How to behave during childbirth and contractions so that you can give birth easily and without breaks. The birth of a baby is a difficult process. A woman should prepare for pain, discomfort. But there are some ways to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother, which

The birth of a child is big event in life married couple. Women are aware that in many ways it depends on them how the birth will go and therefore they pay due attention to preparing for this important process.

Timely passage medical examinations, classes exercise for pregnant, healthy lifestyle lives are of great importance in preparing for the birth of a baby.

But no less important psychological preparation, therefore, many expectant mothers (sometimes with their husbands) attend special courses or read literature on their own. This is all justified and necessary. After all positive attitude directly affects even the degree of pain in childbirth. Therefore, for a woman, confidence in a favorable outcome and an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to behave during childbirth are important.

The beginning of the birth process

Pregnant women who are expecting their first baby often worry that they do not know exactly how labor begins and will not be able to determine when to go to the hospital. Don't worry about this. Childbirth is a many-hour process, the beginning of which is hard not to notice. But in order to make it easier to keep calm, you need to take into account some recommendations in advance:

Childbirth can begin with an outpouring amniotic fluid. This is a signal that you need to pack up and go to the hospital. The fact is that the period that a child can stay without water is limited, therefore it is better to hurry under the supervision of a doctor.

The second option for the onset of labor is contractions. Feeling cramping pain, no need to panic. The woman has enough time to take a shower, change clothes calmly, get ready and get to the hospital.

Real and false contractions: when to go to the hospital

It is worth remembering that usually before childbirth, they first begin, which are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions or false contractions. They prepare the uterus and the entire body for the birth process, they can even begin a few weeks before the expected date. Their appearance should not worry the expectant mother.

In the case when false contractions deliver strong pain and significant discomfort should be reported to the doctor.

Real contractions differ from training contractions in intensity and regularity. Of course, it is difficult for those who are preparing for the first birth to understand everything right away, so you should pay attention to the following:

  • calculate the duration of the contraction itself and the interval between them using a stopwatch or a special calculator on the Internet, if the contractions are regular, then you can judge the onset of labor;
  • call your doctor and fully follow his recommendations, in most cases, even at the beginning of real contractions, you do not need to urgently go to the hospital;
  • talking with the baby, as this adds peace of mind;
  • accept warm shower to relieve pain;
  • try to rest;
  • if the interval between contractions is reduced, then you can take a shower, shave your bikini area, take your collected things and go to the hospital with your husband;
  • be sure to check the availability of the necessary documents before the trip.

Arrival at the maternity hospital

Arriving at maternity hospital, the woman does not immediately get into the delivery room. First, it must be taken by the doctor on duty. He will ask questions, look at the documents and conduct the necessary examinations. Registration may take some time, but you should not worry, as the expectant mother is already in a medical facility and specialists are monitoring her condition. In order to make it easier to stay calm, you need to remember a few points:

  • even if partner childbirth is not planned, it will not be superfluous if the woman is accompanied by close person who, in which case, will answer questions, help with things and papers;
  • the documents necessary for registration must be prepared in advance so that you do not have to look for them in packages;
  • it may seem to a woman in labor that the registration process takes a long time, but you need to be understanding about this, because the staff acts in accordance with the established instructions.

After everything necessary papers prepared, the health worker will tell you where to go next. Perhaps the woman is immediately taken to the delivery room, but it may be necessary to stay in the ward for some time.

The woman in labor will have the opportunity to change clothes, and it is also believed that, according to tradition, you need to give birth with your hair loose.

How to behave in the delivery room

In modern delivery rooms, they are trying to create for a woman in labor comfortable conditions. Often there are showers, that is, everything you need to make it easier to cope with pain during contractions. For optimal behavior during this period, the following recommendations can be made:

