Device for bathing children in the bathtub. We bathe the baby in a large bath. Photo and video: How to properly bathe a baby in a large bathtub

The long-awaited little man appeared in the house. The parents waited 9 months for their child to appear. We prepared in advance: we read books on education and care, bought diapers and undershirts, and consulted with doctors. Taking a small helpless child in their arms, adults develop fear and fear of harming the baby. The greatest concern among parents is bathing a newborn baby.

Mom and dad are afraid that the baby will slip out during bathing. Many questions arise about how to wash a newborn baby. What can you do to make bathing beneficial and joyful, and not frightening for your baby? It is necessary to understand that water procedures, including bathing, are a very important part of care, which affects the physical and psycho-emotional state baby.

For comfortable bathing of the child and the convenience of parents, it is necessary to purchase a bathtub and special accessories that facilitate water procedures. Some doctors advise bathing your baby in a large bathtub, where the baby has more room to move. Still, it is better for a newborn baby to buy a special baby bath.

The procedure for bathing a baby in such a bath will not be difficult for young parents. In addition, in a container for children it is easier to control the condition of the baby and hold him. Currently, there is a huge selection of different types of baths:

  • Classic bath for children. Comfortable for baby and mother. A fairly safe option.
  • Anatomical. Differs from classic version the presence of special protruding parts corresponding to the baby’s physique. Very convenient for babies up to 3 months. Later, the bath will have to be changed, since the older baby will bump into protruding parts while bathing.
  • With an antimicrobial coating containing a special antimicrobial additive “microban”. This additive destroys more than 95% of harmful bacteria on the surface, it is not “washed out” and remains active for the entire service life of the bath, which does not require special disinfection. If the baby sensitive skin or identified allergic symptoms, then a bathtub with an antimicrobial coating fits better Total.
  • "Mommy's tummy." This type of baby bath is widespread in European countries. In Russia, such baths are not yet very popular. Outwardly, it looks like a pot-bellied, wide bucket. The baby in such a container is in the form of an embryo, which helps reduce stress from the procedure.
  • Thermo bath. The built-in thermometer also doubles as a water drain plug. Built-in capacity for liquid soap or shampoo. Sometimes there are two such containers. The thermometer is positioned in such a way that a child will not be able to pull out the plug.
  • Inflatable is a good option for a country holiday. Such containers require careful disinfection.

Once a bathtub has been selected, it is worth considering additional accessories that are definitely needed for this water procedure:

  • A special slide or hammock for a baby bath that holds the baby in a reclining state, with his head raised.
  • Jug or ladle with lid. Before starting the procedure, fill the container with water from the bath and set it aside a little. During bathing, the water in the jug will cool slightly and can be used to rinse the baby. Rinsing with slightly cooled water is one of the elements of hardening.
  • Water thermometer, if the bath does not have a built-in device.
  • Bathing products: baby shampoo, soap, oil for the delicate skin of the baby.
  • Piece soft fabric or sponges.
  • Potassium permanganate solution.

The use of herbal infusions

Parents often wonder how exactly to bathe a newborn in herbal infusions?

Herbal infusions for bathing infants should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor. If the child is healthy, then the use of herbs can be harmful to his health.

Indications for use:

  • Increased or decreased muscle tone.
  • Disturbances in the nervous system: anxiety, moodiness, irritability, as well as restless, intermittent sleep, frequent non-stop crying.
  • Reduced immunity, which leads to frequent illnesses.
  • Problems at work gastrointestinal tract: frequent colic, regurgitation, flatulence.
  • Diaper rash, sweat rash. Skin rashes and diseases: eczema, dermatitis, allergic rash.

Medicinal mixtures and herbs affect the functioning of many body systems not only when used internally, but also when used externally. The baby has no immunity. U little man The body systems are just beginning to form and are defenseless against external unfavorable factors. Be sure to consult your doctor and do not make rash decisions that could harm the baby.


  • The period before and after vaccination.
  • Manifestation of an allergic reaction to medicinal herbs.
  • Fever.
  • Any damage skin: wounds, scratches, ulcers, diaper rash, wet eczema.

