Application of glycerin for hair. Recipes for masks and rules for use. How glycerin affects hair: benefits and harms. Glycerin and chamomile for gentle lightening of hair

There is a product that effectively moisturizes the hair and makes it live. At the same time, it is very simple and easy to use and costs mere pennies. This is pharmacy glycerin. It is used in many cosmetic and hygiene products and brings a lot of benefits. Especially often used glycerin for hair. What can he give curls and how to use it correctly?

What is it and the action of glycerin

Glycerin is a colorless, odorless liquid product. It has a slightly viscous consistency that thins with temperature. Its main advantage is the ability to retain moisture. One molecule of the product will hold 10 times more water. It is this property that the product owes to the universal love of cosmetologists. A small amount of this ingredient in the cream - and a wonderful, super-moisturizer is ready.

You can buy the product in a regular pharmacy for a very symbolic price. Maybe that's why it is increasingly used at home for cooking natural cosmetics for the whole body.

The benefits of glycerin for hair

At home, glycerin is used to treat dry, dull and brittle hair. This tool can saturate them with moisture and improve their appearance in just one application. It also relieves itching very well with increased dryness of the scalp, reduces irritation and even helps fight dandruff.

The use of a mask has a beneficial effect on colored, as well as naughty and curly hair. After use, styling is noticeably easier. The color becomes more saturated and lively, a healthy shine appears.

Carefully! Insidious glycerin!

Glycerin is suitable for almost everyone, does not cause allergies and can even be used on sensitive skin heads. But not everything is so good. Its ability to extract and attract moisture can play a cruel joke. With a high concentration of the product on the hair and dry air, glycerin will take moisture from the scalp and hair. As a result, they will become dry and lifeless. Therefore, it is important to correctly and adequately use this mask.

Also, the product in high concentrations has the property of bleaching hair, but not always successfully. This must be remembered if you want to increase the dosage recommended in the recipe. And under no circumstances should it be used undiluted. Only as an integral part of a cosmetic product.

Shampoo with glycerin

Homemade shampoo will give your hair moisture, make it silky and flowing. This tool is especially useful for people who are accustomed to daily shampooing.

To prepare the shampoo you will need:

  • 2 yolks;
  • 50 ml of chamomile decoction;
  • 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and beat with a fork. Moisturize hair, apply natural shampoo, massage for at least five minutes and rinse. If desired, you can wash your hair in 2 doses. And if the hair is thick and there is a risk of not washing it natural remedy, then for the first time you can wash off the dirt with a regular shampoo, and then use a home shampoo.

Some girls don't want to waste time and are happy to add glycerin to their regular shampoo. In this case, you need to take three parts of the shampoo per spoonful of the product, you can even four. Use like regular shampoo.

Homemade hair masks

At home, women like to prepare masks with glycerin. They give very quick result, which is visible immediately after application. If you do them regularly, but soon you can forget about problems with hair. It is only important to combine products correctly, taking into account the characteristics of your hair.

Revitalizing hair mask with glycerin

An effective mask, which is especially useful after coloring, perm or just to repair damaged curls. It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of glycerin, a tablespoon of any oil (olive, jojoba, argan), a spoonful of honey and one yolk. Cover the hair with the mixture and soak for at least half an hour. wash away warm water and you can admire the result.

Moisturizing mask with apple cider vinegar

Mix one tablespoon of glycerin, apple cider vinegar, honey, melted coconut oil. Add beaten yolk, mix and distribute through wet hair. Wrap with a towel and wait 40 minutes. Wash off with warm water and shampoo. If you need to accelerate hair growth, then castor oil can be used instead of coconut oil. If there is dandruff, then 2 drops can also be added to the mask. essential oil tea tree. It will speed up the treatment, and will also help relieve itching.

