Early ectopic pregnancy symptoms and treatment. Is it possible to give birth during an ectopic pregnancy? Unique cases of the birth of children after an ectopic pregnancy

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy early term and treatment

On the way to motherhood, there are unexpected, serious obstacles. One of them is outside uterine pregnancy(WB). Almost every woman is at risk. And this diagnosis can lead to death. In 35% of cases, the reason for the development of the embryo in an atypical place cannot be established.

Factors that increase the risk of developing abnormal pregnancy: , use of intrauterine contraception, abortion, .

The most big mistake women - after a delay in menstruation, do a test at home and enjoy the onset of pregnancy. Immediately after this, it is necessary to register and do an ultrasound examination. Because only ultrasound can determine exactly where the fertilized egg was attached.

  • Ectopic pregnancy- what it is
  • Why does an ectopic pregnancy occur: causes
  • Consequences of an ectopic pregnancy
  • Timing of fallopian tube rupture in WB
  • Early signs of an ectopic pregnancy
  • Menstruation during ectopic pregnancy
  • The test will show or not WB
  • How does an ectopic pregnancy occur after a ruptured tube?
  • Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy with preservation of the tube
  • WB treatment
  • What to do to avoid ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is the consolidation and subsequent development gestational sac- an embryo, not in the place provided by nature - in the uterine cavity, but outside it. . It can develop in the fallopian tube, on the ovary, in abdominal cavity, in the cervix, on the internal organs.

The rapid test allows you to suspect the ectopic location of the embryo with (INEXSCREEN). This is important for women at risk for pathological pregnancy. It is possible to reliably confirm or refute the test results on ultrasound. In the study, you can see the localization of the fetal egg and the heartbeat of the embryo.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

A sign of an ectopic pregnancy after a rupture of the fallopian tube will be a sharp pain during vaginal examination.

On ultrasound, you can determine the absence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe appendages, you can see signs additional education. Another symptom is the accumulation of fluid in the space of Douglas.

For diagnostic purposes, a puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina is made - a puncture with a thick needle. In this way, internal bleeding into the abdominal cavity is diagnosed or excluded. The presence of blood during an ectopic pregnancy in the retrouterine space is an indicator that surgery is required. Immediate surgical intervention can be performed with the help of a laparoscope (through punctures in the anterior abdominal wall) or make access to the cavity (incision of the anterior abdominal wall).

The most accurate diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is performed during laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure in which the abdominal cavity is not incised. Holes are made in the abdominal wall. Through them, using an optical small camera, doctors examine the abdominal cavity. And with the help special tools- an operation is performed to remove the fetal egg and stop the bleeding. Diagnostic laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy (examination of the abdominal organs) can go straight into surgery.

With a progressive ectopic pregnancy, laparoscopy allows you to get rid of the fetal egg before the rupture of the fallopian tube and avoid more dangerous complications.

Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy

the only possible method treatment of ectopic pregnancy (interrupted) is - operation salpingoectomy - removal of the fallopian tube. A collapsed fallopian tube must be removed for two reasons:

  • to stop bleeding;
  • and because of its functional failure in the future.

The operation method can be laparotomy or laparoscopic. It all depends on the technical support of the medical institution, the qualifications of the doctor and the solvency of patients.

For the treatment of progressive ectopic pregnancy, there are other options for surgical intervention:

  • Medical sclerosis of the fetal egg - introduction chemical into the fetal egg, for the purpose of its resorption. But the patency of the fallopian tube will be in question. This method is used if an ectopic pregnancy is determined in the only remaining tube.
  • Dissection of the tube in order to remove the tissues of the embryo and plastic restoration of the organ. There is no 100% guarantee that the pipe will be passable. Rehab up to repeated pregnancy may take up to 6 months.
  • With early detection and the availability of special equipment, an operation is possible - fimbral evacuation of the fetal egg. Technically, it looks like this: the embryo is evacuated from the uterine tube under vacuum from the side of the ampullar section of the tube (which is adjacent to the ovary).

