Parent meeting in the senior group "development of speech of senior preschool age". Parent meeting in the senior group using ICT on the topic "Development of coherent speech of preschoolers

Summary of the parent meeting in senior group"The Development of Children's Speech"

Subject: « The development of children's speech »

Target: Inform parents about the features and means speech development in senior preschool age.

Tasks: Introduce parents with the results of the survey, to acquaint parents with an exhibition of desktop printed games on speech development to improve knowledge parents about the development of children's speech.

preliminary work:

1. Conduct surveys parents on the topic of the meeting.

Questionnaire for parents:

At what age did your child first speak?

Are you satisfied with your child's vocabulary?

Is it enough developed his speech?

Do you work from home child's speech development? How?

2. Make memos for child's speech development.

3. Arrange a mini-exhibition of such printed games according to speech development.

Plan Progress


Main part

Interactive part

Summing up Hello dear parents! Today we gathered for that to learn about the features speech development of a child in senior preschool age, and view our mini-exhibition. Dear parents let's choose our secretary meetings that he kept the record. ( Parents confer and appoint a secretary meetings) Tatyana Viktorovna, please take the place of the secretary. Thank you!

Meeting we will start ours with words from famous fairy tale A. From Pushkin “But how it speaks, like a river murmurs” Not always adults, and even more so children, can express their thoughts correctly. Many children on the threshold of school experience serious difficulties in speeches: not everyone succeeds in explaining something, constructing a sentence correctly, reasoning is sometimes incoherent. Therefore we are today gathered to draw attention to this problem.

Dear parents I would like to know your opinion, it helps develop the child's speech? (answers parents )

And so right an important tool development child is communication with peers and adults. Our children are not born with ready-made speech, but take the experience of verbal communication from us adults. Therefore, it is very important from the moment the child appears to communicate with him as often as possible, share news, impressions, emotions with him, tell him something, listen to the child, let him tell what he saw, heard how he is doing, let him express his opinion.

What do you think a child's speech should be like by the age of 6? (parents express their opinion)

Means speech development is not always development preschoolers depend on an abundance of allowances. It is possible and necessary to use all environment, to develop speech, memory, imagination of the child. Now I will present to you as simply and with pleasure as possible develop speech.

Read to your child more often - reading plays important role V child's speech development. He learns new words, learns new phrases from him, develops lexicon . This is great way For development in general. After reading the book slowly with the child, look at the picture in it, ask the child, ask him questions. You can think of a lot of questions. It is important that the child answers, willingly using complex sentences, interesting phrases. If the child is at a loss in something, then help him. You can write a story from a picture.

For development and vocabulary enrichment use all possible games, game exercises, such How: "Choose a Word", "Say a word", "Say the opposite".

Teach children to make riddles. This allows you to improve your vocabulary, the riddle can be used as an elementary description of the subject.

Repeat with me. Learn a few tongue twisters, say them one by one, together, slowly at first, and then increase the pace.

Majority children not good enough at speaking. They do not know how to retell, this is necessary learn: for example, you take any 2 items in the kitchen and ask the child to describe it, for example, a tomato and a cucumber, how they differ, what can be cooked from them. Come up with a little fairy tale with him, all stories and fairy tales can be written down in a notebook, and let your child be an illustrator of this book.

Dear parents, and now let's play a little with you. The slides show puzzles that need to be guessed.

Expensive parents, our meeting is coming to an end. It's time for us to draw our own conclusions assembly I will help you make it together. ( Parents summarize the meeting, they say that today they learned something new, what they learned).

Once again, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit us. Now I will give you reminders for repetition and consolidation of the material. Thank you all very much for your attention. Meeting ended! Dear parents Now I suggest you watch a mini-exhibition. Now whoever needs me can answer all your questions individually! Goodbye! All the best!

« Parent meeting. Topic: The development of children's speech in the senior group Introduction. Good evening dear parents! We are glad to see you all today ... "

Parent meeting.

Topic: "The development of speech of children in the senior group"

Introduction. Good evening dear parents! We welcome all of you

today to see at our parent meeting.

It is devoted to the theme of "the development of the speech of our children"

The importance of speech in people's lives is enormous. Speech is the instrument of thought,

indicator of the general cultural level of human development. Thus,

speech is business card person. There are people to love

at first sight and fall out of love after the first word he heard from him.

Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of child development from birth to the end of life and serves as an indicator of its overall development.

The development of speech in preschool age is the basis, the foundation for the child.

There is no doubt that in the period from birth to 7 years, the foundations are laid in the baby for later life, which he will use constantly. And if the stock of experience is small, then the child accumulates a deficit that will prevent him from developing in the modern world.

baby with good developed speech easily enters into communication with the world around him. He can clearly express his thoughts, desires, consult with peers, parents, teachers. The unclear speech of the child makes it difficult for him to communicate and imposes many complexes on the character of the child, which will need the attention of specialists, such as a speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist and others. In a child with undeveloped speech, curiosity falls, which is especially characteristic of preschool age!

In our time of development of information technology, the development of speech is relevant. Children know how to use this technique, but they can’t show their speech creativity. It's easier to download online than to show your verbal potential. Few children visit libraries, read books, look at illustrations and talk about it. Mine personal experience Impressions, sensations cannot be described even in 2-3 phrases. Counter-questions, they are also suggestive, baffle even parents. An elementary description of what he saw causes bewilderment: why? Live communication, exchange of impressions turns into short slang or chatting, SMS by phone. That is why it is so necessary, first of all, live communication with a child and well-constructed teaching of native speech.

At the senior preschool age, the most intensive development of speech occurs. The child's vocabulary increases from two hundred to several thousand words. Improved including the sound side of speech. Children can correctly reproduce hissing, whistling and sonorous sounds.

Develop phonemic awareness, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Improved grammatical structure speech. Children use almost all parts of speech, are actively engaged in word creation.

Connected speech develops. Children can retell, tell from the picture, conveying not only the main thing, but also the details.

Why did we decide to draw your attention and draw you to the problem of the development of a child's speech? Less than 1 year left before school. You all know, when entering the 1st grade, the child is interviewed, tested with school psychologist, teachers. What he first of all pays attention to: the child’s speech, how he argues, explains, proves, how he builds sentences, whether the words in the sentence agree, how rich, diverse the child’s speech is.

Figurative speech rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions in children is a very rare phenomenon. Children learn their native language by imitating the speech of others. Unfortunately, many parents in our time often forget about this and let the process of speech development take its course.

Think back to when your child was very young (about 1 year old). How did we feel about speech? Waiting for the first word to be spoken? When he starts to speak actively, how quickly will the vocabulary replenish? Yes?

And now, how often do we think about how a child's speech is developed? How smoothly, logically does he express his thoughts, reason? Does it bother us now?

If yes":

(We are very glad that you are concerned about this issue, this problem, and therefore we decided to devote our meeting to the development of children's speech).

If "no", do not think:

(it’s a pity, therefore, the issue of the development of the speech of our children should be given close attention. Do you agree?)

Main part:

What do you think, what would you like to see the child's speech by the time he enters school?

(the teacher writes down the characteristics of speech named by the parents and hangs them on the board):

The speech should be The problems of our children

–  –  –

This is the ideal. But what actually happens?

In our modern time our children spend little time in the company of their parents (more and more at the computer, watching TV or with their toys) and rarely listen to stories and fairy tales from the lips of mom or dad, and only developing at home speech classes– is generally a rarity.

So it turns out that a lot of problems arise with the speech of the child by the time they enter school.

Consider what problems we may face in front of the school:

Slurring of speech. The use of non-literary words and expressions. And this is the result of watching television programs for adults competent questions Inaccessibility to formulate the question competently and in an accessible way.

compiling stories Inability to build a plot or descriptive story on the proposed topic, retell the text. (And for school, this ability is simply necessary to acquire) they cannot logically explain speech is not expressive They do not know how to use intonation (expressiveness), somewhere to pronounce it with expressive intonation, somewhere with sadness or delight, somewhere at a fast or slow pace, highlight key words.

poor diction Guys do not pronounce sounds. This will then affect the letter.

(these problems are written in advance on the cards and the teacher gradually hangs them out).

Look, we have a contradiction: we strive and want the child's speech to be (I read out the words from the 1st column), and we have it. (I read out the words from the 2nd column) What should I do? We have prepared a folder - a screen with information for you on the development of speech. Here you can get acquainted with age norms for children and various games on the development of speech (piggy bank of games) that we play, and you can play at home.