Mask for very oily hair

Oily hair always looks heavy and dull. A mask with vodka and glycerin will help correct the situation. Instead of vodka, you can use cognac or other alcohol-containing drink up to 60 degrees of strength. In a whipped yolk, you need to gradually add a spoonful of vodka and a teaspoon of glycerin, mix everything and apply to the root of the hair. The remains can be distributed along the length, but if the tips are dry, then it is better not to do this. After 15 minutes, you can wash your hair with shampoo.

Glycerin is a great product that has a place in home cosmetics. Just do not abuse it and exceed the recommended dosages.

Glycerin is a substance widely used in cosmetology. It can be found in the list of the main components of shampoos, creams, balms, it is used as an emollient additive in products household chemicals. Why is glycerin so good and can you safely trust recipes with glycerin intended for hair care?

A very long time ago, when there were practically no cosmetic stores, as such, and it was impossible to get something special for skin and hair care, glycerin was almost the only tool that allows you to put your hands and weathered skin in order, refresh your hair after painting or summer season under the sun. The thing is that glycerin has wonderful property- It perfectly retains natural moisture. That is why today glycerin is included in the majority cosmetics, daily and decorative.

How does glycerin affect the skin and hair?

Glycerin not only retains moisture, it also helps transport moisture deep into the epidermis and hair, thereby saturating it with moisture from the inside and providing an opportunity for renewal. This kind of "moisture keeper" is also good because it does not spoil the perfume composition, as it is completely devoid of aroma and color.

As for its role in hair care, glycerin can stimulate the activation of "dormant" bulbs, smooth out the gaps between keratin scales caused by brittleness, which improves both the condition and appearance of the hair. Even after a single glycerin mask, the hair immediately becomes well-groomed appearance, shiny and not so hard to the touch.

Is glycerin harmful?

Can glycerin adversely affect the condition of the hair? As they say, any medicine in large doses is a poison, but in the case of glycerin, excessive passion for masks and products with it can cause hair to become heavier, make hair prone to fat type. But even if this does not happen, the hair will simply get used to the glycerin and stop reacting to it so intensely.

The use of glycerin for hair should be moderate: if you are not sure about the balance useful substances shampoo or finished mask with glycerin, you can use your favorite shampoo, adding a small amount of glycerin when washing - literally ¼ teaspoon per serving. But it is worth remembering that this should not be done every time, and not more than twice a week.

Hair masks with glycerin

In order to make a variety of masks with glycerin, you need to purchase it: glycerin is sold in almost every pharmacy, it is poured into containers of 50 ml, this volume should be enough for three to four masks.

The main ingredients of a glycerin mask can be anything that is commonly used to make homemade masks.

Cognac-glycerin mask

You need 2 tablespoons of glycerin, the same amount of cognac, the same amount lemon juice, two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Shake the mixture and apply on wet hair, insulate with foam and a towel, hold for half an hour, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

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And to keep your hair healthy, pamper them regularly with Indian masks.

Hair Growth Mask

Pour a tablespoon of glycerin into a pre-prepared composition: 300 g rye bread take 100 ml of decoction of oak bark, prepared according to the prescription on the pharmacy package. The broth should be hot, apply the composition to the hair warm, combing along the entire length. Insulate with a film and a towel and keep for several hours, you can leave it all night, rinse with shampoo and warm water, and rinse with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Gelatin with glycerin

Gelatin (1 tablespoon) is dissolved in a water bath, poured with a small amount of warm water, mixed with two tablespoons of glycerin, a portion of your favorite hair mask and a little hair care oil (burdock, etc.) are added. Mix and apply to clean, freshly washed hair for half an hour. The mask is better absorbed under the insulation of the film and towels. Rinse and rinse in acidified water.

Mask with glycerin and vitamins

The most simple mask- This is a mask in which 2 tablespoons of glycerin are mixed with the same amount of a mixture of vitamins A and E. Apply only to clean and slightly damp hair, hold for about twenty minutes.