If there are contraindications, any baths with medicinal herbs can harm the child. If the pediatrician prescribed medicinal baths, then check which infusions of herbs can be used. The doctor, depending on the diagnosis, will advise which herb should be used specifically for your child.

  • Chamomile is one of the most popular medicinal herbs. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, and also used for correction muscle tone and relieving skin irritations.
  • Sequence - to eliminate the causes seborrheic crusts. They are also used to treat almost all types of skin rashes and diseases.
  • Calming: valerian, motherwort, mint, lavender.

There are herbs to treat colic and reproductive system problems. How to brew decoctions, make infusions, how much to add to the bath - do not decide all these questions on your own. Be sure to check with specialists so as not to harm the baby.

When can I bathe?

Ensuring the cleanliness of the baby is one of the important tasks baby care. The children's room should also be clean. Every morning for a newborn begins with hygiene procedures. Mommy cleans eyes, ears, nose, wipes wet wipes or a soft damp cloth over the baby's body.

Through the navel, an infection can enter the baby’s body and cause illness. That is why, for approximately 10 to 14 days, doctors advise not to bathe the baby in the bathtub until the skin has healed. umbilical wound: enough rubdowns. They wash the babies under a tap with running water, holding them in one hand, and with the other they direct a stream of water away from the genitals.

Benefits of bathing

Bathing a newborn baby is not only about ensuring hygienic cleanliness. This procedure has a huge impact on the psycho-emotional and intellectual development baby. During bathing, all muscles relax, hypertension is relieved, and the gross motor skills, hardening of the body occurs. All nerve receptors react positively to the aquatic environment. The baby's motor functions are improving. Positive emotions, vivid impressions - all this has a positive effect on the nervous system.

The baby is less capricious and sleeps more soundly. Removed in water painful sensations caused by colic in the abdomen. The emotional closeness of the child and parents during bathing creates the prerequisites for the successful socialization of the baby.

Must select certain time. Each family chooses its own bathing time, taking into account the peculiarities of the baby’s daily routine and taking into account the interests of adults.

Several requirements must be met:

  • You should not bathe immediately after feeding, so that the baby does not regurgitate everything.
  • The child should not be hungry during the procedure, otherwise he will be capricious.
  • Most often, the procedure is carried out in the evening, before the penultimate feeding.
  • For children with pronounced hyperactivity, bathing has a stimulating effect. For such children, it is better to schedule the procedure for the day.

First bath

Finally, the umbilical wound healed, and the doctor allowed me to bathe the baby. The child’s attitude towards the child often depends on the first experience. this species water procedure, so prepare in advance. Let's consider step by step how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time.

Getting ready for swimming:

Bathing procedure:

  • So, everything is ready for the bath. Undress the baby. Let the baby lie quietly for a few minutes and accept air baths. Give a light massage, gently stroking the baby's arms, legs, and tummy.
  • To prevent the fool from getting scared, put on a thin diaper. The fabric will gradually get wet and envelop the body: the baby will be cozy and comfortable.
  • Gradually lower the baby's legs into the water, holding the head and shoulders with one hand, and holding the baby's bottom with the other. This way you will secure the baby and he will not slip out of your hands.
  • The water should reach the top of the baby's chest. The head lies on the elbow, for example, of dad. The first bath lasts no more than 3 minutes. When the baby is dipped into the water, the process itself begins.
  • Wash your face gently cotton pad no soap. First, wash the body, moving from top to bottom. Wash the baby's body with your hand or a soft cloth.
  • The hair is washed last. You can soap the head, and rinse the soap from the forehead towards the back of the head, so that the detergent does not get into the eyes, and water into the ears.
  • The baby at this age does not move much, so thoroughly wash all the folds of the neck and perineum. Unclench your fists and wash your palms.
  • Gently rinse off the soap and shampoo. To rinse, remove the baby from the water and place it back up on left hand. Rinse the baby from a nearby ladle with prepared water. Throw a soft towel on top and wrap it up.
  • You should not dry your skin with a towel, as it is very thin, and a rough towel can damage it. Baby just get wet thin cloth, allow the skin to dry. After bathing, lubricate the skin with baby cream on the folds and folds.

