Legs are peeling what to do. Therapeutic bath for moisturizing and cleansing the skin. The reaction of the body to the allergen and malnutrition

smooth and healthy legs every woman would like to have. A major obstacle to excellence is peeling skin on legs. If this attack is familiar to you, then this article is for you.

Causes of peeling skin on the legs

There is an opinion that the problem of dryness skin is contrived. However, this is not the case. Firstly, such an attack causes purely physical discomfort and anxiety. Secondly, it looks unattractive from an aesthetic point of view. And, finally, such an external cosmetic “defect” often signals to us that the body has failed inside. It's no secret that appearance epidermis reflects general state our body.

Internal causes

Hormonal changes. The hormone estrogen gives us youth and health. He takes part in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which form a kind of "basis" of the skin, preventing its "sagging". Being one of the main components of the connective tissue of the dermis, collagen and elastin provide its elasticity and firmness. It is noticed that during pregnancy and menopause, the level of estrogen in the body decreases, the skin produces an insufficient amount of natural fat and often becomes dry.

Diseases of the internal organs:

  • hepatitis,
  • chronic kidney failure,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system;

Long-term use of drugs:

  • antibiotics,
  • oral contraceptives.

Avitaminosis. E With If we don’t get such vitamins as A, E, B with food every day, then we shouldn’t be surprised that the skin on our feet is peeling off. The lack of vitamins is especially acute in the off-season and, especially, in early spring;

Nutritional errors. We do not urge anyone to go on a strict diet, but if dryness and itching are your reliable companions, then it will not be out of place to supplement your daily diet with cereals, fish and vegetable oils.

External causes

Aggressive environment. Classic Russian winters not only test us for strength every year, but also leave their imprint on the skin. Under the influence of cold and piercing winds, its type changes: oily becomes normal, normal dry, and dry is overly sensitive. In addition, if the indoor air is too dry, the problem is exacerbated. In the summer period, we do not miss the opportunity to expose our legs to the sun, we strive for the sea and ... we get exactly the same! It is not surprising, since under the influence of dangerous ultraviolet radiation And sea ​​salt water from the surface of the epidermis instantly evaporates, making the skin dry and thin.

Water is our reliable friend. In the apartments of the townspeople, the water is hard and, moreover, excessively chlorinated. Combined with cleansing surfactants found in alkaline soaps, shower gels and various means household chemicals it turns out to be a truly explosive mixture.

consequences of depilation. Depilation can give not only the joy of contemplating one's own smooth legs but also bring me to tears. If your skin is too susceptible to wax and sugar, then you should opt for other more gentle methods of hair removal. Perhaps, following this advice, you will not have to wonder why the skin on the legs below the knees is peeling off.

Clothes from artificial materials. Each of us in the locker has a few blouses, comfortable tights, favorite synthetic trousers or trendy leggings. During their constant wear, you may notice that the skin becomes thin and fragile. On the limbs in general is much less sebaceous glands than on other parts of the body. Therefore, our legs and knees need special close attention and special care.

Regardless of the cause of the appearance, one thing remains unchanged: dry feet occurs where there is relatively low level lipids - layers of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. If we imagine our skin as a reliable wall that protects the entire body from external threats, then corneocytes (scales of the upper layer of the epidermis) will be its bricks, and lipids will be the cement between the bricks. With an insufficient level of lipids and moisture, or if for one of the above reasons the regeneration of the skin is slowed down, the skin of the legs becomes dry.

Why does the skin on the legs above the knees peel off

  1. Not proper care: after a daily shower, we are often too lazy to pay attention to our legs, limiting ourselves to applying cream on the face. Therefore, do not be surprised if floor-length skirts appear in your wardrobe soon. However, if you regularly use Panthenol EVO milk with 2% Dexpanthenol and vitamin E, then you will not have to hide your beauty, and the skin will remain soft at any time of the year.
  2. urticaria often occurs during pregnancy. In this case, any elimination of symptoms should occur only after consultation with a doctor;
  3. neurosis;
  4. allergic reactions. It is well known that sometimes after drinking a glass of a colorful cocktail at a party or after trying a new masterpiece of culinary art in a restaurant, there is a terrible itch. It is very important not to comb the problem area. It is better to try to fix the problem by applying a little body milk.

