insufficient development of this problem in the theory of pedagogy, the demand for a competent legal personality determined my topic of work: "Legal education of preschool children."

The purpose of the work is the formation of the foundations of legal consciousness i am a preschooler.


  1. Familiarization of children in an age-appropriate form with the main documents on the protection of human rights.
  2. F formation of self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms, responsibility.
  3. IN fostering respect for the dignity and personal rights of another person, the formation of the foundations of tolerance.

I have studied and adapted a program to familiarize preschoolers with rights: “Protect me” by N.G. Zelenova, which includes training and education in their inseparable unity and represents the process of mastering the rules and norms of generally accepted relations between the individual and society. When selecting material on legal education, I take into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, in particular, their special susceptibility, desire and ability to play, which contributes to effective knowledge of the world around them. Take into account that the child is guided in relation to reality by emotions and unconscious aspirations. The depth and stability of impressions is ensured by the brightness and purity of the emotional reactions received by the child.Having reworked and adapted the proposed material for older preschool children in their group. Developing a conceptual model of the pedagogical process in my group, I proceeded from the following principles, which I consider important:

1. Praxiological (activity) approach. Legal education should be carried out in various types of children's activities: cognitive, playful, artistic and creative, labor, musical;

2. An integrative approach assumes that the legal consciousness and behavior of children cannot be formed separately, separately from other forms of consciousness, it requires a combination of various knowledge about society, including legal ones, and the use of accessible forms of their communication to the child. In addition, it involves a combination of several types of children's activities, for example, speech and visual activities, artistic and constructive within one educational event;

3. The principle of regionality determines the introduction into the educational process of socio-cultural traditions and norms not only of Russian society, but also of one's own region. In the process of legal education, children get acquainted with the elementary system of the social structure of their region, its famous citizens, their contribution to the development of our city;

4. The principle of interaction between the educator and the parents of their pupils implies their active participation in the pedagogical process of the educational institution, their education in the field of human rights.

I introduced children to their rights in three directions: "Me and my family", "Me and my rights", "Me and the rights of other people". This contributes to the understanding of such simple and at the same time complex truths as: "My rights are my opportunities, my freedoms", "My rights end where the rights of another person begin."
According to the new federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program, the implementation of the legal education of children is included in educational area"Socialization". Elementary legal knowledge is included in the general and necessary complex of knowledge about life for children. They are an addition to knowledge about the world around us, social reality, but the integration of educationalareas for the development of speech, familiarization with the outside world, art, musical education, free, play and theatrical activities, cooperation between adults and children.

The activities directly organized by me on the topic "Me and my family" included a series of events:“My right to a name”, “My right to a first name, patronymic and surname”, “I have the right to live and be brought up in a family”, “My family”, n aimed at an elementary acquaintance with the right of the child as a universal value, a condition of life and a regulator public relations. Cycle included directly organized activities, conversations, reflections, travel games, problem-search activities, individual educational activities with children.The upbringing and educational process took place in the form of game and cognitive situations that contributed to the understanding of the rights of the child by children, the development of their self-esteem, tolerance and respect for all people. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, I conducted an acquaintance with the rights of the child on the example of well-known literary works, picked up fairy tales familiar to children, in which the plot reflects certain social phenomena. Many works meet these requirements, for example, "The Three Little Pigs" - the right to housing, "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" - the right to life, "Pinocchio" - the right to education, "Zayushkina's hut" - the right to the inviolability of the home , "Cinderella" - the right to rest, "Doctor Aibolit" - the right to medical care, etc.

Conducted conversations on ethical topics: “Hello, hello, hello to you!”, “Bon appetit”, “Not a gift is expensive, but attention”, “So that guests do not get bored”. Conducted role-playing games: "Family", "Journey", "Excursion", etc., didactic games: "I have the right", Whose rights are violated?", "Name the rights of the heroes", "Choose the right".

Games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere, communicative skills and abilities: “Speak by name”, “Say the name of the girl (boy)» , “My friends, my relatives”, “Let's help Cinderella”, etc.

Organized problem-search activities (resolution of various situations), offered to solve problematic problems by searching for solutions on her own behalf or on behalf of the hero: if I were an ugly duckling: ..., if I caught a goldfish: ..., if I suddenly turned into:...; guessing riddles.

When organizing independent activities for children, she prepared tasks for independent observations: where the children were asked to observe how close people relate to each other, whether they forgive insults, how their friends treat offenders, what pleases and what upsets friends and relatives. This technique contributed to the development of empathy and emotional responsiveness in children, and hence the realization of the right to friendship, attention, and care.

Albums became productive activities: “What's in my name?”, “My family”, “Our rules”, “Our rights and obligations”; "The child has the right", "History of the name"; symbol "Name", production of posters, emblems.

Not only children, but also their parents were involved in the organization of the educational process on this topic.

