Birthday in the style of 80. "Back to the USSR". funny script for a woman's birthday

The era of the 80s has long passed, however, those who still remember the time of good disco and unbridled love can plunge into the atmosphere of that time at a theme party. Bright colors, favorite songs and shocking - all this you will receive at a birthday party in the style of the 80s. The choice of this topic would be more appropriate if the childhood or youth of the birthday man and guests fell on this beautiful time. In this case, the invitees will be able to feel similar emotions and remember the distant era, which is so dear to everyone. However, among the younger generation there are also many fans of the culture of those years, so choosing an 80s-style birthday party guarantees unbridled fun and an evening to remember for a long time.

Be sure to warn guests that the party is themed at least two weeks in advance. Preparing outfits and accessories in the Disco style is not an easy task.

The place of celebration is not so important, you can spend this significant day at home. The main thing is that the environment should correspond to the spirit of that time. If the party will take place at home, try to move the furniture and make as much space for dancing as possible. Be sure to hang a mirror ball, no disco in the 80s could do without it. Also, take care of the lighting. The walls of the room can be pasted over with gramophone records and posters of idols of those years. In a conspicuous place, there must be a cassette recorder, even if it does not work, this will complement the surroundings. Hide metal-plastic windows behind floral curtains. Get old toys, a lava lamp, long glass beads, serpentine from the bins. To more accurately match the room to those years, decorate the wall with a carpet, and put an old TV on the cabinet. Surely your friends have things from the past that you can borrow for a party.

How to dress?
The clothes of the 80s were distinguished by bright rich colors and shocking combinations in clothes. Girls can put on a loose tank top dress, and under it wear multi-colored acid-colored leggings, fishnet tights or short denim shorts. Also, you can wear a sweater or blouse with large shoulders on top. A mandatory addition to the image will be a lot bright accessories: large beads, plastic bracelets, hoop earrings. 80s hairstyles are full of curls and bouffant, fixed with an incredible amount of glitter varnish. Makeup of those years is different from modern bright combinations and catchiness: arrows on the eyes, mother-of-pearl shadows, bright blush. For lipstick, saturated plum, coral and carrot colors are preferred. Shoes can be different, but be sure to attract attention with bright colors.

Men can create their own image from a shirt or golf in salad, orange, purple colors. From above, you can wear a sports, denim or leather jacket. As a “bottom”, the best option would be parachute trousers or jeans. You can also put on a tracksuit or sweater with a funny diamond. Another option male image for a party in the style of the 80s - a black or shiny turtleneck under a white jacket. Shoes will fit differently, depending on what the man is wearing - it can be sneakers, moccasins or shoes. Owners thick hair can comb the hair back and fix it with a gel.

Forget about modern gastronomic trends, only "mother's" food should be on the table. Olivier, salad "herring under a fur coat", cutlets, cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes, aspic, oven-baked chicken - and other culinary "hits" of those years are preferred on the festive table in the style of the 80s. Also, you can supplement the menu with sandwiches with cheese and boiled sausage, sprats, sprat, dried fish. The main drink of the evening will be beer. You can choose other alcoholic drinks, but there should be fewer bottles on the table. Pour liquor into teapots or jugs, as was done during Prohibition. Desserts are perfect: Bird's milk and Napoleon cakes, meringue cakes, "potatoes", eclairs, chocolates.

Musicand entertainment.
The musical arrangement of the birthday in this subject plays very important role, because painfully familiar and beloved compositions will accompany the holiday throughout the evening. The tracklist should include songs by such artists: Donna Summer, Toto Cutugno, Boney M, Diana Ross, ABBA, Joy, etc. Complete the list with songs from Arebeski, Yuri Loza, Kuzmin and other Soviet artists. During the break between incendiary dances, guests can be entertained with fun contests:

  • Guess the melody. Guests will name the artist and the name of the song according to the musical fragment.
  • Huge bubble. Participants inflate chewing gum, and whoever gets the biggest bubble wins.
  • The best dance. The guests show off their best dance moves. The winner is the participant whose dance was liked by the guests the most.
  • Pop the ball. Balloons are tied to the legs of the participants. The goal of the contest is to pop your neighbor's balloon and keep yours.
  • Birthday card. Interesting task for guests. On a large postcard prepared in advance with a half-printed text, each guest enters a word in an empty line and at the end it turns out nice present for the birthday boy.

In addition to competitions, guests can have fun playing Tetris or “Just you wait!”, jump into rubber bands, play dodgeball or blind man's blind. Prizes can be old toys, 1980s compilation CDs and small items associated with that era.

Birthday in the style of the 80s or in the style of Disco stunning and colorful holiday, which will undoubtedly cause delight and bring a lot of joy to the birthday man and guests.

So that the holiday does not turn into a boring feast, diluted, at best, with songs and jokes, you need to come up with a theme for it. Theme parties in Lately- quite a popular phenomenon among both young people and adults. For those who love history and want to plunge into the relatively recent past, we can offer a party in the style of the 80s.

Room decoration

First of all, for theme night room needs to be set up. First, it is worth taking out of it (as far as possible) all modern things. And those things that cannot be removed, it is better to hide. For registration use:

  • a large mirror ball in the center under the ceiling (you can cut unnecessary CDs into pieces and paste over an old globe or ball with them),
  • posters with stars of the 80s on the walls,
  • glowing garlands(color music)
  • cassette tape recorder (it should be put on a shelf to create the necessary surroundings),
  • record player (very good if it is in working condition, then you can turn on music on it),
  • vinyl records(or use them for their intended purpose, or just decorate the walls with them).

Some find old black and white photos and decorate a room with them or specially “age” photos of invited guests on the computer and hang them on the walls. These pictures can be great gift guests as a keepsake.


Be sure to warn all guests that a party in the style of the 80s is planned - the clothes of all invitees and hosts of the evening should correspond to the time. How to dress for women?

  • on the feet - pumps without heels or low heels, ballet flats, sneakers;
  • leggings or leggings, fishnet tights;
  • clothing must be with large shoulder pads, raglan or bat sleeves (most often these are voluminous jackets, leather jackets or dresses);
  • miniskirts are also a symbol of the 80s, but they can be replaced with banana trousers.

The general trend looks like this: bright colors (blue, pink, fuchsia, etc.); animal prints, large cage; makeup should be somewhat vulgar (although no one thought so then) with a lot of bright shadows and mother-of-pearl lipstick; in general, as much shine as possible. Hairstyle - perm or just bouffant.

Men should look for these things:

  • shirts in sports style with pointed collar;
  • bright turtlenecks with a light jacket;
  • blouse shirts that tuck into trousers;
  • banana trousers or jeans "varenki";
  • on feet - sneakers or sneakers.

Many men in the 80s of the last century wore mustaches and long hair (some with perm), so if there is an opportunity and desire to fully comply with the spirit of the times, then you can risk letting go of the “vegetation”.


Food for an 80s-style party should be as simple as possible. Then, at least on the territory of the USSR, it was difficult to get some gourmet products, so the dishes were prepared from what is in stores:

  • black bread sandwiches with pickles, a piece of egg and sprats,
  • sliced ​​​​boiled and smoked sausage,
  • salad "Herring under a fur coat" and "Winter",
  • fried chicken,
  • homemade cake "Napoleon" or "Sour cream", etc.