What interesting things do we do in kindergarten so that the speech of our children develops normally?

And in order to understand what we do with children, we invite you on a short journey, which we will go on by train.


So, we go on a journey “by train”, we hit the road.

Well, so we arrived at the first station, which is called the "Station of words" At this station, children enrich their vocabulary (learn new and interesting words), they also exercise (select adjectives for nouns, and nouns for adjectives) Game "Pick up adjectives for nouns" (ball game).

(I say a noun, you are an adjective) Apple - what it is - delicious, ruddy, sweet, sour, etc.

Snow - what he's fluffy, white, cold, etc.) Water - what it is - transparent, clean, cold, blue, cloudy, etc.

The sun is what it is - bright, yellow, warm, round, etc. And also at this station, children learn to pick up words with opposite meanings.

Game "Opposites", "Antonyms".

The children are given cards. H: long short, and the children must find their opposite pair.

* We suggest watching a video with children's reasoning about the meaning of some words that are difficult for them to understand:

"Funny Thinkers"

Animated Sunbaker Semi-finished product Competition Trouble What good fellows you are. What station were we at? "Station of words", that's right, and now we're going further, to the next station, which is called "Station of sounds".

We get on the train with the words "choo-choo-choo", we went to the next station.

At this station, children learn to pronounce all sounds correctly and clearly, and also learn to determine the presence of a sound in a word, the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end). Let's learn and play the game "Name the word with the sound" M "".

Oh, what good fellows you are! And also children learn to determine the place of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end) The game "Determine the presence of sound [d] in the word" If you hear a word with the sound "d" you clap, then determine where the sound was. At the beginning of the word - hands on the shoulders, in the middle - hands on the belt, at the end of the word - hands on the knees.

house - [d] - at the beginning of the word, woodpecker - [d] - at the beginning of the word grandfather - [d] - at the beginning and in the middle of the word village - [d] - at the beginning of the word "notebook- [d] - at the end of the word currant - [d] - in the middle of the word grapes - [d] - at the end of the word * And now we offer to see how we work with children on sound pronunciation.

Guys, you are so great, what country were we in? (Land of Sounds).

We sit on the train and with the words "choo-choo-choo" we hit the road.

Welcome to the next station called Grammar Station.

In this country, children learn to link words into sentences, to reinforce the correct pronunciation of words. Get acquainted with different ways word formation. Let's get to know each other and play a game.

Game "Where do the products live?" Each product has its own house. Guess the name of the house.

Sugar- (nitsa), bread- (nitsa), butter- (nitsa), salt- (onka) -, pepper, tea, coffee, salad, sweets.

They also learn to form single-root words, i.e. similar to each other, For example: bear-cubs.

Let's learn how to come up with words similar to each other.

Game "Continue the chain" Tea-kettle-teapot.

Coffee - coffee pot - coffee pot Knife, ladle, basin, jug Well done, guys. Also, children at this station learn to make complex and simple sentences.

Game "Make sentences from a set of words"

Well done guys, good job at this station, what is the name?

Grammar Station. What were we doing at this station?

Welcome to the next station, which is called "Fairy Tales - Tales".

At this station, children learn to talk, express their opinions, learn to retell short tales, stories, compose descriptive stories. And let's try to tell and beat fairy tales with you.

The game "Tell and beat a fairy tale" (parents are divided into 2 teams, each team is given a picture of a fairy tale, they must tell and beat a fairy tale) You are so great! How interestingly you told and beat the fairy tale. Did you like it?

(Answers of parents).

*And now we offer to see what kind of work we are doing to develop coherent speech. This was our last station.

You are such great guys, you coped with all the tasks. We got acquainted with how the speech of children in the older group develops.

Thank you for your attention!

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Goal: level up pedagogical competence parents on the development of coherent speech of older children preschool age.

Form: workshop.

Preparatory stage:

  1. Distribute meeting invitations.
  2. Arrange tables and chairs so that open center groups.
  3. Prepare memos for parents "Little tricks" on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers.
  4. Prepare a presentation “The development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Adviсe caring parents».
  1. Introductory speech of the teacher.
  2. Presentation (viewing and discussion).
  3. Carrying out by the educator practical activities with parents to master the methods of developing coherent speech of children with the help of exercises.
  4. Blitz survey for parents “We develop speech, do not forget about the game! ".
  5. Presentation of an exhibition of visual material, a series of plot pictures on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Review pedagogical literature on the topic of the meeting.
  6. Summary of the meeting.
  7. Reflection.