  • obey the medical staff;
  • immediately prepare the necessary things for the baby, water;
  • don't forget the role correct breathing;
  • search comfortable postures, relieving pain, use the necessary equipment;
  • if you have questions or have any doubts and concerns, then do not be shy and contact a midwife or doctor;
  • if all the medical staff left the room (this often happens at the stage of contractions), then if necessary, feel free to demand attention to yourself, because in this situation it is better to play it safe on every occasion;
  • try not to scream, as this does not relieve pain, but it takes away the strength that will be needed in attempts;
  • it is undesirable to sit during contractions, because this creates a large load on the child's head (you can jump on a fitball);
  • anesthetize contractions with self-massage; in partner childbirth, massage should be done by a partner;
  • must be remembered that medical workers people are the same as everyone else, everyone has their own character, mood, so you don’t need to react sharply if you don’t like something in communication, because painful sensations can also give a biased assessment of the situation;
  • if childbirth takes place with a partner, then he can control the behavior of the medical staff, but first of all, you need to be sympathetic to the work of the team and not find fault with every little thing;
  • during attempts to push exclusively at the command of a doctor or midwife, independence is unacceptable and can harm the baby;
  • after childbirth, you will need to lie down for about two hours without getting up, as complications are possible and the medical staff will monitor the mother's condition.

Each woman is individual, and all births are not like one another, but obstetrician-gynecologists do their job every day, helping to give birth to babies, so you need to understand that staying calm and listening to the medical staff is the best thing you can do for yourself. successful birth process.

You need to be prepared that after giving birth you can’t immediately go home, but you will have to spend some time in a hospital. This is necessary so that the mother and the newborn are under the supervision of specialists.

Doctors will regularly come to the ward for examination, and, if necessary, nurses will invite the mother for tests or examinations, give advice on personal hygiene, nutrition and child care. All this is done to eliminate complications and make sure everything went well.

How should you behave in the postpartum ward?

  • if something hurts or causes anxiety, you need to see a doctor;
  • during rounds by specialists, you need to ask all exciting questions, even if they seem stupid;
  • comply with recommendations and appointments;
  • do not refuse to undergo examinations and examinations of both your own and your baby, because it is better to make sure once again that everything is fine than to miss something;
  • remember that there are established rules of conduct in a medical institution, therefore you need to reckon with this and observe it;
  • there is no need to make increased demands on comfort to the ward (if it is not the promised VIP ward);
  • if you have to share the ward with another mother or mothers, then you need to take this into account in your behavior (do not talk loudly, do not call a large number of visitors, even if visits are allowed);
  • if you have questions, you can call the nurses who will answer them.

When preparing for childbirth, one must not forget that the process requires not only physical strength and endurance, but psychological mood. Therefore, you should stock up on calmness and confidence that everything will be fine.

Good day, my dear readers!

Women's topics are so diverse that it can be discussed endlessly. The most important thing for us, dear ladies, is health and our children. During childbirth, both are closely related. But even more important is how a woman will behave.

Breathing, posture, moral attitude to what is happening - everything is important not only for easing pain, but also for the condition of the unborn baby. I appeal to all future women in labor: let's find out together how to behave during labor and childbirth.

If you are giving birth for the first time, the total contraction time will be about 16 hours. It is usually divided into two periods:

  • latent - characterized by less severe pain and continues until the uterus opens by 4 cm;
  • active - contractions become more pronounced and gradually turn into attempts.

The first births are longer and more stressful. With the second pregnancy, the contractions time is reduced to 6-8 hours (and some mothers can even give birth in 40 minutes, for example, I).

The latent period of childbirth is best spent at home. Do not rush to go to the hospital at the first symptoms, no matter what kind of child is born in your world. Contractions may be false. Their difference lies in the uneven intervals.

Having come to the hospital with such complaints, you run the risk of staying in the hospital, which is not for a healthy woman in labor. the best option psychologically.

Try to spend at least the first few hours at home, and with an increase in contractions, you can confidently move to the hospital. It is very important, while staying at home, to behave correctly.

Behavior during labor and delivery

Compliance simple rules, dear readers, will help you alleviate the condition during labor and childbirth. The main goal of your actions is to promote the early opening of the uterus and provide oxygen to the child moving through the birth canal. To do this, we do this:

The last point is especially important, since the child's oxygen supply during the period of contractions depends on it. Usually, at any clinic, mandatory courses are held for women in labor, where they are told about the types of breathing. If you have not been able to learn how to breathe, I will tell you how to properly inhale and exhale air.