For the first 6 months, the procedure must be carried out daily. The time gradually increases from 2 minutes to 30 minutes. After the first procedure, young parents are already more confident in their abilities. Now you can play with the foolish little one in the water: raise and lower the legs and arms one by one. Be sure to talk to your baby when you bathe him.

While dad is holding the child in his arms, mom can unclench her fingers one by one, while telling a little rhyme or nursery rhyme. The baby responds well to a calm, familiar voice.

After swimming

After a correctly carried out process, the child is in a good mood, he is tired and wants to sleep.

The first fears and doubts among parents disappear within a few days. But children know how to surprise adults. Sometimes parents complain that the baby loved to swim, but now there are constant tantrums. To understand how to properly bathe a newborn baby in a bathtub, sometimes it is enough to observe his behavior.

  • Adults often make the water hotter, forgetting that infants have almost no thermoregulation system. A fool can feel comfortable at a water temperature of 30 - 32 degrees. When the mother, following the instructions from the books, achieves a temperature of 37 degrees, such a lover of “colder” water will throw hysterics, cry, and break out of her arms.
  • Shampoos and detergents cannot be used more than 2 times a week. If the baby is healthy and the skin is clean, then do not be afraid to wash the baby with plain water.
  • Some parents take their babies with them to the bathhouse. High humidity, intense heat in the bathhouse - all this can lead to overheating of the little person’s body. It is especially dangerous when adults, to harden a baby, cut a hole in the ice, and after a hot bath, dip the baby into ice water. Similar view hardening is available to big guys, but not to infants.
  • Boys and girls should be bathed taking into account the characteristics of their genitals. Wash the girl in the direction from the genitals to the butt. This is due to underdeveloped labia, through which infection can enter the vagina. For boys, it is important not to open the foreskin so that the process of fusion does not begin. The genitals should be washed with plain water without using shampoos.
  • You can also learn how to properly bathe a newborn baby in groups of young parents who share their experiences. In such groups you can get advice backed up by practice.

Children's fears and their reasons

If after some time the baby's behavior changes dramatically, he may be scared. Talk to your doctor or review your and your child's behavior.

  • The baby often slips and falls in the bathtub. The reason may be an uncomfortable bath. You can correct the situation by placing a diaper folded several times on the bottom.
  • Refuses to wash his hair. Perhaps one day the shampoo got into the baby's mouth. Wash your hair with plain water for several days to calm your baby down. Subsequently, take a little shampoo and make sure that it does not get into your eyes and mouth.
  • Afraid to go deeper. Trying to jump out of the water. The reason may be that he once drank too much water in the bath. To correct this situation, pour less water. Distract with conversations and songs when adding water from the jug.
  • Parents talk loudly and in harsh voices, quarrel during bathing. The fool picks up the intonations, a nervous mood is conveyed to him, and as a result, the baby begins to be afraid to swim.

Most of the children's fears of water are associated with the inattention of adults.

The mother performs the first hygiene procedures for her newborn baby after returning from the maternity hospital. In the evening, shortly before going to bed, the baby is bathed with soap. It should be taken into account that if the baby was vaccinated in the maternity hospital before discharge, then bathing should be postponed for a day. Upon returning home, for the first time, protecting the umbilical wound and allowing it to heal, the baby is bathed with boiled water. Boiling softens the water and destroys any viruses that may be in it. If it is not possible to boil it in advance, then you can add a solution of potassium permanganate until it turns pale pink.

All the time until the wound on the navel heals, and this usually happens in 12-16 days, the water for bathing must be boiled. When the navel is dry and clean, the baby can be washed with plain water without any additives. For young, inexperienced parents of a newborn baby, the first baths are usually associated with certain fears. They can be recommended to watch how to organize the first bath of a newborn in the bathtub - a video lesson presented on our website. Over time, having learned the secrets of mastery in parenting, they will carry them out with ease.