Special attention should be given to drinks. At that time, Soviet champagne was put on the table (it can still be found in stores to this day), Pepsi-Cola, homemade fruit drinks, port wine, vodka. On the basis of all this, cocktails were often prepared. So that they are not boring, you can add liquor to the ingredients.


Whether it is worth writing a script for a party in the style of the 80s, everyone decides for himself, but it is necessary to figure out how the guests will have fun. First of all, you should take care of the musical accompaniment: songs of the Soviet stage are used as background music (you can choose anything, just make sure that among the compositions there are not those that appeared in the 90s and later), for dancing - disco .

Games and competitions for the holiday should be related to the 80s or just need to stylize modern entertainment.

"Come on, girls!"

A program called "Come on, girls!" appeared on television at the end of the last century. It is quite possible to arrange something similar at a party. Competitions will be held only among the representatives of the weaker sex. They need to be given several tasks:

  • peel the potatoes for a while (accuracy is also evaluated);
  • dance to the music chosen by the presenter;
  • talk about some sight - it is better to take the sight of the city where the girl lives or grew up;
  • make yourself stylish outfit of the proposed items of clothing (the most unexpected things are put in the box, from work gloves to flippers).

For each test, the girls are awarded points, they are put up by the audience (men) by secret ballot. The one with the most points wins. As a prize, a memorable prize is awarded: a keychain, a notebook, a book.


Of course, the 80s are memorable for the fact that the Olympic Games were held in Moscow at that time, so guests can be invited to compete in various sports categories. Of course, pole vaulting or a 100-meter race is unlikely to be arranged in a small city apartment, but for a party in the style of the 80s, you can come up with your own contests:

  • if there is a horizontal bar, then you can compete who will pull up on it more;
  • arrange long jumps in a spacious corridor or large room;
  • who will quickly pack into a sleeping bag (the game is against the clock, so you need a stopwatch).

It would also be very appropriate to compete for best performance dance called "Lambada". To make it more fun, the music for it is not the most suitable, for example, Russian folk motifs.


The knowledge quiz of the 80s is most often conducted among adults who were already born at that time and were far from babies. However, it will be even more interesting if young people take part in the quiz. What questions are asked?

  1. What do they do with a pencil and a cassette? Answer: put the cassette on a pencil and rewind the film.
  2. What do they do with sugar, water and a comb? Answer: sugar is diluted in water, a comb is dipped there and styling is done.
  3. How much did a can of condensed milk (a carton of milk, green peas, etc.) cost in the mid-80s?
  4. What is the performer? It is necessary to turn on the music and invite the guests to guess who performs it.
  5. Name the films that were released at that time. Whoever names the most films wins.
Questions for the quiz should be thought out in advance and the guests should be warned (write in the invitation to the party) that such a competition is planned - let them do their “homework” and properly prepare for the holiday.

A must do at a party in the style of the 80s photo. If possible, it is better to shoot on film, but even if this does not work out, it does not matter. On the computer, it will be possible to color-correct frames and print stylized photographs.

To briefly return to your past or the past of your parents is an interesting unforgettable experience. And fun if it's a disco party - an explosive cocktail of color, light and crazy music! It is no coincidence that this holiday theme has been popular for several decades, despite the rapidly changing fashion. Do you want to have a real break, dancing until the morning to the rainbow cycle of color music? 120 beats per minute - your choice!


The Disco era is the mid-70s, when uncomplicated club music became incredibly popular. And the 80s, when there were few disco performers left, but what stars they were! And the first half of the 90s, when reckless clockwork melodies again turned the head of mankind. And even today, popular singers include individual disco-style compositions in their albums. Why are we?

You should not fanatically recreate the "spirit of that time." Disco exists outside of time, and the right atmosphere is the absence of irrelevant details. Therefore, a spacious empty hall (or room) that needs to be decorated with an extravaganza of color is ideal. Any bright, saturated and contrasting shades are suitable - orange and purple, red and turquoise, chicken yellow and salad green!

A postcard in the form of a vinyl record, a star or a triangle, decorated with sparkles and rhinestones - an invitation for friends is ready! Or cut out a disco dancer in a huge wig and costume with flared sleeves and legs from a folded piece of paper.

The most important thing is color music. If your company has an electrician, he will assemble it in 15 minutes from a cord and painted lamps. You can use multi-colored shimmering garlands, large and rounded or in the form of candles, stars, rhombuses. An unchanging rotating lamp for color frenzy, or better a few. A disco ball that can be rented or made from pieces of a mirror and an unnecessary globe (pasted and hung in the center of the hall, under the ceiling). If one of your friends has a home planetarium, be sure to borrow it.

Boring walls can be covered with white paper wallpaper, painted randomly - multi-colored stripes, splashes, spots, stains. A little reflective or luminescent paint will create a stunning effect!

Pictures of popular performers of a bygone era will fit into the disco theme. The compositions of Van McCoy, Donna Summer, ABBA, Boney M, Chic, Gloria Gaynor and other bands and performers are the very music for holding contests and, of course, for endless dancing. You can use photos, frames and melodies from the films "Disco Dancer", "The Last Days of Disco".

The disco boom in the USSR happened in the early 80s. From any cassette recorder and from every huge speaker in the disco hall came the compositions of VIA " Blue bird”,“ Singing Hearts ”,“ Gems ”, Dobrynina, Pugacheva, Zatsepin, Antonov. Photos of our artists and their albums will also fit into the theme.

Now spice up the resulting decor with sequins, serpentine, shining foil garlands, bead strands and twinkling stars. Hang some vinyl records here and there, place some lava lamps in the darkest corners, and you're done!


Both men's and women's outfits should be bright, defiantly colored. In the theme of flared sleeves and trousers, shirts with sharp collars, jackets with lapels in a contrasting shade to the main color, multi-colored shirts. A girl can come to a party in a skirt of any length and a bright loose tunic, decorated with sequins and sequins. A loose dress or a T-shirt and wide trousers, narrowed down, will do. 100% in the theme of bright leggings! Shoes with a stable heel or platform, comfortable for dancing and outdoor activities.

If you plan to include a costume contest in your script, be sure to mention this in your invitation. Recreating the image of a disco dancer is not difficult, but the search suitable attire and accessories will take some time.

There should be a crazy explosion on the head - a bouffant, a lush chemical or an African wig. Short hair can be tied up with a shiny scarf, wrapping it around the head and leaving the ends hanging freely at the back or side. The make-up is very bright, shadows up to the eyebrows, expressive arrows and fluffy long eyelashes. Juicy lips and blush. Contrasting shadows (two or three colors) or sparkles over bright shadows to match the outfit are relevant.

Do not forget accessories - large earrings, plastic or glass beads and many multi-colored bracelets. By the way, a rainbow of bracelets can decorate and male hand. Glued thick sideburns will drive any style fan crazy! Large plastic-framed disco glasses in acid green, pinkish or yellow color completely wow the guests.