Vinegar glycerin mask

This mask is made in order to saturate the hair with moisture and seal the scales, thereby giving the hair shine. For one beaten egg, take 10 ml of glycerin and 30 ml of castor oil, half a teaspoon of vinegar (you need to take apple cider vinegar). The composition must be mixed and applied to clean, damp hair, keep the mask for half an hour.

Shampoo with glycerin

Glycerin can also be added to your daily shampoo - you need to pour twenty grams into a serving, no more. You can also make your own shampoo with glycerin:

  1. for this take two egg yolks,
  2. a tablespoon of glycerin
  3. a little bit of mustard powder
  4. all beat and wash their hair with this composition.

For fragrance, you can drop your favorite essential oil into the shampoo. Rinse your hair after such a shampoo for several times and acidified with lemon water.

Here is another recipe for glycerin shampoo that can be stored in the refrigerator for quite some time:

  • for 25-30 ml of glycerin, take a decoction of herbs (for 2 tbsp. chamomile, 1 tbsp. oak bark, 1 tbsp. lime blossom you need a glass of boiling water), a tablespoon soap base or shavings baby soap a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil.

It is advisable to wash your hair with this shampoo no more than twice a week.

Glycerin and chamomile for gentle lightening of hair

As you know, chamomile gently brightens hair, naturally, we are talking not about dark hair, but the hair is ashy and wheat mask with chamomile and glycerin will brighten noticeably and without harm. In addition, such a mask will give the hair a lively shine, make it obedient and silky. Prepare a decoction of chamomile by brewing 50 g of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, let the decoction brew, strain and pour 50-70 ml of glycerin into it. Warm the mask and keep it for about 40 minutes, then rinse and apply a balm.

You can repeat the mask every three days until the desired effect is obtained. Glycerin in this case does not allow chamomile, which acts as a natural brightener, to dry out the hair.

Using in home cosmetology glycerin for hair, you can forget about such problems as dandruff, itchy skin, dryness and brittle strands, split ends. Despite the fact that this pharmaceutical preparation is alcohol, it is quite viscous and forms a moisturizing film around each hair.

Sold in any pharmacy, glycerin is a viscous, transparent liquid that has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste. It is completely soluble in water. In chemistry, this substance is an alcohol that is part of many fats and vegetable oils. The drug costs 15–20 rubles per 50 ml, i.e. cheap. However, the price category does not interfere actively use glycerin for hair in modern industrial cosmetology (it is part of almost any shampoo) and at home. With the help of this either medicinal, or now already cosmetic preparation you can easily and quickly make the toughest curls obedient, lighten the strands, and eliminate dandruff. The main thing is to learn how to prepare glycerin hair masks at home.

The magical power of glycerin for hair

Those who have already included glycerin in their home hair care products have been able to appreciate the effectiveness and efficiency of this drug. Since everyone's organisms are different, the reaction of curls can also be ambiguous and unequal.

If you constantly make masks with this drug, the hair is transformed miraculously:

  • they become obedient: now it will be easier to put them in the tightest and most complex hairstyle - they will not fall out of it and stick out like “cockerels”;
  • easy to comb even after washing;
  • cease to be electrified;
  • to the touch become much softer than before;
  • you can see that they began to grow faster;
  • can lighten by half a tone;
  • receive abundant hydration: the condition of dry strands significantly, noticeably improves;
  • the ends of the hair stop splitting;
  • gradually dandruff becomes less, and soon it disappears altogether.

So, glycerin has a complex and beneficial effect on hair. All these wonderful cosmetic properties of the drug allow it to be effectively used in home cosmetology.

However, do not forget that it is, first of all, medicine with its contraindications and side effects, if not observed, it can harm own hair rather than cure them.

Knowing just a few nuances will help make glycerin safe and most useful for caring for curls.

Glycerin: instructions for use

Glycerin is a very mild drug, so many people mistakenly believe that there are no contraindications for its external use as hair masks. However, this is not the case: any instruction for the drug states that it cannot be used in case of individual intolerance. If the body reacts to glycerin with an allergic skin reaction, it can even lead to angioedema, which is difficult to treat. Therefore, one should not take this tool too lightly, especially when first meeting with it.