Prevention of ectopic pregnancy

Most the right approach to prevent ectopic pregnancy - this is a complete preparation for conception: an examination of a woman and a man. This main rule applies to all couples who want to get pregnant.

It is necessary to minimize the appearance of the causes leading to this pathology:

  • Warning and timely complete complex treatment female genital area.
  • Normalization hormonal disorders.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, including hygiene of sexual life. Barrier contraceptives must be used frequent shift sexual partners.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist - 1-2 times a year.
  • A complete check-up at an early stage of pregnancy.

A repeated ectopic pregnancy can lead to the fact that both tubes in a woman will be removed, and if there are no children, then the only way in these cases, it is possible to become pregnant and give birth only using in vitro fertilization - IVF.

If you have been diagnosed ectopic pregnancy and one pipe was removed - this is not a sentence. get pregnant naturally Can.


An ectopic or ectopic pregnancy is called when the trophoblast is not localized in the uterus, but in the abdominal cavity, oviduct or ovary. This pathology is very dangerous for the patient, as it can provoke her death. Most doctors will answer the question of whether it is possible to give birth during an ectopic pregnancy in the negative. Although in history there have been cases of the birth of children from a pregnancy located outside the uterine cavity. For example, in 1999, Jane Ingram gave birth to triplets: two girls and a boy, who later joined the woman's uterus from the outside, where she grew, developed and was born at term. But similar cases rarity.

It happens that there is a heterotopic pregnancy, when one fetus is localized in the uterine cavity, and the second is outside it.

Etiology and clinical picture of heterotopic pregnancy

Heterotopic pregnancy is quite rare. It is diagnosed in approximately one woman in 30 thousand. Often, uterine pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy develop simultaneously after artificial conception in a laboratory, when several zygotes are introduced into the patient's uterus at the same time. Until they are implanted, one of them can migrate into the oviduct or into the cervical canal and settle in them. It can also develop after ovulation induction or after taking medicines affecting the function of the reproductive system. In addition, it can be genetically determined.

heterotopic pregnancy

There were cases when oocytes implanted in the uterus and outside it were fertilized in different menstrual cycles. For example, the age of the zygote attached outside the uterine cavity is 5-6 weeks, and the period normal pregnancy total - 14 days. This is possible if a woman has a short regular monthly cycle.

Heterotopic, as well as ectopic pregnancy on short term are no different from healthy and may be accompanied by such signs as:

  • lack of menstruation positive test for pregnancy;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • change taste preferences, intolerance to certain products, odors;
  • swelling and soreness of the mammary glands;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • emotional lability.

As the trophoblast grows outside the uterus, the following may occur: clinical manifestations abnormal pregnancy:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back or to the sacrum;
  • in parallel, discharge of blood from the vagina may appear, often spotting is observed after intimacy;
  • develops asthenia, nausea, vomiting, vertigo.

If such symptoms appear, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor, as delay can lead to the death of a woman.

But if a heterotopic pregnancy is observed, this does not mean that two fetuses will die, a normal trophoblast can be saved.

If an abnormal pregnancy is detected in time, it can be terminated. This cannot be avoided, since the location of the blastocyst outside the cavity of the reproductive organ is dangerous for the woman's health.

On small terms laparoscopic surgery can be performed, which will allow you to get rid of the abnormal pregnancy without harming the second embryo.

Of course, the possibility of preserving the uterine trophoblast must be decided in individually. At the same time, specialists take into account the gestational age, the risk of injury healthy pregnancy at surgical intervention, the danger of anesthesia for the fetus, localized in the uterus and other important factors.

Can an ectopic pregnancy end in a miscarriage?

Can there be a miscarriage during an ectopic pregnancy? Yes it can end spontaneous abortion or rupture of the oviduct.

At the same time, they must be differentiated from uterine miscarriage, adnexitis, inflammation of the appendix, neoplasms and ovarian torsion. It is difficult to distinguish these pathologies, especially at an early stage.

