How to do a facelift at home. Proven home methods for a facelift. Cosmetic facelift at home

In the life of any woman, there comes a moment when you have to decide: fight for your beauty or give up? Most of us make the right decision and start working on our appearance. Moreover, in the women's arsenal there are many effective means: homemade masks, compresses, massages.

Indications for the use of tightening masks

After 35 years, facial skin care should completely change. Due to the loss of the ability to produce its own collagen and elastin in the same quantities as before, the skin begins to sag. The oval of the face “floats”, deep skin creases are formed - wrinkles.

Naturally, it's time to think about how to tighten the skin of the face at home. You can, of course, turn to the services professional cosmetologists, but it's expensive, because now you have to take care of your face all the time. It is much easier to learn how to work with a face on your own, especially since this may be required earlier (for example, after strong weight loss V young age).

If we talk about indications for lifting (lifting), then tightening face masks should be done regularly if there are the following problems:

Blurred oval of the face;

The appearance of a second chin and cheeks;

strongly pronounced mimic wrinkles from the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, eyelids, forehead, lips;

Decreased skin tone (sagging, sagging);

The appearance of overly pigmented areas.

The question arises, how to tighten the oval of the face at home. The fact is that many women are sure that only cosmetologists armed with meso-cocktails, needles, lasers and other miracle devices can save the situation. In fact, if desired, the lifting effect can be achieved independently. Of course, you will have to work hard, and having achieved the result, continue to work.

The main means of combating age-related or “weight loss” sagging is home tightening face masks. They are completely safe, cost a penny, give excellent results. In addition, you can use contrast washing, frozen decoctions of herbs or regular ice, compresses based on medicinal herbs(chamomile, lime blossom, lavender), cosmetic oils.

Most of the ingredients can be found in your own kitchen or in the refrigerator, although some at a symbolic price you need to buy at your nearest pharmacy.

Home tightening masks

Before using homemade lifting products, you need to prepare your face for the procedure. No, you don't have to do anything special. But here it is necessary to clean the skin of cosmetics.

It is important to understand the meaning of lifting. It is important not so much to know how to tighten the oval of the face, but to ensure proper conduct procedures. It is fundamentally wrong to put a mask on your face and go about your business. The fact is that when the lifting effect is provided by two indispensable conditions:

Correct (full and deep) penetration active ingredients deep into the dermis;

Complete immobility of the muscles of the face, neck.

Chatting with a girlfriend on the phone, smeared with sour cream or strawberries, is possible only if the mask should nourish or whiten the skin, remove dryness or oiliness, etc. If we want to get the effect of a tightening, we need to give the muscles the opportunity to completely relax and fix them in this position.

Therefore, a tightening face mask at home is carried out exclusively in a horizontal position. You need to forget about facial expressions for 20-30 minutes: you can’t frown, talk, or even smile. If you ignore these requirements, then you can not tighten, but stretch the skin even more, plus add a couple of fresh wrinkles to yourself.

It is important to choose the components for a tightening face mask, taking into account the type of skin. Aging skin tends to be dry. Recipes based on oatmeal or honey are suitable for her.

Oatmeal and sour cream

For one procedure, you will need half a glass of hercules (it will increase skin elasticity due to the high content of vitamin B), a tablespoon of fatty sour cream (saturate the dermis with fatty acids) and a teaspoon of olive oil (moisturize). Oatmeal should be turned into flour, pour boiling water or hot milk. Combine with other ingredients and apply on face.

Honey lemon

Works very well on aging skin. You need to mix half a teaspoon of honey, the same amount of kaolin (white cosmetic clay) and a teaspoon of fresh lime juice. After the mask is washed off, you need to apply a cold compress to your face (this will enhance the result).

For oily skin fit fruit acids and protein chicken egg. They remove excess sebum and tighten the skin at the same time.


For this mask, it is good to take a ripe persimmon. The fruit contains tannins ( great lift) and carotene (degreases the surface of the skin). A tablespoon of persimmon pulp puree should be mixed with one protein (raw) and a spoonful of oatmeal flour (additionally saturate with “rejuvenating” vitamin B). After washing off, apply morning or evening cream to the face.

Citrus honey

No less effective is a mask of a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice of a lemon, orange, lime or other citrus. Juice should be mixed with protein and a teaspoon of honey. Be sure to apply the cream after rinsing. This lifting face mask at home needs to be kept less than all the others. Fifteen minutes is enough, otherwise fruit acids can burn the skin.

