How to get rid of postpartum stretch marks on the stomach. How to remove stretch marks folk remedies. What are stretch marks and how do they form?

Stretch marks (the medical name for stretch marks) are transverse scars on the skin that occur for a number of reasons. Stretch marks can be varied in area (from a few millimeters) and quite long, and are also characterized by different colors (from white to dark purple).

The places of localization of striae are most often areas of the body prone to the deposition of fat - thighs, abdomen, buttocks. However, sometimes they can be seen on other parts of the body: on the arms, shoulders, waist, calves.

These unattractive stripes on the body represent a serious cosmetic problem for many women (and in modern realities and men), so they try to get rid of them by any means.

Causes of stretch marks on the body

teenage hormonal imbalance

During puberty there is a rapid change hormonal background, which, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition, can provoke the appearance of stretch marks on the body.

Change in body weight

Sharp jumps in weight when losing weight or gaining weight can cause stretch marks to form. This fact is explained by the inability of the skin to accept new form body in a short period.

Hormonal adaptation and changes in the weight of the expectant mother very often lead to the formation of stretch marks.

postpartum period

During this period, body weight decreases sharply, therefore stretched skin does not have time to take its original form, as a result of which it may appear big number stretch marks on the abdomen, legs and thighs.


Not the last place in the classification of the causes of stretch marks is genetic predisposition. But even despite this, the appearance of stretch marks can be avoided if carried out regular prophylaxis against their occurrence.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach?

Get rid of stretch marks short time It's hard enough. However, proper nutrition sports loads, as well as the regularity and systematic implementation of the following measures to eliminate them and prevent the occurrence of striae after some time will help to forget about this problem.


The condition of the skin, including on the legs, is directly dependent on the diet. Therefore, it should include following products: fresh herbs, various types of nuts, seafood, unsweetened fruits, fresh berries and vegetables, yogurt, buckwheat and tomato juice.

For best result you will need to exclude from your menu flour, fried, pastries and confectionery, bananas, fatty milk and meat.

Taking vitamins

In addition, regular use contributes to the prevention and reduction of stretch marks. vitamin complexes containing vitamins A and C, magnesium, beta-carotene, amino acids, etc. A monthly course of taking vitamins at least once a year will help enhance the regeneration of the skin of the body and improve overall well-being.

Physical exercise

The following exercises are effective against stretch marks on the abdomen:

  • Take a position lying on your stomach and bend your body back as much as possible. After holding in this position for 5-10 seconds, repeat the exercise ten times.
  • Ten times to inflate the stomach as much as possible while inhaling and when exhaling, press it to the back.

Also, ordinary jumps, both in height and in length, can be used as measures to combat stretch marks on the stomach.

It should be remembered that after childbirth with the help of caesarean section care must be taken with any exercise. In this case, it is recommended to start exercising no earlier than 2 months after the operation.


To remove stretch marks on the abdomen and to cope with even the most chronic stretch marks that have degenerated into scars, the pharmaceutical hydrogels "Kontraktubeks" and "Mederma" will help. However, don't expect them quick effect- the first results from the use of gels can be observed only after six months.

Salon procedures

Ozone therapy

The essence of this method is the introduction of subcutaneous injections with an ozone-oxygen mixture. For achievement visible results it will take from 8 sessions, which you need to attend 1 time per week.

Vitamin injections

They contribute to the resorption of all kinds of scars, including the ability to remove postpartum stretch marks. Injections are performed according to the previous scenario, only instead of ozone they contain vitamin solutions.

How to remove stretch marks on legs?


Physical culture and sports activity has a good effect on body shaping and strengthening of stretched skin tissues. The most effective disciplines for stretch marks on the skin of the legs are running, swimming, squats and jumping.

Sauna therapy effectively helps to remove stretch marks on the legs, stomach and other parts of the body (in the absence of contraindications to it). A visit to the bath will cause increased blood flow to all tissues of the body (including skin) and push them to intensive regeneration.


In addition, self-massage is able to help in the fight, especially with fresh stretch marks. Strengthened massage movements in the area of ​​stretch marks to the point of slight redness can improve blood circulation and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

It is highly desirable to combine foot massage with taking contrast shower- this will significantly enhance the desired effect.

How to remove stretch marks on the thighs?

To get rid of stretch marks on the thighs, all the methods listed above are suitable. Additionally increase the effect of massage, sports and proper nutrition the following salon procedures.