Instructions for the drug

  1. pharmachologic effect . Once in the cells, it is oxidized to the formation of water and carbon dioxide. The first substance is actively moisturizing dry strands, the second is cleansing from impurities, toxins and greasy film. IN pure form Glycerin has an irritating effect on the scalp, so it is highly recommended to dilute it with other ingredients in hair masks. It goes especially well with lanolin or petroleum jelly. Glycerin reduces the aggressive effect on the strands of such irritating components of home masks as onion juice, mustard, ginger, alcohol, red pepper, etc.
  2. Indications for use. Dandruff, seborrhea; dry hair type; slow or stopped growth of strands; naughty, curly, hard curls; damaged, split ends; redhead in blond hair.
  3. Mode of application. Outwardly, as part of cosmetic homemade masks.
  4. Side effects . With too long use of glycerin hair masks, there may be problems with blood circulation and rashes on the scalp and face.
  5. Contraindications. Individual intolerance, any damage to the skin on the head (injuries, open abscesses, scratched wounds from itching, etc.). At the same time, it is completely safe to make masks with glycerin during pregnancy and lactation - these conditions are not contraindications for the external use of this unique drug.
  6. Release form. A clear liquid in vials most often made of dark glass.
  7. Storage conditions. It is better to store the product in a dark, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Tips for applying masks

  1. Cosmetic masks from glycerin for hair are recommended to be used mainly by fair-haired beauties. With regular exposure to this drug on the strands, a rather noticeable brightening effect occurs. . Brunettes, brown-haired women, newly painted beauties such an update colors hairstyles may not always be to the face.
  2. Before applying a glycerin mask to your hair, check if it will cause you allergies. To do this, lightly grease one of the most sensitive areas of your body. It can be the wrist, the skin near the ear, the inner crook of the elbow: where you feel most comfortable. Apply, wash off after 10-15 minutes, follow the skin reaction for 1-2 hours. There will be no changes - feel free to apply the product on your head. There will be irritation, rash, redness, some spots - you will have to find another way to soften your curls.
  3. Despite the softness with which glycerin acts on the scalp and the strands themselves, it is a fairly active drug. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use it in masks in limited quantities And not as often as you would like. Use glycerin only in the dosages indicated in the recipe so as not to be held hostage by side effects this medicinal product.
  4. Glycerin can be activated in hair masks: slightly warm it in a water bath, like many other ingredients of such products (honey, kefir, oils). When warm, they act on the scalp more actively.
  5. Glycerin itself is recommended to be poured into the composition of the mask in the end, just before being applied to the head.
  6. The components of the glycerin mask must be thoroughly whipped to avoid lumps, which can subsequently significantly complicate the processes of washing and combing.

Application rules

  1. Before the procedure, the head should be washed with shampoo, dried, without turning to a hair dryer for help. Lightly moisten with water before applying the mask.
  2. Stage 1. Dip your fingertips into the prepared solution and begin to massage the scalp. So you will rub active substances into it. will allow you to relax and soften the skin, improve blood circulation, which will ensure a deeper penetration of the components into the surface layer of the dermis.
  3. Stage 2 . After 2-3 minutes of this self-massage, distribute glycerin mask a rare comb directly along the entire length of the hair.
  4. Stage 3. Dip the tips into the prepared mixture without missing a single strand.
  5. At long hair so that they do not get out from under the insulating cap, it is better to stab them with something at the crown.
  6. Glycerin is most activated in heat, so be sure to insulate. It can even be built from a plastic bag. But it is better to use a plastic shower cap for this purpose. warm, terry towel will be an excellent final material for such insulation.
  7. The duration of action of glycerin hair masks is from 15 to 40 minutes.
  8. Products with glycerin are washed off the hair quickly, without hassle, and even without shampoo. You can enhance the effect of a glycerin mask with infusion medicinal herb(chamomile, calendula, burdock root, oak bark, etc.), diluted in rinsing water in a ratio of 1:5.
  9. The frequency of application is selected individually. With strong confusion and stiffness of the hair, it is recommended to apply such masks 2-3 times a week. Full course treatment is 1-1.5 months. If the problems with the scalp and strands are not so severely neglected, given the possibility of an overdose of this drug, it can be used once a week.