Newborn's first bath

Since bathing the baby will be regular, you will need a special container, it will allow you to do this hygiene procedure as comfortable as possible. Although some parents prefer to bathe their newborn in a large bathtub, the video below tells you what you need to know to do this. After all, in essence, doing this is not prohibited; of course, the container must be thoroughly washed and disinfected. But it is quite difficult to constantly maintain perfect cleanliness of a tank intended for general use. That is why a bathtub for bathing newborns is much more convenient in this regard. Its small size makes it much easier to keep clean.

Another plus in favor of such a container is that it can be filled and maintained faster desired temperature water.

What kind of bath should a child have?

Today, a variety of children's bathtubs are produced. For example, children's devices for children are often found on sale. water procedures having an anatomical shape. Thanks to the headrest and corrugated bottom, the child cannot submerge much into the water. Its disadvantage is that because of the slide, the baby cannot be placed on his tummy, i.e. he will not be able to swim freely.

Bathing a newborn in a baby bath

In some models, the embossed bottom is created by a special silicone mat, held with suction cups, which is used in both children's and adult bathing containers. If such a bathtub for newborns is sold with a bathtub stand, then another advantage is its reliable fastening. But there is also a drawback to such an addition - you will have to select a model so that the bathtub stand matches the size of the large container.

The most popular and therefore the most sought after is classic model. Everyone knows this familiar cup-shaped container; in any hardware store it is presented in large assortment. The products differ from each other only in size, design and cost. This capacity is undoubtedly larger than the anatomical model, but this is a disadvantage for it. Since the baby will have to be held in her hand, the mother cannot do without an assistant. The solution in this case may be to buy a slide.

But such a bathtub for bathing newborns, the photo of which is presented below, is also affectionately called “mom’s tummy”; it can rarely be found on sale. Since this cup-shaped round container has fairly high sides, the crumbs in it are in the same position as in mom’s tummy. It is believed that bathing in a round bowl helps reduce colic in a newborn's stomach. The downside is that you have to adapt to using the bowl, since you can only sit in it.

Newborn bathtub

A number of companies produce antibacterial baths for newborns made of antiseptic plastic with a microban, thanks to which its surface is protected from bacteria. This eliminates the need for disinfection every time.

This model is usually bought by parents who want to prevent their baby from becoming allergic to cleaning agents and disinfectants at the same time.

Many stores today sell a special bath stand for newborns. Such structures are quite stable. They are convenient because the mother does not have to bend low over the baby when bathing. Such a stand can be mobile on wheels or stand on legs. The bowl and stand can be easily moved around the room. The design is convenient to store, since it can be folded compactly and does not take up much space; this is especially true for cramped apartments.

What to look for when making a choice

Of course, parents decide what to bathe their baby in. But in order for the bathing device to be convenient and functional, both for the baby and for his mother, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. The product must be light. After all, mom will have to lift him, lower him and carry him. If it is heavy, it will make it difficult to perform all these operations.
  2. If a non-anatomical model is chosen, then it should contain removable devices that allow you to comfortably place the baby inside it.
  3. The bowl should not be slippery so that it is safe for the child to be in it.
  4. The material from which the product is made should not emit toxic substances during operation and should be easy to wash.
  5. The container must be stable. The presence of rubberized pads on its bottom will not allow it to slide. You cannot do without them even when the bath is placed in a large container.

Is it necessary to bathe your baby every day?

Water procedures are mandatory not only for hygienic reasons, it is a daily training of the body’s defenses, and besides, the relaxing properties of water are useful for nervous system, and you shouldn’t be afraid of it, because delicate skin It doesn't irritate the baby. The frequency of bathing a newborn depends on his well-being and on the means that parents use. Of course, it is advisable to wash your baby daily until he is 6 months old. But if allergies or skin lesions occur, it is better to seek advice from a doctor. But carrying out water procedures when the temperature rises is strictly prohibited.

What you need to know about bathing your baby

Mothers often play it safe by disinfecting water with potassium permanganate, but do not forget that it makes the delicate baby skin dry, which is why it is not recommended to use it every day. Herbal infusions help soften hard water, but they also cannot be used often.