Meeting progress:

Introductory speech of the teacher.

Hello dear parents! We are very glad to see you at today's meeting. Let's talk today about your children, about the role played by the development of coherent speech in shaping children's speech readiness for school. Many of you have wondered what indicators exist speech development preschool child? (Answers of parents).

Coherent speech is an indicator of the child's speech development. After all, a six-year-old child is able to independently give descriptions various items, compose a story from a picture, from a series of paintings, independently arranging the pictures in a logical sequence. But do not forget that in order to build a coherent story, a meaningful question, children need new speech means and forms, and they can learn them only from the speech of others. You will learn how to promote the development of coherent speech and facilitate the process of mastering useful skills by a preschooler by watching the presentation.

Presentation “Development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Advice for caring parents.

I bring to your attention the presentation “The development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Tips for caring parents "(see appendix).

Discussion and analysis of the presentation. Answers to parents' questions.

Carrying out practical activities by the educator with parents to master the methods of developing coherent speech of children with the help of exercises:

Educator: Dear parents, imagine that you are children, and I am your mother. I will offer you tasks and exercises for the development of coherent speech, and you will complete them. So, let's begin!

Exercise 1. Pick up epithets and definitions for the word. For example: elephant - ... (big, gray, fat, kind); ball - ... (round, football, leather); cake - ... (sweet, fruity, chocolate, delicious), etc. (Parents' answers).

Exercise 2. Learn from the description. For example: clubfoot, loves honey and raspberries, sleeps in a den. Who is this? Bear; branched, tall, green, prickly. What is this? Spruce; old, brick, two-story. What is this? House; formidable, large, with a shaggy mane. Who is this? A lion.

Exercise 3. "And if ...". Offer to dream: “And if I had a flying carpet…”, “And if I had walking boots…”, “And if I had a time machine…”, “And if I had a hat- invisible ... ".

Exercise 4 Name a poem, a fairy tale, a cartoon in a new way. For example: what is the name of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"? (“The Adventures of a Little Girl”, “On the Road to Grandma”, “How to Tell a Grandmother from a Wolf”, etc.).

Exercise 5. "Other characters." Tell a story by changing the roles of the characters. For example, Russian folk tale"Three Bears": the girl is evil, Mikhail Ivanovich; Nastasya Petrovna; Mishenka - kind.

Exercise 6. Think of a continuation of the fairy tale. For example, what do you think happened after the fox ate Kolobok?

Blitz survey for parents “We develop speech, do not forget about the game! »

  1. What speech development games can be organized with a child if you are busy in the kitchen while cleaning the apartment?
  2. Which finger games You know?
  3. What articulation exercises do you know?
  4. What toys does your child have the most?
  5. What are you guided by when buying toys?
  6. Does your family have handmade toys?
  7. Name your favorite childhood toy.
  8. How do you think how different toys can contribute to the development of speech?
  9. What speech development games can be organized for large group children?
  10. What can you do with your child while waiting for a doctor's appointment, at the hairdresser's, etc.?

Discussion and analysis of the answers of parents.

Presentation of an exhibition of visual material, a series of plot pictures on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers. Review of pedagogical literature on the topic of the meeting, acquaintance with manuals-"helpers" that contribute to the development of a child's coherent speech.

Summary of the meeting:

Dear Parents, it depends on you, to a greater extent, how your child will grow up. Kindergarten and we, educators, can only help you with advice and recommendations. But you need to remember that your real actions, your behavior, have the greatest influence on the formation of a child's personality. Try to be an example for your children.


Thanks to everyone for your open statements, we give the “Little Tricks” memos on the development of coherent speech of preschoolers” and invite you to tea.

Reminder for parents

"Little tricks" for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers.

Take care of your child every day. The duration of classes is from 20 (children under 6 years old) to 3 minutes (children from 6 years old) per day.

Do not try to hasten the natural development of the child.

When communicating with a child, watch your speech. Don't talk to him

in a hurry, when reading, do not forget about expressiveness. Explain to the child incomprehensible words that are found in the text.