Why does the skin on the legs below the knees peel off

If you are afraid of a meeting with a beautician like fire, and the word “sugaring” and “waxing” cause an unpleasant chill between the shoulder blades, then surely you have safely settled in your bathroom Shaver, which is one of the main problems in which your legs below the knees are very flaky.

When performing a hair removal procedure at a beautician good specialist necessarily soothes and moisturizes irritated skin of the legs with a special product with emollients. At home, it would be great to do the same. Pay attention to clean-shaven men - they are familiar with the problem firsthand. Any of them must apply a soothing agent after a morning shave to avoid irritation and dryness. Why are we often content with just hot water and soap? Meanwhile, with the task "perfectly" can cope universal cream with panthenol. It moisturizes, has an anti-inflammatory effect and soothes irritated skin of the legs below the knees after contact with hard water and a razor blade.

trends modern fashion require not only smooth female legs without a hint of vegetation, but also oblige us to follow the rules business style in clothes. Required attribute wardrobe modern woman, tights and stockings, prevent the access of air to the skin. They are made of artificial materials, and from their constant wear there is a "greenhouse effect", which is a fertile environment for the development of microorganisms.

Why does the skin between the toes peel and itch

  1. Perhaps it's a fungus. After completing the course of treatment, it is recommended to apply a cream with urea for the feet. Natural extract complex medicinal herbs and 10% content of urea (carbamide) in the cream not only helps to eliminate peeling between the toes, but also prevents the development of fungal microflora and bad smell legs.
  2. Lack of vitamins. The skin between the fingers is especially delicate and needs additional nourishment “from the outside”.
  3. Poor quality shoes. Lack of oxygen access and modern synthetic materials contribute to the problem.
  4. To preserve the beauty and restore attractiveness to your legs, you just need to pamper them with special creams and pay a little more attention to them. And then they will not be able to escape from the approving sighs of their fans and the envious glances of their girlfriends!

"Oh, what legs!" - how nice it is to hear this phrase, but for what mysterious reason do we do almost nothing to make our legs an object of admiration for everyone around us? Indeed, in fact, foot care is quite simple, especially if you get used to paying attention to them regularly.

Alas, the skin on the legs often peels off, and the reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse. Sometimes it is enough to take a close look at the wardrobe and shoes to get rid of this phenomenon, and sometimes you need to undergo treatment from a specialist.

Peeling skin on the feet

If there is not only peeling of the skin on the legs, but also the feet itch, the skin on the heels is covered with small bubbles, and weeping red spots form between the fingers, then this is probably a fungal disease. Hoping that the most will somehow pass is not worth it, so do not waste time and go to a dermatologist who will select the treatment. launched fungus- this is a debilitating phenomenon, the skin itches, itches, flakes, smells unpleasant, and the nails thicken, turn yellow and begin to crumble. Restore nail plates after fungal disease- the lesson is long and sometimes expensive, so it’s better not to start the feeling of discomfort that has arisen, and get checked.

Peeling skin on thighs and calves

Sometimes the legs peel off, as they say, along the entire length. At the same time, peeling of the skin on the legs does not cause discomfort, but it looks like you have dandruff, only on your legs. Most likely, the fact is that the fabric that constantly touches this part of the body does not suit you. Probably should change clothing manufacturer, or washing powder, or is it a skin reaction to fabric softener. Look for the reason - it seems that the skin is trying the only way available to it to isolate itself from the unpleasant neighborhood.

It can also be assumed that the skin is flaky due to excessive dryness. In this case, it is necessary to pamper her with appropriate means. Make it a rule to rub your skin while taking a shower coffee grounds, it acts as a gentle toning scrub. After shower, pat your skin dry terry towel and apply body cream on it. Main function body creams - nourish and moisturize the skin, which is tired of constant contact with the tissue.

Sweating feet and flaking

Sometimes peeling of the skin on the legs begins due to excessive sweating. Under the influence of sweat, the skin becomes loose, susceptible to the action of microorganisms, the renewal of the upper layer of the epithelium is accelerated, and it turns out that the skin is flaky.