The method consists in taking baths with mineral salts, mud and sea silt. A course of such procedures can nourish the skin of the thighs and other parts of the body, saturate it with useful minerals, and also significantly even out its microrelief - make it smoother.


The body covered with a special composition is wrapped in a thermal blanket for one hour. This method is especially effective in the fight against fresh striae.

Chemical peel

The essence of the procedure is the “burning out” of skin scars with the help of chemicals. Suitable for chronic stretch marks that are not amenable to any other methods of elimination.

laser perforation

This procedure involves laser removal of stretch marks on any part of the body (even in intimate areas) without injury to skin tissues and other side effects.

Folk methods of dealing with stretch marks

For those who want to get the maximum result from the prescribed course of fighting stretch marks, or for financial or other personal reasons, do not want / cannot spend money on salon procedures, folk remedies are ready to help get rid of stretch marks.


Home scrubs can have an effective effect against stretch marks:

  • mix honey and sea salt in equal proportions;
  • mix pharmacy bodyaga with hydrogen peroxide;
  • mix coffee grounds from cooked coarse coffee with yogurt (sour cream, cream, kefir).

Scrub should be regularly applied to stretch marks and rubbed vigorously into the skin with massaging movements. After the end of the procedure, the applied mixture should be washed off with warm water, and then apply a cream or body oil.


Shilajit-based creams help to quickly remove stretch marks on the hips, abdomen and chest. How to prepare such a cream at home, the following video will tell:

Oil blends

Mix vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) with 4 drops of rosemary oil, two drops of clove, lavender and mint oils. With some effort, rub the resulting mixture over the skin. problem areas.

An excellent effect is given by another mixture made from almond oil, rosemary oil and petitgrain (mix in equal proportions). The result of prolonged use oil mixtures there will be an increase in skin elasticity and a decrease in the number of stretch marks on the body.

Nature endowed a woman with beauty, charm, charm, but she forgot to mention that all this must be protected, as Beauty fades, charm and charm recede back before the invariably appearing with the loss of the cherished 90-60-90.

One of the most painful topics in the female environment is the appearance of stretch marks, which, of course, do not disfigure a woman, but also do not give self-confidence and body beauty. Stretch marks are scarring lines of white, purple or red color that occur in areas of thinning and stretching of the skin. This can happen with hormonal changes, during pregnancy, with rapid weight loss or sudden weight gain, with various endocrine diseases.

Of course, there is consolation in the fact that stretch marks are not harmful to health. But this is not enough, in psychological terms, this is another problem. Faced with such a problem, girls begin to look for an answer to their question: is it possible to get rid of stretch marks?

It is clear that it is better to prevent any trouble than to deal with its consequences, but what to do when the stretch marks are already treacherously located on the body? There are many ways to deal with stretch marks, ranging from folk remedies to surgical procedures. But even super-effective techniques do not allow answering the question of whether it is possible to get rid of stretch marks in the affirmative.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of stretch marks, no matter how many advertisements and articles from glossy magazines convince you of this.

Cosmetic procedures can make stretch marks (stretch marks) less noticeable, but not get rid of them. Some of them can make the stretch marks barely visible, especially if the stretch marks are recent.

Having learned the sad truth about the impossibility of getting rid of the desired guests on your beloved body, you should not give up. Agree, since there are various ways getting rid of (remember, it is not possible to completely get rid of stretch marks, but you can make them less noticeable; therefore, we will talk about conditional deliverance), which means you should use them. The body will still benefit from these funds.

Existing methods stretch marks can be divided into several groups:

Cosmetics (creams, lotions, body gels),

· Facilities traditional medicine,

· Methods of beauty salons.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the skin with cosmetics.

The most likely "affected areas" are the abdomen, chest, thighs and buttocks. These parts of the body should be given close attention by applying preparations containing collagen and amino acids to them.

How to get rid of stretch marks folk ways.

Homemade scrubs (used 2-3 times a week) can be prepared based on sugar, salt, ground coffee with the addition of sour cream or butter (olive oil has proven itself well). The resulting mixture is rubbed for 10 minutes into problem areas of the body while taking a shower. The procedure is completed with a contrast douche, after which the skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Rubbing the healing mixture: extract of rosemary, orange oil, jasmine, lavender and lemon juice (the amount of all ingredients - 10 drops each) combine in a dark glass container with 100 ml of jojoba oil. Leave in a dark place for 24 hours. Then rub it into problem areas of the body or use it as a massage oil.