Breath types

Here are some types of breathing during contractions and childbirth:

  • Slow . Inhalation is through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth. Inhalation and exhalation in duration should be related as 1:2. This type of breathing should only be used during a fight. During the rest period we breathe as usual.
  • Through plump lips . Suitable for latency. When the pain reaches its peak, you can inhale through your nose and exhale with the sound of "poo" through pouting lips.
  • Diaphragmatic-thoracic. To feel the correct breathing, one hand is placed on the chest - and the other - on the navel. When inhaling, the stomach should rise as much as possible, and exhalation should occur through chest. At the very beginning of the fight, up to 4 such breaths and exhalations are made.
  • Like a dog . It is used when it is already difficult for a woman to control her breathing. Then you can press your tongue to the sky and breathe often, as animals do during the heat.

And here, for greater clarity, you have a video on how to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth:

Today, many expectant mothers are inclined to give birth at home. The security of this choice is a separate issue. But wherever you are, try to follow the described rules.

The most important thing that a future mother should understand for herself is that childbirth is a completely natural process. Nature did everything to ensure that everything went as well as possible.

And even the pain that women in labor experience during labor, they completely forget a minute after they put a small ball of happiness on their chest.

I hope now you know how to behave during childbirth and labor and how to alleviate your condition with pain (if you forgot, let me remind you - with proper breathing).

Before see you soon!

Many women are very afraid of childbirth and spend the entire nine months of pregnancy in fear. Anxiety is reinforced by the stories of girlfriends and comments from the forum, where there are a lot of such stories about terrible pains, rivers of blood, long and painful fights. However, there are also tips on how to behave during childbirth and contractions, stories about easy childbirth. Is this a fantasy or an incredible coincidence? Is instant birth possible? No, it's just that 80% of these women were helped by the correct behavior during childbirth.

The beginning of the birth process

IN last days before childbirth, the abdomen drops, the baby's head is directed down to the small pelvis. He is already preparing for the upcoming appearance, however, this is not an immediate harbinger of fights. With a lowered belly, a mother can walk for a week or even a week and a half, especially during the first pregnancy.

The beginning of childbirth is fixed by the doctor, the first sign for him will be increased activity uterus - it either contracts or relaxes. Mucus may stand out from the vagina, this is a “plug”. Sometimes the mucus comes out gradually, and the process stretches for two or three days, sometimes at once in in large numbers. A woman will not confuse mucus with waste water - the waters will be plentiful, warm to the touch and have their own smell.

As soon as the water appears, it means that the woman began to give birth. Then contractions appear - the uterus contracts, causing undulating painful sensations. Experts believe that at first the water can leave in small quantities, as the baby's head pushes out, trying to leave the uterus.

Video clips tell in detail about how to behave during childbirth and contractions.

Remember, if the waters have already broken, the woman needs to get ready for the maternity hospital. It is impossible to guess when intense contractions will begin. She has up to 12 hours of preparation time before the birth begins. It is important to pay attention to the color of the outgoing waters. Normally they are transparent. If the liquid is yellowish or green color, this is a sign of the presence in it of the first stool baby. A woman in labor needs to use absorbent materials prescribed by a doctor and constantly measure body temperature, normally it should not exceed 37 degrees.

The beginning of childbirth is not always marked by the departure of water. Sometimes a woman feels the urge to empty the bowels. This is due to an increase in pressure on the rectum of the uterus, which has come into motion. The stool is soft and frequent, as in mild diarrhea. Mom will want sweets or her appetite will disappear altogether.

Sometimes before the start of childbirth, a woman will feel chills, she will shake. Experts consider trembling to be the desire of the body to shake itself up, to remove excess nervousness.

How to behave in the hospital

Childbirth is long and hard process, so it is important for the mother to be ready for the X day. By the time of birth, she already knows her maternity hospital and the doctor who will receive the child.

First of all, before going to the hospital, double-check the bag with things, it is important not to forget your passport, exchange card, phone, notify your relatives. On the question of how to behave during childbirth and labor, forums for mothers advise not to panic and not to recruit anything extra to the hospital! If the weather permits, it is better to go directly in a dressing gown, so it will be easier to change into sick clothes.

After verification of documents and examination by the doctor on duty, mommy is taken to the birth control unit. There is no need to lay out things, the woman in labor will stay here only temporarily, then she will be transferred to the ward with the baby. Now you only need things for the child, for yourself, which are prepared for childbirth.

Mom needs to move more: walk around the ward, do the exercises learned at seminars for expectant mothers. The staff of the maternity hospital will provide the patient with equipment to help in contractions: a fitball, a mat (it needs to be laid on the floor), a comfortable duck chair. If you forgot to offer, you can ask a nurse or a nurse.