With such detailed step by step instructions glycerin will not become a terrible drug, but a simple and accessible means for care problematic hair. Glycerin masks do not require a lot of money or a lot of time. At the same time, the result will always invariably please everyone who has chosen glycerin as their assistant for healing strands. Since in its pure form it cannot be used externally as a cosmetic product, it must be supplemented with something.

In this regard, glycerin will also not create problems: it is a unique substance that goes well with a variety of foods, oils (vegetable, cosmetic, essential), herbs.

The choice of a recipe for a glycerin hair mask is up to you.

Recipes for hair masks contain an indication of what problem they are able to solve - a very valuable remark when choosing. Do not forget to carefully review the composition of the proposed mask: are the components familiar to you, are they available, will they cause allergies.

To do this, all products must always be at your disposal, i.e. at hand - in the kitchen or, in last resort, in the shop.

  • Lightening hair with glycerin

2 tbsp. lies. fresh flowers chamomile pour boiling water (2 cups), leave in closed insist on a couple of hours. Chilled, carefully strained chamomile infusion mix with already preheated glycerin (4 tablespoons). Keep the mask on for at least 40 minutes.

  • Hair Shine Mask

Beat the egg, heat glycerin (1 tablespoon), castor oil (2 tablespoons) in different containers. Mix egg with warm castor oil, add glycerin, apple cider vinegar (less than half a teaspoon). Stir.

  • Hair Growth Mask

Beat the egg, heat glycerin (1 tablespoon), honey, castor oil (2 tablespoons each) in different containers. Mix all the ingredients, add manually squeezed lemon juice (1 teaspoon).

  • Moisturizing mask

Whipped banana pulp (2 tablespoons) mix with fresh avocado puree (1 tablespoon). Put honey (2 tablespoons), glycerin (1 tablespoon), castor oil with unrefined olive oil (1 teaspoon each) in water baths. Mix everything.

  • Mask for split ends

Beat the egg, slightly heat glycerin (1 tablespoon), burdock oil (2 tablespoons) in different containers. Mix the ingredients, add apple cider vinegar (1 tsp).

  • Oily hair mask

Beat 2 proteins, mix with medical alcohol and heated glycerin (2 tablespoons each).

  • Nourishing mask

In different cups in a water bath, heat honey (2 tablespoons), glycerin (1 teaspoon). First, mix honey, chilled aloe juice (2 tablespoons), then add glycerin.

Check for own experience how useful glycerin is for hair: it will do just fine with the most naughty, stubborn, stiff curls. Learn how to effectively lighten strands with it and. Ordinary medicinal product at correct use will be a unique cosmetic product.

Glycerin for hair - the best remedy for softness and fluffiness of hair: recipes for masks

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Due to constant dyeing, the use of thermal styling products, the strands suffer from a lack of moisture, which leads to a deterioration in their appearance, curls begin to fall out intensively. A glycerin mask, which is easy to prepare at home, will help to cope with the problem.

This is an inexpensive pharmacy remedy in the form of a viscous colorless liquid. In cosmetology, this product is valued for its ability to attract and retain moisture, so the substance is necessary to moisturize the strands.

A glycerin-based hair mask helps to revive even very dry curls, they become smooth, shiny, soft, easier to comb and style. After application, an imperceptible film remains, which prevents the evaporation of moisture from the rod.