Typically, a tubal miscarriage, when the embryo is pushed through the ampulla of the oviduct into the peritoneal cavity, is observed for a period of 4 to 6 weeks, and a uterine miscarriage usually develops later.

With an ectopic miscarriage, pain in the lower abdomen appears unexpectedly, they are localized on the one hand, in the place where pathological process. They may have different character, be:

  • aching;
  • dagger;
  • cramping.

If internal hemorrhages have opened, then they can radiate to the rectum, the posterior fornix of the uterus.

In addition to pain, you may experience:

  • vertigo;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • hypotension;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • rapid weak pulse.

Bleeding with tubal miscarriage is not abundant, spotting, almost Brown, contain pieces of tissue or uterine mucosa. They may be similar to menstruation, but not as abundant.

If a woman develops a uterine miscarriage, then the pains are cramping, increase gradually, are localized in the lower abdomen or in the lower back. They are accompanied by intense scarlet bleeding, in which clots can be found.

Is it possible to save an abnormal pregnancy?

Usually a laparoscopic operation is performed. During it, 3 punctures are made on the anterior wall of the abdomen and the embryo is removed from the fallopian tube using vacuum aspiration. After such treatment, a woman after 10 days can return to ordinary life. And again, experts recommend planning conception in 6-12 months. Although the timing in each specific case should be discussed with the doctor individually. If a woman feels well, she may be allowed to start planning for conception in the first cycle after laparoscopy.

Can an ectopic pregnancy turn into a uterine one? No. Therefore, if such an anomaly is detected, surgical treatment should not be postponed. Delay in this case is very dangerous, it can be fatal. Therefore, if a woman suspects the development of an abnormal pregnancy, she should consult a doctor or do an ultrasound. It is recommended to consult a doctor 5-6 days after the delay in menstruation, already at this time it is possible to identify the development of the pathology, and you should not refuse hospitalization.

Nowadays, thanks to assisted reproductive methods, many women who have undergone ectopic pregnancy and surgery to remove the fallopian tubes and ovaries become pregnant and give birth to healthy children. Therefore, do not despair, but it is better to properly prepare for bearing a child: refuse bad habits, undergo a rehabilitation course after surgical treatment, after consultation with a specialist, drink vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women, relax, eat a balanced diet.

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It is impossible to save the child, under any circumstances. Attachment of the fetal egg in the fallopian tube entails stretching of the organ, which simply breaks when the intensive growth of the embryo begins. Therefore, tubal ectopic pregnancy always ends with rejection and death of the fetal egg. An increase in the size of the ovum always causes a rupture of the tube, since it cannot stretch for a long time. As a result of a pipe rupture, internal bleeding begins, which is life-threatening for a woman. If a fallopian tube ruptures, urgent surgery is needed. Therefore, when diagnosing a tubal ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to prepare a woman for urgent surgery, without waiting for a rupture of the fallopian tube.

If an ectopic pregnancy is located in the cervix, then it also cannot be saved, under any circumstances. Cervical ectopic pregnancy is also dangerous for a woman's life, because with an increase in the fetus and the germination of chorionic villi into the surrounding tissues, it provokes profuse (very strong and unstoppable) bleeding. Against the background of such profuse bleeding, a woman can die within 20-40 minutes due to blood loss in volumes incompatible with life. You should be aware that bleeding develops in all cases of cervical pregnancy. Therefore, cervical ectopic pregnancy should be terminated as early as possible. Naturally, the preservation of the child under such conditions is impossible.

Ovarian ectopic pregnancy is terminated spontaneously (as well as tubal) due to insufficient blood supply for the growth and development of the fetus. The fertilized egg usually dies. It is impossible to save an ovarian ectopic pregnancy.