For mobile, there is a special program that helps to count contractions. It is better to download it in advance and track the frequency, helping the obstetrician.

Upon arrival, the doctor will only check the dilatation of the cervix of the uterus and, if it is small, leave the mother to wait, periodically visiting for examination. Nurses with nurses will also drop in, tracking the course of the birth process. The rest of the time, mommy sits alone in the ward, alone with attempts. Who is afraid can take a partner.

How to breathe during contractions

Contractions often bring a woman more torment than the birth itself. It's undulating strong pain causing you to scream and panic. How to behave during childbirth and contractions for a husband - to be there, to support. If he attended classes for partner childbirth, he should reassure his spouse, ask him to conserve strength and perform the exercises they have learned to intensify contractions.

It is important to get along with the observing obstetrician and feel free to talk about all the sensations. The words of an experienced doctor will help to calm, encourage and dispel doubts. The specialist will tell you ways to relieve pain, speed up childbirth. Trust in the doctor must be complete - he must know everything, even the urge to go big. When the dilatation of the uterus is sufficient, it good sign, the baby is already halfway to birth.

Breathing techniques as an aid during contractions are taught at seminars for expectant mothers. Breathing helps a woman regain strength and relieve pain. Being distracted by breathing, the woman ceases to be nervous, gathers strength. Also, breathing techniques help to control the diaphragm so that it does not interfere with childbirth, but can help.

Proper breathing

  • The beginning of contractions - inhale through the nose, inhale should take 4 seconds, mentally count the time, then exhale for 6 seconds. The inhale will be shorter than the exhale. Exhaling through the mouth, you need to fold your lips "duck". The way you breathe will help you relax, supply your muscles with oxygen, and allow contractions to run their course. Mom during the execution of the technique will have to constantly count to herself.
  • Intense contractions - breathing speeds up, it becomes like a dog's breathing in the heat - frequent, quick breaths at first, then exhale through the open mouth. There is no need to be afraid to look stupid - the task of the mother is to help the child be born faster, to breathe correctly. Nothing else matters.
  • Opening the neck - you feel the head of the child approaching the neck, how to behave during childbirth and contractions photo, before the start of the next contraction, you need to speed up your breathing - inhale through your nose, immediately exhale through your mouth through narrow, folded lips. When the intensity of contractions decreases and the pain dulls, breathing should be calmed.

How to push during childbirth

The most crucial moment begins. The baby is already out of the uterus and he needs to overcome the birth canal. The main thing for him and his mother is to act in sync. The muscles in the pelvis try to push the baby out, creating tight contractions. Mom needs to monitor the signals of the body and push when the desire to push is the highest. About 3 such strong urges come to one fight. You should not push against the wishes of the body; in between, mom rests and gathers strength.

It happens when the cervix of the uterus is sufficiently open, but the baby did not have time to take the correct position. Mom feels the pressure of his head, there are no signals for attempts yet. Then you can't grieve.

Doctors may suggest several options comfortable position for mom - you need to listen to the desires of the body and choose the most comfortable position for yourself - on your side, or standing, or lying down, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to feel confident in it.

General information about how to behave during childbirth

Much in birth process depends on:

  • preparation of the woman in labor;
  • her knowledge right technique for breathing;
  • the body of the mother and child;
  • her behavior in the delivery room;
  • experience of doctors and medical staff.

They will help in the question of how to behave during childbirth and labor, reviews, where mothers note how important it is to initially establish good contact with your obstetrician, listen to the instructions of the doctor, be as collected as possible, do not panic. Yes, childbirth is a painful, long, but natural process. You need to trust nature and specialists.

So, you understand that you have started giving birth. What actions fall under the ban during childbirth?

∗ With the onset of childbirth, one should not panic, randomly rush around the apartment, rush. It is very important to maintain self-control and tune in the right way. It is good if all things are collected in advance, because running around the apartment in search of what is necessary in childbirth is not a pleasant pleasure, especially since at the end of pregnancy the sense of balance is disturbed, weakness and dizziness may occur. Inaccurate movements, especially when taking a shower, are fraught with a fall, as a result of which placental abruption may occur. And this is already an extremely dangerous situation, which can lead to significant blood loss in future mother and endanger the life of the child.