For young skin that sagged after a sharp weight loss, you can use these recipes.


Puree one small fresh cucumber, removing the skin and removing the seeds. Mix the mass with protein and a teaspoon olive oil. The mask will not only perfectly tighten, but also whiten the face, smooth out the emerging wrinkles and give a fresh, healthy look.


Finely chop the dill greens or grind with a mortar. Mix a teaspoon of dill puree with the same amount of linseed (fresh, not rancid) oil and oat flour.

Masks based on starch and gelatin

Starch-gelatin tightening face masks stand apart in home facial care. The thing is that they have a high ability to model an oval, and therefore are particularly effective.

Homemade “gelatin tightening” is very popular. It is gelatin that contains in its composition substances that are very close to elastic and collagen that are “native” to human skin. Therefore, with regular application gelatin masks literally erase wrinkles, return turgor, make the face fresher.


Classic variant oval tightening masks are suitable for any skin type and include a teaspoon of powdered gelatin, a little water (as recommended by the manufacturer), a teaspoon of wheat flour, a tablespoon of kefir. Gelatin must be soaked in water, wait for swelling, dissolve on fire. Then add the rest of the components, hold on your face for half an hour, rinse. It remains to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.


A wonderful mask that instantly tightens the face consists of a teaspoon of gelatin powder, a teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of glycerin (sold in a pharmacy), the same amount of rye flour. Gelatin according to the instructions must be filled with water. Mix the swollen grains with honey, glycerin and flour, heat in a water bath until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Sip a woven napkin with a slightly cooled mixture and apply to the face.


Starch is also one of the very popular preparations for tightening masks. Many people compare the result of using this wonderful home remedy with botox. You will need a tablespoon of regular potato starch, 600 ml of water, fresh carrots and a tablespoon of cream. From this number of components you get a volume that is enough for 2-3 days.

Carrots need to be finely grated and measure out five tablespoons of puree. Dissolve starch in half a glass of water, then pour in the rest of the water and thicken the solution over low heat. When it cools down, add carrot puree and cream. Apply to face, rinse and enjoy amazing results.

Warm and cold compresses

Not only masks need to be included in permanent care behind a fading face that has lost its elasticity. Beauticians know how to tighten the skin of the face at home, and therefore advise including contrast rubbing with frozen ice cubes or at least contrasting washes. You can simply alternate the temperature of the water (one hand warm, the other cold) 5-7 times.

Works great on aging skin pharmacy chamomile, calendula, lime blossom, mint, sage. Dried raw materials need to be brewed, cooled, filtered, poured into ice molds and frozen. Use frozen healing ice in the morning to tone and tighten the skin. The pores are narrowed, and the complexion is significantly improved, it becomes even.

An excellent way to tighten - herbal compresses. How to tighten the oval of the face in this way? Boil herbs, strain. Heat the broth, soak a napkin from it natural fabric(a bike, folded several times cotton, flannel is suitable) and apply on the face for five minutes. When the fabric has cooled, soak it again with warm broth and repeat the procedure 4-5 more times.

Decoctions for warm compresses can be prepared from wild rose, plantain, birch bark, parsley or dill. An excellent cold compress is obtained by mixing half a glass of cold water and three tablespoons of aloe juice. The fabric impregnated with the composition must be applied to the face, covered with plastic wrap on top and kept for at least ten minutes. Aloe can be used instead Fresh Juice from apple or cucumber.

Apply masks and compresses to obtain a pronounced tightening effect should be at least three times a week. If not lazy, then home care can be no worse than professional.

You are over forty years old, but in your heart you are still twenty years old. Thanks to modern creams the face looks fresh and attractive, wrinkles are almost invisible on it. The only thing that gives out age is saggy cheeks and chin. And so I want him to be as in his youth - elastic and fit! This is the dream of many women. Is it possible home facelift persons without application plastic surgery? What is needed for this? And is this procedure dangerous for health?

What do we have to do?

Leveling houses without the help of a scalpel is quite real. But for this you need maximum perseverance and patience. After all, it is not in vain that they say that beauty requires sacrifice. But this tempting game, believe me, is worth the candle. Modern cosmetology offers many ways and tricks to make your face look young and fit. First you need to choose the right cosmetics for you: lifting cream and peeling cream, as well as a mask. They will help to deeply cleanse your skin and make it more elastic.