Massage is considered a fairly effective remedy in the fight against stretch marks, especially if it is performed using oils rich in vitamin E (almond, orange, wheat germ). Vitamin E promotes the process of cell regeneration, makes the skin supple and elastic.

What methods to combat stretch marks are used in salons.

Beauty salons offer a number of techniques aimed at combating stretch marks. Among them are mesotherapy, ultrasound correction, microderma, laser treatment and even the view plastic surgery- abdominoplasty. By and large, surgical intervention- most effective way, but, like any operation, it has a number of contraindications and possible consequences, alas, not the most desired.

The question of whether it is possible to get rid of stretch marks is actually not so important. But to understand this, sometimes you have to go through a long way. The question of aesthetics will always disturb women, that's how they are arranged. But we are not able to deal with certain changes in the body, and in some cases it is hardly worth doing it. For example, after pregnancy, you have stretch marks, and no way to return the previous appearance has not led to success. So what? After all, now you have much more important things! This in no way means that you need to give up on your appearance. But if you cannot change the problem itself, then you can change your attitude towards it.

That's all I wanted to say on a topic that excites millions of women. Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks? No, unfortunately, but you can make them less noticeable by combining cosmetics, traditional medicine methods, paying due attention to sports and healthy eating. Be happy and love yourself!

Stretch marks appear on the surface of the skin when gaining extra pounds or during pregnancy. They are thin stripes with jagged edges. This is one of the most common skin defects. There are many healthy recipes how to remove stretch marks at home. They are mainly found in the abdomen, on the lumbar or buttocks.

Such skin imperfections do not cause physical discomfort, but they cannot be called aesthetic. At the same time, such areas do not have pigment components, and therefore do not sunbathe.

Stretch marks are scars from damage to the upper layer of the epidermis. Such breaks and stretching are obtained as a result of certain reasons:

  1. Active growth during puberty. This happens when bones grow faster than muscles.
  2. With rapid weight loss or weight gain. The skin may crack if body fat burn quickly, and also break if fat quickly accumulates under the skin.
  3. During pregnancy, changes in the structure of the tissue occur and the surface of the skin becomes brittle.
  4. Protein affects the elasticity of the skin. If it is not enough, then stretch marks may occur.
  5. Dehydration can lead to dry skin and loss of elasticity. You must consume at least one and a half liters of water per day.
  6. The meaning is heredity. In this case, the properties of the skin can be transferred.

Get rid of skin defects will be required for some health problems. They can cause certain endocrine diseases.

Get rid of stretch marks at home

You can't completely get rid of stretch marks. Many medicinal products help reduce their number and size.

When deciding how to remove stretch marks at home, it is worth considering the following effective methods:

  1. Problem areas need to be massaged regularly. In this case, oil or another composition made independently is used. Oils are used in which vitamin E is present. Almond or citrus oil helps.
  2. A shower massage is performed. A jet of water is directed to coarsened areas and circular movements are made. It turns out the effect of hydromassage.
  3. The stretched skin surface can be scrubbed.
  4. Wraps for stretch marks are considered an excellent remedy.
  5. Mustard baths differ in effectiveness from stretch marks. They will not only eliminate skin defects, but also help get rid of a few extra pounds.
  6. Are used various masks. In this case, iodine, apple cider vinegar and other medicinal components are used.

The massage begins and ends with light strokes.

The procedure is carried out along certain lines. The waist and hips are massaged from the bottom up. The chest and abdomen are massaged in circular motions.

For massage movements, a mesoscooter for stretch marks, which has a needle structure, can be used.

Use of scrubs

Various scrubs help against stretch marks. Exists a large number of scrubs to help reduce skin imperfections. Choosing cosmetic products, you should choose with the content of algae, vitamins E and A, as well as onion extract and almond oil.

Scrub allows you to eliminate dead cells and align skin covering.

You can make a quality recipe for stretch marks yourself. To do this, take half a glass vegetable oil, as well as a glass of salt and sugar. All components are well mixed and the mixture is applied to problem areas of the body. After ten minutes, the composition is washed off with water.

Positive reviews characterize coffee scrub. To prepare it, 100 g of ground coffee is poured with boiling water. In this case, a thick mixture is obtained, which must be allowed to brew for 12-16 minutes. Then you need to pour in a little vegetable oil, as well as a couple of drops essential oil from juniper or eucalyptus with rosemary.