The situation with abdominal ectopic pregnancy is not as straightforward as other options. If the fetal egg is attached to the peritoneum or omentum, then such an abdominal ectopic pregnancy can be attempted to be saved. However, its preservation requires the constant supervision of highly qualified doctors and their consent to take risks. After all, intra-abdominal pregnancy is dangerous for a woman's life, since the growing fetus is not limited to the uterus, and therefore can at any time break large blood vessels or injure vital organs leading to fatal peritoneal shock. However, from the point of view of pure science, a woman can bear a child with an ectopic abdominal pregnancy. Currently, there are several such cases in the world.

If the fetal egg is attached in the liver or spleen, then it is impossible to save the child with such an intra-abdominal pregnancy. The fact is that the fetus will begin to grow and increase in size, and the liver and spleen are able to stretch only to the size of about a 20-week-old baby. After that, there is simply a rupture of the organ with massive bleeding and shock, ending in the death of a woman. Therefore, in case of intra-abdominal ectopic pregnancy with attachment of the fetal egg to the liver, spleen, intestine or other organ, it is necessary to perform an operation to remove it.

Thus, in the vast majority of cases, it is impossible to save a child during an ectopic pregnancy. Rare cases, when it is theoretically possible to save a child, require highly qualified doctors who will monitor this particular woman. However, in practice this is not feasible, so we can say that in the harsh realities of countries former USSR it is impossible to save a child during an ectopic pregnancy.

Pregnancy is considered ectopic if the fertilized egg is located not in the uterus, but in the abdominal cavity, fallopian tube or ovary. Any specialist will say that the chances of keeping the fetus during an ectopic pregnancy are zero and will be right. Although in fact such cases have been recorded, but they are more likely to relate to a miracle, and not to methods. proper treatment and are often questionable. This pathology is considered the most dangerous for reproductive health women, so it is almost always interrupted. The only exceptions are cases when it was not noticed in time. There are a lot of reasons why it occurs, for example: obstruction of the pipes, previous inflammatory processes, a large number of abortions, bad ecology, age.

There are three types of ectopic pregnancy:,. In 98 cases out of 100, this pathology is tubal. Therefore, in this situation, it is urgent to operate on the patient, naturally, in such conditions, it is impossible to maintain a pregnancy. Isolated cases of the birth of a child are most often described precisely during abdominal pregnancy.

In the vast majority of cases, it is simply impossible to save a child during an ectopic pregnancy. In any case, medicine knows such facts are known only in isolated cases throughout history, and those are controversial. They are mentioned in the media and some foreign medical reports as a miracle.

Two obstetricians in New York Dr. Hellman and Simona published detailed information about 316 ectopic pregnancies resulting in children born between 1809 and 1935. Although according to their data, only half of these children have overcome the first week of life. It was a time when the methods that are now used to terminate an ectopic pregnancy were not used. And according to these experts, in our time there would also be such cases if they did not resort to modern methods treatment. But such a risk is absolutely not justified, and if a problem is detected in a timely manner, measures are promptly taken.

This pathology is very dangerous, since it is not so easy to diagnose it at an early stage. All this disease are very similar to the symptoms that are characteristic of a normal pregnancy, and a woman may not even be aware of the threat. Only at 6-8 weeks there are pains in the lower abdomen, they can be sharp, or aching, sometimes aggravated when walking or when a woman changes her body position. From time to time there are scarce bloody issues brown or bright color. In addition to pain and discharge in women with such a pathology, blood pressure may decrease, the pulse quickens, and weakness appears.

In order to detect an ectopic pregnancy as early as possible, it is necessary for 5-6 days after the delay in menstruation to go to women's consultation. Today, there are diagnostic methods that allow you to detect pathology at the earliest possible date. The gynecologist will prescribe an ultrasound examination, and if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, he will recommend inpatient treatment to the patient. Do not refuse such an offer, only in medical institutions that are equipped with everything necessary equipment You can conduct a thorough examination and make an accurate diagnosis. Nowadays, during surgery, doctors often use -. Such an endoscopic operation takes place without incisions on the anterior abdominal wall. This is the most gentle method of removing the egg from the fallopian tube, using vacuum suction. During this procedure, patency fallopian tubes saved by 95%. After such an operation, a woman can return to normal life in 10 days.