∗ If you forget any of your personal items at home, don't worry, because in all maternity hospitals, if necessary, you will be given hospital slippers, a gown, a towel, and a nightgown. And everything else will be brought to you while you are in labor. But the documents must not be forgotten. Before leaving home, check the presence of a passport, exchange card, insurance policy, contract for the management of childbirth, if it was concluded. So, in the absence of an exchange card, doctors will not have confirmation required examination, which may serve as a reason for determining you in a special observational department or for transfer to a special maternity hospital, where unexamined patients, infected and women with suspected infection. Considering that childbirth often begins suddenly, it is better to carry medical documents with you at all times.

∗ In no case can you get to the maternity hospital by driving a car yourself. And although the first contractions are not painful, it will be difficult to predict their intensity after even a short period of time. And with strong pain, getting safely to the hospital will be problematic. So if none of your relatives or friends can take you, then it's better to call the ambulance service.

∗ Immediately after arrival at the maternity hospital, filling out medical documents that will be used by doctors during childbirth begins. Part of the data will be taken from the exchange card, part will be entered from your words. It is important to accurately answer all questions, in no case should you hide anything, even if it seems to you that this is not related to ongoing events. So, vacuum aspiration transferred 10 years ago can provoke bleeding in childbirth, and transfused into early childhood blood - hemolytic disease The child has. Of course, the doctor should be warned about such risks in advance.

The first stage of childbirth: you can not be afraid, scream and strain your muscles

∗ This period is the most painful and longest in time, and its duration, the well-being of the woman in labor, and the condition of the fetus depend on the correct behavior. The main thing: you can not be afraid of childbirth and labor pain! The intensity of pain depends on individual characteristics, pain sensitivity, emotional mood women and their relationship to the birth of a child. Nature has provided a woman with the painkillers she needs for childbirth - her body during labor releases hormones of joy and pleasure - endorphins. They help the expectant mother to relax, relieve pain and give a feeling of emotional uplift. However, the mechanism of their production is fragile. If a woman is afraid, then a reflex suppression of the secretion of endorphins occurs and a significant amount of adrenaline (stress hormone) is released into the blood, which causes convulsive muscle tension, including the muscles of the uterus, which increases pain.

∗ In addition, during childbirth, one should not contract and strain the muscles. With tension, the pain threshold decreases, blood supply is disturbed, which increases pain. Arises vicious circle: tension - pain - delay in labor. If, during childbirth, the muscles are relaxed, then the pain is less, the cervix opens faster, and the child does not experience significant difficulties in moving through the birth canal.

∗ During contractions, you can choose a comfortable body position for you: it is allowed to lie on your side, walk, stand on all fours or kneel. But there are two provisions that are prohibited during childbirth: you can not lie on your back and sit. In the supine position, a heavy pregnant uterus compresses the large vessels that pass behind it, disrupting blood flow to the heart. In response to this, reflexively falls sharply arterial pressure, causing fainting and disruption of the blood supply to the placenta and fetus. If for some reason you have to lie down during childbirth, it is better to choose the position on your side.

At the beginning of the first period, the sitting position will do no harm. However, by its end, the baby's head is already entering the birth canal, and, sitting down on hard surface(chair, bed), the expectant mother creates additional pressure on her. But you can sit on a fitball or a toilet - in these cases, such pressure is excluded.

∗ Almost all maternity hospitals have a ban on food and drink during childbirth. This requirement is justified by the fact that labor activity general anesthesia may be necessary, during which there is a risk of throwing the contents of the stomach into the mouth, and from there into the lungs. This can lead to the development of severe pneumonia. In addition, during contractions, due to the reflex connection that exists between the cervix and the stomach, vomiting sometimes occurs. The more contents are in the stomach, the greater the likelihood of this unpleasant phenomenon.

∗ Do not shout during contractions. When you scream, you continuously exhale air, and the breaths are shallow and short. It is known that for the maximum enrichment of blood with oxygen, which is necessary for both the mother during the period of difficult labor and the baby, so that he does not experience oxygen starvation, required deep breath. Therefore, instead of screaming at a height, slowly, deeply and rhythmically inhale air through your nose and exhale it through your mouth. If the contractions become very strong, frequent shallow breathing, in which the inhalation is also made through the nose, and the exhalation through the mouth, will help. But it is impossible to inhale deeply through the mouth in contractions, this will lead to a rapid drying of the oral mucosa, which is rather painfully tolerated with the current ban on drinking. If the mucosa is still dry, you can rinse your mouth with water without swallowing it.