Lifting face contour, eye area, cheeks and chin masks will help to increase the elasticity of the skin, thereby making it younger. They are prepared using raw egg yolk, special and or paraffin. In addition, you will need gelatin, natural honey and mashed potatoes. Before using them, the face should be lubricated with a moisturizing cream. Masks are made regularly, twice a week, and they are effective only if there is initial signs drooping oval.


It also provides for simple exercises for the facial muscles, which must be done constantly (two or three times a week for ten to fifteen minutes). Properly selected exercises for facelift, upper eyelids, chin and cheeks will return to you the lost oval, improve, reduce its flabbiness and restore muscle tone. But they need to be done regularly.

Such exercises include stroking the skin of the forehead upwards, and the cheeks and chin towards the ears. Pressing the cheeks with your hands without releasing the air from the mouth will make them more elastic. Moving to the sides of the protruding lower jaw with the mouth ajar or pronouncing "a" with the tongue stretched down will correct the contours of the lower part of the face for you. To improve performance sebaceous glands Can

apply a special device - "Darsonval", which will help smooth out existing shallow wrinkles. Cupping massage is one of the latest innovations in cosmetology. With the help of a special device that can be purchased in stores via the Internet, a facelift is performed at home without assistance beauty salons. Cupping massage gives a quick necessary effect, improves blood circulation, eliminates wrinkles. It will also improve the nutrition of the skin and give it a healthy look. And the device is inexpensive.

Thus, a facelift at home is quite real in these times. All the described methods and methods are simple, absolutely harmless and affordable. So, before you lay out a considerable amount and risk your health by lying on the surgical table, think carefully. It is possible to restore the beauty and youthfulness of the skin at home, without the intervention of a cosmetic surgeon. Just be persistent and patient. Good luck to you!

Having crossed a certain age limit (for some it happens at 40, for someone later or earlier), many women are wondering how to tighten the oval of the face at home and look younger. After all, you don’t want to go under the surgeon’s scalpel and come to terms with the inevitability of aging. Indeed, this can be done without doctors, without anesthesia and without a surgical scalpel.

Home remedies for face contour lifting

Quickly tighten the oval of the face at home will not work for sure. Anyone who has set himself such a goal must understand that this process involves the use of long and complex procedures. The first step towards your dream should be the choice of suitable lifting cosmetics.

1. Lifting cream in two variations (night and day). It stimulates the production of collagen fibers, smoothes wrinkles, activates metabolic processes.

2. Peeling cream is needed for deep cleansing skin, without which facelift is simply impossible: the pores will be clogged, cellular respiration is disturbed, the condition of the epidermis in such a situation will only worsen. By cleansing the skin with such a cream twice a week, you can ensure its cleanliness, which means lifting too.

3. Lifting masks, which must be used immediately after peeling, will be able to launch their active substances into the cells, the spectrum of action of which is very wide - they activate the entire subcutaneous microcirculation.

Such cosmetic correction the oval of the face will enhance the production of collagen and elastin, improve metabolic processes at the cellular level, and smooth out wrinkles. All this will lead to one result - a lift of the general contour of the face. It is desirable to choose all means from one line. However, the maximum effect can be achieved if scrubs and masks are made at home from natural products. Now it’s easy to find recipes for homemade lifting masks that do the job perfectly.

Folk remedies for facelift

There are many recipes for masks that will tell you how to tighten the oval of the face with the help of the most common products. At correct application they give the skin freshness, youth, firmness, elasticity, and most importantly - the contour of the face becomes pronounced and clear.

  • For oily skin

Protein and a tablespoon are mixed lemon juice. The mask remains on the face until it dries completely. It is better not to use such a lifting mask for dry skin with flaky spots.

  • Moisturizing

Protein, two tablespoons of cucumber puree and a teaspoon of olive oil are mixed.

  • For any skin type

Protein and a teaspoon of wheat flour are mixed. To the desired consistency, you can dilute with infusion of chamomile.

  • Cleansing

Chopped dill greens mixed with chopped in a blender oatmeal in equal amounts, fix the mixture with a teaspoon of olive oil.

  • Protective

Mix the tomato puree with a little olive oil.

With such lifting masks, the question of how to tighten the contour of the face at home is gradually losing its relevance. Using them regularly, you can forget about this problem and switch to another type of masks. However, this is not the only way regain your youth.