Is it possible or not to bear a child with an ectopic pregnancy?

Many women ask the question is it possible to give birth during an ectopic pregnancy? Doctors give an unequivocal answer, no. It is really not possible to give birth in all 100% of cases. Although this does not mean that such cases of childbearing were not recorded, it was simply that an operation was performed instead of childbirth. But none of the specialists will take risks and deviate from the generally accepted rules of treatment. Articles describing term ectopic pregnancy can be found on the Internet or in the literature, but many doctors doubt their plausibility. In any case, they are single and are listed below.

It is impossible to save the fetus with such a pathology, everything is quite simple, not a single organ where a fertilized egg is often attached: the fallopian tube, ovary, abdominal cavity, is not adapted to intensive growth embryo and cannot support its vital activity. But you can save the fallopian tube, which will subsequently perform all its functions, promote the fertilized egg into the uterus.

It is impossible to save the fetus during an ectopic pregnancy, but it is quite possible to successfully become pregnant a second time. Even if after the operation the woman has one tube left. After all, even when correct pregnancy conception occurs through one tube, so there is a chance, it is important not to miss it. Rehabilitation after the transferred pathology will become initial stage in preparation for a new conception. It is very important to protect yourself for six months so that pregnancy does not occur, because the body needs time to recover. It is also necessary to remember that in the first postoperative month, doctors forbid sexual activity.

Cases of the birth of a child during an ectopic pregnancy

Some modern experts still adhere to the theory that one should try to treat an ectopic pregnancy by saving the fetus, and not by interruption. But it will be more likely in the future, and in our time the risk is not justified.

Below are the most interesting and famous cases whose children survived.

Case recorded 100 years ago

This case was recorded in 1917 in the medical library of Harvard University and described in the medical journal of surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. In the article Transplanting an Ectopic Pregnancy from the Fallopian Tube to the Uterus, Dr. CJ Wallace describes the successful transplantation of an ectopic ovum:

“An ectopic pregnancy was found in the left tube, which was enlarged to the size walnut… Knowing their worries about having a baby, I decided to at least try to transplant the ectopic pregnancy. … I carefully opened the tube by cutting without touching the egg, being careful not to injure the bag in any way, saving part of the wall of the tube. It came out very easily and was about the size of a large olive. Immediately placed in the open uterine cavity ... The tube was closed in the same way and left in place. The patient was under close observation ... for two weeks without any symptoms. ... The pregnancy passed to a normal full term and as a result a beautiful boy was born naturally, completely normal and without pathologies, on May 2, 1916.

Ronan Ingraham - a boy who grew up in the fallopian tube

The King's College Hospital in London delivered a boy in 1999 who grew up in his mother's fallopian tube along with two sisters in the womb. Jane Ingram (32) did not accept drugs to increase the chances of conception, but doctors discovered that she was carrying triplets and was already 18 weeks pregnant. Ten weeks later, the procedure revealed that one of the embryos had developed outside the uterus in the fallopian tube - a situation known as an ectopic pregnancy, and potentially life-threatening.

During an ectopic pregnancy, rupture of the fallopian tubes usually results in pregnancy loss and profuse internal bleeding, which can be fatal to the mother. But in Ronan's case, when the tube ruptured, the embryo joined the mother's uterus and created its own "womb", with its own blood supply in the woman's abdomen.

Survey at that time showed only two normal pregnancies and only much later doctors saw the whole picture. Consultant obstetrician Dr. Davor Yurkovic, who took Ronan along with his two sisters, called it a miracle that the triplets and mother survived.

The courage of Mrs. Ingram was the key to the success of such a birth. “Jane was absolutely incredible. The mood of the patient in such situations is crucial, and she always had a positive one,” said the doctor.