Bath Application

Get rid of stretch marks fast warm baths. You can make a bath with aromatic oils. To do this, a spoonful of salt and three types are dissolved in water. various oils which are selected from chamomile, hyssop, neroli, mandarin or rosewood oils.

It is also worth preparing a bath from sea ​​salt. Package baking soda and sea salt dissolve in water. In such a bath, you need to lie down for about 15 minutes, and then rinse under the shower.

An effective bath of a few drops of aromatic oils and half a kilogram of starch.

Popular Recipes

Homemade effective recipes will help you quickly get rid of stretch marks on your body.

Iodine for stretch marks

One of the best means considered iodine. Before using iodine, you must make sure that the area of ​​​​the skin to which the drug will be applied does not have wounds or hypersensitivity to this substance.

Iodine is applied to the surface of the skin with a regular swab. The procedure should be carried out a few hours before going outside. Iodine helps exfoliate the skin from problem areas on the body. After peeling off the coarsened layer, a break should be taken, since iodine at frequent use may cause a burn. Iodine helps to get rid of problem areas, but it is worth making sure that there are no tissue edema on the body.

Used apple cider vinegar for stretch marks. This remedy affects cell mobilization, which improves blood circulation and collagen formation. At the same time, the skin is evened out, and the stretched areas fade and disappear.

Apple cider vinegar for stretch marks is used in various types. Popular compresses, body wraps and therapeutic baths. The compress is made from two tablespoons of vinegar and a glass of water. Two glasses of vinegar are poured into the bath.

Stretch mark wraps are also made. Defective areas are rubbed with a solution apple cider vinegar. Then these places are covered with a film and a thick towel. This procedure takes about an hour. After rinsing vinegar solution a special cream is applied.

Clay for stretch marks

TO effective means clay can be considered. It moisturizes the skin, and also tightens pores and nourishes problem areas.

Clay from deep stretch marks is used in different recipes. Blue clay mixed with sulfur in the same percentage. Then honey is added to the mass. The mixture is applied to the hardened areas and wrapped with sterile bandages.

Regardless of which clay is used - white or blue, you should use the following recommendations:

  1. To soak a dry powder, you need to use not ordinary water, but mineral or herbal infusions.
  2. The remains of the composition are removed from the skin with cotton swabs soaked in lotion or water.
  3. Before use, crush large pieces.
  4. For dry skin, add a few drops of any oil to the solution.
  5. After the procedure, the surface of the skin can be lubricated with moisturizers.

As evidenced by numerous reviews, clay allows you to get rid of stretch marks and cellulite.

Popular folk remedies for stretch marks include the use of shilajit. Pills given substance dissolved in water, and then rubbed into the skin. You can also dissolve the mummy in warm water and add some baby cream.

Bodyaga from stretch marks

At home, it is worth trying to use a bodyagu. The mixture is mixed with water and distributed over problem areas. Bodyagi ingredients have an irritating effect and cause high-quality blood circulation in the subcutaneous layers.

Stretch marks (or striae) are common problem among women who gave birth after pregnancy naturally. Second possible cause their appearance may be a rapid set and weight loss with malnutrition. Sometimes hormonal changes also lead to stretch marks.

Stretch marks look different in each case. Initially, their color depends on the color of your skin: they can be pink, reddish brown, brown or dark brown color, and eventually become whitish in color. It is important to know that stretch marks after pregnancy can appear along the lower abdomen, breasts and thighs. Thus, you will notice that they appear in places where a lot of fat has accumulated.

Experts advise taking on the removal of stretch marks at the very beginning of their appearance. Since at this time they are most effectively treatable. In the second stage, when they turn white or silver, the treatment becomes quite difficult.

Removing stretch marks is not an instant process and there is an existing market for products promising instant results. high degree hoax. If you really want to remove stretch marks, you need to be patient.

We know that stretch marks can be reduced, if not completely eliminated.

Recipes for stretch marks

Currently popular surgical removal stretch marks (abdominoplasty), laser peeling and resurfacing. It's pretty expensive procedures. So, the cost of abdominoplasty reaches $ 1000 per session. Laser intervention - up to $ 450. But such sessions will require several.