Face lifting massage

Apart from cosmetics, a facelift at home involves self-massage sessions. It enhances subcutaneous circulation, strengthens muscle tissue, eliminates puffiness, and tones the skin. As a result, the contour of the face becomes more drawn, clear, without the effect of sagging. Exist various techniques massage, but for starters, you can master some basic. For example, a rather simple, but very effective Chinese massage for lifting the oval of the face.

1. Pinch lightly lower part face with both hands. The starting point is the middle of the chin. The final one is the earlobes. Tingling should be light and frequent, without pulling the skin. Carefully work in this way the entire area of ​​​​the lower part of the face.

2. Go to stroking along the same massage lines.

3. Then start smoothing your neck: with your left hand - her right side and vice versa. You need to stroke, slightly tilting your head to the other side. Hands should go in the direction from top to bottom.

4. Such a daily massage will allow you to see the first results only after a month and a half, but they will be visible to the naked eye.

After the lifting of the face oval with the help of self-massage is completed, do not stop there and do not abandon this procedure, continue to tone the skin daily in this way.

Face Lift Exercises

In addition to massage, it’s a good idea to do daily exercises for facial oval at home, the main task which - to tighten the muscles, make them more elastic.

1. Imagine what is in your mouth - balloon. Roll it in different directions in your mouth for 1-2 minutes.

2. Squeeze your lips tightly with all your might. Alternately, with each finger, press on the cheeks, but try not to let the air out of the mouth through closed lips.

3. Slightly open your mouth, put the lower jaw as far forward as possible. Move it with force different sides. Moreover, at the beginning of the exercise, the pace of movements should be slow, but by the end it should increase as much as possible.

Such exercises will complement the home complex for lifting the oval face. Make sure nothing is impossible and put up with premature aging a woman can't. The result will not be instantaneous, but the patient will be rewarded at the end of the path with an impeccably clear contour without double chin and sagging.

You can watch a few more simple exercises in the implementation in the video below:

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Many women sooner or later begin to notice the appearance of wrinkles on their face and the fact that the skin loses its former elasticity.

This is insanely frustrating for the fairer sex, who by all means strive to look perfect.

Some of them, noticing imperfections, go to cosmetologists or plastic surgeons, others take the initiative into their own hands and tighten their skin at home.

Facelift at home: is it possible?

It is wrong to assume that elastic skin is the privilege of young girls. Experts are convinced that the skin of women after 40 years of age can also be elastic and toned. And, conversely, when improper care And unhealthy way life, even 25-year-old girls may face the problem of sagging skin and loss of tone.

Among the reasons that make the skin of the face sagging, and the contour uneven, the following should be highlighted:

Insufficient rest;


metabolic disorder and hormonal background;

Sharp weight loss;

Age dehydration of the skin;


Unfortunately to visit professional salons beauty, not everyone has enough time and money. But experts are convinced that lifting procedures can be done at home. To do this, it is necessary to consider in detail the existing most effective methods and choose the right ones. It is quite possible to restore the tone and elasticity of the skin of the face on its own. If you wish, nothing can stop you from being sexy and feminine.

Facelift at home: a set of measures

Among the most popular procedures aimed at facelift, it should be highlighted:


Procedure using a mesoscooter (dermaroller).

Self-massage of the face for skin elasticity

Many have heard about classical massage face and neck, which is offered by specialists in beauty parlors. There is a great alternative to this procedure - self-massage. It allows you to maintain skin tone, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and other age-related changes.

It should be noted that although this procedure is considered safe and effective, it still has contraindications:

Inflammation on the skin;

Dilated vessels;

increased growth facial hair.

In the absence of these contraindications, you can safely proceed to massage. Self-massage is recommended to be done in the morning and evening for 2-5 minutes. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream to your face that matches your skin type.

Accept comfortable posture sitting and relax the muscles of the face as much as possible. With the pads of the fingers, we make tapping movements in the direction of the skin lines.

Maximum effect achieved if the procedure is carried out with both hands at the same time. Gentle effleurage improves blood circulation and enhances lymph outflow. Special attention should be given to the area around the eyes. Delicate skin should be “beaten” very carefully, avoiding stretching. Self-massage will improve appearance skin and accelerate the penetration of the nutritional ingredients of cosmetics into the dermal integument.

double chin massage

A sagging chin can spoil even the most attractive appearance. Often it becomes a problem for young and not at all inclined to be overweight young ladies. Lead to its appearance:

Orthopedic problems;

high-calorie food;

Sudden weight loss or gain;

genetic predisposition.