The main direction of the evening is music and dancing, not a feast. Therefore, treats can be given a minimum of attention. Of course, friends should not go hungry, and with a good snack, the fun lasts longer. Therefore, prepare portioned dishes, you can do it without frills - salads, snacks in baskets, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmeat, smoked meats and vegetables. Fruits, desserts and other goodies will certainly be appreciated by active girls who are not used to eating up at night.

Quite in the style of Disco, a kind of buffet or buffet. Put the table somewhere against the wall so that it does not interfere with the dancing. Take care of the seating areas - a few armchairs and sofas. Prepare various juices and punches in beautiful transparent containers and scoops. Guests will be able to mix their own multi-colored cocktail from fruit nectar and alcohol assortment.


Under the glow of a rotating lamp, the flickering of a disco ball and the deafening sounds of music, it is impossible to sit still! Therefore, a couple of dance competitions are simply obliged to brighten up your evening.


Guests go to the center of the hall, stand facing the leader. The facilitator shows five easy dance movements, saying the numbers: "This is our first movement, this is the second, etc." Under incendiary music, the presenter in a chaotic manner calls the numbers from 1 to 5. The guests must repeat the corresponding movement. If you make a mistake, you drop out or get a penalty point.


Guests are divided into two teams, into two queues with an equal number of participants. The first in line stand at the start line, the rest stand behind them. On the “start” command, the first participants imitate any dance movement that comes to mind. The second participants repeat, then the third, and so on until the end of the line.

When the last one in the queue has repeated the movement, he stands in front of the very first participant in the queue - the line moves to the finish line. Did you take the lead? Picture a new move. Repeated? The latter goes forward again. The goal is to reach the finish line before the opponents turn.

Get it

A very simple game that will fit into the scenario of any active evening. Everyone dances, the leader from time to time says: Left hand - right heel, right elbow - left knee, right hand - neighbor's shoulder, etc., whatever comes to mind. Guests must quickly fulfill the condition without ceasing to dance.

Since dance competitions exhaust even the youngest kids, intersperse active games with quiet "sitting" entertainment.

For example, you can invite guests to say disco toasts, one by one. Let them say wishes to each other (pass the baton) or to the hero of the occasion. “May your heels not break even after a three-day marathon!”, “Let your curls not straighten even from a shower of champagne!”, “I wish the seams of your trousers could withstand the most incredible movements!”.

Fantas will also fit into the theme, but they are special, associated with dances, songs, knowledge of the music industry, etc. Invite guests to come up with outstanding poses for memorable shots (first one guest arranges friends, then another, etc. - you get a whole photo album in disco style!). Guess the band or artist by a line from a song or the song itself by the first words or a few chords.

If it's warm outside, go for a walk with a working cassette recorder. Explode the gray everyday life of the evening city with mood and color!

The Disco style originated in the late 70s - early 80s of the last century in the west. As a result, the Disco style spread and became fashionable in many countries of the world, and Russia among these countries was no exception. Brightness, dynamism, sexuality - all these adjectives can safely characterize this stylistic orientation.

The fashion for "disco" has recently become widespread, both among young people and among middle-aged people. So what is the given style? How to organize an "outrageous" party in the style of "Disco"? How to surprise guests?

In this direction of fantasy there should be no limit. Disco style is bright and a little tacky. And most importantly - it's dancing to the point of insanity and a great mood.

party invitations

Where does every party start? Of course, with invitations. They should be decorated according to the theme of the party. The invitation card should “scream” about what event the person is invited to. There are many options: depict popular pop stars of that time (Andriano Celentano, Gloria Gaynor, John Travolta, the Combination group, Alla Pugacheva), make invitations on colored paper, decorate them with a large yellow smiley - the most popular symbol of the disco times, use clippings from newspapers or magazines of the time, put invitations in envelopes and pour confetti into them, do not forget to indicate in invitations that the party has a strict dress code - everyone must be dressed in the style of the party.

How to furnish a room?

What about the venue for the party? It needs to be filed. A mirror ball under the ceiling ... and, of course, color music - these are the essential attributes of such a party. Paste posters, photographs and images of stars of that time on the walls, get vinyl records, an old cassette recorder with cassettes that will be played at the party, play on the walls, using a special player, silent films of that time - "Agent 007", "Mimino ”,“ Juno and Avos ”,“ Athos ”,“ star Wars”, “Cabaret”, use any things and accessories that are reminiscent of disco times. Use bright, eye-catching colors, sequins, tinsel, beads, confetti, rattling curtains of large beads at the entrance. The light in the room should be subdued, semi-dark (you can use candles), soak the air with the spirit of "disco" - aroma sticks and aroma lamps will come in handy. Recordings on cassettes must be appropriate - Viktor Tsoi, Abba, Yuri Shatunov, Andriano Celentano, Alla Pugacheva, Toto Gutungo, Ottawan, Haddaway, Freestyle, Combination, Alena Apina, Andrey Derzhavin, Roman Zhukov and many hits from other artists of the late 70s- early 80s-90s. In the case of decorating a disco party, music is the main component of the holiday, its atmosphere, the "trick" of the party.


Particular attention should be paid to clothing and appearance disco organizers and invited guests, everyone should look extravagant. So, we get dusty boxes with mom-dad's things, shoes and jewelry from the mezzanine.

Girls invited to a disco can put on colored leggings, shapeless T-shirt dresses, fluffy skirts, blouses with broad shoulders, flared jeans, fishnet tights, sequined tunics, ultra-short denim shorts, satin trousers, dresses with deep cutouts, a little bare body, sequins on the body, translucent T-shirts and tunics, leather trousers, hats, gloves with cut off fingers. You can put on shiny sandals with incredibly high heels, colored ballet flats, moccasins with multi-colored lacing, ridiculous sneakers and other shoes that catch your eye. It would be appropriate to hang yourself with a huge amount of cheap plastic jewelry: beads, brooches, pendant earrings, clip-on earrings and bright bracelets - it should shine, shimmer and ring, paying attention to the guest. Carefully consider makeup and hairstyle, they, like everything else, should be “flashy”. Hair can be curled from the roots to the very tips or combed strongly, be sure to comb the bangs and pin them up, and most importantly, pour plenty of varnish, preferably with multi-colored sparkles, you can use colored wigs round shape. Highlight the eyes. Apply more shadows, pink, blue, light green, orange or purple, line your eyes with bright black arrows, apply blush on your cheeks, paint your lips with bright pink, purple or scarlet lipstick, add false eyelashes to all this. More mother-of-pearl in makeup, and it will look according to your outfit and party theme. And, to complete the look, you can use perfumes with floral scents.

Outfits for young people, as well as for girls, can be very diverse. Flared jeans, banana trousers, knitted leotards with lurex, shiny and bright, acid colors, shirts made of synthetic fabrics, white leather trousers, colored turtlenecks will look most impressive on young people, but the most “bomb” among the outfits will be a white suit in combined with a black turtleneck. You can dress up in patent leather shoes, sneakers with colored laces or moccasins. Just like girls, use accessories: cheap watches, star glasses, butterflies, funny ties, belts, bracelets and more. You can style your hair by smoothing your hair and styling it with hair gel, or by tousling your hair to make a “hedgehog” and fix it with hairspray. Like girls, it is permissible to use multi-colored wigs.