∗ Do not delay urination during contractions. Go to the toilet often - at the first urge. Firstly, frequent urination stimulates contractions, and secondly, a full bladder hinders the progress of the fetus through the birth canal.

Second stage of labor: you can not sit down and push "in the face"

In this period, a woman can more control the process of childbirth than in the first. Although attempts and occur involuntarily, a woman can control them to a certain extent, strengthening or restraining if necessary. However, unauthorized actions can harm both mother and child. That is why during this period it is necessary to get together and clearly follow all the instructions of the doctor and midwife.

∗ When there is very little left before the birth of the child, you will be taken to the delivery room. When moving to the birth bed, you can’t sit down - in fact, it means to sit on your child’s head. While on the birthing bed, in no case should you compress your hips. All of these actions can lead to serious injury to the newborn.

∗ If the “good” for the attempt is received, spare no effort. But it is not only the applied force that matters, but also where it is directed. It is important to do it correctly, you can not push "in the face." At the same time, the woman in labor strongly strains her face, puffs out her cheeks, small hemorrhages can even form in the eyes and face, but the attempt is ineffective, the fetal head does not move along the birth canal. The attempt should be directed downwards, to empty the body (like the intestines with a stool). In this case, you need to strain the abdominal muscles as much as possible.

∗ If you don't feel any pushing or pushing is too weak, you will be guided by a doctor and a midwife. It is very important to follow all their instructions exactly. During the birth of the fetus, there are times when it is necessary to reduce the strength of the attempts. Sometimes, in order to better advance the child, the doctor may prohibit pushing during one or more contractions. You will not be able to stop the attempt, but it is in your power to significantly weaken it. It is necessary to relax and breathe very often and superficially, slightly opening your mouth - “dog-like”, or like “inflating hot air balloon”(up, in the face, stretching his lips with a tube). Just as in the first stage of childbirth, you can not scream, because the cry occurs on the exhale, and during the attempt it is necessary to hold your breath. In addition, when screaming, muscles contract, including the pelvic floor and perineum, which increases the risk of ruptures. In addition, crying prevents the full-fledged interaction of the woman in labor with the medical staff, which is the key to normal course second stage of labor and helps to avoid ruptures.

Third stage of labor: you can not completely relax

After the baby is born, you can’t completely relax, believing that your work has been completed. After all, you still have to give birth to the placenta, after which the procedure for examining the birth canal follows. The placenta, or placenta, includes the placenta and membranes. The period of its separation can last from 5 minutes to half an hour or a little longer. After some time, you may feel lasting no more than a minute. This is one of the signs of separation of the placenta from the walls of the uterus, after which the woman is asked to push. But it is worth noting that usually the placenta is born without any difficulties.


During all childbirth, it is impossible to refuse the necessary medical manipulations. For example, in the first stage of labor, vaginal examinations and recording of the fetal heartbeat are necessary, which are often uncomfortable for the woman in labor. But these actions help the doctor determine how the birth is progressing, assess the condition of the child, and, if necessary, prescribe some drugs. Do not strain during the doctor's examinations, as tension will only increase the discomfort.

At the time of the vaginal examination, try to relax, breathe often and shallowly, do not strain the muscles of the perineum.

Many women are afraid of prescribing drug stimulation during childbirth. You have the right to express your attitude to this procedure and the wish not to use it if possible, but remember that sometimes only with the help of medications you can end the birth with minimal risk to the baby.

If any actions of the staff cause you doubts - ask to explain to you the need for certain manipulations.

Childbirth is a huge stress for the female body. As in all stressful situations, experts recommend not to panic and calm down in order to be able to think sensibly. But not only these recommendations are the answer to the question: how to behave during childbirth. It is necessary to study the mechanism of the process itself, including all the nuances, in order to have an idea of ​​​​the changes that occur with the woman's body at all stages of the birth process and not be afraid of them.

The process of childbirth

The entire birth process is divided into several stages, each of which requires a certain behavior from a woman.