Bathing a newborn in a large bathtub

With daily bathing in any herbal mixture, the skin becomes dry, and the effect of herbs for a newborn is similar to strong medicine. This is why pediatricians recommend using herbal teas only when necessary. For example, a bath with chamomile for a newborn will help cope with diaper rash and sweat rash. The effect of herbal treatment is noticeable after just a few treatments. A bath with a series for a newborn has an antiallergic effect on the skin, eliminating the manifestations of diathesis, but provided that the baby is not allergic to any component of the herb.

It's a good idea to try first

There are many plants in nature that have anti-inflammatory properties.

But we must remember that newborns may experience allergic reactions to some of the medicinal herbs. Therefore, in order to minimize the risk before using any new decoction, it is worth doing an allergy test. To do this, wipe small area skin in the fold of the elbow with a cotton swab dipped in the broth. If there is no irritation, you can use the decoction for bathing.

How to bathe babies correctly

We can recommend to parents who are interested in how to bathe a newborn in a large bathtub the video presented below, where everything is explained and shown in great detail. Often parents are wary of the idea of ​​trying to bathe their baby in a large bathtub. They do not understand that water is a completely familiar environment for a baby. After all, for the last 9 months he has been “swimming” in his mother’s tummy.

In a large container, nothing restricts the baby’s movements, and he can freely move his arms and legs. According to pediatricians, swimming newborns in the bath trains muscles, makes the heart more resilient and helps strengthen the entire body. At first you can use inflatable ring for newborns, it is designed so that the baby cannot slip out of it, swallow water or dive. Swimming with a circle develops coordination of movements.

Bathing a newborn in a bathtub Bathing a newborn in a large bathtub

Children, even the smallest ones, love to swim. Doctors have long been talking about the health benefits of early swimming. There are many baby bathing devices on the market. There was even a special circle to make it more convenient for the child to keep his head above the water. It must be chosen and used correctly so that the child and parents feel comfortable.

New for swimming

The neck ring for small children is an inflatable chamber. It consists of two circles that do not communicate with each other, shaped like a horseshoe. The parts of the inflatable horseshoe are connected using special Velcro fasteners. U good producers The fasteners are reliable and do not come loose in water.

There is a special recess for the child’s chin; it allows you to position your head comfortably while bathing. The water accessory itself is usually bright, with drawings, rattles, bells, balls, some models can be musical. Can be used from the first days of life to 2 years. Often parents are afraid, they prefer to hold the baby in the bathtub in their arms, and they begin to put on the circle at 1 or 1.5 months. Doctors advise to accustom babies to constant swimming after the umbilical wound heals, this is around the age of 3-4 weeks.

This water device will help parents; they will not need to hold the baby. You can use it even if the baby can’t hold his head yet. The child will be able to move his arms and legs freely and move around in the bath. With such a device, you don’t have to buy small baby baths; the baby will be comfortable in a large bathtub with a circle. Water procedures will be easier, simpler, and everyone will enjoy them.

Purchase and fitting

It is advisable to choose such a unique water collar in a large store, where you can return it if the product is defective. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the material from which it is made. You need to carefully inspect your purchase; the seams should be soft but tight. There should be no damage, holes, or strong chemical smell.

Before trying on, the collar must be inflated, but so that it is not too elastic. Often the circle has two or three valves for air supply; all of them must be “sinked” inside before putting it on. The baby should be seated in front of you, facing you, if he already knows how to sit. If he is not sitting yet, then one of the adults should pick him up vertically. The free ends of the circle must be stretched, put on the neck and fastened.

It is important to monitor the child’s reaction - you will see if the collar is tight or uncomfortable. To avoid squeezing blood vessels, a gap of 2-3 mm should be left between the neck and the inner edges of the circle. The child's chin should be in a special notch. In this position, he will see everything, move freely, but will not be able to press his chin to his chest and choke on water.

Who shouldn't

In some cases, neck circles cannot be used for newborns. It would be good to consult your pediatrician before use.

Contraindications are:

  • high intracranial pressure;
  • recovery period after birth trauma;
  • congenital disease epidermolysis bullosa, in which slight friction causes a large wound;
  • high or low muscle tone;
  • colds and infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory skin diseases on the neck.