Encourage the baby, praise more often, rejoice in his success,

cheer him up if things don't work out.

Pay attention to and eliminate the shortcomings of the child's speech. If the child is in a hurry to express his thoughts or speaks quietly, remind him to speak clearly, clearly and slowly.

Never leave your child's questions unanswered.

Abstract of the parent meeting for the senior group of kindergarten

Parent meeting on the topic: "The development of speech when getting acquainted with nature"

Description: parent meeting on the topic "Development of speech when getting acquainted with nature" will be of interest to educators and parents of children 5-6 summer age.
Target: encourage parents to cooperate and interact in the upbringing and development of the child's speech.

An exhibition for parents was arranged: aids for the development of speech, children's fiction, audio cassettes.
Quiet music plays. Parents watch the exhibition, then I invite them to sit down at the tables.
Dear parents! We are glad to see you, thank you for taking the time to come to the parent meeting. Considering that the family plays a leading role in the development of the child, the family is a source that nourishes a person from birth, acquaints him with the outside world, gives the child the first knowledge and skills, we call on you to cooperate, to interact, only influence, only through joint efforts parents and kindergarten, we can solve any problems in the upbringing and development of the child.
The main task of the speech development of children is the mastery of the norms and
rules mother tongue defined for each return, as well as
development of children's ability to communicate. .
Work on the development of the child's speech in kindergarten is carried out in different types activities: in special classes for the development of speech, as well as in all other classes, outside of classes - in the game and artistic activity, V Everyday life. Great importance for the development of speech younger preschooler has an enrichment of the vocabulary based on the knowledge and ideas of the child about the surrounding life and in the process of observing nature.
How often do you visit nature? What are you doing with your child? In nature, you can not only relax and have a great time, but you still have the opportunity to enrich it with new knowledge and ideas. Nature with its brilliance, its diversity, dynamism attracts kids, causes a lot of joyful experiences in them, develops curiosity. Impressions from native nature received in childhood remain for a long time and memories create solid foundation for further knowledge.
World, surrounding the child- this is, first of all, the world of nature, with an unlimited wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty, and it is nature that is eternal source child mind.
We understand that you are very busy, that sometimes there is not enough time for a child, however, going for a walk, we can talk with him about what the weather is like today, what kind of sky, what clouds, is there any wind, which one, in which direction it blows how we determined it, how we are dressed, why? What season? Look around you and see wonderful world plants. Make riddles, read a poem. Look for signs of the season. Introduce the child to folk proverbs, sayings, signs. Russian folk names of plants are generously filled with
1. emotionality: grass - ant (knotweed), silk grass (feather grass), soldier grass (millennium), sleep-grass (lumbago), overcome grass (water lily), love spell grass (cuff), sadness - grass (wormwood), gap grass (fern).
2. aesthetic sounds: beauty, beauty, bathing suit, celandine.
3. figurative: water lily (the fruit looks like pottery), shepherd's purse (the fruit resembles a shepherd's purse in shape), wolf's foot crail (geranium fruit with a long process, like a bird's beak, and the shape of the leaf resembles a wolf's footprint). In the process of communication with nature, observation, curiosity is born, develops and grows stronger, which in turn gives rise to a lot of questions that require an answer. Communication with nature has a beneficial effect on the development of connected speech. Children practically master the skills of inflection: matching words in gender, number, case. For example: bear den, head, paw, back, wool, bear nose, tail, bear ear, torso, bear ears, paws, footprints, habits, cubs, etc. We saw (who?) a squirrel. Watched (for whom?) A squirrel. They talked (about whom?) About protein.
Thus, in the process of observation, the child expands his horizons, develops curiosity, visual, auditory and verbal memory, improves thought processes. Children learn to think and answer questions. Observation creates in the child the habit of drawing conclusions, develops the logic of thought, clarity and beauty of speech.
Let's pick up the words signs to the word:
Rain: strong, mushroom, warm, cold, oblique, direct,
Wind: strong, cold, warm, icy, squally, moderate.
Frog: green, bug-eyed, earthen, etc.
Beetle: beautiful, mustachioed, striped.
Sun: golden, kind, cheerful, bright, warm, radiant,
Together with you, let's pay attention to the development of the child's speech, communicate more with him. Read children's books.