Ronan next to his two sisters in the womb

Ronan's father, but with another child

Davor Yurkovic, who helped Ronan to be born

Kathleen Elizabeth Snodgrass - a girl born with a rare form of ectopic pregnancy

A mother and her daughter in Missouri are healthy after a rare and unnoticed ectopic pregnancy. Yonna Snodgrass (36) gave birth to Kathleen Snodgrass at the New Start block of the Heartland Regional Medical Center in August 2013

Doctors discovered that the pregnancy was ectopic and took place in one of the mother's ovaries.

Elizabeth with her parents

Billy Jones is one of the most famous cases

Jane Jones, at 27 weeks pregnant, learned that her baby was not growing in her uterus, but in her abdomen on the omentum, the layer of fat that covers the intestines. This rare form ectopic pregnancy occurs in one in 50,000 cases.

A team of 36 medical staff were in a crowded operating room when the first-of-its-kind laparotomy was performed to extract the boy. After that, he spent another 10 weeks in a special incubator and survived, although the chances were about 2%.

Durga Targayan - another miracle in ovarian pregnancy

In 2008, an Australian baby was dubbed a miracle after being the first in the world to complete a full term pregnancy in an ovary. Durga Targayan was born in a private hospital in Darwin after a two-hour delicate operation, during which doctors carefully cut out the right ovary from the mother along with the child.

Tanzanian woman gives birth to healthy baby girl

In 2014, a 22-year-old African woman gave birth to a healthy baby girl who grew out of her womb. A woman in the United Republic of Tanzania was found at 32 weeks pregnant that her baby was developing in her abdomen. It is believed that the fertilized egg was initially implanted in the fallopian tube, from where it followed further, and this allowed it to undergo another implantation already in the abdominal cavity.

The child was successfully removed by surgery. The little girl weighed 1.7 kg. And the mother was given a blood transfusion, as she suffered significant losses.

Other cases and studies

The U.S. Department of Health Online Library at PubMed Central contains several professional articles with titles such as " Full term abdominal pregnancy with maternal and child survival.

Sage Dalton was born in July 1999 after development in the amniotic membrane outside the mother's uterine cavity. The reports are coming and going. Doctors are often amazed by the ability of the unborn child to develop and grow, regardless of its location in the mother's body. Most physicians who have written about successful ectopic pregnancies have usually studied the details of one or two cases. But there are also a few experts who have taken the initiative to study several cases, and their conclusions differ markedly. For example, in 1996, a study in Chile showed that out of 11 abdominal pregnancies, there were 7 live births and 5 of these survived the neonatal period (28 days after cord ligation). Another study in 2008 looked at 158 ​​abdominal pregnancies worldwide and found that 28% of babies survived the onset of the perinatal period (beginning at 22 weeks gestation), but the number of live births was not reported. These reports are consistent with an article in 2010 which stated that perinatal survival (up to 7 days after cord ligation) for abdominal pregnancy ranges from 5 to 60%.

Re-pregnancy in the future

Although all of the above cases are controversial and extremely rare, one should be aware of the possibility of giving birth in the future. During the rehabilitation period, a course of anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, which will help prevent the formation of adhesions in the pelvis and reproductive organs.

If the doctor has a suspicion that the adhesive process was the cause of the ectopic pregnancy, then he prescribes the hysterography procedure, it must be carried out on an empty stomach. With a strong sensitivity of the uterus, local anesthesia is used. Complications after such a procedure are very rare, and the diagnosis is made with 100% accuracy. The process itself is also very simple, a special contrast agent is injected into the uterine cavity, thanks to which a contour image of the uterus and fallopian tubes appears on the radiograph.

For re-conception to be successful, doctors must identify the cause of the previous pathology. To do this, you must complete medical examination, conduct a series of tests that will help exclude the presence of infectious, inflammatory processes and hormonal disorders. In addition, the cause of a previous ectopic pregnancy could be intrauterine device, in this case, the doctor will prescribe another type of contraception. Throughout rehabilitation period It is very important to follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician. During recovery, it is very important to healthy lifestyle life, more rest on fresh air try to avoid physical activity, do not overwork, and most importantly, do not be nervous.