Today we will tell you about popular home remedies based on natural ingredients and not requiring special costs. Here they are:

  1. Olive oil is considered to be a fairly well-known remedy for removing stretch marks. Rub olive oil on your stretch marks and you will definitely see results. Get in the habit of using olive oil after every meal. water procedures. This should gradually become your habit and you will see the result in a month without much effort.
  2. There are other oils that are also considered helpful in getting rid of stretch marks, such as almond oil, Castor oil, avocado oil, and vitamin E. If you don't have liquid vitamin E on hand, you can purchase vitamin E capsules and simply crush them. As you know, vitamin E not only fights stretch marks, but also helps hair and face, rejuvenating them and giving shine.
  3. Even during pregnancy, the use of abdominal massage with aromatic oils greatly reduces your chances of getting stretch marks after childbirth.
  4. Aloe Vera is also known to reduce stretch marks. All you need to do is take Aloe Vera gel, cod liver oil (can be replaced with vitamin E) and apply the mixed mass on the stretched area. It is believed that such oils provide a fast process in the treatment of stretch marks.
  1. By massaging with a cream containing petroleum jelly twice a day during pregnancy, you prevent the possibility of stretch marks after childbirth.
  2. Apply castor oil to the affected area, wrap the abdomen in cellophane and place a heating pad on top. Lie down for half an hour, and then rinse off. Do this procedure every other day. Many beauty salons also perform such procedures, moreover, for exorbitant money.
  3. Make a lotion to remove stretch marks from the abdomen and apply it daily. Mix 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup Aloe Vera Gel and add liquid from 6 capsules of Vitamin E and Vitamin A - 3-4 capsules (these capsules are readily available at any pharmacy). Mix all the ingredients and store the mixture in a bottle in the refrigerator. Apply daily on stretch marks. Remember to shake the bottle before use.
  4. Eggs are a rich source of protein, so before taking a bath, try using a beaten egg on the stretch mark area, covering it with cellophane and a warm towel for half an hour.
  5. Cocoa butter is a very famous remedy for stretch marks. You can make a stretch mark remedy at home, for which you would pay about $ 100 in the store. Simply mix 1/2 cup cocoa butter, 1 tablespoon vitamin E oil, 2 teaspoons grated beeswax. Heat the mixture until the wax is completely melted. Cool the mixture and store in the refrigerator. For best effect add 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil and apricot oil. Apply this cream every day on the affected area.
  6. Shea butter has become one of the most popular products in the beauty industry. It is a rich source of vitamins E and A, which perfectly heal the skin, causing it to regenerate at an accelerated pace. Rubbing this oil on the stomach twice a day helps to remove stretch marks.

All these tools are inexpensive and can be easily applied at home. Of course, you must be patient when using these methods. It can happen that cocoa butter will work and olive oil won't. Don't give up trying. Better a failed experiment than none.

Promotes hereditary predisposition. Therefore, if any of your relatives suffered from stretch marks, must be remembered simple rules. Follow a diet: eat less sweets, include proteins, foods rich in fatty acids in the diet. Watch your weight carefully, a sharp jump can cause stretch marks. Wear a bandage, apply a special moisturizer to the skin of the abdomen, thighs.

Treatment stretch marks carried out depending on whether they are fresh or old. In the first case, the process of getting rid of, of course, is easier. Although it is almost impossible to completely remove them.

When fresh, peeling helps a lot. It exfoliates the top layer of the skin, causing it to renew itself and produce collagen. Wherein deep peeling contributes to its faster renewal. Laser peeling helps stretch marks making them almost invisible. True, unlike mechanical, this procedure is expensive and requires special preparation: two months before the start, it must be applied to the skin nourishing creams containing vitamin C.

Mesotherapy is another way to get rid of stretch marks. It is the introduction under the skin of a special mixture of enzymes, plant extracts, vitamins. The composition, as a rule, is selected individually depending on the age and quantity stretch marks. Usually 7-10 procedures are performed.

Get rid of small stretch marks on stomach You can use various creams, gels, sprays, as well as wraps. They contain collagen, elastin, vitamins B and C, extracts from and medicinal herbs. Systematic use cosmetic preparations contributes to the fact that the skin becomes moisturized and elastic, decrease and turn pale.

The most drastic method of getting rid of stretch marks- surgical intervention. It is used for old stretch marks when other methods cannot help. It consists in the removal of skin areas that are damaged by stretch marks, and the transplantation of new "shreds".


Beauty is the main weapon of any woman. To look beautiful, a lot of effort is put into: fashion clothes, beauty treatments, body care. The appearance of stretch marks - scars on the skin, which, as a rule, are located on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and breasts - is associated with a number of reasons. The framework of the skin is formed by collagen fibers. This is a kind of "reinforcement", the strength and elasticity of the entire frame depends on the quality of the fibers.