You can also invite guests to dress up as popular pop stars of the time and, thereby, arrange a look-alike contest, which is inherently very exciting.

Scenario of a disco party

Party. At the entrance to the premises where the party will be held, it is appropriate to arrange lotteries for guests in which they can earn alcohol coupons, disco dollars, win prizes and souvenirs by completing exciting and simple tasks. In smoking areas, put paper bags with seeds, dominoes, playing cards, cheap cigarettes that were common during the "disco" days. Choose a DJ who will play disco hits and fulfill the musical wishes of the guests.

And, of course, you can not do without an entertainment program and snacks. Best for entertaining guests various competitions, for example, a competition for the best performer of disco hits, a competition for the best solo or pair dancers in the disco style, the main thing is to accompany all competitions with the right music (singles from old films will do), quizzes on knowledge of the disco era, the Guess melody”, competition “Merry Cord” (2 chairs are installed opposite each other at a distance of 4 steps with their backs to each other, a rope is placed under the chairs, 2 players stand near the chairs and change places on command and try to pull the rope out from under the chairs first), “The most sensitive” (any items are placed on a chair, the participant sits down and tries to guess what items and in what quantity), elimination contest, Fanta, Ring, contest for the best outfit and other contests. For participation in the competitions, the winners can receive souvenirs: a small calendar, a notebook, a pen, jewelry, etc.


How to organize a table for a disco party? It is worth remembering that a disco is not a feast, but a mobile and active event, so do not overload the table with too much, it should be a buffet table. Arrange the plates on the table in stacks, and put cutlery next to them. So what should be the food on the table? The answer is simple: there should be cold cuts, canapes, chips, sandwiches, croutons, perhaps light salads on the table, but be sure to put zucchini caviar on the table, because. at that time it was the most popular snack and not a single event could do without it. The main dish of the party should be cheese fondue (pieces of bread dipped in tender melted cheese). Of the drinks in the days of "disco", preference was given to Coca-Cola and cocktails, which included it (for example, 100 g of port wine + 100 g of Coca-Cola + 1 teaspoon of instant coffee, insert into a straw and quickly mix everything immediately before most use).

Here, in fact, are the main secrets of disco parties. Show maximum imagination, do not be too lazy to get things from the "disco" era and your party will be a success. Good luck organizing and have fun!


In contact with

No wonder they say that the new is the well-forgotten old. Today, many sadly recall the bygone eighties. And the music that the generation of the 80s worshiped is now regaining a second life in the performance of young musicians. If you want to experience the romantic atmosphere of a past life, throw an 80s themed party. An enterprise can arrange a corporate party in the style of the 80s: despite the fact that people work for you different ages, have fun at the disco party will appeal to everyone.

First of all, send out invitation cards to all guests, which can be made in the form of postcards of the time or movie tickets. Be sure to decorate the room: hang a mirror disco ball, garlands, and flags, which were especially fashionable in those years. All these attributes can be bought or ordered in the online store. Decorate the walls with posters of the legendary idols of the time: Madonna, Michael Jackson and others. Clippings and posts from old magazines will do. And if there is a soda machine somewhere, it will be another reminder of that era.

There are many companies involved in organizing holidays and parties. At your request, they will provide the script, the host of the evening, and even their sound equipment. Sometimes the company may offer to arrange more serious entertainment: fireworks or a laser show. However, you can organize such a party on your own. think ahead exclusive scenario your holiday in the style of the 80s and the costumes of the guests. Songs popular 30 years ago will evoke nostalgia among the older generation, and young guys and girls will be happy to break away to the sounds of ABBA or incendiary Lambada.

80s style outfits

In order for the upcoming party to be successful, you need to prepare for it in advance. This is especially true for the selection of outfits. For women fashionable outfits in this decade were various skirts with frills, bright leggings worn with a tunic or tank top dress in the style of the 80s. All jackets and blouses were necessarily with extended shoulders. Gloves with cut off fingers are still popular, so it will be interesting for girls to flaunt in such outfits.

important place in women's attire, jewelry always occupies. In the eighties, buying something worthwhile in a store was a big deal. Therefore, jewelry at that time was most often made of plastic: bright hoop earrings, voluminous clip-on earrings, large beads.

Stagnation men wore boiled banana jeans, black turtlenecks, or brightly colored shirts. The image was necessarily supplemented with a belt and a bracelet.

Hairstyles in the style of the 80s are voluminous bouffants, perms.

Disco in the style of the 80s

Popular music of that time had two directions: songs by Tsoi, Shatunov, DDT groups, Aquarium on the one hand, and foreign stage represented by Moden Talkin, Bone-M, Dr. Alban on the other hand. Music that sounded thirty years ago still has many fans today. Find an old cassette recorder with these recordings and have a fiery disco evening in the style of the 80s.

Contests in the style of the 80s

Karaoke was not yet invented in the eighties, but everyone loved to sing at the holidays. So arrange a contest at your party in the style of the 80s: who will perform the hit best of all or correctly guess the melody that was popular at that time. Games of "Fanta" or "Ring" were also popular in that decade. Everyone will certainly enjoy the competition for the best outfit.

Come up with small gifts for each of the guests that can be given for participating in competitions. These can be small souvenirs: a pen, a small calendar, etc.

A well-organized little digression into the past - a party in the style of the 80s - will leave you with the most pleasant and unforgettable experience.

If you decide to organize a theme party, you first need to decide on the premises. You can spend it at home or rent an apartment or a hall in a cafe for the evening. Remember that after a party in the apartment you are threatened spring-cleaning, but by removing the hall, this can be avoided.


Write party invitations on colored paper and place them in envelopes filled with confetti. You can also use various newspaper and magazine clippings depicting the stars of the seventies: Gloria Gaynor, Elton John, John Travolta, Bee Gees.

One of the most popular symbols of the era was the yellow smiley. When issuing invitations, use it. Be sure to write that all guests must be dressed in disco style.


On the eve of the party, decorate the room. Decorate it with themed items. For this purpose, an ordinary tape recorder, old huge speakers, a mirror disco ball, flashing garlands, color music, tinsel, confetti, serpentine are well suited. The more color, the better! The more glitter, the better!

A beaded curtain at the entrance will take guests to the bright era of the seventies. On the walls you can hang posters with disco dancers. Arrange sources of subdued light around the entire perimeter of the room or hall: lava lamps, candles. You can also light incense sticks or aroma lamps. Arrange vinyl records and, if available, cassettes and CDs in the corners.

Disco music

Choose the appropriate music. stock up greatest hits Alla Pugacheva, Desire Less, Modern Talking, CC Catch, Yuri Shatunov, Ottawan, Bonney M, Arabesque, Berri, Dalida, Bellini, Brothers, Capella, Demis Roussos, Dschinghis Khan, Emanuel, Haddaway, Eruption, Frida Bokkara, Los Del Mar , Mirei Matie, Masias, Goombay Dance Band, Modern Talking, Ottawan, Carles, Yaki-Da, Adriano Celentano, Toto Cutugno. All hits of the seventies and eighties can be found and downloaded on the Internet. Let the rhythms of disco swirl your guests from the very doorstep.


All guests must come in costume. Have them dress up in the style of Michael Jackson, The Combination, etc.