Therefore, it is very important to detect the “enemy” in time and start fighting it.

The chin area during self-massage can simply be patted back side brushes. But a greater result will be achieved if the patting is done with a hard towel. Any linen or terry cloth will also work. We wet it in cold water, squeeze and twist with a tourniquet. We take the towel by the ends with both hands and adjust its middle under the chin. Next, you should alternately do either stretching or relaxing movements. Positive influence such a procedure on the skin of the chin is also due to blood flow to the cells of the dermis.

Hot and cold compresses for a facelift at home

1. Hot compresses one of the simplest and most enjoyable cosmetic procedures for a facelift. As a result of increased blood flow to the skin, light effect lifting. Also, compresses can improve general state skin, ridding the top layer of dead cells and impurities. Contraindication to the procedure - dilated skin vessels.

Compresses from infusions and decoctions have an excellent effect. medicinal plants. Herbs should be chosen based on the characteristics of a particular skin type. Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs with one glass of water and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. The resulting broth is filtered through a strainer or gauze and cooled to a temperature of 37-40 ° C.

tissue paper, folded several times, we moisten in the infusion. We put a hot compress on the forehead, cheeks and chin. We hold the napkin for about 10 minutes, and then we moisten it in a hot healing broth again and again fit it to the face. IN general procedure must be repeated three times. In conclusion, it is recommended to wash with a cool herbal infusion.

2. Cold compress has a remarkable tonic effect, relieves sagging, improves skin color, reduces enlarged pores and normalizes the production of skin secretions. Cosmetologists recommend performing a procedure to improve the tone of flaccid skin after a massage.

We take a towel and moisten it in cold herbal infusion. Press the middle part to the chin, the ends to the cheeks. When the napkin is heated, it should be re-moistened in the decoction. The procedure is repeated 3 times. In general, it will not take you more than 10 minutes. To see good result, it is enough to do compresses once a week.

Masks for sagging skin

To increase the elasticity of facial skin, experts recommend making toning masks at home. The most popular and effective masks are cucumber and lemon.

Lemon mask

Lemon mask perfectly strengthens the skin, supplies it with nutrients, cleanses and tightens enlarged pores. Peel one lemon and cut into thin slices. We remove all the grains from the pulp and knead it well with a fork. Should be applied to the face fat cream and cover it thin layer cotton wool. Spread the citrus mass evenly on top and leave for 10 minutes. We remove the mask and again grease the face with cream.

cucumber mask

Cucumber mask will tighten loose skin, will even out its color, make it smooth and velvety to the touch. One cucumber is peeled and rubbed on a fine grater. Pre-cleansed skin of the face is evenly covered with a vegetable mass. Let it act for 15 minutes. Remove the mask with a dry cotton swab. Wipe the skin with cucumber juice and lubricate the skin nourishing cream.

masks from natural ingredients- This great way preserve the beauty and youth of the face. Also, experts, along with masks, recommend that women suffering from sagging skin take a course of vitamin B group.

Facelift at home: the whole process step by step

In more detail, I would like to dwell on the use mesoscooter. This device is a roller with thin steel needles. Some manufacturers of dermarollers use alloys of steel with titanium, silver, gold and even platinum for needles.

The action of the beauty tool is based on the principle of influencing acupuncture points. The mesoscooter allows you to launch important mechanisms for the regeneration of the dermal cover. Firstly, it stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen in the skin. Second, it enhances absorption. useful substances included in vitamin cocktails. As a result, they penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

Consider the sequence of actions that will make it possible to use the mesoscooter at home correctly.

1. We treat the tool with alcohol or chlorhexidine and let it dry completely.

2. Thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face from decorative cosmetics and pollution.

3. We apply the selected preparation - serum or cocktail for the mesoscooter.

4. We take the dermaroller in our hand and begin to drive over the skin of the face, slightly pressing. We make neat movements in three directions: horizontally, vertically and obliquely. Each area should be treated five times.

5. Treated facial skin should be soothed with a moisturizer with sun protection factor.

6. At the end of the procedure, the instrument must be processed again and put in a case.

Contraindications to the use of the mesoscooter:

Pregnancy and lactation period;



Facelift at home: how not to harm the skin

When carrying out facelift procedures, it is very important not to harm the skin of the face. So, self-massage should be carried out very carefully, avoiding sudden and stretching movements. Compresses should not be done if available vascular network. Masks also need to be chosen based on the type of facial skin. When carrying out the procedure with a dermaroller, you must be guided by simple rules. Knowing the features of working with this tool, you will never hurt skin covering and achieve excellent results in the fight for tightened skin faces.