After treatment, the doctor may allow you to use the collar for swimming. It allows you to spend a lot of time in the water, which is very good for your health.

Bathing safety

Even with such a reliable infant collar, it is necessary to ensure safe swimming for newborns. The circle is not a life-saving device; when using it, you should not relax your attention.

Bathing rules:

  • Do not leave the child unattended;
  • Do not use the circle at a depth of more than 1 meter;
  • The baby's feet should not touch the bottom of the bathtub;
  • Don't pull the circle.

Care must be taken when inflating. It is better to do this not with a pump, but with your mouth. This makes it easier to control the degree of inflation. Don't inflate too much, the collar shouldn't be too tight.

Putting on and taking off a circle is not easy; it is better to have the help of a second person. To prevent the baby from freezing while adults are fiddling with water accessories, the bathroom must be heated. The baby must be washed without a collar; it is designed only for free swimming.

Exercises in water with a circle

For healthy bathing, we need to organize this time correctly. With water devices, it is better to organize bathing a newborn in a large bathtub. The space will allow you to move freely, even perform exercises in the water.

Before bathing a newborn, you need to show him the bathing collar, let him touch it, play with balls and rattles on it. The child must get used to the device so as not to be scared when putting it on.

You need to play and talk with your baby while bathing. If he is very small, then you can go behind his back and call him to turn around. Then go behind your back again and call. This way the baby will learn to turn faster. Then you can hand it to him in the water small toys so that he touches them with his fingers or takes them in his hand. Then move away so that the baby has to get to the toy, splashing his legs and arms.

When your baby gets older, you can make the games more difficult.


Place floating toys into the water. Ask the child to collect them in a small bucket, first to show how to do it.

"Funny Ball"

Place a ball in the water in front of the baby and show how it will swing on the waves. Help the child splash his legs and arms, creating waves.


Pull the baby up to the side, place the child’s feet on it, and show the child how to push off. Such a swim should be carried out along the length of the bath.


Using a circle in a baby bath is convenient for adults and fun for children. Swimming with such a device develops coordination, promotes physical development, normalization mental state. You need to choose a water accessory based on size and weight, use it correctly, then everyone will enjoy the water procedures.

Hello, Dear Parents. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to bathe a toddler in an adult bath, and at what age this is acceptable. You will learn what equipment is needed for taking water procedures, how to prepare a bath and what are the rules for bathing a baby in an adult bath.

Pros and cons of an adult bath

When parents think about whether it’s worth bathing their baby in a shared bath or whether it’s better, they weigh the pros and cons. Let us also look at the advantages and disadvantages of such adoption of water procedures.

Positive sides:

  1. There is no need to spend extra money.
  2. Such a bathtub cannot accidentally tip over.
  3. Due to its large volume, the water temperature remains constant for longer.
  4. Easy process of filling the bath.
  5. Water drains without any extra effort.
  6. The baby has more space to swim. This helps strengthen the toddler’s immunity, has a positive effect on physical development baby, and also reduces the severity of hypertension.
  7. After swimming in a large bath, the child falls asleep much faster.
  1. There is a risk of infection by pathogenic flora. After all, this bathroom is used by all family members.
  2. It is more difficult for a mother to bathe her child; she is forced to stand in a bent position.
  3. In the first months, it is recommended to bathe the baby only in boiled water. For large bath it is necessary to boil a larger volume.
  4. When using herbs, the surface of the bath may be painted. The process of cleaning an adult tank is longer.
  5. A bathtub that big may be intimidating for your baby and may cause problems with bathing.

It's up to you to decide what's best for you. My advice: wait at least until the umbilical wound heals.

Of course, all these disadvantages are insignificant and can be dealt with:

  • disinfect the bath before bathing your baby;
  • you can take the time to boil water and fill a large bathtub with it;
  • mom can put a stool so she doesn’t have to stand bent over; you can also use a bathing slide, which will make the bathing process much easier for her;
  • you can spend time on thorough processing and cleaning after bathing your child in herbal infusions.