Due to their individual characteristics and beliefs, each woman relates to the birth process in different ways. Someone is waiting for this moment with reverence, and someone feels fear. In the second case, most often, this happens due to the lack of awareness of the pregnant woman about the emergence of a new life. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out what stages the birth process goes through and what awaits the expectant mother at each of them. You need to familiarize yourself with this material in advance, because the beginning process will not allow the information to be assimilated, and the woman in labor will not perceive what is happening in a positive way.

First stage of childbirth

The first stage is characterized by the occurrence of contractions. This is the longest process. Pain sensations gradually increase, occupy even periods of time, which become shorter and shorter. At this time, the birth canal is smoothed out, the baby descends to pelvic floor and prepares to pass through the prepared birth canal.

At this stage, three stages can be distinguished:

  • latent - characterized by slow opening of the cervix. During this period, it opens on average by 4 centimeters, contractions have a moderate pain intensity. As usual, the waters break. There is still time to get to the medical facility;
  • the active stage is designed to open the neck up to 8 centimeters, pain intensifies, contractions have an interval of 5 minutes. At this time, the woman should already be under the supervision of doctors;
  • the transient stage is characterized by frequent painful contractions, their duration is about a minute, and the interval is 2-3 minutes. At this time, the attention of medical personnel is riveted to the condition of the woman in labor, the cervix is ​​maximally open (10-12 cm.)

Second stage

The second stage is called the "slow period". The woman in labor is asked to move to the birthing chair, as the baby is ready to be born. It refers to natural childbirth, because at caesarean section The woman is taken to the operating room. The child slowly moves along the birth canal, may roll over in the process. Then his head reaches the exit. Pushing, the woman helps the baby to overcome this difficult path. After the head appears, the doctor helps it to completely exit the perineum, after which the shoulders and body are born. The birth of the head is the most difficult process of the second stage, the shoulders and body come out quickly. The newborn is placed on the mother's chest and the most difficult work for the mother is over.

Third final stage

The exit of the placenta occurs in the third stage. At this time, the woman needs to push a little more to fully come out " children's place". Contractions will no longer be so painful and there are very few of them. This important point, since the remains of the placenta in the uterus threaten health problems (bleeding, inflammation).

The pushing stage is the most difficult for a woman in labor

How to behave during childbirth

Only by understanding the sequence of stages and the characteristics of each of them, you can get an idea of ​​​​how to behave correctly during childbirth. Each stage has its own nuances, so it is advisable to consider each of them separately.

Behavior during contractions

The first phase of the onset of contractions is the least painful, and the interval between them is quite large. Therefore, at this time, the mother can calmly get ready and decide what to do, how to get to the hospital. If you have relatives or friends who can give you a ride, it's time to call them. If not, call ambulance. Those who are not giving birth for the first time should hurry, because the process is faster than that of primiparas.

During contractions, a woman chooses for herself a position in which she is most comfortable.

During the second phase, the expectant mother must arrive at medical institution. Contractions are already more painful, their interval is gradually reduced. At this time you need:

  1. Choose correct posture. You can change them several times, focusing on your feelings. Most often, it is easier for women in labor to endure pain in such positions:
  • standing, holding hands on a support;
  • On knees;
  • V vertical position moving. Especially helps a slight rocking of the pelvis from side to side;
  • lying on your side, slightly bending your knees;
  • reclining on a fitball.
  1. Breathe correctly. This provides an influx required amount oxygen to mother and baby. If you do uncontrolled exhalations and inhalations during contractions, you can increase soreness and provide the child with a temporary lack of oxygen. During contractions, two breathing techniques are used:

  1. Do self-massage. Helps relieve pain acupressure. To do this, clench your hands into fists and gently massage your lower back. With your fingertips, you can make light massage movements from the center of the lower abdomen, gradually moving to one side, then to the other.
  2. Relax as much as possible after a fight. Remember that you will need strength to push. Therefore, after each contraction, try to normalize your breathing and try to relax for a while until the next one begins.
  3. Keep track of contractions. In some cases, doctors ask the woman in labor to count the minutes of rest and the duration of the contraction. The more often they occur and the longer they last, the sooner the birth canal and cervix will be ready for the expulsion of the fetus.