Get rid of excessive sweating will help regular careful care with the use of special products, plus a choice right fabric that will touch the skin. If this is a reaction to synthetics, then sweating can be treated for as long as you like, but at the same time it will not go anywhere. Well helps powder "Galmanin" or Teymurov's paste, baths with infusion medicinal chamomile and oak bark. You can also buy a drug in the pharmacy, which is a 1% solution of formalin with additives, and this is a wonderful remedy for excessive sweating.

  • It is sweating that serves as a causative pungent odor from the feet, and exfoliating skin particles create a layer of softened skin, which then will need to be removed with a special heel grater or a piece of pumice stone.

In fairness, it is worth noting that sometimes the skin peels off because the body lacks vitamins and trace elements. In particular, the lack of vitamin A just causes peeling of the skin. If you have vitamin deficiency, then you should follow the doctor's instructions and take a course of vitamin therapy.


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

Dry skin on the legs is a problem that most women face. First, the skin begins to coarsen, then peel off and crack, which, of course, brings a lot of discomfort to life. First, if there is such a problem in summer time you won't dress open shoes, and secondly, cracks in the legs cause severe.

To deal with such a problem at home is not only possible, but also necessary. But before talking about how to do it, you need to understand why the skin on your feet dries.

Dry skin on the legs can occur due to uneven blood circulation as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes or tight tights. Moreover, such factors can contribute not only to the appearance of dry skin, but also to the development varicose disease veins, which is characterized by the appearance of "asterisks" on the skin and bulging veins.

It is worth noting that tight tights"seal" the skin, preventing it from breathing normally, which leads to a violation of the water balance. Moreover, not only tights can contribute to this, but also pajamas that fit snugly to the body, and as a result, not only does dry skin of the legs appear and peel off, but also the functioning of blood vessels worsens.

The skin on the legs also dries and itches as a result of exposure to cold temperatures, for example, when a woman often puts on short dresses in winter and goes outside. This situation is aggravated by frequent hair removal.

In some cases, cosmetic products that a woman uses daily at home can cause dry skin on her legs. It can be regular soap, shower gel or body milk. When choosing cosmetics, carefully study its composition. It must contain natural oils and ceramides, which help moisturize the skin.

Frequent use of chlorinated water can also lead to. If you do not have the opportunity to use other water, then after each washing of your feet, treat them with nourishing creams.

It should also be noted that dry skin on the legs and other parts of the body may be the result of a disease, for example, diabetes psoriasis or dermatitis. IN this case specialist assistance is required to fix the problem. After all, return the skin normal condition you can only after you eradicate the very cause of its dryness.

An important role in this is played by the age of the woman. The older she is, the drier her skin becomes. After 40 years, it takes a lot of effort to restore healthy and healthy skin to the skin. beautiful view. For this, it is recommended to use professional cosmetics.

What to do if your skin is dry and flaky? What are the methods of folk and traditional medicine will be the most acceptable and in demand? Experienced and skillful tips for every user!

If you have very dry skin on your feet, you need to take proper care of it. Make it a rule to treat it daily with moisturizers. You just need to apply them open pores. And for this you need to do foot baths or take a hot shower or bath daily.

If you have dry skin on your feet, then you need to thoroughly steam it before applying a moisturizer, so it absorbs the maximum of nutrients.

For dry skin, you can not use ordinary alkaline soaps. They will contribute to its even greater overdrying, as a result of which the skin will begin to peel off strongly. Better use liquid soaps containing oils. They gently cleanse the skin without harming it.

While taking a shower, it is necessary to do a massage, which will help improve blood circulation in the tissues and their nutrition. To do this, simply point the jet of water at your feet and relax. After this procedure, the skin does not need to dry the skin. It should only be slightly blotted with a towel, and smeared with a moisturizer on top.

Instead of cream, you can use various vegetable oils, which not only soften the skin, but also saturate it with vitamins. For these purposes, olive, almond and linseed oil. They are applied to the skin and left for a couple of minutes. Then they take paper napkin and just remove the excess.

To prevent painful cracks on the heels, it is necessary to regularly remove the keratinized layer of skin from them. To do this, you can use a pumice stone, but in no case a razor. It severely injures the skin, which increases the risk of infection.