At regular use you can get rid of dandruff, itching and other unpleasant symptoms that occur when dry skin heads. The substance is able to lighten, fair-haired girls can get beautiful shade and at the same time not disturb the structure of the curls.

Indications and contraindications

Glycerin masks are considered universal, with correct selection recipe, you can prepare a composition for strands of any type.


  • dry, lifeless curls;
  • tough, naughty, which are difficult to comb and style;
  • dull color, lack of shine;
  • split ends;
  • glycerin inhibits the growth of fungi, so it helps to quickly get rid of dandruff.

Despite all its benefits and effectiveness, it cannot be used for individual intolerance, the presence of pustules and wounds on the skin, during pregnancy. The product perfectly copes with dry dandruff, but it is not recommended for the treatment of oily seborrhea.

When using shampoos with glycerin, addiction sometimes occurs - when choosing other preparations for hair care, the strands again become dry, dull and lifeless.

How to use masks with glycerin?

The main rule - you can not apply in its pure form, this will lead to even greater brittleness and dryness. To preserve all the benefits of the product, it must be added in small quantities, the most effective mixtures with vegetable oils are obtained.

Application rules:

  • rarely causes allergies, but a sensitivity test should be carried out beforehand;
  • glycerin products are not recommended to be applied to colored strands;
  • exact observance of dosages when preparing masks at home will help prevent the occurrence of negative reactions;
  • to increase the therapeutic effect, it is necessary to slightly warm the composition;
  • Grind all additional ingredients in a blender until smooth;
  • first you need to apply carefully along the partings, then distribute along the entire length;
  • warm your head.

Homemade masks based on pharmaceutical agent applied once a week, twice the application is allowed if the strands are very hard and dry. They should be washed off after 20–40 minutes; it is not recommended to leave such compositions at night. The course consists of 7-10 sessions.

Review of the best recipes

With a brightening effect - brew 250 ml of boiling water 55 g of crushed chamomile inflorescences, leave in a closed container for 1.5 hours, strain. Add 65 ml of glycerin to the infusion, distribute evenly over the entire length of the curls, rinse after 45 minutes, it is also better to rinse with chamomile decoction or water with lemon juice. When used twice a week, after a month, the strands will become 2-3 tones lighter.

How to use glycerin for hair shine? The easiest way is to mix 50 ml of a pharmacy product with 100 ml of water, place it in a spray bottle, spray your hair once a day. You can prepare a mask that will give incredible radiance and smoothness, the effect after such a procedure at home is similar to salon lamination.

What is included:

  • oil extract of olive or flax seeds - 5 ml;
  • glycerin - 5 ml;
  • burdock or castor oil - 5 ml;
  • liquid vitamin E - 1 ampoule.

Mix the oils, heat a little, add the rest of the ingredients. Apply evenly on strands, wrap each with foil, warm with a hairdryer. Wash off after an hour, use a mild or neutral shampoo.

Castor oil mask recipe - helps restore dry and porous hair gives shine. Grind ripe banana and avocado separately in a blender, take 30 g of each puree, mix, add 3 ml of lemon juice, 10 ml of castor oil and glycerin. Spread over the skin and curls, rinse after an hour, the composition is not very well removed, so you will have to use the shampoo twice.

For removing oily sheen, dandruff, work normalization sebaceous glands you can prepare a simple mixture - mix 10 ml of glycerin and vodka, add 2 quail whipped yolks, 5 ml burdock oil. Apply to the root area, moisten a little after 20 minutes, spread along the entire length with a thick comb, rinse after 10 minutes.

Recipe for hair treatment with burdock oil - helps to strengthen and restore lifeless strands, activates growth. Mix 15 ml of burdock extract and glycerin, in another container, pour 25 ml of warm milk with 5 g of fast-acting baker's yeast, leave for 20 minutes. Combine with liquid ingredients, rub gently into the root area, rinse after 25–30 minutes, rinse with a decoction of nettle or birch buds.