6. Calm down and don't panic. This rule applies to all three stages of childbirth. The body of the expectant mother took care of natural anesthesia. For example, a few weeks before childbirth, the nerve endings of the uterus are partially destroyed, thereby reducing soreness. Also, during fights female body produces the hormone of happiness (endorphin) and painkiller - enkephalin. But there is a nuance: they work in full force only when the woman is calm. Fear and nervousness drown out their action, and as a result, more pronounced soreness. Therefore, welcome various techniques meditation and self-soothing in between contractions, whether it be singing or concentration exercises from the practice of yoga.

Behavior while pushing

The second stage of the birth process takes place in the delivery room. Medical staff will be nearby, monitor and help the woman in labor.

Important!Listen carefully to your doctor's instructions. This is a prerequisite for the process successful birth child, because the specialist knows better what is happening. Coordinated work with an obstetrician reduces the risk of injury to the birth canal, cervix and baby.

3. When pushing, it is better to lift a little upper part corps.

  1. In the intervals between attempts, as well as between contractions, try to rest for further effective actions.
  2. It happens that a woman, after the pain experienced in contractions, can no longer determine by her condition whether there is now a fight or not. In this case, be sure to tell your doctor about it. He will help and tell you when to push again.
  3. Do not get distracted by unnecessary thoughts. Correct attempt- pledge quick delivery. Therefore, all thoughts aside. No nuances such as involuntary bowel movements, appearance etc. should not bother you at this point. This is a natural response of the body, in which there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Ideally, if you know how to behave correctly, the attempts will look like this: a fight begins - we take a deep breath. We find the support of the maternity chair and hold on, the head is slightly raised, the chin is pressed to the chest. We hold our breath and direct the force of attempts to the area of ​​​​the uterus and the press, while exhaling air.

At the stage of attempts, a feeling of "bursting" is characteristic. This is fine. Proper Behavior during contractions and being aware of what is happening will give the woman in labor confidence and help to pull herself together.

Expectant mothers, if desired, can attend courses for young parents at a clinic or maternity hospital. There they tell in detail and in an accessible way, and sometimes they show a video on how to behave during childbirth. A woman can ask questions of interest and get a detailed answer. Find out about this service in your antenatal clinic, you will certainly be interested in listening.

During pregnancy, you should attend courses for young mothers, where they will tell you how to behave during childbirth

The birth of the placenta. What do you need to know?

The two stages of childbirth listed above require efforts, calmness and following the instructions of medical personnel from the expectant mother. On last step a woman is required very little - to push several times, but this is incomparably easier than the main attempts. Some recommend coughing to help expel the placenta and membranes more easily. The duration of this stage takes from 5 to 30 minutes.

What should not be done?

There are mistakes that are most often made by women who do not know how to properly behave during childbirth. As a result, they experience tremendous fear and insecurity, trauma and pain that could have been avoided. So, the main "no":

You should NOT scream loudly during childbirth, so as not to waste necessary for the body oxygen
  1. Do not believe the horror stories told by acquaintances or friends that childbirth is very scary. First, everyone's pain threshold is different. Secondly, you do not know how one or another figurant of scary stories behaved in a particular situation.
  2. Don't give up medical treatment. Specialists know what they are doing and they know better if you or your baby need help.
  3. Do not squeeze your pelvic muscles during labor, even if you really want to.
  4. You can't scream for too long. It is clear that a short involuntary cry can break out, but try to control yourself. Screaming, you exhale oxygen, which, on the contrary, should enter the body.
  5. It is no longer possible to drink and eat when the contractions have begun. This is fraught with vomiting and complications of anesthesia (if required).
  6. You can not restrain the natural urges of the body (urination and defecation). If your body demands it, don't resist. Excessive fullness of the rectum or Bladder only complicate the process of passage of the child through the birth canal.
  7. Do not make independent decisions about taking pain medications. This requirement also applies to the postpartum period.

All of the above prohibitions are dictated solely by common sense and their sole purpose is to keep mother and baby healthy.

Knowing how to behave in childbirth, a woman receives not only informational awareness, but also prepares psychologically for what awaits her. The expression “informed means armed” is the best way to describe the actions of a woman in labor. In this case, the woman is not just a passive sufferer-observer, but an active assistant in difficult but joyful work. Only calmness, self-confidence, understanding of what is happening and well-coordinated work with an obstetrician-gynecologist guarantee that your birth will go smoothly.