Disco clothes were bright and shiny. Perfect for:

  • short denim shorts;
  • bright tights;
  • tunic dresses;
  • loose shirts;
  • an abundance of sequins and sequins;
  • flared jeans;
  • banana trousers;
  • tight satin trousers;
  • lycra bodysuit;
  • knitted tights with lurex;
  • shiny synthetic shirts in poisonous shades;
  • translucent tops and T-shirts;
  • dresses with unreal cutouts;
  • real disco chic - a white suit and a black turtleneck;
  • tight shiny trousers, flared at the bottom;
  • silver sandals on high platform, studs;
  • white leather trousers;
  • bright, wild makeup: blue eyelids and pink lips (pink-purple, rose-lilac, lilac, purple, mother-of-pearl are also preferred);
  • an abundance of jewelry;
  • "Afro hairstyle" or crazy bouffants;
  • star glasses.

Festive table

Set up a buffet. On the table there should be sandwiches, cold cuts, zucchini caviar and canapes. There is simply no time left for eating food, because disco is a perpetual motion. As a background, you can include the Indian film "Disco Dancer". All the youth then danced to his soundtracks.

The main dish will be cheese fondue. Pieces of soft bread dipped in tender cheese are very tasty and also useful for creating a collective spirit.

Of the drinks in those days, Coca-Cola was preferred, so it needs to be stocked up in unlimited quantities. Cocktails with cola will be especially successful. For example, like this. Pour 100 g of port wine and 100 g of Coca-Cola into a tall glass without stirring. Add a teaspoon of instant coffee to it. Insert straws, and when serving, mix quickly and sharply.

You can also pour juice into glass jugs: apple, tomato, orange and put them together, alternating colors and adding colors to the whole room.


Let the video be filmed all evening, and the image can be broadcast on a large screen. This will allow everyone to see their dance from the side - an undeniable pleasure.

In order not to make guests bored, consider the entertainment part of the program. The main entertainment is a musical marathon. Guests don't need to know how to dance well to be crowned the best disco dancer.

Right at the party, you can learn a few simple movements with the guests, and then dance a little dance together.

In between songs or for an initial “warm-up”, hold several competitions: for the best performance of a song without a backing track, for knowledge of eighties disco, for the best performance of a song with a backing track, for the king and queen of disco.

A disco party should only be active entertainment, so you can spend such contests.

"Jolly Cord". Place two chairs with their backs to each other, 4 steps apart. Place a rope under the chairs. Two players stand near the chairs and, at the command of the host, change places and try to pull the rope first.

"Clothespins". The game involves two teams of two people of different sexes. One is blindfolded, and the other is attached to clothes with several clothespins. On command, blindfolded participants begin to remove clothespins. Fans of teams can bring down opponents with false "tips".

"Most Sensitive" Participants are seated in turn on a chair, placing bottle caps or sweets under the buttocks, each time changing the amount. By touch, moving the booty and without the help of eyes and hands, you need to guess the number of objects. Observers' comments are welcome. You can also hold a knockout competition.

"Connected". Players are divided into two teams and stand up, alternating: man, woman, man, woman. Each team gets a long rope. Participants thread the end of the rope like this: the guy threads the girl through the sleeves, and the girl threads the guy through the trousers. The team that "connects" the fastest wins.

Bright catchy images, thoughtful retro decorations, hits of those years, seasoned with a drop of light nostalgia - and a party in the style of the 80s will easily take you to a distant but unforgettable past. your childhood? Youth? Or the days of your parents' youth? In any case, it will be unforgettably interesting, fun and unusual!


First of all, you need to get rid of everything that disturbs the atmosphere. Get out of the room modern items interior as far as possible. Hide the blinds under the bleached tulle and colorful curtains. Decorate the walls with posters and photos of the stars of that era.

If a disco is planned, hang a spinning ball in the center of the room (hall), and a garland of light music around the perimeter. Place lava lamps or bright colored lights on the windowsill, shelves and furniture. All this, if desired, can be done with your own hands. Huge speakers will fit into the atmosphere, an old cassette recorder, christmas garlands, serpentine, strands of glass beads.

Disassemble old unwanted cassettes and hang up the tape beautiful waves, along the top of the walls or under the ceiling. Glue colored glitter, sequins, pieces of “rain” onto the film.

Old toys are suitable for decorating a room of the 80s - baby dolls, pyramids, counting sticks, soldiers, etc. Make fluffy garlands out of wrappers and wrappers to decorate the ceiling and walls (suitable images can be printed, it is not necessary to look for real labels). Put an old tube TV and cover it with an openwork white napkin, and on top - a vase with carnations or lilacs. Maybe one of the friends kept an old radio, a wall carpet, a cuckoo clock, rare dishes. Pioneer paraphernalia, busts of leaders, posters with slogans will fit in, but do not overdo it - this is a separate issue.

Do you have spare records on hand? Aged photos of friends and glue in the center. Decorate the plate in a circle with bright sparkles, rhinestones, bows. Hang the records on the wall or ceiling. From the plates you can make vases for cakes or coasters for glasses.

If according to the script you invite friends to a cafe or restaurant, print out old labels - condensed milk, sprat in tomato, port wine, Red October sweets. Of these, you can make garlands, bouquets, use to decorate dishes, print on napkins. Cover the table with a fringed tablecloth, put salt and pepper shakers, small vases of flowers. Organize a buffet - you can still buy a lot in stores, but the labels have not changed much (the same condensed milk and sprat, for example).

Friends will believe that you have a time machine hidden somewhere if you can find:

  • slot machine "Sea battle";
  • soda machine;
  • juice cone;
  • old electronic games "Just you wait", "Tetris", etc.;
  • guitar "Elvis";
  • cotton candy machine.

All this can be rented or props can be used - from plywood, polystyrene, drawings or photographs.

Do not forget to give invitation cards to your friends, because in those years there was no Internet and mobile phones. To decorate invitations, cut old labels and candy wrappers into small pieces or make a postcard in the form of a plate. You can send out "vouchers to the eighties" or "tickets to the past" by mail.


Fashionable female image of those years - this is a bright, shiny dress or a tunic that slides off the shoulder. Bottom - colorful leggings in a contrasting shade. On the head is an indispensable "mess" by means of fleece or insanely lush chemistry. High heel, bright juicy makeup. You can wear a long skirt or washed jeans and a jacket with wide shoulders. Or denim shorts and a loose T-shirt tied just above the navel. The choice is large, but you definitely need to wear something - bracelets, beads, large earrings made of plastic in bright colors.

The guys were also not shy about expressing themselves, flaunting in flared trousers or banana jeans. Over a tucked-in shirt or T-shirt - leather, denim or sports jacket. Stretched are appropriate tracksuits and worn-out sneakers - a real kid is walking! Or polished shoes and a diamond sweater - mommy's son decided to break away from textbooks.


Everything is simple here - potatoes, herring with onions or under a fur coat, Mimosa and Olivier salad, baked chicken, Moskovsky servelat. Put jars of sprats, sprats, pink salmon on the table. Cut sandwiches with boiled sausage and Russian cheese. Are we chic? Then treat your friends to sturgeon, red caviar and scarce seafood. If you “pack” all this into portioned tartlets and baskets, you get a very original buffet.