It is obvious that it is impossible to save the fetus during an ectopic pregnancy - these are the realities, despite the extremely rare and doubtful cases for many specialists. But it's important to remember! Medicine does not stand still, new innovative methods appear. And who knows, maybe in the near future, the preservation and birth of a child during an ectopic pregnancy will become a reality. After all, research on this subject is ongoing.

It happens like that ... A long-awaited delay, a test - two strips, a mysterious spark in the eyes. Now just wait. But not at this time. “Somehow, my stomach hurts suspiciously,” you think. “Is it normal to feel so bad during pregnancy?”

Ectopic pregnancy (not in the uterine cavity), of course, is rather an exception to the rule. But its consequences can be so serious that every woman should be aware of such a danger.

What causes an ectopic pregnancy, how long does it take for a tube to burst? We will answer the second question later, but for now let us dwell in more detail on the first question, namely, the reasons.

Unfortunately, the causes of about half of ectopic pregnancies remain unknown. But, knowing the risk factors, we can try to protect ourselves from failure, or at least diagnose it on early stages and avoid complications and infertility.

Doctors consider risk factors:

  • Use of hormonal contraceptive methods (pills, patches, mini-pills, hormone injections), use of emergency contraceptive methods;
  • Any operations in the abdominal cavity;
  • Hormonal disruption (for example, disturbances in the work thyroid gland or ovaries)
  • Inflammations and infections (TORCH infections, fungi, sexually transmitted diseases);
  • Frequent abortions and chronic miscarriage;
  • Use of an intrauterine device;
  • Tumors in the internal genital organs, adhesions in the tubes;
  • Anomalies in the development of pipes (too long pipes or too short, winding);
  • Alcoholism, smoking;
  • Ectopic history;
  • Artificial conception (IVF).

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Types and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy: what is the danger?

Ectopic pregnancy differs in the location of the fetal egg and happens:

  1. Tubal (the fertilized egg is located in the right or left fallopian tube);
  2. Abdominal (fetal egg is located in the abdominal cavity);
  3. Located in the vestigial horn of the uterus;
  4. Ovarian;
  5. Heterotropic, when two eggs are fertilized and one of the fertilized eggs is in the uterus, and the other is outside it.

The incorrect location of the ovum during pregnancy outside the uterus carries the same danger. But late diagnosis threatens heavy bleeding and emergency abdominal surgery.

Of course, if the operation cannot already be avoided, it is much better that it be carried out in a planned manner and at the earliest possible date in order to exclude all possible complications and reduce the recovery period.

In the early stages, an ectopic is accompanied by the usual and normal pregnancy nausea, apathy, drowsiness, enlargement and soreness in the mammary glands, frequent urination, as well as increased appetite and special food cravings.

  • Weakly positive tests for interesting position after the sixth week of pregnancy (the second strip is poorly visible);
  • Concentration chorionic gonadotropin below the norm for this period pregnancy (this may also indicate a missed pregnancy);
  • An increase in body temperature without signs of a viral infection;
  • The size of the uterus during a “manual” examination by a gynecologist is smaller than it should be at a given time;
  • Pain;
  • Bloody issues.

Any pain and bloody discharge from the vagina, if the “flight” test is positive, both the doctor and the patient should be suspicious - these are the main symptoms that speak of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages.

About half of pregnancies outside the uterus can be determined by a good obstetrician-gynecologist even in the early stages during examination. In other cases, an ultrasound examination with a vaginal sensor and a blood test for hCG (specific chorionic hormone) in dynamics are prescribed.

How long does it take for a pipe to burst?

During a tubal ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg, not reaching the uterus, attaches itself and begins to develop and invade the wall of the tube, damaging and destroying it. Then gestation is interrupted and this happens at about 6-10 weeks of pregnancy.
In this case, two scenarios are possible:

  1. Tubal abortion - the embryo completely or partially moves away from the walls of the fallopian tube and enters the abdominal cavity. characteristic symptoms is the presence of a discharge from the vagina in the form of blood clots;
  2. Fallopian tube rupture is a life-threatening condition for a woman. Internal bleeding develops, which accompanies a sharp severe pain lower abdomen on one side.