Apply a pumice stone before water procedures especially if the skin on the legs is dry and itchy. So you can remove a lot more dead particles. After you treat your heels, wash them under running water, dry and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

In order for the skin on the legs not to be dry, moisturizing masks should also be done regularly. They can be purchased at any cosmetics store or you can make your own from products that you have at home.

Moisturizing masks for dry skin of the legs at home

If you have dry skin on your feet, make it a rule to regularly (at least 2 times a week) make moisturizing masks. To do this, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase of exotic ingredients. They can be prepared from improvised means.

For example, if you have an oil solution of vitamin A or E at home, as well as cream or sour cream, then by combining these ingredients you can get an excellent moisturizing foot mask. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Remove the rest of the mask with a paper towel.

Or you can purchase a little lavender or mint essential oil and add a few drops to your regular foot care routine. Use it in the same way as before, after two or three applications of this product, dry skin on the legs will be more hydrated and supple.

In addition, if you have fresh apples at home, then you can make a mask from them, which will not only help moisturize the skin of your feet, but also prevent the appearance of cracked heels. To do this, take an apple, cut it into slices and pour a little milk over it. Then put the container on a slow fire and cook the apples until they turn into porridge.

Then let the mixture cool slightly and apply it on the feet and shins. Wrap your feet in plastic and put on warm socks. Rinse them after 40 minutes warm water and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

An excellent moisturizing effect for the treatment of dry skin on the legs will be a mask made from baby cream. For one procedure, you will need 4 tsp. cream, raw egg white, 1 tsp butter and 2 tsp. pulp raw potatoes. Mix all these ingredients until smooth and apply on the skin of the feet. Wash off the mask with warm water after 30 minutes.


Remember that it is much easier to prevent dry skin on your feet than it is to treat it. For this you need:

  • wear only comfortable shoes;
  • refuse to wear tight leggings and tight tights;
  • revise your diet and include more fresh vegetables and fruits in it;
  • regularly carry out procedures to remove dead skin particles;
  • make moisturizing masks;
  • stop using ordinary soap and scented shower gels.

If the skin on the legs is very dry, then you need to devote more time to caring for the damaged areas, moisturize your legs every evening cosmetics or oils of pharmacy or home production.

Now you know exactly what to do if the skin on your feet dries! Let all the above recommendations and tips help you restore your skin and make your legs flawless regardless of the season!

Video on how to take care of your feet

If the skin on the feet is particularly dry and flaky, itchy, or even cracking, then the therapy will directly depend on the cause that led to this condition. provoke indicated symptoms can be both cosmetic factors and a serious latent disease.

Article plan:

Causes of peeling

Environmental impact

The most common cause of dry feet is the instability of the conditions. environment. This category includes low-quality uncomfortable shoes, socks made of non-natural materials, regular walking in high heels.

Wearing hosiery for too long leads to flaky feet. Poor quality materials from which shoes are sewn can cause clogging of the pores of the skin, making it difficult for it to breathe.

Weather conditions can also Negative influence and cause dry skin. In the cold season, the feet need to be especially carefully looked after, constantly moisturizing. by special means, due to the fact that very coldy and low air humidity can cause peeling as a kind of allergy. And this applies to both children and adults equally.

TO negative impact environment include and application cosmetic products that contain harmful additives or do not meet quality standards. Such creams not only dry out the feet, but also cause allergies, which have to be treated with antihistamines.

Promote dry skin cosmetic preparations containing alkaline compounds. A shower product that is used daily can also cause a similar reaction on the skin of the lower extremities.

The dryness of the air in the room where a person spends the most time favors the peeling of the epithelium on the feet. Humidifiers are called to correct the situation and frequent airings premises.

Unhealthy diet and lack of moisture

The skin, like a mirror, reflects all the processes that occur in the body, so dry feet can be caused by a change in the content of water and mineral salts. In this case, not only the skin flakes off, but the legs also itch unbearably.

  • The lack of balance is not only due to the lack of fluid intake, but also due to the excessive presence of smoked meats and pickles in the diet, which cause increased thirst.
  • The norm is the use of 2.5 liters clean water per day, excluding soups and tea. If you drink less water, the skin will become dry throughout the body.