Modern psychological and pedagogical research shows that parents experience serious difficulties in teaching and raising children. They are worried about disobedience, conflict, imbalance, aggressiveness, they despair of poor development, lack of curiosity, passivity, poor success in kindergarten classes, but parents do not know how to behave in difficult situations.

Parents have been found to use corporal punishment, threats, intimidation and excessive strictness in raising their children. At the same time, most parents do not attach importance to the experiences of children, do not seek to establish their cause, considering them pointless and unmotivated.

This situation is very dangerous both for the health of the child and for the development of his personality. Child abuse affects their future life, the psyche changes: they perceive the surrounding reality differently, think differently, behave differently.

The legal and pedagogical culture of most parents is at a low level. Even in an ordinary, normal Russian family, in which the social situation of life is not critical, the violation of the rights of young children, the humiliation of their dignity, is a quite common phenomenon.

In order to study the problem of forming ideas about human rights in preschool children, I developed a questionnaire for parents to determine the need to study the rights of the child and problems in the formation of the legal education of children at preschool age.

Analysis of parent questionnaires showed that out of the total number of respondents?:

  1. are familiar with human rights and documents in which these rights are written 35%;
  2. agree with all listed rights – 20%;
  3. 45% say children need to know their rights;
  4. 40% consider it optional;
  5. 15% abstained;
  6. in 65% of cases, parents agree to assist in the process of learning about the rights of the child, with appropriate assistance from educators.

In order for the work with the family to be effective, I developed an action plan for organizational and educational work with parents. For parents, I created folders - shifters with legal documents, made booklets and memos, consultations on the following topics:

  1. Convention on the Rights of the Child
  2. "Seven rules for adults" (when punishing children, think "Why?")
  3. "Gentleman" or The Last Boy Scout (Rules for Boys)"
  4. "Vasilisa the Wise" or "Cinderella" (how to raise a girl to become a beautiful woman)
  5. How to develop a sense of responsibility in a child
  6. "Toys for boys" (what toys should be)
  7. "Five Recipes for Getting Rid of Parental Anger"
  8. The Four Commandments of a Wise Parent.
  9. "Read to children about rights" (selection of literature, children without rights - Russia without a future)

In the group, I held parent-teacher meetings on the topic: "Children's Rights","New Year's traditions of the family",a long-term project "Seven-I" was organized.

All parents took an active part in doing homework, they, together with their children, designed albums: “How we relax”, “The child has the right”, “History of the name”; Newspaper "Remember Summer". Parents also took an active part in the production of bulletins on the rights, together with the children they selected illustrations for the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.A popular and interesting form was the photo collage “I am next to my dad”, “My grandfather is the best”, “An affectionate word for mom ", etc.

Joint parent-child projects and their presentations became a real discovery. Preparation of the project "Family Tree", according toparents, gave a lot of joy and pleasure from communicating with theirchildren and other family members. “We believe that it is our child who will become a branch that will develop, strengthen, bringing peace, kindness and prosperity to our family tree. After all, folk wisdom says: "Without the past, there is no future."

As a result of the work carried out, positive changes in the behavior of both adults and children are visible, including the awareness of their rights, the development of self-esteem; children have acquired stable ideas about their rights (to love, care and attention from adults, to an acceptable standard of living, to rest, to protection from all forms of violence, etc.). Children learned to attribute their actions and the actions of other people to good or bad, learned the assessment of actions that adults give, and began to correctly evaluate them and act correctly; children experience cases of violation of the rights of heroes of fairy tales or real children (for example, in cases where children are left without parents or are subjected to abuse), remember them, strive to be better themselves.Children now say: "I have the right to a family," "I have the right to rest," and so on. A sense of dignity and respect for each other has become dominant in the communication of children.

I would especially like to note that joint work with the families of pupils on the problem of legal education of preschool children helped adults and children to become closer, taught them to listen to each other and understand each other.

Finally I would like to note that this work is insufficient in terms of the amount of time devoted to familiarizing children with their rights, determining the forms and methods of work, including Yu all subjects of the educational process in the study of the rights of the child and does not allow to solve all the problems of the legal education of preschoolers. Neverthelesspractical observationsprove the effectiveness of the work done and the need for it, because a child's knowledge of his rights allows us to form a legally literate personality from childhood and outline further ways to effectively study the rights of the child using the materials developed and presented in the work.

I see the prospect of further work:

  1. in using the possibilities of differentiated and individual approaches in the process of forming the foundations of the legal culture of preschool children
  2. creation of a bank of legal and methodological materials for the work of teachers in an educational institution on the problems of legal education and legal culture
  3. development of an effective mechanism for the legal education of parents and the creation of conditions for legal education in the family.


  1. T.N. Doronova "Protection of the rights and dignity of a small child"
  2. N.G. Zelenova "Protect me"
  3. OK. Myachin "Little children - great rights"
  4. N.N. Kopytova. Legal education in preschool educational institution.
  5. T.A. Kharitonchik "Legal education"