Using our advice, every woman will be able to choose for herself the most effective way to restore skin elasticity and firmness. A facelift at home is a great alternative to an expensive one. salon care. Choose the best remedy, use regularly and enjoy the enthusiastic views of others.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 9 minutes


After losing weight female face appears a large number of wrinkles, and the skin loses its elasticity. Of course, this cannot but upset a girl who wants to look perfect. Many go to beauticians and do expensive procedures lifting, and someone does go under the knife plastic surgeon to tighten the oval of the face.

But is it possible to make the skin elastic and tighten it at home? Can! And - cheap and easy, today we'll tell you how.

  1. Mask for tightening and rejuvenation of dry skin
    This mask is suitable for all girls with dry or combination skin. As part of the mask - egg white, whipped with a whisk, as well as mashed cucumber pulp (all seeds and peel must be removed in advance).

    These two ingredients must be mixed together and add 1 tsp of olive oil. This procedure will not only tighten the skin, but also "whiten" dark spots on the skin. The mask is done twice a week for 3 months.
  2. Dill mask for toning and tightening the skin of the face
    This mask is distinguished by its tonic and refreshing properties. In order to make this mask, you will need 1 tablespoon of chopped dill (preferably more juice) and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal.

    Next, add a teaspoon of olive oil and, after mixing, apply the mask on the skin for about 20 minutes. The procedure should be repeated once a week and a half.
  3. White clay mask for skin tightening and face oval
    In order to make this mask, you should mix 1 tsp wheat germ, 1 tbsp grape juice and 2 tbsp white cosmetic clay(you can buy at the pharmacy).

    This mask is applied even layer on the skin of the face and neck, after 20 minutes, wash off warm water, blot the skin with a towel.
  4. Honey mask for nourishing and tightening the skin of the face
    If there is no allergy to honey, then this mask will help you tighten the skin of the face without difficulty. To prepare, you need 1 tbsp oatmeal and beaten egg white.

    Next, add 1 tbsp of warmed honey and mix it all with a wooden spatula. Apply the mask on your face, wash off after 15 minutes.
  5. Massage for skin elasticity and face oval tightening
    Just like masks, massage allows you to tighten the skin and make the oval of the face more expressive.

    • First you need to wash your hands and face.
    • Then apply face cream sensitive skin- it will make your task easier.
    • Run your fingertips 5-8 times from the wings of the nose to the temples. This will help to warm up the skin of the cheeks.
    • Next, start smoothing the skin of the forehead (from the eyebrows up).
    • Next, with all your fingers, smooth the skin from the center of the chin to the earlobes. This will help to form a beautiful contour of the face.
    • And finally, with the back of your fingers, lightly massage the area under the jaw.

    These movements should be done every day (preferably in the morning) for a month - this will give an excellent and noticeable result.

  6. Contrast massage to improve skin tone and lift the face oval
    This procedure will help get rid of a double chin and improve the oval of the face, making it more expressive.

    You need to prepare two bowls of water. One bowl will contain cold and salted water, and the other will contain plain water at a comfortable temperature for you. Next take terry towel and soak in cold water. Pat your chin with a wet towel. Then moisten the towel again, but in warm water and repeat the procedure. You need to change the temperature of the towel 5 to 8 times.
  7. Exercise for lifting the oval of the face - for the laziest
    This exercise allows you to tighten the skin of the face, neck, and will also help get rid of the second chin.

    You just need to pronounce the sounds "U" and "I" with tension. You can even do this in the shower when you get ready for work. The result will be noticeable in a couple of weeks.
  8. Exercise inflated cheeks - for a facelift and cheekbones
    This exercise will help tighten the skin of the face and shape beautiful cheekbones. You need to take a deep breath through your nose and hold your breath.

    Without exhaling, tightly closing your lips, puff out your cheeks. After 3-5 seconds, exhale with a push through the mouth.
  9. Exercise for tightening the skin of the face and neck
    Open your mouth wide and try to reach your chin with the tip of your tongue. The point of this exercise is for your muscles to tighten and begin to develop.

    This will help tighten the skin and make the oval of the face more attractive.
  10. And what home remedies for tightening the skin of the face and neck do you know? Share with us your secrets of youth!