So, if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a special bath for a toddler, then you can find an option to bathe your baby in an adult bath without harming him. However, if the lack of a bath is dictated by insufficient space in the apartment, then this is nonsense. In addition to the fact that you can place a baby bathtub on the sides of an adult one, today there is more than one type of children's device, including folding bathtubs that do not take up much space.

At what age should you give your child a bath?

Experts recommend not bathing your baby in an adult bath at least until the navel heals. As a rule, this occurs in the third week of the baby’s life. That is, in fact, you can start bathing your child from the newborn period. However, many parents prefer to bathe their baby in a baby bath in the first months, and children do not go into adulthood until four months, and more often after the little one learns to sit on his own. You also need to understand that in cases where it is not possible to purchase a baby bath, parents are forced to bathe the baby in an adult bath from the first days of life, however, in such cases, one must not forget about all the safety rules and the bath treatment process.

I bathed my son in a baby bath until he was ten months old. Only then did I introduce him to the adult bathroom. Perhaps someone will think that I took too long with the transition to regular bath, but it was calmer for me, and it was more convenient to bathe the baby. When the son found himself in an adult bath, his joy knew no bounds. Then I couldn’t get him out, how much he liked the fact that there was a lot of space for taking water procedures. At first he didn’t even want to take his toys for bathing, he was so pleased with the process of being in the water. Of course, it didn’t happen without the baby flooding the floor with water, splashes flying in all directions. And when I went to the adult bath for the second time, I first took my favorite toys with me. I still regretted that I delayed the transition to an adult bath. If I have a second baby, I will start weaning him off the baby bath from the moment the baby just learns to sit.

Necessary equipment

What parents may need when bathing their baby in an adult bath:

  1. Diaper. Even in a baby bath, it is recommended to initially bathe a toddler wrapped in a thin diaper.
  2. Slide. You can use special devices that will not only make the bathing process better for the baby, but will also allow an adult to cope alone and make it much easier to take water procedures.
  3. Circle around the neck for taking water procedures. This device can be used with early age. With the help of such a circle, the baby will feel more confident and will be able to flounder and even swim. But while washing the baby’s body, it will have to be removed. .
  4. Cap. Available different types, easy to use.
  5. For children older than six months, it is advisable to attach a special mat to the bottom of the bathtub or use a slide-chair during the bathing process.

Preparing the bath for bathing

Before bathing the baby in an adult bath, the mother must take care of the following preparatory steps:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to disinfect the surface. To do this, you need to use regular baking soda, not chemical agent for washing. After you have wiped with soda, rinse the bath thoroughly and pour boiling water over it.
  2. If you have a slippery bathroom floor, make sure to cover it with something.
  3. If there is no need to bathe the child together, then you need to purchase a special bathing slide, which will allow one person to care for the baby during water procedures.
  4. If you have a baby six months or older, toys specially designed for bathing will be an important attribute in the process of taking water procedures.
  5. It is better not to close the door to the bathroom while bathing, so as not to sharp drop temperatures when you will carry your baby.

First bath

This procedure most often occurs during the period when a baby moves from the category of newborns to the category of infants. Therefore, considering the first bath, we will talk about how to bathe one month old baby in the bathroom:

  1. After preparatory stages After pouring boiled water, measure it temperature indicator, 37 degrees is suitable for bathing a baby.
  2. You can use herbal infusions, especially if your baby has diaper rash or redness.
  3. You should not bathe your baby immediately after eating.
  4. When washing your baby, start with upper parts bodies.
  5. Use products intended for use from the first days of life.
  6. The first bath should not be long, let the baby adapt.
  7. It is worth postponing the first bath in an adult bath if the little one is sick or is in bad mood. Such a change can already cause stress in a child.

How to bathe a newborn baby in the bath

Of course, before bathing your baby in the first month of life, you need to take care of all the preparatory steps of cleaning the bath, boiling water, and preparing herbal decoctions. Then you need to make sure that the water temperature is approximately 37 degrees. The next thing to take care of is deciding how much water you need while bathing your newborn. Let the water barely cover the body of a lying baby at first, then you can fill the bath halfway and only after the child adapts, fill it almost to the top. And when the little one grows up, it will be possible to fill the bathtub entirely and at the same time use special circles for swimming. Don't forget to wrap your baby in a swaddle, especially in the first weeks of life.