Another common problem that contributes to increased dryness is beriberi or hypervitaminosis. sometimes even vitamin complexes do not guarantee the sufficiency of useful organic compounds. If the body lacks vitamins of group B, as well as D, then this can lead to peeling of the heels and unbearable itching, and the skin on the fingers may also begin to peel off.

Hypervitaminosis can also lead to skin problems. The increased content of vitamin C and some trace elements can cause dryness.

Diseases that cause peeling of the feet

One of the most unpleasant reasons why the skin on the legs peels off is a lesion with infections of fungal etiology.

The primary signs of the disease are so vivid that it is impossible not to notice them. Main symptom– deformation nail plate and strong compaction. Accompanied by this symptom:

  • desquamation of the epithelium,
  • itching
  • and sometimes pain.

For more advanced stages rashes and hyperemia of the skin are observed.

It is not difficult to become infected with fungal infections in any public place if there is direct contact with pathological spores. The absence of complex hygienic measures, wearing someone else's shoes affected by the fungus contributes to the development of the disease.

If signs of damage to the skin of the lower extremities by fungal spores are found, it is necessary to seek qualified help from a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Self-medication in this case can not only not bring results, but also cause complications, since before applying any means, it is important to determine which fungi caused the development of the disease.

Many medications have a narrow focus and can be absolutely useless in the fight against a certain type of fungal disease.

Doctors identify other reasons that provoke excessive dryness of the feet.

Other causes of dry and flaky feet

The most common sources excessive dryness:

How to treat

The aesthetic appearance of the heels suggests their smoothness, but peeling and redness does not add beauty to them. In addition, there is some discomfort.

The question arises: what to do? How to get rid of excessive dryness, overcome itching and restore lightness and attractiveness to the legs? There is no single answer, since the variety of provoking factors suggests different approaches to their treatment.

In order to determine the exact diagnosis and identify the problem, it is necessary to go through full examination. If any is diagnosed internal disease, which is a source of damage and damage to the skin of the feet, then only competent scheme treatment. It will be prescribed by a dermatologist.

If the reason is the absence healthy eating, then it is necessary to reconsider the approach to cooking and the list of consumed products.

  1. Improvement of skin condition contributes to the use a large number vegetable fats, raw vegetables and fruits.
  2. It is important to exclude frying as a way of processing products, give preference to steaming, baking, stewing and boiling. You can eat lean meats and fish.
  3. The water-salt balance can be adjusted if you drink the prescribed amount of water every day, in parallel, it is recommended to completely abandon coffee, since it has a diuretic effect and contributes to dehydration.

If serious pathologies was not identified, but the feet still peel and itch, it makes sense to pay attention to hygiene issues. Most likely, hygiene standards are not fully observed, or maybe the care is not entirely correct, or the wrong cosmetic products are used.

How to properly care for the skin of the feet

The rules should be followed not only if there is a problem, it is important to take care of the beauty and health of your legs every day, even as a preventive measure. If you apply some little secrets, you can achieve ideal skin, literally amazing smoothness and tenderness.

The nightly procedure should be the removal of dead epithelial cells with a pumice stone. These manipulations contribute to the rapid renewal of the skin.

By doing the right and regular care behind the feet, you can alleviate the condition if dryness and itching have already declared themselves, as well as prevent the appearance of a problem if there are no unpleasant symptoms yet.

Attention, only TODAY!

Many people complain that they have peeling skin on the soles of their feet. Peeling is affected different factors, both external (wearing uncomfortable shoes) and internal (lack of vitamins or diseases digestive tract). Detachment of the skin can be painless, causing only cosmetic discomfort.

In other cases, peeling is accompanied by itching, pain, and cracking of the heels or between the toes.

Causes of pathology

When unpleasant symptom people wonder why the skin on the soles of the feet peels off. The main factor contributing to exfoliation in an adult or baby is dryness of the skin of the feet. The dead layer of the epidermis gradually peels off.