How to understand that a pipe rupture has occurred

After 3-6 weeks from the date of the last menstruation, very dangerous symptoms may appear:

  • Pain. More often cutting, "dagger", but it can also be aching, cramping. Pain occurs on the left or right side of the lower abdomen. And if the pain appeared in the area anus, this may indicate a rupture of the fallopian tube and the ingress of blood into the abdominal space. This is very dangerous symptom and requires immediate hospitalization and most likely an emergency operation;
  • Bleeding is usually not severe, but prolonged. Bleeding during an ectopic pregnancy develops in the abdominal cavity, and bleeding from the genital tract in this case speaks of a sudden change hormonal background caused by abortion. Any bleeding during pregnancy should be a concern and require immediate medical attention;
  • Loss of consciousness. This is a state of shock from a rupture of the fallopian tube, which is accompanied by a reduced blood pressure, pale skin, frequent and weak pulse.

What are the options for surgical treatment

There are several surgical ways to save the fallopian tube:

  1. Milking - if the fetal egg in the tube began to exfoliate, then it is simply squeezed out, while maintaining a completely healthy organ;
  2. Tubotomy - if the fallopian tube is already too damaged by the growing embryo, then it is cut, the fetal egg is removed (or a piece of the tube is cut out along with the fetal egg), and then the tube is sutured again.

Rehabilitation: what will happen after a pipe rupture?

As with any operation, it will take some time to recover after removing the tube. And you will also need to undergo a series of studies and analyzes:

  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs (to exclude the formation of adhesions, fibroids, cysts, tumors and control the postoperative process);
  • Tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea (these are often the causes of ectopic pregnancy);
  • Endocrinologist consultation.

Doctors like to scare us with infertility and repeated ectopic pregnancies. But, as life shows, ectopic is not a sentence. Through massage, acupuncture, magnetotherapy and laser technology can speed up recovery processes after surgery, and modern medical preparations will help improve the quality of the remaining pipe and reduce the risk of subsequent failures to zero. After all, after 5-6 months, the doctor will most likely allow you to make new attempts to have a baby.

Question answer

How to 100% protect yourself from an ectopic pregnancy?

  • Ultrasound diagnostics for a period of 5 weeks. Usually, at this time, the fetal egg located in the uterine cavity is already clearly visible. If the fetal egg in the uterine cavity is not determined, an ectopic pregnancy is suspected;
  • Analysis for hCG in dynamics. With a hormone level of more than 1500 mIU / ml and the absence of a fetal egg in the uterus itself, an ultrasound is diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy.

Are there non-surgical treatments available?

At timely diagnosis this pathology exists medicinal methods treatments, such as chemotherapy. It causes the termination of pregnancy and promotes the resorption of the fetal egg.

Also, perhaps drug treatment if it is established that the pregnancy is weakly active (poorly developing) or frozen.

Pregnancy outside the uterus - a sentence?

No, it's not uncommon now that after two failed pregnancies that led to the removal of both tubes, women easily carry and give birth to healthy children. With the help of IVF (in vitro fertilization), the already fertilized egg of a woman is introduced into the uterine cavity, where it further grows and develops. The absence of fallopian tubes does not affect the process of childbirth.

Does the test show that the pregnancy is ectopic?

Many women claim that during an ectopic pregnancy, the second line on the test was not as bright as the control one.

This is due to insufficient hCG level in the body, which just shows the test.

But this symptom cannot accurately indicate the presence of an ectopic. Just like the bright ones, the stripes on the test cannot judge the “correct” position of the fetus.

Should I keep the tube during an ectopic pregnancy?

Of course it's worth it. In the event of a successful operation and with proper postoperative care(physiotherapy, physical activity) you can save the "working" tube for further conception.

More information about ectopic pregnancy in the next video.