What are the rules that must be followed when bathing a newborn in an adult bath:

  1. There is no need to quickly immerse your baby in the water. First, it is necessary for the little one to get used to the water, so we lower the child carefully into vertical position, at first only the baby’s legs go under the water. This way the child can gradually get used to the water and its temperature.
  2. Pay attention to how the baby reacts, whether he likes everything. If your toddler is afraid, you should not force him to swim in an adult bath.
  3. If everything is fine, you can start the exercises and then wash the baby.
  4. We take out the little one and carefully blot the entire body.

What do water gymnastics exercises include:

  1. Hold the baby's head by the back of the head with one hand and the chin with the other. The child is in the “lying on his back” position.
  2. Baby in sitting position with bent legs, water at neck level, hold the baby by the head and chin.
  3. The little one lies on his tummy, while with one hand you need to hold his chin and the other to hold him under his body, which helps to maintain balance.
  4. When the baby is lying on his tummy or back, make movements with him in the water as if you were drawing a figure eight.

Now you know that the bathing process can be carried out in an adult bathroom, just make sure to follow all safety rules before doing so. Remember that it is not recommended to bathe your baby in an adult tank until the umbilical wound has healed. If necessary, do not forget to use herbal decoctions. Before swimming, make sure you have everything at hand necessary equipment and care products.

Bathing in a large bathtub promotes healthy growth of your baby, vigor, activity and good mood. It is better to start this procedure a couple of weeks after giving birth. Then you will have enough strength to practice, and your child’s belly button will heal. Until then, you can get by with a baby bath.

It's important to choose the right time for a more comfortable bathing experience for your baby. It is believed that it is better to do this in the period before the last feeding. It is assumed that the child should get a little tired, cold and hungry from water procedures. Then, immediately after the bath, the baby will eat with appetite and calmly go to bed. Don't forget that there are always exceptions. For some children, swimming in a large bath has the opposite effect - excitement and reluctance to sleep. Therefore, adapt as closely as possible to your baby’s temperament and choose your own time for swimming.

It is necessary to prepare the bath before bathing the baby. Clean it first baking soda, rinse with boiling water, then hot water. This procedure This should be done once a week, and on other days the bathtub should be wiped with just a damp cloth (you can use laundry soap).

There is no need to boil water specifically for bathing your baby; just draw it from the tap. Never add disinfectants to the water. Water can get into the baby's mouth and eyes. Potassium permanganate can cause burns, and herbs can cause allergic reactions. Although I sometimes add string and bischofite (sea salt for children), which are sold in pharmacies and children's stores, to the water.

What you will need to bathe your baby:

Rubber mat on the floor. It is necessary for an adult to prevent him from slipping and falling.

Water thermometer.

Dry, clean diapers. After bathing the baby, you should not wipe it dry, but get it wet. A diaper is a priority here over a towel, as it absorbs moisture better and does not irritate baby’s skin.

Clean clothes in which the child will not be constrained, a cap and a vest.

Cotton swabs, swabs, oil and powder. Cotton swabs remove any remaining water from the ears. Use tampons soaked in baby oil to lubricate the folds on your baby's body. If your skin is irritated, use baby powder.

Bandage or gauze. Use a bandage or gauze to clean your baby's eyes. Do not use cotton wool under any circumstances. The lint can get under the eyelid, and then it will be extremely difficult to get it out.

Bathrooms can benefit from a clock to monitor bath time and toys.

The ideal water temperature is 36-37 degrees. You can tell whether the baby is satisfied with it by his reaction. If a child, after immersing himself in the water, after swimming a little, begins to actively flop his legs and arms to warm up, but does not become capricious, then the temperature is suitable for him. If you want to harden and improve your baby’s health, then gradually reduce the water temperature (by half a degree per week, from 37 to 35 degrees). It is recommended to swim in such water for 5 to 15 minutes. Make further reductions only after consulting a pediatrician.

While bathing, it is better to keep the bathroom door open so as not to cause a change in air humidity. This can lead to congestion in children's ears.

Grow up healthy!