Do not forget the desserts for the sweet tooth - Napoleon cake or Bird's milk, protein cakes, potatoes, eclairs. Ice cream, Yubileynoye cookies and Glagolitic, Babaevsky and Red October sweets. Stick labels from lemonade and alcoholic drinks of those years on the bottles (the Internet is a help, there are a lot of suitable images!).


To make the script fit the chosen era, prepare musical hits of those years and thematic competitions that remind you of the past. Music is suitable for both ours and foreign ones - Mirage, Gazmanov, Minaev, Tender May, Pugacheva, Modern Talking, ABBA, Bad Boys Blue, etc. Any children's games from the past - rubber bands, bouncers ( soft ball), bugs. You can play cards or dominoes, peel seeds for speed, arrange a Tetris or “Just you wait” competition.

What am I doing?

The game will help you remember the eighties, plunge into the atmosphere of the past and liberate the most modest guests.

The facilitator names objects or shows cards with their image. Participants must guess how these objects are connected. For example, a pencil and a cassette, a skirt and a freezer, stockings and nail polish, sweetened water and a hairbrush.

cockroach race

Guests are divided into two teams and line up at the start in two lines. The first participants are tied with a scarf at the ankles (not with each other) and matchboxes are placed on their shoulders. The task is to reach the finish line without dropping the boxes on the floor. Considering the mincing step, this is not so easy to do! Did the first one run? The second participant takes over! The team wins, all members of which are the first to overcome the most difficult route.

Prove that you are from the 80s!

The host calls the consumer product, the guests must guess approximate price for ice cream, bread, condensed milk, toilet paper and so on. Prices are online and in the memory of local old ladies.

Yard hooligan

Dress up a mannequin or a doll a la a diligent schoolgirl with a backpack and two pigtails. Prepare a simple weapon from a tube, clerical gum and a fingertip. And, of course, tenacious projectiles - burdock thorns. Now you can shoot at the unfortunate girl, earning points for accuracy (5 points - in the hair, 3 points - a thorn on a skirt, etc.).

If it's not in season for thorns, shoot rowan or chewed paper. Instead of a doll, you can draw a target on whatman paper.

Guess the melody

And one more check homework". Let the team members guess the songs by hearing a few chords or just one line. By the way, karaoke plus well-known hits is a surefire way to cheer up the company!

Disco on the newspaper

A children's dance competition that needs nothing more than a few newspapers and groovy music. Divide friends into pairs, put at their feet an unfolded newspaper sheet. While dancing, participants must have at least one foot on the newspaper. After a minute, the newspaper needs to be folded in half, then again and again. It will get harder and harder to resist! Who is the smartest dancer?

As gifts for active participants and gifts for all guests, CDs with hits from the 80s, tickets for a retro movie, toys from childhood are perfect.

Scenario, party 80-90s Suitable for any occasion, birthday, wedding. Participants will find themselves in the last century, namely in the 80-90s. The plan contains competitions dating back to that time, participants will have to remember the old names of clothes, remember prices, and much more.

Party 80-90s - beginning

Hi all!!!

Well, pull up your leggings, straighten the set bangs and tuck crimson jackets into sweatpants, because today we are hanging out at the super party “We are from the 80s and 90s!” Congratulations, today we will make a specific trip to Magic world 80 and 90! For what?

It was just better then than it is now! 80 and 90 - the topic is very wide, covering a huge time in 20 years! Tell me, please, which of those who came relates their best time to the 80s? And who by the 90s? Well, we have two active factions! It is up to you to prove that 80 and 90 were the most fun times. And of course, you need to check the statement - that that time is much better than our days!

Let's start with the 80s! If the heyday of your youth fell on the 80s, then, looking back, you suddenly realize that this time was the most interesting and wonderful for you, and maybe the happiest ....

And how can you forget the good old Soviet ruble!

For example, who will remember how much a loaf of gray bread cost? Right! 16 kopecks. And white? ... That's right, only 20 kopecks! I give you not 20 kopecks, but a whole ruble
Remember the soda machines? There was also a faceted glass - one for all! How is this one? (Shows) By the way, how many facets do you think it has? right ... (gives a prize) at 80m it’s time to create a whole dictionary of terms and expressions. For example, who can say what in the 80s was called the edible word banana? (hairpin)

batch file
A shirt with two pockets on the chest, often with epaulettes on the shoulders, a placket for buttons and sometimes a detachable collar, after removing which the batch shirt turned out to be a stand-up collar.

Denim clothing, which was specially boiled so that it was in white spots.
sent by: amanda
Explosion at a pasta factory
Women's hairstyle late 80s with a huge fleece.
sent by: Vladimir, Kazan

Any drinking establishment (beer, cognac, glass, etc.), with complete unsanitary conditions, standing tables and low prices. Just right for students. Almost all were closed during the period of the anti-alcohol campaign. It's a pity...

A bottle with a capacity of 0.75-0.8 liters, into which chatter and champagne were poured.

Sneakers "Adidas", popular in those days. The saying was often heard: “Whoever wears the Adidas brand, any woman will give it to him,” apparently derived from “Today he wears Adidas, and tomorrow he will sell his homeland.”

Well ... the overall picture of the 80s is more or less drawn! Now let's remember the 90s!
Today we get to know each other in contact, and at 90 we invited each other to a slow dance in the school auditorium!

Now the piano can only be found in the concert hall, but then it was in almost every place and brought more joy!

Well, tell me, who is cooler - Governor Schwarzenegger or the terminator?
Carbonated drinks with dyes or a live grandmother's mushroom in a 3-liter jar?
Compare who is cooler, a modern policeman or Uncle Styopa?

House 2 or Helen and the guys?
But most importantly, in the 90s we ourselves were different: more fun, sincere and simpler.

In the 90s, we did everything with you different things, someone walked under the table, someone skipped physics classes, someone was already an uncle. But this is not the point, the main thing is that we are all from the 90s!

Now we will check whether the right people have gathered here. Attention! Who in the 90s handed over waste paper?

And who glued the tape on the cassettes with tape?
An important question - who was afraid to soak manta?
And who was not allowed to school without a shift?
And who played suefu?
But who was waiting for slow dancers at school discos?
Let's play associations with you, you must name objects and phenomena that are associated with the 90s. The participant who names the associations last wins.

And how can you forget about the films that you watched then!

What chewing gum was popular at that time? If you remember, the main chic was to blow a huge bubble up to the eyebrows and burst it) Let's remember this fun- So, Who will blow bigger bubble from chewing gum!()

More fun This contest is for everyone. If you caught the 90s, then you probably remember how you or your children played with Turbo liners. This contest is based on the same game. For the competition you will need inserts from chewing gums, there should be a lot of them, since the more inserts, the more interesting the competition will be. Each participant is given the same number of inserts. Everyone lays out one insert face down in a pile. Then the first participant hits this pile with his palm. Those liners that turn over are taken by the participant who hit.

The remaining liners remain in place, they are hit by the second participant, the participants hit until the entire stack of liners is taken apart. When the entire pile is taken apart, the next pile is laid out, but now the second participant starts to hit, and so on. The competition ends when the inserts are distributed between two participants. The one with the most inserts wins.