“I don’t like to wear hats, so often my strands suffer from negative impact sun, wind and frost. A friend told about useful properties glycerin for hair, shared a recipe for a moisturizing mask with oils. The result was noticeable after two applications - the curls became soft, silky, no longer tangled, and after a month my hair looks just amazing.

Victoria, Moscow.

“I have hard, curly curls, no styling products could cope with them, the combing process turned into torture. Started looking for more effective ways fixing the problem at home, on the forum in the reviews they praised the mask with glycerin, honey and aloe. The composition is really good, applied it every other day - the strands became more obedient, stopped sticking out randomly in different sides. I did a course of 10 procedures, now I spend it once a week for prevention.

Alexandra, Krasnodar.

"After unsuccessful staining curls and skin became very dry, the head constantly itched, dandruff appeared. A familiar trichologist said that glycerin is good for hair, especially if it is weakened and damaged. According to his recipe, I prepared a mask of banana and avocado pulp, pharmaceutical preparation and honey - I used it 3 times a week for a month, then switched to a single use. After 3 months, the strands became glossy, peeling disappeared, growth improved.

Veronica, St. Petersburg.

“By nature, I have beautiful blond hair, but in the summer, due to the sun, it acquires a yellowish tint, it dries out a lot. I don’t want to try purchased paints, so I decided to resort to safe methods clarification, read a lot of reviews and recommendations. Now every 3-4 days I apply a composition of glycerin and chamomile decoction, rinse with water with the addition of lemon juice. After such a procedure at home, my hair looks no worse than after visiting the salon.

Lyudmila, Nizhny Novgorod.

"! About Presence glycerin in homemade masks, face lotions, in hand creams we have already said. Let's discuss the use of glycerin in hair products today. Have you ever read the ingredients of your shampoo? Often glycerin can be found in the composition of store-bought hair shampoo.

Balm conditioner with glycerin, click for more details.

Why is glycerin added to shampoos? Is it good for hair?

The use of glycerin for hair

Glycerin is a colorless, viscous, transparent, harmless, odorless liquid that can retain moisture. For hair, it is very useful, makes them more shiny, healthy, contributes to their active growth. When using hair masks containing glycerin, the hair becomes beautiful, elastic, thicker and “alive”, so to speak.

Glycerin for hair, its use in home recipes is very effective and convenient. I really like using it in hair care. Hair quickly becomes healthy look and shine, the main thing is not to forget about the rules for using glycerin when caring for hair, so as not to harm them.

To benefit, and not harm the hair when using glycerin, you must follow a number of rules:

  • When working with glycerin, the main thing is its moderate use.
  • Do not use products with glycerin in low humidity environment. For example, in winter, central heating dries the air a lot.
  • Try not to overdo it - do not use hair products containing glycerin more than once or twice a week.
  • Do not forget to take breaks between courses of using products with glycerin, do not get used to them (course - 8-10 procedures).

Do not rush to run to the shops in search of cosmetics containing glycerin, because masks and hair shampoos are easy to prepare at home. They will be much more affordable, suitable for hair care, and you can easily adjust the percentage of glycerin in them.

Where can you buy glycerin?

You can purchase glycerin at a regular pharmacy, beauty salon, cosmetic or online store at a very attractive price.

How to use glycerin in hair care?

Glycerin Shampoo:

Most elementary way is to add a small amount of glycerin to a bottle of your favorite shampoo and mix well.

Option homemade shampoo(a little more difficult) - one teaspoon of glycerin, a glass of chamomile decoction (or another, depending on the type of hair), two tablespoons of soap chips. Mix all ingredients well and you are ready to use.

Recipes for homemade masks with glycerin

For dry hair:

Beat the yolk, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, two tablespoons of castor (or burdock) oil and a teaspoon of glycerin. Apply the mask on washed hair for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

For oily hair:

Beat the yolk, add a teaspoon of glycerin and the same amount of vodka, mix everything well. Apply a glycerin mask to your hair, wash off after 20 minutes.