Allocate the following reasons affecting the separation of the skin:

  • uncomfortable, closed and tight shoes disturbs the respiration of the skin. Oxygen practically does not get to the feet, this causes severe peeling.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals - this factor causes peeling of the skin not only on the feet, but also on other parts of the body. In parallel, the condition of hair and nails worsens in people. Among dermatologists, it is generally accepted that peeling is caused by a lack of vitamin A and E.
  • Poor skin hydration - in summer and hot weather, the skin becomes very dry, and the body feels a lack of clean water. A similar state is observed during the heating season.
  • Fungal diseases of the skin often lead to peeling of the feet. But in this case, it comes from the feet, the feet itch a lot. Fungi are usually infected by people visiting public places associated with walking barefoot. For example: baths, saunas, swimming pools.
  • Skin exposure to low or high temperatures, extreme and sharp drop ambient temperature. For example: with frostbite or severe burns.
  • Wearing socks, stockings or tights made from synthetic materials. The access of oxygen is difficult, the skin dries out a lot.
  • The peeling of the feet is also affected by long-term stressful situations, being in a constant tense emotional state.

Poorly selected skin can cause peeling cosmetic preparations, regular exposure to chlorinated water, disturbances in the digestive system.

  1. If the skin peels off due to a fungus, then doctors prescribe local preparations in the form of creams, gels or ointments: Lamisil, Exoderil, "", "".
  2. At severe itching or burning sensation, it is recommended to take antihistamines medicines. Therapy is carried out with the help of "Zodak", "Suprastin" or "Zirtek".
  3. If peeling is caused by eczema, psoriasis or other skin diseases, it is necessary to use steroid drugs. The most common drug is Prednisolone.
  4. Local anti-inflammatory ointments include Bepanten or Fenistil. You can also use corticosteroid drugs: Lokoid, Avanten. Ointments will relieve itching and alleviate the patient's condition.
  5. In case of severe fungal infections of the feet, you should drink a course of tablets: "Itraconazole" or "".
  6. Baths with potassium permanganate will help alleviate the condition of patients suffering from fungal diseases. They disinfect the skin, help to cope with fungi. Heat the water to 40 degrees, dilute potassium permanganate in it until the solution becomes dark in color. Keep your feet in the bath for up to 20 minutes.

Dry your feet, apply medication and put on cotton socks.

Treatment at home

In addition to traditional medicine, you can use cosmetic methods softening the skin without leaving home. They are suitable for both children and adults.

Ointments and compresses moisturize and nourish the skin of the legs in a child and an adult:

  1. Prepare two yolks, add a few spoons to them warm oil(sunflower or olive). Beat the mixture well, apply to clean feet, wrapping them with plastic wrap. Put on your socks, walk for an hour, then wash off.
  2. Take any foot cream, mix three spoons with 50 milliliters of chamomile decoction. Next, make a solution of starch: dilute two tablespoons of the powder with water to get the state of sour cream. Mix both solutions, spread it on your feet. Wrap your feet in cling film and put socks on top. Wash your feet well after half an hour.
  3. Prepare a few spoonfuls fat cream for the body, add some freshly squeezed juice from carrots or beets to it (you can even mix both fresh juices). Spread the resulting mixture on the feet, wash them after 30-40 minutes.

With foot fungus, you can use proven folk remedies: baths with iodine, soda, vinegar, salt.


Regular care of the skin of the feet in an adult helps to avoid problems associated with dry feet.

The following preventive measures will help improve the condition of the skin:

  • always wash your feet before going to bed, lubricating them special cream for feet;
  • choose shoes from quality materials, and socks - from breathable fabrics (cotton or linen);
  • drink a complex of vitamins several times a year, it will improve the condition of the body as a whole;
  • do it a couple of times a week softening baths from decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula or with the addition baking soda or lemon;
  • observe the water regime, every day an adult should consume from one and a half to two liters of clean water.
  • include foods containing vitamins A and E in your diet. Diversify your menu with fish, seafood, carrots, broccoli, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils.
  • do leg exercises regularly to improve blood flow. Just raise your legs above body level, for this lie on your back. Shake your limbs for 2-3 minutes.


Peeling of the skin on the soles of the feet in children and adults is an unpleasant defect. Sometimes the separation of the upper layers of the epidermis is not accompanied additional symptoms and goes unnoticed. But in some cases, on the heels or fingers are formed