Now let's remember the games of the eighties!
(Answer options: a bannerman, Cossack robbers, condals, hide-and-seek, a ringlet, a pioneer ball, a potato, among others, a rubber band. I call 2 people who answered the stage, I hold a competition on rubber bands - who will remember more different variations game props - two 3-meter elastic bands)

For the winner and all those who came today, a concert number!

In the 80s, there were no game consoles and computers, 165 television channels, cell phones, the INTERNET, but there was already television, and there were favorite programs of adults and children. Can you recognize your favorite programs of that time only by the melody?

(TV tunes play)

And the films of that time? Until now, phrases from these films are on our hearing, and we quote on occasion.

Do you remember what movie this line is from?

“Don’t teach me how to live, better help financially!” (Moscow does not believe in tears)
Are you from the Urals? (Most charming and attractive)
“The ruble is a thing! Three rubles - a bunch! There are three things in a pile! ”(Sportloto-82)
“The main thing is that the suit sits!” (Wizards)
“It seems to me, gentlemen, it was a comedy” (Man from the Boulevard des Capucines)
"Salt is a white poison, sugar is a sweet poison!" (Love and pigeons)

These films had great melodies, and today we can recognize the melody by a few notes and even sing along! Music Auction Announced!
(Music from the films “Three White Horses” sounds, (Sorcerers) “Alexandra ...”, (Moscow does not believe in tears) “I want a change ...” (ACCA), Can you name the performers and the name of the following songs:
(My girl (E. Belousov), Brother Louis (S. Minaev) White roses (Tender May), Music connected us, (Mirage)

I see that you know and love the stage of that time! And for sure We would agree to dance with some star! We don’t have stars, we will get out as best we can !! (dance with a star)

There are many various forms organization of holidays. But lately, stylish parties have become increasingly popular.

Creative ideas combined with original themes turn into bright holiday even a modest home celebration.

Scenario "Back to the USSR" in the style of the 1950s - 80s. with good humor will remind you of the times of building communism and, of course, will appeal to all lovers of non-standard and fun solutions.

Hall decoration

Recreating the atmosphere of the USSR era in the hall where it is planned to celebrate a birthday will be helped by a red red tablecloth on the table and a makeshift podium for speaking comrades (you can put a glass and a decanter of water on it for greater importance).

Posters with comic mottos and slogans should be hung on the walls of the room.

The festive atmosphere and the Soviet spirit of the party will be further emphasized by balloons, carnations and red bows in the buttonholes of the guests.

Plays an important role right choice leader, who must have a loud expressive voice and good clear diction. The success of this scenario largely depends on how his word will sound.

The song helps us to build and live

For musical arrangement any marches and patriotic songs from the times of the Soviet Union are suitable for events.

For the background, it is better to use minus phonograms (without voice). Their main goal is to provide "immersion in the era" and create the right emotional mood. And the presentation of awards to the heroes of the holiday, of course, will be accompanied by ink or fanfare.

  • "Spring March" music. I. Dunayevsky.
  • "Exit March" music. I. Dunayevsky.
  • "Flow, song, in the open" music. V. Pushkov.
  • "March of the Aviators" Y. Khaita.
  • "March of young builders" music. B. Terentyeva.
  • "March of the assemblers" music. R. Shchedrin.
  • "March of Enthusiasts" music. I. Dunayevsky.
  • "May Day" music. K. Listov.
  • "Song of the Volga" music. I. Dunayevsky.
  • "Song of the Motherland" music. I. Dunayevsky.
  • Carcass, fanfare for awards.


The scenario "Back to the USSR" will not require much and lengthy preparation from the organizers. To implement it, you need to print on a printer:

  • The text of the birthday girl's speech (which she will see immediately before the performance).
  • Texts of songs-alterations (according to the number of invitees).
  • Medals for presentation to the participants of the holiday.
  • Posters and banners with inscriptions to decorate the hall.
  • Examples of slogans

    ... (name) is the mind, honor and conscience of our company!

    Glory to the leader of production (mother-heroine, builder of a bright future, etc.) ... (name)!

    We welcome the delegates of the Merry Congress!

    Toasts of the congress - to life!

    Let's hit depression with the iron fist of optimism!

    Let's destroy the whiners as a class enemy!

    We will uproot boredom from our ranks!

    Let's fill the bins of the motherland with jokes!

    Let's celebrate a birthday with a bang!

    The world is a feast!

    All to storm the table!

Birthday script

Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Dear comrade delegates! We have gathered for a Merry Congress, before which a very important task- in the best Soviet traditions to congratulate wonderful woman, mother-heroine, shock worker of labor ... (name) happy birthday!
Let's fill the glasses and raise the first toast to the birthday girl! Thus, the work of the congress can be considered open. Hooray!

The guests raise the first toast to the birthday girl.

Leading: Attention, comrades! The following issues were on the agenda of the Merry Congress:

1. Honoring ... (name)
2. Report ... (name) on the work done.
3. Social competition of flying brigades.
4. Rewarding heroes.
5. Cultural program.
6. Fireworks from a bottle of champagne.

I propose to approve the agenda of the congress by an open vote. Who agrees? Who is against? Unanimously! We proceed to the first part - honoring ... (name). Song for-pe-wai!

The guests sing a song-alteration to the music of the "March of the Aviators" composer Y. Khait. (The printed text of the song should be distributed to guests in advance).

You were born to make the world more beautiful
Our true friend, reliable helmsman.
We march in orderly ranks
Towards the sun right behind you!

Everything is better, wiser, and more beautiful!
Throwing down your challenge to the years.
Faster than a rocket
More fearless than a hurricane.

We have such honor and glory in our country,
Composes songs about such land.
And at this time the west is rotting,
All because you are not there.

You always burn like a torch at work,
Heat and light warm the house.
You were born to make problems dust
And we'll sing a song about it.

Leading: The family ... (surname), comrades, is exemplary. It evokes a sense of our pride and serves as an example to follow.
The couple approached the construction of a new cell of society consciously and with a sense of serious responsibility. They not only shaped and strengthened the cell, but also visibly compacted it. Look at what a worthy change they are raising for themselves ... (names). The word for congratulations is given to the head and worthy descendants of the family.

Congratulations from the husband and children of the birthday girl sound.

Leading: For several years now, our dear ... (name) has been successfully leading the work area entrusted to her. The homeland can sleep peacefully when ... (name) is at work.
Her professional merits have been repeatedly noted by high management.
As a good friend and mentor of youth, she freely shares her knowledge with the new shift.
I give the floor to the members of the labor collective who were lucky enough to work shoulder to shoulder with the hero of labor.

Congratulations from colleagues at work.

A new hero appears. This is a "special correspondent" who should enliven the program of the festive feast with a cheerful interview of the birthday girl. He carries a camera, notepad and pen.

specialcor: Comrades! The editors of the newspaper "Glory to workaholics!" sent me to your event, setting an important and responsible task - to highlight the work of the Merry Congress from all sides, and also to ask comrade ... (name) a number of questions that concern our readers. You can read the report in the editorial on the front page of our publication tomorrow!

A special correspondent is interviewing a birthday girl.

So, let's begin. "Glory to the workaholics!" I have repeatedly published materials about your heroic activity. In particular, articles were published about how you stopped a galloping horse and entered a burning hut.

What other exploits can we expect from you in the near future? (answer)

The next question concerns personal life, which is of great interest to the public.

Where and how did you meet your spouse comrade ... (name). Do you share the ideological convictions of your spouse? (answer)

The whole country is anxiously following the recruitment of volunteers for the cosmonaut corps, participants in the first expedition to Mars.

Have you already thought about how you will make alien contact and what will you say to your brothers in mind if your application is accepted? (answer)

You are a relentless fighter against wars and violence, pollution environment, against the destruction of historical monuments, discrimination against blacks, etc.

What else requires your urgent intervention in the shortest possible time? (answer)

Being an active participant in the socialist competition of allied workers, today you combine mother, wife, daughter, sister, girlfriend, educator, cook, cleaner, seamstress, laundress, driver.

What new related specialties do you plan to master in the coming five-year period? (answer)

And now I will ask you to take some pictures for the newspaper. Attention, comrades! Now the bird will fly!

A photo session is held for the birthday girl and her guests.

Leading: The word for a welcoming speech is given to friends ... (name)!

Congratulations from friends

Friends sing a song-alteration to the music "Fly up the bonfires" by composer S. Kaidan-Deshkin.

Whip the champagne thick foam,
Let's raise a toast to the birthday girl!
We've known her for many years.
Everyone is proud to know her!

Let the birthday last until the night
We don't really want to leave!
We will shout cheers to her until the morning,
The name of the hero must be known by the country!

Leading: I ask for attention and silence, comrades! The time has come to hear the report of our dear traitor on the work done over the past years.
According to the rules of the Merry Congress, three and a half hours are allotted for a speech. Let us support the speaker with a stormy and prolonged applause.

birthday girl: Dear comrades, friends, like-minded people! All my achievements are connected with you. After all, you have always believed, helped, influenced, sympathized, spurred, stimulated, inspired, supported, inspired, rescued, assisted, encouraged, accompanied, favored.
It helped me a lot to understand, to feel, to feel, to get stronger, to realize, to overcome, to overcome, to act, to fight, to manage.
Only thanks to you over the years I have been able to show, prove, win, master, catch up and overtake. Together with you, we have done so much, built, nurtured, created, raised, heaped up, heaped up.
And I know for sure that together we will still show, amaze, stun, shock, stun! Hurrah, comrades!

Leading: Throughout the country, the socialist movement is growing and expanding, filling our hearts with a sense of great pride.
In the vast native expanses, shock brigades are growing like mushrooms after rain. Every day they report on their new labor victories. And we must not lag behind, comrades! Let's join the ranks of enthusiasts and join the social competition here and now!

Contests and games

The guests are divided into two teams - brigades, they come up with original names (for example: "Flying Brigade", "Mad Leap", "Triple Ramming", "Above the Plan", "Our Norm", "Children of Stakhanov"). Competitions are accompanied by fast background music.

Competition "Brigade in a row"

A fun speed contest for two teams of at least 5 people. After the signal, the teams need to line up as soon as possible along:

  • by height
  • seniority
  • hair color from brunette to blonde
  • by weight
  • by shoe size

Who coped with the task earlier, he won.

Competition "Iron Fist"

Each team is invited to one participant. The task of the players is to crumple up the unfolded newspaper with one hand.
The winner of the competition will be the team whose representative was the first to collect a newspaper sheet into a fist.

Competition "Bound in one chain"

In this competition, players must “tie” their team with a string or rope as quickly as possible, pulling its ends through loops, straps, and clothing straps. As always, the fastest participants will win.

Competition "All for the delivery of the TRP!"

To participate in this high-speed competition, teams put up couples consisting of a guy and a girl.

Twos will have to work hard - to burst 3 balloons without the use of sharp, piercing, cutting objects.

Fans not only follow the game, but also support the participants with shouts. The first bursting balloon marks the friendly “Ready!”, The second - “To work!”, The third - “And defense!”.

A couple that passed the standard brings the team victory.

Leading: However, not everything, comrades, is going smoothly with us! Recently, cases of drunkenness and slovenliness have noticeably become more frequent in our ranks. And as conscientious citizens we must step into relentless struggle with this blatant disgrace.
It's no secret that alcohol dulls vigilance. This circumstance will help us to identify drunken comrades during the cleansing of our ranks. Drunkenness is our most decisive battle!

Comic game "Drunkenness - fight!"

Volunteers from each team are invited to participate in the game. The facilitator demonstrates the exercise for repetition. Participants need to grab the left earlobe with their right hand, and the tip of the nose with their free left hand.
After the leader’s signal (clapping hands), the players quickly change the position of their hands to the opposite. With the right hand touch the tip of the nose, and with the left to the lobe of the right ear.

The pace of clapping increases and the task becomes more and more difficult. Those who miss are out of the game.

The winner is the participant who lasted the longest.

Leading: Dear comrades! I remind everyone who has forgotten that business is time, fun is an hour! Time to roll up your sleeves and get to work! We can't put off tomorrow acute problems requiring an immediate decision.
We barely relaxed and, please, Sylvesters, Roberts, Evelinas are already walking along our streets. But we know which way the wind blows. But we have our own wonderful names Dazdraperma, which means Long live the first of May, Dotnara - the Daughter of the working people, Rosik - the Russian Executive Committee!
These names not only have a beautiful sound, but also carry a deep meaning. Now, comrades, let's get down to business together, let's go, so to speak, and enrich the Russian language with new big names.
Let's put up a barrier to Western pernicious influence! By the way, I have already taken the first step in this direction. You are the first - You are always the first! Perpanader! - The first guy in the village! Cheers! - Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts! Please take my initiative, comrades!

Name contest

Participants are given pens and sheets of paper. Players must come up with as many unusual and funny names as possible. The team with the longest list wins. You have 3-5 minutes to complete the task.

Leading: And now the time has come to name the names of the best of the best, our leaders and champions who have gathered around this table. Let's start the awards ceremony.

The presenter announces the name of the medal and the name of the recipient. The presentation is accompanied by a cheerful march or carcass

  • For devotion to a hopeless cause
  • For heroism shown in family life
  • For the sincerity of feelings on the love front
  • For pep in an emergency
  • For naked enthusiasm from scratch
  • For the kindness of an open soul
  • For many years of loyalty to friendship
  • For unpretentiousness in everyday life
  • For beautiful eyes

Leading: The work of the Merry Congress, comrades, is coming to its logical end. Allow me, on behalf of those present and on my own behalf, to express dear ... (name) gratitude for good mood, spiritual uplift and the joy of unity that she gave us today. Our triple cheers for the birthday girl! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Before today disputes between supporters and opponents of the Soviet system, which has already become our history, do not subside.
However, it is obvious to everyone that these were hours when everyone felt important and the right part society. Hard work, a strong family, the fortitude of the Soviet people were elevated to a podium.

The scenario "Back to the USSR", built on the glorious traditions of praising a working man, woman, mother, will undoubtedly become pleasant surprise and will allow from the bottom of my heart, warmly congratulate the birthday girl ... as in the good old days!